HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-11-16, Page 7is Specialized. zieeetfrli,;iiI'd kept 11.tiatilug In hiS welt oncoming' thtnead peychical krehe day. A bele eentury ego, when was WS egreeidalta- teak to spOrtray dettleaoar eta loveedok maid, wild 1304 WM WO Mat the ceee, we eheUld 0 to kriovke what We his Usual pro - 04100? Pldn't he Seat her at a table here litY a pteeb of work whit need- % hntton hole a neat littlelattet-- 0010.4teaUpPesioir concentration mad tabvereive of routalleet He gets hie maiden to All4Y "Heigh he it ehe has 9P.A.lnieke and ber ettrla are inmeura. 7 faateited in a net; if she is a lily Meld, With, Climild's her IIPS, theY relln he MOM elegant expletive of "Alasl 'tiling" while she pushes away her work languidlY, 4n4 then this eorepos,ite photograph r the noveliet's wo oe t her dealt, where lie thr4 unanswered letters, and .he toys With her wafere and bites the nib cif her quill pen, in the ahatrection which is inoideOt to inve, SoMetirees Ohs Miami One 01 Untie letters And Presses it Passionate- ly to her lips before secreting it in ber peat,. ea elose ite Possible to the ergan at is throbbing with the most up- .11-iial)ttehtirninattt ef---the POW,: $o times too a high resolve lighting her taire face, she draws toward her the Silver candlestick an snuffers," her , hand trembles as she lights thednitu- : . .tiful toy, but without .shrinking she NY•fitofies the black flakes fali, mourn,. -era of that happy hope that once was ben% . -,, acne scribe or that tints, You see, was a 44, He could push himself just so far iii his little g� -cart. and no one ,. expected more of him. Brant:ten to- ward the bogs or precipices of psycho- logical investigation would have eliet- ed ahrieks of horror from the fond norses end mothers -1 that is to say, the readers of polite literature of that day. It was not until he grew big enough to admire Gwendolen Graod-. court that he atepped out on his own littke legs and told her what he thought of her. The readers of polite literature ad-, juated themselves with half anxious half, eager interest, ready to lift up • 'weaning fingers, and yet edified by his • boldness. Long, long ago they had re- cognized the futility of coercing the little man, so that now they wanderwith him, companionably and without reproach; over the England 'of Thomas Hardy, and don't mind the mud that collects on their boots when they can learn something new "in Zolaland." tt. Wysah excursions are pleasant enough ftr ---- -the mothers and nursed. Tbe novelist has had a hard time to mike such fields traversable; nor is be Con- tent. to let Gwendolen's make turn. up . t the dullness and ridiculousness of -'en and things. He must needs push--,, heir back and show yen the cern- 4ignensiens, which are all suffici:. eon for her disaffection, meant. • commenting on the softness of .--,Abair, which has a subtler sight; mance than ' Merely. "Fold after simple fold Binding her head." Bless your soul -any one that would be at the fatigue of holding a book demands a fattiness between its cutters that Wilt leave no square inch of gray f =that unexplored. • , , ----The novelist putts off hisgloves these days and he would better, for it takes a naked deftness to form types, and incarnations' and symbols, when the 'prentice work that turned out plain men end women•-nosiongei-suits a gen-- •ation that is ready for its man with al, the toles of psychometry. . The question of human love enters just as fully into the novel of to -day as it did 50 years ago, with this difference; , it is falling into the hands of special- ists; it is shown in its infinite prtarna- tic lights from the red to the lowest animal passion in which grovel Re- beoca West, Dr. Pascal and Kipling% sunken scholar, to the other end Where hades off from the blue that leads star to the true eyes of Evadne ;silver White which bathes the head of Balzais's saint, • • We have love presented to us as • a disease which is germinally present in the moat enraptured lover's kiss; BOMB transcendentalist or other whispers his _ conviction that it le an essence, conceit- ' ----tratiod"-and precipitated fortuitously; Neo Buddhism end other cults ot that Ilk assert that every lover is an Avator of Spirit, and that his involuntary f,uncition brinks extrinsic salvation; alienists tell us dreadful things about its repression and license, and all of these have some representation in the \ modern novel. Oh, for the "geed old times" when the lover's smile at tis out of "happiness ever after;" or thrill ue With the nobility of their grandilo- querit renunciation, without being merely "facades of a temple" :whose • interior is the recondite subtlety of the ' modern Zeit Geist, when we could tell the plot in words of lead than four syllables, albeit in man* words. • . In this day of effete culture not only the scribe has to open his meta- physical dictionary while be poises hie pert over the well that has truth at the bottom of it, sometimes, but madam as well, his professional sine qua non, is fain to send to the, library,her coin- panion, Miss Theomphia , Sophistry, Ph.D.,for the volume of Hegel, Fichte, Kant or the Great Currant Magazine, without whicila ahawill not be prepared r ' ' ' to discuss theNewNovel. • And soon. Medicine is specializing- - at is pulling up the rootlets of the • &Ms blades and Etubjecthig them to the iniceosoope, that it may be ready Le reproduce them on ettilvaa when the multimillionaire is tired Of gloating over his dollars and lietlessly turns to art as being the thing nearest reach- able after the unreasonable moon, 2 * Love is specializing, and so literature 4 , ,.. Must specialize, too. Quo veclimusf. vcrev ""L:tE:12***16tr' D'Ouble Disobedience, CHAPTER III. .04044Werreeder- tend his ematpenionr - went back to the drawing room rath- ClIA.M.Hlt it. -Continued. „ er isOberly atter IfalmeXty declaration. If you were only a Spectator was They expected to find, arliir giohlangid that_uty fault f" awilitiog theta, hut oho wun. utri. here. Not at all. I a.lwa.ye do you jua- The girt looked round in aurpriae. ace. 00;31 I? And you have never ' Mos, Itiohmend field that We should Yet