HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-11-02, Page 2• 11111141 NEWHINORP If:pub:11st ed even' TlitiRSBAY. Aetna elvieltecoun ealnitter Bout% Adiert et CO.J..441.4e.'ttelen,113.e. Oeteelb• : ADVOIMSING • 1 Ye. eta It Atte et!? t ...... et/ ee. tviuntit 04 %I 1st Ooluinitce el is. tie 7 ue' ee ne.utuuuo le 0, uo k 1 inch........... II OD 4 C14 tr.$.4 t 3a pee, title trout '44 tu at. per 311.19. jY0r teenident advertisemeate it) emits per line for the first insertion; 3 cents tier line eacli eubeequent ineerttee- . iten,Pareil ineaeure. Profeseionak cards, net eeeneding one ineh, 43.00 AaVertisements without spec- ific directions will be Pohliehett °It forbid. mod charged for accordingle. Transieut notices -"Lose," "Found."' bor bale," ete.,--51) cootie for first, in. „sertion, 25 oats for.eaen su,esequent insertion, • Whiee MAYS -RECORD will be Rot to any addrese, free of postage, for 31.00eper year, paYable ie advance- in.50. may be ebarged If not so paid, Tee date to which every suliscriptioa is paid is denoted by the „number on the address label. No,paper diiicentin. • met until 0.11 arrears are.palcl, except e,t the 'option or the Peoprietor, W, ji-MITCHELL., ' Editor and Proprietor. MOLSON'S BM1K )3"3".'altd /it inlitmcni 1715. Caerrm. $2,000,000 Rssr $1,50o,Coo " Feed Office, IVIONTRIAL, wee etoleeoN, Prendcnt F. %N 01,FliilitT4N't lit, al §, Gen.' Manager. Nivrstit•emintrd, 0 reetirne mnde, Drafts ' h•tueri. Sterling and American Exeharge it 1 Elt at e 1111(1. 1111( 1(31 a"c ed. on !Meows SAVINGS iANN., Interck alowed on. burns uf el and up. Money ndvaneed to fitriliorq cm their own notes with one or more endorpots. •. inort• gear required es soeurity. • • • 11. inenoSer, 01140n. ' G. D. -50TAO-GARY,.- Ba_inKeii AI BERT STRI • CLINTON A General Banking Besiness Transacted. Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. "F.es.Crt:lom CLINTON • - • - ONT Fire, Accident and Life Insurance . Trinsit. Led. Itenresen keveral et th best t outmodes 'and any information oittong to heuranee madly elven. General Agent for tl e Confederation 1 ire Insur.oleo Co. Money to Loan on Ileatsonabio ItatOzi Office -Palace bfotk,. opposite Market. - CONVEYANCING. John Ridout. Conveyancer, k. am Fire hisitra nee. - keal F;itate: Money to Lend.. Oflic•e-H CRON.. STREET, CLINTON j MEGICAL .,Dr.• -W.; Gunn, R. C. 1'. and L. R. C. S , Edinburgh 011ice--Ontario Street, Clinton, Night calls at from dber of residence on Rat ten- bui y Street, opp. Presbyterial) thurch. Dr Wm. Graham (Success& to Dr. Turnbull.) Licentiate ol the Royal College of Physic - ;MIR, London, Eng. ••• Office and Residence, Perrin's Block, ately oceupied by Dr. Turnbull. Dr. Shaw • ----"merfteeneee0ereilo.Streeti apposite Engli.,11 church„ formerly occupied ey.DC. ton.. . • .. DR, 0. .TRompsOlt PHYSICIANAND SURGEON, ' Office and Residence next ta Nielson's Bank; Rai tenbury. Street, Clinton. DENTISTRY. BRUCE Surgeon Dentist. Office -Coats' Illock, Albert Street. Specialties -Crown and Bridge Wort s and preservation or the eaturalaceth. DR AGNEW, DENTIS Office adjoining Foster's Photo Gallery. Office Hours, ' to At Zurich the eecceid Tbersday of each puerile VETERINARY. BlaokaIl & Ball Veterinary Surgeons. Governnietri Voter Mary Invaders, Office -Isaac Street,Clititon; Residence, Albert Street. LECAL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Money to Loan, etc, Office Elliott' Meek; Nene Street: B. Campion, Q*C.,- 'Bart ister, - Solicitor, - kOtary, GODERICH, ONT. °not:a-Over Davis'pritg Store. P P Money to Loan. )1,1• 0. Johnston, ; cl ic it ert Cc it in issiciner, Et e GOOER.1011, ON •. OPPie ..-Cor Hamilton: and St. Andrew's streets. Brydone,. Parristere Solicitor, Notary . Public, &e,,. Ovens: latAiinn ntoon, 'CLINTON tfieet MARKO Darden. Anyzieb Sending '1% sketch end description mat autexii: Assort.ain our opinion freewheeler MI intootton nroblibiff patent:two, Communtes. uonsettletIrconadential. ifiniabookon Patents, ,sent fres oldest Agency for ecenring2natents.• • patents taken turengh mann A CO, 1006140 epeeist sotto, witeout chit e, tee . . ...Stielltifit A netiesateely Illesteeted wooer,. thtitedlt. OtIlittlell or tor Rotenone looses), TAM*. VO X Ti.60 111.• Montifis,S1, nowt brim telvird }sq. ep 06 I llonativey, N ork awe, to. Wok rm. .0. filearlach0- I. Often Warning tbat the liver is 4).13311841nal)trtrolliee 114n. pleorgitit efficlent cure or Hvielache and all liver troublee, take flood's While they Mese the liver, restore regelar action of the bowele, they do not gripe or pain. do not Irritate or Inflame the Internal organe, but have a positive tonic effect. 25e. at all druggists or by mail of 0. Hood de Co., Lowell, Marne • . John T, wrier -ton LEADIPG BARBER, ' Smith's bit:pi:In./opposite Post Office' ALSO ill ft fcr Star(aid life Insurance Co fre:,,, (Alice for llanada, Montreal. urancv n 018 a. • $116,C00,00n Inveke t• vanes'', • leen0,000 net ablnl (.0 1$20 11.e 181 Olublc end favorite . . . GEO. TROWI11119 Horseehoer andAeneral Blacksmith Albert Street, North, Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and lirst•elits3 material and work guaranteed, Farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. The leKillop Mutual Fire insurdate. COmpally. • BRIM FORCES UM Oen. Yule tia$ Performed a Brilliant Strategical Move. ::11iN GLORY A1114 110113011•TORONTO. BOYS :IRE. '1)Fr YIYID DESOHIFTION OF THE EAT. TLE OP TiLANDSLAAOTE. 