HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-12-07, Page 121st Year The News -Record SRL-7:154e;As%ii0Rit Sntalee VV# WILL ,e=teSA Any article you care to select now for Xmas, and if there is anything we have not already in stock we will get it for you. If you call now and select your presents it gives us more time to show you the goods and you get it larger set)* to choose from now than you will later on, for we heye nearly alt our Xmas goode and as we always have 11.31 to -date stock you run no risk in buying here. We offer you • no old, shop-worn goods, and charge you only a moderate price for everything. aXik2 You'vvill find here Complete. Stock . Of Watclies,Olocks, Jew- elry,StIverware;Cutlery,China, 1 Spectacles,. and all kinds .of /small -novelties in Ebony and Sterling Silver, Out Steel, Sid% Combs, Purses, Fees, etc. r" - -es stelesse tg REMEMBER, all articles bought ii here engtereed free of charge. . When will you be in ? BWS Jeweler, Expert Watch Re- pairer and Optician, . tesRelPeSteg teneaRitneecifelPorFtec • X101A.S Like Wine Improves With Aga Now is the time to = buy your CAKE' c'urr,xints, iid For your Xmas Cake. Our Fruit is the best that is to behad It will pay you to buy the best stet' Clea,ped'• Currants and Raisins We clean all our Currants and Rai- sins with MI up.to-date Fruit ()leaner. This week we open up our s Chinaw re - We think it •the Most nifty -line that has been shown in town. Come in and see what we have and we are sure you will think the same. Now is the time to look around for that Dinner Set you .bave been promising to get your wife •for a Xmas brit We haye a, full line and a splendid assortment to cboose from -from $5 up. We will be pleased • to show them to you whether you buy (Knot THE CASH GROCERY. . °aline OOPER & CO. 'Phone 23. Cash for Blitter,Eggs and uriedAppl e 04!, -1 ORD. CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7,1899 1,Vhote Number )094 . • Seeks Comparison and is Content to Abide by the Result. The Subscription tolbe. End of 1900L9 Only One Dollar, ,PItae0404,44m4a...-owiFi4,9.5is me Hoye' Oriodo: ' Model $0100f &MM. • Teo &1St PAM, The. Next Three Weeks Will be busy times for every- body, lots of preparations to make and the ;clays skipping by so fast that a week is gone before •we knovv h. . ce This store is ready to fill all your shopping needs. We'll do everything in Oln•POWer to make this year's buying the most sat is- fectory you've ever done. Uoine when you can -look arounci-and remember that every, corner has its own special attractions. The Toy Floor GI is the jolliestcheerfullest place 9_ you amid imegipe-full of inter- "- est to everyone. . • • It's always e pleasure to choose s) the children sgitts-they are sure to be pleased and go into ecstacy over the merest trifle. Whether you ' have little or , much to spend you can be satis- fled from mr, immense stock. NI Books, Annuals, Xtnits Papers, Calendar*, Xmas e Cards and n Booklets,•14acy Chinaware, Cel- luloid Goods, Plush Goods, Cut • Glass,,,Albunes, etc.. etc. ' Gold f lasses . for Christmas make It very suitable present. We have them in all styles from $8 to $10. Eyes tested i3cientifica1ly by a Graduate Optician, and satisfac- tion guaranteed or money re- fueded. We CO OPer &Fee? *- UI 2 ( Clinton. & eeeee,posiotag Ory nd Wm Feet By keeping the feet dry and , warm you guard against colds and sickness at this season of the year. Being welt -shod is a •preventative, even the doc- tory say. Our stock was manufactured by the best makers, there is norie better and the prices are right. Call and examine them. CLUPP. • The Church Bois' -Brigade will meet The written examinations at the • Elliott Dement met with, an accident 7irill The bbrary Be Free ? BAYPIELD. BEIXOFIBitlat in future in the etore east of that acme Model School will be held on' Monday in the organ fitctory on Thursday lese We leave the sad duty of informing The Bose famile moved up to Mil& struction of Oapt. Miaaggart tbe boys Wednesday. Inspector Robb will pre- results A. boy was aing the hoist, don January Ist -To Make the Wm, MeCtinebey en the Goshen lane. agent, has his funny settled the many friends of the death of Air. mu last week and Moore, theneve new qearters. Jfr„,Rose was a view, in their pied by Lee Brown . Under the In and Tuesday next eta the teaching on which might have had more serious The Ratepayers Will Vote on the Ql100. will seen be awe to acquit tnennielVeS Sidn and Will be assisted on the third which lifts employees and stock from Change From Publie to Free Will it will be remembered that flee dames - Not Entail Much if any Additional did fellow ancl very popular here. so Council. join her, The funlwal took lilac.) on tttent:i nMowarjtobreleint?leierdhaatosbheoernt tunecallag: ed and a handsoule sold chain ata Pair much so that a OU113 