HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-10-26, Page 121st Year The News-Reeord gives ges4c.cabc,aat G diJ CA!' never iitops in its ceaseless task -if youhave the old oil removed and new oil applied at least once• in ewe years! Consider the wear as they beab et away the minutes, hours, days, .weeks arid yeare. „el Take care of your atoh-have th it properly cleoatned and oiled. We clean and repair all kinds - do it promptly, accurately and at moderate cost. WE ARE LEADERS " D4 OUR XINE.. p). 1. carers EXPERT WAPica 11,EpAntER IAND s. • JEWELER, tiF4E05*-qe', VOtil-1145tOREP:t5t EARFAST Fooa CI4INT0N, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2601899. so*. EWS CORD. newsy correspondence from all parts of Huron County, together . . Whole Namber 1088 witk. several . special features, and wilt be sent to any addross. until.. .the end of next . year for $1.00. SiefeeileefieSeierees/ae,SeePaeetlePaetinei%• hum ewers, Cuard. Pickpockets at Work. The cool mornings make one think of the most quickly pre- pared Breakfast Food% For something that is Eco- nomical, most Nourishing and at the same time very palatable we recommend GR. NUT PE 'Fully Cooked, Pre -Digested. One can eat Grape Nuts as freely as de- sird, but they are a condensed food, and not so great bulk is required for a meat as with ordinary foods. • It is put up in.packages and sells at 20c per package. 2 •. Our Water Ice, Wafers and Heinz's "Sweet Midgets" • • rae appetizers. • We have just closed Our 5th year • of business, vvhlekelef your help has been our most successful year. • , . We hope, byoloee attention to busi- ness and by giving,you the best value possible,te merit &continuance of your. revor. • We want your trade aanicilibtmalt. . OGLE COOPER li,CO„ Clmton • • Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs and uried Apples. one fOr M pi# aj • as oug e o d WjiUetheL.IL&D,trajuwascom. fanning mill works and is homing the ing clown f rein :Myth on Wednesday buildings torn down and is offering the afternooa of last week it struck. a cow, li al which. had wandered upon the track, 2 timbei.‘ for sale. --,Any of our town threw it into ri.cattle guard, which was • A subscribevs4 to whom Tun NEwu. conveniently near, and, passed over Recoup is not delivered promptly. will without any further injuey to the , oblige by notifying. the office at once, bovine. efteiteight try the same nee a, __A number of Olinton citizens with hundred tithes and not do it again so Liberal proclivities attended the successfiall of Window Shades. During the last two months 6 the manufacturers have made two advances on the :price of Window Shades and we are unable to buy any mere at • the old prices. This is camped from the faet that an the materials used in the man- ufacture of the cloth costs from 50 to 150 per cent, more then it did 'mit stuing, 8 Laurier meeting at Winglutra on Fri- day_last-e-A graft which Mr. lIen Cole placed on 'One of Mr, D, Connell's apple trees laseeepiehezepayse, bears four apples, whieli can be seen by 'doubters. --The Statistical Year Book, complied by George Johnston, Statisticaneand issued by the Department of Agricul- ture, is to hand brimful of facts and figures. It is an invaluable book in pieny ways *and gives in a untehell infermetion• that Would otherwise necessitate considerable research. - On Friday evening the Ontario street League will hold a Opppecration meeting. ----Mr. D. Oantelon4 shipped a carload of apples to Roseland; B.O. last week and Another to Sweden. The latter were consigned viaHamburg..._ The entertainment given in the town hall Thursday evenhig under the aus- pices of Rattenbury street church wee feirly weleattencled, 'notwithstanding Fortunately we had a large iitock of shades on hand when' • theprice advanced, so that we • will share our good fortune ' with you for a few weeks more. GET WHAT SHADES YOU WANT NOW And you will save from 10 to 20 percept. Wears also offering sem cial indecements te Wall 'Paper buyers. All peper trimmed free. T,TACD,FittER WBC), CLINTON 09643 Ge=seearaf*G4aGeeXii,98,9 XILTOXIM DAILY PAP' es (') During war times is t! like reading history. lee If you will be up-to-clate•read 2g the newspaper.. ce Wehandle about. 200 papers te a day and will be pleased to enter el your name on our subscription . list. , 3 ' We always prefer having our customers call for their peperre. •) but :wherea delivery is 'requested ( we only charge 5c per month. er's akst • re CLINTON tiefeeeeee8eretete Tr!. Cluff's Ladies' Dongola Shoes. They are splendid goods for the price, 61,40 per pair. • (CIIILD'S ,8110 • We sell the Weston make. There are none better for easy fit and wearing quality... THE NEWs•REcoRE., which • - leads for Huron news, will • _ be sent to any address until Our goOds please the people. the end of 1900 for only $1. 