HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-11-16, Page 9....s.s-s.':- -1 •L
re altapplicable, toour Crepe Pa- •
for making larnp .elugles. OUR
RIRTY•warinever greater and that
nag great deal to those who Intve
vMuslY been acquemted with- our
ck. We have never before had iso
nyclesipme in all .ile.sirable• colors.
eir BEAUTY is yery .tnani fest When
tide upon ii, five or ilic point wire
rtie ivhiell We can eupply for • 10
nts) .ey are an ornament .More .
tirity and refined •for.any home..than
rhaps. can be obtained at an .equal
pense, A thacle in color is harmony
ith the room, . gives it a BRIGHT -
ESS and air of comfort and content-
ent, few if, any article aii a 804911
tit can supply, Their NOVELTY is.
tinal to all respects to any other feat.'
re they possess, they have a new -nears •
nd effect in a room peculiar to them -
Ives best known to those who have :
he most of them. .Above our VAL-'
BS you cannot go -below our prices •
-le not wise to go. We have no mon.
poly at all in Crepe Paper. Our man- ,
poly ie in the big assortment of de-
igns. and colors and the so reasonable
mos at which we sell, . •
• (Men the Cheapest, .44says the :Best.; ,
1j.. _ 110111111.11111
Mise Bella j, Porter spent the whole
of one seventh of last week with her
Mewl, Mrs. A. Tebutt.
Master Herbert Lamphrey ie hauling
borne wood, from the swamp. Like
the proverbially industilons bullshit)
bee, he is -preparing for the evil day
when clout% and an inclement sky -
brood over this quarter of the universe,
Zion • choir held their usual ehoir
practice on Thursday night lad, The
weather was fine, the crowd was large
and the singing exquisite.
Winit rnlght havo turnedout un-
fcwtunately for one at least took place
one day lot week. When, Nelson Steep
was wildly Careering down A eCipi-
tous decline opPosite the school -house
on the 16th concession, for some un-
known reason his chain slipped cog
and then oh 1 and ah 1 what evil genius
promote him to stumble and fall into,
the ditch which, luckily, was not very
deep. As it was, he PA off with a
general shaking down.
Sacrament seryicee • were held in
Zion church last Sunday. There was
quite a large attendance,
• A speciai collection was taken up in
the church last Sunday to defray the
necessarily incurred liabilities of the
Sunday School,
There was a fatnily gathering at Mrs.
11. Sowerby's on the third concession
on Thursday, 8th inst. It is an annual
affair and has become quite popular.
Everyone reports having a MOS t enjoy-
able night. It is come to the era in the
world's history when there is more
genuine and heart -felt merriment at a
quilting -bee or apple -paring than in all
heW. D. Fair Co, the frescoed palaces of New York,
• Agents Parker'a Dye Werke,
ew Advertisements.
overaber 23r5-Hodgens Bros 8
tame Maid Wanted-Rev.:B. B. Smith, ...,8
Servant Wanted -Mrs. T. Taokson ,,,, ...,,,8
es Overcoat -Jackson Bros •8
Prepare for War -Harland Bros 6
Peas Wanted -John Middleton 5
Lambin Pound -Geo. A. Cooper -5
Time to Talk Fur-Newcombe's4
Special Shoes -Jackson Bros 4
Bargain Day-Hodgens Bros
About 0 o o
-------- People
We Know
Jiliss Kerr of. Winglia,m is visiting in
Mr. William Jackson was in Montreal
- last week.'
Mrs. C. Wallis was visiting in Auburn
last week.
Mr, George Lyons is visiting friends -
around Kippen.
-Mr. L. Buxton of Goderich was in
town Sunday'.
Misses T. Bell and Case Sundayed in
Londesboro. -
* Miss Dawson from Bervie is the guest
of -Miss Clair. • •
Mr. W. 'Rose returned the other day.
from Manitoba.
Miss M. H, Hill of Toronto is a guest
at the Wigwam.
Dr. Bell of Seattle,Mich., is visiting his
sister, Miss Gill.
Airs. Eddy of Seaforth is the guest of
Mrs. Bert. Potts, •
Miss McConnell of Blyth is the guest of
Miss Annie Howe. '
• Mrs.Macdonald of ttoder1ch is the guest
of Mrs. Jas.Flyttn. •
" • Nfr. and Mrs. Horace Foster were in
London this week.
Mr. J. W. Hill and Miss Minnie are in ,
' Brussels this Week.
--Mr. and -Mrs, James Danford visited t
• Brussels friends on SunclaY• •
M iss Bell spent part of the past week
in London with her mother.
Mrs. E. J, Cantelon was visiting Mrs.
s Brooks of kitchen this week,
Mrs..A.nnis Of Port Union is the guest a
, of her mother, Mrs. Washington. a
• Mr. Brickenden, London, was a guest
- at Mr. Jacob Taylor's on, Friday, . a
Mrs. Captain Rance of Blyth is a guest
the at the parental home this week,
One evening last week in the presence
of a goodly number of spectators,Zion's
choir leader was presented with an
eight and a half ounce pippin for his
arduous and zealous exertions in mak-
ing the choir what it is,
Mr, Bernard Wilson has now settled
down on the farm lately, vacated by
Wm. Cox who in turn has moved into
town, Mr. Bob Henderson takes
possession of Mr. Bernard Wilson's
Mr. Cantelon, son of Mr. Peter Can-
telon, '71h con., who has been suffering
from appendicitis, is slowly. recover.
