HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-11-16, Page 1THE Ss - gook all CI ji TON GLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAYr IrV4111BER 16,1899 NEW For ()entity aild WRY of News from all porta of Heron County Tho News-Heeord Is conceded to Lead It seeks comparison. The subscription to end of . -- 71Es.egaiascaua skiikskscavia.sia vacioxiweibecieRe egwociepaese never stops in its ceaselesa task -if you ba,v,e the old oil remoyed and new oil applied at. least once in two years. Consideethe wear as they beat away the, rninutes, hours, days, weeks and years. Take care of your watch: -have it properly cleaned and oiled. We clean iind repair all kinds - do it promptly, accurately and at moderate r.ost. WE ARE LEADERS GOR rams. -Exrrirer WA.TOR RErADIER AND JEWELER. go is6-eo-lt5*sto REAKFAST FON Vs' _ s The 991 mornings make one think of the most quickly pre- pared Breakfast Foods. , For somethingthat is EN); nomical, most Nourishing and tit the same time very palatable we recommend GILLET • NUTS,— • Fully Cooked, Pre -Digested. Une ca e eat Grape Nuts as freely as de - air& but they are a condensed food, and not so great bulk ie required for a meal as with ordinary foods. • It is put up in packages and sells at 20c per. package. • Our Water Ice Wafers and Heinz's "Sweet Midgete - rae appetizers. . We have just clotted our 5th year of business, which by your help has been our most successful. year. We hope, by close attention to busi- ness and by giving you the best value .possiblisto merit a continuance of your favor. ,••We. nt your trade. bIJ OGLE COOPER & CO., Clinton Cash paid for Butter and Eggs arid Dried Apples. •• Phone 23 Ht yrs to ..6..divorrtiirso in The isTiswg-Rizoorta because of its growing circulation and •increas- - mg popularity. • People Mosul The NE*S.REOORD for itslive Hue - on News. Market Reports, Talmage • Sermons, News of the World, etc. 811 to end of.119000:• • Otto i,orrato. A Cell to Mr. Pairlie, Mrs. William Moore, whn has been Rey, Mr. Fairlie, a former rector of ill for three weeks, is now convaless cing.—Mr. Charles Stewart of Oode. rith township has been looking at clseveral properties in town and may I•mike a purchase. If not he will lease - sa as he intendeer long to takeglip his residence in the Hub, THE News- Rnoo D bus a bijb regard for Mr. Stewart and will be one of the first to welcome him to town. ----on Monday while a span of. horses belong- ing , to Mr. William Wheatley were being hitched to a rig in Davis' livery barn one of them be - cense ftactions and finally put its mate in a like mood and together they made things lively fora few minutes. Rather to the surprise of MOSS who witnessed the rough and tumble the only damage done was to the vehicle to which they were attached, and the harness. -- WISE NEWS -RECORD to any address un. U1 the end of WOO for one dollars—. The topic at the Monday night's imeets ing of the B, Y. P. 17. was 'The Living Bread," handled by Mr. Baer.. ,The subject at the next meeting will be "Liberby and Love."—The choiif per cent, • the Baptist church will next Sunday evening render a piece . of music corn - We are also offering some spe- posed by the organist, Miss Goodwin, plat inducements to Wall frePaperek3 'sayers, All paper trimmed . =Mr. George Buskin, colporteer.who • labors on the North Shore clueing the yr3001-ara summer season, • paid Clinton his of Window Shades, Durijsg the last' two months es the manufacturers have made c two advances on the4srice of Window Shades an we are unable to buy any more at the old pricer), This is caused •from the fact that all the materials used in the man. • ufacture of the cloth costs from 50 to 150 per Cent. more then it did last spring, • • Fortunately we had a large ce • • stock of shades on hand when - the price advanced. so that we • will share our good fortune with you for a few weeks wore. , 4r"EI' WHAT gHADES •YOU. WA.NT NOW And you will save from 10 to 20 cj CLINTON, • estecseo" eboeasi4eaeiesePee ALS GONC1,-, T CH AP wris,w4 s „ § r , • Sight is too preclogs to ,trifle • When buying spectaeles buy , a good pairs s We use perfect lenses. • • They cost a little more than • the commoner kinds, but • the difference in comfort is worth many times the dif- ference price. easo Eyes examined free. to OPTIOA.L DEPARTMENT. er's a k5t re re CLINTON Nisecseeeeeeee eeeeee TAIT 4 For good, straight dealing and Arst- • class values in • SHOES go to iffontienq'n Orman VIAND -per Yea. THE TWO AXEL We make a specialty af Hats an Caps and now have a large and more varied assortment than ever. -All the leading • mad •makeare to found in Our • gore. Sizes from el to 74. • • Fleece Balbriggan thsderwear $1 per Suit, extra