HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-11-23, Page 121st Year
For quantity and Quality of Ne*s bent . all parts of &roll koty The Newsilleeerd is conceded • .to Lead. It seeks comparison,
$51e0~1 54efie. seeeseeposeesyes- seessioato
never stops in its ceaseless
taste -if you have the old oil
removed and new oil applied
at least once in two years,
Ocasider the wear as they beat
ewey the, minutes, hours, days,
'weake and year%
Take care of your watch -have
it properly cleaned and oded.
We clean and repair all kinds -
do it promptly, accurately and
at moderate t.ost,
svg arra racemsas •
as-to=aPitsito vrelmeloma54e5W
The cool mornings make one
think of the most .quickly pre-
vared Breakfast Foods.
For something that is Eco-
nomical, most Nourishing and
, at the 'saute time very palatable •
we recommend -
• . NUTS —
Fully Cooked, Pre -Digested.
Un'e can eat Grape Nuts as freely as de-
sird, but they are a condensed food,
and net so great bulk is required for a
meal as with ordinary foods.
It is put up in packages and sells at
2ec per package,
'4.1)111s.Water Ice Wafers and
' Heinz's "Sweet Midgets"
rite appetizers.
We have just closed our 5th year
of business, which by your help has
been our most successful year.
We hone by close attention to busi-
ness and by giving you the best value
rossible.to merit acontinuance of your
We want your trade.
-TIER • •
aAgli Btaoattalr
- '
COOPER &• CO,3 Clinton
:h paid, for Butte* and Eggs and
d A.pplee. ' • Phone 23
t guar to Aglivortiles
in The Nicwe-Rxeonn because of its
. growing circulation and increas-
ing popularity.
astral • .
• The Mews -Bacon]) ror itsliveHur-
•, on Neves. Market Reports, Talmage
•• Sermons, Nerve of the World, etc.
MI.to wad oft lii0•
The WAr with
the loers
Makes good reading for
the Britishers. Are you enjoy.
lug ib from a paper of your owu ?
The Daily Papers are such
good value Chat no one need be
without the News at their own
Tho Daily Globe
nd Mail
with their inammoth edi-
tions; on Saturday cost but 35c a
month, 13 months for $1,00, just a
little over a cent a dear. May we
enter your name on our list?
And while we always prefer to S,
have our customers call a delw. ss's7
ery. is made around town for t‘
which fic extra per month is
Papers may be sent by mali
when desired.
s is
Do you realize that it is only
about four weeks till Christrnas ?
Just think of all the presents you .6
beset° select inthat thne! But
Jet us tell you aboet our stock.
It is without doubt the finest
holiday stock ' ever opened in
Clinton. From our display of
Fancy Goods a present can be
selected to suit any of your
friends, while our Toy depart-
mentgives a choice and variety
that is , seldom seen outside the
Books and Leather Goods in
.various styles suitable for pre-
sentation. •
• One Eye
• at
. That is the _
way we test: Usually the 'eyes t
differ in sight. A glass which .
suits one injures the other, and
ultimately both suffer. • •
• We use Modern appliances,
and the greatest care to avoid a,
a misfit. • A misfit would- hurt
your eyes andsair reputation.
Wo Copper&Co
• Clinton.
tf-r•W D.01,0r3 NMO'&'eea0Dr.)
• For good, straight
dealing and first-
class values in
.• go to
*1 J6 n=4.
IV'mualeueogIncoto set
43E.00 per Pair0
1/1/B t Others Are &lying of Us.
Whole Number 1092
The sibseription to end of 1900 is • only. $1,00
Ms Bleck Proceptery. The C. Q. 1., Attests Ooderich, AUBURN, YARN.
A meeting of tile Royal, Blitek Precep. The Collegiate Iniattute football
on Friday afternoon last. Among those the. 0. 1. eleven at Giederiebbist Thurs. Goderich on Thursclari
team ' played the return match with Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Robinson were in Church Openrug.-It was sometime
b Witt SPring that the thought of meet -
tory No 1O was held in the Orange Hall
and won by two goals to one, HP. It0418 tat swapped horses with ng a Presbyterian chum. n Varna
present were ; X.'Scarlette W. Kenne,y day is i
and J. Bullard, McKillop; commended itself and, fiction was ab
T13(1c1 and This more than evens up for the pre. Bir• Totn M me of Clinton. • •
°merle, Goderich; p. Cantelon and T• vious defeat. K• Archibald was referee, Mr, Alex. Robinson now ewes a. cuss taken' 011. 20t11 of May Iii•st a
committee was chosen to Proceed wall
Kearns, Clinton, There wan oue while the team Was composed of A.. fine pacer which he got in trade with
,initiation, that Of W• EL Oatolobell of 'McLeod, A, Aikenhead, L. Whitely, a Goderich firm. He is fond of a s the undertaking and on June 20th the
McKillop. 4°.;s4 contract was let to Messra, Welsh and
MoKenzieswho were the designers, ar-
chitects and finishers a the Varna Pres-
byterian church. It is'needleeti to say
that all interested parties made the
yery best use of the time, as it was but
a short time when the trench was dug
the and foundation laid upon which
rests ih'e present fine edifice. The
equipment of the church is quite inline
with the buildings The circular( seats,
which are handsomely cushioued, were
obtained in ' London, together -
With three • handsomely cushion-
ed chairs for •the pulpit plat-
form. The managing committee very
meta improved the appearance of the.
place. in cutting and clearing. away
atucht undergrowth,: etc., will& had
grown and accumulated for a long
time,also in making fences, gates,road-
way and in movingthe shed to the back.
of the grounds. • ecem er r , • •One of those pleasing events which
• W. Newcombe, j. Thempson,D. Hearn, horse and can tell its hest points at
mama Old Days Organize, P. Baird,R.Wehs R. Macpherson, Roy glance.
