HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-11-23, Page 5I
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TEACHER WANTED. Reports of Proceedings of: Five Towns Dounells.
thyfor • APPLY. rY,
Yin IMMO ZeieollrfteD: Sant Wipif411041. COMO% Mullett Council.
NOv...Nth. et T
1.1.1. •
HIND18.-NBIWMAN0--At Ste Stephian'il
Church, Torentet ail W111413011dity, tbe
16th Inst., by the Bt. Tier., the Lord
Bishop of Toronto, Whited by the
boa Rev. A. 0
Hallett 00m1011 Met in HUN • Broughell, Seetor, Wm
Th n reetki N v 9 e (mere 4, t Geol. Hinds, Munger of the Mors
0 0 17 •
a thing more serious. Its HURON COUNTY COUNCIL1 ben all present. suttee of leet inset. used nxiii the Foos Obala Blink Pi Ceneda Mitehell, to
. enough, to take tk
By1aw vi Naos E. Charlotte Duna**, the only
mg reiti and pissed. Councilion John far balding ugminatioue 14114 d eleePtiepe. ditughter of the latai RM. Canon New.
Currie refunded baok 18. pttld at The deputy retairolug °Moen will he man, fornierie of London, Ont,
eeki. its Artit• Ettfitt88 g filt40,1Ttittile neitt"abl%nne'von,t?IlilietbIntileiCititri/APe ..4147k0414.4101 meeting8to SWee,daulter Whillte: For electoral division __No: _Is COLEMAII-TURNER.-On November
get ric.1 of it. .But the 0.0100k, En. 4'9 e4. " church for 2 nob • geld _Itt gtV Fowler, Tenaperittioe balitIcinbUrn 15th, by Rev, 0. Acheson, M the
• er W. LANA Clerk. ing beau paid for otherwiee. Netters; 2, James Watt, eohool house NO. t reeitience of the bride* parents, lifri
• curative agency must be • acenneeb, Nov. 20th. relatieg to deviation reed near Wing. NO. 3, D. Shannehan, eohool howl* No. F an ooze t s
hem m which this toivoship is Inter- 2; No, 4, 4.4 'Woodman, Feresters' hall, mira Turner eh of Stanley.
,ested, was brought up and diacueSed. Londeabore; NO. 5, Wm. Me0011: 801001 LuxforT.--ItaRAIT.-,At the manse,
FARM FOR SALE It wee finally Agreed to, that the Reeve house No. 5; No. 6, GeorgeSnell, Exeter, on the net ult., by the Bev.
be authorized in conjunction with Mr. Temperance hell, Landemboro; No. 71 W Merlin 13 D Mr. Illoberd
.PreParatiOn limultshank of Ternberry, get it legal
For sale Lot II. nu the Ond concession of Stan- opinion regarding the mine before John Fingland, eohoot houoe No. 9, L
extonf Riteklik„ Ili.' to Airs, Ma -
, • nee s itt e u ler, containing aores,of w
For the last five years. it •
ba e demonstrated its val.
• tie to thonsanda of euffera •
▪ ers, Pleasant to take. It :
IS peri10.10 1?e wIthont. titegAtferAlgree,,,21Preet4741:41,a,', ravel for road d tv. os . 1 and 04•50i bridge, 14.50; B. Reed• hauling, cedar,
• 20e, per bottle from : ItoBT.13vT0111, Brucedeld 9, "enatba0 IlautlaYal Yds. gravel for 4.50; A. Hill ik Mitehell, building
h *
100 bioh about 99 are inn' The following accounts; were examined -
' d I' I ' trod etion
fartn JO well fended and ill a high state of cult!. reported 61035 72 oesh on hand at date, five sheep killed by doge, *22; Josseph City Ilan bn Nov 15th Mr. Roht
vation. with, all the fall PloWidg and 10 wee Of
good tall wheat in. Tilere is A good frame a°
Accounts r eived aud ordered to be Goeier for 2 oheep killed hy dogaci , * 0, • $ . •
house, kitehent woodshed and a good cellar ; paid rat follows : T. Nicholson, •Aufaurn, 6. 67; W. Wheatley, gravelling en jiin8ohlaerPRIotharingotlyieromf eErtyl"oli Qt0ratigise!
eankcera witn stablingluiderneath driving- damages' drawing gravel in 1899, 01; do building bridge, 114,25; incaution Board
connection, There le a good oroh and two Y ....,
30 do gravel ter read diSisi011 No. 8, of Health and te, 11. officer, $7.00; • ville, . - -
house, hen -house and 041101. 014-addinaa 112
rad Walla. It le 2i miles trora Brneeileld and, $2.10; ars. 140See con. I, 90 yds. James mule for plunk and pieueing _
further action be taken The treasurer °en t ° tcitina 1,1")
ler SHARP ROBINSO At Oh stal
. • cleared and the balance well timbered. This and passed ; MorrlOon
Us only. Straits Pulmon- •
ary Syrup for children is a
• Cough gUaranteed Cure. FARM FOR SALE
• • c9pe' bottle from us •
• IN G9DERIPIT TOWNEMP orton, 42 yds, gravel, and day of men
• '7 Veiling gavel road div. No. 45, e3.101 till December 15th when it is expected
weelss, 13,70. Council stli9Urried ull- SMITH. -In Lower Winghan?, on Thurs.
