The Clinton News-Record, 1899-10-26, Page 20
e -e-ent-'re
1, intent ea eyerkTHURSDAY at'rus
HOOL. '4,4:attrbulettiethrreayPisrftlarl TB MIDDLE OF NOON I
ed comets whose Matter become -
Dame, and the parehed• ground; tens
dietributed rOnnd their erbite l" nom •
t yOur liver la Out, of order, oansint IN IERNATIONA10 LESSON' OCT. 29 ro?ky channels became at cnce &dreams -THEN Y011, MAY SEE A IdADNIPlo h
e'en/ Income the /Iowa Albert St netted bite rivers ot water, the little
01,1143„"lbcomn Cltzlvto,
lilliousneete Sick Headache Hee* ' neo
bnrit,OrCOnetipatielntakendqse of ''Patilan or neleyerauren Poi. Se elle as astonished eye° thane tieetetemed
PR•TtYll • etoldria rem, line. les 4 tot it. 44 Seen Otite in • T t .net,,e0 led the remerleable ta e t at t
T su gestion was confirmed by E tun, Aowir, Tug 1ONORAST
an livers, and tbe lanfre *44 VERT insrLAY OP METEORS. Schtaparea ne man, who a le,w AND Z4RP-S.
weeka atter the Leonid ehower advane-
Iv. ono, 3Nto.
at' %ao tAl }VA) 44 V' I;t'
t 1 tie 40 ei le Verse I. Thou bast been favorable there are tears which ere themselves I, to " or y a er pp° zer s e ta
, ey) rty , , Augumt meteors tit Men tb bee ma lesellsiminue Inperienees 111 nalmitione
PRACTICAL NUTES. 5. They tbat sow in teen Oen reap
Joy. hns been wen said mit Vigeass-n'eritwrtsmanottl.clikirrio:upillo:stligitiZkieloat)i same voth as Towtier,s ---":00m0leutff 01°181g boiiiorres:leuniml.tritiont.;4314•41.1011.44.14:7, ,.ter .te
tl ft I h d h
. • • • 1e . art i . an etre.
*ijounnle 00 0 • 0 ' "e .! et festive °mane will be regulated end
*Velum" 'elm " e° ' 7 u" - uu On reSirtuga and tomorrow your die lento the land. That Ina tlie divine fay -late &abed We must sow, teara of sorrow
t tech..." , . „ u uo a au :NO ,.. ., 0. - or had been reetorea, "the ban of dorm. tu'r ein° &ear" IlYmPlitilY witit the At Pe
afflicted Church, tears of tenderness i oribt of TellePle'a comet of 1866. and " Au Engliehman 1" writes from a
at the same thne Leverrier published .village
e Leonid meteors, and Week at; f II
MI celestial' parade ot meteors
Of *petite pun. don trent %a to 04 Per Ilu'sb 4tra, you will be brioht, active and ready "teal is 'removed." To the devout Ile- and prayer., 4 scheduled for November 14, and his orbit of th
At the present time, when eo much
ill Derinethire to the Sheffield
0 Owe:
1 , 187e a relate hi I ( d b t
Per Bum tor toe f teat insertion; 3 cent., been the experience of °them; it
nor trausient advertistenente 10 tones for any kind of work. Thie hag brew' Palestine Was as really the 6. He that goeth forth and weep- - „
thrteseorvel:r:hrreotseeslistiors: ree the last were found to be the mum. In
interest is centred on the Transvaal
ons I was race a wean
per line each sulesequent insertion- will be ydure, HOOD'S PILLS aro Lord% lend art Tartlet wee the Lord's eth bearieg precicus Reece Seed' is ale p Peens ont• °L the AndroMedes a dieplay of meteors
scarce an4 dawn are many. The
"Lelhareil unesare. PrOfeseional cards, 'Old by ail medieine dealm, 2.6 de. people. Thou bast brought back the seedesower Inuit himself be Armed,
not exceeding 0110 11104 Airt-ntl 1/ta '-' • eapti.ity of oliteub. A yore wonderful and then the sowieg is sub disceurag.
nenttra. Advertisements settle:Me avec- . .
changeo in tee government of the world ing wor,k that it is as mace prose as
"44 direatiOna will be published till
sight.. When the path of the meteors 'incurring on NoveMber 27, and Biela's and its doings, a short aceolint of nom
erosses that of the earth the earth defienct comet, and the Inference Wall of nay own experience in and int -
that the meteors were pursuing the
passes. obliquely through the stream, fittrae path as the ooneet. pressions or that country,. and Johan -
and is eiposed to tee . downpour of a
their claim to uternberehiP" in the nesburg in particular, may not be
neeteore tor sereral hours. tiolar system le now fully eetablished, amiss.
We great" a tew membe" uf the. -4111-111aortbrece atreent• et°or 67:tell:is Bor olkhear The Earns foot pollee as they aro
advance guard taat year, we expect to 4 .14
coMets. Prof. Alexander Herschel called, are thorns in the sides of the
eoent thent by the thausateds this year, finds four or five meteor swarms 1/Wanders, A. more ignorant, .brutish
and. look forward to a view of the welch bare' a "comet annexed," as li and drunken set of loafers •it would
rear guard . in 'the year IWO. The lAyzer,onllenaetshetchtremoeft thre. "Iwaeoarninitis iftonld.
known by the, name of. the Lemilds, are of the opinion that the comet it -
members of this celestial army are. Iowa the comet, while some authorities world'
tbbeeyh aftridv,Tlehtysosay :otats:sze, 1;1 hitartitygwol ihinuegtest, ionwtttl:hile:
since th,eir Whs. traced backWard all sett is in the densest part of the WrIste, in a moot. aggressive manner,
radiate from a point in the constel. teTifiltn. *tat 1:t:grtilteleMecrtYWIlsrl,t; and •revolvers' on the slightest :tied
lation Leo. Their uniform is green scattered willYbe its particles. oftee no provecation. I saw a Zarp
end blue, and they march in double . one day running a nigger, who had
q,uick time, with a -speed averaging 26 . ' 4 ' given him Hie slip, through the most
eniles a :second.. . - THE tIIIIT OF. SP:76,1:1 -BY 'STEAM crowdee part of johanneaburni " bee
• - -
. As it happens. we are hastening to - •
ohn T, 1 mmerto seed -sower. Come again with rejoic.
Transient noticee-"Lose," "Found," the Peralans seemed to have been att
• AOrbid and charged for accordielelY. n had brought about u now ,portey, and poetry LO speak of the weeping of the
."Pitr Sale," ete,-50 ceats for first IA-
. . .
ing, bringing his sheaves with. lum,
willing to foeward the plans of ehose The g adtiess of the harvest will (these
.sertion, 25 cents for 1)aoli aubseqUent
tesertion. snows woo:, opposite Post Office exiles who wished to° re; Are to their away all thoughts a sorrow.
