HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-11-02, Page 1_•••••••••
• ?1st Year
The News -Record gives
never •stops in its ceaseless
task -if you have the old oil
removed and new oil applied
at least once in two years.
Consider the wear as they heat
away the minutes, hours, days,
weeks and years.
Take oere of your watch -have
it properly cleaned and oiled.
We el
do it
at mo
an and repair all kinds-
roinptly, acenrately and
rate Lost:
xsT OUR 1,INE.‘
. c
ExPERT IVAireg REplunErt AND
d • Iswzmen.
eteF•taa=fgetSae-X ialgteaReiPao.54:51eaa
The cool mornings make one
think of the most quickly pre-
pared Breakfast Foods.
For something • that is Eeo-:
.nomieal, most Nourishing. and
at the same time very palatable
—we recommend
Fully Cooked, Pre -Digested.
tine can eat Grape Nuts as freely as de-
sird, but they are a condensed food,
and not SQ great bulk is required for
meal as with ordinary foods.
It is mit up in packages and sells at
• 20c per package. •
Our Water. lee Wafers and
Heinz's "Sweet Midgets"
rae appetizers.
We have. just closed our 5th year
of business, which by your help has
been our most successful yeae. •
We hope, by close• attention to busi-
possitple,to merit a continuanee of your kStOTO
nese and by giving you the best value •
We want' your trade.
• . .
Tin4.• 4,
tgagli natEttalr
OGLE COOPER & COI, .Clintop !gl:Inadi8d11:eoOds for the
• •
price, 1$1,40 per pair. .
• an's
n wsr correspondence fide- all parts of Ruin Counth together with several special features, and
el of Window Shades.
ei• During the last two months ee
se• the men ufecturers have made
• two advances on the price of
Window Shades and we are
•unable to buy any more et
the old,prices. This is caused
from the fact that • ell the
materials used in the man-
• ufacture of the cloth costs
from 50 to150 per cent. more
then it did last spriug.
Fortunately we had a large -
1 stock of shadee on hand when
the price advanced, so that we
• will share our rmoa fortune
with you for a, fewlweeks more.
And you will save from 10 to 20
•. per cent.
. .
We are Also offering some spe-
cial inducements to Wall Paper
buyers. All paper trimmed free,
WolaD PIZ% .C).
,terrtiersi (a4riaGaGsexu&sigaiiee
Sight is too precious to trifle
• When buyitig.dpectacles ny
it good pair. .
• We use perfect lenses: •-A.
• They cost a little more than
the 'commoner kinds, but
thedifferenoe in comfort is
worth manyairnes the dif-
ference in price. • •
• Eyes examined free.' ,
or s
Tr!. Muk.i •
• Will Mfg and Trap.
• 11fi'. Harvey Fisher, late . of the Betel
Clarendon stair, who offered his
services for the Canadian Contingent,
but owing to a surplus of applicants
could not be accepted, has, in co
puny with Dick Grigg, goneinto*Inter
• quarters in the big Oolhorne swamp
where they will shoot and trap until
spring. This is said to be the best
hunting ground in the three counties
and the boys make good wages. They
do their own conking, live high and
come out in the spring in good con-
dition, •
Little LocaLL
It is still "Growing Time" with THE
Neves•Ritoontas subscription list._ Th
offer, one dollar to the end of next
year, still continues. ---Mr. W. R.
Lough states that the Public School•wa
closed as usual at feur o'clock on th
afternoon that Laurier • visited Clinto
and not at five minutes to lame Its wit
in current circulation.—The Wing
ham Times has lengthend its column
and added a new dress, while the Ad
vance has put in a power press in
more type. THENEvei3-Reconii is pleas-
ed to see these evidenees of
prosperity on the part of its esteem-
ed coutemporaries and wishes them
increased' success. —Mrs, • Orich of
liuron street fell down the Cellar Stairs
on VVednesdaY of last week and sustain-
ed a fracture of one of her limbC. Mr,
and Mrs, Newton Crich have taken up
their residence. with the injured lady.
for the time Boie has
taken up her abode in her dwelling on
Station eti•eet and is .111tvitig the place
improved.—Mr. Yap. Tisdal .is alio.-
ijj having Improvements made aroma
his yesidence.•-a-Tbere is such e supply
of apples at the evaporator that the
peelers are kept gaing day ' and night..
—The Ontario Street League had a
• Consecration meeting Friday night.—
Messrs. D. A. Forrester and T. Mason
have been out through the townships
this week and bought tip a nranber of
two andthree-yeay-,old stockers of an
average weight of 120.0 lbs. They will be
fettenea by Mr. Foreester.alr, John.
JOhnstone of Itattenbuey street hes
. sold for a fair figure his • dwelling on
Albeit street e• Mr: mecoiti,t, the ten-
ant, is the purchaser—Four repro-
• dilations of the famous Tema pictures
were on exhibitionlast week in the wire
de* of the W.-1).Fair Co.and were sold,
Witham Smithson has a Bible
which was Presented to him. ley:Capt,
Dutton �f the Steamship Serdiniati on
his return trip from Englandin Feb,
1879. The Ca,pt. was Unusually devout
for one of his class and the incidents
connected with the gift cause Mr.