The otcl boys of Huron living in Kelyar and T. Peck. • The evaporator has stock enough on
hand to keep it running until near
Toronto -there are about four.inunclred Tee Boys' Drigatleg
Xtnati. The longer the better for the
of them -purpose forming an anemia- The officers, Of the Church Boys' Bei -
this month for that purpose, In the are as follows: •
,_ game, organized on Tuesday evening,
• Bradford & Yungblut have got a pair
employees, and employer, too.
tion and will hold & meeting some tinne gad
those who wish to join are
requested te send their names to E.
Floody of the Iniaiftt Revenue Depart -
went ; Thomas McGillicuddy at the
• Parliament Buildings, or T, P. Stewart
of the • Provincial Auditor's Depart-
The Ellection Trial,
Considerable disappointment was A number of our young men attend -
manifested throtighout the riding esi Captain McTaggare as Drill Instructor,
1 ed the tea -meeting in Blyth a few even -
Saturday on account of the further and Fred- Chant,Oolor-Sergeant
postponement in the West Huron El- Married in Church,
•Captain, Harry Brewer.
lst Lieutenant, Rey Bowers,
2nd Lieutenant, Jas.floherty.
of horse clippers and are doing quite a
businees, •
. Mr. Will Mole has openerout a bar.
1st Sergettins Duncan Stevenson. her shop in jacason's old stand where
• 2ed.Sergeant, William ltattenbury. • he la Preehred to do everything in his
line in first-class seyle... For a stylish
' sra Sergeant, john Stevenson.
hair cut or a easy and dean shave,
The Warden, Rev, 3, F. Parke, apn
give him Et trial. .
pointed. Mr. Hilton as Sulo -Warden,
• Inge age and had a big tilne,
Mr. Thomas Hewett left last week
ction case. However, a decision will • Th ' B te t hurch was the scene .eepawa, Manitoba, where he will
ef a quiet wedding on Tuesday when f" N
join two of his brothers who are en -
Rea, 4:. T. Murduck united in the holk gaged le business • there. H, intends
bonds of matrimcmy Miss Mark Gill
es. remaining at Neepawa.
of town and Mr, J, 3; Neil of Stratforu. .
Mies Maggie Polio* of Goderich,
Only the most intimate friends of the
the guest of Mrs. James
a dainty repast had been served at the
bride witnessed the ceremony. After
turned home,
Mwh000rewfaasr a couple of weeks, has re-
house of the bride, the happy ce-pple
lett for the east on the 2,55 train. They Mr. Ed; Mole, went down to Clinton
will take up their abode in Stratford on Friday to visit his sister arid spent
Where Mr. 'Neil is in the Grand, Trunk Sunday in Goderich with his . brother
serviee, Oongratulattoes and good Dave.. He may possibly go north to
, . ... resume the position he held in Brussels
wishes go with them.
last svinter, hub at time of writing is:
Startled Yester$ey at Doiseimim notquite decided -
• Mr. Feed, G. Davis, second son of '
•The regulinsmeeting of L. 0.• L. No.
Mr. S. Devis, was 'married yesterday
op was held on Thursday evening.
to Miss L. Illoreison. The ceremony
There Was was a good attendance and
was performed in Boisevain, Man., of
the usual business was transacted. •
which town • both of the contracting.
. mi., Davie is a Dr. Madjallum of Lendesboro seas in
parties are residents.
village one day lapt week:
member of the firm of Davis & Wilson, thien
terest in the L 0, 0. T.. Lodge hi
wise carry on an extensile hardware,
reviving end Monday night's' meeting
business, and has been in Manitoba for .
nine years. His many friends. in Clin- avi'4A: withelloarottmenndtued.orToghrearme waesnda ploenas
ton wilt join. Tan Naws-Recoan. in
extending congratulations and in wises initiation, We expect• to -add still
_eaesaneas and farther to our membership. this season
ieg Mr: end Mrs. Davis .
d to brink the Lod t
an Lodge o a very
prosperity. ,.
flourishing On dition. • -• •,.
•be given on December 21st .and with
'that we muse be 'satisfied. It is quite
likely that Me. Linklater will be more
displeased- with an earTy settlernene
than anybedy else, for beyond ques-
•tion the delay has been profitable . to
• him. • From being an impertant wit-
nessaind living upon the fat of the land.
he novv drops back into the non-
ehtity ranks tree work. •
Doherty Buys a Timber Lim&
•• While up in Algoma, District Ser.W.
