HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-11-16, Page 2_ OK OUITON NEWS4KGORK tiVished °eery THURSDAY &Mut te leeWM aliet Melee, Albert et 40011.10 • • ••• ••,, • *woggle Riatee . 1Yr. 0.5to, . ago. 1*. wee ..-514 LJ'4W W teem, • 20UU lit „s eetie eine .... u. iItti 7 itu .UCUI. 1 0.0 V he h. ee 3cuJ 12o etletet po1itIoII fi oat *to eV- vet. 'vent *Ira • trenotleat adverdaeillente let 004 hoe foe the firet insertime a eimts hue each'eubsequent lesertIon-- Varell zx.eaure. Profassiollel car" •ealeeleding one inele 55.00 P.,.. UM, Ativertieermints. Without epee- direethelleewiLl be- panttehed tilt LL and charged for eeeeroesly, neleati notices-e"Loat;" •"Ifellau," r 600,40 meta for arid. sOk mete tor meti ettlisectUeOt rtion, - HE NEWEI4rECCIRD will »e gent Spy *Wrest, free of postege. for -per year, 'payable In . actettage- 50 Mee be chargedif not tio Paid. 'date - to wiiiee every 'm4304410111. Paid is denoted by tho.. number on. address label. No paper diecoetin- until all arrearsare paid, except the option of the proprtetor. • W. BUTOKEI.14. Editor and Proprietor. HE MOLSON'S,BANK incort"ratea hy Act of Pail1tient18. CAPITAL $2,000,00.0. Rest' $1,5oo,060 • Dead Offloe,.. - MONTREAL. . 1 M. MOLSON, MACPHERSON, President WOLFERSTAN 11001AS, Gen. Manager Notesdiscounted, Collections made. Drafts sued, Sterling and American Exchange (nicht and sold. interest allowed on Deposits • SAVINGS BANK. • Interest allowed on sums of el and up. 'FARMER& ow advanced to farmers on their own otos with one or more endorsers. No Inert. age required as smut 1.y. H. 0. BREWER, Manager, Chnton, D. 1VIoTAGG.ART, Banker, ,ALBERT STREET, - CLINTON A General Banking Business Transacted. Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued, • Interest Allowed on Deposits. 4rni..cicsms meet....rx.came • LINTON • - - • ONT Fire, Accident and Life Insurance' Transacted. Represen s several of the best txtmpanies and any information relating to insurance gladly given. General District Agent for the Confederation Life Insnrunce Co. Money to Loan on Reasonable Rates ecS-Palace block, opposite Market. 000 001110 Tells the ettirr. When Your head aebet and you feel bine*. Coup* pated: Red out of tune, with your stornaele emir ene no appetite, Met hue a Packet* of Hood's Pills Awl take a dote, from to 4 Pills, You win be ;surprised at bow meth, they will do their work, cure Your headache and biliousness, rouse the liver and maim you feel blew tigala. 25 cents. Sold by all medicine dealer,. SLAUGHTER m BO tre."11"7. GEN. HULLER EXPLAINS. The Wier Mee bas teethed the fol. ffif NEws IN I Nina • A report having appein ared the Sou; bo elrieen Darters that our ar ler telegraphs the renewing. aotealtat THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL TEE WORLD OVER, Lowing re- -grail on the Geneva, flag, General liu rim of the incident. given to the Standard .They Attack Mafelong, Bid Are yen Back With Frightful Losses. la mix atom building at IP end 141 Weet Ireke etreet, CblOago• TIARKETS OF Ti g WORLD, Ilighwaymea held up RM. Janninge. *ado Meaner of the Broadway Cable en.r , Ilt St. LOMA OA it etreeCoar, and rob- Prie03 of Grail. !Att.% 0h)ese, lie bed binx of 09.100, which he bet drawn ID tee e0ading alert?, from the bank to pay weiree. and Diggers' News by the Rev', Kr, Martene, Dutch clergyman with the • Boers Also Suffer at Colenso—Caught Between . Two Fires the Enemy Suffered Terribly...Annihilated Almost. to a Man. -The British Loss Was Very Small...Boer Treachery Punished„ John T Emmerton - • T. . A despatch from Orange River Ste- Monday, Co) Plumer`e column, mantle itlafekin had reached Aavo el kop opposite Oesth ten miles north of tion, says: -(By despatola rider from In g from Fort 'Ruh. to the relief of ' "Directly titter the firat cannon shot Interesting Items About Our Owu the English thought our extent were at `,Countrett Great Britsin, the United the rail:wee .stat on, and: fired there, , Statist end MI Parts alike Globe. They were not ; hutt: 'oriel of the ehete Condensed soul Assorted for alley went through an enebulanee. etee goon aeand5ctek 7v/ran/au: :378AXI:rbaturiaontutiltewe,e bitn:a:co7oered81:- cl::::4104AN't Lo'non. ruPter, with liabilitiee eligalletina to leg 1,000 lamite and mimeo ond1,500 c o, pees lit of the Northern • uel ceenpan4, atti Leheo coal & coke 44:traetettrtlintogsyawradr: irteloselrenaltpoik,eiztWoeusdt.- ConIPLWY, hall filed a ;petition in bank- arvi. R. 1:1(icity. at capitatat, Opel- tuTworLouto, -Nov, 14. -About aixty loud* man*511L aW"fa)ri e En uRgt: la* ep ne gwaeur e° 1 tn I ler aknei rd*". far Cattlq we" 49421"4 1316 another train hand fatally InJured. by "Weld' but trade Wila 411114 tuld thi" the explosion of . lot:motive on the wait a downward tendency for ascend. three Ogles trona the field of battle; so yesterday. EhnOrt Cattle lit neer thetaland. and Lehigh Valley line ne r Towanda, rate and inferior cattle„ the Boers °Anna Maim that' the 'Eng- NeVigation on the Yukon has closed, Banal° is alarmed; Oyer the rivalry nominally nimeel, at from 4 ter 4- 1-2e. litth broke the 'Magee of civilized war- Ealnilten bartenders have organized ttroMieed the Erie esnal by the St. p fare; but I do not 'think the English e: union. In butcher cattle there was a sow e Lawrence route, and the daPer ound, teger of would have fired en the= had they Hantilton doctors have organized an divergence of the grain forwarding movemeat; toe little pea sten we bad here eold readily at from 33-4 /to to 41-40,. per pound; a little more Otut Paid fee email aelected lots, but these were in no 'mime repreeentative rates. The enquiry wee slow, and Wins weak, tor all ordinary to common stuff. It is reported the recelpts of cat- tle will dot be large to -morrow, 'ri= day. Stockers are a slow sele, and goot- ed about 30 per ;meant for good cat - tie. TI1E LEADING BARBER, oe 4bornbs rded tbc g, g • known this. It was uninteritionsti." association. tool° from that city to Port Colborne • Smith's block, opposite Post Office • Damp and towel for 80 hours. Inbatel, and was nearing Meki feng. 0. P. R. land sal* for °ember Rg. and Montreal. ALSO Theo" threw in BOO shells, tend did not QUEEN TO LA.DY WHITS. 