elighted or forgotten an old find her ha the garden)" Christopher friend,. I do not in the least Mind Obeerved, " Thui way, Xiinteny; 1 van Mr. Daryl'a lieglidet of me. That le let a door."ouut without going round to not what I wiahed tosimeak about" 1 don't want to be put On My fin OPOned a Vrenon window,. and guard., eheut anythirkgr, Kareeuy cried they Pessiged threagh. It. The hummer petulantly. "Wo had a wonderful fleelc,Wattfalrluig, und the garden was and delightful time, and I won't have beginning to take on thii aolenan,ghosa- the bittern taken off it I Such rooms lnek which twilight bring e with it, • atortidry, otetapLogkatniticeneo ie like a .the colors of the tiowers laad ditete- peered, and they looked phantom -like ' "Dettit forget the ogre," 'Kiln:may and Chriatopher went - _ Kilmeity stopped ahruptlY and turn- si°ng- The garden WU large, and they IMXIMAIMI11., Issif lsinsdleiNalneUVANIS ad to her companion with A severe walked to the very end wtthout per- ceiving any trace or Mr. Itichmond, As look, OUR TRaNSVAAI; CLOCK. . "Say wbur you have to 643, le oe they stooto looking bank towards the . thee Until ,you ha,ve delivered Yonrilelf flIS' obfr Ke'itmwbein°hy trrotakeedilitQe bzeanl.r.g waY ence between Canadian anti Transvaal. time. When it is ;Mini hi TOroato it is seven = cominanded. " 1 don't go a step By a ccnnparison with tili$ &nil:110.4004 CUM YOM Will be able to gauge the differo alt the horrid thing a you havo i "Wi3. a h 1, in thM e ornin,g itt I retorla. ed. "Yon are sure that lithe itaid the your ruled. If I decline to lie Pat on , •.. . •• ...... ...... .,........................1*.y,””.0 • ..11111. '.. MY' guard, you will think it your duty garden V' to unbosom yourgelf to mainma, and " Quite sure, We Lanst have miesed "I know'etuite well. A note came 0,,,,oilisioN4.4.a.tyntigionvin,,iwbroviwn,v4.0. het eomeliew. She will be looking for front him to mamma, and silo sent for z T yvon't have her diaturbed.' FINE PRIVATE ZOO. Au English (assailant:tit Is the OWIlit`e Mid Ile Mg *Mlle Mare Itarda itota. Anatis.tis, The distinetion of having' probably the most comprehensive zoo in Eng- land belongs to Mr. C. J. Leyland* of Bagger -stoat Castle, Beal. Among the lairds are the rhea, South American, ostrich, donne' elle, Nereidian, Starlet Liberiab crane, Zambesi geoae, Auatta- Han black avVallf emit, and waterfowl fiord all parts of the globe. Pine, howeVer, as the bird side of the ool- lection is, that of the animals is mere interesting. it inclindett many kan- ga.roos, of which Mr. Leyland hail bred and reared numbers. Consider - leg the bleokneee of the Northurnber- 'wad coast, this eiroitinstattee proves that the Marst/Pials are niare hardy than one would think. in the park there is also a herd Of Canadiroi deer, from one of whieh Leyland has 4 a Palr4tif cast horns 'Weighing 22 Oda. Itete, root May be seen e Magnificent herd of North Ametietin bieon; Indeed, it is considered to be, the fined and largmt in the world, for the anarials are now practierilly ee; tinet in their own country. Ahother herd irt Werth ittentioning-0316 Of whites -tailed gnus. The rider Of this community Lit a Meet fereciotia animal, &bail that has killed twOnf his epecite, °tie Of theta older and bigger than , 13.fitthelf- in eonsequence of this ' formunee he was doeked hs horn% hat evennOw he &flea anybody or artY- thing that comes near him, rootlet in a • s. light, 0114 would giVe aped aeount • • et hittaeelf En mortel combat. • a $ir Alexander °Armstrong, /t. L-7., reeently at the a or • tra Wit Of I earelees treatment they eatillOt pos. THE SUPERIOR QUAUTY OP elbly keep their health, and wilt be- come *kitty or droopy and lose much , L or the weight put. oo the= wben they ' L islA were not in swab close quertere and CeY1.011 Tea forced to breath* the foul etreoephere of tblOovererowded.khekee. -spsaks for itssit A trial is tke most Oonvinelug arrunent inits ftivnr, WOMEN WU° suotIVoisT7. Lead Packages, q * **4 40, 6oe. • TJ e woman whp proadly declares • that elle cannot even hem pooket handkerchief, never made up a bed in her Me, angi adds with a eimper that she's "been in, tiociety ever ranee she was 15," should not marry. And there are others: The woman who would rather nurse ; tt Me- dog the -n a baby. .The woman Will) Wantal to TOUrnifOlt her beuse every e.pring, The woman who buye for the mere Pleasure of buyIng. The wornan who thinks men a.e angels and demigods. The woman who would rathet die than weer a bonnet two seasOns • old. " The WOMIth who thinks that the cook and the nurse can keep house. The woman vvho buys bric-a-bree for the parlor, and borrows kitchen uten- Rile freint her neighbors. - The Woman who wants thinge just because "ethor women" have thorn, Kiltneny to hen own room. After. a Daityl's motive in all that he eaid and TbeY enichened their pace end soon while Kiln:try came,' out and said that • • griculturaiUNDERSOLL. 1YIAN . What (lid you imagine. was Mr: ne We had better go back." did to -day?" • g ula , u 4. 0 . she was going to tiee him, mart set Of /t dia. net aeareh for hi motive, 1 was. not there. The rest of the party - IA a greati.hurry. She was laughing, do not 0-4re to diacoveritifhehad had gathered in the hall, and declared ' and seemed pleased. We wanted,. her one." . - , .• that their imOther had not retlittliscl.