The Clinton News-Record, 1899-11-02, Page 8•
aViC 13
T ,i . .L .
New Idea Patterns.
Ito Each..
Often the Cheapest, Always the Best.
The W. D.
Agent's Porker's Dye .Works.
New Advertisements..
v s�
Up Go the Prices—McKinnon & Co.., . . ...... . .5
Auction Sale -Thos. Brown ' 5
The Necessary Magazino--Reviow of Roviews 5
Value for Your Money—Nowcombo's ,4
' Shoe Specialtios-Jackson 'Bros .......,.4
New Idol Patterns—W. D. Fair Co ...........8
Boys Wanted—Jackson Bros 8
Fur Goods—Hodgens Bros 8
Clothing Values—Jackson Bros • '8
Spectacles—W. Cooper .& Co 1
Winteris Coming—T. Jackson, 6r 1'
Only One Dollar—Tn Naws-Rucoxn 1
About o o. o
W -e. Know
Mr. James Foster returned home last
week. .
Mrs. Holden returned •froin' Manitoba
Monday. •
Miss McTaggart returned Saturday 1
from Toronto.
Mr. Smallacombe, Hensall, Was in:
town Sunday. •
Miss Mary ,Kennedy visited Goderich
friends last week. -
Mr. Norman Kennedy, Goderich, was
in Clinton on Sunday.
Mrs. William Downs returned from
Toronto last Thursday. .
Councillor Johnson and Master Harold
spent Sunday in Zurich. . • ..
Miss Livens of Seaforth has been visit• -
ing Clinton friends this week. •
' Mr. Phills of Detroit was a guest - at
Mr. H. R. Walker's oyer Sunday.
Miss Mary Gordon of Goderich 18' 'visit-
ing her sister, Miss Rachel Gordon.
Miss E. Vance, Blyth, was the guest
this week of Miss Birdie Heywood.
Miss Lottie Daniel returned Thursday'
from a month's' visit at•Port -Perry,
Miss Jennie Judge of Lucan' is the.
guest of her sister, Mrs. J. R. Col-
Mrs. Jones of St. Thomas, North 'Da-
kota , is the truest of Mrs Jos. Town-
Mr. Kenney Moorehouse and Dr. Pal-
lister of Bayfield were in Clinton . •on
MissOlatworthy of Chicago is visiting
at her ' brothers, .Mr. Frank' - Clat-
Mr. Richard Downs left last week for
near Detroit where he has accepted
a position. •
Mrs. Robert Downs, left on Thursday
last to spend the winter with friends
in England.
Miss Mary Stout of Kirkton is visiting
her sister, Miss Stout of the . Public
School staff. 0
Misses Etta Duncan and Lottie Wheat-
ley spent a couple of days of last -
week in Kippen.
Mr. George Hincbley was the guest of --
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Milne of:.Det-
roit last week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Adams and Miss _Elva
Adams of Londesboro visited friends -
in town Monday.
Mrs. Case and Miss Herrington spent
Tuesday in Blyth as the guests of
the latter's brother.
Mr. John Bell of Blyth was in the Hub
on Saturday and Monday en his way
to and from Goderich. -
Mrs. J. H. Mc$ardyhas -returned from
a six weeks' visit to friends in Wood-
stock, London And Toronto .
Mrs. Ed. Swartz of Goderich was the
guest of her parents, -Mr. and Mrs. '
George Swartz, over Sunday.
.Miss Maud McNau hton,who has been
visiting her brother near Bayfield for
some time, returned home on Satur-
day. •
Mr. and Mrs. T. South ombe have gone
to Toronto where Mr.• Southcombe
has taken a4iituation in a piano fat- a
Mrs. Gardiner went to Goderich o
Sunday to see her sister who has
been very ill,'
Misses Petty and Hodgens of Veined
were guests of Mies Lola Miller on
The rumor that. Mrs, Mciiardy-Smith
intends giving up • her class in music
is not cord:- She expects to be ab-
sent for so a time 'during the winter
reontlis, hut will Ieave a substitute
s well as competent
to teach,
her senior
Mndee-ueiMelsaanugl rhnntnthlukk
District. He went by rail as. far a
Callender and was one of it party o
four : IT„ Wallace, Londesboro ; Ern
Holmes, London •and Mitchell
Stanley being his companions,.
Mr. Arthur Tyndall returned Saturda
from. Manitoba where he spent se
era! weeks. Ile was much please
with the country,but advises all pa
ties who contemplate taking up lig
horeee for sale not to• do so as lb
market is glutted with stock of th
• description from the ranches.