a only. . • The undersigned offers for sale lot 45 and Bh° day, Nov, 1601, Mrs. Mortimer •Smith
o • • part Oman tha Maitland concession in GO- 1;10nry Gower, building OUIVert, darn. that all- the township , Accounts for
1899 will be set of a son, • I
= SYDNEY JACKSON : roig giyhgarTrknrigielzazrzig, age to gravel pit, and burying oheep _ tied, The Board. of
6• l'I t* AD ugStore Phone2
• reser p io r . , . •
-- and fenced and is 2* miles from Summerbill. tea tv. 0. 1, 55o; Rich, Irwin, ocoelovoeormori thaecolini"tamrys anconnvidaitiorneProf wife of Mr. Robert Douglas of a
DOITGLAB.-In Grey, on Nov. 12th• the
ust earwig to bear. The lot Is we watered d d• N 7
road 'dile Q. 6, 03.5511,1011112DaT570d iron bridge,: Base T.ene, 410.00 JAnte
I d d VODDEN-In 11Ullett on the inch
Y g g expert__ ng g . . at. the wifs of—Vodden of a
-Robt. Johnston. 20 yds. gravel for Toad 44,00. ey So 11 til d making out
, e , e an ma • d
dlr. No. if), el; John Redmond, 30 yds. pere S. 30x31, 7; $00r$0 iZoteVells aughter,
ravel for road div. No. 20, $1.50; AIM .lo three1 ht
r s on Dev, road, lone GOBBETT.-In Hallett, on 9th Nov.,
the wife of Fred Gorbett of's eon
BROWN.. -In HUlletk on 14th X0V. the
• creed fi els r • me In e a ern - - •
aideline 30 and 3 o
I on I PM' 11 alth t • th ft eon and re
bush There are io acres in wee of John Brown of a danghter•
irsa wheat. 'Vlore is good Younfi orchard O'Connor, con. 13, 11 yds. gravel, for • cl D C 11 ' 1 t
and tyle, roel allewanoe near - the townohip, from vvhieh it aPPeers deogittee,
: •,There Ise good. brick house, bank barn, driv• (1.14)4Ing
• ....see. inaushed and outbuilding*. The place will be riVer Cone. 10 and Ur $3•171 John .N• there were Mgr oases of typhoid dur- COWAN.-In tin Nov, 2nd, the
•••••••91181090.19.18.--- owe on eaey terms, Apply to I Campbell, removing. stones from hill, ing the year, three MOM Of scarietina,
it frequently comes trona
trying to fix the eyes on a giv-
en point and forcing them .to
performitasks for whieh they
are nca,paeitatede
Such as we fit to your face
and eyes Will tnake reading a
pleastire. Prices Reasonable.
jeweler. and Optician.
IS FLOUR And FEED, and. our
greatest seller. the White Swan Flour.
This is, we believe, the mast 'popular
brand on the market. • If you try it
once you will be so pleased with .it
,that you will prefer it to other brands.
We are now selling the . Whtte Swan
-at $1.75 per cwt. Several of our custo-
mers have asked for Rye Flour of
whichwe now have a stock on hand.
. ,
are always fresh and well assorted,
and the prices, you will find, are
most reasonable.
Butter and
Eggs wanted.
Muskoka Lakes, Moon River Diatrict_lifag.
anetawan River.Penetang,Midland,Hunts•
ville, Lake of Lekerield, Arule to
Cobolionk. Indust Lindsay to mlibur-
• ton, inclusive ; vointe Scram to North
Bey inclusive,
Pron. Brookville and West in Canada..
AT ••
- ' •
recovering. On the wh
boundary con5, $3lhe re. BROWN -.-In rey, on Nov. 7th, the
It' repairing culvert and ditoh on ,Vireider13 0;0 of tuberculosis and One ease er wife ofMr. John Cowan.ofs daughter.
Nov, lath. It* • Summerhill NORRISON. -In Atwood on Nov, 6th,
. .50;. Wm. Flukes', _, . .
repairing culvert on Southern boundary diphtheria, for whiola the dildithetht Alexander MorrisOn
the wifeof a daughter, of Mr(still born.)
at lo
HousE.FoR ALE. ..1 29, con. 1, 85; Wm. MoLarty, a
•••antetoxitie treatment was` used and all oe tG
gravelling on Western' boundary con. 4, port shows that the lownshiP 18 -in a . • wife of Mr. John Brown, jr„, of a
----.7- 315.90; do, do., grading on sideline 39 _
Albert Street con nin 7 rooms ; hard and and su, 00118, o and 6,022.70; good sanitary condition at present and
e number of
Comfortable dwelling hoe on east side of . , - . ,
Saunby, Botany°, balance for gravel -
Georg'? free from epidemics. Th .
ling.on Eastern. boundary, 500; do, do., deaths from all ocumes reported to the
gravelling at iota 420 .00ns. 4 and 5, Division Registrar during the year is
23. -Tames Campbell, Secretary.
$17.48; George Mason, Wingham, steel . ,_.._ -
pinio.and foolscap paper, em., 02; John .
Teryiti East Wawanosh Aare for build- - •Weat Wawallmsk• 49"illeiL
ing culvert and gravelling on. Northern West Wawanosh delimit met accord -
boundary, $5; john Shoebotton, paying big to adjournment ouNovember Ist.•
stone under hridge, Iota 40, cons. 10and
II, 02.50; Chris. Skinii; building stone Members all .present, reeve in chair..
wall and gravelling on aideune 33 and Minuteo of last Meeting. read and ap.
