HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-11-30, Page 1tr'
2161 Tear
For -Quantity and - Quality of Now boin all parts of Huron County The News-R000rd. is *coded to Lead, It sielis MOM The subsoription to• end . or 1900 is only $1,00
Whole Number 1093
SRL•41}SittaktrallOR SkiRkfteata0=iiii
never stops in its ceaseleee
task -if you have the old oil •
reamed and new oil applied
at least once in two years.
Consider the wear as they beat
away the minutes, hours, days,
Weeks and years.
. Take care of your watch --have
r) We properly cleaned and oiled.
, .
. -We clean and repair all kinds.-
' do it promptly, accurateb and
atmoderate ',oat.
, • •
' ' WE mut rateretas
itt ME LINE. .
JEvvELER. . .
tORgNE-JE vigtoRgegis5t,
. • .. . •
Can ha, made to look prettier
than a Fanny Goods Stock,
and now thatour shelves and
.counters are laden with the
prettiest gooes that we are
able to find in the best mar-
kets; our store is especial'
Plenty of
Thein •
tike Whie Improves t •
ce Are ready for your inspection,
With AgaTo look through our fine assort-
mentpastime, to price the
Pay Your Taxes.
The tax 'collector has requested Tar
Isrews-Ruoonn to impiesa upon the
Ott ne the advisability of paying their
ta s before Deceraber 14th as after
'that date live per cent, will be' added.
This is ;mem ding to a by-law passed by
the council at its September meeting
which the collector says will be rigidly
enforced. ,
Is Union Like& 14
At • the joint meeting of the Boards
ot the two Methodist churches held on
Friday night last,what is known as the
"Burnt Bleck," between Victoria and,
Albert streets, Was seleeted as the site
for a union church, if builLand it com-
mittee was appeinted to ascertain the
cost of a building with ample accent:- •
=dation for the two prosperous con-
Rine Ranee.
The Huron Rifle Association is con-
gratulating itself on the excellent. lo-
cation it has secured for its rangesaaver
the Ransford property at Stapleton
which permits of a firing platform at
twelve -hundred yards, Behind the
butts there is a forty -foot elevation
with twice as much more before the
A, first dwelling is reached, The officers
think this will make the ranges per-
' featly safe.
goods is a plasure, to possess 44
them is a previleege. 4,1
• Now is the time to
• buy your
Come and .see the
Curr:airits, '
. Peels ,4pd
.•For your Xmas Cake:
Best for Christi?' As
In the new, the navel and
the beautiful.
me stock of
Our Fiiiit is the best that is to
be had. It Will pay you to buy.
the beat.
. ,
Is as usual on the second •
, tatioo in saying that it is • • ,T
' unequalled in Western vi
-era-leaned-Cu- rrants Ontario outside the cities.
floor,Aud we have no hesi- es
and Raisins .
We clean all our Currants and Rai-
sins with au up-to-date Fruit Cleaner.
This week we open up our
Xmas Chin,4ware
We think it the most nifty -line that
has been shown in town. Come in and
see what we have and we are sure you
will think the same. Now is the time
to look Around for that DinnerSet you
have been prod:rising to. get your wife
for-AM:nos box. We baye a full line
and a splendid -assortment to choose
from -from $5 up. We will be pleased
. to show theta to you whether you buy
0014 COOPER & CO.
Phone M. •
Cash forilutter,Eggs and ttried Apples
• Plenty of- roorn, lots of
_ light, and the best select-
ed stock of Toys ever
5 brought to Clinton. You
a are cordially invited to •
corne and sea what . we
can do before you look •
esew here.. (s
Our Shoe stock gives at
isfaction both for quality
$1.00 Pays •
and price. • No dealer
to end of 1900. "
The subscription tip THE Move-
REcortr. to the end of 1900 is only
One Dollar, or less than two cents
' handles better goods and
• none undersell us.
• er week. THE NEWS -liscortn, as
s well
matter eace knosvn, gives more reading
week than any ether
paper published in Huron.
• • •• • ••• •
R. ale .C.I.,UFF
it Others Are Saying �f Us.
• • • Genf:ram, bliov. 19th, 1899.
• MR. A..1. HOLLOWAY, °Limon
DEAN StR,-I received my Overcoat in Brantford 0 K and I want to thank
•, you for the beautiful job yon turned out. It fits hike a glove and couldn't be
better and is a great credit to you in every way. If I can at any time put busi-
ness in your way I shall be pleased to do so. ,The rest of the boys will I think
be giving you some work to do. Hoping that your business and yourself may
• always Sourieli and prosper, I remain
• Yours very sincerely,
The Lyceum Company. f W. S. COLVIN'.
Sandow'S Own Combined Developer.
