HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-12-07, Page 3e;-aer ' • • • • • e • TOIMMON*01.• , 11 aa0014,40 a ."'"'"'""'"'"T" f re cloWO Unletie the Lord delltreri painted in very lovely ehartosteng hoWe. A _ - _ eataletexion is libelled. In tents sfoRm boa of Divine, euerey, you are ait ea e Cupid Reveng u "Oh r estuddso lat breaking 4 wc,15 /Taut A. • poo, you had been twenty yearo in Heave 4, t I 'Wit It And dome remor f Ivo her to me as strength of light. Then it Is imposele EAN Inet i you will cry Chriot and lay from eternal eondeinuation aethou Tour wife, Thorn on yt at, %/Ids? I ain ntleed, then, open blet to *sumo 4 llaturel expreselon s ,e cabelletio they par be." the tone of the eomplettion ie irethome. QuEgB, If ARNE irg ed entirely by the hanging* of Um you speat of ray picture. o room, the windew shades *rut the 04 I wish X tumid put before this ati- seerale only yeeterdey rou Were ear- yo r oongretuletions. Due come, tut when looking into 4 lase. Tbe eye ev. Dr. Talniage Dravvs Some diettoe, UOPerdoned, their oWn Iteitte resinermy hooka to gehapt, Whitt do X OM net Yet a lamtedict, may Ina • MAWR BA,I31U13, Oen be obierved only One petition, er t o a exprees On. • • helm thia Walter eontrollo, ler the most pert lesenetts. You will be keit as Our*? bele anew ee lever ' .A.nd thin ie. my revenge," thought ThereAowe queer little cradle la each Lessons Froarit. tie yen sit theee it. you. dePend UPott your own power, You cannot do it. No And Nellie River's ale -wail Innotteut- Theratoe xag, oe e few houre litter he humeri arra was ever atrohg enough WO !rite the fag. ot him elle adnreino atit alsom ts bachelor apartments, Jonalv Punished for Disobedience—Caught in a Storm awl tvars ever mighty enough to break the 00tehnoette for 111041 6 Mouth the eute- hi the grate. I, who fawned her eactlee 0 r lefr - Where the; Wee seed. behiett are alelet „- to unlook the door of heielen. No tenet ed -as innocently am though, elle had moodile inirvezing the dying embers Th h hag, ro erowlag PECULIAR PRIVILEOES OP FEERS 6110 at Antall, they a shaekle ot ten No oarsman swarthy en, d, renejlttle n se- wer WOO le keeP-• Only Three 30; It I ' 4' I le could no tenger thteil, or her bosh ter A 4 tiO4 Pet put to her had Weil trembe • 'Wrecked—Some People Have Friends Who Are Not Qugl, t° row hiraNd4 int° ° ° I boor, Willa is -against you. Tide la JOS me hie eager lit*. Christians—What . Are They Doing to Bring, Them to against you,. Tim law le ageinet you. A hot noel deed Thornton Masa Christ—The Dr. Preaches a Powerful Sermon Not eo belPless a sailor on a plank en" cat lii° a knife; a naab at ar'" are agaitiet :you. Helpless wed undone. a e* wordee The lattt sent - Ton thotteatid eorrupting totluencee cheeee, t h .. . " A desOateb. froln Waehingt011 ;Aye :- and feel that between, ue and eternaj mid-Atlaatio. Not so helpless a travel- ger leaned into the dark eyele, a mo- . one heave ler girdled by twentY miles of prairie meat before ao tenderly patteleilete, ite • the fallowing text: out of tide lifo Into gl ry" Othari:thialYno friend o are :mt it, John v. 441 " No man•-ean comq,to , n " I ain here, to talk of a man's love, Rev. Dr. Talmage pr.eurahohttedoeloranerowthe •biLlaMtriatltvonhent4oenr.; on fire. Prove it you NAY. I wilt Prove Ile- anewered (Ilihakle: herd to bring it to lats.d, but thee', forted, We feel we s°nailwm°e'si the -o; 2,111,A0,..x.tPutirntbe Father wbigh bath et -c -X 'Ant a loorn. 1 ara twonty..aoc, toil ' could not, wherefore they cried unto again in the good land. But to have 'es e'e"" ---'" eg , two veesels pert on the ocean a eter- Dot while X have aliown your help- 'eight yeent your senior Nettle i but, the Lord."-lonah, L10, I,,,,.w..„,tott, tlidu,..t by the tittle elms' is subterfettie on yo'ur part end Novigation iti e the Mediterraneao Intr" °Ile geing to the right and the eir,n,e13,eei , other to the lett, fartleer apart, and axi.,,,,,,t‘I:save"7:04....--I chtlikm,igtuews:s 1)E-, all unworthy of' yoo. Answer me, dem. . in eerie" timegi. VeSsels were propel.* to be recognise& aiAd there are opiy 1606 a vessel was b9Und for Portegal, ling; tell me eou will be my .wife, Sea alWays was perilous, especiallY so , farther apart, and the. signals cease e , a eu h.u..tuit was driven to Pieces on an un- will place your happilitela into ray ' " loci partly by sail and partly by oar.' two Knacks oa the horizon a d tb tree dly coast, The captain had We keeptog to gourd for ever morel" Wheel' 'AY reason of great stress et 1 thleyhaayree ttooateeitloy-tinglItthattQfh6evu"ritel veil- "a with him' andowitle the crew they ,, ea ''. a . weather, it was necessary to reet the beg efforte of these Mediterranean, wandered up the beach and started on xovir Prettily you talk, Thornton I eanvas or haul it in, then the vesael oarsmen bas a counterpart!. on the et. the long journey to find re- It• reads just.like a etory book, Really, Wee entirely dePendont upoxt the oara, forte emeirs of us are making to lief' fainted by reason of hunger and the Now don't be anerly, bu,t you ha.vetak- Atter 4. while the eon I'd ecerce. expect oae oe your years-, etneetiilles !Verity or thirty of them bring our children to length of tee wee. 'The captain Sala — ' .1 4u either side of the veesel. You THE SHORE 01. SAFETY. to the crew; "Carry nay boy .for me en.m° 0° bY euePrise. I 'larvae' know h e ' woule not yenture outside Sandy` 'there neveretvere iso Many teraptatione on your shoUlders." Tbey mortal hiM• ow to reply--exeept, Thornton, be-' move me, have but r vete teea tie • y cum n Averet In ere I thoaght struok off from me forever. To -night lunir differently etie %MVO. - Waled We upon_ allpPotted. engage- All around and about are the atamene teees British realm haves ettached to them Tbe more anoient peerages of the log, meat I Had things been different, how w have helped out nty plan' I will put growing, anceetore of the present holdero by charmingly my' pretty model might here the 0°1454 Pollan °aloe t.tre cartel-) rurious privileges, granted to the birds end batterflies .ebake the ocean between tut ere in ra7 weak- And these trees MOUarCha of the past, and many are to raock me," nese, : once more give her the right ing. the present holders hey° tO perform And tbe 'Heel hablee Well it is sn4W- the quaint and ridiculous ceremonuta II • 4 • • • you naUst desert Clem?' 13dt I forget"- Aeul the wee eeed-baby loveseit l tried ea sooa of your old friends that tow enow, "Going away, Mr. MILO nave 100 But the snow In Flower -land is yele ofttinaes In order to preserve the right For ..instancee the office of roYo'• ' , to their titles. some ,one is waiting for you." And it eats and trate, and this inakee . . • eeampion is held by the Dyraokes at In Spite of herself, a thrill of sad- gthroewn,ux nese rang through the styles tone.She While se -flower smileel above Sorivelsby Court, near llorncestle. had' known that this must cone, yet Um shock was note the less keen, it. --,,- • William the Conqueror grantee Seri - "Yea," he anewered. "I naust once HOUSEHOLD HINTS. velshY to Robert De Marnelon on condition that he arid his successor's more say good -by; but this time, Miss . Egge may be preserved' for