HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-03-26, Page 8Throat Coughs Ask your doctor about these throat coughs. He will tell you how deceptive they are, A tickling in the throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better explain your case care- fully to your doctor, and ask him about your taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, e................. Wo publish our formula. A Wel banbh atooho] P tram our m.diotno We uric rot/ to 0011autt your doctor ers Who makes the best liver pills? The J. C. Ayer Company, of Lowell Mass. They have been making Ayer's }ills for over sixty years. if you have the slight- est doubt about using these pills, ask your doctor. Do as he says, always. ....Made by nu 1. 0. Ayer Co„ raw.n. Straa,�- You always pay too much when you pay too little Paradoxical but true. Particularly Ir11011 baying Gro. series, Nearly every article of eatables an11 he adulterated, Itany of them often are. Constant vigilance is required to keep undesirable goods from creep- ing into 0 grocery' stock. 1iQine of 1110 most persistent sinners s Canned Goods. Thousands and thousands of them put up every year. '0 inebody sell them. Somebody hays them, Somebody Date them. This grade of canned goods is very coututatt, but this store has never sold a can of it to customer in its life and it never will, Out away is firsts or nothing in ovel;,'thiug, always. School Board Secretary.Treasurers Following is a complete list of the Secretary -Treasurers of the various School Boards in the East Huron In- spectoratofor the year 1908 cut>Lr 1 Robert J, Hoover Brussels 2 Oliver Harris ,.,. ,,,. W51tou 8 P. A, McArthur Brussels 4 John AtcEsvtul,,, .lamest own 5 John Dtntbar Ethel 0 Wit. R. Hall „Ethel 7 J. M. knight Crlutbrook 8 ,las. D. 13oNnir..........Cranbrook 0 0. 11, Livingetolto.,,, .... 6leno'id! 10 Richard Cox Crotbrook 11 Christian Eckunier, .... Ethel 12 Charles Case.. ..,•, Welton U 4 Allan 51'tcLel!......5oleswott h CASif FOR ALL HINDS OF PRODUCIE JAMES CUTT 3131.1 S TII MONTHLY FAIRS AT BLYTH Friday, April 3rd, - 5908 All the leading horse and cattle buyers are specially Incited to attend. Let everybody come. Welcome to all. A. W. SLOAN, President, WM. JACKSON, Vier, President. J. LESLIE KERR, Secretary. GRAND TRUNK IN= TIME TABLE, LONDON AND WINGIIAM BIRANCIL 801311. NORTH. WO pm 11111 001 B 40 3 30 Wtugham 11 50 7 35 0 43 313. Winghanm Jot. 11 48 7 25 0 52 3 44 Aelgrave 11 40 7 13 7 00 3 511 Blyth 1328 7 00 7 14 4 04 Londeshoro 11 20 0 52 7 47 4 23 Clanton 10 15 11 01 0 :35 8 05 4 39 Bruoefleld tl 55 (! 10 8 16. 4 ,47 KIppen 9 50 11 11 8 22 4 51 Hensel! 9 44 0 05 8 35 5 05 Exeter 9 30 5 54 8 48 '6 15 Centralia 9 18 ri 43 8 59 6 20 Clandeboye 909 5 :34 9105 5 30 Lucian Crossing 9 05 530 012 537 = Denileld 8 :35 5 25 021540 Ilderton 845 515 0 29 5 54 Ettrick 8 35 5 07 0 35 5 58 ITyde Park Crossing 8 2 6 02 9 37 0 00 Hyde Park Jot. 8 24 5 00 9'45 0 10 London 8 15 4 50 Connections are mode at Wingham for all stations on the Palmerston and Kin• eardlne branch. Connections are made at Clinton for all stations on the Buffalo and Goderich brunch, end all stations front Stratford to Toronto. Connections are made at Lucan Crossing for all stations west to Sarnia, Connections are made at London for all stations east and west on the main line. !Time Table ‘! U 13 William Holmes ........Listowel U 4 Jas. Donaldson jr Atwood 1f0w1CK 1 Hugh Halliday... Helnore 9 George Hubbeard..., Lnkelet 3 Charles 0. Hooper..... ....Clifford 4 Mathew Dane Gorrie 5 Win. G. Ferguson ...,. —Gerrie 0 George Johnston ,,, �Fo'dwich 7 Rohert \Valla;n Gorrie 8 3. F, Sotheran Fordwich 9 A.C. Johnston Fordwich 10 Jas. W. Edgar Gorrie 11 Wm. Edgar Fordwich 11 Ernest A. Harris........Newbridgo 13 George Donhlcdee...,. Belmore 15 August Wilkie Hnntingfield lei George Itobertson Alolesworth 17 Win, Walters Fordwich 18 John Maguira ' Gorrie U 6 Henry Fisher Kurizv nut, t.urr 1 Win, Wilson Conatnnce 2 James Cornish..., .Clinton 