Smithson to value it very highly, The
Barden:in Is the boat upon which the
Canadian Contingent sailed for South
Africa; on Monday.—The Guy Min-
a• fair audience on
Mondry night and niribiteined their
good reputation. The Company is it
clean one.—If your Subscription to
True News-11E60Rn is in arrears e re-
mittance will be acceptable,—Mr. G.
• Oash paid for Butter and Eggs and
• CRItlell'S
a part t o Advortios sEiGES '
in The NEWsItirooRD because of its
_growingcirculation and increas- —
mg populatity. we sell the- Welton make.
There are none better for
_ rep/pile • easy lit and wearing quality.".
The NEWS RECORD for its live Hun.
on News, Market Reports Talniage Our goods please the people. •
Sermons, IsTeWs Of the World, etc. ,
VI to era of 1900.
We make a specialty af Hats and
Caps and now have a large and
more varied assortment than ever.
All the leading
makes are to found in dui
,store, Sizes from ch to 7f.
Fleece Balbriggan Underwear
$1 per Suit, extra value. Just •
the thing for fall.
• W. Barnwell, who harataughb S. .S.
No. 10, Goderich township, so succesa-
frilly this year, has been. engaged for
1900 and given an increase of salary as
a recognition of services well rendered.
—From Londen,England, under date
of October aah, Dr. l'urnhull writes to
THE News-Recant:3 that he was about
to leave for Vienna to further eontinue
his studies in the hospitals of that city
and that Dr. Agee* would pursue his
a•course in London, Both expect to re -
urn home about Obristmas.--41r.
Cieusens moved his household effects
own to Stapleton this week. He is an
im papered of the Ransfords and a dwell -
ng near the Block is more convenient
ban in the Hub.:--Cantelon Bros.
ave this past week shipped 2,000 chez.
f eggs and as many pounds of better.
—Mr. William Downs intends open -
ng out a, machine repair shop thortly
rid will handle bicycles, etc. 1-1.0 off -
red to buy the maehinery and stock
n hand of the Onward Bicycle Co.,
ut Mr. Brown held it at what be con-
idered too high a figure. Mr. Brown
eft yesterday for Owen Sound
here . he has accepted it situation.
—Mr. William Mennen is fitting up
residence on Victoria street on the
roperty he recently purchased. --
he Grand Trunk is eyertaxed with
reight traffic and local shippers are
till complaining of a scarcity of ears.
—Bill Poster Evans states that Some
oya make a practice of defacing or.
earing bills on his boards and if they
o not stop it he will be compelled to
ale an example of one or tnore of
hem. --The members of • Coutt
apel Leaf are requested to at
nd the regular meeting to be held
hursda,y • evening of this week as
usiness of importance relating to the
igh Court will hediscussedea-A
eeting of the exeCutive ot the
hicksmithe Assomation was held
t the Itattenhury Braise on Tues•
ay, when it was unanimously resol-
ed to put the new scale of prices into
ffect on Nov. 1st —.Mi'. George
avts has bought two of the buildings
t the fanning reiti winks and is hay
g them moved to the lot next his
sidence.--Tuesday night was hal-
we'eh and the boys were abrioad, ba
heir mischief wits of a mild type corn,
need to that, of the "good old times."
—Mr. Alex, Innes of Stanley has
ought one of the fanning mill build.
Inge and is having It removed to his
fartn.aNexb Sunday will be Commun.
ion Sunday at the Ratenbury street
chureh, the Sacrament of the Lord's
upper being diorama at the dose of
he WU-fling service, Mr. Howson's
deject will be appropriate to •the
ccasion. "The Philosophy of Prayer"
ill be the itubjecb for the evening,
hen reference will be made to Prof,
yratall'e fitteioue prayer test. Doubt -
re as bathe reality and peWer of prayer
111 find this an interceding treatment
fan old theme. --Mise Xcla Plummer
e much better; being Able to alb up
gain, --At the meeting of the Deugh-
ere of the Zing in eorinection With Se,
Paul's ehurch leaf week,Mitte Connolly
Wes elected President; Mise 3. Holmes
vroTortrA BLOCK Secretary and Miss bleylleaLley Trees:-
CLINTON. 9,1*1
This is the Overcoatseason and we
invite the' buying public to exam-
ine our stock and our prices. If
you don't buy all right, but an in-
spection generally makes a purcha-
• ser. Read some of our.prices :
Heavy rreize Ulster, double lined
•event value $8
We have another Frieze but not so '
good at $7
Stylish Cuele Cloth 0oat corded
edges, velvet, collar, linett with
best Farmer's Satin $12
Another not so good ae$0.
Black and Blue Beavers quilted
lining, • $8 to $12
Worsteds have gone up
in value 25 per cenabut
having bought our stock
before the advance we
have not increased the
X. EZ Allow
' I
And you Are itt need of many things to ke"ep out the
cold aLd it ts no easy thing to keep Sack Frost out unless you
have the roper Clothing and this is to be had at our store.
have just received a large stock of Dressed and Lln-
dreseed oves in Hide and 11ocha, Hear are a few of our
Undressed Rid; fine quality, $1.25.
