HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-10-26, Page 7•
. commend° to operating.' OBIS'S MARKETS 01(21(E 'WORLD
. ,
... I . .. .. , ,
is..., .
. telat:404:1ttew itr: cGooll2are T:,..: areo.,...: THE TBANavAAri
„ ., .ed, Mit the Drithh caeualtiersehtnnot
. ° • • , e "Healey firing Can! he heard, eouth that Gen. joubert positively refuses to
A to get inte the interior. It la reported „
THE ST Y F ...Mt
be asoertelned.
- 'of Ataffaking, where tieperal Croniein a o y a e Kin itt,e Eng
- lish. tiewopapere to follow the Boer OR 0 TOE TROUBLE FROM Fhleen Onits tabreatille,i4Cindrtilme,apOti13.333). 043 . 4.
0 ttt (i?ecent 1,14.0enings. 13rielly ,71914
, 1
struggie at enteineere, former (ant:sere.. lute left Injure the cause of the Transvaal by
A corpts et experienced 0011finental arree claiming tha they cannot bUt THE COM......MENCEMENT.
. . ....see-. .
tated over ela outbreak of the hoot die-
,, .,,
• 4
Fierce and 1?rolongell
ease, width veterinarians ere unable
Pretoria for the itotetioWeetern bor- Kleine informatiort to the Britioh, short lievIew er tke taunt, Whitt nave toTneorotontot,b0Q:u.rk204tr-a W10.411itei4t,-chitelotatgeor
Ilett Co so the Promo. Ilatrert weak slate Hai/111ton le to bay° night eithoole.
dere, accoMPenied hy a Cohn:made of 1
..-... es ...
wae featurelese beyond ,a *light ad- ed at Hamilton. . i Aguinaldo hats given Agoncillo fail *
I Oiencoe Camp. ttr:rt ter, large dynamiting opera.
picked Boer Oboes. It le probably in -
A Kimberley destpatehteayet-e"A re..
.. TROOPS FOR S.011.11i AFRICA, 1 et Alleles. - •
meat carried the jurisdiction of the
10 the Year 1836 an Act of Perna.
vatice, following eteadier °Alden, Liv- During September 11,101 immtgrante pttl:ewerspatoninorotiate for the release oe ,
A ternPeranoe league has been form- tbua fat to atalnP Q14. -
e Su m in a ry.
Boers *Admit That in a Battle North of Mafeking
Their Casualties Were 7o Killed and Wounded
British Camp Sacked After Severe Fighting—
Boers Blown. Up by Sunken Mines,
arrived at WintliPeg. Filipinos. A.go
prim:mere ;held. by the
Pert wain breugat here liy deeputch Shaun' Theittned nen ttalla Sean lie on criminal saws of th"ates colony an etlatel
, the aretisid-Verps meotirlee. , closing 144 .higher, Toronto:
ncillo is at present in
riderp by way of Veyburg 034 Colonel
th XI t t ft'
Mere lettere .have been stolen from reels.
market qaiet to -day. Manitoba was
Baden-Powell made a. sortie In foment It is stated that 70,000 British sot. htP2rth " the 2.5th degree ef letl- /steadier. No 1 hard wee sold, grind -
Matching and attacked and defeated win 4ey, ttandorioneita8m42atthioins Aoctaowtuatatitsoolivciew;
Ing in transit, at 81 to 131 1-2o, and
the Boers. 'Rae Boere suffered heavilY, diers will be employed in the Trawl -
veal, whilst the estimated expenditUre
end 18 Englieh soldiees were killed,
BOERS THRICE REPULSED. is put at from seven to ten milika eixtaignutoy otovertktehes:Vmheo4letznoft.thTektivertrii4tomr-e
mid west, Ontaaio wheat at a eland -
watt (Voted at 30 to "80 1-2c, Toronto
BOIL Red atul walte quoted at 66 to
66 1.442e west, awl no buyers. SprIng
oteady at 07 to 67 1-2e, eata, and goose
dull at 70 to 70 1-2e, low freighte to
Vanconver to Revelatoke.
c hgs on PPP -a Ate.
Per Austria, on the Danube, report
Telegrams front Linz, capital. of Up.
Ballerinalter11 are °II 5trike isrgra that the inhabitants of that cliatriet
Mrs, Itongley, wite of the Attornet° are in a state of terror owing to a
General of Nova Scotia, ia dead: series of 'lack -the -Ripper" naardere.
The Statiaticel Year I3ook for Can. The Sultan's troopo operating in the
atadv,a,a1808, has jut been Issued at Ot-
vilayet of Yemen, Arable, are report.
A stem:tier to cost 020,000 le te be siisd etyoorbewihneree,teariroibltekr ssuitlitoann..0111.puotwineyr
built X k
...limvsuthler. DEPDAT Or ..TIIIK. south of • Kiinhinlev. -A OPeeial deepatth trem.alafeking
A d"Putuh l'rw4/ CaPs Ttuvu Bs": tP95141liondesS. 80 treer I ei PRI; e r TthIleeref°14t1r°Wunillidgerb:rt.: Government, bovirever, took alarm, end
Tae Don. J. W. E. Beagles Bootee mitre that all Watt ietact there ttit to dete ft'r South Atriocel-' • ' ' • cancelled the preclamation, tun at the
mate time'740-hi aned that .all white mea
thOERS. ' 1 ' Monalegn, MB., who is well acquainted SatliaallitY night. Atlahat nem the 'and Battalion Queen'o' Royal Week. residing within the limits were to be
A oeseateh ftOm .Londen, Satur4oY. with Mafeking, ridicules the report Beer artillere! wee being brOught up, Sims Regionent-Lieutee401. E. 0, • F. , . • , e
regarded as British, suottes, Had eot
saysi-eThe first sertolls iletion between that) the Boers heve Out oft the water ant iti.: had eot been placed in pose Hamilton. From Portsmouth,
the Britiah and the: Boers. was fouttat :lively of tbat plates. Ite eaya that tion. 2eal Battalion Reyat Ousiliers, 7th- the proclamation of 1812 been canceie
etches the supply nom the Molopo Accenting to these 'advices, the• Bit'. •LieuteCol. G. 0, Donald. Feom Alder- led, many diefieulties by width we.
in the. hninetilate neighbourhood of the. elver there are eeverahexcellent walla tiab have bloWn up the Hopetowe rail- oho,
have since been conironted eould neir7
Brttish camp at -Glencoe. on Peiday, and in' nig town. • , way bridge over the Oraage river, with •
er have arisen. 13riiish territoei new
a view of eheeking •the Boer advance 2And nattali0a Devonshire Regiment,
eoet•IIWArd. A. iAlldherrstotete,t,..,Col, G. .14, flollock. Prom . . • .• -
reaulted in a viotoritt for the British, BOER TAOTICS FAIL: extenua tar north of latitude 4. but
The. Britiela commander la now dying Bennett. Burieloh, the London Daily e.
eroM Colenburg come persistent re- ,
instead ef a complete seotion of the
from a. wound. received in the engage.. Telegralldt'S -correepondent at . Lady-. iteratione cid the eeport that the Boers • 2ild Outalti'°0 \Vest rl°titabit° 118/31— • .. ' . •
emeut. • • tives: •are allowed ' to proceed from preonint, Alidetehr-shCo'ett., P. W. Kitchener. African eontinent beteg solely our
own, we are °elated to eecognize the
-smith, eels no newslaiper .representa- have Attached Mafeking, being thrice
repelsed with heevy losses, Froin other
The battle le aeotaredi in bie aucCes,,,there; either to •Bestwee etettion or towns on the borderi itimilar reports
eerie clespatth toe the War Office to' Acton HeMes, toed adds that General
are received. B-uLltsitteeuvl3taa-nettto.ctil.ioHn Itir.o,yNal, .G1 tuitsuhneftsesa iFmrepnnit arisghwteol I on% G:irsinhieionyoteitodueopfoltioierst.uill 1 .
ielellteecl-Holding firm. Bran ia
have been en "irdpertant success," and Jeuberlas Orem - are moving egainst
Gleecoa and Beater's stat'on, o ' the SKIROMISH NEAR KINE13ERLEY, '
• • .