value. Suitt the thing for fall. cis ;9 Mr ales) I !go, ISS ri JAL! CLINTON'. • 0 8 MATT; OVERGOLT TILL This is the Overcoat season and we invite the buying public to exam- ine our stock and our prices. If you don't buy all right, but an in- spection generally makes a purcha- ser. Read some of our prices: Heavy Freize Mater, double lined groat value $8 We have another Frieze but not SO good at $7 Stylish Curly Cloth Coat corded, . edges, velvet collar, lined with •i best Farmer's Satin, $12 Another not so good at $0. Black and ,Blue Beavers quilted lining, $8 to $12 Worsteds have gone up in value 2g' Per cent.but having bought our stock before the advance we have not increased the price. L. No EE iloway CLINTON. INTER IS MING • And you are in need.of nutty things to keep out the cold and it is no easy thing to keep jack Frost on iunless you have the proper Clothing and this is to be had at our *re. We have just received a large stock of Dressed and Un. dressed Gloves in Kids and Mocha. Hear are a few of our prices otd. tinaiassed Kid, fine quality, OS& Undreseectkid, good wearers, $1,25. Pur -lined Kid, warmest &ire made, 41.50. • Pleece-lified Mocha, fine quality, $1,25. Moo lined Astrachan Gauntlets, with guaranteed dog palm, p.25. We also have a new stock of Ties, Near Wraps, Men's 1-leavy Working Shirts, and the biggest bargain ever offered in Pleeee-lined Underwear at $1.25, This line is excellent value • at $1 75, but as we have a large stock of it and bought it in the early part of the sett8011, and by taking a large quantity we are therefore able to sell itlit this renuirkable iow prioe. BO • • , !ti 4 , •VIOLINTONTORIA oca C. annual collecting visit•on Menday and reported to THE 'IsTaWs-Rucono, that, • theconttibutioes here had increas- • ed front $5:05 in 1898 to $8.95 this year.—Thesubject discussed at the t-ri Obristiae deavor of 'Willis °burp's. Monday. evening was Rev. Ale.sc, Duff. I Miss Wilson was in charge and sub- -divided the sidled among fourteen of theEndeavorers, eaolief ,whom' read a. • sketch of some Period in theanission- ary's James McOlacherty hes moved into the residence lately • occupied by Me. Israel Taylor.—The Rattefibury street Epworth League listened to a debate Monday eyening on the Enabled 's"Which has done most •-for. Civilization,' War 6'. Peace ? " _Messrs. H. g, Rorke and Rodgers argued on behalf of Weir While Messrs. • Cooper sand Meyers: championed* Pectee: comiaitteeof three decided: that the'. former had Scored the greater number of points: ----The pulpit of the Ratteri- hury•iteeet•church willbe filled next. Sunday evening by Rev. Dr. Suther- larid, • missionary secretary. .As the •Dr, is one ofthe 'meet eloquent men in the Connection there will no doubt be a crowded church.. In the morning the pulpit will he oCCUpied by the Rev. B. plement.-7-The Salvation Army's annual,. 'Week -arf •Self-denial will be held in Cariacla irons November 19th to 28th. The figures showing the good done by the Army bY its social oper- ations for the past year are largee than ever, and again its workers 'appeal to • the benevolent. • At the • local corps speciatineetiegs are being held, house to house collecting is beipg syStemas tiCally carried •out. A lively compe- tition among West On tarie bra se binds is entered intohythe local band who thallenge Guelph 'foreecond' place for collecting the most isioney serenading. 'A prize of a full . set of band lamps, and set of music is the reward. ---Mrs --s-Mr.• Fred. 0. Brown • has taken a position with. the Mutual • Life Insurance Company. Mr. Sohn Pinning, who has been on the sick list, is now recovering.—Mrs. Seale has received from Mr, Jim Bing- ham of the 'Base Line for taxidermic treatment the largest eagle she has yet handled. It measured ninety inches from tip to tip of wings. Jim shot it out on the take shore. What is skeown as' a '"Sea" pigeon, which resemisles the tame bird except that ithas web feet,has also been sent toMrs. Seale for mounting,—Last Monday eyenirig Mr. C. IL Holland presided at the meeting of the Ontario street League and gave a full and interesting. report (if the recent Blyth convention. Some interesting and helpful points in this report would prove that the •con- vention had been a success. The latter part of the meeting was devoted tot business when the list of members was revised and some special 'work discuss. ed.--Miss Nettie Taylor's application for admission as a nursts in training to St. Luke's hospital, 'New York, has . • been accepted and she •will join the staff in a few weeks. --Mr. josbuis Peeren is having a residence built on Huron street east. Mr. H. Stevens is • contractor and Mr. T. IL Walker mason. --Mr. S, S. Cooper broke ground this week opposite his factory where he will have a red, pressed brick • residence built. It will go up double quick, as is S. Ws custom,—)fr. R.A. • Bell Of the marble works got his good lefrhand caught under a falling base on Tuesday and had it considerably injured. The base weighed several hundred pounds.