34, COO. 10,022; John T. Currie, ' Use of ophroavweidn.g., aTbhaelanotereaosnurhera'usd isottat$em26e5iat
•Leech,gra,voling on Southern bounden, asked far charity for John Schultz, and
was receiv.ed apd filed. james Johnston
grader on oons;.10 and 11, $17.25; 'Robe -
320; Wm.. Robinson, • milking outlet $15 was granted, on motion of Meson.
from culvert, lots 81, cons. 8 and 9, 7'e
do. do., attendanee at Voters' List Court
• -0i Thompson and IVIoQuillan. The teems
at Ilelgrave, and selecting juror's' 18991 'nation of Messrs,' MoQeilian and
of hire. J. Alton were refunded, on
ling washout near bridgeon river, °ens, George Smith, re. approach to his .gate -
O'Connor.. With regard .to coMpleint Of
04.50; Wm. Demme, grading and gravel.
.10 and it, $46; Duncan Anderson sen,,'way, board agreed to take no action in
repairing approach to bridge, sideline
.39 and 40, con. .8, 75d; Robert Shiell the Matter, The olerk- was instructed
seq., 5 yds. gravel for road div. No. 46, ,drein„ for 3195. The following olaeqUels
I .to iseue debentures, ' re . Manchester
250;, P. • Porterfield, eeryices, revising were issued :-. T . Schultz, charity, $15;
Vetere' Lists 1899, attending court at George Tisdale; gravel, 62.10; John
Belgrase per order ot . county ,judge, la,
$22.4e; . Jellies Vint, repairing bridge, son
Connot, pipeing, $1; Robert Thome-
tote 89, cons. 4 and 5, 75e; Joe.. Ruddy, $3,43: B.. .91'Connot, gravel,. $3.71; As-
, gravel, 98e; D. Kennedy, graiel,
As -
building culvert, lot 39, cons. 10 and 11, Bogor, clerk and reeve, selecting jurors,
and culverts, sideline 80 and 31. cons. $1,06• II, Morton, insneeting, 63: D.
$4 eaohi Municipal World:, SilpPlial,
$I3.65; Wm. 'Beeoroft, repairing. road
ing job at lots 42, eons. 4 and ,.,. Carroll, gravel, 317.04; John Smith,
11' and 12..$5.50;Thomas Black, iiispect-
do..do., inspecting gravelling on Beak
$1 33. 1E4, . Midge .on North boundary, 119.50; A..
ern boundary,. $4.00. Bydaw No. 11 Johnston, grading, graeelling, eto;
1899,. appointing paloe of ,nominition 00o. 7,35; P. Kearney,repairing bridge,
644.42;.Win. Burkett, .repairing bridge,
and places of eledtioe for ensuing muni- eon. 6, $1; J. Edwards, -gravel, 0I.68;.
.taipal election, duly read . and passed. John :Kilpatrick, 'grading, graVelling,
school honee No. 13,.eim. 6, on • Friday, brushing and gravelling, eon, 2, $38; H.
ditching, . etc., .0163.24; John Welsh,
Nomination. this. year to We -held at
p. na:' R. B. McGowan was appointed Glenn, gravel, $3.20; J. Miller, stone
22ed day of Deeember next at I o'oltok
D. R. 0. har elite No. 1; at. school house hutment end gravelling, 318.50; Mrs.
No. 10, con. 2; John S. Soot!. lot 36, Robinson, charity, $10; John McLean;
'con. 7, for - der. No. 2 at school house gravel, 411.60. Council 'adjottroecl to
meet on December 15th at 10 o elook.
No. 13, con. .6; John Elliott, jr., for div. . •
No. 3, at school house • No. 9, con. 12;" '•
house of James Dow„ let 29; wan, 10. . McMillen Council.
and Wm. Beecroft for div. No. 4 at the .
The COunoil then adjourned tilt Friday, Council Mit in Sage's hotel, 'Welton,
. on • Monday; Nov. 13th. Membera of
15th Dec. ,next.
eoMpail; treiteurer and . colleotor all
Asidield Council: • present. , Accounts for gravelling
ditches, repairing culverts and gravel
. . . were'passed and paid, amounting to
received from
. . _
Ashfield council inetNo*.lith. Mem-
' 3425.41; A • letter was
ben all present. Mitultes "of 'Previous Mr. leilloran, solicitor for Samuel Diek-
meeting read and approved. The fol. '
son in .reply te clerk's notice to re -
Kilpatrick, -bridge, S. It. 8 and 4. $290; ° i " ng
move fence off road allowince,' con. 11,
1 t 29 t 'ti that Mr. Dickson refused
lowing cheques were issued: John
James Kennedy, repairing road, S. R. tb remove fence. The letter wile order -
9 and 10, $6; Jacob. Cousins, grevel and ed to' be filed. k petition from the
repairingbill. $4; P. Steel, Inspector, Canada Co. was read, requesting reeve
$4.60; James Oliver. grading and. to sign• a petition for sAraint comnienoe
gravelling and repairing two culverts; ing in north part of Logan, and running
D. L., 64$:. Joseph T,howpson, gravel, on the boundary of the two Municipal -
S. R. 8. and I; $48,35; A, Johnston, Wee south to conceesion. 12.. Council
vert and ditch, $.3,84;JohnKeefe,gravel wouldnot atithorize the reeve to sign it
gravel and plank. $8.92; Ed. Wall, cul -
L. R., 625; AahleDerinaid, hauling lum- its they did not think it:the proper out-
ber, $3.50; E. Johnston, gravel, L. let. A tender was received from Geo.