The following members of the Cliuto
Masonic Lodge attended the funera
of the late W. a. Rhynas of God
rich on Tuesday : D. B, Kennedy, W
. D. Fair, Dr. Blackall, W. J. Paisle
Dr. Shaw,. The interment too
place with Masonic honors. 'Pei
was an insurance of $8000 on the lif
of deceased and $2000 was droppe
about a month ago.
u VbIseibur5t, F�Xtiter.,,
1 ry
ser' Anniversary
sinatheSPresbyteriian !church,
Chieelburst, were held on the 22nd and
23rd ults. On Sabbath Rev. S. AO*
eon of Kippen conducted the service in
the afternoon and Rev. C. Fletcher in
the evening. Both services were, not-
withstaudin the down pour of rain,
well attended and the offerings were
liberal. On the Monday eyeping fol-
lowing a grand fowl supper was served
s coed t P s B t
in the basement After refreshments cine nn
the l d i
eases. srs F auk
Mrs. Samuel Thamae. of i utlingtan age end dignity, though .it ie convtn• -
visited relatives hese the iiegtuning of 1.1.1......
, cad that theta will he no dispoaitionin
the week. The Irish. Fusiliers end the Alou iter any responsible quarter to minimise
Mr. W. J. Carling teff on Monday Regiment, Together with a Mourn the weight of the blow or .tinderesti•
for Muskoka on a shooting expedition,aftefain Battery, Were: Surrounded by mate its possible consequences, The
Mia Clara a
C ra (7
u m
d o e has returned. he
r r
Several Thousands Soors and After ppt r says :--
Lon a week's visit with friends in Being Nearly, Cut to Piece* Had Ae reties( —0 naovenient in the ec-
London, 8 rcoal conditions so far as known would
Mise Mary Winn of Kh•kton,whv has to f3urrender, seem too. perilous, even if it was other -
been v�leltiag friends in Exeter and wise desirable, to justify an comrnau•
,Kansan the past f s' i; t d {�
to her home on Monday last, g pp
reit. (fistulae minimise i' did: force still at disponi, u tithe is
iti �y �' The London Tirnee appeals to the nee
AAl mon r i
t n to bear its ill -fortune tune A th .sour-
HIV .e s,,i;eurne —Landon, -Wednesday, Nov. ll, 6a. in, der in attemppting it. Gen. hite has
n -A disaster which at Is ttnpasslble to of to hold tenting
with the s len•
literary an mus cal part was Rro- hasreturned after v' sggu a or nus n ise has at length a
ed with, Mr. Ooxton resided, in in W,ngham, befallen the British arms in South relieved, and there is no doubt of his
Addresses Were delivered byRevs, G. Jandart Knight re- •Africa. Theeapturo of two regiments ability to do so until relieved. •' 7,
Long of Hensall, C.Fletcher R Thames turned n Saturday last after spencj- and a battery after terrible slit tighter Paris, Oct. 3I. -The offices of the . Chand><se at n �D► prices.
Road, W. M. is+utin. of Exeter and S, err wee k with N ativpeaGAlvinstan, brie appalled England, and demon- newspapers ars of Nationalist tendencies money -saving .Il:`rices• •lv' arch
,A.7 O ! EMB R , 1
r�st of
ry Goods •
Tnterestluu and profitable for thrifty
� p Y
shoppers. A plaid tory of up-to-date flier.
oR The anniversary services f th P R P tarot t
Acheson f Ki a Th hof of ass o e res' air ted what has been clear to dig di 1 ct b fl E b T l
udgitorlum was eratde occasion.
pt's- Toronto' lectured tow large audience cool strategists as well as splendid was received,
o n. e choir h terian church were Sunda a r s aye the age o the ransvaa
Ca, en church, xeter, rendered the y y passionate observers since . active and the Orange Free State when the a3 e. flint is good in every sense of the
a n
and n da ' legit. T e
M h Rv la
Y e Q of
terra. Prices that. ewe !now,, value for
Y.Y •
• so f theTG tb the burghers disaster s 1s Ladysmith
i ter a
ceeds amounted to the liberal solo of BeveMonday
ral ciliac sicievening
eni tactigne hve�h Llh I gg
$12(140 • The con re civ h � !alai T
t given. x' ; '°l n n an a g1Um, over e
he free of debt. Pastor, Rev. W. M. Miss. Mnggi•e Hilt of Wellesley viait� was surrounded nd tsby were
o kt a British defeat is B1ecosntrolled, Cries
ed friends in town this week, f h ng live the i wane heard
Martin, and people ars doing well,
Boers and tie sty who were not killed
a i with relatives in P e, s,
London. .
Fordyce, ' Births.•-;Sweitzer, in Crediton Bast
• titers, Antwerp, Oct- 31,—The enthusiasm,
h d ge n ere y he coliutrr�•.w,lli01-v virati tei]oCltld •! H iia a d B 1' the ."
buil!; a beautiful a dice which will soon missing to Monday
nights despatc les value ' oU, can't discount n.tanywhere,.