Ttlie NEWS -RECORD will be aellt ALSO,,,, . native lands as the Babylontans were .
to apy address, free of postage, fOr 1 g
1 t itt ciT(a d Life henna Co to disperse them over the empire.
01.00 per year, payable In advance- I Jai:oh stood, for ull. his land. '
$1.50 may be °barged if not SO paid, Held Care iat, Cantata, Montreal.
4". 11' °. n1111,4'00,0011 t. Thou bast forgiven the iniquity
The date to which every subscription
illtatittX If 101', 1 a attaa a . 1:1,540,000 of thy people. Portrayer' tbeir wrong . •
the addreas iehei, No paper diseetiltin- Pei Olin i 0 )12A The • taldiehlt end favorite d"de, and, as. can se seen Aaiiiitled 0 cries:, or 111111•1111:e 11.11. n1/111
11./04. 10 14411'0 111100.1.1.4
ued .until all arrears are paid, .except _ ..., ._ ..,.._ ,,,, , ., . .... from their Watery, put a new heart • . °When I was considerably younger
at, the option ot the. proprietor, •
is paid is denoted ity the number on
in them, so the!: from,this time On iheY and greener in this business," said an
did not hunger for idols. Thou bast old railroad detective, who had been
Editor and Proprietor VIE0 11110W11111
wavered all !heir sins. . A beautiful asked to tell a story of Ms experience'
THE MOLSON'S BANK horseeltoer and General,
Blaokemith figure ot speech. That Welch would ee „e
call for punishment ig covered over. eyed at a certain betel, which it
wrath. As Zeus end Jupiter were Oita rainy, sleety night in early win-
o 3. Thou haat taken 'twee all thy is not in the lease 'treasury to name,
Ili{1^`•111111), t(1111 milrrecni Albert Street, North, Clinto .
CaeITAt. $2,00th000
Rear i,soo,000
I' ead Offleo, MONTREAL, I
• ,• •
Wooilwork ironed tont firetelass material
and work guaranteed. Farm implements and
inacianto: rebuilt aad repaired.
ptetured hurling thunderbolla, so t e ter came in very 14te, and going di.
reotti to my room wee surprieed to
loose bis wrath upon the sinners, but find OA" door ajar. 1 bail on pair
now that wrath is all turned . bath. tee old rubbers,.. SO iny approaeb had
psalmist, thought of God its one who
had been angered by sin and had let
. • Thou beat turned theaelf • from the made no noise, and PeePinii in I 94w
Cierceness of thine anger, Shown in • , .
el01.E0N; ('PHNRSON, President man bending over ni,) open trunk. 1
F.1% 01.PEIIE. TA N A B, Gen. Manager • the devastation o the Ian - nd the
The lleKillop the „Lie ,:e!, didn't etop to *meditate, but wits on
tion. of the royal family, ip the over- his back in a couple of jumpie and who
bolted:. Sterling nod American Exchange nsuraute .tompany. . throw of the temple, and the mossation elionld b. turn out eo babut the porter,
1 rein itr Fold. hitt ter: +tree oil on 1:events for so Many yeare of •. its young while matt, •,a0ubli• liked by
regular services, But now god
has "turned himself,r the pun-.
FSMI leolgted Town Property. h. t
Only Ineured, . Is -ea la "sr, More itnnortant
Voleitehronnted, 0 reetlims made, Drafot I
e•vetyboaly in the heuse. tie was so
startled that he cOaldn't ssay a word,
titATIHiCtS BANK.: • . In the•psalmist's eye than Inns evtdence and there Was tee evidence plain as
1 Interest a lowed on sums of $1 and up.
of God's favoi° and fcrgiveness were the I day. • The trunk had.been forced with
nirFICIeRea a chisel, which lay on the floor; the
4. Tura us 43 God (If our salvation.
favor and forgiveneee tbemalelves,
• '
Money rdvancedie Itirmore cn their own J. 13, MoLoan. Pr Aid nt. ICIppen 0.;
notes with one or more endorser* No mon- w - sh • • s' Restore on ietrii to us. So we have contents were tumbled about- and
gage required as seetwits. • J. annon ee)- ream. ''Staaforth P. 0 ; heard earnest Christians thank God for sticking in the look of the door 'was a
Thomas Frarer vie .nrwident Bruceneld P O.
. • Thermo E. Hoye: In-pneterof Lotee6, Seaferth tile forgiveness of sins and with the skeleton key neade cut ef. ^ &bee Of
li• BREWER. ittattagea21 'ann. P• ck •
illoeteee • ; actual experience pro- eoPper Wire. ' .When the po;tee found
• ceed at 'once' to pray that their seine his Aengue he begged me not to turn
W:nti rap Oeor.e fitife Feaforth• Thonme wig forginen. rhe, phrase mciene hen over to the pollee He said hie moth -
'0„ Pro:ulnae- eettfmal t John- G. Grieve,
' ht. I • '
, ilays E,'eafor b Jame; Evans. 'Beethweal ; continue and increase thy blessings, ar, who was dependent- on laitit for
. ohn, Wait. Herlock. Thointo Frazer Bruen- and it Means eVen more than this. silliDort, was leek and in destitute cir-
field: Jelin R. McLean, Kipate • Ja
al kA r Cause thine anger toward us tooease.
re en u to ov
cumstancen; that he was unable to
AI BEPT. STPILT, , Connolly. Cen'on, •
AGNNTr-:: The comfort of mercies alreadyneceiv- o glx pr ide her with nec-
Sia eek . Rontoe Mt• Sea..
. ed is the ground or prayer Ler gre4., 'essaries, and his desperate need of
A General Banking Hi:shiest; Transacted;
Not eieniseouni ed. Drafts issued..
Interest •AlloWed on Deposits.
4.444 .444
0.741:p'Cii3E1 %%A;
Fire, Accident and Life Insurance
Trt nsat ted. Represeit s reveral of th a• batt
onmanteat and any laticarmatioa Jointing ro
'tenon:cc ',feats gtven, Otatteral p
Agent tor .11e COnfederation Jiro 1,10x:ranee
Co. Money to Loan on Reasonaloo Rates
Office- Palace block, opposite Market.
• .
John Ridout,
•C:011k;eyttaL`et,' onanissioner, En,t,„
.Fire Insuraneee - - • Real Estale.
. Monev lo Lend
• . • -•
Office -41 U1ZON sTnE.ET, OLIN PON
. •
Dr. .‘°: Gunn
, •.
• .•
R. e..P: and S Editiburgh
Oflice--Ontario. Street, Clinton. Night
calls at item: door ot: residenee On Ratten-
.bury Street, opp. presbyterian hureh.
• .
Dr Wm. Graliam
(Suceessor to De. Turnbull.)
Licentiate cif the Royal College of Physic -
:ails, London; -Eng.
Office and Resideice,..Porriieseilloce,
ritely occupied bY Or. Turebull.