Mr. John Gibson had sale on Mon-
day last: He purposes going West to
try his fortunes in the land of the
setting sun.
Miss M, Hicks is visiting her brother
Guy in licilmoville vicinity.
Mr. Lou Tebutt and. the 'Misses
Larephrey. were visiting at Mr: John
Porter's, r., on the 4th concession on
Friday, 1 th inst.
The regularserni-monthly Convention
of the United Sons of Engiand convee,
ed at the Tabernacle or in what is more
generally known by the name of"Baria.
Stable Lodge.
Fred Lawrence was 'visiting friendsi
and acquaintances • in -and around
Seaforth last Saterday* Theo must
be a lode stone that -attracts him in.
that direction,. - -If such is the case it
must have a eounteractmg influence on
the Nox•th Star. • •
, The Orangemen on the, 41?h concession
had. a, supper on the 6th inst. •' .
Quite a noticeable change has taken
Place in the appearance a the first
window of L's Academique at Taylor's
Corhersisouth of the main entrance on
the ground flat. Several of the panes
in it had been demolished by the raging
elements, but have been replaced by
bran ne A' lights which 'give light to, all
that are in the house. . •
LouSTebutt Sundayed at Bayfield on
the 5th inst.
, Miss M. -Jenkins has returned to: her
home in .Hullett -after a pleasant so-
journ amongfriends here.
Mr. and Miss Webster of Lucknow
spent -Sunday- with' friends in tide
township. .
Mr. and Airs. Robert McCartney are
fairly installed in their riew• home,
fathiliarly known es Sparling's Cor-
We take th0 following extract from
be Seaforth .Expositor: pretty
svedding ceremony was performed at
he residence of .Mr. Charles Sooles
John street, on Wedneedity, when Miss
Hattie, second daughter of Mr. Soole,
was united in marriage -to Mr. Ed,
Latimer; head tinsmith for S. lqullett
nd Co. • The ceremony was performed
t high noon by 'Rev. Rural Dean
nodose. Only the intinasite relatives
nd acquairitances were' present. Miss
illie- Fitzgerald assisted the bride and
r. Geo Sille pf Wingham assisted the
ridegroonis cousin. A large array
Miss Tyreman of Seaforth was the
guest of Miss Annie Howe last week. • e
Messrs. Lou Buxton and John Carrell h
of Goderich were in town on San-
- day. •
Mrs. and Miss Fessant of Winghain
...._were guests of Mrs. J.. A, King• on
Mr. Latornell of the Molsons Bank
, staff spend Sunday with friends in .c
f wedding presentii testified to the
steeni in which the young couple are
eld by their many friends.
Mrs. T. Wallace and Miss Susie
Wallace of the first concession Visited
t Mr. Rs Jenkins' last week. •
There was a mammoth party held on
hursday. Oth inst., at Wm. Sowerby's
n the third conceseion. The accoutre-
ents were magnificent and the
ostumes perfectly gorgeous, The
umber of guests approached. nigh
o the centum and"Rearts beat time to
usicis- chime as merrily on they
'ound." After spending the early
ours in the latest games and parlor
musements they then "coined hands
nd sweetly they did sing there'll be a
ot time in the brick house to -nights"
ill the wee small hours of morning
Id they, "trip the light fantastic." and
he participants event through the
xperienoe of the poet when he says
Soft eyes look love to eyes which
peak again." "
A duet vvas rendered last Sunday in
ion church *by Alessrs. Whitely and
Miss Leithwaite of HohnesVille is
isiting her sister, Mrs. Driver.
Who saw • the shower of stars on
London. •
Mrs. Robison and Mrs. Archibald spent t
a few days with Goderich friends m
this week. • b
Mr. Wallace Wheatley left last week h
for Woodstock where he has secured a
a situation, a
Misses Cluff and Stobie of Seaforth h
were the guests of Miss Ella AlcEw- T
an Sunday.
Mr. E. K. Medd of Elma township was -
visiting visiting Mr. J. E. Medd of town dor- Z
ing the past week.
Dr. Blackall was called to Goderich
professionally on Friday and to Mit. z
chell.on Monday. • T
Mr. Thos. Burrows of Goderich and.
Miss Willson of Zion were the guestf v
of Miss Baer on Sunday.
Miss May Herman has returned J.
home from Wingharn where she has
been for the past few months. .- w
uesday night P •
Miss Flossie Clatworthy of Xlcierton,
ho has been visiting her brother in
wn, is now' spending a few clays with
lends in this vicinity.
Miss Winnie Sturdy is learning the
ressanaking in . town with Miss
ebutt. '
Mr, Lew TW3utt spent &Imlay with
a mother in Hohnoville.
Mr. Robt. McCartney has moved
nto his farm just vacated by Mr.
