HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-11-02, Page 4• 4 HBO TI tr‘ OLD BVIBIT. ThIS AIQUtb Aftle4nwar la &Awing goeheeleaul Aral Coterie* detest to. Other and ceMenting the boat; of !Empire. • -- The old. Lieu is not time p reseed, het. • herieerthobetes, the 'Cube are harrying teethe Peat et heetilities eager fee an 'Opportenity of ShowIng their, willing,. neett te. 40 and With ehiespirlt prevalting wileregev ha Ited ()rose banner floats Mined Blergpe MAT well hesieate 0 -oho meal- , tat% tatenig advantage ef tige present oenftletto eaiteefererthee tr&ieble, ' " I _I MR. 0•11104011 DOEX44 UOM1 ZbMMATTQBI Mr. Cieurge itaaelt of Hullett, re - Welled lest Friday' from Manitoba. where he Waft for a couple of menthe. Hie health hag been beeentted..hy t..hle Ms third trip to.'the prairie province. It waa folly expected that bee would haVe remained until After elle elections • THE teREMIER'S TODelt, ' Sr Wiltrid 'Leaner is not sterling Ontario. ter any pleasare he may de • eive teem: ih reed of a certainty lee has t saCeeeded •hi eetting at y heaeher oo fire. All this ectivity• hateltens an early appeel te •the electors; jasteheW• Soon Will depend epee the tetrameter, We are stilt of the npieion that there wilibe a short sesslhe fleste net that the Government perticularly wants to Meet the House bat in order thab the members may draw another $1,900 sessional allowance. In the meantime ie would be jast• lie foe the Con- ' gerve,tives to prepere for the fray. PIRBASE EXPLAIN. NER. MolatILLAN- In his specteheedhritegefinurterti tour of this eoentyliise weekt 111re John Me- Pivw?tie- TBE CLINT044 1414117S -R MAU 1,74 47. I • • „., ee„ I t• ' '16 r" APANAAAAMAANNAmoivommA" •br' saYtrIlle't three): nor teillehg At tit. George's 8, S. 'mem on the . Rev. Dr. ilendereon of Ter -entre, Y? ;or '!" — 0°0 tz° evening of Taesdo, the Yeemgreople'e Aeleoelate missionary eecretary. preaelo %ere ewe has had g teepee et tne :WW1 the At Home with a ledgthy In the North tiereet Methodiet chtucla Guild oresented t eir gueets who at. ad valet eleceat anniversary aerroone veritingem the wait And me will put off ea Mr. Sallows, photographer, through the kinees 1-1, S. Walloon* of the Beni( of Commerce, has a One lot of bandecene vlewe Liege eine of the the laevttahla' as " P°Sale' And Well-tirePare4.1 progreen. Mester both, neerneng end evening. Poi* the tame* Walker's bowling Wilma - 'Hugh John Macdenala becoming eleorey peon mule very efacietet (wooing 'service the Itev. Dr, took for meet, In his studio window. increasingly PePaelar haneve*' chairman. Tee that nerehele the lets text St. Mathew 16;26, "For whet The *Woes Stemma of hittelatal, when very terge rriajorrey Among the .ang- pregrene meth/ everyone feel that is a mail preflted. If he Shall gate the in Gorier -loll recenely, were gueets of 11811"SPealdnli electors. Ttle PreAen- t greftt evening's rePtitidte was for thorn whole world andlose his -own said e" Mrs. j. Weile servey. Wee (levereteent e strear nPl°ng the' la store. "The"Obarge Of the •Chliene Rev. De, Hendereon le, we may Ray. Thompeon of Seafortle wee also a vied - ferellathliarhat the ehhenites' 61411` instrumental cluet, was riven In 04 the Oapadien TalMege, at, least hie tor, into 'line by those ways and, ;went; repay ye, Miss Connolly's votiel solo 1 lenguage poeticel, It worild be tee at Seethed, is' one of the Canadian emPleled- 1-)erieeter, leheearitial aegehtee" folleige& "130cauSie I Levee 'roue' We , lengthy foe our columns to note MI hit contingent tweet Col. Otter, Austin. "Tereshing earteetine" et Pret"eete 'ea had never he Mies Connolly einge illustrations, stiflice it to few that he, was ever of a roaming disposition. fie same pattern ae' has been esed in West before arta fell quite in line with a lady '1 Was risked to preach- from the text just enlisted est eipeg, ' Ontne et al, who have been brought style by Miss EIie and MattIn er Illustrative power is very great, and Mr. Amain Ohialmine, whose home ie Huroa, West NOtith W.a,terion, troln TOr011to who reMarked to its ngettli by some of his fgete4s ere, 011Tbitsclay the puttlicathiriii of elleistlil bl Ma 0 eird other Ontar o const tuencres le In :19:13at ?toting f$irl. 'will -make ,quite a et n nit piss% y tea is t°11 muti eon t e groan. s o e e owe a, 1 a y g 'The crops, were eineuense, ears 'hIre recitation l'Wonelerfal liteley." ea rene torte, is elie highest forMe of Goire tare anti etre. Willem Sheeting of years,- • " .' , • Rexedelleana the whole 'country .WaS style, Mies Hole who hes vet' return- creetien, that- he pessesses in his heart Seaforth, fovereety of Clinton, hitve Mrs. Tinaalt and babe of Stratford ' ' - ..... Our guarantee:to refurt'd money if the goods are not sat. one ecnitinuous wheat field And were It ed from, sallow,. at tteilea Mawr." 'Tor- of clay, it star' which le or greater vslop taken up their residence en , Beet Se., ere the guests of Mrs. F. Srneatb, the feepeers could not cope with the young ladies. very urnch credit by plae- because ie will tranecend to the Beata in Ote Friday 'le rat- at three, tile setteed ' .04ist levees returned on WednesdaY heraot,ohy (roes eeitli eire6ithing :we soli,. harvest at all. Sven as it is there Was gene 00 fe,Otlesely the long instru- ' Glore and never die. Ile Also said ; children durmg intereeiseloo thought. lase from an eight irroptaire visit to • . 