The Sandow's Developer was invented by Eugene Sandovr, the greatest ath-
leteof the century and authority on Physical Culture. It is the result of many
years patient and exhaustive experiment. It hall been devised for the purpose
• ' of affording simple and effective exercise for busy men and women who will/ by
lis meant+, derive the greatest amount of benefit in the shortest space of time,
One Developer will suffice for a whole family'. It will adjust itself to the
strength of the user. It is, in itself, a Complete Athletic Outfit, combining :
• I. Rubber Wall Exerciser 3. Dumb -bells • •
2. Chest Expander 4, Heavy Weight Lifting Apparatus
It is easily fixed to any door or window frame. Pull Instructions and Photo-
graphic Charts of Exercises accompany each machine. •
,BUSINESS MEN will find the apparatus invaluable -five or ten mino• tes Use
daily will brace up the system. cleat the brain, quicken the action of the
liver and banish that tired feeling resulting from sedentary life,
". •
• It is particulatly recommended to LADIES -its daily use.will absolutely reduce
the size of the waist to proper proportions, deepen the chest, drive away°
'dyspepsia and insomnia, and give the user that beautiful roundness of limb
and. figure 80 much deeired.
CHILDREN cannot be too early induced to take healthful exercise. The rub-
ber cords afford a fascinating recreation arid tend to train the child in the
way it should go.
A. J. HOLLOWAY, Sole agent in Clinton.
• • wear. There's nothing better for the money in the market.
A. Morrish ha.juBt placed in stock another supply of 50-cene Under -
And you are in need of many things to keep out the
• cold aLd it is no easy thing to keep Jack Frost out unless, you
have theproper Clothing and this is to be had at our store.
We have just received a large stock of Dressed and Un-
dressed Gloves in Xida and Mocha. Hear are a few of our
• vices : .
„ . lindreesed Kid, fine quality, $1.85.
Undreseed Kid, good Wearers, $1.25.
/3'ilr-lined Kid, Warmest gloye made, 101.50.
Fleece -lined Mocha, fine qbality, $1,25,
Media lined Astrachan Gauntlets, With guaranteed dog palm, $1,26.
We aleo have a new stock of Ties, Neck Wraps, Men's
lieavy 'Working Shirts, and the biggest bargain ever offered in
PleeteAitted Underwear at $1.25, This line is excellent value
at SI 76, but as we have a large stock of it and bought it in the
early part of the season, and by taking 0. large quantity we are
ihArefore able to sell it at this remarkable low price.
The Weather.
That the weather thia fall has been
Well nigh perfect even the "oldest in-
habitants" is bound to. admit,' but that
does not signify thatall are praying
for its continuance. The clothier with
an expensive stock of overcoats, furs,
etc., on hand wants more frost in the
ah', - winter in short, otherwise bow, is
he going to sell his goods. The boot
adshoe men are of the same frame of
mind, -while the dry goOds dealers long
for an old-fashioned winter, the kind
that makes trade hum and money cir-
culate merrily.
Thanksgiving Music.,
The services in Ontario street .Me
thodist church next Sunday evening
promise to be of more than usual inter-
• est. The pastor's subject of discourse
will he 1.1Glud'a reign a source of joy."
The following choice Thanksgiving
music will be rendered by the choir
Aiithem-Songs of Victoi•yt
• ' L. Ashford.
Anthem -A Song of Thanksgiving,
J. A. Parke.' •
Solo -Entreat me not to leave Thee.
•• Gounod. Madame Wall.
Anthem -Praise ye the Lord,
C. B, .MeAfee. • •
Anthem -0 give thanks unto the Lord.
Apples Three Pence a Barrel.
Late advices from Liverpool state
that, Canadian apples are arriving there
invery.bed condition and are selling
at from three pence to seven shillings
per barrel. • All around there is a- loss
of over a dollar per barrel on what hat;
been sold lately. • Thus it was with.
a. recent econsignmenr" from this
county though a few barrels of Kings
sold at fifteen shillings and six pence.
each. This is winter stock, mark you,
and all the varieties appear to be spoil-
The.English papers state thatsome
• of the Canadian stack frets poorly pack-
ed and .gci even so far as to say that
old boots have been known to be found
in the middle of barrels. Ibis nob -sup-
posed that there has been much of
that sort of work, but even a few in-
stances will work great havoc to a
growing branch of Oanadiari •trade.
4141. Split
A la
Ai V
Little Locals.
"Cap" Cook had a pair of White.
Rock chickens.which when killed and
dressed weighed ten pounds apiece and
he says he has a still better pair. -
The choir of the Ontario street church
will render several selections of Thanks-
giving music at next Sunday evening's
iservice when "the pulpit" will not eX.
coed twenty minutes. The meeting of
the Junior League on Friday evening
will be led by Miss Mabel Hill, when a •
specially interesting tinre is expected.
-Mr. A. A. Shrenk was thrown from
his vehicle On Tuesday ' and limped.
around for some time in consequerice.
-Master Will Kennedy has been
very ill this week. --Messrs. D. B.
