The Clinton News-Record, 1899-12-07, Page 6NW TO HER Obildren are fond of eltrprisee.' The eittne may be of adult* Ger/Wally • whoa they are laying don% toottporaris ty the pares of lite and being' ohilaree I oven "just tor to -eight." Onrietmas , feta le pleasieg tO both great and "Would eau have martial. her U 1 A SODA COURTSEIR. • Oteik(seliokt;*1644elleki* lEtleeIEF41440eleielet Itsi,t,1 tett aeasowledged her f "While here," said a traveler the No i because 13301107 usoeseity ADouble Disobedience 1.4 not the may or the Treoarital, "I saw how the letesee come courting. The glrl WW1 the daughter 9 "It must be au urgent considers.. a coy employer. The young Mau titYa. ll'OU haVe lost 110 thue." tittabed up to the bottles on horeebeolt, .".1 ebouttl advise you to lore notte weerine new 400100, with an °settee "I belelle to eott ter htontht" eh. eherishen weeknexe tor Warrender hem piano° and °ler betore the Ms. Daryl looked earkly at les gums- gave the lines to one! or the 'latent' "The story you • heard 'trout that nicnnile telatioutaiii to fti DarY1' AK*" said; "than choose. miller. Your granddeughter teeteer in hie hat. fie matie hie tine 01:1mETER. CHADT133 V. -Continued. The announcement dt Mile Mob- of Merrldele." bootee ere he deseen .ed. Then be caused au ixamenee Elongation and elle tl•aeer. tots standing near and walked uP and young man Warrender the fitat tnum et once be ta th rage aw,nag 410 "Whet grounee have you for teat down in front et the windows of the the goodieti and Otte they fiu i within house well knowing that the eyes of ea a it mixiall-to the former heeallse' lt. tli a Nfr. Daryl begau. 1 sae' you Wee substantially true:' 1 i it b b . 4 i his sweetheart were peeping through was etsrpezd hi.eurai, awssorecritiloonr14",t, . I have done MY beat to etto the house and fleet shookeands si Peep e w o ad etore "My. fantilY eert"'n-lEvery-0146 called on her, and every Clever deviee, to the letter becauee of ly were never what might be called civ,er the grounds. You may take in/ the blinds et him. 'Zhou he strutted "It weak* only be wearisome to go „,,,,„ 1 one deolaVed that see WAS cbarmiug. IL . strait-laced people. They a w nt (i'''''' i Her romantic story An cnnite will Serra a9 an adenr.: lie was the worat ot them all. Ile d a re" I self. She alWaya put an eud. to that site palette]. Pim tu-day witbout ispeek" Ilutee tag,' good day. The memo he • tine bY one, wail onlY JAY eon wasieft'' ouseed. but Oa before Mitie Ditetil her- demage eViterender in her eYea. and with 'Tante,' the Mother, and mid able example becautte le Is extey te bled, betted. drank. oommitted every it was attempted and probe& any leg to Mtn. Chill any day MaY did with '00M, the father, and &then Make and pretty td• look at. For Ito Wickednesa you have ever beard ot and nen • t r f Sh t throw Mt the whole thi ret ere an at Met SPdride to the girl and ber Dee grange 0/Ored eleth-that having some, dotibtiesii, which were not epok. I 910a er Peet I e- e 00 tera axtd. brothers. en of in Doctor Riehmond's family.i Pie° with a amadialance tbat back ta Pectdc and • 3 illppled surtace, mainant 1 th Y ° ° when ha had tamed imeseis I amazed eVerybody, and people divot,- tem; is she sure to remain, b nir *1"aw Oom said enly 'Sits,' rialge a seat, ' freit. For eaoh orange °et four et "When that Mat "took place 'he net following it. Lady Peuryth found "She. nornised t d a ;it ' herself very emu% de trop wben sbe Witliouel writing to° asntYbod" a Mau 43 ° tb ai;:i then there was complete silenee well most closely imitate the reale body and soul he came hear to die ered that ehe was setting tee fashion, Mr. Daryl Crowne g which lasted until the bowl a coffee , five oval eeetIons, painting the ends. y:. seekie ce few wards, Oom aeked hew A real orange may be used as a pat- good ane innocent, Lord de Brume an- tievnedrtYhutn Wg e Whase a r ad tail 11 itea-hnbe oiabt ;hitt! ni at L:auml rt: Ili firivayy married some girl About he Igitirdel the young twines. and the of- 'A monte ? The only way to keep w" br°°44t in" . sent for ;me and told me that he bad u :qi.,,e ? cempanionshie and countenance her tirmfeorm itueer ,,to be married before tern by eating the 'met in Became in fl.leirWr4elle'ett so4,4that very innocence killed tvettutt°, sets h.astened to make were de- the of each one in the family, how the cat - the ordleary manner frem tee otera oer. Ee got tired of her, as he gor,`""acuY aeellned. ' sweved delibera' tely, * tired Of everything, end. to rid hitaself There was 2 dinner party one even- "To yourself, I supporte et t tle and the crops were doing, etc. All point to the opposite oenter, removing 4 grandfatem, fakie he 1 .. e „ the time we Were drinking coffee. At It and Using One section by which to hie Marriage to her was *sham a he of her ,ana her ohil& he told. her that leg' ana KiimenY Pat opposite to bee The other nodded. ? trees f tb it g r p ace as tees- "I will take my it/lancet" be satil . ei last the suitor ros 0 a 014 t he ()kite tendons, Join al) had an te * • * . - o er wag living; and he ditaert.! o e ouse, hir, Daryl neeer videttever happene aft w d S e and banded his omitted an invitation to Lady Perryte; not, forgotten tee Rieeihmaeln: pee ptEl, cheisloclerretme istiress and the only r radgeh79,1 naVg Tied te accept it. His and she' is in love with Warreuder.°She these intetions together, laving, how_ eft her• The ohmic killed. her; but the . evert an opening betWeen the edjeln- d 1,?:, width Ya, vtliein't'owlsee her "pub down" were guide sule, menet marry lum if she IS MY wife. and if taw cannot marry him, she will leg edges, of two of them through me tweet or liu.la Iling..ta me* iIii re ' wh tli te marriage, and tol me Is grand aughter, and her wee- let the reet go," i)o you agree ?" whiehte insert the °etude, toy or other ere e ohild was to be feund, and • "J " .1 tence of th I tio b OS Wail due to some /Eutaw,- "Are you fend of the girl V" gift it ls to eontain. A' greeu eeyn 41.ell he died. it/ .. kept hie aaufeaalaa a ..maret. s n tv Joh she could somicely define. "Yeseetonder than I ever thou ht . totem. he whioh to suspend it, if deter- t' ed, •may thee be added. Prettier still appears this fruit it a leaf or two et artificial or real foliage is attached. The saint, 'idea oan be serried Out in various kind,s of frulte.pears, apples • and benanas'being yore PretttlY made of smooth fabrics,. wtth the former two ' dread te imitate -the rosy cheeks of the real fruit,. PeEMberi outdo of Pale buff velvet May /lave Painted cheeha and. • look:very natueal. Lemons, tomatoes and cucumbers may be added to tee , *collection