HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-11-16, Page 3• "• • ""•; *flit_ . isomos „ ee • THE SWORD OF GOLIATH. pboture of tas Judgment. The tears I *tart, and he goes 'meg to laier Itnera TR/ noult OF BRITAIN. toptrottnA.bi". the salk"uults paid. GOUDA A CIADDEN SPOTo 14*IIL ineruarc2 t4u.8441" Llit) TWEL YEAS A a The allianee of Araerloari women Quints of proviskar saul *tiring. • to Remo, anth leeks at lia,ptilielati last their mon *tweed st gtheP le the' hotel,' and gstire teed for pre- -nee With the Churchill* comma Into nate ••••••10 Thither we Oneida whenerer oral V ••••••• neration for that, ay, when, MANY OF HER NOBLE SONS SERV.- again through the wer. An Want of PLEASANT RECOLLECTIONS or THE Mitts)* ed ne tore) fele hero ilifi0D At 'PRISONER BY THif which Lord A dean, as „ Governor - pose ble, to jelin ber bus sod, Captian Gement of Canada, lhatl alWaie 10 at- •PI••••• teeeelett anthdlent Nei& Al "00 Clat Gordon Wilmon, wiao I* with Colariel 000 **74 Abel!" our rem"' )1000- t dt (W 00e$'0" okr mor;4140 090•10e 5/44#* en to tareeintlay. e bed email of "Slarivelliag like iv parched seroll itio IN SOUTH AFRICA. the present Duke of Marlborough 1 GooNvess op etanoteeeN, wee a ageorstarrer tt in the work ••••••••• Rev. Dr, Talmage Discourses on the The thumb* heavena roll." I 100•••/.! SIMS or omouaasv. Ladi Sarah 'Wilson, has ttoze out, d OUr Sunday-4011°ot tioerapepers aud *recluse, or tiles atone (0' Hellen.. Badeu-Powell, at She gives "0 p0441404" 1Ponigatrul 444 rro *Mx. ea roe with end it was very Tall'Ith0 4;4'"3" "1111°Wer°4*141"ime''' Historic Weapon, "Us ar° Ittdal*d '71ra Plerae° °I We in Ike Beer Wsv-Plalr the Irberalle her servioes am a hoseltal aurae, while 0 DOI" "Sbadra011 in the Areal "Paul "joseph in the Ceurt,' "Daniel In the - rarcomair Cadeerded l" the 440109"4" 7/fr. Winston Churchill, who, in *pito or the Vishelee-dleterieene 1400000"th Of his youtb, heel peeved tbrotigh more •-• TIE":41C"vtio•urill'ut:lestr7;o: "IkeilhlaW t* lead PurelY b"" HU. "f $41411164-11" "sirl" tr44"444 gelbsrone'euwageng:IwttlY: Olutrodotehnubasinneteettiton lir. ()belie* Neufeld, in the volume, as In the ShiPwreek," and "Chriet en the ptibalielied under tae title of "A Piatione Weapons Used Against Jesus christ Will Yet Be ti d eeSO- Crows." feh, that iwe might hi our Ihiya Imo° gone by w famine* bring more, of the power ot &ion be a smart Britielt regiment WOO hen a °minis- than one dashing cavalry charge una eoathed. will tell the etory .ot the how pleasant was her atitY 1tt Oaeana• the readers of Tml i e Lae, egaz tuaarddeemb kootiedusuupotnianOUrrasreutelVereolObagew01011Z country, get to keow our neighbours, on Our $ide.Locusts Coming Like An Army-. Ohristiau pteture*. One little sketch looked WM as giving a conVenient "It is very extraerdinaree" eh/ said, tewreetivethe latalife," tents the tale of bie yeere' captivity at OindUrMen, oampitiga as a special correspondent. Testimony of Qreat Men for the Christian R mean more to your children than , Profeesional standing to the younger FRIEND A BAttONETA Few Etiglieh officere will draw to , . . t British atinospliere: There are, of ion( the Interview concluded, "AM" reniarked her Ladyship be- Mr. Neufeld, it will be reraembered, e a Samuel leeeeleng prayer will "liow firnile the Canadians retains lent face, Christ by the banded the leng the pet troopa o anndon, °tilted -aide of tbe Atlantio than will air Ed- cOuree, great differen000 td be tolled aniongetlehe bappleitt, in MY lite. .1: atheee wee captured by a body of tee Malulles warriors io 1887, wirile aerving ae an ligion--in Business Circles the Re ig on ot„Christ wept), immona on devotion. One pat- f son in cadet ot a titled faMUY• For thenuelvee a greater iatereat on this Am yeare in Canada were very loilailaa I I he iaterpreter to the Gordon Relief Ex. win Be the sta,nclarci for Ali Transactions, artiat will be, more to your child Allan the Iloteaehold Brigade, epent their ward Chitihester, who will tot as trans- in different * parte of the ountry ; Peornie are so kind, lgo warin-hearted, pedition. Ile wit* tient to Oradurmier fifty eermona on forbearance. I•ehe time between 'Westrainster and Wind. port officer in Natal Hie home own- b4t yet everywhere h t not Scotilli, and as ws were Scotch . A deo t it f qm Watarington Haps:- world's %littera, and. ,forrn the pre e r highest Wet of the• world is to be taken tor ing, atter an eventful conunieston on You eau never s U • fall wing t t "There is Ilene like tb° cross; ready do open their hearts to us. They mlatrauslation of documents' etottilete the towera late Dung out the banner . et . _ . . , _ , the China atation. and tals speedy re., m onteuoutine,ss the fact you Rev. Dr. Tairaage preached froM and Christianity to -night don'ts °Meet and Otarlanda o a crayon, called upon for active aerate) in war. ai n Christ. What has beceme of Thorwal- 001a 00 that tbe officers were 'seldom under the impreleioa, derived trona a aPPot.tme„ t signified the approval of are among British people, and especial-, 4404:440:rehaanP:ttti:eYa:derleoVaaliblet,hitererat°hTee with the caraveil, that be wait e Berl out fro c o ex truth f "There There' wure soine grounde a'a...eti for re- the Britieb a.dmiraltY of his mitten ; scot front ate observatories at Albany and captured for the that; give it me." -I Sam. xv.. P. David fled from hie Puesuers. Tile towercla at:dentine weaisens, crying: So I atioearie . ea e 4. I made feet friende among the officers do when hi the 'United States. Nat- Washiegton etretches out ite hand n000 tiaet ; Rive it' tttine•H 't is with busin s atm- garding tbe subalterna and even offm, , • Mani a during the fighting, wben be 434 PeI*1°' 44(41 as " °allacHILIIOLS'E"Il OF TWEN'TY"'FIVE• y cannot K 0 he represented himself te be, a mere vaet of the Government, and riot, se t. to a s es se many eara s an mg. as mere y of the sister navy. A 1/evon man, Rice urally our headqllarters were Otto- . rid runs ver fast when it is chase There is none, like that: give it oile." naran•and. hes Chn t we up- Y chant, There he wee aliackled aed , 4. • 1 wee readmg this afternoon of on earth, the people that followed Him carpet knights. Buller, with hie seat • at Barnstaple, wa. awl we were there d th verso:Mel,. who twee leokieg at a meteor They were the curled- darlings of this ninth baronet of Raleigh, lias eel- th UrnIff 0 ses- • Plea itiactrtwee,i luarrlee Twente-Sevelt throve Lute prisou, where efforte were , • egg a good Male The 'mutate is try., - foe the mese pert, Jmd ,sooist posia •••••••• ing to catch David and. to slay him, through a teleseope and wben it tion• There wne but( one man natur- eo • t d their brother officer& in hawed ant. the laatinoto of his race at " " made to indeee Irina to accept 3folieMe j e Cenadian Perlitiment, David goes tete the house ot a iniefit, came over the face ef tbe telescope it allY brilliant lli all the apostleship. 