$8b; Thomas Shaekleton, inspectiRng.
I ' b id • 1.• .A. St t •I a A. Stinason le Co.' for the purchase of
drawing debentures, and it was accept -
soft water ana quarter o an acre of laud, fruit
trees, ate. WM be sold. cheap as owneris leav.
Jug town. Apply to
July 4, Clinton
will be issued October 25th to November let,
inclusive, valid. to return from destination not
later thangeoember 1899. „
Stop -over will be alloWed retell points Severn London &
ard North,
Sporran's nu and 200 pbunde cameing ,
House FOR SALE!.
The subscriber offers forse.le his house and
let on corner of Rattenbury and Raglan streets.
Clinton, April 131h .
The undersigned offers for sale 'that desire ole
sixteen 06) aores or lend south Of the London
Road Bridge. Itiso beautiful site for'building
and 'Will he sold in one piece , or in. iota. My .
reason for selling is that it is too far from town
to handlemyselfond it doesn't pay:0 hire help
A. oorna. oilmen
Tune 20!h---------•
The subscriber offers for sale a very desirable
property on Isaito street cow:dating of four lots
'upon which there is a comfortable frame house
-with kitchen and woodshed att,ached. There
ia a good stable and a first -well well of water
on premises. The orohani, consistiogof grapes
and apples, is a good. one, The property WM
be sold at a reasonable figure for cash or *cash
and balance ontime. Apply to the owner on
the premises MRS, JOHN JUNOR.
• Clinton May 9th.
Small and comfortable frame house on .Wil-
liam street to lease at small rental. Next house
to Mr. Edward Carter's where the key may he
Nov. lath. Clinton P. O.
On Victoria street. Near Organ Factory
3300 will buy aroorort comfortable house with
rzilotr-p-ratrolc; gcently occupied by
•arch 7th. ,
Having added a stock of neve Outters "to our
liverr. outfit, we have several second.hand
outterefor sale. Ther are all in good condition
and will be sold obeap.
Clinton, Nov.113112. fit
A quantity of Peas wanted,to be delivered at
Trick's ram. WM pay the highest market
Goderich torenship, Nov. latb. •
There is hi No. 4 Pound, Goderich Town,
ship, one Iamb. Owner will property, pay ex-
penses and take it away or it will be sold by
atiction at 2 o'cloek p, m. on November23rd.
• Poundkeeper.
Goderich tovenship. Nov. Ilth.
Apple Butter and "telly made from your own
apples, Bring thenewhele and ufipeeled and
I Will Malta you good butter or jolly. Partia
from a distance can wait for their butter by
previous arrangement by inal
Oot. Oth. •
-lror Fishintand Hunting GUide Booke and Lancashire ▪ Life
s of the Dietriot a 01 to
outfit rried free,
LIVINGSTON.--ln Grey on Nov. 71h.
the wife of Mr, Robert Livingston,
Councillor, of a datigliter.
SMITH. -In Grey, the wife cat Mr. Fred
Smith. of a daughter,' • .
44 Fab artakle - 0.. 0.10,..41,440),00.400.4.1041.4.00,4004,40,041#44.00.44*0
a Poor Substitute
Zor Inward "'IV'
Good hcaltho &Tway* of
the kOneyst liver eta bowels,
is sore to come if Ifoof s Ser.
34p -trills 4 prompt0
Thie moUree fair outelde, and a
consequent vigor ist the frame, with the
glow of health, en the cheek, good
aPPetite, rerf•Ot digestion, pure bleed.
mut loss ot appetite, was oompletely len
down, took good's earespertiet kne after
Awhile I feit nanch better, good,ie
rills bUilt me Up 141e1e Ittreson. 074
Obelisk near Cam's, go.,
regetteMS-0 hav0 been. troalsled
wl headache a,nd binononess and wite
ranch *tin down. Trlealloodeitlemeperlilit
end It eave_ecie ring and built me UP." 4,
140101I•00, Pflks, Street, Toronto, one
• Spots:111e ewe liver ine; the astgatiligapA
nt eat &Oa to ta0 with Boodl
Sold by Watts ihoggiste• •
What Causes Appendicitis ?
A, foreign surgeon has put forward the h
suggestion that appendicitis es calmed al
by the habit of °reaping the lege, which A
restricts the action ef the digestive ap-
paratus. The appendix is only loosely A
attached to the oaeourn, and there is al. ;
ways some haledigested food in the cite -
cal bag, By ornseing the legs there is a
liability that the undigested food may
pais into the vermiform. appendix and
set up an inflammation, in a few hours ,
pathologioal processes oet In and an at-
tack of appendicitis ie developed.
Seaforth, oa Novenaber
16th, David W. Johnoon, aged 67
THOMAS,--ln London, on the 8th. inst.,
Mary A. Thomas, formerly of Exeter,
aged 61 years. • .