- to Wait for the piouid but ehe wield SHEEP AND HOGS. " Sueh men do not ant Without one. 14*Yb°r°01171intBreoeuaubdr Ltatuboo° icoatr.,r,ia,geekrirs"..., tl°,t,A**Jod the avder ted.4 3,03, to hold He intends 'tit find out your tastes For small farms sheep and hogsare • and wishea" topher said. "Conte, ,Kilmeny -- yOu your tongue about it, Mies ,Iessioa,,P good aniirials to raise, and exelutlive ",40h Iwell. ! if that is all," orled the and I will have another search in the interposed Lencelot, 'but gulfs never farming with either one genetallY .0. ' I garden. She niust be somewhere," st oabe quiet about anything." ' girl, ream:at-as her walk, " he shot ,,,stts act mot mean no not to tok produces en enthusiast, • It really re. They, went out a.gain, Kiln:limy rilight- titscover them without any' trouble I Do 'you knowChris, I never told this to lY,nervoue in epite of herself. • to Chris,"ihis mister answered. "We 'quires, a Man of enthusiasm to eon- . d 'rhY do -you look , so anxiousV" tell hi ever thin D t with ii oeed i b h f tilt i ristopher , said, laughing; "Your Chris, instead 'of Iciliaeny, We ere ing, gm meat love both the work then, I have longed to be rieh and have oh any ono before, but every now an m Y o s ay . s, nmostrano es o ea ra •••••••••• Can Do More Work on the Farm Than His Twenty -Four Year ' bid Son. - • For Three' or row Years at Otte Tame alle s -r -- Was Teo 'Weak to Worh at Alb-4Mo itibled With. lildner tillseme- . Dodd% Kidney Palls Gore ' Iiint MO Present ._, •,itt# such a. bowie as Mr. Darly'S. I z°°tner fff. not lost; she is onlY lir SOMe ail longing to; go out in the boatobut other part of the garden, and we shall mamma made Da Promise not to do ao and the animals to obtain the best re- Ingersoll, Nov. 0, -We have a men in. have Wished that I were net -merelY in a minute. Stay -1 think even natter Inunce's experienced sults. Then he willreduee everything this district who is a remarkable ex- , 8- doctor* daugbter, but some weal- find her thy mares only child, and that I could I fsete did 500111 Ile • guid.ance," ' tlaVe servants and money' and prettY nt, down to ase systemt4se at has y t willayli: gulotre itroireeliglee etdohf go otjaanaes was.pdpeatrxie;,0t."1:711tathhai 0:tail:dad. by good nd in th ' S •They tioth Christopher goodmituredly conee' 'clresses by the dozen, and nothing eagerly moved in the dirlscition which ed, seeing their eagerness for his prea, enthusiastic over .gloroda in Ma ' strength. Yet some birt Pleasure, Or course it is shook- he indioatedrthat there was mine pet- ence, and did. Ms best to euppiy ace, people cannot .,(C get ing to confesa and I con sure that son moving in d little shrubbery. at mon place, but his mind was pain- Pigs; theY are swine, and dirty aninials years hgo he used to be as week and • Itiohmend's name and there came a Even when lie watt fishing up Water- :r you. are shocked." one side. Christopher called out. Mrs. Cully.exeroisect during the whole time. at that. * Such PeoPle ProbablY have helideSs as a kitten. • " are never shocked by anything , neve seen a Meyer lot of b ed Cheate .r.. W. R. Bailey lives on lot 'five rustling sound, The next moment lilies for little 5 -year-old Clare, and • r os the town line between DE:Thu:nand ng to rections • that yoo imay eay." Whites, Berkshires or soma other w The Vital.Eleinen:(qr,the'Biood.ts Iron Too little iron means weakness, lack of sairits, pallid cheeks) shormess of breath) sleeplessness nervousness, want of appetite, ending in general breakdown, Dr. Ward's' Blood and Nerve Pills contain iron in a Soluble form, 140 that it ea zilly and naturally as intilate s with the gastric juices of the stomach, :And the result is that yen feel yourself gett'ng taoll immetilateiy cn taking these pine. • ' We have 011 fyle thousaod's of testimonials front well known People Who have been tt etheremdthoyatnhye s:dpclirl l ess,satnrdeowill on application mail A book edailtining alert ' of THERE IS HO SENSE IN PULING 11/11SSRABLE WHEN YOU CAN DE SO EASILY gUREll). PRICE so CENT,S PER BOX, FIVE BOXES POR Sze°, 411 druggists, or . SAM. WILLIAMS tT. CO., TORONTO, ONI. Sent by mail on receipt of cash. All People Die !FiL`'sri;:ripint!,:liS„.°19,11R IDYES inatead ,of sorrow. You' Will be Vsurr ntistrr hnoT 'oliarTulirrn herr • your appearance on the street by getting a package of HOME DYES and DYED& YOUR 1.4STPTETRIS DRESS, JACKET. OE fiCIO T P CLoTrIEs, at sua tr ch ifling coat it does not matter of whawtirtaet jemrineltbthien: aro mace. 11[1 H01110 Dyes will dye an shade you require, -on eaten, silk, wool or mixed goods with equal)), ' 1. wish you did not feel so about Ddrs. Itichmood pante ' hurriedly out allowing Laucelot to row with him, to est Oxford He i f • h y your druggist, or write direct to us and we will tuck 1,, Ko.mouy cried., atd there was and . looked towards them without the far end of the lake, and setting ant equally well known animal, sleek and , wiArkstioewarrta tlarroutahioieuyt mail par, free of postage, itit, pealing°, irl:pii8 gas! , TO 11-10ME DYE CO., TORONTO. genuine trouble Ur her voice. . 0 it maktng any reply,Werrender's the eata,bleS for ;resale*, his thoughts fo.t with the green food they have been w a 6 of Kidney Disease which °t,11FattTi.vriat.itrtris. tnakes -me realize that IBM ungrate. snout • . , were on fat different things. That eating, and so intelligent looking that fid and stony and altogether ineari to "Mamma-man:mar Kilmeny cried, something had ocourred to turn Mrs. . . . . sapped his •strength. He was nota porcine quattties seem to have believer in s‘atent medicines but he FOOLISH MAK know th t th' k of me that waY, a you in ruoning.to her. "Where have yeti Riehmend against him, and decide her elr and that nave no feeling for you a heellY This is the secondtime that we to reject hieradvice and shut him out• le left them. But if there is a feeling t r d alt the doctors in Ingersoll with-, Bessie -Goodness gracious, Mabel! bit like it, Couldn't you change, Chris have been Out, Woking for you, and ot her confidenee, was beyond a doubt. against pigs so that one can only re- out avail. Then he took three boxes iiriat are you crying for? • • f D dd' X ' w °le, sound man once tnore, To so0F Dlscuu1JT. once ?" . to feel frightened! .Why don't You tery. •• There was nothing/ in hie very a si o le ive night and I•refused hinz boo-hool-e are equipped to • Couldn't you go back to what you were Clare IS crying, and I • was beginning What that could, ------ remained a ova.: gard• them s urne fit t • ae• h Mabel --George proposed to me last o s Windy Pitts and became a • uneventful d life wbich nothing but swill ----------- r, it is bet- gteat an extent did he ' gain, in " Is' th man • asked, sPeak?" d t 11 th h h ' To send far our complete SHEET MUSIC CATALOGUE and SPECIAL RATE don't think there was ever • a, tinae Richmond answered: ,•011, Kilmenyfor the whOle World 1 o know, ancl. lie time and attention to sheep. overmateh Ins grown-up son, a e s TEACHER InCanad • 7and there was sadness in his sralle. I I Was here in the ' g^arclen," Mrs. vvould give himi the slightest concern ter to let them alone, and devotei the thought I meant it. aP Y sti•ength that in sirite of his years he could • • she cried a .moment after, "let ua et - racked his brains for a solution ofthe strapping reau Of twent - our Whaley, Royce( puzzle, se enimals have the reputationef• Mr, Bailey Says For years ha•ve P(ilt PIM 'YEARS • 1 ieheriT did net think of you that way,' the Venue St, • as you im1.1. it. But if it,. troubles you twine. I don't feel well. I have a : for tne to speak a 4 .promise you pain here" puttitig her hand to her Altogether, Mr, Chriatopher War- attracting the syllmattlY of all animal been trembled. with Kidnes Disease, be- Mes..witissenfas soortnive mut* tie been , lovers; they are the type and symbol ing so bad at times that I could' clo TORONTO. ONT. • po you may be heart -"and I want to write to your .render's reflections were .anything but not" to -do ao again: mad ty mestere for their children teething. It soothe! Ph OW, sof time the gu s, allay , cu es wind i easy as far as that assurance Will make d b st rem dny' for diairrgace: 25re. a bet. • Bet nothing. I had` tried all the, doctors fetberl He Must come home at once* pleasing as he left the young Rich, of innocence and helplessness, • ' You. The girl turned away ere much more in has town but they would have put tu. dela by all d r b h• d • d, • h• y to the farmer they I , 1" K*1 eaglets throughout the world. 80 Bel" head and "I will write for hint to-morrowl ;Wha. warus evening in the direction of his than this. They are money inakers me in my grave. I took 'three boxes of II" wall" f""lirLWiniarv's g°°thing BYrult • tor him in good se s and mid Dodd s Koine Pills and a 11,1111,0 was silent until 113ey reached. home, .is anybody to him m comparison will own helne. He wits tee Proud tO try g easons, . g Y nil now able. Half the ships in the world are.Bri- standbys when the Other Produets of to do more. Work than EIV twenty-four . , end ChristoPher, after • all, was not so you? •You. must have gat cold out in to find, oat any more about Mrs. 'Rich - his intentiOn- H° oallea the next ev- .take her other arm, and we shall. soon action but he suddenly felt very lone,. farming ia a tioience that only the • • ' A ,me .81'in•I sill. 1.p' ris• 0. . ' ... ' ri:lesrlit'ed.: Tihnet d bstritpsa. Of t .t4Itteinlinca; be eon- ,. very' sure that he had succeeded in. the 'garden. staying • do longl Chris, mond's •affatra after her very decided • the farm are . naying poorly. Sheep year :old son." . arrh is incurable, a.nd to whom. the., ,:ai:E.nWoRmE00:E0DirtS.T0Ex Ai/41.1:R bSeCaOrTinSti. conveyed his guests to his house, • 'I No no -I will lean on you!' crted . To 13e Continued.' . on the &dna or on large plantations _ is .not sheep farming, It is only 'where . . . in the leaSt like gr. T/aryl'a. 'It wan the young matt. "It was 'only 1 Pai3$. - have her in the house." . ly as lie enteredthe house: small farmer practises. Herding: sheep a • • ening, bringing a. low 'carriage,. and where land is so' cheap and abundant Per those who have thought that Cat- MAN • ' ' Mr. Wairenderts house was rtot in Mrs. Richmond, shtinkingnmi ay from the land is limited, aed every • acre Constant 11136 of snu fs. and °patine ts I than people are who, use any othfa eheortoi. and modern, with no .gIootti ing weakness and I aut much better or suggestion Of mystery about it. T e now. . us go ome, I =my; h Let h. K'l I t. e1ay ISEliABLE , scientific sheep, farming N intuit he made produce' Profit, that has been almoat unbearable; is to learn dYe than HO= 1/yes, °A they ire t pr • can.' be con- of Catarrhozone; the new medicated Pronounced 133, persona who have used dinner was. excellent, . and the prefer- ,.no aSr or any hpg . ences of each gittest..had 'been remeta- 1. "You must' tome in nista you are ducted with succeSs and akill. )3ere air treatment for Catarrh, Bronchitis them, to be the cleanest and.. most . •-- - , . 16e0d crop rotation is essential,. for • it and Asthma, Catarrhcizone is a guaran- satisfactory dyes. ever produced.- Any bored and provided for. Chris had no better," Chris said anxiously; but Mrs, more ramapae, about him than his itichniond positively and almost HOW WOMEN LOSS INTSIIEST IN would not pay to let the soil deterior- reed °tire f or those diseases and • perms can use Home Dyes without house- but he was thoroughly kind- vehemently declined and Rumen), THEIS HOUSEHOLDS. ate, neither woUld it do to deny the never fails to Cure them. It soiling their -hands, with the hest re - Shee,P of their proper fond. They °Ft:da• airk7an inhalation of mein- sults, 13y being a little careful and for a. maw, Ife spoke to HilMenY ex- Tilt facesofboth the, young- people • . =Mt be kept growlog by liberal feed- ° d always reaches the right following the direction on each pack - a tie 1114 t b (tatty as • if nothing .ba _taken place, looke pale and a. io is 111c3 went but there 'Was a shadeof • reset,ve _ -;-- Ill he Y . ---. - . 01lierli siontriag-rhe 1.xperiene, el. ii a Lilly iVilla HAI. Patina a Sirt-t‘d., eitl•e. • Banos ' r t norma s an at o or y y a ,„ • suit of actual experi ii thou- i d t - u th t the above This- enee. an . ou- qu re , o convince yo a e heart4d, and wonderful! thoughtful ,naade him a signnot to press her. ' ' i or along, hmer•ans•tbRile° vi .111C,1 .kre. CLIP 1.011,10 i .' , rig, ana the land must be kept up to sPot, . Thi is no theory, bub the . re- age. A trial package is all that is re - it ddf f tilit'b , fin:Ito °tilha a at at.? was - goad system of crop rotation. Sheep 0 estimonials back up all are solid facts. .• To be had at all drug - 4,, in her ' manner; He de-: .0orapre , em. She had al- . .