0 . a feat SeareitY of 'ober and tbonS- toeutal march i4OhaeOneha,' and heInf, that it ur afierinect that men spreng : it Weer $1100111gx egt.411 partleleS, White friends in Dakote, Brleith Columbia' . adieis eervice In Manitoba and works ranger, Mies ye accompanist, iie-ise ueedecl and oft -to -he• repeated one. In commenced. The poste are pahated a GI s Flatt eve the welharren ed tee first place he seys man, we are pretty gram. bat' voters' lists a,nd ballot boxes. ' oi • 7..J 4404teiritele Vietoria aerobe eleurehi, le noted for %mimeo and attracelve anterteenments, the lerehey evening the Juoior 11. L. lad by Miss taillian, in Places. of Wee DiAlteagee, held one of these enter. talumente. A plate wall covered with paper to look like pie, ene twenty-four elite were made in the paper pie, and *cities of paper gut in the shape at a, hIra with each head painted Week, were slipped itito ,the, gills with the Week birth?' heada popping out, Of course the black bird pie emanated Iran' the old nurserf rhyme "Four and Twenty Blackbirds Were halting in a, pee" On (seen *lip of paper mottoes were Written synonomous with Leve, Symhethy, .etc., for the editication. the young Leaguers, Mrs, Colin Campbell And Mrs. Geo. Acheson itre delegates this week to the W. C. T, conyention At Guelph, Died, at 709 St. Paul aVenue. writikee, Wit,' on Sunday, the 20th ot October, Jennie, daughter of the tete irkler ttetlfdarer eS,herketie and, ,!!leter 0 rs. J. Nolan OK Milwaukee. Died, at Dungannon, Haul:rah Sone% relict of the'late James 3'enes, aged 04 a ue for Your oney We dim want a cent. .your money utdess you re. • ceive 'value r6turn. For that reason we are always glad to 4 have you loolk around the store and learn. how much better you cm do here than in most, places, it is our constant attn. to serve you we114 and bysodoing gain your good wil). not for the improved tattehineeY ila use* onto, did that selept institution tor than any titer in the vaulted heaVene, porth tette, ' • Nelson sereea an s of ecrea of icr.alrt are still out warrnle applauded; .gave "Walton.. before the ewe -human race frone the like snow, were. floating theaueh the in the fields, and .laying where dePosit• Mies Ley .Harker sang the pretty old monkey. which 'soppositioe has often air, bat as we folt, the odor of smoke in ea by the binder. Of etieree A great song tell:mete very tendetly, Mies ' offended sensitive people. As fee bine- the ale, we forte our American neigh - many have already thresbedandethere 13arker accompanying her on' the self he Niles not how °OKI they tell bore mutt have suffered from the ray - ether have their grain staekedoestooke piano. Little Aline, 'Sturdy recited: him that undesira,ble news, it will not, ages flee for it seas; not snow, altbo ed, but what was net in the elevators eeereeep,es. opeeteeiese in the most • wound his vanity SQ long as he knows this Opel:let year the whiter had. set 111. was under snow when Mr. Ruddell left, approved style.' and. receiving quite an he is net one, fie thinks man it a And people WIto Were accustomed to. Near HartOeY one farmer had 110 acres ovatien, gave a histetry of her week's great creation, and iu tette* the very tbrowing down their grape vines and' of • fine wheat -covered by snow and. work with her doll. Next came the huge congregation abOtit coming up another 400 acres.- This WIII chewier eiteiehtingree Mika duet by • the to Tordntoto give one of his meeterly the grain and, loser its grading to the messrs. Blaelcstone with- flute and sermons %ilia' he heel written to thew, farmers' loss, • ' cornet, aecompaoled by Mrs. Black,. tee Toronto peoPle heepower as a The most the threshing machines stone on the piano. Harold end preaaber of tee gespcie he was ship- in‘Southern truitoba.are of American agathe plgyed. the trill parts very wrecked, and his sernion went -to the Mi'! inAke, Mr. Rudaen says he did not clearly. Of course they were encored bot,tom of the Like. Latete the box eee one of Canadian notike working, and pleased all with tee pretty tele° in whiGh be had placed, his,. serrnanti. made larger and teem re one horses to oie • meeeie Birtt Reggie Tye ;flute taok•out l3ie Sermon and helchit ap and eign Mission. Work, gave an aiddress cevering there up lone the season too coldto work in the gardens, con- sequently this season those vines pro, doeed rue fruit, being 'frozen, during end Michigari. Miss Evans looks much improved by her trip, . Miss Roblyn and Mr. Skidner of London "will sing at the sacred eon - cert to -night in North street Methodist' church Thursday night. Mr, SaMuel Cox has been very ill of The St. .A.ndrew cleared on Sunday a. ne at 6 'with cargo of pressed hay and apples as usual, She experienced aon tureay aboutlhe only wet clay of f te in our Pert the severe vv nter. • t e season or her en r g At Knox church on Wednesday p,m„ • 2.5thOct.,Mrs.Shortreed of Toronto,Pre- siclent of Presbyterial, Heed Order of Exeter': Millen is reported to have claimed teat The implements use are being tion, an instpinental duett, "Speak -to was recevered an on receivmg it he the Presbyterian Auxiliaries for For - the present Dominion Government had draew them, The farmers cultivate, se his,debot as a hi niet and gave • very lol the Waters Of the lake had washed to the •Womereseatieeionate• Auxiliary saved the ' country. • "Mullions . and much land that they are an:opened to.: niece* a • pretty sqlo, "Ther Peasant out every word of which he lied been here. The day was flee,. an Mrs. melliores." As Mr. MoMillan'e assertiOn get over it as getickly as possible. •Boye' m pretty Gbrinan air. Miss so delighted. "Nellieeete said, "eVery .