HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-02, Page 2Cloern• MESSAGE' EQ( y�GE ENT tits: 13 1 tri, t0803itioa of car s. d • 11811 and the Col/Ilial C,,ice con10n1. AJ6T4'y rt-+ pc or iirte Aa (est 111111 1110. I ph ted sending an envoy to the Cenedbm ' ��jj(� ��++ Q t o r,+e r; ria the ball- t t 1l 1 l I e TO U S CCNGR1G S other Huta t 1' had a.lo t the box �� FORTUNE this afternoon tljat the Indian 'r r. r C o ing -- lou e r-ncn in the tope o piing 113 • • r1t� .malate -i the eniee',tiuunxat, CON OF THE LATE REV. MR. BONE. to iticaind, 11' possible, "this extremely ear the 1 leis 1,..,j 31,,4, ,,,lies. -�- sit ur,?ion." his THe and Mr. William A. Carter, a For- TOBACCO WAR ENDED. ALONG CERTAIN LINES. mer Thorold Young Man Bone fit Lie ,e Ex:eut of - heataand, b/ too T Imre Will be No More Night Riding 'Prohibition of Child Labor -Employers' Wilt of 'their Late Employer, in Kentucky. Ken• York, t1J.-Lu11g cuutiu- t Liability Law -Injunction in Labor Disputes- Inter -States Commerce r:in'n,tfn llltio, 11uah 30.. -Au end 11:u'ciI e t:Ith3 riding r❑ Ulm l�entueky Law and Anti -Trust Law. THE LUCKY NIAN, ,lifficult,ittri'itte and poseibly' dnngaroue • _-_N PRESIDENT WISHES ACTION TAKEN 1; 3,,3,1S,7N Qi- 6H WOODS.4 toals 1311bolaFatryill and C.00. ,81ed a Dem. e latah II& - A Hay of ,1i:ra :,,,.,,la & Ties) 1 1,.. a luriclon 1 named lamb. Inn h ; . in 1 euioe.e t: I,re • ut white burley' district IL'ns been brought l;wi'u, „ cd anti authful auric„ wee r,nh r'+,. Ibulon . un'n , e she. 1111U \.tit"ra about through a formal agreement, t 1 "e+nn-., I{nijwity:,nun-a ''tow Crud 1w., it spuid on 1''naay, wa,�u it was 8111- . f,i i,.• appears that 1)113,.8 and a young Sects- nuanced in New 13,,lclwlle that ,380)11 , r;aehecl. bc'tecee the-kmerfcaur Tubncco .1 haat; 1, nota imum'd Alex, Campbell were out ,1t Ceutaat, who died tae prcr1ol1s,(oo,p,,ey 1,11,1 1110 livt.udire C'omoiit• ,:' rutting e m iv10(3, when they canon nit a y;itnrdan•, had rcm,:nrbered by a tee of the S1icicty of Equity in a trot- llllCl:., e hi'ar's�aeaei, fieri❑ � what;. they took to wanitu'm,t bequest his two clerks, femme at i\�iucheact Ky., }asterday. '111;1':- be the bear's 1110' protruding from the who' had labored mu'0miltin lr iu his according to apparently nul.horitativo time this b 6 statements made. Irene to -day by meat- Congress before the close of the present gum it had ' 1- tip for the winter, tatce't \ft 1 Washington, Ilorole 30,--- Pre:A1ent Roosevelt to -day scut u special weasag8 to congress in which he 08110 attention to certain measures as to .which he thinks there should be action by the hrl , „ceii 1110 ireasuryrho big Frenchmen nchmen struck it a 000ngd. ladle laud of the blow with his keen use blade. orgtrfizatioun, L'rezi- A'ttrut1'r,dous 1,1)1111103.31in (marled, in 3.I;, '11 the Pearl Button which (mderbrusb and snow were sent I'residout Irvin Cool, flying in all di1','ticn,. 'flu' bear noshed of lrnerieew Plug- a' the a ander;,, natl. it ' non became d 'in ' that child labor t;reucis C'. Bow, 8.1111 \V'illf,tu .1, bets of the Anwricntt Soviet). of Equity, s000i011, - 0t- c 00 ut g (".1'lcr are floe men rvho arc naw re- A prominent member of the society should be prohibited throughout the rowing emigre 1Ma(ions from all New in Land Waling the agreement said It nations, he renews his recommendation itrchutle, for h:t,cecu them they Mull is 811 settled. 