Miss D. Watkins, who has been
ving at Delhi fora few months, has
turned home,
Mr. Fred. Ford has re-engaged Mr:
erb Bomber for next year. Fred
owe when he has a good man.
Mr. Will Leonard's plowing bee was
ell attended, There were twenty
ants. The farmers took pity on Mr.
onard as he has-been laid up and
nsequebtly could not get his plow.'
g done: '
Mr, Harry Parker is at the homet
ead on the 16th concession order-
ing repairs. He has been farming
wiz at Blake and. while ploughing a
ny piece of land the plough no-1rib
uck a atone and sent Harry o in
0 air, 1Ie came down with a crash
(l broke two ribs as Well as sustain -
other injuries which Will lay him -
for a month.
The tolvnehip council Web on
Minutest of last Meets
g were read and passed. The claim
damages of Mr. Blair to his thresh -
g meehine was laid. over tiff next
ding or council, Reeve and J. C.
cods were appointed a comolittee to
amine read to see if it was out of re -
r. Reeve and Clerk were appointed
orintrittee to meet the council of the
von of Goderich to settle, if possible,
dieputed water-ouree bettveen the
. to
Mr. George Freeman left on Tuesday ft,
morning for Toronto where he will
spend the winter Vvith his son. d
Mrs. Adatn Cook returned from an ex- T
tended visit to her daughter, Mre.
Pridham in Toronto last week. hi
Rev. J. F. Parke and Mrs, Parke spent
-. Monday In Seaforth the guests of u
• Rev. Rural Dean and Mrs. Rodgine, F
Mrs. David Stnith and her two sons,
a David and Lousleave this week for 11
Midi, where they will make their re
• 11
Mr. Albert Wallace of town and Me• kb
Jame e Bingham of the Base Line
left yesterday to visit relatives in Ny
Sanitizes) cotinty. Mich. te
Mr. John Maguire left for London yes- Le
terday to enter upon his new duties co
there. Mr. Stewart of Deseronto is . in
• at present acting operator.
W.Doherty left Monday for N'orth st
Bay on business. He was accopan-
led as far as Burk's Falls by Mrs, - do
Doherty. They will return this sto
Week. str
Miss Carlin° of tiertforth is waiting tit
upon her mother who is yet severely ,a„h
suffering from the nervous shock f„
caused by the injutied teceieecl last-
, week.
Mr. J. G. Medd intendscring to Lon- le
He has been suffering for three years it,
-bons a -spinal broubloseauseas-by its- me
sudden jerk.
Mrs. (Bev.) J. J. Patterson, °Who has Mt
been the guest of her parents, Mr. pa
and Mrs, John Leslie, for the past it, c
month, returned to her home in ,A.r. to
thur on Monday, the
don this week for me real treatment, for
Mr. and Mrs. John Agnew of Vast to
Wawanosh Were in town on Monday tin
and guests of their son, Dr. Agnew. Inc
They just recently bought a nide pre- me
perty dote to wingharo and will De
take up their residencethere in the dep
early spring. be
Hd.Oooktend ll.and it.Morphy retorned
from Listowel the latter part of the
week. They were in the CM. "
ploy of Mr. Geo, A. Turner during 014
the season and assisted inthe buying
and packing of over two thousand
barrela of apples,
wn Mad townehip, A by.law for the
rnination of reeve and four counc11.
to be held at Wilson's hall, Holk
t Ftti Coats,
stifle, on the second last Friday in
ember. The polling places and
uty -returning returning officers o
as follows t No, 1,Pg
U..) Charles aoheatea;,No-, 2b, alb' et?
N. Sturdy, 7th COO., John Sturiy1
ornat Harrison; No. 4, house
41. Av, Elliott, Eavlloid, coo.
.0 house of Ritrintlicket, llith coil., Hob
Mr. IL Hovvard, a Smith's Palle,
who has been renewing old net:Meant-
anee aroundBayilelor the past two
weeks, returned to ins dutiee on
the O. V.
George an sees a an Mam e
Howard spent last week under the
the parental roof.
Mr. Willie Johnston is again at his
old trade but on a smaller scale.
Our ventriloquist has gone into the
stock business. Go aheadriack.
Mr, Robert Greer had two horses die
litet week from inflammation.
• Mr. Robert Dewar had a valuable
dog poisoned last week, and Robert
I says he would sooner have lost
I his beat home. We believe it would
be advisable to have such p.nlinale in-
_We are pleased to hear that Mrs. S.
Huston is recovering from her repent
XISO Annie L. McConnell of Baotou
is at present visiting her brother.
Mrs, J. McKinley of Egrnondville
has been visiting friends in this lo-
cality recently.
Mem, a. Browne% who has been in
Goderich for some time, has returned
home again.
Misses K. Webster and Heck of Ru• l-
Jett, who have been visiting in this vi-
cinity,have returned borne.
Fall plowing is almost completed in
this neighborhood.
We are sorry to hear that Mies E.
Mitchell is not recovering as quickly as
friends would wish her to.