'Dr. Shaw,
Office-Ontat•io Sweet, opposite English
thurch„ formerly oectspied oy Dr. Apple-
• DA. -C. Wr-THOMPSQ1-
Office and Kesidende next to Molsim's
Bank, RatienSury street, Clinton.
Surgeon:. Dentist.
Office -Cootie Block, Albert 'Street.
Specialties -Crown aed 'Bridge Works
and preservation or the natural teeth,
Office adjoining Foster's Photo Gollery-
Office liders; - 9 to .5.
At Zurich the second Thau•stiay of each
• • month:.
Blaekall tic Ball,
. Veterinary Sur *ins Oovernmetti Veter.
ina . Inspectors. .
Office -Isaac ..treet,clinton; Residence,
Albert Street,
e •
Money to Loan, etc,
Office.- Elliott Klock, Isaac Street,
b, Campion, Q
'Berliner, ; Solicitor, - Notary,
Ortece-over Davis.' Drug Store.
Money to , Loan.
,11. O. Johnstoni•
11.1 'NU r, trol:citor, Ctittribaioner, tic
•Gt/DERIC11,. - ON e
Orriee.e.Cor Hamilton and St, Andrewet,
Barrister, Selicitor, Notary Public, Cen,
BO- Yeletnele
TRADE MAtalt11
coevetetero ato.
moue towhee a Skeidh and deaniptInn anal
enemy Anatolie our orintetaireel1Betner an
invention its embitter ententab a Communes.
tiondeteenyconfidentea, that Beek 011 rattlati
IWO ffea, "Oldest nailacar for unstring patents. •,
Patent, taken through Diann 46 Co. reeerie
nuelat notice, withott tlettge, WWI
$dentific Jimericas.
' A hatildietriely lanittatatt weakl!. Ientiontre
-011011 .0t any Immune teettin, Terms. la
r anittntessat Fund byte/ eq.
co,_sfointosimeh ew int
Olo f.10 eilto Wald ott. • (W
forth: James, Oun• mina*. lOgntonliv,Ile. J.*. er. God has forgiven and :restored Money had• tempted- him to the act. It
was hut tint offense, he pleadedrand
Yee: ntemoset le II O.: &Am clove loak and His eeeple. and• yet in spite- of forgeve-
ohnelail,o nu tors
. .
Pm ties (la:troll. to °treat Mai:ranee or tran-
sact, °Ater Moline.. witi be promptly 0m,00 td
1.0 00 Ai 011001.100 to any of the Abate odic, re
addresred to their respective peat aloes. .
Grand 'Icrunk
Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station as
• • follows :
Buffalo and Goderich District :•-•
Going !Neat, Mixed . ... • • • 10.1e ant
" " F..24011SB.:., • • ' 12.55 p.m.
" MIXO4.1 • t 7,05
44' •1 11:Xptes.; 10.27 pee.
Going Enet, Express ;en:, ;ono a.m.
. , a.e3. pan.,
" Pan•
London', 'Huron nett 4•7-
Goieg Statith'i. Express . nee 0.01,
" " 4.25 Pen•
Going North, ." ' • loos
4, '! . 6. 55.0,m.
al: 6. blew.50y, w. DA.vis
, .Dis. Pos.-% Agent; . G. P. & T..4.i
. Toronto. . Montreal
A, 0. Psrtisok, G.T.R. Agent tit,Clinton
• A Neer South Wales country school
teacher recently gave a boy a question
in compound proportion for home
work, which happened to 'wind° the
eireurnstance of men' working ten hours
-a day in order to complete a eertain
work. • .
. •
Next morning the • unsuspecting
teacher, in looking over the little pack
of exeriaises found jim's sum . unat-
tempted, end the followineletier in-
clined en the page: .
Sur: I refuse to let Jim do this sum.
you give bim jest nite hap it looks to
me to be a slur at 8-hur siatunt emlY
aunt not More than 8 he is wal-
e= to do but not more. Yours truely,
Abram Biro*, Senr.
e"- -
According to a medical paper iced
ohloroform has' been elied as an anaes-
thetic in the Julius Hospital at Worm;
tbetic in -the Julius Hospital at Wm's-
burg in over 14,600 cases with the most
excellent effect:. It is said eo be mime
quicker in its actimi than chloroform
adininistered ai the ordinary tempera-
ture, and Co• leave none of the nausea
and depression whieh almost everyone
nyho has been under the ordinary
'anaesthetice has experienced. It is ale°
believed to be inueh safer than other
preparations. Altogether, so much is
olairnied,for sit that we suppose it will
soon be tried in the•English hospitale.
If It was only health, we
might let it cling.
But it is a cough. One cold
110 sooner paeses off -before
another comes. But it's' the
same old cough all the time.
And it's the same) old story*
too. There is find the cold*
then the cough, then pneu.
monis or constiMptiOn with the
long sickness, and life nen*.
ling in the balance. .
le s
loosens the grasp of yOUriotigh.
The congestion tivf the throat
and lungs ie removed; all in.
flamtnition Is subdued; the
pint ere put perfectly at rest
and the cough drops away. It
hat no disetscd *Wales Mt
which to hang. --
Dr. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
draws out intionunadon ot the
vropibet rris Mil a iltailtIntAtiet
tilevairtiinArealealitraValt=aal antic*
&Met y. Ton 11 11001V11
71111 040ttriblt 0101110, 1111111 Oar
WOOS tUrt41,14%) Ave,
eh, Yew.
ness and res!.oration much is lacking.
0 for full salvation r
5. Wilt thou draw out thine anger
to all generations. Who had• sinned,
theementen or Weir lathers,. that they
were Fact greatly penislied? The sin was
national, like some of the sins of our
own nation, end coold net be separat-
ed by geography or chronology into in-
dividual sins. Mena sseh, Jelicalacbin,
and Zedekiate and other bad and wiek-
eal kings had led the nation Into sin
and the punishment which closely fel-
fowed it. But God has led their cbil-
d ren's childreinback to the holy Med;
worship has been revived on the ruin-
ed Altars. 'Is God's hand in punish-
ment now to be Stretehed out ? Io not
. . • • •
the new nation justified in enpecting
God's favor rather ?
Give us new life. That thy, Peoele may
M. Wilt thou Pet reVive its again.
eejoice in thee. sTne repeated nation-
al .testivals gave a enetioularly joy:-
ous cheracter to • Jewish worshile. a young MR11 in the hall. I pulled but
ir.r would lot° tdm offf it would be hie
last-ein short, he gave me the usual
story, but he told 11 so well and, beg-
ged BO pitiously that at last I weaken-
ed, tied told hian to get out. • Next' y
he, quietly :left town, and later on 1
discoveeed that the mother atorr Wes
a -fake. Then. I cussed m•yself for be-
ing a feel. - •
'Nearly .4 year afterward," continu-
ed .the detective, "I arrested a profes-
sional mook for cur breaking and
round hint wearing a pair of
• • MY OWN CUFF Burroxs,.
which had missed for a long time
and •didn't know what had become of
thecae Under pressure he copfessed
thine he hid Stolen them; Heim a room
suoh-end-such a house, naming the
hotelewhere I '. He said he bad
opened :the door with A. falie 'Idly,
broken into a 'trunk, and was just
neleen he heard somebody
(to• ning and darted eat, barely dodging
1 7. Show tie thy Meioy, 0 Lord, and the eopper skeleton keY,; which I still
grant its they salvation; .A prayer my rang, and he identified it
!repeated , during several generatione. larniediately as the' one he had tesed.