Miss LizziWilcox bas returned are prisoners of the enemy, The list on t e street w. en the news wasmade
after a month's via'' . uhlic, Peo le fn the cif s street '" ., . ., "" '. ' . '... °�•. ' -_
of dead cannot he ascertained as no. and cars embraced and congratulated'
thing has twee received In London up each other,The Bishop of Arnheim Worth
to this hour, except Gen, White's .has directed prayers throngbout Oatk t� Repeating
on,Tuesday, October 24th, the wife of message to the War OM". arms°°° oho Holland for the success of the
Henry Sweitzer of 4.S01.1
S h Smith 1 t
y, Miss gra mi las returned home in the rev erre, Boers.
k from an extended visit with friends�in Delve, in Exeter on the 24th of Oet., n niria i ab the Wer Offlc:t at 2 News of the British reverse ,wag re -
Pontiac and Detroit Michigan, the wife of W m. Delve of a daughter f
g o'clock this morning ellc,ted in oriva- ceived in Dublin with scenes of rief
e The attendance at the school here has tion that nothing further had been re- g.
carved there,' anti time the officiate and dismay. The disaster had an• am,
were as ignorant Its the public of . the o mediate effect on the Stock Exchange
extent of the British losses. Anxious African an the where 2
Goderich. Township.
Mr.. and Mrs. Thomas Webster
Ashfield are spending a few clays
Mr. John O. Elliott's and .with• othe
friends. in town and this township,.
The Websters are numerous'and high
d been very. Small lately owing to the
prevalency of whooping-coughhanin Mullett.
On the eve of Thanskgiving Day a County Councillor Snell has in the
number of the members of. Bethel last couple of weeks lost two valuable
church with others met at the home of mares, .both in foal, - and a thorobred
of Mr. and Mrs.John Joynt and expressed Leicester ram lamb, The second mare
at their regrets of the removal of Mr, ' died last Saturday night, She wasone of
r ' Joynt and family from amongst them, a team with which Mr One11's sop ha
ly esteemed up in Ashfield and they
a. heartily partaken of by all present and was indigestion. •
st a pleasant• evening was spent. Mr, Mr, and fors. Lowery , visited at
se Joynt intends . moving his family to Holtriesville on Saturday.
Lucknow to, be convenient to the The farmers' are busy at the . turnip
li apple evaporator there which he has harvest. '
a purchased. Mr. A. H. Y
er Miss. Lizzie Wellwood has been en Plummet., of Blyth, was
inthis vicinity on Friday -•last.
d gaged as teacher., of Fordyce school for The Promotion examination was held
are so many who. have Thonias for
sur -name that this particular one' is be
known as "Irish Thomas" Webster.
A few days ago a case of trespas
settled by arbitration. A 16t
con, farmer's pigsstole a march into
neighbors fieid,out of this into anoth
-man's field, and out of this into a this
man's corn patch where twelve small
shocks of corn were standing. They
pulledone down a lithe and were
looking at, the rest when they were
discovered. The "Swan's" .wrath was
raised to soaring height. He straight-
way to his neighbor went and damages
he'clairned, To have a fiyetvas his in-
tent or leave his neighbor blamed. The
defendant, was • so taken by surprise
atthis exhibition of wrath that he said
he would leave it toany body.. The plain-
tiff left his interests to one who would
not "Barr" the slightest bit of eyi-
.dencewhile thedefendantcalled a men
who could "Render" a ' wise decision
under;- any circumstances. • A verdict
for damages to the extent of forty
cents was given,each to pay his own
costs. Thus the genial defendant
'cheerfully doubled and. more, as pigs.
are sometimes better of a little run.
Rev. E. 0: Jennings of Bayfield held
Harvest Home services in Middleton's,
Ilolmesville and Summerhill churches
on Sunday last.
Mr. IL H. Oantelon has improved
the appearance of his residence . with a
very handsome verandah.
Mr. Thos. H.Cook had the misfortune
to lose a• valuable horse one nightlast
week. It was apparently all righ at
night.and was found dead in the ru
in ,
mr.'Albert Oantelon, who was with -
Mr. Stanley's gang packing apples, is.
home aridis again settled down to farm
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook, who re
cently moved to"Clinton for to live re-
tired, have,we are told,returned to the
farm. Mrs. Cook beingdelicate thinks
the country air is healthier and more
bracing. •
Mr. and Mrs. T.nny of this township.
were visiting Mrs. T. R. Mitchell of
Clinton this week. • •
The'_'NEws-REconn is the best read
paper circulating in this township.
Mr. C.Q. Middleton has taken a fan-
cy to the Dorset Horned sheep and be-
lieving them to be a profitable breed
to raise hasadded a half-dozen thoro-
breds to his flock lately. On 'Monday.
he received a ewe from R. H. !Harding
of Thorndale;
S, S. No. 11 has been reseated this
week: The seats were bought in Pre -
ton through: the W. 1). Fair Co. of
Mrs. John Wiggington has returned
from Lucac Crossing where shehas
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. ,Hod-.
gens, who has returned with her. •
The township kids were out on hal-
lowe'en and in some quarters played
the old pranks, removing and chang-
ing gates, etc.