$hortreed had .geite. a large ettenclance The harvestiog hes to be rushed. Earle Tye's recitatioe Was veryO ' appro- word pen' uncle'sm , seron has been of ladies of evevy deneuunatien. The washed out." "Oh, no," said his little last Annual conference wee held at nieee, "every word you wrote has been Viroodstock receritly, and the.nextit to *gelled out and it will make the fisher, be held in Ottawa. Mrs. Shortreedee- • fete But look, the Maker's name le plainee to the Missionary Society here' 'upon it." "The lilakeies name is upon the work done, and the manner: "of ib,"he repeated, ,‘And, go With every- working' attire Woodstockbonfererice, one 'Of us,tee stanip of God is olion us-." In I'orontothey have the Ewart He believes that a iiabe *ben .a few sionary Training School welch opened years pass over May sin es man is of on let October. D. Marion Oliver o sinful nature,but he cannot believe speaks often in her letters of the open that it is bori n 'n sin. He also compli- 'doors and interest shown fly the pa-, rnented the,•organist,. Prcifesser Simp• tients in the Indoor Hespital, as they ten; and his large Choir Upon their line come and go; Rer • meeting here was singing arid said they would do credit ar Thank -offering one. Mrs. Capt. to a, metropolitan church. The anthem Gibson, Mrs. Warnock of this town, ate' "How Long Welt Thou Forget. Me, Oh life- members. Huron has 510 Mission, Lord"' was beautifully rendered. It Bands. 'Mrs; Cohn Campbell is Trea- was coriiposed of solo, quartette and Surer of Goderich Auiiliary, and Mr. chorus. Miss Laura Acheson sang the War ..Melath •of Goderiph Tovvriships. solo part extreinely well..• At the Mrs. (Rev.) J. 'Hamilton, Goderiche 19 otfertOry•Miss Rya Acheson delighted President •of the HurOn Presbyterial all with her fine rendering oe the Societasand•Mrs.T.W. Irwin of Clintoe. beautifel solo "The Dream of Pare- Mise LothP ° Polley is resident of •Mc- dise." Mies Acheson was -in . good 'Gilliaray Mission Bend, Goderich, and rolek•and sustained her part well. She 'Miss May Allan, Treasurer. also rendered tee& parts ter the anthern• Mrs.jaMes Buehanan,'Ohurch street, very pleasingly. • • - • • • •spent. last week in Toronto the guestof Rantlink is building a brick kilo •aci't her darighter, Mrs.. Sharpe. Mrs: joining the building on Kingston St. Buchanan' „Was accompanied ' bye her lately occupied by PolicemanThoreas sen Walter, who holds e position in as a. coopers' shop. Mr. Hamlink eiti+7 h • dently bitends'to convert the building into an .evaporater. • • . • The • knitting . factory state work now to 8:15 p.m. , • • -- Veils must go, 509fashion, but no definite reason givenatiethe veto, , d We heave that Stoddart-,the•saddler, 'who purchased the good will Of . Win. •ACheion; is about leaving town., • There are:. few Cathrilic families in town • who hoe young children, being almost all grown np,andsorne Stranger who canie to town the other day look- ed inystified:• after asking sorneope he met near the Square if there were any Oatholitefemilies on Kingston, Elgin. or St. David's Sta, who had small children, and the person questioned' eoeld not tell him of any, He should have •gorie to the northern pert of, the 48 directly opposed to the general be- lief, which is that this yeat's expendi- ture, will be "rnullfons and mulliOns" ahead of any previons year, he ought to explain himself, That much, at" least, he owes to his constituents, and while he is at it he mIght, at the sLime thne, ten them to what extent ;Sir WilfridLaurier has departed from the old N. P. Mr. MeMillan has the floor. THE eENERAL ELECTIONS. Montreal, Oct. 26.-A :despatch t� - day from Moncton,. N. p., says; "The Star eorrespenclent has been inforated that the lYlinister-of Railwitis; during his last visit to New Brunswick inti mated to a personal friend that the Government would adhere tO lte original intention and have the general elections in January. Mr, Blair said the health of Mr. Tarte Was such that there:wive no guarantee of his, centime- a,nce in public life mitt), the close been - ether session, and that a final decieloh to have the elections in January Was ; arrived at some time ago.„ Saturday, the 13th or 20th Janeary, is mentioned as the probable polling ley." • SIR 'CHARLES Tree'PlaR'S : PRACTICAL PATRIOTISM. A circular letter from Sir Charles Tupper, accompanied by a eireelar from an accident insurence company,. has been sent to the relatives of members of the Canadian Cantle -- Olt at Quebec. The letter front Sir Charles addreisech to ' each itich- vidual member of the contingent, 18 08 follows; Montreal, Oct. 23, 1809. Dear Sie . . I am glad , to inform . you that, through the generosity, of a friend, X have succeeded in effeeting, insurance upon the lives and limbs of the .heein- here ot the Catuulian,Contingent going to the Transvaal, to. a limit of one million dollars. • • . By this inserance of which Von - close a copy the company's certifi- cate, you, air a member, are Covered, In eomnion with 'all Canadians, etrall watch the progress of the Can- adian Contingent, With tee deepest. iii- • terese and sympathy. I am siire that you vill all reflect credit upon demise dial areas end upon the grand old • flag you have so leraYely -volunteered to defend. • I Wish you most heartily a success- ful campaign, and a safe return Le your own country, which will not for- get your patriotism and courage in the hour,of need. Yours faithfully, ORAS, TUPPER. 'Oue ferrnee near eforden had 160 acres priate, and feelingly reneeted, The of fine wheat' in which he started aye 'Absent Soldier's ()elide!Miss Doletere binders one fine morning andthe next Reeves, a sweet little girl with silvery' day ar, noon. it was a11inSheaf4 • notes. sang "Life's•Garne of See Saw."' The big Leer farm near.hlorrie,wher P. Bright-eyed little Beatrice Wel s ree by the use of a stetter plow twenty- cited very, pleasingly, , Little , seven 'acres per day Epee turned over, Love for lairde" Wnien brought on an • lets not paid and Is ,being sold .oft toeecore:hat no response. Tete finished small • purchasers: The •expensive the first part of the program.. After a' machineryneeded on 8403 a farm 'short intermission an instrumental. :seems to be the reason. for its failure duett "The Jelly Brothers" galop WAS • , to turn out a profit.. ' •- nicely given by. Mise Emily