HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-11-23, Page 2kill111.111r111111111r,.0 • l'Aimot% 4.• 4 It • 4.70=4 "7,7. 0114ut,dicsemt.. Heetrtbtfla, 4uvarrnmse sow. IndigeetIon, Ditrzin 1Yr. alau. Indlealat tbet your liver Zelenia ,, ; .. „lee ev %rwtoe order. The 112 fr° al-170.44eitifkliaom itelittl4ts perr.:katt IUL Qr triintalent *aver tliements 10 emtte Por line few the first itelertion; 4 cents, Per line *soh eitheeettenh ingertion-" nonpareil roetinare. Erofeestotial card*, D0 t tzeeeding one. ineh, 45•00 Per - tonna Advertleemente without epee- tflo direction* will, be .pnblished till 'fitirldd and eleargesi for aeetirdinitly. Transient notAces.-"Teiat," "Youndi" "Vol' Sadoa" 00,-40 cent s for first 1•11: sertion, 20 mate for each sithaell000c losertion. THE NEWS -ROPED will he tent to onT addrose, free of PostelioN for $1.90 per year, payable in advance* *1•50 mitY be ellerged If not so paid, 'no date to Which every ealscripttott bt paid is denoted by the munber on the addreas, label. paper nisoontin- ned until all error* arc Patch e'me0t at the option Of the proprietor. MITCHELL. Editor and PrOprieter• • THE 'MOLSONI: BANK 'atcd t3A rt. Parliament1065t CAPITAL $2,000,030 Rest' $z,500,000 . Vend Office, MONTREAL - WM, INCILEON, atacnitEtta0N,. President SSWOLS'itlirTAN lithe As. clen. Manager otreeisiounied, Collectides mode. Drafts ISseeds IiitSrling end American Exebange ts' S tout, int (le/ t allowed on Deposus • „ fiAVINCIS BOK, Inlereet elloWed WO sums of 1 and. up, PARMVISS. . , Money sevanced, te. faiters rn their. own • notes with one or more enoorsers. No mort, . Bane required ss somirlt,s. Manner. Cliitton. G. MeTAGGART,: Banker, A1RERT STREET, - OLINTO1 A General Banking Intsieess Transacted. Notes Discounted Drafts Issued, ' Intetest Allowed on Deposits. syssa.CICssia neSes.".wReantsits CLINTON - - ,ONT Fire. Accident and Lire Insurance Trot:reacted. Itepresen,s several of Ids bot commutes and any informant/1i relating to imurance Kindly elven, steneral_Distrirt • Agent tor the Confederetion Life Insurance • Co, Money to Loan on Realioliab101tetee Office -Palace block, opposite Market. CONVEYANCING. John nidaut onveyancer, Commissioner, Etc. Fire Insurance. - e Real Estate. Money to reed. Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON • ' MEDICAL,: Dr. W.. 'Gunn A `10RONTO KM rums TERMS Mane Or Grain, Onttle, Chat" Sin BOOTO AT TEN wunr, to the Lending Marta. tady's ith Also, is Being .Sheited , Moe Wee lananixed li"e• 1.14*0"" Toronto Nov. $1....We had *boot Poured Shot and 11441.41, • With Heavy Guns. VII401101 1111t4elrited ret1104 Waok OA° • thirty intrloade Sof offering* At the , neat or x resapireav Against weatera cattle yarde tesalliY, inoilltling - beet medicine to rouse a . ., A despateh, fret% Toronto says).- i» ,‘,......., ,,,,,ttle, 100, taro, and . the Liver MI etre ail I3ut for hie Intending nuardereen bad ' """ - time ill*, 111 fetald in ro, a Milkers' end eal ea, Arrangements for Gem WhiWs Reliets.Boers Mr. Peter lamaki,-the well-knOwn sheoand - few •arkBritish Wounded And Missing isie4r1Y isompflramstry The only change in the ro.et Hoorps pills Threaten to Shoot, Six British Officers if a Spy Is bailiff, would bare been lih-ot and it°44u* that it was even duller then. at the be- 01 Winston Churchill...Sir Otorge White Olves .11 Armoured Train, ' centa •nold Medicine deelera. .11 n• Ernmerton • TliE I.EA0100 BARBER, Smith's biotic, opposite Post Oftlee • • ALSO Agert fur Sionarti Life hluroco Co uead Office or Canatte, Montreal, Insurance m: Mice, - W8.000,000 inveate e ts AP 1'uo4d0. - 13,500,000 Itstablisi ea 1824 The tin reliable end favorite TROWIIIILL,. iloneelloor and (lomat )31a4gpoith iklhert Street, North, Clinton. IOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first -Q. lass. matea_lel and work guarantee& Farm umnementsana maohiess rebuilt end repaired. - The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance tompally. Farm and Isolated Tovo Property Only insurea. 11. f. P. and Is R. C. S., Edinburgh Office-•Ontarid Street, Clinton,' Night ealls at front door of residence loo Rattete bury Street, opit F'resbyterian Church. Dr Wm. Graham (successor to Dr. 'Turnbull.) Licentiate of the Royal College of F'hyste- ians, London, Eng. Office and Residence, Perrins Bleck, atefy oceupied by Dr. Turnbull. Dr, StLaw, Office -Ontario Street, opposite English • church, formerly oceu'Pied ey Dr. Apple - ten. DR, . W, THOMPSON PHYSICIAN AND SpRGEON. •"ofilOe and Residence next Molson's Bank, Itattenbury street,' .'DENTISTRY. DR. BIRUde 'Surgeon Dentist; • 'office -Coate Block, 'Albert Street. Specialties -Crown and Bridge Works and lareservation or the natural, teeth, Da. A.GNEW; DENTIST, office Adjoining Pester's Photo Gallery. Office,lioure, •- 6 to 6. At Zerfelt the second Thtiesdey of each month, (VETERINARY, Blaoka 11 & Ball* VeterInacy Sureeond. Government Vetcr • . Mary Inspectors, • Office-Itatic Street,( Residence, 'Albert Street, . LEGAL. 4. SCOTT • -BARRISTER, soncrrot. ' OFFICRRS: B. nt, Xlmaen Thomas Frazer. vice-president 73rucefield PAL °wiener', necy-Treas, Sestorth P. 0.; Thomas F. toys. Snopector of Looses, tiettfortn • DIRROTORgi • W, DrOndtoot, Peatoral ; John D. (34eve, Winthrop : eerie Dale, Seatorite Thomas R. Bays, •seatorthi JsmettEvaro.. Beechwood; Jobn Watt, 'forsook. 'Phoneet Frazee, Bruce - field;• Johri.'13. 'Macao. Ittpeert; Jtones Connollys,PrInt on. ,• • • • • - • • AGI.ENS'Ss Robe. Rinith..Ilneack McMillan. Sen. nes h :. James OunsminroS Esmiondvilte. J, W. Yeol'.11olmosvine .Tohn Sleeenlook and John°. Morrison, titiditors. • • . . . parties desirous to Ofr4300 inSliraTICO.. or tram pactother bushiest will be promptly atten ed lo on application to any or the above °moors addressed, to their tespeetive.post offices Grand Trunlg RaikwaY. Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station as follows ; Buffalo and Gederich -District :- Going West, Mixed min " Express-- • -12.55 Pm!. " • Mixed .1 . .... . 7.13,5 pon. •• " • • gXpre$S .. . ... • 10,27 p.m. Going East, Express . . ... 7.40 a.m. ... .. .2.55 p.m. •ts• •41 „ , ..... 4.3e pan. *London, Huron and Bruce :-- Going South, Express..,....... 747 a.1111. 14• .4,25 p.m. G6ing Norih, . ". ..... ..„ 10.15 a.m. " " 6.ss p.m. M. C. DICitedbi, • W. E.• Dis. Pass. Agent, G. P. T. A:, • • - • Toronto. • ' *Montreal A 0. PATTison, G.T.R. Agent attlinton ot toot owl ahorouptoi,(?uttlictetiteixerenketr. govslaintilingetOuti"thed•ovvieen:,aat Paid atrhesarneoleint tattle/note! ;ILO the Boer* a Crushing Defeat at Ladysmith...The , rarer Y PtoPr 0 or Not Released-L.Selzura of 'Wireless Telegraphy ! ..,, Apparatus Consigned to the Boers. Pt eees War Is Unpopular in the Orange Free State, 4 clespateli from ite aPecial Oerrel3Ponds The Lenclon Daily M411 Publishes thie making rifle trenehea within range of, . the town, The membere of thefgerty. eielep*. 4 144ArTY* 4101)6.00 a buffet Pees" ably AbOult what it Wee oft TueedaYi A de pat h f terrioott. The man whO WAN attacked Expert and butcher cattle is ailot". ARIKOUsBE0,0 TrliontAINEgtoriolftrt,It,01'41:1:41).; trbaluiteralutin, AsIvefter4 het haddpitaueed all the ' Natal. wounded en the ears he grabbed hie 4 grarod 'Ufa b t th le t. d d - y n sernenres friiin havino an ant I...-. ' ' [are now the envy and pride of Mira ed through, US 010thans and It ere ne ao We man . sass. • 4 ru owar e eneray. irison. Even the Boer column Or, hack. O'Grady waa arreated bY P. 0. The tow 611400 e-od Iambs here were boarZahairootomn-a-air-or D-urib"4-3 vol.. tionniaathrtabveeroy In, theathric uotp04,adm"islattli.s. "Kimberley, via HopetoWit Thurs. Botha, exPreseed admiration of the at» s- astokett, and a, ohe.rge a &sooting with • ld k fi re unteere and a half conanally ot Dublin h an 13 .0 • day,--Dearste the sage, which ie being thok, and added' that he would take , „ ,„ . calinia bane, the Quarterly Criminal Malehing ere long, for he meant to imam In 1"." was 104 against hink. No Change In hells, etooltere, feed- Sesaione commenced thismerning, ova I do One thing or'the other quickly. Tho shooting occurred in front of ..._. _,..:,,_ . /111 uniaore, eto, „ erat Jurors appearing in tae town ' RESEMBLED A SHAMBLES. Raddea's saloon shortly after 10'elock, ohnien hoge, scone sou; no, to 200 guard ualform, .The .ennus. ickst, heavily. vox, beans when Mr. Smelt was walking rapidly it., are soiling at gi per cwt.; and "It is fortimate that Mr. Rhodos le after their figthing line had. been ' away 'rare O'Grady, whom he had met ' thin and fat liege at 18.74 Per. ,Wvtri attree are not Wanted. , here, for be takes a praoticat interest rolled bask two, wagons went slowly at the corner ot Leader lane a few in the greatest problem. whioll the MA" the minutes before.. The pair exchanged a quo Wowing IS the range of current mullitir ea far Ilan had 01 face-dhat of bled a nhambles after the fight. 'A.11 few words', and then, to avoid the 3treentriroirsition, picking up Cattle, • w tided. The kopje regent- attOnni.--. s relieving the destitute without peep- the men were killed. ''hY belles or brawl which he thought imminent, the ShiPpere, Per oWt. . 0400 44LO erthing. them. ge is able to wive it shell°. The look -out tower was shot bailiff, as Stated, relived quieltly away,. 13atehera, choice, do. . 315 425 as nobody else could. the hornet+ Were tearfully battered, '''It Cs ra 1' f° aw 11E' r• mei had on s r* P)' ' . 109 • -'2.., It 'G d . II 1 II $ 1 a Butche ed to d 300 80 to Ocoee, whtle Oven the eaddles of . "Yesterday it Was considered advis- The whois place was simply,. smashed just tinned into Redden's doorway to Stockera per cwt. . 22,5 3121-2 aoinsher, inferior , . 2a1.) 27a able to remove an:Mbar of famWes On 0.1) by the' ooneen.trated fire of Oven eadape his pursuer when the; latter ' gh" na' laoxa, Lha Outskirts of the town'. Three hun- A drew a revolver and tired. The ball just Ewen, ner owe a• • 300 330 8Ints and a thOusand riflea. , dred persons have been ataxiMantsdated 'The BeeKs stbfirst held eh their i''." Miaow] Kit Mark, and then,seei that Lambe, per cwt. . . 8121-2 040 Vane° pluckily, but they could not live k. ng0 ke per o in the, EXabano building." when they 'same to abort range, the •."10"enent'Y was nahtirt, 0 wady emot- "-e , °wt. ''' 4 ' "' 00 - 050 - PASSENGER TRAIN TOON FIRE.. ar Iteropant,4 .Coold Not: Atiroe, the led two more chambersof his weaPee Cows' eaMottilkara and C 2a 5l v 0Oe s. 0.54 A despateli from Eetcoort, 'laud; early in order to defend Pretoria. Shatterisig sone glass in front Of the Calves/. ea"' • ' • • 200 80. 1301Kl3ARDMENT CONTINUES IFF:hphheetgemal7tisdaewxpaeactteTtOYadrrdsisiv.' ors esati:Ern,,Squall,• The bullets went wide, • t • . • • says: -.A heliographic message f rom TAbee le "'stood! iltinrse tollsWesagf or eon; f ,thectuteohuotoh.., A NEAT Aan4sT. chulhicte jlt:::: pepere7 ololltti.: - (3, oe oo ' 1 ra Ladysadth, received here, states that alines, but thus, fax no harm has been 5 ,-- ., the boonbardraent of that place con. ... di, g ° . g P. 0.'Sockett reached the spot just Heavy hogs, per cwt. 000 476 done. The message adds that there . _ . 