of money was rate. Expenditure on the Pert of the like little spielers, The Gilroy Residence Sold. The fine 'residence of Nr, J. C. Gil- roy, which is at present occupied by Mr. W. Doherty, has been bought by Mr, John Houston, Principal of the Ocilegiate Institute. The. purchase Price Is in the neighboriniod or $1,700 which is ecarcely one-third the cost of Ole proper ty. • • Soolid 11frept4, : . • Miss Lolalliller entertained a num, ber. of het young friends' Thursday evening of last week wiren the prin- Cipel imusement.was dencing. —Miss Birdie Meson had a party the same evening while the. following evening there was esimilittegatherine at wbich Miss Laura Biggart was hoetess. • , Councillor JottesrMay Retire, •• . Councillor Jones has intimated that he will retire from the council at . the end of the present term, It is to be hoped, hewever,that he will reconsider' this determination and:• consent -to .agitin represent his quarter of the. mix- nieleeliei at the council :board where he has rendered his fellow citizens. geed service. A. Hose Markit, Is proposed to. start a monthly hierse.market inClinton and,if arrange- nients can be made, Thorsday, Decem- ber 21st, will he the &seder. When once established there is no don b of the henetie that, the toW.Hwetild derive from . such al gathering ap would be brought ebouteby alneeting Of buyers -and sellers. Forty Hours Devotion. . The Forty •'Hours Devetion, which began in St. Joseph's church .on Sun- day, Cencluded eresteiday. Teen served •Were held each day at which there was • a large attendance. Rev. Father West wits assisted on Sunday Mill Monday by •Rev, Firthee McCabe of Seaforth and on Tueiday end Wed- nesday by Rev. Father ltd.cree of Park Hill. Tbe choir was esslited during the services by Mtge Johnston of town •and also Mr. Graved of Goderich town - shin. • Mrs.' Carilizee Friends. Nof'Setisf14 • . • ',starts one with a.' good . advertising • The Toronto dailies of fiist week cote -patronege. It WOl no doubt prove . in- tained a statement, presuinably etnanat- 'Valuithle. to deteetives, 'constable& etc., ingfroretheAttorney-GeneratsDeparte and should haee a large.- eirculetion ments to the effect that whet has been anenng that ciass.' • • . ' .. : . . known as the -.‘tilinton Outrage" wire re .eleeie oi, mai;ile.n.m..0,.. .. • , . - . hoax, or, in still plainer Englieh, that • Dvali visitedabe norne Otelfr. Alex, the injuries Mrs Oarline esusetined Fraser on Saturday and took hence his were self-inflicted. The Department ditughter Mainie, a nright, lovable has not .stated how It Arrived at this • girl of thirteen years. .A 'service Was decision and Mr's. Carline's friends are held at Ole house on ' Monday evertirig indignant and domande= investigation by elee. Alex. &meet hue flex eeeeete, so that thereat facts' of. -the case may. ing the remains werietaken by train to be known. Ms Oarlieti. has not, atty.. Nitirn..irear Ailsa Oreig, . where they, ea in one hitt • the, narrative of the were laid at rest in the family plot in "outrage' as given by hereelf Mimed-. the old cemetery. Among - Ole lately After it occurred. ' '' • floral •tributes was ra, pretty. wreath sent by the Public School class -mates Exceltdor Mission 'Band. ,,The Thanksgiying meeting of the of the deceased.. Mr. and Mre. Fraser ' Excelsior Mission Bend cf 'Willis acceinnanied. the remains to Nairn. day by PvinciPal Cameron of Brussels. one floor to the other, and it becoming Frecturee Her Ankle.• fast, he called to Elliott foe assistance, The latter responded and while stand - Mrs. (Dr.) Cook met with an accident , ing with one foot on the floor and the A delegetton from the Public Lib, Saturday last followed' by a numerous of cuff buttons were bought and sent on Sunday evening which will prevent her- moving about much for a few days. i °titeroilntrhbenettis111.tEllieliolrtat h t bea dropped drary I3oard waited upon the town corm- concourse of friends, Mr. MeOlinehey up to him, We will en Num see, car. I While leaving Mr. Peter'Cantelon's, toheeotime took a tumble and landed iiii his cil at iti meeting on Monday night) to was a man highly respected by all and eer with interest and faille expect to wbere she had called on her way Immo Grand Trunk service. Mr. .Moote heed, rendering Wiry unconseions foe ask that it take over the manage- While he provided well for the corn, hear of further promottons in the front church, she made a mister) and fell from the veraedati steps, breaking some time. It was at fleet fettled that went al" LII*1147 itnd change it fv°111 forts of his family be did not forget to no doubt but that he will give satisfac- he had been serioesly injeree, but Public to Free. Mr. W. Bridone, who lay up treasure for Eternity. The comes wOliecommended and have it Small bone in the ankle. is chairmen of the Board, was