'There 00111 be no More for the imutedintc re-enactment of an e(eutually, 111180)111133 to the 1ero10 of night riding or violence, but there will employers liability law, drawn to con - ,lid -u', 1.311 (((1 writ, (livid, ain„nl 1+0 no 1!1(18 crop of ((3x1(11 'Che .Ant0,t form to the recent decision dna of the con- 1,.,v...s -•1 littler'. apparnn. that v+hal Iheir 31 (1 !n8,tan(,11 .pr.00,0(Rl, 'n;uu" lone, a,; ho 1, .acted r:ut abi„,eu Cowpwey nus u,;r0ed to animal'ssnout wan m reality las t'a b1, all the pooled teat of the 1111tU and retne Chong line ftliethat 'enatmc td30 e halt that an actual for the i try his llcigll.nus was in )1t- Conten y ream along the d urges t �.,a l O'.etiu 01180 to be slip- foot, which had been roniplet hr severed cm (by 4wenry•two years, itud tLa+refuge 10U7 crops, and twill pay nearly $14,000,- ('am,beB succeeded in 1 • tions he las already mute concerning in - i1 0 meat 11110.d coti.plo on the by the blow, e I be.1 :s by the. Will to a greeter extcut Ulkl fel' it. R•e aro now confident that junctions in labor disputes.. Dexliug with .,c c;vou;,'h to mak0 the bail eettin,1 nit of the way' of the enraged turn .111, t',uter, who worked for bis the fanner and .cuter ern raise Cu the other measures, including that of fie t. t;, ala •eI y so, brute, Iii' the Frenchman was benefactor twelve years, d he into r measures, inn art, t 1 t 1 't t but tl 1' 1 ars not s1, y 3, 3'10 and jot" surae (1(0003 1(t the c theea 1 the alt 1 Lee thn white hots' ball f: t;rnnt0 b' I0,1 t rt ,, (+ I- t' , 11 -111- 1 rained his he0vv, dnuhh ,l rt- n.tt. ., . _rt-} , t 1)11 tot, 1 3)1111 of 0110 week before ear, but the bear brushed it aside with he. Jori Weber Alumni dance his unwounded parr, and ureneuth' had duple -of daya before that. the big 111011 fast in his 010Lraco. In the 3tin3' Private bnshet partici strufggle. for 1ffe which ensued the 0 given at the private table; Frenoltuan euccecded in 1.81P13033 up his rr'hill'a and Jack's on the way vvmanded nal:n�131301. which fell heavily from the ball this morning all to the ground, with Dubois nn top of hint. that bent sure was coming in The auan 110taioll8 pinned the bear to lice, Bet Since Saranac Burned, Pirie first statement that the watch 0t- a b twar•de(1 for so simple n 1)1,',;,. , , refinement brought together tiro i:1, 301 single group of prominent That ha; .gathered since the eras i0und that Dubois 1811 escaped a 3 110301 burned out. AWherefore without 0 scratch. fj1( march, from the convention-_ a - • milted police all the Oat' (limn' lh 3,t ger citizens on foot, was too : TORONTO LICENSES. ro.,. (loFalit thing of its kind since the hal naval review off Oyster 13uy. public Meeting Endorses Move of Tem - he grand march proper was led by trance Aldermen. Mr„ hid Betts of the Pearl Button p Upilers Club and Secretary Helen Cxroei ;'0f the Authors' International oi. °xigl t and Athletic League. Hun- dreds'"of couples, eager to Will the prize .' gold watch that was offered the atlast refined couple, fell into line belflnd the leading couple before they had glltupdd Miss Greens lorgnette - or her gentleman friend's wearing ap- parel. Mr. Betts wore practically the con- ventional black, and his cravat was tied in a pretty bow of delicate purl: silk. overlaid with a fretwork to match th design of the braid that edged his the ground, holding the lens apart, and firmly grasping the throat. lloth Wean and bear we• -e, literally covered with blood irony the dripping limb. Two of 11101 ('1111:0 113) 1', Dn1,018' asnisl;ulee, and the beta ens despatched. When the men returned to camp ft A Toronto despatch says: The citizens' urns meeting in 3lnasey' bawl last night, called by the Toronto Temperance Fed- eration \vas a magnificent indarAvttion of the position taken by the aldermen who voted for the license reduction by- law. 'Phe hall waa, filled to overfl'ow'ing, the d,0rs haying is be closed at S o'clock, when every seai from top to hnttmil wan taken, The an,dn0nce O'asi❑ emtire sympathy with the speake80, and frequently cxpre sed assent in bursts of applause, By a 11000hmous skaawling vote the meeting adopted the following 0058111• ovoid 9 woakit. The weskit was worn (48,, nine's by h. A. 11 VCillhtm , dec''sllede over a box- pleated :oft. I and weird:e1 by Mr. dames Simpson: boiled evening shirt with a full finish �•'plt this nodi a T expreesea its ap- He carried a silver }vine cooler. 