04'1 TIWOPS AT DDRnAlf, O'Gredy, Who Was standing with the markets remained.about. steady th- emes:ea:pa:1:e oommenced shelbrig.'" sat Oaten •tiloinent, and edged up to Toronto, Nov. 21. -Wheat -a Outside • dred Boere have- one so th with wa - from London sayet,•h-Ttnhe molt+, g mstol in his hand, uncertain day, and local business is in a dull ctecon,d loattiltlion of till? What' to dd. As Ogee as O'Grady saw rut, millers being the only buyers, is plenty of food and all are Well, tatpp II ward n C tl WAS OFFICE SATISFIED. Rejy:il- Fula! the officer he covered him; but Sockett Red and white Ontario sold to -millers ' Hold en, john, he said ,to O'Grady; approach undaunted. . at 64 14 to 00c, according to nearnees to thcamill. Goose .wheat sinehanged, A despatch from.Loodon'Sari:-That tiers, has arrived, at Durban, bringing ge,nthined t° a have landed there no to 5 227 Fiveeth- "P° away, please e 70a, middle freights, and 69c, north and Gen, whitwe relies is considered a the number of _reinforcements that matter of pressing inaportance is eget') er troo h. '-"" •' ' • Town.ps irs a...ne, new en route Aram int your pistol . man Niv ebeatr.d. .glifttn. 1 tali": a tabout77eandste which the War (inks officials heard of The total reinforcements that hare °b°6°Yile.tdrAaraldt°trIee"d theete°tattuI°rlin'theilth on his 'own head. Before he ralafatr: and we' at at We, ' '' TorontoadYNa.. evidenced by the aatistaction with Cane to Durban, the arrival of 'the trenspcirt Annenian 'arrived in South+ Africa, atace Friday a fight for the tho pplidemen had Bening on him, and Flour -Dulls Straight roller, in buy- ers .bascs, eltiddle. freight% in demand presume steig-t •ef field 'guns' quiek4iring mhxyi,ni agnIusa. number. tr f Wea0na began- During at Cape Town an Monday, a eettpie of rporrn Men, chiefly infantry, nearly, • flearafterstfird. males, three, batteries dilYs before her time., The non -arrival • of -her. ; 1.• o ' Fusiliers+ at d t le six ee data antdhemoetylteer4Iverieealepetedr.acroom the miles oath of Coleinso. early 't wines. :edhalYelitaed"bayintgie a�ratilletray"otfart4heltilowearss fiev,:°renDEpRt t*A"DuMrbal$SniNial;ntri placed In four position. Two trucks in and aeof the Dona psisiliers have re - front of the engine left the TAlls, and turned here. 411 Of them are wounded. toppled oval'''. • ' the Durham and Dubllue taced the Captain Haldane la reported to be a The remamder a the party, numbering While the train was thue helpless+ about 70, are probably captured. Deere in skirmishing' Order, and thse prieemer. Captain Wiley arriVed here Boers Poured allot and shell IMO too wounded, Colonel Long and lifeior ' crippled train. captain ,kaaidane, It is hoped that am amputated. number nearly 159, the latter Inoluding One of the wounded had to have an The British wounded, and miming found the lii wounded men doing well. Chtichester visited the hospital, and stone moped over the veldt and •wit' Later details show that %heavy fele , return here In a few days, and nits/. coMPelled a cessation of fir- onmAir.,Em, THEN FIRED UPON. Ing. While the Boers were destroying the train their scouts tangled. In and The first pews or the disaster' to the engine and tender, Which returnea .1 ets a few miles trona Astcourt. exchanged, 'shots with t_he Betlah p armoured train was brought by • the alone, and was battered by bullets. No- BATTLES AT LADYSlY1ITR. thing Was ethen cif tbe enemy on the . tu•rtied the Beers hiul damaged A. .despatch from. Estcourt saysii--A outw•ard trip, but before the train re-. track in t•he rear in DUI* a manner - ' the missionary, a native , but a reliable . that the oars . vverik overturned. The fMi aurtn who. arrived here on Wednesday , from, Lad sin'th, reports that a big Boers had placed guns in positton on• g tookYlanice there on Fridge, 110-, veraber 10. He ea's that Volunteere this exact spot, and opened,fireat Clefte • . . 7. . • d went ou/t in the early morning an • range at the moment. the eare toPPled drew the enemy from their positions over. on to a flat, where the regular trooper,' At naval 7 -pounder, the only..gun aboard .the tram, responded, lint.Only under Sir George White, out-InanoeuV- fired three /Moth, wheat the enemy's red them by outflanking the Boers, inflicting great loss. More than 200 administering a crushing defeat and heavier artillery shattered it. TO Dublin Fusiliers and the Durban Kafka,' the missioeary says, were em - Infantry,, esti° manned the train, form- ployed and two trains, each drawn by two by the Boers te bury their dead,'•' ed in skirmishing order, and maintain- ed a rifle fire; but Were opposed by as engines, carried away the wounded. overwilsolmi fo If h ' the fierce struggle. another bullet Was 3' exPor e r. a , • • VEItY HALY-HEAPTED• and anamanitina. threakened. serious The tact that the Britannic has pro- ceeded for Bast London is taken to, delaY in General Methuen'a.. arrange' mean, that General Bulleris satisfied Monts for the. relief 9f General White. that the,troops which • have already It is true that the first division still landed, or are now on their way to lanke eavalrYs but in all Prone/AMY Durban, wiltbe sufficient to carry out the firet arrivals of that arm at Cape les plans for the relief of Ladysmith. Town will be. sent to Durban, lave"- It was officially announced this af- peaks* of which ,division they 'were ternoon that tlie British transport originally maligned to.Goorkha, with the first brigade staff, There is ltd dqubt that the boinbard- the Third Battalion of Grenadiers, and merit of Ladyesnith thas increased in a detachment of the Royal Engineers; intenaity daring the last few -days, and the traimport Manila, with the Second though ell Sileseages frona there sneak Devonshire, and the • transport No - of the confidence -02 the defenders, a medic, with the remounts, have prev- load of ,anxiety will be removed from- ed at Cape Town. •• the country when unrestrained COM» .The transport Britannic, with the munioation, with, the beleagured town Royal Rifles, has sailed 'from Cape Town for East London. is re-estabfished. 