Shepherd Skealt lee of the proper there to cet 'And Misstep .Geoffrey Hone A reei- tIio wheat, Mr. Raddell says the bind- tatiop by:little Alice Rothwell earee. ere should be set to work when the next,. "Little • •Mary's Wish." which grain is a little on the green,side for.if pleasure, her innocent rendering ' of let'stand too longthe . wind will blow taking up &mere 'to God just suited' 'Ott „the. chaff:- Weed* tile 'berry apd her: -.Mies Persons sang. "Memories" losvee its value; • . in plaintive voice, and onreceiving a . Mr. RUddell .attended the. Fairs at hearty encore, sang "Ms: LiItle lionol Norden .and Rartneq and says theY Queen,' Miss Connie.Hplt 'acorn, :were not up .to the ek, • They took panist,' Miss E. Naftel..eilways pleases •oliree when the fatal:ore Were too bUsy. and, gave a fine instrineentaseleatiOn; 'With their Work to take much interest Mee Lindsay: Williams' •kept the truth- te. theme • When he , left 'the elevators Price' laughing evitte his reialering. of ..vver 6 busy aintost day , and night keep- eTbe•Bee pure for Rheumatism." Mist ing.pace with the • immensetenottut of Tee sang Very pleasingly . "Galilee," grain 'which was'PO*IolOo. • :Geoffrey Holt playing the accompani- ment. Mr. John Carrie pleated all r•-- •• by playing very well his own ' accom- - COlbOrik6: TONViiShip• penenent to the tine baritone solo • • . • ' . "Pilot Me:" 'Mr. :Manger:Mittel 'lead Mee. Williana Miehair 18 .Yisitirig very' well "Peek's Bed Bey:" Miss friends in Stratford. .. • ' • •• . • Wells' number, the Islet but not . the „-Mr. Norman- Snyder spent Thanks- least; finished a .rnost enjoyable enter - i gving:under the parental roof. • tainmerit. She chose the pretey, South - Mr, Moeda Mitchell has • purchased . ern song "The Girl .1 Love in_ Sunny a wheel. • • Tennessee," end: Was aeconipaied, by • e Rev. Mr. Butt. ef ',Walkerton and • cornet • and flute obligato. by. the -Mr.. S. W. Butt of Windsor were visit- „ Messrs... _Blackstone and On liano by inr relatives iri this vicinit.y.' • .. Mrs, Blackstone. Professor Ouff play - Ir. CherlesTrebleas ru.nning it gang ed "God Save -the Queen."' If every - Of, apple.packers for Mr, Nathan Johns. one had responded to theencores the d Mr.. Peter Fisher; who recently•Wnt programwould have. • been almost, on a 'visit to his sister in lelpskokriehas.. doubly lengthened, the numbers being yeturneahoine, . • • • 80givere - • . • • • Mr. Henry Fishee and Ur. .Mitchell The 'evening being So : unpleasant, attended the convention in Blyth last the Literary Society of the, 0, le had week. . • . • not the usual large attendance on Fri - The cold weather last -week made day evening last. The prizes were all some people :think of winter. Sortie distributed as Mentioned twoweeks yeereseee working with overcoats and ago to the lucky winner; of 'the .ditfer- Mainz). In fact one manwits seen go- eat games. The list' is too long, to leg towards town with it • stove in leis ereirnerate.. Santee it to say they were erg with him. • •• . all"perfeetly satisfied with the diseribte The people as well lie 'the squirrels time " Masteer • Stuart• Pritchard.. won are no doubt preparing for a, hard tne•chaniplonsliip prize,.. but utifortu- winter judging from . the amount of rudely was called away by the death beach nute thet etre being. . withered of his 'grandfather at Luckho.w. Mitetet Lin daily, • . . • • • • Ln Knox • took .the seeded -champion- We nederstaticl• Mt. Charles Beetigo ship prize. Each received: e, military' isegiving up ferrying and is going to toilet set. • • • • ieila the Mounted Police in •the North The 'St, ' Andrew cause in through Vest. • • • • the rain on Saturday Morning early. ReV.`Mr. Wilson. who.hes been. in • • • The foondahon of Dr. Banter's new Guelph for the past few weeks,has re. building is already finished. turned home, Mrs. Wilson, who has The Epworth League consecration been in the hospital in that city we are service at Victoria street church was glad to hear is recovering efter a severe . very interesting on Friday night last. illness. . Miss Minnie Hillier led. The topic Rev. W. 3. Wilson occupied Zion was "The old time missionary.," upon pulpit on Sabbath. He has been un- which the Rev. Jasper 'Wilson had the able to attend owing to the sickness of his wife. honor of addressing the League. He spoke with much earnestness to them, Quarterly service 11111 be held an the reminding them of how much good Nire'next Sabbath at 10:80 a.m. , . The Minster from the Nile will take seed they can sow. The singing of the hymns was very good. Miss ,Vida the service at'Zion next Sabbath. Bell, one of the two delegates -sent to Professor Stewart, who has been Blyth in October, read the first part giving entertaiments every' night the of the report of the convention in a past week at Oarlow,has moved to the leafy . praiseworthy manner, Miss Nile for a few nightie, The Professor Shannon, the other delegate, read the gives grand shows, tad every person latter part; very eredleably. On next who has been there say so. Friday Mr. George Green will address Mr. Fletch Gliderspurchased a fine the League, taking for his temp eGiv- hove& one day the past week. Mt. and Mrs. Edward Million were 1-1114' A collection was token up for missionary work, Miss Vida Bell is the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kerr 'organist for the League, 013 Sabbath, ol. Otter while here was too yeang The two Miss. Mitchells were the SIR WILVII,ID'S eiTEItACITY. Sabbath evenin . John reble g, °II ftt°Ithaetrt4teec!elidSed8arlaral, tWisairlisiaambflaRol. beHrits guests of Mr. and Mrs- T son as treasurer' of the Canada Corn, Some of Mr Johns' apple packerts are Sir Wilfrid Laurier related fir his. abut through packing apples around rvahai eame out jvlL .C.1: and English tk 8.4 