Kennedy, S. Davis and S. Wheatley
had a "tea" party the other evening,-
-To keep posted in Huron news read
THE NEws-Reconne-e-At a meeting
of the Bowling Club on Monday even-
ing the following were appointea
committee of management Rans-
ford, G. D. MeTaggart, W. Jackson, D.
A. Porrester, Jas, Fair and John
Johnstone. --A meeting of those in-
terested in the formation of a hockey
club will be held at the Commercial
Hotel at 8 o'clock on Friday evening.
-The Twenty -Five Club held an • as-
sembly in their club -rooms on Tues.
day night ---A Communion service
Will be held in the .Brptist church 'next
• Sunday morning. -Mr. Arian Shen.
pard is preparing the ground on Or-
ange street and. will build a residence
thereon next spring This will make
the second new house on that street,
and close to each other. -A special
freight train passed up the line to God-
erich on Sunday.e-The.Chrietian En-
deavor of Willis chnrch has received
and accepted an Invitation from the
Egmondville 0. E. to visib them neX4
" Week.' -Rev. Mr, Heyman of Batten.
bury street church will occupy hie own
pulpit next Sunday and in the morn•
Ing will preach from "The feet of
°Inlet," and at'? p. m., "The word of a
business order given p000 years ago."
Good music will be furniehed by the
ehotr...-St, Paul's church S. S. has
• arranged for a Xmas tree and enter.
tertainment to be held in the school
room on Thursday evening preceding
Chrietrruta-lhe regular month.
ly husinees meeting of the V", P.
S. 0. E. of Willis church
wesheld on Monday, evening when
It was decided that the Bible study for
the month of December should be
taken by Mr, john McEwert and the
Catechism by Idieti Gerdoll..---•-Strent
pea* and mignonette are bloolning itt
Councillor Jones'or•deta this
Some of the congregation bt Sl -.Peter's
church, Summerhill, on Saturday lost
platen their Re :or and his Wife
MS • Tv mob,
The evaporator closed MI Saturday•
and the etock is being -shipped- this
week. The season was a little shorter
than la,st year and some three or four
less hands were eraployed.,11,000 bush-
els ef apples were pealed. In addition
to this another 1000 bushels of stock
too mall to peal and kne wn
as "Chops" were cut up and dried.
The Brewing Time,
The farmer who sold hie hogs for
$3.50 per cwt, this week and bought a
empty of coal dil at 80 cents per gallon
refuses tole, convinced that this"Grow-
ing Tine" is putting any money into
his pocket.. "Huh 1" said he, "I have
to sell lew and buy high. • My store
bills are growing rather than iny re.;
ceipts. Save we from this so-dalled ed to $eam, of welch $ki war contrzbu,
• Mr. Joseph DOM of Ocalborne died
011 Mendel; agerill"Tears. He had
been ailing for sorae time and the end
was not unexpected. The deceased
was a staunch Presbyterian and was
an elcier for many years.
• The anniversary riervices in connect,
tam with, the Methodist church were
bele last Sunday and'wero quite suc-
cessful. Rev. W. G, Howson of Olin -
ton preached two excellent sermons,
one in the morning and tbe other in
the a,fthrnoon, while Rev, Mr.liencler-
son of this place occupied the pulpit in
the evening when he delivered an ep,
propriate and practical discourse which
was much appreciated. The collec-
tions at the three services amount-.
10GrOw-ing Time."
„ted in the morning, $27.17 in the after -
4 Lenient Sentence: • noon and $8,43 in the evening. The
The trip Of boys, Who were cOnimitproceeds, go. into the funds of the
ted for triallest week by the Mayor, :church. •
had a hearing before Judge Masson on A sacred conifit will be given on
Tuesday. His Honor teok much inter- Christmas night under the auspices of
est in the ease and had enquiries made the Sabbath School. A good program
to the antecedents of the boys. A is flow in bourse of preparation and
petition was sent up from here asking We expectdo have one n'r the most
for leniency. This was supplemented
pleasant theandeadoe
n Pov°11t tmtio
abloecceansternta. irrnts
by apersenal fetter from Me 0.Wilson o
while Rev.'Mr. Parke was on hand to Mr. and Mrs, Shrenk are visit.
intercede The result wee one boy was ing relatives in Zurich at present
set free and the remaining two released • Mrs. Murdoch of St. •Heleue visited
h •
on suspended Sentence. her parents list week.
Mies P. Armstrorig visited Auburn
, I • • •. .
* communication. •
To the Editor of TetiNiiiiii-Itgootin last SundayMrs. Reynolds Of Thishwood is the
Dear Sir,As. • many of the readers of
your valuable paper are more or less eon, at present. • .
guest Other, deughter, Mrs. J. Nichol..