in the way ef variety, though children. will hot.. 1?e specialty e• attracted by them, . A Christmas feature:xi:Mob enjoyed by ohlIciren and often indulged in by vaults is a Christmas pie. in which' is Cenci:tali* trinkets, toys and kniek- knaokti for general distribution. The . pie may be . "made by ,plaiing the trifles destgaated in a large basin or pan, as the number of them' demands, • first attaching te each one end of u string two or three' feet long. Totthe othdr ends of these strings Octet& ..be fastened tiny bows . Of bright, pretty The "Must" of a Cliristmed pie is sbtnetimes reeds of tissue paper, some- times of bran, either one presenting • the appearance .or rich, well -browned pastey. If the "cruet" is tO be of tissue paper the strings must • be ar- range& all around the basin so that the ribbon bows will fall just oval the . rim and sit up around it when the ... "crust" is raia on! and Waked in. all ' round, • Or this style of "crust" maY have fancy openings in the shape of stars, leaves, vines or flowers main It, aed through these „from the unaer side may pass the ends•of the strings that are fastened to bowe. - Tbe other ,"oeust" is formee of a thick layer of bran scattered over the 'contents of the pie to conceal them and.the strings or cords, only this rib - 'bows •of which appear on the surface, for all the world like tulips and aro- . °uses. All exciand thierde Will be a t. wreath oe holly or some pretty Christ- mas green. .- . • The pis is•passedt or if it very earge it is placed on the middle of the eup- per table or on a small table in. tbe center of . the • room. • Each guest selects a bow, pulle the string, and out comes his plum in the shape of apretty ,, gift. • _ ! A• jolly ending to a Christmas party ' and one enjoyed by young and old is called the lianging stocking. A huge etocking is prepared two or three dant before Christmas from tissue paper, the paits being.securely pasted togeth- , -.or, A, good plan is tb cut one Lalf •ot the stoolcing an inch larger all •round theta the other bait Then lap ' 'the extra, width over on the smaller. ' sida,ancl paste it down. This will.pre- t the unfinished appearance result - m pasting two edges together, and besides, will prove more durable. Tim etooking is fillee with light toys, trinkets and trifles; and hung from the ceiling. Each guest, in turn, ia bendfolded, given a lighb cane or rod, tures three times around and ^- then is told to edvance and hit the e -e!. , bag, Many are the misses, as eVery one who haa ever attended a donkey party will 'surmise. The first bit, Also I do not intend you. to have any mination to aocemplish hie ruin 111 howeveie beeeks the bag, and the con- more to do with that tallow 'Warren- Miss DEtryes eyes came with it. tenti come tumbling down. A scram- der, He is not a fit person for you The riding party came off the next ble for them, ensues, and everybody to know'. You are no longer Doctor morning. Kemeny, now an accom- cotnes forth anuling, whether success- Richmond's childe you are Miss Daryl, Oohed itorsewomen, rode a beautiful tut in securing a souvenir or not, my granddaughter and heireas." animal which her grandfather had Another ending to Christmas Pesti- • Still Kilmeny did not anavver,•and bought to take the place of tbe vities is the seouring of the prize toy. A. tine toy 18 fastened upon the wall and fired at with a paper dart,•it tiny bow and arrow or a putty gun. A score is kept, and should 110 one ac- tually hit the toy, it is given to the One whose shot is nearest it. Of course, the first hit sedures the toy; to the marksman firing the sink. Second and third. prizes xnay be put up if the hostess thinks well on the suggestion. --; i'::' • ' Hole -in -the -wall prize is conducted on the "blindfold" plan. A square of pasteboard with a hole in the center, five oe abt inches in diameter, is fast- ened, upright, in front of a prize toy, Three "turn arounds" and one thrust are allowed each Candidate. The °Minos of winning are about even with those of hitting the hanging stocking. t. . This method of distributing gifts is meet pleasing to little folks, for le ie a " sort of hide-ahd-seek game. A. large spider Is bought or fashioned at borne, and hung from the chandelier. Its back is hollowed to hold a spool, to which are attached many gilt and silver cords, Debit ehild is given a cord and told ' that at the and, oE it she will disoover something that she likes or wante. In arranging. the web these cords have - been Carried in and out and round „ about rooms and furnititre, and up • . litairs and down, and, the ends finally II ---r - "t4 . de, tittryh°priettdcet."°Ture troewringt °Orli:116e ••• cords id greet fun, and the "find" at the end alwaya greatly appreciated. alte required. . . , resit ve never ism. arise winch would wee her au oppor- hit'. child, Still I wished that tenity fde eevenge, and she must not shoule -he brought up respectably, es, t „ She eat wateeing the girl, Chance had thrown me into contact, "-"se tt. who •comported herself with her of the Itriefest and most professional usual indifference to Lade Peeryat's sort with a Docbar,Richlmoud, a young obeervation, and might have been a end Eiteuggline t practitioner. I had finished werman ot the world for her heard thee they heel no obildren.m! ease ot manner and brilliance of stele. bought his present practice en ' e Lord de Bruyne was close beside her, name, and I sent hint the papere mak- i as he always was. Everybody knew ing it his along with the ' child, who Ithat be was Miss Daryl's suitor, ' Wes secretly conveyed to his home, Ac- "I have feund out what you have oomPanying her I sent a tetter stating that she was born in lawtul 'wedlock, Itigvhaeiretvemryeb.;dbyerosuani4d tihnOma liArewre vta°1u-ik- bat that her. relatives wiehed, foe -erg - of ell responsibility coneerniinchg Iherh.'ad ent reesen, to ,rid themselves for eveti ' oinfitat 0 oTnhvae faeanItiaorilir thWaate bland etOanktei nix upaina co: betweeh them earlier in the day, when Stated thee the practice wie he -had asked Kemeny what had cans- beught tor Wu would be taken from ed her to change towards him since d t the you naeces , It is odd, d it mast be hetrheinghaiStf :tanhaY1 say what oc- he uext mins . • d ento time or eater an opening ynight that I could be of a wonittn. im un ess tie colleen add as bis own, and nevee let it be title! beoerae Mies - Deryl. ' " ialthfuL to old friends, t blown that such was not the eerie. I er tiek abeut tnem ,n and that she should never bo sought one that sort of feeling, after or reclaimed, and (hat only inconvenient. Nobody person in the world except themselves .