Offeeed by the grandfateers, it meant You may well heiieve I was. consider-.
salvation fronr, the solidery of the ably agitated, and I went to work int. -
Egyptians, Assyrians, and Babylon- mediately to locate • the ex -porter,
land; effeyed by the .tateere, it meant After a-gbod deal of difficulty...I. fin -
salvation. femn the whimsical fyranny ellrionnti.hern in Memphis clerking in
of the Babylonian lend Persian inon- a grocery storer-1 got the tip, by ehe
, archa; offered by this pealmist and way; from A letter *he had written to
e those Who used.his psalm in worship, it a friend, Well, I corpered him and
meant salvation from the temphatione insisted oti an explananoe, and he told
land dangers of the . restoration in me e story I wilt never forget as long
Palestine. where powerful pagans Min, as I live, He row, he was coneing
'for nearly a century, Made their home, daunt the hall thin night, when he safe
and where Wild beets oriented amid the a min rine oot tie ney•roome The, fel-
1 ruins of once proiperous plantations, low. •got needy before be could . grab
1: 8. I -will,hear. "Let me hear." What
.God' the Lord will speak.. God is,al-
ways speaking, but men through the
, centuries bave been deaP to his voiee.
!No words of the "nal:mist ere. better
tweee tbe. chaies," in front Of the
the combination of their speed with N" lut 11°'s 11'"A"uul"."
else nen nue
meet the Leonidae and •as a result of All 'ORX/itect 'NMI it "'COO SLOOle Exchange, and :trying to cover
mars, which is 19 miles a second, 'that "7 read a pieee the other day." said him with his revolver 1 . The nigger
inure travel. I vent•ure to disagree A drunken Englisinnau Was ineking
of ehe Leonids is equiva,lent to 40 or air one locomotive engineer, ' in w eh edeocHlegeeede,lez ea:ledanoueyt °tell
'• hi .
170 miles a second They make their a railroad. man said that 150 milee nn lithe fool had ffred, it's everyLode was ex-
. .
hour was one et the pin:Abilities of tee:Atha' he Woule ate a f any* moment.
tiesence ' known to us by means of
Vivid. and pelnistent flashes of light,
its they dash recklessly into the. air With hiro, and I'll telt yoo whe-he a row one eventng when some Zarin)
stirrounding • Mir planet d boxab d doesn't take into account the human .tried to run him in, eot he promptly
us with their celestial 'artillery: Thus
1111 . ar
maim in LIM mt. 1 tion't doubt -
meteor baits." He was at length oveepoweired by torce
biro they will build engines that can
we are "Pelted with Aar .dust, with
stand a 150 'mile gait, but. they 'can't sling and swearing to the Charge
of numbers, and marched .off strug-
FIUNDlitiD THOUSAND MILES WIDE. hued • the engineers. • - , Office, and thrown handeeffed into
en widely extended ranks, about 100,e "On a good roadbed one notices one of the filthy celle, where he eon -
tinned to make a nom. Next moth -
Battalions • id Leonine are marching
very little difference between twenty -
CO) miles across, by a concerted plan five and fifty milee an brAnr. 1, mean skull battered in and there was no
hire he was found in his cell with his
along a prescribed tract, nearly try..;
the strain on. the nerves isn't ,verne.doubst one of these brutal Zarps had
eiders sealed Perhaps fOreVer to het- 1,- eeeyching riontiinAt5 his- eel/ And eletebed .hein to
terialiy ittereaeedn; ine
thousand Million Miles. ineripan, untie
man intelligence,. At every return The sensation is simply indeitaribable faith* off the low bench which served
above that Beat is the pm° that kills: "
fOtid tlizaz,tilaultrid
there are desertres .frozie. the ranks,. in swordn. It seems to jar. every, setae. for a •bed, and so the Matter 'was hush
Wore oat by th:s tremendous journey; rale fibre in the bony, and the tension
lastin ed up I . .
pooaeion there why be some Leonids In ene of tbe. suburbs, Jeppestown,
g over 33 years. • On.the coming is BO -terrible that one is apt to feei '
who eneoyed a brief &mom of•Planet the effect foe dupe The average man one night . a wlute num was seen to
Eaeth as they hastened byeit on tbeir can't stand many spieets at even 66 picious etee.nner. Two' 'Zeno gave phase
leave a house with a bundle in a sus -
am ltell they may death) to become het- out of such en ord,eal 'all broke up.'
woy in 18t3 and 38eti• and at the parade nallei an hour, let alone 150. He comes and tired on and killed the poor Wretoh;
ter icquainted with our 'planet, • As
a edrisequenee the companies and col- • -
and jumps when he heare unexpected
ones o the Leonids will be broken poises, like a hyalerical woman. )).1y
Opposite where the shooting.took plece
another rnan 'was lying very ili of ty-
phoid, and the sheekoccasiened by the
anti gaps left •by the desertere, but own theory is that the effect is pro- reports of the revolvers killed him too I
their pieces are soon taken, and the At the subsequent enquiry the Zeros
companies and eolenuns become as COM` dueed mainle through the Sight. li"eu swore that the'lma,n had turned and
pact. as ever, ' • pointed a revolver at them, end that
Meanwhile the ardor of the deserters haven° lookinneght abeadjuit at the, • they had, allot him in self-defence, but
same. Gine you see the things vvhizzing as the man was shot in the back, this
into the sbield el ii,ir protecting •us' past on beth sides. put. of the tail of.
yaw eye; and it is as if scraething lutd
diminishes smnewhat as they plunge
to any but the Boer mind yould have
been conclusive evidence against the
from surh intruders; they eneoenter hod of •the optic nerve And was pulling Zeros.. They were, however, exculpat-
ed, and probably, promoted.
numberless obstaclea in the way* par- it .,eut, like a rubber hand. That's a
ttwioleeest othf 6aird,eas•enrdtearsharrttomle. etreuersanbkei Pretty °Willey explanation, hut it's .PAUL'S GEN'rLEMANLY NEPHEW.
as neao as I can bome to et.. Many's At the Krugeredorp races Lieutenant
et meteors and the particies, resulting the tanorve staggered when e got up Eloff, a nephew of Oom Pa,u1, merle
en victory for the latter and disastrous from my seat in the ash.. ' use of some vile exPression about the
..ilefeat for. the foriner. "That thing ot staring, 'straight Queen and Englishmen in 'general. An
For a fen' brief seconds the van- ahead," .contineed tile engineer, "is Englishman went for Itinn. end there
quashed: are serrounded .ey a blaze:of hatindi g04 on allY maitre. neereti in Was pearly being a huge rdw. Pro.