Mr, Ted Johnston,. photographer o
Brantford, has been visiting his brother
in-law,;Mr..'J. G. Holmes.
Mrs.Walgate Tebbutt of the Maitland
who has purchased a house in Holrnes-
ville has moved her. furniture:•there
and now enjoys city life. .._
by an appreciative addressaccompan- taken a load of wood to Clinton that
red by a handsome ails lock and a 'afternoon. Dr. Blacken made an ex-'
e' silver fruit•.dish. A Lepper was aminatinn and found that the• trouble
year 1000, in No. 5 on Thursday and Friday last.
An interesting event took place at Miss Aggie Bruce who has n
thehome of Mr. • John Campbell of living for sonne time in Clinton, has re-
ing m on Wednesday' Oct. .25th] turned home sick. - -
when their daughter Annie E, and Mr.
Wm. Rintoul of Fordyce ' were. united
in marriage, the ceremony .being per-
formed'by Rev. A. McNab of Lucknow.
The :bride, was .,prettily attired in
Cream LBedfor"d cord, trimmed, with Wednesday.' Nov 8th at 12 o'clock.
satin and pearls. and was assisted by. R•m- fin Lob 29, Con. 2,. H. R. la., Tuck -
Miss Sanderson of Wroxeter, Mr. Y. ersnith, extensive sale of farm stock,
Campbell performing sunilar service . implements and household effects.
• for 'the groom. After 'the ceremony. Albert Turner, Proprietor;. •Thomas
about seventy guests.' partook of a Brown, Auctioneer.
sumptuous .wedding supper, Mr. and Commercial
Nov. 4th, at 1 p. in , itt the
Mrs. Rintoul will reside in Winghaw. •Lommercial Hotel, Seaforth, mortgage
Revival services are being held this sale of house and lot, in •the village :of
week in Bethel church, Miss Williams, E mondville.—R. S. Hayes, Solicitor ;
evangelist,. assisting the pastor, 'Rev,A. Thos. Brown, Auctioneer.
I. Brown, in the meetings. • Saturday, Nov. 4th, at 2 p. m , on
Mr. Norman Stephenson and'Mrs. the premises in Egmondville,. a large
Dunlop of Almonte are spending a few brick residence with an acre of choice
weeks with' their sister, Mrs.John Rin. land, also household effects and • other
tool. articles.—R. H: Jackson,. Proprietor ;
Miss Sarah A. Ferrier is visiting her -Thos. Brown, Auctioneer.
sister, Mrs. D. Alton• of Ashfield, for a Tuesday, Nov. 14th, at 1 p, in., on
few days. Lot 10, con, 18, Grey, clearing. sale of
• farm' stock and. iinplements, without'
• reserve—James ' Moon, Proprietor ;
n, uc nun
Brown's Sale Register -
Thos: Brow A t' o ser,
. Friday Nov. 17th, at.1 p. m.; Bound-
ary Line, McKillop and Grey, 2} .miles.
east'. of Walton, clearing sale of farm
stock and: implements: -Daniel Mc-
•Mellarn- Proprietor:' Thos. Brown,
Thursday.'Nov, 9th, at l p. m ,. on
Lot. 18, Con.9,'McKillop, extensive sale
of farm stock, . without reserve.—
John Galbrath, Proprietor ; Thos.
Brown, Auctioneer.
Saturday, Nov. 1' p..nn.,.. at.
W. M. Habkirk's residence, Huron'
Road, Tuckersinith, adjoining Harpur-
hay village on the west, clearing sale of
household furniture and other articles.
—Mts. W. M. Haibkirk, Proprietress
Thos. Brown, Auctioneer.
Saturday, Nov..18th, at 2 p. m., at
the Commercial' Hotel, Seaforth, unre-
served sale of newly calved cows and
springers.—Thos, Brown, Auctfoneer.
Saturday, Nov. 25th, at p. m:, at
the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, auc-
tion sale of a choice farm of ' 75 acres,
Lot 4, Con. 13,.., Hallett. -Jane Rubin-
son, Proprietress Thos. Brown, .Auc-
DEATH' OF Miss. •
It is our sad duty. to • record the
death. of Miss Marjory Ann McOlinchy'
of the Goshen Line. She with"her
father took' their journey to visit some
friends in' Michigan about.a month'
ago. No other than a letter .of the
account of their.visit was received *by.
the friends at home' until the 23rd ult.,
when a telegram.: was sent to the family
to meet :her•corpse. at Kippen station.