a month for all time shoule officiate as royal Lelleve not forgotten our. hest parting, by boiling therm one minute or steep- °tampions,. Nellie, I hoPe You will add God-speedl stipulating that if at any ed to be reelembered. You were _Mg teem for a titne in'sweet oil. • though I hope my folly has long ceps- time the owner at the manor tailed to f eber witb an in as on " by monneatng It y , , f ' t f 'met the serwelehe estate would be 'and X must tietoek,you tor iny lessen." MaY Ile restored . . . f 1 a ehampion at the coronation ben - This was almost inore them elle could MeAns Of a lea , I t o melee Et 0 right', It was 4 hey'rl presumption, Writing- rendered illegible be ler appear, either in person or by deputy, Hook with such a oratt aft MY text h ire yeung pedele art there.are now. on; but the journey was fes long, that Have Won't think of it 3tist -now, if Literary mid the social influences after awhile the crew fainted trern You; don't Mind. I am afraid your age berr. For a moment tears ehuruneet uid a lie I k • tindii Immix sailing in; hut he had not seem to be •egainat. their spiritaal butgereancl trom weariness. anti could fatber would weigh, too heavily on eour about- e the cleric eyes, a sob rose in her leetash slightly acidulated' with muria- forfeit to the orOwn. throat; but ;the answered bravely; tic acid, being carettil to aPP1Y the to Pm -4T `,..Nf Yeara rePreSent. a OS e front much cheese et veasels. waa run- terests. Christ Reems to be drIven ale carry him no longer. Then the e man is running away from the I,ord, bow antrioup we are ior our'claildren. - his shoulder, and. carried him on mite And t.he laugben voice had in it a g Wb 0 kneW nOt the raeaning of her; own The best cemeot for ohina is made of lie has to run very' fast. ' to berden them with any added It is I who !should ra her ask your . a to preVent t n spread - Court never failed to per- Seriveleby ning aWay •from the Lard/ and when Meet entireirfrom the sollool and' rallied his almost, wasted energy, told derte pleasurable concourse yet God knows. took up his own boy, and put hire, on weight,' " pardon for tbe tdle vanity of a girl Mg. We cannot tlunle of going to heaven after mile, mile. atter mile, until: over- ring 9f Mockery, which gave to everY the only sufferer od b Nfa' amount to weer. • pelverized flint gloss ground well with manor passed into the hands of the Dy. It will stand any mokes, have held it ever since. worda.but who through them has been God had told, Tonah eo go to Nineveh without them. We clo not waot to come himself hunger and wearie • ° 3`, 07, the white n te preach' about tee destruetion of that Leave this' h•fe whill they aro tossing nese. he, too, fainted by the; way, Tee word, an added etiog. , and God-speedie a- egg. • on the waves of te ptatiori d b 1 d rid di d dhf " FI wax, Melt tee. rosin, add the ehellao Hell during the pregress ottlie corona - his mind, to be extinguished thanext, Attired iie complete armor with an away oy a awn a e . an at el th7 irt hearth... le buret in a abe I :A. sealing Wax for fruit cane is made ' lance at rest, the champions' duty She the only puttered What could eit Senall disobeyed. ' That always . irora God. 'From Which on them could er, just at the time reseue came, also intettered whisper froM., the youne ean • For ' a moment a wild hope crossed tr°131 aig4t au'uaaa at r° tw° etmeee of um shellac) half ettPou'nee •of bees- consieted in ridieg into Westminster . • makes roggh water, whether in the we conaern to be eternally separated ? perished, living on ong n g inon's white bps. Atl ntio or the. Would it be the son ?Mould it be the tell the stogy -sed atory, indeed; But Ch • t ' Then he. rose, with a dignity tobich as he glanced into the ealm face, and alew17 and aftereued bhe beeswax, tion banquet, preceded, of course, by ra em ug ult Ins •steed by . melted for *sae when wanted. Wo I I b odt e the youngest? Weald it able to take us up out pf our ship- seemed suddenly to haVe eprung into the eyes ro w e e .*1/403ino) br ceeprieee sea., et la a deughter? .W.ould it he the eldest'? glmy e o e r ane A. Tins will make a quantity anti may be • Very hard thing to scare sailors, I bee lip one that is \veil n stout Or wrecked and dying condition, and put life, . . had fled; hut at the hall door a mom have seen there when the proes of tbe th t I • a e one a s sick t I hear some us on the ahoulder of His strength, • f. • a he ld R will not, then, detain yo4 long- He would return, to disabuse ben seasewieeta wile bemoan the atek of the side of the sovereign he then had ent later, he paused. best to bring roy children to Christ bear us on through all the journey of MiSB Riverp; but when another man mend of thia idle folly of bin engage- linstre t•heir mirrors and windows •le• chailenge all cement to deey the So again ()rosins the hall, so vessel was almost under water, and Parent seying : "I 'have tried and by the omnipotence of Hie gospel, e ould add to the water in, which•they justicie of the monarchs claim to the . they were wefking the eeek knee deep da•v laid hold of th u til th this life, and, at last, through the offera You an honeat leve sealect by MEV' the stairs, he stood uP- throne and offer to fight theta on tbe Abe aide of the vessel have been orusla- myself againet tee HIM of the boat, HE IS MIGHTY To° SAVE, t ' w vor p e oom 0. a are washod• d generous dash of kero- b ore But; oh tua.d three tablesecionfuis of oil • will 'eP°1- , ,, in tee surf, and the small boats by ene 711 mY grasp, ailed 7 Tay: braceed cemning gates of heaven! • his name, will eou ieotrens'eMber tuat an maul/ling s on e Tee o th th h id 1 th r h h 4 sene. To be more exact, a pint of water a ' , - reeeue; but I ea.n1 get them to Christ.' and *omen, necessaaey, if not with reel t t h h il . th th th ' weeshw jlfnouraowl:reagreerinudyotwtsh. e;'irresbt dwuzti viaNtededtolesasuoteop :y1;8 nooho0inieeriogoentin:obfelext-` rile women opted hen a Wound 16 left So short a time ef ed. as small at' kindling weed, whist- and I have pulled for their eternal Hear it. • ye dYing'men lino, as though nothing had happened; thre , ate: leas ow c anget Though your sin be long anti black • Dobern !moo herefece lay the figure tn . but the, e saye o e ,ex au cry mig y n . and inexatesable, and outXageous, the e girl who nad baunted hen all c's of gold, filled wi h wine, was handed er ene an wa er wipe with a Bibl that these marl- f th t t d htif u to God • ' I 'I eeper than the case demands Isbell to the .11 JO th d le t c amp n, w o en ran o nere of whom I rapeak were frightened. We vvant raore importanate praYing vex's*, Yeays, While sob after sob rack- cloth and polish With old newspapers. . wl citre at e spear- rus go no . Then, I tisk you to Spettate the mete • f t 't claim pardon -- quick, full, grand, un- li d go a roa- to etittlY neY•art, to remain ed her trante, . • Ivory knife hand es maY e w l e sovereign's health, This goblet very mo a 31 cenditional, uncorapromising, illimit- indefinitely ; , and ' since X ;hall not "Nellie)" he said, and at hi; voioe and kept. so. if they are occasionally the able, infinite. Oh, the grece of Greif again see Teta r wel ow bid • you ehe sloang.in an ibetant to her feet. soaked in alum water. The alura water was always retained as a souvenir. , two -by le . ''How dare sent' she cried. "How tunist boil first and then cool, After A pecuour right is possessed , by think of it. Give me a- thousand lad- - • _ dare you come book? Did you want an the knives have remained in the water Lord Inchiquin, who can dress hts I am overwhelmed when I come to d ders, lashed fast to 'each other, thee aeSed, triumph? Was it not enough to an. b,our remove them and brush with ,servanta in tne seine liveries as the And, without even extending PIS 7 , might scale the height. reet the hand, with simper a low bow of cpur- taunt me with the past, to show me a nail liruesle and then allow thernto royal attendants., ft the reign of line run out with the anchoe until all tesy, he left lier, she sitting ' h 1 dl o ' would recall it but- dry slowly in a wet linen towel.