tight, •until' tbey• -reach a Pella about the °wise.' or time,. •particuterly dine ceediegs *ere subsequently, taken "in
five miles overhead, then they fade ing night rens, One -sees nueer•tiOnge, the Police•Court, arid Several witnesses
away:crumbling into dust, their glory and I've 44 seine =trim. in •My life were called. and swore tc having heard
Navin/1g utterly departed„ . that wend 'have turned my hair as Eloff make use of the exeressiori coin-
. -
At the costing celestial parade 'we s white as milk if hatr really turned 'plaited of. For the . defence,. Witness
shall -be on the wateh for .seoh cletin- white that wait. • The woest. troll)) e settee witness was called to swear that
• quents, sentries will be on guard ann-• is `With shadows ' no une-omencne• they had not heard him use thewbrds
thipg foe hied to flit abross lee head- lin:muted- to him. This 'was: a bit too,
l'ght rind tbrow a shadow, down: the much even lor Jim Landrost, who
creek • es b g as a boxcar. 01 couree stopped. the flow of witnesses, and al
it's gone in an inetitnt, . but in .just Duce dismissed the case, and Eloff was
thee heartbeat the nerves have been Promoted to Ps'etoria I
Old and New World Events of Interest Citron,
Wed Briefly-latereeting BOPPIelloire
Recent Data.
ed with Camerae, with vvhich pictUres
will be. taken o; the eneteors. : The
•eamerniennust 'be focused 'and ready
for service from mittnight, until dawn,
end: it ih'hoped that ' many .captures
maty be • made sduring the 'wee 'smite given 0 shoefeeihat they .may •not re- One evening, walking.heme with my
houra ateinf the twal:" ' cover from in a week: Tye. bad that hateundei my arm, as ib wag sultry, I
1. • . .VISIDLE.:' TO AL•In ' . happen to me several times. a I would, was twice nceoeted by Zan*, •and told:
1 there will not be• the exorbitant de-. be. teeting iviong at• a 55 Or (10 mile that. if I did not but my hat on. I
the celestial paiade, for so lone as We' 54
mend for mete on grand stands' at 'clip when. all of a sudden something would have te go to the charge office,
lattok in t•he right directiciii at the right and Mack would loom •out of Mei I bad one. or tWo etalwart friends with
time tee display *ill be. visible frir ail. reit" ' telegraPh "4E4
dark ieget between the rails. and mit me, and I did not put ney het DO, arid
pear ahoOting Upward from- the fioetb.... • ow 01
:second I event.d know it to be the seed- anyWhere near it I. ' -
'ahead. Next ,I:did oot go to the charge office, 01.
Before midnight the meteors .witl :w-
hite, and, naturally .enough, he went eastern herizien, init 'later on* es Die
radiant rim. . ItPprOaaes .1nadheaven, earned the mischief was already done. exeraitie the feanchise 1 I' remember
I h h d • 11 d I
a bird but aefer see was con- And these Zeros are the bretes who
. , .
Staines Crown Prince lowing coin-
Pleteil his education at Harrow, his
brother, Prince Rangait, bait now
been sent to England to aohool.
Theatre omnibuses have been start-
ed in Paris, which leave the thief
beetle:a after the perforixtanees and go
out to eix residenc.e quarters for the
"Desnerhte Queensland, Yew South Wales.
ioundary line, on the edge of the AIM -
Strut* yield of .water et 4,00009
gruailiola:daedseatrt., an artesian well has
William•Bonny, the hospital etewardo
who was the last survivor of Stanley's
expedition, is dead in the Guardie Hos-
peihtilitleincornLotiandnoionn.s in the Einin relief
Melbouree, Australia. recentli ex, •
per•leraced the fiest fall of snow in its
history. It came late in the austra-
lion winter and •was heavy enough for .
the children to make snowballs,
Ledignan a little town io the Ce-
vennes, is so strongly on Dreypia' side
that it hats ' named streete aeter A.1-
fred •Dreyfus and Enaile Zola, and a '
sl eq.; ahr ,s Pbleit(eine oPhi cirtae or te.d mbplai aft adie-
Prague's new Archbishop in succes-
sion to the late Cardinal Schenborri,
le Freiberr Leo von Skerhertsky von
Hisistie, Who is 36 years of age •and
has been a priest for ten years. The
Czechs feel sure that no German will
be Able to pronounce his name,
All the exterior of the great Settee
Coeur•Church in Montmartre has been- --
completed 'and the seaffoldings which
have marked the hill for se many years
will be soon taken down. So. far the
church has oast about 116,500,000 and
as ranch Mere Will be needed before the •
decorestion is finished. •
Catholies propose to celebrate
othi ne teeienne toeoltotshsa lc esnttaut or ye s obfy ni ng .
conspituous points of the peninsula'. •
Awns. the places selected are Mount
Sorecte, the Grau. Sasso intalia, and
the toe; the heel and the instep of
" the boot." 'rho statues are to•be .of
gilded' cast irone .• .. • '
e Pisan, antiquaries; who have been
hunting -in thee Churtee or Sap Fran-
•oise.o for the burial piece of Count Ilgo-
linte have found a tomb Containing the
hones of a man and four childreo, arid
a piece ot iron chain., which they think
is the object of their settee -h. Accord-
ing' to the story, -meths famous by
Dahte, the Count, with his sons, and
nephew's, was shut up ,in a tower by '
hiai enemies on.a charge of treason and
•ellowed to 'start% •to death.•
An 'Eastbourne doctor has been'theo
victim of his own medicine, He made •
utii a' draught for a eatient, putting in
by . mistake stryehnine inetend or
chloroform,. 'and when she cornpinined
tbat it made her eiekegot angry,. and -
'to prove that. the medieine was all
right swallowed' half the contents cif
the bottle himself. He immediately re-
cognized the symotonts, et 'stryehnine
poisoning, used aitomaeli pump and.
other umans•to deFttroy the effects. bet
tiled' soon atter.. •
Berlin furnished 1 an extrhardinary
exhibition of the collecting manie re-
cently. The dermin Post Office uses
numbers for • tbe 'months hi stamping
letters, and on Sept. 9 eollectors de-
. .
termined to obtain (he unesual ise-
quenke of nines from• distridt office.
