HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-11-30, Page 7„:, OTIIERGREATITI Ry.flf 118 m mjimfa IQ ATTACK NATAL CAPITAL. °R ” Ti wqmo ADVANCE ON E MOS Of Grain, 0441% 0110e80, &ea Lord Methuen's Column Defeats 3 000 $ Boers tolv.p_RImmiTsfivprm The Doers Are Marching South of Estcourt Toward 'nu" 14(1a49".silng Nart14 The Orange and Modder Rivers Are Now Said to at Delmont, litterestitile Be Mit. Our Own YfoRta mis—Ab Pietermaritzburg. De Passable. , 'Toronto, Nev. 20,e-aVe liad 041Y 05 Or 30 oitrioede ot shift sit the Western Cattle yerde thie Morning, Including 1,- - , 000 hop, 800 cattle, 750 aboOP end . 1111Perial:Xoeses Were Very -Heavy and It Was An. other CoSly Victory-.Tbe Guards carried the Last Ridge at the Point of the Bayonet. 'A deal/eta:al frOM, London eaya.:-The fellovving despatch froM Belmont des - War Offices Iola lesued the tolloWing ert.Pinif the battle ;h. The Roars held a posttion weith 408'044 from Geu. Lord Methuen,' Britieli troops would bold against al - which wes received through Gen. Sir 1neet are' force. Tee Praise victory * Erederiole Vorestier Walker at Cape ia complete. h "lily estimate of the Boer Immo m ., TOwe:- 500 killed and 100 wounded. Mr, Belmont, Nov. 23. --al attathed the Knight, correspondent of the Ihnicion en•emy at. daYbreak this morning in a adonaing Post, was wolinded. The Beer atrong POSiti011 on three ridges, which Priaoners are ignorant, dirt)", and Were earned in succession, the lasat at- en 0 e e Whey .say that half then tack being prepared by oharpnel• The furgsg:;. :enrolee! the war, will re- infantay behaved sialendidyeaini4.,a: -low whole brunt of the fearful ' halved aueport from the naval brie Gght was borne by the infantry, who The enemy ware obliged to climb 500 feet, straight ' gatie end attillery, fought with co.urage and skill. Had I into a terrific stream of missiles, Wee Ninth Lancers pureued the enenay with a attacked later 1 shouid have had fat greet eiaoux, bat the Beers, welt heavier tossee. Our eh:Very was coMe Mounted, and familiar with the hille, Plete. 11 haVAA' 40 priseners, I' am Melted amtore theta. . • burying a good number ot Boers, t shvitehtle..ve, been eevertl meree dvexeciteoivrte eitie greeter part of the killed e and poseeesed more cavalry," wounded were Mime, away by their BOERS WERla PLUCKY', eh:oracles. e have a large eumhea °I The London Dail N ' horses and ems. / destroyed a large dent at Orange rfverewsasyseatiThaerntline- amount et ammunition, Beare at Belmont fought with the 481 ve111113r etb. re°i. n ' "The British lass Was A officers and tlpr trli.iy higereslisoprnitiej 55-nuati killed, 22 offieeraund 12ii men gunners standing by wounded, ana le „men miming ." -. them withedrogged determination,. ex: "Brig. -Gen. -„Fetherstonhaugb was posing tb selves until the last mo- • severely,wounded in the shoulder, and mewnten they Iv. ere. 'triven from rie Lieut. -Col. Crabbe, of the Grenadier first ridge by the. Guards' bay ne e, Guards, le reported. wounded. . they withdrew to the sedonde Whitt . 'ai)er other casaulties are: they contested. math has much steady " Grenadier Guards, Third Battalion emiihhe as it 121 t ejt ad. never been ' Killed, 'Lieut. Fryer ; wolanded, Lieut. moved. . Blundell, dangerously, Secona a Bat- They maae a most_dateneined stand pn the third ridge. 'alley clung to their talion -Wounded, Lieut. Leslie, Lieut.. grtounrtwifth adixiireble pluck, pouring . Vaughan, Lieut. Gordon-Rebow, and a er i e ire into the Briteeh% Lieut.' Russell; reported . w.ouaded, .80 BOERS BAYONETTED. Lieut. Lyon and Lieut. Canaeron; Rank r The Natal Advertieer confirms the ianngd 1a8il.e, 'Linea,. 26, wonnded 36, man, ItePoseryet o:f_tightiaig near Willow Grange. "Ceddetreani Guards-lairst hatta- "Five theusand British left Bateau t lion., wounded, Lieut: Grant Seeond Wednesday afternoon for a recennairs- Battalioe, wounded, Lieut.. the Hon. C. osahonook: TTheneryedseayrp.liesrendinthseaBonderepecanto! Willoughby, and Lieut. Burton; the erthe Boer position bayonettin latter severely, Rank. and file, killed, the enem . opened witn quiek-firebetea Ye At day heat g 80 oaf 8; Wounded, a3; naisein 5. . a "'hoots Guerde.h•Fitst Battalion, arteirlaryndwtlits 'unable to reach the TnehaBritisrh ,wounded, Major Hon: North DalrYine fore, imam:tie auatig331.1eraiitnn' there- pleeHamiltoe, severely ; Lieut. 13ulke- was • brought into actioann, awnall a'ate- • ley aod Lieut. ,Alexander. Rank ana was brouhgt into action, and the file, killed; 9;, wounded, 34. ' Biaoteisenatrilc4;lear ihe 7BhrttriefIbileagrlinaevdllitgo , " Northumberland Fusiliers- First Battalion, killed, -Capt. Eager and ! THE, FIVE BATTLES. Lieut.; Biine r . 'The ,following table shows the Brit- ; ' 'emended, Major Rash- ish dead, woundee and .missing ie wo'od, and Lieut. Fasting, dangerously; Capt-hapte and Lieut. Fishbourne, se- each of tae five battles since tbe Avekely, 'Bank and filee killed, 12; war opened:-, • .• wounded. '32. Country, great Britain, the linked condensed and A0301100 feir BMW Baas Make a Sunrise !Attack on Mont -River Village—The boos, and et couple Of dozen calves 'Santee, end Ali Parts of the (Robe, OffICOM to Dress the Same 'as Illen.-The Battle at 1 " Reaming. • OAN'Apit. ' • KIBect at Kimberley—Fighting at Mafeldng'. Eilelny Are Henunal ht at Colesberg—Nineteen Boers anAutielker4i car °ado of ttwutrieekeekey.:arroateeaMe:int100,110; in Possession of Naauwpoort...Boers Again De, Kimberley Will Be a Serious One..13ritish Again , ,tayrt,:yhrioalintdilt.f,.orci tee a serious epicleMio of The London: Mornhag poshe 'ogres- CariselifIntleethrovelitact°14LliilythGerell,stninetit: ttlihTeehdbeeegninliaani:Ilintilgssillhoiwalli. ' The Quebec Legiolatere amen; Amu- eh hoe_ . pendent at 31seol river atation, eaera:- the Free State border. When thee day were a shade firmer tor good cant -, . feated Near Esteourt. ' The Hamilton Court of Reviaion out ' 8 000 to 44;iogf""' , , men, with a number ee drew:, them off the premises and dared (estimated et from Boers entered a few days ago sae the tradehontinuee in a moat auntie. 