spires- initial was conducted by the Rev. E.0, fortunately he only uffered it few and cited itatistice to show that Jennings and the reamins were late ition to the Conwany's patrons here &aurae Nam Christmas Number. bruises and returned to work it few Free Libraries bade, much larger mem. the Baylield cemetery eo await the Mr Frank Welker of Boston is in the man n . a, +s Toronery to Sility Night has issued days afterwerds. . bership and issued a greater number joyfol day of Rnelghboritood on prolonged visit Resurrection when part - a Christmas number that is very credit- ble t a o that house. Tneeseesonable e stories aro good and so are the half tones, while the four supplements ere even bettev then Saturday Night bee heretofore sent out, The Issue -should ,have a large sale. or Public Libia.eles, He cited several all is extended to the sister and brother in evidence of thisannong thenumber : of books than dic1,1VIecherties' Institutes itig will be no more. The sympathy of prReaecvb.ed.La.nt,ivHerearraclryersseor.nmoonf HoleP8tablel towns where there are Free Libraries vylio are now alone. Pope- Nem- Books Books 'totrt:sWtinflOaylark of Seaforth yisited, in pat feeda•.: 'Tani wh earthe congregation reverend isgaelwntalye! Mob were much apprecia- • Presbyterian chureh last Sunday ts• In, eampbouroo' iit2t9(00on' 13°478 Issu3e6d0'0 1nLiba'y ' man. Rev, Mr, Sewers occupied Mr, Leamington •2250 750 10720 3008 Illaster Walter Walwin is very .111 1329 wait innammation a •the bowels. Hendertion's. • pulpit in Hensel! the Grain j,ow Palm The price of wheat this week bas gone downinstead of up and the buts, ers see a still lower teudency. It sold yesterday at sixty-four ets.with (enrol). ability. of siXti-three at an early date. "Wheat is king". it rised. to be -said, and rules priees geneievi, but that .good old maxim is out of joint now that manirfactured goods advance in piece' andwheat at the same einie recedes.: And this is Ole " Grovving Time" too.. limtit of Mrs. ;lames A. Walker, • On Than:deer last Mrs, Janiee A, Walker died at her horne in Dundalk. She wits a former ' resident of Clinton and tht. re mai ns were betinght here_ op Friday arid taken to Mr. Ceeorge ley's t9 await the burial which took place on Sunday. afternoon. The sere Vices at house and. graveside were con- ducted by Rev. B. Clement. The de - Ceased, whe Was. in fiftieth year, is survived by her husband, two .daugh- eers and one seri. 2'ho Dominion Detective. are in yeceipt of a copy of the initial iinthber of the "Dean -don De- • teethe and policeeJournal" published at Exeter. by the Jeurnal Publishiit Cmpnny of which 4j.. T, Westhott is. Superietendeet: arid Editor and eiti. J. Weiteett . Manager:. The Dominion Detective is, We believe, the oniy paper ; of the kind published in Canada. and cherch was behl on Tuesday night A. veto.' „Rs jowa • The principal feature of the eVening. At Tuesday' night's meeting _of the was an address bY Mrs.(Itev.)fiarnilton Oddfellows' Lodge a resolution was • f d 'hong t India Mi sions o TEM TWO AA'S. e CHRIVMAS If0i1DAY come4tntl inapeet our lines of Gent's Furnishings. We have everything required to make a man or boy happy and. comfortithle at this season of the year. GOOD GOODS ARE GOOD BARGAINS. in quality we have the best goods our long exi erience prompted us to buy. ,In prices we have marked everything -lb a reaaonable flgure. In style we lead, alway,skeeping the latest. We believe that "Good Goods are Good &tains" and how accordingly we -put in our Christmas Stock on this prin- ciple and have a much larger and better assorted- stock then ever before. Try us for Ties, Scarfs, thnbrellas, Srispenders,Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk and Vitriol - lined Gloves, Gauntlets, Mitts, Hats, Caps, etc, We have a new line special for the holiday trade of Scarfs and Ties put -up in separate boxes. These make a 'very nice present and are just the thing to send to friends ata distance. Buy early and get the choice. We have the best $1.00 per suit Underwear in the trade. This is the last Xmas in the Century and we hope to make it e. -"Bargain Landmark" to our many patrons in the purchase of their Winter Clothing, etc. Respectfully yours, A. J. MORRISIL ssereeriv-ereer 41-711NOWARVIVIOIr°" The Oldest Estxblished Cipthring House Is that or T. JACKS014,, Sr., which was founded in 1854 and still continues to the front. . Our .Xmilis Sale of eye suits so o er . as s 0 adopted for the purchase of a Veteran s after which the following program wits e eewes to be sort to Brother. John refidered by • members of .the Mission Callender who is, for his health's sake, Band : Chores, seven little girls; Belo, wintering in Arizona. Only those who Dougles'. Stewart; violin. -solo, iten° have been members-centlnuotisly for it Jackson; recitation, Agnes Irwin; (Mader of a century.are entitled to it, chorus, nine boys; spire Mess Clara Jewel which is secured- through the Wiseman, At the close of the pro- Grand Lodge. As Mr, Callendec. has gram refreshments were served. The. been connected with the Clinton Lodge Thank -offering amounted to $10.38- for twenty-seven years he is fully Little Localt. qualified and will, no dont% appreciate • The /slew -Bea, bits ingthened its this token of, tire brethren's realm - columns by two inches, but ie is still brance. 