HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-02, Page 1VOL. XXI.
Out of Sight
Much of our ()tock is out of
eight. Some things spoil
by sight. Some thtuge
take too much apace. Some
things aro only It casual
demand. We must keep
these out of right, but they
are right at hand If you
want them. Our stock of
Toilet Requisites
Miscellaneous Articles
►s as large as Is consistent
with freshness and novel-
ty, Over -buying means
stale stook. We don't
over -buy, but we can al-
ways supply any demand
for an artlole that belongs
to our line of business, We
'parry a very large stook
.and make very low prices
• at the
N, 13.—lave you tried our Bust Ups,
Cure the grippe every trip.
Spring Term
p g
Opens April 1st
Canada's Greatest Chain of Hlgh-
Grade Buelnees Colleges, donated at
Peterborough Wln ban
CJlnton Walkerton
Orangeville . Godertoh
follows the ouetom of business ooncerns
and takes no vacation.
Sta Ographers, Hook.keepers and Tele•
grant** are in great demand in July,
August, September and Ootober.
We train more young people than any
other management in Ontario.
There must be a reason ; write for it.
4; A. Mibner, M. A„ Pb. D,
Vice Principal.
Geo. Spotton, Principal.
N0. 33.
Do not say in ,mournful numbers
"Advertising does nut pay."
Froin the business roan who slurnber6,
Buyers quickly tura away.
All succedsfnl men remind you
That you surely may succeed.
If you let the people End you
Through the papor which they read.
Banish failure and stagnation,
13y the magic of the press ;
And with hope and expectation
Onward move toward success.
Since so truly any the sages
"Business dies if left alone,"
Through Tna S'rANnnttn'a well-read
Make your business widely known,
A terrible experience had Edward J,
O'Connor of Sault Ste, Marie. "Front
boyhood" he writes, "I have !leen a
constent sufferer from asthma and
catarrh. My nose and throat was al-
ways stopped up and I had droppings
in the throat, \Vhen attacks came on
1 thought 1 couldn't live through the
night, I would sit up gasp for breath
and endure great distress, Catarrho-
zone madeentl'ely well," No stronger
proof is required. Asthma is curable,
so is catarrh, Use "Cate rhozone" and
your recovery hi guaranteed. Two
91206, 25o and $1.00 at all dealers.
The Ste pleton tramway, connecting
the Ransford Salt Works with the G.
T. It, is in danger of being washed
away by the flood and is now several
feet out of place.
During Friday night the shipping
roots of Fair's Flour Mulls was badly
flooded, there being about eighteer,
incites of water in the'mill, and as a
result several hundred dollars' worth of
floor was damaged, Mr. Fair claims
that it was a defective town drain that
caused the damage. and the Council
will be asked to settle.
The electrical storm which passed
over this district during Friday night
was very severe. A farmer named
Smith, living on the 4th concession of
Stanley, lost his barns by fire, Light -
nine was the cause.
You know how you feel,—blue, sickly
and heavy. Every morningyou waken
If You Feel a Cold Coming on
break it up and stop the cough with
Bole's Preparation of
Friar's Cough Balsam
It Is the °family doctor" in hundreds of homer, for cough•, cold,, hoarseness,
Sore throat, croup and brouch4No. A'' wonderful it.w a few doses of this tellable
remedy broil. u p a cold sod cotes the cough.
Big;e.t bottle for the money, tno, 25c. At all dealers. 38
Good Hats
Some one has said put a good hat on a plan's head and a
good pair of shoes on his feet and it does not make any diff-
erence about the balance of his dress.
Be that as it may a man's hat is the most conspicuous
feature of his entire outfit.
The spring styles are ready. We have the soft and
stiff hats in several blocks. Hats for men of all ages, We
fit faces as well as heads with hats, we're experts at it.
$1.50, $2.00, $2.510 and $3.00
We think we're safe in saying that there's not another
such a showing of correct hats in the vicinity.
Just received a big consignment of Gents' Fine Shoes
Call in and see then
: L1 Y'TH
in a dull "dopy" condition and wish it,
were night again, Your liver Is wrong
and needs fixing with Dr. Hamilton's
Pills ; they do cure all lives ills, At
once the system is relieved nt poisons,
blood is enriched and purifi, (1, tippetfte
increases and digestion picks up.