49',01 JAM400 Times publishee the fol. Oommenleatien w t 4 Ith was de, especIallY good butcher cattle bet • , . - i h X'a a'aiM ' . twsponineddare eht°Threfrareauire sPeCtiyiettri ceg)er; ' onaepear:YOCuanPdtatrAgbhuttataedieeegtronisodelliea4rt3alt A new opera bowie will be opened at hrttebeson's cutting, tWo miles north and one tore it down and raised tbe at Kingston nett September. theta to touch colonial property. The Boere hoisted a Free State flag. 'factors conditiop. mu. selections, • Export ',tittle is quotea at from, 04 to oem talkie again, and the Modder river 18 to mum i Ith 1, d ith ed the aam west of the railway briage, ost dry, The Boers have destroy- light arrived, with wilith it iii hoped SOME POINTS ABOUT NARKS. Ana cam w a earn . 01,50,000 of the assessment. . oitto;gbiliavanedsoa.cupleil a otrong position to adopt the curfew belt by -1 Hamilton City Council has refused .t -aw. "Their 'howl °Zyewtser:tpa9rstteed4 is:telling the r4ilaragellitiatallattliaaan.0 Aatinnteaxeitngas, tor ahrtrtet tiao strong versa proclamation againot treason. Butcher matte showed no formally opened on Thursday. London's new 0100,000 hesPltal 1"trac o '0'0:: 3fool river vilaige ail 1.30 this after., she tore thein down and posted 0440 ner cwt., with, an eighth Mere far .reel and the piers of the latter have also Taiaespoitaahot Daaailya's Xtalieraap°3aPemToorwaon, the• Guelph Stook Show on Dec. 7. . was ace:mete. Moat of the range of four railed- Their shootMg vigorously as they marohed awaY tzers opened muldenth at r umphant woman denounce t iThe Beera finally left tole. get she itun and inferior cattle is weak, Load& change. Gogh atuff is wanted, but ,med- 1 hord Minto will be asked to attend a mission. , f eh,- into our camp, but the Boers office and Government ProPertr, The 40, awl 1-4 to 1.2o, extra is paid for get Nyithin rifle range. name of this brave woman sheds remaining in possession of the post- of the best oattle sett at ftout 0 14 to The Quebec. Governiment will intro- dropped dace a new liquor license law next • could not held Deo. 7. r of peir guns, and they immediatee saYfreThe Boers are now within fore to 3c, per lb. hes 17t eickea lots, he opened fire upont a party of 200 been reported. . It is said In Winnipeg that name. Boers, Wee were advancing under coy- A dentate& from London, Whined . ay Stockets continue weak et from 21-2 nations for the local elections will be Y re ured. A thunderstorra then in- tY mites of Pietermaritzburg, one reii• Bulls and feeders are unchanged. There are !about candidates in Lon- , terrepted the firing. We had three Portondeed. Placing teem as far scnit illaiherS Sad slowly to -day at from. don' for every ammicipal poeation ex- men Wounded." rept tee mayoralty.. rims IlEetaralD IN. es as Nottingham road, a station 95 ey 025 to $45, but 050 will be pale ter • The British Columbia sealers have A despatoli from cape Town, saes: mil have seized the railway between Est-- choice cattle from the coital of Natal. Th hfrom Hanover road, and Generah Gat- court and hhooi river, thits interposing ' f b t had a .good yeare taking 4848 skins, -General French, with 8.000 troops . us against 28,552 in 1898. Wally micas are unchanged. Sheep and lambs are easy, but nom- -definitely in tim held lis awyoralty are hemming in the Boers at Coles-, same t Thies ; between Hildyardes garrison odaBou 2,000 men at the former place an ar- tones coratmhandetnt umpringlabboeuntenith;. ohToihoeereveiasl aoonl active enquiry for some Aid. Wilson and 31athers are tooth acre, with a force from NaauWp0Ort, Oanadatee DI Winnipeg. tle,mplicir Bros'. store at Fleining . . . . berg, • ina,ge.a e a er me. e No change occurred- in, hogs. hiaoice vea. 3560 taken trona tee casn drawer. Assa, wag entered. by burglars, and mbzotobtoosorwi n.eagr spolult itoerthe ienaBodrrtihttieosrh: haptabrieteoemotti blia, ts shhelled tha trtolops, aitu Mot oe odi ri ill et ire, tl•te Cam Colony. • , • , atTiteveBralrapohianytes,wraen°dkehdatvh: rsaeicluroraedd fat hogs et 03,75 per cwhatores ate not den aa. apparen y in , . selling at 04, per meta and thin and wboagnst,edso.aling from 160 to 200 lbs., are A SdheatspoTIEtohpEfresomm mope AaErE, htza:,...A. valuable supplies by looting the farms lreeypowr thee nt hllietiaefllt throuhhent one of the most ProsPer- irrieg is the range of careent despatch' rtder Wile has 'arrived here A sortie was made on Nev. 16, and ous parts of Natal, Their strength is quo a lens ea a a Shipperet per met. . , 0 4 00 . 0 4 50 twhanst wteewlln.at Kimber- unknown. According to English re- Cattle. 5ponfjtos eaestihraeathteedr aatnyfrort Butcher, choice do. , 375 4 25 Nineteen Of the enemy 'were killed. of the Boers. ed in the numbest is not known, but Butcher, inferior. : , '150 ', 2 75 - tit i78,0vOrrainentail.7 • the British, carried the advances works General Joubert's command ishnolud- Butoher, med. to. good.. 300 . 3 50 ' An Orange river d,espateli fitateethat StaM commandos are being concen- the BritiSiA inEitii blithe; Sortie was one it is generally believed that the Free trated. . Sheep and Lambe. Stockers, per cwt: . , 225 312 1-2, ond Battalion, wounded, Capt. Free- " Northamptonshire Regiment-- Sec= EGIencoe. K. landslangtee . •51 • 48 land mid Lieut. Barton, severely. . aRisetfontesn, " Seuth Yorkshire Regiment -sea- . . 12 ond Battalion, rank and filehivound- Belreenriauhehatr s Farm' ; hewn& pOSITION STRONG. - Glencoe.' • NVounded, • despettotalioni London, sayte-lee- Elandslaagtha aia • . 219 tat had been relieved there comes news fore anxiety as to the situation m Na- htioafoatein. 221031384 of a great battle -at -Belmont. This Perm/hare; Farm, . has happened sooner than w,e expect- BeIP:nont. e50 ed. Only the official. account is yet to . Missing. head, but so far as can be gathered, iheneoes, . the fighting appears to have been al-. Bietfontein. . most a repetition of the battle of Elandsletagte, A despatch .of the pre- miou.s day estimated that the Boers in • that vicinity numbered 2,000, and that they had five guns, and judging from the absence of any statement to the' oontrary in the official desPatoh it is believed that the British were slightly superior in numbers to the enemy. - The Deems bad chosen a position with their customary skill and were strong- -ly entrenched. The British were oblig- ed to carry three ridges in succession. aipparently the Guards bore the brunt in carrying the last ridge by a bayonet charge after its defenders had been shaken with shrapnel. While Gen. Methuen hian be con- gratulated upon ri brilliant victory, it is again with et cost of a heavy loss of officers and men. On November 9 the enemy advanced .their lines 300 yards. Col. Baden- Powell hotified the town to prepexe for a further fortnight's siege, but there is little ground for believing that it will be relieved in a fortniaht. • At least a mouth must elapse before it. is rein- forced. ., Since the siege began a anenth ago thirty lives have been lost. The enemy are getting out: of hand They refuse to obey Gen. Cronjeh orders for a night attack. Every. attack hetet-been repulsed with heavier loss to the eneany than to the British, The Boers have received additional guns and am- munition and the bonlbardment is in - Meeting in vigor. . .e....e.