Doherty bought a timber limit of 3,500
acres in the tOwnship of Day some
twoliandred reileaavest of North Bey,
Part of the limit is pine land whiie on
the reroaioder there is a mixture of
pine and other woods. Mr. Doherty
also bought an outfit and sente. gang
of Mee into the woods to lay low the
• trees. His object,' of course, isto pro -
side, lumber for his big organ factory,
• He intends to add p, saw mill plant to.
his property here to cut op the stock
to be taker" off his late purchase of a .
tinaberetl one hundred acres in Tuoirer-
smith loWnship., This will give ern-
ployrnent to • more:med and make his
already large pay roll larger still.
Chicken 7'kleres.
For soine time complaints have. been
made by citizens that their hen'. coops
had been raided and one or. more
chickeils stolen. Chief °Wheatley took
• the matter on hand and "en Saturday
in eempanywith Constable Welsh ar-
rested Ed. and Bob Devine and John°
•Bradfield and gathered in two , dozen
ehickeris which the boys adelitted
stealing. The chickens have since been
identified and claimed b y the owners-.
The boys were put in the lock-up ' over
Sunday, and Monday morning Mayor
Shaw committed them to •the county •
gaol to await trial. • It is. likely that
• one tf not two �f the boys will be sent
• to the Reformatory as they are 'neer-
Eind have a bad influence Upon
their associates. The Devines have
neither parents nor henna. •
Witte Locals. ••
. Rev: John Kennedy', B. D., of Au.
burn is expected to oceupv the pulpit
°Mho Rattenbury street Methodist
church next Sunday.—Mr. .0 rank
Bowers is feeling quite strong again
'after his recent illness, He thinks of
trying New York State, where he has
many relatives for the winter. -.--In-
vitations have been received by a num-
ber of yonitg people in town to attend
the eighteenth annual hall and supper
to be given by the members of the
Seaforth Fire Brigade on December lst,
—Tna-NEws-RECORD will be sent to
any address until the end of next year
for one dollar. Are you a 'subscriber ?
—Miss Minrsie Kerr led the meeting
of the Ontario street junior League on
Friday evening. The topic 'VMS "Are
we doing our best." A. good program
was rendered:—.Tohn Hawkshavv,for-
'sleety of Seaforth, but for the past
year an inmate of the House of Refuge,
died at that institution On Monday.*
had been suffering for•years with , can.
cer of the stomach and wahine and
death was..buf....a. happy release. Hewes
sixty-one years of age.. The remains
were taken by relatives to Exeter on
Tuesday and interred in the cemetery
there Charles Wilson hair had
the earpenter and painters at work
upon his shop this week and the result
la a brighter place of Imeineas. Paint.
era Kaiser and Kennedy are being
kept busy this fall.—Mr. VV. ley, local local manager for ilroadfoot, Pox
& Co., has the contract for supplying
the furniture for Stavely
J. W. Hill, who Was in . Brussels last
week, says the granolithic walks laid
down in that village lad summer have
improved the appearance. of the place
immensely --Rev. j. T. Murduck is
now known some quarters as the
"marrying parson because of the
number of couples who resort to him
to have the matrimonial knot tied.—
If your subscription to TEE NEWs.RE•
conn is in arrears We ehonld like to re.
ceive the amount. Don'eforget us.—
Mr. Robert. Welsh is carrying hie left
'New sOreen.
• • • Miss Geri • Fergireen, who s 18%4i -teed-.
- The Bawling bilib has bought the ing the Godericla Collegiate Institute,
corner lot in the rear of the Hotel was visiting Under the parental roof on
Clarendon: and. on Saturday had the Sanday, • ' • , .
Miss Rose Ytingblut has returned,.
Old fence pulled down and men ecit at
. work leyellipg off the' ground. 011 to Goderich Ober spending a few days
Monday they gave the contract to Ma atiaoree. ' ' . • ''• , '
.W. Wheatley, Who hes .his staff bitty kirt and Airs. Munroe Were in eode,
.at it this week. It is the intention Of Hell on Friday last. .
the Club, .we believe, to sod half the . Anniversary Eiervices in connection
ground early he the ending and seed with : the. Methodist church . Will -be
clowri the -balance, as Much the .cherip- , held next Sunday when Rev. W. G.
est way. When the improvements *aeon of Clinton will preacb. both a.
contemplated are completed the. m. and afternoon, while Rev. Ma
appearance of thWpartienlar corner Eteridereon, Presbyterian, wilt occupy
will be enhanced. . Iternight not be She pulpit in the evening,. ., •
amiss to add that present vigorous .' Miss Dora Erratt has been Visiting
life or the Club is. not a little due to the her sister, Mes. I. Ei. Murdock of St..
energy of Me, John Rarisfoed, though !.Heleng.