WEBBER.-In Stephen, (Devon),- on
the 8th inst., Mary, wife of George
Webber, or., aged 78 years. .
LAMONT:- In Wingham, Nov. 11,
'Malcolm Lamont, aged 63.
HELM, -In Wingham, on Nov. 13th,
• Ellen B. Helm, aged 34 years, 10
inonthe. ' •
ELLIOT,-In Wingham, on November
10th, W. K, Elliott, of Carman, Man.,
aged 40 years.
GRIGG.-In Morrie, on Nov. 14,
Martha Ellen,: fifth daughter of 'Geo.
and Gracie Grigg, aged 21 years and 12
-days. •
Map Sheet of Two Wars,
These are times when a correct under-
standing of the moot prominent news of
the day requires frequent studY of a'maP;
The news • has penetrated regions to
which the general geographer had not
gone and which no ordinary atlas shows
10 sufficient detail to enable one to fol-
low the movement of armies. ' One will
look in yaitt on the niaps.of lastyear for
such places as Elandslitegte, Glencoe,
Colenso, Belmont, eto„ in South Africa
and for Allege Talavera, Magalang, Ma-
balacit and Lingayen in the Phillipinee.
Yet these and similar little points in
two distant quarters of the world have
beimme new centers. The need of the
hour is met by a folded map sheet which •
the Metthews-Northrup Company of
Buffalo has published for The Buffalo
Express and (or general distribution,
It has such maps as one might expect
to find. in the most extensive atlassee.
The details are worked out from official
sounee not available to the generalpub-
lie and the whole is carefully indexed,
enabling one to find tbe smalleet places
in a moroent. Interesting etatistioal • in
inolnding dates of all impor-
tant occurrences in She Philippines, are
given in the margin and the reverse side
of the folder contains leee than six-
teen general maps that also bear on the
news of the day. The map is printed
on eatinanayfaced linen paper with an
artistic, title page in colors. It. is such a
collection as every newspaper reader
needs to have in his pocket or on his
desk for instant reference when he
reads hid dad), paper. For ode by the
publishers, the Matthewo-Northrup
Every drop of blood in the body goes
througb the kidneys for the removal of
its impurities -every three minutes -
day and night -while life lasts. The
kidneys are the filter -and it stands to
reason that if the filter is out of, (leder
the impure matter in the blood goes to
every part of the body at every heart
beat. When the first indications of
kidney disorder present themselves,
resort at once to South American Kid-
ney Cure -the ti led, tested And proved
&peel& for. Bright's disease, diabetes
and bladder complitations: It never
fails. • .
The Britieb. •steamer S. W. Taylor,
from Santos, Brazil, ifi detaibed at New
York under suspicton ot having bub-
onic elegiac, among her crew. One
man died at sea. , •
LIEVED.IN /Craw Bsitclie.
It is not alone thnpeople of our own
country,. and prominent citizens like
Urban LipPeehl. P., of Joliette, Quer:
bec, andother members of Parliament,
who, having used Dr. Agnew's; Oat.
arrhal POwcter, pronounce it the zuost
effective remedy they have ever known;
but people everywhere are expressing
their gratification a,t the effectiveness
of this medicine. 0. G. Archer of
Brewer Maine, says: 'II have had
catarrh' for several years. Water
would run horn my. eyes and nose days
at ittime. About.four months ago I
was induced to try Dr. Agnew's Cat-
arrhal Powder, and since using the
wonderful remedy I have. not had an
attack. I Would not be without it." .It
relieves in ten minutes.
The Kingston Lociamotive Works
hos been offered a.bonus of 375,000 and
a free site to move•to a town outside
of Ontario. -
Of all flesh ailments the moat dire
tressing is piles, blind, bleeding, itch-
ing or uleerating7-and the remedy that
will give the quickest relief and the
suresb cure is Dr. Ognew's Ointment.
epector, $5; Jig. frilpatricfc, gravel 1.4. R.
9 and 10. $9.10; J. Hackett, drain me, papers in connection therewith. Coun- (-,0111P!Iny• Buffalo, N. Y., an
ed, and. reeve authorized to sign all
Y t e It holds a phenomenal record as a cer-
$1.70; W. B. Gardner, Inspector, $L oil adjourned to meet in Jones' betel, American News Company at any of its tam pile cure, and the words "relieved
Next meeting et council December Leadbury, on Friday, Deo. 35th, at 10 branohee. Price 10 coedit.
_ like magic," have been heralded round
15th. -W. Stothers, Secretary. o'clock, forenoon, when all accounts are - the globe, and are but the voicem of the
requested to be presented for payment. The liev.Irl li, Hicks Almanac. nations telling of its curative powers.
We would like if pathmasters would • It cures all skin diseases, eczema, salt
The County Crown Attorney hes send their lists in before that date, else There is no comparison between for rheuire scald head, etc.
advised an inquest on the body of they cannot qualify as Councillors next, mer edition's and this splendid Almanac - •
Peter Petersbn,lcilled in London.Ont, year, as they would be months behind for 1900, now ready. Printed in beau- -
kill -
Packing Ciompany's establishinen t . the meetings. tiful colors, on much finer paper,its 196 At Ingersoll Charles Foster was 131i ed in the machinery of Noun. Bross.'
pages are packed with invalua e nfor- works which he was.offirig.