- Henry VIII. Lord Inchiquin was king tem th eche of the closing a tmhtrant-- that gene should, add this to the tale of the southern part of Ireland, ana * ° . you vie pour ue o e rs o . 11 • t th ea f your Vanille, extract may be ma e a . d t home in return for_yaing up his authority the cables of earth are exhausted, that • That • wbich sailors call "a lump of for phildren, such as the father indulg- six sons 10 Christ, and they had wan- ' Swemleng furY. HOW mad the wind dered oft tete dissipation. Then he eau. get at the water, and the water got down in eel prayers and said: "Oh, can get at the wind, ypu do not know God,. take away My life, if through ed in when he had tried to bring his gene had become a blinding, deafening • that means my sous may repent anti onless, you hare been spectators. I' be brought to Chriet;" and the Lord 7 Were ln suY house ii Piece of a sail of startlingly answered tbe. prayer, end. „ . 4 f3hisp, no larger then the Palra of MY In a few weeks the father Was taken hane • that ' pieee' of canvas was all 'tweet and torough tbe solemnity. the six sous fled unto God. On that fath- that was left of the -largest sail of er could efford to.dte for the eternal „the ahlop 'Greece, that went into ' tee . welfare of hid children 'feta* five hundred miles off liew"' hard to britot them to the Illaeodt,43wbeadt. ' foundltend. Oh I whet a niSht .• that could' not, and then be cried unto the . in Boma Lord. Thine are parents here who are w,ao. .a.ssoRose thai it watt almost discouraged about their child- : 'Audi storm as this thet johah was . . rep. Where is year son to -night ? • •04o2bt,t • • Be hos °sic:Koren off,. Perhaps; to the . He* knew that the teMpest Was on ends of the earth. i It semis as If be canuot gat far eneugh oway from your his account, toad he eaked the sailors Ob.ristian coumsele What does he care . fe tbrew him overheard, Salloe. er'e about the furrow -s that come to yeur . g geneyous-hettited gam and they, re- brow; about the quiek whitening of . gelerier‘crthsiEskalheir .esottPe, if pos- the hair; about the,fact 'that youx ba•:.k begirea to stcrop with thee, burdens? •81 te, wifbotit resenting. to such ex: Why, he ' would , not care nTuch if he • . treme niensures, The sails are ef no ' . heard you were de d ' • '• use; one eo they lay hold on their pere• . THE BLACK -EDGED LETTERI; : see the lens ,ratile of shining blades that brought the tidings, he Would pet on either •aide the vessel. .t Ohl bow iu the seme package with other letters ' • - they did Pull, the bronzed! seamen, 40 telling the sou of his shame; Whet . broken at toe middle of the blade, how . rooting. on_ the -sea le very different they laid. beck into the eats. But ere You going to do? Both paddtes •cian yeti pull hinenehore I I threw thie from: roWnig upon a river, arid ad the oar to -night with whioh I believe you eeseel hoists, thlt oars:skip the wave, can Izorinie ben into harbor. It is .a . . . and miss the stroke andi the tempeet glorious premise: "I will be a Goe lau.glis to scorn ehe!flyeng paddles. It' to thee, and to thy. seed after thee.' is. of no use, sao use. There comes a 011 1 broken-hearted. father and mother! • wave thee crashes the test mast, and 'You have ;tried eyerything else, now eweepa the'oarsmett teem theirplaces, make an appeal for the help and m- ated tumblea everything in the eote- nipetence ot the covenaxit-kereping God, fustier. of • • , . , • . ; e.nd perhaps at your next family gath- . . . . IMPENDING SHIPWRECK. ering, pernaps on thanksgiving -day, perhepe next Christmas -day, the pro- . • or, as my text ams "The men retVe dheal may be home ; arid if yea crowd ed hard to bring- it' to land, but they- on his plate moie luxuries than on any eould not; wherefore they cried ua- other plate at the tethle, I am sure the to tee Lcird." • : brathers will not be jealoes, but they Two soena is,vary.auggestivelite me; will weke up all the music in the house and I PrayGod I may have, grate. and "because the dead is alive again 'and strengeh enough to rePresent it be- leenause the lost is fOund." Perhaps " fore this dying yet immortal auditory. year. orayere have -been rinswered al - I prcaohed you a sermon on Another ready. rThe vessel may be coming phase of •this *ern subjeet, and got homeward, and by the light of this a letter' ;from Houston, Texas, the night's stars the absent sop may be writer Saying thet the reading of that pactng the deck of the ship, anxibiza for sermon in London had led hire to God, the time to come when he can throw . And I received! another letter from his arena around your neck, and ask for • South Australia, saying that tbe read- forgiveness for that he hae been wring- ing of that sermon in Australia had ing freta your old heart so Toeg. Glor- brought severs -I smile to Chriat. And ious re-iinens, that will be too saered, then, I theu,giet, why not now to..ke an- - for outsiders to Look upon ; but I other phase of' the same subject, for, would. just like to look through the perhaps, that God who can raise ia window ivhen you have all got to - power that which is /sown. In Weakness, gather ane are seated at the. mey this night, threugh another phase banquet: , MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION *et Albeit by fleetelene le Trice nue Me Severs or ote 000421.