there me a number of ether good Week- . ' Miss Maud. Milker, has' ' been inane
•ers, among them Mr. Sohn Johnstone. from Clinton this week enit while here'
• •
., . her sister, Mist! Elsie Fluker, hes been
Send Tramps to Mud.• ' • ''11111ing her place in town. • •
The tramps fraternity ate to be looks .Services Will be held in SE Mark's
ed after more strictly this winter than ' church next Sunday, ' , ••' ' ' •
in the past. This is according to insteuc- . Mr: John A rthur has returned to
does from theiAttorney-GeneraI's De- shoe -making again • in his.old stand:
pertinent which orders that. they be Mr. W. J. McBrien returned on
committed to prison if reaming aboirt Thursday last from ManitObte 'Whither
without visible means of support.' •On
Friday lea. Chief Wheatley arrested first Visit and be was much pleased
he went in August last. It Was his.
three -cif the "Virearies". to whom the 'with the country, but under present
Mayor ad ruieistered &thirty days' with Circumstances would not. exchange the
hard labor sentence and the ' • Chief z
placed them behind the bars that same the greeter prospect& for making the
the comforts of Ontario for perhaps
_afternoon. The '‘Wearies" were furl- almighty dollar insatimitoba. He spent
ous at being locked up and gave vent the time in the Southern part of the
to their feelings in language not fie for provinee, principally around Manitou,
publication in The People's Paper. -A and now has a good idea of the eon -
hobo came down down from) Goderich
cin Tuesday afternoen's trein, He was as vest and thresh. ... •
ditions under which the farmers har-
"drunk at a lord" yet rode on the bnin. They were, husking corn ab Mrs D.
pees in. safety. He was taken in charge Lansing:8 on the Base Line lest . week
by the Chief, placed in the cooler and and a big pile of the golden grain no*
yesterdaytakee up to •
Castle , Griffin. lie& at the south end of his commodious
Hobos will do Well to steer clear of barn while the stalks are well bound
Clinton where but a shert shrift palette and piled up in order.. Mr. Lansing
therm . ' 'planted seven acres of corn last.spring
COntine City. which yielded well and will furnish a
ecnitine Citylb enjoying another per- great amount of fodder tor his cattle.
Ind of prosperity, the wotic on the big The stalks are mrich better for milk
hotel, which Was sulipended for a year, cows than hay, he says, Ma Lansing's
beingagain under way. The bricklay. tarm consists of 132aerea and is consia.
era are now at the third storay and if ered one of the best on the Line, while
the funds hold oub the -building may his residence is a handsome one and
yet be roofed. Ib is understood that his farm buildings roomy.
Mr. Valens proprietor of the Queens Dr. Ross had &touch of typhoid. fever
,Hotel, Montreal, ie now supplying the but is about himself again. While he
funds and is to send up $5,000 a month. Was confined to the house his patients
A cheque for the second instalment were under the care of Dr. MacCallum
arrived the other clay and Monsie,nr of Londesboro.
Oontirie is in Chathant this! week ar- Mks Jennie Youhg, Mrs. Hannah
ranging for the cashing of it. Mr. Va. and Mo. McGee visited Mrs. G. Young
len is said to be an old bachelor with . on Stinday.
plenty of money. Mr.Camphell of Hay Mist Jane Straughan Sundayed at
township, vrhe financed Cori home, .
tine in. his operatioik up to as, Mira Rose Riley returned home after
few months agc, was 'in trim spending setne time with her sister,
Monday and in conversation expreerred Mrs. Bradford.
confidence in the ability of the projec- llles.Robt,Stalket has returned home
tor to:maks the City a success. He has from her visit, '
advanced, it is said, over $20.000, and Mr. Frank Munroe of GodericEepent
118 security hoe it firse mortgage upon Saturday and Sunday at home.
the site, so thethe is naturally anxious We are sorry to hear that Mr. 3.
to eee building operations continue. Dobie, er., is ailing.
Miss Collicly Improving serdelent-
ly to be up again. •
Mtge Simpson has gone to Toronto
for the winter,
Mrs. W. j, Brandon and family have
returned from a pleasant, vieit with
relatives in Helgrave.'
Messrs: M. J. White of the Exeter
Times and I, Stanbum barrieter of
Fixeter, Were in town Mondaffu" busi.
• neas,
Messrs. Robere Aitcheson, teacher at
Drasdale, and George Howard, teach.
er at Blake, wer,2 in town last Thurs-
• Me. Walter. Kerlin councillor, of
• Deberne township, and his sister, Miss
S. Keddv, visited at Mr. G. Hol -
Me. John Aratetrong and son of
Silver Springs, Manitoba, visited at
Mrs. John Rathwell's of Hayfield last
Tuesday, Mr.- Armstrong has been
living in Manitoba for abeut twentyr,
two years and bas made for himself *
beautiful home, says when he 140
there was beautiful weather. kre saw
lots et 'stooks; standing out nearWinni.
peg. Mr. Armstrong intends.taking a.
car load of horses back With hill.
Mr. Weleathwell and Mrs. Bethwell
visited at Mrs: R, 001ernan'e et Tucker.
smith last Friday.
Mr. Wm, Lamont has bunch of
good heavy steers which he is getting
ready for the Christmas market. ••
Mr.• TAU Stephenson sold his two
man's lase Saturday, steers and one heifer to Mr. Robt, bet-
neltstienrtoPwenrc.k Biggart of Dublin ie gaty for the handsome sum of $130. •
Mr. R. Drainnan. our popular
.nstroGtoinaabgdlietso report that Robt.
tionalpoarovveihnegrinbehderettlentirthmornth -
inenfrbthea, early loable,sytieveek. point
friends are glad to see her improvint •
bernwill •
gniTyretthi;rannadloPnueln,°1 has it S
t he 89,:teasetaroalso glad to hear that Mrs,.