4111LORD', Elonad to your 1110/1111111C9e • .1 0. THE. TWO A.3113.., DITES:GOILT TALE We make a specialty af Hats and Caps aim) now have a large and more varied aseortmenb than ever. All the leading 1151$111a1 .•makes are to found, in our store. Sizes from si to 7e. Fleece Balbriggan 'Underwear $1 per Suit, extra Value. Just the thing for fa% !Ter, elk Our This is the Overcoat season and we 'invite the buying public to exatn- ine our stock and our prices. If you don't buy all right, but an in- spection generally makes a purcha- ' ser. . Read some of our prices : EreavyFreize Mater, double lined great value -$8 We ha.ve another Frieze but not so good at $7 Stylish Curly Cloth boat corded ste edges, velvet collar, lined with beet Farmer's Satin $12 Another not so good at $. • Black and. Blue .Beavers quilted , lining, $13 to $12 Weretecls have gone' up in value 25 per cent.but haying boughb our stock before the advance we have not increased the price. Eon CLINTON. viral* the inclemency bf. the weather: The program was an enjoyable one, ---Mr. 0. Wallis shipped three-hendrea hogs from Clinton station Monclak. The price paid was $3.90 t� $4,00 per evate-e For Huron pews it is now recognized that therefehoinedium just so geed. as Tun Nnweeltnoofto which has ceP. able and reliable correspondents in all parts of the. ethinty.-The 0. 0. F. orchestra furnished the musie for the Twenty-five Club eieSerrable on Wed- nesday evening of last week and dire eeersed weltzes,etc, so sweetly that the Club will be. able to dispense •with Italian Wieners this season. The Nnws-Rnecian is glad te hear that Mr, 3. W Hill is mProving.' He was able to be out Tuesday, but has had to go beck to bed again. Corifineineet is doubly trying to a mite of his active hature.--The G.T.11:pitY carnassed up the line IVIOndayeRev. E; B. Smith drove over Piety miles through laet. Sunday's rain7etorm filling his appoint- ments. -At a meeting:of the Stavely eommittee on Monday evening Messrs. Shaw, Johnson and Plummer were rip - pointed to 'perchase the furniture need- ed eor the reeding room, Other impro.eee :meets, suchits tile for the front en- trance, fancy glass for the front win- dows and the electric' light fixtures were also decided upon. The intention into push forward the.'vvorkse that the library may be installed in its new • abode et an early date. -A. ratepay- er, who. has been observing the -gavel- ling of A lbertstreet; says :"The work has been Well done and the material is of a good quality, but while it would be Well aclapted for a country road it has not body enough . to stand the heavier traffic of the toyer' streets.'! - Guy Bros. Minstrels will give an en- tertainment in the town hall On Mon - ay, October 30th, Ilerels what the Brantford. Courier says ot,thein "A. largeand delighted audience asserm bled le the - Opera House last night when the Gek, Brothers Minstrels held the boards. . The show was a. capital Pee from firstto lase and as cleat -as a new pin from end to end. The special- ties in the second part inoluded some Of the best features ever seen here and the applause was loud and continuous.. Gey 13rothers are always sure of a Waren welcome inBrantford and they always deperve it.yr Pla.n of hall at P. B. Orevvs' jewelry Store.e-e-The Rat- teniniry Theme has been ovetrini with knights of the trunk .and. 'grip this week and Genital joe has haO a time finding sample room accommodation for then all. The. Rotel Clarendon also reports business -good,--Mr. Miller is about to erect al% foot nee motor with which he will de his pump., ing next season. -THE NEwS-REcoED will be sent to any address nail the end of next year for one dollar. It ffils the bill. -Rev. Dr. Henderson of Toronto, assistant -secretary of his. stone of the Mettioclitsbthurch, will ads dress a League rally in Ontario. street Methodist (hutch next Monday night, The Leaguers extend an invitattbn to all poisons interested in. Missions to atterd.-.A. series of evengelistic owe, ;vines are being held in Rattenbury street church this week. On Monday night an address was delivered by Mr. H. Foster; . Tuesday, Mr. Lough ; Wednesday,Rev.W.G,Howson 1Thurs4 day. Mr. Israel Taylor ; Friday, Mr. R. Holmes. -Mr. 'joint jacksen hes. rented the store next the one noev oc °ivied by Misses McDonald and Smith and intends shortly to have it modern. izeO.