HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-10-26, Page 8crepe PaperN, -7- TIIE 0,14NTON NEWS -RECORD. minor? rmitt imtnit wpm ititmit lintir writ' Wittiff IffittIttlit rim mitrIti rim 46 For •Lamp Shades Ten Cents Per Roll Afr. Israel Taylor was &n Toronto last Votheriee l'eweatio. Staulex:Townskip. week. Barrister 131710ne was in Toronte 1014 week. Mre, John Tedford is vieltiug her sister • Lucknow. Mee Barris of Goderich is visit - friends in town, Mies Lena Dobertyyeturned to Torah. to Tuesday naorning. Miss Bunna Southcombe returned &On Manitoba on Saturday. Mies Doyle anent Thanksgiving Day itt her home in Wingliane Mr, and Mrs. Colin Patterson left this week fox the Duck Islands. • Mr. Neil Yellowlees of Bovvnianville pocket got solve matches and lightiug Mre. e ales litiglesort and Mee. H.B, was a Thanksgiving visitor. one it caught in the window curtain Kereof Clinton visited their, sieter, Uwe Mr, A. j. Grigg spent Thanksgiving in which fell on the child and burnt it so J. Davison, last week. ' St. Thomas and Ridgetown. badly that it died tbe next niorning, Mr. Wm. Palmer is busy purehasing Miss AZie Gibbings spent Thanks .giving The funeral took place to the Oolberue turkeys for ‘litehell and hlliott end ib the guest of Miss Welsh, Louden, cemetei Y Tuesday afternoon, Mr. and paying good mom Mrs, Goldthhrpe have the sympathy of We iire eared, to report the deeth of Poprmi...o ' Mews. Wm. and John Vanlstone The taxmen; are kbusy turning the and Jas. Williams returned borne from 4011 over. Most of the apples e.re pack. Manitoba ou Saturday. ed in this vicinity and farmers are well Mr. Isaac Currie has engagod pleeeed with the Price realized for 13artrun for the winter menthe. them, The Gold Remedy 00. is bolding en- (*Tad to hear that Miss Margaret Mc- tertaininenes at the town hall, Carlow, Intyre, who hoe been ill for a short thie week and a good grogram Is given. tin* Is recovering. ectehmight. Mrs. BOO. Armstrong of the Goshen Some of our young men havestetted Line, who had. been very low with in- to Africa, to the war. flanaination, is doing as well a•s can be et, sad accident occurred at the home expected. We hope to soon gee her of Mr. Albert Goldthorpe last.weee, abit_t to be around again. when his little daughter, 1 year and 4 Mr, Joseph Foster Is busy delivering Months old, was burnt to death, Tier trees for Mr. William .esrinstrong, the little brother going tp the hired nian's peoples:popular agent, who sold them. piton as Olioapeat,AltuctO tio ,Best. he 71. B. lair Co,' • CLINTON. - Agents Parker'il Works: New Advertisements. Buy Furs Now-MoKinuou lk,Co., ,. ,, . , , . „6 Hunters' Bxmn.sions-Grand Trunk By 6 For 82 -London Free Prose 6 BoyWante5-3. A, King 5 Music LesSons-IVIlso Dougherty 6 Lumber For Sale -D, Connell - '6 Auction Sale -Mrs. Wallaeo ..... ' ..... ', +..• . • • 5 Beautitul Sillte-Newoombe's 4 Crepe Paper -.IF. D. Fair. $s Co, .. ...... . ... , 8 • Weekly Clothing Ta1k4-Jackson Thursday's. Bargaine-Nodgens: Bros. 4 . 8 Servant Wanted -Mrs, W Berl and , , .8 , Farm Wanted -Enquirer , . . 8 War News -W Cooper 4 Co.. .; ... , . ...,.... ,1 ShooNews-b 3 Cluff I Overcoats -A:3. 001loway • 1 About O... - 'WHERE THEY ARE Peotle AND WHAT 0 , • THEY ARE:D0N6, vt, .e Know. YV Warden Onok Was hi town on Motday. -B Mr. J. P. artell •ie in Detroit this week. . • • Mr. Campbell returned on Monday. to Moetreal., : • , Mrs. H. Hunt holidayed at Porter's Hill last week. Miss Huroiston of Hensall is the .guest of Mrs. C. Sniith. Mrs: W. R. Lough was visiting Tpron. to friends last week. ,.. 'Miss Lily Samson has returned from . visiting in Belgrave.' ' • • Mr. Arthur Knox of *Ingham was in the Hub on TUesday. • •Miss fleury of Brucefleld is the guest of the Misses Dowser. Mr. DaVif Wee 7 nr Goderich .