0dee Y. ani. i a ___, . ,,yon know we felt ye__ , , *ears 11111$ Teeitte Living Children. and asks tor 0, word or veer wieh was ao powertail he had to Avert aes Ana it has been just en that al Jakseph of atrimathes, vitiated. nothing 0,1' inery oie reg mente had a tea y a" w en he opeeed a hole in the rook mot at their expense as more at home COMMANDERS AND THEIR STAVV, that tbe Gorvernor-Genertil beton s to ableltweaeenuadtah, eandattehceeruolndttryrotovroae link ry strongly --re - 02 - - g barna Pie, le the bother of the larg- eat Madly in the United States, Al. medaaism. These were unsuoesaful. ' Naufeld atoutly refused to ehange his ea . sa uot swartwood, of Wilkee, - has gone tntoan than on the frontiera ot the EraPire, seesed the confidence of Lord Weise... etwe.ea t e Dominion and the faitb, In vain did the Khali& try to , , - ..weapons, tells David taint he cannot midnight heavens, and the Lord God ed jeaust: I Into the the Inetohants in Asia Minor befriend - Oink only ot one - y y baSvier eltuldrveemrse lecoumlemera bare, holm!, mar I heed h s e s e . impress bine with a Beasts of the 41 thieks ot an old swordethet hadtheen ' has cried out: "Wile am II undone) un- Christ t. Not one. Wbete Christ came their fa'r b f • If nickname of "the Soldiers' General" Canada aeon beceene, very dear to us, t • ' effect hie derartaination te remain * ' ' imoarmheijkai Potential bravere at it critical There are tbe Maritime Provincete Is onl • ' healer . Iwo nhg° pivots .11 / - Ch 1st' n Fo ni the a whiell to defend Waimea. The priest, °Yee* :tasenlit.vaaitixtroannodot liorokea up f the d aci Ch 1 t II f 7 ' or e r s ; ow many o in the salons of Piccadill and Ma fair well as b h • a', n Ea oa though a comparatively young Women not being accustomed to use deadly being , only 41 yeArs old, 6 t th Lydia. How -manY of A the castles. on Suet* is not tbe case to -clay,, In re- ley, the present commander in chief, Yr ai'dlY aeY mother ot tweeita-five• children tWen- mateeial power one religioue amatory; . , , upon hie vision, and the learned, man me. 0 corps of guarea and cavalrY 'lave berne In the Gordon eXpedition Ae won the y of whons are livillg. The oungest tour years of imprisonment did. note' MIPPly hloo f but suddenly the priest through some awinging world flamed „ ., . eao a ee entertained cent expeditiona to the Nile the crack A of 0 lit esed-tand he takes down that sword, 'Again, I (remark, that the travel- it.:ntaxa, 140 topped with Sionoe, the bazaars AV Corinth 9 None)* non • ' sole date 'Tr the Red Ri ° - ada ' . Pttl f -the very award that Goliath formerly mighty!" nante on the, ROMan etantange or in Not since the Crimean War more indeed, his close 'association with W 1. • . Wha power had Christ a t a are o oaraPaig ing. which: I rather: think visitors to can- j • f e'%' • - - ' rings and chaine as well as fetters and- "' I see very t e o J Yet tbey are ters hale an& he ty Y a few daya el& and gives prom- r 441 ' s„ r fie m°11 e NY°,!e, „.ar carefully wrapped up and laid uway oleaul • Have mercy, Lord God Al- t ot the battle of Tamal. But ee o sing, like his brothers and sis- • • . ' , 1 'te ling disposition of the Nvorld, 'which „ • . , elle promment men ot tne day did not . .. e . e• than forty years ago, bap England sent . Y s eat . ver expedi- • To be the mother of twenty-five chit- Ow; Y. the latter continuously during bis . and while unwrapping the sharp, gli wait adverse to morale and religion. at out a r h ' folks, ia middle life h h 1 4 , w o ave a small dre,n is no mein achievement, and • . 1 tion of canada, In 1870, 4e „eves em- extraordinarily attractive. BrTah ' ar . . cia V 't tertios, Meniorable Wade, it flasbes '04?" to be brought On our aide. . The m.an. want to risk their reputation for Ban, s n a my on so empire enarve a rrloyed in the Ashantee war, tbe Kat- ity by preterodin,g .to be one af His I go ad to Mrs. Swartwood is, proud of it He . , .. on Devid's mind that tine is , floe very that went citevo to Jericilio, and fell followers. Now that la all changed er interest ettaches to the Transvaal ties, and possesees the Vietoria settle dawn, Imandt do better than tOld ' . • . r • TImre are mane graphic sketches . of ' GRAPHIC SKETCHES. • ' ' 1 . Sea! as in tbe present crisis. A deeP- fir war and the Zulu war of the seven- • ocmpetenee and want( to abro sword that was •used against himself' id thieves wait a type off a great - . , . • a Among the mightiest menial our great campaign tox this reason, as it tench- Cress for valor. Ile is just sixty , o I rail. are ber greatest blegsing, hes ;,- antin te 11. r . Thar is many ' oitie..s to -day are• the Chrlstian meta years of age, junior by four years of 409170tse. lir Chaonmeedian mayitime province tand, singularly enougli, they are all Prieon life. In one passage Nea-• when he was in the fight with Goliath, Inmajwboa is veers; honeoteat home, 'who, chants and the Christian bankees; and, es more closely aristocratic families Sir George White the late conimander pod, obedient children, withbut the • and livid on hardly keep hie hand and country houses throughout Great .in chief in India, who now is coma feld has endeavored to depict the hora ' when aie is abroad, haa his honour it to -morrow, ett the Boara of Trade, off ot it until (aborpriest hits unwrap- There are but very few men who can , ' 'tion Six any man should get up and malign the Britaie and Ireland. A more pathetic MandIng in Natal. General Wh' Iliad lt, Devitt stretches out) his hand. stand the stress of an expe,di . rots by whioh he was surrounded:- • tte's STAY IN THE EAST. Proverbial black tafeeP &Meng thent, "The scenes. . . . . ' may not be he would be quickly teaser is of an even more, varied ohar- "The o'ne idea people have who leave note Will aound from, the news sent acter, .as it ot until the A.fgh the mother eauntr for Canada • !recorded in print. At times, and," toWards that old sword, and v , ;ja-"; •ed raany a Merl. in ithe olden time ' weeks at a watering -place has dame- 0.agne of Jesus, sileneed or put out. in tne front rank 1 haa've alavivtaZdada: ibdc:bY,"-she laugh- from 250 to 280; • "My children are iny joy. Though ot all our 9aristian w.orkers to -day _aaa_a .....e have in nonsegnenne, ma- fwfli c111 Ilta otbnge lit: aufgt 1 on:g. g that he obtained the to mall o t ' th .1`Y Le I n ento e. at west, and• they !sometimes for weeks ,io suoceseion, '' • In otber words, "J. want in my own the purposes of trade, because of the "There le none like taat ; give it nie." :God forbade the travelling of men fc4 art, the.. Christian( merchants ; and the egg. egue m Y -11'oin Smitb Africa, and many a village caxrpsaatiwoaitiir 'rather overlook the beautifal country ed Modestly --"and sometimes two to • .' • ,prisoeerg• were driveii lend the sword that has been used corrupting influences attending it. A •e •erprises of the world are (amine dawns to its war' relies, such as may Cripportunity f ' d• t' • hi hi onn the right side. There was a, earm self. * - look after, they, never seemed to be • • ' • • nearer at hand. There ar into that sneall reom, we were packed still be 'seen recalling the great Water- in; them wee scarcely room to move cl many men now cannoe stand the . , r h res eer . . g um o a o ained,• My last little one Cod." SQ it was leiven him- 'Wdll, Some men 'that seem to be very consis- proceees of that farm to go for sptead- u, , 4 a er, e uar man who as been wall' e SW)1 lir lb G °d ing infidel books. SOmehow, matters lel tie37.7. ''' any frien0a, that is not the first or tent in Wothineton in the way of keepa willed away some years ago -all the e many nice - t:ansition trom one place toanother, too days, the