HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-11-30, Page 5NOVEMBER 30 1800$
••••••••••••••••••••rnse I STEER IN Ploy N D
• Perfoot Emulsion
• :
i of 'Pure Goa : •
: liver Oil
• !
• . •
a It contains 50 per cent. •
• , •
: of pure Vod Ltver Oil, the :
; exact amount of Hypo, ;
; phosphites of Lime and 1
; Soda, and is agreeably flap i
; vored, Cod Liver Oil nour. g
:,islies all wasting tissue, :
: soothes all th,roat affeg, :
: time; tiry hacking coughs ;
• soon disappear when xt is •
: used. As a remedy it can. ;
; not fail to give the best ;
; results for only the purest ;
• and freshest oil is used in a
6 2
O making it ;
. •
• •
: Regular 50o Size . •
4 :
* for 35o at
• •
PreserintigitiPharMacy. Phone 2. .:
e • .•
. .
• lt,frequently comes from
trying to fix the eyes on a giv-
en point and forcing them to
• perform tasks for whieh they
• ire incapacitated,.
•Such as we fit to your face
and eyes will make reading a
.pleasure. Prices Reasonable.
A (I, Gli'IGG
Jeweler and Optician.
IS FLOUR and FEED, and our
greatest seller the White Sevan'Flour.
This is, we believe, the most popular
brand on the market. If you try it
once you will be so pleasea with it
that you will prefer it to other brands.
We are now. selling the White Swan
at $1.75 per cwt.. Several of our custo-
mers have asked for Rye Flour of
which we now have a stock on hand.
are always fresh and well assorted,
• and the prices, you 'will find, are
• snost reasonable.
Butte) and
Eggs wanted.
Mare le le Pout* No. 4. at lot' 40, On!.
Godertoh township, two -you -0o Steer. 09 •
�r wW prove popoy. pay a p
the animal away or it will be sold by awake%
on Tuesday, Doe. 13t1. at the Wilmot S o'clock.
GEO A. COOPER, Poendireeper,
I Goderich towtehtp, Noe. Nth.
Mies Ittlia Fisher -will resume her °lasses In
Ounter In Eloeution and Physical Culture.
'titnf:st.114, to Pie will Please write to MO
Goderich. Nov. sith, 11188
MO May Hallett int charge of 'Mrs. McRae-
Votingbkorwarrafrvile of the Toronto
in Theory. a rlreir'f&h.exiss VIWZMI
Nov nth.
Female teacher holding second or third Oleos
certifieate for IT. S, $. No. 16, Wawanosh, for
the year MO. ApPlY, stating salary, to
J . JEFFERSON. Sea -Trees,
Nov, goth. 5t Westfield P. 0.
The council of the County of Huron will
meet in the council chamber in the town of
tioderich on December 6th, 1899, next, at 3
o'clock, p. m.
• W. LANE, Clerk,
Gioderieb, Nov,"soth.
Raving added a stock' of new cutters to our
livery outfit, we have several seconcl-hand,
cutters for sale. They are all In good condition
and wilt be Bold cheap.,
Clinttm, Nov. 180h. 2t
For sale. Lot 11 on the 2nd Coneessien of Stan-
ley, containing 100 acres,of which about 90 are
cleared and the balance well timbered. Thit
farm is well fenced and in a high state of culti-
vation. with all the fall plowing and 10 acres of
good, fall wheat in. There is a good frame
house, kitchen, woodshed and a good cellar
bank -barn with stabling underneath, driving -
house, hen-hous0 and other out -buildings in
connection, There is a good orchard and two
good webs It is 21- miles from Brucedeld and
11 miles from school and wilThe sold reasonably.
For further perticinars apply to the proprietor;
"• EMIT. BOWE,Erucetield P. 0.
• Nov, 18th.* .
• _—
The undersigned offers for sale lot 55 'and
• part 01 61 on the Maitland concession in. God.
Mich township. They consist of 95 acres, 70
acres being cleared and the balance being
good hardwood bush. There are 10 acres in
fall wheat. There is a good young orchard
• just starting to bear. The lot is well watered
•and fenced and is 2i Miles from Summerhill.
• There is a good brick house, bank barn, driv.
ingtshed and out buildings. • The place will he
sold on easy terms, Apply to
Nov, 1801. 70,* SnminerhilI P..0.
The subscriber offers for Sale his house and
lot en corner of Rattenbur7 and. Raglan Street%
• ,• • W. G. DOHERTY.
Clinton, April 18th. ,
The undersigned offers foreale that dealraole
sixteen (16) acres of land south .of the London
Road Bridge. It is a. beautiful sit for building
and will, be sold in • one piece or in lota. My,
reason for selling is that it is too far from town
• to handlemyself and it doesn't payto hire help
A. COUCH. Clinton
Tune 20011.
The subscriber offers for safe' a verydestrable
property on Isaac street consisting of four lots
upon which there is a comfortable frame house
with kitchen and woodshed attached. There
is a godd stable and a first-class well of Water
on premises. The orchard, consisting of.grapes
and apples, ia a good one. The property will
• be sold et a reasonable figure for cash or cash
and balance on time. ,ApPly to the owner on
the premises MRS. JOHN JUNOR.
filinten. NO 9011.
to Mr, Edward. Carter'S Where the 'hey maybe
Nov. 16011. Clinton F. G.