--Councillor Jones is having. Bev eral improvements made in his resh dence. M. P. Kerr is doing the work. a guarantee that it will be a good job, ee---Me D. ie. Porreater stables ninety., eight head of cattle Olt week to fate ten them for the British market. This iS about the number he aninially pee;, pares for the beef eater§ 'of Ohl land -The Montreal Star of •Satar- day last contitined 4 list of the share- holders of 'fli'ehloisoni; Bank. Aiming the tarries Wag that of IL C. IlreWer of Clinton as the hvenee of five shares an d holding eightin tenet. The share 8 have a par video of $50, The same i8e110 of Wedded in October, . A quiet and pretty wedding was solemnized at the residence of Mrs.jos. Townsend on Tuesday at 6 p, rn. when her daughter, Fanny S., was united in. the holy hoods of matrimonY to Ira W. Johns of TOckersinith. Miss Carrie Johns acted as bridesmaid while• the groom was ably supported by Rev., , A. E. M. Thompeoneof Turner's Circuit. The good wishes •of the guests Were expressed in the usual way and Showed the high ebteem in which Mr, and Mrs. Johns are . • • • Clinton Sends Two. Two of Clinton's boys have joined the Canadian Contiegenb and in a few days will be oft for• South African baale fields:: The names of one soldier laddies are Serge. Webb of Captain Combo's. Company, and Wilson, whOse.motber and biotherlive in town, Hervey Fisher of the Rotel Olafendon staff went down to London Tuesday to offer his services but to his disappoint - menti the anthorities reduced the num- ber wanted from 120 to 107 and he could Poe be accepted. ' • John Wiseman Wins.• . It is stated On what he consider: ed . very good aitthority that the position of COIlector �f bus. toiii0 has been tilled, or is about, to be, by the appoint xient of Mr. John Wise- man. If suCh is the case the Tory half of the cemmunity will raise no protest for Mr. Wiseman has been a esefukciti- zenand qithal "a good fellow." He has beena arcleot party m an butwhat ef that If our information is coireetTrin NEWS-Reconn extends congeatuletions Pickpockets appear to have been numerous at Wingliem during the Laurier demonstration of Friday Jest and several cases are • reported of Purses being "lifted." Messrs. VVilliam BaseTipadLyinand w erJea Irneeisi e vCecio orni f flve and he three dollars, respectively, and others of Jaeger or smaller Arnounts. It is not quite certain that any of theinosel. 01.8 con4ider the information they • derived from the meeting as quite. equal to their hilancial loss. Some person has said that the thieying was eincloubtedly done by the I`Threshing Machine" whichhad got loose, an inference drawn, no doubt, from the fact that the "Machine" having stole and forged ballets was quite meld to picking pockets. Epp orth 4..eagtte Sunday. The services in Rattenbury Stehlethee dist Church on Sundey-laad an Epworth League flavor. Rev. Mr. Whiting of MitchelI preacl3ed both a. m. and p. m, and his sermon on both occasions are proneenced by his . hearers to have been Most excellent and his illustrations original and practical, The reverend gentlerinin is spoken of as one of the rising men Of the church, He is nOW known aft an $800 man, but more than one $L000 charge is said tie have ite eye upon In, the, afternoem the pro; gram was furnished. ,by the Junior Leageers and theie Presidenb, Master • Edward Jenkins, delivered an address; of evelcome and did it well. The Juniors gave their Bible Study so as to vvih werin 'praise from Mr. Whit- ing who said it was the best of the kind he had ever seen. Miss Maggie Davis has had charge of this. depart- ment. for the past year And a half and is entitled to praise for the thorough•; ness with whieh the Leaguers have: profited by the instruction imparted. Among thou who contributed "to the program Were . Motion song, Wry. Helmer:, • Gertie Chant, Elva, Potts, Clifford Andrewe ; recitation, Pearl Ca to Mte Wiseman and condolence te the Itenidtlon ; duett, Vint HeywoodLizzie .e unsuccessful applicants; • , , • . ' Newt Prom Bony Points. ' This issue of Tap 'NEws-Reconn contains a. complete report' of the week's happenings Goderich, dode- rich township Bayfield tine; Holmes - vine, Bakfield, Varnie.brysdale, Blake, Stanley township, West Tuckersmith, rorese Home, Summerhill,Londesboro, •Auburn, Colborne township, :Ash field', Be , 7 • ,,, • lock, iiensall,' .Brussels, Wingliarn, Taylor's Openers, Zurich and other points, together with Township coen- cil reports, a synopsis of the. Epworth League &invention held in Blyth lase week, etc., ete, , Mr, John -Beacom Says Clood-Bye. Mr. john Beacom, whe has been so long arid intimately connected. with the history. of Goderich township, leaves this week for London township where, he will make his future home. He is a very popular man in his old •municipality and because of the mutual liking he is loathe to leave, but the tall is pf a nature.that gould not in the. interests of thefamily Very well refuse. Tun NEWS.