- heart or memory, or a kneW the truth about her, re.o.yi:cltid aglAllvtel.aDoowittolir t hit anbmtmett Ben% Ice:eds.' t7ooeue kannodw' t*orWg a• alti • option. Thete wda.s ntro.hoelucheithd4y4sevrhstieh9ibof e cou d lawyer y buoot!Sk:O'cti':tyy0Susev.meisyto hose b family of the ehil He had ail these. opinioes formed so Meg early in li e, if you was pretty and witining. I believe: and his wife apeepted the cherge, They eV." , • • . • ' reinove'd at once to Redmineter, where "An, weit-as to that; I Make no every ,ene took it foe granted that the boait I-4 gave got te be perfectly in- different to what is said. It was quite baby with them Was ante oWn. When I' iound that thee, had done so, I a new sensation to find that anybpdy made no. terther inquiries, and. lost eared ebout a/3000er sight of them completelee I was un- -"And what Makes you suppose that aware that young. Warrendet• lied any I care for anybody f .1 left•everything bebind.for tnis 'world' which you talk. commotion with them, or that there to much of, where nobody cares or re. was 'any chance of meeting him, again. "Wben e tound out who you were, members. 1 bet., etrerything that I . it could wish. and must, of, course, be I changed tny mind about yoe. was not .lkely that; brought up% as" haPPY!" • - • eou had been, yen would' have your _"Ynu still have , that incenvenient father's tendencies, 1 determinee , to thing -a heatt. Yeti bave not. Ceased knew more of youeand yeti seented in- to temember, You have taken an inter - anted te make that easy. Still, "I est, in somebody, end love that person Should not have ackuowledged' the :re- veltemently. Tnink, of 'doing. anything lationship in which you 'atooa to me hi) vehemently l Miss e Daryl; you ate soon ele, fer somegoesip which / heard such a constant surprige to. ree 'that this morning cencerning. what people I .cezitess I think of very little else." are pleased to call my 'infatuation' for "I haidlY even, think of yoti. or any- yorti,, I did not choose that. ray grand- body in particular. L •have ide many detighler's positiGn , SkoUld he misun- pleo.sures that I have vo time." '. . derstood, and I deterretned to pro- el ani, going to try to make you•think claim it to ' the .world: I drove' over abeat me. We ;eget banish these old When Lady Peureth left me to see Mrs; things, ana, as you* heart eannot re- Ricluoiond, ' an open matn empty, weenust fill it with some- . "The arrangament between us had thing new.' been that nothing was to be said open- "We 1• Whom do tete. mean, by. twer ly until Doctor Itich•mottdie return, Lady Peurith and. yourself I suppose? but that 1 was to have every oppor- Lord de Iirayne, you have chosen your tunity, of seeing you in the, meantime, subjects of convereation very ill* this found, however, that sorne story evening, We hyrie talked About noth- had come' to ypur ears last night, ing but you and me; and. I don't know doubtless again through *Lady Pent ,which is the More uninteresting. Are ryth's khid offices. • so I made my yoa going out riding with us .in the decision, 1 directed elm. Richmond morning t and her family' to return home, and "Certainte. Do equ still ride the that, when they were gone, you were pony V". • to be octet to me here: . e' • . "No. He wad sent away, end -I have 'Mr, beryl looked keenly at Kile a horse. now." • "Do you go up to town ire ' -Senn meny's face as he finished, liz! Order•to mark the surprise and exultation ex, 1" • which the knowledge of her new pros- ' 'd -h. cannot tell what will hap - Deists • would awaken in her, rie Oen 00 far away 88 that 1"•- • • ' The changing glove in lier.eyes and thought that what he had revealed to tbe odd littte telapite into her former her had probably been, too much for manner warned hirn of danger. He her, she looked sontrange and pale.. ;,Did you mad, mamma 011 the even_ had begun. to find, to his amazerrient, , • and wag beginning te beat in an un- ,der's?" she asked. mg Neese we dined at Mr. warren.. that his' heEtit was still ie existence, Usual way when' he ' was near Kr. "I did not meet 'mamma' ertywhere," Daryl'a granddaughter. The aim he answered, frowning. "1 met Mrs. whieh he beceset before him -to marry Richmond that evening and 'gal e her her end rotrieVe his fortunes hy means her instrectioes. Do not consider your- '„f her money-ehad begun to look seIf under ony obligation 'to her. She - strangely: inviting te eim as. well as. and Doctor Richmond were well paid advantageous. A strong feeling or ter apything they. ever did for you, jealousy agdinst Christopher Warren - Your connection with them has ceased. de w w kin h*ta and deter-, NAMING l'FfE BABY, The naming of the child in Persia:Is Mule an event of great rejoicing and a time for the gathering .of telatives. . When the geode OTC IlL019M,810(1' stveet- meate are eaten and then the infant etetteeseeet,ten itetewaddling teethes is brought in en& laid on the tatspet in the center of the room by one of the prieste,Eive nemes are written on as many slips of 't• paper and placed betWeen the leaves of . the Koran; a chapter is read from this letok and then one of the slips le drew at rendom. The name on the slip is the One the eland has to bear through life, and the priest takes -dram slip, pronounces the name le the chatter ear nod &Mee the piece of paper he its claims. (elite and eongrattilatione fols lo*, The custom in Japan is for parento on the thirteenth day after ite birth to take the ehild to the temple they at. tend and the father gives three names to the priest,. who 'writes each oil a piece of paper. Theise are the& 'shut. fled about wlth certain intantations and thrown up in the ale, The first Mr. Daryl went on after a pause. pony. Lord de Bruyne %vas beside Or "As to the ridiculous name. Which and they made a remarkably handsome Mrs. Riehmond saw fit to give you, Pair. The remainlog ladies and gen- t hat must be droPped. I bave looked tlemen of the party followed chat - into the marriage register of your eng and laughing, It all iooked very pareets, and I find that your mos gay and baPPY, and doubtless 111411Y ther's name was Nina. 