HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-11-16, Page 5NOVEMBER 16, 1809.
WO * WillgIUM . Oa 00 0 00. 011.0 0. 0 0 0000 00040 lit ItUr011 111..ratIr44'
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a .46.. Neglected ; ..........
Jialutute °Pet.'" In the preaoneb of about Say. goesta
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For the last ;
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• • ere. Pleasan
• • le perilous t(
• ▪ it. 25c. pet
• • us only, St!
• • ary Syrup f(
• • Cough gua
• 3,5c. per
• ,
• only. ;
011110 0000 ••••
It freqiil
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We are now
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Butter and
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From Brockv
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will be issued
inclusive, valid',
'later thanDecen
Stop -over will
outfit carried
ard North.
For Fishing_
Maps of the DIA
M. C.Dicksonj
A. 0.Pattison
F. g.odgeto
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flee Orit'at Ioy.1it Iteeklessbr
eirouaret About Ms Own Douala.
p Ye_ee e sa p u • -
Ida father, bringing out Yore clearly how
telin fir Mt WW1 MIled him.
st 121 et u c
21There Wee soMethisi o alMoet
ful exititgeratioh," fie gam "of a defiance
of any Possible overfatIgee, either d
Mind or body, in the feverish sort a eff-
ergy with which these readlege were
entered upon and carried out." It would
tamest seem .that he might have been
living and wrIting. novels to this day e had not persisted, In defiance of all
warnings, In giving public readings
Which exhausted his strength and ulti,
taately killed him. He had plenty of
iymptoms of his approaching collapse.
"Among other serious symptom' he no-
teced that he could only read the halves
a the letteee weer the shop doors on his
eight. Tho old elasticity was impaired,
the old unflagging vigoroften faltered.
One night at the St. lames' hall, I re-
member, he found it impossible to say .
Pickwick and called him PicliswIck and
Picnic and Peckwicks andall sorts of
names except the right, with a comical
glance of surprise at the occupants of
the front seats, whichwere always re-
served for his family and frlenes. In
fact, when my father described him-
self In a letter written to Mr. Dolby -on
the very eve of the breakdownas being
'a little out of sorts,' he was, in fact, on
the brink of an attack of paralysis of
the lett side and probably of apoplexy."
What finished him was a farewell se-
ries of 12 readings at fie James' hall.
The state In which he was can be lintig-
hied from the Instructions given to young
Dickents by his father's medical attend -
"I have had some stem, Put up against
the side of the platform, Charley," said
Mr. Beard, who was constantly- In at-
tendance. "You must be there every
night, and If you see your father falter
In the least you must run up and ,catch
•hlin and bring him off with me, or he'll
die before them all."---eicottish Nights:
11.nd the Carlene Discovery Made ay
•an Inantsitive Bachelor. •
"She was My Model wife 'until goiter,-
day—that is," remarked the cynical bach-
.elor who lives in an apartment house on
the east side,. "she was my model for
wives. She and .her husband lived in the
flat just over mine, and I used to hertr
him come home at hours that Made even
hardened old sinner like me ashamed
for all men's lake. it Would• be 2 or 8
and ,aometinies 4 o'clock in the moping
when he 'would comp thumping im stairs,
and I knew—the privacy of an apartment.
house is: not -all that it might be -'-don't
- you know, that she was waiting for him
and that the. door flew open to. greet him
and that for hour or two afterward
there would be the soiled of talking. Not
,scolding, but merry conversation and
. laughter, •. , •• •
• "I used to -hear the rattle of dishes and
oeten on summer nights would catch
savory odors floating down the light
• shaft—that blessed agent for -the trans-
mission of everything .but air and sun-
. shine. Then after a time there would be
silence. It used to g� on—that Bort of
'-thing—night after night,- and I . wondered '
what sort of a womb she could • be to
put up with a man of such irregular hab-
its as -her -husband -Apparently was..