Crown • Bakery i.?On WT1i1cligiratt rtlottigiPeotefititaZircue.:Prig
gool lot-tho recently occupied by
Frank Upshall. • Apv to 14 s t
Cream Puffs—
feather weight
1.5 cents per dozen;
Cream Cake ---
toothsome, appetizing,
dainty, the very thing for
.o'clock tea, 25c each,
—not filled 850.
Home-made GingerSnaps
1.0e per lb.
gibs. for 25c.
Mince Nes—
t:oar own make of mince
meat, ific each, for 26c.
• We keep a chOiceo select line
of Candies, 'always fresh and
the very best,
Leave your orders for Cream
Cakes, Cream. Puffs and Mince
Pies in the morning. Leave
'your Orders now for Xmas
Fruit .ake.
Next Clarendon Hotel,
P. R.
. W. BRYDO E, ant s or
March 7012.
0111118TMA8 - FRUIT
We ask'you to try our
z!ns, Currants and Peels.
Our stook is new and good,
just what you want for
Christmas baking. •
Exeter Flour for
Christmas Pudding,.
There is no better Flour
, made than this and none
/•better value for the money.
For Fresh Canned Goods
try ours
London &
Lancashire Life
• Established in •0 anada 1863
1.111700ted Rind — 016,682,238
All the popular forms of
insurance issued. Policies
unconditional, world-wide
• and nonforfeitable. Money
loaned. Policieepurchheed.
Nevi business 1::,
000, Amount paid policy -
hol ere $087,000 • . • • ..., •
Full information furnished by
The opening aervioee in genneation
with the new Presbytchin ohuroh Were
of a 11104 4110004014 .nature and were
very iargely attended. The new church
ia altueted on the higheat point Wand
in the village and eau be aeon for 1/3i109
around. It is •a handeerne structure
And refteata the 'higheat credit On the
congregation,the Architect and the eon,
tractors. It s built of vvhite brick with
stone baeerrient. The main building le
36 by 56 feet, the porch II by 13 feet,
and at the north eed in rear of the pid.
pit is an obtagorial Addition making a
recess 17 feet in Width and 7 feet deep.
The baaeraent is handsomely, finished
and furnished for A sohool room with
'operate elan rooms. The body of the
church is seated with circular seate, the
bodies being mole of aoh with oast ends,
and finiehedin bard oll, and are both
handsome and oomfortable. The build,
mg to vrell lighted, there being six win,
dows in eadisitle and two in the front,
besides a large eiroular window in the
south gable ten and a half feet in dim-
eter, Ali the wire:tom are fitted with
colored and frosted glass and area very
handsome. From the basement a stair.
vvey leads up to Viie pulpit platform for.
the use of the minister and choir. The
whole is heated with a *Clary furnace.
The coat will be not lees than' 14,000,
and it is a remarkably fine church tor
the money.
The architect is W. E. Binning of
Lietovrel, and the ciontraotore are •VV,
'Watson, Robt. Gallagher and T. Scand-
rett of Belgrave.
Illamoirr cut rim ,00No1itaaTioN.
. The congregation Of Knox ohurob
Belgrave, commenced as a • mini.,
station in conneution with Rlyth in 1864
The building,wialch has done service up
to the present time being built at tha
time, largely by bees by the early lost
tiers, Rutherffiol Smith, James Ander
son and David Seett making the timbar
John McCrea; sr.,granting a free site on
his 'farm here. Rev. Mr. Stewart 9
Myth was the first to priaaols in the then
new but seatless church, the 'seats be
log made of rough boards supported by
nail kegs and other like: articles. Rev
Stewart continued to minister to the
spiritual wants of the people until the
autumn of 1865, and . an 1866 Belgrave
and Blyth were united as .one •charge
and Rev. A. MeLean became pester in
the same Year, continuiug till 1877,
when Belgrave and Blyth became separ-
ate 'congregations.Mr. McLean re
minted Blyth end ie still pastor
there. Belgrave congregation gave a
oall to Rev: 31r. Williams and he was
inducited as -pastor in 1878 continuing
until 1882, whenhis resignation again
left Knox church pulpit vacant,' The
-vacancy continued until 1884, and in
Oetbber of that year Rev. George Law
assumed the pastorate and continued
in charge until his demissitin in the
rattail of June, 1894. •Calvin .churoh
of East Wawanosh was at that date unit-
ed with Belgrave. Tile united oongre-
gations gave a call to.Reir; W. T: Hall,
and he Was inducted in June, 1895, and
is stili pastor. •
: The first annual meeting of the con-
gregation has held On February • 11,
1867. 'According to the records the
fc flowing were appointed a maim:ging
committee Thomas: Anderson, seo-
rotary; • Donald McLean, • • treasurer;
Alexander Robertson, Relsert
James Gallagher Jelin Bene and N'eit
Armour, • The trustees appointed to
hold the property of the congregation
were 'Joseph Dunbar, Gilbert Speirs,
James :Stewart, George Dalgarne and
James • Gallagher... • The, first session
consisted of the.pastor,Thomas Agnew,
Joseph Dunbar and James Gallagher.
• The present officers of the congrega-
tion are Peter W. 'Scott, secretary; Geo.
Taylor, treasurer; Managing committee,.
Adam Halliday,. David bCott, Edwin
Wightman, James McCallum, Herrn Me.
Loan, Win. Knox, Geo. Taylor, William
.Samuel Irvine. The present
trusteea for all the property of the con-
gregation are George Taylor, Peter W.