'Twill does well people envied the girt to whom such as any othere-Yott shall be Nina Daryl unexpecteirygood fortune had tome, But henceforth, Kilmeny 'Richmond has Kilmeny euddenly felt. as. if a cold ceased to exist." hand had clutched her heart as a .!Yes -X see that," the girl answered turn of the road brought. them face with an odd Muerte "I haye no dhoice, ,0 face with Christopher Warrender. ( suppose I must stay 1" • He was riding. slowly when they met "You do riot want any choke, do him, and hie mien was thoughtful. To you/ You do not want to be a doc- Kilmeny it seemed as if he looked olds tor's daughter, tanning about the er than when she had last met bim, country in company With any one who and she heti to put a stroitg effort chooses to invite you mixing with mid- on herself not to let any one see the tile class people, looked down upon! by stfect whieh the 'sight had upon her, your equate, and living on charity bt She knew all at once that she want - the house, of a man whorl you ought' edeber "mother" and all the simple not to aesoctate with? I said that the home -joys which had made her hap - reason I decided to acknowledge piness until a few weeks ago, and that yea wag on accennt Of the IMMO she hated her present life, with its which I heard this morning. I bad brilliance ahd emptineas, But Lord another reason as well as this. I de Bruene was beside her, and she was wanted to separate you from. War- conscious gthat hist eyes were fixed render. He has had the presumption keenly on Ler face. She must net be - to lift his eyes to my granddaughter. tray herself ; she muste-though it Be shall see that. she is not for him. ahould break her heart -hide from Do you understand thief" everybody the great throb of joy which "Oh, yes -I understand it!" Kil- the felt at the sight, of tee man be- meny cried, "I understood that ; fore her, who, even her mother had Much before! But for that, do you told her, wag ishut out from a good think I should be here/ Lady Penryth woman's friendship. took paint te etlighten everybody- Christopher reined in his horse at she and Lord de Bruyne." sight of the parte, and moved to one "Do not concern youreelf about Lady side to iet them pass. His eyes were Pewit*. paid her to inttoduce you fixed on Kemeny, and he waited for into society, and, since she failed to eign of recognition from her, The do it art I wished, T shall take the ;let time that, they had nett she had thing into my owu hands. As to Lord de Erteratees-M leaned towarda him and spoken in her soft, wilful, coaxing yoke, begging He glanced '' sharply , =meetly a- ------- • hin1 tO let .her enjoy herself. Now Lady Penryth .ead repeated to him she made the slightest possible inctirt. her conviction that a nameless and ation of her head, as he waited, and questionable porton' like Xilinney passed on withottt a word. could never really expect anything but ; attentions'which were insulting from,' 'When Klitneny could nee Lord tle it man of Lord de' Bruyne's • eteeion, I Bruyne after everything ha& ceased to and he had resolved at once to execute bs blurred round her, he was riding his greab MeV, and raise his grand.' on without any change in his. demean- or, ahd he was talking as if. nothiug daughter to a position of equality with tbe guests whom he had imm. had occurred. She plunged into cone moned to Meet ter. versation with him recklessly, and "As for Lord de Bruyne,'"' het repeat- showed hereelf so gay and kind Bed ed, looking at =teeny, eyontyourself" them behind nodded and totaled, say - shall decide regarding him." , Ing to thentaelves that there would "I win try it for a month," shale:cid teern be a 'Lade de Iteuyne. When ahtupt/y. "I will stay here and have they reached home Kilmenre cornpan- nothing to tio with any one in my ton at 011C0 sought an interview with past life. will write to Marada, Daryl in his own nom, telling nothing but the bard feet, and "/ hates come," he mid, "to ask your pro. consent to my addrettaing Mits Daryl risking her not to write, t will mite you for that month not as a suttee for her hand. have quite to be Kilmeny Richmond but Made up my mind about it, and I want ow* Nina Daryl. At the end of the te eoraptete ever/thing an Ewen as mouth--" may he." • "tit the end of the month, you will "You certainty come attaight to the gill be my granddaughter," he said, Point. in mob a case, a man genet - with 4 suspicion of threatettin In hie ally thinks it netessary to make some 'oleo." You belong to Mk ou are Mention, of els teenage towards *the thEtt falls is the ono oholloo• This Is net of age and OAR make no choice Ady. It May DM eta MY Plano for thee written by the prieat on,a con. I lutve your (*rear matked out Ito tni granddaughter to be married meets- steritted pleee of paper and givea to yoa, Aso I intend you to be differ. Y became she Is an Mertes." "X thought it better tti apart yott the' ehild'S parents to preaerve. The ,lifforoot from rliolo whe Want bdc•ra child then reettiVelt °Sabin gifte. two of /cm. All the reit disgraced. me, slid all that," Lord' de Eruyne answered. 'Of eonrse I car. make any proteeta- whieh are important. it a boy-, two. ruined themeelves. -2-ou !shalt be dit. ' dons yOu wish. Will do my beet to fano ere rewarded; end if. a girl, a fatatitP pot af pomade, *ad in with cue a One. 26 'landed at her. with a 'look of Make Misit Daryl hary, and do not ket of flax thread is added', wirieh gide and poteeesiont and lenteeny seek her as my wi e simply beeatme sigtoinor• pod widows ohd tots. hi.. two. „ she is an barest." V S. • else should I concern =quilt about her 1". • , "There ta money to be bad with her." "Yes-tbere fOliiat be Money, Then yob agree 1" , Mr. Daryl aseented outily. He was proud, with a selfish and Cruel pride, of the .beautiful graedohild .whout. ee bad auddenly discovered, He had been afraid that the circumstances of her early life znight prove prejudicial to her when. he brought ..hor Mating peepte of a class so muoli above, her. Lord de Bruene's ceoice ot her as a wife wOuld at once stamp lier as in every way their equ'al. And his pro- pheoy of her probable action when the month *as tip alarmed him. Ile bated the RichraOnds when he found that Kilmen.y still thouight of them and was fond of them ; and, most. of all, .he hated Christoeher Warrender. Ilefore he petted trent Lord ele 13ruyne it -had been settled- that nothing, should be allowed to prevent leilmentee becoming hts wife before the stipulated montb should have elepsed, • • "I have one more thing fo' say," Lord cle Bruerne obterved ite be rose to go, "I have 'decided to arrange affairs Without Lady Penyrthe intervention, She is yew: grenddaughter's enemy, and she is a double deatee. The less she is hake the better." . Mr. Daryl made ne reply; It occur- red to him, as Lord' de Bruyee went out of the room, that he himself ba bean merely a pnppet in the hands of Lady Penryte and Lord 'de 13ruyne. The reflections of. the • master of the house were not ot the Most satisfaelory nature as he mused over this intervieW after his visitor. had gone. • • Hi tmety