HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-10-26, Page 500TOISER 26, 1899. THE CLINTON NEWS-RE0011:1) 6
goomeegeseseeseopeopeeeeeeee If you are sufferlog from the con.
For coughs, colds and all
e affections of the throat and
• t,
111, We positively guarantee
• Le this preparation to cure or
relieve. If it does not give
• satisfactory fcsults ft costs
• you nothing. We know the
ingredients In it., We know
• bow it acts and we c.rlow the
$4tisfaction it has civert for
• year and can thArefore con-
fidently recommend it for any
of the above affections, Price
• 25c a bottle from us only.
Strait's Pulmonary Cough
• Syrup for children and babies
8 is guaranteed to cure. • Price
e 15e per •bottle from us only.
•e Phope2, Prescription DrugStore.
• sequences a impure bleoth-have
_EA aolithitimpies or ecrefula sores ; if your
; food does not digest or you suffer from
• catarrh or rhetunatiera, you are th0
U one who should take Hood'e Sarar
fila It will fit your calm exactly Matte
• your blood pure and core salt rheum,
• scrofilia, t•heuinatism, dyspemila. cat-
! I),nU give you perfect health.
HOOD'S PILLS enre All liver ors,. Non-
• irritating.
• -
Of Huuday School and EpWOrth
Tieag110 Workers,
The.Goderioli Diotrict S. S. and B.
06 MI111.
Itiet week at Mr, Ebenezer Forsythe e.
• Mr. John Rankle spent iett of last
BlYon Tuee4eYi (Jet. 1701, le". Quite a number from bere took in
The weather preyed to be anything but the tea meeting at Brumfield and re-
luviting,but yet a goodly number al" Kira fl, veasant time.
roreSt Home.
Messrs Jerry Gravis and Mr. Jack
Neliensof Seaforth spent one evening
Conventioe woe held in the eleage et week with his sister, Mrs. Joseph Day-
sembled in the beautiful Methodist Mr. avid Blair, who has been for
• Church, to take part in the service, thus some lime workin for Mr. James
• •
a Mr. rsaav Lonius, leader of the Gra,nd
• Opera 'louse ore!) k`St at Hamilton,'
has accepted an (Mee front the manage-
el moat of the Fronk Daniels Opera
a Company.
• • A good smart boy to drive eellvery wagon.
• rKING, 4..
Clinton Oct. 23rd. •
• • ▪ IvIiiis Dougherty, pupil of Giuseppe Dlnelll of
• he Toronto Conservatory of Allude, will be
• pleased.to receive pupils in piano, Theory and
O Harmony Terms on application, Word may
• ' be left at the home of
• Telephone 18.
• •
3 .6.014,4...4,e4.4..,•d..1..1. —...,..314.4m• I ... ..610. 1
O .
6 . The undersigned has bought the buildings of
. the (Jlinton, Fanning Mill Works and as they
O must be tern down and removed the lumber
2 and timber will be sold cheap and in largo or
e -small quantities." The limber is all good,oleo,:
O pine and can be used for any kind of building
O except finishing. There are about 0,000 foot of
O smiare timber. from 12 to 60 feet long. It,
' 0 •...1 . . .
. • 0 is well adaptedfor barns, Me. . .
000004100•1$ OA 0 11000 00000000 . . • 1). CONNA'
ILL ..
. ., Clinton, Oct 21th. 2t,f'
It frequently comes from
tryinit to fix the eyed on it giv.
point and forcing •them' to
eerform tasks for Whieh they
• are incapacitated.
Stich .a8 We fit to your face
-and eyed will. tnalk.e reaaing APPLESWANTED
Teacher *with 1st or 2ini, Class Certificate
wanted for S. S. NO. 4. Godorich township, for
the year 1000, Applications stating ralp,ry, etc.,
will be received by any of the undersigned. up
• to noon on;Saturday, November dth, •
' • 'W. NESBrr'r
. • - • H. MURPHY, Seo..Treas.
• Clinten, Oct. I8th. . •
Apple Butter and Jolly made from .your owe
apples. Bring them whole and unpeoled and
• I will make you good.butter or jolly. Parties
from a distance can • wait feu, their butter by
previous arrangement by mail. •
• THIRSIK, Blake.
• Qet. 9th. . • • . - •,
,ne'sr,,Itri°X':trg417Oribtitivee 6.1= of "Ii) 1)6.4'
and on this'year prepared to buy e
apples than ever. fpr which the highest mar t
all points incHuron, and it Will be. to lithe ad.
price will b vela. have authorized 'gen s
vantage of owners of orchards to ascertain
how well I can door them. In any event -do'
not dispose of your apples before seeing me pr
ono of my representatives. _ •
' • • D. CANTELON, Clinton•P,O,
. . . „ .
.sliovving their earnestness in S, Sand B. Berry left for Mr in Berry's;Bruce
, • • . _
L. wotk. field, where be has secured work for a
'rho morning session, as tiaual; was couple of menthe,
not so largely attended as these of the Miss Bette McTavish is learning the
afternoon or evening, but, the aisouosion dresemaking in Seaforth.
Mrs. John Finlayson lett here Tues-
day last for Dakota to see her brother
who is vaned].
We are sorry to repm.t, that Mr. Mr. James, Reyno d of Mullett paid.
Willie Berry in ill. Mends here a flying visit lest week, -
Mrs. Bern y. Older has been unable
to work for some time with her leg. . Zurich. •
hope,to seen see her around again.
Miss Munroe Of Brucefield spent a Mrs, Moses Koster of this village
few days sewing for 'Mrs. Popel, died on Wednesday of last week, aged
• about thirty years, lier death is all
• the more lamentable from the fact
Drysdale. •• that she leaves behind an infant but
seemed more animated. • After the
opening devotional services Rev, S. •J.