„ FURTHER DETA.ItS. The tondos Time.s nblishes the If, following despatch fr m i's corres- ' pot:dent a' Belmont: aajhe etigagetnent was a comple1e ' :Grout, and the Guards' attack One of the finest' achievemeets in the annals of their. brigade. The defendi3rs' fire :vitas reserved until the Guards were avithire 260 yards. The Guards did not fire in reply, but used the bayonet • only. : 1 . i. " The Beare used Home clum-dilm Inn- letet. "Limit, Willoughby was 'reacher - °Maly shot by a party avhieh had rais- ed a whiM flag. Lieut. )3Iundell was shot by a wounded Poet lie was 0 - tending. ." Major Milton, of .'he Yorkshire In- fantry, aisplayed speeial gallantry. At the close of the aotimi when his men fell into the ambush and they were es - Gaping, he gave bis harm to a steeper :Mime mount had been shoh ana walk- ed away himself under heavy fire. " Gen. Methuen, ether the battle, ade &eased the trciops, saying: "Comradea, I congratulee you on the temples emcees achieved by yoti • thee morning. The. ground over which aae had to fight premented exceptional • difficulti43a, and We bad aa an enemy one wbo is a past matter in the taetios ' of mounted infantry. With troth*: such as you, a commander ean havhno fear of the result. There is to all this, and u and r • think- ing as much o °se who hetes died tor Abe o eir ntry and • th who re tiog ae we are al ng of t3 t s ' estiettette t lo es aw equal those of the thh. r hear a tuinour that the a,r threatening to armaspinate recalci s who, tiring of the war, are &alerting." s s • sOo 130Eits WERE KILLED. Vile London Daily Chtonisheet corres. pendent with the foram " Belmont says that the Moral effect of Gen, 31etinien's vietory had been inimente. inasintich Mt the enemy had boasted • that they teeIla "bold their pesitiOn against all the soldiers England could Send against theM, The correepondent h henversed with etWeral prietthets. admit that their tom; Was conaidere able, TheY Pet' WarM ttibutes to our WOO, Who climbed the ateep hopjes in fain: 0. murderotia fire as non.. thalabily AS If they wor on earade. notinithstadding the fac that their oteriteadeet Wine drepping in every di.. I • Motion. "The lloet fire, though terrifies and Sustained, heetuna wildly butourate, Our shell fire 130101pIetely deMetalked the onenly. The Ninth Lancets, par. ening the retreating eneriiy, cut them . .208 . 2 Warquhars Farm. . . 87a Belmont. . . . . , . - CA§UALTIES TO DATE. The total ,British easualties so fat as 'at present known amount to 2.588. The killed number 320, the wounded 999, and the% missing 1,269. ' FROM MAFEKING. A. despatch from Mafeking, says: - The investment of the town, is very close, The garrison ie constant- ly harassed by the besiegers' fire, The waterasupply wad failing, and dysen- tery was occurring as long ago as No- vember 8.. The Boers direct the die of their big guns at th.e hospital and viromen's Mager at the monastery. One shell struck an inmate of the women's Jaeger -on Nov. 4,, • The enemy unsuccessfulty tried to blow up the town with dynamite. The exploaive went off prematurely, kill- ing many Boers. A reconnaiseance by Major Godling on Nov. 7 lea to a hot and prolonged fusillade. One Englishman was wounded, but the British lost' heavily hahorses and cat- tle. Again on November 8 the enemy shelled the hospital, killings a patient. 001. Baden-Powell sent a message for the fifth time, demanding immunity for the tied Cross, and threatening re- prisals, General Cronje deferred his artswer. Gen. Cronje answered Col, Baden- Powell's remonstrance against firing. on theeRed-Cross, saying he fired on the convent because it was occupied by the British. He made no reply regarding his firing cm the hospital and the women's Mager. His ()avian - Atkin was a lie. There is no military hoccupation of the convent, as he was told before hostilities. On Nov. 10 heavy shelling was again resuined„ the Ore being mainly direct- ed. at the women's' Jaeger and hos,, pital. The town is provisioned for several months. There is nothing to fear..if the water lasts. On Nov. U seven Cape police arrived with despatches from the north a fort- night old. They lied been pursued by the Boers tor ten days. On Nov. IS enemy again :shelled the hospital; "HALF ME14 1--JHALF. WOMEN I" ,Kruger's Eatim,ate Highland Sol. diem Tender in love I but fierce In War I "nail men 1-naIf women la - Your motto--"Toucle me, if ye deur I" "Half men 1 -half women I" Veinal in valor, -one to ten! Precedes' it to the world again The brave thee are the tender Men! "Half niert1-balf women I" Kruger truthfullyj hath spoken, "SW men I -half women!" Seel brairest ranks are broken! "Half Meal -441f wpmen1"- Highlandersh charge I -the Boers milat - feel The terroret Of your -wane of steel; "Cook 0' the North,' the bagpipes squeal 1 "Half menl-half WoMen I" Reinernber deeds of valour doneres "Half men 1 -half women I" Remember fields of glory Won,-. "Half Meal -hal Women!" in Britain's battle:I do you share, Bring honor to the name yell bear, • Beers shall vestment the areas emu wear "Halt men thhalf women I" And When the struggle' shalt be o'er, "Half Men I -half women!" Return In peace to Scotland:a Ashore, 'Half Men women!" Your intitherre astern, brothers dear, Will Veneer:le you Witlitmani Cheer ; Lnd Mon fotget old Kruger's selectee. "Half. Men lhamlf Warden!" Temente, 04116.40. 1011N IMItag. 