Sand, John McCallum, David Dunbar
and Adam Helliday, while the paetor,
John McCallum, James Ferguson, Jas.
Cunningham, D. Meikiejohn and Wm.
Wightman conatitutft the session.
The following were appointed a build-
ing committee for the new church : D.
Meiklejohn, chairman; Wm. Wightraan,
seoretary; D. Dunbar, treasurer; Geo.
Taylor, John McCallum, Ds Sproat, Dr.
3V/cAsh, Hugh Malmo, Wm. Knox,
John Geddes, E. Wigtitman, Samuel
Irvine, Matthew Ferguson and' Robert
Young, jr.
P. Ament has returned from his pros-
pecting trip to Parry Sound where he
purchased 7 'square miles of timber,
made up of hemlook,spruce,pille, cedar,
and birch) about 20 miles from North
Bay. • It is his Intention to ereot a saw-
mill and out up the legs. Me! A.ment
has an option on another 3 or 4 miles
that he may yet buy. •
At the meeting of the Agricultural
Society Direotore the finances of Grey
Branch were shownto be in a eatisfae-
tory condition, a surplus of $517 .being
on band. The mortsage on the Agriouls
tural Park has been discharged. After
a full discuesion concerning a new Ag-
ricultural Hall, a committee consisting
of Jai, Speirs Jas. Ferguson, John
Shortreed, 3, 15. Warwiok, V. 8., and
W. II. Kerr "las appoittted to report at
the annual meeting,
Mr. G. A. Powell,fOrmerly a merchant
intruesels, has been promoted by the
Eaton firm, Toronto, to the position of
buyer and left last. Saturday for the Old
Country markets which he will ire.
quently visit in the interests of hie ein-
Mrs. J. D. Itonald intends spending
the winter in California along with her
sister and niece in the hope of building
up her health vrhichhas not been of every
robust character for some little time.
Harris Hamilton, son of Sohn Haimils
Lan, a well-known drover oi Wroxeter,
has taken the position in the Standard
Bank here, recently vacated by A, D.
Mr. D. Cousley bait been re-engaged
AB manager of Maitland cheese facitory,
owned by Mr. Tindall, near Ditonkton,
for next year. Mr.. 0ousley supplies
everything and is now busy gettieg out
his wood supply for 1900.
Alexander Anderson" of Tyendinaga,
aged 05, died of injuries reteived in a
runaway aceident.
. -.
For a. Summer Cough
or a Winter Cough,
For a Night Cough
or a Cough virhich
ha,ngs on, use .
over atictuble Tr/Mk Road
hi Wide yeetinuied Trains. Travellers to any part of the
world should eonsult the
Leave TotOriter daily, 9 ains ILK p.111- above in reference to tickets,
,Loove Montreal, dant, 0 p.in., 740 a.m.
fares, etc,
Parley' Care Dining Cars and Palatial
!On day teeing And Pullman Sleeper* On night
traine. Throtigh Shaver" for Ahmtrerti and
OttaWa, 08 9.30 path train and for Beeton on 9
A.M. train.
"Tickets mid teethe reserved at northwest
corner Xing And E0Dge etreets and ueloe
' etittion.
U. 0; Melton,0,4 11. 4i: Termite
.A. Pattisett,..T. T. Agent, Clinton.
.tr. a. Rodeos, o.T.R.TieketAserit,Oliototi.
AGENT O. to.
• 0004 Cotten /tOot aotactukl,
Isaesserafalie ens monthly titer
• 0,0001Adlea. Safe, effectual. Islid ea
_your draggistforCH vies est
mate no tiler art ell UM pint and
o Are Sitniefrcies Hie t1tt. 1. steer
• dol will. pay for The rrintiotgf
et Of pro* apd trot &Wit
Oompiray Witideor,
Stroltalif,a Per bot• r(6••
lIeursilteo8?d to ThedIr d anapeplemeaded uy
is ta mes..
tillegiCi Of, 3' 1 Igo told in Mins by
Tout week's °Werra VFW t -Tho resi-
dents of Ilensall ohould make A epeeist
effort to more soreo Industry for thi*
plaoe employing a good nag of 'Wiled
rueohantos. hoe always tkought
that a stronger effort 'tumid have been
made to keep R. Bell live, go had be
remained it Wall hie intention to enlarge
and inorease hie staff, but this is a peat
iseueand the future of this plaoe will
be largely the real* ot the effort' put
forth within the next few years and the
sooner the better. While not believing
in the principal of etiolating inciestries,
Ilensall will yet be driven to 10 18 self-
defence as many other plaoeshaye been.
Co* and Sons are busy putting in
the poles to Wire from. here to Zurich,
for the purpose of lighting 1.111, that
• place with electricity. A powerful new
dynamo le being put In the mill here
sufSciently powerful to light both villa -
gee for years,
A meeting of the teaohers ef District
No, 1, West Huron, wilt be held in the
4xeter PAW* School on Saturday,'Deo,
2nd, at 1.30 p.
Nany of our citizens will regret to
learn that W. Dicier has decided to
leaveRonson, having taken the ppoltion
of general agent for implemente in the
town of Barrie;
•AlberthloBrien of Clinton, well and
favorably Unoivn here, has taken unto
• himself a wife ' the. person of Miss
Flora We wish 4t.lbert much
Xr.I.Houston Principal of the Clinton
Collegiate, preaolied in Carmel church
on &today morning week.