Mr. Chas. Cleave bas returned hem°
from Killarney, Manitoba, where he
has been spending a few months with
relatives. Onarlie says there's no
place like Stanley after all.
Mr, Sam, Moffat of Varna was the
guestof DrsSlank one evening tecent-
. Mr. John Rau had the misfortuneto
lose a flock of wild geese one day last
week kisr a young lad ' who saw John
nearing the flock and frightened them,
-as boys will do. The young lad cut
through the fields and frightened the
geese purposely, so they say.
Misses Annie and Kate Campbell
spent Sunday eve with Miss R. West:
Dr. Slack's little driver, which had
been tied in Bayfield by a small tie
line, took fright and 'ran away, com-
pletely damaging the rig. .
Mr. Joe Moosau Sundayed with Mr.
Thos, creenan.
Mr. Sam. Westlake spent Sunday in
town. Sam; says he intends going to
England in the near future. Rumor
says he intends bringing back a help-
mate. • • •
• M. Wm. Bannerman is visiting at
his anut's for a few days. : •
Mr..John Orr.purchased a stove and
chairs one evening recently. This looks
like besiness,John. Mi. Orr has ship-
ped a carload of Iambs to the foreign
market. •
Snowden Bros. lost a valuable horse
one classiest week. Cause unknown.
. Fordyce. .
The Harris Mission Hind 'of St.
Helens will hold their annual thank -
offering meeting the Presbyterian
church on•Fridity evening,Nciv. 17,that
7.30 p. m. Rev. W. .1. West •of. Blue -
veil will give a lecture on "Our Mission
Fields" and a good program will be:
given by members Of theltand. '
Miss' Maud Lockhart, who has been
• visitIng her grand-mother,Mrs. Jacobs
of Newtonv ille, has returned home.
James joynt .Goderich Model
School is spending Several weeks at
his home here.
Rev. S. M. Whaley .,of St. Helens was -
called to his home in Markham last
week by 'the death of his sister. We
extend to him our syninathy in his
bereavement, •
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Wellwood visited
friendsat Harriston and BelmOre for
a few days last week. "es,,,,s,
Missionary services will be conducted
by Rev. A. 111uxwerthy • of Teeswater
in Bethel Methodist church next Sun-
day, Nov. 19th:
Mrs. Jas. Ford, whode husband is in
South Africa, is visiting her sister,P4re;
Chas Taylor. Mr. Ford is at present
in Natal engaged in repairing bridges
destroyed by the Boers. -
We were pleased to hear that Mise
Marion Martin has been successful in
obtaining her Junior Leaving certificate
on re-examination of her papers.
Mr. john MeLaughlaree sale on
Monday wee well attended and fair
prIces realized. Some $1,600 worth of
property passed under the hammer,
the vale luting from one o'clock until
after dark.
Mr. and Mrs. John Scarlett of Lead.
bury were' guests of Mends on this
Line this week. It always pleases us
to have thein amongst us. •
Tilts Niswis-RiscOUD is now the most
popular paper circulating in thie sec -
thin and Its list of stihscribers is boiled
to increase.
rt Xti T. Murdock of Clinton bas
won the golden opinion of the people
who worehM in the Baptist church
upon the Line, He has done so
by the -consistency of his life, ,his zeal
in the cause of the Master and a lib-
erality of view which makes his work
effective regardless of denomination.
Rie congregation have been showing
their appreciation in a practical man.
ner by having a bee and making ready
his winter's wood and we have heard
hinted that they may do as was done
for the RectorofBayfield by his Goshen
Line parishoners,vizssend in a winter's
supply of oats for his horse,
Alr. Thos. Knox spent Sunday with
Seaforth friends.
,Misses Lizzie Hesk and Kate Webster
visited in Stanley and Goclerich town
ships last week,
Rev. Mr. Hamilton preached an
•able and eloquent sermon on Sun.
day, taking for hie text "What think
ye of Christ?"
MissMaggie Beattie speab Sunday
Seaforth. _ •
Mr. and Mrs, John Dempsey visited
at Mr. Wm. Jenkins Saturday and
Mr. Wm. Sheppard has secured the
services of•Mr. G. Page for a terms of
M. 'Wm. „Knox has returned heti
packing apples with T.Powell of Blyth.
Miss Mattie Jenkins has returned
from a two weeks visit in Goderich
Mr. Sam Cunningham is busy with
the pruning knife. Sam is an expert
in that line.
-- Kelly Bros: are on a prospecting tour
„through a part of the States.
Bandon -Mullett
Miss Effie Hunter. is home for a few•
Mr. John Harvey and wife attended
'the wedding' of Miss Flora Miller
of -
Summerhill last Wednesday.
Mrs. Connell is spending a few days
in Clinton. • • •
Miss McGregor of Constance is spend-
ing a few days with her sister, Mrs. E.
L, 'Farnham.
Mr. George Longman of the 18th con-
cession is having bis house well plas-
tered by Alr. Thos. R. Walker 'ot Olin -
ton. • • •
Remember Albert_McGregor's sale
on the 23rd. Some good stock will be
offered. .