- spent Thanksitying in town, , . • Miss Eloseie -Xing Of Dashwood spent • , Thankegiying Day at lame. Mx..Sydney Jackson spent the Thanks.: •. giving with Toronto friends. • Mr. G. A. 1VicKee and Mrs. McKee, sr, returned to London yeeterday. Miss Jennie. Holmes of Lendesboro is the guest �f Mrs. J. 0. Stevenson, Mrs. James •Slemin of Whighana is ' spending a week with Clinton friends. MisaTena Kinsman of St. Thomas is theguest Of her =thee, Mrs. Kins- Mrs, Wm, _Robertson was. the guest of • .Mrs. ie. 13. Heyd in Braritford last week. , ° Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cantelon arid family spent Thanksgiving Day . in Exeter. ' Mr. Freeman will ./ertire in a few days to spend the•winter with his son in Toronto. Mrs. S. H. Smith attended the Miturice the whole commuuity .ha this their sad Mr. John Rei . Sr.. which took place Gran concert in Toronto last week, bereevenieut. . at his late residence on the Beyfield Mrs, W. T. WhitelK spent a few days Road mli e Saturday evening last, e. of last week wit. relatives in God-. Reid was one of the aid pioneers of erich, • Taylor's Corners. . this county end wits highly respected :7- . Mr, and Mrs. J. 0. Miller and Mies Greta Were in Sarnia Friday and Sat. urday, Mrs, Edward Dinsley ie visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Stanbury, in r 1. . ,4144..44.4440.4.* OCT013141R 26,4899. Mr, Gordon Cunningham returned on Saturday from visiting his uncle in lienfryn. Mr. and, Mrs. W. Ross of •Gocierich were at Mr. George 'Cottle's on Thursday. Mrs, Von Tassel of Torbuto was the guest of her sister,Mrs, Theta, Taylor. last week. NiSS Susie Campbell, who is atteeding • the Collegiate, spent Sunday at her borne in • • Mrs. VVro. Kirkby of Teeswater was the guest' of her son, Mr., Arthur • 1Cirkby, last week. , Miss MclViurchle and Mise anee have -returned from spending few days with Toronto friends. • • Mrs, Stewart of Toronto was visiting Dr. and Mrs, Graham during the Thanksgiving holiday. Mrs, G. McTaggart and two ehild- ren leave the latter part of the week to visit relatives in Morrisburg. ` MM. A. J, Holloway and Miss Alice 1 Reece returned Monday froui a few clays visit with Toronto friends. ' -Mrs, 13. J. Giblaings and Mise Iabbie Gibbings were visiting Mrs.. (DO Kay in Attica-, Mich., last week. Mr. Tenney spent. Sunday at his home in Na, oodstock, He expects to move his family to town in a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Buckle of Petrol* were guests the past week at Mr. Frank Powell's and with Goderich • township friends. , , in the ueighborhoed in which he lived. M. -- Threshing is about completed in this Ile 16ave8 a large and mtPeotod filmilY Sr: vicinity and the farmers are "mostjoY- itioesittii4tiedrn. threhelorssetojeliteekwuredt;efettherfewanel se"' ft/FL:wis ure au leo . go Ns now but to their last resting place in Bayfield . . ' cemetery by, el:1Tcoared teegeenofufertieeahnds; Thefuneral ec% w the vvRe ev. ereMft.,10,A.ondsorerirvpu; re p o r t the me. sad intelligende of the death of Mise Margaret ItIcOlinchy, who with her gee father went to Michigan about. three .=:. weeks ago to yisited her sister. About.4.-_- . . with typhoid fever but seemed to ge- be, recovering uicely until Saturday Our teaerr da-Pi.ce $5. a week ago she Was stricken. down ea Miss .A.ddie Stevenson of Seaforth was the guest of Miss Tena Mathewson last week, • . Mr, Waiter Irwin came horne from the • Stratford Business College • for Thanksgiving. Principal • Halls and km. Halls of • Goderich were vests of Clinton friends on Thursday. MissesAllie Johnstone and Pearl Snell • of Goderich were the guests of Mrs. Carling an Thursday. Mraoseph Greisch of Hatriston was the guest of his brother, ,Mr. Robert Greisch, part of last week. Mrs, James Vagleson and Mrs. H. 13. • Kerr -visited their mother, Mrs. Miller of 13ayfleld, this week. , Misses May McCreatb, Lottie Bates aud V. Johnstone were guests at Mr. A. Twitchers on Thursday. Iles. William McKeown retuened Sat- urday frornDetroit via London where • she spent a v.teek with friends. Mies Helen Greene of London spent the holidays bete the guest of Miss Brickendee, Rattenbury street. Mr, W. 0, McNaughton came home from Chatham for the Thanksgiving season and returned again MOnds.Y. Mr. Sohn Miller came home from Chatham Business College for Thanksgivieg and remained until Monday. Met. Blackstone, kiss Victoria arla Master Harold et Goderich were guests of Mrs. James Rearn Thanktgivhig thty. Rey, Mr. Howson preached for the Methodists of Mitchell on Sunday, having made an exchange 'with Pes- ter Whiting of that place. Me. and, Mrs. Alex. Cook, -who were visiting, their numerous friends „In town and Goderich township, return- ecl home to Milton on Monday The Misses f)ase and Miss Johnstone and Mr. Arnold Case of Seaforth • Were among the guests at the Twen- ' ty-flve Club Assembly on Thanks- . giving eve, Miss Boa Rorke, who haa been the • guesb of bee brothers, the Messrs. Rorke, here for three months,return. ed to her home in Meaford Wednes- day morning. Miss Geetie Thompson of St. Marys and Miss Jennie Murray of Granton returned home on Monday after spending the Thanksgiving holidays at Dr. Thompson's, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Miss /ones and Miss Brown of Hullett, spentSuncia,y .• in Goderich, Mr. Jones and Misses Jones and Brown assisted the choir of Se. Peter's church, • Among. those from Goderich Who visite ed Clinton thispest week were : B. Attie% E. Canapttigne, W. Rhynas, • . IL F. Mooers, Mackay, NV. D. Tye, 3.13. Itunciman, W. a T. Whitely, T. surirroWe and W. G. Taylor, John Bell underwent an oper- ation in London hospitel Successfully on Thursday laritand is now improv. ing ttarapidly as could he expected, but it will be Weeks before she will ' be able to return home. Mr, Dell was in the city from Friday to Mon- Me. A. Wannfried, representing the Toronto. Type Foundry, . was in town - on Tuesday ancl took an 'order from ' THE, NEWS-I*IORD for the newest in type fonts. Rev. .13. Olernent represented Ontario street church at the Provincial S, S. convention held in Galt" this week, while Mr, Israel Taylor was delegate from the sister church,. • Mr. Jainee teeing and Miss Annie' Young, SeitfOrth, were in Clinton Thursday and on their return home were aoc.oropanied by Mrs. ' - Sr., who will remain with them for the winter, •• • ." Miss Dougherty Of Mitchell was the •guest of M63. • D. A: Forrester on Wednesday and Thursday last. She re a graduate of the Toronto Conser- vatory of. Music and contemplates forming it class in Clinton. • The following spent Thanksgiving. ou• t out of town: Miss Edith Coulter in Blyth; Miss May Mason, Blyth; Mrs. Lack Kennedy and Miss Mackay, • Seaforth ; Miss Eliza Cook, Exeter; • W. Wheatley, G. McRae, C. Smith, W. Stobie, and Misses Brigham, L. Twitchell and T. alcOuctig, Seeforth Mrs. A. Twitchell,Hensall ; 3. B. Miller and Miss Ida Miller, Bayfield; Mr. and Mrs. A. Cook, Streetsville ; Mr. Eidt in Hanover. Mr. and Mrs Robt. MeIlveen of near Watford were visiting friends in West Huron the past week, among thanumber. Mr, and Mrs. John Mc Cool of Clinton.