Leaving in good health and spirits, and
then such a telegram, was more dis-
tressing than could be imagined. The
funeral took place. from her father's
residence on the . Goshen Line on the
25th ult.. and was conducted by the
Rev. E.'C. Jennings of Bayfield. The
remains .were taken to the 'Bayfield
cemetery,. followed. by the largest cone
course of friends seen for many years
in that cemetery. The deceased was
well known and a. young lady highly
esteemed and. respected by all. She
was a Christian in life and'profession
and. she will be••rrrisscd. Her death
came as a shock to all, and is another
,warning that the Almighty calls those'
of youthful' days as welt as those of
older years. Much, sympathy is felt
for the bereaved -family and especially
for the lonely. sister who will miss her
voice and company iii the daily" duties
of life, The Good Shepherd had need
f 'of her and she' obeyed: the call 'with a
- walling mind.,
211r11f11P 11r11riti YtrlIntr 1t
dr plpedlheav Southf and
enquirers thronged the War Office un- At Gloucester, the home of many of
til a late lions, but. they could learn those engaged, the wildest excitement
nothing bf the casualties. prevailed ' The special editions of th
It is reported, with obvious probe` local newspapers were speedily e
bility,that. the telegraph from Lady haustra, rind the same thing occurred
smith to Cope Town is interrupted' at Bristol and other towns in that
indicating that the Boers nava got to county, The fighting in Reitfonte-in
the rte. southward and have isolated. Gen. has made many a Gloucestershire wif
White. ' a widow, and this second overwhelm-
The:death list must have been terri- overwhelm-
flc before the British would surrender.. in„ loss; coming so soon •nfter. the prey.
The focal aminous indication of loss " ion enga ement, where the Gloucester-
shire sufferedgs o heavily, hr n ht dire
came in the wary of a messenger. from stoo y' o g i
the captured column, under a flag of dismay the little county,
truce, asking for 'aid to bury the •dead. London, Oct, 31.t -The Daily Mail re-
The loss must have been great that the ferring town offer made • through Mr.
column should need help as indicated. Hiram Maxine from 200Arnerican gen
Public anxiety .was increased by a tlemen,who propose to give £250 each,
specutl despatch from Ladysmith, pub- and to provide their own horses„ and.
ladled in the late -editions of the Lon- equipment. tendering their services t
A good thing stands twice telling, I Tlmt's
why we tell again of the excellenceof our
Mantle stocks. There's no such collection of
Mantles anywhere near here. : We have al,-
y•ways got the newest to show you and this
week opened up some of the nobbiest°Na.utles
x we have°shown this season. Right up-to-date
garments, exact copies o the latest f t , t �zllericall
styles, black, navy, fawn, silk or satin lined.
rine quality Beavcr,double breast-
•ed, open throat, turn -down col- aa iv le
lar, silk lined through.,at au.IJ
rine 'black niggerhead; double-
breasted, turn . down collar,
Whinnied with broadcloth straps,
eilk lined tbroughoul..,.....,. aumv
Fine quality beaver, good finish,
turn down collar, iiy front; si.k
lined throughout very .feat and
Blsck, Serge, doub'e breasted, 6 -
fanoybuttons, turn down. velvet
collar, double 'stitched name,• fancy silk lining, all sizes • e4I1. 141•-
Ladies' Beaver Jackets, bleok,mer -
' oerised tieing, new sleeve, velvet:
collar, raised straps,a.very nattya+
garment...... .......... . , . 01/.01.1stylish jacket.. ' $7.50 La es -fine Kersey Mantles, new
° Black Frieze Manatee, strong ma-
terial, well made, double breast-
ed,high. turn -over oollar, 8 pearl
g •. buitons, seaine'. double daubed .i.d>a
don morning papers, to the effect that the British in South Africa, says :-- .
before darkness yesterday the Boers "Of course; this offer cannot he ac
re -occupied the old position held by cepted, but it is not theless gratffyin
their' heityyy. artillery, Which' General as a proof of the good will of ou
White had.:reported silenced the American• cousins."
gene of the n+tv+tl brigade (conn :the • London, Wednesday, Nov, 1..—Si
Powerful, and had opened Bre again. •''George White's honest . admission o
The.despatch further stiys • full responsibility and the terms of hi
"The enetey.are again closing 'nand despatch are regarded in some circle
Bt s`eyond dttiatioltoubt isthonee'Boer'of grave anxiety*.es- as: virtually _placing• his casein th
hands of the Home •authorities, and i
terday;.(Mond+ty) was it rune to draw was even .rumoured • late last evenin
General While into the hilly country .that the War Office had alreadyde
anilaway from the British camp," • 'I cided to supersede him.