No. 99, whose -stamp On that day eeould
read A eitob of. over h thou-
sand persons stood outeide the office
'when it opened, so that the police hail
to Mae -ailed in to ketep it- in Order and -
all available help was sent from 'the -
general Pat Office te handle the mail
matter.• The rush cootinued through
the day •ancr. at night the police had
to uee force td disperse Ihe creel thee
was waitihge after the • °toeing . hours
'add to enable the officials to leave •
the office. 60,000 pieces of mail were '
•.stamPed die 07:the.. day. . •• •
• t
wortledur keeeing than this text, No
c unmated of Jehovah 'has a more
'modern Application than "Be still, and
know that 1 am God;" no werds lit the,
Saviour are 111.07•41.1111ggefidye to his fol
•lowers to -day than "Make the men .sit
riciwn." Men do not take time to 'be
bleesed. Ile will speak peace untie his
looking on With e lot -of other English
"will be like a great Umbrella," and it siedge-hamMer blew on every fellows at a body .of these Zero being
L11 to see went was up.. He notioed "the sky, : as an old lady expressed it
down to see wh,ether it had been fere- 1.1815.3tieeileing of the Meteoric shower a peeve centre. in nay system, marched down to vote for Kruger' as
the 'trunk open and had 'just stamped'
the. Leonids is November 51, 'The new eleeirie headlights: Are President. Such. brutes as these, eve res.
it beedidered him for it moment, and ihe predicted. time. of moxipluin of worse than the -others as spook pro. marked, could vote, • while intelligent
ed when I -rushed in. The surprise of et ig 1. rimers. • They east such Sharp shad- and taxpayieg men had to loch on in
.caught inadvertently in a position that honks GreenWich .11101111 11010, and as OWS that a eug./noviog over the glass idlenetis and' wonder I The Uitlanders
gain will exteke yon• think a •cow' is tying have to pny a registration fee °flee
then he realized that Ihe .had been
the Leonids. will not visit tis tt •
would certainlY, convict hint , of but• • ' • fld d 11 tax of lail di. This
glary. 1 knew,o trod wouldn't, believe
'Me if I -told -Ion -the truth,' he said,
'and. would be elead sure to have me
arrested, but - did think there 'wits
people and to bes mints, The belk Of Mame chance of Avorking. on your feet -
the history of the antients was e ar. i.ngs ' by pretending to confess; I re-
": 1
Peace by contraat carried with it the Menibered hearing you remark,' said
very ,eeefection of earthly blessedness, he, 'that you• alwaye felt sorry for a
and it as not strange that the greet-
ing .of the orienitel in all ages. has been
"Pettce." But let them not turn again
to folly. Nearly every portion who
seeks to serve God has some sin which
(WI) easily beset him. The stn *MI
folly of the Jewi had been idolatry. '
9. -Ilis salvation is nigh them that
fear him. This is thee keyriete of the
faith of the early 'dispensation. That
glory may dwell in.our land. The
presence -of jehovali was the gliiry of
•the ..Jew. It is true that in large
inimbers ithe Jews failed to recognize
God in the flesh when. he roma bin
that does not alter the .fact that
the dream •of the nation through all
centuriee was the presence of Jehovah
and hie reverent worahip. •
le. Mercy and truth are met togeth-
er ; righteousness and peace have kiss -
versed other. Here areeepur of the
eltief attributes of God, and therefore
four of the chief graces of hie children.
"Meeting" and "kissing ' are in per-
fect harmony. There ean be no teat-
. ling mercy w•here there ie not truth
1 behind it, nor mut 'the holiest truth
go far without mercy. Tbere mown
peece without righteousness, nor
wiil rtghteouliness be made practicable
without peace.
11. Truth shall spring out 'of the
earth; and rightemenesti shall look
down from heaven. Here is emitinu-
ed that beautiful variation of the
last verse. As all the green things
growing on earth spring up in re-
sponse CO the atte and the rain, so
truth shall spring out of humanity as
a natural growth when righteousness
showers and shines from heaven
12. Tee Lord ahall give thin whieh
is good; and out land shall yield her
inerease. 'M a general principle good-
ness inakee for true prosperity. At3 a
portioular fact the providence of God
repeatedly rewarded and punished the
Jews for their moral condition until the
doetrine spread that material prosper-
ity went hand in hand with mend pro-
' gross. This did not Always prove true
in detail, and Job and Ecolesiestes ex-
press 'the sUrprieb that it did not. But
the principle remaine the name.
la. Ilighteousreess shall go ,before
hint ; and shall sek us the way, of
hie steps, Righteetieheits le the gond
notrshal at JehovAlen nrieulphai pro-
cession, and bis feolprinte nee to he
our genie, a meek for am, a way to
walk In.
L The Lord turned again the cap-
tivity Of Ziete. The population had
streented in turbulence from Babylon
to Jerusalem. Note it seeraed as if tbe
rivers of tont had turned bat& in their
courses, and the whole pOpulatien was
returning to Zion. "We are like them
auto thnt owned up.' So he tried that
plan, and, as you already, know, ft
worked. I was satisfied that wheelie
toldmie was absolutely true, and, tak-
en altogether, I believe that was the
queerest. cast I ever had anything to
do with. The last I heard of the
yoting man he was living in Atlanta
and doing well: The ear -thief got.
seven years." ,
They Ai•e Bane of MC Patient Wad
1, ng,, ring Man.
Every profession has its petty an -
noranaeS, but probebly . the ' medical
. .
peofession, above all rattlers, front the
mysteries attaehed to. the human body
is more Subjected to foolish and, silly
questions. A Physieien may .apend
the day, indeed much of the 24 hours,
In Seeing cases, and, as it recreation,
he mey drop in sixdally to see a friend,
or. attend a dinner of same other so-
cial attraction, and at once b'el neigbr
.. . .
bora begin to 'tale about tee "*worider-
ful human frame, ' and siieb things,
and then some brilliant it ember of
this. company will ask, ." Doc r, is there
much siekness,in the c,ty " ae if the
poor physician waa A 'colt setor of • ate-
tietics or knew just wh I. tb,e contli.
Hen of the city was. A other person
will mil ackoss the table or room,
" Doctor, do You think 1 ought to be
vaccinated ?" and probably -some es•
pecially scintillating member will Hey
that she does not believe. In vaccine, -
tion, which:0 ,courgie, eettles matters
at owe, .:
The wise phyaiciart will keep quiet
at match thnes and Sot let himself in-
n) et wild , iliflottssion, which van 'lead
to nothing between persons of un-
equal mental nttainmente There is A
temptation always to talk " shop," es-
pecially by those not in the " shop."
The lawyer is naked his opinion in the
parlor; the physielan Is consulted on
'the street- corner. Such advice is worth
usually just Whet it mete the person
asking it, namely, nothing. No man
•theittld be celled on to give an opinion
for ho remuneration when each an
opinion may have cost net only time
and money, .but when it May, In a
measure, involve thta reputation of the
'person giving it.