Luc know. 'Inc December Number of the De- aerology. It is ifluetrated with nearly
mation on storms astronomy and mot -
'200 finest halt -Ulnas and other engrav- ;ill m. k • LI. ff • h
One of our grain buyers took to the lineritor IS Called the Tule- Inge. This superb book would sell any- _ sta ea 0 E ect for t e
Sentinel. office tine day last week a e tide Number Where for fifty Mints, but it costs only 25
Milan sample bag from a load of mite cents soapy, and every subscriber to
that, had been delivered' at one of the
year, re_ tries to cure rheumatism or any other
That is vvhat the person does who
Rev. Irl Hick& now !callous paper,
elevator's by a farmer from a neeir-by And with its innumerable tliustratione Word:and Works, at 31.00 a
hi Th o te in the first lace is certainly one of the roost artistic °elm this elegant Almanac as a prem. disease by relieving the symptoms.
. . Hood's Sarsaparilla attacks the cause
ium, Word and Works is it recognizes'
. of these diseases. It neutralizes the
leader among the best faintly and omen- acid m the blood and thus permanent-
tifio journale, while nothingnt its kind ly cures i.hetunatigni. It tones and.
mai compere with. the Hicks Almanac. strengthens the stomach, restores its
One dollars yeti. is it nominal price for natural digesting fluids and perme-
ate:4211114u° and useful publication*. nently cures dyspepsia,
Professor Make has justly and of n�- HOOD'S PILLS cure constipation.
oessity, withdrawn hie storm and weath- Price 25 cent&
er forecasts from all free almanacs, hav-
were of an inferier rality,but whatever magazines ever sent out, Ajnde from
e•Dickson, D. oron
..7.01.,..eiree reg. Hodgens, G. Weill° etAgent,Olinton, they lacked in weig t Ives niore than being the leading faeliion publication,
Established hi Canada 1889
LIBERAL. STROH% PROGRESSIVE said what he had received was a fair The house old and social dieciussions
sample of the whole load. It is hard to are ably dealt with and ere of real
e;.• , O. Pattison, G. T. R: Art, Clinton,
. . • . . .
• lite have decided to
continlie our close cut
cash pricesuntil New
hard to believe. If it was a delibs
Years. Customers holders $687.000 .. . trate act of diohonerty the peepettater
• can rely on getting run information furnished by deserving of the leverestpunishinent
Invooted Fund — $8, 682 238 made up by tpure mind, and the gentle- it contains much choke literary matter
. .
man who took the oats to the Sentinel frond' the tene of well-known authors.
All the popular forms of conceive of a man beings() far lost to all worth. The delightful humorous fantae,
insurance issued. Policies sense of shame and honesty to be guilty tio .Over the Plain Pudding, by John
Kendriok Bang, is thoroughly witty and
enjoyable. there le an admirably illustrated artiole on the Dewey Celebra-
tion in New York. An interesting
',tory, The Pcippy Lady, by Cornelia At-
wood Pratt, disposes of the imprecation
that the union of artist's> temperments
is hostile to domestic happineeie, ri-
dge, by Helen Choate Prince, is it
dainty sketch of the implicit devotion
animal pets Wive for masters end
friends. A Chriotnies poem The Le -
unconditional, wotld.wide
and nonforfeltable. Money
loaned. Policia...purchased.
New business 1808, $4,500,-
000, Amount paid policy -
of intentionally putting the sand into.
the grain, but hOW so natioh sand, near.
ly eight pounds tO:thelbushel,could Foe
ably get there by accident is Mao
n CHAS. B. HALE, AGENT, CLINTON Oeived the sad intelligenoe be t ele
Mr. Wetley Young of this yillage re-
Gooa Bargains
. . . . . . . .
411093113441)3111041 IVIEATS
* Post Office •
qk For .
• free
Press :::R.
..(5111COND, UM/10M ,
It contains 41 the itteet
news by osblo and ether.
wise; complete ntarket re -
pert* from Liverpool, tondo%
New York, Chicago, Buffalo,
Toronto and alumina; WI
tido of sporting events and
Western Ontario Distrkst
newm. News bora the Trate
vital MI and beet The
largest, hot and wet mt.
ler daily nondoopor in Wast -
«n Wald. Ceole.00
riar. lltemitto
Itnitnicfn Pitt
last week thet his brother, William
• Young, young man of about wefity
years ot age, had been killed at Sault
Ste. Marie. The young man was etn-
played in the pulp arnica that place,
. At Year Canned Meats are a boon to tbe and it la supposed he met his deeth in
tired houeetviie during the sum- the machinery Of the laotory.
sner monthe. They.save tune The Searlet Chapter was opened in
, and labor. No hainijng over a the Orange Lodge Roost, No. 428, Luck.
hot stove 1! you utie tumed noW, on Tuesday, 14th inst., by Bro.
Halendby, District Master. Ed. Mo.
Donough of Ashfield, District Secretary,
and John flex, Kiniough, were dented
TONGUE The Rev. Father Corcoran of Tees -
to the Royal Scarlet degree.
PIGS' FEET water will hold divine eerriose in the
new Eon** Cethel0 eittitth at Holy.
Our Stock Is all fresh and from rood on the fourth Sunday in Nevem
the best °annexe. Try a can of her.