Middleton's Corners.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion
was administered in St; James church
on Sunday lasts •
We understand it is the intention of
Rev. E. B. and Mo. Smith' to enter-
• tain their eOngregetien in the near fu• -
The Woreen's Auxiliary Missionary
• Association met at the home of: Mrs.
John Cluff on Wednesday bait and ac-
coniplished a good afternoon's mirk.
, do you stand in regard to .
your -subscription to-THE-Nzws--
RECORD Your label will tell
you and if in arrears we sheuld
be pleased to receive the amount.
It will be small which is all the ,
, more reason why it. should be 1
-paid;• and then, • ave might as
/ well mention it, kmprovements
on toot to further pepubtrize
THE. NEWs -ItEciattn require
funds. If this, dear reader, ins-
cerns, you, wont 'you let us ear „,
from you right away. he
soon r you respond the , better
all be pleased. •
- )A)
McLaughlirea sale was a
success on Monday. Boma went
high. Cattle also commanded a fair
Klee The Amount of the stook and
unplementa was so great that half a
day was not sufficient to diepose of all
and consequently IMMO minor eases -
Wong are left on hatid.
0. Tebbutt has been engaged for 1000
at No- 4, as A. E. Wetheral has deci-
ded to accept a position in S. S. 110,
Jamie Bingham with dog and gun
left on Monday to visit Michigan
Mr. and Mrs, Whiteman, Mr, John
Scarlett and wife, Mr. Geo. Stewart
and wire,and Mr. McLaughlin andwife
of Leadbury were guests of J. Mo.
Laughlin on sale day', aleo Mr, and
Mrs. W. Armstrong of Kinburn.
Hiram Rill and Albert Morrison
called on I. Brownlee on Sunday.
Oahe two butchers from. Clinton gave
us a flying cell Tuesday evelvng in
search of a lost hound.
George Hill of Walton wheeled mit
on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. E. Butt are.vlsiting at
D. Wright bad a plowing bee •on
Tuesday and Wan 11. Ball one on
Weclnesclity, Others are on.
Mrs. Oambell is renovating the cor-
ner shopint() a d vvelling for the winter.
Lindsay Bros. have taken possession
of their new farm,
D, Barr went north Sunday. They
tell us the gray had a load back, but
then there nothing new in that.
Mr. S. Kyle led the Elideavor meet-
ing on Wednesday night last, when
the topic was "Relaidding the walls of
Following Is the classification' of pu-
pils in Surnmerhill Public School for
the present term based partly on re-
eult of October Promotion, exams.
Names in order of merit z -
5th. -Ethel Huck Jennie Mair,Olive
Hill Jane Wright.' Will Jordan, B.arry
4th.-Edclie Ball, Lily Butb, Pearl
Beacom, Annie Lovett, Charlotte
born, Louis Johnston, Harry Hayes,
Goldie Herbert Oakes. •
Sr 3rd -Alva Beacom* Knox Mair*
Russel Neal* Edna Beacom* Ethel
Smith* Pearl Wright* Ethel Lovett*
Melvin Hill* Carrie Butt.*
Jr. 3r4, -Russell Colborn, Ernest
Challenger, Lottie Sinclair, * Caryl
Dr aper
Sr. 2nd. -Maggie McLaughlin,Chest.
er Beacom, Edna Hardy, John,/ Bayes,
Ida Colborne, Lorne Butt, Lena Jor-
dan* Annie Challenger* 7,1 --
Jr. 2nd. -Lizzie Johnston Bella Ball,
Maud Johnston, Gertie
Pt. 2nd.-G•rant Archer, Will Sin-
clair, Arthur Colclou- Myrtle Bea -
coin, Murray Draper, Earl Mason.
Pt. I -Kenneth Mair, Asa Mair,
Albert McLaughlin. James Lovett,
Mary Smith, Howard George
Johnston*, Annie Bail. . ,
J.r. Pb. 1 -Stanley Challenger, ()al.
vin Lovett, Nettie .Lincoln. •
Those marked with asterisk were -
promoted recently. -October average
45.-A. E. Wetheral, Teacher.. '
Zurich ..
Samuel Randall, aged fifteen years,
died on Sunday and was buried on
Tuesday. The deceased -had never
been in good health.'
.• Toronto Live steel( markets.
the Weetern Qattle Market to -day WA
Toronto,. NoveMber 14th. -Trade at o)tetriber
. .11.1m041,000
duller than any previous. lay this sea -
4t5' Hogere iower and eheep • .and •
wereth acc.ept . prevaling prices
and ersnwilling to . pay Were. argain,._Day.
. .
l lis were "oft,'. and sellers
lavabo dull at low prices quoted. Re, ....
ceipta were very small. 8410acle, rePte- .
seating 680 cattle, 800 hoge, soc theep 'Thursday. 23r4 Inst
. ,7 - - - - -- ' • ''''' - •
• .
and iambs and 11 calves. Last week's
totals were:-Clattle, 3,117 ; sheep and
lamb% 5,412; hoge, 4,001; calves, 402
weigh receipts, 3175.20.
Rxport Cattle-Receipto were some,
what larger than for wine days. Stock
ing from 4 25 to $4 40 per ewt for
Was fairly food and Bold at prices rang.