"One day I met her in the corridor—a
• little woman with a -face- that beamed
over with smiles and -a whole world of
love In her eyes, ane I cursed that Man
In every picturesque phratie I could think
• tit as a brute who didn't deserve such
• luck. Yesterday I made -a discovery. He
• is 4 morning newspaper mein, she is a
• bride, and wfth theories of her own to
Work out *he hag upset every law of do-
mestic management to conform to the
hours of his work, turning night into day
" Ind having the evening dinner- at 4
O'clock in the merninge Instead .01 .8
o'clock at night.
' "She is still my model for a newspaper
tnan's wife, but I've ceased to think of
her as the modern Orlselda. She May be
patient, but she's got a heap of wisdom
tucked away under that shining brown
• head of hers."—Milwaukee Sentinel.
• The Secret Explained.. •
• . Margherita Arline Hamm, • the . well
known traveler and author, called when
In China upon the wife, or, rather, the
• Wives, of a great mandarin. Her visit
• partook of the nature of, a festival,, so
novel -was the. experience to the Chinese '
women, whose lives are passed almost
entirely within the walls of their eramen,
They examined her clothing and were
partly pleased and partly astonished at
it. They were shocked by her shoes and
especially by the fact that her feet were
not confined by bindings..
Finally one of them said, through' the
Interpreter, "Yon can Walk and tun just
as well as 4 man?"
"Why, certainly."
"Can you ride a pony as well as a
""01 course."
"Then you must be as strong as most
Illen"lies, I think' I am." • ,
"You wouldn't let a man beat you, not
Oen your husband, would you?"
"Not tit all."
The Chinese* woman paused, laughed
and then said, "Now I understand why
toreignera never take more than One
wife. They are afraid to."—Saturday
Evening Post.
8 FOR 15c
One of the best towel
bargains we have ever
given. One that came to
us the other day and now
we pass it on to you.
There are just 12 dozen
in the lot and it will be
none too many to last out
the day.
Heavy Huck -a -ha& Towels
fringed ends with colored
borders, dark color, regular
12o each' and good value at
that,12 dozen to sell bargain
lay at
3 for 25c
Reinforcements Have Arrived and the Fighting
1 "Eon* is, Better
Lee. Teeeet,.... tteetee4nuj.Weele I
amain Day
Thursday, November 23rd, will be our next monthly Bargain Day. That these
monthly bargain day sales are money -saying hundreds of shoppers will testify, and a
list of specials like this will fill our big store from door to door on Bargain Day.
There's no need to waste time nor space ielling the wherefore of these extraordinary
prices. It's enough to know that the goods are good and they will be here bargain
day priced exactly as we say below. Yolf11 be money in pocket taking advantage of
these bargains and many another that will be here but will itot get in the papers.
Read this list carefully and arrange to be here on the 23rd. These goods will be
ready at eight o'clock Thursday morning and not before; If it's convenient for you
the morning is the best time to shop.
Mantle stocks must be kept clear of
odd lines and broken lots. Because of that
and our buying of several lines at less than
: regular prices we are able to quote prices like
these for bargain day. If you are wanting a
mantle you'll make no mistake coming here
for some a these
Mantles at 95c.
Six only long mantles, good mater-
ials, but not this sessons'a styles,
theycould be made over into good •
serviceable coats, sizes 32 and 34,
were originally 06 to $8, choice 95c
Bargain Day
Mantles at $3.25.
11. Ladies' Mantles in niggerhead,
. friezes and beavers, popular and
fashionable. styles, odd °nee that
' have been $4.50 and $5, we clear
them out Bargain Day at your 0 e
choice• 0.-40
mantles at $4.85.
These are decided bargains, everyone
of them. Ladies' mantle made
from rough oloths,heavy serges and
beavers, many different styles.
some silk lined, all this eeasen's
• goods, odd ones that .have been
$6.50 and $8. Eight of them to A ow
• sell Bargain Day at ... . 3.00
8 Children's Short Ji,.../kets to sell on bargain day.
They are made from tweeds, f$erges and nigger -
heads, sizes for girls of from 6 to 10 years, regularel IA
prices $3 to $3.50, bargain day your choice at.... 4171.'t'
Just about half a dozen good Insters
se mg, We want to make a Clean sweep of
. for bargain day
them, so quote myvv.,,,,
prices like these for bargain day.