-1142rscis Wrens %hely tag *leeks. People in this octuntry oan hardly couceive the importance that the course and temperature a the Gulf Stream have tipple toietr entire elleaste Of Wentern relroPe. until they realise that tiotiand correeponda in latitude to our northern Lebrador, and that • . sunny Svelte would etheewtse oub. ject to all the rigors of 4 Catlediaa winter. In order to search. out the bounds as well ea the origint at "this oaighty river of war& water" that rune steadily hut silently through the ocean the government lias resortesi to what are known as "'bottle vapers," and hr their use muoh valoable information, has been obtained, Thrown over la the aid of science, these bottle incaeed, PaPers go dritting aboot -hither and thither, but always, taking the direc- tion of some well defined. ocean our. rent, which (tarries them along slowly, but surely ontheir aecret miasion. DRIFT OE GULF STREAM.. A Par etudy of this drift shows the coarse orthe Gulf Stream. With the Gulf of Mexico for a startteg point, this angular river Flows around the southern extreraity ot Florida theo northward along the coast and inside the Bahama Wand% 01100.4 - hag taut as it goes, but alwayit main- taining a certain well defined limit, which is easily told by the teraPera- titre of the water and the old walls or ouereuts ,on either side. Ae en average rate of two knots per hour, it eweelse bY Pape Hattetea, then, veertng tp. Me northeast, flows stead- Lly onward, until it reaelete the Banks of-Newfounelland. Here it turns more to the eastward, bute spreading, out like an immense fan, et skirts the en- tire commit ()el Earope and aftects the oliroate as beforie ninutioned. , The upper halt, •thening eharply to the north, reachea the'coast scot- • land and Norivay, and even Icelanelrese The shores of England, • Ireland and France -are ,washed by the middle por- tlois, while the southern branch makes a big curve to the southetouching and ' going to the eastwarn of the Azores or Western Islands. • • • Off the itorthWestern °east of Ae- rice ' it turns ' more • and more to' the westward and flows all the way back moose the, Atlantic as a return cure. rent. Then passing between. the many • archangel flee ia reroute of eternal agea mow aoor ringing in her ears atrange- Spanish lariden Pni g the merry iiaoearce granted him this. b ttin In a. bottle two vanilla thene with half • • we may touch the depth. Let the .. . . in trying to $iweep around this' theme; 17 like a' knell. Impettiously, eagerly, the words u av beans e t fine er a pint of aleohol and half a pint of - er leire Ohl the greee of Godl It ie so high. It . „. e ' 'burst from her trembling. lilts, he to It may surpribe Amity to know that is so broad. It. is so diSep.• Glory be to ; , whom they -were. addreisecl etanding Pie" water' In- two weeks this very her Majesty has such, a serv nt as a "'XI you would wreak revenge upon transfixed. , • inexpensive and eatisfactory extract sandal bearer. This'otfice is afulfilled my God, that vntere man's *ex gives will be ready for e out,:God's arm begins. 'Why will ye e woman, Wet gain 'bet heart; then His revenge Was. in his hands at - •• • by the Earl of Rothes. ' • last. The moment had come to mock Tha oilcloth on the kitchen floor Is A.nother curious right is possessed carry your sins and your sorrows' any aim ia at your mercy." longer When. Cbrist offers to take • her as she lead mooked him; hut: surely frequent source. of perpleitity, yet there by the Spenders. When a royal ohne- h'Our Yea.rs' had wrought but little the light groWing in Ids eyee had no* es a eiteple*way of keeping it °limo and tailing le about to take place with or them.' Why will you wrestle -dowo eaange In tile young leap who had mocking ray, as he clasped the ocfb- bright. Go ewer it twice a Week with . without leove, an earl of that name your fears , wheo this moment you left hie native land to find elsewhere bins girl oloie to his heart. ' themel wet in warm; wateie Then is entitled to be present if ee feels dis- Might give uP and be saved. Iki( You: forgetfulness, anti who now stood Pike this tree,: my darlieg?" he' said, wipe the floor perfeetly dry end 'after- posed to avail. himself ref the.PetellegS, not know that everYthiper is readyt . more upoe ite shores,, with thin sent- o•ond banour genie been cross-purposes wards rub it Well with skim; Milk.' though to•be in•order he must present He calls. Ile bids Ybki. come! • 'tome hook •°.° hk' f'Dr43ign tra-Vel-4111,' WOUld eave kept •me but L forgot. I max e o o -a , pumut a ne • solid gold buttorie eaele of which must • Ohl. men Rue woraen, bought by ehe hie ehe,eks, the broa,d shoulders were e geard ad ray future Wee'. ' . w,......eit.h Alter, is. excellent fOr remeving through a sieve, hen .made into pagi 4 much against •the will of the Queen, On •ouct occasion •an gar! Spencer, . u stil . er y is r otn. An added ghee° of bronze was on je,sson whose sweet teachings will B t ' 1 th e et ' o " • • g* blood of Jesus, how can I gaze yea ape trifle broader ; the dark eyes wore 0. Thule wtth • lip pressed to hp, ana sesslug- er°121 • presented nimeeli for admissiop ' to marble It shoald be rim- • mustache 'dtooped more heavily. This :happiness, Thornton•May wreaked his ""---, bed over the =table, left for a fev/ s en we. e 0.. wit au s are i the 'royal, christening., resolutely re:. Will you turn away this' plea, ant you . more earnest look ; the long, silken heart to heart, her eobs ,now sobs of ,....„. have turned away so really?: Have you r th sh il ' ff • h d fusing to foregp his. right.. deliberately chosen to die? Do yea wee all,. 'In all' else, Thornton May revenge. • ' • • , • • . the surface polished with a soft cloth. . Of the validity ca his claeM• there was want to be lost? Do you turn your back wee unchanged outwardly, liVithin no ._ r . . . . ' ' ' nd doubt, but as a last resource the. • and a little -sweet tea - • -on heaven becanse you do not want eye can penetratle• • • ____, . , . ____,. • • . , • -Lord Chancellor directed that tbe gold to see Christ, nor your owe, loved ones a is weary ime e my pri e 4. . . be end himself with his coat decorated with "See Jesus stands with open arnia ence-e. piece of advice picked UP - 11 t' ? O'N II' 'd • • . a leara e ectson ong ago -a a t • t be of a, certain weight. commo soda well pounded and passed • Sin holds you•back and fear alaims, in in his h d ed th 1 1 ear • MADE BY "Borria PA.P.EHS." , of the same sttbject, bring salvation '.' Though parents may in covenant be, - to the peoPle Who shall hear. and sal- And have their !heaven in vieW, ' %ration to the People who shall read. They are aot happy till they me, Men and women, who know how to Their childreo happy toe* pray, lay hold of the Lord God Al.. mighty te-night, and wrestle for the Again, I remark, that the unavail- ing effort' of the Mediterranean oars - blessing. Bishop Latimer would men has a counterpart in the• effort stop semetimes 18 his serrnon, in the are making to bring this midst of his arguraent, and say t "blow, Which- we world back to God, His pardon, and I will tell you a fable;" arid to -night. this norld could have been I would like to 'bring the seem:rot erge- sefotY- Xf saved by human effort, it would have been dorle long ago. John Howard took hold of one oar, and Carey took hold bt another oar, and Adoniram judsort took hold of another oar, and Luther took hold of another oar, and arohn Knox took hold of ..another oar, and they pulled until they fell back dead from the exhaustion. Some dropped in the ashes of martyrdom, softie on the SCALPING KNIVES OF SAVAGES,. and come into the plague -struck room of the lazaretto; and still the Altana are not broken, and still the despot - lams are, not demolished, and stip the world fe unsaved. What then? Put down the tars and make no effort? do not advise that. But I want you, Christian brethren, to understand that the Chureh and the ethool,, atut the eolIege, and the missionary society are only the inatrunientalities; and if this work is ever done at all, God must do it, and He win do it, in answer to our prayer. P They towed bard to bring et to the