Health and vigor return bemuse Dr,
Hamilton's Pills make the body proof
against weakness and disease. For
your live!', your kidney's, your stomach
for the sake of your looks and feelings,
try Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c per box nt
any deniers,
After an illness of over a ,year coaxed
from heart disease, Robert Willis, a
native of Esquesing township, Halton
County, and latera resident of George-
town, died at the home of his daughter,
Mrs, Robt. Newcombe, 8th line, last
Thursday at the ago of (]4 years. His
wife diea over 12 years ago. A fondly
of four are left to mourn his loss, W. .d.
Willis, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Miss A. L.
Willis, Newark, N, J, ; Airs. Rola,
Newcombe and Mrs. John McElroy,
of Morris, Deceased was It member of
the A, 0. 11. W. and the body was
token to Georgetown where the funeral
took places to the Greenwood cemetery
on Sunday, tinder the auspices of the
Lodge. Mr, Willis has lived with his
daughter dor the past Iwo years, '1'11e
friends of the fantil,y extend Choir
sympathy to the mourners.
The following is the report of the
pupils in 8, 8, No. 1, Morris, for
March, The percentage obtained is
given :—V. class—Mary Rogerson 75,
8r, IV,—Elmer Nivins 80, Jr. 1V.—
Thomas Phalen 02, Luella Parrott 47,
Florence Rogerson '411, Bailie Parrott
80, Sr, III,—Ella Rogerson 70, Mag-
gie Phelan 70, Robert, Wallace 22,
Sr. 1T,—Jame., 13rown 84, Gertfe Mc-
Call 70, Olive Aiken 01, Harry How-
lett 40, Wilfred Nivins 211, ,1r. 1I. --
Joseph Aiken 88, Willie Phelan 71,
Homer Brown 78. Harvey Nivitns 7.2,
Tillie Rogerson 70, Bertha Stevens 04,
Louis Stevens G0. Pt, 11,—Lilly Rog-
erson 85. Olive Parrott 82, Marion
Scott 80, Irvin Wallace 60. Average
attendance for the month, 21.—Mary
I. McArter, 'Teacher,
Health Depends on Good Blood,
Everyone who uses Far. zone hes
good rotor and great lvitalfty, Reason
for this is Fer•rozone s power to create
nourishing blood. "I ryes broken
down, had no strength an I could'nteat"
writes Mrs. Chris, Benny of Cloyno,
On t, "M y nerves were irritable, I was
thin -blooded and continually unhappy,
1 tried Ferrozone. It gave me new
strength—made the well," Greatest
tonic and re -builder ever known is For -
rezone, Sold everywhere in 50c boxes,
Wreck on G. T. R. near Seaforth
The new, magnificent train recently
put on by the Grand Trunk which
leaves Goderich at 0 n, m., was entirely
wrecked four miles, west of Seaford',
Saturday morning,
Fortunately there was no loss of life,
due to the fact that there were only
two passengers on board, Phomas Jack•
son, Clinton's leading manufacturer,
and the wife of James Fair, miller, also
of Clinton,
The train, consisting of baggage, two
passenger and parlor car, was in charge
of Conductor Lovell, •Engineer Farr
and Fireman Coburn, one of the oldest
and lnoet experieucod crews in the G,
T. R. service. Both passengers and
the eoltductor luckily were in the par-
lor carr at the time, and escaped with at
few bruises ands severe shaking up,
When Conductor Lovell and Mr.
Jackson got out of the car tl:oy found
that the engine had gone over a 20 -foot
embankment into the adjoining field.
The passenger coolies baggage car and
tender were ell wrecked to pieces on
the track,
The parlor car hung suspended over
a deep culvert, which the terrific storm
of Friday eight, had entirely washed
away, the rainfall being the heaviest,
ever known. 'Pito trucks of the 0111110
train, from tender to parlor car, went
down into the culvert iu 20 feet of
Engineer Farr was located still in his
cab over the fence in a field 50 yards
away, stunned end badly bruished.
It took some time to find Firemal
Coburn. He was finally located buried
under the engine, badly bruised and
unconscious. With the exception of
two ribs broken, lie escaped serious
injury, His escape and that of Engi-
neer Farr, from death, were miracul-
ous Had the engine jumped the op.
Like to Try Psychine
"Please send ate a bottle of
Paychine. I have a child afflicted with
tuberchlosia, and have been advised
to try your medicine by our family
doctor, as be says he cannot do any-
thing more for my child,"
Arthur, Oat,, July 14, 1007,
Psychine cures when doctors fail.
Many are sorry they did not try
Psycbinefirst. Throat, ]ung and
stomach troubles yield to its curative
power. At all druggists, 50e and $1.00, or
Dr, T, A. Slooutu Limited, 'Toronto.
posit() side of rho track they would
probably have been drowned while in
their stunned condition. as the deep
ditch and surrounding fields were cov-
ered with water ninny feet deep, front
the storm at the nate.