• . om a , IN o iesicles, are. the only•aniraals that thrive on all we say for our medicine.' Price $1.00 gists, Or mailed direct, free' of post - Mos Thoth T C e it t • ternamed to dissipate it aoa restore wart .finiteyed excellent health, tiod the oId freedom. He considered his they never remeoiliered°c- heat -Planivould 134-tO leave her free earrence as this. Their thoughts flew to do as she pleased, and when she and to Doctor, Richmond, so far away, and the others :went to,aakthe housekeep- they heartily desired his speedy re- er to show tlaem all ever the house turn. • . titter dinner, he remained behind with I There was no Unto for consultation gra Richmond. . • , betWeeti them. Mrs. Richmond, finding " What did you think of Mr. Daryl?' :the carriage at the, door, insisted on the Mother aoked anxiously when they ' getting into it At once, and. entreat - were atoms. *" Kilmeny. did net seem ed Mr. Warrender net to accompany inclined to: talk, and • fancied that I them, • She seemed so bent on it that, something odd had taken place, I feel " he was reluctantly obliged to consent, so helpless without Doctor Richmond; but deollired his intention of riding And trust in. you. How didth.ings go aovfteerr ehaerrly. In .the Morning: to'inquire. yesterday ?" . . "DfIr:• Daryl deemed to he greatly °Mau are sure that it would not be interested in Kilmeny. He took' im- better for me to fetcde a doctor at manse paing to • please her." . °nee?" he asked. _ Surely you, don't think that there "A doetort" cried Mrs: • Richmond, ia.anything in it? He must. be sixty or and her voice had an odd,. almost hys- seveiity, while he is tiarely twen- terical ring in it, • "What could a doc- , • , tor de for met am, not ill at all -1 "-No, no -1 don't believe that thete merely got a chill in the garden. is anything of that kind. Make your Please do not let 'us delay." - mold eaey on that score. 'Bat it struck He stood 'Moir to allow the carriage me that he had Mine object in view- to start, when she again leaned out. what it was I could not Manly make -"Good-bye, Christopher!" she said. "I out, have not thanked you for your kind- " fiyieh he had never seen Kilinenr nese, but do not forget it. Good -by I should be so much happier if this -good-byl" ; • • acquaintance had never begun. .People, Her words seemed tt31,.. him in some ball such stories about him, and Kit- i curious WaY to be a sort of farewell • =ear% father is so far awity If any- for more than that day, and made him :thing Unpleaidant were to happen, feel as if the old lite which stretched should never forgive myself. What behind him into such infinite distance, ought Ito do, Chria ?" .with its cheetfulness, and happy.home- " Xilmeny would not. thank me for liness, were suddenly and unaceount- the a.dvien which r should feel inclined ' ably over; to givci. Mr. Daryl% desire to know The next day kr. Warrender. rode her 'without. first making your ac- (her early to the cottage. He reflect- quaintance does not silent to me just ed that ono good thing which, would the right thing. How does it etrike - arise out of Mrs. Richmond's Illness you, Mm. Richmond 9" wits that Kilmeny would be obliged to °Exactly as it .doee you. have felt remain with.her mother, and that no uneasy since he Sent..for her In that visits to Mr.. Daryl Would be possible abrupt unceremonious way. / should for the present. Her was struek with not have consented at all to ner going astonishment 'therefore at the new de - only she ward so headstrong about it velopments which awaitect.hitn. Mrs. and You were with her. But I shall Richmond. was sitting in the little af- till her, if any more invitations come hot on the grass plot at the side of that she intuit not aceept them until the hous'e, and, except that she Was DaryIlgives Me an opportunity of Pale, he tiottid; not at distance dis- becotnitig acquainted with him my - MIL" Mr. Warrender made no reply. He kneW that the blame wciuld fall on him, and he had no wish to injure. hiinself too deeply Kiltrienyas eyrie. kfra. Richmond aeemed to divine his feeling for she changed the conver- sation by asking him to look where the children were, tie they muet soon think of driving home." "I shall Atoll round the garden," she said, "and you can mine for me *heti they are ready." It *As some time 'before Mr, War - render could collect his young guests and convince thein that their moth- er really intended to return home, When at length they vest% gathered, the younger dried remembered that they had not eeen Chris' own room, and .ruirthed off in a body to . itapeet it, leaving their beet and Kilmeny gethe.r. You have been talking. over Mr. Daryl with Man:inner the girl wild quickly when they Were alone. " was cenvinced that that 'Wee both her le- tention and yours when I sow y°u. set- tle yoUriself down with her. What have at 83 1-2 Arago street, st.. atoch, Que-, 'sorts. of fern produce sufficituttly to • at all druggists, or direct by. mail on bec, is a teacher rtf--Ierenoh,-.Engliah, permit --a good system of. crop rota- receipt of price. Send 1,0o, in stamps and •music, Foe Many years Mrs. tion. One may raise the greatest for sample outfit to .N. C. Poison & Comeau has Suffered greatly frora in- variety of crops, and vary then% every Co., Box 518, Kingston, Ont. teroal troubles, pecutiar to her sex, year, and still always find that the —..., and also front •continuous aveakneei3 shee.b, will eat them and convert them MERELY SOUNDED THE.ALARM. the reault of headaches, horalgia and into better money ite a rule than if a brave man, said one. Parisian mine so bad that ahe was forced to ket. Wheat is .probably about the' nervaus prostration, Her trouble be- there were shipped direct to the mar- oftHizeenis aa the persooage, who fights give up teaching', and go to an hos- only important . exception. .1a . an duels in the newsipapers passed. pital, but the treatment there did not emergency. of great depression. Of A very brave man, answered the materially benefit ner ana- ultimately prices wheat could even be Made a prro- aothdeorz‘enimherinvsinktionowen dahyilm to call out She left the hospital still a great suf.