1 331'0(.11l of lbe d' 'of the members of the City Council Who voted to reduce the number of barrooms, and promises its support of -nil effective measures for the abolition of the barroom and the treating system." Le e REPORTERS' STRIKE OVER. Trainers Rush to Reacue, s the loading couple turned about upon reaching the far end of the boff- in/0m and came back via the centre of the floor the entire line of march - ere got the complete effect for the first time. Many weakened percepti- ltly and it was evident that entire groups of couples were ready to give Men in Reichstag Press Gallery Will up the contest because of the bitter Return to Work. realization of their lack of refinement" Their trainers noted their defec• Berlin, March 30. '3130 strike of the tions quickly and ran out from the aide lines with pails end sponges and importunities to stick it out. But the friends of the leaders, especially when the lorgnette i1 ' brought. into ural;', simply stood right up and cheered. 'I'he noise then wasn't anything, however, to the hysteria that rattled the chandeliers when Mr, Bette turn- ed up his trousers upon emniug 10 the' ,edge of the wine belt under the grand horseshoes. Mr. Betts wore Alfce'`blue half hose, frescoed with box plaits of Scotch plaid. Perhaps the whole grand march would bare been ruined because of strike not a line has been published on desertion right there if the manage- the proceedings of the Reichstag, and as anent didn't begin to circulate a press n. result. of this failure a large number of agent 8umor again there was to be the members declined to deliver speeches, s »out, kiss contest after the march. of which they had given notice, thus Popcorn threClothes Got Second.' gr.ently impeding the work of the Of course there was nothin' to it house. in the end. Mr. Betts and Miss Green • r ----•• had the majority of the committee WOLVES KILLING DEER„ well in hand and each got a watch. The second prizes were awarded to a couple arrayed in clothes made of Enormous Destruction in Algorquln red and white popcorn w'ov'en on National Park. beads. This girl said elle was none Montreal, March 130, -Dr. ].tug, the other than hiss illla Wienes and iter famous al, ure story writer, readied th partner -A -Double saide his name was George H. here to•day from a two•weeke' trip --A--Double R-I-G•A-N. During the march there was vocal i 11 theUnto there were box 'Inc urll, w'hfil+ n 111 t3,,• ue;tndy ui mum .1. 1au1bdun Mr. tbutaut's at- torney, was formally read and filed on 0)turchty. Iu it M', COUtant, who was for fifty-five years a. druggist it 338ia street, leaves the business to his two clerks, For the hast ten years, \1r. Content, who Was 81. y01(84 old when he died, had entrusted las busineso affairs 1'1311• Prheu lie failed to obey the night entirely to his two tderks. ' riders fired at him 'L'wo balls pene- On his infrequent visits to the drug tinted the body, and be was found store he lvoil(1 espies himself as day in a dying condition. No 01(1100 for gratified with the manner' in which the crime is known, they carried on the hu'iuess, but riot. •••♦ Cher dreamed that. has ,appreciation would tike such substantial form as the be- stowal of a business which is valued at $011,000. The gift did not merely consist of the good will of the business, Pile will stipulates that Mr, ('onta11t0 sister, Sarah J. (Mutant, shall rera010e the income from the property, occupied partly by the drug store, during her life, but that upon her death it shall revert to the two clerks. This property is valued at $80,000. Another sister, \104. Lupine Janes, is to r00eire the income from a valu• able piece of real estate in Larehmont, but upon her death this will swell the total of the {rift to ht1', Bone. The ren. son for this extra gift is beta -mac of his additional years of service, The bale nee of the estate, which in all amounts to more than $400,000, will 38.0 equally divided among his three sis- ters 11100 Sarah 1 Coolant, Mrs. Janes •an Reichstag ,jmu•u mists, which began on 'l'huraday 1aat, was settled this evening. 