'he Igrifisli So/idlers Were miancilleci With (trent Skint- Ai...very titling/tent Entotged 7sobly---*Inereepeonlent's Aee GIMP 111' 3101 ;11333,1e. lie following is Bennett Bueleigh% atch from Lady/melte to tlue Loa - des l'he British Forces Will Now Engage Gen. Joubert's don Daily Telegraph describing the Army, Which Outnumbers Them Three to One sicito•eatiitrte;li_attlp on Btiturday .at Eland - _Res& lessness . of Basutos Is Due to lioer reconnolesanca having failed .14 Threats, drew tbe Boers out from their de- feneei at Eiandslaagte, on Saturday, A, desPateh from, London, saw -The All reperte from the front prediet at difybreak, Gen. Frenen advanced (thief item of newo from the frent Wed-, an early, sanguinary HOP:. egeilinel them with. a small force. The neaday morning was the announce- i The feet that the Free Staters trainee were; 'conveyed in an armoured meat thnt the calling baole of Gener- not make teeir expeeted appearance ieede • ti•aie to lillandslaagte, anti reached a al Yule from Dundee W11. a preconceive through the Tintwa pain, ed plan, the (Woollen being the June- le the well-grounded belief that 'the tesition seven hundred yarda from tbo tion of the two Brilieh forces under Boers have beeo made aware of the station. the command of Generel White to give British concentration, and have turn- _ . Tee i3oer main force was •poined uP- battle to the Boers' steoug force, in- ed their course so us to join joubert's stead of engaging the enemy in two Boer three without interruption. on. an extremely rouge and rooky sectiona. The movement; was suceess- le ease tee two Malted forces col- mu& of hills, runeing at. right angles fuN, accomPlished, General White en- lide, it 18 quite likety the Most import- 'to the railway, over a mile further gaging the attention of the Boma ant engagement of tee war will be mule, Teeek, awn 01, hues, which is to the main command. • while General Yuleei force meved dow7 forudleetw. ar Office is still in the dark ses'erttl hundred feet high above the BR1LLIA.NT AIOVEMIINT, regardieg the true size of either jous swelling plaen, Las a conical UHL xis - of bert's or the Free State legions, as tug from a wide dip in the rtoige. This The Cape Town', correspondent the Deily Mailistiya i • " Gen. 'Yule han Performed a bril- ?10111,O int; ti°thrlrean estimite 'as tree, tbe estimates 'liege all the way from left two narrow necks on either side of the base of this cOnieal hill, where Pant strategical movement. By• a sivift tht liners have at. least twice as many mareh to theisouth, leaving Glencoe, men as the British, and an ecteal num- the Boers had their camp waggons and ihvoithh145theoeffeecteocfl n Siiiir"OtWiMirgoef bi'clietli‘rree'rest D The situatton is not the best the er of gene.. tgetiii:.:.wetHeatiof iwloasyitiuopo,tthweonoefektshotmheitor White, slightly to the north of Lady. British army to 'son by any means, the last neet, which ntiorded the beet smith. . l but it is relieved Oonsiderably by the range, "The two ar',0 now in a. position to of- fer oettle. I believe, the first attaelt tIrcin adytanith that serong reinforce- nnouLteemene in a despatce received Gin. Freneh began the Action about will be made on the large Free State ' ants ot artillery and infantry had ar_ hai,,IC-pttml six o'clock in the morning farm wheel entered Natal by way of el:rived there front Pietermaritzburg. 'A by sending • a seen from a 7-poundei Tintwa pass anti whioh has einee been ' "OHBOONOED ENTOUSIASM"OF THE Pf.pPLt OF THE CITY. ***row se,elrilia Serum 00 Armouries, Milos Mae Wine el' le.oratfe and nt 0110 111111111 station eerie Tutu Out 10 Vast Verona) 1,8 Pareweit te the geliniteer4 ter St Mrs In South Arden. A: despatch from Toronto pays i-,deee fore one o'clock on Wednesday every available inch a swat% in the neigh- berhood of the A:rmou.ries was acetified by eitieens, thrilling with the loyalty. that to aendbag one, thousand of Can- ada% eons to uphold the honor or the Mother Country in the Tra.nevael IT) .Univerisity otreet, along Elin, Yong° and, Clerk:rice down Jarvis, along King, and aoutb on Simeoe to Front street, the mete of the procession, one might easily taie walked on the heads of the people. Eimer window command- ing a view a the soldiers and their escort; was Ann:teed, Prete top to Init.- tom of the Remain House, the Canada . Ebilsveleflareoenwbd.uw8i hl :1 nti ne6 'g v'tylNzli tiir dt filhaeecie7: °wire Qs. 8 o'kfRi nwl Keil dLeeoeiwwt ha" mingled expressions on. the red-cuate THE PARADE, i After the presentations in the Ar- mouriee, the marehitig orders were giv- en in smart sharp miiitati. 4thil ejun a.' sr 8011wa in BCtionl 4 161e dr uoseuttt,: t hs :Lill eg rtebhaYet throng on Queen's Avenue gave cheer after cheer, which was repeated again ' atid again, vas the contingent easend throege the trowded streets, The form of the parade was: • Queeres OwnleRifees, Royal Grenadiers. cu48ietteyot.bliceoirgushnooliefunci,loeortei.ogo;r1. t,, , . vAie•mteyronanadoiNitiovoy Veterans. University Stndents . ,. High School Cadets, Pubiic liehool Drill temps. The route of 'march Wae up Univer- sity street to Elul . street, to Yonge street, to Gerrard street, to Jarvis street, to. King -street, 1.o Simeoe street, to St ation; Durban despatch also. reports that a into the station shed, while the herassing 1.1.adYsmith. The military transport has arrieed there with a mounted votunteers began firing al aulhoritiea decided that by joining atla H00 of the rifle brigade, . the Beers, who Were ru,nning to t ke atilt forces the two generals woeld " A sornmery of tee British military •s - u be better able ,to cope with one large is pub bawd, sholving that uP their P°Bitiell ' The etteTill had small detachments to , ' 1 h ' t o '3 irength Farm and Isolated Town Property . • . ' Only Insured. oppcise shawl- the total numbir of trooPs now in only enst finiahed their colonial meta- Seetelle Africa is 25,5::fi, including 10,400 tinal coffee when they were surprised. taneausry. , who landed since Septerabsr 8. .There HARD FIGHTING SOON. 27,042)01 3n,nont mtoebeeeeen.Thaell,kede.e'l eAyA.r.,nt ROUND UP THE FOE. "Accordingly, after defeating the -I-4 0-11"; T-R-0-0;s2(Re;.:4:' 07:910BriectAhith L. h n . Free Slate troops, they ;win effer bat- . With a wide sweep ehe Inerperial , . ig t gthe drove the Boara from the tie to Comm.andant-General Jeubert. , 'Only forty miles now eeparate the two .eis'praeit Calp:ye.e.sTotweeneits8:_tigxtfloetwcionpg_ hi,l1s, while the dismounted trooPers Boer forces Hence the nsed for swift kl "The "tem Eternities Of the Boer artily 03•Pcal was delaYed hY 'di•ifiOnities - their left' MeanWhile, enclei h hot OFFICER'S: 3. B. MO eon. Prvsia hh, Kiancn P. O.: Thomas 1‘)..mer,vive-pro-idont,Inueofield Pee. shannop. Sevy•Troa.,. So fort h P. 0 ; Thome N. if 1,1,p-otor of Loofes, Seutorth p, o, Ir. G. l'irondf.