-IttgOORD joins the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Beacom in wishing them continued proaperitkand happiness in London township. , Little Locals. Pastor Howson of the Ratteninny streetchurch expects to take his own .pulpit neet Sunday, speaking in the morning upon "The Spirit Filled Life." In the evening he will preach especi- ally to the young of both sexes, neon "The Philosophers•Stone, or how to make life a slipcase. Strangers alvvitys lgrave B mdon Hullett Alma Her • welconie.-p. D. G. M. Reid of Sea - forth paid the Masonic Lodge his offi- cial visit on Friday night last when the Worshipful Master, and his officers ex- einplifiecl degree work so thoroughly as to win warm praise froin the De- puty and visitors from the surrounding lodges who were present. - The W. C. T, It will meeb at the home of Mrs. Seale on Thursday afternoon. --A ratepayer complains to Tun Nnws-Tha corm of a gormandising cow which ate the bulk of his winter supply of beets the Othernight. The Bleekimiths Organize. - • The blaoksmiths in New York State have an organization which regulates the trade, makes prices uniformenain- tele§ a "black list," etc. The members of this ancient craft in Ontario are also getting into line, but it has devolved upon those of this county to take the•initiative. The seuths say that the advance in th cost of iron th t t compels ein pn , 7Up their schedule of ptices end furthermore that there should be uni- formity, that, is, the trade in Clinton for instanee should not, tharge CIEM CLOT 114 dEIG The chilly season is now on and warmer clothing . must be worn. This to many means a new suit, including underwear. In buying if you want to et good quality at a moderate price you will come and, look at our. stock. We can suit you in both. respeets. twenty-fiye eents for anew shoe if the pricein Gocldrich is thirty cents. It WAS for the purpose of disceseing these matters that over a hundred blacksmiths assembled in the town hall on Thanksgiving Day. They were from all parts of the county., ttnd it few were present from Mitchell and eses:. eador -111a SliitS welcome. opened the itieeting and Stratford. Mayor Shave bade them at $3,95 ft1.6 strong and warm) but of course not retired', 'When the emir vas la- the Star also conteined additions to en hyMr.S.'TeTobb of Wingham. After' • Montreal, Including outrecriptions frorn 1116118 so good as higher-prieed Suits. the Relief rued of Sb. james ehurch, CmitTrdaeboird(oldisctollsiloir°11iniat rriafteskstininiattibis, the following member% of Rattenbury ArisOciation end the following were gen AS OfifiCers Peesident 'Under ear We have underwear at from 4te per Suit u 0 . Street church : It. Lough, Mete SW Were' eh° Our Davis, Mrs, Scott,. a J. Wait, T. 3obb, Wingham ; Secretary, 3. Ste. Fleece4ined 33aIbr4gan. Suits at $1.'16 per suit Turner, Mrs. Washington aridiVIAP.8' Watt, Seaforth; Treastirer, O. Johnson, are splendid value, clintsh f a representative from eaeh . now lino, of Fall Capes at 50e. • tub rail, 'ire-litercoats 01 ii„„0 ungiish whipaora at 00 are oty.„. , 4. , talk Wait Wanted. and innweirtive, Ana 1188 he Will always be a weleotne opeaker strong and ohotip. • . . , in the League, A. letter from Mr. Stone, the nilstionary, Wits Milo read, -rtesit the ado -forab this time itif 40 the year especially they %Attie with CLINTON, , chases like to see. prises, which is what intending pot. VIOTORIA IlLOCIt MOnbario street tiosani,„T.,kry.„,„Illettet.11121.°1 municipality together with the above --""" ''''''""""4 Will form the executive. The prices for evening was largely attended and very were nee its follows intereeting. Rev, Mr, Murduck are cen utt‘w fifteen minute address from Sonaltos orm mot, riuo an old-time Missionary v Mr. mantles Removes, 10 emits 12 ("Tfirkitanz, New Shoes, 26` centa eerite Otherclasses of work will be arralt; god by the loeal eommitteee. In order to give the AttociatIon a fit send off a considerable 411111 of money was raised. Since Thuraclay Perth,lue and oth- er eountle havegone and done like- wIee Siuumerliill. ' Matrimonial.