In 1848 the territories •now known oquIpte0(1.4t4.5081,2v,treoate.12.50, and Weeds at
the Landon papers describe tile victore. Harrisimith-Linch line." ''• . -.. e • A despatch from London, sayseeAn 211(1 Battalion Royal -Scots Fusiliers,
Corn-Firni..No. 2, Ainerion,.Yellow,
• ao brilliant. ; . ' . ; ; •Accordioag to. the stone authority, armoured train, While reconnoitring 21111:-'14jeatt-C°1* l''• •••R Cart-
Aiderehot, •Veoro ellesaallia:a°tirnivg;re• P:enettetit.e! air ti4eciotticlie7 ;quoted at 42 1-2e, On C.P.R„• Toronto;
solme volunteers . who had just, come near •SnYfontein, twenty miles soeth of . .
. .
• Thehill where the Boer artitlerY N,vas
iinto-•Ladysmith from Beater a station Xineberley, engaged: the Boers, several 1st Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiiiera ance with a fresh,- pail -Ovid idea, end and No• g. Antetican; YelloW. 41 t-fe M.
TUN RES Mar th ket A W An, .. 4ga. •
ae3rrod02-14emuti;Cot 3:1001;k?. .11. . 'thOtold, . . .
vista& and which was gallantlystorm- mod Acton Homes before the despatch of the. enenaY being killed: , _ , • Oa tmeel-Unchanged at • .113.40 for
, ed by the Irieh F:usiliets eed.the Reg- was sent 'reported that 3a0 Boers had - The akirinisa was quite liyely. . The r In Which Sir HarrY Saliih infiielea 0 care of bage, end 03.60 for bbls., on
Rah Royal Rifies• in face .of a beavy tried ihieffeclatallY tonat off entail Oar- artnoured train, with a detachment of •••2nd 13attaBon Caingronians, -Scottish
. .
.deesive deteal upon the ...Beer forcee track, Toronto, •
ties of .13ritish •tioops, but • the' Natal the Laneashires. epproathed unmolest- Rifles. 000-Lienteeed, ,al, Cook. From .
____rifte-fi re. by.. the Poore, fa Yetiously -de- ed until within range., wben tho Boers. eilasgowe: • . . iit Boomplaatz, elide'. tbe- • anhexation •Buckytheae-Steady •and aueted at 48.
scribed' ati• Glencoe .hill, Dundee hoe srlfsen,(7.°t.9 too vvetry to be caught, and
a ming._ ate enemy, Os usual, (teepee fire.' The 3tItixinie Were in- ,
pita then sebniated to. lri a ,
18-2 how, to 50a, west: • . .
1st Battalicm , Royel „Inniskilling
and Telana till. heie. abeut; two and a. hid themselves: behind' hillaand rocks, stautly. eet to work, andschd great ex- . 59Prat-o, elitthitter ferieliXtitt 1611151(1.oeget:,
The Standard's cetieepondent et the I /3arrea.. They. used . cannon against the latter. also used artillete, but ineffecte • •
ively; The art:neared 'irain returned- • ; • '
uFsaters, 27th-71,10We-eel. T. M, O., ever, the .pottietil eauatenance deael
rherkeray. ,.:Prom'Nullialgar. •
gad Batt alien the Black Watch Opeci ,yet another change ,of so-
prees:on, arid against the wislee to -day. at 08(e west._ ,.
bal(milei east of the Gleneoe ant, „ i end ingUllies, but were unable to ad- ecetion aneatig the burghers. The a north end west. A .stile was reported
' Glencoe camp says .thati. the attachin
_ g taaitinthairl'eltdierrns..0•Who, , nevertheless,
t ut reetstance. The to Kirtiberley unharmed. • •: Royal Highlanders, 73rd-LitenteCol. ea .of ' he population, - .t he . esee. . • . . .
: Rve -- -Eamer at 53c, west; and 640,
The, (skew of the armoured trail:tame - -' • '" .' •
' . J. H C COode From Aldershot. . Oraage tared State' was .compelled to '
; tom was led by .ecuninandanteGeneral firtng was vety heavto ' afilwaultee,• Oct., 24.-Wbeat-Stead-
Tile countityabout Acton Homes be- the Beeraiired thirteen' shells,. but. ard teettalien King's'. Royal Rifle be.Oome tin independent Repubticovailst ler; No. 4 Northern.• 70 to 7Ice No. 2
aoubert. 'Nobody but General Symons I ,
I rng more open the British t• mounted their ',aim' was wretched, •.and not • e Corps, (30theeLieuteeol: 11.."G. Buchen7
a eeparate• e onvention, knowa iii the Northern, 66 1-2 to' 67C, Rye - Steady;
-too-volunteers the;e are retiring u n single 'shot struck tbe train, whieh at-Biddell, Prom Kilkenny. •
and bis itriff were awere that' th
'Sand River Convention, was,conclucled NO, I, 58 to 68 1720, Barley - Finn. No.
Boers inaended to 'attack,: theugh 'they ' De-va. Drotp.. Two.thotteand Boma were then made bold te approarah nearer 1st Battalion Durham Light Infan-
I engaged at Actoa 'Homes and rather and opea fire with the Maxims. . The try, 5801 -Lieut. -Col: A. L. Woodland. -with the Transveal settlers, 'tinder • 2''Oultu0till7°;.0.4erPg. " 'Pli4e6aot. ••• NO I
-. Were kaown to be 'advancing (south-
: • Untesual erecautiens Were taken.over 'reed •in, and /tattering severelY.. • ' . font bullets struck the train. • • . • • , try, 71st -=Col. 51, F. Reid. From Bev -
Ward, • . . ' fewer at Bester's 'station. It is re- burghera.replied . with. :'heavy riflese Priem Alderehot.S. •.
ported that the •eneney there is hem- again Shooting wtidly: Only •tbree or est Battalion Highlan ight Infain• Ong resereations, beeame an lodelten4
dent BMW. .. .
which tassi alsa, eabject to a.few trif7
1-4e; May, 7e 1.40; No. 2, Northern: 65cie
No. 3 aering -620.
cash,' 68(o. Ootober, .6iita; .Decentbero 68
hard, caela 439 1-4o; No. 1 Nortbern,
eorrespoeideat (Ma thiget.ehe Boer ar-
night eo ataird/. ligainat sUrpriset The A despatth to tbe .Dailyi Nail from - •
Durban reverts. that- the Natal Boers .
Subsequently the ore learned that . and •Battalion Seatortb
• . FIVE BOERS. ILLE.lh ..... 'Onport. • .. , : •
:: Ighlanclers,
' ' The asinexation• Of the :Orange Free - e e, ,
Oct. 24. -Spring -Wheat -
are designing •to cue the. railway ebe- State tta,s not 'Malty eancelied until ' ' "'111•01°''
lillerymen juldged the range badlyiii,nd tween Darlian and: Pieterraitrifehurg.
killed, while tieverej. Beers and horses IS. S. 0: FiD132 Fort Geor es-Hellett,
epot, old,.7.7c; 'spelt, new, 75 1-2e; No:
g e .3/ , . o , o. ort ern
five Boers • and twO •Boet , horses were 7811 -Lieut. -Col. J: W. Hu
1804,• but to alt atteuts ,and purposee :
. the t the , (futility "of their amm'uttitten •Tbis haa necessitated the patrolling of _
7 . were wounded. Not a mother- of the °nil Battalion Royal tear:muttalsirwedeflretehdom 'twatithg(ahnhtehl
• was very poor,s•• Bearoely siic shells British feroe was. so much Ild' touched. . ish Fusiliers, II al. , ti .t. e aet elm te 1. . 2 Northern, 72e, Wieter wheat -Easy ;
No 2 iod; .73e, spot,. or teal -rive; 'No.
ThePta; v.oe the Boera. are making with. 89the.Lieet eCol. JO Reeves, Foam
. „ * . t ea., ri telt tatereinnaen was ennoune le whitee 72c; No..- a extra red, '720.
.. .burse within' the hritish. lines.. • - : .
• •
' ' the .railway and telegraph lines will. BOERS ATTACKING MAFEKING. ; Colchester. - , ..