-0, ,oaferth t' John G.. Grieve, Ira, ma: Goer •v Date, .Pedfort h: 'Ebonies E. Hayp, solifor 11; ..1,,mes Evans. Boceliweed ; I I W ft F B u • field; John. II. MoLean, I:ippon; 'James Connolly. Mir On, . • Rost. FIT or* Roteiri see, forth: 41(1111PS Oineminese Egmondville. ,I, W.' Yerellohnesviece P 0. • -John Gore' look and John C. •IV m re on, audit:ors. . • • Pei ties doe ro'u , to abet hum ranee or tran- sact teller business. will be •proniptly /mon Rd to on meek:Iowa to any he above otilo,rs aderes,ca to meir respective post °Meas. . • . Grand Trzunk Railway. Trains arrive and le4ve Clinton Station as follows . Buffalo and Gocierich Diidrict I Going West, Mixed - o. eon' Ex prois ' 12.55 pant " Mixed 7.04k P.333. " lee:press .10.a7 p.m. Going East, Espross • 740 a; ni. . 2,5:, p.m. ‘` ItItx04 • •f; • .; 4,35 P•111 London, Huron min Bt•ttee ;- • Going South, Express ' 7;47 5.818; I e 4.25 pen. Going North, " . loos a.m. " 6.se•pen. 11 C. Dichsene, 17e:E. Die ?Ise \gent .• G P e'T A Terence Me itee A. 0. lierleson, G.T.A. Agetit at' CliiitOn : 'THE BUTTER ELY FAD. The. ailver letagree butterfly has emeeged from eits habitat and made an oeslaught ontlie fall andwititer fash- ions, There may. be other butterflies, bet the filagree buteerfli now holds supreme place, owing to the fact. of its beautiful wiggle. Fasteoed to a length of fiee wire end added to the ceiffure, to the shoulders of evening gevens, .or 'even on tine, botheets,,- it waves becomingly beek ancl. forth, and inakee. up in grace what it. lacks .in souL If one cannet be a butterfiy, eine masteat least sport the airy crea- ture iri sOrni? part of tto, attire. . 'Appliques in lar.e•in velvet, te jewei- ry, and even ite shoe litiekles, the ehoiee of fashion, front the given range -eif natural history, for' the season, ie by long odds for the pretty butterfly. Those Who desire romantic meanings to their toilet apeessories -May leaen with becoming reverence teat the but - eerily bas ever been the eymbol of Mother Eve, for as she Sprang futi grown irito the light of day, so does the butterfly emerge from the ehry- sans. There are other legends, but they need not interfere with even Weiss •Propriety's donning tbei butterfly on festal occasions. • • • • • • • • KING 01? GREECE PeLOWS. The. King of Greece delights in tak- ing recreation in the Vents. He can prow, out and bind corn, milk (*WA, and, in FAIOrt4 could teen, pinch keep n earm going single-handed. ILIOUSEw't NESS Do you get up with a headache? Is there' a bad tante In your mouth? Then you have a poet appetite and a weak diges- tion. You are frequently' dizzy, always feel dull and drowsy. 'You have cold hands and feet. You get but little benefit from your food. You have no ambition to work and the sharp pains of neuralgia dart through your body. What is the cause of all this trouble? • • Constipated bowels. Will give you prompt-- re' ef and certain cure. Mao nevi Mogul Aora, If you have neglected 3Poitt cage al long thne, you had better take Ayers saissoarms -teMaie impurities that have been accumulating In your blood end will greatly strengthen your nerveln tygda bootop, Thew." nlylo bdlktrottfolt11.! W1.33118111.4:16eth.fmly# ton rt‘ 7.0.A • . ' 'PP uP • ship Zarithia, whose voyage from Liv- en& telling action, • . • ' with her machinere, has arrived with fire, 'ruled out in long linea, our iti- icigether emenumber,tbe entire British a bat tery and a half a field artillere. .faritry Latinate(' along the low *and force by three to one. Hard -fighting pet sister is certaln lit a very early date. Our heavy grotuni toward Elandslaagte. trensport, with ttn. equel there is much orce, wh ch has been sent Inely delay.. ed, is ctaily expected." • About .half -past freer' o'eloek the . men' are confident., and enthusiaim." • It es evident frem the official de.- BOERS SHELLING MAFEKING IVIanchester Regiment ahd the Gordo! spatehes• that both Commandant -Gen. There. is .aii exciting story soon . Higniandera swung' tound Jouberies colossi/1 on the north and ilie ecan'ng frem Mafeking, and it le eon, shotilders" to gain the hills, but the at ' '` left Orange Free State troops on the west cercittg this • Meese that the keenest : Devonshire Begin:tent' held on. The now occupy strong positions, and that' anxiety; is new felt, le Is. difficult to ' •• nothing hinders the•Boers from follow- mei, hov1 Badee_pcw:eips mite Dralealf Ullards forged Ahead to the ing up Gen. Yule's retirement and get- :force of ate he:nitre:1 men can sureive cl°11° elimhed the hill, alla4hen-siving.:- ting Strou,nd Ladysmith 'from h the Attack that the Beers are rietiFieg extreme lef 1, threafening the railway - and Station stre,ets was in the charge AT THE STATI0N. Neeer has the Unien Station district' seen., such an eager, such an en eeinous. -.crowd as waited to see the 'soldiers off this afternoon, The volunteers march- . al clown S:naeoe si row and Along Ste- t:tee street to the down stairis inference. The bloat hounded byeS.mcoe, Yoree south-east, " • It is believed that the 'Geyer enema. tiqeeet,4)ealet;t:11;sin . have other deseatches that bave -riot tchir 24; . whloh. noPlureetset'ivaia.5teinecd;„?a00- .8atcaieUgml 1.:h:41.1•41rereinogf tBiloa'elrf.irTtlikredatn. d in" . . vet. been published. 'Tee Secretary o3 Gen. Freneh aided by Ms rible eine . State for War • left Mre Choate's rese- e.,relneelln. ore ',,,f9e.1 Ilford:leg beyaYers'ese•Trhsei - dunce early at Lhe bitnquee to, Gen. Harrison and proceeclea to. the War ; . Croilje..s cOrnmande begao this morn- men beautifully, timing and keeping g. The wenien . sod' :chiidren were the whofe Operations well in hand., otstaff COL:DOuglas Haig, liandled hi Office, , where even 'after midoight . • . .g.verr ample eime to • leave the town." Our 15-poueders galloPed trite 'a there was 'math activity,' Another deepatch from these me ioorre position whence th,ey °mild shell the TRYING TO INCITI4 BAUT9§. thlted. the fellowtog day eaye ."The left of the Beep position, thus greatly desPatch. from Cape Town, seyse--- shelling 61: Ma.feking was resum.d. assieting the -infentry. The fralewirig advice& have .been re- daybreak this morning. Several ceived here from Maseru; Basutolende7 hauees nre in finnies:". • • • • : A, ,netlye lately visited 'a Mager of 'A despatch to• the. Central Nen,,s, Orange Free:Stiate•teeoPS juet oppo- which is riot -continued; etited•Thiirse silo lee found it to consist day, 9 pan., Says that the. British at of waggons, serrounded be? turf,.piled eleimberleee have made e sor- three feet high: He reoticed only a tie, routing '700 'Boer's. The fighting few Mausers. The Boer cerinnandant 'lasted four hours. 