'112r7lrgchatt•eVacks.'to rwmcirZe'll'fts
sold sold as high ae *465 per cwt,
: Butchers' Cattle -"The bottom to
clean out," Was the talk in this beancis
Butchers' cattle were duller than on
any previous day this seasou. Good
heifers sold as low as $325 to $ 00 per
Choice picked lots sold at 33 75 to 34
good mixed lots at $3 and lese.
Stockers -Were weak and hard to
Unequalled -Bargains
• •
Ladies' flats.
A moderate quantity of Sample Hats.
bought at Half Price and some cases
less enables usite psesent to the Ladies
of Clipton and vicinity an opportunity
lor'pries inIvantage seldom to lahads.
Attractive Priceefor
Untrimmed Hats froamn Asit,2t5retoctniva.75Hat.
are offered for - $1-00
Fancy Feathers and Wings,
Quills at -.750 to 1.50
originally $2.50,
• These goods are new and up -to -style
in every particular. We feel confident
of a big advantage for you in this spe-
cial sale and invite your kind inspect;on.
of the goods.
Thee g oods go on sale Thursday next
at these extra special prices. With them
we will se,11 those advertised in the big
supplement that goea with tbis issue. Read
both advertisements care ully. It's money-
saving news we print and you'll profit by
tb.e reading and the buying.
sell at satisfactory prices. Yearling s
steers. weighing 500 liss each, sold at
prices rangin to $3 per Oct,
Feeders-T§e byres are pretty' will Fur Bargains
$220 per cwt. and heavier stockers et
stocked. and trade be this branch was There's no more seasonable bargains on the list than
duller to -clay. Good beam/ feeders these. Coming right at the .time you need* the goods most,
they are worthy of the attention of all fur buyers'
sold at 33 40 to 3360 and .Ugfit feeders
at 33. -4
Bulls -Not very • many offered.
Feeding bulls ruled from 32 60 to $3
per cOt. Bulls for the Buffalo market
were of very slow sale, heavy bulls
being quoted, at 33 per cwt. and
light bulls at *176 to $2. Light stock
bulls were slow at 32 per otvt. •
Sheep atul Lambs -Notwithstanding
an extra small run, 500, market re-
mained dull, with about 300 head un-
sold. Lambs were unchanged at about
$3 to 3330 per cwt. and a trifle better
for picked lots. Sheep, export ewes,
vvere slew at 3325 to 33 40 per cwt.
Flogs Small run, 800, with. a furtber
drop of Se per lb to 34 per cwt for hogs
running 160 to 200 ]bd. neutral
weight. Market was very dull.
W. H. Dean paid 34.65 per cwt. for A
load of 1,250 -lb good. export cattle and
bought four other loads of exporters at
$4,20 to $4.544per cwt. He bought one
load of feeders at $3.80 per cwt. and a
load of heavy feeders at 33.60 per cwt.
Wesley Dunn bought two per
lambs, iryeraging 3335 per cwt, -and
100 butchers' sheep at $3.25 per cwt.
G. Morrow, from Bruce Count
bought some stockers, 550 lbs. at $2.
per cwt.
0. Zeegman sold ten -925 -lb heifers at
$3.40 per cwt, and ten more 910 • lbs
each, as low as $3 per cwt. He sold
also 33 yearling steers, 525 lbs each, at
32.20 per cwt. /
Crawford & Co., sold some 900-1b.
Watchers' heifers at I/3 per cwt. ,
Maybee & Corbett sold 15 750 -lb hei-
fers at 32 65 per cwt. .
We quote :-
Mich Cows each .... $25 00 $55 00
Export cattle choice 425 4 40
Export cattle light. 4-00 25
Butchers' cattle good325 3 50
Butchers' med. mixed3 25 3 50
Butchers' common, 3 00 3 25
I3ulls, export heavy.- 3-75 4 00
I3ul1s export light..... 50 8 75
Stodkers .. 2 20 3 00
_Lambs per Mt
sFleedpellhuetcal:ac.h., 13 05840
Sheep export ewes 3.00 8 40
Feeders light . .... 00 3 25
Light bulls for BfiffiaoI 75 • -2 00
Light stock bulls 2 ,
Feeding bulls.... - 260 3 00
0 00
Larnbs each200., 300
Bucks per 2 00 2 50
Calves each . . . . 4 00 12 00
Hogs choice 400 0 00
Ilogs heavy fat - 3 624 0 00
Hogs light fat 3 64 0 00
Hogs corn fed .. s 3 75 0 00
Stags ......, ..... . ..... 2 00 000
_Sews _.•
House -maid for General Rospital,Woodstook.
Salary. 87.00 per month. APPIY- at once to
RBY. B. SMXTH, Clinton.
Good general Servant *Wanted,
Clinton, Nor.
•Nlitimir lint* 11 ntrItr itrnir !lint? itt.Orifq•
O w* •
1111.-▪ 1
111.11▪ a
The Clothing
• •
Th t $5.00 Overcoat
• Of ours is a big •surprize to keen buyers and the way they afeogoing out is good evidence
that they are a little better value then most people offer. This coat is an all wool Freize, 60 in-
ches long, deep storm collar, made and trimmed in a superior manner and easily worth $7.00.