102 inches- or over nine.columekeioaller s, .4. sell.Dente pawl, than The People's Paper, that is Tat The Salvation Army locel corps .was Natve-Reconn.---Rev. J. T. Moe- expected by headquarters to raise '$75 dock preached four times lese Sunday, for the Self.Deniel Fund, but it, did including .a service at the House of better still, for by hard work it collect. Refuge- in the morning, on the Base ed $00.50. 'Of this- amount, the Rand Line in the afternoon ated in his church raised $20.80 and Messre, Wese and here at. 11 a,, nt: and 7 p. nr. This made VariEgmond 'the balance, winning by a big day's wdrk.-e--Mrit. John aec- so doing the piezes given by the Cap- Clacherty lost her parrot - last Friday teem The nand stands a good chance morning and it was notrecovered until of eetaininte second prize in the Wes. the afternoon.—Caurt Maple Leaf tern Ontario competition, the Guelph hits appointed Messrs. W. Jones, J. J. Band so err alone exceeding ie. Ensign ilenmott of London will conduct a special lantern service lathe bar reeks nett Monday night. Mrs. Cooper Has Passed Away. On Thursday lastilles.alarian Cooper died at. theresidence of her son, Mr. Robert Cooper, veith whom she bits made her home for a few mouth% peevions to which time she lived in Ileussels. The deceased was in her seventy-ninth year and was. the relict of Alexander Cooper, who predeceased her thirty-five years. She was a native of Edinburg. Scotland, and came to this country fifty yeare ego, settling first at Komoka. She was a devoted Christian woman and died firm' in the faith, . The ;surviving eitembers of tbe, family are het sons, - John of Chicago, James of Brusselsand Robert of Clinton, and one -daughter, Mrs, Snider of Sarnia. The funeral took place on Saturday, Rev. J. T. Murduck conducting the services. • ' A Letter MOM time:Way, Mt' James Howe, who is .now in Greenwood, II. C., in -writing to Mr. jacoliTeylo desert hes hie au emu d in gs. The town has it population of • about 1200 thoiteh the eite covers enough . Fisher and L. Kennedy n committee to manage the 0. 0. F. Brass Band — "Till, Ile Coine" was the topic at Willis church 0. E. on Monday even- ing and. was taken by Ur. D. 0. Mc- Tavish.—The tnusic which will be sung by the choit of the Baptistchurch uexeSuride.y evening will be the cone position of the talented organist, Miss Goodwin. --It was announced" in • Batten limy street Methodist rhumb on Sunday that another joint meeting of Boards of the tveo churches, re. union, would be held bn Thursdiry evening but owing to a misunderstandIng another date will be nrranged.—The • pulpit of ltatteribury street church will - be occupied next Sunday by. Rev. E. 3. Oaten of Beigrave whose church will be re.opened on that day when Rev. Mr. Howson will preach morningand Kemp, who is gardener for Mr. G. D. McTaggart, has raised 450 celery plants of a very superior quality.. Many eif the heads are over three feet long and,. propor- • tionately large. ----Tent /states -Remus gives you the nevesand more of it than any competitor.--Rev.MrParke made en appeal on Sunday Week for for volunteer teachers, it seeretary and it libretti:or for the S. S. in addition to ground tor a city, but it is going aheed p ace 011 Sit 'of the aveek ever est ss. p Lion was filled. waterworks and en electric light eye- Mulholland's for the purpose of re- $21.85 ; stock beaks, $8.00 ; town hall. $15shop, St ;sale' of cemeery lots, their regular "tar and before the end rapidly. There to a splendid system of on Friday et o'cloek ae Mrs. W. • Commences this week when. we I 1 :lackey ash Qrganized, hockey club was organized last Friday night, for the owning season with the following as a list of officers: Hon, president, Win. 4.aokson; presi- dent, Sydney Jackson; vice-president Bert Potts; aecetreaee W. G. Doherty; committee, Lewis, Matheson, McRae; Mitchell 2300 208 7113 3200 Percy Biggart is also laid up in Sea- same 'day, 1 captain, John Forrester. The club North Bay 2500 355 0308 3403 will enter a league composed of Strat- Malls 35® for Mildmay to learn the duties of.sta. Public LibrePryhas only 110 members ,s2s 8737 4433 forth. ' roin Cannon Point the light of 14 - Mr. John Batten bury Lefton Monday ford, Poderich, Wingbarn, Listowel and Seafortb, so that a good season Exeter - 185Q 285 ' 4721 eirs With a; po ulittion of 2700 