'erwci gees were _questioned hint regarding the feeting 'capture& The Lancashire Regienent .ef •the diEferent Basuto chiefs, pried- ear:tied a kepi° at the point of, tale peily • the paean:low:it chief, '44erothodi,. bayonet. ,The :Boer cetumenden .wits .and in order to drew the coniMenclant, killed: The nespetch doeri riot itate ehe 'native replied that the chiefs eidt when the action oecurred. • ed with the Boers. There is little news from the West- • .Thereupon the commandant said the ern border. Tne cordon around Kim - two Republics wished to kill the Brit- berley or drawing closer, but hopes are ef the potiee, so that this territoey e was not extensively invaded by the L Pluia:le., The ,Grand 4Inion a the Daly House were exeellent vent- age points,' and eVery window in the S name street front of these hoIteiries was filled with fac-is. The• stepe of the Grand Union and the DalY House furnished vantage points for several hundred specta tors, Join! Sti•eet briage, ctmmanded a rather' distant view of the• matte shrd peat- ine-was thronged with sightseeee; miley 1•1' them tinned With binocu,ars. • TAD SCENE •AT PARTING,: . The crOwd took an active intetest in the, tender. perting spene, and•raany nee Ile on, the bridge. throbbed •reepon- sively to t -he kisses. shOwered en:the soldiers by 3mm:hers, eistere ned sweet; Watts. The fervent handclasp cif the: fathers -and. brothers, b,rought tears to mime an eye. fn epite of the unusuat- reStrtotions the /3 tation authoritiee hadi a crowdeil platform...* The, public were .ridniitted both by the upper.and tower metranties; .and. the special per- mits were oroportionatele cie a. needle in; haYstack. , • • • . 'THE COMPANY'S ,TRAlive Metbodically end steadily the enemy were ferced•to gtye ground; Bit by bit e eio m -where the ttooe tkain %%fir wait - the Ma,nalieetee tteginiene and the,Gor ' dons °Limbed the'hill, and.eheo seeing- ing.at; right ShOtilder, began 'driving tbe Boere. • . •• ' As the art:Were:And infantry drew eloeer the Boer gune were directed against them:et had eveo•the honour of dreeeing Mach of their flee with iny, fourein-hded Cape cart. ..•. • " Gen. Sir George Stewart 1.Vhite.calite • up by a special train •and wittieseed:the operations foe about nn hour, until Oer success was aseuren, when he returned to• Ladysmith. • . ' ,• , • isli,. and to take over, and govern the expreseed teat- a flying ,enlumn wet The weather 4 till remained clear mi- Basutose'restoting to the 'latter that shortly- be -sent .to its .relief., til efter -four o'clock. Nething -geoid part of the ceuntee 'which the Free There es intense etniiety tor further have. been finer than. the Advance of State formerly took from, :teeth. As neWS' from Mafeking, where,. it ie. be- . our; troope. In fact it 'might have to.the Britishers, .those whom they lieeed. a nutuber'nf officers who were neon a glorioos Alderelicit field day failed.to kill they weald drive into the suppoeed to be on furlough joined Col. so stately. ane deliberate were.: our sod. The ceinmazident wished a de- -BadenePowell, . .,, . . • . , ,thovements. '' •• eisioa• oti the part cie:1,ereCtieet • laid_ . DEATWOF GEN. SYMONS. . While the Menchesters and Gordons the other chiefs: as, soon, tut - possible.: atiwd„th of • sir .-wifihun Rena sy. . Ore forward. alOng the oreaLs of the whether. ehey would fight the Boers . mons, lee British eciiiimandere at Glee- hills their officers everyw.here *Me or. the Britishbecattse his eentineent 20, wets officially, 'announced, in toe ' IN. DARKNESS AND RATN. the. stomach. in marked for death, :but ettie .U'ommies was anicipies, to help the Beers .elsee .1, eoe, who was shot ie he Matte with the Boere there 'Oct. reade it their, fight also.' where,-• He acknowledged that his men were. afraid or the Basiztos, • be ---- . House! of Commons On Tborstin y. catuie _their wives and families. aii well - ' A &tering raie,eaceompanied by dark - hs their mitttie Were Within reaeb : of. e nes% Ilew set in, bUt the battle con- -. :Tkii 'Q'tiEVN'S HEAIIT.BLEEDs. e Basuto incursion. e_. . tinned 16 rage until six. o'clock in the The Boers on the Basutoland Cron- A despatch from -London, seys:-The evening by which time the Boers.were tiereaecording to the beet information -Secretary of State for War, tee Mar; scuttling off in numbers, manyof the% obt ninable 'at, Muzu, number about- Anis of Lansdowne, hes; received the rtsing 'and throwing down their arms, 2,500, • .. • " following ineesage from the Queenee-.- while others, bolting, VIO'M hunted and TeemAy's nowt . • . "My heart bleeds ,for these dread - battered by our sheapnel• and Lee -Mete • General White hits ielegraphed to suceesse but I . fear very'clearly bought. At ten minutes to eix theeDevoirishire d linnets. . • • . , ' - - - . ful losses again te-day. It is a great fee the Witr Office from mefontein, under' woonr you eonveir my wermest and. Regiment, vitae . had erepe.in upon a date of Oct. 24, seeing that an the heartfelt sympathy With the near re- face ,position, each man getting. te I' hi : L d ' Y atives of the fallen and weendedeand cover behind nutnerous anthille, whose thirteen of the British force were kill- I my admiration Of the cendoct of thoee domes were from two to, three feet ed, 93 wounded, and three are =teeing, they. intve lest. • high, rose and ran forward. to the as - t he casualties being moiety among ; r „ saint, Our gees ceased their showers the Gloucester Regiment, (Signed) "V.R.Le • MANSION nous.n FUND. of shell,: but. the Boers resumed firing CUT THEIR WAY DOT+ The first • Utiee subscriplion ter the in the growing darkness. . Lord Mayor's fund foe the benefit ,of There. was pandernimiuni„. lasting about a quarter of An hoar, above' all the, widows and orphans of British of soldiere, killed in South A.frica; arid for which loud British ebeers rang, Oar amounted to £8,000, $40,000. teTrebe regiments raced for the Boers and their guns, ' " .