. .. , : • ea, Prom this 'time until 1877 Mat- .4
eorn-Dull; No: 2 yellow, 39 hee; No. -
,The absence -of detail's tegarding the. seriouilyempecle the moyemeat of Gene: A Cape Town despatith reports that . - lat 13attilion -Connell ht Rangers," • • .. .. • . . . 0 • .• ,,
tom were paucattted to wife , rid
'British • losses in. the ,engagement at •eral Redvers • • •Bullerel Army corps.- the :Beers are tow attaoking,Mafeking, a/Rile-Cot. It to . roe e. , ram .
' •B k g OF Athe• indeed, there WEIS little reason fat any
a--', 3 yellow, 38e; No 2 corn, 37 1-4 •to 37
to. bat says Unit they have been•repuleed lene. • :, . • • :. . other poliey. Independence hatiing been L-26; No.0 coin, 37o Oat . Thin ; NO.
•Glet1006 canipr criosee ;the deepeet antra
atty.. ande therWar .. Mee Is againba .whetter the Boers have•or have not. ee, several time& It is eethitted that if ;ist. 13ettal:ore Argyll and Sutherland , granted. to ' the two Boer Republica, 1 9
Uwe' are• conflicting reports iw
tde:A,...::114 6. .!.t.lt,i,aititne: y2aa:
• making up the force ehat took part in . , „
.steged by Few:ire, and friends of tirese ellpied HelPmehaaao Accord•rg. toet.he.: the Mere melte ' 4 strong attack on_ Highlanders, • 91st--"Lieeto-eol: •J'.: H,i a resumption., of' sovereignty! go_ 4 •":"6'-vviii,irok
best accounts the• rumour hat tiny vryburg. south of Nafeking,- it cannot . eampbell. - From Dublete ... soarcely havebeen juitified, eacel • ,. is' q;31V741
k General Symons at /.301 ordered a 13oere have aucceedea is Oils manoeu- ' An Edinburgh PePor, the 'Scotsman, lst Battalion Bevil Dublin Fusilier's, 'der very :extraordinary eirelithstaho s faeieets_elei he h x6 •c'e .
.4c ; corn 3c paid.; ;.barleY aiaoted et. 3
. _the tight have done so Is untrue„lott le the • be withstood'. . . .
a r 4 w eat and flaxseed
I. cl f the infanta°, a I. Vre they are :eompletely• around the ot Priday moining asserts that a battle . Duel. • • •
Mid -Lieut. -Vol. G.. A....Mills." From or in accordance with elle 'expects -R. /le. o• • - • 7 • - t
IP. . • • • - sits _of the inhabitants: •• laile, te New York. • Floue;o-Good. de,
gadee whiab he: • ilecem.parded. - • The eigat of Genera le en. George -Stewart has been engaged betvveen Geneeat Sir - " • As the .year 1876 drew' to its. ctose
. Men ..ha.d: Ince 'exercised . far weeks White's' ebeition -and will be able •eitlo.: George • Stewart Whiteatomraandino In:addition to -the above the &nth.
the •Transectel wee , g nth ualle --aril Ong etratafal rout; 60.. .24..zriiiiiettr_.&.,544k...
Afrieen :force ander air Redvers. Bute
into a con.dition :of. • • • 4. • • .
past intaking advantage' oE cover, and er enaittiek, hint at en udveatagit or the tercels tn• 'eTatal, end the Boets who
ler would' include four of the Guarda' . . Western and Soutb-West,;:ecto7
th•ey ea triett out the tectics; thorough.: to move &two into' Natal behind him. . enteecia, Natal by the way of : Van-
13attalions aed One. of the Rain Bei, • ' " • • HOph'LESS CHAOS. ' ber, at1,30•••• bid ; DeceMber, 1.e9 • 1-4 ;
iy. .• .. --,' ,.. .. , .:... " •The Diiily. NeWs &Otte .this out, and Reenan'a paste ' General W•h:te, •the
eades • . , . • • . . ; .... • , . , _ Tbe. Republic -Wee at: wer with Selcit7 gata 31.30; Duluth, .spoti ool.,24 1-21
• k terrine fire from three Brateh bat: helentet to think. that if .the hoers•itiop Scotsman says,: is very• sanguine of the
their- way. threugh Zelu territota or• auccess of the British theyethent. The The following battalions are either &mil, .bat • had. feited to. achieve:. any toi• arrive, 31.2a 1-2 ;• °etcher, 01.241.72;
tattiest at e *range of ;2,590 yerde covet --
Basutoland; -, thanativew eught . to ne foregoing..retiort; is 'considered..to be ilit •South Africa or en .toote.'thereee success whatever.. Allafightina worthy Decerieber,. 3143; May, 0125.14 bid, .
eld the advance. ' Several of the Boer ;
guns were silenced before the Fainters Pell:tatted ..t° .eject• e,espect ',.fer • their, tierarrec&tilictieltikc:i ,Tniteuwrasdotititeiatttis:he tahe- 1st flititatio:n Northumberland .Fusie of. the. amine. had been done' hy-Volun- • •
as thete tvere irreverentlY •-
. - . .
eanoe from Ladyamitho and was hourle•
d tiers, :5the•-LienteCol. Cell. C., lefoneye teere,.•eri'
0, B. ., „ e. ; . • ..• . . „,. ..! teemed °Pilibuatersetemen belongitia
begee to.-elinth the hill,. and • by the • •... • ; a • • • _.• ", •- w •FAREWaLL TO .GIJA, . DS, -: •
ant the infantre. were within- a- theta. • .:. .. . 31NlWoUNDED.•1301/1R.S. . :'
a nd yenta ':of • tbe crest •the Boer !Ora .. A despatth from:Cape Tiewiesayst.... etpecting .fetther intelligenee:. . . Ist. Battalion King"s: Liver.pool Beale 'to almost' - eny ealitain, but. prcbably e. ,. • e• ••••• . •-,-. . • '
• English toad American for• •the ittest• ,itteta.: al151'. 1150.10.04 er :Cononnalle "1115'
' —
tille•rytwas cothpietely , silenced. byttbe A. retugee wee leas reliehed -Grahams- . ' WARMED: AN 'ARNO/F11.aD TRAIN. Monte 8th-LietieeeolOS. ;L, Millar. • ''
: - '-.Thelu Liood Spreil.:• •
exeellonft British preatice. . 7: eown from the Rand stetes that. it • 1st BattalionDevonshirci, R,egiment. •Peet. : • .• e. . : .. f ' . ' • ' .
. • The .Baer ° Commandos" Oeclined to . .,. .
llth-eol.. O. H, Yale.' A deseatole from' Londiatio sem-
take an -art- in storming -rocky faste .•.
Went, 17th-eLleateecil. G, D. eatleten: -
. • • • . , • • .• • • 'sufficiently numerous . to. make •gOod naught, arcotepanied by the Bathes's"
1? P • ' - ' ' H' • R I Hi. h . ,11'-'1) • ••
, lat Battalion - Leiceetershire•.Reale
neaseseneid-the Volunteere were not le. oye . g, ness4t .e uke of Con-
' • lat..13littaliottelluttieestershiee Itegia any advantages- that: theY tentporstr- ' • ' • : • • - • • -
and : their :dalighters, insneeted the.
extent, 2/Rh-Lieut.-Cols. E: PsWiltord.