1' gregate 30,0011 acres for 095,0e0. Michael natal, the magivien, klioWe A oft for Standard lesoraece .Co Cease firing till the evening of October A despateli front ',widen says:- A MERCHANT' SHO DEAD weadeut sh..h.e.33, of the C. P. - 8-.4 tlm bullet catcher," who Wee wed" LIf g5to. Read, Offit!te for Canada, Montreal, investa e tele conada • 18,500,0* town hy the, Boma oat f Min alloy of anx The rootlet; of relief inspired by re., I It, was hamit,oted by the vanemeee dentally shot on Saturday night in Board of 'Trade. New York, while giving an exhibition ,Deirleg the lone bombardment ot the cent good tidings is tinged by a car- • Establisien iti25 The cid, reliable and favorite tceiptlixtiborti(:settn haanix '3.104eciatoethialig janibunrIlealet. in hie mouth, is Lela tQend"en 6%1 y otir English ohoutifi again makieteromleeettaGieal.mWishoialie. 3OHN E. YARCOE, OF TORONTO. • CONVEYANCING. John .Ridout, • Conveyancer, Commissioner, ttc. Rire insurance.. - .; Real Estate. Money to Lend. Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON • • 'MEDICAL. • • Dr. W. Gunn, R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., ..Edinburgh Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. : Night calls at front door of residence on Retten- bury Street, opp. Presbyterian Church. Dr Wit. Graham (Successor to Dr. Turnbull,) Licentiate of the Royal College of Physic- ians London, Eng. • Office and Residence, Perrin's. Block, ately Occupied by Dr. Turnbull. - Dr. Shaw, -01fiCe-,40ittarin Street, opposite English chureh„ formerly occupied by Dr. Apple- ton. DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. , --triffice and Residence next io Molson's Bank, Rattenbury street, Clinton. DENTISTRY. • DR. BRUCE Surgeon Dentist. Office -Coats' Block, Albert Street. Specialties -Crown and Bridge Works dnd preservation of the natural teeth, • DR,. AGNEW, DENTIST. Office adjoining Foster's Photo Gallery - Office Hours, - 9 to 5. *Zurich the sectind Thursdai of each • month. VETERINARY. Blackall So Ball, Veterinary Surgeons. GoVernmete Vete!' inary Inspectors. Office -Isaac Street,Clinton; Residence, Albert Street, • LEGAL. J. SCOTT BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Blaney to Loan, etc. Office --Elliott Block, Isaac Street. E. Oam.pion, Barrister, - Solicitor, - Notary, &c, 000ER1CH, ONT. Oerice-Over Davis' Drug Store., Money to Loan. M. 0. Johnatono Barrister, Solicitor, Cernmissionee Eto GODERICH, - ON F. OFFICE -Cot, Hamilton and St. Ancirow's Streets. W. Br3rdone, Barrister, Solicitor, •Notar; Public, &c., °take DEAVEFt BLOCK, CLINTON 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE PATENTS newt MAKI Deems* ' Odevincitiett &e. anemia sendine esketelt mut description mat antehly *seaman oar opinion free whether an - mutates conadential. Pau:Mock.= Pinang ftwationgt! prebitety Tosteauole. commiateit„ seat ince, Meat agency forsecuringanents. Patents taken. through mum es co. receive speetaisolkei without ober a M the Sclatific intritani Akomatogelillithititte weactr. ienerestae irP14,,tima!ote31.! Sor41741pesrgenr 4 go gel lireedvity, Now gik r .,..tas, Se.. itesteittiore . e. • Insurance, in force, . 3i16,000.000. ,•••,,•••••• Soldiers were wounded. °elation. Her Majesty de* not snare KILLEp By A BURGLAR. At Chicago eignaund Breach and Emil Belted a platform. The bombardment' wile en futile that tine anxiety, and, allearently, la eau - GEO. Tit it seemed tot be a joke. utile of his ability to pull through sue- , At Ito conoluaion thie Boer& tried. to oessfeellY, It is atifierted that, she has ON1IILL written to fatly White expressing rush the town, UV:Wally with her husband in the a Horseshoer and General BlanksmiA "4 a A ferful ; rifl efire reeulted, end tho trials and difficulties lee is now Lex - Albert Street, North, Clinton. Maxilev gime of the, British were used perieneing, and assuring ady White pabis generelship. Tbe pubiie report 1 et tnis letter has been cabled to Gen. with such deadlytfeet that the Boers JOBBINmoG A SPECIALTY. broke and, stampeded in a d w°. ot her own undiminished confidence e! Woodwork ironed and firet-olasa material They were driven, batik over mines. White by the Marquia 4 Lansdown, 1111 oignee rebuilt and repaired. d work guaranteed. Farm implements and which were exploded, stuttering the Her Majesty has weittent a letter of condolence to the Mother 'of the late .Beere, in all directions with great Commander Egerton, of the British, loss. cruiser Powerful. who was fatally wounded by the explosion of a ;Melt et the bombardment of Ladysmith on November 2,, when, ea a gunnery lieu- tenant, bet was in' charge of one of the criiieer's big guns. ,. • FUSILIERS IN COLENSQ. A despatch froni Estrourt, Natal, ilaye :-Details wore received from the armoured train, which returned from Delenee on Tueeday, of a brilliant lit- tle pertfigmance. The train, whioh ear - lied two corananies of the Dublin Pu- siliem, under Captain Romer, sight - .ed near Deletes°, the Boons in round - Boer Jaeger" was =WY modest. erable force near the line. The Fa:a- lien; immediately opened :a brisk fire, which the 'poem. replied to ineffective- ly, and, ati they were suffering less, they quickly, retired' eut of aigbt. Bue tlee train-ettutiously advanced the Beene were seen moving around on its left flank; their presumed ,ob- hat being to take the train in the rear. TO avoid this the train retired. • It was then seen that the Boers had no tateotion of attacking hut .were in fult • retreat oyer the, reed end:bridge, Immediately it strong detachment left the trete and entered the town, while the tramn. olowly advanced to the sta.. Hein. Several etelleys at longrange were fired on tbe retreating enemy. ' The British also succeeded ;iii enter- ing Fort Wylie, neat . Colenso, and brought 'hack four %engem loads of ebellsepeovisions, and. stores. / . •. ATTACK OR KIMBERLEY. • A! despatch from Orange River, cape Oolony. Monday, says: -The Boers investing Kimberley have been reinforce ed bye2,00 Oinen, and have succeed- ed. in cortalling :deceit #25,000 worth of stook belonging to Kimberley Mere °beets, which waa intended for the sus- tenance of the town. STUCK TO THEIR TA-RTANS. A. despatch from. •Cape Town says: -ellany of- .the 'Gorden Highlandera Who • were ;Wounded at Elandslaagte have Arrived' here.: A majority of them declared • that they' *ere shot after -the Boers had' exhibited four flags of truce and the British bugler had sontided."Ceatu *1 ring.'