It the public is to WO inStrueted at
all It should certainly be taught net
to force any man to" telksbori," morn-
ing, noon and night.
that dream, Uhl retera, protrabisa, eti- ,
. ;wittily to the Mkt of Cyrue. We - NO DOUBT oh, Pk,
-collie not believe our own oars and ° Palieeea"-Whe'bunged up your Oe
2, Then was our Mouth fitful With thlattiewbrnayan?
eyes. .6 -Moike Olnifferty.
laughter, and Ow tongde with sing- Polleeman-Was there en eyewit-
ing, DeMonstrative orientate eou d 011" '
twilit eontain themsseives in the Bud. Ifiehmatt-indade there was. .
den or •ef their return. !Then said -1611e6"16-Who "fi
thee' Meng the heathen, The hen then Iriehilliin-Moike Matfett y.
themselves sett, The Lod heth done P°ileemc`n-f thartS' a"-
preeeet 11°.
greet things. The thought is Jehovah hodY 61414
hate done theee great t hinge, the God Iriehmen-Iodade there lean
And b!cated titeta Irtehmen,-.61yeelf, leaded.
of the Ltraelitee bad reeognmed them P°11"41Than-Wh"
fon 331-4 years, no pains should be 3‘le ire tont so emu pi o . owe e ec- . .,
experience isn't in "the least unnsuae. is undoubtedly an infrin e of Art;
spared. te mourn the, best possible 05- trio tight -bogs a '•number'"of grudges
are those, swhich will serve to. deter- Alt .eogineers go through the sallies 14 of 'the Convention o 1884, vhich
starlet Lions.. The . most uaefut . obser- for Intle jokes of that kind, and my
mine the. number of meteors visible thin' The man who was never scared
a states that *" residents in he tAhe.leir,
'rations that can• be made by amateurs
per hour throughout the entire dura- is A 'men who is careless .of the lives shall not •be liable in reape
isn't fit to be in the business. ' persona or property' to y es to
which the burghers are not lia, ," but
va tuable observations, were' secured I follow! the Government easily got ,over thal
_Sion of the shower. In this waY ,many 1 entrusted to his vigUance, and shelt a
last year 'at the Noveraber dispiny ! These are things that make. me doubt little difficulty by skying that "the tax
from observers in all parts. of, the the practicability of 100 miles an bear el levied on the whole population,"
-world. • . • •• - i and the passibility of 150.. God help though tbey take preeibus good care
The mogt importeot time for obser- the engineer of ,such a' train I • He to collect it from tbe Uttlanders I
venal( is. from midnight until 'dawn, lie wou'd IP mad in a week." And this is a fair spedimen of the
comparatively few meteors are 'ex- , wily way 'they have of wriggling out
of: their trenty and other nuties: '
meted earlier. .. .
• DISPLAY De 1833.
In 1$23 there was a remarkable dis-
play of the Leonids, which has been
described as follows: • ' , : Thrlullise Experience or aii, Aeronaut lis
' "On the night ' of November 12-13, ; alleellicur del3e Penn.
1813, a tempest of sfalling stars broke 1 When a'man goes up in a balloon he -
over the eartb. North America Imre. • •
the brtent of, its pelting. : From here he will come
Gull ot Mexico to Halifax,. until day- 1
• the !can never be sure w
down. jack Camisole an aeronaut, re-
light with some difficulty put an end I eently mede on ascent at Allegheny
to the 'display,j.he sky wae scored in . city, Penn,sylvaniA; and dame down, -
every directioef with nibining tracks
mbaeltleso.ra A.ItvaBsosetobintimthaetedfroectenac
and illtirainated. with . majestie fire - -- - - — - -- - -
or" attenneted 10 oomd down with a
Tshtoery opfitttbsbeuardilvenntuerw:
heti that of flakes of snow in an • Cassell went up ler a height of two
blouat papaperacrhsi•itteell.the
aVerage snowstorm. Their numbers, thousand feet. Then he dropped 'oft
while the first fury of their coming
laated, were quite beyond counting, the balloon with his parachute in ' hie
but as it waned a reckoning was at- hands. Ile plugged etritight down.'
tempted, from w.bich it was comput-
ed on the basis of that much diminish-, ward a hundred feet, and the *octe-
t s held their 'math in honor sun.
tois rete that 210,090 must have been or ' -
continued 10 fall." ' posing that the parachute. would not
vioible during the nine hours they
epen, But, 'iat - Obis point • tbe wind.
It was on this occasion that the re- opened it, and Cassell neared the d Alt'
markable fact Was noted that eill the . d to a ,
meters seeraedno come from the same mole gra ila y.
port of the sky. Traced backWard, Soon. the parachute seemed 'to be
their paths were found to radiate front sailing along in a level course before
a point in the constellation Leo. Hum. the wind. This eontinuea until Caw,
boldt had drawn Attention to the same sell was nearly over'the top of Calvary
fact at the display of Leonids in 1199, Chnreh, which hal two high spires.
but no reasoning was founded oit the
observation< •However, in 1839 the
me ter claitned the attention of Prof.
Tien ipg 'and Denison Olmstead, Yell°
wits If that time Professor of Mathis.
Mattes in 'Yale College. They sug-
geated that the "radiant'? indieated the
Here the parachute ceased its lateral, The French statistician, Dr. Livrier,
movement, and descended Steadily to..
Ward the spires. - • saye that half of all heman beings die
It become evident to Caesell, glum- before /7, that only one person in 10,-
ing downward, that the big umbrella 000 lives to be 100 yeers old, a,nd that
was dropping straight upon one of the only one .pereon.out ef every 1,000 lieee
steeples, which was tapped with sev,i to he M.
existence of swarma of meteors revolv- ,eral sharp -pointed lightning -rods. He
nig regular paths around the Hun.", wondered Per an rnstant why, with all
Tbe totggestion was not accepted at ' the earth to choose erom, fate should
the time, but the discussion was Again ' have selectted the sharp spear of a Bachelor-Vhat le more sickening
renewed by Prof. Newton, in 1864, and [lightning -rod upon which to impel° than a man in love?
be mediae& the return of the meteorle Henry, Peek e -A men married feels
SWartn every $31-.4 years. In fact, he Ile escaped impalement, but so tier- worse.
announced the next display, for 18003, lowly that the parachute Ought on
end the prediction was fulfilled and the top of the steeple, stopping him
repeated' 1861, the ewarM requir. with so sudden a jerk that nothing
ing nearly three years 10 pass• glee but, his great strength saved him from
en merit. being hurled to the earth.
D/SPLAY IN 1866. An he o..ald not detach the entangled
Oh, life is like the ocean wide,
• With constant ebb and Dow;
And we the ships upon ite tide,
A -sailing, to and fro; • ,
Each steering for some lovely isle
• Beyond tbe setting sun, •
Hope en oar pathyvay Items to smite,
As on lifen course we run.,
Soma shipe sail well from first to last,
With fair winds all the way,
•At last their anchorage ia east
Within some tranquil bay ;
While others scarcely leave the share
Ere dark entails hover ntgh,
And. loud the angry tempests roar,
Rude lightnings, rend tbe eke.