Spots Guards on. .Priday • Mornina at.
lly gained: To MOunt:a•hill held 'ay so
lst . Batelle:in. :Herder . Regtment,. conteinntible. a, foe. as • the • Naceatecis
34th -eel. T. 1-1: E, Hinile.. o.• . • : . . . *as ciimparatively easy.. hut to remain: Qbelsea: barracks, atter• which he ado
1st Betallion Loyal North.Lancashite on the' hill' without' water or 'supplies, dressed' the men on..behall of her Ma-
' ' • "
jeatty, •emigratulating them; upcin their
. ,
Regiment, 47th.--.LienteCol. R. G. Keke- Wes impassible; and .thit. inevitable re7
Regiment, • 47the-LieuteCol, . R. lee tireinent that followed itt. every ease splendid appeatiance, end wishinitebean:
Kikewich.: ' . ; , • • • .. Was. 'always attended. by heavy lessee_ a. abort eampaign mut a safe teturn to•
.2nd Battalkni Iloyai rierashire Bee- Thus -mattees COMO . to a Standstill. England: -Col,. Atthur Paget. replied,
The. Teetieury 'became , insayeet, and an& called•for -eheerafor ter IVIejesty „
meat, 06.h-LieuteCol,e0. Evens-Ger-
tbe -pay et the '' Volanteers," cia• Well' end tot the Duke and.Dochess of Con-
lst • Battalion • King's Royal ' Rifle as the sitasistenee of ell. -the forces nteught.• These Were -given With great
alike, coaldno longer be ptovided. The .
Corps,. 00tb-LieuteCole. R. H. .Gun-
intig.• .•
. .
. . „ , . . • Boere-altspiteet. to their homes, tied .
on the points of their bayoneta.• '
guoto,. the men elevating t heir. belmets
• • • • - ' ' - - • the •Volunteers evaeld; peobably have - • . .... - • •
and- • Battalion • Kinfee : 'Royal Rifle -
done the mime as a boda, 'bat that so ' • - ' --- - •• '' . '. •
-Corpse . 60th-LieuteCel. • 0,- - Gore- matia ef ••them heti no hemes to which A gNocK-DOWS BLOW:...• •:
htiowne.. •••• ....• '• . • - •
. .. - they could' betalce Ihentselvea.At tide
lst Battalion Manchester, Regiment,. juncture Sie Tbeophilis ahepstonewaa
630 o-Lieuteeol. A. E, R, Curran. . sent. te•Preterlie• egeortedeby 'a small ea runner, to sae- wee Punl.beil by o
and 'Battalion Gordon . Highlanders; detachment of the Natel Mounted Po- ... .; : Itrldsn'sehner. . •. • '
92nd.•-•Lieuteeol. •W. H.:Dick-emu ng- lice, .and lad anetruetions to• . ' •. .• . A despatch eroms Lenden gays: -
ham, V: C.. . • . • .'. • ' ' DEVIeE "S.011/1E'. REMEDY ,, The Cork Canstitlition saye 'that u.few
1st Bettalien noyal Irish Fusiliers, ler tistate of atteirs which gamma:me etening,s ago Da Cheeks •Taimer.
87the-LieuteCol. F. R. C. Carleton. . •tel ei denger to. ell SOuth-Africa, OW.
:dation/3 lief member .ef•., Parlianient
Ist Battalion Royal Muiister Fusin.. ing to the unrest :created amongst tile ,. _ ,, ..1 ....... . . , . , k _
era, :0Ite.--Lieuteeol. E. S. &ans. native Populations by the•sacceases of ter the. m dd. e• division et Cor , wee
h Sekukuni lie ebusin the Queen and tbe• British
end Batiste:tit Royal Dublin•Feeihers, .
rt. petty chiefe foer
meut° es to ."th 'the, .d.' g - h • • . f. h R I
tuaitys, was ne ,o. t eel o • ev. . sas ars; :w ereution..onno ,t. e.. otet
103rd-71aietno7Col,. 0, D. COoper. ,
. , . , . ,many powerful native States.• bagineers.kne.cked, Mtn downepronne-
• 2nd Bat-lel:on Rifle• Brieadeorteent.-___ The:. annexa.tion of the, .Tiansvite* ing to repeat the .operation if .Mr. Tan,
Col. 0: 3. E. Metcalfe. •.:••• - ,... Preematare nee •iveu..4 rise, • Dr. Tanner says. the
't. . .. , se • - Was to be arranged as 0 li "
' • step to British • action against Seku' seater hit .him With' ;a. stme, that
kuni.„ provided (hitt ti majority of the causieg the swelling. and....discolora-'
. inhabitants ehould. be found to favour . tionnt •his face, . • --
Wanton do tbe mining ineeolombia.. Ouch a step: The column employed in .• .
No. mast with any' self-respect can•he order : •to • glee , effect r• te this
. . „ in Ara ia is 4 myth.
New lork, Lake% The merchants ot Madrid threaten li
Plonr-Not much doing. atraight A little boy oamed James Desjardine to dose their shops as a
Barley -Firm, and a good steady en- R. telegraphs, lute been appointed a ances would ettsue. protest
Toilette are quelled at 03. to 33.25, To- wao run over by: a•Montreal streetcar against exceesive taxation. if the
tout° treigats. • and out to oieces. threat is carried out marled law will
0. le, Homer, manager of the C. P. be, proclaimed, as serious disturb -
quire at 48e west, and 44 to 45c team, director of the C.P•R,
for No. 2.
Oats -Better feeling Wilke wae
quoted today at 27e east, and 20e
west, and mixed at 250.
d he B-ers wrepked an armoured Brite
The Boers MeanWhilo' kept.- uP - a train arrived at Johannesburg cia Moe- ish train north ef Veyburg and then.
,heavy rifle fire, which thinned the hiy, from Xlerkerdorp :with 300 wound- shelled' ite: The 'train was. ea route
British Tanks considerably. The .cor7 - ed burghers. Every available convey- from cepa `hewn! to' lidafekieg... The
,responderitt onntinues:- . • , ' • .' . . ancel the refugee saye, was called into • Boere mile( helve had accurate informa-
"lity nine.ceclock. the Ieish Fusiliers . requisition to take the woundea men 'tien of ehe inteneed movements Of the.
anti -Royal Itillee had mearmed oeet the eo the hospitel. • .. . • •trein.• Tweseven-pounder gene, which
belle and the Boers Wei -e'en the,ruh. . The, Daily, Mail saggeste: •thitt these were on the train, and. whith Were in,
°Meantime, the Eighteenth •Hassersoall. woueded were .ficern Diafeking. Klerks4 tended to strengthen the defencea at
the colenial and•lcupertal mounted in- dorp Iti about 100. miles troni ,Ntsife-: Mafeking, *ere Captured tiy the Boers.
fantry, and the Leicestershire Tegi- king. • . , , • e , A.1 the men in charge, cit; the, train,
meet, hod been tatived norelt and east. : Vrybutg eurrendereci sundae-. "rhura.- With the exception a the engine
This practically out Off the :Beets' day night's deeptitcbes from Kartnian, driver; were captared, but .4 details'
mato iine of retreat. • . . . . . N. mites west by soath ot YrYburg, as to •Casualttes have been received-
' "The ene.my Were (taught °between Mate that, the:pollee having withdrawn altbouge one repert states that fifteen'
• lava fires, end lost heavily. • ./et, noon from Viatbueg, the town aerroideredlo soid.ers were killed.. - •
the tightieg wee still geing on,tut.the the Boers, the inhabitants fleeing in 'The feet 'that another. train, havine
• clefeati 'of the &Peat' -was already Soul- all direetioi*nateitle toward Xuruman. On beard 300 women and •children. re.
plete Rad crushing. • - it 14.10 • 11,F3 'When. -the:police withdrew; ehe tope fagees•from /Manikins. was dueito pass
though fewt .would esca.pe. ••• . Home notified the fact Ate the •0061:
aster, led to the surmise that this' wits
Vryleirg • abuot the time of the :dial
SHOT IN':TFIEiTHIGH. - : thus Whiting thene to take passessie
. - , . , • be .1 There Was a fearful peek. Tee 'Orli- the train that- had been. derailed. Late
'Gen.- SyMCYLIS Was shot in the t ig i ..