The Sacrament of the lend's. Supper George Kennedy la inattroying after
will be administered in the Presby- her serious illnestt •We hope to see
terissi church on Sunday morning,
her restored to her usual health soon.
After touch laborious work on the A large number of our people at- makes young people happy took place
part of all eencernect the church was tended the church opening at Varna at -the residence of Mrs. A. Johnstone
made in readiness for dedication *ter- and report excellent sermons on all
7 of the Bayfield Road, near ;Bicucefield;
vices on Nov. 19th. Doubtless e . good • three occasions, • • •
, when her eldest daughter, Annie, Ping'
number were' up unusually early on, 'Bicycle riders in large numbers from united in Marriage with Ma lis Wood&
the 'Sabbath nnorn as many were in at- here visited SE Joseph's last Simday. of St. Helens. Mrs. Mary Reid was
tendance long before the 'hour LIP,. It le it nintewerrtiny cheemstence that bridesmaid while the groom was very
Pointed and indeed packed the church • vvheeling can be indulged in to such ably assisted by Mr. J. Webster of St.
to the very deer befOre the hour of Fier- an extent on the loth of Noyeraber.. Helens. The many friends of the
vice so that some had ip go away, gay. . The Lee. Graham Mission Band Will young couple 'Wish then health, wealth
Mr . Henderson of Itensall addressed meet next Saturday afternoon at 7 p. and nrosperity. The nuptial knot was • .
them in *very interestingand eloquent m. vvhen ananviting- program will be .••
tied by the Rev. Mr, Sewers of Bruce
manner his text being taken frere SE rendered by the ehildren. . , field. .
John XI, 28 and 20, and the three divis Herring fishing is akein the order of ' . The Salvation Mink Captain of Bay -
the day and somekood catches are re- field, together with Mrs R. Ronal and
slims of Ids discOurse therefrom were :
L' The central fact of relielon. I Its ported. Mrs Clan :
• • cy, was around this neigh.
personalitY. 8, Prom& •obedience. A meeting of the congregation of the borhood last Friday collecting motley
Rev. Ma McDonald presided through Presbyterian church was held on Mone for the Self -Denial fund; •
the services of the Amy, In the after- day evening to discuss the advisability Mrs. ' Diamond; sister' of Mrs . -.1. .
noon thocro'vrd was ao large • that . the of increasing the shed accommodation Rathwell• of 'Hayfield, left on Monday
Methedist church was opened in order which is not adequate to the present for SE Louis; wbere here husband, .Dr. •
to accOMMociate the people after the new needs.. This is it laudable undertaking Diarnond. las opened up a practice. ' •
bonding was filled to overflowing. Rev. and it is hoped ample room will be pro, ses
we wish the dieter success M his new
Mr. &mere ot Brucefieid delivered a vide(l• , s _. ..._ , field of labor., ' ' e • ' .
Very able address from the text found :Rev. Mr. Bleck, B. A., of Mora. Miss Grace Gelbraith of the Lake
ched in the . Presbyterian ohuich - • . •
in Se.eond Chreniclee, XXXII, 22,. in Prea• .. : . • Shore Road,. Goderich township, has •
he dee* lessons from Hezektah's work, a a morning an evening,
congregations were not solarge as
complete triumph over all tri the build- The
usual on account of so mank attending
ing and repairing of the temple to ' the
the church opening at Varna, Ma
present Occasion, and especially to the
Black will preeick again on 'Sabbath
building Up of the . irpiritual temple
next when it is hoped large •congregie
within. Rev. alr. Henderson address -
tions will greet him. , . •
ed the other congregation on the sub-
ject of Chrietian Perfection an which Mr. John McMillan, M: P. for South.
• he allowed there were three requisites, Huron, addressed the electors, of Bak -
field 'last Wednesday evening in the
cenceniration, forgetfulness. and con -
town hell. There was not a terge ate
secretion, Ih the evening Occurred the
tencleece and very little interest or--en-
same difficulty of crowdingthe 'people
oubie thusiasm was:manifested. DaStanbury
into the one church, so the,t
occupied the chair. It is no doubt an
service was . again held.. Rev.
indication d an early election to see
Mr. .4kndrmis of Varna delivered a
Governenerit supporters on the etiimp
eery able and earnest address from
Ma McMillan gave figures to
the text found in Deut.XII-0; in which s° s°°°'
show SbuS She urier °vernmenb
to Ma T. A. Walker of Clinton. Sinde
after toil, both physitally, spiritually •
he pointed but the enjoyment of rest
writing, the second,SohdReld has let a
had not been extravagant and stated
as e proof of the personal popularity
and heavenly, and hoped that rest • 'eontract to tine eamecapable builder
This makes four barns in le miles for
riessed the Queen's jUbilee pageant in
gone to Chicago to study for nursing. •
Mr. M. Bates and Mrs. Bates Visited
at Mrs. Bates' sister's, Mrs. John Dick -
son's, of Seaforth no lastiSatureale,
• We are sorry to report this week Of
the serious illneas �tMr. Williasit
ClinchYs who has been taken down
:With symptoms Of typhoid fever. Xt is
only a few weeks since Ma. MeOlinclnY
biiried his daughter, who cried with.the
fever: ,.Much'sympithy is felt for him. 1:
We hope he will 'soon be restored to
his usual health. • '
Last week we gave the .narees of
three femme Along the'lettyfielO Road .