• the relief of the sick and wounded, • e Devonsbires, favored by their Thelkennsion House fun& for the re- .posttioe. got in first in e • licdy, -and. lief of the refugees front the Ita,nd bee now reached the sam of £137,000, $681V took them,' but the others who.were 000. above esune down over the reeks; • • 1 • . Our victory was secure, Mit stilt a FROM NEW ZEALAND, spattering fire went on .1 ill half -past A despatch from, Wellington, N. Z.• six o'clock. . saysi-Thn-Neev Zealand coetingent, ettenbering 213 mere with 230 horses, FRUIT, OF THE VICTORY. etiied for South Attica on Saturday NOW it only remains to count the in :Ile 1 dt r4ocoepl Ise, 81 no of 1 Uu nd ibi:gu II' Ari enormous crowd said good-bye to ded enthusiasm. whole force tie prisoners, but in the gains and the' cost. One hour' more of daylight would have giveri us the Legislative Counttil aninderhbeerlIot(gett; Reprosentativea, mayors, and judgee. thick darkriees which now came on the. . The Governor of New Zealand,. tinsenthed and slightly wounded ran Earl of Ranfurly; the Premier, the. the for it. A squadron each of Dragoon Guards and Dowel% rode at there and has only cominenced, und that the glagdhetr ilorthenOpPposSiteidoditoinn tialleidliouths::.etnr,uheeketnheertnre;,rieutting end thrusting, and probably killed sixty In all,. guns, their abundant leteirs are by no means dieceuraged at 01 Representatives , riedreseed the I .J hieing the first two -bat ties. Many ex- teeolis on the qUay. stores, hundreds 61 saddles and hothes, perts are satisfied General &Albert is ' ' WAILING'. IN PRETORIA.. la quariiity of pereenaI baggage, many A titivate mesoage from' Ladysmith of their war flags, and much ammuni- even now close to the heels or the Bri- foughe soon. who hint just arrived there from Pre- Hort fell into oar hands. mit gia e r s g tish, and a decisive action may be on 'Monde, th t ofter '1 i it that Men th at jult tin- / saya a a messe Lariat seyis the women there are weep- the san3a, but the Boers' position wile der two, thousand. Ours was about letter estimAtea of the Beer hisses at, Elandslaagte give 300 killed. Theit• bag and wailing on t e market -place. a a almost impregnable ,onit. The coolnesa, :bravery, and good -Min canbe Three trains have b en despatehed enemy's killed. and wotinded thinner - judged froni the fad that out of 17 oe ra er admit to fie eh the Wound- ed scene three hendred. All has been 18 ofticers with the half battsilioe of ed from Mafeking. ItJ• is. estimated. done for the whole 01 the vvounded Gordori Highlanders, (our were kilted there are 700 killed and wounded, and 'that is possible, ind the Boers ex; and 13 were,woundedt while the casue iti, is stated at Pretoria that the Bri- pressed gratitude for their treatnient, ' allies antong the rank and file were 27 Halt caenaltieS are only 18, About forty ef thern were Allowed to per cent. dnring less than three hours' HOSPITAL SHIP go into their own hospital, albite and I' fighting. Lieut. Campbell, of the Gordon. High- .EQUIP A , , a. half ta the north, for 1rentment. hinders, has, since died from ins . ....- wounds. ' ' Antooleett Women In. 'medals Orsistike to where they received a great welconie. . A 'despatch Irmo lhe Lonilem ,DallY Telegraph from Ledireinith, dated Monday, says:- 'Thirty. of the linb fluesars, wbo were sent fromf Glencoe to intereept the retreat of the.' Boer% from Mandela:tete were ent off by the enemy. 'Under Sere.' leeldrey they brilliantly fought their .way. across be Biggiereberg hills, the, erieeny pursu- thee time firing at them; at a range of MO yards along the masses. e "They arrived at Ladysmith at 10 o'clock Monday morning. Three of the.erooPere are Missing, swing te 'the breakdown of their horses. The Boers used a 'Maxine A lieutenant of the fluesars, with' a [early. Was driven back to Gleneoe, The Hussars were fired al as Lir downt as Modersprult. JOUBERT CLOSE AT HAND, A.• despatch from London, says le quite evident that the wee Natal Our force returned to Ladysmith, FIFTY BOERS WERE KILLED. noise F1111111A4 The enemy have destroyed the Iron neaPateh" ireta Cape l'aSilt 84/8 A. desnateh from London sity0:-Lady seiwti:cirgiceje atto l'iltDUcts'in"dhelifillnekrihnioet ft:trot:ell! that adviees from Xfafelting confine - the atateraent that 50 Boers were kill- Randolph Churchill presided on Wed- ed• ' e ' ed by the explosion of two trucks of needaY at a meeting of American wo- DLIIGAI de FOOL TO IT, dynamite, parposely tient out by Col- men in London, ongapized to range - The Gorden Highlanders say tbat the ofinreel. Baden-Powell to drew the Beer .funde to equip a hospital ship Elandelaagte action mete a very nevem . for South African watero. An one, Dargai a fool to it. The offer of General Croiije, the appeal for funds was issiied In which , Our prisoners number fully three Hoer commander in the vicinity of it is stated that it is proposed to des- h ndred. I saw eighi dead Gordon Mateking, to Colonel Paden -Powell to patch immediately a eultalde hospital H hi:Inners lying in one heap. Boers exchange, presoneee, referred to Capt. , ship fully equipped with mediae atoms de tare the kilta make the men con - Nesbitt and otheals ef tbe armoured and provisions to rieeommodate 200 ROYALTY OWE TO /THE CAPE. of four doctors, five nurses, and forty pa- apicuous, but 1134 the khaki is diffi- cult to locate. The enemy ask where train, wrecked at Kraaipan. fleets for three months, with a etaff non-commie:noted officers and order- letheletr wtrlh' afethe. have bee41' °btaltied A. despatee Ire= Cork saya :-The lies. TOecarry thie into effect these/re of 4:30,0011 will be required, whieb will froM Doer soureeti sey that out of Wm treopship Siberian embarked a aqua- heve to be raiaed within a 'fortnight. tiommendo only 260 men are left, •fhe dron of the Inntskilling Dragoons, with 188 herses, at Queenstown