- Wednesday was _the day the sun bone .on the brede,• Miss • Esther .Wallace. second &high* A! , ears. Thornton Wallitee, that day be- ing the occasion of . her marriage to Mr, Robert, Watkin; by the Rev. • A. Stewart of Clinton. As beth have grown up in. our. midst we take pleas- utic in wishing the happy couple a long and prosperous voyage over life's sea. Mie 0. Lowrey took 'Cliai:ge of the well attended Endeavor meeting Wed - Visiting. -Mr. and Mrs, Ile McIlveen of Watforel were visiting relatives in. the n ity. . Mr. Butt of Michigan is the guest of his eousin, Mr. E. Butt, who also en- tertained Rev. Wm. Butt, his brother, recently. _ Mr. Montgomery, Wingham, visited Bea.coni last week. • Miss Mabel Sheppard visited at D. Wright•'s on Sunday. There were others•later. ' • • Church. -On aecount of the wet weetber last Sunday lib eva.s decided not to have the Harvest. Thanksgiving service as announced. Mr. Jennings •held services at Middleton •and Verna. Mr. Smith held service in tlayfield and Goshen. He, then had twenty-one miles to Orive to reach here and arrived just as the people were leaving the church. The special Thanksgiving services will be held on Sundt*. next, - the Rev. Me, Jennings officiating. The envelopes with thaelc-offerings will be asked for et this service. . • Mte,J. J. McLaughlan went down to Leraion township on Monday hi seareh of a farm. Mr. Robert Draper spent Thanks- giving and Friday in Stratford. where his parents live. • Auburn. The Mole household was unexpected- ly gladdenect on Tuesday evening by the arrival of Ed. and Williain from the West after an absence of over six months. Rd.spent most of the time in Dakota and is nay tinctured some- what with Yankee ideas, so melt so that he will probably cross the border into the orairie states, again neEt spring. We hope not, however. as he is just the sort of a stalwart young man thatOanada can ill afford to lose. William, on the other hand, was en- gaged at his trade sei toneorial artist in the thriving city of Winnipeg and is of the opinion that it would be bard to find a more prosperous place:- We -SW all glad to have the hoe; amongst us again and looking so well. Th ie pleasant to hear of the success whieh crowning the efforts in the Wesb of 014 resi- dents of thie part, • Tha • Farrow family, for instimee, 18 doing' well. Three of the sons are in Dakota and two in hianitoba. Of the former,Fred. Farrow is Sheriff of Pernuine County 'which shows the esteem in which he is . held by the people. lie is 0, big' fellow and vveigh over two -hundred pounds. Mrs. E.• Phillips and ehildrett ti,re home on it short visit, A. E, Wetheral Sundayed at home, We are glad to hear that MIAs gitittla SextZiss ryreaotverlinsg.viouing the Misses Blair. Mr. and Kr& Henderaon of Toronto are visiting at the Rev, IL liender. 661:Its Walper is visiting hep sister,. Mrs. O. Youngblut. . Wm, Serimmiger is moving to Mr. 3. Mille Itoute, 4 Dr, Stanbury, who wag in town ort Monday to see Laurier mid he always voted for eatnetOrl beettute he thought be Would do something for 130field. The doctor never reads long Grit speeehes, taps, because time is too prociods. hayfield, hayfield Varna. Mr. John Falconer. has returned from Selkirk, Man., where he has spent the summer condueting a fishing business on Lek° Winnipeg, • Rev, Mr. Little of Guelph, who has occupied the Presbyterian pulpit here tiering the past two Sabbaths, hes re - tweed to his home, Mr, Little's see. • mons tv.eye einieghtful, earnest and highly appreciated. j..H. Tont,P.S,I., paid our school his semeannual visit on Mobility last Mr,• W. IL I3aker Egrnondville was in town last Friday and Saturday, . Burns has fully recovered from the severe illness reselting from taking wrong Medicine. •' . Messrs, M. J. White and J. Stan.. - .bury of Heeler 'paid our towu -flying visit Seeurclay last. Mr. Ches. Biggart of Dublin was. in town last Saturday. . . Deeths.-The grim -reaper has been in our raidet and in the neighborhood this past week. • We regret to note the Sadeleath otlittle Johnnie' Otarke, the bright little sii-year-old son •of Mr. Thomas Clarke, late of Seafortle. It seethe he was- attackeda few days ago by diphtheretic croup and it -wits found necessary • to. perforin • trasbaeotoney, which, however, did not avail to • ward off thegrim• destroyer, and death re- lieved the „little feiloy 7 e;•refferimes. on Monday morning. • .Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved -mother and flintily. • , On Monday le telegram was receiVel apnouncing the deatheef kiss Marjory elcOlinchy, whose people reside on the Goshen Line. -.DeCeased had gone on a visit to relative.% in Marlette, Mich., With hee father mid while there death came, but in what manner we :have not learned. The bode was sent home forebnrial and was met •by Me. A.