160016 towna in Gealletne the tele., phone is introduced by tobaoeeniste a* • The Natithel Park at Banff le be stocked with mountain sheeh, goate, moose, antelespe, deer, and other •ane. mats. The Kingston Locomotive Worksheet been offered a bonus of $70,900 and i• a free site. to. move to a town! outstele nf Ontario. The Hamilton Police Magistrate's re- cent conviction of a hotelkeeper for selling ginger ale to a minor has been annulled by judge Seider. Constable Harriaon of the Northwest Mounted Pollee at MacLeod was found dead with, a bullet through his brain the dayaafter his wedding, . lIon. R. R. Dobell hes forwarded to the Montreal Board of Tiede a Model of a turret steanishisp, such as he aa- vocates for tee 'fast Atlantic service. Mrs. Haste and AlfreclaQuitgley, ther brother- have been committed for trial at Red 'Deer, N. W. T., on the charge of murdering Nelson Bogie at Ponoka., Commissioner Ogilvie has reported to the Department of the Ihterior that the =aunt of royalty collected in the Yukon up to November let eats 0780,- ' Tile threateile'd strike of coal miners at Letheridge has been postponed, the claim for the present.. for shorter 4moeuursea. v.ing decided to alia.ndon their The Hamilton Trades and Labor dounoil decided to support by the membershpatronage those merchants who close their stores early on Satur- day nights. E. H. Lloyd, who was arreaMd in London, Eng., for embezilement of 01,800 from S. Caraley, & Co, Montreal, has been giyen three years in the peni entiary. Tee Dominien Steamship Co. has ree. calved notification thet the Britisn Government has cbartered their bih steamehip Canada to . transport troops to South Africa. There is a larger atten.dance at Queen's University than ever befoie, and the question of providing increas- ed accommodation will . have to be dealt with at an earlh date. • The wife of Harry J. O'Neil. the Chi- cago Board of Trade plunger, was are rested in Montreal on a charge of,hav- ing 050,000,worth of diarnends belong- ing .to her husband's creditors. During the past season the follow. ing.ttaffie was done through the Sault Ste. Marie canal: Vessels, 3,244; vessel tonnage, 2,576,859; freight ton - siege, 2,566,546; passengers, 14,461. The two Cat Lake Indians, tried at Winnipeg on a charge • or murdering theit chief, at his own request to rid hiniself of an evil spint, have eaoh been sentenced to four months' ira- prisoinnent The Soldiers' Wives' League in eke:areal have .already ten families to whom assistance is being rendered out of, the soldiers' fund. Tne amount sub. scribed by the citizens of Montreal has teeched $8,000, At the meeting of district Wizens commanding at Ottawa, Gen. Hutton asked the colonels present to. pro- vide themselves with the new, flat-top- ped Gertaan forage cap in place of the style worn at present. Peter Peterson, engineer at the Canadian Packing Co.'s factory,. Lon- don, Ont., met his death while oiling some shafting. He was caught in the belting and both legs taken off, his arms broken and his head and body badly crushed. There was a remarkable instance of longevity at Montreal Thursday, Jean Baptiste Prevost, aged 106 yeara, and his sister-inelaw, Esther Mon, aged 88 years, arrived from St. Ann's, where they had spent the slimmer, descend- ed unaided from the train and, entered a carriage by themselves to the aston. lahment of the spectators. .9 ao th ki a ta at th lap oh ho VC tb ao eh at The Minister of Suatiee ha's received eagmunication from the members of he family of Itobt. Mackie, the Nap- es bank robber, asking for chim- ney in hawkish ease. Justice Fergie, n, it will be remembered, sent Mac- es to penitentiary for 14 years, while are and Holden got only fotm and tee yeara at the second trial. Mac - eh case will be kept in mind, but a he hae on ty served ten months of is time' no =Mediate action will be ken. The demand for berths on ocean eamshipi for the Paris Exhibition xt summer is already so enormous at the Aliens have ieceived enough plications for the four large Steam- ips, Tunisian, Bavarian, Californian d Parisian. The accommodation, wever, has net been sold, to pro- fit speculation. Messrs. Allan state at the probable minimum rate for n-oattie carrying Allan Line steam. itia next year will be between $60 d $75. GREAT BRITAIN- ` ,A. new halfpenny paper is to be rated in London by Mr, Arthur killed and eight wounded. . • , Ewes, per owt. . . • 325 g2 HE CONTRIBUTES 050,000. The fact of th,3ir mounting guns Lambs, per cwt. . . . 3 25 seems to dispose of the idea, that they ,.. , 2 25 2 75 held, has given h10,000 to the war itere inerelyhlraitding ealunndewtrheactkiintgie aInt .1ille.itat Per cwt. . . . advance in force for the purpose of cows, each , , . 2500 50 00 reasona e o as A desPatch from London, Batas •-An . Australian, who wishes his name With- Milkers and Calves. - fund. A Britiaher, who prefers to re- thethingaGen. glory before his concen- Calves, each. . h . 200 8 00 main anotiymoue, has undertaken to tratimi is complete, and that on the , , Hogs. gifts to troops in South Africa. the war depends. operations trapending in the Mooi ',hes-- hogf3, per oiet. 3 so a 00 up a strong position on tbe highlands defray the . cost of distributing all River district the immediate future of aaala° teirteen miles south of Estcourt ma , Light bogs, Per owt, . 000 33755 Sunday, ocoupying Turner's farm, A renpUnLEhDfrBoYln Oct WTo0wMoAsNa.ys:....; The latest deapatohes show that the RenTeeevr3,;nntoo,g'ikoPev.r2a87-tWhea000t - ein7taide Thorneproft, *with. a detachment of north-east of the Mom river. Major An English Barbara Frietchie has 0,p. Beers now control the railroad tbe- tween. the .31poi river and Estcour whea,t markets were about the same to- mounted infantry and. the Estcourt ' day, and there was practioallY MO carbineers gaged the Boers of whom been dest royed. General Buller orders all Aers to Boers, fornaerly kept a reetaurant in whose life to so hiehly valued by the thizers in the town. The failure to pro- aoTdbehaoovecoaplaltbioandgoets Attwraaniknownerth tIcli; evidently a preconcerted moveineot be. wounded just arrived is moluded the tWeen the enemy and their esYmPii- dresei like their men as far aerusible, .Oritillit. oTtcow,Dn•onaundell7 wasiloa.nwhoitnt oerreayt, tthbee a so says that amens the Boer lrInat frci: mil negr eihna :hoe :hp osheinpi xi li.pa4rnkg ima ti,n ar diearsst, , athlete Blignaut, who competed in the yean . • I claim martial law in. all the disturb- • ed districts ie respenaible for the. pre- NATIVE ARM AGAINST BOERS. sent situation, and is likely tO result in 'll'ahaleaPaht°14 from eaaPh Town" seAla --?Will eNnaorthw,aawnen1nt a further spteading of the movelnent. etrdsch with Kimberley by means of search - General Methuen will communicate and aasegais. • '' teot thetaslevehe Thereupan the na- tives got out them taxes, kinyes, guns, L a d y 0 t:.e: c3iri ,Wt a n4he en t Bner1 istki iht; The Boers at Sterkstroom and else- Magistrate at where are openly eondacting target him how they shouid act atter Her. practice, and the military authorities Etif-lates!