Undressed Kid, good wearerta
Fur -lined Kid, weeniest glove made, $1:50. "
• Fleece -lined Mocha, fine quality, $1.25, ,
13leece lined Astrachan Gauntlete, with guaranteed dog palm, $1,241
We alio have a new. stook of Ties, Neck Wraps,, Men's
Heavy Working Shirts,:and the biggest bargain erev offered in
Fleece–lined Underwear at $1.25, This line is excellent 4italue
at $1 /50 but as we have a large stock of it and bought it in the ew
early part of the season, and by taking a large quantity we are (1)
therefore able to sell it at this remarkable low price.
Aso itATTRR.
tatesineel 104,
• *Oh ot Prank Jones.
Ward was received from St. limner;•
North. Dakota, on Monday stating,
• that Ur, Frank Jones, aged. fortianitte,
• had died ou the 25th October, Be was
- a former resident of Olint,on and will
be remembered by many here. Mrs.
John Pinning Of town, Mr's. T. Glee/
and Mrs. Ca Cochrane of Stapleton are
sisters of de .eased
An Otici Apple, -
Mr. W. R. Cook brought to 'Tilit
Nnws-RivoRD office Monday an odd
looking apple it being one-quarter
Spitzenburg and the balance Seek -no
Furtherethe line between the two earl:.
sties being clearly defined, It is geite
a curiosity even to old apple dealers
and is the product, some say, of a
trick in grafting occasionally resorted
to.• . i • •
win Make Shoes. " -
Mr. Israel Taylor, who has for some
years conducted • a, shoe store in Olin
• ton, has decided to retire from the re.
tail business to embark into•the MDR -
facture of the same line of goods at
IBrampton where he will become it
linie isba shrewd, energeticillinea' an tit .busi-
ern er o e a is Company,
nesseand will add life as well as capital
to the flew. The store here:will be
taken over be Mr. Jacob Taylor,who
will be in charge in a few days. •
Missionary 1.,ectit;e. 1 •
Rev. Jas. Henderson, D.D,, Toronto,
field missio.nary secretary of the Meth-
odist church, gave a leCture before a
lave audience in. the Ontario street
church last Monday evening. The Dr,
emphasized the word "do" as being
the divine conatniasion to the church
in reference to the misaiona ry wrak.
After a very eloquent Presentation\ Of
th eimportance of enthusiasm in Tthe
• church . work, he dealt' with Popular
objections tomission any effort. The
•concrete and logical style in which 'ob-
jections were answered Was caleulated
to coneince ell that the imperative duty;
and grandest mission of the church of
today ts to evangelize the woeld. . The
lectunewas in the interest Of Epworth
League mission work Of the two Meth;
odist churches in town, and a liberal
collection Wire receieed,
.- , • • :
Beath of An Old Resident;
Mr. Penile% .who for' u
• .
wards of forty years was a, resident of
the 16th concession of Goderich 'tOwn-
s ip an forsome• years a .citie.en of
Clinton, died,et the • residence of :his
daughter ill St. Minneecita, on
October 17th. Mr. David Connell of
town is a son, Mr. John Johnstone of
Rattenbury street, a breitligRin-law,
and Mr • J ernes Connell of Goderichl
tevanship a, beother of deceased. The P
manner ef his death is thus given by
the $t. Paul 'Pioneer a- William Con- es
n e e retired farmer, who had been
mak inglishome with his daughter,
The Pah' for 1900.
A. meeting of the directors of the
Huron Central Fair was held on•Fridity
last to discus ways and meanS, this
year's finances and next season's pros -
peas. There were present President
Weir, Messrs, Sehnstone, Plummer,
Snell, Wiseman, Coats and Mackenzie.
The Society will not have any funds
in the bank when the season's business
is wound up and the management has
arrived, at the conclusion that in alder
to exist and prosper the Society must
bave grunds large,enough o eon ain
a half -mile track for speedingpurposee.
Two prupositiona wete discuesed, viz :
1st, to buy an addition to the present
grounds 2nd, to secure the property
of (he Gran Club near the organ factory.
The directore did not at rive at any de-
cision, bat laid the matter over for a
new board be wrestle with.
The Merchant of Wake.
• The Lyceitm Cempanywill make its
second appearance in Clinton next
Monday night, when the Merchant of
Venice will be presented. The rum
ed seat plan will open to subscribers
ja,ckson Bros.' at 9 aan„Friday,•ancl to
the 'general public on Saturday. The
London Free Press says: "The second
Whole Number 1089
will be sent to
any address until the end of next year for $1,00.
Hayfield, Londesboro. Varna.
• toIhr,Harrywens. urve yF ba ol caotn, Be ra,, ytho
tivoid thri on e beespa
panied by Messrs, E, Reid and D
summer, has returned. He was accent
' Mr. Ins, Horton of Burondale, Us
borne, and his sister, Miss Ruby Boy
ton of Goderich, were visiting Mr. an
Mrs. Tiolina,n last Saturdny and Sim
• Miss Maud Ferguson is visiting i
Sea° th .