Who will build barns n'eit aummer and
had let the contraets for the stonework
of his leader that the people Who wit- •
would 'crown ill our laborlflottie beau-
tiful manakins beyond. Rev. Ma Sew- Ma Walker next season. Good work
LondonS Erigland, could not determine
ere addressed: the other congregation
whether it was the Queen's Jubilee or tells' _
on the eubjeCt of choosing God as our Mrs. W. Johnston of Bauble Line
Sir Wilfrid Laurier's; Sir Wilfrid will
King and we his sUbjects. L Choice. and Miss J. Johnston of Goshen Lige :
no doubt be pleased to have such ,an
I The time of choice, *Obis day.) a. spent Fridak M Seaforth. .'"-- .
etithusiastic follower in the House air
The motives, (love.) The Presbyterian MaPeter Wild of North Dakota is an.
Honest John. But if rumor can be de- -
choir gave excellent nnusicand the Mo. extensive farmer, having 2200 acres iri.
thodist choir•acquitted themselves ad- pended !more- that honorable gentle -
crop this year He rend a gang of 12 . •''
man svill have an able opPonent to
mirablY, being unexpectedly called un- four -horse teams and also runs a thresh-
cOpe With for the party nomination in
On, arid many thanks were returned to ing•outfit of his oryn. Mr. Wild we '
the inerson of Mr. George McEwan of
them for their vollintary service: The
is an , believe, Was. a; Sauble Liner some 10 "•"*".
Reese% who, we understand,
crowning feature of the clay was prob. years ago and drove a yoke of often.
•aspirant for political honors, Mr. Mce ably in the generous heartedness and
Mr. and Mrs. Wild are also possessors
liberality of the people. The three col- Ewan is a good,.straight. party. dup.
of a large fannily consisting of ei•ght
porter, an able business man and be-
. lections amounted to $90. '
• • Tea -Meeting. -On Monday night be, sides he has behind him the "It's time
bt enYds ma nadk itnw
icsiBglyiriths' their future home.
MR. A, J. HOLLOWAY, CLINTON. ' tween five and six hundred people from for a change" feeling. We will Watch Mr. Norman Patterson and wife In-
DEA.u, Eira,-I received nly Overcoat in 13rantford 0' IC and I want to thank the events with some interest.
yosi r the beautiful job von turned nut It fits like a glove and couldn't be
for all parts of the county , partook of the
We are much pleased to learn that Mr Wm Diokoontwho lo well known
better and is a great credit to you in every way. If I can at any time put Huai- luxuries which the ladies of the con- .
ness in your way I shall be pleased to do so. The reit of the boys will I think gregation so amply provided and after the man ennpleyed by Mr. Thomas in this part of the country, has &gum-
bo giving you some work to do. Hoping thab yout bad nyourself may assembling in the two churches which Stinson is recovering from his illness, ed ef his property at SE Marys and has
always flourish and prosper, I remain • ., It wi I be rememibered that he had to
'I purchased a, house and lot on the
. Yours very sincerely, were well filled,(one especially) a grand
• The LyceUni Company
. programme eaneisting of addresses, re- go to his home owing to brain „trouble. Saul& Line, adjoining Bayfield.
citations, solos, choruses, etc., was Also much pleasure in seeing Miss We are sorry to report the deatIrof
Sandow's Own Combined Developer. •
Grimm Noy. Iflth 1890.
- •
Mrs. P. Johnstone's little fivoyear.old .
K. Parke restored, to health and
given in both churches. After the open -
girl. This is a sad loss to Mrs. John -
Mg with sang,Rev. Mr. Andrews led in strength again.
stone as her husband died about three
The Sandow's Developerwas invented by Eugene Sattdow, the greatest ath- Mr. Wm. Fee and his mother paid a
years ago and now ber last comfort is
tete of thexentury and authority on Physical Culture. It is the result of many prayer which was followed by an ad.
short visit at Mr. Parke's in toWn last
gone. Much sympathy is felt for the
years p nine arid exhaustive experiment, It has been devised for the purpose dress born Rev. Mr. McDonald arid
of ail ing simple and effective exercise for busy men and women who wile by the following ministers in order: Revs. vheic` • ' '
Mr Thomas Stinson of Bauble Line bereaved mother.
A. gratul bail' Wag hekt 'at' thet• real-
Arwc ans, derive the greatest arripunt of benefit in the•shortest space of time. Acheson, Kippen ; Jennings. Hayfield ; '
visiteci friends in Stephen and Dice
et eveloper will suffice for a whole family'. It will adjust itself to the dence of Ma David Leech on Thursday
gth of the user. 16 is, In ittelka Complete Athletic Outfit, combining : Sowers, Brucefield ; Andrews, Varna ;
Gillivary last week. • •
I, Rubber Walt Exeeciser 3. Dumb -bells Henderson, Hansen and Shaw, Eg.