Crimea' and the Indian 411.d1Purie tYtttil Si F. Fo t' ly arran ed far t b bt ' our arms; "jibbehs' swarmed :with the trouble and wOrry some babies are, egainst me, awl against, the MUSE) of • la fence of a smile euueatemal advantages and . seems more cute sects and Parasites, whieh, in theiesel- ' • a asy reach' of the towns' with ' the /list sword which once was used ing tae Sabbath, when. they sent out es general at. the Cape Town w ,e-r.e. --er wo.U. d be delightfUl, . Any- and sweet than any of the others, but vas made sleep ELe IMPOSSibility 'and 1 . ley- glante 'tied Phinstine hliqeity, eva.in on the Load's dey alvvays a out are in rvi! Volnikett ttai,a.the Proceed& or Tat..QUE,EN'S GRANDSON SERVES d the missweary .. • ' base 1Charming manners +have made naan7 f menPose all imbue; seem interesting when they are just born.e life a misery. As the heat grew more ' ,:i . waica is to comninto the possession of ire city, oueght to be built neeren to the. Flee tb bull -fights! Plato said that -° muse. (itegof the fineat printing- Faina the Queen downward the up- him Vne of the' chief favorites of social h Of i ' • presses ever built• was built. fon the per ranee of Graat eeritain are sending !life, and good fortune in the things Of bodY.who has, been"actousiomedto e TIM I this life has aided his rapid; promotion, lite and Mier am), t ' o spare could.get • ways vile with the ever-present stence , oppressive and the atmosphere.- al-. Jesus Christ And ef His glorious sea 'than, ten miles, lest it be trampted "Press Pulvese a PlIbliPjag laidel out their best 'and bravest: New, it doo neth- ' tbough he has so far no olaim to high ' ' .. . a reauy beautiful home in every sense • e•-- Mrs. Swartwood. is a ' remarkably wen_presseyed, "oman, she was mar, 7 opLtshelarieeslirreagierranaeleetnherer wealathses,talliel Oltaireh. I want, as well aii God! may to commerce. But this travelling die- t.Ta°V; anda110,°k0- mg but priut Holy Bibles. I ,bebeee Now all the Youth of England are on militate, reputation. His services. at the' help me, to show you, that many. a positiotn .of tte world. which. waa ad- that the time will come, when, in out- , fire, ". ' ' 0 ' 'II • t t S' B t of tit d ' baby wits born fourteen' months after _ • '. ' ned when very. young, and her first *semblance of ,human beings was lost, 'a, d b.. the maa* in its efforts te 1 ; verse oitha whittle is good4 ut to be mereial cireles. the voice of Christ wi.li And silken &cilia. nee in tbe wardrobe Frere and as °hie of staff to Sir aOne of the ape as mi, I my secre .ary o ir ar le e wor . t weapon vrbeCh hes been used against . tile areetes of Jesus Christ is yet to • avot •Ei ruck, .swayecl. from side . spots I becanie enarn- her =Triage. There have been but to side, fought, • bit, and struggled, as Charlea AVarren Bechuanaland • • U DE be captuired and used on our aide; and These r il-trains-why they are to take our Bibles. These steamships.- they 1 only imitate David when I stretch ere' to' transport our missionaries out. my bead towards that blade of the These scalars, rushing from; tilt tO philistine, and ery : "Taere is none like city all around the world, Ire to t'; give it me," ' be converted hate Christian: ,Bethels, and go out and preach Christ among remark, first: that tbis is true in the heathen nations, The Gospels are ard, to all • . • " ,infinitely multiplied in beaety and power sume 'Robinson end Thomson, SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION. . and Burkhardt§ have come back and ou. know that the first discove,ries talked to us about Siloam, and Cap- stronorne, and neology, And (throne- na,um, and Jerusalem, pointing mit to us the lilies tiboet which jesus preach- oga were used to battle Christianity - ed the beach upon winch •Paul was e g • hes. . • • it was rinee Edward Island • ships of Tarsbisb Nei ring presents, • , • should stand him in good stead in deal- • five 'years ilincee during whicth the far as their packed up condition would '11 b the Officers wh , ing w}th.the exigencies of the ,situa- • nt obi • • it is a pictura, and tbe climate is n- household halt failed to be blessed with allew of, and kicked with.their bars and and the Queen of Klieba.ber glory, and. Tne names Amelia the wise teen of the east 'their myrrh the transports week by week are hurry- tion, nearly so severe as is sometimes made chains the shins of tho a baby, These Years -were 1874, 188S, se. next them, 1887, .1888 ana 1896. But two oft them until the scene became one that only and frankincense, I look off, to -night, Mg to the Cape ihaUde Wet of these Another Guardsman, Lord Methuen' out. Indeed, speakbog of Prince Ed - upon the businese men of this otty, receives a divisional commanA, and ward Wand 1 ean• use no more' ex- IL Dante could describe. Any prisener and. rejoice al the prospeet that their which have been familiar as household among the• brigadiers are the Hon, . • , were in seccession, and in the succeed-. who went down on such a night never tea, and ingennitya and talent, will, words for centuries in English historY Neville Lyttelton, brother of Lady nreenve term thali' to sar.it is a per- ing years twins were born. ' got up again alive; cries would not be ' . ' • • friend of the Gladstone family, and has high red cliffs, and all belonging there Were but the olanking chains And bars, Imprecatione ' - , after a •while be brought int() the ter- and still fill a, large apace in to-dayos Frederick Cavendish, the intimate feet love of a place. It is eery green, Of the entire, twenty-five children, heard above the pandemonium of viee of Ohris.t. It, wilt be ,one of --eociety, • THE MIGHTIEST OF WEAPONS. Th • 1 '1 "11 b ' th 1 e ioya y wi e in e c ow, , late etatesman s electoral opponent in speak of it as, anyrthing else than"The . and cursings, and for any. one'to at-. . Ditajor General Wauchope, who was the to it are so devoted that they .never TWO SETS OF TWINS' "There is tionei like that ; give it to . . ' . . - • tempt to bend down to assist, if he did me." away with all downheartedness. If soldier grandson, Prince Christian Vic- FANCY TRICK DOGS: . tween the peorple to Canada arid those Swartwood can recite the beer and ed to stream out, five or SIX bodies day each Child. WAS born. • would be found on the ground, with the distingaishing. characteristics 'm- adame. is to .be On the right side, and tor -of Sohleswig-Holstein, main -holes a A young *omen who found herself t le a • eorae z•eplied "There are differ- "Walter was our first child," she the life oruehed and trampled out of • est association with, the front. throueh Midlothian. ' • Island."' . which were born in 1889, and 1898. One. beer, only meand his going slown also, the service . of the Queen's popular • • 1 ' Lady Aberdeen, being asked what are of each set, of twins is cle•cid. Mrs. In the morning, when we were allow- , now, if white I have said, be true, Worldly philosophy came out of its ship -wrecked,' the, fords at which thee the travelling disposition of the evor d staff appointment, and last' year in. the •n d of extra funds has started' a enees, but thee are very hard tostate Bald, "He was taarriedaa little over a them, Occasionally when the uproar beervatery, and -said: Mow, We "yin SOME)* waa 'paesed, the Red Sea bank on ;which were tossed the cetcasses of eve by:the very strizetuie of the ozta, and by tbe movement of the !:,11e dr°7Tod thingai* y A‘dthaann sta eavenlY bcxlies, thet the .Bible ‘th.,ti I came •haelt a Christian. !I- nn ,and that Christianity, as ye have could not help it.