‘adTterliiniVenti=dtoblYd. 131=184 are pewerless to ilaterfere, they Were eltacked they could pro, efruczy,e/Tilleheinxannedt swieletheofutthesBimneurltfaeuree-0 lights, ea the Boers will be attacked ' ..ThlieltliArUltWisPh03109,11,voT rR000to0oCapird xlEaDean.w.. General Methuen Is to meet is un- poort, taking Possession orthe place on known, the ettimates rangihg from Saturday. , „ ; 5,000 to 15,000, In any event the battle It is announced from' Naautepoort io sure to be a serious one. that the Boers are repairing the The Times announces. that it is au- bridges previously destroyed by them. thorixed to deny the statement recent- This, according 18 the Cape Times, is ly made by a French newspaper that because the Boer. invasion of Cape Col - Prince Loins Napoleon, who is a col. ony was against orders. onel in the Russian atiny, desired •to The authorities assert that no de - Nicholas for permission. Ao a mat- ( TO STOP BOER LOOTING. join the Boers, and asked Emperor fence of Bloemfontein ia intended. idea, . tat of fact, he never had any suth General Buller his issued a pro - Maranon announcing that compen- BOERS AGAIN DEFEATED. tuition will be demanded for pro - A deepen:1a from Durban, saya:.-Sev- perty destroyed by the Boers. . en hundred Boers fiora Weenen took' . CHURCHILL DESPONDENT, .QUebec fin Sunderland, is still miss- ACCIDENTS IN.' FACTORIES ratttIt:ottaz..2rtjoiritillse4TV. mattaente The Boers withdrew, taking • . change in conditions here.;*:31illers three were ekrilled, inclu.ding com-: two aundred head of cattle captured Jacik McGuire nuiyor of. Syraeuse, • . 84 1-2 to 68c., amending to nearnese CTutoeras farm. The nude neer. force may be the neice Democratic eandidate for Governor of New York. CIRCULAR SAWS CAUSED , MANI 70c, middle freights, and 69c, north .. to the niill. Goose wheat unchanged at' .4 . . Delegates to the National Hardware DEATHS. DURING' LAST YEAR. ' and west. There is a eontinued good Aesociation's convention nt Pittsbueg ' • — demand for it. Manitobas quiet No. 1 relneeent a capital of 4175,000am • Minna! Report or the Factory niapeeteea, hard, get, 77c ; and Toronto and west; lioston and ,Albany Ry. was ratified. of Agriculture has just published. th eroves Interesting. at 76e.. . At a special meeting .of the New Flour -Duh. Sttaight roller, in hIlr. York Central directore the lease of the The Ontario Provincial Department e tre.pobagrlemr.,,apeogg,ghwtistilbi2tif.sakd_ Jamee'Mohroe, bigamist, and avvind- for local, a.count 03 ler, arrested at Chimp, has been tak- • • - eleventh annual reports of the prove ed. Same in wood, f 8 Th • Millfeed-Steady. Stooks light. Bran en to Rocheeter. He is said to have "mai factory inepectors or 189 . e - is quoted et 012' to 012.50, and shorts married and deserted 28 womee. • volume ineludetsi reports from Robert at 014 to $14.50 weet A jadgment of. $110 was entered Bar er, Janies R. Bro , agd 0. A. C rn--Unchanged. No. 2 American again,st young' Cornelius Vanderbilt Roeque, inanectors for the western, for neglecting his duty in refusing to central, and eastern dietriets respc- ronto. and mixed at 41 1-2c. Canadian Yeliew, quoted unchanged at 42o, To.. serve as a juror. The sum represented Orn, on, track here, 40c asked, .: 3109 penalty and 010 costs. tiyely, end hem Miss hfatgaret 'hale ° Peas-Steadh. Car lots ;Sold at 86e, lyle, female isespotor The loam for north and west, and eee mast The Biitisa steaniet, h. W. Taylor; ' 'protection 'at fa.ctory, employes, learley-Quiet. Car lots of -No. 2, from Santos, Brazil, is detained at New the ' York under suspicion of having. be- more especially women -and children; middle freights, offer at 40c, and 39.6 Maio plague ameng the mew. Oile *pear to be working satiafaistorilY, man died. ac eea • a 1 • s .. much improvement having been made , Judge Simeon E. Baldwin, of the in sanitary'oonditions and regulations Connecticut Supreme Court, has been looking to the 'safety and comfort of elected president of the International . tee operatives during late years. The Law Association to succeed Sir Rich-' . inspectors note a disposition on the ard Webeter, Attorney -General of England: , . . part of eniployers generally to °airy . out the. law fairle. and. complaints as The money amoenting to $11,400,000 obteined by Moe Jane' Stanend for to its violation have net been so num- her 285,000 filmes of Southern Pacific mous. The age of olahdren employed stock, will at once be made available . is a chreniee diffiaulty, as 'it is free foe the 143.3 of 'the Stanford Univer- aatenhy impo seible 'to get ' information 8•11T7.1; American Iron so • Steel 3eanth as to the subject, or prevent Infers - suspended operations ,in all its local Pa., has • Preaentation on the pan of parents. with 'which this document deals hi fa:haring Co., at Lebanon; The especially important question 'puddling ana rolling mills, because the supply is exhausted, resulting trom the car famine. that A.DICCIDENTS TO WORK'S' RS% concerning which some details are give, . tA. Gerrnats punitive expedition in the en, •which show that much remains to Cameroone, Wein Africa, recently, ohas- be Mane in affording protection te the tised a tribe of rebellious cennibals lives and limbs of workers in danger - who had besieged several trading Mit- ous vocations. The number of mei- tions at and near Ihribi. The Germans jog 200. . . . the 13 months covered by the xeport chased the natives into the bush, kill- dents in the western district during Rev. litedericicaCalkaaoney, putter of was 110; eleven of: the