Clinton's fog horn was heard on the lake, and Sunday evening about nine o'clock a T. R. agent at that place. The two tharegent with Mr. John, Rose, the G. may be laked forward to. The boys expect a suceessful winter and with sev- eral new players,who have lately come to town and peopee trainurg.should win Ole pennant,. Mr. McCaughey . of the Commercial hotel has' kindly given the club the tree of his large room- fey training purposes, and the boys intend making good use of it. ' 3a.ek Jowett Will join the teafu and they will all start into a proper course of training in a few days. Messrselackson and For - Teeter will consider it. a pleasure to call upon citizens for a cionetion to help get proper uniforms, stick's and • pucks and the players wish to thane the citizens in advance for a handsome con OH tion. VARNA. .. --• The Epworth. Leage met last Wed-. 'nesday • Co • transact Ole. ordinary. „business. After. the topic had been frilly introduced hy Mrs:. 3% ()Irma t. and fully.diseussed . the aegular...busi- nese was taken• ap, A letter from. the Leaguers' tepreeentative, Stone, Who is laboring among the Indians in B.C. ereate the • Pacific, was- read and listened to with much. interest as the". contents told somewhat of their Mode .of how then,' huilt their •dwel Urge and • how they dry their fishe -Other reports Were given after whieh it was suggested that? the Methodists evill have it tea -meeting on Wednes- 'day, Dec. 2fith, . . • , The annual meeting for the election Of officers Inc the Methodist Sabbath School took phieetast Thursday even- • ing when the lollovving •officers • were elected :-Su.periistendent, S.Rathwell Assistant, Ult. McKie e Sr. Bible -Close' Teat:her, T.. Wiley ; Assistant, Stephenson Jr.•Bible Cies& boys, 11 Wanless ; Jr. Bible. Class,•giriel 3.. Barnwell 2nd class; boys. Miss A. Ryes; 2nd class, giels, •Mrs. J. Barn- well ; Infaet elites, boys, V. Pd. Diehl ; Intent • class, girls, Miss _Je Denison.; Asbistant Teachers, Mrs. McKie. and Mr..000. Clarke ; Se,cretary, Mr. T. johns ;• Treaeurea. Miss, MayAndretise • Surprise Party, -A large number of the people of Londesboto arrived at 'lire Methodist 'Parsonage last Friday eVeningsand spent a very enjoyable time. After partaking of the good - things previously prepared and enjoy- ing gamesernasic, etc., they returned ImmotInne.in t.he wee small hours of. the A new. sidewalk leas been laid •from Main street to the Presbyterian church which not only improves appearance but, facilitates walking on that patt • of the road in fall and spring when the roads are bad. • Rev. Mr, Jennings will hold it special meeting in' SL. 'John's chureh nerd Friday night. • . Rev. Mr, McDonald, after delivering a discourse last Sunday, Ad in inietered Ole Sacrament to the members' of the Presbyterian church. The general prayer -meeting WillTrifii place onWealresday and League on Monday at 7.30. Mrs. J. Armstrong, who has been snflering severely with sore throat, is gredualle improving. Mr. T. Johnston. is on the sick list /gain, • • A number from here- attended the funeral of 141r. MeCiinchy who follows' his daughter to the Better Land with but a few weeks between. Ab the trustee meeting held in the school last Monday night Mr. J. flarn,; • well resigned his position as principal or teacher in the school for .different reasons and a male teacher is adver- tised for. Varela Public School has obtained it beautiful Dominion Ensign which will be placed on it 11 listed on public holiday and special occasion& though, ib -.has 8511 volumes., on its 'schooner could be seen about half way .Johns were greet chums while here shelves 330 bookwere issued last between Bityfield end GOderieh.:, . • • s which accOunts.for 3,R. going so far year: . The present Board, afr,Brydone Revkr.4:11christ of Toronto preach,- away for tuition, Mr. W, Scott iu said, would have a balance on hand at Rdtwo very aeceptable and -ttepronri- whose employ be was for about seven Ole end of the preeene year of about ate sernioneem St. Andrew's- church on years, presented hina with it .beautiful $50. The revenue for 1000 on it Free Sabbath last.. At the morning trerVice gold ring on the eve of his departUre.. Library basis would be as follows :-- the .Sacrament of the Lerd0s, supper.. Success to Johnny, sai we all • From Government; $183, Ociunty; $15; was admiuistered to a large number of We are sorry to sey' thee Me. 'Sandi Town, $100•;•Stiteely Fund,' $200. The comniunicants. • ' •• ' ' and it time Of writing slight hopes are Walkeris not unproeing very' rapidly • . . expenditure for the same Period would., . . e Young t o s• an • • *Th '13 ,it. ri d Orangeman entertained for his recceiery. . • be about :-e Books, $200, 'Newspeperei• asa gagaohlasi . $50, Salary, $160, • ner id . the 'hall on 1111Oriday night'. A , Of this place partook 9f an (*stet drip- , grand belleteribe held in Ore town hall Preperetioris aess heing made for a Lighting,'.