land, hut they could not; wherefore they cried unto the Lord." text as an i'lluStration of a most im- portant religious truth. As those Mediterranean oarsmen trying to bting klenah.eshore Were discomfit- ed, I have W tell your that they were not the catty; men who have broken down on there teddies, and have been • a obliged to tall on the Lord for help, d want to Bey that the unavailing efforts of these Mediterranean oarsmen has a counterpart in the efforts we are mak- ing to bring souls to the shore of wife- ty, anti set their lett. on the Rook Of Ages. Yoll haVe 4 father, or moth- er, ore husband, or wife, or childe or • near friend, who is not' a Christian. • There have been times when you have been in agony about their salvation A minister of Christ, whose 'wife was dying without any Imps in Jesuit, . Walked the floor, wrung his hands, • cried bitterly, and said: "I believe I e shall go Wane, for rkoceev, ehe is not prepared to meet God." And there ' may have been days a sickteent in your household, , when you feared it would be - A FATAL SICKNESS; , • and how closely you examined the face .of the doctor OM he same in and scru- tinized the gatient and felt the pulse, and you followed him Into the next • Again, the neavailing effort of those Mediterranean oarstnen has a counter- part in every man that is trying to row hie own soul into satety. Vellen the Eternal Spirit Hashes upon tis our OWERS OVI buttons. on his coat should be weighed But as once more the aentende rose • FRIENDSHIP, ! • Cannot twine • before biro, his eyes kindled and he language that is more abused or me - Is there any word in' the , , la ,a,„.0„ vague WINTER IN PR "P"""P (lit/012C 0 ne of them W40 found to be to see if they complied witb the cone whOM EC has taken into Ilia lament. mother:a heat the voices of their child- ,, Four of these fathers and Bald aloud: , Janitary as et Y h h rdl arriveu when below the presort ed weight, and Revenge ie. Oweet." • • e •e • this ren in glory calling to-nighte saying: ream have not failedei he add underetood .than the WOT-iA" "friend - ed to binaseif, " to teach the folly ol shipf" A.8 we use it, it mai mean any- proved. to be a sufficient reason for "Steak this way, father, ' the past.0 the bade of the minaosa begin to th excluding the.Earl from the ceremony. ' thing - everything -- from. deadliest swell, end by the 012d of the 2nOn Lord -Iiinsale of Ireland and Lord Here safe in heaven • • If you would wreak revenge upon • bourhood a F I Steer straight for me; •. 'a woman, firat make her love yeee, hate and hottest love, downward to the e -very grove in the neigh. . orester of England, together with the 443. waiting for' thee." Canned' is a. blaze of yellow gold. And Master of Trinity College, Cambridge,. Ah, this watt the work lett him this zero of cninplete indifference. But real from. the skies, beckoning to the par- on his own, then show her how worth- life - an& nothing 'rarer. Friendship . the flowering •shrubs ,are hardly leis d chateaux possess -the Privilege of remaiaing the hands of loved ones, let down now which once hail mockingly trampled the grounds of vines an covered in the presence •of their sove- eign and not removing their headgear, Do You not see the hands of mercy, the sweet revenge -to gain the Iniart friendsbip there is nothing sweeter in cloning Jesus. beckoning up to heaven less was the prize. . between woinen is almost impossible benotifue, Camelias may be seen, a as'other subjects are bound to do. • . CALVA.RY IN VAIN? scene branded upon' hie mernory.,Was of the orange show heautifully in tee in ergot . • which 'had witnessed, so long ago the Reall noble att t' in a w y, es omen DUST AND THE SKY, terinte spirits in vain? The openin putt Hi the aimespnere. in,g a God's eternae Spirit fait inv•aint • • luxuriance. Visit the flower market The blue color of the sky! is due, as vey an idea. of their abundance and gates of heaven ia vain? The importung- told down, waiting the mon:unit of MiaS come to her through seine cote of the be too tale- to pray.' I heariehei creak- ing of the closing door ot, God's mercee To some of yea the last chance has come. The tongue in the great bell begins to swing for the death; knell of thy soul immortal! And in an hour, in vv,hich ye think not, you disembodied spirit may go shrieking but towards the throne of an offended God,. and -o• what then? Has not God been calling Ere you, my dear brothet. daring the week? In the uncertainty of this world's treasures? Do you not feel to- night as if you would lika to, have God and Jesue, and all the precious pro- mises of Ilis Gospel? I remember that after the great crisis of 1857, when the whole land Wee rocked with commercial sorrow, the spirit of God descended, and there were two hun- dred and seventy thousand souls in 00e year, who found the Peace of Christ. Oh„ Lwould that the rocking in Washington City to -day - the,commercial rocking - might rouse up men to 'the consideration oft the in. tereste of their iramortal As I asked you this morn- ing, I ask you now: "What shall it profit a, man. if he gain the -whole world and lose his soul?" Come back, oh wanderer. 1 do licit ask where you name from to -night. Though you may have corae frifm places, of sin, I shall not be partial in my offer of salvation offer it to every one who sits before me. "Whosoever will, let hiim come," and let him come new. Plenty of room at the feast. Jesus has the ring or Ms love all ready to put upon your hand. Come, itOW,..and sit down ye hungto ones, at the bib - qua. Ye who riee to rags of sin take the robeebf Christ. Ye who are swartiPe ed by the breakers around you, cry to Christ; to phot you lato stnooth, waters, On account of the peculiar phase of the subject, I have drawn my illustrations, you see, ehiefly, to- night, FROM THE WATER. I remember that a -vessel went to pieces an the Bermudas! a great meny years ago. It had a vast treasure on board, But, the vessel being sunk, tio effort was mede to restore it, After maalY Yearn tad passed, a company el adventurers went out from England, and after a long voyage, they reached and to glory. can it be that it is all Once more, he stoOd ,in the library The PrimarY ante is. perhaps, jealouey, Mass of flowers. The golden apples • - - . • • Death -bed warninge irk Vain? Minister. - possible it stilt had power to burn -- g g daunt for so little. ahe has -so ton hetting of its bright reen• leaves And ale for flowera, it is impessible to cone Blue Velar Is ranged, by Patna& 81. as he strode, with impatient steps, up een made to feel thitt all good meat tonne find saidee"There tarn any dao- 'condition, we try to save ourselves. the place vehere the vessel was said to ger, la there, doctor?" And the hese- We say` "Give me a Stout ear for my have sunk. They got into a email boat every one le raving, is seed to be her counterpart." . tation and the uncertainty of the re- right hand, give me a stout oar for and hovered over the place. Then the ply made two eternitiee flash before lief left hond, and, will pull myeelf Such the idle, conversation at Rivers entrance 1 She had .0ent for hint. Purposely he opposite sex, and m ause sue pr p cet or of Nioe, and you