s trd Bowel:mei/111e speeth, and in some of titiree.folScgineemotothbee fittooeursbthink -'t•t is and aeon of the Bishop of Chichester. his subsequeut utterantes, a little helve given -poor satisfactieign. as the Col, Otter's MOther was an pnglish eady,Miss De La, llookeese understand, story about the Weet Huron eleceon. Mr, and Miss :Million were the gueets He eyed the Oonservetives had made a their grand-parente of Elle oti Sab- Vrtettleg/lorthigio.nattexter, seethetob Hoeof bath evening', • grave charges touching the honesty visited Goaerieh also. with whichethat contest Wite conduct- " The"BelleItatiecome,"Detroit,three- e& But the Government promptly Drehtiale. misted schooner from Toledo vvith -- cargo of coal for F. Barlow 1101mes1 had an inyestigetion, and the charges Dr. Slack deserves credit for the sue- (waterworks) about 073 tons, came in Fine red brick -not china. were -proven to be untrue, MeV, as 0 cessful tteatment of De. R J. Talbot's On Saturday evening, loaded right Mrs. Fowler has retureed frorn her matter of fact, and Sir Wilfrid kW s patients during his shinnies in the down. visit to Listowel. en our rounds lately a lady told us alre. Charles Cooper of Toronto Is WMesrt:J. V. ttlie hag noW tuoVed Int° hie that She had diseoritinuea the use of egendiw couple of weeks the ggesb of It, it was proven that frauds elmilat to , The Ladies'. Aid of Victoria street church are fitting up the parsonage with handsome new carpets and oil- cloth, a Thanksgiving gift, - • Mr. House, who purchased the sad- dlery business off Mr. Dowdling, has taken up his residence at the lake in the late residence of Mrs.W.Cantelon, West, street. The S. Consulate picket fence has bee% newly painted In olive green with sulphertremmings. Quite aesttue The East street citizens on south side went the council to continue the granolithie sidewalk to the station, and the Ncirth side people melba pave- ment on their side, and we presume the West street people will pray fora pavement to the Dike. So they'll have a cantered on hand for the bal- ance of 09. It was almost impossible to geb a C0 py of last week's issue of Tree NEWS. RECORD in town last week, every .bod,y had sent away their -copy to Mende abroad, or someone had got it io Send awaY. Policeman Thomas has a bo.nt flnished his seasoner barrel -making. The output this season is about 7,000 barrels for the Dudley's. Mr, Themes hire received telegrams from several points asking him to fill oreers, but to 811 them would. require another outlay and it next year were. an apple failure then his barrel material would be useless. The "Kolfage," Capt. John McDon- ald, came in light from Chatham,and took from our harbor for the Thoum, sone a cargo of he,' and oats for Golden Valley. Mr. Thompson tonic passage on her with a lot of men, nunebeting15 or more from Clinton and elsewhere, among them being Messrs, J, Sallowe arid Vie. Baker from town, The Kole, age had unloaded it cargo of lurnber at Anehersthurg before comine into port. She took the lumber frotre0olden , The telohn Lee" was in with brick from Dresden for the water Works. those perpetrated' in Wes e Elgin and new resideece. ' Coal all in lighting her 'tree for she re. ihner Smith,. Mrs, ooper id North Waterloo were committed hi ,Mr. E,'Vttue has rented. Mr. A.. Ban- Said It was gett , . ap 1 geA Ilse high prices. '' It ant al her ' itlhood days in God e _ _ erfarm for his oldest boy. . amused us to thin that the had stria ich. wese eduron. The people east their YIS14sar anJohn Bannerman has mOved. tient strength of character to make Mrs. A. B, Cornell with Harvey - ballots, and the ineehine altered the back foto his handsome residence after the sacrifice. Amerrcati oh is up to Edward and his Sister tete for Toronto bailee; afteevearcis.^There was a double being away on his summer tour. 80 cents per gaIlon.on Mohday of last week, , set of ballots printed; but by a stupid Mr.Cry h eJohn as had hes wetee.a-e- ' 13eautifully blanched celery . is :claw. or, the pare of •tee rpeome the ltiraoittedref.er to keeP tithe for his lastbrotight here by teethe of our gagardenersMrs Elide of Guelph. who has been visiting her Detente, Mr. and Mrs, Me, from Thedford. IE is so juicy too. Olymont4 returned to her home on frandulene ballots used to replace the Messre! 0. Sereenati and toe Jeffrey Mr. Dale Speeling,who left Seeforth Monday of last week. - • getmine balloter Were of paper different spent tendey in Seaforth. In Auguet for Winnipeg, eviites that Mine leland Hale will remain in la texture and thickness th the gen. • IVIte . Tumor intends Midriff* a trip he la quite delighted with that eity, retrelph the vest of her glister etre, I' was put in the other Edward of t at city, until Ohrihienta, eine hallote and to the Beebe 'from to Totonto ere long tompend t win, A new ter. ay at the head of the steps near, the tide, allots Were Supposed to efreette:B. SilieWdele rumor sere vie. Castle, leading down to the river. The "Itoseditits" &One In on Wedliee- .havia been defitehea. The thing was a, ited stieelai friend in the rownellip. The long used and pretty porch at dae tem.,21th hist, with 80,000 (mallets gigantle stvinthand a part of the. ant. last week an ing p a evhleh those 13' f C D h t f la " 1 Ict h • had to he reneovea ter give tilace to the teethes," Captain Moore, lay' 0110P 131g a returned look tees. the door o the late ap n aneea of w ea or ooer e creator t e enns Iraq ' *Ontario . P Hite tele the and Mr, john Rau purchased a hound ghthellthle walk on lita*t et"ere Mill elevator dock with 40,000 ,hushele .