After making the engineer and tire -
Me 1150conufnrtabin its possible. 0031.
(1uetor Lovell and AIr. Jackson walked
to Soolol'th, four miles away. An
auxiliary was immediately sent. Pero
$lrat fot(1 and it new (rain made up for
Toronto vial llnmilton.
Prom Willow Creek, Ont., Aliss E,
Diesel writes : "A fete years ago I was
drenched with rain and got lumbago;
it was like it steel rod pietriug ley heck,
I also had earache and was just wild
with pain. I apjllied batting soaked
with Nerviline to my ear and robbed
on Nervilinn for the tn, b,ugo. That
rubbing relieved and ill a few hours I
W tis well, No other liniment could do
this." It's the penetrating power of
Nervilinn that makes it superior to all
other liniments, Nothing beats it, 20e
at all dealer's,
East Wawanoeh Council.
The Count'il met last Monday in Bel -
grave pursuant to adjoorimeut, mem-
bers all preseet, Minutes of last meet-
ing rend and passed. The following
Padnnasters, Pouudkeepets and Yenee-
viewers were appointed for the current
year :—Patltuutsters--David Lockhart,
Jno. Pfeffer, duo, W. Soarers, 'Phomas
Bradtweit, Alex, Patterson, .1 no, Doerr
Wis. Ruddy, Jae. Hoare, Win. Do hie,
Wm. 'Poll, (leo, A, Hendinson, R, 0,
McGowan, 1). ,McGill, sr., Jaunes E.
Marshall, Jno, 3, Mason, Jas. Tuntney,
Win, J. Roger, Jas. Hicltdnnbottom,
Jas. 11, Redmond, Newton J. Camp-
bell. Relit. Tuniey, Thos, Ai, Noble,
Fred .1. Rath, Wm. hbthergill, Jas, E.
Noble, A. C. Hardisty, 'Phos, Binek,
Fred W. Cook, David A. Dasher, IV in.
Wighti an, leo, S. Scott, Cyrus W,
Scott, Robt. Owens, Dan, Geddes, ,Jus,
McCallum sr., Jas, W. Bone, as. Cun-
ningham, Nath, Bolt, ldobt. Henry,
Chas. H. King, P, Gibbous, Hy, Dea-
con, Jos, A. Brandon, Percy 11, Scaud-
rett, Wm G. Salter, 301111 Cochrane,
Geo. E. Fitzpatrick, Geo, '1'. Robertson,
John Reid, Johnathan Paulson, Geo,
01, Robertson, Robt, H. Scotr, Andrew
McDougall, Win, Arbuckle sr., 1Vnt.
Al, Anderson, 'Theo, Pitmen, Chas,
Rio foul, Jno, Norman, Jac. Leggatt,
Fred. J. Davidson, David Clow, 1V m,
Pardon, Jos, Smeltzer, Wm Peee,'oft,
JNA, Martin sr„ Jno. Gibbons, Jno,
Jamieson, Geo. C. Naylor. John Bee.
croft, Andrew Jamieson, AVC,. James,
Jos, Channev, Gen, Wallace, Fr,tnci,
Deveraux, Poundlceepm's—Jno. ]soars
Alex, McGowan. Ilen, H. Taylor, Esafas
Peeren, Harry F, McGee, David Clown
'Phos, Robinson, 300. Campbell, Jno,
Cochrane, Albert 0, ]tintout, Fence-
viewers—David AlcGill sr., in place of
Jas. '1'. Bell, Jno McDowell, Geo,
Fothergill, Wesley Pattison, Sam, Ale -
Burney and Geo. l'. Robertson,
A scale for the performance of Statute
labor 1908, was adopted as follows :—
assessed ftp to $500, I days work ; from
8500 to 81000, 2 days work ; fl'otn $1000
to 82200, 11 days work ; from $2200 to
88400, 4 days work ; from $3400 to 34000
5 days work and for every other 31200
assessment or any fractional part
thereof one additional day. The a-
mountto be charged for unperformed
statute labor was set ar 81.00 per day.
All statute labor due on each lot,
within the bounds of the Municipality
to be fully performed 01' as Ileal' as poc-
eible in the various road divikions in
which such property is situated.
Aioved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr,
Gillespie that the treasurer be author-
ized to pay to order of School hoards,
such stuns as they may require for the
payment of teacher's salaries quarterly.