had retreated to her ovirn room when the ride was over, and had looked her door; fler head Telt be- wildered and her •heate benumbed by what• had taken pleee. The eense of a mistake • also weighed on her ; 'the secret about her parentage, and the story of.Chrite guilt seemed to be.mix- ed upeantil she could not disentangle them. What bad he mother really allow= bride the •Laehergoot," coulee- -dotter', watch she, hluehing and taught , aeeePted. "Thirirwae the critical 'nutmeat, for it elle bad retusedtbe gift that Welad 'JAY* ended the courtship New there was gayer talk, until ad but the twe left tee room for It Waif the right at the suitor to roman in the front reerri ateing with her of ht. oholoe. But so that he envied not etay too long. "Tante,' aocerdleg to (engem, *topped up to the wax candle and made a mark ou it, with a needle, saying that the vielt might last anal the candle buret arm far. This WAX a emnratind that tbe most lovestok Wain dare not dis- regard.' you Have prelhably reihi. this advection:neat mousy Clews atul thought no more about.it. This time write UDELL on your memory and on your krocoes order—AND DON'T FORGET, Lead Peckageo. • • . 45. 301 40, & dec. Ceylon Tea •o••••••••.• Have been broken up by the falling health of mother or father. Dr, Ward's Blood and HAPPY ONLY ONE LEET. Nerve There flew remains only one people toe wbose sovereignty hes not been •M IE S A and ene little valley south of the °qua - claimed. by.gome European Power. It is the Valley et Batmen, fifty or sixty miles wide, north of Liebe,' in Smith i Africa. , • •••••••••• STRONG COMMENDATION. , Xs Perkins ao honest man? ettaked Vo,ngle. Indeed be is, replied Gazzam. There Isn't a man to the ottioe who would ree fuee to lend hiat an umbrella, "". . . . . • . TRUTH IN BULK Recent Issue of the Star Causes a Sensa- tion Among Its Readers. EMINENT MEN INVOLVED Irreilitable Mass Of 'Evidence, Gathered by a Canadian Concern • Operating in, the United States. (From The T0e00t0 Me.) • • Readers of the Star were startled their evidente fairly and honeetle for Eleetricity has been applied to the last Saturdee to Hee the nemes of pro- ' the benefit ot ethers. . menufacture of glass, A. pot of glass minent Public melt high in the service i It takes a very. unselfise man to al - of the -united !States printed in con- , low bis.name to be assooteted with a can be melted en la rainutes Which by, 'Motion with endorsationn Of a Cane- petent, medioine testimenial - or a the old ptooess would require 30 hours. dien patent remedy. • Not only was it • man powerfully impreseed• with the --,- • ' - surprising that mop of such protnin..! merits of .the Preparation and un- La Toscana lop RELIANCE CIGAS el= would permit their names to be ' uaually grateful for the benefits :de • 9 "" b 4 0'1 LIM .Mout.rem eTtaillly...cure all diSeaSee caused by impoverished blood. Stomach troubles, kidney troubles, rheuma- tism, sciatica, catarrh and chronic constipation, yield readily to their VITaAtia°vne.' at our Office thousands of testimonials, and will send a book of information containing some of these free on application,. There Is no sense In feeling miserable when you oan be so easily cured. eo cents pee box, five boxes far $2.00. All Druggists, or Sam, Viiilliams 84 Co., Toronto, Ont. .1 • NEW STYLE OP PITCHER., The ;tow pitcher Mr Serying iced drintes is an English invention, and beeutifully presented in both green 'and ruby glase. To put ice eirectly in the beverage. weakene its strength and flavor. This is obviated by the intro- , duotion into the new pitcher of a glass I inner oylinder, resembling 4 lamp chimney as much as anything, with a paver top end screw cork. In this the crapited•ice lasts a long time, the drink poured from the pitcher proper and renewed atgain and again as requir- ed. ELECTRIC GLASS PTJRNAGES. esed, *though this was unusual, en- rived from it. One naturally dislikei • . VIENNA POLICEMEN. • • pugh and' it speaks VolUraes for the! having accounts of one's phyaical de. preparation that ouch wes the case. t feces published broadcast even though Vienna policemen! tete:required to but thee United states senators and! theee is a complete cure attached. But uaderstane telegraphy and to be eele eougresemen, prominent • professional I teem is ,. e men and United States army stage where ill to swim end row a boat. • officera i' ilea lth becemes so pronounced that dian remedy is more StKpriaing still. • Cana- all pride, vanity, reserve -- call it . - 7 E Et LI CID Sb01114 be willing to endorse a The ,people on the othereettle f o 0 I sick and you don't oare who knovvs it. ! what .you like -gives way. You are K EF S LLOYDI wevolcorates and Str h rnq ens. OD, Toronto, OF.c. BRAT) ACM T. border are rather notee as • being The fact can't be evaded. . Wben a --- • greater believers• in the merits tries. • ' • of man in this condition, trying remedy • Ili vain, - ' ARTIFICIAL COURAGE. their own goods than in those ototber otter remedy • • at last strikes quite unexpectedly, Et medicine that Miss Sourface-Put sure Mr. Dash Last Saturday•the Star published a full Page of testimonials in favor of sae extras him, he is so genuinely grate- was so filled with the joy of tonvales- intoeicated when he galled last evening. Why; be actually tried to Each one of these letters was signed by keeping the facts to himself. • Mies Gabby -Yea, they ssay the Canadian, Dodd's Kidney Pinte, 2 cent* that he is ashamed to' think et ease me, . *public man-ana an eminent publio Such, no doubt, wee the condition of nerves men to desperate deeds.t • men -in the United States. Each of mind of it, A. Wade, the great Oren- • et these letters was accompanied, bY a Poe ovEe FIFTY YEARS cluced front photographs supplied that lawyer of Chicago, whose testi- ?fps. WieNSLOW'r NINO SYRUP bas Near, discussion. Be it was who defended such an exhibition Of genuine grate ea t r ; r f obi a 0, colio midis the best remerfo'rs. (lien= 26o aTC)i. partrait Of the writer repro-' menial"' appeared on the .page under • by themselves. Seldom has there been usi.e3dvlihenr =ILO ta 11 IdreiZething.c=cole, Pendergast, aCcused • of niurdering• r e settee% atm o o g Me. 'Sold bg all druggists throughout dm world.. Bo thde to a medicine than given Dodd ti PillS by these gentlemen: He ,is 'probable the best known man Niro est a for Mrs. Winslow's SOothing Berme, Their • names are known -all through in his profession in the United States, To send for oil'. the ..States, „two of them, at least, having been 'retained in more sense- " CHEAT TetteRE eive ettetgs, comet eta SHEET tionat criminal oases than any other . eN111110-eitIttear.VE e 1000 • .. :„. : . • • . " latent, Tooth POwdere, sta., have beaten OALVERTS estreotio Disinfootarste, Goan% . Obit. =Igor iggialgrie‘4c1 . r gulti one diseasee. Ask your dealer .to obtain a supply. Lists mailed free on application. . Fp C. CALVERT & CO., .114N°0011111Deolregagn100:: o7iire:iNnaelAiiff7D'r.