° Ara not ahocked it among men, in. a positive inteost- ab the idea recentlY Proposed.of build - a railroad to tne Holy Land. I tion.". Gdod mea trembled. The jag wish! thait. all the World Might go and temseepes, the Leyden jars, the ciled- see Golgotba and Bethlehem. If we trichatteries, ih the hands of the eannob afford to Pey for muleteera P,hilistines. Bet one day, Christian- no*, perhaps when the rail -train goes we on afforci to bury a ticket from ity, looking abput for scime _weapon •Oonstantimiple to Joppa, arid so we ""aeranitaerfiiiili to „defend heed happened will get to eee the Holy Lind. There- to aeu tlice4ef,Y, oldeeword thine these let Christians travel. God-speed•the ethletie Philistines bee been ening rall-traine, and guide the steamship againit tae truthii, •ana cried oet ; this night Penting.acrose the 'deep, in "There is none like teat ; give it rine* ' the phosphoreeeent wake of. the shine auct Copernmes, and Genie°, and ltep- feeteof IBM Who from wave -cliff pier, and Isaac NeNVLOn came forthand to wave-eliff trod beatorined Tiberias. told the world that, in their ransack- The Japanese come across the water, keg ca the earth end the leavens, they and see out civilization and 'examine our Christianity, and go back and tell had Mend the overrating presenee of the Goa whom we worship; and the old the story. and keep that empire rock - Bible began. to riblike itself from the mg until Jesup shall reign "where'er laoran at& Shuster, and Zeuda Vesta, the aun does his successive journeys with wnich it had been covered up, rAln end the fireearms with which and lay on the desk ot the scholar, end the infidet traveller fought back the in the laboratory of the che,mist, and Arab horse and the jackaLs. of the de - in. the lap a the Christian, unharmed - sett have been surreedered to the end unanswer.ed ; while the tower of Church, and -we reach forth our the midnight heavens struek a solemn hand, crying: " there is none like - barium in its praise. a— that; give it me." • • • Worldly phelosophy said: "Matter is . So htte it also been with the learn - eternal, The world itlwaysfweseGod mg and the eloquence° of the world. " &Ito- PeoPle said; " Religion is vergy good an the right side, and the, learning o Nile cam ai 0 earned for himself h What dne notices principally 'about the the world on the right side, and the P g new school -a school for pet dogs. T e Canadians is an indescribablefreedone year ago. He woe born on June 25, was greater than usual, the guards, picture -making on the, right siae, and much Military credit. Prince Prancis of idea is not to make professional trielte not only about their habits. but about 1871 1872. Louis came, next on Sept. 9, • would open the door, and standing in" ,,. Thee came Thaddeus, -Jan. 6, the doorway lash: at the heads of their the neatness acumen, and. tact of the Teck, the Duchess of York's brother, •,' seers of them, but simply to teach -their thoUghts." 1875; Maude, who is married to Char- prisoners with their hide whips. Al - world, on the right side-tnine, h °- InaY also go to the front with his-tegi-- -them to amuse their masters and mis- Afi to what kind of people should les Fleece aud! has one child, Jan. 12,' woes when this occurred death claimed. • Lord, •is the 'kingdom 1 Oh, fall into ,g, a out eria settle in Canada. she said. 1876; Cora, Marchi 16, 1877; 131anche, its five or six, victims, .erushed and tine ell ye people 1 ft is a grand thing. ment, the First . Royal Dragoons, The tresses at home by doing something Ma 10 1878. Ma ho is dead on t 1 d t d th " ' to be in auch an army, and lediby such a commander, and en the way to such a vietory. If what I have said be true, tben • Christ is . going to °gather lep for Himself out of this world everything that is worth any- thing, aed there will be nothing but, the scum left. We have been rebels, bet a proolannition of amnesey goes emmin, 8 8 n wins, on ec. forth now from tbe throne, saying g• Lord Lansdowne, 'tbe Secretary for orders, ,so used are they to •going would advise the Maritirae. Provinces - • $1,•1893; Earl, March go, 1895; Tease, "Whosoever Will, let him come,e How- War, has twe sena In reniinents under: through their little tricks. It has be- • . • IT IS At HARD, LIFE.a May 3, 1896; EditbaJunn8, 1897; Lot - ever long you may have wandered,. orders -the Earl of Kerry, kis beir, come second nature to them) and they "The life Of these farming on the tie, Sept. 5, 1898 and our baby, which however. great your/. crimes mey. have who Is a lieutenant. in the Grenadier voluntarily go thrOugh with theni in Prairie or in the far weal; is very hard, was born( on Sept. 17 of this year." been, 'whomever wine let him come." Guards, and Lord Charles Fitzinaurice, their own play together, Or to atteact They are removed from most of the Regarding her married 4ife, Mrs. Gh, that to -night• I could marshal all a lieutenarir in the . First' Dragoons. attention to themselves , wheb • they influences of eivilization; but doing a SwartwOod. said: "I „gwas married this. audience en the side of Christ The great dukeddms ot Buccleuch and want anything to eat. . , geod work and building up the.Empire. when I wait fourteen years old. I lov- and teal that there would_ go mite of Portland have a •scarcely less vital She has Always been fond of pets, but , "Whein. Nye were in Canada a move- ed Will when I ,waa a girl and,. want - these &owe not one enemy of Jesus. stake in the struggle than Lord Salis•-•-f- Ole, He is a loving Jesus 1 lie is the bury and his immediate colleagues. was never content until she•had taught ment was started for•sending out old ed to be married. Ever since, ;we places • meth any rich hest •eriend a men ever had. He is ao For the Duke of Buccleuch's third. son each pet. little tricks. At one time cznoargnarazsineots ctoantahdea,seetstpleerosiaiiinyftaor-athwoasye hauuvet ehabenengeverY happy% and I ;would her rgoms were a regalar menagerie; kind. He is so loving, so sympathetic. Lord George W. Miettague-Douglas- There•were two white mice,'a squirrel, who have. a gond education, but are lad.Y. • I, cannot see how you can stay away Scott,- is EL captain •in the Tenth Hus- frame Him. Come now: and accept His ors, While Lord Williane 'Auguetue can,, bionkon . a .p„rot, a canary, a two little marmoset) or South Ameri- now separated from their kind. One "Look at these children. Ain't they ot the things these people feel most riches emou,gle and everyone living at Merey. Oh, behold lebto, as he steetch- Cavendish Bentinck holds the same robin, a fox cierier, a Maltese poodle is the absence of reading. If any of home. except the twe girls that got es. out the. armi of His sal•vation, say- rank in that gallant, regiment. , _ and a Brazilian. terrier, beeides thtee the readers ef the Temple magazine married. it's nice for father and me ing r "Look unto. Me,. all ye ends of e'DANDY7 ,CAVALBY REGIMENT. tame common helium mice which. found want to do e good service. let them to have them all here, although it does the eartb and be Ye