• Mrs. Jae Ferguson'haS returned Ira
a visit to her parentainaBelicrearee
Rev: Mr, Scrirnagour, • sop of Prof
Scrimegour of McGill UnlyeMity,
visiting his.ramb, Mrs. Gardiner ab th
post -office.
Mr. John Pollock, who has been con
ducting a fishing business' on Lak
Winnipegduring the past two seasons
has returned after an absence of a yea
and Him months. Ws welcome• ou
geuial friencl bade again after s� Ion
an absence. • •
Rev. A. G. Jansen of Hamilton ol
at •
.pied the pulpit St. • Andrews' .Pias
byterian church here last Sabbath an
.preached powerful and impressive ser
mons both morning and evening t
Jame congregations, on the subjects o
Fast Aeleep•and Wide Awake, takin
S,S the feundation of his remarks th
ibeidents related at Jonah and th
Philippian jailor:. On Wednesda
evehleg Me. •Jansen lectured in th
churchen"Holland and the Hollanders'
and on Thursday and Friday evening
Mr. Jansen, delivered the Same lecture
ab,Bethany and Beucefield, respective
ly; • "
Week is progressing on the pier • in
'ePite of the fact that the timber conies
rather slosaly. However, it is '
nearly crannleted
• •Dhck shooting is the order of -the day
and everybody capable oabeirring ores
is :"Comrnandered" for service and any
old blunderbini or rusty Musket'
doer -
duty, with the.best, while 'many a luck-
less diver is. bagged. , !„ • .
• Shoals Of very mean inienows niil-
lions are crowdingep the elver, escap-
ing, it is said, froth the ineoming :her
• ring andlarger fish. These shoals are
• so densTand blacok that they. can . b:e
seen from the top of the hi h banks at
a great distance, arid it as truly a • Won-
derfulaaght to see sueli dense masses
• of the; finny, tribe huddled together.
Herring. fishing . has commenced, but
the .ce,teh So far has not been sun:
:meetly large to be very profitable,
" Rev. Majansen visited the school on
Monday afternoon and gave the child -
yen a splendid treat in the. toter of a
• interesting and inetructiie: half hour
oti Different Kinclsof Tongues, At Mr.
Maple Leif and then concluded With
• JGaondse:a'vseretqh.oeecletuetheiel.ch.ildren sang The
The teachers of the Varna District, of
• West Buren Teachers'AsSociatian will
meet at Varna next Saturday, the 4th
Nola at 1.30 p. in., ,when the • program
forrnerly published in this paper .wil
be Carried out. • A. • full atten•
• dance of the 'teachers of the District
is requested.:
6 Mr. jetties Thompson, our genial
Division Orate Clerk, has his geist mill
earth) in operation and is doing grist-
ing end chopping as formerly at rea-
sonable rates. Mr. Thompsen deserves
encoutagement as Ins perseverance and
;• determination to rsupply the public
Rev. J. F. Patke of Clinton. was at
the residence of his parents last week.
Mr. Parlacame to' seri his sister Kath-
erine, who is ill, but we are pleased to
Say that she is improvi ng nicely un-
der the care of Dr. Woods, •
Mr. Beniion of Toronto paid a, flying
visit to Mr. Edwards Met week. .
We learn that St. Joseph is.inclulgtng
in elecbtic lights now. We ere looking
for street cars next. •
We noticed in last week'inews from
Bayfield that no church services Were
held on Thauksgiving owing to , the
recast) it was stated that there was no-
thing niuch to be thankful for, With- •
oue being unkind in our intentions, we
think your informant from this town -
a is a little in the dark when he made
- that statement, It ia evident he was
d not at one church service on that
a nforning which was held for .the par-
- pose of giving thanks for the various
mercies of life. 1 refer to the Church
of England service &inducted by Hera
E, B. Smith ori that date. We state
• this by way of correction and not of re-
We are sorry to say thatalias Rath -
e well is ill.
Porter's 111111 ,
11 Business has been quite brisk lately.
t. Miss Proctor of Blyth was the guest
• of Miss Barr last week.
* BiMytishs, Rachel Young spent Sunday in
" Miss Patiee of the Clinton Collegiate
' fristitute staff visited Mrs,' Coupland
d on Saturday.
Messrs, Wna. Towneend and .Tas.
m• ttios,:ersei:e, have returned from the North -
n WIlesrs6,. McKenzie has gone to Belgrave
Mr. Wm. Hill broke e small bone in
•• his hand last week. 4
8 Mr. Wilfrid Crisp left on Saturday
• for Seaforth where he has secured a,
e ,.epdosiintiotonwwni.th Messrs. Greig and Mc-
' Donald. Wilfrid will be greatly miss,
Mr, Luxton Hill has rne'ved into the
✓ house lately accupiell by Mr. Mc-
; fgeevafilerrze.i.e.Thos, Lawson is ill with typhoid.
" Mr, Wray has secured a situation as
blacksmith in Walton and will move
d his family there next week.