Clhiekett for your Sunday dinner. The dedication aerofoils will be
postponed till after the Christmas .hell -
3. W. 1.111–,11.4. aye.
'We are again Celled on te obroniclo
• township of Atthfield, in the xenon or barrancas ily Mte. Prank Learned, The
............ for ancot tWli fil moutja ftno. it oonsbitt, Tatting, Kttitting, Thor Seirest Rooks
Tretellers be any part of. the Mien of disemuunts the Siesta of which 4itd' .81•11)161.1141°11 Pri" °I tbe D68t1".
ht ettocurnbed itinturday w it. Tfis st. tor_ i St a yam'. MOO. 00P109. 1$ oellted
WOrld than% consult the w,--,,,,.,„ ,,,,,,„ towered f "DX - osier front the Teem agent forliutterion
n gentian ti-
ii,b0Are in refeterite to ticket% ro-,,,Verie-i-erenday,eatting eseerte.d from Rittertre, Or address The Delinbitteir
. ilit:dlattiteernalid,eiintelkbIty.ermerrowimednisigitriotatetiveys. _ 1311"1 °II d 16"titah Llatit'64' 83
fares, rite, .
, 4:itriri of age. 4 outtrui war. itichtnon attest tetat, Toronto, Ont.
.Kf•Lfi., 00 titimi by .1141V. T. L evonstroisk_
it ntatrory ftittosindboylvoilalenot, Janie PM, Englieh SfreVin Linimeetremoves MI
• Itirdiab: k
;vs' ' hal tit In • herd, soft or calloused lumps land hie .
01 Ill
*it •
It is eatiefactory‘to know tbet goode tie gale store are eactetlY ito ;
advertieed. The fact carriee great weight with the buying public, who
have realized the fact by actiria experience tbat In coining here they'll not
abne dd, itshitepopeorivniredf. allr eveileCli te4ps ram/ Ibisi dlsaga store
bwees tggurradsn,tethoethheems 0 0 vaesrayo rotanit jeontrat
tion, even to the extent of refunding Money. 'ads week we received tyre
large shipments of new goods yvhich are now on sale at elope prices,. '
, •
New Flarnielettee, pink and light bine at 5o,, 8e, 94 and 100
Finlay stripe Flannelettes, at 5o, 7c, 8c,',10c and, 120
New fancy Wrapperettee, worth 193/4c for 10a
AStrachan Capes, 24inehes long, glossy curl. $10.75
Astrachan. Jackets,* 86 inchealonfe $2.5 Mid 230
Astrachan jackets, 28 inches long, at $20, $23, $25, *Wand $35
White wool Blankets, standard size, $1.85
Super wool Blankets, at $1.85, $2.25 and 83
Ladies' Vests, long sleeves, at 15o. 200, 250 and felo •
Ladies' Cloth jaekets, at $2.75, $3.50, 35, 37,50, $10 and $12
Men's black and. blue Overcoats, fly front, eatana and metallic lin.
hags, at 26, 38.50 and $1.0 •
, .
• ,
Timg PEA0E .
While the fine weather is here is the time to
prepare for the severe cold winter near at hand
by buying or eXchanging your old worn-out stove
for a new and pp -to -date one. You will not only
havethe extra comfort but Will be money in poc-
ket by a saving on fuel. We have the largest se.
lection of stoves in the county, and the most pop-
ular designs. Call and examine our stock. We
have al.rgood assortment of second hand stoves on
hand at present.
Ing generously given his time and labor
free for nearly twenty years. Word Mid A n ew French coneervative paper will
begin publication in Montreal. the tatter
Works, Pub. Co., 2201 LCIOUlit street end of the month,
St. Louie, Mo.
Onty•the Boot grados of Scranton and.
Lelifgh Valley: Coal. Kept In SOCK, .
The Companion's New Calendar. • For Over Fifty Years
The Youth's Companion Calendar for lens. Wresrow's Somme filytam has beau
onngs, elfmdoittithiterarbefaoratthaniritchlitildarnedu
1000 hi unique in form and beautiful, in iseahilitebYtelitiblii
design. The oval centerpiece, in high and tellygigyvvtiii ratn bit that ceithnelletti
CO lora- ancl enclosed in tt herder Of 110W once and sget &bottle of "Mrs. 41fielow's Booth.
S f Chi hi it ill 48.
rod •°f the Yttlefires bY dith 311 erstrepresents "A Dreini of Summer' 1ieve the ixor little sufferer immediately. be -
admirably executed figure in delicate a;d bintrelsr, curil'ea Vtrirnr offend the
gisSe° Kant ik" W"t6di bY BdIntffid tints. The whoie is delightful in liana. Mims, roduoesInflammation, aRlivirives tone and
nelneSt is 'an imPtemthe effnyt' In a and is supported on either side by an rnci
rrlir intbtrha thee iiitigagalgolgint
aosziewhat lighter strain are the verees,
librytIL%lefailttSattmeaLts°1124,,nca'B a°016uPdPiaastidsfthee° nheaalne:naciallido,:fittitlisegeCogeutlaetnitiPayleti:eolefraneeFt;bPiraTAlevast101 sant to tue mete and in the prescription of One
Vance Cooke. A tinaely and sUggeotive
p no, Zisifseg tip 0 n
210%! trtlilrogt°10Apy gertitgOit teelt4Aritlitrteltd.tit:
series The Great Scourges of Humanity, to the
Is a cwork of art. As an ornamentgrititreigottlteulattoki by au 'aragratowq_s_ge.