—Tun News-Rn- Corto gives the news, --Missionary • sermons will be preached in Ontario • street Methodist church next Sunday. The Rev. Dr. Setherland of Toronto will preach in the morning andRev.W, (*.Howson in the evening.—Mr.Thos. Mackenzie has tweety-five carpenters In his employ- and at work at T. dleton'ts A, Wilkins' and 11. Cantelon's --Rey. Rural Dean Hoagies made an exchange with theRector of St. Paul's on Sunday and preached to large bongre ga,tion8 both morning and even- ing. The people were delighted with his discoureess and his patriotic references • to the Transvaal unpleasentnees found an eche in the hearts of his hearers. --Mr. and Mrs. Albert Malden have taken up their residence on Ratter'. bury 'street east, next to the English churelr.—Mr. Henry Murphy of the 10th coneeeelon of Goderich township • has been a member of the School • lioard of hie S. S. for eighteen years St,, Paul's church and more recently Principal of an Indian sehool neer Winnipeg, has received a call from an Anglican „church in Freernent, Ohio, at a salary of one thousand dollars per annum and a free rectory, Mr; Fairlie has many friends here, all of whom will be pleased to hear of his return to Church work again. Growing In popuiaNty, THE NEwsancenn's subscription list grows daily, without canvassing, and • bide fair to reach large proportions be- fore Christmas. The new Arrivals say they had made comparisons-. prior to coming to us and that was the reason they cadre. • This is gratifying and shows that the increasing popularity of The Peoples'. Paper is beifig won upon merit, a very good foundation, 'is it'not XhIS balance of this year goes vie to aU new subscribers. Will °arrow Go P 1 On Monday decisitin was given at OsgoodEi Hall `unseating the member for East Elgin, The Toionto Star says the same points are up in the West Huron case and vim" result iri reeking Mr, Garrow walk the plank. In the lattet case, though•there is an absentee • witness who has been living upon the fat cif the land since the investigation began. •�no polot ofdifference between the two cases, • A Dearth of Teachers? The . secretary of the Londesboro School Board advertised for a teacher for next year, the present efficient principal retiring at fhb- Chose of the. present term; and only received three 'applications. This will he taken to in- dicete that the. supply is not now so much' greater than the demand as it once was: It Such be the case salaries ought to advance, or the teachers Will only have themselved to blame and need uot in future complain. ' Death of Thomas Bast • . A telegram .was received on Satuis day •bringing the -sad news that Mr: Thomas East hadied at his home in. 'Norfolk, Virginia. The . cause of death was an affeetion of the threat. The deceased was a son of Mr. Theo, East of linliett and was at: one time a resident of Clinten. ; -He left for •serne five or ..se • years ago • and was there engaged in the grocery birsi- ness. His wife, • Who *ad a Miss Moffat of Varna, t+ether with a family of five smell children survive. • . Football ',latch. The Collegiate football teem played their first match for the season On Wednesday afternoon ••ofs last week, their conipetitorg beiug the Goderich Collegiate eleyen. • As they had very little practise they expected to get the worst of it and did not considerone goal to none meth of is defeat, under the circumstances. The names of the players were as follows : A.. McLeod, P. Baird, J. Thompson, LsWhitely,W, Newcombe, D. Hearn, Aikenhead,, R. Weir, R. Macpherson, S. McKibhon, Roy Helyar. • A Growing. hole I • • A. certain farmer -he • represents many -sof an adjacent townshift said to THE Naws-Recorin on Tuesday that he had been figuring out hors the so - 'called -"Growing Time" applied to him- self, He is building this fall and bis lath is cOsting him $3.00 per:1000 ; last spring the price was 81.80. Lath nails ' have advanced from 3 to 5 cent ei and or, cheery nails from 24 to 4 cents, while lumber also has taken a big Jump high- er in price, To meet his hills for these articles the farmer has had to sell his wheat for 07 cease and ' his hogs for $3.75 and yet can% be convinced that thirds a "Growing Time." • Ap Oyster &WPM and decretary-treourer during all that Mine. 'This is a long tenure of office for one men.