Allin taught a plaits the lesson tor Vat,
22nd. As both teacher and °lase asked,
and at:tattered luestione, and were not
baokward in expressing their views, this
was a very profitable part, of the progs
• Dr, Towler of Winghorn introduced
the subject "The Superintendent] and
how to Superintend,' He dealt with
the charaoteristica which should make
a good seperintenclent. ahould be
earneet,evilling to accept suggestions
and fun of consecrated toot, a man of
good °ohm= sense, sound piety and
general ohristian character. The Dr.
gave many practical suggestions as to
how a superintendent should conduot
his aohool. • _
How to leak; S. S. singing the MBA
effective was the subject. allotted to
Rev; F. 1', Oaten of Belgreve. As sing-
ing is an aid to worship, and is used to
brighten the exercises of the hour and
assist in instruction in scriptural truth
the hymns selected should be along the
line of the teachings of the lessons.
West Tuelgersuoth.
Altlen.g •the Thanksgiving visitors
with friends here we noticed Mr. J.
Clerk and Mrs. M. 0- Lloyd'of Ueusall
and Mrs, L Dodd of Clinton,
Makin apple-bntter seems to be the
rage at present Mr. Roger Pelmet' is
kept busy making cider and ills ket-
tele ate in nue every day.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jarvis are visit-
ing friends here previous to their
sailing for England.
Miss F. Aunts spent Sunday at her
home in Mitchell.
Mr. Ches. Ci kb Is improving so much
that he does not think it necessary to
go to Celifornie as he bad intended,
A number of oer sports spent
Thanksgiving in the bush. We have
not seen any of the ame as yet,
• a fortnight' Kester Was
The recent rains are helping the fait • a meth •respected women, and
ploughing. sincere sorrow • is • felt for
Mr. John Ettri's new WOO near- the. bereaved family.- :"Among
mg completion very quickly. Frosty
weather, Jack for T. S'sopen brick,
The Onteolic church opening on
Sanctity hist was well attended- not-
withstanding the heavy rams which Mrs, Reamer were sisters of the de -
lasted Ell.day. ceased who was also a trice° of Mrs,
Mr, Oharles Sreenan .' claims ' to Richard Reynolds and a cousin of MM.
have lost ell his hears one Sunday Wee'. Searle of Clinton. The funeral
evening recently, - ' took place on ' Sattirdey. to Exeter'
Mr, D. Dewar spent a few days in cemetery,
and aeound tileorgetow ti Ian week.• - . .. . .
. . . '.
• Messrs. W. Turner and li. Talbet '• PRACTICAL PATRIOTISN,
returned beim this week. fretn the • - ' • •• • ' • --- • '
He would advise haVing • an orchestra American. Bread Besket where ,theY Montreal-, Que., Oct.. 28.--Vhe Ocean
and choir in every 5, S. if at all pectic. heve spent a few months threshing.. . Accident and Guarantee Corporation of
Mr. • John ,r, Sreenan intends :going London,, today ' issued the
able. • ,. : • • •
west in the spring to his brother following important. announceieent.-
Miss 'E. Wilson of Goderich read an
. excellent essay on. "How. to. assist tht
Bible," She would advise dividing the
scholars to a comprehensive view of. th ,
tune he goes weeb•
tnerry-go•round with ,hiin e the nO,.X.
Mr. , W. Tut nor intendetaking his
. . ',Montreal, Que., Oct, 28,1899. -The
batiks of the Bible according to the au- , We are ' anxiously waiting • the •re-
thors, or according to the. subjents . turn of Me. W, 0. Cleave -with his
treeted of bythe different books. The graphithhone. • ,
names and numbers Of the books Of the • .
13ible should he learned, '
those who attended the. funeral wete
r,• and Mrs: Nicholson or Althorn and
Mrs, Reamer, wife of the 0.p.R. agent
at Wingiutm, Mrs. Nicholson and
Blyth •
After devotional exercises the last The following are the officers of the
subject of the morning session was dis- Goderich Distriet Sunday School and
cussed. The Secretary's report, gave Epworth League Association elected
the following statistics : • atehe meeting held here last week :
Itne2m6 b• ettrost,iv44e9 mem-1
' Gaderich; President, Rev. SS, AIM),
Honorary-pereildent, Rev, X. Wilson,
b e
Leagues fst .140; 8 Ai ins oDol trei
1233. Junior Leagues, 8 3 Active Mem-, Goderieh 1st Vice, C. • Holland,
offl.cers • and men of the Canadian
contingent for the Transvaal -as a re-
sultdot •negotiations ; for some time
pen' ing with this Company, we have
this' day concluded an arrangement
with Sic Oharles Tupper,Bart,,whereby
he effects insurance to a , limit of one
million 'dollars upon the men of all
ranks in the Capadittn contingent
going to Africa,. Bach ollicer and each
man, or tit their beirs, the sum cif one
thousand .dollars is to be paid by this
company upon- receiving • satisfaetory
proof of death. -while engaged teith the
enemy in Afriea, or death within
thirty days of engagement, melee loss
of both feet; op. lioth hands, ce• beth
in on, n Vice, Miss. Maud Ring, eyes. In .case. of loss of one hand, • or
hers, 290: Associate inembers,.60 ; total- Biethe 3rd Vice, , Miss Jennie. Ko k, one foot, or one eye,. fi ve hundred del-
-350. 'NO ether Junior societies. Sahel Londesboro; 4th -Vice, Mies Minnie lars will be paid. is. elkired ' es far
are in Sunday schools; 3604 ; average at- Goderichi 5th- Vice, Mies M. B. ' as practicable before embarkation,
tenilance 2388. .•
• Salkeld, Goderieb; Secretary,' W. 0. that ehe names and home addresses'of
Pei...Jasper Wilsop or Goilorteb :eon- Meyers, Clinton; Treasurer, Nisei 0.. A.,. the officers rind men he 'forwarded.- to
duoted a round table conference, when- .Blair. Auburn • . • ' • the gfflee: of this • conipany, • 185 St,
many nuestions of practical interest to
leagues were discussed. •
Rev. B. Clement gave an able address
shtiold Council.