Interested in the trial of the lads . that
Mt.' YoUngblut of pear. Tavistock
were sent to Goderich last week,
•t was the guest Of his brother-inerivv,Mr.
thought it well to say e weed or two George Leink, last week. • .
on behalf of the boys. Certainly they Ws. Davis and children of Rockford;
were guilty of 4. incest serious charge are the wrests of her aunt:hire
and it was net the first offence for Scene
. , . . -
of them. We all owe a. debt of grati- WmSymingtenat presentMt .Potter ot Prince' Edwat d was the
Mee to our warthy Mayor for taking •
.' .
the firm stand diet he has against guest of his sister, MrsJohn Sprung
Base Line, ' • '... -
evil -doers. Had Clinton been govern.
ed in this way for • the past three or
• •
Miss T., Sprung of Nue•Siindayed .at
font years we Would not have stiffer her grapdfather's. • • •
Miss L Maly returned 'horte •frein
for the wrong doing of many 'of • onr
visiting her sister at Leamington. .
bpi's. But now that. the' lads . have Mr. and aliei Riddell' of LOndefiboro
• been allowed one more chance ,of •re • •
visited at Thomas' one 'day last ..veeek.
:deeming their charaeter, let us all,. ex- . Mr. David Brown has returned home.
tend to them our were -lest .synapathy ty after his trip the West looking hale sea. beam.
and support., Let the Christian.: char-
••, . ' -
ity of Our citizens riee.above the Odin- and : Messrs. Howson and Osbaldeston
nay leyet, rememchildren in Clibering that there are litee Started ' their .portable will up
Many other riteri.
elsewhere who, if they had no better
opportunities, -**'etild; not , be - one
whit more moral • than these boys,
Have not the Christian workers in our
midst been somewhat realiSS la their:
duty in rieglecting to look after these
children? Those men who signed that
-petition for their acquittal haYe
taught many people apractictil lesson
in Christian forbearance. Too many
erect for themselves a moral pedestal,:
and from their fancied elevation bite;
terly denounce all wrongdoers, for-
getting not,00r Blessed Lord's' solemn
words' in $t. Jehe VIII -7. Let us all;
encourage the:boys to do better, end
not cast one stumbling block in Omit
way. Sincerely Yours, S.' F. PaaticE,
Rectereof St.Pael's. .
, .
Answers to Legal QttestIons. ••
The following appeared in the legal
quesilons and answers columns of the.
, Mail and Empire of Saturday last.' As
the queries were made by Clintonians
and have a local bearing they are re-
produc.ed here !--; •
J. L,, Clinten.-Qu.e-A ladhad $50
in his possession, and as he•did not
plain how he came by it, he was sus-.
pected of having stolen it: • At his ino-
ther's request be gave the Money .to a SUMMERH1LL.
la,vvier to be held until an owner should •
be found. mis happened in ma The • Entertaintnent-The annual enter,
money bad. not been stolen, therefore tainment Of Summerhill Public School
no owner has been found. Oan the is to be held. on Pridity evening, Dec.
22nd. The school will be assisted by
young man now coinpel the lawyer to
return the moneyto '
considerable local talent and, a good
Ans.-The young nue can recover 'nevem is being provided. More anon,
his money from the lawyer. As ib was A pleasant evening was spent by the
given to him, and was not stolen, he Surninerhill members of Rev.E. B.
need not have patted with it in the Smith's pastoral charge on a recent
first place. The lawyer has merely evening at thelatter's residence in
held it as a trustee, and must restore it Clinton. The guests were entertained
to the person from whom be received by a varleitY of music, inetruniental
i on &mend: • and vocal, with refreshments later, and
Clinton. -Qu. -I was summoned to appeared to make themselves thorough -
appear before the Mayor of this town ly at home. The following( Saturday a
near Dungannon. They expect to
have a winter's run. • •• •
Mr. John Neagle is taking a rest
after his long spell of lightning -rod
Mr. Joe Feagan has nearly finished a
new house • '
Mr. Jas. Fluker is carpentering et J.
Pletcher's. •
Mr. end Mrs. Vanderbilt were
taken by surprise by' a number of
young people around here and h load
from Clinton. All kinds of amuse-
ments until the wee sma', hours of the
• -
J. Johnston, the Winghain •
baker, silent Sunday in our burg.
Mr, Edgar Rowed of Clinton spent
Sunday at Dr. Ross.' • '
• Mr. Will Taman of Blyth, accom-
painted by .Miss Brown, Sundayed with
friends at Auburn. • •
Mr. Wm. Milker has finished his
large contract of ditching for Mr..
Howson, 160 rods in five days: Who
can beat that ?
Messrs. R. Taylor and E, McKenzie
of Clinton $undayed under the patent -
al roof,
upon a charge of riding a bicycle on number of the members purchased and
the sidewalk contrary to the by-law. sent teethe home a neat couch in token
The time fixed for the hearing of the of their high esteem for their pastor..
complaint was eight o'clock. I went Miss E. Ball, wile has been assisting
to the Mayor at sis o'clock and or:. 3. Hill for the summer, has returned to
knowledged the charge, and offered to her home.
pay the fine on condition that there Mr, Geo. Hill, having completed his
would be no costs. Clan the Mayor now Walton cheese -making engagenient,
compel me to pay any costs. moves his utensils to the home factory.