2. Chest Expander 4. Heavy Weight Lifting Apparatus
irreasila fixed to any door or window frame. Full Inetructionte and Photo-
graphic harts ot Exercises accompany each machine.
We kept our eye heavenward on the evening and the young people report a
niondville, interspersed with recite -
pleasant time. Mr. Wm. Ottniondact*
night of the 13th, 1.4th and 15th. We
Cone by Miss Williams of Zurich,. solos
ed as floor manager, - while Mr. R.
by Miss M. Moffat, Varna, and songs were looking for nutteore. All we ob-
Fields furniehed the music.
choir. served was that we caught, a bad cold
by the Seaforth Presbyterian
daily will brace %the system. clear the brain, quicken the action of the
Rumor says Mr. Wm. AtWood has
1313SINESS MEN will find the apparatus invaluable -five oft ten Minutes use and mistook a lantern carried by some..
The reverend gentlemen highly con- resigned his position with Mr, Joe
liver and banish t at tired feeling resulting from sedentary life. -- eratulated the Varna people On so sue, one for a falling star. Ie hat been sug.
Mossop in order to enlist for the Trans -
It ig particularly recommended to LADIES -its daily Use Will absolutely reduee
censfully completing the great task gaited that there is no occasion for
viral Billie is a loyal subject.
the size of the waist to pepper proportions, deepen the chest, drive away sitting up all night •to see stars. A
Mr. Fred. Atweod has returned from
dyspepsia and insomnia, WIG give the user that beautiful roundness of limb which they undertook, and. wished
and figure so much desired. them God speed in the bung up et simple application of a. btick-bat just
a a hunting expedition at Turnerville.
CHILDREN' cannot be too early inducedrto take healthful exercise.' The ruh- their spiritual home. There is in the above the right ear will create
ber cords raised a fascinating recreation and tend to train the child in the
way it shouldgo.
He reports lots of game.
neighborhood of on hundred dollars shower of meteors m good style.
Mr, R. Penhale, vvho has been ill for
debt on the building yet and consider- Miss Enamit Ramsay' of Stephen is
the past few weeks, Is nob recovering
- A. J. HOLLOWAY; Sole agent ill Clillt011. int; the coritratt the small tunount is•visiting friends in Hayfield.
as fast as we would wish for. ,
•indeed creditable to the members. 141iss Lottie Weeks of Varna is at
Mr. Rufus Keys has forsaken the
A. 41. morrisn has just placed in stock another supply of 50 -cent IThder. The people were much pleased with the Rectory this week.
wear, There's nothing better for the money in the market. the kindness ehtwn by the Methodists We regret to say that Mr. Wire bitehelors and is nose &happy benedict.
...•.... .. ...\ 1,,,i....n.L ...__sftweeLsosatemeommileiterato
C '5 MING_
. -
for giving their church for Sunda.yand Mcf)linchey of Goshen Line and father Ile slipped off quietly from here and
Monday, also for the good service of ot the late Marjorie McOlinchey, is ill clown at Colborne was married
to a
their (Iola a, kindness which We trtist With typhoid fever. We hope to hear handsome young lady of that place- on
will be remembered when an opportun- of his speedy recovery. Wednesday. They arrived ab the
ity occurs to return the compliment. - Mr. Wm. Sol:mitten of Maple Grove homestead the latter part of the week
ly tendered thanks to all. those who of evaporated apples to Goderich one totaled. time and again. We ire all
the largest load and since then Rufus has been congest-
. . After Rev. Mr, McDonald had sincere- - claiiis to hate taken
• .
And you are in need of many things to keep out the ham in a .
' sling and being called tipon ear eipa, e m. e wet. , e e.. the atv, day lost week that ever° left Hayfield well-wishers of Mr. and IVIrs. Kips.
cold aLd. it is no easy thing to keep Jaek Frost out nnless you to exercisethe patience of Job th Th b ' k d " Ai ti ' t d • th k t
(berme sang the national anthem when 'the load consieted of one hundred The Colbotne Express of MO Week
. ese 0 more ric an mortar piled up iss Annie Dobie has returned home
have the proper Olothing and this is to be had at our store.
The topie at Monday night'a meeting getting his money Wk. A earty was held at the residence of boxes, sixty pounds. to the box. Mr. contained the follovving account of
days, because alt - healing finger there the better prospect he has of from Manitoba.
the benediction closed the meeting. The
' the •Christian Endeavor of Willit , 111r, R. S. Rutledge on Friday evening. proceeds of the evening amounted to 4Johnston says tt pays to hove a good the ceremony. : "Wednesday after.
We have just received a large stook of Dressed and Un- of
• church 'Ilk EIS "Temperance" taken by the nice L. of $111.30, • team.
dressed Glo/es in Kids and Mocha. Hear are a few of our me y
s ert e oUng. There was a.large LONDESBORO.
cert at Smith' Hill on Friday.
Some of our people took in the con.