,telegramse liewever, aettounced ' that'
. during. : the action: It was at tele_ are tyddly indignant' iit; thm Kate
this. teat!), had pessed.. the Boer camps
lirst thought that the wound, -while 1.1 n
sevete, was not serious, but later it „ • . • end arrived atOKinherley itt satety,
' : A despatch front London, says:-Tbe the wrecked (rein being: the. One tra-
was fou'nd to he mettel. ,
• War Office has h'andeCout a despatth yelling in the other direction with. the
A X ON .54.l'Elt . ,
TTAC • ' t -INte
. : train General White„ inecomieand in gums, as 'stated ' • '
, . . . •
The•• htafeking correepondent of the Natal, as follows: -"The Biteulos are -BOERS HAVE THIRTY MAXIMS. •
London Bally -Mail,' writing on bettor- mad temahifest ae attitude hostile io • , . .
day, sat/a:ea"! am handing that to My the Boers, end they may neutralize .a • .A ''.de.spatcli firm London says: -
orderly with insitruations tO take it to certain number oh the Boers forces. Hiram Stevens Maximechief engineer
leuerna.n,.1.60 'mike away,' where he w.11 According . to •a special despatch and ditector. of the Maxon-Nordenfeldt
band it to native tunnere, who:twill be from •Durban. Natal, • -the *Miles are Guns and Ammuattion ConaPany,
itestrueted 'to . reach Nooptown, to the arming tvith aseegais. Cbief Dine 'dratted, in the course -of ett intereiew
soutlawest at Kimberley; • avoiding that zulu aayti he is unable . to resttain on Friday aaid: . :
"So far as I am aware, the Born's
plaee„ as Muoh ee postal:Ile, owing to them. It is expected that they will •
. , possess thirty .Maxims, •but 'the Brit-
• Boer -investment. . - be joined 14/ the Swazis.
A despatch from:Ladtsraita, Nets), ish need not fear the -Boer artillery,
which has always. proved a source of
oTilte Boars .begain. the. investment of .
Mafeltitag in real earnest at six &do k dated- Tuesday, says a native tribe in
Saturday moiening, !For sonie days Zululand, whose cattle had been raid- Weakness rather than strength to the
they have been skirting' the town in ed_by 13oers, applied to Gen, Sir George talaglinnt." • •
After warmly, approeing armourOd
small bedies bat have begun: to !mass Stewart White, the British Outman!
in. !Mem on the Transvaal: side. I der in Natal, for permission to make trains and poIntiog 'out how useful
' rt ol. Baden-Powell .ordered an arm- armed resistance. 'General White re- they had been to tha.Ainericanain the
oared train and a part of the • Beehu- fused 'their request, as he is oivosed PhiliPPines, he went on to say:.
aitaland Protectorate. regiment tcl go to •the .use let coloured auxiliaries in The Boers remind me of tbe people
of the Southern Statee of the Amen..
oat against them and see if they conld
break up: the strongest force. • the coming atruggle. min 'Union. They are exeelleat. marks -
The rising -of the warlike natilie
men, and aa good tightets ao eatt be .
- "They . went oat a dietance• of tout tribes milk a new and rierious element
miles, end directly they came in tange in ehe military situation, fot, the Brit- tomtit' anewhere in the 'world, How -
opened fire with Naxims, scattering ish will have to keept them nuieto The evet,n one evet fOught better taan the
the Boers. The enemy at (nice rode paramouet chief of the Baautos, Le- Southerners, and yet they lost. Just.eo
off in Mt haste •further into the veldt, rothodi, has' thus- far behaved well, will: England yanquieh the Boers. 11
and away from the railway, but the but the other chkfts May' follow the you wielh to see what the English-
troope pratsued and overtoclk them. A example of Nfeheko, who is reported to speaking taxes eau do, look ecrose the
gams e renge . ree ..
Athtntie end sae What Americe has
" Tile le°e°34 wete in a :shelters" have risen a ' t th • 0 F
rposititin, vvbile (our men were in the done. :
State. , .
open,: and thee/el:eta mach expoeed.
BRIT/sr' eeiteep sAcKED, BRITAIN TO SEND 70,030 TROOPS.
Volley :think yam e.tarted at 900 yards, •
and seen became het on both aides, A despatch from Lerenzo Marquee, A 'despatch Iroise London says: -
AI number of our melt were wounded0 isaYal-The Volkssten, the Boer of- When the army corps reaches South
while =May tiderlesa Boer horses ficiat orgiori at Pretoria, gives the Africa the British troopa there will
folloWing ace.ount of the•odcutaition number o'er 70,030 men. Many Weeks
rothed across the plain. will elapse, however, before this large
" Otte fire mean sic:tittered the enemy, of the British camp at Rantathlabtima, force is at the front, es not only the
but at that ailment, their general, jest 'north ef Mafeking :-
*teem -We hell:eyed; to be Oronje, push,- "The British 'cahip at Ramathlit- troops buL vast quantities of stores
must be conveyed acroint the sea and
ed up krgii reinforcements, a,nd abet batna has been taptured and sacked then over a hundred miles into a
engagemeat occurred. Our men he- by general erchje, after severe 1 ght- country wblch •will be, generally
1itived tau:pert:aye Reinforcements were ing. Many burghers were killed ar speaking. destitute ia the iieee„ariee
hurled up by Coi. Baden-Pt:Oen from wounded. The British lose la not of lite,
Mafeking, eoneisttagi of the rest of the known,'" I. is estimated I,hat 35,000 Boers are
Peotectorete regimeet, the Diamond The Vollosten adds that "autcetis now in the held, but little reliance can
rads' hihrho, under Ool. Ifore, with has/ thas far everywhere attended th,e be placed on these figures, as there are
two teiens„andeLoted C., Bentinck, with burghers," although it adraite that, la said to be 24,001 now within the bor-
a con;p4e of guns. The ertillery soon the Vetious skirmishes near Mafeking ders of Natal. The 130011 of the Trans.
got the range, and. the Boers were and' at other points, the Boer cassia:- veal and Orange Free litate probably
splendidly shelled. They were nstona ties number setae 00 or 70 kilted anO number 50,000.
isami, lee the aceteritca of ode fire. Wounded. ' Beginning next Friday, six trans-
' ' "A. second armoared train was dee ,A. representative a the transvaal ports win leave Southampton daily.
switched from 1Vfafehing, together with Government has arrived here. and te Thia meatis the despatch of over 50, -
Chartered Whim klind a fierce general buying up all the provisiens obtain- tal troopo in six days, It„ would be
fight followed., 'Ultimately the Aerie ab'e, One hundred and thirty pet- beyond the Power of any other Europ-
dembealize,d by phe splendid work of sons just released from the Barber- ean pountry, for the troops will leery
ouc men, began graelually to Withdraw, ton tette!, Tranevaal, have btett put with them everythtng necessary for a
and ay' II o'clock they woe ecntepletee avec the Portuguese boiler, length,y campaign.
ly driven off. They undou,btedly suf- MAAXIMS STOPPED BOHR RtJSHES. The War Is expected to last u,ntil
fere& heavy loss. The .British return., A despatch from P,eterinaritzburg. April, and it is eXpected that. It will
ed to Mafoking occulted ovee theirevie. het/se-The skirmishing at A.eten Ilemea
tory, Our lost was 2 killed and 14 and Beater's on Tuesday Waa brisk The ta'141 i'lfitrailttIthoevotViemrlimuelifdTatteI;i Lai
We/ended:" ' credit tor 350,030,000 Or 375,000,000.
Natal tie:anted volunteere, Who bore'
A despatch from London says:- ri:der were once in considerabn petit A despetoh to the London 114tilY
DA'anyi reports Of fighting at Idafeking and lest all their kit, One officer is Mail from Cape Town Sunday evert.
and lb that neighbourhood came from utilising. When the men returned to
' Bungee, and these are repeated frora camp they declared that the shooting
Cave Town in various guises, one of the Beers was wretched., ,
The British ataxia:1 guns sitoPped the
statement, alleging that 1,6e0 Bowie
hat% been killed. All these must be neer rushes and killed sixteen of the
reed, in the light o/ the offkitil state- enteay, Soma litteutos ore fighting
motet that nothing of importance has with the Beene
oeteirred. ThursdaVas report that the HEAVY PIGEITING IN PROGRESS.
nears had ettt off lefa,fekiagat Water A special despatch from Pretoria
ettriply ale° needs confiramtion. dated Saturday, by way of Delagoa annexation, there wield have bee° u° preveht looting, The anger of the pee- lial sot o the ran stet
. 2 ''`
VryIyurg, which has been reported Base saes._ The Preeenl crisis luta armee not 80 lee le inereaeed by the knowledge that Turkey inia been Assassinated in Con. A.tatiOn `-birlhille4.,, 00Ating about. a Mil- ,,.'