• The numerons friends of this estimable couple were pleased to have the opportunity of meeting them again and to learn that they like their new suers:lend- • ings. The weatheglitet summer was ratherdribr. in -the Watford section than hereabouts so thet crops are on the whole somewhat lighter. . • Goderiek Townithip. • tirano;reo,who has been confined to his room -for two or three days owing to a very bad cold,is we are glad to say able to be around again to attend to his duties. Mr. Teo hustles things for the McKillop Insurance Company. Miss Jennie Rudd of Clinton has been visiting het aunt, Miss Ford, Mr. Walters,who has been able to he out for a while is now confined to his roorti again haying had two more bones • taken out of his leg. All the Oanaciiitu Foresters of Clourt • Selwood No. 87 arereguested tobe pre- sent at the next meeting rot matters of importance are to be discussed, Some of the farmers are complaining about their apples. It seems that since the apple market has taken a drop some o' the apple -buyers will not pack the apples at the price tbey agreed to pay. This does not seem fair since the buyers will not give the fanners any more if apples go up. Mr. Sohn Woon of the Bayfield con- ceision has had a nunaber ofShropshire sheep shipped. to him from Oxford county,. alr, William Weir has stabled about sixty head of citttle which he will pre- pare for the Old Country market. Ile fatteris about this number every sea- son. Mere Peter Cole of' Sanilac county', Michigan, is visiting her son, Me. Peter Cole of the9th concession. Miss Lizzie Tebbutt of Berlin and Miss Jennie Tebinitt of Goderich were guests last week of their father,. Mr. F. W. Tebbett, 1.4th con. Mr. George Stewart, who hits been in the employ of Mr. William Weir for some four years, was tailed to Seaforth last week by the illness and death of his fattier, whose funeral took place to • ()Retail cemetery. George is a fitithfal workman end has ploughed twentY acres in ten days which Is very good work theeeshort days. Mr. Alex. Ostrom returned Monday from it trip to the Owen Sound arid Wiartim dietrict. Thie was hie (kat visit up there and he found a, merked contrast betvveen North Geei and North Bruce end the ridinge of Huron. Ills brother lives near Written and be also met there an old friend he had • not seen for twenty-five ' years when they were chums in the city of Pelle. ville. Mr. Ostrain rather prefers far- ming in this comity to the Georgian Bay country. There is no paper which gives such it complete reporgof Goderich township 'happenings a Tim IltiWs-Itatiorin, Make. 06, The f Cleaners in this vicinity have ithiehed their root erop and are now buey Owing to the rain on Speclay IAA there Was 110 service in the Blake church. Mr. 3. A. Mitheon it having a wind mill erected -on his premises which WM adcl greatly to 'be appearance. Meesrs. Thirsk and Metro spent Thantgiving in 011 t day. Ur, 11. J. Nichol took itt the° tea - Mr. and Wire, F. It. Hodgen e returned meeting at Brucelleld on Wednesday, Tnesday from their woken' visit evenhtx ef Met Week aral rendre!' hem.. h Agents' A88°601011 Manitobe and thence south to Chicago, vrhete they _ geese with only one leg can'tetray far, Indian Summer has been transient indeed, but we must be thankful for small mercies. Mr. Burrows. Seedman, of Gbderich was the guest of Mr. Otter Willson two weekaago last Sunday. The moon was full a week .e.go last Monday night but she was not alone. Stirring times around the' Corner just now; some -one has been playing • Miss Ida Eintgh of oderich was "The Campbells are com(13r." • visiting in this Township last week. Mr. Sam Hick, wife and family, wheeled out from Goderloh last Thurs. dity to •spend Thanksgiving with friends in the country-, The popular annual picnic of the Zion Methodist church was held week age last Monday night and wes publickly recognized success. A bounteous repast was partaken of by a goodly number in the school honse from 6 o'clock till 8. whereupon they withdrew to the church where a lively and spirited. programme was presentedto an overflowing house. The receipts were unusually long and altogether it was accounted a success in every sense of the term.. . Most of the fall wheat in this sec- tion has