—A meeting of thtt nort. ling Ciub was held Tuesday evening to dismiss the question of a new green, the preterit one being both ineoriven- lent and too small. A site which can be bought wet ouggested and *aye and • :none talked over but no antion was • &aided upon, On • Friday evening last the Odd - fellows' Lodge, of which Mr, Israel Taylor has been a member for many years, tendered him an oyster supper at the Hotel Clarendon. About twenty-five three -linkers gathered around the festive boards of that hostelry and after delicious bivalves had been disposed of Mr, B. J. Gib - binge, who as Noble Grand presided over the feast, took up the toast list Which began pittriotieally but dwelt at greatest length 00 "Our Guest," about whom each of the spealcers had a good word to say and expressed regret, at his departure, Mr. Taylor in replying spoke of his love for Oddfellowship and the Hub, and his regret at leaving and thanked thew for their expressions of good win. Conaloto Commencement, The citizens of Clinton always rally to the Collegiate Commencement to alloys their appreciation of the good work being done by that institution, as well as to Witness the presentation of prizes, certificate's and diplomas and t� listen to the program of instrument- al and vocal selections presented. Such was the case last Friday evening when the town hall was crowded. Mr, it, Holmes presided. Mee. (Dr.) Gra- ham presented the prizes and Princi- pal Houston the cerbfficates and, dip- lomas. The names of the recipients were published some time since, with She exeeption of that Miss Sean Carl- ing, a bright Little girl who passect the Entrance examination at twelve years and headed the list for Which she woe awarded Principal Lough's' prize of a teres tuition at the Collegiate. About the beet selection on the pro. gram was a dumb belt drill by five of the etudents. Those taking part in She program were instrumental solo, • E. Archibald Solo,• Miss lionston Cornet solo, Petty Drown D net, Mrs. It 3. Gibbing*, Mist.New- • combo. Dumb Bell Drill, It. Herat G. • Campbell, it. Macphereon, P. Baird, D. Rearm Solo, W, r, Spalding Mist Maephereon Quartette, Waste. • Murch, • White° and Tannest, Cod Save the Queen. The &We Briliader The Church Bove' Brigade that was in existence a couple of years ago, is about to be revived The war in South Africa hair:taroused the military spirit of the lads, and they have decided to Meet in St. Paul's S. 8, room next Tuesday at7 p. ra. for organization and eleetion of officers. Every good and 'loyal boy in town is invited, Iltanntaraolos Nuptials, ,A pretty wedding took piece at the reeidence of Mrs, Boles, Ontario street, on Tuesday afternoon, ‘vhen, her daugh- ter, Miss Greer) Boles, was united, in • marriage to Mr.Russell Manning. • The ceremony was performed by Rev.• W. Gi, Howson. The happy couple left for • their heneymoon by the 4.30 L. 11. & B, train aesid the traditional showers of rice, etc.' Congratulatiens and good wishes. • . • Wilson,. Shipment. . • • Me. 8. Wilson the other day shipped 60;000 pounds of old iron, rags, etc, • which he had accumulated in a few • weeks. This elaipment would • have • been considerably added to had .not gems of thieves gene through his pile some time since. , Mr. Wilson •has reason to believe the stolen goods were sold in London, but to convict the • rascals who carried off his property would be a 'difficult matter. lifethodist Dylan. • The second Joint meeting ot the Boards of the two Methodist churches was heid on Tuesday evening for fur- • therdiecussjon of thequestion of union. No decision was arrived at and as sev- eral Of the.' menibers wished more time for consideration an adjournment was made until Thursday evening of, nextweek. The 'union has niany strong advocates in both congregations • tint theft is a growing doubt este it • being brought about atthe present The Sensational Reports, ' THE News -Raman has been com- • mended for Ste brief reference to the Rattenbury Street sensation of last week .vvhich credited sense person un- known with a d.astaedly outrage. What appeared in these columns has been 'favorably contrasted with the lengthy and sensational reports which. Svere elsewhere printed and put into • circulation,with the result of unduly alarming nervous people. As is becom- ing in a People's Paper, . • Tar NEVI'. ItEc. to refrains froin that- sort of thing A SeltSupporting Choir. • The choir of the . Ontario • street Methodist church held its annual • meeting on •Wednesday evening of last week when the 'following officers were, chosen :,President,P.11. Jackson; • Secretary -Treasurer, T. T. Emmerton .; Conductor, B. J. Gibbings. This choir, enjoys the distinction Of being self- supporting, the members contributing • so much each Sunday into a fund for the purpose of buying new