are daz- was first • pointed ou nbetli alai. -tonal-Lodi:LSO(' t by Professor 27, 1896, from the Venetia had waited until she should do so, -un- tion as she is able to sway him throuo-h of Cann Wed bY• She profusion of daffodils and Tyndall, to the presence of dust in the 47 til the mesaage should come asking it his aelflove, that 'apentaneity in a wet days later was pickenp on. th his old friends had been forgotten.. man ia almoet unknown, and tioble im. jong,uils, of roses and carnations, of earth's. atMosphere. The air every, ern coast of tceland, twetve P ve roug use acorn° h dis b mignonette and. violets, primulas and where ta,charged more or le 1 reverie But the door opened was interruptea, as glahoing op, the • • . • . . islands. of the Windward group, it en- -O. tors the Caribbean Sea and finally the • ' Gulf of Mexico, erornirhich it origin-, • a y s,ar e . . • The length of a voyage made • by • • ; those "bottle papers" depends much on where they are thrown overhoard; , • . aorne making long Cruises and others very short dues. One of these papers; . found after 994 daps, or• nearly three ' years, had a drift of more than -forty-' flys leundred Miles to its oredit. .0n September 1-, 1$94, it *as thrown - • from the Bremerhaven, in• latitude 40 ,-, - north and• longituttS 87 .WeSt, direct- e- e etist of Newfonnehland and a little.: •. more than otteethird of the *ay from•• there te the Irish coast. Not until May . - .22, 1897e was this messenger. heard . feom, and then the word came freom a • small islaed in tbe West Indies, jest north- of Hayti. • • , the eastward untii be zores, - • The bottle evide' tly wee cervi d inte , ' the southern edge (the Gulf 5 • eam,• 't . • wean: it slowly but ursely dilf ed to , - whet: it bore to the south; then; cerv- ing tb the southwest off the coast of Africa, it sailed en before the north- east "tratlesS and once more across . •• ' the • Atlantic to this • little islahd, - averegiug four end one-half inile.s .4 • day. . • • SLOW 'IN `ITS TRAVELS. ' . Another bottle oast adrift on e SS "Pe Y miles front the .low average ra e taught that Postale% etneratia and` 4.31i°49Pe' tine.- with these Parades of solid matter. a little more than three miles a day. • white, crimson and purple -all They are carried up into; it by every A third bottle- waa set adrift from • .,,,, the Nautilus on November '15 1896 aught ge„eini figu#re, which in eote eradicated. She has been of himself heel entered. so often Into the end is everything, the means to- -clones, tha grown in the open air. la some situe• wind which sweeps the earth's et aborts *maw, and Acacia are in full face; they ars injected tato, it by vale -- close to the . Canary Is.lands, off the' - e' * northwest coast of Africa. Crossing i his dreams, stood before-hira. • 1 thing' s e if' told to tram le u on The years had added to her loveli ' P. P • • • - loving. h sets the fairefatae of her Wee - Awoke,. but lent a softened brilliancy ters if, by so doing, shet cam gain her. blaze, and in choice gardens, like - • . • - Orlin forest fires and, indeed,. along o between the islands' of the ness, but deepened the rose upon her ' canoes; they rise in the form of Smoke the great troPical ocean in the "trade so reproachfully_ upon It ire. • • th t of 'Mr Tantbur , near Mentolle, Windward group and across the Carib - from wind belt," this bottle went coursing to the dark eay eyes,. which reseed desire; that °theft would do the same to: living 'aloe megibe seen, rearing you ?" rthe asked. . • were their positions reversed. ' its mighty stem in preparation for ite every chimney, and eeme of them crane Damon and Pythias have no comple- _ i _ , . . .. . Pe are the ashes oe from outer spa - ..- bean Sea to the coast of the English • display and the dead aloe, exhausted meteors , which. are Continually boot- colony of Belize, just south of /nee:- , tan, almost within the Gulf of Mexi. " Why • did yoff maks me send for Once more the low, sweet voiee ment amens the fair tutx, If one vro- - • • • • '• hv the flowers or last season wnien barding the earth, only to be constuned 'thrilled him with its old magic power; man admits a feeling for another are still seen clinging in a, withered 1898, shows an interval of 498 days, end I co. -The date of finding, March 28,' conetected with .the trade in powers. The coarse particle's of dust which aa the distance coveked was about, 4, - state to its dead stent. Of late years aa he antovered: • sue hi laughed to scorn, and if she still . . wartner than that oe mere tolerance, there has sprung up ii. ne* induatry in its atmosphere. in these and other ways become nein- 700 miles, the bottle drifted on an • average nearly ten miles per day. but, remembering the part he lead to. play, he Put his weakness behind nun e "Four years make many ehangee, Persists is treated, first, as a rara avts2 traastaimion, . ,. The postoffice glees facilities for their - gled With the air may' rise to no great A study of the government (Mart in - Mimi Nettie. I did not know X should later, as sonleihing to be avoided. Pao- sion of little boxes is sent by visitors and every day a profu- dioated that the summer and fall flow " 'You have grown older 1". she ex. . ' • "Men we know -to their friends* at home, and, larger height, and rt(ter a while they settle back upon. the ea.rth's surfaoe, but a 1 of the Gulf Stream is initially to the northeast, arid this lands the bottle In still Dad •a place in your memory." ' Pie isay to one enother -chum& euethaeriegie. ... aria wOmen we know, but what are cargoes are sent to flower dealers in Paris, London, Berlin and other die - large proportion. of them are so ele- since limit saw you las Rivers." always been felt, Aristabilaid: "Who- • • high latitudes " A.h, I have put awg.tioyialt. thiegis theser The need of 'friendship bus tant !Aimee. ' ceedingly minute -too minute to be Many other "bottle papers" 'have an houe they chatted on cmicerning -a sort of alter ego, The Latins lmve ing crept up to the white temples; but he dld not mean the absence of a crowd rang through his tone, and scarlet er a wild beast or a god." By solitude CORING HAMS. net o , an eo o u e ac o a rien , a c Dee rien ther sign betrayed her & I r b t th 1 k f f ' d 1 f ' d Tbe following Method, of sugar -our- . hams has been used fpr years with I remain permanently enspeoded in the but with few exceptions they follow '' air, -pervading it to the height of fif- teen or twenty miles at least. . Norway, othera on the coasts of Ire. tee same general course of those men- • ' ' honed, some turning up in Iceland or land, Scotland and England, while sell I rec ds kept, , -- • the pilot, one portion of which both an adage *which says, "Dinette eivitas, success: If the barns are large theY The air thus charged with these ex - so carefully avoided, -4' magno. aolitudo"-e, great city, a great 'will require five orlasix weeks to take •bessively fine ?articles of dust acts liloquized as he deseended the steps, The old Roman tutees used to office. diem blender and the GuSfeefeMeorico. which seemed to say so much, as in themeelves, and from whom they de- . friend far sinokehouse and build your fire of