sprooted, owing to the ram, heat of the sun aed soil in which it found a resting -place, • Middieton's Corners. A Special -vestry meeting was held in St. James' church school room on Wednesday of last week. The follew. ing gentlemen were present: Rev, E. 13. Smith, Messrs, John Middleton. (1 B. Middleton, Bd. Wise,John Marshall, Jaeob Marshall John Olaf, Jas. Mose, Thos. Elwood, John Beacom. There were seveeal ladies present also; Mr. Smith, w ho acted as chairman, stated that the object of the Meeting was to give the Congregation an opportunity of saying fareivell to lUr. and Mrs. Bea - cone who were leavmg for their uew helms in London township. The rector and all present expressed theiren tis- faetien with the able manner in which Mr. Beacom had felfilled,his position as church -warden and their. sorrow that he should now be conipelled to• resign the office. Mr.. Bericona '-was presented with a complimentary ad- dress and by way of reply expressed Itis unworthiness of anysuch kindness at the hands:of the congregation. Mr. and Med. Beacom thenpresented to the church a , very handsome silver corn- menion,service bearieg the following inscription • : • • Presented to • St James' Church, Middleton, •by Mr, and Mrs. • John Beacena, •. October, 1899. • The people were • eurpeised but delighted and gave expression to many kind words on behalf of their thoughtfulness and liberality. •Itwas moved by Mr. John Middletop and seconded by Mr. John Marshall, that a very hearty vote of thernXs be tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Beacom fin, their kindness. The chairman proffer- ed the same and Mr. Beacom feelingly replied. Me. 0. B. Middleton.:was appeinted clauch warden in the place of Mr. Beacom. All present expressed much pleasure that Mr. Middleton was Willing to accept the position and promised_hina their hearty support On aceountaf the inclement weather on Sunday last, the Harvest Thanks- giving services were postponed until next Sunday when Rev. Mr.*Jennings • of Bayfield will officiate. e ReIgraye. - Mr. Geo. Dalgarno of the 10th line of VVawanosh moved into our Village last week, Mr. E. Sitacrider, out genial station agent, leaves this week for North Bay Where he has accepted it position on the C.P.R. The boys on the 4th line of Morris gave a fowl supper at Mr. B. Nicol - son's on Wednesday evening. About 75 guests Were present and the evening wasenjoyed spent in music and dam- ing until the wee'sont hour. Miss Campbell of Pine River is the guest of Miss .A.. Meiklejohre A. number of Mullett friends spent. a, very pleasant evening last week. at Mr. J. Agnew's. Mrs. Bone left lest week for St. Jacobs on an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. E .Rielunoed. Me. A. Taylor was At Horne to a number of his friends ori -Tuesday eVeing of last week. Miss 141y Sdandrett is visiting friends near London, Miss Johnston returned to Olinton on Tuesday after two weeks visit with friends here. Mr. Geo. Cunningham and It. Scott returned from Manitoba last week. Miss Marshell of Walkerton was the guest of Miss Hall it few days last veeek. • MESSAGE PROM TAB ,ta OREM Ottawa Oct. 24. -(Special.) ---The Governoe"General received this cable. grain this evening :--- "lier Majesty the Queen desires to thank the people of her Dominion of Canada for their striking manifesto:, tion of loyalty and patrietiam in their voluntary offer to send troops to co- operate with her Mitiesty'e Imperial fordes in maintaining her position and the rights of British subjects in South Africa. She wishes the troops God- speed and a safe return. "Signed, CHAIVIIIERLA.IN." vreprtrismcros " WAR SUMMARY* Lieut.