The following accounts were ordered
to be paid :—Tho Afunicipnl World as-
sessment rolls and other supplies 812,05 ;
Geo, Phippeii, 1Viigliani. cousin 14M
fees under Local Option Am 82.50 ; W.
JC. Whaley rent of Hall for Council
meetings $20 00.
The Council then adjourned to meet
again on Ttesdny, April 701, when rbc
Engineer's report on the Grnshy and
Hallahml Drains will be read and con-
sidered, Alex, Porterfield, Clerk.
Make It Yourself.
There is so much rheumatism here
in our neighborhood now that the fol-
lowing advice by an eminent Ru-
theliiy, who writes fur reodrrs of a
b,go Eastern daily paper, will 1,' high-
ly appreciated by Ihose %ehosuffer :
Get from any good pharmacy one-
half ounce Fluid Extinct Dandelion,
one oune Compound Kergon, three
ounces of Compound Syrup Sarsapar-
illa, Simko these well in 0 bogie 011(1
take in teaspoonful dues offer each
omni and at ht'drime ; :Also drink
plet'ry of gond wtuer.
It is claimed that there are fete vic-
timsof this dread and tm•tmnns (1 '
SORSA who will fail 10 find ready relief
in tido simple honie'uatle mixture, end
in most eases 0 permanent eine Is the
'Phis simile recipe 's said to strength -
()l, end cleanse ile elinihla!ive booties
of. the kid:eys to diet they eau filter
aster Milliner
The New Spring Millinery is par.',
tioularly attractive, a visit to our
show rooms brings you in touch
with the very newest creations in,
Millinery, whatever the want may
be we can fill it. Order for Easter
Openings on Friday and Saturday,
April 3rd and 4th.
0"—Miss M. Colvin in charge.
We have just received from the factory
a full range of lion's and Boys' Suits and
'Pants. We can clothe your boys in the
prettiest garments ever made at very
little cost.
Mcu's Sults--We can fit you in a suit
for working or dress wear, They range
In prices from 31 to 310.
Shlrta-11'e have completed our stock
which Is the fittest and prettiest range
every aeon In trate town.
Bats In all the !test styles and
Dress Goods
We keep only reliable first-class good4
We have it full range of Cashmeres, Voi1.
so, ]lenrietfas, Broadcloths, Venetians,
I'ulamns, Etaudnes, Queen Cloth, SIAM,
Cloth, etc, Before buying your spring
dress ormoult give us a look.
Pratte anti GInghams--all reliable rasp
Dress Linens, Mnslins,
Lawns, Ducks. Pique,
Vestinge, Lace,
Corset Cover Embroidery.
Spring Term from April 1st
Enter now and he ready to accept e
good position in the srfnner
orlon. Attend
liott Business Coliogo
Canada's High Class School, This
oollege has better courses, better
teachers, batter equipment, bolter ha•
unities for placing teachers in positions
than the average business college.
Open entire yen?. Catalogue free,
1V. J. Elliott, Principal.
Corner Yonge & Alexander Ste.
and strain from the blood and system
the p01s0100, acids and wage matter.
which cause not 01n1,1' rheumatism, but
numerous other diseases. Every 1(10(1
or woman hove who feels that their
kidneys are 1(05 healthy and active, or
who suffer from any urinary trouble
whatever, should not hesitate to make
up this mixture, as it is certain to do
much good, and may save you from
much misery and sttfferiug after while,
Our home druggists say they will
either.snpply the ingredients or mix
the prescription ready to take if our
readers ask them.
.Renew fel' THE STANDARD.
65 dents gets 'fate 5'rtNDA;t0 to
the first of January 1909 to new sub-
scribers in Canada.
• •• 'fell it to the •
• �r
••••• •••••• ••••• ••••••44N
While the Public in invited to m 3rd
use of this column for the expression of
personal clews on public matters and
public men, personalities are debarred and
la all cases the suitability of the come
ununieatfon for publication is a matter to
be decided by the Editor,
without differences of opinion there
would, of course, be no correspondent 1,
and for the opinion of our uorresponclen •
and their differences with our own Tn
STANDARD must disclaim responsibility.
••••••••• ♦•••••••••• •♦••••
• •
• from April nth merges into mor 1-
• summer term from ,July 0th. I4n- r -
oter now and be ready for a good t.,
• situation in the early autumn. d
• New catalogue free, write for It, •.
• 0-•
Central Business College a
• longe and Gerrard Sts,, Toronto, o-
•W. II. Shaw, I'rhnefpal•,
• 6.
idle funds. It offers
absolute safety, and
pays interest four
times a year.