„ Federal hum have caste& to steal. the ftem Mr. W. G- Johnston and intends Remember the grand eontierb to be of wheat for Richardeon Bros. conseieuetieles. That Sit Withal taking in the sports at the Betid, given on Thursday eYeentig et North A jeweler in town hee for it sign it ehotiki hatse told antetbee •et et Mr. W. Howeird, merchant allele street Methodist thureh which pro- broken ring. That speaks volinues. er)P "hi has engaged, a lady assistant. tutees to be One Of the finest ever offer- Ratan mend a 'broken tins. he etrpr,"s ag if any tert ive tom Mr. T;SnoVedell'e tenant has teed. ed to a readerich audience In sacred Mr, Tom Gratin has reinoved his truth en the Dart of that honorable ved short notice tovacate his residenee, Made.; Profertiot Sinipeon hese ;mitred family to Bruce street. mid gallatit, krilghe could eurprige any. es he intends /taint a helpina.t,e and nob•ipaine to undo it, a greet muccesie The Marine Barra Is naaait to its • hodyeaMa,Il end Vampire. ileetipsinfmere ere lorteAddleoreBritannianoedentende ambers, Bandinsetet Grelg as been • • Mr. Al red Westlake has intrehased epenaing some thee in Toronto veith retained for another ereeeon. , • o river run • e stage tom rye. M. It Addisonf th . m - ta Quite a number of flowers...verbena , .. . . . Miss Itaith• MeeXaee tided ditugliter moire; and ellen sweet pas were bloom., .bf Rev. Mr. MacKay, South street, hire Ing as fresh the part of last week he- HANDSOM.311 WAR MAPS IntEgt. gone to e end the winter With feletide fore Thusday's rain, tie early In itera- te De t. . mere WS taw quite a numbee of pen - 0 it MeLeeti s house. Canadian* are 'ehowing &keen Inter. Mee, Ed ward of Toronto will remain , tee too. Mr. end Mere john tete ;deo Mr. edits theTronsvaal War. _The "Family Otis &Jason • with her itiother, Mrs. ! ler, Nicholson had quite it harteeite of George and Meg Liezlei Love Were Herald and Weekly Stor," cif Mentreal, Blake, Beltaritila Road, Who Met With votilinde upon his trees. One tree it , ehleate at litrethande, Cahill and Mies . have placed their reader* in a .position with an tteeldertt some weeks ago , ' far higher than hie retridenee. A Annie reohe's Wedding.e•Meltillee. to intelligently undetate4, the situa« which, remelted In a epralned allele. etatela teemendeed. The Dr, said he • /die* 'Sarah MeOlOY le reeWing• at - teen by Wending bee* reader of that A tweet bone musette trittikett In her • hientedcheetaut trees as well, but they Mit. Jittnee liteKeyet, great paper a hafecteeree coloured math , anal*. 16 happened while returning ' did not thrive. The farriers wattle( Mrs. Hugh lefeKoy. Who •has heen ill with complete Infortnetkat Teglerdettg from the residreime Of A friend, and make Money if that ple,tited nut -bear. . , for gorge time, We MIA istirry to say, le all paints mentioned illi deseatateit. takinfithea nearest gate she hada long. thee trees, riuts being rulad thOW in greet itt.. . h her werdere, arra the ouantittee in crewel catidies mad in iftleftert OlVI the fleet oake. tteir ito -re, eerie Ohillea and Mise Ka I ti , Make to *eh epode* th,e witaer in Flot t eh terl _kat *Mkt their ststear,Mre. (DreMeLeen. ei. IN &Maw deretaNd that they w”jel like to - of tante nee tateey ftViefterie el gKr. winkt Oevrc reenteeetel from het bixtt teat to his tatie reeldinreet On Be tea nt e Mem ing Ware very notated. ie itirik4 tl.t.,ft etati.. itMia 15 dale to Ethel. Tants, • in shadee, marigolds thrysenthe. .. Tee marriege of Miss Nellie liolmes to a physician and the troublesome 14 - of Jacksonville, Florida, fcirnierly of tleepiecie of metal was removed. • Strathroy, to John W. Paine, took pine° at Chicago on Tuesday,Oct. 10th. ear. Rae, who occupied the position The bride has the best wishes of of stave outter with the Setherland-In- nes Cos, some few weeks 'ago; has • pur- chased the CentralItotelat Arkona and will move his family thither shortly; _ • There seems to he 130 .end of sone- nters of small bore swindles to pick up a - living from the farming community. • rhe latest plan reported ie one worked by two resealy logkieg individeals who drive a seedy looking outfit to match. This plan of operation is to call on a far- mer and plead poverty, awl remiese a feed of oats for their , horses whiCh la rarely refused. When the donation is safely stowed on their wagon•a another farmer is called on and the same old • story told When several bags are se- cured the artists drive to the nearest village andsell out. After Ioadiesg up with- tiquid refreshnsents they start out • to hunt for fresh viidinse. , During the heavy. thunder storm . , ',rile following list will convince you bow money can, be saved for you, here Flannelettes 30 -inch Flannelettes in assorted light an4 dark colorings, very. heavy, . 'quality, all fast colors, in stripes and checks, •Well worth 7e. Our price 50 Flannelettes in lihhe an. die k colt:w- ings, in stripes only, 82 inches all warranted. fast cOlOrs, would be cheap •at 9o, for r.; 36 -inch Flannelettes, in stripes only, extra fine, heavy quality: will waele well. worth 12ec, extra value 0 at.... . • t- • ' Monday niorning sveek between stir and seven o'olock tbelarge bank been 'of Mi. Henry Tease of Hay township on the Make road, was struck by lightning and before anything could be done the building, together with its cententhoon- sitting of hay, straw,ri quantity of grain, eto., were deatroyed. Fortunately he saved 'alrleis stook. nib lost is indeed a heavy one. • While Madellne, infant daughter of - ler. T. IL Carling, was -playing around. the home on Saturday het, the little t h Ici of small Screw nail and totgo o a . being unnoticed she put it up into cne of her nostrils. She was at once taken Strathroy -friends. GrOderiell friends add their beat wishes. ' A very melancholy and much regret- ted irecident (warred on Saturday p.m., whereby Goderich is deprived of a very useful member of society in the person ' of W. A, Rhyrias, builder and archi- tect, the junior member of thefirm of ' "Buchanan & Ithypas. Mr. Rhyngs was the last surviving member of his family.. His brothers, Captain and Druggist Rhyne% Robert and George, ancl sister's, Mrs. Morrie and Dirs. Cap- tain Savage, having preceded him to the better world some years age. He leaves a wife and family, two sons and two daughters; to moerRbis untimely fate. No one will ever know the exact circurnstarces. Ali. they know is that he had been down at the VVaterworks where he had the contract for enlarte mg it, and lifter supervising the work at the Oddfellows' Ball Seturclay, lie walked down to the dock. It was 0.80p, m. when the last man to whom he spoke asked ben to turn back, as after 6 p. it grows dark, but Mr. Rhymes said he was going to take . tea with the eaptain of the schooner. The schooner Belle Harascome yeas jest corning down to lie r doek and on heeeing Lhc splashin a moment divined the cause and threw out, a plank which ries- sad right before Mr. Rhynas but which he seemed never to notice. Only a boa WAS near on the wharf to.give any, assistance so that the remains were not found for fifteen or ttventy min- utes after. Th•en Dr. Whitely was sent for and every remedy tried in vain to recuseitate the body, which was taken later to 'Undertaker Brophy and placer:lin a handsome casket. He tvas a prominent Mason, to which Order he belonged twenty-four years, and had been Re Secretary for ten Yea& He also belonged to the Inde - petulant Foresters, and was a member of the Oddfellows for twenty-four years, to the Royal Arcauurn twelve years, and to the I. O. F. about nine years, which leaves his family well provided for. Altogether it is a sad ending to a prosperous life. In relig- ion he was a Presbyterian. . Mr. La. Toned met with a little acci- dent to his for*, e bale of pressed' hay falling upon it. We hope he will not suffer long from the adverse circum. stances. Rev. S. 3', Althea' pulpie was filled very acceptably- in Victoria street church by McIleady of Clinton. The sermon Was given from St. John 848, In the evening Rev. Jasper Wil- son gave an elocotent sermon. At the offertory Mr. Tames Thonapson sang the beautiftil baritone solo, "Not a sparrow falleth," Rev. S. J. Attie preached the anni- versary sermon in the Methodist church, Exeter, on Sunday last, Two of the children aecom panted him,Misees Fertile and Mayfrid. The Rev. gene Moran went on to London on Monday. Miss Mayfria will spend a month in that city. .Perestlibitte. Mr. Allietre BrOWU heti Meted Mr, tee' -Map el) n- er Vre, Maxon Mr, -John Munroe of Betteetlehl gave other to he leaned he the tTatia,tly Her; path bMntt re, a Byre/pelt, to Mt'. Wm. Roes. ' and ekly attar” tie o . rft.thwe at hirtm bock m at lite. Ciao, BroWriietes leet Weetifige Bite. Geo. Brotenlee,10. left tin are what Arty motthigfot London rehtre_,he itr• wets toed. eleiting Iota few day*. He ewes to. Itipiet where he h ittastion till Irate. We UMW/ f hird Rev. Andrewe of Varna y lotted the-elass Brussels. - De. Kalbfleiech has eold his practice and property to Drelet, Le Holmes, of Walkerton, who begins practige here on November lab, Dr. lealbfleiseh will re- main here for a month or melte to intro- duce his successor and wind up his best - nese. He intends to go south for the winter arid will take a course in some of the American or European hospitals before settling clown to practise again. There wee avety pleasing addition to• the usual Theaskegiving sereice at Mel - villa -aerobe being a presentation to Hrs. George Thomson of a beautiful lady's secretary and dressing table, piano lamp and onyr staiedeaccompan- ed by an address expressive of the congregation's- appreciation of Mrs. Thomson's valuable and voluntary ser- vices as organist 9f thp church for the , • past three years. ' The contest for a pair of bowls among the junior bowlers has been concluded and George Irwin is the winner. There were 28 contestants, and all started even except the Winner, who on a ()- octant of having had mere practice than the others was handicapped four shots. Apple thippers are complaining of the lack of freight shed accommodation the station here. A large lot of bar- reled apples were out in the heavy rain of this week and got thoroughly soaked. The new granolithio viatica laid down In Sri/seek this year measure three miles' and 211 feet in length. • "THE LOSS OF GOLD IS GREAT The loss of health is more." Health is lost by neglecting to keep the Wood pure, but it is regained by pnrifing, en- rieleithe and vitalizing the blood with the great health retorer, Hood's Sar- saparilla. Thousands who thought health had been perm/meetly lost have been made eterfectly well by taken this great medicine, Your experience may be the same. 11000'S PILLS are gentle, yet always effective, Ilamilten cigar dealers tirade detided to fight, the opposition'of tbe author - 1.0 the employmerie of nickel -in. the -slot machines. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists tefund the rotmey if it falls to cure. 25e. D. W. Grove's signature is on each box. „ Shoe Specialties We are noted Inc our great specialtieti in Itoots and Shoes and are gradually working Am a tre tnendously big trade In these( lines. We work on the rule that it is better to sell 100 pairs at, a. close margin then 50 pairs velth biggerprofit, Doing business on the Departmental reyetern gives us a, chance to sell goeds Moser than most people, and out increasing huoiness showtIS that keen huyere lire appreciating this. We have no expense in out Shoe Department, con- sequently there es no excuse for us not selling lower than other Oceple. Boys' Standard School Shoe's. Pride $1, $1,25 raid $1.50. The greatast elItng tine on the market; and the Cheapest Shoe ever offered In this section. 