There will be quite a few changes of
teachers in 0111. section at New years.
Mr. D. Drintnel No 1, Tuokeremi-th,.
is giving up that, aohool and his .plaoe
will be taken by, MissMerray now of No.
10, Hay, at a salary of $326. Miss Jeck-
ell has been 'engaged by No. 10 at sante
salary as is paid/Miss Murray. Mr.
Robert Beatty, who has been pa charge,
of No. 14, Stanley, for five years, wifi go
to what is known as the “Iiriokyarcin
aohool near Egatoralville at a salary of
8400. A Mr, Gilmore, now teaching
near -Wingham, Will replace him. Mr.
Doig, now. Principal of the eBriok-
*Kr solidol, retires from the profes-
sion and will gri fermin,g, having rented
firs:, lots, one the homestead and the
other whet is knovvn as -Robbs farm.
Salaries are •'being slightly inoreased
ri0Brn here.
Mr. J. A. Williams, miller, has bought
out the right of Cook to light the town
with eleotrieity and Instead of two
plaint: there will, only be one, The
tovrnship • fathers have granted per-
mission to both Mr. 'Williams and Mr.
Cook te.light the town. -Mr. Williams
has already befit an .addition to his
holler room, and is getting a new
engine from R. Bell, Hensall, of a
larger liorse power, aod we can expett
firstsslass system in every reepects
• A very pretty weddingtook plaoe on•
Tuesday oflaat week at the residence of
Caspar Welier, when hie daughter
Annie was bound in wedlock to James
Laidlaw, formerly of Zurich, now of
Pigeon, Michigan, News also reached
us of the marriageof Miss Levine, Prang
• to a Mr. Schenk from Hullett township.
Again Zurich loses one' of: its .estiniable
young ladies. . ••
Miss Zimmerman of the Goshen Line
was united in marriage to 1VIr. Allin of
Tavistooks We wish the young couples
leng and prosperous Married lives.
Alerner Eros. finished work for the
:season at the evaporator. They have a
.very large stock of dried fruit Mt hand
and iiitend te keepthe same till prices
Mr. Wm. Merneir of Michigan hi visit-
ing his parents and brothers here. . •
Mr: E. J. Hagen, principal of the
Public Saliool here, attended the tea -
meeting at Varna. Miss Laura Williams
Look part in the program the same
evening at that plaoe. Her selection.
Were 'Warmly applauded. / •
• On Monday night Henry 'Wurm wee
presented with an easy chair, pipe and
tobacco by mons° of the birsiness moil of
the towti, it being the anniVersary of his.
ninetieth birthday. Mr. 'Winos' still
looks hearty, and all nope he may en-
joy his easy chair and pipe for many
days to come. • '
r. die S(1'1111411 is home visiting
his parents after an absence of: two
years. • ' •
• Colin Williams arrived home last
week on a inonthfs
The Sentinel of last week contained
the Winging :-The market for lambs
has taken a tumble and dealers have
been losing money. The Chesley En-
terprise says that a buyer from that vil-
lage recently shipped 188 lambs from
that station to Buffalo. He lost exactly
$26.51. The cost per cwt. for freight
and other expenses from there to Buff-
alo is 11.62. As lambs weigh about 00111s
each, it costa about 11.50 to chip one
lamb froM there to Buffalo. When far-
mers are disposing of their Iambs and
consider that it takes nearly one half' of
their value for freight and other expen-
ties before they are sold, he wilt seea
buyer does not have a bonanza and
kometimes comes out with the balance
largely on the debt side as was the case
with the buyer in question.
The curling season prettifies to be an
enthusiastic- one for the Curling Club,
whose membership is now the largest
111 the.history of the grime here, There
is also an agitation on foot, and which
has every indication of Ductless, to se.
oure a valuable (sup or tankard te be
oompeted for annually in this village*
all the clubs in the district, including
Goderioh, Walkerton, ' Itincardine,
Win:chant, nrdogs61B, Wroteter, Clinton
and Lucknow. ••
A few nighte ego.during the Ossetia)
of the family, the residence of 181r. 3.
W. Armstrong was entered,
by burglars. One of the hack win-
dows was forced open, but the thief
must haye been disturbed in his work
tor when the tonally returned the back
door was found open, and nothing has
been missed froin the place, '
These are certainly growing_times
for the "Family Herald. andWeekly
Star," of Montreal, and no wonder, for
everywhere one goes he heave more
and more of that great paper this year,
‘,It is a serioqe,queetion for the publish-
ers whether They will be able to meet
the demand for their handsome pre-
mium pictures. The people of Canada
certainly never had au& a dollar's
wok th offered them. Quite a number
of copies of "Alma", and "Poesy Wil.
lows" have been received by subserib.
ers in this neighbourhood, and they are
greatly. admired. A gentlemen re-
marked on seeing the battle picture
"Alma," "Vithy that picture alone is
worth nye dollars of Any man's moneit.”
We notice both pictures ate sent to
every yearly subscriber to thearamily
Herald and 'Weekly Star"
The Magic.
Remedy for
all Throat and
Lung Trouble.
PRICE purchasere of Squire Biggins'atock so
that it is not to be wondered that
his supply iejtot equal to the demand.
25 OENT8. doMnrdtgttbatiiit3oyhee of the. 2nd eonces.
farnk for gale! /tiss(titegeiiled od tittoer whist
B. , — loeitted and Will be ttol4 ooneasy
,00IVIBE •
London Rend.