-' • The Highlanders,.admit, that- thete heavy loss was due 'in 'their, action in unininaouelY refusing their- ebnimand- et's offer' to let. them fight without their tartens. • - SIEGE TRAIN FOR AFRICA.. - A despatch froni London, says :-The War Office is monoliking a siege train, •composed of 14 6 -inch howitzers; eight 5 -inch, and eight 4-ineh guns, with tra- .velling carriages, and, 15,000 'rounds of lyddite aqui: cordite shells. Tbie thinch guns will havg3 a range of 10,900 -yards, Eleven htuidred and thirty-six officers arid men, supplied with 25,000 rounds of smell arm amnannitioo, will accom- pany the train, • The aroinment id now being 'salted, from Woolwich, sod. part Of it .bas al- ready been .forrwarded. • to Davenport for shipment to Smith Africa. • Tins will -be the Iirst eateployment of a modernized siege train by an.Eitrop- peen arnty"; and the progress of the reduetion•of forts by lyeldite, shell fire, it preliminary to storming by infantry, wi 11 be. watched. with interest and cur- iosity by all professional soldiers. The lleKillop ...Mutual Fire • Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Property • Only Insured. OFFICERS: J. 0. McLean, Presid4nt, Mama .P. 0.: Thomas Fraser, viee-prosident,Brueefield W. J. Shannon, Secy•Treas.. SOA or P. Thomas Inspector ot Losses, Beafort4 P .0 • DIRECTORS; Broodtoot.Seaforth ; John G. Grieve, Winthrop; George Dale, Seaforth: Thomas E, Hays, Seater, h ; Jameagvans. Beachwood John Watt. liarlook. Thomaq Fraser, Bruce - field; John B. MaLean, Kippen; James Connolly. Olinton, . AGENTS: nobt. Smith. Harlock : Rebort Manna% Sea- forth-: James Cummings, Egegondville, .1, W. Yeo:-BoImesville P-0.; John Govenlook and Joh 0, Morrison, auditors. nettles desirous to effect insurance or tran- sact other business wili be promptly lawn led to an affiffication to any of • the above officers addressed to their respective poet offices. Grand, Trunk Railway. Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station as follows: , -Buffalo and Goderich District: - Going West, Mixed ... , • teas eau t. te Express • , 12.55 " Mixed 7.o5 p,m. it ". ExpresS.,. io,z7 p.m. Going.East, Expregs .... • . • 7.40 a.m. " " MiXed... 4.35 p.m. • London, Huron and Bruce:- - Going South, Express 7.47 a.m. 4.25 .m. Going North, " ........, toes•a.m. it it • • • • • . • • 6,55p.m. M. C. DICKSON, W. E, DAVIS, Das. Pass, Agent, GP. & T. A., Torento.• .. Montreal A. 0. Pe -remote .G.T.R. Agent at Clinton • • • • • • • • e.es SCOTCH MIST. , Tourists in Scotland are .sometimes surprised to. bear. the nante " mist" applied to what seems to them rath- er a ehower of rain. The peculiarity of a Scotch mis:t is that the drops et moistuee Are very laege and stetter- 'jag. This *cording to the inveatiga- tion of John Altkin, ie a result of the purity of the air in the Highlands. An ordinary mist orfog, in a dusty coientey or a smoky city is dense be- cause the moisture has innumerable floating partielea to settle upon; but Where the air is free from duet the fog nuclei are' widely separated and reeemble minute drops of rain. , • FUNCTIONS - What is theechief function of the stomach? asked the teacher. Some there are who maintain that the teacher propounded the interro- gatory quite casually; others that oho was not entirely undesigning; for our.. selves we are free to confess that we do not know.- ' A dinner tee the! rest of the body every day I replies Dorothy, who will be 4 years old next March. •te AD.ULTERA.TED COFFEE.' Painted coffee beans are among the latest ourlositie8 of the adulterated food =Amt. Inferior beans are col- ored with burnt umber and made to look like the -finest Mocha. They are deseribed an " shiney brown outside, yellow inside, and tasteless." Slo Every cough makes your throat more raw and irritable. Every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs. Cease tearing your throat and lungs in this way. Put the parts at rest and give them a chance to heal. You will need some help to do this, and you will find it in our Pector From the first dose the quiet and rest begin: the tickling in the throat ceases; the spasm weak- ens; the cough disap- pears. Do not utak for pneumonia and con- sutnptlon but cut short your cold without delay. Dr. Ayert Cherry Pee. toral Plaster should he over the lungs of everyper. son troubled with a cough. Write to the Doctor. Mantel soppennaelneo 911_• 0er yoii 11.1111:11 Vt1111 11411t 141114/..ftetvrkli'ev10 Aii Mit Urn with cut unortrt redtOrill. OU idd receive * preset met, *test "" Ado:m.3m J.5.42/444. 1311,1TI$11 VICTORYI AT COLENSO: A &eve -tett from London, says:— Tuesday night's weloome desixitches from the front: show the British gar- rison at Ladysmith.; not merely stand- ing on the dogged defensive, bue exe- eating a series of brilliant sorties. Ace omits from different sources agree that the' Weenie official descriptiene of Thuredayes engagement as "en effectual shelling of the It appears that Sir George Stewart White sent a strong force of cavalry and infantry to Attaok the Boers at Tatham'e farm, about 10 milen to the north-west, near 'lettere'', and appar- outlet 'achieved a surprise, the Boers being *eight on the open veldt and out to pieces, and their campcap- tared, Encouraged by this success, General White decided to risk an even more inthortaut engagement on the follow- iegeaedeez, -which was etgain eustified .11Y en : BOERS ATTACKED IN TgE REAR Ladysmith' •litel been isolated, and a Soler force had intact:septet' the rail- way betWeen Ladysmith and Defense. This force -on Friday had descended ,upon• Colorse, and, as shown by the despatches from Esteourt, eed com- pelled a hurried abandonment -of Coe tense and. a retirement- of the British to Esteetut: _Gen White had ascertained that the Boers were attacking Colenso, bet he .was not aware of the Britiiih retire- ment.He' had determined; therefore, to atettek the Biters in the rear, thus hoping it) achieve 'the doable object of drawing go .3,31 attack Upon the gar. risen Of Coleestie andepossibly of re- opening comMunication southward.' The Boers had advanced .southward until -they had orottpied the hilts north of Titgehe river and dominating Col*- * on the other. side of the shah*. The hills stop to a plain that reaches teethe banks of the Tugela. . PERISHED ALMOST TO A MAN. Gen. Wbits's division ceught. the Boom in the rear,' and after the halm had been snelied, the British infantry stormed the %ideation: Meanwhile the British eavairy sweet round the hills, arid as the retreating enemy: deseended into the plains, with British bayonets behindthe.m and the river in front: of them, '' they were charged by., -M Cavalry and seem to ha,ve' perished almost to• a -man. The :1311114t 'then returned to Lady - ankh witbout coininet into touch with the Colenso garrison, which bad, retired to Esteou rt. • ' . BOER 'TREACHERY PUNISHED, A despatch from Durban, Natal, San - day says -A. native eye -witness of Thursday's *Me pear Ladysmith says the hoerie were caught on the -open ground aid raised **rat white flags, The British then advanced without fir- ing to accept the surrender of the Beet's, but were received with a volley et close range. ' • Enraged at this treachery, the Lan - care, Huissars; and Dragoons, follow- ed by the-infentry with fixed bayonets, charged through • and through the enemy, and did great execution. A lot ofefielsonera and knit were me- th:keit TO JOIN HANDS WITH WHITE, despatch from Baronet announces the departdre of a strong force of mounted troops and artillery for a destitiation not given in the de- spatches. . A. special despatch from Pietermar- itzburg, dated Sunday, says: -"It is confidently expected that railway communication will be restored with Ladystleith withina few hears." Another message announces the ar- rival at Estcourt and Pietermaritz- burg, within the last fool Agee, Pf re- inforcements from Durban, and that 3.500 troops are *ambled ready fee a readvance to Cole,nso when the oppor- tune moment arrives. •Thelatter desratch throws light on the former, and the force wInch left Estcourt Monday last doubtless reoccupied Col- enso, and possibly is now advanoing cautiously tip the railroad toward Ladysmith. Gen. White's sortie of Friday almost to tie banks of the Tugela river eneouraging its comnatin- der in the tope of joining hands with hien. General Joubert, the latest advicea indicate, drew in his borne after Fri- day's engagement, and has aince with- drawn the 'southern Boer contingenta, leaving only outposts en the line from Ladysmith to Colentio, The Boers who °coupled Colette° about the middle of last week, retired without dattaging Bulwer bridge, over the Tugela, river, or the railroad as far north as the'vil- lage of Nelthorpe, seven miles aouth of Ladysmith. Evideatly they nurse a hope of eventually using both in their descent on Pietermaritzburg. Mean. - While the 13ritieh are Mae able to use both, lee they- haste already done, in running up an armored trein, which may at the present trionient he cover- ing the advance, of the Erecourt force. ' At Setcourt and Pietermaritzbarg the defensive works have been greatly strengthened within the last few daye, and they are now believed capable of holding their own against any Boer force, which General Joubert would, at . . MORE GORDON'S SAIL. A. despatch from Liverpool says : - Enormous crowds in the streets and about the decks hee-e ,bid farewell on Theraday to the First Battalion of the Gordon Highlanders, Dargai heroes, In whicb a son of General White he a lieu -tenant. The presnece of Lady White and her daughter increased the enthtuategra. Miss Martin fell dead while einging len 0 ileit'itretth lido n Storo-Onc at Them in a elioir of a church Itt Atherton, ghat by a Poneenton nad Captured-- near Charlettetown. • The mere .1 pritliaregogit a Window Inspector Ballard of Hamilton re - and eaten Prisoner. ports that one of 7,000 Public school A. despatch from Toronto says: -Two Pti•Pils 418 are abort -sighted. sAvvicf HIS AMMUNITION. A deepatch from. London, Saturday, aays:-Complete silences has again: *41» en upon affairs in South Africa. 1Phe Britiall public must perforce be con- tent with the brief stereotyped report which the censor slimes to filter through from Cape Town; That this Condition of things is no longer due to pressure of work or defective cables has been, amply proved, The Eastern Telegraph Company retake* that the real delay in transmission its about,two days, It is evident, therefore, that the censorship is responsible for the other two days of dela Y which; seems to be- fall all the despatehee. Saturday morn - tog, 'however"; the Daily, Telegraph an- nounces that its "appropriated" des - Patch from Ladysmith, dated Monday, which the War Office published on Tuesday, was mat delivered in Fleet street until yesterday, Friday, morn- . lag. • • it id believed that the Wer Office ra, ceivad further despatehee Friday even- ingebut nothing hare been published. The statement from Ladysmith that the British guns do not reply to the Boer artillery because the concrete beds for the guns have not yet harden- ed is interpreted in, atene quarters to mean simply that the British are hus- banding their ammunition, as the Beer fire ta only a trick td get the British to waste shells. I Among the few items that arrived PridaY ,froln the Cape :is one say. mg thatthe then's' are planting more guns in the falls stirrounding Lady- smith, „ All the correspoadenta in the bele:Imre-red town are safe, and anx- ious to open coinmuniCati011. A gentleman, WhO visited( allenelsonla Nek after the engagement counted 25 in killed and 70 in wounded. • • The latest', itdvietet