nuniber being fatal. Of. these 31. took. place among the Firot Methodist taharok of Rah- Hacketstown, whose adopted son he is,. way, N.J.,. and Mrs. Alice WhitheY of emialoyea engaged in the wood -work - metal -working industries. The num- bag trade, and 26 in connection with Were married Wednesday. The preach- ber of accidents reported in the min- er in 34 and the bride 52. Mooney had tral district 'was 81, which includes 4 lived with the Whitneye for many yeare prior to Mr. Whitney's death. caused 18 of the number. The casual - of a fatal character. Circular saws the ties occurring in the eastern district At Phoenix, Ariz.,. Pearl Hatt, A large portion of the report of alleged woman bandit who was Mr. Robert Bar er is given to the con - were ranee fewer, charged with holding up a stage neat Florence, was acquitted. Miss Hart aideration of ac "dents occulting in addressed the jury in her own defence and pleaded passionately tor freedom valuable suggestions as to their pre - the hazardoue Ott upations, with some Ont., to her east -failing mother.. Ira - that she might return to Lindisay, °- for the treatment of peraons who have vention. It also gives full instructions mediately atter her acquittal the w apparently been killed by' electricity, man was re -arrested, oharged with in- terfering with mails, and will be tried revived, with illustrations showing the who by hmely tt t' a ft b ,, 1 a en Ton, is n o en e again. an elaborate paper on explosions cause GENERAL). a .^. a . . ed. by commonly occurring isubetancee, method of remise:Ration; There is also The Amer of Afghannitan is ill. by Prof, Charters E. Munroe. The 'the More fighting has taken place, be- . port ought to be widely circulated tween Armenians and Kurds. A cyclonev haa destreyed thousand's among foreteen field engineere. of native dwellings in Negalpsatam, . India. --.............- - The opthing meeting et the Frenth . POINTED PA RAGR APHS. Chamber of Depaties was character- ized by several stOnxiy acenes. • Solna men consider fly-fishing reel' Two new cases of bubonic. plague and A finithed gentlemen is brie some snort. -reported at Oporto mi Thursday. three deaths from the • disease were --- _ , coquette has done up. • acraver, was shot and killed by his in- , Daniel Dupnys. a noted Paris eh - and some run away to get unmettried. Some folks run away to get married sane wife, who then committed out - An acrobat may be unable to ap- aide. preciate a joke, yet he ia quicsk to The Berlin police tenably dissolved thimble. au Anarchist ,eeting called to csom. mei:notate the Chicago executions ot &nee women marry just th See what , % • kind of fool husbandet men will make. 1887. . Fortunately the average man over - Eighteen lives •Were lost by the ' looks a lot of 'sine he is capable of recent 'foUndering of the Belgian steamer Belgique 'Antwerp, off the is- amnimitaihn. IA. head of hair ia about the only . tend ot Alderney. a parts. me hainara Pesten*, director of the 'thing that is equal to more than the Bacteriological Inatitute, died at Lis - 'W 1 h Mr, Thompson, the agent of a Brit- - boil of the plague. Ile ecrtitraeted the : hen some peop e feel run down I. ey spiendent. Ihs regiment's record in- In. the aufferings sat this man, so era down. habit andrun oth. bor Commissioners, and wail leaesd by chides Egypt, Oudenarde, Malpla= great that the World has istooe agheat Pearson, acquite the bloyele disease while attending patients. lohremtwtoo ytehaersC.,111.1Ria. latEthearseetheAen empty quet, Deltingen, Lincelles, Talavera, befOres thean as at a nevr horror in hire. miirdered near Lahore, West Africa. fah firm, and fete other Men, were The Khalifa et advancing along the e- in11.88h Banta, the Peninsula, Waterloo, tory, God gave him theeateadY, faith. White Nile, and. has reached Abbith True, charity originates in the heart ' Island, leo miles south 01 Khartoton. and escapes by way of the pocketbook. and was iron -coated in 1896. Alma, Inks/Inas, Sevastopol% Egypt, ful love of his brother**, hie wife and The whole place ie valued at albout '82; Tel-el-Zebir and Sualdm, '85, as his children.. r opening the Soudan eampaign on Deo. been drinking' by trying hard not to worth A fete Mindred dollars, alone baldric allow. His tunics and trousera Gen.• Kitchener's present intentiOn of . A. man is apt to ehow that he has 010,250, and the storehouse and chute, the tiaras in heavy gold lettere on his 1, may sulfer amities &dew unless show it. . I the Khalifs, in the meantime is de- It lei said the Japanese never ewear. excessively hot one, and it le a won- his braid of gold. The red, plume • eseaped deetruction. The fire nets an are of scarlet the faeings blue, and . A despatole from Esteourt, Natal, says: -Information has reached here to the effect that Wieston Churchill, who was taken prisoner by the' Boere..„, ea.,' at the time they captured thee armour- . ed train near this place, is' at Pre- toria. , The report that he was wounded is. said to have been erroneous, but he is despondent over his capture,. south of Estcourt is repqrted to liave VIFORth CROSS FOR, HAMILTON, retired. • ' ' A despatch froin Louden says :-The a Tee Boers hate raided about 1.2;000 Manchester Guardian , states Colonel head of cattle in this distriat. Ian Haniilton hes been reconimended ' • ptomeded toward Weenen to open lip in the fighting at Elandslaagte. - 1 Capt. ()veer, sighalling officer, who for the Vietoria Cross for his brevery ' white. Their helmet's and cuirasses NOW 11,413NE UNIFORM FOR PEACE 1 falnieltighpely; Olothleiisrhehalr ebeleaheeke bottoltese, wtitrt he 15f tnienreyl i.,te pub. ujansifd e when they take the • ed silver, But all this .TOIDAY ATKINS! CLOTHES. AND ONE FOR WAR. : field,' and they fight in khaki as do life theme epaear so Gorgeous 'then ille ? • thneterels .6 t VII * h ' th` ' liteeso ,the Boer, Who a Evil COSA Target. Looks to Valk Eli -- . form of an officer of the Royal Horse u s L. no A LS 8 =- Artillery, It is of blue, with searlet . Cable despatches 'from South Africa. facings. 