Navy beaver, fancy cape with braid Heavy Frieze, navy blue, double
trimming, a very nobby garment, i De breasted, shoulder cape, regular $6 A .ax
regular 46.50, Bargain Day .. .,..*.00 Bargain Day * '''''
Traveller's Samples of
Curtain Muslins
The kind of a bargain we can give but °
seldom. One that will be appreciated by house.
keepers. The goods are so cheap that although the
quantity is large it is a question if the goods will
last all day
50 Sample Ends of fine colored art and "bite spot meeting, eaeh
about 20 inches square, geode worth in the regular way from
• 18o to 850 per yard. They are just the size for cushion tops,
on sale bargain day at each
50 Sample Ends of Curtain Muslim, one and one and one-quarter
yards wide fine goods that sell all the time at 200,26o and 300
per yard, plain white, fancy, colors, on white ground and
fancy colored art rousting, suitable for sash curtains, 'pillow
shameoplashes,and cushions, choice of this lot bargain day at 7c
75 Sample Ends of Curtain Datieline,very fine and expensive goods
qualities you would pay 850 to 86o yard for, whites and
fanoy colors, all one yard or over long, choice of this lot bar-
• 10C
gain day at eaoh •
Wash Silks at 3C.
A lot of people will buy these ends for
Cushion Topsiand will want wash silk to work
them. For them we have this special offer
300 Skeins wash silk, assorted colors, absolutely fast, regular 5o
•skeine, special bargain day at
Mantle Cloths
* The reason for these remarkably low_prices on Mantle -
Dress Goods
3 FOR 20e
We had twobargains
in Cotton. Bata coMe our
way this season. One we
sold last bargain day, the
other we put on sale now.
They are priced under
value and you'll be money
in 'pocket to lay in a
200 Cotton Bats, clean goods,
half pound size, regular 90
each, special for bargain
3 for 20c
Bargains in
Men's Furnishings
There'll be many a bargain are
ma few goods here on Bargain Day. Here
that are worth looking into
. Boys' Fleece Lined Shirts And Drawers, ehirts, size .e.
26 and 28, drawers size 24 and 26, were 40e and No 326
Bargain Day,..
Odd sizes boys' unioe and wool Traveller's samples, shirts only, fine
shirts, were 356, 400 and 45o, Bar- eh,. Scotch lambs wool, regular $1.75 a e 0
gain Day , •,.. .. WC to e2.25 each, Bargain Day taxa
Men's knitted woolen gloves, dark ..i w„
colors, regular 25o, Bargain DayLIM
Men's union shirts and drawers,reg- A
tiler 35o.. e.. . . .. .......... .. . -45C
Metes wool shirts and drawers, very
fine quality, soft -finish,small, med-
ium and large sizes, regular $1.25,
Bargain Day 78c
lien's silk ties, knot, bows, 4 -in -
hands, regular 259 lines, Bargain
Day,your choice 2 for . 25C
Ken's *1.50 Hats
For 75c
Men's Fedora Hats, fine fur felts, good shapes,. regu- lee A
ler $1.50 and 82 goods, ohoioe Bargain Day 4
Men's heavy cloth Cape, a lot (if oda lines gathered
• together for Bargain Day selling;regular 40o and 0e
60c, ohoioe........ ..... ...... . ..... ;CoU
Mon's knitted top shirt°, collar attached,
Bargain Day •
e• Men's flannel shirts,fine qualities,fast '
colors, cellars attached, regular $1 ,n
• he banner department of our store and $1.25 goods, Bargain Day.... WC
gesents a banner list of barains for Bargain Men's white WAS, 01)012 front and