1111(1er pressure front the various party leaders; Herr Groeber, the Centre leader, member forP00313001, a district in Lon - who lint colied the journdista "swine dor 0011311 of the Thaw's, resulted to because they jeered at a statement used day in a great victory for the Caioniete,, Will Represent Australia at Quebec by a member to the effect that negroea whose candidate, S. C. Gooch,- was Tercentenary Celebration. also bad immortal souls„ read a state- ment at the end of the day's sitting, expressing apologies for the language he had used in reference to the ,journalists, At the 8011831151011 of the statement, a meeting of the journalists was called, and they voted to return to work on Thursday. During the course of the 01 i.,,, season atter pa) rn • .ape se.s: trait 4a O. strikes, 1'iuuncial. legislation, 1014 10stsee, 0)bKy.1lu'cln 0) -htg0 tariff revision, and waterways commis - invaded to 3(1 number t from 25 to 30 shin, the President says, it part: duvaded midnight. Pond, lftgg .entity, "1 again call attention to the urgent last midnight- dragged 1f the TobaccWeare,ro treed of amending the inter -state cont - a negro in the employ of the 'PobtlCco . ocialiot from his bed and, 'envying Ass , hint to the road, eo nnnuul0(3 him to NO INCREASE TO PASTORS. and pass upon the Issuance of all recut. Presbyterian Fund Does Not Warrant hies hereafter issued by railroads doing Any Advance, an interstate commerce business, A law A 'Toronto despatch.. "Never in the should be passed providing in effect that 1 ,' I e Ao2,„,„ul.'1' 3la1 ('0100(11,100 ' when 11 federal court dotermittes to place hat 3 y c' t r :t 111)00011 carrier ov other public Mil - section, the Presbyterian so many charges Church, western it,• c03180rn tualer the control of a re- section, std so maeetta he pass from ecivership, the Attorney -General should Mg ataion e without, dfru.t ko the 101E 1(1 from n have the right to nominate at (east one Mg stage w'this asking any aft froth` 0f the receivers; et else 111 sumo other the imp(1 'Chis statement, along whh 0'1131 the interests of the stockholders an report that there had been no deficit ac- ` way be consulted so that the kholaere and no as m de to thou the rest i sent may not be wholly redelivered to enmpt, wee made mthe Augmentation the men the failure of whose spite manage - Committee at fts meeting yaand se. us spite of the depression and 00810110 lose due to grain crops by frost in the west, contributions to the fund had in many eases doubled and even trebled. The total revenue ails 3330,032, and lire oxpendit re $37,0117. Leet year there were 182 grouts made to charges, and this year the number will be close upon BLACK HAND. ORGANIZATION ENGINEERED RUN ON A NEW YORK BANK. A Deliberate Attempt to Ruin Pas. quale Pati, Who Recently Shot and Killed a Black Hand Agent - Pati Has Fled -Bank is Closed, New l'n .Alurch 30.--.) malevolent plot, relenth :sly- worked out by mem• 14 r, of the black Iland, declare the polio., in defiance of the authorities pressing 1Mud upon their krait, ended dtuneatieouy to -day in 0 run of doped - tors and the suspension of 1118 Bank of Pasquale 1 ail, an Radian 111011er 1111 Elizabeth site c C uud his flight front the 131101: 1lutnl twetu:, "he lecerntly shot and killed 1r,nce-no 1nelletro, on.: of the alleged member, who:had demand- ed tummy ruder the pain of killing the bucker and lauufly. 