We know it cannot be equalled in this section.
regular $1,00, Bargain nay...,4,
51arge iicniinster rugs, hit and it in
patterns, 27x54 inob, fringed ends,
Our fur-lincil cape, navy ladies'
cloth, lined with good soft far,
oppossum °oiler and down front,
full size, a ye: 7 handsome gar-
ment; regular $'0, Bargain Day.
One fur.lined cape, black ladies'
°loth with soft far lining, Astra-
chan collar, regular 315, Bar-
gain Day, ........ .. • . , , .
Two only ladies' Astraolnin jaok-
ets, 86 inches long, rioh, glossy
fur, 38 bust, Jamey mercerized,
• hellion lining, regular 84 Bar-
gain Day for •
Two only ladles' astraoban jaoicets,
bright far, large curl, fancy um.,
. cermed or plain Italian lining, y A 0,, A
/5.00 size 4Q, regular 625, Bargain Day 11.V.1111/ --
Or lady's astrachan jaoket, 36 in.
boi an% good grist i ty roefg afur,ar plain
11.00 Bargain Days "38'
2 fancy fur oollaretteS, high collar, 22.50
fanoy front, 6 tails, regular
%al 3 Nutria muffs, good shape and 3.25
$4.75, Bargain Day
BilBae otaskr.gaimeniantlo g pert! ayypalms,o er 1,01 Ortehg u lgaarnott
• • 50c 35.50,,Bargain Day.............X•VO '
heavy fur, well -made, regular ,-.
There's no stinting when it coines to giving bargains
from our Staple department. Lots of stores would call our
regular staple values special bargains. With us a, bargain
means something priced a good deal below its value. We call
these special bargains, but are willing to let SPQ11 be the judges
Dark Shirting Flahnelettes assorted Bark en apperette one pattern onl
checks,. fist colors,speoial Bargain A
Heavy, all -wool check tweed,. gOod csry
for boys' wear,. Bargain . Day • .... C'
Very fineifanoy French Flannelette,
fawn and green stripe, pulsatile for
wrappere,dreasing sacques or child
ren's coats, the best'goods we have
in stook, regular 80o, Bargain 1.)ay' Lop
Heavy eiderdown wri4i0erette, two
patterns only, English goods, reg.s,'Ssi
253, Bargain Day .. ,
One end only heavy English shaker
'Impel; would' make splendid qnilt
ng. 150, Bargain Day C
Navy rooreen. skirting,80 inehes wide c„
red border, reg. 50a, Bargain ,Day • MIC
, •
Yard wide blue and white check .
apron ginghamiwitb border, fast Iv
BargainDay "I C.
Y1 Le
tweed effect, reg.1240,Bargain Day QC
Two patterns hravy English tweed
wrapperette, nice coloringe,regular y A
17o, Bargain .Day ....... .. .
Plain shaker flannel, heavy weight, iv_
• fast colors, reg.11o, Bargain Day c,
150 Yards apron muslin, stripe and y
check, Bargain Day. ...... oq
Good Comforters •
A:few good comforters, ooverod with
fine silk finished art muslins,regu-
lei 82 50, We want to clear them •
out qtdoirlY, so ma* therci Bar- •„„ '
gain Day for.... • .11..741110
Remnants, •
We will put on sale on•Bar ain gDay a I.
big lot of mill ends of white and grey cot-
tons at less than the goods can be bought .
for at the mill tosday '
Velvet for Waists • .
Fine silk finished velveteen, shot ef- Black brocade three pats
feats, good colorings, suitable for . I tarps, regular $1.25 and 81.50, to
'fancy waists or trimmings,regnlar clear Bargain Day , .... ......... -404
750; Bargain Day, choice .. I
Bargains in. Read3r-made CoStumes- '
8 Ladies' tallor-made suits, good Ready.macle Serge Skids,. all weel Li
regular $7.50, Bargain Day t). 0 special Bargain Day., .... .. -1.95
Bargains in Lace i Curtains
pairs white lace curtaing, 3i yards
- quality ladies' clotb,skirt and coat . sergejinenettelining,yelvet facing
long, good quality, taped edges,
etrOng net, regular $1.75, they are
juska ttl soiled from showing,sa
the' go at about halt pride, Bar.
gain . ... .. . .
a a ozen pairs, white lace cur-
tains. taped edges, fine I acey pat;
terns, perfect goods in every way,
regular $1.75, Bargain Day. •
Traveller's Samples
25 traveller's samples of lace cur-
tains, to 14 yards long, showing
bottom portion of the curtains
qualities that eeli at from $1.50 to
33.50 per pair, choice Bargain Day
each .. .. . . ... ...... km;
Pine white ourtain muslin, with
blue and white rings„ hemstitched
edge, regnlar 80o, Bargain Day .. IOC
Colored art mtialin, 86 Mailers wide, '
956 good pattern, regular 20o, Bar-
gain Day 10C
Double fold reversible cretonne, very
heavy weight,. crimson -ground,
1 25 Day
floral pattern, regular 374,Bargain
Fancy plush for mirtains,three color-
ings to select frommegular
22o, Bargain Day ........