by Grade Pookhain Murray, M. D.,
valuable moor on Cerebral DisOrderS. nortie,it will take it pre-eminent plitee. out the wprld." Be sure and. ask for ' hire.
lo conege News carolyn muted give., byT,thee(Toalonion:akruitsciap.ubilitshoetdnneoartalbusoivoeb..ly t't reorew s SooTrixtre SYRUP.
e Yale en( the inePir* tained elsewhere. It Will be given to -
en intereoting I
Mien and strength Of &tiller friends ell new Subditribeiv for 1900, who
Monied Club Life, Helen "Melon issues of the new volume, ell the icemen
entILL In tile riePartelent ef Wa: alii0 reoeiVe na addition to the fifty -ten
Wkiteg °heir/41141Y a 1116°61"n I allIbii Of the remainint limes of 1890, tree 1
of ICabeis. ' A very olover and instrito- feeni the tines of aubscriptIon. Illustre.
titre article by EiztOut Haywood gives ted Announcement Number containing
directions for making Ohrietmas gifts. 'afar proopeetue of the volume for 1000,
Of particular intereet are the boutehold will be sent free to any *di:heath-The
topic* i Inexpensive thristmas Gifts Yeath'stompanion, 203 Columbut Asc-
end Some Ileliday Delieerte. In ad. °nue, Bootot31 yam, , ..
dition, the regular department* iire un•
AGENT O. P. the demo, of enethe, v0000r of the utivally bright Social
R. ()LINTON tholes. lien7 Peet/mho Jul been Milliner, Deettlakert CrOtaletlagi Cl bb Off
u Ins era.
.61,* gegt tee bees from horses, blood eposin, ear
tplInI4, ring bone, +Sweeney, ebtfiee,
.0, core and swoofert threat,
el, etc. Save $50 by nee of owe
Witerantird the moet Wonder
%Mirth aore ever known. Sem by.
k Gat
Tho season forrenewingaubecriptlens
hat 0011111 again and we preeent Ito
oar patrons the following Clubbing
rates. in :soh ease to new ertbacrib-
crs the Werra* of IWO goer free
WeeklY Iteil end 111 orient and Nen&
Farany Rank cord Weelcir wear eed rstvre*
Mertfteeel WILTON And Plift-/PiO016)....
Week Py Glebe Mid N`sent.Itantrat
Weekly giseetator and N'srwt.Itsocac.,
Ladies' Journal (Monthly' I•loicarAmf) and
vrooa7 son mei Newellamorm
tags Wales 584 It•ituassettsitis
lam Ames* On it tbabest
IP Wye 6f new leather
and the belt renovator Of eta
blather, itoteesotterts, black*
i use
urek a
Harness Oil
04-6141,Notr-- Ind '
1401 54*
oti • Olt Ore, Staitees
-E3R S.
There are comforts .which
the home needs and which you.se,,i29.--
easily provide. The comfort 'of
home is mostly tl36. comfort of its
Furniture. You Can supply many
Furniture comforts at a very small •
cost. .You . don't miss the money
you pay; you do miss. the comforts
you might have.
We have a beautiful line of new and and up-to-date
Furniture to offer. Call and inspect our Stock. We consider
it a pleasure to show our Goods whether:you want to buy or not.
In this line we carry a complete stoek: Our Horses and out-
fit are up to date and our charges reasonable.
Tournitnre Dealers and t Tndertalterle-••••
J. W. Chidley, Manager
Night and Sunday calls answered at' Residence of our
Funeral Director, J.W. Chidley King St., opposite Foundry.
The beininfornied men and women in the world use the AMICIMAN
MONTHLY REVIEW OP REVIEWS to keep well informed, and can
It the 14 necessary H Sind " indispensable '0 ilia gains. In the busy nuth
of toality ambitions Men and women must know about the importiutt
questions Of the nionth, and not only this, they want to know about
Otani at the right time. When the whole country is puzzled over the
gigantic combination of tmets, a well-informed artiele ie printed in the
A=RIOArt idONTILLI&i, nt the facts, and its editor discusses the
theory ; when the Dreyfus Oak is in everyone.s mouth, the best story
of Dreyfus and the great case comes out in this magazine.
Very month, in "The Progress of ths World,): Dr. Albert Shaw
gifts a Oomprishensiee picture of the world's histoty during the pre-
vious thirty daye. In the departments, the valuable articles and booing
that have been published during the past month are rsteieeted and
quoted frOut, so that the reader' of the AMERICAN MONTHLY can get
the gist of theist. le *eery lane nearly a hundred pictures are printed,
inolutling the portrait* of the Mall and woman who aft ittaMns the
history of the 111011th.
To be thoroughly well informed !Zany tnati Or Wooten In hill or
her work. A eubscription to the WAN MONTHLY REVIEW
OF navraws represent* an investment for the beat kind of profit, as
Wall a* entertainment. One 1111181Criber has just written: "Omni me
life euhittriber, and when you tend tie a number beyond the Matt of =
my subscription and secure no renewal from Mit .cuositlir it it notice of
• my death,"
Price as mute per inunber, Sinn) st year.
A maps copy will be sent OA resipt of ten mate 10stmlivii,
-1 s
13 Aster Puce Now York
Cook's Odionitoot