But leteus trim our sails aright,
No storms shall overwhelm,
If we are brave and do the right,
Let Faith, direct our helm;
Well ride the waVes, though moun-
tains high,
And sing our teiumph-song,
Until we see the baleen, nigh .
To which our shiPs belong 1
JOHN IMME. Toronto,
The Father -1044W, earcatitieallee.
isn't it pretty soon. in the, day to bor-
of Lemma neeeeaneue parachute, he managed to• get his feet row money' from trie 1 Why, you've
:At the dittAtty I upon the sill of a little Gothio window, been back from your woldiag trip only
were nutuerhusam foreermed..enense posture, and ening there. There was
Then he worked himself into a sitting th'Preehe "BrYid6e. groora-1 know it, air but
when We etarted out I had noldea
rope. seemed the main target of the
celestial projectiles, and observers i
to the brigheat sta,re, and tome, rival- ting through the window, or escaping near the end of the month.
no Mitans o getting down, nor of get. that the wedding trip would fall eo
(Tomb of meteors, equal in luster
east to west across the Aky with tailor- I
ing Venus et her beet, darted from linittuvLify% toitutot,b4allicreiiet to the. ,i.
I GOOD itgAsoN. .
mous apparent veIcooltiee and with' a ,ehape of his Wife and 'hie asaistant, ar..
rohed, on ilia narrow window -seat„ ,
for you- to. come down in I Been drink-
/ .......-...
certain [Hoed, and during this ,hour Catutell, Mre. Takem-Iluh I Pretty condition
determination of aim, as if let
fly with a purpose -and at some de. 'Po
finite °Nett. Nearly all left behind 111106 an 5130. lie then Mit hie pare- '11,;„"a,,,%'!„,31t1t.,„ ,„,,, misbtake, nO
brie litgrabitn,6Witierrnheroelliedatsgireeneenllyorl:alteadr ilbilltd,tel:toPthees,°4612111 ttLiwnnt tothtehme irroludntd! d4Z4‘, 1;11.6-'41r r11'4(11A1101?'"°h Willia"
Malty tirlitilltee before they shriveled rib" attached a heavier rope to the am'
loord. and Cassell pulled thia up, tied it Mrs. Takern-lItth 1 Haven't been
and euried up out Of $3 ight, The why do you talk
maximum rust occurred a little after lire the tleire and *lid down in eafety 4411;thitklybegh"rehiflot ur*rthhenwo fail of mush,
1 oselprit on the morning of November to the etreet.
NeXt his preoloas eareehute had to. Mr. Takent-Taush a shrift ansher
14, when attempts to taunt them were
overpowered by their frequeney. 13ut be reeetted. MVO fire departMent ' tUrkiellh awai wrathf
yore reckoned, 614, and d tben went out on the roof et the A Detroit eatt't Mip being a little
in' dear.
duping a previous interval of SeVert laddere were lashed together, but they
minutes end fiv-6, seconds enter ohneee were found. to be too abort. Cowell UNAVOIDAELE EGOTISDL
I.igit nefoto dayligbf threittrathhtttla ehutch, And making tele Of the rope bit proud or his ancestors.
1), Thie rep* itaaortats the wonder. fairly cut her war through the Ater Witioh he had left daunt*, climbed That'e true, replied the eandid young
ing eerturtent of the heathen neighbors. SELDOM 'THE; CASE. beefing stratum and the etheteal okee • more to ISA top, thee the Maill On t help a certein f el.
6 ease 6
4. Torn *gait our eaptivity, 0 Lord, Why do you eay a men with two em. rockets' had ceased tit fly,"
tot the streams in the oath. let * dry ployes ahould be embidexterf
feed, Tee moo, waft a nettle given to Beettuse, to be fixity hs ought' to ute meteors, and a nage/Moo
Renewed interest Wttfi now felt in ,sre°10.•
made by I
Iparatahute away, and let it fleet to the ittg that if they had done no morethan
give him a piece in the preeent gen-
Then he siid down again, antt W*0 erttiott they would etill have stone.,
Bouthern Judea, a stony plebe where both hands *like. Prof. Eirkwood in 1861 Wee Verified; itentdff for another asoent. l thing to brag about. .
Of course it comes front Paris --the
hotne of strangely extravagant ideas.
A yenen. lade; or noble Orally is deter-
mined to get up a costume far more
gorgeous than any eeer before worn
by Woman, She Is now haying the de-
signs 'guide according to her, notions. •
She was acquainted with •the theory
that added brilliciacy ingiven to jewels
by the sheep of a heAltny skin, having
aldenpeenorltsicefidatsthbnie ottrat°tbrtighhattly'dniatemoshnidnse
ing necks and shoulders. She has
lberefOre given orders for an entire
costutne to be made of inothing but
precious Ames and precious metals.
The pearls, diomonds and rubies are
to be so set that they will be in itin.
Mediate contact with the wearer%
skein The lower part of the costume
will be almost solid, the gold and sil-
ver being beaten very thin eio as to be
extremely pliable aod light. Tho tartne,
hands, nook and shoulders are rto be
almost Covered with loops of pearl's,
stars of diamonds and rings of all
kinds, The 'breast Will shine with
stars and crescents of rubies, etateralda
'the body will 'be covered :
wit& pliable bands of woven gold, on
which jewele will .glistett like dew-
drops, Many of the brilliants will 'be
purchased in the rough, and eut into
the shapes which beat accord !With the
plum whieh they* ore to Oe set.
That the costume wheat. finished swill
cost a lerge fortu,ne gees !without's:ty-
The highest church in Europe, in
point of situation, not ritual, is said to
be the pilgrimage chapel of St. Maria
de Zitelt, above Salux, in the Swim
canton. of GrabUnden. 11 Heti 2,434
Metres nbovet he sea level, nearly 8,-
600 feet high above the toted, near
the Inuits of perpetual snow. It is only
open during the aumnier time of that
rogion,or, as the folks thereabout reek -
On from St. John the Clatitiat's, Day
toe'St-ltdichaelee Day, and is used only
by the Alp herds, who remain: there •
through the summer with their cows
and gotta, and occasionally by -hunters
in eeerch of the charnels end marmot.
All the inhabitants of Salux climb up
thither on Midsummer Day to assist
at the firet mess and bear the Bret
serthon of the year, and there is also
a otowded eongregation on Michael•
Mas Day, at the last serviee of the
wirer SHRANIC.
• Title is George the Pourth. said an
exhibitor orlstexworks for the million
at a penny ealte,pointing to a veto
slim figure with a theatrical crown on
his head.
thoaght he was a 101Y; %tent MA11,
observed a apeotator.
Very likely, replied the MAU, 'abort,.
ly, not approving of the cotrartnent, of
hie visitor; bat if you'd A' been here
'without wittles so long Ao be hal,
you'd 'a been Just aa thin.
The Amiga brought his hammer
down overtly tut that fellew's feet'.
'Yee, Ana aced a lit.