on "How may pur children and young • ----- • Accident and Guarantee Company.
people be trained in Alethodist doe,' This counoil met September 30th. Limited.'•'•• • •
the house, the Sunday Scheel and the Small repairing culvert $1.001 J. Flynn DEAVT OF .M.R;W: A•GliNg*
James street. Montreal, •by letter or
wire, that they may be recorded in the
company'e boOks.-(Sgch)a-The. Ocean
•trine:" He urged the necessity of both The following accounts were 'paid: A
Epworth agues insiating On the otudY Gravel Hill L. R. $4 00, Jos. fegett In the Catechism, net only the •quese specter $5.50, John Hart repairing out- "Lotlden, °et" act' i2,---M°v* William
Alone and anavvers, hut alie the Bible vert and Iniclge 2.72,S.Saumby repairlree. '4' Gunn' Ilged years'. who has been
proofs in eonnection thereWith. .• road eon 4•50c; Geo. Hawkins inspect- 1;relti,/;(37,e°fulaelet3e/teV:iienth (via on
pared hy Mr. Gee. Barrewo of Waltop and Gravel on' Bo ride $23 46 A • DI .
Bev, A. 0, Tiffin, read a paper pre- ing bridge $1.00, Robt. )100011 Drain- Saturday night at his late resi'dence
pleasure, Prices -Reasonable. •
The Sanford Evaporator CompanY willpay ou How to ittoure e larger attendance. Lathan ins $.1.3 5( 1:}t
sp e otor .5p6teroohr n tip, aJtaenitieiBre'etiptstlyrin g
-Ken,t street. Me. Gunn was' a native
of this city, being the eldest son of the
the highest market price for Apples. ...vindfa 1 of young men." • '
• late Mr G
eoidge M. Gunn one -of
. .
and culls, at their tetory in Salt ord., . •
ions was loid on, I, bridge and.gravel S•R. '3 and 4797$ 5 Londeri's pioneer business men.
BEC , GOLDTHORPE & CO, Partioular emph
Saltford, Ang, 29th. • At Personal Invitations, by officers abet:, Wn3.• P.otter repah•g culvert N,B, Olen Fle was an active member e of.
• members. .2, Making the visitors feet Donald Boyd culvert L R railing and the Board of Wilde of which
they are welcomh. 3, Friendship and approach $18.01, Johnob repairing he was last year the Vice -Prem. ent.
er and -OptiCian. friendliness among the members. 4, Hill $1.12, Alin Campbell Bridge con.10 was also ftir stinni titne a director of
IS FLOUR and F.E.ED,'• and QM.
greatest seller the VVhite Swan Flour.
This is, we believe, the most popular
brend on the 'market: If vou try it
'cince you will_he se pleasec with it
that, you wi pr tl er brands
We are now selling the White 'Swan.
at $1.75 per cwt. Several of our cone-
mers have •as e or y ?I f
which we now have a stock on hand.
• are always fresh and -well assorted,
the prices, you will find, are
' most reasonable..
Butter,ah •
Ott Victoria street, , Near
$300 will buy a roomy, comfortable Immo wit
'goo 1 lot-tho property mean
Frank Upshall.• Apply to
• w..nity
.1W:web 7th.
. . .1 I I I • I • I I.
Faithfulness to the /edge:, 5, Pune- 4.50, D. M. _McKenzie culvert and in, the Ontario Loan rteDeberiture cee As
tea:lay-and regulari` • e attendinice• and sPector S4 00 Tas Hackett re i rft, manager of the lergest menufacturing
"No Rye Like the
Master's Eye/'
Tot& are master. of your
&Ala, and If you do not
attend/to duty, the blame Is
ea.slty located. Ifyour blood
is out of order, Hood's Sir- •
saparilla Iv ill purify It.
It is the epecitie remedy for troubles
of the blood, kidneys, bowels or liver.
eines failed to benefit me. tried Hood's
Saraaparilia and three bottles completely
and perfectly cured me." 4(22. LUN
Wallace Bridge, 11, 0,
two cnoctren Hood's Sarsaparilla as they
were subject to throat trouble and wero not
very drone, They are now healthier and.
stronger and have not since had a coldel
Iles, NV, H. Thwerice, Pembroke, Ont,
-16od's F1111 euro liver Ille; the non•Irritatiny end
bly Oathert10 to take with Hood's Barsenirilla,
Bela 'Ity Watts & (toe Druggists.
„ .
-Bier Reliable rind VVislcomed by
the :Most Delicate Stomadh.
is Dr, Von Stan's Vine -
apple Tablets
Letethe worst dyspeptic eat
apple a day for six . months, ant
greatly would his -health improee, 'Ate -
would. look and feel like a new. person.
The reason -is plain. The pineapple
holds a generons supply a vegetittile
pepsin, which., next to the jitices of the
sternach, is the greatest digestive
known. Veiy few people can' obtain
the -daily pineapple hut everyone can
get Dr. Von Stan's 'Pineapple Tablets
which. are maiely composed or this
preciens fruit -juice, They are eaten, as
randy, tire as hai nilese as ripe freiteind
al ways give satisfaction. :They care all
digestive troubles. Box of 60- Tablets,
35 cents, .Sold by Watts &lie.