goodu shou dielthis opportunity—pass -Many that's wh w are goingf. ..... e.1.1
tu.74:1.0 lines of dress oods will sell on. Bargain Da _ them on Bargain Day
le -I y at about half t eir value. The qualities area
good. 'No m
ity is not inferior, for poor goads have no place in this store
Heavy dress tweeds 36 inches wide,
dark Oolore, regular 25,i, Bargain „
Day 10
Fanoy tweed in small checks, dark
e colors, strone, serviceable meter-
iaberegular 35, Bargain Day 25
100 yards 54 inoh tweeds, assorted
petterne, goods that will wear well;
nothing better for children's school
wear, resider el per yard, choice• 60
on Bargain Day. •
d° ay. No yerson thinking "of buying dress good quality, regular $1.15, Sine
14 to 16 1-2. the ar •
; ye e slightly soiled,
Crothils not -hard to find. It is simply this We have too 9"
atter how low the price, the qual-
many. by far and know no better way. to get stocks down
'where they should be than to make larices so low that all buy -
What Tom Kippur Menne. •
According to the behests of Judaism
actual guilt cannot be converted into
right by any act of forgiveness or atone-
ment, human or divine. The definition of
the Hebrew word kofar, which Is the
root of kipperim, conveys quite a differ-
ent meaning. It denotes "covering up,"
to "overlay." It means that by carrying
out resolutions of repentance Into prac-
tice man Will be able to "cover up" il,
multitude of sins: This Is the rational
Idea of Judaism regarding the expiation
. of sins. nig Is the cornerstone of sella -
tion as attained through man's own of-
torts,—Jewish Spectator. .
The Tons, Oractodif...
The moment that a young orocodlle
,lereake Its shell It le to all intents and
iiiiilldfleg sig active gg it Is at May thee
during its Ilfe. %/III make stroll ht for
,the Wp tfire eyen ft lie 2.4t si Leg
a geed steel 0 ,itid It wM ilell
prey 'w di MAW and *g(ll je(trIng
the first hour Of Its free existenee.
u........, ..
e*A '. "1. lre aTIL1tli
Yort may y a ion , 7 Oast
When he has a pie named tot hire, ail, ter
instance. the Wanillnlitea Dto andat
Marlborough Pleeelkattill 11*
• • • ..... ....
news Isy
wiae; comp
iti porta front 14
Oli'lew York,
* Toronto and
* notes of spor
iWestern On
. . nowt, News from ine mu&
. veal fall and freih. Tho
gler daily newspaper in West -
largestheat "and most, point.
* Orli Ontario. Only $2.00 per
01, tom ' Subscribe now.
II 41100 1104 PreSS VII CO., lid,
Loiteoti, ONT.
ers of Mantle Cloths will come here. Bargain Day we will sell
. .
Mantle eloths at 50c.
200 yards of mantle tereed, nigger
heads, ourl oloth, beavers and !su-
ety mantlings, all good, perfect
goods, and eooa colors. The only
reason for this remarkably low
price is that we have too many.
Nothing in the lot that was lose
than 85o; meet were $1.26 and
even 01.50; choice at, per yard.... 50c
Mantle eloths at 90c.
150 yards of mantle clothe, fine els-
tonnes, curls and beavers, some of
the best geode in the etook, but we
have too many of them; that's why
the lot goes on, sale Bargain Day DA
at your ohoioe for, per yard......
About a dozen short ends of mantle
cloth, lengths of from 1 to le yarde. These
we will sell ea Bargain Day at half prices
and less.
Millinery for Bargain Day
It's getting near to letting go time for the Millinery.