-Gen.Yule has abandoned Glen. coe and Dundee, and is falling beck by a circuitous route upon Ladysmith, Gen. White, 'advancing to meet him, encotintered the enemy about seven miles out ftoin Ledysteith. .A. &smart artillery action resulted in the MIMS retreating. The Boers are apparently in' very etrong force, ,arid the situation is re- garded as critical. Col. Plummer, in detriment" at Tule Ithodesite has defeated a Winn force of Boers. An official diepate.h from Ool. Baden- Powell, at Mitfeking,, gives details of the Doer repulse at that place, . President Steyn of the Orange Free State has Issued it proclamation an- notmeing the autimottion at all that art of Cape Colony lyirig north of the aril River. A later despatch conveys the infer- mation that Gen. White's and Gen. Yule's forces have effected their unc- tare just nor of Laelysinith, an are Witte ncluded the trip of the Ticket h pleititant time A in a spiendul position to give battle to the enemy, patted with the party and journeyed on to Denvetv, Colorado, They v eit. ed many clews and Pointe of 'tatted," while away but Mr, iiodgens ap. - opportunities which Winnipeg ail pears to be more impressed by the ford* than any other city. §lise it Saddle Iloltiz returned hoine last week from Chrithairi Where she had been visiting and one young man looks happy. . As Mr. 'Wellington - ree wee ono drivinp one evening lately he bad the miefertuns to have one of hie buggy wheel/heat, the result of net having wed oiacuitu of on, -M1 The body of a young woman named Mary Jane McCabe, daughter of Mr. John McCaba, was found it the Rideau itiy6r at Andomivillo.4.n intraeot -WM b. hold, • "Dr stock is like a river -always moving," "Your satisfaction is our best reward," "We sell today.so as to- sell tomorrow," Everything as advertised or even a little better." •ackson Brotliers eekly Clothing. T..alk a a glii, a 4 4 A: $10 SERE SUIT. • o One of our special offerings at the present time is a double breasted blue serge Suit made from a = CiOtil which we can guarantee in every' particular -trimmed and tailored in a manner eilual to goods costing double the money -extensive facings and 4aised Bettrus.and altogethei a suit we are proud of, At $10.00 ibis pernaps the greatest suit we have -ever offered, -and there are dozens of people, ipaying ......, ....., • .,..... $15.00 for no better Suits, Good keen buyers should see this line. We know' it cannot be eonalled at --4 the priee. 41:idling for pash enables us to sell a little elver than most people. , morning when she took a relapse and died on Monday .morning. The re- mains were brought. borne 'Monday evening. 'Her very sad and unexpect- ed death oast it gloom over the entire neighborhood and much sympathy is felt for the bereaved friends. • • Miss Kate Parke. was taken &seriously ill on Friday hist but is slowly improv- ing and we hope will scree be around a aim.• Ides. 'George •Arnistrong is at present. vegueillit. utc' bison is still' dangerously . jelmeion of Hensell was the guest of his uncle, Mr. Jas, John-. store on Sitten•day and Sunday, -The taxes have taken a raise this year to keep even with' the Mame. Ashfield. •• There were heavy thunder showers passed over this vicinity Sunday night and Monday morning: Messrs. Andrew, Middleton and Tyn- dal, apple packers, while driving on se, James Forester's sideline, West Wa•wenosh,. last Saturday, happened with a serious accident. The traces got loose and tbe home started to kick when the occupants were thrown out and Mr. Tyndal had his leg broken. Me. Andrew's ankle was badly bruised. Kincardine. Kincardine., Oct. 24. -Yesterday af. terboon Mr. Rotiert Farrel stepped on adefective plank and fell to the ground, •a distanceo? • fourteen feet, sustaining severe injuriee, which 'have since re. salted in his death. 