1lttce thousand depositors clammed Mildly at the Pati Batik to -day for their 08,iu;., and in flu' ,.cedtemmnt a tun was started on the Bank of Cnti.Ai a, un, across the street from the suspend- ed us..titniu,n, and (nosed it to shut its dour:. 'Idle two 1,1111110 were small put. rata institutions. 1'110 run ori the Pati Itank, the police charge, was ea.313"1'red Iiy the 13nuk ilan(1 an a re0euge- on 11111, 11.10 was,yesefrdny aequ(tte.( by the Coroner of haring killer 3acllotro, Tho closing of tati's bank and his ' sudden d0purture final the 0ity is the 21,111:t:::$ ucree laly and especially rho ❑uto-tr°st .,duel to a scheme, 0o say the police, of law' along the linea indicated in my last extortion and b100310nnl of tiro lila 81: ores age. 'Che niter-atatn 0onunaice lav Hand that had its inception several should be amended so as to give rail- years nLo. 1'asgn,dc Pati ora said 30 roads the right to make traffic agree- 3,•z the richest h,fnl c du tl10 t cuing menta, subject to these agreements be tulinn quarte ori thu l est 311111, v ao,0 Mg approved by the Inter.State Com- the. bnuk, r loScd hi. h.ul uo uu m r:;. alone Commission and published in all 1 otters 1linit. deme due„ mouu'. 11a•w' 0f their det0i10. 1'1+0 CouuoIssIon 03(0(1 id enmch ;:''-purr Pati jrirGid wl111 Le stay also bo giten rho p00e1' to make pub a the 131108'1 0outuinod ii the letters th0 police have been unable to learn. It was lnti's eastour10-,kep large pit;, of .11110118;81 and Italian money' to the front window of leas bwuk (t1 as week, ago r dy'uaalit ienii3) r>_i l a/„d near the teligit ng 01(1(10(0. Lh0 l;n- dow was ]uttered and 11(050011(114 of dollars i0 paper money ncas, scatic(0)1 about the street:- Pati 311(011010d in re. e 1,e ring ill the money, Ctwee weeks ago draueeko Pacllelro uder0d Yeti's lank with drawn revel- y.r and denmudcd money.. Patti and his e man or sans b1oth f1ired, and 1 aelletto is is 11111. d, policy may have uicessitated the crew 1 tion of the receivership. Receiverships J'he s18811s 0anthuned, our+x` 1,51^rduy should be used, not to operate roads, tl tae etran�( ruin r ,turd i t. bink awl but as speedily- as possible to pay theft 31. atoned not Pandy hp kai,t ri 'and (101815 and return 33(011) to too proper ht, f0( 3(3. buf'in bean lii3'likcd ,wd (113111(1..11•0(f esfro.}•' hi, hudihcs Ililaonkttl rads owners, hero fnunul niunrt P.nfl, bona' ucxt day, "h1, addition to the reasons 1 have al• an,1 teen 1111 run stated, 10)1(103 urged 011 your attention, it has _ �µ become important that there I d There s. it L. Welling. 200' should be an amendment of the anti- �j �'` N OFF!C�'R ' ,t-0 will be 110 opposition msiti0n t0 the Regret was expressed 6y the commit-, trait late beraus0 of the: un0ertainty 08 DRUNKEN 11y ➢r Ihc I f of the will or foe tic. e, crying tee thin. they were obliged tols8)3(01i tat Trow. ,this law affect% contbiuution1 - '' t0 the Geneful AesO.uthly flat t the into , ff et 0f Its generous prat ideas, 1 revenue for the put •ycare was only among telae .ten and farmers, if iota Bone a 1,l Garter err, well liked hg tine $38,000, and that the proix>scd increase combination ha/ any tendency to res - DRIVES TEN MEN TO FATAL trice inter -state commerce. All of these SPREE combinations, if and while existing fir and engaged in 'the promotion of inno- cent and proper purposes, should be re- cognized Lines Crowd U Before Bar .and Forces as legal. p I am of the opinion, however, that , Them to Drink -One Dead; One ane &lomae lo taw tariff ciauld with sal- Will Die New Records Made and vantage be ,made forthwith, Hospital Ambulances Are Necessary. relative, of the dead man. Bonne is 41 years old and Carter 37, \!r. (Inrltilt lord lit'ed ill New Bo- ell a lrtlir ,ell hie life, and was a descend- ant of one of the Fiends