Much in corisequenee of the franchise the usual etores are in the great cities, atantinopie.
Oat brunt of the worta on the British 1.30.Efta AFTER, CECH, RHODES,
' determination was under the
induced to engage in that ocoupation command of Colonel C. X. Pearson, the
because in Spanish times it was the
work of slaves, Commandant of Natal, and 'consisted
bert's Light Infantry, about 750
of the 1st Battalion lath Printe Al-
. strong, with -two 7-pounder-gunsr-and
Crimsonbeak.-You never beer any half -a -dozen sappers. All sorts of
warlike rumours were bruited about,
one speak oi the white horsej and the
but the column nevertheless reached
red-headed girl now. :
Pretoria without encountering any -
y east. -No; 1 guess the white threes
thing more formidable than depute -
have all died. th addresses of welcome.,
Perhaps, it's the girls who have ittuls wi
dyed, , . Indeed, the only incident of any in-
terest was the arriyal in the camp
, --
- • eear Laing's Nek of a
It is eotimated that about 250,000 aged overeighty yeara, who eras drive
canaries are raised every year in Ger- eh some fifty miles id order that the
many. The most important market is might "see the Union, Jack once more
the -meted states which import over before she died. This was an affect-
ing spectacle. The old lady waa a
100,0a) birds per annum.
very embodiment of patriottam, and
HIS BELIEF. . those who witnessed her genuine en-
. thrusiasmeare unlikely ever to forget
Taylor -Oh, come, I wouldn't have It, Of hostility, oeen or veiled, there
treated you that way. You believe
wlikaestyllotthao in ea nayl n wg loeuilndcltioc attki el sn dnaoyr hi sa vl et
en the principle of the golden rule, I
been shown had the Vaelksraad been
13aker-I believe in the theory.
„. tinued.
convened and selftgovernment con-
, HIS mpg. • In this wetter faith was un-
deniably toroken. The BOOT'S. who had
Tim physician -You have, a coat on
looked on without a murmur when the
your tongue.
,j,he colonel -1 sineeeety hope it is 11 British flag was hoisted in May, 1877,
beeame disaffected, and in the follow -
••'' NOT DEAD.
Lng December 1,500, of thein, -under
Kreger and joubert tn./treble', to Pre -
CARGO OF FANS. term to demand independence. The
It is no unuattal thing for a Vessel garrison at this thtte consisted of
only about 350 men of the 13th Light
plying between Japan and London to
mini 1,000,00a fens as a single item InfantrY but these :were veterans,
not boys, and the 1,500 makentente
nf its cargo.
i•••• ••,••1111••••••:••••••• feared to tome to blows. A meetieg
was held, resolutions condemning the
WHAT SHE 1)0ES? annexetiot wete passed, thole were
First Lady Clerk -There goes the fired in the air -but nothing narther
recurred. The Boers dispersed, and
meglecntienstd i'L'Itildyallelienrkt-4"Wnli. is she? Sir Theophilus issued a proclanlation
Virg Lady tllerk-I don't know,but pionnsing condign phnishment to any
she is Always earning in here and persons who might dsre thus to chal-
wanting: something we haven't got. lenge his authority in the future.
From this time there was petioe, until
SO IT SEEMS. the disaster of Brunkers Sprult lo -
mg says thet the Boers have cut the augurated
railway at Belmont, 56 miles south of 1 Citizen Greene. So you are one of
Ximberley, Mid also at a point,442 the city fathers. Tell me, what tire
miles to the sollthward of XiMberley.
The strong defending force at Mod -
der bridge, vvhich it 24 Miles eolith of
Itimbetley, stint between the places
where the line is out, is likely to be
The 13oere haVe imbed the railway
station at Spyfontein, which is near
seine of the dutiea of the tutuationt
Alderman Keene. The principal
duty is to keep track of the street
paVelheata. :When a pavement is iti
firet-rate condition. then is the titne
When that pavement is ripe for digging
Ftirther disasters followed, and nut
British Government, convinced, that
the Boers really desired independence,
proeeeded to grant it. It may safely
be predieted that hada self-gotrernramet
been grented senultaneoualy vvith the
Truir 011tee Wants neei erein ennalitasi
' Conners.
Montreal Irislimen are aeranging for
SOLDIURS ot;i1E QuEEtt.'
e reception to Jelin Redmond Out'.
hfayor Tallon, of Dualist. •
Th'etee.. sell ii :tete wil.r. I
eloAtti:gxP'io°f411gielsamPlareite XteoYtepr. °oil 1 4)4" .IIiIiI 14.50.111004 411 II ,reiin 111
entreat, burning her to death. .1
se I A despatth from Ottawa says :-7S1
Ten tone of - dreesed .pouitry
711's 1 far as the lan of the Militia Depart
hatildPeond, fOrnmat., ttllot:"VCanoPoUly-te'r,stAtehr at I di' • contemplate
eni can hep leernad they
,Bvs pi I.Titecapel tlielcs,o.i unPi so. o. sof oem. :3a irs :t4e bd nu :I:nous:0' vno;:ist, acitief :le 1:s oot eln4e, ... 1:Nt vrb :Bo 0710:01cleeonentrl yo.,/wdit,,0 0 Orhh erym:2a‘av .r idfllo , rt obi ent :eau: r -i. . , ‘ '
to en 'English oomPanY for 321-6,000. :picked men., ,thosen from the number. '
will co operate with the police
4p•dapiliseirdeaeounaitisi t6S hrti t i.t hilnueossatta,lotte4t hteo re atilt : . ttnke4e eseuebh4, i teurnndir oonnely coanpeta•ofinf i e e irk tto(fl .
press oigerette smoking. among sthool , . . • . . .
Ma bite annual. tout of in-
t() sup" ' ph•ysique and auelifications es marks-
men. 'there wtll be eight tents of 35u
•,• the rwnk of Major wit"! go with the ...
corps. Furthei, itls the intentionot •
• The Canaeian Pacific Railway . land-
salea amounting to 37,000 tutees. • ! peovince' in peoportion to its militia :F
of farm lands in Nanittiba, one day's ; anteeris ethall • be chosen -from • eech 1
department 'reports very heavy sales the Minister of Nfilitia .that Lae vol -e •
Tlie official sorvey of Nova Scotia. strength. Thus, pleeettg 'the nate
coal mines hae 'proved : the .known.. ber ot m:litia in Ontario at 15,e00, itie(he .
seama to be of unsuepeeted magnitude. Neve Snell al 3,00), the reprectentatioe‘
and new: seams have' been found. . .' ° of those provinces respectively. on the • .;
A -thipiment of 0800,600 in gold has contingent will be as 15 to 3. • . ' ''
retehed Saaguay, the largest single i NiThielitfioalloorwaiettig.s,m.11.81919ti,alloor.denet him been
aftiPment that hag some lik) the Yukon, lasHueeadd furaoini. headquarters:7- . ,
Riyer and over the Nirtate Pass road, I.
.. At. 'a. 'public meeting. in Roseland,
• • 4 061 let% ters, , ,
Brinell and American residents joine,..
1., His Eicellency tbe GOVetno"r-Gen - -
Ottawa, Saturday, ,
-The contrect for the new easteoffice 1.:itis of infantry, for Naive aervice in
a. r, easol,ution supeo‘ rtin. g ' Greet :
_. e ' I volueteers, fern:led:into eight compari7.•
cedt ri.4
Britain's position 'in the Transvaele'
; approve of tee deapatch of Canadian -
eral-in-Council, having teen pleased to'.
Goirernmenti to
at Woodstoek hiat been wended ty the ,
'J. A.. Desrivieres, • of 11,000 volunteere ; .will be • ••accePted,
South Africa; it' is hereby notified that
Ottawa.. The •building will cost about , and Hort their enrolment has been au -
031,000. - • I thorieed et the Plaices mentioned be-
, The ticaleimakers and blacksinitbs of . low upon the following conditiane;
the 0. P. R. shops ad Wimapeg ' to I vize-e- • . ,
the number of about 100' went mit oa., ie. Serviee- under the Atrny,A.ct tor
i , . .
strike in sytooethy with lite striking ' six months,• with liability of exten-
enaohiaists. . .,' . " . . „ el sion to ono ester: . • '
b, Ration's, clothieg and eonipmeot.