Fine quality plain sateen, slightly
damaged, in colors of heliotrope
and canary, suitable for linings,
regular 14o, Bargain Day . .
DAY AFTER DAY we have pevle in asking to see our line of Suits which we
are advertising at $10,00, and in nearly every instance we make a sale. In a bus-
iness the size of ours we are able to show a, selection that other people -cannot afford.
• to carry, and then again our clothing is up-to-date in every way. In this lino of
goods we Show you all the new checks and stripes, blue and black serges, cut single and double breasted,
with extension facings and Suits that would be good value at $1.4-,00.
ers with Ulster Cpliaies
Boys Reef
Are all the rage and the boys take to them on sight, They are a sensible garment for boys eati
run and play as hard as they choose with the certainty that their cheeks and ears are fully protected. Our
prices run from $3.00 to $5.00 and you can see a large selection here.
E A Short Talk on Rain Coats.
Carpets for
Barg ain Day
Just a few bargains from
the Carpet department. Not
a great many, but all of them
money -savers. We want ' to
free the stock of remnants and
odd lines of all kinds. That
account/ for these prices
2 only Axminster door nada, dark
plain centre, fringe all round, reg. ran
War 50.3 quality, Bargain Day,. e
4 only Axminster door teats, light .
colors, floral patterns, fringe at
ends, regular 70o, Bargain Day.. 400
65c I regular 20o, Bargain
_ay.. 0 big. .4.”0
6 oilcloth door mats, floral pattern, in
Carpet Ends
We have'about 16 Ends of Tapestry, union
and wool Carpets in lengths of from 4 to 15 .yards.
You'll find. them all out on Bargain Day, priced at
so much for the end. If you want a small piece of
carpet for any purpose this should be your clia,nce
Lor we have cut the regular price nearly in two in
order to try and clear them out Bargain Day
Many people ate becoming familiar with the -necessity of having .a Rain Coat, but only a few know much about
r, the quality of snob a garmenreUept as "represented by the appearanee and price, Unless you buy from reliable dealers a
it IB a case of "buy and try it," and if you get a poor article you may imagine that there is no such a thing as a good
Rain Coat, but this, is not the ease. We handle goods that we can recommend. At the present time We- have a wonder-
ful coat for $6.00. It is worth $8.00, but big buying for ?Tot, cash enables us to offer them at the above low price.
, 1, °
. 9, hottse of T. Ilarrison, 4th con.
n tiff; No. 6, honae of Th.
ker, 16th eon Richard Baker; No.
The following have gone down to To. Ale
: Thomas Jewett, gravel, $4•501
nicipal World, 82 cents; N, Sturdy,
k elm plank, $8.41; tractors of
ors. $10t Mrs. Drytdale, gravel,
.26. Council adjourned to meet on
toitto to pick and repack the applo -
tea to cold storage by the Apple •tu
Ring joshtut, Thocand John Cook,
Ed. Robinson. John Steep, Carter rr
ks. The following accounts were
and 11. Premi ' 12
Or. S.:, •Grehatti, representing *Man. the
itobaproduce tompany, M quite 111. Stu
With appondloitio Itottonlyttry.
Untied, • ,
first Monday in December...Nixon:
rdy, Clerk,
or tie** f101t fill pato of thapouayr
read Tg Ilsittl-RMIM
Our stock is the largest in the comity and we can give you a selection of cb.oiee goods. There is
can afford to miss seeing them. $1.2 buys a wonderful coat.
Ladies' Underwear
Two or three bargains from the Undervvear.
-etnelts-thatare the" kind " that bring- business.
These little lots go on sale for Bargain Day.
Ladies' Vests fine soft make, good 'weight, ()nen
front, tkood,value at 3iic, two dozen to eel! Bar- -
gain Day ..... aftic
Ohildren'a Ribbed Combination Suits, assorted
eizes, regular 31.00 and 81.26 goods, the lot to
clear Bargain Day at each .60c
Two 13argains in them -one
ot a buyer who ,A in kid, the other in cashmere,
85 puke blatk and colored Kid
Gloves, all $1 and $1.25 goods,
4 sizes 5/ andel only-, to clear Bar.
gain Day at .........„„ ..,35c
Blank fiashMereeloves,fineunal.
ity, 96 and 40c lines, 25 pair to
sell Bargain Day at- „.„....40c
Jackson Brothers,
Departmental Store.
A Handkerchief Bargain,
Ladies' Pure Linerr Hemstitched
Handkerchiefs, regular 12ic
each, 6 dozen to sell Bargain
Day at„. .......... 20d
More Buttons at fe.
Another big' lot of Buttotie at ,10 a doz
Panay Drees Buttons, assorted
colors, regular 15e ,elid 20e
goods, Bargain Day your
choice „ • nir...01,..riVir*Yitt a doZ
Hodgetis Bros•
40.. A • r"!!siSialieli