Mr. Vit, S. Biggins of Elmhurst ret111
has been in etirreepondence with Mt.
B. Batty of Manitoulin Island lately
aild the latter writes that the stock he
purehased at, Elmhurst has given great
satiefoctiorrand swept all before it at,
the Van Fairs. Ire added that he wilt
be down again for triore thorobreds
litter on. Thie is the experience of all
flnardifsten. a 14.year.oid boy
Tott Is
Was fefallr h00 While
a hu eXperlitiOn.
The rabito School staff for 1900 will
hePrinoipel, A. N. 3iusgrovo,. As.
eistante, Xis"; Robertson, Ma Corr
Ulu Reynolds* Min Farquharson, in
• Reid, MIs. Vanstene, Mum Batbleson.
The meeting held in the Council
chember to consider the re -organization
of the bend was fairly well At ended.
After considerable deliberation a cem.
mittee was appointed to draft some
ahem° to euceessfully organize and
euetain A bend in Own. The committee
is cornporied of Itlesore T A Cline,
11. Musgrove,. .1, E. Davie, IL 0, 13el1
T. Ua1I, IL B. =lett Sae° Nanna A,
Ono ti a na Baa ca e byoung 6;114 wa
seen wending bis way towarde the 0. P.
R, Woks, kie appeared to be etupt
s median, nate taken,' -Mn.. AM=
e Itsorrier,,Brarapton, ono.
▪ • Bad Cough -."After my lona illnees,
lommit .J ouppooporip
;•.(110,100-0.4)Aerisiwolb,0101s.‘0,410-iow. 010,0440,...
i.11L4 IlL
#• Is the kind -that will stand the test at the counter.
; Anybody who can use a pen can picture everything as
0 veritable bargain, and may draw- ti, crowd—for a, tiniel yat
0 will it pay 3 We think not. As we looliatit, goods must
•; be just SS represented, must stand thc! test of value corn*
i• q parison when they reach horns.
' V We make it a point to have everything we sell goOd e
•; value, and are in a position at all times to buy goods as
12 cheaply as they can be purchased 'by any retail house ill
V Canada and we offer values secona to none and equalled
e , . IDA
; New Selected Raisins, worth 10c per lb., 3 lbs. for „ ...- . , „ • $0 25e
4) New Currants, cleaned, 1u3 -lb. boxes., .,..,,,.......,..,..., ,.. 20 o
New Japan Tea, 20c. or 8 lbs. for,- ..., ,,....... ...... . 50 0
0 New Cooking Figs. . . . . . - .... . ..... . ......... ,...,.... OOP*/ 5
0 82 -inch Flannelette. worth 7c, or ... . .. 0.1“.4...0, 5 i
New Wrapperettes, 'lastest desi ns ,..,,,... .... ..,...- 10
Grey Cotton, yard wide, Worth "40, for
2 pairs Men's Heavy Wool Sok for 8
en'e Wool Pants, worth $1.36, for 25 0
Men's Lined Kid Gloves, worth 75o, for. - . . ._ ..- - , ........._' l' 50® •,, •
t ' Ladies' Caperines, at, , „ ....„.., .,.. „ .$5, $13, $15 and $201 Da- -:-...
"Every Welt Man it a 17 IL
Hath His 11( Day." Miritilicsrl 84 0 0 .
doctor's examination
might show that hidneyso
„ver andstomach are normal,
but the d4,20tor cannotanaloe
the blood upon which these
organs depend,
•• , Need's Sarsaparillaqourifies, vitalizers,
and 04,1.4101es the blood. • It cures yen
when a bit off" when seriously
• :afflicted. it toyer dfsap,points,
Rhourrietlerri."" .belleY0 13004'S Oars
• espatiga has mo equal for rheumatiern. It.
' • has done me moo good, than an; other
tied from the effects of lipuor and wa
• watched. When be had gone down th
traok a short distance he laid down he
tween the rails, Geo, Cartwright o
McLean' mill went down And tried
Arouse him but in vain, Mr. C;art
wright roneoio3 off the track on the
grass, (Mt OI danger, ancl left him there,
bat keeping an eye on him. Shortly
after the train oanle in, and had the
young man not beep moved, he would
evening hare
eroubseeecin difff"cauridt;
made his way into the country. That
young than had a very 010SO eau and it
should serve as a warning.
churo‘ held its regurar Quarterly meet-
ownage the other g.
The Official Board of the MethO et
!L'Ilige a n be till were reported good, the
paetor's salary being paid in full te date.
The following were elected, atewarde for
the year consmencing Noveimber
Mes85e, W, Feseant. R. MoIndoo,..T,
Gregory, B. Paulin, A. Reid, W. (Inuit -
shank and H. Park, Aftervvards Wm.
Fessant was elected Recording -Steward.
was °aided to hold the church Anne
versary • on Sabbath,- Deo. 10th, On
Wednesday evening the cengregatioe
elected the following to represent them
on the Official Board,Wm, Button, 3.
Terriff, 4. E. Lloyd; S. Bennett, J. H.
Gordon, Geo. A.wde, Thos. Haleran.
Mr. Turner of Clinton was in town
last week. He intends locating here
should he find a suitable opening.
f WAS Very weak and had a bad coup.