music and the payment of such salaries as ere given. • The efficient Conducter's only recompense is the appreciation of the congregation and that he has heartily. About the only financial assistance rendered the choir is the amount con- tributed on what is known as Choir Sunday, but which falls far short of meeting the expenditure. Entertainment, , A decided success was the verdict passed upon the entertainment held in the Baptist church last Thursdayeven- ing. The program was lengthy and also good, every item of it being heart- ily applauded. The male quartette • was encored twice and certainly de- served credit for the way they per- formed their part. • Mr. Hilton's solo was well rendered and received if s due of applause. The instrumental duett by Messrs. Emmerton and Ker was rendered in a pleasing mariner. Rev. Mr. Howson's address was a combi- nation of good sound sense with just enough humor to make it still more. palatable. It was delivered in such a way as to 'hake it impossible fn any- one to listen without becominedeeply interested in the theme. • A recitation entitled "How Mr. Syninsoon took care of the Baby" was given by Miss Goodwin in her usual charming man ner and was considered a life -like picture of a storm upon the sea of matrimonial - life, in which the fattier swims to shore leaving his better half to swim or sink as may be. Mrs. J. E. Hoover, one of - our most popular soloists, rendered a beautiful selection, while the Baptist, quartette and Percy Brovse excelled • themselves and 'won well merited ap- plause, • Rev. Mr. Murdock was chair- men and at the wind-up thanked those Who had rendered, their assistance in the program. • A Comparison. The following table was prepared by Mr. W. rt. Lough for presentation to the School Poeta on Monday evening. He nsakes as Comparison between the running expenses of the blinton Public School and. similar institutions in this district • Average Average attendance. Cleat per pupil. (Hinton ...... . 804 $ 8655,18 # 0,28 • Goderlall 616 6124.87 11.87 - Itineardine ........ 338 4818.25 • 13.44 Walkerton 200 403143 11.10 Seaferth • 862 8556.64 0,66 Viringeam 078 8038.62 10,42 00 Towne of OntarioIWO 656708.70 13.23 As the first four of the above are " Model Schools it is scarcely fair to • compare them with the others. The principals of these achooTs mutt hold lirsteelata certificates and the 'Govern - merit and County council each gives $150 to their support. They also re- ceive 015 in feet from each atudent, The •aboveotatistics are taken from the re- port of the Minister of Education for 1 . A. comparison of the receipts, at- teridanee and the salary' of the princi- pals of Model Schools is given below: Ocor. and Co.• grant. Students. POW Salary Clinton.... 300 20 fe146 3 825 Oederieh... 300 25' 135 NO T=ff/AT sTo • 121 1 b° 0 0 110 Model 'retools of Ossetic'. /100 31 106 Utile The last line gives the average of the sixty /4°44 Schools itt Oribeetith .6�W Prime for Apples. • The clepressinn in the apple market continues and many consignments to the British market have barely paid the freights in some cases only the cost of the boatels. To make matters worse some varieties, notably . the Spies, are not keeping well and will ' entail an additional heavy loss upon • Use Ethipper. The fortunate dealer this season is the one who bought least,. .. Partners Who Will Build. Quite a, number of farmers in the sur- rounding townshipeswill put up • new and greater barns next season. Among those of whom we have heard are; Thomas Lane of Trickerensith, size 40x 02 feat with a nine -Mob wall i Samuel itathwell'of the BayeeldLine,Goderich .tuvvusbiis, and 'Thomas Elliott, earns :line, same teivnetup ; the latter's barn will be 50x80 feat; John Reid, John Johnstone and Thomas Dennison of the Sas/held Road, Stanley. The latter three are almost eeighbors, and ethers intheir vicinity will also build. - C0W4s, Nen.. ••. • Mr. George Swallow, who Will short- ly forsake the grocery store for the farm, did a couple of days' ploughing upon his recent purchase last week. and says it gave him an appetite to which he has been a stranger while be- hind the counterslie isanxious totriove bag and baggage., Mr, Swallow, as is well known, is 'a chicken fancier and intends with his better. faedities to breed them more /extensively. He reckons that a hen will keep itself and make a profit of a dollar a year, and thus as a •neonesnmaker cliscouuts the cow,even in so favorable a year as this is. He ifistanced a ease of 'a . . couple of young women on a farm not more than . two concessions from his 'own Who kept a,ccount of whatit cost to keep onehundred and twenty- five hens and six cows for a, reonth and the reepective receipts and they say the cosies yielded only twenty-five dents :the greater anima: With the big difference between the capitalteeested, the former Yielded the best results. Me...Swallow, Will back up his belief in the. heti. by: increasing gradually the nurnber in his coops to five-hun- clred. . 