- fitable food for the sheep, mixed up ferer. Meantiree her husband having with roots and hay, sheep farming 1 im,possiblel . hea.rd of the great value of Dr. Wil- for the small farmer is thee an engag- Yes. They were membera of the fire lianas' Pink Pills for Pale People, ing and profitable . occupation, and if department: . ' . . purehased a few. boxes and oXeveiled he finds there is •no. market for his upon his wife to try them. When itt- crops be cAn feed them to the sheeP • ASSESSMEN. T SYSTEM. terviewed as to the merits of the and not lose thereby. The Toronto office of the Mittual Re... pills Mts. Comeau gave her 'story to 'serve Fund Life Association during the the reporter about as followe :- . TRAINING HORSES. past week has paid to the beneficiaries " My trouble came. on after the 'L fie 're rtance of a knowledze of of -deceased policy -hoidens over forty birth of my child, and uPi.to the time L P° - thousand dollaxid. Among the checks I began to us s Dr.s•Williamsf Rink the hatural laws 'Which govern 1110.00- we notice 0110 of ten thousand dolIarid Pills I could f ind nothing to cure Me. tions of our horses is apParent to to the eatate of the late Senator San- t suffered . much .agony, • was very ieVery well informed horsetnan; but to ford of Hamilton. These large amounts were paid at a cast to the insured much weak, had frequent severe headaches, t who have net studied. the matter below that of competing companies, and little or no appetite. It was not' those long after I began the use of the ;pills I clOsely it may be welt to cult attention and eonsiderable time before dtte. Ae- the t I found; they were helping me , to the feet that. the pivotal point five agents wanted in all•untepresent- very inuoh and after taking them -for 1 i of all forward and backward move ing policies. Address W. 3% Murray, - ed districts to sell our new and tak- e. couple of ruontha I welt as well its ever 1 hash been. 21y appetite int- r merits of the horse is the cen.tre of the Manager Mutual Reserve Fund Aeso- proved, the pains left me and I 1 body, Viz, vvhatever happens at the. elation, Freehold Lean Building, To - gained considerably in flesh and arahrent of the horse impels him back- ronto, Ontario; J. P. W. Patterson, again able to attend to the lessons., ward, and at_the backAnd causes him Manager for Quebec, St. Xaniee .St., of nay. pupils, aud superintend nty lin go forwatl. • Montreal; Alfred Manley, Manager myself 1 have recommended them housenold work. Since using the pills . to it nelVicheftiortbtheeltafilrtestr itsintt 6704h:120:T5 MmatUltihmet Pwrohavninipeoesg,. Efoarlixfattxn, latolabciaAanna others and have heard nothing t praise In their favor wherever usebdu.° fully aware the colt will go backward. N. w. T• No dise,overy of modern times has proved such' it, boon to women as . has got his head into some kind .of a Meek fighth are common In English, Mfilliams' Pink Pills for Pale People. and he knows but one 'way his ittervim„ where troops are taught how Acting directly on the blood and her- :trap, got it out. and that it, Is to pull 0 naarch, charge, retreat, form in line ves, invigorating turd body, regulet- s of battle, 5114 do all the things which and. strength to exhausted women, •Itead out. of the halter, . ff he g his head fast in the fence or anywher e Be e won struggle fare, except to kill the supposed got e 1 h Id ing the functions they restore health are likely to be required iii actual wei- and. make them feel that life it; again . even to the breaking of his neck if he enemy. The soldiers take great de - worth living. Sold by all dealers in medieinei or did, not sticeeed. If -he gets his front lied fu ibut we rarelY stop to consider why ithin is BO. But the colt feels that he MOCK FIGHTS. . ' .shr foot inter a bar or barbed wire fence sent post paid -at 50e a box or rn allY difference lo her aPPearance. Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Broekville,- Inc horse con earnly be taught to and tied up his hirse in order to speak boxes for $2.59 addtessing tile 'he will go backward= to pull it out, Shn was sewing, and he dismounted hack by plaeing the fingers between "You are *better I" he said, in a re- Ont. Refuse ii'l -subatituies. breast bone; pushing on him at this the point of the shotilder and the to her. lie could not see Rilmeny . Betted tone, approaching her. --,.........,..---. GOOD BUSINESS MEM. point will cause him to move back, and "Yes yes -I ain quite well)" ehe an- • . . With the association of the- word „..... awered'. er voice sounded nervous, A„ u led it,,co.eci, Labor „Ird 4,49,1tol, ed exactly what you want him to do 1 "back," in five minutes he has learn - row ilic isparat ot titimpirlott Wahl ,0 . and.she hurtle& on as if .to avoid ally ',.' ' -and the backWard movement is ac - Moser *questioning. "It is such a .. Itiohard Cadbury, who died in Zeru- uuired. lovely day that/ thought 1 would it sale,m In the spring' of the present ' If it horse atterapta to pass through out of door. The Children have gone off on a picnic and do not expect to year, was one of Ulnae hard-working a narrow paesage. And he reached a he back 'until the evening. 1 have a men•who build. up their own fortunes, point back of the centre of Use body, hei goes on through, even if it crushes good deal ot,newing to do, and shall . and in doing so make the fortunes of not have time to Wee them." foot. fast he in - "Have you written. to Doctor Rion- . many whom they employ. Wtten his blithe gteot:04:. hind fathen died, thirty-eightt years ago in variably goes forward to pull it out =gingham, g 13 , Mond?" "I Witte this morning." Bi En la d Riehard and Therefore, the hitching of one of the tdr. Warrender sat pondering. It his brother George folind themselves balky hetet+ by MS tail will oftener Was plain, from Mrs:Ituehmond's writ- succeed in, pulling the load witheut a ing to her husband, that there was the+ preprintora of a grocery business, fight than any other known process. more amble than she wished him to one. or the. features of which was the ; know, but he felt debarred from fur- manufacture of coma and chocolate. i ' ly' changed. It was, nervous and con- ..e life he felt es if she wished hint away. selves entirely to the making oi choco- xhe eons deterna ned to derOtei them. erowded, ,and even aWay into winter in this the case, Until the fIocksged thin. Whieh Ite had; expeeted to have com- ploys twenty-four hundred people in tied down by gradually selling them 1 t 1 pia ng is morning's its k t ski t extensive wor a on he .out r a off or until the bulk of thew arg har- ried away by ihe annual slaughter "A-LTP fen better l'fiir your mother to vielt, was only rendered still more tell -" Mysthrlous. of ,Bisminglicito and tha populou lit- 'just before the holidays, When you 0110.