" The 'Scottish Views shown by Rev.
O Thos. Coupland in •the Presbyteria,n
appearance of the Lyceum Company at
the Grand Opera House last night was
in Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice'
with Mr. D'Oize as Shaded( and Miss
Effie Hext as Portia. The audience
present were well pleased with the
performance, and liberal in applause.
The play received intelligent treatment
at the hands of the company, which
includes in its mernberehip several art-
• ists of more than ordinary ability and
•proiniee in the dramatic World. • It is
net often that Shakespgarian tragedy
is so well presented as by this company
a popular prices" • ,
• Tina T. R. Bray.
• The Grand Trunk yard e 'and sheds
present a busy scene these days and
- Mere freight is being offered than •cars
can be found to carat, away. Commo-•
thous though the sheds are they are
, scarcely great enough for this season
of, the year. just now they arafull to
overflowing' with apples, with :deli! a
- mall corner left for way freight.
Anyone who doubts the productiveness
of the. Huron AppleBeltought
spendv hours ro n • in on
= station:and count the barrels of apples
as they p . . y
Wattle shipped two:carloads of bogs to
Toronto; 0..11.-Reicl one carload. lambs
- to Buffalo and Se•He Smith two cara•
loads of cattle to Toronto. Mr. Reid
sent off • another cathead • yesterda
. •
• • •
• Apples have been shipped by seyeral
arties, Someof the stock being for
Manitoba, some of it foe B. C. and
carloads for. the Old t)ountry. W
oherty & Co,' shipped organs t
ritain and Sraith & Holmes oats an
and pens.to.ontar.io points.
Rorke's n Brick.
• The Toronto World thus describes
Mrs. Catherine. Jaeger,' 491 Mississippi
street, was found dead in bed yeetee-
day morning. Death was due to heart
failure. Mr. Connell was 74 years of
age. • When he retired Monday night
be was in the best, of spirits and appar-
ently enjoying excellent health, In fact
he had been ill scarcely a day in his life.
Nci cry or warning of death's visit was
heard by members of the family"during
the night, and iris believed Mationnell
passed away gine tly while asleep. Mr.
Connell hail lived in this City one year.
He is survived by five grown up child -
ren: ,• • '
Mr. and Mrs. laity Welcoined HOW&
On their arrival at their home in Cal-
umet, Mich., Mr. andMrs. J. D. Kitty,
Who were wedded in 'Clinton but a.
ehurcla op Tuesday evening last were,
g Without exception ; the 'finest we have
o ever had the pleasure Of seeing. They
e -included views of Princess street, gd?
• hiburgh, Scott's Monument, Norham
e Castle, Horne of Burns, Alloway Kirk
• and other points of interest in the Low.
$ lands • of Scottand. Mr. Coupland
possesses an excellent instrument in
- the Use of which he is thoroughly
• skilled, and talks !nosti. entertain-
ingly oil each scene shovin. The net
proceeds for the Mission Band were
about seven dollars, •-
Vast quantities Of apples i have been
peeked in this neighborhood this sea-
son and apple baerels-seem to have a
' monopoly of the vacant space at the
• etation. In fact, as onestands on the
platform and gazes on . the. itinuiner-
able barrels around hien, he cannot but,
recall thewords of Coleridge and Say
"Apples, Apples everywhere, and never
one to eat. . •
The following is the result of the
recent promotion examinations held,
in Londesboro Public School on Thine-
• day and Friday, 26th 'and 27th nits.)
The names are in order of merit :
• Senior Departmena-Jr, 4th to Sr.
4th:• Mary .13rogden, Maverna,
,Everhard Lee, Willie Lyon, Eleanor
Mains, Bela Kirkconnell. Sr. 3rd to
Jr. 4th: • Jessie Coupland. Wilbert
Wray, Esther Jamieson, &tie Lyon, .
Harry Riley, Myetleephillips. Jr. Ord
• to Sr. 3rd: Amelia Townsend, Geo,
Snell, Maud Lyon, Flossie Jamieson,
Edwin Adams, Nancy Clrawford.-
Thos. A. PaArr, Teacher,
Junior Departrnent.--,Sr. 2nd. to Jr.
3rd : Howard Bedford, Susie Brown,
Bessie Wray, Emanuel Lyon, Willie
Bell, Maggie Garrett, Willie Gem:Ahem,
Edaie Stepherrion. Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd:
Annie Coupland, Artie Bruhedon, Roy
Jeffrey, Minnie Snell, Vanchie Hamil-
ton, Davie 1Cirkconnell, Minnie pole,
Mabel Shobbrook, Robbie' Crawford,
Sr. Pt. 2nd to jr, 2nd: Percy Whitely,
Elva, Brown, Prank Lee, Jim. Mc-'
Connell, Jr. Pt. 2nd .to Sr. Pt. and :
Mienie Brown, . Lizzie Mains, Roy ,
• Crawford, Valle Townsend, •Maggie
Cole, Pb. 1st to Jr. Pt. 2nd: Leslie
Woodman, Wesley Taman. -Miss J.