29-hich wide Shirting Flannelette, extra heavy quality, in dark cheeks only, • garivanteecl all fast colors, sold all over at 12ic. Our price, • . Extra heavy Flannelette, in pink, llgolifiteyarinisrr, ownallytta3n6t-ti3achwide, fine fast.colors, ,t egular 14c value, special at 25 -inch Flannelette, in white and blue , only, geed herivy quality,. fast • 5C colors, special at, Flannels 25 -inch grey FlanneLin plain and twill, heavy quality, • will riot shrink .in wash, regular value 15c, I.. 1 special 27 -inch -extra heavy twill' Flannel in grey only, will give excellent wear, good value at ......... Greer liclantiel 27 inches wide, the very . finest Ootupeellford make, warranted - wool would he geed Value r," at 35e, our price, ........ . . ... Metes Creole Shoot% Price $2.00, 'A gentleman from Birth told us the following !tory lett Thursday last t honehe a, pair of Cooke* lot eptIng end I have found them the most comfort - abler and the Wit Wearing ratties have ever ha& Glee me another palest; will he trues to have there when I need them.° Tide le the kind of teetimony Ws get newly every der. Buy the toning Whitila ean only he hisc1 from us. Look oub foe imitatkme. Ladies' $1,00 Shoes... - Our Low oo xlci Bolton Shoe* has baste it surprise to keen yere. We know that there ht on'thIng on e atierkeb to touch t,hem and we kiln hat' other deals eennols seined to t etat at this eigure herealsee their Would not allow them to do go. ehle rower .1.. aclies aterproofs 28•inch factory Flannel in red and e" black check. only, .warranted fast colors, will noeshrink wash, Suit- able for men's working shirts; cit., special at........ .. . ... . .-4 06C Navy Blue Fla,nriel 25 and 28 inches wide - in plain. And twill, very fine. even qoality, fast colors, will at28C '8t 35C give good wear. value 27 -inch fancy plinnet in light and dark colors, just tee thing for men's fine shirts, warreeted all fast colors,,,, splendid v,alue. at per 6VC The essence of a good Waterproof is that it sheds water --keep$ one diy. Another .,thing : It- must look viell when the sun shines, It makes one feel mean to wear a Waterproof' Coat, expecting rain, and then feel that everybody iq-noticing your Waterproof when* it doesn't rain, The beauty of our goods is—they look well, rain Or bhine, and shed water every time it rains. Ladies' waterproof Coats made inline quality serge with rubber lining in navyand black only, long cape, high collar, warranted neyer to go " re pe hard, Special at...... . . .... .25.1 Ladies' waterproof coat made 'of extra -fine covert cloth with Military cape and velvet collate_ guaranteed never to go bard. Extra n 00 value at • ... •• I .. .. • . •• Ladies' One worsted waterproof coat in brown fee se very stylish 6.0, velvet cuii.ir. 0- • Ladies' Waterproof coat, made of fine quality worsted, in fawn only, With- out cape, long coat sleeve, tight at wrist, velvet collar, yoke in back, six large pearl buttons, very stylish, the • newest coat made. Our special price '‘.'/ 0 Fine worsted, in black only, with fancy red edging, large full sweep cape, box pleated back,fully In myrtle green only, 10:5'3 1rigvnetelrayzsnotyrtsetite:dhd:fali sweep cape . pleatecheack,special at .....12.50 SATURDAY - SPECIALS ..Reading advertisements would get monotonous if re- presented anything short of downright economy. People don't read for the sake of reading—they want to save money. This list will be ready for you at 8 o'clock $aturday morning. Fur Caperines at $6.50 Black Astrachan Caperines. 10 inches ' tong, 62 inch skirt, high storm collar, heed. with good geitlity black satin, - ribbon triromea, fine kr^ well worth $7.50, Saturday • $15 Cape for $8.76 1 only Capernade of fine fluidity Kersey cloth nicely trimmed with black Thibett around colter and down front aleo 8 rows satin. and pearl buckles. Leath of cape a,4 inchea this season's make, regular R 76 - price is $15 for Saturday only vo 45c Stock Collars at 246 Ladies" Collars in Colors. of blue, pink, black, etc., with and without cord very new, regular prices were We to 45c, to clear on &Our- 24 158inch skiret e very newest sty'l ..... 0 Cashmere Hose at 2 pair for 49e Ladies' extra heavy ribbed Cashmere Hose isetientess• feet, hotly sole in glees ge, 0.0e. One regular 80e qual- Ity Saturday morning 2 pairs A ...... Va,11.=00 Se Prints for 5%e Ainelleati mines. in fancy celore of rgergeuenla,pruzlitite asna.d rsepaerricilaxleiclorsumitavb,lie Inc Wrappers, Warranted feet color*, Sa r day *. a co, ...... /X' ‘11, 7* Flannelettes at 5e 10 pitieete only of grey and brown Flan- nelatteee32 Inches wide good heavy quelity Would he cheap at 70. & Speelal foe Saturday only.,.,.. 10101 • Tw ed A 20e n weed? iti medium and dark 29coiloers, errictrit heavy quality, just ihe thing for meet's end boyar pants, well worth 30e and a5c, for Sa.tur, ones ..... .4.4•11..a•10.1,1 Fa Ilona Fancy Tartans at Se 800 yards Fancy Tartans27 inches wide in new shades of blue, broten and, green, extra heavy quality for child. reies dresses, warratitee ad lastere colors, special at.... OC Cretonne 12%0 82 Inch double faced Cretonne in eolore of red, gold and black and re& gold and white, Yerynew designs/ isti -,„ Saturday prite 7t 20e 20e Eiderdown Flannel AMC 71 piece only mare heavy Bidetdown flannel in red and green color only, just the thieg Inc dressing pickets or wrappers, our regular price is 200 , but to clear on Saturday e eee Only ..... ....... . . Saxony Yarn at 1,2%e noininion Saxony...Dien made of extra fine gaalite wool, in corers of pink4 garnet, blue and bleck and white( well worth The hunch, 4 SatiirdaY Only ...... Misses Jackets at $189 10 cooly Missee :tickets made of extra qua lity wove Preize in browner otar higtt storm collet teems all well bound. regular $4 coats to cleat on Saturday 14 nearly half ea (lad priory. try., 'pro+ ...... ovr .... Fortte.,