on Wedned- bospitale are full, attd their losses afe Atexiender of Teek, third sort of the . FAREWELL TO 01.1A1BS. PeArlal 16)9f lontilir°174(111.ded and prisoners day night, The officerr3 inciude Prieto a ........... . Duke. ot 'reek, a lieute.nent el the 7th have •been brought to Ladysmith, adeeara, Wile SeIrVed three years ego letthe null naeheai or 'continuum kid 'W°11111451rneedie•hrireartea'reforaM4Phieernh' aaPiRtaleletaraft; '' warm. In Malabefeland. Prince Alexander is 8111t 1 nIkutitmiba,,,i, of Najaf:as wad a inroo His rieneilIllieliness the Dime of Cert. a e Tho Siberian entries A dAqrgiteh ff°111 L°1111;°11' sa"1- ' gliftgl.hltilialtArilitiatty7r0b:nrattnnttltiteitte:tr:Ons 1 6:11.1tr:etiret-- 4 d I iti i i g d a t aPa Them fated Stire41,,, volunteering for scrvite once more In , tth; '''' naught', asemopanted by the Duebeee Sean et W I ,13 leer II 0 kir ro quota ty of tIMMUtlitiOn. and their daughters, inspected the retUril. Mande of' printouts elite con. GEN WHITE'S POSITION. . &sots Guards on Friday morning et Untie tO arrive, A dellipatela from London, Friday, Chelsea barraeka, after which be 64- The Boot toren is reported to be this ayte-The proposed attack on the dressed the men on behalf of her Mas *ids of Eiriethea, Ana the 11,ree Statets e combined forces of Sir George S. White jesty, congretulating theta upon their 10 he fen miles out, th0 0100.11M 0011* I and General Yule br the Orange Free splendid aptlearanee, and Wishing them eentrtit ing there toward Conical hill. iStatern, who ate simponed Lobe Miming A abort etirapaign and a eafe return to „ t through Tiotwa pans, la mill to be real- Unglelid. Col. Arthur Paget replied, listed eo far aa any report* **oohing arid, tailed. for ehetre fee her Majeety ExtsNatvP WOLP no. ;London are concerned. The Britimb etee for the Duke and HUCileaS of Con- ,,,,. ... . .„ „ , :ooritione to *tend in readitiees for bat. naught, Three were given with great 'IA"' °116,t°9' 4411:4°Iti altiztulis, Val" 'tie', brit apperentir the clicitY in still ffuede, the Men eineeting their helmets ued at $11,00,0A, are annually devour. out of sight. . on thepolutn of their bayonete, ed by the wolves In Russia. The Toronto Itroops, comprising one hundred and fif ty Men, five ollicers and five .sergeanie exiteained on tne Canadian Pacific speeial provided for them at .4 &Mock. le was several minutes later when •the tole pulled Tee special coneisted of eegine 203, one of tbe biggest passenger engines ea the reed, a baggage ..car, four tour- ist. sleepers, equipped- With bedding rind other eonvenienths, a (letting car and a first-class sleeper for the: officer.% The dining car was Placed between -the -Sleeper and the tourist e,ars so that the men would not have to go through the officers' • quarters for their meals. The Canedian Pacific Railway has provided yery' generous 'aecamimoda- Lion for the mien. The ordinary tourist ear. contains sixty berths and will afford sleeping accommodation forte() People if they double up. When 150 men are distributed through four of these cars, every man will have a berth to himself and about half a berth to spare. The soldiers will have a good ,sleep before changing cars for Quebee, As the train uoder the bridgii the air beeame white with veavingehandirerelliefs, and treinee- does cbeers followed the seldiera until the train vaniehed around the'curve. • Fon AN ENG QED GIRL: 1 Chapieemiage duri g the period cif engageMent is much less strict than beforei Erigage.d people are allowed to Walk, 'ride, boat and eycle together genera II y 'without ehapereriage, though this would be necessary at eile sort of public gathering. Considerate. hosts often send engaged couples in to dinner together; but this is not to be expected, as a right, Indeed, in gen- eral seeietye iovere are expected to be. have juat aS other people, and it is a want of good breeding to be demon- stratively affectionate, The engagement ring is tie fil.st care of the accepted lover. It Is usual for him to ask his fiancee to choose it, or to eanatilt her est, to •her taste in rings. Immediately aiter the an- nouncement of the . engagement, friends will write or °ail to offer their copgratulations and good Wishes, The wits should be returned and the let- ters answered as soon as possible. A few cordial words of thanks are all that is neeerisary. Armetince.ments about an engage- ment are made by the Indy's mother and if the engagentent IS broken off; it is a matter of chivalry for the man to allow it to ne supposed that it was the lady ether wished to be released, and. to let her Maher give:whatever explanation she desires to her friends, 1 OTAINT TEA. aurtvieg. ems. liniozary. Ait 40 Recent Happenings :r trz.A.ncrarteledie,eay,e7rtiino744'tona.V0 reported PaSsion PolieY he*ere an andie e ee rresident McKinley delPOdeft, )30 ex: p44i n. the'(.1 Bittr ottineatu, an officer of the .10-1101)ar Vertter:net4e1 30'detear Watt. eterel Winnipeg Fire Brigade. bas been ape OrafglsinonPreeillecleitnetedixtusue7truiituyii lisausrroubenti evi alatIdyy' leuese riefoea:doirynoo atisirdtoeudededteik in:vet:ad. seaeutad1Q‘ohounete.reelin3w'filliiti:0-r 1 eil70,1wrriteodenttes tti :on' harp okd oai 44.roge 0 jir tt Qo ce'nrhet, oVniilltse rill((oati4ise alle7tIcrni will baivteiedoieadidtra0tmNeew"Y"oinrkPtti:ant aelid re.dilfelatetevimoatetatileitteti fIoIunottionne. ,oulthoenstotwolliaecightautenieorntlpetaeolaCt'ceaakeletr. he! hes ehtieeheti eeeeeielliee etheene aprlaCcrattPLatIlre etnixda anildoy28e,ity oa 3,785 ouresee of, gold was • rd. the Year. cPW"fil4cie Lint t.L°A b(lelli(vietin°"8"lemp tiessinitneerr.S1 I (3thvtAelniVrokil:atihPeeg:tenoaltPdtOefihiralo)44thillenhokitsallestheot%linieft. within twenty mouths four Bou,etatili idneanyotqutehaetiokathceureigwhilclamberenisso iemne eitn- brothers, natives of Sbarptoni the immediate future. ArtonNfE:atijam.