$10 s. 'Het:keine, $604 Sundries, $1.0. The presetre Boned, Mr. 13Sydone goodly . 'number tamed out and all moeing spirit' is Mr, George A, Turner . On Friday evening of this sweek. The . seicledid not feeflike eiseneing the re-, seem to have enjoyed the bivalves. ' which rneeneth that it Will be a sue. • - sponsibility the managemeet of a Free The Orange Young Britons of Rising Library Would en•tail end now that Sun Lodge, No 31 held their annual, WMe. TX; Delgaty, who. is gait° e.„..,. oupomey.„ asked that the.coiinciitt‘okaSaturday evening, when thefollow ; ..,e. lectiOn Of officers in their lodge room • cess; • ' : ' ' ' ' .' t,C-061111101tre7..Wip:' c. I n t along the eame lines Stave's,- Hall vvite about ready, for . R.,: Lough spoke htiellY . ' ' : . • . ' : ' idg year . W. Master, Wm. and • Deputy Master; 111. Woods, secretary, ing were elected officers for the ensu- Chicken fancier, has. a stock of fine. : on . ' oseeeeel; •_Black efiaorea,s aud effete it few of the • Rev. Me. Sawers is becoming a: ;Sop! best young cockerels for sale .asked eliire the council take prompt ace - . seepette, ten covin.g.eo the,carly Closing of the.. ceremargieS, arid G. Howard treasurer; A, .E. Erwin; . Johnstone director of eas well and ,i1J4 the church every Sun, *. War peetor arid is strong in the pulpit • 'isibrittemans r year. .: . - - ' e . ' • .; . .: . 13, _Spencer; lst carrimittee .. Fk Atwood, and,- Qr, Sande/son; .illy.' ' ' ' ' ': •: ,' ... • • . Counciilqijohnsen wee rather inlay-. Mr. William Macdonald is abIete ,bis .,:- 8rd, n, Spencer; 4eh. E, 'Reid; 5ths J. ' • • or of the present Board continuing- MeE Wen; This lodge is in .a,..prosperabeut agaip,We are glad to see, and ;1 the managementth of e -Li brery,fOe are ous Condition and their meeting was visited Clinton -on Minidity Messrs p. Deigaty, IL 'Graham -sustaining the council Might then ' ,.entnusian'tic and . gave 'promise" a 9, . other year and if it could be made self-. • e . and .3., Snider visited. at' Mr. William -take '. chaige.• - Hee ::.terittiel; though • succe. esed year ahead. • , : . Chesney's' in Titekersurith One. evening submit the questiou . to the The different Sabbaill Schools of Ole ' town are taking Steps to hold Christ- last week e 16 is reported theta euehres . ' ratepayers, on Sanuarylet and if 'they inni -trees this Year. This will no match was one Of the eyeningea amuse'e. of . much of mente and that William got the worst said yea toimmediate possession, well doubt relieve SantreOlans and good -• his anxiety, especially in-vieW of 'a ' . • .. ' .. . • .. ' • .. - • • . pe it every time.. • COupeiltor',Pluiniper was of mach green ris masThe Checker Club bas beep reorgen th- , . . . , • • • , e seam opinion. The, council has . been pityipg the Library $100 a year The good Peciple of the Presbyterian 'Ned for the season And. wield like to aleapreferred: • If l'ilete .. . hear fronessurroeteding ChM& .. Clinton any cherche after previding for the •accom. mei itthe change Would call for modat-iOn of those driving to church byall, ' ris . e . . . further outlay he would uot support it. by putting .up an addition to the : shed, Bruce, peAgnew, J.BHoover of the . itub. have inc now'turnieg their 'attention in Ole' '4a(1.. 3 hnrcie .Cook ,any more con.ceiearr to their abiliteein He also fevered a plebiecite. • . . The coencii being- unanimous a by church -and 'a ceding and perch will. cheater board manceuires - let thern law was passed itietnerizieg a . vote or., : beetle next Mists:overtone. , ': • , q uestiori has been voted On, a slimier Xmas Tre'e entertainment on the (D. V.) in 'otnere down here. We. promise them a letThis Will not be the drink and a series of games they wi the electors' to be &teen 'On. January s . firee thee tills . tend The Church of .England •holding their Sunday School geed time, Plenty to eat enough to . eeening cif Dec. the. 28th. • More Pars . ?"3°Y.' , StivirPes wash* London, 1 Monier* and peogearnme later on. '. Re.v*.mr• • • Wednesday Th P b f a HoLivtgovni.,E, • MissesBnell and Walker of Clinton were the guests of Mies N.OshaIdeston Miss McDonald and Mrs. I. A. Ford of Clinton spent Seedily with Miss Susie Acheson. Rev. Me. Kellinecton of Nile was in our village this week. Captain Colwell, Wife and father of Pore Pope,weregnests of Mr. S. Walter • lag er,eek. by-law haying been Adopted in 1:. A by law naming the polling Place and deputy-returentg officers for the The approach of Merry Xmas mimes on,, met here last Thursday far' the purpose Jammu y election was also passed. through the different stages. The ap- us think of all our relatioris and we sit of dealing wehlesalerve X. A. McDonald's pointmerits are the same as lest year .