„ could not eat or elev. Different reraediee
'"" did not help me but Rood's Sarsaparilla
. built me up and.X am now able to attend to
my work," Winne Jserete, Oehano, Out, ce j
, • 8 ,
, . • . I 6
- -.flood% Mr cure liver Ilia; the nowirralltIns an
isior eathaxao to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla;
Said. by Watts Ss Vo., I/rirggiets.
Aflutter "lined Cheese COmpetition
_ r
• (To the Editor Of Tun Naws-Rmioun,)
Dear Sir -1 have pleasure -inin form
ing you that it has been 'decided 00 •of-
fer two hundred dollars ($200) in cash
prizes for the encourag ment of th e
Cheese and Butter •makers. One hun-
dred dollars is to be given for essays on
Cheese Making, and one hundred chil-
lers as prizes for Essays on Butter Mak-
ing as specified below: _
: Rest essays on Butter Making by But-
ter. Makers, who have been employed in
any creamery: in Ontario west of Tormi,
to, during the year 1899, or by their. as -
andante. • 'Professors, instructors and
persons employed by any of the judges
are debarred from competitien.
First Prize -r$50, SecondPrize-425s
Third Prizes -815. Fourth Prize -110.
• Judges -Aaron Wenger, Ayton; H.
11: Dean, Professor Of Dairy Husbandry
0. A. 0., Guelph s Arch. Smith, Butter
Instructor for the Aseociation and Dirs.
eotor oldie Strain roy Dairy, Scbool.
: Ft* the best eneays on Cheese Making,
open to Cheerio Makers wilts, have been
employed in the making of heese in
any Cheese•Factory in Ontar 0 west of
Toronto during the year I8), and to
their assietants. Professors, instructors
and persons engaged by y of the
juclgoicare debarred 'front c sisietition;
• First Prize -150. Second rise -:-.125. -
• Third Prize -115: Fourth Priz4s$10.
judges --R. M.ltallantyrie, Stratford ;
3. N. Paget, Cannot's' ; James Mort.1on,
Cheese Instructor of tine riesocia4on
and at, the Onlario Agricultural Celle 41/4
• The essays must be forwarded to me
not later than Saturday, January. 6,
The prize essays on Butter and Cheeee
Making will be read and discussed at
the Convention. The Directors hope
that very valuable instructionwill be ,
derived from :the essays. --Yount truly,
GEO. HA.TELYI:Secy-Treas,
Brantford, NOV, 200h. .
° Exeter. .
Mr. and. Mrs Wm, A. Gregory, who
have been visiting relatives here, retut n
ed to their homein Brantford onSatur-
day last.
Wm. S. Carling, who has been on a
shooting expedition to Muskoka,. re-
turned with some fine game on Satur-
day last. Ir
Mr.'Harry Buckingham has recover-
ed from his recent attack of illness.
Mr. Walter Poole has engaged wit h
with Mr. Met. Dow to drive his milk -
wagon. Walter is an obliging yoting
man and will no doubt gain custom for
lima Bella Westcott and her sister
Olive spent Sunday last with relatives
at Kippen.
The fttneral of the late Mrs. Philippi
George Vosper, an old and esteemed
resident of this village, took place on
Saturday afternoon last to the Exeter
cernetetv and was largely attended.
Decease a had been ft great sufferer
from stomach trouble for some months
and her death was not unexpected.
She was of a quiet disposition and was
respeected by a large circle ot friends.
She leaves a. grown tip family of two
sons and three daughters, wiso have
the sympathy of the community. De-
ceased was 71 years of age.
Kippen on the 100h
Ind the Wife of Robert Bell, of a son.
The Benefit to Conunfirdo
et Polar Expeditions.
Probably the most important results
of Immediate practical use to both
science and commerce will be the gain
to the newly been science, ocean°. •
graphy. The ever-increasing usefultless
of the ocean for the neede of modern
comMerce, of warfare, of cable service,
and as a nursery fer food makes it
necessary that We know everything
possible about it, We must know, not
only the eurfaces but the bottom and
the intermediate vrateret We must
know, not only the warm :seas, but the
cold as well, There is a constant in,
terobange between the water of the
tropics and tbat •of the poles, just as
there is an interchange of the winds,
The cold, ioe.laden waters have a tend-
micy to flow into the warmer regions.
The overheated torrid waters sink and
flow poleward. Thi e is the theory, and
In part it is supported by observation;
but what le the mechanient 7- -From
"The Possibilities of Antarctic Bxplor-
talon," by Frederick A. Cook, M. D.,
In the December (Christmaii)Scribner's,
The nest Christmas Gift of All.
In oboOsing a chrism:las gift for
friend What Mtn EttrOrd Mere preen t Or
lastitig pleasure than e subscription to
The Youth's Companion 7 The delight,
with which it is welcomed on Christina*
morning le relleisted every week in the
yeer„The chanter it Is disclosed little by
as the Month' ran their eentroe. There
is no household in which it will not
prove an inspiration, Those who wish
to present a year's subeeription to a
friend may elio heve the beautiful new
oompitoton cateocitu, for 1000 sent nab
This Oilendat Is a reproduction in
twelce color printings of three exquisite
desiges by a celebrated American artiet,
a member ef the Ameriestit Water
Color Soolety, In addim to on this
all the Woes of The Com nion for the
remaining weeks of 1900 bre Sent fite
frere the tired eubeeriptidn ix received
rtor the new volume,
Illustrated Autumn
tot Nor yboei_r
FITCRIE-MoNABII-At Philadelphia,
Pa., on Thursday, Nov, 9th, by the
Rev, Alex, IC Wiegins,D, t,,
11, "Thos. B. A., son of James
13loonsfelt, Belfast, Ireland,
• to Jean McNabb, daughter of • the
late Duncan McNabb, Lueknow,
• Ont. •
LAIDLAW-WEBER--At the residence
of the bride'e father, Zurich f on
$ N
• Nov _21 by the Rev. 3.5. Elender., . •
daugbter of Casper Weber, Esq,
• Mich:, to Annie Matilda Weber,
me Laidlaw, Pigecm, N TINI.E OF' "PEACE
•eon, Mr. Ja•
1 Fr/
1.1;40KINNo N & 00 -; BLYTK
• • Traher, JohHayes to Annie,
Jay Rev, H. J.