saved, Ior I am This -is the corps knowa us the thole evay through their own little send Obeli. magazines when done with orowd us up a bit. We haven't got a God." Ya have -this choice to make "prince ,of Nolen, Own Royal," and doors •in the casing, of the doorway to the, searetary, Aberdeen Associatien big house, as, youocan see, and every bit of the apace is used. Walk into -everyone. in . the• house will' make it the af kers form, . perhaps, the Most when the dogs were net In sight, and Imperial Institute, London. What we now, You will either be willowa exclusive sat in the army, as they ine fed on the crumbs left for them, and, are anxious tooiee hold ot are sets of the dining room there and look at the elude, besides- those named, the Hon, if .tbeir mistress was• there, running magazines feu. the yaar, '. and espeoi- . teelAta" • E. Baring, et Lord Revelstolge's family, up to her and eating ont of her hand idly are . we in need of chiheren•e et NVas atable.to lOok at, of generous width, •and very long. It bore plates . the well known banking house; the anc, running up her arra 'onto , her books. Hon. T. W. Brand, Viectount Hump- shoulder. • and knives end forks for "The Canadian Government, You will den's heir presumptive; the Earl of She had•taught all the InettY little be glad to hear, allows tie to send - TWENTY-TWO PEOPLE, Shaftesbury, the Hon. D. Anderson -- Pelham and the Hon. G. B. Portman. The Bart of Derby's youngest son is a lieutenant in the same regiment,, Ilis father, when known.as Lord Stan- ley, was a Governor General of Canada f TOM 1888 to 1893, and hie uncle, tbe late Lord Derby, was the Minister of Premier's soldier son, Lord Edward requiring more intelligence thin sim••• e is. no a p ace or he pro es - CeCia wbo . was Lard Kitchener . a. ply eating, running and barking, or IY- *she. waata in the WaYof medical men. May 20, 1879 ;". Herbert, Aug, 21, 18e0; MAKING SALTPETRE. • atonal min. Cenada pan produce all ' Warren, Bearoh 14, .1881; Elsie, April en - • . .- . . • •-• * •' a, . the rigors or hie person itre„ Khartoum's aideeee_campeast year at Lag in comfort on a satin .sofa pillow. clergemen, lawyets arid the like. Fe, 11382LSoaxit liftuagh 41, :.88243! Age; 4 were relaxed, and tne Klialifagave him •ee•--- Omnurmae, is ,by this' time helPing The idea was evolved by the need of Wheee teere •is a big opening is for ler Alon,zo and Gertrade , the Pfirst twins, employment. He was sent . to the ar- Colonel Baden-Powelt to field *trek- the hour, and the 'presence of her own 1*;.1: i:vireLtigilrgea r gilt alihde B t!Ittli% $3 a°, 29, 1889 ; CTert'd ge ill dead; Elnaer, "nal tt) Mit Saitt.:Petre fer explosives; , ing against the most formidable ef the little elogs, which do all sorts of • funny Oceumba awaitini tbent. i -But tor Atte 21, AN; Calvin, july 31., 1891; One of thea .ega ems against hini was that, to all, intents and purposes he Boer readers. . ' . • ' . ' . little "attune" .eiren without' direct these who have it earaily end money.' Florence, Nov. 19,' 1892 ; Esther and - w•as a free utan and "manufactured ELIA not sophy plenges its croWbar into rocks foe women; it is eery good. for chile planted. be the water -courses, or the e . and finds that tbe: Worid was gradu- ercut, but not for men."' But eve have chaff which the wind driveth away, ally made, tnere must have been some in the roll of Christ's host, adozaat and want at which the process started, Handel, In music; Canova and Angelo, • - - Then, .Who startedeit r And, so that in eculpturg; Raphael. and Reynolds, • objection was overcome% and in the in painting; Harvey and Baerhier, in GEN. EVART R. GROBLER, three first words of the Bible, we find mediciee; Cowper and Scott, in poe- that Moses stated a (magnificent truth rr; Grotius and Burke% in atatesenan- commander or the orange Free Mete when he „said:. "In the beginning." ship; Boyle and Leibnitz, ie pieloso- • 3lithary reeve. Worldly philosophy said: "Your Bible phy ; Thomas Chalinere and .Tohn We- is a most. inaecurate book; all that eon, in :theology. The moat •brilliant In the coectarted phin of war agreed story in the Old f•Cesteitorenti again and writings of a worldly nature are all uPon by the Boer Republic ' and the again told about the tirmy of the aglOw with .' Orange. Free State the forees of- the toasts; it is preposterous. Theta is . SCRIPTURA.L ALLUSIONS. letter will be under the command like an army. An erixty walks; lo- ThrOu'gh eisnatorial sPeecla .and General Evart R, Groblet, ii. notable nothing in the coming of -the locusts custs fly. An allmY goes in order and thrOugh eassayist•s discourse, Sinai figure In the commercial, legislative, Wait, said Ch•ristiati philosophy ; and ciam Sparkles'. Samuel L. Stauthard was . General Grobler is decidedly versat- in 1868, in the south-western part of mighty in the court -room and in the this country, Christian men went out eenate-chamber ; but he reserved his Ile in his attainments, Ile is a grain te examine the leave of the locusts. grand'eat eloquence for that day when grower. an oatrich farmer, a stock who must have noticed in that very at Princeton "contraencemeate" and Though only thirty-six years old lie part of the country the coming up of Pleaded for the grandeur of the Bible. THIS ARMY OF LOCUSTS. Daniel Webster won not his chief gar- hes been an infloential member a the ' . And it wall foaled that all the news- nor when he opened the batteries of is described rtS a Man of intrepid and proeession; locusts without order." thunders, and, Cavalry pleads, and Sil- and military effairs of South Africa. There are men now right before rae he stood before the literary aocieties raiser and a diamond mine owner: lands while 10 was consuming Hayne, Volksraad, sitting for Philopolis. He .... . _papers unwittingly spoke of the"armY his eloquence on Bunkerae Hill-thet dogged. temperament, able, shrewddiut, of lootists." Why( They seem to heve a rocking Sinai of the American revolu- commander. .They march like a host, tiona-but on that day, when in the withal, conservative. H is descended They halt like a host. No arrow famous Girard will case, he showed his from Dutch and Huguenot stook. He ever went in straighter flight than affection for the ChriaLian relagion speaks ana writes fluently Dutch, Eng- tbe locusts come -not even, turning end eulogized the Bible. The eloquenoe aside for the wind. If the wind Aims, and the leurnhig that have been on. lish, German and French. He is also the locuats drop, and. then rhos up the other aide have come ovee to out accomplished in the vernacular i of %agate after it haft gone down, taking side. Where is Gibbon's historical many of the native tribes around the • the same line of march, not varying a pen r Where le Robeepierrees sword t re a e. foot. The old Bible is right every 0 6 St t • • CaStered for God. " There is none like time, when it speaks of ocusts aiming thatt; give it me." So also haa it been TALL AND SLENDER. like an army; world Y ,PhiloaePhY of the picture -making of the world. We re • - • said: "All that store a out the light are very anxious in this day to have - ' 7 e s Antal six feet tall, of slight turned as day to the seal in simply an the printing -press aod the platform build, erect, and is a mato a active absurdity." Old time worldly philoso- on