• G. KIRN, Teacher.
ah incident which took place in th
armouries Of that. city : during the 'ell- •
listment for the Canadian'Contingent
The Lieut. Rorke referred to is
cousin of George Rorke and Hugh E.•
Rorke of Clinton :-"The men 4:1f th
31st regiment had been drawn up for
Col. Otter's inspection: As he•ranhis
experienced eye. down its ranks he no-
ticed the well knoWn figure of Lieut.
J. Ro ke 0' lling him' out, thd
olonel said: "Rorke, I can't take you
• you are an officer." "But I go as a
private, sir," Was the reply, but the
Colonel only answered: "I can't help
that, you must step out, r can -nob con -
der you at all. Lieut. Rorke stands ,
ve feet six inches, is twenty-three
ears • of age, a thorough athlete and
ne of the smattesb officers in Canada..
e was not made of the stuff to he cast
itt e s re u . Stepping out
s ordered, he walked out of the arm.
%tries. ,In it quarter of an hour the
st ranks were disbanded and Col.
tter was mounting his horse to ride
oine again. He,had one foot in the stir
p when Lieut. Rorke walked up and
dam]. "I have wired my resignation
my colonel and arn now a private,'
e said: "have any chance now?" Col
tter's strong face relaxed Into a emit
he remarked : "Young maia ad
ire Your pluck." Then he gallope
Way. The bystanders • broke into
eer and the plucky lieutenant be
me one fettle Contingent. '
nt Ben Pocket Money.
Clinton has not allowed Mr. Ike
ebb, its re •
presentative on the Can
ian Contingentito go off to the war
ithout expressing in it practical\ way
• recognition of the manly spiel
Inch prompted him to offer his: ser
co to help fighb the Empire's battles
n Thursday last Captain Combe and
eotenan t Bruce called on a, few
tizens ,and in a Short time raised
eareight dollars which was wired
Ben at Quebec and will help him lay
little store of articles not provided
the military authorities. Ben has
knowledged receipt of the amount
d Wit appreciation thus:
Dear Captitinea-No doubt, you will
ink I am slow in answering your
egram but will leave lb to your
aginatiori what, ' excitement reigns
re Outfltrn d euipping th
gimenb goes on front morning to
ght- and all night. To -day, Sunday,
ere IS no la up. We sail to -morrow
ternoon and you must excuse me if I
t this short. * * * X have to offer
my thanke in sending me the
oney and I ittn sure will try' to use
In agood cause and will do my very
st to uphold the honor of ray old
Compeny and natation while in South
Africa. must say that We were given
a great reception on our way down
to this city and presents of all kinds
have been hoetowed upon us. / again
thank my friends for the puree they so
kindly gave rue, and trusting to return
and see them again without it Stain or
mark against it member of old No. 4.
Will %vete you on our arrival at
OM* Town.
short time since, were warmly. wet.- a1
corned. Among the social. functions •°
which took place was it reception of Y
which the following. account, appeared ae°
in the Copper Country News of ()alum- 11
et, :
"The Clerks'Social Club tendered Mr. it
and Mrs. John D. Kilty a teception last 0
evening in Whalers' hall, Mr. Kilter is 31
the president of the dub,the first preii. 0
dent of the organization,and when the h
clerks heard of his marriage they im me. rut
diately began preparations to extend st
he and his bride a, welcome to the city. to
Their plans and arrangements Were Car- h
ried out last evening to a nicety and the 0
reception proved a very pleasanCevent. as
Early' in the evening a large number of 01
the clerks gathered ab the hall and a a
committee was appointed to wait upon eb
Mr. and Mrs. Kitty and eseciet them to ea
the hall. Upon their arrival the or- Se
chestra struck up a; march and those
present Went. through the evolutione in w
proper style. Then followeed the forme ad
al reception to Me. Kitty and his bride ve
and for some minutes they were busy its
receiving the congratulations of their w
friends, the clerks. Cowley's orchestra vi
was present and dancing became at 0
once the principal feature of enjoy- ea
meet. Later in the evening Mr. Mich- el
ael J. Tobinski, the secretary of the tw
club, called the attendance to • order to
and in a few nicely chosen words wel-
corned Mr. and Mrs. Kilty. He refer- by
red to the good work done by Mr. Kil- tee
ty in his capacity as president of the •att
club and to the fact that, the clerks
wished in some measure to express their th
pleasure and gratitude for that, as tvel 1 tel
• as in a united way to extend to him and ito
his bride their best Wisher: for the he
future. The presentation of a beautiful re
soup tureen, linecl with gold followed. re
On one side the inscription, "From the th
Calumet C. S. 0. to Mr. and MIs. John ae
D. October 10, 1800," was en. co
graved. IVINItilty, in response,said that yo
although he felt exceedingly mamma- to
sedate could only thank the club for its It
kindly expression or good will to hint be
and his wife and be Was sure he did
not merit any such treetmenb. Ile said •
that in the comparatively ahort time
he had been in Calumet and the little
he had done for the clerks as president,
was nothing mote then hie duty. Dan-
cing was kept, up until a late hour with
a ehorb intermisition for supper which
Wee,served by the ladle& Froin it soc-
ial standpoint the gathering was due-
cessful ibpromoted a feeling of fel-
lowehip that Is much to be deeired as
well as Serving its original purnete of
entertaining their ptesident and his
bride. The lady and gentleman force
at Ituppe's store presented illiquid Mrs.