00311 PAUL'S THREAT. SALT ptaimiox. A special despatch front Cape TOWYI, The London Times publishes a let.: dated 'Friday, , says that Secretary ter by an officer on board the ..trans. Reitz has demanded that General 'port Nubia, asserting that "1,600 ra- White immediately release the sups tionit of salt carrion,. labelled New posed tiny, Nathan Marks, who is eens York, 1899, . had to be thrown over- tired to Ladysmith, coupling his de- •board,as it was Ault of disease," add il• - Blraint iash-svoltfh'ficaerath, riTtisto a;staratencita thaaiat worst portions of very infeeior beasts ing,. "they only -salt down the ' very Marks entered 1,adystaitit after the in- and pito.. , . yestment of thet place, with, the slip- '• This has aroused, a 'Storm of indligna- posed object of .obtaining toformation tion •against the contractors and forr the Boers, • transixtrt officers who al owed filthy • the special despatch, that hea.was en- the ttoops. . • ' General Buller replied, 'aecor.ling. 1Q salted hrisket beef to be furnished to titled to retain the manuntil he , The 'War Office has accepted a gift should render a satisfactory aceciunt Of 10,090 plum ,pluidings .for the troops 02 hill:MIL ' ' •in Booth Africa. Therie puddings will 'Nothing, is known. either at the War aggregate upwards of ten tons in -or Colonial Offices here regarding the weight. They -will be sent out ha time • for Chrititmas dinner, Driver's Aldermen. . statement. The storiein xt is assert- . A despatc5 from Bombay says r -A print tit impiobability,as there is no ed in official quarters, -bear the - A eaucedidBmairtolia4es roacliuwr are:. wo Jou ao gr. ex to; (tit. tehui ei u biro oPmepeirestew would gu.: • passenger train wag running at ahijoi tram their previous correct attitude • and manner 'Of conducting the hostill- 'rate of speed between Wadhwari and ties, , - Ahmadabad one of the earriages • Nevertheless, the sensational after- • caught lire. :The Canna spread with 'noon newspapers here are already de - great rapidity, and as the passengers, mending that President Kruger and failed. in attracting the. attention of members • et the lExeentiie after exhaus-itig every available means 0.11 the Council be ruthlessly 'hanged, as the ,the engine -driver or the guard, theY only fitting reprisal in the event of pearly all jumped from the trains: State Saoretary Reitz's threat being Eighty perOns,are known to Save been carried our, eerionsly injured. ALMOST wiPED ouT. special despatch to the London Daily Telegraph, dated Cape' Town, . Thureday evening, says: - Town or Vert ilstdrigien, Alaska, Niirren- "The Boers are nearing Naatrwpoort. ly'llfseripes Des:ruction A despatch from Victoria, B. C., sayet-The steamer Danube, of this city, which arrived from the, earth on Wednesday, brought news that the town of Port Essington narrowly es- caped destruction on Friday last. Eire broke out in the laundry next the ho- • tel, afid the Port Essington hotel, the ten stores, and a number of cabinamid shacks were destroyed With all the contents. The loss will amount to be- tween $00,000 land $70,000. • '" The cannery. of Robt. Cunningham, a warehouee., and the wharf were the only struesturee that escaped. GAPE{ DUTCH LOYAL. • • TRE QUEEN'S FAREWELL. Der Majesty Itesteivs. fler tofeliella . riwolry .Iferore anew Departure • rer• • the Tr.onavent A devote)? from London, soya-Sun- shiSe so brilliant that it compelled the Queen to resort/ tO sunshade greeted hoe Majesty's return .4) Wind- Sor Saturday ancireing, Whew she. in- speetedsthree.: diatitchinenth of . the HOuseliolO Cavalry bound for . South Afric.a, The 'Royal Horse Gullet' 'and the Second Life Gnu& lasid jeurneyed upfront Londoin joining the m/ot Life The line may he out at,any Gu,ards. Amkt wetted of great. enthus- ment.' • .7 • • testi the' troops formed in two lines There ire ' the; hest* reasons for be- • 'Devine that the. enemy, who have en- unmounted, in khaki, instead of their tered Cape, Ootony, are disappeinted autifiteLuniform,-- With blue UMW, their reception. • glittering ,cuirass,searlet plume "They fully expeoted that .the pea • • • 4 Money to Load, etm Offices. Elliott Block, Isaac Street E. Osinpion, eOnatant pain WW1 per feet ? le that dragging, puling • nentintion with yoll from morn till night ? Why not rout the medicine auto Oil the disease/ Why not apply the etre riiht to the apOt itaelfl You eau do It with Barrister, Solicitor, - Notary, S:e GODERICH, ONT. OFFICE -Over Drug Money to Lean: • M. O. 30111113tOril Twister, Solicitor, Ct.tranissioner, Etc aorAltion,. ON Oorice-.Cor Hamilton and St, Andrew' Streets. s W. Brydonet Barrister, 801151104 Notary ['labile, °Fetes BEVE11 BLOCK. . CLINTON 80 YEARS* 11XPERIENOS Imutediately after the Plaster is applied, you feel *nothing in. Its grentediee penetrate thorn deep the inflamed tissues. Pain is ridded, ootenesoisre. Bayed and strength. hulIonted. No wait ever MOM No * ever tweed se eclat), D4 k mist** try aipilL aver the sheet is is sid to Met's ; retie • 0 • °plat Afrikandera would Sobs t ets* White Overalls, and.Wellington boots. but, •fram Varloini reasons, probably An', immense crowd Of peoPle Witness - including the preestire -brought to bear ed. the osseinbly. Brigadier -General upon them by Premier Schreiner, the transfer of fighting strength from the Thratter, the dihtriot commander, 'with tts full staff, conducted the loose - Cape Dutch has hitherto been pea - ion „ try.' •Aiter the march past the officers WIRELESS TELSGRAPHIC, were ordered to the front, and the men vvere iormect in a BIROS Within a A despatch to the London Daily Mail yard of the Royal carriage. Then, from Cape Wen] says that it con - addressing Colonel Neeld, in a voice plete wirelese