'pate toads. • Mr. Percy Brown accompanied the choir .• of. 'St. Paul's last •- Sunday evening •en the cbinet which was rench . eppreciated.--- Mr. George Meniseil has reeved his fansily down to Simpletonsos as. ici`pi, nearer his week on the'Salt block. -Mr. T. Brown is in tendon to -day with the Goy Bros. His health is meth improved and.he 1. enjoying himself very much. The boys are billed. to go south for the svintee, but Mr. Brown is looking forward to his return to Clinton in the spring. - Mei. joshuo, Gook went to • Tomtit.° yesterday to join her. husband, They will remain in • that city for a few month. -----Mrs. Geo. Hanly's hen house has been invaded lately and a pair Of White Wyandotte chickens stolen.—Me. W. Agnew, baker, re-, turned to Brantford on Tuesday after spending a few days at honie,---tliss Mills of Granton, who was the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Thompson for several days, returned borne on Monday.—The Twenty -Five Club are endeavor- • ing to secure thense ofStavely hal/ for their next assembly. --Fair Bros, no* have in winter quarters eighty flve head of stockers which will be fattened for•the British market. They added the last thirty-five on Tuesday. —A. drove of onetundred and thirty stockers passed through town on Mon- day for farmers in the Brucefleld sec- tion. Mr. Murdock was in charge. The cattle were bought in Bruce empty. Meeting of Burma Presbytery. The Presbytery of Huron met in Willis • church on Tuesday of this week. The recommendations of • the Assembly's committee on Church Life and Work were referred to the 'Presbytery's committee on the same subject, with inetructioris to report ab the January Meeting. Grants to aid receiving congregations Were reported as having been paid. Arrears of Pres- bytery Fund were paid and the audi- tors reported a• balance of $103 in the treasury. Rets1VIr.McDoneld having re.' signed the pastorate of Bayfield ROad and 31ake, it- was decided to dispose of his resignation at an adjourned me et - leg to be held in Brucefield on Decem- ber 5th, at 2 o'clockp. m. Messrs. Salvers of Brucefleld and McLean. of Blyth were appointed to address the Presbyterial convention of the W. F. M. S. to be held in Hensall, in connec- tion with he January meeting of the Presbyter in respont° to &reference for advice' a to what should he done in She case of certain members of Carmel chards, Hensel!, whom the Session of that congregation regard as delin- quent in some of their clutiee, Messrs. Musgrave, Stewart and Fotheringlutin were appointed to -act as assessors with the Sessioh to dspose of the case. A petition of ' Mr. Charles McPhee against the Minister and Session of Manchester and Smith's 12111 was dis- missed, . BANDONssilltILLETT. Mrs. Andrew Tyernsan is spending few days its Seaforth. Miss Gertie rarnhara is visiting xxiends around Winghans this week. Mr. Henry Livermore of the Rags' Back has built &nice stable and driving shed. It is built on the side of the hill and has a stone Stable underneath and She driving shed is entered on the level at the hill side. \ There seems to be a lot of purchasers for the Melville farm, but none of them have roadbed the reserved price yet. Mr. Wm. Parquhar has returned home from 'Dakota. The elicesite 121118# have agreed with him as he is looking well. Mr. n. MeMeVittle has aim returned home after tip ending' a • couple of months In Manitoba. Mre, Wm. Connell and Mies L. 0°I. dough of Goderieh tOwnablp avant a few days at Wra. °Sneed tad (kris ale% Whole Number 1091) 1900 is• only BLYT11. BA YFIRLD. • Mrs. 3, G1 Emigh returned! to her home in Goclerich on Saturday. • Mrs, Dallas, Wingham, spent a few • days in town last week. Mr. George McCollough, who for the past three years has been working in • S. H. Gidley's tailoring department, • left for Galt on Wednesdayh h • has secured a good iituation. Mr. John Hamilton spent the latter part of last week with his parents in town. Denstedt Bros. have finished moving their hardware effects into their new store. The corner store will now he fitted up for the Bank of Hamilton. • Mr. James Moody, Lucknow, has been visiting with his mother, Mrs.. Porter. ' • •• ' • Mr; Wm, Moser lot Thursday /norm: ing to accept a situation in a hardware store in Mitchell. Messrs. L. Watson an A. Dennison paid Gocretra a flying visit on Sunday. • . Mr. John Kraeling left feat Toronto last week. The many friends of Mrs. D. B. Mcs Kinnon, .wlio was stricken by a paraly- • tic stroke, will be glad to hear that she is recoyeeing . • Owing to the absence of his honor Judge Doyle, the regular . sitting of She 125h Dyirnon court was pot held on last Friday. ••. - Mr. W. Moore, formerly stationed at Winnipeg but now of Toronto, who is general agent forthe ISTe* York Life Insurance company, Visited relatives in this vicinity for a few weeks. ' Rev. J. 