• md
B• AXES-ROWLAND-At Mt. Carmel . church, ou Nov. 8th,
Marys, on NOV. lith, by Rev. P. H.
• and Amelia Huggett, both of St;
Anderson, Win. 1'. E. Riggleeford
• Marys. .
John ,Rowland 4 En.,
ill ItievrQ
r a y r,
jOHNSTON-ALLAN-A.t the residence
of the bride's.fatherkon Nov. 8011, by
• the Rev: S. A. Carriers of Grand
Bend, Mr. Willuun Wesley John-
ston of lieGillivreY, to MiSfi Nellie
• Allan of Stephen.• ' • •
CURTIS-I-BLAKE- At the residence
• of'Sfr. Jas. D. Stanley, St. Marye,
•'on Nov. 14tir, by the Rev. A. Grant'•,
II, A., Mr. Chas. C. Curtis of Key•
West; Florida, •and • Migs Lillian
'Blake. .
ACKAY-WA.TSON-s• In Deloraine,
, Manitoba, on Tuesday, Nov.. 14011,
• kota,
Mackay, of 13ottineitu, North Da,.
Miss Eleanor Watson to Dr. A. R.
nesday, Nov, 15111, at St. Patrick's
church, Biddulph, Mise Mary Mon-
. • hargey, to Jamee Carrigan.
MORGAN--BANTONAt the residence
• of the brkle's parents, McGillivray,
• by the Rey, Diehl of Ailsa Craig,M,r.
• •• Albert Morgan of the 4th minces.,
• :non, McGillivray, to Miss Minnie
• Banton.
• While the fine weather is lure • is the time to
• prepare for the severe cold winter near at hand
• by buying or exchanging your old worn out stovg'
for a new and up-to-date one. You will not only
• have the extra comfort but will be money in ptid-
ket by a saving on fuel. We have the largest se..
lection of stoves in the comity: and the most pop-
• ular designs. Call and examine our stock. We
hive a!good ass'ortment of Second hand. stovei
hand at present. •
Only the Best grades of Scranton and
Lehigh Valley Coal Kept in Stook.
' — ND
SAIINDERS- In Stephen, Con. 4, en IRONAHARDWARE . • . .
Nov. 20th, the wife of Wm. D. San-
ders, Of a daughter. • •
PINCOMBE-In Usborne, Nov. 1901, •
the wife of William Pincombe, of a .
• son • •
1,,pwrs-0n Nov. Eth, to Xr.and Mre.
•IT.rn. Lewis, Biddu11.11, a son, •
Tgoivasixi- loarquhar, on Nov. 12,
the Wife of Niiin..Thos.„mpson, of a
daughter. •
ROBINSON-At, Elimville, on Nov: ,
the wife of War. Robinson„of a son. --
MoLEAN-in Wroxeter, the wife ofMr. .°
A. Macao, of a daughter.
MoLA'UGHLIN-At Silver Corners, El -
ma, on Nov. 20th, the wife of Mr
Neil S. MoLaughlan, of a son.
WIND --In Stephen on Friday, Nov.
• 17t11, the wife Of Henry Wind, of a
LUCKNER-In Shipka, on Nov. 180,
the wife ofUharles Luckner of a
•• daughter.
Wingbarn, on Nov. 13,
, Mrs. A. L. Hamilton, of a daugb•
ter, • •
MILLE11,-In Clinton, on Wednesday
Nov 22nd Mrs Alfred Miller, aged
26 years and 8 months.
CALTON-In Goderioh township, on
• November 25011, Charles Calton,
• aged 65 years.
tiowlok, on rues:lay, Nov.
• 14th, George Nay, aged 44 years, 1
month and 16 days.
ROCK -In Logan, on Nov. 16th , Elisa-
beth, daughter of Mr. Chris. Rock
aged 12 days.
PBNIIALB.-In Stephen, on Nov. 21st,
• George Penhale,aon of the late John
Penhale, Lake Road, aged,28 years,
11 months and 28 days.
Awl's' OF strvs.EnEne FROM THE
L. M. Ilolmes, of Parrsboro, N. S„
was:taken severely ill'about a year ogo
with nervousness and indigestion and
for some time was completely pros-
tr at ed. lie consulted best cloctors,but
they failed to help him. A news paper
advertisement brought South Ameri-
can Nervine to his notice. Be tried it
with the result that he was greatly
benefitted from the first bottle, and
six bottles completely cured Mtn, and
he would be pleased to give all details
of his ease to any person asking hilt.
Sold by Watts & Co.
Shipping at the Welland Canal Was
delayed by a break iu one of the gates
at lock 23.