the aide, of Christianity, but we physique and quick mental conception. phr.uthe tight eomes straight," Chris- overlook the, engraver* knife, end the While at all times genial and measur- dart philoeophy says wait a little; and peariteres* pencil. The antiquarian goes ably unostentatious, he has a reserve it goee otte-tind makes discoveties, and and looka at pictured ruins, and ex- which he does not readily throw off. finds that the atmosphere curves and amines the chieelled pillars of Thebes He has a wild brown eye when enjoy.. bende the raps on light around tht( and Nineveh and Pompeii, and then ing recreation, but an earnest, severe earth" literally "as the clay to the cornett beek to hell us of the, beastli- leek in a serious mood. Ills home in seal.' The Bible right again; worldlY nese -of ancient art. And it is a fact his native land, for he is Boer born -a plilloeophy wrong again. "Oh," saya now, that many of the fineat specimens native of the soil for which he is flight - worldly philosophy, all that allusion in -merely artistically considerea-of ing-io opte of open hospitality, . Sob about the fouttdation of the earth aeulpture anti painting that are to be General Grobler was the Orange Free , is shrtply an abstirdity." "Where west found among those ruins, are not fit , thou,' • gays God, "when I set the to be looked at, and they arnlooked foundations of the earthi" The earth ttel. HoW Paul must luxe felt when . . has no foundations! Christian philosce standing amid those impuritiea that PhY collies and finds that the word els atared On. him from the walls, and the tranidated "foundations" may be bet- ipavetnents, and the baeaare of Core ter translated "sockets." So now, see inth, whilst he preephed of the pure how it will read if it is translated. and holy jeautt I The art of the world right, "Where Wast thou when I set oft the aide of obettenity, and crime, and the sockets of the earthie Where is death! In latet days, the Vatican .the itotiketi it is the hollow of Kilod'a and the cathedrals were crowded with bead --a sweet large enough for anY religioun pictilres. The Titiane, and - vvorld. to turn in. , Raphaels, mad Giottos of the world put ,Worldir philosophy Maid; "What an absurd dory about joshua making the (sun and moon te etand still. If the werld had stopped an iristailt, - the - show tricks to her own: pets, dogs in- these magazines post free. Last year eluded, and also trained the pet dogs S7,000 pubdotione were sent out. Bet, "It keeps me and the girls pretty cit intervals were greet piles of bread. of her friends; so why, not train other you understand, there is always an busy looking after the eating and dope/ ' • ' inereasing demand, At first there was wasbing for our big family," realm- ahe younger the dogs the better, ac- a fear that the people would think they ed, Mrs. Smartwood/ when 1 came out ording to the saying.teat. "you eau. wei,e beingpauperized, But that isnot of the dining room, rr rather makee not toch old. dogs neve tricks," al- so, The magazines are yeceived as a above 470 a toonth, and the boys bring though that is tot sheet y true, as sign ot kindly remeetbrance from folks in 'about 190 a month, and, while we rather a cross bench turn of mind, but mane an old dog has been trained to tivlug in the towns." get along nicely; we haVe nothing to of reputed common sense, Whose omis- do all the sprightly tricks taught to VICTORIAN NIMES. spare. We've gmen all the children sion to define the rights of sezerainty Puppies, but the puppies, learn .quieleer. , as good, schooling ae they can get in the convention of 1884 has been seize They are more fond of playing, and 'But, when you were. in Canada' ear,covundbaht tit y"ou think of married life" ed upon by the TransVaal goVernment tricks are simply an natelligently ,Lady . 'Aberdeen," T remarked, "you as the tecognition oh the complete In- guided jot of games. It requires time Were Instrumental in doing something °Oh, I seppose you are referring to - - • Every woman should get married, I well r eeeweiteu..ried to ask. dependence of the Republic in its ex- and the patience of Job; that is all. But tor the hi/dies orthe Ceanadians as u I ought to know, I guess. ternal as well as its internal relations. few persons have the necessary time as for their Ininds." Viscount Downe's heir, the Hon. .1; or patience to spend on their dogs. en k I don't know. much about the Dawney, is now the adjutant of the The tirse thing the teacher does is to the Victorian Nurses," replied her ra ' now woman, bat if she don't believe in "prince of Wales' Own," and the Duch- make firm friends of the dog under ladyahip. "The Victorian Nurses were married. life, I don't want to know ess of Portland's brother, Mr, Dallas tuition, the next to make him respect started as a oft of conunemoration anything about her. What's as happy her authority, and then reward him a the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, on Yorke. is a junior officer of the saMe as having children to love, you and you . for obedience. AIL dogs expect re- very muct the same lines as they were . lodes th VI corps. Atiother "dandy" regiment which la wards for eXtreordinary exertion, started, here. But we had a great eleeme of my whiten ens been a just like people. A few lessons are all difficulty tn Canada -the enormous already at the front awaiting the Boer source of grief,, trouble or anxiety to attack in the tongue of Natal is the each in quick succession, always with nurses have reallyt only been actively that is necessary usuallY• following distances from place to place. The Mely lc, jag tie tghilisek taGeod.sehamsabeeyen eyitTees,cisaire: Ninth Lancers, the Queen's Royal. and the reward at the close. It is just as at work for a %year, aad most delight - this again numbers among its officers easy to teach several dogs at once ae fin are the reportd of how much they you, cau WI me clown as. believing in tepresentatives of teeny families in the one ift a time. One of the 'prettiest are appreeiated, We make the quail- the married. woman whe emlieves in ebeolutely the best qualificatione and - ! having children.e peerage and the &tacitly influential eighty id to see two dogs marching like fleations of the muses higher than • county families not posseshing a title, little soldiers across the rOoM. they are in England. They must have Mr. Swartwood, who is an engineer but whose estatee have been handed On the Jersey, Central Railroad, hall down for generations in unbroken moo- •Her• Own twe little white dogs -the been rece4ving the congratulations of cession in Yorkshire, Devon toad Kent. poodle and terrier -are abOet theesame must hal% had a full. hospital training. We avoid pfoducing tbe idea that there! upon his wife giving birth to the twen- 1 his fellow workmen rat. several dee* The Colonel, Major General Sir Wile size. Every day they go through the is any charity abeut sending out these . liam Drysdale, is to have command of same performance when the mail car- • a division, and Lieutenant Colonel rier cornea and leaves a letter. -They nurses,by always asking tor a fee, t"fth and. Bloomfield Gough is Marked out for a rush to tee door at his ring, and if although the iocal committee has in, proper cases, to remit the ) loughby, Lord Douglas Compton, a ..,,,At hr A,. „ the terrier, Neisance allows the fee. ;Four of these bursae went up to - UNDREAVED OF FORTUNE. .......