°4 canel mo- toriety, tees been pardoned. Oyer re/0 Sp.s.niob prisoners have died within. the past eight months. . TWO youtlatut °Meets in the French ermY are charged with treason. Cape Colony „is the latest accession Le the Imperkar penny postage ar- aKiryireartonba, vbeadvieede,een kitten accident- cattubrogola inrsimbel.ewneoaper ntiutehsejialfee, atit, toll!: antrioos.,tcoolne4.0bu4iiii2i0o,ozioo.variously reported Rev. j, A. Allele, Ot g tag:at:Lill lgtS reeeived a cablegram • adeising iii.m that his son, Grant Allen, the novel- iste 1s hopelessly ill. atALliervisd. ClsimIdteuttrde..:f it 're.TihRe.e fat :ones° 01 oar tfhlye biletieeeredoeoliveodoteher:se.n.lontns ago - on Wm. ' Hutton, "a moulder in the iWnahtlisros%dshwopshilaetaBurhatnatfworodrw, felludeesardt 4.4Lriet 04! India. disease was the theme. . Grierge 14. Pare, the cOnvicted Do, N. Emile Lou..rbet, President a the . • tfehir.eodugbhyhtibseeobusankseloffoilt2h,00e0thward of - minion Bank burglar, has applied :`;iTa•elizt:pecacztttaoeiriduisslij:,idistsoufhfaiivreinbgeefnrchoa:- . Mr. C. R. He.andr is retiring frOm ated epee successfuliy for cerebrat at - the inanageiehip. of the Canadian, Pa- tauten, weleti him caused him acute cwifilioeis•leteimegeratpchan,isiniaTnelyerintvoetadteravoetnetshis a uEffinerPi:rgo'r William 'has ornered tha , Victor Thoree was given a verdict immediate construction et e 'sailing . mol oaf ilseise:otamwgiaifnnisnytg.,aettrhaiio wamhoiniliettaorionte...tihoRerierlieituahhge_ . :ty:tgestitt4oinbewroeoady ilk time for the Kiel . The clerical victory in eleetions at ploy. • ' • Malines, the seat of the cardinal Orch- ton & Port William avigation Co., : The directors of the Quebec., Hainil- "mbiusthotildortf mElagelgeiuwma,steadonteo stoeripourospreirottys: . on:silt' ofiralIAG,00b0u.lid ' tw vessels' at a juDrerdeYfus has had' it anneuneed that. i : , .I have accepted the ten er 'of an Eng- end many persons. were seriously ite, enni.griehhretedowf,fiee of the LungmBoinstexneietllef. hwriaus- facturing Company e 'willing to, serve as an excuse for poll- etirred up in. his name, as he ia un- • he does net want: any agitation to be. and,fitoicebtyconzbnoku.aritiabels4wohpoi;afwgeodtthees says he desires to retire to E•gypt and tical perties to create trouble. He .: Theintieleentite waegiveli judginent be forgetten. at Hamilton against „the Hamil- The North China Daily News says • :of ntABeraosospalpCaonmr . ny for, 3500 for the a( heee:grarcagpeinidicyn. tc Heoirs tshuetm.e.seseatchee:_g .. loss of anr eye while .in the employ meat ot the Emperor of China are pro- ' The weekinge Of Montreal's water- wen' definitely choseo. It is Pa Tsuen. worka departneent during the Past 'the nine year old son ef Isai Lan. ,Pa. five Yeters is to be thoroughly investi- le ' e earinenennin.. . gated, The police department investi- getter? eontiones. : • _ - Wm. Holleran, comneitted for trial assault -oil -Mir Wife, recently sold thiree ' • MARKETS OF SE. WORLD, at Hamilton oneecharge of aggravated . - rangement, Germany, and the United Statee will probably settle their diff icu It y in Samoa, ray arbitration, Lord( ClirxOtt, Viceroy of India,. will . shortly v,sit the plague and, famine , .vaivaraity of ,raraata. to been at). yards' thilt ' morning, and little Misi-r. . John' Bassett •of London, fell into a - ' " ' . 'The General Mission' Board ot the a . few choice lots 10 and 15c more 'down •the St. Lawrence by. the Hon. wfrarroMed:soiqvvtplidingbyinx•aHmitetesilsteobnitt.lay.. eie• iliagohgto, etflirdoro• we3h4adtolitot4115envqourtroywtep.,rifeoear. • tens of 'coal which she .had bought ltnwieceeseguointleg untdheer.e•hild ' a.fter she had, 0. rfTilorrioongtsoo, aOctoot.io3t10.-t01:1wyeio2t8orlooacodsttolof . The Canadian Pacific Imperial Lim- 1-4c rsetr,•pound is paid; very - choice! 'sot isl le ,,‘s,iatst iinlige oonau:e1.4' vv,heel . %. v.i th ,11 with .her earninge pointed to an :assistant professorship cued two yOung ladies • and a man Quebee, was • entertained to a trip - ing against a bank ' for. support, end mill race, but Patrick Taff 'succeeded • cofoluvielist'etlittrit aKtiirgeitneethe Hoy iti .61,Bitary wote•rteliel_hee,atothlae,ra Methodist Church, while •ineetingi -in eeee paw. • . ' Mayor Parent and the City CounoiL anctfee the right.kind of dug 4 to 4 ited has been,withdraWn. Its place is to be taken by the'Pacifie & Atlantic • louielpisteriajoitirimeyit'etdo.Vaneouver than the i ie:t4o0ckpeerrspaoroeuttdull. at from 2. 1-2 to Vanvouvee park', while bicycling, lean- ek,....,..„ , . , inmete of the' House of Refuge, ress ExOrese; which requires a day more hands on the. handle bars. Ebert dis. 'quiet' at from. a to 3 1-2e per . frene,. the 5-yea,r-old daughter of Walter Burse died suddefily in a Mr. Normen B. Wilson,. B.A.,:of the Thos, Locke, a 'cripple,' who Is an ket.. . ' Pelves of Grata,. Cattle, Ch.3333, '07' is pound' - . . - . ' Feeders and export bulls are ues ' The'suPplies of 'shipping cattle were . ''''hueseep"'.are not wanted, •and- treine is might bring a little more.• ' Medium . and inferior cattle is weak. ' • lief.% was done. Dullness, peer quality _.• - . Good butcher cattle is much wanted, m the -Leadino•-elarts. , . tiortied.risutnioelsinonfgeldhopethieears., . ; A.ccordisig (elate advices .from DasY- Lambs are steady at from 3 1-4 10 son the cettsus completed by the 8 3-4c per pound; tot extra 'choice . mounted poleie -shows the town 1.0 have Ian:034'4a was paid.. ' •• ' ' t" 4,445 population, of whom -8,205 are tretni the United States and $45 own ,,. Good veal calves are wanted. • ' England en4 Canada. Aboet .2.,500 hogs were reeeived. to- • day. Prices are enehanged, but the The master bakers in Montreal have , Market iir wealc, ' and the . outlook is. decided to inerease the price•ot bread.. for lower prices. it is claimed that. the Present Price el Quotations for hogs to-ffity. were bread is due to exeessive eampetitimi 4 3-8c. per lb. for claim hogs, ses.ling among the bakers, arid it was ugreed froni 160 to 203 lbs., and 4e..per. lb. -for • that Steps. be%Laken. Co restrict such light and fat•hogs.. competition.. • ' ., • • , Pollowing is the range of eurrent Cattle. and political science in University Col- lealrf,,i,ormoavo,r, .Kofeasor olof , sopiolo.gy nto is in Ottaw . on his re,. . Stluh°111materi7splear cwt. e. $4 00 $4 25 turn from Europe, where he made in- . • ' . ' • • Butcher cho ce do . 