Ans.-You will have to pay the costs Teresa and Allis Christopher of Wel.
of the summons and of the conviction. ton visited here lately'.
By acknowledging the charge and pay. Miss Dottie Ball was the guest of her
ing the fine you have escaped some of aunt, Mtg. P. 0. McEntee, recently.
the costs which you raight have been Watkins' familiar countenance
liable to pay had the ease come up for graced our burg on Saturday lest. ,
trial in the regular way, but the costs Robbie • and- Tonamie••••twain went
iriyour case Will be trifling, See R. S. porthwaid like a hurricane on Sunday
0., chap. 95. last. We hope they did get home
W. W. P., Clinton. -Qu. -A man again aud did not have a trip in vain,
• deeds his property to his wife, but ere it Was past. • •
keeps his deeds in his own possession Jas. Richardson hat terminated his
and never registers them. The Wife engagement with T. Lindsay and gone
dies intestate, Some of her money to the woods, hier place being taken
was used to erect a building upon the by I. Brownlee of townt Mr. Lindsay
land before her death. The man mar.. hada good ploughing bee last Thurs.
rles again, and deede the same proper.. day again,
ty to his second wife, having destroyed Messrs,' Elliott and Guthrie inspect,.
the deeds made to his first wife. Oen ed theabutinente here with a vie* to
the present wife naake a good title to more Rewrote measurement of the
person whopurchases from her, know- abutments.
A supposed-M*1)e but nob actually
ing all the facts
Ans.-The deede to e fleet wife it y rather n.
Were•never delivered, hence she never • gers has been helping himself to neigh.
acquired the ovenerehip of the proper. bore Irish applee and would do as welt
ty. But her heirs may bete a claina mate further pilfering to avoid ora-
• tor the amount of her money expended pleasant consequences. •
In erecting the buildings. The deeds Shep. Nicholson Sundayed at Mr.
to the second wife were delivered and Oars of Dungannon,
regietered, hence she acquired a good
title to the,property, and can tranomit
the earner to the person to where she
• At theloarmai meeting of Zion Sun-
day School the following officers were
/t is understood that. Mr. W. elected 1-- W. G. Gardner, auperin.
ten ent; Hunter, Treesurer ;
Scarth, Deputy Minister of, Agricult. d V
ure, will accompany the consignment trirdinttrt}na, egretarr N. T. .Gardner.
• of Conadien hay to Gape Town and sae
• It transferred Et) the impetial authort; Mr. Ak*. Chicago, WAS
ties. ,
Th electors of Westmoreland hare
"natal ad the Scott Act by it slightly
hut majority,
conveys It.
ome leAt week attending hie fother'e
moral. 4.leX.1* *Allow Op a
urse and is g tting along fine. We
yi h him every 60001,
Mrs. Thos. Burnside is at present
. Miss Flossie Stanbury of Clinton
*pent &Imlay under the parental roof.
Another grand ball was held at Mrs.
Castle's. Mr, Wilt Osmond proved
himself to be it clever manager.
Rev. W. Black, B. A.,- of Elora Oc-
cupied the pulpit in SLAnclrew's Pres-
byterian church both morning and
evening last Sabbath and preached
two thoughtful and impressive ser..:
mous to good end appreciative cengre. ,
gations. Mr, Steck is a scholarly geu.
tiernan of pleasing address and appear-
ance and during his short stay Of one
weekby his genial and courteous manner
made nuncierous friends who very much
regret that his stay deal& not be pre -
longed as the people of the congrega-
than are beginning to long for the set-
• tlement of a, poster amongst them,
• • .
VARNA. • .
The managing committee of the
Presbyterian church is arranging the
ground to lanild a sidewalk from Main
-street to the church. ,-• -
The members o,f St. John's church
have greatly improved their sheds by
straightening them up and hanging
doors On them. . •
Some of the Members .of the Metho-
dist church thought it about time to
complete the fence in front of the
church and it certainly improves the
appearance very • lunch and still more
if it had a coat of paint,
We are sorry to learn that Mrs. J.
Armstrong is' improving but slowly
an d, is still in a critical end painful
'condition with her throat.
Owing to the grand weather the
people of this vicinity are welt up with
their fall work and. winter will appear
all the shorter forthis fine weather.
Mrs. R. McCool has returned .hoine
to Drumbd. -
Rev. Mr, Shaw -of Eginondvilie
preached to the Presbyterian .congre-
Pgatien last Sunday. .
, Mr.' Stevens, Seafoith, visited Blyth
on Sunday. •
Me. Graham of Bracetield spent a.
few days with his sister, Mrs, Jos.