'He wears a busby bag with have noted that the Boers miss the ted a, white plums. His blue saddlecloth is is bid. Demand continues rather • targeth aed, inaaglimd insepara.ble from insignia °Oats whilst' they had feund useful es bound with gold braid and heavily em- , se . wi ea roya. monogram, the slow. of his regiment, and its eee the British army. They did not know motto, which is "Everywhere:1 So, too, Eye -Quiet. at 510 West • and. „ . • Oate-Dematul keeps up welL Waite wars," England had learned to clothe e thateepactiating , by' ther many •httle an his' sabretaehe. The Privates wear a leee feathery pleme ands lath the gold oats, 26 1-4e,. north,- and yeast; 26 34c, her 's soldiers in keeping with the braid of the officer, ao that their ap. ranee is more somber', but still -mar- - middles freightsa and 27 to 2'7 1-2c, climate they haee to bear and the nal, with 'the scarlet bags on their Buckwheat -Dull.. 'Car lots, east, 49 Toronto, 43.35, andi in wood, 13.45 her 1-2c, and west, at 48 1-2c. all the' pomp of place ie preserved for Oittaneal-Rollee. oats, in bags, track Minneapolis, Nov. 28. -Flour -Quiet; "Tommy Atkins" at homaia because, he comfort the mea a fened by Wires work they are called imon to'do. While. eadgear and the scarlet facings on likes it for its display, despite its dis.a the Ninth Bengal Lancers. The offi- .their background of dark blue. the most part by Englishmen, compose , Maguificent Indians, i officered, foi $11111°.50ha.ngWedeheat13-rNanot4InNobrathlern $1.1Nnyto. irticmonakolly clressed ie .loose .analfaeast wolooley saye:_. we haw, lately thane 'n tbe fields are ra- °ere mear white helmets sof pith, stile In " The Armlets of To -Day," Lord ember, 64 5-8q; December, 62 3-4 to 62 While the British army is 'dependent something • to ilnprove .our style of • a,...... 7-8c, May 67, 1-8 to 673-4o On &tick, . • No. 1 heed, 66 hams No. 1 Ntorthern, 64 " - eerie are, in tightly fitting tunioe can sofdieces dress for no men tied up as h.e. .• voluntary enlistment, many or its "AfNfanIONNonvrtilia, 2r8z.i•LS62prego, -wheat-el' rieeateli:g_tbilfefifeienrearyhawvehiscahld ttliheat.ptrinlyua'tset war. We dress our sailors for the Strongly held; NO. 1 Northern, 01d, likes for its do a satiefetotory day's work (hiring c.i.f., 72 1-2o; No. 2 Northere; WAX.. te ell f h tt t' 't ha A more or t e a. rao ion. a s owo gorgeousness and work they have to do, but we still cling to a theatrical style of garment .. spot, 75 1-2c; new 73c; No. 1 hard, for the soldier. . . Is there any one w4-122iaie,17Vlointbeird ; Nwoh. e2att-edEaAiecr.-"; CoNron--1' twhhoeunghheregcoenest ay-ecaorilsrtihnagt; outside a lunatie asylum, wbo would Quiet; No. 2 yellow, 2$33-4t3; No. 3 yet- Awndorskoo,dalo- go on a walking tour, or shoot in the low, 38 1-2c; No. 2 core, 37 1.28; No. 9 colossal reform in the fighting clothes backwoods or the prairies, trussed and coxn 27o. Oats -Quiet; barley steady o t e n ish so dier, uniforms ot 5, f h 13 'V 1 ' ' th dressed asathe British soldier is f This mixed, 26 1-2o. Rye -Dula No. 1, On home. a ' No. 4 white, 2813;,,No. 2 mixed, 27c; No. 3 for purposes of duty and pageantry at on a barrel organ bears a strong 're - a feeling that the dressed -up monkey lies to all ranks for I confess to No. 2 white 29c No, 3 white, 28 1-20; old pictin•esque type are still preserved track, offered At Ole; No. 2 doe 60 1-2h. _ _a ' ' hie n3seaningless cooked hat and fea- semblance to the Beitish general in Flour -Steady. . Mate -ARDS " DISCO31FORT. Chicago, Nov. 28.--Plaxseed-Closed Writing some ten years ago, Lord very expensive coat, besmeared both there of the last century, and in his -North-West and Stiuth-West, cash, • *134 ; December, 01.33 1-2 May, 01.33 Wolseley, advocatiag a differeritia. 'before and behind with gold lace." 1-4 ; Duluth, to arrive, 01.20; cash, 01.32; tion between the uniforms of peace er • '4`7. November, 31.32; December, 01.29;May, and war, said: -"We must: mike the Toronto immoone commissioners' swinge in with their sweethearts." And then Ba.S2 1-2. Own Eye !toeing Their father's fro soldiers' clothing acceptable to • the ' .THE CHILDREN OF DREYFUS. men who have to wear it, and, strange , C. P. 11. ELEVATOR BURNED. to say they like very tightly fitting coats and trousers, t • now their Mother Kept Them Under Her Itultatatt Destroyed. o ovvagger about pahoomena A pathetic incihent. connected wiab he talks of their joy in the shelterleitse large grain elevatot occupied by the "ridicule:ea forage caps stuck on. the the Dreyhis trial is given by a.,Paris A despatch from Toronto says :-The side of their heads." • , correspondent. • C. P. R., mad attested at the foiet of Among the anxieties of the wife of Bathurst street, was almost coraplete- Many a recruit has beezi gained -for the British' forcee'by their gay cloth- her fear that her children should leern the persecuted man, not the least was ly destroyed by fire on Wednesday. plurnage• involves a corresponding prevent this, during all the years of ing, and although the more elaborate Tee lose will he about $10,000, partly the tetrible fate of their father: To corned by 36,000 ineuranee. Minty amount et preening, the amartness of his imprisonment. the kept theta une- lifotherneiy, 44 Mitchell Ave., is under tne men's appearance is proverbal, • der her oven eye% not illinWing then% arreat, charged. with having test the Tine° was and not so very, long, ago, lie to go to sehool or play with other building on fire. the manY know who have seen Lady ohildren, teaching them herself and Shortly after 5 o'clock Mrs. Hall, Butler's wondrotts war pictures, when going with them in their walks. The wife of the deputy. harbourmaster, British soldiers fought under the oldest boy, who was nate emirs °loge, who lives quite near the big elevator, handicap of tight tunics and, various never saw a newapaper. saw fear men running ewer, from the inmediinenta, such as no modern com- But while they were at the seaside, engine -house on the torth side of the Mender would for a moment tolerate. the boy found, on the beach a torn place. Almoat imraediatelh afterwards kite made of old newegiapers. He Take for instanee her famous painting of °The Twenty-eighth at Quatro Brie real'andwwrt °tow hwishyslurse. is.40 flames and amoke biirst from. th9 gine-house, which was fraine struc- ture, and an alarm was at thee Sent mid- compare the. garb of the Gleams, long icone in he said, showing her an in. The local hose sections were mi ters givea there in the Crimea