Kitty with an elegant couch."
Mr. Derry intends removing
from Itattenbury street to Mr. Ken.
nedee house in the near future. The
house vacated by Mr. Derry will bro
oupied by it newly.marriod couple.
Miss Nellie Martin is Visiting Mr,
Reid Tor ranee this week.
Morgan Brown & Co. ate going to
travel around the world with Professor
When Mr. Lobb ennui out of Bethel
church Wednesday evening he founds
• goat in his buggy. How the animal
got there remains it mystery.
Mr:David Smith of Clinton is farma
mg ab the McPhail tomb,
Mr. Clem Newton is nearly 'done
packing apples.
Mr. Fred Morgan has rented the
Copeland farm an the 4th con. Fred
thinks there is no place like Portee's
W. Elliab of the Cat Line had
bis cows pounded the other day. W.
IL does not think this is right . as the
meWer thought they were at home,
Mr, Ja•mert Itamilton has been offee-
ed the contract of buying hop for
Palmerston Pork Peeking Coa Mr.
Hamilton's business qualities have
ttavelled far and wide.
• M. Peter McDougal, Jr, lost one of
his horses last week,
What inigkhave been a serlotia
accident oc red Sunday evening
when David Marshall and lady were.
drivingetfter chetah. , They were go -
Ing dowri the. Out Lineend W. Weston
WAS coming up -the -hill when the
, buggies Collided with a traalt like it
cannon. Portunately all escaped un-
r.an re. . hitely of Ole '7th
con, spent Sunday atT,.&. McDonald's,
Mary Bedford, • Howard. •Brunridon,
. • '
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tyerman
spent'a few days last week with their
son Ben ab Wingha,m.
Mr, John Connell has returned froin
Brussels where he has been packing ap-
ples for some time.
Mr. Lou Farnham has added another
threeyear-oid Hereford. heifer to bis
herd, purchased from .Mr.. William El-
liott of Goderich township.
• Mr.Albert McGregor will have aside
of his stock and implements inthe near
future. He intends going out West in
the spring, Ile intended wintering the .
stock, but has come to the conclusion
that it, will pay better to sell his feed
and stook now.
Mr, A. Brown, who purchased Mr.
• McGregor's place, had a plowing bee
last Wednesday. It was quite suc-
cessful, as the day was fine and about
, •
twenty neighbors turned out to help
It is surprising the amount of money •
the haulers atound here are burying_ .
in the ground this fall, as nearly ever y
farmer is busy ditching. This causes a
good demand for tile. We understand
that two yards will be opened up in
McKillop neicb year in the vicinity a
Itev,, Mr. Coupland ef Londesboro
VMS calling on it few of the people here
hist Friday.
• Before this appearsari print Mr. E.L.
Farnham will have taken unto himself
a wife in the person of Miler Daisy Mc-
Gregor of Constance. Both are highly
esteemed and have the best, wishes of
the entire community. Only the irre e
mediate friends of the contracting par-
ties were present.
• Hremotiou.---The foirowing gives, the
names of those who passed the uniform
' Promotion examination in order of
merit ;
Prom Jr. 8rd to Sr. 3rd. -Harold
Cairns, Lloyd Moffatt, Maggie Moffatt,
Bthel johns, Rachel Reed, Frank
• McKenzie, Willie • Reed, Sarah Stew-
art. , •
From Sr, 2nd to jr. 8r4,' -Eddie
grim, Bertha Cairns, Thomas Stinson,
Lila Campbell.
• From Sr. 2ral to Sr. and. -Edna
Beatty, Winnie MeNaughten, Lillie
Johnston, George johnstona Pearl
Duncan, lira,ggie Stewart. •
Sr. Pt. 2nd to Jr. 2nd. -Ernest Ma,
Clyrriont, Joe Pilgrim, John Alogenzie,
Kate Stinson, Lorne Forrest,
Jr, rt. and to Sr. Pb, 2nd. --John
Robertson, • Russell Wilsou, Frank
Higgins, • Ivan MeNaughton, John
Huston. ' '
Jr. Pt. 2nd to Sr. Pb. 2nd, -Clara
Cairns, Clara, Higgins, Beatrice Pia •
• grim.
The revival meetings are still going
on this week and ,hope for still greater
success though the result is very en-
• 'Canadian Order of Foresters of Court
Varna Will meet next Friday and it ,
good attendance is expected, when.
matters of interest will be taken up.
• Miss E. Elliott; who has been visiting
relatives, in this locality, returned home
to Dungannon last Tuesday. -
•. Mrs, J. Barnwell has taken a trip
north with Mrs. IL Berlin:urn to Col- • •
Curiosity. -.Mr. Ward'ha,s an apple
with 5 distinct leaves grown out of the
centre of the large part of the apple
with seams joining them together all
around. They are not stack in by any
.....ligule.Wikesbyte.cian..church is fast
nearing completion and is expected to..
be opened on Sunday, No,vember 19th.
and followed en Monday evening by a
grand tea meeting, when a profitable
and enjoyable time is expected. •
Our enterprishig harnessmaker, Mr.