„ high eammand. The Hon. C. H. Wit- there are not enough letters for both, power, brother of the Marquis of Northautpe la"'".e' ...Wel, .h., take' the letter in the Klondike last year. They walked ferin, Lord Frederiek Temple Black- of this mistress' room and both stand through all sorts of experiences. A Han la London Vans Mole le *18,060 • ton, and a son of the Marquis of Dui- her moutb, an t ey scurry to the door 180 miles with the soldient, and palsied peeresaete and a Wykeham-Viertneaect get:is moutee, end then.. they march _ tit herself in charge of about thirty unexpectedly on the heads of "poor Stories of VaPIStterflornrt nes, which fall wood, are younger sons of peera or erect, the letter ill full sight in Mid- "On arrival, one of the nurses found . Gordon, a Campbell ahd a Cavendish raaignait It): tr IV mnritt.r.,gLad"."12'dow"„e typhoid p_atients. We have tear train. - are names with memorable tre.ditions big homed for these narses. Districts = . . but h;ocneet" toilers are, a8 a rule, to clustering round them. To hancl or71 -ht eir, hitettnalTel io—cle-11-ver"the let-- are forming local scutieties al' througb - be received with ceution, says the them down untarnished the preaent bearers may be relied upon to do their utmost and, in fact, the Lancers, freab powder for the Khalifa te, shoot English' • soldiers with," Without pretending a" to understand the technical details which Neufeld incorporates in 'his stOry, we gather that his reply to this charge is that the saltpetre was use-, less -that he purposely made it so. Hia next employment was in the mint. where he seems to( have been, equally unsucceesful. Wbile on this subject, he spoke of 'buried treastireet- "I have frequently been asked what estimate, should bnput upon the Kim - _possible to say one thing only is cer- Ma's butted treasure. It is next eo rain, all good gold and silver jewellery and coins have disaopeared during. the' last fifteen years. Thousands of tndie viduals may have their hoards here and there. Some idea on what the Khali. fa's treasure may artiOunt. to might lm gleaned from rin examination of the Beit -el -Nal books, ror theae are well kept. The real question is. Where is hi But this IS matter.people need not trouble themselveti about. It wits gette entity, supposed in Omdurman that those who buried the money were soon afterwards,' buried themselves."Dead men tell no tales," I doutitemyself if the Khatifa's hoards will ever be found -officially. . . a The few mill- ions he has buried in various places will, no doubt, be discovered some day." ram TO PRISON. After Stalin's escape, Neufeld • wa$ sent bactle to prison. Here, as we un- derstand his book, he remained until Lord. Kitchener entered Omdurman, though at the Khalifa's orders he ap- pears to have been concerned in mak- ing cartridge.machines Whiche_xpWrohOdUiedelhd. afoprolaanyeinesg in ptrheemallaureelyNile not work, and in constructing "mines" Rumors of the advance of the Anglo- Egyptian Army Were plentiful in Um - (lumen, and the crop grew as the progress of the "iron devils" -the way -Went on. .Annihilation was to be the fate of the infideb. but after the battle at Atbara, confusion rather than confidence ruled in the Ithalifit's coun. cite. The flight of shells over the pais - on told of Lord laitchenees approach, Neureld lay chained to a gang of about forty pritoners widle the battle of Sep- tember 2 was fought, He did not know hove the day had, gone until evening, ' when the gaoler rushed In, "frightened out de his Wee' to say that "the place ownaosaf_illed with' my English brothera, was the dreaded Sirdar, had ask- ed for me, end that I was to come; at that a big tall man, who, he was told, "It eeemed an age while the chein Was being slipped from my shackles, and then, led by Idris, 'made my way te the gate of Saler, I was crying dry- eyed; I could see a blurred green, and • then was startled out of My *Mesa she Still meatus obliviou$ Ntlisanee nurses. n ee . alrea y seine a t 0 I d d d h a Bed Vantitfelen, of Austinfriars, tut- blurred group, and thraugh the 1 thTeeliceagsreaPwbithSugteer.e7eonetil State's Commissioner to the World 0 waVe both front paws up and deem If she pretends not to see theta they or t o 1 I so 1 i - ' supporting ih keeping' its nurse, or wo pa, h. oca c ety w 11 be self Mr.Verver. they prove to ne true, . Lts noenhd omo a Dr abi el y. .. and by hearing English epoken-the only heard for &tame Tong years, From) that Woras of a European( language I had ter. Canada. and we hope abet in a year from Indi ha th f t f a, Ve on e roll iers o • rapidly to attract her attention. If • Fair, at Chicago, in 1898, His govarn- . g oom d• t • t If rti ment also designated him for the Ant- the northwest ' di I d is ric a are 86 -suppo ng. provinces sp aye giveit a little, bark -speaks -and they tame a voice, "Are you Neureld e Are lee; eclat ot his Dutch tountrymen, werp Maposition and for the forthoota- their mettle in earnest fashion, cock their eyee and turn their headis DONE BY THE WOMEN. ' . you wellP lead then a tall figure step. ing Pane Exposition. These honors Thresh h 'CI bl d I t' f th g 8 00 re a 10110 o 6 'd lookin at her inquiring- with mare imagination than usual, d t . pe °ward me, and gave hay hand a he declined becasue his South African officers of these two regiments elone es The interviewer temarked that the intereets demanded his thole. Ete haa it may be expected that such a feat of I .1 it et'ery cunning way, and eh re je Cimadiatte don't intend to be behind.. itts PlaYi." had numb to do with matters of trans- Irina as another charge oe the light brie tYki l' the letter. Then they a strange epractical joke. portation over the linel of railway be- gado would bring fresh renown foe a reeld until she gives them. eiteh some hand in good work. "'That is trues enough," answered Lady Mr.•Vaptiffeten has acted as the care- tween Cape Toivri And the rree State reekless bravery to the nobility of — -' t - h EIS est d v If she should tiretend zdt to Aberdeen. taker ot aome °Mess in the stock brak- and in arranging the customs troubles Engle d 1 half It n or p Mere 8 I fathires think 6 it t ey sit t ere pa en y um- ' h ti tl "And in Canada all this good work is paws done by the women. ing quarter jest mentioned, but he will between the two countries. bite mourning.' \ energetieally every time they til she remembers, waving their can blisy„ One a the contra/its between 130 1°nEertr ,t. h .The. men are so wield the besom or fill the coal scuttle tor he has received the pleae hearty shake. It was the Sird'ar. I bea ' lieve babbled soraething cia I receive ect a haildshake from one and a slap of the shoulder from another, but d.o not know what said., Looking doWn at iny bhaokles, the airdar asked. 