from' Kimberley, the Preheat Juncture risk sendang, say ihat all was well there then. An. Both are likely to be atrengthened bee . explosion, had been heard, and the sup - fore the week is, due by a. further position was: that the: Boers had heonot naval force, and even by the first de -1 tio the railroad culvert 'teeth et Dron - taohrotent Of Genera! Buller's army feat& • ' corps,• The Belgian Government, le is said, TO CAPTURE KIMBERLEY. has warned Dr, Leyde, whose head.. The altuation 'rooks brighter at Mate- qUa eters is at Brussels, that Beigium is. Mag. whore the Anne Etre annarenllY a neutral eountru. B' :ohs: esivtialtle°ivaMlure'dWa758D8,111000:eld' Pre idillent (*the London Gas Co. disposes bargtars entered the house of John aViaraCOare,wgrmocienur,te18s2 before en tepstyreee!,etreset . JOthai Tanton of the firm of Tan- , on Thursday morning, and, in an en- deavour to -rob iii!On, shot Mr.. Var- ma in the groin, and right side, They then wide -avowed t� .escape, with the result that one junsped from, a second stere3, window Und hart himself badly, being found onthee ground' by Patrol' Sergeant Willis when the °earn': was rounded,: The other ran down Sher- boorne street, fel-lowed by P. V. .son, who fired, four ;Mote at hisn, fin- ally bringing hixo down near:Duchess street. Both men were then taken te No. 2 Police station in the ambulance. •Vareoe resides above his store, and in the next room: to 'him sleeps hie clerk, a ,yoUng men named Noel Thomas At the ,hour mentioned he was awakened by a nal*, and, found :•'A MANI BESIDE HIS BED. Be jumped up, when the burglar made at elm. Varcoe, pluckily defended him- self With a chair, striking his assailant' Weevily. In the eneantimes the second roan stoodt oyez the clerk in. the next room with a loaded revolver and pre- vented ' him from going to the: assist- ance of his employer. In his fight with theburglar Ware* appears to have beer, getting the beat brit, when his opponent brought his reeolVer into play. and. fire,d two shots, hitting Ver- ges tia the skein and in the right side. Drs. Ball and Wallace were Afterwards .stunnioned, and attended the wounded man, who, it is feared, is dangerous- ly hurt. ' . • • Before entering Vartmeei room the leirglare went through, the house. Pretty thoroughly, ane on the counter of the store, atter their arreste.were fotin,d the traces' of a meal: Of canned goods and similar luxuries. which they had evidently enjoyed.: The burglar who endeavtiurod to es., cape' tried to shoot the .policeintta who was, chasing, hina.,••bat the cylinder of Idirevolver jammed and, 11e' - COULD NOT USE THE 'WEAPON. When' tile doctorshad done ell they could to relieve Varcoe's' suffering he was taken 'to' the Generalboapical in the ambulance. • The physicians report that he minget, ,recover from, his wounds. • .Outside the house were :found por- tions of 1, burglar% kite while: an ex- amination 'ofthe premiees showed that the clotbes of the residents had been rifled and all their money taken: At No. :2 Police stet:ion it was' found thae the two Criminals were Henry Williams and James McIntosh: • The Police did not know either of them. McIntosh the man who ' ran down Sherbourne street, 'has a bullet in his leg as a result of the *astable's. shoot- ing, and the. Pooketuef both criminals wern filled with .cartridges..., . disheartened at the unexpected resits- SIIIED ON REFUGEES. , trines, a largo body of their foree have A ing been detaehed to the south to as. GeTtterar riet 1°erilttlit fboagliowttinegeivdeeedpairtoelim shit i : • I aeound which the cordon is drawing Cape Town, Thttrieday evening.-Htive n. the investment a Elieherley, tighter. Evidently the Boers intend eleeeived by pigeon post from General to make it concentrated effort to rap- White, to -day', the following:- built in proportion. They are sons made euccessful experimente with tute Elnaberiee and „their ereh-enemy', "The bembartiment at long range by of a. farmer, and are men; of splendid wireleds telegraphy in theKorth Meer, Nell Rhodes. heavy guns continues daily. Few phs'aigantl, in addition to their unusual TM eetninery at Hackettstown, NI., Further details front MefekIng in- eii*eltiets aro oteurring, but no Seriolla height. Two other brothers relnehl owned by the Methoditt-Episeopel dictate that the Boer firing was eamirtit herrn le beinlft delle, at imme, who are presukaably the ohureh, had been dettroyed by fire. and the ;siege wag betioniing a area Of refugees from the Tritnevarit under eit feet three Whet in height -but off, the garthion wee in high spirit., . "The Beers fleet in to -day' a number dwerft of the faMily,..belnee each only Loss ea00.000, I pie utett. In the habit of ehouting from Ineeemith Mot.them. oeteideethe ph*. their foil eleeatieti. Chieago hell been ineerPnorated as the ItlYeee breotnnot tfuet of The eorteseendent mays that the pea, e) flag of trete. A flag of truce fronx perenape they htive not yet attained ' Me Mien room Strpelle Corepariy," with the housetops "'ware shells!" and that eta. When the party I eeparated the. _ .. headquarbere et Ohicego. 'rabbit -holed had been. excavated in the Rote guesetired on It before( it tekelied THE RIGHT WORD. . George Ilirehem. colored, porter for town, into *MA the men would dive ourlyrickets. . r i Adams Express CenlinttlY; NeW Yoek, whet the Onnolte Of the Boers' big gun "Mejor Galt, of the Royal Engineers, Mrs Wickwire -Our Weedierwniesti eottfessed to 114* tact( of $6,000, „was mete General Crank; le aeeused ' wae 'wounded to -deo while dending A alwaye talks about svreeehing the rigrota the otenonto,01 otticoa. of drepping thelia ift the direction of ril,flea9464. elothet, instead of rinsing them. tbe Women% laager. 'The entrenchments are dell:grow. , Mr. Witkwire.-Maybe she earl what !three Men ate known to have go:risit. I •Atieordieg to a deepateh from' Iturti.