Huguenot families who founded th' city in 1098 of $100 to the salariea of the ministers of augmented charges is therefore inn practicable until the contributions to the fund are very largely increased. t Bev. Dr, Lyle, of Hamilton, the con• ,- 0_� vener, was requested' to visit the Synods A UNIONIST VICTORY. ( of \la.nitoba and Saskatchewan is rho interests of the augmentation scheme. The British Opposition Carries Peck -I (lost. of the intuiting rassefoi yesterday PPes taken (1p will1 the passing of harm Division. ,taints for the past three Months of the London, March 30. -'Ole most keenly- I Year. fought by-election for the present Par- Rev. J. H, I?dmison, of Cheltenham, Bement, which was neceasitatod through the death of Chas. Goddard Clark, is minute secretary. EARL DUDLEY COMING. to Algonquin Park. Speaking of the havoc Which the wolves of the Algon- partie. and 11 e . 5[1)00 entirely surrounding the fungi- quip National Park are playing amongst parties Vocal music trait by the Latnbs' the deer, the doctor stated that at tins ;lab quintet, Measle. Joe T '.cally, \t ' - very moment there arc utero than a Beni J. Kelley, Will Poi e and Bill thousand carcasses of deer lying in the Earnum. The fifth voice was supplied '1 by Mr, Kelley, who sings first tenor and first bass at the same time. Air,; Max Marks' box party probab- ly run ahead of Dir, Misener's party woods of the park 05 a result of the work of wolves. Deer there are very numerous. en account of the good feed- ing grounds and the protection given there, but at this rate wxious inroads in the adjoining box for the reason are being made on then lumbers. that although Mr. Misener had a big crowd of ,other society folks as his guests, Mr,Marks had quite as malty ppeople and had "dressed" his box besides with several of wax clothing figures from the show w111(10199 of his store. Also he ivory 1(y of spring and early summer styles per- sonally, valued together, he said, at several hundred dollars. Some One Cops Receipts. Mr. Touhy and Miss Frances Bacon of Boston won the prizes as the boat dancers upon the floor. Miss Dor- ' othl' Bertrand got a prize as the hest looking girl, and Miss Alice Half Por- tion Clifford as the most precocious. in view of all the pleasant time 1,e had it was with a feeling everyone WILL CALL TOWN KIPLING, How 0, N', R. Will Show Good Will to the Poet. Winnipeg, March 30. -Mr. T. 0. Dar- ling, town site manager for the Cana- dian Northern, announces that about thirty new town sites will be put on Cho market this summer. The most important of the new points will he the divisional point in the Brandon -Regina line, about 112 miles west of Brandon. It is a matter of interest that this new city, not yet born, will probably be ehrfatened Kipling, after the pont of the empire. Rudyard Kipling, on his through Canada last fall was tak- en up thisline on n o trip -tug almost of chagrin that the manage- h' construction elected by a majority of welt over two thousand. The contest to -day centred largely in. the Government licensing bill, and the conversion of a large Liberal majority into a still greater Conservative major- ity is a striking demonstration against that measure. Ottawa, March 30. -Earl Dudley, who has been appointed to succeed Lord Northcote as Governor-General of Ans. tralia, will come to Canada in July next to repreeeut the Australian Gov- ernment at the Champlain tercenten- ary celebration at Quebec. Elul Grey received a cable this afternoon from The announcement of the returns in Lord Northcote stating that the Auatra- the house of Commons caused a scene l lieu G080rmnen,, in response to the in - of the greatest excitement. 