The plasterers and trainers are busily
engaged in. fixing up Mr. Wm, Bell'
house on Main street. • •
Mr. David McConnell and family, •
who have resided in this burg for eight-
een years, are moving to Clinton in
which place he intends making, his
future home. Blythloses one of its good,
•solid Conservatives by his departure.
, Mr. Will Enaigh spent Sunday in
the circular town. • .
Some of our young people attended
the tea-mee ing in uburn onMonday.
The 'O. E. Society of St. Andrew's
bhurch has secured Miss Cooke, elocu-
tionist and dramatist, of Chicago to
give an entertainment on Dec. 15th •
The Bible Society will hold its
annual meeting in Trinity church on
Monday evening, Dec. 3rd. •'
Mr. awl Mrs. W. W, Ferran of Clin-
ton spent Sunday With Capt. IL T,
Rance. •
. •
• Capt. H. T. Rance hes made lame
and extensive improvements toStiffres.
idence on Westmoreland St. which
will add greatly to its ah•eady beautiful
Mr. S. H. Herrington has purchased
the lot at the south of his residence on
Queen St. which he purposes making
into it lawn.
• The Epworth League intends having
an entertainment on Christmas night.
Prof. L. S. Hopper with his trained
dogs gave us a call last week.
A Christmas Tree entertainnient,un-
der the auepices of Trinity church
Sunday School will be held in Industry
ball on December 201.13.
Mrs. 3os. Corn bee and son are visting
friends at Bervie.
The youngest daughter of JAL
Mellen is seriously ill at present.
Mr. I. Moon moved. his feanfly to
4own last week
A. good number of our young people ,
attended the opening of the new PteS-
, byteria,n church in Varna last week.
t Mr. Sadler of West Williams town,
• shiP: county of Middlesex( was the
guest of Mr; and Mrs. Parke ,for a few
1 days teat week.
Xre. Hawser' went to London last
4 weary traveller truck our towe
for it day lest week, When first seen
at a distance With hie parcel he was
taken to be Homer with it bundle of
- Iliad% We were sorry when it proved
to be a tramp. YOU see we are literary
people, therefore you understand our
es. c o lo Drumbo and Mss .
Logan visited at the Rectory here last
dwaemye kifso.sreo. rha jece. taalbraith left last Thurs-
g 0
where she will re.
• Maio for some little time.
. There sekiesito be a good deal • of
trouble in getting material to carry on
the harboriniprovements. •
ttraklee of Hay was the guest of Mr.
• and Mrs. G. Perko hist week,
MissHarrietPrase:. hae returned
from a three Weeks' visit with her
• Mr. Porterfield'ancl sister of Belgrave.
visited their sister, Mrs. Jas. Ferguson,
here last week.
Miss M. Vanstone of Bennailler is
again visiting friends in town after' a
brief absence with her parents at
home. • .
Mr. John Whicidon and Mrs. Whid-
don were in the eounty town last Mon-
day. .
• Messrs. John Patterson and John
Cameron are at Wroxeter and Gerrie
assisting Mr. Jas. Donaldson, jr., who
is putting in an electric plant in those
towns. We understand those two
places are running a, joint plant. • •
MiseGrace Galbraith of the Goderich
Road is in Chicago taking -a course of
training for a nurse. This is a very
landable•and seff-denying occupation
arid we with the young lady success. .
Rev. Mr.. McKay of Goderich, who
nobly filled the pulpit of St. Andrew's
church here for several Sundays, was
in town one day' last week renewing
acquaintances. His many friends here
were glad to shake hands with him.
Master. Walter Walwin, Miss Martin
• 11231tId‘rMs.itislluCjd°11elidisY soon stillor6on going to move
on the sick
into her premises on the river bank at
present occupied by Mr. Patterson.
Mrs. John-Whiddon and two daugh-
ters were in Clinton one day last week.
Rev. Mr. Scrimageer preached in
the Seaforth Presbyterian church 'last
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart were:
visiting at Me. John 17Vhiddon's one
evening last week. ••
Mr.John kriaser severely sprained his
• wrist last Friday by the axe which he
was wielding coming in contact with a
- clothes line. •
• Mr. Dan. McLeod hasmoved into
Mr, James Cowan's house, •recently
vacated by Mr. Wm. Smith. Dan
formerly" occupied the old rectory by
the lake side and has no doubt got all
the good out of it he can.
• Mr. H. Drahemn, who left us' two.
'weeks ago, presumably to get married,
so rumor said, is at present lying very
. 411 in Blyth. We are • sorry to hear
this mid hope he will be speedily res-
to and to Ms place
• The Vali is winding up business
these days. The peelers ceased work
some tinae ago, but the driers are still
at work runiiine through chop. This
has been it busy industry this season
and a lot of fruit was put through, but
the warm weather was no doubt favor.
able to the -rotting of the apples which
Made some of the work rather unpleita,
• We understand the up -town grocery
' and bakery,which has been conducted
for some time by Mr. James Bums,
will now change hands, becoming the
property of Miss Mary Simpson who
is now in Toronto.