13 John Britton ,;,,..,,,,, Constance 4 Wln, Carter Constance 5 Wm,McUool Londosboro 0 Thos, NeIIa118,,,, ,,,, ,,,,, Hnrlock 7 John Brighten ,. Blyth 8 Charles Manning Londeshoro 9 George Marsh.,.,.... Auhurti 10 John 11. Goyim ,,,..,.,Londeshoro U 5.Tohn Wilson Auburn U 12 Thos. H. Hardy ....Clinion U 13 George Potter 1313th It.C,S,S. No 2 Jno. Shanahan—Clinton 11'K ILL0P 1 Francis Murphy Seatorth 2 15dwin Hunt.... Seaton h 4 Robert 8. Habkirk Seafortlt 5 John Nolan Beechwood f, Robert A. Campbell Winthrop 7 Thomas Archibald.., SA 013, 8 Charles Itegele........Broadhngen 9 Wm, N. Knet:htel !Walton 10 Thomas Dodds Winthrop 32 Arch, D. Sotnerville Winthrop 13 John Scott Seafortlt U 2 W. W. Sitdlar ...Dublin R.C.S,9, Bernard O'Connell....Dublin R.C.S.S. ,Jacob Bruxer PAGE Elr.,r(r--.THE BLYTI-I STANDARDW-DZAxcx 26, tgOS, """" "Rak6*41.12.0 P. Flannery,.,. St. Columbian ter, Dr, J. ki11'on Col tong Toronto ; ****,tQ,******)e3************* Grand Guide, W. \, Burgess, Mimi- Ate,************************* 7G 7�7�7tC 7� 7�• i1C 7{C o ; rept'esentttiire to Canadian North• 3 Myth west Grand Lodge, Past grand Master Se.BrusselsIJoseph P. M., Ingersoll ; Brussels Grand Watchman. T. E. lioodworh, Furniture Toroo; Grand Outside Watehmnn,I A. 1{insetla, North BayGrand 110111418 1 ,Toltn 1100ni1 13 ,las. B. Kerney 4 William Thuell 5 0. B. \Nitkiusou......,.,,Belgreve 0 Walter Youill Brussels 7 Robert Warwick ,.,, ,,,, Wintghan 8 S. Paul .............. Blnevale 9 John It, Bell ...... ,,,, ,,,,Brussels 10 W. J. JoItnssos,,,, .,., Blue vale 11 Thcs. 11, Bolger Walton 12 Russel Richmond Blyth 33 315. Vint Blyth U 17 Wur, IVighttnan....,,,.11elgrare 'rt,oltanoStlrIl 1 Robert McLaren ,,.. ,.,, Hensnll 2'Phos, Elder Kippeu BI' 8 James McKee ticetield 4 Joseph G. Crich C efild 5 W. 15. Archibald Fgmondvilie e Ira W. Jolt11a..............Clinton 7 1). F McGregor.,,, ,,,. ,,Seatorth 8 Robert Highs,,,, J:gOu,udville. 9 Isaac Moore , Seafori h 10 Donald AlcNaughton,,,Chiselh11re3 T(41111116)46 1' 1 James A, Edgar Wroxeter 2 James 1'. Hooper Wroxeter 11 1), ll, \Vallnce Glenatmun 4 Geo, !MacDonald 131uevale 5 Jas. S. "McDougall Winglutnt 6 David Holmes Witighutn 7 Henry T. 1'ho111p9011 \Viughnm m 8 \V. J, 1.1 ndor000 Ivioghnln 9 ,'ins, T, }Iylie,.., ,,,....,Glenfarrow 1 Wm. S. Linklater Wingliam 12 John I, Abram Belutoro URBAN SCHOOLS ,101130 Cunningtnun Clinton John Rankin Seafortlt John 1'. Groves John G. Skene Brussels J)', G. Long Blyth Alex, H. Gibson ' Wroxeter 3)ol,1.&01 ATE INSTITUTES 61, 0. McTaggart . ,,.......,Clinton Alex, \Nikon Seaforth Dudley Holmes . . .. . ... ..... W inghan 11'inghnm Grand Lodge A. 0. U. W. The Ontario Grand Lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, nearly 500 strong, loot in its annual conclave at the 'Temple Rni14i118 '1'o• lento, last Wednesday and Thursday, Grand Allister C. E. Cameron, of Iro- quois, presiding, Over 1500 young men were initiated last year, itcoot'ding to the official re- port, and the total membership is now nearly 40,000 in Ontario. { The election of otlicoro resulted as follows:—Grand Master Workman, S. B, Morris, J, P., Rodney ; Past Grand Master \VOrb111011, C. E. Cameron, Iroquois 1 Grand foreman, Alajor J. J. Craig, M. P. P. ; Grund Overseer, James AICEw'ing, Drayton ; Grand Recorder, Al. D. Carder, Toronto ; Grand Treasurer. F, G. In wood, 1'or- outo ; Grand Solicitor, A. F. G. Law- rence, Toronto ; Grand Medical Exam. 25o to Cllr,: Your Cough Bole's Preparalb,n of friar's Cough Balsam comes in such a big bottlz—cad for presc1iption from which it is Mode is each an excellent one —that one bottle ewes most coughs. Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam costs only 250 a bottle. Veer dealer has it or can easily get it for yon, See that he does. Itis DOLE'S PSEPAR:ITION you want—the cough cure that cures coughs. 37 NATIONAL 011(10 & CHEMICAL C.:. OF CANADA Lt3AITED, LONDON, ON TO TORONTO Codcrioh f v, 7.00 a.m. 4.50 p. m. Auhura .,.... 7.