. Paul Sobourin,the Indian from Great
Slave Lake, charged with the murder
of his:sister-in-law in April . last and-
fouod has been sentenced to
• itysiKeisiswaile.40411b4Kitozimeetrrioaelog•bge<ce,,.4...zeopli.40rist. ittogiblirt
;McKINNON & 001;
i .11 1
; ...r
;Some people hold back and do not buy -Mire till near the end of the
season, expecting to buy them cheaper then, In some cases they do get
;them at lower prices but they do not get the best quality nor the choice of
t be stock as they would if they bought early,
O ' Manufacturers always make up the best of the skins first and any that
A ere made later are called seconds and have not the appearauce or wearing
V qualities of the first and they can be sold at lower prices. Our edvice is to
;buy now and get the pick of the stock and the best Furs.' Nottvichstaml.
ing the sharp advance Jet Furs we are setting thetxt at Old prices. Below
12 we quote a few a our aloes :.—
; Ladies' A.strachan Crepes, high storm Collar lined with quilted/satin
24 inches long. . , *12.00
o •
0 Ladies';Astrectiari Capes 27 inches long, close glossy curl, metalic
lining full sweep . “Of•fhtgfrok/A.t 00A001s $14.001
; Dulles' .A.strachan jackets 28 inches long, high storm collars, 'fine .
o glossy cell, lined with mercerised satane $22.50.
Ladies' Astraehan Jackets at . ... $25.00, $30.00, $85.00, $40,00.
0 Ladies' Mountain I3ear Capes 27 ieches long, rnetalie lining $ 8.50
es Ladies' fur lined Oapes, in navy, myrtle and black; 60 inehes long
0 • at , . ,' . $18.50
1 •
;We:also shbw it large stock of the latest designs in Ladies' Cloth
8 (1 Jackets -in allAhe new coloie at from „ $3,00 to $15.00
0 -
t IVIcKINNON 81, 0 0 . BLYTH
0 .. .
. ,............,..." _.........; .:. _____
• -By- THE wrirerek. -01? SOUTH AM-
The. kidneys are. natiire'S Otters in
expelling-froin the body all impurities,
If • the kidneys are out of- sorts the
whole system becomes impaired. and.
• disease Views as sureas fate, Bright's
disease, diabetee, rirepsey and distress-
ing -winery troubles infest fone.iiftlls
of • the race. It need not be so, for
Smith _American Kidney Cure is
power dishelling. all' tendency to the
ef disease.- It has cared cases
Unit haVe been long and n01101'11 and
that have betiled ineclieithskill.
by Watts'& co.
The CZar is said ta have been °per-.
tly oCcupied by • Miss Achesor orGoderioh gave a re- *234.12, D. %McKenzie. tile $410, 3 ees besides en joyin & the fullest, coml. t w,hicle had .caused him actite
• . •
Organ. FaetorK of conducting the h•Vices. culvert $2.75, D.• `Camphell Bridge D..1; and respected by the numerous employ -
•concern in Londhiahe was esteemed.. ated upon
feet' '
successfully Tor Cerebral
• derice of the firm.° His widew eufferiog. • •
port showing the amount this District Bowers plank 14,70, Pat :Waren gravel
i3fterriete heecontributed towards' the support or D.L. NJ". johnstem repairing aaeghter ef Mr,•John McOlttry, and he •
• Rev. W. J. Stone, the inissiot ary: at culvert I),L, $2 00, Geo. 'Pwandey repair- es ix children The. f sit k
n in- • phiee on Tiles a.y. .
' VON •
SALE leagues of the district have contributed spector bridge 626.75, R. A, Carrick pre.
Cia•boie, •Vandouver 'steed, The 26 ing culvert $2.00, Thaa. Richardso "
over *300 for (bus Miss' Aeh. di b I
purpose,• Bente Os on. as collector for tho-year [BAP' 111,1 GE S.
eson and alma spoke of • the .neoessity 99. : • Ort .motion of Dalton &Beeckley
Comfortable dwelling house on east side of '
Albert Street, containing 7 remits hard and
soft water and quarter of an.acre of land, fruit
trees, eta: Will be sold cheap 48 OWner hi
July 4; '• Clinton
The subsoriber offers for sale his house and
ot oit corner of Rattenbary and Raglan streets.
Clinton, Aprn 13th ,
o: each Leageo•in the Distriet working it, was ttecepteil after which Mr.,Caerick HEYWARD-SMALL- At th
0 -VES
Just receiva. a oar load. of
The leading stoves in: .,../n.prica
,HARLAND 8'.13
g r „ rate BELIEF IS WIIA r THE Sill PEEEtt
amountefor. next yeeir, sum of $14,189.49 made up as follows: • on Oct. 181h, byRes. . Murciuck weeers-ANI) OETS DE AO -
Missionary work. How beat to keep
Rev* nuf2PhroY. Urethan' nolo 91) .,7onnty rate *237908 Frank Heyward to BorthaSniall,claugh. einev's come von Tree HEART is USED.
systematicatly to raise a amok larger received his roll which is oocl fo thedence of the bride's parents Clinton
• 1 ' • t r 'wnallip rate
. Movement . for Missions, Give every
• member something to do for :it. • . Bate497•06. ... rya j•Oect. 1Z by REA% Me, Saueei Me, from !leapt 'treble. Iliad palpitation.
Debentures for soh 1
oo it
Dram w ds . i Itertleib, to. Miss. Christina 7 and smothet tog ahcoineanied by' great
. the pastor in active 83:empathy . with it. uneerre.emc'ree 8.1 "t. . 0. * l*I',...;-• . '' ..2219:g Gassman, all. of Dashiveod .. . weekness and painful spasms. I got
. i • o gi e Me' tea iene i . •
. . .
'• 0 $14,18949 by the Rev, R. Aylward, B. A, ) at the
Aelriend• ot ••mine bad used Dr.
r idenc of the bled ' f tl r Park.
ter, c,f Mr. Samuel Small.
.51 00.62
every eague interested irt he lorward G mend and special school rate...6112.06 HARTLEI0SSMAN-In Doehweorl "I was for along time a great sufferer
e s pare e o cer Cie e 19 P U o
payment of the money promised for
this object. Correspond with the mis-
sionary. • e g .