• .1rwire at Kippen station on the MOnday evening's train. Deceased was about 2e. years ot age. . , We have also to record the death of . an old resident of Stanley • townshie in the nelson of Me. John Held of the Front .RoitO; 'also the death of „Mr: Jeffery ofThe-Sanble Line: . • ' Thanksgiving Day pasted id rather quietly here. .To mostly everybody 10 'tame too soon, except' to the terkeye, which no doubt thank their stars for. additional length of days.Only one for lime -looking goose was all the Thanks. giving display merle by oiir nieeehants. There were ne church• .seevices, the people concluding no doubt that they had nothing to be thankful for. How. ever, the spores 'of the town "meb jfl solemn ceinclave the night previous And • areanged for et 'shooting matele Accordingly on Thursday At break of day the late sleepers in the neighbor- hood were rudely roesed from their peaceful slumbers and, bad a great deel I of mental !calculation And et good deal of eye rehhing to do before coining to the conclusion that they had pot' slid- denlyin the dead of night been trans- ferred to the seat of war in Shath Africa. The • boorniug continued • throughent the day end manya timid rabbit and. luckless partridge ceme to grief. ' At nightfall,! tile tired sons -,of Nimrod, mire and blood besprinkled toiled their weary way horneWard laden with all setts of genie, The scores • were 'tallied and it was 'found that 1.7. Geminhardtes side composed of the amateurs of the town had. far out -done the professionals. under K. Moorhouse. This so' chsgehieO the latter that they did not show up again that night; but the following evening they' came out and put up the oysters which •were greatly relished so early in the season:. A very delightful evenirig was spent itt Me; arid Mra..T.Marks' on elendeee. 10th, it being thnlelebration of their ;silver wedding, The guests were piitti- trous and if we may take the smiling faces as an indication of happiness, then we may safely state that it was itn enjoyable eecasion. Pen would not suffice to express all the •good things, the good wishes of the event. Mr. ancl Mrs. Marks were the recipi- ents of many and valinible presents, We were at the house one day hist week when it copy of THE NEWS -RE - cent. was being reed and were inform- ed that it was half a day's job to read it, there was se Much news in. it. We were glad to hear that nue local paper luideuch a reputation. There are . eorne Papers we can read In hive min- utes We never begrudge a dollar for THE Nnws-Reconn. Owing tor the downpoue of ram on - Sunday,the attendance ab the various' churches was limited. • Mrs. Brown Who has been ill with • inflammation, We' are pleased t� Say, . Is improving as well as expected. The fisherinen are steering for Port Fnoriwin.fettruldtettlePoint fishinggrounds Mr. J. And Mee...Armstrong of Varna gave our town it cellthis week. Mr. Hewsoe has his store fitted up in the littesb style and the stock of Xmas goods is abundant and make* VeTiThefilVnI8ciltieli7liros. and D. Leich•are. still sawing ehingles Thekersmitli. Chile. Tippet and Sohn Nicholtion Were at the Albion on Wednesday evening transacting business. -These men at present run the Grainger much in the suburbs and report greab sue. cess. Another reporb Thilieday's shoot- ing twitch ie es follows. Our ePoetsmen to the 'number of elin, teen celebrated Theriksgiving bye, sue - ' easeful shooting metch. Sides were chosen on Wednesday With Feiti Gereinhardt and IC Moorhouse, two noted marksmen, as eaptains, in the' shooting during.the day in the Adjoin - Ing WOode Pelee aide, on Which was Ilenj. Spencer., jr., who succeeded in killing it fox and scoring 400' point% Wee tleeidedly vieterious. n, reek eitid to have excelled in random shoot:- ing. having tired half dozen shotd at a Woodpecker and after all leaving the bird peeking away where he found it. An oyster supper was provided at, niglIt in whien tragie Ferguson tut, celled. A ball in honor of the (wagon will be given next week.' 4 R. Peck has traded his wheel to S. Hohner of Hohner's mills for an up-to- date road cart. Mr, John Essen is at present in Ann He being a genial good-heerted gentle- man is much naissed in 13eyfield. Mies Mable Whiddon 'vieited friends iro 01' t d • Mr. A. Peck who has had charge of the carpet departnsent rit T. Eaton's, Toronto, has secured it •situv.tion in a 5aliegyeer week. wholesale house in Cleveland at Mr, Horace Foster of Clinton preach- ed a very able sermon in the Metho- dist oh ercih'shere on Sunday, Ie: was highly appreciated. A nee, officer lately arrived to take. charge of the Salvation Army, but , he finds the old force sadly reduced in strength, several of the leading mem- bers brwing joined the ranks of the Faith Cerists, who, it is expected, will by and by form themselves into a Societe? in this village or vicinity. ' Dr. Woods itecompanied Mr, J. 0. Miller of Olinton to, Sarnia on -iericlay to visit professionally the fornier's brother-in-law who was.very ill. Londesboro. • Convention Reports, -Mr. J. Barber, who wee appointed by! the Epworth League as their delegate to Blyth,gave• a