14r. Farrel_ was upwards of sixty years of age and came from the County of Hastings, and Was resident of Huron Township. for -the greater part of his Heel • • Live Stock Markets • Business was very dial atthe Toron- to' Cattle. market Toesday. The run was exceptionally small, about 14 loads representing 500 cattle, 1,230 bogs' • 400 sheep and lambs and 10 calves. Last week's total receipts were :-Cattle, 2,380, 'sheep . and lambs, 8,466, hogs, 5,762; calves, 21 and • weigh receipts 5163.85. The feature of the market to- day was the lack of export cattle, none bekepotoietCattle--Norie on market. A few lots might have sold' ne high as • $4.50 for choice but the' demand was nctu PtreohinerissInOga.ttle-This branch. show- ed no improvement and if anything . was inelined to weaken, caused no doubt by the continued warm weather. Good to ehoice stock sold at $3.25 to 53.50 per cwt; medium mixed, 12.75 to $3.25, and common $2.25 to $2,75. • Eoport Suns -Were fairly steadt, and gold itt $3.75to $4.25 for heavy and $3.25 to $3.50 for light. • • Feeders, -This branch was not quite so dull, but prices were low. Heavy feeders sold at $3.25 to $3.75 per cwt; light, $3 to $3.25, arid feeding bulls $2,60 to $3. • Stokers- Were in fair demand at $2.25 to $3.25. ' Sheepand Lambs -Run very small and prices a trifle higher. Export sheep sold at $3.25.to $3.40 per cwt ; butchers' sheep, $2,50 to $3,25 per cwt; lambs, $3.75 to 54 per cwt. Hogs -The hog mat ket was unchang- ed at $4.37A for choice 160 to 200 lb weights. Light and heavy fats sold at 4c. Hogs, corn -fed were quoted et We ote:- WW1 COWs each 425 00 $55 00 Export cattle choice..... 3.75 4 25 Expert cattle light- , 3 50 8 75 Butchers' cattle good.... 8 25 3 50 Butehers' rned. mixe.. 2 75 8 25 Butchers' tomnaon-.,.. 225 2 75 Belle, export heavy...... 3 75 4 25 Bulls export light., 3, 25 3 50 2 25 3 25 Feeders heavy ... . .. 325 375 Feederslight 8 00 3 25 Feeding bulls. ',260 300 Light bulls for "Butfalo.,• 1 75 2 00 Light stock bults.., 200 • 2110 Sheep expert ewes.. 8 25 8 40 `Sheep butcher 250 825 Lambs per ewe ... 875 401) Lambe each... .,250 825 Bucks per cwt., 200 250 °elves each ......,.... , 4 00 10 00 Hogs choice .4 374 0 00 Hogs heavy fat ...... 00 000 Hoge light fat ......• 4 00 0 00 Hoge corn fed ........ 4 12t •0 00 Sows: „ 300 000 Stags • . . . .... .........,. , 200 000. Neive Or the. Day. The body of Meg. McDowell of the Township of Anderdon was found with flesh torn from her back, arms and legs. It is supposed she fell from it buggy and her foot got caught in the sidebar and then she was dragged for half it mile. „ The National Council of Women re- commends the addition of veomen phy- eicittrie to the medical staff of hospitals, • asylums for the insane and other in- stitutions where Women and children are provided for. The committee appointed to secure suitable gifts for the members of the London volunteers for the Transvaal decided to present each mall With e Combination huntirill knife and briar root pipe. Montreal. Oct. 21.-H has just trans- pired that there mime near being crisis at Ottawa a few deem ago, when the Transvaal excitement was at ite height. /t, has leaked out that Sie Wilfrid Laurier mineessed to his ool- leegues his inability to cope with the situation, which was then so aeate,and the Prime Minmtee Wittited to resign and glee Nam to one of his English, speaking colleeguee. All of the latter realized, however, that Lord Minto Would he coestitaionally justified in Bending at once Inc Sir ()Melee Tupper . to form a new Adieldietretaree and this fear alone craved the Liberal ship of State. The seared Privy Mundt.. lore Whited that the Premier thould Ai& to his post and SW them all from destruction. and at last Sir SIERVAN 4 SViIfrid consented. le Is said that lion. S. Tared Tarte drew the longest, ilerot'al "Iut. wanted. breath of his life when it WAR decided MM. WILL It eltteNtt that hie leader was to Nanette