The effect of yesterday's news in Eng-, . Chicago, Uel.• 31., --The British •Con -
'land is crushing, The. gloom in •►nen s sul in this ,pity, W. Wyndham has ad
minder' is felt in the atmosphere ; It, dressed' a' communication to the Trines-.
oppresses the whole population: There Herald. saving that the number of au
is no popular anger, and no demand for. plicants Who tvisli.Go serve in the Brit
reprisals against • the rcomntanders or ish army is SO great that he is unable
Glovernutent. ',en. V1 bite's manly as- to answer them and for the informa-
sumption of ell responsibility cheeks it tion of those still in ignorance of the
in. one case, and it is ton early to ex- fact,..ho states that no ,volunteers have
pect reaction against the Goyernnient. been called'for. He also denies a• 'Min
Forbodings of • woe*. to cotne and neapolis report that he advised two
anxiety as to the. details of the present : men who wiseed to enlist to Can-
dfsaster+tre the 'main feittures to'.the` ads to.•join .the Canadian regiment,
pitblic.rnirid at this uioinent, All the whish foil:..
military authorities agree that the :
situation of General NV bite's force at
Ladysmith is: precau ious, Its capture Klippen.
or annihilationis by no Means 'moos-, --
sihle, and such a blow,to. •British.• pres It was Norman. Patterson Who '• was
tige might easily 'have grave cense- Married to Miss Sarah M. •Makins of
qne wee elsetvhere as well as . in South : Varna at the Manse here yesterday;:
Arica. not Thomas.•• Rev: ,S. Acheson tied
The correspondent'of 'the .Mail and : a true knot.
Empire has believe that Gen.
Buller Left .Cape Town for Durvan on
the Dnnotter Castle Tuesday night.
In the column which Wits cot out by
the Boers were the Irish •Regiment of ..-
and Boy.
and the' Gloucester Regiment, totallin
Fusiliers, the 10th Mounta}in Battery,, 1 to Learn Tailoring.
g Clinton, Nov.' let. JACKSON BR08
about 2,000 Men. This has .gr•eatly .
weakened the British defence. Generrti' -- --
White feels crushed by the .result, of CLINTON MARKET—itEPORTS,
the manoeuvres, and takes the whole (Corrected every Wednesday 'tearoom.)
hlarne'for the• capture •of .the left col-
umn upon himself. •
London, Oct. 31.—A special despatch
!rain Ladysmith says the Boers suffer-
ed severely" during the.' engagement,
some people estimating' their loss at
90() to.1,00i) killed and tv nded.
London,, Wednesday, Nov. 1., -The
newspapers do not attempt to conceal
the gravity of the disaster, which they
the Duffe.
Mr; A. rin Rifles at Brantford, will C. Tresham, bandmaster of contend must act as an incentive. in
the future, especially as the enemy
lead. the band that' accompanies the rvill be greatly encouraged by tale contingent to the Transvaal success, Gena White's. hast record
•and his present chivalry disarm' much
The Goldie Milling Company has criticism, and _elicit sympathy. All
purchased the Stockwell mills at Ayr, the papers take comfort from the con-
formerly owned by the Todd • Milling- • viction that the present reverse will
Co.. not affect the ultimate result.
Rase Line.
Dame Rumor says that one of Clin-
ton's young business men will take one
of the fair ones of the Base Line th
share his -joys in the near future.
Rev.Mr.Jenningspreached &Thanks-
giving sermon to Sumrperhiill people
on Sunday last which was touch appre-
Mr. Eph. Butt purchaseda span of
two year-old heavy draughts from IL
Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Butt and Miss
Lily spent Sunday. with Colborne,
friends. •
Hurry boys and get therest of roots
in and ploughing . done up while
the weather is fine.
Mr. J. J. McLaughlan has bought a
fifty -acre farm two miles east of the
village of Denfield in London township
for which he pays about, $3001 He
gets possessiou the latter part of this
month. Mr. McLaughlan has been a
resident of this Line for about twelve
years. -
Mrs. Pridliarn Of Goderich, who has f
been visiting her son, Mr. W. Prid-
the guest of her daughter, Mrs.P. B. i
Crews Of town this week. •
Mr. Smith, the tax -gatherer was
round this Week attending to duty.
Mr. 11, Little's sale last Thursday
Was a success. Quite& crowd gathered
rom Blyth, Londesboro, Clinton and
hing sold well.
Mr. William Morrison is haying
Mel luck. Three of his sheep were
worried with dogs and three others so
adly wounded that chances are they
will also die. He has notyetfound the
Mr. and Mrs. I3ox of Seafoeth were
he guests of Mr. and Mrs. Little one
ay last week.
Mr. T. Livingstone purchased a new
cooking stove from Mr. Harland of
!triton last, week.
Mr. and Mre. Thomas McMichael
pane their 'Thanksgiving Day with
r lends in Exeter.
Mr. an&Mrs. John McLaren. of Sea,'
orth visited Mr. IL Cooper's one even -
ng last week.
er friend, Mt . }1. Little, last week.