telegraphic apparatue plainly audible to -the Officers, the has been seized on a vessel there. The Queezi made this speeete--, vessel was bound fot Delagoa Bay, and Lhave called you here to -day, ray sol - the apparatus Was obviously intended ' diers, who are always' near me, to say for the use of the Transvaal GoVern- farewell 'before you cross the ;leas to •tont. Suspicion in regard' to the distant part at ray Empire, to asaist Package was aroused by the anxiety your coinandes Who are fighting so exhibited by a Boer sympathizer as to bravely for your sovereign and coma - its immediate transmissiOn• But •for try. IknOW you will always do your his official conneotiois with a certain duty, as heretofore; and I pray God to Eueopean Government, this individual bleea you, and, giVe you a ode return. would have been arrested. WITH EI,XED BAYONETS; • caned • tatn tehonlo atn A despatch to the London Daily Mail advanced The Queen shook heads from, matching, mat ay -way of gaga_ heartily with the colonel, wile (loured her Majesty, that she could depend on lapye,,because the runners sent south - the Guards to uphold the honour of ward e Were, unable' to traVerite the count of tht3 fighting during the lairt. " ac. QUe011 and country, Colonel Neeld then led three theere toer lioes, gives ttn inter -eating for the Queen, and 500 helmets were week in °debar. The correspondent related high on the points of swords mays :.- ' After the failure to rush the town and carbines. The cheers were repeat. ed again and again, and the band Gem Cronje had recouree to the 'tan: tics' employed during the siege of struck up "God Save the, Queen." fItir Majeety drove off amid the Potchlifetroom in 1881, making an td- cheers of the spectators and troops wino to the town by a sectieseion of trenches in echelon. Such a move had Prenent• In London thee popular troops were been anticipated by us for lamas time wildly Cheered, and an enthusiastic and for that reason there had been sent inses- send-off early next week is gestured, met patio to worry the Boort saintly by. night attacks. These Utak% There were stirring licence Satur. day at Southampton, where, over three the enemy disliked, but he Contented thonilend troops sailed by three iships himeelf"with a daily obeli a the eity, perccaai about the time when the famous' Lanai Which expoeed te little care, rrho made the brilliant oharge at riek, "Then Col. Baden-PoWell played his Onulurnian, were • disembarking from from Egypt. trute0 card by sending out Fitz -lar- their vorkAo eincia'a party to worry the oecupants of the trefichee. The little force stole sconathys Gipsy. RING. out silently in. the darkness. No eh* was fired; and .the men with fixed At vethol,m, in Scotland, • a mon bayonets, creeping rather' than walk., named Fan was ,3rowned, jting oe the Inc along the veldt, gradually ap- in.nuceesaion to Me lett moth. preached the ohief Boer position near er, who Wag knotant ite Queen Esther. the tan. eserrne. Then, as they closed there. tress a Shell Oretch; It Was The crown of tin and time' was phut. signal ad on ilia head by the village blaek- rito-Clareticee,,,whhitle, ond for onslaught4 amith, whose family is said to poszesso nouns canto win' MOT. the hereditary right a crowning the "A rinerig British...cheer whit& the lieteners book In camp caught up, was the, only rreply, as the party dashed into the trenches. There was it feet- ful struggle, the attaokin forces catching and 'bayoneting t e Boers udder the tarpaulina w0ere they The three iirrand stands on the Ro- oronahed, crying for mem, At least cheater Driving Perk Asseociation% fifty bayonets got to work, and the grotuide were totally deotroyed by fIre, entailing a Iona of 00,000. hevoa they wrought Wail terrible. "ror just it moment there Wite no Tammany Hall has agreed to _pay systematie return Ore; hut then riper- $10,000 yr the indebtedness on tho Par* feet holletorm ot bullets poured la mill homeatead Witiklow, and the from the trettehes to the rear. Again property will Ira saved for the tanally, INto-Cleirencela whistle sounded; It A. story of etubucereest "olio waa 'Oet1111 twitter home- ootom, by malt from johiuroosb.are, • word.* The Britieh tercet mattered, nag hugs no, has hub iihetrutted %neatly oro4ng bask tinder the furl- the eeeree /ire pars by joimun ono fire in tyre &Await to the ap-. Kin! chief (desiring dark at. he Stan- „powirattd ralltiaTattaaw Where the roil was dM 'Bank of tiodtle Airiest. oCol, tinden.Powe et and SOU. Penalnaistis Me who eattairateshti Meted Oat win 11,0141-reinab &ad oorrowe hir J a atttiffkiat 14 1 num goiessfig work, gala one who entimetee his joys Ikr other ktg *1st” t• Beal had to be *Opted Peonies eorrowe, • Same in wood, for local •_______•._4 OI_._ abet and rifle volleys into theni. Officer inieceeded. maatering bis pri. Pe arrived, e.nd the man was taken, to po- )Yrittfed-,-Steady. Bran is quoted. at disobarged, but fle harm was one. The ked f '• 1 1 t a ape own correspondent of the Lollone Sta'ilclard toga lie has bee' rd WTILSIlritieshrillofRfieceErisijaLhoSZAZELIRe.Yr- 'from an old resident, who has just left • ' fal coolness, and were obit' aided, by the Orange Erect State, that the war ant. in the Fourth Huggers, and Winston Churchill, formerly lieunteon; • Leaden ftritouthdeth-oef Gtoarpenmepenlet, ofwf iheele Ise, eteh/doetr-- is very unpopular there ; that, apart whfaerrniecogrrpesepeatwndivehnet, owthilethseome men,. st eh eta eto o vete roirnkt topa raetyl e, a: ehi theohweilt:g exposedl erii la hot hat eltfin a ah- he e a: vri. e eat se db;s;attnIftaedt tAtrilaBpsf fne:caltani oadu,dt'ahnialdtvdteihrs:- .., wrecked ears, took a rifle. and joined obedience are spreading in the ranks' tttesearshttioavreymfoirvee. th•goeh.craokitoillfrourcher suoimi burgher/3 would welcome any pretext .to return to their homes. • • worked under the fire of three guns. • . . 