That's why these values have been picked out for barFain day
The kind of Millinerfwe sell going at such prices will bring
us lots of business. -
Children's wool bonnets, assoeted ' Rats Ready to Wear.
sizes and styles, have been 25o and Two bargains in ready to wear hats on
85o; choice, Bargain Day ow Bargain Day that are positive mousy -
Cbilaren's wcol hats and bonnets,
odd ones and two of expeneive
Trimmed Hats at $1.65. -
lines that must be cleared out; Nobby shapes, good materials, trite -
have been 40o, 50o, and 75o, to med as our milliners- know bow to
clear, Bargain Day
• 25e trim, goods that would be cheap at '
82.50, just a few to sell, Bargain e A ,e
Fano, beta and oapg for children,- Day, at LOD
have been 40o and 50o, broken lots e.,,,,
and gem to clear, Bargain Day.. WC Trimmed Hats at $2.65.
Some of our best trimmed hate, new
Rough Riders at 55c. and stelish sespea, odd lines of
Black and brown Rough Rider bets, trimmings that we wish cleared
silk band, black quill; medium out, used on etylish shapes, worth
size, regular 81.A), to clear, Bar- regular 53.00 and 114,about balf-a- a A p?
gain Day . .... 55e
- dozen to tell, Bargain Day, at-4.110
Coloted Feather Trimmingein shades of nile green! Vale blue and red;
extra good quality, regular 40o, Bargain Day 10C
Wool Shawls
Fancy Wool Shawls, fine quality wool and extra good
goods, plain cream and cream ground, with color-
ed stripes, regular $1.25 and $1.40, Bargain Day
A Ir *et * **
Hosiery Samples
75 Pairs of Sample Hose to
sell on bargain day at prices that
will put money in the pockets of
those who buy. We were fortunate
in getting this little lot of samples
and Ulm them over again at prices
that make them as big a bargain for
you as they were for us. We can-
not give detailed price list, but you will find good
cashmere hose, plain and ribbed, selling 4tM bargain
day at a good deal under value.
One suit end brown ladies' cloth, fine
finish, regnlar $125 per yard, suit 0 am
C end for Bargain Day . . . 00,4u
One only suit ead,cestome oloth, rich
shades of browe,regular price 28.25 5.25
c Bargain Day
One end only brown granite oloth, all
pure wool, capital goods to wear,
regular 60e, Bargain Day 40c
7 yard end brown oostumeolotievery
c t fine quality, regular $1 per yard, 0 0&
Bargain Day end 00X0'
4 h brown Herge, 11 pure wooi,
regular 75e, Bargain Day 47c
OC 46 inch -dark brown dress goode, has -
Heavy costume oloth,62 inohee wide,
in garnet and dark grey, will make
very stylish Emits, regular 90o, Bar-
gain Day 5
Heavy dress tweed one pattern only, ,
regular 2)o, Bargain Day 50 yards all wool plaide, very fine
Brown worsted serge, all WOOL hard 3Ke. quality, two patterns, regular 750.0,e
-finish, regular 50o, Bargain Day.. tea, goods, to clear them Bargain Days)
20 Fancy Dress Potterer; and Costumes, in vino, materiale and tweeda, lengths
of 6, ei and Tiara, goods that have been 60o, Ito and 85o,to clear on Bargain
Day at your choice for, per yard
Colored cambric flirts, two separate eD
collars, regular 75c, Bargain Day °VP
All wool Cardigan jacket., 6 only to
gen atthisprice, were $1.75, Bar-
gain Da
Men's heavyleather working mitts 1.25
erecialined, slightly damage'ba
pot to affect their wear, epecial for
Bargain Day 39c
Overcoats at Extraordinary Prices
We want to sell out everrovercoat stock as soon as
we possibly can, To do it we will make it Well worth your
while to do your overeoat buying here. There's no' mon
boy in want of in overcoat who can afford. to ,let 'buying
chances like these go by ,
An evercOat
Per Your Boy
at Ralf Price
20 extra good quality. tweed over -
cos s, anoy /3, 6,
serviceable garments, just the
thing for rough and tumble wear,
ket weave, regular 90o, Bargain sizes 24 to 33 inch, regular prioes
•45c hive been $5 and $6, special clear-
ing price for Bargain Day 2.50
12 boys' frieze ulsters, tweed lined,
high storm collar, aims 25 to 31;
regular prices have been 85 to $6;
we want to clear Ali out, so offer
them so you Bargain Day for less
" than they cost at the factory; your
131ack Dress Goods
" Venoy wool dress goods, two skirt
44 inch fancy black dress goods, all
ends only, regular 75o a yard, Bart
pure wool, sniall pattern, will
make a very handsome skirt or 0 gain Day
"them regular 85o, Bargain Day.. 09e One only fancy costume. all wool,
Fine, bright finish, all wool black good pattern, regular $7, Bargain 4.00
soliel, 36 inches wide, regular 60o, rip, Day
.00e 1 k a a good
fine quality and good pattermereg- e A
30 yards all wool b so r se goo 0,
Emmy Awed black dresegoode, 44
ular 75c, Bargain Day OUC
inches wide, all wool, regular 75o, &A
ove 1 end only the beat Priestley dress
Heavy wool black dress. goods, 3
Bergain Day...