. , . . . THONIPSON-TUDOR.e•-•On Oct. 11, very.. little i•elief from remedies, and
Next me tin of tne Council Nov. 11 ° a 101/3 A new's cure for the heart and it had • •
es e
W. Sehlnens, Clerk? htoilli tai asTe ehO°rimcIP- da °Li galif t!ia.sOf S ad rad ra: I bbfeatnieittugird.haitt ih•ealsiefptroovheear. a igtp.reottetnbrieedssi.t.
-Eggswa;nted. • Miss Maud Kihg introduced the. stile
pee- hreoutlook Work."-- Are
0.'iOLSO.N LAND FOR SALt. there shoals and how to wield theini
• ..--- . judging Ape° the experiences of the
'• The undrigned offers for solo thatdesirs•olo past we have a very bright outiookr hut •,„ Mr. Wm. Mewl,
The aneual rve t. Home Thanks-
iving services ,of St. Paul's. Chureli,
• ' WHIN'NEY-hicem-LLUAL-At the ing inc. I think it a. great heart
residence ot the bride's parents,. on cui.e end heartily recommend it to all
Hens:LC. Oct. 4th, by Ker. Jas. Fitzpatrick, like sufferers, Mrs, Gitmpton, 46 Bisli-
inney to Mias Mary, op Street,' Toronto." Sold by Watts
sixteen 110 acres of land south of the London there are shoals.' Lerigties should not 4 .8 •
• McCallum, both' of the :township of • and Co.
Road Bridge.. It is a. beautiful site fop building
There aro coniforts which.
the home needs and ,w-hielt you ,can,
. easily provide. • The comfort of
home is mostly the comfort of its
Furniture. You can supply many
Furniture comforts ata 'very stnall
cost. You don't raids the money
you pay ; you do miss the comforts
you might have.
We have a beautiful line of new and and up-to-date
F r • 'Lure to offer. Gall and inspectrour Stoelc. We consider
it a pleasure. to show our Goods whother you want to buy or not.
and will be sold in one piece of in las. My ly o femme n epen o pas -
Hensel' and Grace church Stella event Biuce.
It's success has been pile.
norranial. Merepower to it.
. ---and. .
' Is 'TnE
• •
Pr's Aur. ittoryr.
Tryon want stale stuff
We are not in it. .
If you want fitst-class, fresh
„ goods this is the place to get
' them.
Next door to Clarendon.
soiling is that it is too ar from town tor. Attend the regular church services
'reason for.
to handle myself and it doesn't pay to hire help work with the pastor for the church, do succeeded. The Rev. Dr.' Crawiord of WEsy.---aoRpoN. On Wednesday, The Tilde. students ot Queen's 1Tni VOI'•
Oct 11th, at the residence of the say tire increasing. There will be 90
otill0110 Clinton _ London preached at Staffa at '1 I IT1
not allow the social and literary depart bride's father, by Rev. John Abraham; ladies enrolled this session. •
rune 20th.
to a crowded house many being unable
men ts to supplant the Christian Endea. assisted by liev. '1'. Hall, brother -1n •
to obtain admission, while the Rev.,..e
yew department, avoid formality and tooof the bride, Miss Victoria Pent.
TOWN PROPERTY FORtALE much machinery, hive meetings bright, j• NV. Doherty preached te.4 a gO3d Can'
gregation at tIensail at the Sittne 'MU lam , youngest daug ter of Mr. J. K.
cheery and full of song.
r. Gerd
C d
A DIBBLED DOT IN HER ABSIS LTD A fit are up to date and our charges reasonable.
5 -
"After • baby was boi.n I suffered . • yur nature Dectle,rs and trudertakers
great torment from piles. Nothiug
gave me any lasting relief or benefit kr. W. Chidley. Manager'
until 1 hail ivied Dr. Agnew's Oint-
went. One Application of it gave me Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our
Almost instant relief, and a few appli. Funeral Director, J.W. Chidley Ring St., opposite Foundry.
cations mired me. Mrs. M. K. Collger, . . .
30 Pacific Ave., loronta,"-Sold by
Watts & (lo. CANNED
In this line we carry a compiete.stock. Cur Florses and Dirt -
d $ on, barrister and tolicitor of
The Rev. Dr. rtswfor ,preache at . t.
The subscriber offers for sale a very desirable evesise'sessrox, Paul's here in the evening. Good music Whitby, to Rev. W. 3, West, M. A.,
property on Isaac street consisting of four lots Presbyterian minister at Bluevale.
upon which there is a, eamfortablo frame house Mr. W. II, Kerr of Brussels gave a was rendered by the choir which was
with kitehen and wOodshed attached. There- very interesting and. profitable report of assisted by Messrs. Hewing aud Kemp ROSS-MaIND00.-At. the residence
Is a good stable and a first-class well of water . , .. _... . of the bride's mother, Port Perrie, on
of Exeter. The former sang a solo
on promises. The orchard, consistingof grapes the Indianapolis convention ,
and apples, is a good one. The property will Rev. IL Graham spoke on the origin with goad voice and expression. The Wednesday, Oct. 18(h, by Rev. Flow
sack of Toronto, Miss • Sarah F. Ross
lie sold at a reasonable figure for cash or A. cash
and balance on time. A VI to the ownex on of the Pora,rti Movement for Mission offertory at Henreid amounted to *112 to M. IL htelndon of Wingham.
Clinton May nth. and of the brightness of the outlook for gation the good people of St. Paul's are hie e's father, J. Strinacker, Rostock,
the pretnises • 11 S. JOHN :MINOR: or the worklas it rem y accomp is le g INA cittu-zunaRIGG.-At. the
showed t or et small eon re.
At Your
In the PostOffice gr
Ivor • . •
Daily t
ft! .