3 60 4 00 quiries on behalf of the Government, • 1 • : • • ' into the condition of the Dukhobors, Bu Leher med to good. 325 3 50 Butcher, Infereor... . . 2 25 2 75 • Galicians as immigrants to Canada. Stoekere, per `awl, . ; 2 26 325. joseph and Angelique Vermeite of ' • Shnep and Lambs. f Swan Lalte Abe., are 110 and 106 years old respectlively. Four generations of Ewes, per cwt. . ... 300 3 30, the futility are living, and. it is stated Lambs, per cwt. , ' . . 325 375 that there, are about 2,00 'descendants Seeks. per cwt. . . . aat . 2 fin are in full possession of ' their facul- Cews, each, ... . . . 2501 45 00 ties. , . While both the old man. and his wife Milkers ot•nd Calveri, Cnive,s, each. . .. , 200 • 7 00 The ,Mittister-of-- Justice, who has ,. lenge , • been inspecting penitentiaries and Choice hoge, per owt, 4 12 1-2 4 37 1-2 jails la the' Weet: proPcses that the Light. hogs, per wt. . 400 4 00 Government shall acquire 320 aeres ad- Heavy, hoop ipec cwt. . ,DrA.) 400 joining the Stoney Mountain Peet" Torooto,. Oei. 31. -Wheat-Is dull. tentiary Lo teach released prisoners Red and white are quoted at 66a to liti ferteing so t"13" ean utetke e Start for 1-2c west, spring 4 60 1-2e to 67ceast tilTebintr lav:•gaest ithipment ot Elotatlike Nanedte gY000srek,antn7d0(16.9oca naolrotwh ialighwteistto. gold that ever came out meg the Lynn Canal route is on the steamer Dirigo, No. 1 hard grinding in traneit and 80e . Manitoba wheat is steady at Ble for. whieli called at Vancouver -on Monday. Toronto and leek, There was nearly $1,250,000 aboard,' of Montreal, Oct. 31. -Grain -The grain which 3907,000 was tiene from: the Dew- market is quiet and -shows little change escioninrabrearnsechnonfd lthhee rieeaninaadinsiiiii:,r Dwell? f oorf No. 1 hard Manitoba wheat afloat Fort Williain es emoted. around Me. October the Alaska Commercial Co7" delivery. No, 2 hard was quoted at a • GREAT BRITAIII, spread of ge below. No. 2 oats, afloat lefontreal, apot, 30 1-4e to 30 1-2c; peas, 67 le2e; rve, Ole to 62c ; No. 2 barley, 50e. to 50 1-2e; and feed barley 48 le2e; .-. Buffalo, Oct. 31. -Spring whoa - birekwheat, 56 1-2c. Minth House, the Roxburghshire family seat of Lord • motto, has been Stronger' No. 1 Northern, old, epot, 77 ferite;01. for -four years to Mr. Deli . e I ens(); new inset, 75 3-8e; .No.2 Northern, Burette & Cries ebhfectionery works, in London, have been burned, inVole- ing a loss of 3500,000. The Prince of Wales has created con- . new, '72 1-8e. Winter wheat -Nothing sidetable eomment of late by eating doing; No. 2 red, le 1-2e; No. 1 white, at restaurants, quite contrary to his 'ffie. Corn - Parley steady:. No. 2 yellow, 39 1-2e; No. 3 yellow, 39 to 39. precedent. . . ' 1-4e; No, 4 yellow, new, 36 1-2c: No, 2 - Lord Stratheona hes accepted invitation to become ti eriodidate for an corn, 38 1-4 to M 1-2e; No. 3 corn, 38. %tensity. 29 14 to 29 1-2e; No. 3 white, 28 34to. to 38 1-4e; Oats -Stronger; No, 2 white, the Lord Rectorship of Aberdeen flni. 29e; No. 4 white, 2g to 28 1-4e; No. 2 Eugene Kelly, the New York banket, mixtid e7c; No. 3 mixed 26 has purebased Cantletown, in county 1-2o. Aye - No offeeings; No. 2 Kildare, the seat of the Conally fame on track, quoted at 63s. Canal. ,ily for,150 years. freights -,- About alb the. offerings ot It is now gain that the cestreeetton grain were taken this morning; corn gitettalifeCnolnkinalotigehtw,iwtlithPrwinheoemsshberhaars- 4 1-20, to Nee/ York. Plour-Stenely. went at 3 le2e, flaxseed and, wheat at land. been Associating a great deal in Sea. NoCrhtihc.a.wgoeistOe,. t3.1312.9-Tralitoxusteeweelsots.ed42-9 Oetober. 41.27 3-4; December, he Pastorate of the Brotherton Con The appointment of elisii Munro be. 64Pall7h; 1-2, May, 3149, buluth, to arrive, is be. 41:24; eash, 31.241 I-4: Oetoher, 31.24; regationai Church, London, loved to he the first instance in Eng- De0emberr 31•21 Hi MAY, 31•241 1-2, and of sixth a proceeding. . • reggety% House at Yarrciouth, Eng. i arid the eette of senile Of tbe Most been sold at auction foie 4460. ii oucilinge sodee in Charles Dickens' CONNABOHT LEFT }SERINO* neve "Da id Coppeifield " has just ......, , The Empresis Ethderick of Gernlany t possesses a very curioue little tea -ser. vece. The tray is made of an old Per - man al penhy attni mit, The tea- pot was once a GerMan farthing, and the tiny cups are made from 6011:18 of i different German prineipalitiere TYPII0eD AT DAWSON - T A despeteh '‘ircini Ottawa, says: -A w telegram from Lt, -00I. Evans at paw* r non inates that there has buil the c usual autuMa outbreak of typho cl fever. in the eity. and thnt Aix Men of t the Yliken military fon% ate down .11 with, it. ............. d NIYWV'GtINBLAND TO13ACCO. The Jadedly', or Prerieh-Canaditin half-breeda of Newfoutidland, *intake the inner bark of the red willow when they tainnot procure tobaceo. Whitt settlere use this for emitting itbacco. It 18 wiled Eillikiniek in the Indian tang% ge. „ new nrearr the trainee Priedeteni Tho anniversary of the battle of tafalgar was celebrated at London Appireations. 'The London corropondent of the itb mote than usual enthumiasm. On Neu, yo k ,Iteraid 810,11-eit r eleott if flagship, the Victory, for the - , 6 'test time shoe the battle, his fame Petted that the Bake of Connaught tie last 'signal was displayed. Wes very anitioun to take his place The Admiralty has made huge con- note for the supply of coal to all among bis orothet &Nara fighting tot titlati coaling sta,tiona mi the war hire Qtleeell Mother. General Sir Bod- o Oa, cape, se takt Aar wash entia. Vets Belief felt in a quandary, and ton will be enabled to coat without tried to personae bin Royal Matinees eakehing the eireeent supply; ageing it. The Duke, after intiell UNITED STATES, aher, le dead. pleading, prevailed upou the Queen to ask' Sit ttedvers, blit the general wag W. IL Aopleton, the New 'tork pub. slotting in TOMS, "rhEmalikatitchover ,h(40 erkinfd°,11:yeu have many Burping lute taken the Diane Of Nine titan Ware iCifft in the- -rees'int • ETelliente146:Ditetaittalt:ilacatkdbuleyt'a:411:11:Cre6de, "a:8#; wahine billeard, there the emitter ended. • tlo • "e 4