Mite Butte Elliott and Mrs. S. W. -
noon, Xovember the 15511, 1809,
OLYTH. . at four o'cloelc, the home
vices : . attended the tea.meeting In Varna
attendance. --A number from town Mr. Geor1i
ge Snell, who has been on
Saturday,it being that of the daughter lmt week'
.. funeral passed through here MI Reid Were villiting friende in Stratford -
' I. G.Etrtiglh and family Were Blyth borne, was the scene .of a .., '704
d • of Mr Robert Peebles Emit 001-
attinidance. The deceased Was about Mrs. 3. llarnwell, vrho was visiting Visitors Sunday. pretty and quiet wedeln*, it being the
the sick list, is able to be, about 'again.
Object es which a year old and had only been sick friends in London, returneetto Mr. J. Mr. (*.garb& Vance but tecureci a posi. marriage of their daughtett Mrs. M. 3. •
'Undressed Eid, ,fine.quality, $1,35, Pretbyterian church Monday evening A number of our young people mob of Ma S. Mille, Jr. There was a large
Fur -lined Kid, waraieee glette Made, $1.50. ed with it —Davis k 1)avie have had a ebb or society, the Harnvvell't on Monday and istarted for tion in Mitchell andinterids moving his Courier, to Mt. G. Rufus Etyes of
'Undressed Eid, good wearers, $1.26. and exprese themselves as quite pleae- on Friday evening lett and organized
Fleece.lined Moats, tine quality, $1,25. an i livery barn is mutual. self -Improvement about a week, The remains were ginettrdine on Tueriday. . family there at Christmas. Varna. The ceremony woe performed
Fleece lined. Astrachok Gauntlets, With guatanteed dog palm, $1.26. i ....1 to t.
o °""er nla'ke Nom for their lo• The ball at Mr. T. Hill's hotel ott taken to Haire ceMetery forinterment. • Mrs. W. Purdy hat gene tO Miehi. lilt John Moore is vioiting friendit in by Rev. G. 11.Weith of Trinity church,
We also have a new stook of Ties Neck Wraps Men's creased humber of horses, -e0s Priday evening last Waa )artfel7 at` gr. A., ee. wetherai suudayed at I gan to wait on her mother.who le eery ItitileY. in the peesence of a feet of the most
s , The choir of St Patire church widea,intimate filen& of the couple, The
Heavy Working Shirts, and the biggest bargain ever offered in An effort is tieing made this week to The Vap hoe at Iast closed after a litdaiWysc.Ra"le. SimceerePen6a few
town renewing old acquaint. bride was deemed In. a handeeree tro.-
. • hue Increased so rapidly or late that bc.fdlt;ther stranger tame to Mr. B.
Dr. CaMo's for a few days. away by her brother,Mr. G. M.Peubles.
had to bo adde • Yelling clrees bf stone blue and a large
grate has also been placed lit the thanik. :rise tabliteiriatiry eoesietyhor debatiing Leach's harrie last week, 16 is girl. long siege or aPPle•Pealingt coring and tinee8'
' new seats have
Fleece-hned Underwear at , 1 11 nt value
u e v age. ue owe ety
$1 75, bat as we have a large stock of it and bought it in the eel. *filch win WAG Cr/totted more well °mei:died and carried on would
drying. Mr. Harriett of Mitehell visited at. black velvetpicture ho.tand wet given •
early 'part of the season, and by tasing a large -quantity we are
echo:if:1°1:4°66:n thFeridleanebrsthghlpt80. f ;bre. prove bcal intereetnig and beneficial •
to ite rnembert and •vre hope the effort The Sant of Enaland pper Toes
• thererore able to sell it at this remarkable low price, Latotnell of MoItion's Hank and is now may be suecesstulday night was a most enjoyable and
practAsing mob for Christmas. The The meeting he by Me, John Mc. tuccettful affair. The litotorT Ptob of
SON0 bfilorrs of the Sunday School meet on Milian In the Te Morino hall on Mon. the progrant watt excellent and it was
Friday evening to make arrangements day evening w ell attended and the felt by ell present that they had had
oz for an entertainment during Christ. speed of ota petted member wee a literary itaist no has than a physical
(1GO fintliarian
1. /4
The Methodist Church of Helgrave is After the ceremony the party partortk
STANLEY TOWNSHIP4 in the contractors' hands and tho in -•of oi ontnPtuotni Wedding feast,. arta.
Mr. Ed, Reid has etarted ploughing
on his new farm, We with Ed. Interest
in his new enterpriee and hopo soon "to
too him with a helpmate.
Our ventriloquist k at mint nor*.
eerier Is being 001110041$, renovate& then the happy couple lett ogthe six
OnSunday, Dec. iltd, the opening ser. o'clodk train for their future home In
vides will be held, followed by a tos. Varna, midst the best wishes of she*
retesting eta Monday night at which the many friendo. The Preeeetefwblola
Rev. Mr. Hobbs of Wintitarn, will Were numerous and wetly, testified to
deliver his axial*** on the imply. the high esteem in which tee Ws
Ititslitlitod CI, , MOS weak, jloymed to Wit tit itEtAIntinil• Ohm taiz tem of Job's *alai:wrote, - Mom" bold,