111011841111)i4 HAVE 13EE Tortiven
in:I BY Tan ALMOST MAGID 111t1a-
Mrs. John Fitzpatrick, of Garianoque
Was for fiee years a gi eat sufferer from
heart disease -spent some time under
experts in Kingston hospital without
getting any benefit and was pronounc-
ed inpitable. She commeneed taking
Dr. Agneveg Cure for the Heart, and
when she had taken three bottles all
drop:dent tendencies, palpitation and
ale lefCher, and she had has no ra-
tan of it, and overflies her cure to this
greatest of heart remedies, Sold by
Vatic &Co.
Depoeite in the Postoilice Savings
Bank for October exceeded the with.
drawale by $125,C00.
There are comforts: wh
the home needs and which you ca
• easily provide. The comfort 9
• home is mostly th6 comfort of 'it
Furniture. You can supply ratiny
•Furniture comforts at a very sdali
. cost. You• don't miss the naone
• yon pay ; you do miss, The-com
you might have,
We have a beautiful line of new and and u
Furniture, to offer,i Call and inspect our Stock. We .c
it a pleasure to show our Goods whether,you want to buy
In this line we carry a complete stock: • Our Horses and aut-
fit are up to date and our charges reasonable.
• 'Furniture Dealers and Undertakers
J. W. Chidley, Manager
Night and Sunday calls answered. at Residence of our
Funeral Director, J.W. Chidley King St., opposite Foundry. •
For Over Fifty Years .
Mem Wrgetcave SOOTOING SYRUP has beim
sed by minions of mothers for their children
while teething, If diaturbed at night and
roken of your rest by a siek child suffering
nd crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at
nee and get bottle of "Mrs. Winslow', Rooth.
ng Syrup" for Children Teething*. It will re -
love the poor little sufferer immediately. De.
end 'upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about.
t. It curea Diarrhcea, regUlates the Stemach
nd bowels, auras Wind Collo, softentt the
Cturest,reducesinfiammation,angivee tone and
norgy to the whole syttem. "Mr,,. Winalow'a
oothing Syrup" for childrett teething Is plea.
ant te the taste and hi the prescription of ono
O tho oldest andst befetnale physicians and
ones in the United States, PAO° twerity-five
13nta a bottle. Sold by all druggists through-
ut tho world." Bemire and ask for "Mrs.
Vi lartiLoVe Soornme SratIP.
• the Ontario Agricultural College at
Guelph shipped ten care of dressed
poultry to Livernool,
s the first law of Nature." For this
metal everyone who is 111 desires to
become well. Those who have impure
r impoverished blood turn to Hood's
Sarsaparilla, because they know it will
their nrich and purify blood and give
hem good health. To take thie naedi-
ine on the first appeatice of impure
lood is an important Step toward self
HOOD'S PILLS cure sick headache,
Tak° Laxative Brom° Quinine Tab.
ets, All druggists refund the utone7
110 fails to cure. 25e. D. W. Grove
ignature 18 013 each boo.
• We have decided
• continue our close c
cash pricesuntil Ne
Years. —
tan iely
Good 13a
The very bestsoot in 0
tirsschtsa bluenose
tica o
• STRATPORD, owrArim,
'rho reputation ot our college is not Waning,
therefore, 10 N not necessary for us to OEM large
• advertising teSecs 111 students attend
• 0111'richoolut pass 0
• coming here. In one moe h t!,:.
that at Of our retent students had aecepted
choice situations. Write for our beautiful p -
peotus. Wo hove& staff of 0 Male tea°
• eipa
WOOtrii Pho8pibaie, 1
is Great Maeda 10.4014ay.
bold and recommended. by PI
druggists it 0a20s414, Only re1.
able medicine disco*.ered. 805
woe guaranteed to care -
forms o Sextut effecte of a
or AXONS, mental worry, ExoeSsiVe tee of TO,
batalo, Opirun of Stimulants. Mailed on remit:4
of orig.& one 'Oakes. 41, six, $6. OW velapttdes,
**Swayer& 1'anipblate free to env addreet
The .tVeed CelnPetair MndleOlits
WoodPhesphodine Is aoldin Clinton bySydney
Clubbing Offers. 7_
Sotrr% AzinnicAnt IlnanaTic Crtitri
Rut otrratoirr.
Robert N. Gibson, merchant Pen- 43
broke say that ten years ago he eon.
treated rheittnatlem In a very severe
type, nuffered untold mieery-resorted
to y• us eril and other severe tree •
mente velfh leetipg Rona relie
Wherr hopeoftetottfy Wee well nigh
gone he Was induced to try Routh Am.
erica Rheumatic Cure. The first des
a %dant relief half hot
The 'won for renewingeubscriptione
001110 again and we preeent to
ur patrons the following Clubbing
ate& In each case to new subectliv
rs the balance of 1909 goes free :
Mresidy Mall and It plpiro and Newe-
ll:wenn sot
runny Medd and 'Weekly Ater and Rivera-
BileORO 21.75
Montreal Witeeee end NaleS10neenn.„40.69
Weekly Globe and NitWiAtec011n .... 11.74
Weekly Spectator and Nevos•Recomo41,1$
witaironnud manna,' iitsomne and
( Al4U.1
Ruttiest/mem 0111**�.'preservative Or new lett
and the best Melte 01 010
leather, 10 0111, &blot* Mack.
ens and pretectle We .4,