'Kennedy of Auburn spent Monday in town. ' • A public meeting of the rate payers • for the porpose of 'discussing the ad- • visability of putting down • granolithic Walks in town, will be held in .theln. dustrial hall on FridaYeVening. s Dr. W. Sloan of.Toronto formerly a resident of this place visited Blyth on Monday. • The regular meeting of o. Os F. was held in Watsen's hall Tuesday night. The many friends of Mi. Wm. Mason Will be glad -to see him around again after a long attack of the feverS - A verY, successful tearneeting wae held lo the MethOdiss church on Mon- day night, Large numbers turned out from She country and neighboring towns. The Rev. Mr.Hobbs, Winghain„ gavein interesting lecture on the "Tri- angular Mau" and the choir. furnished appropriate .niusic. The prOceeds, • auroentail to over 8120. - . Mr. Wm. Emigh and wifespent Sun- day in the pounty town. • Mr. W. L. Scott, principal of the Public school, spent Sunday with his parents near Clinton. ' Rev. .11r. McRae and his daughter of Cranbrook were Blyth • visitors on • Opening and tea -meeting, -Don't forget the opening of the new Presby. terain. church next Sunday and a grand stem -meeting on the following Monday evening. A. good program is in readiness. Several reverencirgentlemen are to address the audience while the Presbyterian choir from Seaforth will be in a ttenclance,also Moffat. Miss William will render choice selections. The Methodist Parsonage Board are improving the grounds and fences which will add much to the appear. mice of the place.. Ws, S. Huston,who has been Serious- ly i1i,ls recovering nicely. Mr. W. Clarite hada narrow escape last Week. While going out of Mr. Mitchell's barn he thought he wasstepp- ing out on the gangesay, which had been removed and fell about eight feetinjuring himself severely but, is feeling much better, now • Mrs, It.McCool from Drumbo is visit- ing under the parental roof. • Ors account of the opening of the new Preebyterian church there will be no service in the Methodist church next Sunday: Mr. Thomas Palmer and. family spent, Sunday at Mr. A. Steveneon'e, one of his old ,intimate friends. Dame Rumor* has it going that Mr. Rufus Xeyes has gone on a very ape- cial and important trip to a certain place mit of Toronto and may return sometime in the near future with a certain estimable young woman ad torliforter and consoler for the rot of days. • Miss idaniliott has returned home from London to Spend three or fear -weeks among her friends. Mr, 34resek Xeye 04 Improving though slowly. We hope for *wore Mondsis . • • A liberal collection was taken in at the anniversary service in the Meth odist church en Sunday. LONDUSBORO. • Jur. T. W. Parliner anade a busin)ise trip to London last week. • • Rev. T. B. Goupland conducted the serviees in Auburn on Sunday last, the pulpib in the Methodist church here being supplied by Meares Stevens and Webb. • . • Mr. John MacMillan, M. Ps will re- count the good deeds of himself and the Laurier Government in the- hall here on, Monday evening next. • • A number from here attended the tea -meeting in Blyth pn Monday night. s An agent of the Ontario Mutual Life Insurance Company was in town thie week. A very interesting meeting of the Christian Endeavor was held in the Presbyterian church on Sunday even- ing. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Hamilton, intraduced the topic by giving a brief sketch of the life and work of Dr. Duff, the Indian missionary. The topic at the Epworth League on Monday night was introduced by Miss Susie Lyon who react a very instructive paper, The meeting was rendered still more interesting by several others; taking an active part in the services and reading something bearing on the subject. The pupils of the Methodist Sunday School are preparing for a Christmas entertainment. Miss H. Fraser is visiting her pareal at present. • Miss Flossie Stanbury was home eye Sunday. • Mr. John illggart of Dublin Was It • town on TuesdaY, ' Messrs. hi. Donaldson, junior wadi senior,are at present visiting friende Hamilton, • Mr, William Bailey, who went or one of the Harvest excursions to Mani. • toba, has returned, accompanied by • Mr. 0, Cleave, who also spent the • fall in the Prairie Province. . Mr, Normals Cameron irons: R/PISY is visiting his parents in towu. ' • • , Mr. Thos, Stinson has finished his season packing apples and now rune the bread cart as usua Mr. Ms Ross hes returned from Osh.. ing Port Frank. • Mr, 0, Gardiner is at present visiting Isis mother at the post -office. Miss Oollidy is reported 11,!4 sOms better this week. • • Miss N. Ferguson had, slight attack of blood poisoning last week, but she has fully receVered. . • Mr. John Pollock is betty „repairing his house by, the addition Of a new roof and new siding. • Miss Martinis confined to tip hottOi at present with a severeilleess, • Rey. Mr. Scrimagour of Montreal ogeupied the pulpit of the Preshyteriars church last Sabbath, morning and • evening. 