-1.10 Carter" CorM_Itelt..$21?•,_Agebt$, Montieal. • TH2 034 1,8011145 INSEDATOR-Sest and cheapest • 0, Rolland, sole agent for the Dominion. 'Send 3* 'tamp tor catalogue. min, Raul Street, Montreid. X me 40 sat permanently cures Cutarrh of nose, Mg throat, stemmed and bladder. 50o Oa box. Write tor particulars, The Indlan Caterrh Ours Co., 146 St, Janteirske Montreal. WANTRD -Men to travel, salary or oommiesioni once en,meeeetey, Welte LUKE BROS. CO., Montreal. WANTED tetitortite teet oeteeitelelle_ttillede-tettetteatt..e2.1t1t90_9.9,ttlasetrete Ira., A im Mita, MIlla 474 Halos to Weeloy__Eklies., Rich. Barristers,ete., removed IF mond Rh: W.. Toronto. . • . . POULTRY, BUTTER, ECCS, APPLES, and other YliODUCB, to ensure best results donlgo to CorAeet•Market & Colborne St. Toront WAISTED-YOWNO LADIES IN 'EVERY OITY •and town lu Canada to sell the .Crute Man. • Xmas Card , be.t novelty 00 elle Naomi gond seller ,. send fifteen coma for sample card. Apply by letter only, oddressed J ' W BOWDEN, Boone 7, 1 To-. mow Street, Toronto, The Dawson Comihission Co., linirted• Dyeing I Cleaning 1 •• - • For the very beet bend Your Wc;r1r. So the- ' • 99 BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO." •' • • Look for agent let your town, or send direct. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec 6 . G -f.P4PkAng•i'E )3.40113;_.. .1,1The Conge region exports about 8,- VI lawyer. in America. • He was not only • throughout the world. Men in the and SPECIAL RA OP DISCOUNT. We about Ira ? Wstet 'ree4sory had .are, y. trtrongly. before they which, ney ' b' t h' si ht owin to the attacks of that 000,000 walking seeks. a year. a re equippeg to said le dye Of tim h as these men • ' feel ver seaae• "Pharaoh 10o "r"n" • connection with 'him n wait all a ed to their names to be published all uric acid had been entirely lost, Was , • agar ateublatum eaChers Whaley, Royce over the country. They eiglitly feel restored by Dodd's Kidney pins. ••••••=1,...• supply every M SIC • her grandetteer fee breaking. oft her, allow statements of opinions attach- essential feature Of Iddney di Or nby Qua TEACHERin Canada wretched muddle to Kilmeny as she sat and thenght oven' it, aed she could not evolve order out of tbe °had* Two things only were -clear to her and thoee were, that she had by her aot that day perted herself finally from Cbris, and, by doing so prevented a return te her "home." 'Moreover, by no look or deed of hers must she ever let any one swiped what it had cost her to make that severance. . hiise Deryl's zitiaid had never foiled her young mistress so bard to please as.she wits that evening when sbe was dressiag her for dinnert and Kilmeny had never looked so radtant an& mill.: ing 'as when she' went down to meet her gueets efter the dressing was done, The shimmering silk in Its hernial= was shadee as gergeousfy. as a pea- cock's train, and the ehmeging opeis-• efabiems of woe -gleamed on her -throtit and arms. She cartied herse with a dignity which ma.de Mr. Daryl's heart swell anew with prideoind mug- ee lord de Bruyne's stem to, fill with a subdued. admiration of hee lend spirit. • . • TO Be Continued.. • STONACII TROUBLE,* A FilEttllENT SOILICF, OF VIE MOST • IN l'Eltee. MISERY- Itr. warm, Price, or 111•Illutli, Melrerrei for Yours Before Eluding it erstrO-111% '11 Mints's' Pia k Ping itratered Mtn. T.ho.se who butter teont 'Meijer 1,•le ttoubles are truly, to be .piLied, Lite seethe Et burden to them; food. is clue tasteful, and even that of the plain- est kind is frequeutly follpwed by nausea, distressing pains and some- times vomiting. Sudh a sufferer was Mr. Harvey Price, a well-known far -1 mer and stock -grower living et Bis -e mark, Ont. To a reeerter who re- stude--e Le...lave found DreeWilliams' Pink Mlle of such incalculable value id relieving me of a long siege of suffering that I am not only willing but anxious to say it good word in behalf of this medicme, and thus point the road to health to • some other eufferer. For five years had been afflicted with stomach' trouble and a torpid liver. I dootored and aLso denied myself of many kinds of food pleasant to the taste, but neither the medleal treatment nor the. diet seemed to help Me to any de- gree. In January, 1809, the climax of my trouble appeared to he reached. At that time I was taken down with grippet and that, added to thy other troubles, placed me in ouch precarious poaition that none of my neighbors looked for my recovery. ,My appetite was almost completely gone, and I experienced great weak - nets, elizzieess, voniiting spells and violent headaches. I was also trou- bled with a cough which seemed to raok me whole system. shall never forget the agony experieneed during that long and tedious sickness. Medi- cal treatment and medicines of vari- ous kinds had no apparent effeot in relieving me. After exiating in this state for twine months, my mother tnduced me to try Dr. William& Pink Pills May kat purchased three boxers and before these were gone undoubted relief was experiented. Thue encouraged continued the me of the pills, and with the use diem' than a clozen•boxes, I was again en- joying tbe best of health. e can now attend to my farm work with the greateat esee. My appetite le better than ft has be,eit for .yeare, an& the storoacb trouble that had . Ito long made my We miserable has vanished. have gained in weight, and' can safely say that I am enjoying better healtt than X have done for. yeare be- fore. t feel quite mire that those who may be &Mk or ailing, Will find a - mire. in a fair trial of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Nile 'Make mire, richentogdothus rearhintr the root of disease mid driving it out of the eys. tem, curing when other medicinee Most of the affileting'mankind are due 10, impoterielted rendition OF the Wood. or weak or 'Mattered nerve& and for tbeee Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are e epeeitle which speedt- ty restore the sufferer to health. These pills are never sold in any tofm except in the eoulpitnytt boxes, the Wrapper rnued which Ware the full name -nr. William& Pink PIlle for Pelts People." All others *re eounterleite and should elwaye be retuned, Get the genuine, ati/I he made wail, Nt. a greatee- responsibility in sech. mat- Captain •Bogardue, champion line TRY THIS SOUP. wanted Me Yong. St, 8 Co., • . ters than ordinary private„individuals. shot a the worid distinguished veter- TORONTO, oNT. A public man has a, reputation to an of the Civil War, .was cured df Pried virasp soup is considered &great suetain and from long experience Hri ht's Di b Dodd"s Kidney delicacy in China. It is stated that. censiders well before he exPreSsee Min" Pills. When it 'is. considered. that it is quite an acquired taste. self for publica.tion. Bright's Disease usd to be ineurable, There were no traces of hesitation the feeling that prompted, CaOtaitt and straightfoiward: The writers had ial for the benefit 9f others will be ensures uu understood. CALLA LILY CREAM y thful complexinn, Bend 23 centator trik ek in mod comPlexion about the letters on that United gard:us to give his name and featinaon- States history page in last Saturday's Star however, all was . plain; honest beet( cured of lddney diseases by Rheumatism lty Dodd's Kidney Pills, Hon. Alva Merrill, ' was cured of Address W. J. ulattrissirr, 461 Queen St. W.,lorouto. bottle, or cost card for circular on • . • and thought enough of the medicine MONTE CARLO EARNINGS. Dodclei 'Kidney Pills and had the • • . . • courage and intlependence to int- • teat cered him to recominend It above The income from the onto Carlo mutes the fact en • plain °Ate, his teen signature. " I heartily endorse spoken • terms. They were not Dodd's Kidney. Pale,' says be, to getting anything foe it ; eonle people 'anyone vieth deranged kidneys .or might make slighting remarks about rheumatic pain; • their names being connected with a Senator Busse, Representative Rill - patent medicine testimonial. Bnt this um, Captain McComb, Roe Keator, did not interfeee with what they est were .among those who freely testified teemed to be their duty to fellow suit to the merits of bodd's Kidney Pills ferers and but fair •to the medicine ..on the tinitee States !History page, that cueed them. Careless of any- an&•their pietnres appeared last week thing nut the facts -that Dodd's Kid- in the SPar, This page is considered izey' Pilltiehml cured them of kidney the strongest' mass •of evidence ever diteeses where other medicines and printed in favor of a patent medicine treatments had failed they gave in this country. • GLASSWARE FASHIONABLE, With all ails pleasant news lu her , • mind the inland dweller need riot per - Those who are perplexed over the apparent chaos in table glass fashioes. sister, is doing, Pleld her mind about what her tete She has but to ex- eficiard bthst .floterthrgliet, vailiriler18onoere may be pleased to know that they may huly anything which suits their trinity, astir wille bee taking simultaneous ac- tor absolute liberty of choice, is the tion with her. urban friends and will bletsful condition just now. Those who not be one whit bebind the times. like the heavy cet glass so much priz- Which. boon vvill certainly not occur ed in days gone by may haul it out again In the present century• from its resting plateng in disused e china Closets, where ets pristaatic splen- , LeTNA.Tele POSTOFFICES. . dors have been hidden for many a tiay, In the lunette asylums of Belgium tame grandmother packed it carefully • there are securely locked boxes, in away and set to glitter and sparkle whIch .every istmete may deposit let - ori the feMta.1 board. with Perfect. pro - tees ' ot complaint. Three times a priety. Engraved glass and glees week tbese letters are collected bY eently interviewed him, .eir. Price: • . thee is not engraved find their places outside officials, who investigate every side by side, and great, thick pieces- case, and it a peraon asserts that he t • ation • of transparent ware are in tie good ensues by medico,' deports. 1 form as 'those of eggshell thinness, Peeve!. of good Mete have always THE CHEERFUL IDIOT. chesen their- glassware in harmony withe its. probable surroundings, and When raelaneWy merke a man for have. exercised individual choice, irre- Idi e r soLne, me sal trekd Ihme;sraart boarder; hew epootive of fieshion, to a certain extent. Colors hitxt blue, of course, replied but now this very independenee of ad- the Cheerful Idiot Mc scorn. tion is " tee thing '', and is likely to . result as euch things usually do, ie guaranteed Cure for Catarrh. Fanilly now rates 4.30 guaranteed to cure C111'01110 Catarrh," In fact everything fa fashionable, thine, Bronchitis and Bel Peeek. It ' --PeldZiets O.T.R. Dept' and no Iwo people. have tastier exaote cA:ree by inhalatien. The medic t d ST• JAMES' HOTEL-.° gaming tablet, for the pas year reach- es over 060,K000. • • . • • • • To (Mtn A cOLD Le ONE DAT Take Laxstive Brom° Quinine Tablets. .A1 druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. ado. Id. W. GroveM signature is on each box. . ' MOIST. • jaggles-What does Suburbe do vvith that cellar of hist/ Waggles -Keeps ducks in summer and uses it for it skating rink in win- e. •Mechanics ItilAnted,\„ Owing to enlarging_works. . • — r ATEA DY EMPLOVAIENT ••• ENGINE. PITTERS, -accustomed to close work on marlin and automatic; . moulders. handy boilerniete. • • Ilnintronl es a Iwo, bright city of eight,e.n ihousand water tronoyelentne. railway, gas and electric lighting. Rent) lbw. . . • WATEROU.S, .Brentford, Canada.", • HARRie'LLADwc:apt2: Loma:. . wholesale anis, Long Distance Telephone1729. • WILLIAM 81e, TORONTO. ' Sausage Saiings—ngwilrgegtederirm Me* llog Casings -reliable goods at right prices. PARIC, BLAOliWaLL 004 Toronte. •. • Michigan Land. for Sale.. 000 ACRES 110b1) FARMINC LANDS -ARENACI ' 'Ire 'room, Ogernaw nod erne ford Contain, Title per. .Lefe7n LOankoMite,heilltiroaabase,enattr7,1r.icneseignIgiAng5itaroawilani2°itea'Su51 rlore. These Lauds are Close to Enterprising Neu owns, hurehes, Schools, etn, and will be sold on oat reasonable terms. Apply to • R. M. PIERCE, A gent, West Bay City, Mich. Or J.W, OURTIS, Whittemore), Mich. , THE WABASH RAILROA.D. Is the shortest and true route from Canada to the west and southwest the great winter tourist line to California, Mexico, Texas and all southwestern points. Every Wednesday at 9 p.m. a personally conducted tourist. sleeping oar will leave St. Louis for Los Ange- les and San Premise°, Passengers leaving Toronto on evening trains . reach St.