T•he hass to the owners Of the Scotea I
-man Will be 050,000 ever insurtince of,' to • be previded free. • ' . •
0450,000.• .01 the severiteeh StoketS • c, P•ay at : the. rate laid _down : in •
under arrest at - Montreel fourteen .mititia regulations fok the pernia.nent • •
have iet 'hail, , a • • . • . 'cores from attestatien until date of (.1.1e, •
embarkation in • Soath Africa, ' from - :
.. 'Two minere, gained' Jamea Mills and
:elms. Craile weee killed.at alley ie Bay, ' which date nay will be at Britishantee,
B. ee by a premature -blast in Lake: ... Standing' height -5 feet - 6. •.inones., ,
with 34- inch -ea. chest .nieasueement: •
:Shore Mines.. Theirtbedies were her -
Ably 'Mangle& . , . - ,•• .• Age7-Not tests •thae 22 or Morethan
' Men:here of the "Sigh ol the :Crosse- ,
Theatticar Conipany witt sue the own- The foll o ' .'' - th. ranee of. en,
°twig , ere e p , __en, _.
li tntent :-:e ietoria; . Vancouver, Wi -.. .
era cif ' the illtfated 'ateataship Scots- P
nipeg London, Toronto; OttawaoKing-
mazi to „recovet the value ot their et- '
St on, Montreal, Quebec, St. John:N.B.,
•feeta lost in the wreck. • " , ; . . , . ,
. Charlottetown,' and Halifae. Men de- ...
;VIM tethered authorities have eon" same of effering their. services should
Matted: to bear -the coet of recapping: make application in person, or by let-.
about 7,009,000 rounds ;of 'cordite ain7 ter ste the offiee 'tot the . officer .sione ,
:munition, more& et Quebec, which yvas• trianding the 'mil:te.ry district, or to
a ooranaanding , offiter of a eni•ps of : ,
foetid •eo. be' defective. ' - • •
At the Interocilexiial station' 'at. Bali- militia: Commanding'. offieers will •Itt•
MO; tee safe of the Dominion Atlantia once: forwerd to the • district officer .
Itailwae. was blown open, tha °tacks. commanding the names thn's received, '
thee secered 3100 in eath anti private' with their remarks. : '•-• -
papers. Of value. to officials.' . • - -• By 'order ••• - e
De, ii • • reported • Abut the Canadian
Pacieie Itraitway Co. have placed , or-
ders..for 30 or 41) new lee:motives. with. te. .
Manufacturers in.'the trotted States'.
Ma is the result of the strike. 'MUhDERED BY FRENCHMEN. -
.310.;Janiee• Creel:leen, who eome tittle , ,
1111 1 '
•ago, geve ea organ, to St' Georges 011iki III.Treill . rfietisimian • ;end
Cautch, .Meittereal, none oilers 'certain • • • • ' "
. . • . , nis time .
.the finest tend Most complete orgait in. greet senaatien has .beeo caused here
Pealed& • : - " :. ' •
tmprovemenas which Wilt bring the tos . . ., , .., , ,
tal test to 816,5e0, atia gifittiae ehtirch A despatch from Paris, says: - .A •
by the harder of an Englishman nam -
At A eonterence . betWeen C. le R: i D reek 'by. French detectives .at ' '
.soleitets, managers, end strike'Conie 82; ' e _ . .
settledeby the' company concetling re- injured that an, unusual euigicat, `..-
/Derrick was.. so shockingly .
tuittees, the dispute was Mama:ally lelePPe.
cogitator( of the machinists' order. operation' ha&to be performed upon
.0thee details of the. scheduie •demana2 .,,,,_ • .
w th th reshit that gangrene ins '
ed by. the -men will he attanged and• "4"' -1 - O - •
the strike' wilt 4 terminated. . : terventa -and he died, • .
- ' GREAT •13111TAIN, Penick was set Open :at . the • same • •
Emperor Nettleton will not. visit leng.. time ae , his . Mester, a:weelthy ' Eng- eThe
teed this year. , . ' • ; • lishman named Capt. O'Neill Murphy, ip
Lord Londonderry's. second stin is. who is a brother-ia-laW et Ste Charles
dead. froth' eonsumption at London. Woleeley and a cousin' by marriage .
of introduoing three pennh telegram
The British Governthent is thinking
-e. mandereiteeldef. Capt. leturp _
of Lord Wellesley, - the British come
hy had
incurred the wrath ofe the them:4e
• An American fisherman has • 'been. °lisle° officials because he had .caused
arrested • et Skibbereen, Itelatul, -for a .direotor of the Petas Chevaux at
fishing 'inside the limit: . Calais, to be condemned for • swittal-
A. 'destettca feam Ottawe, says :-The' The :British Government is arrang- ing. The Calaia and Dieppe °Reinert .
.Denartment Of . Agrkulture• . hati .re-. serve.'
. ing .for. the entolment of 500 New- are under the . management of. the .
fottndland fishermen in the naval -re. same Man, an adventurer find eeagaol •
, .
calved. a cable message from th,e}ligh' :The standing reward offered for the ' bird. named Bloah.
Bloch, with. the aasietanee of ' the
. .
Commissioner for eanada, intiinating capture of ealerters frotn the British local proeurer of the Republic, other-
yviae the public .prosecutor, an official „
. •
Colonel, Chief Staff Officer.
required immediately for 850,000 sterling.
array has been raised rom 1 to -
that the War Office asks for tenders, -
pounds of compressed corned beef and iehBreArmonbaPottsaudziocref°totethoef Pl7ineaitetdn'St'liatreits-,
mutton, chiefly in six pound tins, but will sail on his return to Washington
two -pound and other sizes may be of- lea November 1.
lered. It must be unexceptionable, The court at London has appointed
quality guaranteed and date of can- a receiver for Maudtilay, Sons et Field,
ning stated.- Prices should be quoted- the well known engineers and boiler -
for delivery at Woolwich and Cape makers, The firm is hopelessly also/.
Town, stating the earliest date for vent.
supply in each4case. - UNITED STA•TES.
a •, . ' Walter Wellman, the Arctie travef-
IMIImIlf ler, is at New York.
Cometercial failuree in the TJuited
Grave Traria Ars Fell. year. •
States this week number 161, against
Returning weeps were on hoard!. and 205 for the corretaionding week lest
A despatch from Victoria, 13,C., says:: GeOrge Gereed, farmer, near Indian-
-The steamer Empresel of India, which apoliar Ind, was Shot and killed by hie
for a
has reached here from Japan, has come es°1,1, Wb° Iniattiolt hia father
pleted the roughest trip of. her 43 voy- th
ages. The seceind day out from Yoko... ing material, Andrew Carnegie hes
1138v/Ang to the increctsed cost of build-
hama she encountered a typhoon, raised his gift of 3300,000 for a pub le
lanicher eterehent, es enema leis in oar
which destroyed cemmunication be- library in 'Washington to 0350,000.
In a ' contest for the Democratic s' oath 10 an Inkwell ITor.ictunti. „
Guelph eat/so-At
storm coetinued unabated all day and
tnwi efoe: the engine -room and bridges,
and destroyed some of the boats. The etirokser haardefe t d David 13, Hill, and
t e tate nmnalitetee :has declared for
leaderanip in New York State, Richard '
the aseizes on 'Ohursday, Thomas Sale,
A. despetcli from
21 'years of age, sued Reheat Stewart„
rears are expressed by officers for Bryan as Preeidentlel candidate.
lumber merchant, for the leas of three -
the transport steamer Senator, carry- The diplomatic list, just. issued by
ing home the Fifty-firet have. She lett the Washington State Bepertment cote fingere and thumb of the righthand,
Yokohama for Sad Francisco eight tains the new title of the British alld al poOtion: of the little: fingatt by;
hours before the Empress, and, having Atehaasador, It shows that Sir Sultan a rip saw, The eontention waa that
immenae upper works, Would fare bed- Pauneefote is now 'role Right Honor. the saw wis not properly guarded in
able Lord Pauncefote of Preaton neeordance with the Workmanta Cotn-
ly in a gale.