0. The engine driver, who wounded in the head, began to retire, -A despatch from Buenos Ayres,says: heel been E HORSES AND FROZEN MEAT. . when Churchill called tti him to come --The steatner Beacon Gtange' left for beak, sayintirs-eA man is never hit Cape Tow.n with* 686 horses and storm twice," • ' • of maize and frozen meat. ' This is • The driver brought back the engine, the first despatch sent by the British and. Churchill carried the wounded to Re -mount Commission! ' ' . - ' !Parliament buildingsi. It le a gift Elli NEws _..Ii iiiim[ii from Lord Aberdeen, and. is the„Werk 1 - of M. jongee, a Belgian Artist, of. , . ' Montreal. •• miner, and then DePaty Chief Stewart $1: 0 rtne„...8u1211.050h,a n andged. sh•;or.ts2 Aatm lelrltno, lice headquarters.• , . $14.50, west, ' In the cells 0,Gincly expressed the quoted unthanged•at 42c, Tor - hod staptathtahtaStelhaellhhadadhneedat hpeeeresehouutretd; bhust Yellow, onto; and mixed at 411-2o. Canadian able, Tins friendastate that financial .corn, On track- here, 40o asked'. Peas -Quiet and easy. Car tots sold the bailiff until it had behome, unbear- worries heve. unsettled his Mind. , at 64o, north and west, -and 5613, east. CAUSE Op THE TRW:IBMs day at 89 1-26, north and. w,est, and at lBarley-Easy and dull. So, 2 sold to- t. he parties In the affray for a long 4°'irtri-°. ab 510, WeDstemailjandd52°. efaaair% There has; been bad wood between time, on . account of hotel licenses white oats, 25 1-2o, north ' and west; which have been takeni•froin O'Grady. 20e middle freights, and 26 1-2o, east; He alleges that Small' Wearesponsible giachwheat-Dull, Car Rita east, 49, fon this,. , 031radY oWnathe Anierlean streets, but ,the present tenant, jailles Toronto, 33.35, and In WOod,. 83:45 per .1-2.3, and west 'at 48 1.2e. Oatmeal -Rolled oats, in bags, track, 11001,, corner of 'York and Wellingten • 'Seanlan,has esteemed a desire to have the license traosferred, Thia•wonld, of '. Eggs--Deliverles are free and prices eourse, be disastroua to the owner of are holding fairly steady. Local de. tSanhaalbi awiladsinagt dhewho'bbottlionuave.dof ttlitiaet pIrlort. :tinao 18cdiliftts'hN, New tloah1170w;i1LbdrtNat -127.11-2• 4 to leave him with an empty. Imilding to 15e; limed eggs are selling well -Itt. ou, his bands. ', • •• - ' • • 15 to 10e. • '. • O'Grady was- well knows as a elnlri- Pistatoers.-Very -few corning in, and tog, Mari some years -ago, being one of -;there is a firm market.- Car lots are • the chief hankers 02 O'Connor, the sold oatraek here at 38 to 40c. per bag, Oarsman. , . 1 " . • -and . • at ' farmers' • Waggon/4 ut about 4510 50c, per hag, • Out of store, choice stock, bring ,50o. per bag: ; Beans .--,T.Inehanged. .Choicie band. .$50,000 BLAZE IN RENFREW. ammo= picked beans sell at .$1.25 to $L80, and flair 'Of Sibiu& 'Risen, a Bus briver, 'Re- coalition at 75 'to 80e.. • covered Prom news. Dried apples -Dealers pay 51-2o. for A despot& from :Reogrow nas, dried stock, delivered here, and in email , „ • . • ' ' ' lots resell at (Ito 6-1-2o• evaporated, -,f1- wsones-,Dealers quote from 9 to 100. •11 lots. ' • says: -A. a. 'Wright •and Odinpany's Large. business !nook ,was gutted by tnier8 1-2f.: in fire of Friday. morning. About, three per lb, for if), or 6043, tins; arid in discovered in flames,. and before the tie"' -• • . . " •brigade could reach the soot . the tire . Baled hay --There is a Steady to firm market. • Dealers, here • are selling had moanted through•the elevator to choice hay at $9.50 to. 09.60; No. 2 is thmate haeconhuididrhagnd third h fillavtes storfea3hthee elow at 38 to 38.50. Baled Straw -Dull and easy. Car playing on 11, 120 fire was confined to itortoseha. re. quoted at $4.75 to ,35, • on the block, and. the Whole upper portion • of the bueiness section, which was for - ' Hops -More moving. Prices with - a time in -great danger, was *saVed. out change. Dealers here quote choice Loss on building and stook estimated Canada,. •99's, 'at 14 to -1,60, • • • at between $40,000 and $50,000; lour- Poultri-Maiket well .aupplied, and once of from 815,000 to $20,000. the requirements here are email, At tenOorotooltkODZ hii'fOottNiessD.boa; Of .geoae. 5 to BC, dualts. 80 to 5da per • Chickens . job at 25 to 40o per pair; paira andd turkeys, 7 to fte per lb. Adam Bison, bus -driver of the Dolnin. Ganie-:Venison is quoted at $6 ts ion hotel, vvas found beneath the mass for small, •to 32.25 for canvas -backs; orbrick which had"fallen from the $11 for carcases, and 00 "to -$11 for top of the northern walL • • saddles, Wild dneks range from 25o partridges, 40 to 600 a brace. Buffalo, Nov. 2,1. --Spring wheat -•• Scarce and „firmly held; No. 1 North - o'clock the whole of the rear store was comb around31:90 to 320er-doe& sec - gypsy sovereigrui. The rode in a• carriage drawn by al* settee. ,0 •14441.8•••44 L combine in rubber in talked of In New York, RANCHES IMPROVING. ern, old, 7311-4e; new, 711-26. Win- iree Woo Veterinary Surgeon Dern ter wheat -Firm. offerings light; No. . 'From the West. 2 red, 7,1o• No. white, 70e asked on A despatch from Ottawa 2,t3„:„„„nr.: track. Cc:hi-Quiet but firm; No, 2 McEitchran, Chief Veterinary• Sur- te"itioew g8384101 tea/6.88$'4 ;,34itiioNaa. 85.3 14-12to 1° geor. for the Dominion, has returned 36c;. No; 2 corn, 371-4 .to 87 3-4e; No. here frOm his annual trip to the 8 corn, 353-4 to 37o; Ifo, 4 corn, 85 1-2 ;Aye that rancho the Canadian „2 Itsiteed,11 Northwest never reached their height ed 2.91-2 to 253-4c, alye-No. 1, ori until now. Ranchers are realizing track, quoted at Oleg No. 2 do., 60 to 60 1-2o. Canal •freights - Steady. the 'importance of putting up hay for Elour-Quiet, Erna. cattle in winter, which was not gen- • Chicago, Nov. 21.