fine pare wool, will make a besat.
geode we have in etock,every thread
skirt ends only, regular $1.00 per A A0
yard, Bargain Day, skirt end.... i.J.0 Hal costume, regular $L40, Bar- 95c
25c Fagnaoiyabplaacyk b.l.iatercrepoes, 86inohes
350, Bargain bay
wide, epeeist line, regular 75o,Bar-
Very fine quality,all wore black drawl gain Day ..
goodie the celebrated Priestley
Fancy brocaded blaok dress goods, 36
inches wide suitable for skirte,
make, regular 90o, Bargain Day. 55c Two very eine dress ende of black
orepon,handsome designs and good ,e,
1 dress end black orepon, good mule
4.00 ities, regular 010, Bargain Day .. 0.4 0
ity, regular $7, Bargain Day ...
Dress Trimmings
With the dress you will want trimmings We make
them easy to buy on Bargain Day. Ends of from 1 to 4
yards of good trimmings that must be cleared out, go on sale
Bargain Day at half price and less.
At 5c. Pit 10c.
200 yards black and colored fancy 150 yards fancy braids and gimps,
bream and silk gimpt, goods that black and cetera, ;Mort ends and
are 103 and 15o; your choice Bar- odd lines, regular 200 and 25o, eo
'gain Day OC clear, Bargain Day 0e,
Dress Goods Remnants
The telling fif remnant selling may seem like an old
story,but it's one that stands repeating. Remnants are always
athering, so we must be always selling them Bargain Day
we will sell about 75 remnants of black and colored dress
pods at about half the value of the goods. • Remnants of all
kinds will be laced on a table at the front of the store and
some of the biggest bargains of the day will be found there
choice, each 3.00
6 youths' frieze ulaters' extra good
quality, tweed lining.high storm
collar, the kind you pay $6 and
$6.50 for regularly, choice, Bargain
n ercoat
For Yourself
At a Bargain.
We Want to clear tut every overcoat in
the store, or we would not, could not quote
such prices as these.
12 men's heavy frieze ulatera, tweed
lined, high oollara, double breasted,
dark cetera, regular prices 56.50
and 27.50; Bargain Day your
choice 5,00
13 men'a extra strong and heavy -
frieze Waters. strong tweed lining,
high collar, brown, grey, black, a
few were 88, most were 010, choice 6.85
on Bargain Day for
Linen Bargains
This store's linens are good. To find
them selling at prices like these is the excep-
tion. We couldn't do it all the time, but for
Bargain Day give you a -chance to buy at these
Fine quality, large gee, all linen
napking,tiew pattern, 3 dozen, reg. A
else $2, Dugan Day 1.11f
Extra heavy huok a back toweling,
all pure linen, an endless wearer,
coarse threat!, regular 1.50,Bargain
Day 10C
Half bleached table linen, 70 inch,
regular 50c, Bargain Day 35C
Half bleached apron linen, 36 inched „
wide, red border, BargainDay • 10C I
Red table damask, regular 50o, jar-
gain Day ... '. . . ..... '
011C ;
6 or 8 short ends tabfe damisk,gteid qual. 1
ities at Bargain Day pricee to clear.