Mrs. W. Slertn of Winghatn visited
Mr. John . Dale has purchased
ale is an extra good feeder and alt.
ay's has a lot of tine cattle and horses
0. Thompson. representing the h
Heed Line of Steamship, was in
town Tuesday calling upon the Fair q
Bros, 'Who ship extensively in the D
Company's boats to British ports. w
the guest. of his hrother.indaw, ' Mr.
day. Ile Wag accornpaniql back by
Mies/wrote Smith Who will Make an
extended V
Band." has eigned &contract with the
Ott Br02.811(1 will o,in the Corn any J-11'
at tratford on bri ay, He wi)
cornet soloist, and a Stiene29. The' ,
Band, toilether with Mr. BreWn'a
Mrs. West and children of Geand
alley are visiting her parents, Mr.
lid Mrs. Robert Duncan.
Mr. Joseph Burgess le recovering
onion attack of inflammation and
Mr. Lockhart of St. Helens preached
the Presbyterian church laitb
ahbath in the Alumnae of tht pastor.
Rev. W. X. West le away on his
eddinie tour. Mr. Weetand bride aro
xpected home on Wedhesday, Nov.
Mr. john Burgett woe in Brantford
rit Week.
Quite a inienber of our villagers at*
tided the Guy Bros, concert in Wing -
am last Friday olght.
Mre, George Macdonald and • her
ere, Mary King, spent the
hatikegiving holidays with Mr*. ,
atone of OWAn Sound.
Revival meetings will behold lp the
ethodiet chart& every night' this
pommel riende out of it, regret hier
leaying town.
, were in teom: Monday calling on 2r
many frionde. They were much
struck with the fine appearance of in
our toWn, and commented most fav-
orably Oh our new granolithie side. te
waike.—Mitchell Advocate.
&Mere, Bainton And Bell of Blyth
• and Reee and W. Itattenbury Of T
• tititeide Mint* Who attended tho Guy
blinettisW Ontertaltintent MI Monday /01
Wheat..,,, • 0 66 to 0 67
Goose Wheat. 0 06 to 0 07
Oats . • 025 to 0.25
Peas,...,. .... 0 57 to 0 58
Rye r 0 '30 to '0 35
Potatoes per'bush el- - ; 0 '90. to 0 25
Butter loose in crock , , .. 0 15 to 0 15
Butter in bib... ° - . 0 14 to 0.15
Eggs per doz 0 13 toll 14
HHay.:........... 550 to 600
Dried apples per lb0 05 to 0 05
Evaporator Apples per cwt 0.40 to 0 49
Wool . 0 12' to 0 13
Live Hogs per cwt 0 00 to 4 10
Pork per cwt... .... 6 00 to 000
Flour per cwt .. 7,' 75 to 2 00
Barn' per ton............ 12'00 to 12 00
Shorts per. ton - 10 00 to .10 00
' 035 to p '38
¶tr11r11► 11rfl?Nr rill ttr 11111tilt Iltlltllr 11r1fr11r11f llritrilr 11ri1rllr ' 11x11111?2
Jaokson Bros. !
Weekly Talk on
Clothing Values.
A Great Sale of Raincoats,
es, styles, double breasted or fly
front, silk or satin lined, latest
American styles, verr short,
black, fawn or blue „
eor the Little Ones
Whed buying 'onk Mantles : we were
not forgetful of the little tota. We have an
exceptionally fine asiortnient of 'Children's.
Garments and you can provide .for their Mantle
wants here at a, smalLeost.
Children's goer' quality Eiderdown I Children's Eiderdown 'Coate, fanny
Coats. pearl buttons. sateen lined shoulder cape, angora fur trimmed
trimmed with lambskin, cream •.• A I sateen lined, pearl buttons, . red, ‘,
Good Weiks trom the Millinery.
bUsiness'is. booming. It could hardly
be 'etherwise. .The.kind Of Millinery that ia leaving this
store this season is trade winning', .We have two extra
special. offeringS for Millinery bayers this week. They'll
be ready .Saturday morning. Roth are money 'baying.
The .stooc must be kept clean . throlighout the
seaion. Brisk selling means the acentnulation 'of yern
nants and odd lines if we are not careful That's why
we are going to sell these hats for such little money.
AbOut 15 Ladies' Ready-trimnred Hata, stylish shapes, good • •
materials used, ribbone, birds, velvets and tips, odd lines
end short ends,trimmed up.and marked at a quick selling
price. Worth a pod -deal more money., Your choice e2,45
Saturday at •
Rough Riders -at' 65c •
, Two dozen Ladies' Rough Rider Hats, black and brown only.*
• ribber. band, fancy quill,•regular value $t.25, we bou.ght
thern cheap, and they geon•sale Saturday with the trim- ..,
We are showing some very nobby
Ready-to-wear Tailor-made Costumes. They
are made from good materials in the very latest
styles, lined throughout with goodlinings and
the workmanship is first-class. Prices are less
than you would pay for the material and the
making, and you have no bother at all after
you select your costume.
from fine cloth, coat lined from heavy serge, neat coat lined
with sateen, skirt with linenette,m, with colored sateen, 'skirt faced /A AA
bound with yelvet, atilt ...... 4 .0n with lining to match that in coat UMW
. Some three weeks ago we made a contract with
a leading manufacture for,a„ large quantity of Rain '
Coats at prices much below
— the regular value—the acl.