„ .ing atronger, and the supply of provi- lobe meanie She has wrenohed all the ed an4 three others are repotted Mies. Mae, British Beehimilialand, de alone it ample," I betten-hoiet out of half ray shirts, leg 21ile tenth of the' believe. of 'CYCLISTS IN THE.WAR. Hatay or ate gunners 11,Ins itleyeles stead ot florae& , The Trensvaat war will, at hetet have the- credit of being the Met campaign in which bicycles have been employed by regular troops; and from the fro - gummy mdth Which they are eenstion- ed 14 the telegrams, It is very evident that the riders are doing very' good sevice. This fact, coupled with the or- der of Sir Reelvers Bullerthat depart- mental officer's at bases might have the option of wing their cycles instead of homes, and receive an allowance in lieu of rations, leads one to hope that the Military authoritiea are at length beginning to perceive the practical value of the bicycle in wareare, • DISASTER IN CANTON. Over Fifty People gluier alarmed or proW tad, A.! despatch from; San Francisco says: -Hong Kong papers of October 5th, received by the Doric, give details of a great lite in Canton at midnight on the second, by which ever 50 persOng lost their lives. ,10 aeetna a mat -shed theatre haa been built by the river- side, and around it about 103 boata had bode anehoreel, While the thea- trical performance wait going on, fire broke out on one Of the boats. It apread rapidly to the inflanimable material of the theatre, There was a wild rush among the audience, and many boats were capsized. Over fifty' people Were burned or drowned, ANDERSON NOT GUILTY. Verdlel Aeggailai In Ike Wiakipeg Roil( Robbery. A despatch Irene' Winnipeg, says So confident woe Andersen's friends that the batik robbery trial would eta on Tuesday night that they had, pre- pared. a banquet and itteltations were out, but it was postponed, as the judge's charge waa not delivered until Wednesday morning, when tbe court- room was again crowded to Buffo*. tion. Judge Bain,began his address short- ly after ten o'clock, and took OP Pointe of evIdence very carefully, reviewing it very clearly. Thejury listeneut very carefully to every word. The jury, after an absentee of an hour, returned verdiet of "not guilty." GIA.NT„ SOX.ICEMEN. Sour brothers tamed avanagh, from the county of Wexford, who have Hazen, it wealthy society widow of „ Jett been admitted as recruits to the Washington ranks of the Dublin Metropolitan POidDervighittbTaloWhIlatiew.nd, mfotirekyerithaessithort lice, have created a mild eendation, ad each oaf the brothers tands exactly I itenaire, Pt dead at New York, nix feet Mit inches in height and is 1 A 'couple ot American warships have (on, Adams 8; Tauten, London, wail se., riously hurt in a runaway accident. The retail price of milk in Ottawa was raised Wednesday to '1 cents -per quart, the highest price oharged snce 1895, . City Engineer Galt, et Ottawa, has ordered ail the work on the city's streets to "stop, on account of lack tof funds, Miss Mary E. Easton of Kingston has be* selected by the United States auhoolthorities to go to Cuba to teach sc. • C P. It, traffic nee:tote for the Week ending October 31 exceeded a million dollans-the laP'letf in the company's hestory... • It is believed that the Western hotel fire In Bfoutreal was oaused by rate igniting matches. The Injured are doing' well. Lloyd Co.. of London, England, will establish a large paper mill at Niagara Falls, Ont, About 2.000 men wilt be employed. Liquidators' of the Ville Marie Bank, Montreal, offer 5550 reward for the apprehension of J.7. Herbert, the miss- ing teller. For the four months ending' Oat. 31st, the total trade at theeport of Ot- tawa was 5232,798; as against 5178,172 for the same period last year. Three men have been arrested at Revelstoke,. B. C., on gualtioitin of being .concerned in the murder at Winnipeg of John Gordon, two weeke ago. • ,. The Montreal Rolling Mills Co". hal made overtures to the Town Council of Sydney, C. B., with a vie* to es- tableshing exteulave works there. , . John Hayes, alias Alf. Quigley, has been arrested near Fernie, B. C., charg- ed with the murder of his brother-in- law, Nelson Hagle, near Edmonton. Meyer Teetzel, of Hamilton, in a scheme of municipal reform, suggests electing aldermen fOr five years, Pay- ing theni and reducing their number. Menier, owner ef Aliticosti, has won his ejectment auk apiust theFox Bey *Mere. Ile has, however, offered to pay their costa and give eabh an in- demnity. . ' • The -employee or tne Carling. Brew- ery at. London have presented Sir John And Lady Carling with a *lid silver service as a emenaento of their golden •wedding. • " • *I, A:McMurtry, .ur Toronto, who is Canadian agent for a telephone patent, and recently asked for a franchise in Termite, has Made a similar applica- tion in"Montreal. . Owing to tbe inceeased demand for iron, The Hannhon Blast Furnaee CO.; has decided to rebuild and enlarge its furnaces, atid ahoutee 050,000 i&ilI he spent WI the work. When-tlie fur - nonce were constructed they were of 150 tons dailyi capacity, but the de- mand was so small that they were bricked in so as to reduce their imp- acity to 1000 tons a day. :. GREAT BRITAIN. Viscount Exmouth is deed in Len - The Kaiser is ta arrive at Windsor Castle Nov. . Four men were killed and twenty persons injured by a boiler explosiou at Sheffield, Eng., on Wednesday, Baron • Hylton. • Ileadworth Hylton lelyffe, formerly ot tne Coldstream Guards, died Tuesday. He was born 'June 23, 1829, and he, was created' a Ekren in 1866. 