„ down to consider what form our gifts resignation from the Varna, and Blake and as follows : . will assuthe this tirve and, what plea- . charges We understand the Presby - se. eG.axeriezeeesielopev-Azei: ittowtee,slicei,e0. ' sure we can bring to those we love.' It does give joy to one to send these little We understand our Wood King. Mr - tory decided tosa,ecePt his resignation ' puty. greetings, it speaks of good will and Hugh Mc Gregor,has raised hard wo ST. JOHN'S WA.13H-Pred. Rumball's- brings up fond _recollections, How to $1.76 per cord, In Clinton and carriage shop -Thos. Cottle, de ..would it be to send a frlend'Tnei News- , forth they are glad to get it at $2 etteostre for it 'year P We are not so badly off after all. Ram. '3. S. Henderson of Ilensall lee ured to an appreciative audience i Mr. Jesse Mountain went t Seaforth ethveeniZegs.by Presbyterian church lasjecettirtys %t on Tuesday. "A Trip Through Wonderland.", Mr, T.W. Parinier was in CU on on Ur. William Ross has a smile on these pu y. $T JAMES' Wirtn-EleSinith's Averse- : Thos. D. Iobnson, deputy. Sr. ANDANW's WAHH-lown - • . :Walter Morning, deputy. A letter was readfrom Iklie D. G rit ham, proprietor of the elect' ie. Metre plant,. protesting against, continuiug the light. lentil twelve o'clock on Saber day nights. An Lour earlier was quite late enough, he thoughtets all good citi- aens should beindoorsetid'abed before that time, In reply the council dire (need the Clerk to call Mr. Graham's attentien to'his eontract with- the.' col.: poration and also to. illiterate to Itim thee a. better light is expected than heti. beeu furnished and fuetherinore thee his iiccounts will be shorn in future if Ole lights are turned off too early or are not on at all on nights when they sho aid be. The electria.lights at the comer of Ontario rend Kirk streets and at corner' of Shipley and Huron streets wave or- dered to be -raised five feet or so in or. der to east more light on adjoining streets. The local manager of Molsons Bank informed the council that there was a balance of $1,527,35 to the credit of the town sinking fund and to the council's account $413.68; . The finance report, as follows, was adopted byelhe council hlarland Bros., supplies 12 41 1 10 305 8532 18 00 1 10 800 0 00 100 D. Cook, teaming -- 5'. Evans, teaming C. ()after, work bill It. Reynolds, salary W. Dittman, grass seed e D. Mc(Iuitig, teaming rt. .Ss 3. Ransfoeil, salt , Thee! East, tile Electric Ligbt Coirmivey 01 48 A. Seeley, repaint to heater 5 00 3, B. Kennedy, rent of pound 12 00 T's Mackenzie, work, luneherote. tr 00 Menicipal World, marriage re'str 3 00 J. A, Fowler, plans 251) Jo. Wheatley, postage • /3 F. Rumble!, regales 7 05 3. Tedford, repairs 13 00' There will he it meeting of the The receipts for the month of Nov:- ladies"f the St J h 4t.on - ember were as follows i-Maeket scale% Mt Thos. Holloway lute become it , tem will be establiehed shortly, while organising the Holnietiville Wench of 0 --------------------- "' OO $uits. We ask you to call and see tne er, ie tig built. The town has Woolen's Auxiliary. A full attend. weeee—weeeets. chicken fancier and this eve,ekedded to It 1 i Thefte goods. • They are of first -quality and his pens a White Rock CCM If -ere..--- - reeently been tapped by A, military so twee is urgently requested. A:number of Mende from town and Illr. Sautes Flynn was kicked by a that It is at peeeeet booming, Wages The wise men of the township 1106t LOWIlahip gathered at the home of Mr. at tempting prices. . . • . • horse he was shoeing lest week and are high, but so ere living expenses so on Monday. There was a Mtge attend- And Mrs. W. H. 13eiveona on Tuesday' Walked With- a limp for a few days.— that the margin of profit is not much r lance on aecoutit of it betng the day for night last to help that worthy couple Mr. Jaeob Miller has sold an see motor greater than in the nut, not with the taxes to be peal. celebrate the fifth anniversary of their to Mr. Duncan Mel:wen of Stanley. all Western towns Greene/ay has its The Net of the cheese wits sold on wedding. It was their Wocxlen Wed. Mr. Williern Steep lost it horse hot seamy side and Mr. Irowe earl that he Scvtineley for 111 eents. The Wee. this ding Pei ineeentit Appropriate to the week, ---Among the studerite in train- never eaW such drunkenness and out- year have been unusually good. Tbie oecasion were reeds by the gt*StAt, trig at the Model School who have -been and ont wieltednees as may be wittles- should encourage the petrons se. that Oyetera and other da.iteACiet Vitre en - engaged for 1900 are t Mies Moffitt who sed there enY tier. To'bounterhalance they may tend more milk to the joie and etrrioet the wee etna ORM 6 T Jackson, S 1. goes to No. 6, Turnberry, X kext week we will Speak of our Overcoats and Men's Sults. VLOTHISH 1/1/11NISHES AND itAIVER, **wow i .. r. McAl- thirty-two stiloCnis there art three pie. factory next year thee formerly, bad nerited ere the company direpige ti hi X I h ppy mtnrris of flee antrivete liStr(rte LOtideShOr0,,Sis• Gilleepie to leeinen.