Was very much evidenced
in making this deal. The
goods are now here and we
' are safe in saying that no
E. placed before a buying public. They are divided into two lots. sueh value has ever been
Lot 1 is a*double breasted
r- ' coat, velvet collar, sewn seams and thoroughly waterproof, makes a niee spring and fall over-
coat besides beinz a rain coat, the price is $4.50, and 'we are,safe in sayinn• that it is a tre-
mendous bargain. Vot 2 is a fly front coat, velvet collar, sewn SOWS, boxbback, thorough -
V ly waterproof tuid one of the finest looking Coats to be seen anywhere. The price is $6.50
E butit is usually sold for $9 00, and is goo.] value at this &lire. Rain C utts pay for themselves
= in a short time and so Mall should be without one. Our assortment of R ' t * p .11 p
the largest in this section,tand we have a full range of Sixes, tliuS fitting large and small men.
211. Wrayper
little bargain in Wrappers that we
picked up the other day. The garment com-
plete for the price of the material
Ladies' Winter Wratipers, made from fancy
Wrapperettee, fall sktrt, 'inlet lined, a reg.
s 4. Our 'Great
Vest Special
The Ladies' Fleece -lined *Vest
we aro selling at 37ie is big value. American
made, finely finished, properly ghaped,not bulky'/
or clumsy, and best of all, warnt and eomfort-q
able. We bought there direct from the Amerill
Call maker or we tould not sell thent tor legs‘
" Drawprs to match
The "Creole" Shoe is still the
From the cheapest to the best. From the small- greatest seller ever placed on the
V est to the largest in size. Our stock is now very com- market, and at the above price is the
✓ outside the cities. We buy in large quantities for spot keen buying public. You will find
✓ plete and we show an assortment of goods not equalled ehApest Shoe. ever plaeed before a t;111 IN
cash and our Prices are shaved just a little el tl ' i i a ions o iis s toe a over the. 1 ' 4
V most people can afFord to sell at. For instance, our country but there is eval the genuine and we are ..4..
V wonderful, range of Fleece lined goods ,,,at 500. per the only people selling it inf this Owe, They are worth 4
V garment is something. to talk about, They are really' $2,50 per pair of anybody's money. Hundreds of people in
,.. worth 75a, but litre buying early last spring and be- this section will tell you the same story,. They are made 1
Ehave them in s:zes from 24 to 36 and you will have no proof and made to give Iota of wear.
fore the advanee in price enabled us to do this. We from the best IVIilwitakee Oil Grain, entirely seamless, water. i
trouble to get properly fitted here, There are a lot of
people who are partieular about the kind of underwear The Famous Slater Shoe—$31 $4 and $5.
that they put on, but bele is the place nearly every. We are solo agents for this famous make of Shoes—shoes
body ean be suited.
- that are the talk of the country and shoes that are not equal.
led by any other make. We carry the largest selection seen
outAde the cities and we ean fit anybody. If you do not
. wear the "Slater' try a pair and you will wear nothing else. 4
We carry a great assortment of Boy's and 11/en's All Repairs on Boots and Shoes promptly attended to. 4
flosierv and it will pay keen buyers to take a look
through our selection. We feel oho sure -we can save Jackson 13ros , .
• you money. Our make of children's, goods are very • . f
Men's Hosiery.
Fur Goods
Any Fur Garments selected at this store are perfect in
every respect, if not, we are ready to refund the money. If
there is one article above another that it does not pay to buy
a poor quality, it is Furs. Poor Furs are dear at any price.
We are particularly careful about the kind of Purs sell, and
know that they are good inside and out. YOu exivnine
the quality, finish or workmanship, the styles and linings, trim.
mings and sowings, and you cannot reasonably find fault, Not
one unirorthy article h s been allowed to enter the store and
you uy uis ere yo, can rest assured that they are every-
thing that they ought to be.
Study these few price hints L
Black Coney Neck Ruffs, nice glosey fur, for
Pine Mack Fur Ruffs, $mod eize
rge ur Ruffs, thick fur,0 tails, black or brown. . 1 50
Blaclt Astrachan, Oppossunn Ruffs, ylieh and re;vitea' blo Knife, heed, q
claws end three Mile
Fine quality filack Astrachan Ruff, with seven sable ...... 58 0088
' Genuine Ohio Sable Ruff. With head and fails
Ladles' Asitrachan Gauntlet Mite, with 'leather palms -211
LadiesPPine Gauntlet Mite, made from fine qualltysealette ,
Hodgens Bros.
41144 WWI &WU &AA 44441441 MAW &Ai& mem