'According to A Stock Exchange des- patch from Lahore, the British author:, ities Di Northern India ere greatly dia. quieted by the situation among the na- tives. The fanatical Mullah, Provind, Is preeching rebellion to his co -reli- gionists, and it has been deemed ne- cessary .to expedite the elespateleot troops. The briohtreal Customs received dur» lug the past, month tne mai of 003,- 333.45, being an, increase of 0154,510.44, as cOmpared with the corresponding month of last year, Swart, who murdered Martin S. Moir last Juno, were sentenced to the Joliet Penitentiary for lite. They were rob- bing the old man, and put a potato in Ida motet)) to gag him, As a result he choked to death, Gen. Punaton, of the 20th Kane* Regiment, has instructed his solicitor to bring motion against Archbishop Ire- land and the Catholic Monitor, a pa- per published in San Francisco, for libel, in charging Punston with permit- ting his men to loot PhiliPPthe churchee. . The steamer Stratton, bound inward; was crushed. in the ice in the 'Yukon River, at Selwyn' and sank in a short time. The freight, including a large mail, is a tete two, Mrs. Olive Adele. Sternaman, who wee sentenced to be hanged in Cart uga for the alleged poisoning of her husband, waa married in Niagara Falls Ont., to Frank Creutzbourg, of No. 220 Bird avenue, Buffalo. The Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Company is anxious to increase Rd fleet between Toronto and Prescott,* owing to the great inorease of its trate fie, and has been :negotiating lately with a aumbee of shipbuilders for the construction Of a fine new steanier, but sO fart without succeed. Mr. Colliegwood Schreiber, Chief Engineer and Deputy, Minister of the Departnaent of Railways and. Canals, • alter an inspeetion, Stile the Canadian Pacific Railway. from Montreal to the Coast, is in splendid. order, except for. a little roughness from the rainfall on the prairies. Excellent work has been done on the Crow's Nest Line. • Charles M. Allan, of London, is taking *Lien against Policeman Robt. Egelten lot 42,000 datnegas. On Sat- urday eight, during the Old Boys' visit tit Londonlast slimmer, Egon* Is alleged to have cortunitted an un- provokee assault upon Allan, etriking himl on the; head With a club, and tit- illating injuries which incapacitated him for work. ' * UNITED STATES, Tenders have been opened, at Wash- ington for six cruisers. Thehop Neely, of the Protestant Nina - copal diocese of Maine, is dead et Fort.. land, Me. • Admiral Dewey le g 40 marry Mrs. . GENERAL. ' Herring 0,r0 repor ted very plentiful at Newfoundland. A 'hurricane hes caused great dam-, age between Havana and Santiago. Prince Frederick Augustus, of Saxony fell f rein -his horse while hunt- ing. His Ault was fractured. SmallpoX has broken, out at Cape Town, brought there apparently by Transvaal refugees. • Germany inaypay for the increase In naval exeenditure by increased grain duttea. . . Bombay mille are running half time Owing to the failure of the cotton Two. leading Chillan politicians, one, a :member of the Government, have foughb a duel, and both' were killed. Germany's neer' postage stamps will War a bust representing Gerinania in place ot the present imperial eagle. The leading 'newspapers of Germany - were* the opinion that the nation's interest An _Samoa will be ceded to Britain. • , • Mme. Godard, who gave Dreyfus' witshelter at Rennes, has been made the, victim et an outrageous attack by a map who claimed to be the secretary a the Itothschiles sent to • beyher house. Rabah, the notorious native chief of the Cental Souclate, has massacred the members, ot a Frenele expedition. Ad- ministrator •Bretonnet, Lieut. Braun; Serge Logis, and twenty-seven Sene- gelese weire killed.. , . le is reported that Oaptain ,Blohun, former Onited*Stetes Consul at Renzi - ear, now • commanding the Belgian Tanganyika -Congo telegraph ' expedi- tion, has had a fierce battle • with etierebala tie Tunguli. Alfred Beit, the South Afriotin mil- lonalre, is in Berlin, Pushing thew:in- struction of the telegraph line through Germain East Africa, and aloe for the purpose ot providing a telegraph and railway connection with the Ottawa copper netnes in German Southwest Af- rica, oWneel by a German -English two- dicate. BRITAIN'S EMIT! ,POYIElt Feeders and bulls are unchanged, "Small stuff" was In over supply to - stay , Iambs and shee.p, are both weak- er, lambs being from 25 to 35o per owt. dower. Many are left over. • Milk cows are scarce and dear; few olldice cows are wanted. • Good veal calves are also wanted, at from 55 to 58 each, if of the right kind. • Throughout the market Prices were ao unsettled that the general teed - emu, wee to watt and me what, to- morrow may bring forth. Hogs are unehanged. Choice bogs "singers" -scaling from 160 to 200 lbs,, are selling at 54.121-2 per ewt,.. and thin and, fat hogs at 00.75 per cwt. Stores are not Wanted, Following ia•-the range a current quotations:- • Oathtle. Shipper's, per Cwt, . -5400 5450 Butohiar, choose, do. . 375. ' 425 Butcher, mead to good. 525 .3 50 Butcher, inferior. . • 300 8 25 - Stockers, per cid. . 225 312 1-2 Sheep and Lambs. ALL EUROPE BEHOLDS HER PRE.-• PARATIONS FOR WAR, ' And nesItates to ?move Against lier-Com . bitted 110wi3ngs Have No Entet ofl NIP, Llon-The Nationai apirlI. . The New York Posta London corres- pendent says: It is no exaggeration to Say that the publicists of Europa have thie week had something of a fright: They for weeks have been watching England's entanglement in the heed of the African: continent. with satiefaction. When she was; in - dinned to 'send one of the largest ex- peditions over the Bean the modern World ever witnessed, they felt as - Mired that the time watt apProttehing when Faehoda woutd be avenged and whenEngland's aggravating eushful- new in all Concerns of the globe would receive a nevere °neck. Preach, German, Auatrian, and es- pecially Russian journals, official and unofficial, joined in one wild howl against England; but Engliahmen quietly angled. During ' the whole Seasion of Parliament, brought tu a close lot night, I do not believe 0110 .aingle retort .watt uttered by any one of the .six hundred members, and as fer as might goes,. Englishmen can afford to smile. They see their naval Department sending a great army 6,000 miles over seas, and that without diattabing the teeing) of a , single steamahip line. 'e AND THEY SEE IT WITII ENVY. They see the British Parliament, withpractioal unanimity and without needing to add one penny to the Imo - sent taxation, vote 150,000,000 to pay the bill. They sea each British colony insist - mg upon sending its contingent to the LEawenets,Peper rgwet.wt. .34°326 833000 Bucks per • cwt. . . 200 250 • Milkers and Calves. Covra, etech.•- . . -2500 50 00 Celvee, -each. . 