1. Our school -master shouldered a, double-barrelled gun last Saturday and sallied forth in quest of game of Whith not much more can be said. \ • - There were tveo contests in town last week, one an•intellecteal battle on , the merits of British rights in South Africa and the prePriety Of sending a Canadian Contingent to the scene of ; warfare. our popular • river -side doctor up -held the • British' interests• , ly kn ionps: k. e ae 1 itshgeu pe nr ot pl ys f rst6nthd u neriperpr p 1Be itue the Gocierich law giver,. Who was, to say tiraleast, a little too Tarte in hip logic. The other Was a teticuff duel betWeeri a young gentleman who does not oceupy the throne, but is a king all She sameAnd another young man who dries not calculate • his ability by • pugilistic Science, but rathermeasure , it bythe peck. It was a, drawn battle so far as it went, but had th'e reyel personage not, divested.himself of his robes it might have been otherwise. • Division 'Court was beld Wedneeday of last week when several cases were, On the docket, but all were . settled or' traversed to next court so that we had no opportunity of seeing how our old, friend, the new Clerk, 'would behave in hit official capacitts But we have no doubt whatever a his ability to di - charge his official duties ably.and well. - A. little after 9 redo& last Monday' • evening our electric lights suddenly ,became defunct. We have nob learned the • cause, but it was nodoubt in anticipation of the promised meteoric display. Mr. Shawy.ha- • Rs jos. t cent:hided-a- fiye weeks' course of revival meetings in Bethel Methodist church in Odder- ' ich township. •' •• Mr. Whiddisn's evaporator is still in - full blast and, judging from' the of apples apples lyinground, the hove will a making apple same' for theit Christ.' mas goose. The rotting of the apples _ has no doubt knocked a big hole in the '- profits this year. •• Miss L. Ferguson left this week for • Brussels where she has a eltuation in a - tailor shop. Mr. and Mrs, W. Turner of ,Vartia • visited friends in town this- Week. Mr, W. Cf. Johnston Was in Goderich • Saturday, • ••• • • Mr. A. Vanstone is the guest of his :5 sister, Mrs. T. King. Mr. J. Tippet was in Clinton this -= week. T. A.- s• .tin trOnand eon and Min Mary Simpson Wt on Friday for Toronto. Mr. 11, F. Edwards leftsm Saturday' for London. •Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jowett and Mr. and Mrs. I. Davidson visited friends in Clititon last week. • Mr, and Mrs. John Gilmour of firuee. field, who were the guests of lirs. J. Valeoner last week, v4turned home accompanied by Miss L. Falconer. MiSS M. Erwin was in Clinton Settle - day, • • Misses Lizzie and Maud Fergueon returned home after a two weeks' visit 'with friends in Seaforth. • Mrsand Mrs. Stinson spent Sunday 113CreB.W erich. • • , hidden and Miss 11..Wal:' . • 1.1 vsin visited friends in 'Clinton last wellkr:W. Bailey returned home Settle - day from Manitoba. • Mr. W. Parker returned home last week from Dakota where he had been for the past tseo years. Willie says ib too co Id out there for him, • VARNA. !potty ettrY. • uoLmessut.E. . Mr. D. M. Scott visited frielnde in • Tavistock and other points last week. Mrs. A. Oousins and children • of Stapleton were the guests of her mother, Mre. Watkins. Mies Edith itoldsworth attended the • opening of the new Methodist cherch ab tirten on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Stanley were the • guests of Mr. W. L. Xeyt, Varna, on Tuesday. Master Pred Thompson of Clinton anent, u few days last week at the parsonage. Prof. S. L. Tenho of Toronto Was in .our village this Week, Mr. 3. 12. itelmes returned home on Monday from a trip to Manitoba.' There Was a large congregation at. St. John's chureli on Sunday lett, At the onelution of the riervice the !tee. tor, Mr. Smith, extended an invitation to all member* and friends of MA OM* tntegation to spend an evening at bit new home an Mary street, Clinton. We understand the date has been changed from the Stkel to *he 2iitie tub.