$•l, " 5,11 " Blyth " 7.3,4 " 5,22 " Walton " 7.40 " 5.145- ' Milverton " 8.21 " 0,014 Elmira,..., ' 0,50 " 0.33 Guelph " 0.25 " 7.19 Toronto Ar, 11.10 " 9.15 0110.11 TORONTO. Toronto Lv, 0.00 a.m. 5 50 p. m. tleetph Ar, 10.00 " 7..0 " Elmira " 10.20 " 8.1-1 " Milverton ... " 11dIR ' 13,11 „ Walton " 11,39 " 0.23 ' Blyth" 11 " 0.30 " Auburn „ 12,02 " 9.40 " aloderieh ' 11.30 p.m, 10.10 ". Just, try a blended flour once and see for yourself that it doer make WHITER and tastier Bread and Biscuits— LIGHTER Pastry— MORE DELICIOUS Cake. And there's good reason for it, too. Blended Flours combine the rich nutriment, the whiteness, lightness and delicate flavor of Ontario wheat with the strong qualities of Manitoba wheat. For all home baking—no flour, milled only from spring wheat, can compare with a BLENDED FLOUR. Look for this trademark on every bag or barrel of flour you buy. Take no other. ",!lade in Ontario" s oi'4R►p ND 0 I'rnstet's,'1'. Riley, J, Locule' Wilson, \V, C. Mikes K. C.; George Clay and C. G. Knott, Toronto Auditors ; Execu- tive Committee, Reps Canon Allman, Burk's Fal le ; J.'I': A1leu, Mount For - nit, and R. Lngram, Ottawa, Past Grand Al aster J. 13, Nixon in- stalled the newly -elected officers, and the Grand Lodge then adjourned. Following are the -District Deputy Grand ll asters :—St. Clair, John Watson, Dresden ; Erie, Geo. Wil. Bentsen, I< A'• tam. m , Simcoa ; London, lou, Jumos t tentage, London ; Brant, Geo, P. Burns, Ingersoll ; Hamilton, L, E. Altar, Jarvis ; Niagara, W. 0, hull !'t, RobinsonGuMar- v ; t 10. E. ,Guelph, Ne.Ison,Guelph ; Hon, Harry Mor- ris, Goderich ; Bruce, 11, J, Ateheson, Clifford ; Dufferin, R. 13. Henry, Orangeville; Peel, James Jackson, Brampton ; Toronto, Win. Irtviu, To- ronto ; York, W. H. Clark, Stouff- ville ; Sinter* D. W. Williams, Tot- tenham ; Ontario, W. N, VanValken- hurg, Whitby ; Dttrleaut, J, 3,Turner, Peterhoro ; Quince Alex, Moore, Plainfield ; Kingston, R, W, Long. more, Camden East ; St, Lamellae, H, Y, Farr, Brockville ; Stormont, W. Clark, Cardinal ; Ottawa.], F. Drake, Ottawa ; Lanark, P. 0. McGregor, Almonte ; Georgian Bay, E. Flaxman, Huntsville; Superior, J. J. Carruth- ers, Honore ; Nipissing, Noah Phelps, North Bay, Grand \]aster Morris appointed A. E. Wttinton, Toronto, and T. B. Cor. others, St Thomas, to the Executive. Toronto wits almost unanimously chosen fm' the next place of holding the annual meeting On motion of P. 0, "M's, Cornett and Gibson a resolution was adopted au• thm'izing G. M. Morris to correspond with head officials of other Grand Lodges 111 the Dotninion, with the ob• jl.ct of affecting closer union of all A. 0. ti, W. lodges in Canada. Loadbury. David Holmes has moved to the Coates farm which he pnrclased from his brother Win. some time ago, 'kite latter has moved to the Muldoon farm which he has rented for the 9015011. John Dennis and Alex, Gardiner each purchased a line Shorthorn bull at theGuetph Fat Stook Club Sale which was held in that city two weeks ago, 1 hey are each said to be *Mantis of rare breeding qualities and were sold at fancy prices and will no doubt be greatly appreciated by the farmers of this locality, A telephone system is interesting large number of farmers and others in Moliillop and if it comes ton succ0S• fat issue will connect with the lines at Seatorth turd Walton, A 001(111 led has been appointed at Winthrop and something definite will shortly be done and if satisfactory arrangements. can be made the fins will be built on the opening of spring. A large number have agreed to have it installed in their respective homes, Seafortlt. IVe are pleased to note that Conneil- lol• Adam McKay is able to be around again atter several week&' illness, Edge & Gutteridge, who have the contracts of railway buildings on the C. P. R., sent seven Wren to work on the bnildhtge to be couatructed be• trreell Parry Sound and 'Tying Inlet, At a special meeting of the town 00011//1 the fire and water committee was instructed to purchase 500 feet