Clinton, Oct. eith. There is a. probability of A Battery PARIVI WANTED go - • There are hundreds of people who require a ch,eap heavy Overcoat • for knockabout ▪ Purposes, and our "Leader" at $5.00 tands as the greatest Overcoat fbr tlie money That we have ever offered. Last year we sold a , coat that we flank could not be beat, but this • year's coat is away.ahead of it. -'fhe goods are an all wool Frieze, deep storm collar,. slash • pockets, heavy lining, and easily worth $7.00 of anybody's m'oney. We have them in all - sizes, and they are going out rapidly. OP* CP.. • IP. • Or. MP. 41114, 11144-. 1111444 4140,- • 1144-• It isperhaps. a little early to talk Fur Coats but we are in a 'position to -Offer 61.16li a great snap that it is advisable to bring them to thenotice of the public .at once, List • spring we made a 'contract for 25 Fur Coats ata price far below the regular value and we were very dubious about getting them- as we were afraid the manufacturers would not fill the hill on account' of the low prices. 'Howev)er, the goods have arrived and they are now. on sale, This Coat is a Wombat Fur, 50 inches rIong, deep storm. collar/slash pockets, well lined and 'welltrimmed/ and bas been sola for years at $1.8.00, Our price as long as they , last w wwhat ill 1:lin e $1 2.00/ ),Vand if this is not the greatest bargain ever .offerecl then we do not - a bargais.1,_.e could sell a hundred of these Coats at this price if we c,ould get them. is limited and will go etaick in search: of a Cheap Fur Coat...should bear this in mind. I, . • Buyers. . 4104 The supply - ....41111 .4•111, ),"144 54zSizitn5;11 VAllitillOVeleierV343.4440110,0:1 vtv , at 0 • . 3 ; • W. 1 • 04 -, 'st' 0 * . 0t. A . - .. -."'•-•,,--. I V/ 41. - .1 .. A .r.i.if wCi) . 4, centres -Paris, London, Berlit, and casuiforonn:tathitrepes vg, 1, ,., Priestleys' Black Wool, Figured Fabrics as -correct in f••.13.• * 4111, style and originality otdcsiga, this season, • But that is • it: ilbk 'fi' not all --tor fineness of tmttnre and durability of Weave Ok I) . ,....._. • .• te#.444444444444****4441 Priestif6ys! 414'04 Prfc come 1101 dictates:. Black Wool • Figured F:abrics • in large and staall designs! • Matalasse . effects, Armures and Pebble Cloths are unequalled. • Ideal in their draping qualities. Chic and stylish in the effects they yield. (94 « • ' • Past ea 6116 616 -44 46 . 44 44 4.0 On (2) ggitg447.C4ZcZetPit argsp..D4y.:: THURSDAY, -031'. 26. We will give some SMCIAL. BARGAINS in Prio§tley'.'s Fa.mobs- , Blaok .Dress ' There win be All over our Big ey-saving Bargains tore; yHoOgen's!,Bro's!, WANTED Kingston,being ordered to the Trans VM). private inergage raceived at the harritekia gave Inetructldint not to enroll !thy ,battel ymert, RS they :Would likely be called iiptni in threarot four days, • • 66666664.4,64•44 `,Nntinfrer.norkro Istrivt*-Ittononn Mites tts Inman IM sdf&tat of format; 80 81 land, within sixmuse or cliaton. Daum:eras te above. a4 roe (110011 044 lath It PTODDART-in Chicago on October 16 tit to Mr. and Mrs. 3. Stoddart a daughter. Mrs. Stoddartwill be nest known as Miss Carrie Oakes former. ly of Clinton. 11A.RVEY-,-In fluflitt, Oetober, lith, the wife of Mr. John Ratite/ of a bber. awanoth. riga:wit, of mat MARRIAGES. jOIINS-TOWNSEND-At the real. &nee of the brides mother In Clinton. on October 2tth, by Rev.W. G. IIowson, Ira W. Johns of Tucker. * etulth, to Fannie, 'daughtet of lira Joseph•Townsend. jemee SweeneY, ---.- burntd to dotes et tri wiatak WAS * • -6 Pt$t=11444t51:15,0&ox DEALTIlltAw WSASTER-In Uttilett OtA Odthher Sled. Elizabeth Webeter, relict of the late Joseph NVebster, aged 61 yeatt and 10 months, Secretary tong has issued An order foe the itetaatch of another Amerlban, battalion of matinee to Cavite, the naval station near Manillir.,