* It contains all the latest to
0.0 ileWit hY cable and other. al
fit w's . complete market re. 7.4)
fe. ports from threrpoor, London, ig
fe New York, Chicago, Buffalo, ig
/11 Toronto and elsewhere; full 7-
* notes of sporting events and •
• .
fft Western Ontario District •
(0 news, News from the Trans- to
OA veal fall and fresh. The *
01% largest, best and most point. *
i. ' lar daily newspaper fit West. *
ern Ontario. Only $2.00 per *
• •
" year. 8ubscribe now. *
;16 1.0000 Roe PM PIU. 04
. . LON 0014. ONT. e
• •
for the. future, as, districts are now liberal. me church was beautifully 21lice township,on Tuesday, Oct. 170
wholly or tn part supporteig 27 mission. decorated with grains, fruits and fioveers.
The new evaporator has reached a Miss Mary A. R. Steinacker to Mr. M.
E Zurbrigg of 'Wing:ham. •
•The morning And afterrioon, sessions sulll°14nt state cif eemPleti" toallow -.KARTIN--FINLAY.--At St. Paul's on
were enlivened by congregational sing. work to begin notion Thursday hist Mr. Oct. 171.11, by Rev, Wm. Lowe, °Alonso
ten. he )31yth rire, and. hia otaff ineved into it, •
T er .r •
There will be offered for sale gh the premises Inc led by Rev. P, '1". Oa Findlay, to Miss Nellie ellattbeth
the houses and Jots known as or "TOkToN the music: for the evening, At the adapted for the work, POLLARD -LnECII.--At. Caluinet Mich
ate o'clock », m. on Saturday, etober 28 1899. choir assisted by ei male quartette stip. The building and appliances are well of tower Wingham.
PROPIORTcomprisleg the foi owing - f •
COTTAGIff-Part, of Lot No, 1, Ontario street eVenieg sessiOn the newly elected ollie. J. . Ortweeii has: handled 22 2
rooms with woodshed and ow ar and hard and. loWfi '- TIonorary President, Rev. Jas. average price of 1 1 cents, aMOittlts to
soft water A rents ati5 per month.
Two Brum Housics-Somi-detached, two par Wilson, Goderich ; Pres dent, Rey. *2441.91 which is a very good showing,
storys high each with 9 rooms, a double Cellar tt, J. Antal Goderleit , 1st Vice Presi- Bob Ross recently dropped a floe
and furnace accemmodation ; rent at $8 per
motith cneh, deet;Mr, C. H. Holland, Clinton ; 2nd Watch into it threshing machine lincl
next to Ontario Street Mothirnst Church • if eera were introdueed and' are as rob' dozen of eggs this season which et' an 0 on Oct. 6th by Rev. Dr. Hunter, Cap -
TERMS OF SALg-conditton orritte. And an vice President, Mists 'Maud King, Blyth; the havoi3 that maehine made of that
informatlen -will be given to possible purchasers
3rd Vice PreSident, MISS Jennie Kirk Ate watch waa something wonderful.
on application to
Oe W. IBLYO IN:8, Iondeaboro ; 4th Vice President, Miss Dr. Boles of London was here last,
t-19 2 • Solicitor to: Owners lit•inie Holier, Goderich ; eth ;vice week and perfornied an operation on
• •`4. - •President Miss.M. B. Salkeld, Goders Mrs. Currie of IlaY township, lie was
Mb ; Secretary, Mr, W. 0, Myers, Chin. assristedboyn Drs, Ferguson of Bengali
Wm Treasurer, Mai R.. A.Illair,Auburn. ati- Kit'ict•
just At, hand, some special
values in Teas.
are extra 'value.
/MPLF,MENTS. (3 Hamilton hasrencived in.
structions from Mrs. Thornton Wallace to sell
by Patine Auction at Let 31, Concession 7, Tint -
lett, eommencing at 1 o'elock 0. m on %Ved.
nesday, Nov. ist, 1899 The following r Horses.
-1 general nurpeifie mare 10 years old, in "foal
to Prince Milton Hill. I horse rising 4 years,
heavy draft, 1 filly rising 2 Yearg., gonoral
pose sired by Norseman, 1 attesting colt; 1
driving Mitre/ yearold, in foal to Sago. Div-
hatn Cattle -1 thorebred Shorthorn Durham
eoW Mateldess of ElMittirst, (13th) MI00, calved
May 23th 1089 bred by W. 3, Biggins, Clinton,
?en Royagot l 170114(Cplegrn ndltrie). tb;934142:133)N In
1605. YVieterie, 1804, calved Jonet.I3th 1833 got
f to 1 tat e
li),C0(1,6tAITIgi!,f2'1.)f of
nooth onm.) sass, (51353) (Inctie °naive Nov, 1st,
Topsy II. (female) calved JaiLlith, tsap, get by
Dignity and darn Vietorie. Dignity e Pride
(mak) calved Mareit 211111 1889, got he Dignite,
dem Englishlinehese, 10877, she by English
Pence 2n6,4818. This 18 ft rine promising eoorig
bull, deep red in emor. Grade Cattle -9 11111elt
COW" PlInfunsed to he in calf to it therebred bra,
beifor2 701118 016 fir ealf to a thorabred boll,
1 farrow eow. 1 fat, dew, 3 steers 2 yew* old,
3 heifers 2 years, 3 bolters rising 2 years old.
steera risinglyears, denting calves, 8 good
Leicester MVOS. 1 brOnd A011" eta° young Dip,
7 store pigs Abt80t4 acres of turnips will be
sold by the 1�W, also '06141 toes of timothy
hey 11001 10 tons 01 0111901' hay. Ali will he void
Withoet reserve AN the eroprietress hes rented
her fartn, Terms or Fitilo-All roans Of $10 rind
tinder, testi t over thatamentit 12 Menthe ere
tur f (imbibing improved Jain t notes, A diat•
count of bi'per emit, per annum allotted fOr
eash Hen °ingest ONA1VIIIII'ON. AISII401I*
Brussels. Vfittelituit
• rrr-.......•••
The Royal Artificiol` raveraent Co, Mr, 31.11. Morn doo, one or Winghamtg
hale completed their labore. After a .prosperous merchants, was on Wednes.