grail' kiekory, although any wood ' smallest. of these partioles are too tiny to reflect the coarse rays of red and • AN INTERESTING TRIO. remembering her. glance of Welcome, ally appoiet a personal to its eoinpo'nent rainbow colors. The the elden, time it told the eelfeeame mended from their Subjects the at- that barns slowly, with but little Perhaps the most interesting of an 'Story, "The man who wrote his Wise most respect. This friend! was some- yellow light; they call reflect only the Is the record of those "bottle papers" er weapon for women whO possess no social ranks, an.d occasionally became blaze, will do. Smoke them two or three weeks. Wosh each piece clean the Daga October 29, 1897, when the advice ahohld have givea 'us some othe times chosen from the very lowest finer rays of blue and violet, In other numbered 94, 0.1 end 96, launched from heart," he added, all unconscious of a serpent that "stung the hand that words, these tiniest particles of dust ship was in 52 deg. north latitude and • the gray oyes Watching his figure till warmed it." Sella, when he cominande will bear and while damp *sprinkle in water that is as hot as your hand are colored blue by sunlight, and in full five lautulred milee mud of St. it was blurred by a mist of tears, while ed Rome, reified Pompey, through vir- powdered borax all over the flesh aide their aggregate they form the sky'. Johns, N. F. a aebbing ory broke from theted, part- tut; of his friendship, tO a height equal But thie is tot the only service vot- ing lipe, • with himselt. Pompey. aftervvarel sue- of every piece, arid have nh fear of dorm). us by atmospheric dust, say the I As- this position is close to the 41- ' How cold, how indifferent he hes cessfulle eirtnipated with ssrura for the smokehouses till mired, alse shout. skippers or insects. Hams hang il nietearologietii. Dust has been found viding line between the Aretie cur- rent and the Gulf Stream, where the 'grown. Surely he never could have political honors; and when remonstrate dere without even a seek on them. If the summer happens to be dry, rewes° agneone vapor with whic.h the air is te be an element indieperusables•to the treamnirghmt ainotyietitnisemoujohavte Prayed that quiet, that "more Men adored the sun and put more borax oo in Silly , formation of clouds and Nein. The three companion voyagers MeV have taken a trip to the Areties regione latter curves to the northward, theae rising than tbe Bun 'setting." injured. Each ham may be tied up in August. The thee° of the meat is not and alwayto charged to a greater or less degree of saturation can condense. in - and back before drifting well into the . ...e. loved me, while n-alel Thornton, Bow ed with tor his duplicity bade Sylla be • • . to • . e Byron defines friendship as "love to water only where it coracle into con - easterly flow of. the Gulf current and "net say Thornton tilay 10 engage shorn of his . It wings " es probablyo had a canvass or payee bag, or they may be left banging je a 0004 dry, place tact with solid matter. , That, it may ger coast of Europe. . matting out on their voyage to the eld•gre tahreettardteripi strides ho has in mind the friendship between u man norm to be impossible, and which we atinoda will be foetid in excellent condi. to use. The meat . - condense into threw droplets whith la le love" when wanted form the' 'clouds and Into the lar tho went °bobbing". tual it:timisovestetasangdoojduincsy tahnedttahmesohoulders deeps of ram there must be in the air . Day atter day particles of solid matter, of dust, to along, and all brought up in the' nom- parativaly short apace of four raonthe, fortunate wioner of such a loiter " Wonderful indeed. But who le the call "p ton . We have never been able to see Why hn should be an mpos- the drops, • serve ae starting into, or cores for each on a different island, but so claim "A. Spanish girl, whom he met friendshIP between an intelliee 0.IIIMS•••••,••• The hiddeo meaning of the vvords wooer Is delighted in solitude, IS eith- seen, even with a microscope -that they been found and their or ctithers Itind Itolland, Prance, Spain, "As hearless a flirt ea ever I" he so- desert salt properly, ng them in the uPon the solar Lght as a sort of cieve, coast of Africa, and which rtiall sepo.rates the light in- e n°1. hweetern h h f th t abroad. Hie lag picture, about widish DANS/VS. . Without this °Spheric duet* togethet ail to indleate the same gen- mean and wom 1088 of years coneureeOla our menu, 110116d. 000 Will be serprisee at hen, if the meterologiete are right, era drift, founts after an interval of 122 days, ' the brute that, even after the mill. 'When pansies are firmly . estab- t On the, , Same day, Fe,h- outilitY. Are We never to escape fronl the only tante whieh we abould ever ruary 28, 1898, No. 98 and No. 96 were toto be dragged back bst our feet of elan the growth tleat they will make, litrilLe.70Wpa0Vwdlheereintneilfalalsoffotitslmforotmatuthr: earth covering •et distance of twelve • , Hon, still °tinge to ust Are we always by its own passion. But a friendione quire frequent atleaulants; liquid mane They are grater feeders arid re- would onset a saturated air to deposit coest of Scotland, they =stranded on e's , hundred miles. Although going ' Love is aelfish and consumes itself its excess of xaoisture In the ehaPe oe ashore on the Ilebrideil, off the West te whom you may take griefs, knowing ure. carefully applied at the roots ine sun viould always Ante beightly when dew; there would be no clouds, but tho different islands. No. 04 made - in or joys knoVving tint they wilt ereasee the atzes af the bloasom, Once a t . would be 3et black, and the stars bwee, hes horieon. Moreover, the sky somewhat km found until March 1, a'little further ger voyage as it was not that they will be leesened by the share • divers Went down, and broke through ' your vidloe. end them you went and into atifety." No. wave of sin what lookea like a limestone covering, an evening party three monthe latet, yea telked to the. tick one about the smog and dashes you one way, and a and the teeesures rolled eitt-wh,at was le wir. which fell upon Nellie Rivets' listen - great, future, Gin there are those " wave of tereptatiOn conies arid deshee foaticl afterwarda to bet it our mono, here who have 'tried to bring their you in another- way, and there are worth 1,50000 doliare, and the found- held Sten the pieture ot which able to being them to the ahorti .o but seemingly no harbour into which thitt time the whole world rejoiced over . thee' stoke, The, lovely painted face frtedds to 'God: They hero been un- plenty of rocks on which to founder, ation of a great•business-hout.?, At safety, They are /Id nearer that Pomt to sail. Sin Mind be thrown overboarri what was called the luck theee ad- the- pee e Domino& inouth, the delicate nese, the half - that to the northeast, on one of the Ork- • onate um nOnS eyes, theintir be doubled bY participation. Union a week is nett too often to atm y woald shiae by day, And not only ful thatt they' Were twente years ago. You or eve. must .petish. 'there ElVe men in venturers. On, ye who have been raw- ri d pp ing rt ar WaVels over the strengthene natural action end weak- fertilize and temes mug be ahund- should we be deprived of the bettutil ney Islanda. 