The young people of the town who
enjoy it social hop once in a while
secured Mr. Marks' pavilion for the
occasion and tripped the light fantastic
for it few hours one nigh b last week
and hed a very enjoyable time.
MiseAnderson of Kippen visited her Mr. Harry Smith, who has been
cousin, Miss E. Holdsworth. , • troubled a great deal this summer vritti
Mr. and Mrs. MCIKie of Varna were ad an operation perform-
ed on the diseased optic last Monday
the guests of Mr. Pred. Leonar
d 00 a sore eye, h
Thursday last, aba La dOing well.
Mr. Drooks of Aylmer is visiting his The Lou Graben) Mission Band held
cousin, Mrs. Williams.
The evangelistic Meetings are being
continued this week, Rev. Mr. .Kel-
lington of Nile assisting in the fore-
part of the week and Rev. Mr. Wilson
of Berimiller thelatter pert.
• The congregation of St,. John's
churcb and their friends were enters
tamed by Rev. E. H. and Mrs. Smith
on Priday evening hist. A large nutn.
her were present pad all .were much
pleased • with the reception they
received and with the comfortable and
pretty appearance of the parsonage.,
(Intend& for last issue.)
Mr, George Huller is working on the
rollroad as one of the section mem
One day last week while Mrs. Holde.
worth was lifting a boiler of hob water
off the }dove he tripped and fell, said.
Ing herself very badly, but we hope
that she will soon recover.
Mo. Stanley *pent a few days with
her Mother, Mrs, Eicoat, Tuckersmith,
lest week.
Mrs. Broadfoot of Brucefield spent•a
few days last week with her cousin,
Mrs. Stanley.
Mies McRae of Clinton visited Mist
.11oldsworth on Sunday. -
Mies Lizzie Glidden of beeborn is
visiting friends in 'the village.
Mims MeIlveen and &await of Nile
are the guests of Mies Tillie McCartney.
Mr. S. T. Wolter and mother and
Shoves A. Ststaley, 0. Walter rind II.
Stanley we, the guests of Mrs. A,
plenasraseateetlekl, on Thnreday.
lEr*, n Sergi* tetnrned barna On
, ',kit to friends
• • ;;)
it very successful meeting last Satur-
day when a very pretty program of
readings, recitations and solos was
carried out by the children. Rev W.
Black, 13..4.., was present and deliver-
ed a pleasant address to the claildren,
during which be paid a neat and well-
deserved coinpliment to Miss Carrie
Mackenzie, president of the Band, and
Mrs. Sainea Ferguson, organist,for the
exeetlent management of the }affairs of
th B d
As stated last week the people of St.
Andrew's Preebyterian church have
taken steps to increase their shedaccom-
iliveedfitotiootn mbar, ttihoetue rektri.eaettomf eat; tennatar:
eon, seri., was appointed chairman of
the committee and in his temal busi-
ness -like way went to work to secure
material, and Monday and Tuesday of
this week the people of the congrege,
Mon made A bee and ereeted the
titrueture, which will afford additional
room for eleven horses while sufficient
space is reserved for it woodshed.
The Monrvaa Bros. have started up
• their ettopping mifl. They have a
}splendid meolaine ana will. no doubt
satiety. ail euetornet s,
Mr. it. Peck has had it baa attack of
blood phoning, hut has had it eheck.
ed and he is able to be around ogitin.
Turkey thieveit have visited Mr. Geo.
johnson recently and carried off a, lot
of the feathered tribe.
Mies Addie Bothwell of Hayfield will
leave for Detroit in it few days to fur
titer her riansloal OG11404141 in the Oon.
servatery of Mule° ther mim itam.
• had
4 a large elate « pupil* In
• -404a, tur. tti )0. 1... 1 GIN
The beautiful weather which we
bliiitovoeme.njoyed through the month of •
November hati given the fermate a good,
dandelions and other flowere out in
chance to get their fall work done up.
It reminds us of eprilag time to see the
Mr, Richard Penhale mold a very fine
Berkshire pig to Hector Reid, for ser-
vice. Mr, Penhale is a'strong advocate
of Berkshire pigs arid he stays right
with thernale has a very fine pig which '
he will keep for the improvement of
stock this season and whieh tips the
scales at 520 lbs and is only fifteen
months old,
Thos. Stierri hes a canary
which was born a Can dian and was
an American citizen for s, but
has returned to Canada. bir s •
bred by Mr..joseph fornaerl
of•Stanley. Mrs. Wm, Caldwell took
tills bird to Daketa five years ago, She
came on it visit to see her mother, Mrs.
Sherrit, this suinmer and brought his
eanarythip with her and gave it to her
mother. it looks well and is a sweet
singer; -
Mr. E. Johnstone has purchased a .
very fine driving horse from Mr.' P.