big setiootes work, over 80,000 square day last married to Mimi Sarah Prances
feet of walk have been put down in [loss, youngest daughter of the late Mr,
addition to several thousand feet of Ross, grain dealerand merchatt ofPort
pr:vote walks and en the whole Mr ex- Perry. The Marria7e ceremony was
eel ent job has been done. Mr, Oen. perrOeined by Rev. Hossack of Toronto
ery will Wive hi atoll back next apring at the residence of the hrideh mother
to romplete a oleo° Of walk at the at Port Perry.
bridge where filing in has to be done On Wednesday of• last week one of
before the tvalk 0,•n be laid. our young laminesS men forsook the
The Ladies' Aid of St. John's church ranks of bachelors ta enter the army
have peeked their annual bale of sup- of benedicts, At the residence of Mr,
plies. This year they sent it more than Steinacker, Rosteek, nide toWn-
esually good bale, it eontaining besides ahip, hie daughter, Mary A. 13., was
it hirge quantirey or clothing, groceriee united to Ittr, lir, n, zurbrigg
and •dried- fruit. It was tent to lied of Wingham, who, scarcely a year ago,
Crow's camp, hieteodf Albei.ta Iti
T. A. Hawking has resigned the posh ttaoavvan.ahed a 14417araPilY blIsine"
thin of organist in St. Thema church, Among those who are thinking of
Seaforth, finding the distance between spending the Approaching Winter in the
Seaforth rind 13ruseele too great to genial clime of tiouthorn California are
travel so often,,Mr, end Mrs, It a
Mmbo, Mrs, Wiwi.
Willie Megaarrie ces rather badly Peasant. Mr. and Mrs, Pelton. Some
kicked by a horse while the farrilly were time ago Mr. T; Deli also thought of
returning from Myth Pair, The ImId• opending a few Menthe there.
bitelea broke and allowed the buggy to Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Henderson Of the
run up on the horse, • Bluevale road celebrated the fifth mini-
versary of their marriage en Ttleaday
evening at their bottle.
,ZttrIeh. Mr. 0, NI, W'tilker, Of tke firm 01
memo. Bros, have thole now vomit Walker & Clegg, whlo has spent the
tor In running order again. -.111)e Orey Pa" three tnelltlis In ft'llit0b4A1/41116
Dros. Mitelleil have been in our We8t, little int."?st"rthe W1118114°
imigbboshood for some time innking for ' furniture faetories, returnetl boine on
Nelms In the horse Loire Tu"daY"°9ing' •
Williams has returned after spending a 11" dentit'Pr"tke(41)""M"Ter°n1°
row months in iviootreal and oisosmore, has changed hands. Mr. iterente retires
• --Mr. td. Itossenberryr our enter- fiintli!IsELI)7„67,„Itil,s1)„yhDot,""Ilm":1' Ish,,soomfoo:
prising horseman, has disposed of his r ----1-
• PtiOirig mare, adessie- Minton," to Mr. assialatit
mernor, ga„ alwayt Civil/ea the
beet, !et he eitelagee.---,MrsJ. t. The GoVitrittlieti t is trying to get the
Tom, Y. 1'; 8,, visited or 5011001 mid troopship with lite Canadian voInn.
rotind everhlpo.teem away from Quebec oil Tuesday,
Nine lives were lost in the recent
Men want but little here
Montana blizzard. • '
Canned Meats are t boon to the
• tired housewife .during the sum-
For Over Fifty Years mon tits. They .save time
tain Joseph Pollard of Calumet, to and labor, No banging over a
Miss Isabella Leech, formerly of Sew Meet Vete:stoves Stmertrive Smut. has bow 4 . hot stove if you use Canned
used by millions of mothers for their Children be10W Wilt Meat of all want
tryrnDrtPLOAD• I.,ING,-At the 'reeklenoe broken y„ r re,t by a side ohne %%Marine
. while teething, If disturbed at ni ht and
of the bride's father on Oct. 11, Mr, arid crying with pain of CuttilTeeth send at
• i
A. D. Hyde of Newton to Miss Minnie mice and qet a bottle of "Mrs. N inslow's Rooth.
ng Syrno for Children Teething. It will re -
daughter of Mr. Janathan Ca piing of neve the poor little mifferer iMmediately. Do -
St, Marys,
. pond upon it, mothers, there 14 no mistake abouk
. BIRTHS. IiitOiCiss'll•agel:eWtiletfuattig,t1:1Pctrirtille. ar 16, 13 myRTLE ou
Gums, reduc'es Inflarnmation, andgivestone MM. a
D -----------
energy to the whole system, "Mrs, Winslow's
Soothing Syrup" far children teething Is plea-
santto the taste and is the prescription of one ,
• of the oldest and beat female physicians and
nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five
.eents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through-
' out the world." Bo sure and ask for "Sirs.
WiNSLOw's Soonum SrittiA. • .
ITOPPER.-Tn Witighaire 0-13b, 14th,
Mrs, II. Hopper ofsti son.
SHOWPRS.--In 'Aringliam, Oct. 15th,
Mrs. A. Showers of aeon,
010,114111S. .
BnACOM.-In Surnmerbill on bot.20t13,
Henry IleacoM. aged 90 years•
Seaforth, on Oct, 18th,
Henry Stewart, aged 64 years and 11
fri Gabs.
HILES.--In nutria, on Oct. 12th, Mr.
Samuel It, tilles, aged 75 years, 8
inttrithe and 12 days.
• 131311011. -In Peel, on Oct. 15111, Ann
Meldrum, relict of the late James
Brum, aged 81 years and 3 months,
ANDERSON.17- in Wingliarn, Oct. 18th,
' Margaret Anderson, relict of the late
Peter A nderson in her 74111 year.