'there were 1 vitatio from the Canadian Government, Unionist shouts demanding that the had asked Earl .Dudley to attend the celebration ou behalf of the Common- wealth, and that members of the Gov - eminent regretted that the ae5si0n of (Unionist) b Cp,003 votes to 3,804, arise- Parliament next duly would preclude (h1, ) 3 1 tu1y of them wining to (Quebec with jority of 2,330. I Earl Dudley, --o.-w---; Government resign. Ln the general election of 100(1 C. Goddard Clark (Liberal) carried the division against Sir P. G. Banbury SUNDAY SCHOOL FIRE DRILL. • Parkdale Methodist School Room Had Satisfactory Drill on Sunday. 'Toronto, March S0. -Dunn Avenue Methodist Church has instituted a fire drill ill connection with the Sun- da/ School. The average attendance at this Sunday School is over eight hundred, the majority of the members being under fifteen years of age. On Sunday last all were marched out of the building in perfect order in an incredibly short time. Besides this precaution, large tanks of water with accompanying naafi have been placed in the hallways, ready for immediate use. AN ENVOY TO CANADA. imperial Government to Send Over a Commisisoner. London, March 30. -As a result of the Teterboro despatch: Last night at representations regarding Hindu end- 12.30 Dr. Gray, a local Coroner, in cum-, gration into British Columbia made at the Colonial Office recently by Mr, W. L. Mackenzie King, Canadian Deputy Minister of Labor, it 15 probable that a special commissioner will be sent over to Canada for the purpose of arranging the immigration difficulties along the lines of least resistance. Mr, John Morley, Secretary of State for India, has received a telegram from illi forests taxed every protection, and one method of protecting t0ren1 would 3,n tc put capon the free list pulp Pittsburg, Ira., llarelr 30, -David Lem Head, with a corresponding reduction nix police officer of the.l'ittsburg fore, itNat parper' 110&5 from pulp wood, wheat ran tunnel: yesterday acid did 0 world h f wt any country that does not put an export duty upon Them of dauun c, Otte ,nkat is dead its the rc- A CENSOR OF BILLBOARDS, Woodstock Makes Appointment on Suggestion of Ministers. Woodstock, March ''10.- A short time ago the \linisterial Association urged the City Council to exercise strict cen- sor5Lip of 'advertising billboards. The council responded by passing a by-law appointing the chief of police as censor, and making it obligatory that duplicates of 011 hills to be posted or distributed in any way advertising or describing any theatre, circus or other places of amuse- ment shall be left with the chief, and are not to be. posted if he deems them Indecent or apt to corrupt public mo0a1'. 4•• HANDLED HIS ASSAILANT. they come r "Ample provision ahauld made for 01111 of his prank, another ds dying in a a nommen t wa,tonvays canundssion hospital, Addle 01•Ver(1 others are in wihh wtuaamver lw>wer fa required. to ,til with dt :detail tryitlg to t,ul•e their make it elective,, jail, 1 y --- 1i0ea Boni the Warta 1 state of Intox- DOUKH080RS ALL RiGHT. (x1)0(1 acquired wader pressure front Leu- _ 0)x. 'Tile puuc,,,:«u Was disrwsscd trout IlIr. Speers Says There Wil Be No u,c fora the ...,.n dry, and may be an Marching, rested on a -.t.roiler's warrant, 1Vinnipeg, March 30.-C, W. Spoersde- elates positively that there is no danger of another Doukhobor pllgrimage this spring, as had Leen feared. 'Phe Douk- hobors at both Ynrkton and Prince Al• Dr Gray, of Peterboro' Attacker.` on Street by John Lowry. pang• with Mr. Robert Durston, assistant office iirspector, came across it group of men at the corner of Charlotte and George streets. Without warning one of the men struck Dr. Gray a violent blow over the eye, inflicting a severe out, Dr. Cray seized bis assailant, and, sins gle-handed, hauled him to the police sta- tion, about 200 yards dietant. The prig- nsr, who was John Lowry, was scnteced L011018who is big, red headed and cross-eyed, has been ae 31.7ilc avenue des• 18,01 for sone years, and Inas had many' bard eases to contend with, Yesterday', w lien apparently intoxicated, lie situ'. ,c10oal l'ouuders (1) tong record, alai Lent settlements aro acral• quiet,. lie snidy wall a yell 110 charged t0(0 eaU0.rcd and stories to the effect that they aloin audit tea of uteric guru (31(x501 (((0111 in.