•Louis next day at 2p.m., Kansas City' 9.80 p.m„ same evening and Deuver fleet eftertiden. All Wa- bash trains haVe free reclining °hale oars, and are solid vestibule from end to end. run particulars from any railroad agent, or J. A. Richardson, Dietriot Passenger Agent, northeast corner King and Yonge streets, Tor- onto, and St. Thomas, Ont. TOBACCO POR TOMMY. Publio donations of tobacco for the 13ritishttioldiers at the front are being :made, and eiready 80,000 olgarettea and 75 pounds of tobacco have been col- lected by one paper. MONTRiAL NOVEL 121/40TOBY. The" Balmoral,!, Free Bus tea* , Nog ca-ndike• rrezieTtli 4Plan: Rooms freakibanees. Cittarrhozone, ogonated Ear cure, is ikiliguE goirsE,_moloo-oom.g. Ate as T IL.Statiou Moutreal. Oeo. Carelaititiat.3;relr swell tablet. both show a surprising parts, where it killa the gene alife Of..970nenti-Rato ImOdera40 • n ir earried directly to the disease% nkilvele First -blase Comuterolir gral. reldnegiir. ly alike. 'The show windows and the variety, of glaseware. that causes Catarrh, end at the same Pedal* the most favored are the tirae heals up all sore places, and a EXCEPTIONS. • permanent cure is effected. Catarrh. , Ph/urea don't lie, said the matherett. }ewe 'tihown in plain English, or the ozone when inbaled le volatile enough Helen. French Bacraret glass, the manufactur. to impregnate the minutest cells of Well, I don't know replied Spence. ee lending hie name to this note The the lungs and bronohial tubes, 'where .My wife tells me that the figures of shapes( iu both are eimple modifications ittiona.ttaiotksclitrhees dbiesemailsese,attetiss Lourr tao- Mauy women are Veil deceptive. of well-known formatt-formd that, from reach the right spot. Sold br an . HoW'S ibis ? theit very eimplicity end Mama, will druggists or by mail, price 01.00. Poe ws offer ode minima Dam d w rd er never be fat mit of stele, as frequent- trial outfit -send leo in stamps to Ile, thy cite ot Dearth that oatutot beet:rod tby C. POLSON & CO., Ilox 512, Ringston, news Catarrh Cure. ly happens to those mucheortured de- --ea. We, the undersigned. Wive known F. J. . Chenef tor the laat 16 yeare, and believe him F. e, CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Ont. signs invented to meet. the passing , . . fad. • . SAVING TO TUE LAST. perfect ly honorable' In all businese transact- ions, end financially nble to on, ry out any obit. Of cotttee these plain hits Will need . on yn tde by their erre. more care tied poltehine, tor , W. hero You hare mill NB hoer henget to .tner eertivex, wholesale DruggIsts.Totedo, there are no tunedul ornaments tO live, said the physician, solemnly, to .o. wAr.ano KneriArt Et MARVIN. Wholesale catoh the eyli, the leeet bit of a *Pot tint wealthy miser ott him death bed, Mutates, Toledo. 0. rrh Citre ik teem Internally. ects or cloud showe with a terrifying In- pt thoro anything you; whih attended InglitulrIeVepon the blood and mitoeue sue- eilitence. `.1:11ere ate AO ornaments LB to bolero you peel ewer t . tieee ot the settee, Pelee, 76* ear bottle. ebnceal multittide of sine, end apetilte ?tee atiewered tbe etr 61011 Man in liold by all dm/ ats. Testimonials tree, a,nd Bawl ;dame forth tis dread iteetlet taint, yot ongor, forms, ton teed 'you Relretraintly +Ma ere the best, ere against mistrese end Maid. Dut 'spoke of It, Send for the barber et the care that ming be bestowed upon thme and have him ahavn Ms before A SURE MM. it will be well repaid when you elm I M.o. only havo ib pay him 50 cente Doctor -Pm afraid your wife Isn't ge- your guests seated before service of I tor coming in to %shave Me now, and aParklitilt immaoulolonOesi tvell Otto fogttPar prints la (10. tor shaving shining like good man In Mehl a &ad man. aright as Weil SIM that Place -Or eVoll Mere AO, hat? tiotihr while I'm atiout it. this le foe thoett Wile* Ittettet .• run to Quaker Line tilittplielt# had Mkt' richness, but fof theft Whu ithe Mete' florid things there ate olikituy uito • tha " Odd Pletle idea. the things in More, anti hit the oval* or Ing to pull through. Rusband-Oh, yes, she will. / told her / already but her suecesaor pick. The Canadian ed out in We the didn't Sot well. . , Seine Safety • • ••BALDNESS•• CURED.•• RODE18 Hair Crewel." positively and per. mamently curei Daldnene• Hair rallini Out, Dandruff, eta. and tenders the hair__ soft, Ohm and beiiittlful. Testimonials from leading Worost. to gentlemen. Price steo int tome • . ROSE & .Co., • ,• • 326 Ronsierslles Ave., TorositO. • Mg. 15o lb., or 2lbs.forMo. ROKOO Is tial tome ooffth. Cereal OoffeeTrealthDrink, Pura,WA ornesHourt IMIToriale by all Grooeys sind to the 1101000 ALPO. 00.,'151 uee Agents wanted In every looa Michigan Land for Sale. INNS A01111111 00011 ?AMMO LAMM-ARENAO °stow, sad Crawford Count/es. Title par. egalitlantlelegan Oeetral, Detroit k Mackinac and Leke lteliroads, at Woes ranging trom $2 to I 5 iniessnalisterns. Anti to Wrirantat Aar•iumostoky THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. PS'S GRATEFUL—COMFORTINO.. _ 0 0 A BREARFAST—SUPPER. • Dominion Line STEA=PS Porthind, Me.. to Liverpool, gelling at Halifax Westbound. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,, Dominion, Cambroman. • sato ot passage g -First 0410,11.50 upwards: Second Oablne$32: Steerage, ems and $2150. rer further Information Spply towel agents, or DAVID TORRANCE CO., General Agents, 11 Bt. Searamrat St. Montreal. STEM WINDING WATCHo amyl or Cent's), BO/AD GOO) EINC, an AUTOHARP, A000111M. • ON, et VIOLIN or GUITAR, for • Neuter 9 boxes of Dr, vrieles Sat, Maparitlet Blood Pills at 900. _per box. DONT SEND kommY, simply send your name and Rd. dress Mid we wilt send Yo_tt the Pills, post paid, with our catnottne. Belt thentand reMit be iheletyroenk and we will se, 4 you the Itrenuom yen Ole& These Pint oure Impute blood, rhennittramk And kidney diseaSes. and el Tetemiell troubles. Pais reeirnabie if not Bold. Write 1211 01104 and mention this joiner., PRION MFR. 00., 31t say StreAtorontes.Ont. JAIL ft, ANNETII Manage... . JOHN 4. MAIN, SOO. too Tell* 1 Coltei vtdda ii0114:0 040 diti• dmaitxintithesmalesomMig reek " Mite I find otoldto 994 410 hen. *Perhaps itt Mart * Mall et Thia teems impogalble, but it Is A I e stteplit 44,014., ato, Venetian glass, mai whitA, with ith oto 44 444fr ird 4tot meet and green leaves about the will be set tO holding the fruit, While dlish of boavy out shunt at coe end ighte4 back sparkle fOr sparkle with the jelly that fille lt, and a dish of cryetal with twisted handle* at the oth end, matehee with ite smooth msve ity the severe 110.04ith.. Mien Of the luso-mange. ho too BO I LER Dosp,i.apardeou, iTvoronto High Claus. Water tuba Steam Boners, for All Preueuros, Duties and Fuel. - MIND Pun DasCRiPtiVII CATALOOtel. flie.t.t•t str,r,figiVetbmit" ReigiollceS • **tilt (N1.4,1tottet. Oo :Pizi)s Bob mtg. , 1,1 tortft . lannu. 0.1949 Toronto, where batten may bs peon i'verSirift, •