0 think Init have got them almost to this.house, in all these galletiee. who. frig towards tbe shere, and have not / t down chave -tried for ten y.ears to becoMe been abet to raatsh it, 1 want to telt wwhitietheiAboro:immiea.king the perfect, be. ens unnatural action. Thua, joy be- - lug a natural feeling, le doubled by flower as soon as antly supplied with water. Out etery azure vault of the heavene, but a so gorgeous tints of the dawn and .....--....,-... the 'Shore when you 6,re swept back but X do advose you to appeal to that that religion ilt the tint, the last., the of God. are at your feet, '/Treasures Indiffetence, vrhen 'el* would have being an unnatural feeling, is less. glier branehea and you will have a aspthe prevailing blue of the !sky, at withered, pick off of the Parietals. wOonen here wine to e. . again, What shall Yoo 410 1)1:1 , .. briattans, They believe all X IMY In you to -night, that your boat hovers THE NEW WALK.. the oar? Oh, no, i do not advise tau, regard t0,4 future world. They believe over infinite treasure, All the riches And thin was. the meaning cd, bet sharing with another, while 'sorrow, the dead leavers, peg dowe. the strait- the ;sunset, for these co , 6 d lors as well 0 God to whom the Mediterranean oars: infinite noteastl. t With it, heaven! that never fail, and crowns that never bed of marvelous beauty. /n due to particles of dust and water va. jest their Mode of stalking to the pre*. t.. Without it, hell 1 They do everything grow dim. Who wilt go down, tow, made atoneteent forr the Oactt-for the suds! self, and who had learned the lemon must surely be the habit of vulgarize folly of a girl, who did not knew her- If there la an unpardonable "sin it Pan°3r taidsunurier it is a good plan to cut por in the rttlaxesphere. ! back the plants that eabla ,frotti the , ent exigencies of dress. Their gait met appealea-the God who could I enee the tehapeat and bring the s tp but trust in Chriet. They make sixty and seek them / Who will dive for the only through four yeara of bitter suf. Ing friendehilso lir sneers and a 211earOb- fall sowing and that Mason:led all MEDICINE, IN FIUME.. is slow, with vrtry, ethort steps, Safety to the port. tell you, ray strokes in a minute. They bend tore pearl of• great price ? :Who will be Markt) for the- Mug eternityt an7 ferhinaetadof vett:life: thits;as the end. ing atter motivert, epring and_ entatner, and let them fins autumn blooraing. Remember, .to medicines maculated to turn the reste on the ground, beck end front, h t tt stick dee are brought to Christ. At ed, and yet they hove not made one who hcs.r my voice hear it for the last It was his 'Mee which broke upon BY P110,XY, that the three neeeitsary elemente ted to walking, nor in - though there is a sort ' Of Wanting f'riends, that there has got to lim a.... ward with all earnestness, and they PrePared tor life, for death, for kidg- opreamiteg, wee Kew% tad motel hold th one side ,the.line attd t 0 _her What Is the, reasont That lit not the it t, to e time, tete& X /Mall raeet them not again u Init.,. toe oferrens he relied ilP as 4 from, whom, at any cost, she must 'Moo foreman of the street gang, or are nation and Otirefril waterlog, ...er reverie, hie essee resting on hen, Are you looking' for ajoh I Wilted the a stiecillee are: eta boll, a shaded, mite "el'aftwa tatiuirtiatilliangirlrn'triolhavii:er; llset4i5dettiroceeltely81:xerete' ite. It Ito 'the divine en. awful thing tr;Atave, half alum:the: that In ton yeara toward heaven, think that such a thought yr it up Lowe)... ,,,,e, cuttrrung thunderbolt See two hands of blood, etretched out away thildieh thinge, though, unlike preecription In fever cases It Is al - 'tor. Yo ,,,, take a frail aloft, and put it down the isorath to comet .The I,ora hem Sara, vrtthoot a doubt, W 0 is respite. er part of the household. on tht.5.ot way to go to stork. You might as well scroll, mid the bloke be open. Flee thee truth. aide the line. Oh, the possi ao, sternal separation! Orto W ne" id the foot of Niagaraeand then head • Wilt of , you, I am Cott ot the blood of tottite eighties-, ',Like youreelf, I have put et ur cm stovAng Old." ehe aretwored* got nothioe else to tiot you jitt, hangin' round here 'cause you ways* the predontinant one. The rsngemont of clothes, she having bf. *Mks for this present' swaddling ar. . itl for Cart. And slit of the h Wet T the you, X have Aot assumed fresh realtob- t 1 tit / came s.round to watch num with the atraw hat and incoher. . .8. Mirror is by no Mean* ittolvays a grape julee is truly beautiful. /thin her Ili t ti . It DON'T IlettiVi'S Tilt MtRitOft. lereheh peasants faith in feratettted fectedrottort totie mglitattelyn i h th mimeo long, trot rtg gamin , inging a over the pillow, and hover eve . , of waters, and expect to work yoUr towarda tha eying roma as Jesus saya: toad hover s. ,,t LI. ,, ,.,either outs, ansetered the gentle-. tither etre,bgth for pleritiful 'and en Vance ie pea a I y etep accompallying it, ' A ;skirt that food. deol of praYing beforer °lap Allt itty back until the tummies are distend- WoUld Otinee a shudder as thougn to try' to youreelf thtough the rester althon h hardi °serve It for , 1, told 1316 nee e exerc, . statement that the, "mirror tells the children ars stricken t Wi•th hone& and highly spiced with arm -chair, and hover over t ta the door way ttp through tho lightning of the "Come utito`nte; ail ye who labor and sibilitles, upon which, by the wart 1 k the d t ithful portrayer of 'abuses, and the them fel era wor , einiee oe or a Ito givel, them wisie, well eweetened about her feet, and her grace of move. - C CS. emit that teat clatter foam into calm Lako Erie, 48 fdt VA are heavy- laden, and 1 -will giro you believe you are to be congratulated r a a lea matt despite, hos WOO 'wry WOMated the last, Messeuffer had c'"60` surf of yottr el* into th di To, live together in this world pardon, told 18 km e Mace, an . ,p .0 . y..of the Gospel. keeping eaoh '1 aittire Attie Ceilings, an English M,P., Who friendi." - - ---- - dee rars, or ten years, or .o. ott cannot no it in that Way. tinhlittheed bCir deadlitent;XitenethilYi; cwounirti litencet:t7, 'yO;Y*PeGurekralk in "14-1" fifty years,. and then. efterwarda to e Itt,s away from each, other millions., - SIN IR, A ROUGH SPA; Illions, millions of years, and to know and 1 -boat, yawl, Pittner*, anti gone rising liinelight I/16We. - "If so ,it Is a Spanish 1 front sour EVITtitlittAltS Tait SArnit, , truth" le not to be relied upon. As ppar, a seeere cold ha adtdin. atimiretion, 66 Mal% no Perhat's that a matter of trot a looking-glitts 'MAUI eTil a quart of red wine and emelt- they teem to have eagerly thrown 01 what do it hes been estimated that Stemners 004 look worm thee tot really ne ea tallow candle taxed. , For scarlet illouttelnett bate- the mace of thin dip. are gaper tent 'safer than sailing vas- hair is alwart sligittly wrong ha tone, vat brain fever he giros white flung though baeoruitig taotto of ,raim. Iola, and 'ao:d thee)** not *erred la eclat sad what end soot well beaten together, . ent. ' ea.