-Elaxseed-Closed: entity done in the past. Cattle tire North-Western and South.Western, looking excellent, lIe says he never - N4.29; December and .May, $1.20; Du. saw them better, and he hes been go: - Northwest ranthes, Dr. MoSacihran 3680. qttg-pitex; o. 2 white, 29c; ing backward and forward to the luth, cash, $1,24 bid; to arrive, $1.28 .1aerthweet lance inter° the cariadiari bid ; Deceraber, $1,22 1-4; May, otao Pettit() waa built. Prices are good, " Detroit, NOv. 21.-Whea,t-Closed:-. and in addithin to export trade there is e large and growing Inarket forvvhtie,. dash, 693-4o e No. 2 red, • TO RELIEVE LADYSMITIf• • The British hal:Owen:tents Advanoittg — Kimberley Reported Re lieved—reare of a Zulu Rising. Cattle in the mining camps in Britiah eash, 628-41 December, IOC; May, 74 Columbia. A ., ...,,u..._,.. is...r._, ur„,un.Lcor b onveR.• : wgreh:tetrh, etrheawn eirte vi,s•tarseeitawtahteersianumnir aenra, THE • VERY .• LATEST FROM . _. . ,.. 1.:::::intklia,....gr...w.,,, of Efolon,ton. ilk trying to find out .why' it ia that "the , •, consumption of water is as great, or CoUntry, Great Britain, the ChM , Mr, D. D. Mann, who has returned Condensed and. Assorted f 1 fromtbe Orient, says .that railway cons. Interesting Items About- Our. Own 1 • :ad to -meet early isa January. (dosing down of the semi -publics gaunt - i n :40 th 43,0i :rade° tolli a Caabi toyplrieos abolish 1 la tbl: Ihiete.:;; rairlodli 00)i Bsystem.ilii: : bag places, and Saturday. a policeman" The Dominion Parliament is expect.- Coin:toil has already resulted in • the, ' CANA.DA. • • - cently mei* over the Vancoilver City • these ge to British subjects • The waved moral reform which re-' [ cessions reaching $200,000,000 have ' I ment, atid .that more than half 02 tlillialaaderao:era°11't°ourlt8' 3tfaelliallintickel-i114 granted by the Chinese' Govern- thatheljaprlir and • States; arid All Parts Of the Globe ' been steel Works being okarte'd in 11"1111" mathine s • Bwelitehlieny thorfee thdeeysA. iiii DaSys" °AY' aaaCh• eral3aupant..ekreiriTidalornanastina wedasMaxwel They are scarce, antrmice are nu Cats are worth $25 stabb • liner -a• fter the schooner left St. John. The -Cataract Power Syndicate at . captain fell' overboard. Several, o .0.Hheanaliplhto. n propo...se....s an electric road to crew wept' after. him in st; boat. died soon after being picked up. I The Hudson Bay Co„ will send a the meantime Maxwell and one other, splendid exhibit of Canadiatt fuss to. man allowed the vessel to drift; • and. the Paris Exhibition,. . • •finally got her into 'Beaver Harbor,, • Mr. Samuel Zavitz ef Menden. was where officers have gone to arrest, killed by falling from the roof of hie Maxwell.• , .. • 0.; barn, on Saturday. •GREAT' BRITAIN. A. syndicate of , Ottawa capitalists, The Marquis of Dufferin hatr been with a calsital of $100,000, will mane- elected Lord Rector of Edinburgh 'Oki - facture saws In Hull, Que. •1 varsity over Mr. H. II. Aspuith. Already six applications for divorce Mr. jacob Bright, at; brother of, the. have Peen Wed an Ottawa for ther famous Johhnt e Bright, and ofde anlioed Roaihrnsaient ia of next session of Parliament. John Brig inWtheialliprircgeaorfa gwitial,Iii yeailaYcenaterpeedratteitlu- d e a Deseed. lite0rawafltismb°tIlattilan 1t82liet army and nand feet from V tummy, 1900, navy continue to give thennielvert . up ' Paul Kruger's private medical id- in England in order to be returned to viser is Dr. Paul. Gillespie, formerly • their regiments and ships f_or active • saf Streetsville and Panetanguishene. • aervioe.• . herat, nearBallfax, on *bargee of pass. valved at LiterPool from Canada ar- •• Three men are under arrest at Am- vTele flinnistplioetnodifdfatotoennedidtioenhicakne:ameret- • big counterfett two-dolleX Canadian writ h a ready sae. Regular ship.. notes,. • talking menta have been fbtwarded eirerX ofliticiGnstitlituotnihsegereoitycmihrceare tlrys engineernweek since the first week of Oeta, hicoujurtaiteryaimicalairegteo. that of the Kingston ober. •' . t- in Wales. It is now confidently affirm., The gold fever has again broken out A Vancouver report says "yen Y- e• d that Montgomeryshire° is channel - six schooners of the 'sealing fleet have with auled riferous ore. The latest taken 86,741 skins, of which 28,999 were reports arose from discoveries made. from Behring Sea. while sinking at well on the estate of Jo view of the many daring bur- Lord pcwic. • THE IIRITISH ADVANCE4 despatch from London, Saturday, says s -The reinforcenaenta which up bo Friday night had arriled in South Africa number 23,509, of whioh 7,290 have already dieeinbarked ak Durban, with 18 field guns, a number Of mach- ine guns, engineers, and lanipital troops, as well as wean hundred males. This force, with that already between Bsteettrt and Durban, is con- sidered sufficient to enable General Hildyard to advance and to take the aggressive -against the Boera *oath of Ladysmith, „a According to the latest adticee, Ladysmith is holding out eatistactor- ily, everything having been, wen up to Wednesday. In view of the 41Sitir destruction of bridges, the War Office has issued or- ders tor the Shipment Of a quantity of bridge-twork between this and the end of the year. /11A.RCHING ON xlmEgoraaty. An undated dement& from De. Aar, Cape Colony, nays a strong British force left there for Ximber.. lee on November 10... When within fifty adieu' of the heleagueted town the relief column eiacountered it con- aiddrable body of the enemy. 