with the article headed% "Facta of the DreYfus the spot very pie:nth'', but by the time khaki in which they yvere captnred, re. Affair " they had coupled their hose to the by- cently by the poem in tile regment'e "The're are many Dreyfeduses drante in the vicinith the flame's had. next turn of active service. . Paheht" the woman aterampt er spread from the engine-houae to the Even among the gay home uniforms 2 'Bu no, twhensaeseny vCias eat hAelfnireda big elevator. When the firemen be- those of the drum majors are proverbh reefuseshnew newwiwoh she cries eat came aware of the proportions of the ally the most gorgeous. With one of eme. conflagration ther *minded a general the finest military bands in the world night I" cried the boy, 1:sobbing.' "She of the department was on the scene. Coldatteatm Guards is especially re- g to slant, and soon the whole strength at his heels, the drain, majoe ;_of t e non heti mia where, . h eth Id have teed. me 50 that I cOUld The building is owned by the Har - "heorge C. Cooper, released after serving a ten years' sentence for the taurder of eie wife at Douglas, Isle of ERA, hen inherited a fortune of $5,000,000. The Imperial Government will sena to South Africa oeveral trenoli-making machines. Tbese are gigantio ploughs, attached to steam tiap'pert; it,f twenty horse -power. Admiral Cololob, auggeets the adop- tion of an arrangement such as will provide in, war for the release of some portion of the Imperial regular force from getrrisoo duty by reliefs. furnish- ed by the eolonies.• The provision trade, at a meeting in Liverpool, recently eubseribed 42,000 to the Transvaal war fund. The pre- eitient cabkd the result to businees freesia's in Chicago, who have now re - le t 0000, hag beet, subscribed. there, and. that rate le to follow, Sir Richard Webater, the British Attorney -General has been made a baronet in recognition of his work' on the Veitertielati ArbitratIttri *don, Sir Robert T. Reed, of emit- sel for Great Britain has been made Rktight Grand Cr e of the Order St. Mielitiel and St George. up **reel nd turned the tetree,t an stationed attraction to euetomers. .bt a tor A.n. one Wit4 buys*, n may, it , PELItirtrii speak over tobaceeni lieu Deity MAI ii413110seirtlyi t, bEVOURED BY CANNIBALS. bated in a decisive fight end driven When a hatia gets mad he goes out and der that no firemen were prostrated. Worn. in their gigantie bear skins is westward. ahem the oor. a en information received to the effeet Le P., C. Davidson arreated McInerney SEEN AZ A.LL 114ES. . the principal mark of distinction, be- , , _ man Eaters, *,..._ tween those uniforms and those of the Ira" *r Ten Indlos at the *trey ei" Next to a drum major there is hard- ....4. a that yfhich &Viper of the Scotts monday, ten mores ireposing sight of tile kind Accode4grrint:hhotr6tenlooft°6116bitko'uVrit.t* ailtYdliel ihommor PROSPEROUS FRENCH P.EASANTS.. during the progreae of the fire, acting Scots Guards', who have no plume. • DEATH or GARRET A. HOBART. Death Of the vtee President of elhe out aeloog, ale people ot , , ehee nation one ratist abandon Paris and get the provinces. ing the latter in a oorner of the en. GortaMbrale° Perheoseels,it.s' njc".811VprerettbytiCk"leolnantve Straits Of. Magellan. The ideate:ship gine-house. If the prisoner hi; not a Kurdistan morted six tad the Heed* To get a correct idea of the French that the man had been aeon gatbering a lot of loose paper in a box, and plac- ehip-* are ashore in-th-e Matted Seines, Varlet is a Sinkholes of rettetiness, bet firebug, he has a menta for being pre- Shafto," and there. are silver "fixinge" A despatch from Paterson, N.3,,aays; the people who &van, eutsade to hie voran, baldric, plaid,dirk, award hlesettevyrevrearttheedr tnonlird. tOhtieintgreatehoerethnen. modern Gotta:mak ate 'Sound and up - that sent at fires, and is a familiar figure at almost ever,' Wan of any cease- and his bonnet, with Its eagle feather. *Vice -President A. Hobart died at 8.80 a.m., on Tuesday. The Vice -President had been failing since Iate Monday and useful hem. When you get out right and patriotic . living wholesome quence. Ile has often bees the first to a Ithst it, lin m i i send in the alarm, and has frequently The flattli_ke dr_stry_o_n_ his pip._es. is of oyfierintaelatkovierrecAtiltfedthostecamorathiotlineosrenfnamit:theeoi ribbons on 'the rapes end tre ellt are afterncen, although the reports aft'''. ainfeeitthnie titesented of beautifully cal. ,„,in__II", !th"-IPotat heettoriattitsa Imbolhits,17.6rdergolt White the tuele is of acerlet. rural distrIeta a charming t,i.pp,aAted in the. ee.a. eh-.,... .* e Oolainrie are all of the tartan. th the regiment wthreeeehriretareootenhledd fneorteebveerienaltranendeo..TThehe NE OP LONDON'S szoras crews of the wreeked Ve5414113 Ina). ehl:Id°1114ft ahtitell:80Whn°.UsAetWItelidentihgthtt hheelvbae-8 atlifdatnedeetta'r"se a eft,tbeiratin being." tritil UDI ." vim. Two era the late fire on 1ie.y siiiet, whieh °-- - " h h d Otinle. 1100011$610Uti, and at '7 °Stock is not a foot of waste and to be seen. 'mufti so aaneit Tuesday morning, he had an att ok The Mit thill that Strikes a stranger Preeinet Det peat:snot/babe anslentraMOre inlet:401rd plate, is alleged that. 4440 ti, 4.1,„ nwitri Ail 4,,,,,it Nowhere on bis trackafe of angina pectoris, from -which hen v.- - -- a". '''^ .* ''... .'" ..^ '' . er rallied. tfie death followed at 8 against Islm. ecdoek. Mrs. Hobart, Mr. Newton, Mrs. CW. , tent WAD II a 001/61$2 et utio. bad Ana Anne Were et t 6 pa erit's uOiniti i bed a nitarit a be es y ti 4 tt. e ent. Every vieltor in LondOn has theR0Y- Kurdistan Vfatt disabled in tbe straits orter has been al Horse Guards pointed out to nini. al once atxd. the Crew were obligati to give le time Peet, end it one of this regular sighte of the British battle to the ruan.ieitters. is a strong case metropolis. Fine men of their inches aro they all, picked for their hysique, • LI and highly picturesque they. k vtith FOOD Csit POOR, ItUSSUNa. the entrance!. of theft Phtmed helmets, cuira and " 0,117 opanad to high boobs. Their popular is "The In ednate latter Of Russia the o y day. Ws n r uniform bei us, with food for the people eenliats at preetint he anti -f ,4! * a of learn.) latiVeik bk. *Oft bark • r;