very full account of the workiugs of the League, etc., on last Wednesday night, also on last Sabbath a detailed • account of the Sunday Scheel work taken up at the convention. Be re, viewed. the situation of the Superinten; dentin particular, his responsibilities and punduality also' regularity, He said, also that there shoulti be a good classification of the scholars if possible and a thorough preparation of the . work in the Catecnism. ' Mrs.: T. McKie and Mrs. J. Ilarnwell Were appointed by the S. 5, as dele- gates te Brucelield and it detailed . oort was given of the workings of the Sunday • School • in these southeru townships of the connty,' The report of Rey. Mr, Andrews on Free Perna- nieat was excellent,. as also the entire • report was in full. As some of the • speakers gave papers on the subjects it. Was herder to get the points. Speeial . „ emphasis was laid on the importance of a thorough preparation on the les. son, also a teachers' meeting through the w,eek,and to gather all the interest in theedess that could be possible on efie part a the teacher: After discus' • sions various points Of the reports a 4fgvo,:orytti:olafg:tduat..:440,1, ,Nrscahsotoelndeeir.eodseath711:1 ddeloes- - , onto lasteweek, returned home' Satute • Mr. B, A. Higgins, who was in Toe- _ thiVII:ws.eHei.c.Flu.rlirn. an front Me*. b. 0., is the geese of Mrs. Harnteell Misses S. and LI. Elliott are calling on friends and relatives of thieeeintine , Mr. E. Wanless, who has been away packing apples for his brotheren-laiv, Mr. G. Turnieffi, arrived- heree last Week haleatid heitrty; ' Rev. Mr. and Mrs. AndreWs topic their Thanksgiving trip to • tondeeboro where in the eveping an excellent eea- meetiog was held. on the 2nd annivere Sexy: of the Lee OeShorci Methodist church, Rev. Me. A.ndrews delivered el an eicheilent addiess and renewed teeny of his Old a,cquaintences. The revival meetings are still going : on in the Methedist chureh, ..ThoUgh the,chureh is net filled to . extent yet, there is good feeling hi :the -41 • meetlega and. Satan's eteonghelds Are being shaken. and no doubt will tuna- ble ere long. . • • - . • Mr. • John Ward has started eo dry • his chickory, 'so John's sleep will be ratherirregular for a few weeks as the kiln is kept going night and dey. The apple packing vvill semi be over.:-. ?Thanks to the l beautiful - weather that we have been getting lately, the fell t,- hae been beautiful for taking up roots; pieking apples, plosighing, etre The funeral of the late Me, j." Reid. - was very largely atteoded by the citi- zens of town -and counnunity, Rete. Mr. Andrews gaye yery eble dis- Worse at the house after , which the poetise wastaken to its last resting - place in the Bayfield heinetery on Mon- ' daY afternoon. Many of the people Of this place were startled on hearing the• neves of the sudden death of Miss McOlinchy, Who left here on a visit to Michigan 'and was brought home a corpse. Mr. Winfred • Coupland of Loudon spent.frorn Thursday- till Monday at his home here:. ' hlise LOU °inmate; who. is attending London 'Collegiate Institute, spent . Thanksgiving Day at ' her borne here: Miss Oei mette. was accompanied -by her. friend, 1Vliss Maneie Johnson. union Thanksgiving service was held in the Methodist 'Church ori Thanksgiving : Deer when addresses were giveri by _Bev& Hamilton and ConPiend. ' 00 theevening, of Thanksgiving Thee the armee' tea In connection with Lon - dasher° Methodist 'Church was held in the basernept of the church And Wes largely attended. The tea. was felloweil by au .entertainnient giverien the:main pert of thebuilcling,thepeogeem coneiet . big chiefly of music and.addresses, The several selections by the cheie were eiceedingly Well rendered, as were also. the ,solcis by *Mr. D. McGill of Blyth andliev. Oten of Belgrave: Mr. Wilt teeiris favored . the audience " with a. hutuctrOna recitation' . which was well., received, The Addresses "hy ' •Reve, Aridrews of Varna and Oten •of Bel - gr aye" . were most instrective end Were listened to With the closest attention by the large audience present. e Rev. T. B. , Coupland, the pastor of the Church; perfoemect the duties 'of Chair- men in his usual tactful and pleasing Manner. On Sunday Rev. jaeper Wilson of Gelderich Conducted the services'inthe Methodist Chnish here arid delieiereci three eloquent discourses to theeerne bers'ef the Church, the. Sunday §ehnoi and the Epworth eligne respectively. The itential entertitinmeet of the 'Meilen Hand of. the 'Pee§bYterlan church here was held in the nhurch on Tuesday evening. Lime light view's of ScOttish,sce,nerv were -§hciten by Hee. T. 13. doupiand; • • Thanksgi:Ving Daypassed Off quietly in town. • Several