Higgios • has got in' refine stock of
trunks Lici valises, and is expecting to
have in a stock of organs this Week
Ben is a hustler.
Ho lmeseille.
Mrs. (Dr) Thompson. ' and sae of
Olinton spent few death lest week at the
Parsonage. .• •.
Miss Edith •Holdsworth is visiting
• •
friends in and around Mitchell:
Mr. F.C. Eifi7ied returned home 'lamb
week from New ar,ork etate where he
was acki a 1
• Mr. and Mrs. A. Elcoat of Brucefleld
spent Fraley at W. Stanleyls, •
• Mr. T. Kelly of Goderich was in Mir
village on Saturday.
Mr. Arthur Wilson is the, proud ;.•
pcissessor of a bouncing big boy.
Miss Oleta Ford, of Clinton was the
guest of her uncle, Mr. Ford. '
Mi.s, john Jervis left on ThursdaLY tee
visit friends in Coldwater and Belie •
Promotion Exariaination. -The fol
lowing with thee, markt; are those wire
were successful at the Promotion aex-
anaintton held October 26th and 27t11:
Jr. 3rd to -Se. 3rd. Marks obtainable ,
800, to pass 400, -Gordon Amess 533,
Mabel Munnings 583, Myrtle Levis 506,
Olive Sturdy 407, Howard Williams
Sr. 2nd to 3rd marks obtainable , 655,
to pass 327.-Evalna. McCartney 471,
May Proctot450, George Colclough 440,
Wilfrid Oolclough 4.37, Daisy Wil-
liams 410, Permillia Halstead 307,
StanleyArness 305, Henry Stevens 801,•
Florence Levis 377, Herbert Halstead
Sr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd, Marks obtainable
635, to pass 318.- Albert Pickard 470,
Edgy Willson 472, Oscar Tebbutt 400,
Arthur StOdy 360, john Dempsey 355, '
Pt. 2nd to and --Frances Potter,
Clarice iladour, Howard Trewa,rtha,
tdrt Hulber, c . avi , , y
Lulu Mulholland
Pt. lst to In. 2nd.- Leila Ford, Ma.
Coldough, Muriel Willson,, Pearl
Mayetta McCartney, Wilbert
nalstead.- Nelson W. Trewartha,
HayNeld Line.
MVO teams moved Mr, John Bea-
com last Wednesday to his new abode
n London township, returning Cal
-Mr. G. W. Barnwell, teacher of S.S. eq.
No. 10, has been re-engaged for the *„'
coming year at an increased salary.
The Epworth League of Coles'
church had a specially interesting
meeting last Sunday evening. Mr, J.
Barnwell of Varna, took the topic,
"The Building of the Temple."
Several of our Liners enjoyed the
concert given by the Guy Brothers- in
Clinton last Monday evening.
The news 01 the death or Miss M.
Me0linchy of Stanley was received
here with much regret,. Much syna
tathy is extended to the bereaved
Mrs. R. ThomPeon of the 16111
pent a few days last week Visiting
rienda on the Line,
lb was a happy event that, took place
Ir the residence of the late John
tewart, Stanleyeon Wednesday of tasb
eek, when his daughter Lillie was
tilted in holy bonds of matrimony to
a IL Ournminge of this Line. We
alley° the newly Wedded couple Will
ke up their abode on the farm of Mr.
has, Stewart. (bit'- best wishee and •
ongratulations aro extended to Mr.
fur Mrs. Cutraminge,
On account -sI the quarterly meet.
ig of the Hayfield circuit being held
• Anintrn.
• Mies Sulfa and Mr. J. Johnston San* a
cloyed in our enidst.
Mies Maggie Pollock is visiting in the w
It is reported we are going tie have a M
barber shop in ouredllege.
Miss Mary Ellen Syniington Sunday- ta
ed in the village, also Miss Maggie 0
Mr, taIlarr of Sumteethill Was at a
Auburn last week.
Mr. iradford is on the sick lisb.
Mr. J. Nixon and family have acid.
ed to Move to Seaforth. ;
We aro glad to hear that Mr. Joseph • b
Wilson has returned from the West, a
but we are sot ry to state be is on the • is
sick fist.- 'we
Mee. A, Metensie and children of
Blyth SundaYed With friends here. • M
t Bayfield next Sunday there will he
o afternoon service at. poteif chureh.
ut League rill be held in the evening
b Ova toad hour. A cordial welcome
extended to ell to attend the League
The- pulpib of St. jinn& 'church,
iddletort's Corners, was ocpupled by
the ltev. E. C .ienainso 6t33ayneld
•Tho by.law to raise $4,000 for an elec. 1
trio Are Warm system Wel tarried. in
Ott Thumas. ••
est Sunday. A very able ana In.
*motive sermon was preached to a
mewl attentive oaukrotulon.