McGregor of Brucefield.Edward knows .
wbere to get a, good horse as Mr. Mc-
Gregor always keeps just such stock. •
McEwen*Bres. have purchased a neW
grain crusher and are prepared to crush
for five cents a bag, on Tuesdaysalaurs-
days, and Saturdays. •
• 'Mrs. Wm. Clark, Sr„ is visiting at
her daughter's in Tuckerinnith, Mrs. *-
vJiosmhi tree. aA3 r.bmiHss, rp;anargrek.n et s ani•
tt Bmayall. e, d
r last
Thursday. • • .
Sneak thieves are visiting the turkey
roosts around here. They 'had ,better
be 'careful for if caught they will be
made an example of. • -
Glad to report this week that Mr.
Williarn McOlinchey is recovering '
slowly from his late illness. ,
Mr. John Woods and Mrs. Woods •
from St. Helens visited .friends in this
vicinity last Week, •
Mr. D. J. Stephenson has had erect-
ed a beautiful dwelling house on the
old homestead and as he is an indus-
trious and well-to-do man we hope that
he and his better -half may be long
spared to enjoy it. •
Our own Jimmy is aroundbuying
turkeys' and is giving a little slice off
his conarnission on pigs to the ladies
for their turkeys above other hopes! so
he is able to keep the inside track.
• Mr. Joseph Mossop wheeled toVarret
last Saturday. Pretty good for the
twenty-fifth of November. •
Mr. Sandy Walker, who has made
his home for years with Mr. Donald
Smith of the second concession, met
with an accident one. day last week
which may have a fatal termination.
He had gone te.the bush for load of .
wood and' while on his waY .back 13
block upon which, he was sitting( rolled
. and caused him to fall to the ground .
upon his head, rendering him uncon-
scious. He lay there for ' a couple of ,..
hours and at dusk Mr. Smith ,and his
daughter grew anxious and ' went out
hi search of him. The:deg preceded
them and located Sandy. Assistance
was obtained and he Was taken to the
house and a doctor summoned, when
it was found that Sandy was partially
paralyzed. The medical men have
.very little hope that he will be able to
pull through. The injured man is be-
tween forty -flee and fifty years of age. '
He will be remembered by residents of
S. No. 11, Goderich township, as
having taught that school for a couple
of years about twenty years ago.
Stanley council met on Monday,
Nov. 27th, with all the members pres-
ent. The following accounts were
paid: For pave!, J. Alexander $18.76,
P. Capling $12.80, T. Coleman 40
cents, S. Rathwell $5.28, J. Cameron
$21.68, 3. Fisher $0:48, D. McKenzie
$22.24, McFarlane $8.76, P. Camp-
bell $8,88, W. Logan $51.60, W. Reid.
$14.16, J. Gingrich $24; IL Stickle
$8.48, A. Reid $84.72; D. Campbell
$3,50 for bridge bolts, I. McKie 50 cents
for repairs to pile driver, A. Mustard
5100 o cementLo d d,
J. Watson $10 for plank, J. Sparrow
$6.87 for work on grader, 3'. T. Ccei:Wrim.
$4.19 for spikes and oil, Baler $2.10
for tile, . Sparrow .
McBeath $1.25 for scantling, J. Moffatt
$5 for .right of way to gravel pib.
Deputy returning "oftiCera were ap-
pointed as follows : Thoa Fraser, john.
Murdock, Wra. Bathwell and Andrew
Armstrong, Council meets again on
• Cairns, Clerk.
December 15th at 10 o'clock a. m.-J.T.
, A abort time ago Mr. Scott's store
was robbed of consiclerable jeivelry
and also a. coat. 'lathier( was ever
beard of the robbers or the stuff until a
day or twa ago when the coat wa
found in a barn two and a half miles
east of the tillage. The burglars had
evidently gone in there for the night
and forgot to take the coat with them.
Mr. Scott, who is eoneiderable of a
Sherlock Holmes, is on the clue.
Mr. William McIntosh left this
station last Tuesday morning for
Dakota. 'Ginnie will be much missed
as he was just 'budding into manhood.
/tee. Mr. Sewer preaehed arg instrue.
dye sermon on dancing and aata play-
ing. The Iteverebd gentlernan Leek a
bewail view of both pleasuree, bat imict
there would be some erripty pews if he
were to have a dancing party.
Mr, It. McCartney of Goderich }merit
Sunday and MonditY with his uncle
Anniversary serviees will be held hi
•the Presbyterian church here next
Sunday when Rev. 3. II Henderson of
Henault will pretreh both morning and
evening, There Will 4180 be a lecture
. delivered by Mr. Henderson on Mon.
• day evenlog. Special music Will be
given by the choir.,
Mr. John Rose, who spent the fall
in the West,hart returned home.
/1 bra Naws-Rstoonn pleases you
you willoonier a taVar by reeonailrend,.
, big It be rosvo, triad*