'The floere were routed after it smart THE WORLD'S INIk 11 tom xposle hionley4 istiumt it Polio Is Meade. A. despatch from London say* :-In Beiteda the Leonid &plays Mauled it piapueer panto in many placem. /2 Wt.' beiteVed that the end a the wsnid had dome, Creutroblei ;kers. ape11 0,1 Mit and hen r thomandir tlus� eight* he open air, fe etlbuakee andut genera re are Oita r vtl Ittonsittit their children to • • brush, leaving the road dear to Malt- berley, whith may- now ,he relieved at anihiralneenwt; Thas, however, not' been confitmed. ! SHELLS]) DAY AND NIGHT, Despatches received front Lady- smith on Noveinber 10 stated:that the towe was being labelled dayand night, an was barit preaaed. One of the bridges over the Tugela river has been 'IlnatTlix:YPetitaktiguessi ars erecting forti- fication/a along the border, Boer emis- saries are continually posing through here, The lloens compel residentsof the diatriete which they have conger - ad to join them or leave within 24 11°ur ONovember eth, having during the night placed, men °wee to the town, the Bbera after a heavy bombardment, be - 'gee an assault, but were replitsed at every pelot with heavy losses, ZULUS' IIISING IMAM), Advices front Zululand teitify to the growing tilianditeee of British reel - dente, whose stores are looted by. the Itietat, with the result that the Zulus themselves are growing insolent, giv. lug rite to it fear that they may at - 120 unarraed British population, expeeie.1 worse fates, There was rather it brilliant display between two and five'o'oloek puriday morning et Beira lin. ru 61/i14 BUST 114ll21. Mum Melo lielteettetil re *mitts at 4. despatch front Wtnntpeg, Man„ Ida. Slake, tbn «haute° girl f 'jis mardqr of her tun *tido* wee Wing peterober al glades recently, the Montreal Police William Waldorf 'Astor bus conttlis Committee has decided to arm all the tibial .4100 to the Maidenhead ,brancla constables with revolvers. a the national fund for the owe belonging to the; Riordon liner OSM- stitute wives and fatuities of those now shunted at Marritton and four horeee Piro broke out in a Grand Tell* car and orphans 01 the 00m6re an ..„ orn killed IA the war and for th parry were burned to death. - ,aeraing.in south Africa. boTroheoweer $115e01,1000°fOrNolnagattol'a 11111114It hatl barrack& of the Royal Home Guards, Ad outbreak of scarlet. fever at the Hamilton to carry out the purchase "The Blues," 'probably alte'» ,th otthelocal eleotroght plant. plans for he Omen's •inspection o uraoltimcce:Zempioiedby the the Etotteehold Cavalry. on Saturday* T. Eaton COmPany, TorOratO, lost his aria may catme a piceitponement of their Life by the accidental discharge of his departure for South Atria*. rifle while hunting neat' Macon River. UNITED STA/TES. he Governors of the Hamilton BY ithe 10 Of an elevator In the Hospital are in favor of erecting three T Phoenix ltid'n!Min.nean-olten aewwingsataaaataiIWleaah%Pe• r°et'weretired"toprovidefor thegrowingdntnda2nouidetivreneisee1:1 the on the hospital. el& soldiers returned front the Phials - Under direction of the Premier 0 pis by the tramports Tartar and f Prince Edward Island a very filo col- hlewteart were scandalotraly treated by lotion of the cereals grown on the the. °tonere. the Paria Thchi tion, Cetlieltery Department has voted to ala It la reported At Ottawa: that a Paper - low the Viothritan Club to erect ita Pro. niill hi to be located °lithe Gatineau,. rood raonumentto the Britiah aoldiera to he the largest in theivorld and who fell at Bunker BBL employ 1,800 workmen. British capital • The annual report of the Treasurer is behtnel the enterpriae. a the United Stated, *town total re - About 250 tons Of exhibits foe Paris oeiPle for the. rear front all aources of Will' leave Montreal on Saturday; next $515,90.820, the expenditure was on the La./land Liner Albanian. A far- 3005,000,000, leaving a 4611012 Of SIM, - tiler consignment vrill be shipped from 111.584. Portland on Deceriber lit. la Lewis Warner, Whoee embattlements Mrs. • Annie' Olmatetd, -Illo- ---r. wreaked the Hampshire County Idea Island is beint ',might together for The Board of Trwatees of` the Boet'on Shoults and Miss Git,ous, sisterer ef Hanel Bank an& the nompouire sav. 101 Maple street, hdon, are Grit loge° Bank, waa isenteneed Nerth- eomusiwns ethi e elaratwe IGe.ye,n.inotalusaufil3rmot:e: 1,:ptheon; sbr.,k tonotintarearehtah;t: killed at the battle of Gleileee, • aw etnitaetinn' keL tie, and ewaliowsu a large the Mita, of the drug, with the result Nook. who has been, musing awn, " °tti T. Ih Bolanget, 0001mahdo, D6Wifttearr arrmestr.613" " agsaulted 011 Fermi °I eneithies for an- for Rev. W. IL Dexter; princiPel of nor WI than OG:tromitarati.tatespliarin. Ifew York Naval Academy at lug t e First Plaid Bette% of Quebec., at for 0, time her • lite wee deepair• Nor. The police belie?* thatror. itas offered terviett 6f t battery, The muttelpiti election in Berlin re ft• rtairli'mositirn a" 51 MI's"' g" suited luvithe aelestlos of 128otiitt1tti20 d, ompane has been formed at Montreal, Montreal, with Mr Van Berne 11 k I way, 113thor95t0wt, poloorara, for LaThee wild twat twenty miles. from Nice, which * opueesalou was obtained: some Fret*** at lAtitude Of BOO Yard& thatiago. bas been. thrown %to ooneternation be- ztree New Britstiewielt trniveraity h°°4 elirtle4 off 14. profeseeri stid NIX students hers re..""'"' ••"'s"" signed owing to the option of the now Turkish and Fratoh, oonaulates Simian gardIfying the lohniehrment at Weans have been. ititormad that whiniti; nett and Will pay a rut to ' and Liberate to the Common-Common- Preiblent, tes Wild an, eleatrie tt OAIt of Ilett Ile, tnete MI eta anspended or bating /Gel Mensilek of Abyietnio will arrive ittAn oil portrelt tit the Merl of Aber. 14his was bo the * 131 horelr ireitralled 110 wn"dtlibil 145 W • il • ••. r •