• On the whole MN lowe Wee Our' school teacher is making great sod, after wishing hobt and bateau viopogrA moot , and Mies Calder to Mel , fers*ittario and gen openin , presort prepare one or s Mae entata. t I Al 9 ‘t% ° OfellfrOlf, .,,, Wilke She asatstant teacher, * etl itself hewould ie.turn gain.. premiss to Enka fins sweet& --.1-,_ LONDESORO. • .Vriday. • Mr, It. G. Webb spent :a conel daysin Dublin this week. , Mr. Win. . Coupland of London hoine on a• visit to his parents. The pupils and teachers of the Meth- 9eise Sunday, School are practising for the Ohristtrias eritedainmente -Mr, A.. Woodman Is stile confined to hia rode. . . Mr. las. McLeod took it busine.oa trip to 13aylleld last week, • Messrs. Thos. Hill and Mose Brown attended the Firemen's hall Seaforth on Friday night Master Eddie Sheppard of _Clinton spent from Frid.ay till Monday with Heetard Adams. Miss Bina Kirk of Liicknow spene few days in town with heresister, Miss Jennie Kirk. Miss Rose Riley has retneried home nftereperidiug a couple of weeks with Molds at Detente& Mies Maud Andrews of Varna is renewing acquaintances in. town this week. • Mr. Wilt Gray, ,while on the road home from Clinton on Thursday night last, met with an acciderie whereby Ole shaft of his buggy was broken. Miss Ella Mine, on accome of ill - health, has been obliged to return to her home in Auburn. • • Rev. 3. A. Hamilton, pastor of Knot church here, • conducted preparatory services in Goderich on 'Friday lase. of days. It is an heiress Mr. Geo. Hill has gob his house ven- eered with brick, which adds greatly to its appearance. " . Mr. Oak of Yankee Land, has taken position with Mr. John Snider as her- ess maker. As Mr.Oak first-class • m chanic and. 'Mr.' Snider keeps the be t of stock, they ought to be kept hustling making harness this winter. LOMA:MORO, The meetings of the Christian. no. deiivor Society are growing in interest...4s, _ and in attendance of members. Nor are the members content to let the Ole subject for the evening drop as soon as the leader hes read his or her paper, •iit• mrty of the others present also have soniething to read, or' say on • the topic. This is as it should be in all sueh societies, as, by this means and each member is made to fell that he has an interest in the. well-being Ole meetings are made mot e interesting and sitecessful workings of the society. - The following is the standing of the • pup& of school section No. 8, Hullett for November 81411+11011 IMPARTMENT. class:--Perest Jeffrey, Jonathan Co uphill d,A1 vin n red thwal te, trell, Robt. Snell, Mabel Coupltind. Sr. 4th -Lizzie Snell, Zeno, Whitley, Mery Etrogilen, Clare Nelson, Eleanor • Mains, Willie Lyon, Verna Hili3s, The regular- monthly tneeting of the Kirkconnell, /Ionia Circle will be boa tit s mon r. on Dee, 14th, One week earlier than the regular meeting night, Mr. Sam Woodman's trip to Toronto last week vvith it car lead of turkeys, was le Successful one flnancielly and. Mr. Woodman -will be encouraged to attempt a • like venture next season. Helves assured by the Toronto buyer that hie riaa the best fitted -up ear that had been sent Into hies. Mrs. T. W. Parimer having resigned the presidency of the Upworth tetagite, Miss Suole Lyon was on Monday even- ing elected president for Cho balaric,e • of the steer. Mrs. Perlmer *asap most' efficient officer and presided over the meetings or the League with great tact 1 d t She will , be greatly oilseed from her ficeustorned chelr, but has worthy sueceteor in Mies Lyon. The meeting of the Epworth League on Monday evenieg was presided otee by . T.13. Coo lend in Ole abeenee of tire presiderrt-eleet, Id Ise Lyon. The toga was intensetteetl he Mies IVA, iiho rend 8,110411 liatini4tillg: alta Wen. d OrtPla*d P4Pet. sow t of t sir wol nit as, 4r, 4th Ettie Lyon,Esther- Untie - son, Howard 13runsdoe, LoWiS Mary 13edforcl, Myrtle Phillips. Sr. Seri -Amelia Townehend, Maggie Ceatg, Attie Crawford, Oeorgeeitnell, Lillie Brown, Flossie Jainiecon(ctinal),. Edwin Adams, Maud Lyon. . Jr. 3rd-rrank Garrett, Willie Pell, Susie Ilroieri, Maggie Garrett, Willie 1,ee, /toward Bedford. Average attendance, 41. -Thos. 11, Pratt, Teacher, JUNIOT1 MtreatTetkerr. Sr. Zia -Annie • Couplend, Minnie jettell, Artie Brunsdott Mable Shobe broke, jr. 2nd-.El8le Lyme!, 31tel IlicOota* nell, Elva Brown. Se Pt. 2nd-Lizz1e Maines, Howard Shobbmoke, Minnie BroWn, Jr. Pt, 2nd-4ohn Kirkeonnell,Lealle Woodman, Wesley Taman. Sr. 1st -liana Lyon, Howard Lite, 4 • Percy Stevenson. 4r. 1st -1`.ierths. Drogden, Jiro Law. Average ettendatleli %).-Jannio G. eon, John Levreon, • Rieke Testidh"Ot