of the sports should-' erecl their guns and betook themselves to the weeds Where they shot -one partridge. In the efterneOn a nuitilier of others held a shooting match with live pigeons, Ur. T.. Lee gettieg the top score with six nigeorip out of ten shot at. • • . Miss Fleody of. Blyth is vielting•in. town. • Mr. Wilfrid Oleo talking of *dug to Brentford. Mr, and Miss Vance and. Miss Tarnin of Blyth attended the etitereeinment in the Methodist church on Thursday everrieg last. Monday evening wits Missionary night at the Hower th League end the reenibere 'had the pleasure of hearing an excelleat address on Missions by Mee. Ashley, Me, R. B. Jeffrey also • read ate interesting letter which he had received from • Mr: Stone, the mission - sty in British Columbia, who is sere ported by the Leagues. of theGoderich Circuit. At the close of the meeting, a vote of thanks to Mrs. Ashley for her instructive and inteeesting address, was moved,by W Lyonieseconcled by • Mr, woodman, tiod carried. unani- mously by the members, Itrithe Christian Endeavor Society ineetieg on Sunday evening, the toOle, it Missionary One, was introduced by Mr. Jno. Melville. • • Mrs. J. Webster, an old resident Of this section, died on. Monday after a long and painful illness. Mts. Web- ster lied been it sufferer for knee time from an internal ailment and it wee deckled ablest that, an operation must he performed if she were to have any hope of recovery. On Saturday this was' done, the operation being ,perforibed by . Dr. Guile of Clinton, and her attending phyeicittn, Dr. Mc. Callum of Londesboro. The pattent, however, had been so weakened by lier 'long Mimes that She rapidlySitrik after - Wards, and, in spite of all that medical skill couldd,o, ;Ale passed ,p,way early on Monday Morning. The funeral took place on Wednesday. to Hope chapel eetnetery and was largely,attended, The many friends of Mrs. Tomer, .hfre. Parke's, sister, will be sorry' to hear that she is not improving as fAst as was expected. She is kill very low 'and Will het be able to leaVe the hos. pital for some time. Little ICathleen, Iliackali, who had It look at Sir Wilfrid at the station, dee. tribes him as "a man who has his hair all eub off \ the top �f -his head and growing all around he bottom." Itatbleen says she is it Tory. Mr. John Jarvis :4tud Mrs. :merle of Stapleton leave en Thursday afternoon for Liverpool the' ait On Saturda.r. Their many friends wish them a safe journey and •a pleatant holiday. Tut Nuive4tuctifto will be tont to any address until the end of next year for ono Mr. A, Dunkin is feeling quite happy ' over being presented with a fine baby boy by his wife last Thursday. Also Mr. S. Huston will feel none the less joyous on his wife presenting him with a fine, baby girl oh Monday. lio 1 ineSyll1e. • Mrs Leech spent Thanksgiving With , Rev. W. Oaten, Ileigrave, MeseGeo, Tebbutt visited friends in and arouud Fullerton, Mrs. F. Leonard spent the holidays as guest of Mr. R. Johnston, Bright. Mr. T. 0. Pickerel, wife and son Roy, holidayed at Mr, McRobertee, Mitchell.. Mr. and Mrs. ranington of Wood. stock and Mrs. W. Gibbings of Clioton ! spent Thursday at, Mee. Holmes.' • Mr. Frank Williams And family, one of the G, TR, sectionmen, have moved „ into the Palace. We welcome them to our midst. • , Mr. and Mrs, Seethe Ifollaind visited friends here last week. , Mrs. W. Tebbutt Moved into her,' house in the village last Week. Misses B. Greene and B. Stanley attended the S. S. and E. L. convention in Blyth on Tuesday of last week. Mrs, Howill of Oporidago visited her mother, •Mrs,. elolines,on Thanksgiving • Day. , • . Miss Tilly Tebbutt of Clinton. spent Sunday in the village. 2 • We are sorry tc; say that Mr. 3. -W. Teo is very sick, but hope to hear of his speedy reeovery, Miss Wonds of London visited her friend, Miss 0.3ervis. Mr, Geo. Williaihs is visiting hie brother, F. Williaznn,' Ilev. JeGreeue was in London this week stranding it ineeting.of, the Con- ference Special committee., , The speciaimeetings are being con. tinned in the Methodist chile& 1 'this week. On T uesday evening the 13p. worth League conducted the servIcee in the absenee of the pastor in London and there will be two services on Thurg. day afternoon. The lIarvest Thanasgiving servicet itt eonnection with St. Sohn's churclt announced for lag Sunday were post. polled until next Sunday on account of the wet weather. Rev. MK Jennings will Officiate and a• thank i5ffering Will be asked for. Lady Aberdeen is tn Toronto, Mr. Whoa 3. Dilbeck of' Ititigatoct has been appointed Sheritt Of Dawson. Mr. W. W, Parran is improving his handsome residenee by a eoat of paint, which adds very mu& to ita appear. ante,