MILLAN.--In Cul'r las, on Friday, Oct.
6,'Itlary Millen, daughter of Mr. am!
Mrs. .P, ' aged 28 years,. 8
months and 22days.
BIiIN NEI' P.-. lo Ito wick, on Friday,
Oct., 13th, Elizabeth Montgomery,
wife Of Richard, 13ennett, egad 53,
14r.,13411, -in (Ireditori, on Oat. 1211)3
Charles P. nilber, aged 74 years,
months and 20 days.
Caledonia, N. Y., oh
Oat. Pt, Geroge J, Griffin or Lohclen,
formerly of neeiter, aged 40 years.
STAFFBN. -In Brandon, Man., on lph
Oct,, Emelia, Shawl , of Logan, aged
25 years.
1.1shorne, on 00t, 14tit,
infant child of 'Thomas. Mo‘lartly,
Thames Hood.
English Spavitt Limmen f, rem oves al
hard, soft or calloused Inmps and Worn,
Isheq from horses,. blood spavin, eurtui,
splints, ring bonesweeney, stifles,
sprains, sore and swoolen throat,
coughs, etc. Savo 0150 by nee of one
bottle, Warranted the most wondet,
Eul blemish cure ever known. SW by
Watts 'Sr (Jo,
Eureka Harness 01111 the beat
preservative of new leather
and the boat renovator of tild
leather. It oils softens, black.
en8 and meted/h. Use
Harness Oil.
on your best harness, your old har-
ness, and your carriage top, MIS they
will not only loolz bettes but Weer
soulovurrathereln catut-an
amyl (OM belt pints to five 511110118,.
Was by Istrtattt bit 00., IlmItert,
Muskoka Lakes, Ilion River lushest Mare
anetawan itiver,Penetang, Midland :Mint 6*
711115 0! Bays, Lakelleld, Argyle to
Cobeemik, inclusive; TAndsay to Ifallbur.
ten, inclusive ; n11 points bovern to North
Bay feel Mil Vflt
From Brockville and West in Canna&
412311114 SINGLEvi'sv FARE
AT , , • CLAtia
win ho issued October 25t1i t� Noyeinbci' jot,
InClUnIVO, Valid fO return front destinetion not
inter than December 13th, 1803,
ti_tomovor \VIII enovved mall points Severn
bed Nettie
Spertsmates min And to pounds of camping
outfit tarried free,
leer Vishinit ited-ItuntIng Outdo nooks and
Marnt et. RO
the Distrlet, ditplt to
, Plokn, D. Toronte
A. 0. Ltettison, 0. T. -Agent, taintou.
flodgens, It, T,11, Ticket AgeetiCilntee.
Plug and cut,
. . .
Thereto 0th-te1mite in the cireulati on of the
Family Herald and Weekly Star during the
past two years has been Marvellous, The eir.
imlation September 1501. 1899, was 117.119 fuli
Yearly subseriptions. What will it be in four
months hence? Who Can realm the nearest
estimate? Will the rate of increase bO 015111'
Mined or increased/ Publisher and subseribers
are alike interested in this, Ti e publIsherseirer
Family ;Wald Subsoribert; who make the best
estiniates the following eash prizes The ques-
tion 11-.3.Vhat will the &inflation of the
Family Herald and Weekly SWIM for the issue
dated. Jautlary 17t1i-, 10008 Only full yearly
subscription); will be eountod. eta Siumfies
Torthenrsecorrect estimate recolvea
the publishers vitt give $500.00
Tor the nearest to correct estimate the
publisheN win give $100.00
Tor the eridnearest to eorrect estimate
thepublishers well:aye $ 60.00
Tor the ard nearest (0cermet estimate
the publishers Win give 82.1.00
rot the next 5nearesttocorroet estImate
thopublishers will give each $ 95.00
To next 25 nearest to cornet esti-
. mate the ptibliabers Will give
ORM 82. $ 60.00
Tor them:Wm nearest te sorted esti.
mato tiro publishers will give
eacb $t * 50.00
estimate the emulation of. the VAndly
1-10raId and Week!, Keefer the Wino of Jan.
'eery 17119,1000, will ho
Our stock is all fresh and from
the best canners. Try a can of
Chicken for your Sunday dinner,
J. w. nirt
• Travellers to any pint of the
world should consult tbe
above in reference, to ticket,
fares, etc.
&dom./ 40
and two Canadian Inatitut ions have, recently
0.pplidd 10 118 du
s for our graates to tenth in
their schools. If you want neeitioual evidence
of our stmeriorlty you wut ithd ir• in our eat*.
logno-t.he finest Ilosiness College Datalogne 00
canada, Write for one, etridents admitted
W. J. ELLIOTT, Prineipet.
Doolea Cotton Boot Oompoisi.
hisoceettsfully Wier monthly by oyor
10000 Ladlen. asfeceiteetuto.Ladiestek
Nana. your dniggiet fOr Cooke Wee Rost Gel.
rote, Taken* nther.as all Mixt-was, lantana
„ ,,,,,, imititioos ars (unfastens. P0105, 1(0. 1. at *sr
14.140. scars degrees stron ger, sit per box. No.
d• mailed on reoslie of priers end two S‘oent
I ontor 'The Cook vonipsaiy windsor.onty
Arrues, 1 and 2 2110101d r000mmonded b7 MI
rospobstbla Druggists in Condo.
No I and No 2 iteld in Clinton byt vizier
Jsekson, Druggist.
Prow or State
Ton Nttwotteenan arot roma? Itetma via
WeokIy StAt‘ WIII be sent to any addFuntil
the mil of 1000 foe *1.7e ' Ty re.
telYexl *Nen *ending fily vt, anbeeript en. No
estimates reesdrecteftereettnery 120000.