- an n° ann unsettled state arc absurd. '''here is to 0 saloon, Leaning up against the a small element auxiorw to locate where bar ho said: the climate is not quite so severe as fn lfaunitoba, "and 1 understand that Peter \'eregin, Doukhobor !ender, 1a at present in British Columbia, r.egotnuth+g fat a tract of land for these people. 'Cleere tram the British 'Indians at Van0oltver asking at the Police Court this monhing to tett went greeted the news, just before and showed a keen interest in the for he declared i,e110)1 1 ritish Denteoubjeot , and days In jail, shutting off the lights, that some one country fn making. ly.. r_ .. .'Yon fellows never had enough whis- key in your lives, but you are going to 0)1.131' Sour rill now, the fellow who does of drink ten whiskies now and two ups, Willi a' schooner 111 beer to top off will be no aimless wanderings, o.8 hereto with, gets licked first und arrested later,. fore, and if any change of location is to t pay for everything." be made by a portion of the colony it will 1lie gang fell to in a hurry, fearing , be done in a perfe tlg legitimate and Lconix might change his, mind. Ono bybusinesslike way. The lknrkhohors have one they fell to the flour or reeled 'arta profited by the rough experience of those as corner. ;lletny Thompson dropped like eregin a .,hot as he raised his eighth glu» t0 who left the fold before. I saw V not long 0111.1," sai(3 11r, 0pecrs1 "and he I.is lips, and he (lied later to the pattol 01113/01304 the reports which bud been eft- wagon Ort las (51(31 to the 3)01100 elution. enlaced with regard to the conduct, of 1'11ere was a giant negro, however, who the Delany. The department Is not sup• mntdrank• them all, His Mune is not plying the Doukhohors with seed grain known to the Passavant Hospital poo-• this year, as this was found to be lin- 1,10, where he is dying t0 -night, but his necessary. They have large supplies o1 record will stand for years, lie drank seed 011 hand. and are wer situated fin- fourteen glasses a° whiskey, but swoon• ancially:" ed on his fifteenth. • • A squad of detectives was sent into SOCIALISM IN COLONIES. the neighborhood on hearing 03 Lcnnix's drinking bee and gathered up all the Keir Hardie Says It Has a Good Hold drinkers with the exception of Lennix, in Canada, who mems,°.,) to get away at the first London, March 20.---11r. Heir Iiardie, signs of trouble. the loader of the Socialist Labor party in the Commons has been interviewed THE DUKE OF THE ABRUZZI. - hy the Daily Chronicle on his return from his world trip. lie says that ha would not `recommend Canada for an emigrant, as the country i' being devel- oped too fast, and the land system is the curse of the country. Ho found every encouragement for the future of Social- ism fa all of the colonies, but especially in Canada. In the west and among the miners it already had a strong grip. In another interview he say'a that in the Dominion he found little tails for Stories About His Probable Marriage Are Unfounded. Rome, March 30, --The following state- ment is from an official source: Beyond the fact that the Duke of the Abruzzi las spent a leave of absence in America, the reports about probable marriage ne- gotiations' to obtain the King's assent, and the eminence of an official an- nouncement are. all unfounded and have ia the Empire; there ft is always "Canada been learned here only through Anter for the Chnndfans," can papers,