200 -700 Choice hog,s; per cwt.. 400 .4 121-2 Light hogs, per cwt... 000 e75 Heavy hogs, per owt, . 000 :375 Toronto, Nov. 14, -Wheat Outaide • markets were quiet and easy. to -day. In Chicago, December wheat broke be- low We. Local prices were unchang- ektert the market was dull. Red and yrinte Ontario soldt to millers at 65 to -•66o, according to nearness to the mill, Goose' wheat unohanged, 70c, middle freights. and 69e, north band west. Nfanitobas easy. at? 79e for -No. 1 bard, glee and 780,. Toronto and west, Montreal, Nov. lee -Special - The grain 'market continues quiet and easy.. Peas are in. a little better, de- roand at 66 1-2e; barley is quoted at ella for No. 1,490 for No. 2, and 46c for feed barley; eye, 60o; buckwheat, 35c; oats,.29e'all afloat, Montreal, Mani- toba, No.1 hard Wheat has declined, be. i7n4g8:00;tedne. own Wmilltioam7,25-8at670;0,. 'Buffalo. Nov. 14, -Spring wheat- • spot. Steady ; No. I Northern, old, Spot, NO. 2 Northern, spot, 69 5-8e. • Winter wheat--Duile light deanand ; No. I white, nominally 70 1-2c ; No. 2 red, 70. 1-2c. Corn -Easier and dune No. 2 yellow', 390 ; No. yellow, 98 3-4o; No. 4 yellow, new, 36e; No, 2 corn, 38e; No. 3 corn. 37 leap.. Oats --Dull; barley steady, ; No. 2 'White. 29 1-2c; No, 02807;bitaNO2. 8. 8-1No 2 ;; jfilixed. 4 25 1-20; No. 3 mixed, 26e. Itye-Dull and un- settled ; .sales of No. 2 at 01. 1-2e, on track. CanaLireight-Wheat easier, shipments at 4; cern '3 1-2c, barley ' to New reek. 'Flour -Easy. Chicago., Nov. 14.-eFlaxseed-Clos-, ed :-North-West, spot, 5L27 3-4 ; South- West, 012714; December, 01.2714; . May, 5L28; Duluth, to arrive, 01.24; cash. 511.24; November, 51.23 1-2; De- cembee,, 51.22 1-4;; May, 51.261-4. No. 1 whita cash, 1-46; No. 2 red Detroit, Nov. 14.-Wheat-Ciosedee• dash; ago; December, 69 7:41c; Mar,' 75 1-8c. $50,000 BLAZE IN RENFREW. solo or Adam Oltag, n Bun Driver,.ite- covered From amine., A. despatch frolm Iten,frew, Ont., itaysee.A. A. Wright end- Ceempanyes large business block was gutted byt- fire a Friday morning. About three o'clock the whole of the rear store Was discovered in flames, and before the brigade could reach tile spot the lira had Mounted through the elevator to the second and third flats of tbe main building'. • Witlb fiVe streams playing on it, the fire was confined to elle blo9k, and the whole ua3per portion of the business section, ‘whicbtiveas for a. time in grteat danger, was Bayed. Loss on building and stock entlinated at between 540,000 and 050,000; insatr- anee of front 515,000*0520,000, ONE BODY POUND. .A.t ten o'clock. the ,lifeletet body of Adage Bison, bus -driver of. the Domin- ion hotel, Was found beneat,h. the Marie of brick which had fallen, from the top of the northern front at ita own expense, and almost angry because !tis not allowed to send more. BANK BURGLARS AGAIN., They see Vngland, such is her com- mand of the dabbed of the worldeawitch all Europe off from telegraphic con- tact with half the Afritan continent, and all the while her Davy remaina unfettered, praptically With steam up to maintain her eupremacy on the seas. • This is the situation as nine out of ten Englishmen see it at this moment, and the i3000t110103 Of England% armed power is reflected 'xi the quieter tone of °Meisel Meesiages to -day from Paris, Berlin and St. Peteraburg. It is true, these ins:Mired messages seem to say that vie have our own view of the right* and thee Wrongs Of thisoSouth African war, but ita pure journalis- tic imagintng to talk of combined EiritOPEAN INTERVENTION. aaya an raked pronounce, arrangements Pn6 the Seemed esittlitgert • ' • An Attestopt up mob the Ottawa Moen as the Capilai• ,A. despeteh from Ottawa, playa: - About I o'clock on Friday morning an attempt -was made to rob the Ottawa Bank on Weilingion street. Tbe burglar in plying open a window broke a pans of glees, and in thisWay sotatt of the clerks who were in the, building were able to give the alarm. Tbepoliee- men were 40011 On the spot, but no trace of the burglar could befound. PREPARATIONS CALLED OFF, naent'frone the Ohm d'Orsay, "hoe no ground or deidre for any intervention nt nresesent." Russia is more probably ia the. 134.010 POOM011. Germany, istheonly power -already coneerned in the matter, and as Ger- Many la Englandet avowed ally, and Raider Wilhelm will in a few Weeks be England'e guest, European inter.- Vbation May be diamienied as out of the question. Will England, then, cancel the mo- bilization of her fleet new in rayeteri- ono orogrets at her dock yards t Not at all, The Dritieh Government re - Mains ettptentely distrustful of Rue - idea intentions itt the Persian Gulf and at Pekin, and of Preece% hit*. Hone isa Moroc,eo and they do not. Mean to be caught napping, • AN ART/SZ My wife has Just completed a hand- Oorns piano cover, +aid Iliekhy.„ Deed your Wife do any fancy workt Does she do tante world roared IL Peck. You ought to see her when I go home late from the lodge. NOT WHAT ME MEANT. So you hetet given up your mule airitet. you got married, litre. Mango, Ob. yet; I eitel to bete 6rgotten all 1 glailar knele *bot harmony. Mopped. 4. deepatoh front Ottawa says :-The preparations for a second contingent, which were going on quietly at the Militia Departmentewere ell called off On* Tharsday evening. Telegrams were sent to Meseta. &Area and Co., Hamilton; Messere•Workman and Co., Montreal, and others, telling them net to hurry With theft* coatreets, as the oniforme, etc., would not be required for the preeent. Noorders were given- for anything whieh will not be required by the militia in Canada. • ALL FIVE CHILDREN DEAD, wee Terrible tiererwetatonea tatetikhet tekellie A. despatch frints Brookville. Ont., seys:...By the derail of teeter Cole, aged' six yeare, which took place' on Tuesday evening, the entire family of •Mr. rod Mrs, A. T. -Cole, -of 01111101am • is Wined Out. Two month* ago theft were five happy children. All were attacked with seirlet foot, Mei parsed away One after the other with the ek- eeptiOn of Letter, who ituevived. no. eentiy be waa attaekek with brain troubie-atid tuerannhed, 1