-/ will hear youl If you have I wonder that Ellmeny left you," tle town of Beurnville ie whet' de- eommeneed in the spting with your ,,, . utvisett mamma to put an end to the he said abruptly. "Did she go with PendeMt on the CatiburY Mit rise 'few choice pullets and, a gook the thing remember that X will not sub. the others f" for its extetence. mit to it, Mr. Daryl hi quite an Old XilmenY and all left me," eh° Raid, • It Was, hoWe'Ver, ill relatiCal 4 lils bly contain them; but when the young Man, and if it gives him any Plettattre trying to latigh. i "There Wag' abiso- -Workmen and workwonien that the birds are forced to seek shelter during for me to visit -him /intend to go. Of ItttelY DO reason for their staying. I hest sole Of the ellteessful an was eold weather, having entirely out - 0°11114e, if Pella were at home end were son quite well. MarialeSted. As prosperity lame to grown their mother's carer the 'souse to forbid me, Ithould obey, or if mam- "I am! glad you think that you are him he allowed a Riga's of '1. to fall proves to be far too small, though/ but ma. were to think things out for herself better,' he said, "There is no utte in tri their way. And he'n9.4. erd i showed few Maks ()xi extra accommodatiorte My eta Ing any longer." I ehottld not mind-" by his conduet that he beligifd master for them as they undoubtedly ehottld "'What you objeet to is my Inter- She id not try to detain him and and men to he one in AIM an interest, do, to texture them eomfort and, insure ferente in the matter V' he rode slowly away. Ile was deter-, but• also that he recognise a higher their health. If •eioknees (zee gets a "Yon are only eight years older than rained to tee Kilmony end to worn her Master pf the business tha Richard . hold in etteh an overerowded house t amp" cried Kilmeny with a laugh. that her mother's illness had not pees. Cadbury'. , ; seemly anything will etay, ite ravages "'Why should you be so immeneely • ed away so -wholly as ura, ttichmond The.,sars labota were al eye begun 'until there are few, if any, birds left. wise? r, for one, .1tM not going to seemed anxious to have theta believe. :by gathering the people t gather tor "Even if they do not die under emelt et and it I" , An honee eearching brought nim to tt taw minute( of ,quiet a knowledg- the children, tleated, under the shede kqe,na, of dependence OD th She stopped with her eharming face • goodness ' lifted to his and a little audaeleue, of a tree by a little Take, They Juhltls of 'God, and His ever-mindf 1 eare. nparkle in her ere. ea tit and. hailed his appearanee with Richard% Cadbury and h 3, brother Are still bent on: thwart ne • . re, Christ" she asked, In a "soft voice, " herb is Kilmeny I" he asked, gat. or, .Whert the women left a -61°g close to him.'" After all. my ac- Joe around. "Oh, she is net here I" answered 4 as- CO get married. -the only t gualittithce with Mr. Daryl must Onkffn ever left for, -the brothers when we leave thie Oats, and that Will mica, a pretty girl of sixteen. "abe where they went and how t be in a tow vmaka. And / °soma ate *emit off to Oen old Mr.:DrtryI as sooni Bettina. 0:n, garb pimple, fri nn Porstible harm in it.'"' BS brienkflit WIII0 over. I am .sttre I Eatveon employer and em Midi that she tied. never heard. of hind " /f he eoinee to 'fait your mother, tfts hest theek to the spirit nd she item:mantes you. On your ela- te, neither can T. Toter mother le a good dent older than Itilnumy." ITilmeny dropped little oar- 011•111.•••••••t OVERCROWDING IN WINTER. [her inquiry.. Her Manner had total- In ft were employed a dozen men. '1 Every vvinLer blade the poultry house strained, and for the Brat time In his Her mysterinue illness In flie garden, late! and Cocoa. 10 day the titan em - house was large enough to comfort - had in4ry the firm ing they new last .ey ware Todylediteni: of onspi- GlerYwhera with 11 (fon, that in the present da , divides t she hoe gone to tee him ithrl I. lit. 'worker fermi .the capital t.hte, is the world* or t by ourstairee," n to san Mr. DeittrYlail rt. Pc' ti •1, There are 1,000 vesitele widish tweet lentiejOteen- regula .ly every ... 01 tb m twice month. 0. •amimmemi CALLA LILY CREA10 pumas yontliful completion. Bend% cents foe trial bottler trreat card for circular on akin and complexion, *MMus w. J. UarariAlitY, 480 (Mem Bt. Wororento amm••••••••=b Miss Grant, the tioulptor, who. has just finishecli a fine lam& of Mr. Glad- stone, Is a tniece of Sir Praneis Grant,. fotmer preeident. of the Royal Aca- demy. tlm,"••••/• age, 10c. a package, or 3f�r '25 cents. Get a package and be convinced. TORONTO li.LOME DYE CO., Toronte, * ••• OLDEST COAX) MINES. • Thei oldest 'Germancoal mines were first worked in 1195. They are near Wornis, England did not begin to mine its goal until ;the 'fourteenth century, . MONTREAL HOTEL IHMOTORY. The "Balmoral," Free) Bus Vo,b1;trit *Hotel Carslake • European Pian. Rooms from 510 • Opp, G.T..B.btation, Montreal. Geo, Caralake & C2:uprops — ' AvEsu E ROVSE—rgifIrkilim.4t:Fai per day.. • ST. JAMES' filiTEL-eal,2e5 Flret.clana Commercial Uoilffie. Modern im. prorementk-Itatea moderate AN OCCASION OF• GREATIOY. Was the dear girl happily. mbiried? asked the friend: Yes, indeed, answered, Miss Mcdab- ble. It was one of the happiest wed- dings I ever saw. 1 never -saw so few dupheates among the presents of mit glass and silver ware. . $106 Reward, $100. . The readers of this paper will be pleaeed to learn that there is at least, one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all its stages and that is Catarrh. Haire Catarrh Cure is the only positive core now knOW11 to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a cona Motional disease, reqUireii h constitutional treatment. Hall's Cathrrh Cute tato n inter. tinny, acting directly upon tee b.00d and mucous surfaces of the systent, thereby dos. troying the foundation of the theca -e. and ..giving the patient strength by building up the cumetitution and moraine nature iii dOlnit 11,4 • work. The proprietne have so much faith hi Ite ouratire powers, that they otter cue nun. dred Dollars for ear case that it fails to oure. Send for hat of testimonials. Addtoss. .1.011Bal ET & co., 'relate, O., • POULTRY, RUTTER, ECCS, APPI:ES, and other PBODUCE, to ensure best results conies to The Rawson Commission Co., Limited, • Ser. West -Market & mime, st., roronto, * Catholic Prayer Books, amorist', Cru onus, eoapiaare, Religious Pictures, Statuary, and Church Ornaments, Educational Works. Mail orders receive prompt fide tion. D.