G. O. B., til. C. M, G., Antbassedor, pensation Act. A verdict of 0500 was
Entroy and Plenipotentiary of Great awarded the Plaintiff. 4
whom he had under his protection, ",
&used Capt..Murphy's footsteps to he
dogged, and finally a night assault to
be made upon him, es a result of
whieh Derrick lo,st his life,
Capt. Murphy ie one of the most re-
speeted English residents oh Paris; he
is a, brother et 13. E. Muz!phy, of San
Francisco In epite of his passport
and credentials he was hauled off to
gaol, stripped and measured, and fin-
ally aentenced to eights days' impeison-
Went fer protecting his own house e
against armed thieves who had attack-
ed it in the name of the law.
The British Conan/ is attempting to
bring the murderets of Derriok tO jus -
time English feeling is intensely ex.. •
cited about the incident, which is like-
ly.to have important international eon- '
room.. •
sudden IRINO 15 Prices thiy twilit fa The reVolUtion in Vettezuela i
. Trouble.
• spreading.
Turks have' renewed their murder. New t% P. It' illistel tut" gl"ti"" is 11s
-GAjiensPraietctab afir'emlfea're' 14 C111et"'o'4f1tIr3iti:. ous assaulte upon Armenians:
treeted tit Whalleirg.
proyinees of India owilig cs the slid- dattiaica has an enormous orange A despatch front Winnipeg, says: -
den. and severe rise in prices. Native, erop, but cannot get barrele for peek. 'President ShntiginlessYr hf the Ct P.
infantry liari been sent to Nagpore to init. , It., is here. Ile says•the company will
' 'id. .0 t +I rin a 1r ea teT and
to, have been quietly abandoned, is new "A. eyelid despatch Was Jeceived Kimberiel, and fortified it vaith earth. • lam 61 ars. It will be 820 by 08 feet,
ID . Y
'OttlUd ' to have been betrayed by the here from Ottesheela near lefalMani- W°rkitt• 1:111? °I/Jaat ei their eeerg6t16 • POOR, GAME. : Dress. des, six storeys high, with three-iitorey
arid they attribute the Soareity In the The censorship, over
(tioPerttio6g.nnlize8 °I3f rtihttahre!ttil::rictliitylite Pritlieerreg neatendteg ta the raeacite of the grain ',etches at Melina has been removed 10""•*--: II° /11.11eeeda ba IIIP tout' ,'of
Hutch, inhabitants to the lemr forces. et Mx o'cleek Saturday evening, aesere. operation is believed to- be the cap. Sktnner Bill -Yes, detectives Wes sta.
lA deepatch to the Daily' News flesh lug that lieevy fighting had been in ture °I Mt' 6M/11 rth°a" ter me (tote e w,iie on dat job. is an obvious „difference between the ''' ' "bi- tt - - - • - ., by Gen, OBS. ., inepection on, Tuesday. makingerow's
existenee of vassal Statee having in. merc n .
-- r - r,ord Eitehener will lead an expo& Neel' flret' -
Catiti TOwn, stales that the defelidera progretie all day long north to ;Waft., OMINOUS StGNS AT CAPE TOWN. Knoaker jeke-II0W"d you square
of arafeking, after repulsing eyx attaCk, king. The British troops on hoard an : ()millions signs ate already linen horst it I ternal ladeperidence within our aphere
GETTING EVEN° WITH HER. I non of 8,003 Dgyptlan troops against
ipursiled the enemy, The British then • armoured train acted as a covering The Dutch p0Pulatian of Cape Colony Didn't: square it. Spent ail me of influenee in Routh Africa, end the , - the Ithalifa
assumption of sovereign power b3' She wished to break it to him gent.
VortY persons were drowned bY the Like alone acts upon like. Therefore,
feinted a retreat, where:Upon the ene- foree to military engineers engaged in are likett ta deVelOP a strong anti. money 'fore dey ketehed up wit me. those Steles In rivalry with the Para* iy,
Britieh reverse. When the repOrt • A, UATTVIR Or NERVE,
. Meve any doubt ast to which" Is to lbe seer liege
I haett decided, she 'laid. tO refill:It itetreveire.,111,,eventft aAtrvieeits!et in the Senegal '
my rallied and pursued them. The repsiritig the traek, A. IVreixini on the Britiah feeling at the then repert et a • 4 mount power. ft. lei in*order to re.
ed with iyadite, whieh were eXidoded r CenePienenti. bravery Wag display. rettehed heft,: that the NiUth Laelettre Clementine rieeMS ta ihihk She en- the ruling raee ill South Ofritet that ilk> riOt amend by reasoning, but by ex-
Boers were thus led over mines charg. train kept up a continuous fire.
ga,. however, was a regourceriii man, serEyvcisatehteigirriettaintagninheisso.d4e, seerated tAit ample, Approach feeling by feeling;
I' i
Wet the torMfir Mirth arid the latter A„ t102611 Ii0erd Weee killed or wound -1 A large number d twvspoper tor. hisibself. solitaires et the old figures, added the
maiden coyly.
ilia L knitter a J4S1Velar WII0 IA Selling it la ever titaf, and-4.-
WaltraMb.1111:46:1 IliladliirkWitikl.t4 I
, I. tsitrItheolti:tipodrtilatahltattetunte6dn towr ittedrven4 dw:::::: villii6oPeateolt00. trtriefixttetilift:thlahonVhdOthtietTltieftla})hi;
'16111reits"allar otillttlo-ralanrware ninell Oh. ti:easitril:y18datugh6hrt6etr sing ?
I Oh, I' don't know. Did you ever
There is nothing Aisle qttite 40 pima.
killing and wounding 1,600 of the adeft ea on both sides, but it toon became lutd been drIVen bath b$ galee they joys Wagner's; mutat mete than any. Britiah forces are no‘v being despatch- who did not believe in Jetting a wo. grave of Item George, who headed the i love, nt what
Ittila aPParent that the rifle* of the burgh- said: "Already Godfights on the Veer body. ed.
' NOWS says that an eeeentrie peroon lit oured train. a ohance to eatisfy their rankling Alice, : . You needn't bother, he replied,
man get the better (Whim,
Another Cape /own despatch loth° erA were dieffectave attaidat an ann. iside,44 no pree stnitt Botra now gee Ithlbe, Idle merely hns more eridur- 100.••••, 4ol , •• ,
D Rill 611a* haVe had A eherP edetinee wittrull any az/int) it, oourt circlet.
, Tiny them by the dozen.
• ' Pretoria ,kalown as Baron de Cluine. "rho !Meet, however, was once fore. 'longing le 'retake Eimberjey, their 0 PO;NTE,D, i . eta to marry. is confirmed lin Intimate
shot. Ii; ie stated that he possessed aeeompanied bye Britian mounted goes
ed to be daily senetioning brutal exe-,
d tend It, All Xartt Will
berm who wits euspeetea oe being e• ed he retreat before a particularly • Aleticolorrititie.
h in priee, remarked if. Barlow Wilson, ne.-,Wes Clare, I heve a question The Attiter.of Afghttinstan ill repott.
British byte was eoutentartialled and strong assilult, but it soon returned, IVIAPERINO COMP.1.1.11.Lle ISO.
Irlrown-htere likely Jones. told li talki f hi I t" I
ng. o ,not, rig n par ten at, to esk you; elthough of 11.1101611t origin go straight througgh 4 ittan's head.
Unseat, and the fighting Wee UMW« Smitho-See Jones over there, laitg . he he and 'Wise Amelia Simpkilleon eat
Tilt poets have blkwn illy. the bridges ed fiettosly. Fighting atilt eoutitittes, ed. The Dotre are raiding 'Zulu eat. told litim a funny story.
iltafeking is now completely Isom. lag so heartily t Somebody must have
Ilithis ot the forts a;t Peetoric eutiorit. 1116 aetions are resulting in a
titi FrAirteeti Streams, and the Modder the Doers holding their ginsitione Well,' toe