'Can thistle be taken off nowt am going oil canvas and cathedral wall the ap- development of the jagersfontein dia. . PRINCE OF WALES AND E catch her eye. t are no ei u c a ' England and Canada is that be Canada sant intima Jou t at he is the inheritor on.' I belleVe a seciondet dis tmelon Went He took a proMinent part In Om TH Henri of Jeans Christ," and "The Lord's mond mines. He lute one of the latg- PAGETS. I The serteink difficulty la very great y, ere_ a fortune Valued at 4/8,000. great-unele occupied the poeition of an Order I* wax to tecteiVe and obey in It appears that man,' years ago a on with Idris, and then Iheard the last Solver,'" and " The Crucifixion,".and est °stylish farms in South Attlee. He To ixtusricans the incident of the THE DIFFERENCE, • over there, and. Bo women have to aft- admiral in the Dutch navy. and in that the Saler. 'Neuteld, ',et yott goP It was "The Laet Sudgmente" but all these patriotically loves his native Ituade.itrid 'nspection ef the Scots Guards on Tues., ' tend personally to their households whOte universe would have been oat of pieturee Wort1 prostituted to eupersti- he has been looking at a vear cloud xor iday bengs home the tie of kinship How's your boy doing? inquieed the and work hard. all morning; and yet capecity istgeged in several 'success- the Sidarai ordet, and, half carried by gear.° "Stop," said Christian philose- toine Poor devotees come and erode several years. with iintende realiera. After the inan whose business takes an occas- they can turn out in the afternoton a M 1 I at These the friendly istrong arms -0 t rte Of phtiaath... exPlotts btought much money. which ed Me, X obeyed.. The next thing re- PhY, not rildte so quick. The world tion, .2001. devotees come their beadle General Grobler is now in the field Prince of :Wales, accompithied by the ionailY to a tura) tomununity where emartly dreesed, ready for has two motions, -one on its bwn axis, they' take their wafers; they glahoe in command of the Ftee State's avail- Cectrowitx of /tussle, bed pissed, down he knows all the inhabitance. rimic work or eleurch work, or to tthoW he left at, his death, over thirty Yetis Membered was a British officer slip - t plog off his borae, lifting tnes into the and the other around the atm it <Waft itt the piteured tend they gew able army of 21,(k)0 men. He hair it the lines and noted the battallori'a °rine. en interest in tbings that ere liter« tO his brother, a jays planter. ts OWn &hie, :here Wee nO reason What to arreleall 1/61111 vnr. well educated. They eve beetil mar - *by the, haltire of the earth ohetild beautiful platere of the Madeline g tied abeut twelve years, but have,. no ontee.,the one turning the world on ;hat both motions should be stop- mottanvgns AND UNSAVED. WAS h is of Huguenot, extraction, and, like himeelf, le very refined. well bred' end free Noe end b48 American wife or, got e situation. ne started in with a he stooped to congratulate Colonel A.1. - the eine appearanee of the men under hie oomniand. Mrs. Paget, the daugh- joie where he didn't get nothih" but log a °ovum*. ot afteh year on a Vantlifelen 11102 now become the wages - $4 a week. But he done SO ranob,rv-- - no ain't got a job no more. • Eery and artistiet" "Wheit. yort Were in Canada did you being atle'°e°°itillf not always mekei it a habit at spend. reime vers" '114..010 °" , beritior. The fortunate tentleman Was Made a seelous error gtving (mare was inveated in plantations, whittle giattdedrlet, mend trudging along at my Mde worked, soon bee h terribly trying and ardttoes inhaptt 11014::eitehby: Of this estate Mr, (I::: Mtittigh eerhwa:thhnut:ealt ot reNeti6U6rf671 "Adhnkatg: Met hit death, hie story, which bidet-, itifidelity wrong eteerr T knew/ g-- --henget, than in thou, of New York andnieet there ain't 'wage% that's salary, tares out in• British Columbia, It le and then b me a caretaker. Omdurman, being that Gerdort foe ht hat to Nero the titivate • African affairs, an4 helping to et: a figure no less welcome in London along, so now hem gettin' $10 it • week. "Let* Aberdeen had a ram& a mow - universe. jesbuct right and God right; 40, *age, a &tare of the lasthjeud.reees • tile and intelligent intereet in Sou eon and Seiettee hale etruek hands . explotatiene, The fact le, that re in psoturet, And bringe back ter his AM* lbw long heft they been keeping - Artist goes over to Rome, looks at -the THEN MT VICVE. ai y officer, rr is levees and other tourt lune- stowed upon het, by which she is railway lite. The sosnery about moo allow/wee for us, whim tha sto and wan 4:ht . 0 t e t the QUeereS drawing rooms, the in childhood ehe has a niektietna toWn of Vernon. reached bY brAneh 0 r bmt aud MOW, when they have teemed that she has not albh name, lt te *Isms four awes froM the little a. give others by simply not being at *Oohed. onl ft learned In his vtay down to the bottom f gh „:k erlean Studio much of the power of house,' not necessary, in making there 'stand out beautiful andpatriOtic young wife. She fleas for enlbarkine for south Africa, Ilea a good job, halt het ter•euri opted letee jarred teed deranged the whole Whitt to Lord Settlea, the tinjult children. Mrs, Grobler takes an evi ter or the tate Mrs. Partin steeene, la good that theY laimeted him right "oh, ice,,,, replied the omenteca. °nee a yew of the utch Ohurele On which will convey 120 tO diaprOVS MS actcUraey of the at- - God thee tuns of the bate tisui in the Sordent Vhe together food and elOthes to be sent to sailed Coldstream Itateeli, because Of ..04/•••• 110••••••• • it 'mild be Webrig. thetik of the, Id still on the side of Paris, and her tastes tor golf, oyeling EN LITTLE ESTEEMED .....- peal to the eutdOer life Of the Engii\lh The Roreed Woman IS so little as, ways 000i, avan.iu tha botteat weather. What a ettlitie kind Of heartaehe eci together from vehe he courit of the manner In whieh G euperstition and death. But that is , and skating' are just those whicsh ap- W°M A.I.,Wa.YS FOR SUNSHINE. ordon the Huta hits come when Christians 0d't wor the tront. • an undergneand Kroft that let ale need not be *eared at any *chola& ne being changed. now. The 'Christian , girrtgAt' PRIEN13811IP' „ thtlee Old waders, The Christian W6114 nederstand they uettally keeei 1,I.0 and the deeper down geology titn dig, minister goes over to Venice, looke at one, until the landlord insiees hav- 11111 ehd ti66 higher till antrOhOth7 tall "The Crtusifikloa or atrial" senate:01es tug the rent and soar, all the better for us. The arm. hack to his( Autericatt pa plt, to talk Soot its of the Lord Attie Chriet hare as 126vor 'before of the *offerings of Self-reepect lb the ebrner-itone of 4ret eto eatril the obliereatories of the the Saviour. The Pritette traria goes trii virtus.--Ar jobb sersobei. . 1 21" this popular officer, by reafionNi knOWn 0 bet fond" and- Intimate is very lovely. In the hop-plekiena d ties, is well known to the imbue friends, bat atter She arriVes at Ma... so040.11' we had an entampment of in.. s battalion, the Second of the tarity she is -Galled thus only by leer diem.. They were better then white uardis, when ranked with the reete, To thle read ot the world she le for the work', In order that ere, makittg a "the 1 ,deteehter" I. or "the h rei thou be 120 eXati tor the In. oot guard SteendleSo. di nit 400 6 a ander ,• , •-e ee .1 rk side is uppermost in our minds, be ad dealt death and woundit to sei. 4 we rake mar *twilight and *our- era' ot hie atteallents. This version le away e sit our unerken elaborated bee/Luse Neureld thiAltatheit tits, aut a sphere of eavi- the a:ebonite in quisettort bear tbet Stand Vrikya wad eternal- °ell aetiot thet Gotilett did lite wad elute I wet/. tenure* slave ' • • ,,