of cotton hose, Some of the hose now in 1109 hag become rotten and it is unsafe to use it. in case of lire, The Recreation Grounds Society are offering the recreation grounds for sale, The society hes owned these ground for 25 years, The income de- rived from them has been expended 011 1110111 std the shareholders have never received (3113' dividends, so they have decided to sell, Jerry Grare8, who has been avey from town for some Gino, returned anti will wont with his brother in tete painting and wall paper business, The lacrosse and football boys will be pleased to hear that Jerry Will remain in town during the sutn:ner, as he is one of the hest Moronic and football players in the bttsitiese, DONT FORCET Metcalf's Retiring Sale There are Bargains for EvernDodg All lines of Jewelry, Wall Paper, Crock- ery, Fancy Goods, Toys, Sleighs, Games, Bibles, Prayer Books, Etc., 25 per cent off !Watches 15 per cent off. Many odd lines 35 to 5o per cent of. Everything roust go. Coma and see, FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. Furniture —•�..,� — House-cleaning is near at hand and we have been busy during the quiet month of February getting everything ready for a Bumper Spring Trade. We have the best stock of Furniture, the best selected for the least money of any store in the County. We also carry a full line of House furnishings such as Carpets * . Hugs * Oil Cloths Curtains, Pianos, Organs * Sewing Machines * Furniture * coverings and draperies UN17EFL'TAKINOr In this branch we handle the latest goods and the prices are low. We have the best outfit in the County and no extra charge. WALKER A& ROSS Furniture Dealers C. Undertakers. - - Clinton Your Expenses paid both ways. 'Phone 28 * ***** *71v************ Herbert Bean, son of the late John Beat, and a graduate 11om the Now 1.ra office, who has lately been mech- anical superintendent for the at. Thomas Times, has bought out the Rodney Aleroury, and wilt take thsrno of it Its it few days, READ the ads. in Tnt: STANDAND ROBERT H. UARNISS BLUEVALE — — ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terms reasonable. Selso arranged for at THE S'1'ANnAnr, orrice, Blyth. ur Big Offer . . We are endeavoring to increase our circulation and in so doing we offer The Standard to all new subscribers from now till the first of January, 1909, for ENTS in Canada only. If you want to send it to the United States postage must be added, If you require any city papers see our clubbing list below or call on us and we will show you how cheap they are by leaving your order at this office. CHEAP READING The Standard 81 00 The Standard anti Wealthy Adver- tiser 1 85 The Standard and Weekly Wit. DNA 1 00 The Standard and Weekly Globe 1 85 The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1 70 The Standard and Weekly Mail end Empire 1 35 The Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly `Cines 1 80 The Standard and Weekly Free Press 1 80 The Standard and 'Toronto Week. 1y Sun . . .. 1 80 The Standard and Hamilton Twice-a•week Spectal,or,.,,1 80 The Standard and Toronto Daily Star 2 25 'rhe Staudad and Toronto Daily 2 25 1'hn Standard and farmer's Advo. ante.,. 2 110 TtteS'atda•d and Daily Adver- tiser '2 50 The S'andard and Evening free Press., 2 75 The Standard and Toronto Daily \Vorltl 8 26 The Standard and Daily Freo Press . 8 50 The Standard and Evening Globe 8 50 The Standard and Evening Mail attd Empire , 8 50 The Standard and Daily Mail ami Empire 4 50 The Standard and Daily Globe,4 60 Send alt subscriptions direct to 'PHE STANDARD,' BLYTH, ONT. We are also ready to tarn out Joh Work KS quickly as possible and we en- deavor to 1)08 only the best m1)3011al that can be had. If you uw.4 anything in the line of Envelopes, Letter or Note Heads, Statements of Bill Heads, call and inspect our stock. An Advertisement in The Standard Will help you dispose of any article around the farts or in the store by using the printers ink. THE STANDARD DLYTH Phone No. 4. 4",