& J. 3ADLIER Mb, Montreal, n' CATARACTS (alusorbea without aerationtBron chial Asthma, and Dyer -fatness, cured by safe, euro and potent, remedies, AlProltdely harmless. Partioul 1114 and terms address DR. CRAM', 03 Seneca et., Buffalo: New York.' I , 1, r Dyeing I... Meaning 1 _• _ • Por the very best.send your wortc t ithe "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEI9IG TAO for.agent in your town, or Sentl7dIreat.. • Montreal, Toronto Ottawa, Quebec. • • Cereal Ceiba Ffealth Drink. Pure,Wholesome, Nourish. a y_ r !/rTicrill gifueVitlir 1°27.. Ss the ROlte0 co, 154 Queen E., Toronto, Agenta Wanted in every locality liatttegbiroot Solid Gold. ,.$2,83 • Best Gold Fill 1,50 ••• 5 yrs goldFill 1.00 Best Glastes,. 100 l*re guarantee perfect satisfaction. 61.013E OPTICAL GO 93 Yonge Street, Toronto. Allohlgantand for Sale. IMO AMES 0000 rintinfis LANDS-ARENAO loaoo, Ogetnew and Crawford Counties., Title per. 'het. On Michigen Oentral, Detroit k lideoldnac and Lola Lake Railroads, et tea,: iatylc from 52 to $5 ' 01e These sitglelstrete., rnd will1=1:112 oNirk yearresable terms. Apply to PlIEBDE, Avid, West Bay City, Mich.. Or J.W. CURTIS, Wbittconore, Mich. notItt, 110 for 10 Cents This book widens one hundred and ten of the boat hutnorous recitations, embracing the Negro, Yankee, Irish Inc% • Dutch dialects, 3:018 10 prose and Versa. as well as humorous compositions or 40* every kind and character. Bent, post, paid, vrith our illustrated catalogue of oks and novelties for only ten mg& ibar Johnston allellratiane 71Tonge Rh: Toronto.Can• Dominion Lirie mAL STEAMSHIPS Portland. Me., to LIverpoolrmilling at Halifax Weatbotuith . • . • . Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion; Cambroman. Rates of passage :-First (labia , $50 upwards r Seeond Cabin, tas... Steerage, 822.10 and TOM. Per. futtner Information apply to local agents, or 2tItillTtYFtMillritislite the boat DAVID TOltRANCE General Agents, • kit, Sacrament St. Montreal. , . OUTCLASSED. $extdoor-I haven't heard your dog barking til. night for some time, - Homer -No. Guesa the poor fellow got diecotaragecl, We have twins at our house now, you know. m•101••••11. W P C997 .CALVERT'S 55 pharaoh. loop zby..,14.512_,....b,,o,., catboat, Disinfectant*, Soared, Stint 410"*"`"min'h moot, Tooth POwdorao ate., have been 1.•=.4•••1 SENSIBLE LDGISLATION, Western Atistralia has an act in foree prohibiting the landing of any one who bonnet write Mit given pas- sage • O'KEEFE% Llfpatt MALT uoitzbagnratragrat Acienr. ,••••••••••••. A great many people live accord.. Ing to their. •convictione especially those who vigils' irr the penitentiary, mdm* tO CORN A COLD IN Oftel DAV Tele Lagatiro Drente Quinine Tablets All druggists reified Gila inOner 1118 fails to Mire, X. Oyelle4if woutturo itse Men bet. ' • .rivierlea Owing to 111 -health Vice President Hobart will not be a candidate for re- election. La Toscana, too, RAIJIANCYLOtriAll leACTORN ,nactitreal mikeverVek liETTEll.THAN nnnv. According to ehemical analysis, 18 perte of the fleith of fish Iiaye &bent the name nutritive value. as 12 parte of bonelestv beef, • awarded 100 modals and diplomas for impeder excellent*. Their regular use prevent infecti- Otte diseaaes. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Liets inaileci free on application. - F. C. CALVERT & CO., MAP10141DITIEN, . . ilardOLAND. . .... carters 0610 MOM toe, Curee in a jiffy. A me. otahack a Ck12.2lieeots,litontetal. LII A.10 D 11.-- _sit AiNzatiii:xs. UN inirl 1411 111.7 LEAD, DoPPIHR, BRASS. Wholeealernity. imenleteMeTeiepaimeine. a°m...WILLIAM $T10 TOROIITON_,.u.. ..., . I MID& Milani at Malan w A sal 10 wower__BItUs.. itia. Betristentate..ranoved maid BS w.. Toronto. THI ssil Metes, INOIMATON-leit'and °heaved. 0. kaallifele alitatiMUN.eobe ,1813 Sk. Paid Welt. deatriali WANTED -hen to Moll, salary or commission; taped. • 00,,, mamal. VATiiii:ffirokuhl`t p;oleottt IIUII Omer from allpe_t_trclate,ORweeit ARDMORE CO,Montreal. 111A!artfiamakr attitailitty tio:te4111:stellf iteelted ; *Ile city, In mum& olonee. tterer,failina = bash um singunige. lil.,LE.W.11.3, Ott.' $2•00 MIOrt Dalt Sting - LithalLS liable dratriroltrgte=nleiNti? 417.11A184 ormsiszPed"aeunntrtraksees, Ditt, steilqw, Pelinialsent 31C,- new, notettob wee bladder. fOnk ill.Obet. \irritator partionlats, The netiesotterra 00.,146 Ott Jatektak, Daltreal. sautago Casings -4:a &woe fineet Mee end AM. • tiorariettowth t Erilittle" "4082r41.011 Terogio. Ohne ng MeV/m*14 Mica "NttriA Covering MUM Mai goirttlitdoratti,PlIttoill avenue rot 1***.itio. *14 i* MICA AOKI* OOVE Tom**, ttottrew tad, BALONESS CORED. ROSE'S "Hair Grower" positively and per- maneraly cures Rawness, Hair Wang Out, Dandruff,. etc., and tendeti Ole hair soft, 001191$ (111t1 bela1411(01. restimenials from Inatling Toren. CO gentlemen. Price 81,00 Per butte ROSE & CO., 225 Boneerrelles Ate., Toronto. • THE MOST NUTRITIOUS.. GRATOUL-COM PORTING. 13REAKFAST-SUPPE1. GO TO alifornia * • • 00 Personally cOnducted Atoni Thordni California Excursions LIblj IllUIOUUJ inn MISSOURI PACIFIC itoir Ontt I 0 a TIIROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS. Por fall InformLOatitEgetnisd rRrterekraEtiogri tof idettplaneat adadTeretroonoi, 01.V. k st. Louie, MO. Atimistearro,nP,Arst W. POrt884 Detroit, MIA IttesaLL r. A., 118 Adannioar Ch.ltmito. 111 jetL MINTY) Flattegat. --• OHO 014 MAIN* in.& Ind Wow irlio Canadian Heine 'Safety0 BOILER U. la a8Pnade, , 0.0.shirbourniilt.,Torpoto,,,, 01011 Class Water tuba titian, Work for All Proems's., Patios and Fail. ono Mt WIM0100109 CATALMAIL