Large size turkey red daniesk cloth,
border all around, regular $1,50;
Bargain Day
Median size linen table oloth, red
border, regular 50o, Bargain Day.
2only fine Mislay bleaohed linen
tablecloths, extra good geode, reg.
,elar $2,50, Bargain Day .. . . . 1.75
I only very fine half bleached linen
table cloth, an extra good quality 2.09
regular price $6,25; Bargain Day
Small Linens.
On Bargain Day we will put on sale
a lot of small Beene, each as tray
clothe, Beath, eito, that have been
500 and 60c at your choice ...... 32e
A Ba,rgain in Blinds
• Blinds at 39c instead of 73c and 90c
To say the least, a bargain. ,like this does
not come often and is not likely soon to be repeated
40 Hand painted opaque window shadee,mounted on etrome spring
rollers, regular 750and 90o qualities. Vire want to dear Out
the attire lot, so they go on sale bargain day at 39c
1114110•11101111111•000111 111•11111114111111
For Further
Bargain Day. Specials see
out Regular Space
11101:31C4=ATS BROS., Direct Importers CianerlON
our Pattletle the TO110Wittle unmeant --
ratee. In each ease to new subsea.
era the balance of 1890 goes free :
Weekly Mall and Empire and Nest&
Reeenn $1.7t
Fixedly Herald and WeekTy Star and NnWft.
ITACOnn ' 505
Montreal Witness and News.1ttte01tn51.66
Weekly Globe tied Nitetieftecotte $1.75
Weekly- Speeb*torltnd gWt.Rito0nn 41.75
Itadfes' Journal ( malt MAP -eine) and • '
Nasetelteenite;1 $1.25 -
Weekly Sun and Illaellseente 21.40
' DalleNeefe Ind 11 eitilleete, .. le t111.16
Tont Trevethick andwilewere the
guests of Lou Roetlaing Sunday week.
Caspar Wetter, who spent the suwj
trier in Miohlgati, returned home lt
week. He looks bale and hearty.
VhilSippel, who boughthe old Ate -
house recently from Ed. ppel, has .
proved it very tnuoh putting
new front and also a froth oat, of pal t.
Ed, Ala intends to DOTite into t o
(ladling 011. Meiti stmt., which
ght rewentty. He has greatly tl
. its isPPostratm by bodingA fi
thitt postiliei in rtives-.--------=--'''• - ------- -,-----,,,-_-,-,..:.
Marrrhkeetirt f' u° nmoh•Marpaplieleng otierte or ef t. h see Al tip p let Sem( nersoris never lose their good.
Brussels depot at 75 oents a barrel that clehfatriaho n-,,ranneause their parenta never
cost twice that. Sotto people say that
, there was a lot of bad peak ng done. nrio
— -
Boer ebarteeS Gone. ithes
........... splints,
Gen, .Thubert's altanots of retttehing 154.0,1,1*,
Pletertna nrg *an be said to Ira6 (loughs,
vemleit6( This iialready re bottle.
be ad . . ., ee• 4obielt t
.•;;,. b. 730.r it
vimi (401100,-, .,
Spavitt Liniment removes ad
t or calloueed lamps and bletn.
helteet, blieeed epavin, curbs,
bon4 * *Away, SO
len t,
told the beat sretioeater or Mot
leathr. Itoil,Renaut, bleak. CHOO ITFERCORO :
ensscdVotecteUlf SNIHIN
et( • '"wl
Harness OR
ME A 'MCAT/ internam COLLIeGial
and two De hen Mate hate ree t.T
a lied to e
. "
Cook's Cotton Root Om
0,000 00. 0,0e00
100pieliztutv in0t
r retaliator a Cel
kat* WE De
i *re
1 13 %A