HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-10-12, Page 10•••
. 8
,Immacmwesr --T-
BE atm' Nrcsit oram
13.r. B1e.olte31 was a Judge at the W4 Tokrsjth.
L.noknow rair last week.
'allow Rada Doctor& tti';°;gat Porterioearat af4TUTAII:V1Ifit'Zglay even-
1 1 1001110111
ket raa&ritria'o;ktrtreahtiOCII :Una: dirci: Ri; otlei .Vurer aro
Porter hes n visiting at Kirktori. r. W. Stainbuay of the London ver Ti rePOrted at some a ows that teener's' thine.. he will try tbe North. ,
Mid /kW& A. la WWI ISti,Matc.
,gtiotiVt-zoreabwczatratI3uie ef Mr eter OoJ.e b14 1a4.
1 limo:4 clown% who mune down fron3 Road end hie mother took in the ex- that it le the man who la jtalged and West thhi winter.
U14wuruct home Tueulay worry eerautrighenteleav,.mee, Robe, Hunter, Ana b- eld. we are certadu Mr Grellera wou
have got both. not only has he got
Mr. S. McFall* of theModel School, vira Mr. 3, N. Creely of Se orth vent hanosome horse, but be a hand'
ited his home near Lucan the latter Sunday Mot the_gueet of j, Layton. tome roan himself,
part of the week and on his return Mr. and Mre, Newton Crich of Olin. Mr John Snider spent last Saturday
was accomptimed by his brother WII, ton were visiting friends here on San- and Sunday in London
w. voter epeee suede/ ea beme r. W. 0„ Landeboro will sell hie the resbyterlan chureh on the yithen
blaord to wait upon her
iiX' to Detroit last week. While not the horee If the/ had given a
. there they were the guests of the ladre grize foe both man and orse et .1.
The rightway to seas le to- take care lira. L. Manning, whe bag been
Of the coppers, the dollar* Will bike
care of themselves. The troth of this
4040 old horally * evident no where
more than in your Window Shades,
The tint thing that goee wrong with
your shade is nsually the epring roller.
it Won't, take your shade up or -won't,
let It down, there are few little things
in tide mundane world more provoking
than this disease in shadee and again
there -are A few tbinge in which such
frequent, fidse ecortorny is exercised,
• many vvill the shade froin the hot.
. tope and fasten it with a pin soon mak-
ing it an uneightly hole, others jerk,
pull and rip the shadv. the resillt AO au
entire new one in, either case Which
eXpenee might quite readily be saved.
The way to do it, is to tiring you shade
to (telt we '• con we will repair it for
you, if we cannot we will pet 0, new
roller on it at cost of fifteen On*,
which will carry your shade tirMlY and
smoothly, then it will be a pleasure for
you to uso it. We will be glad to doc-
tor your sick shade for you at
Often as Ohcapost, diwaysthe
B. lair Co.
Dye Works,.
Brealtfeetreo4s-r-0.Cooper & Ca • " 1
400000 Sales. (2)-0. liamiltoe.„
Anotion sales (3)-T,. Brown.. „ „............ „5
ROpuiar Approval-Newoorobat
That Talk-Jacksou 'Bros ,
A Stack of ,Theltsonl3ros.,„
Is 83 Werth Bavinit-Noweembe's.........., .8
Blake Apple eietter ractery-John .Thirsk.. .6
Tamers -wooed -R. ..„
About •o
•cocano.nopeecec, pAnftle
THEY ARE DONa zi,k, (cur
cpor...eueocra? v • w JUMP IT
Mr. 7ohn,Ransford within Toronto this
Mr. Jaime Kahle is -visiting Gal*
• Mr 'Same etclidurehie was. in Toronto
• this week. :
Mr. Geo. Beattie of Seaforth was in
• town Monday, '
-Mrs. Alex. "•'Ginn visited. Seaforth
friendslest Week.
Miss Lucy,Kitine was visiting Blyth
friends this 'week.
)1Ierchs,nt'Fraser of Bayfleicl was in the
Hub en Saturday..
Miss Katie Hart spent Sunday at ha
home in Brucefield. •', •
Mr. Ilea. Ena'erson of Godericla Was in
• town riti Tuesday. ' ,
Mrs. S. It Smith spent a few days •of
last Week in Toronto. • ,
Dr. alacOallumof Londesboro was in
Clinton -On VUeadaY*;
MissFlosisie Staribury spent Sunday at
he home in. Baydeld.• • .
• Mrs. Watts tookin the Blyth Fair ott
Monday and Tuesday.
.....Mise. Lily Miller weshome froin Bay.
' field on Thursday.lafit. _
• Mrs. John Hainitton of eeTelson, 0,A
the guest of her sister. • '•
Miss Kelly Of Jackson Bros: took in the,
Blyth Fair On Tuesday.' '
Mrs. Burton of Goderich- tovensiiip is
the guest of Mrs. Gegen. ••
lidteR. McLean of Goaeriele , was in
towii.yeeterday afternoon, ,
, Miss May 'Whithean has returned, from
Visiting friends in Seaferth.
Miss IdaPlunainer is able to be around
• again after a ten. days' illiaess.
Mrs. Reid. of London is ‘visiting her.
dipghter, Mrs. Will. Harland,. .
Mr. and Mre, Frizzell returned last
week to their home in Meeford.
Mr. C. Knineskr of London was a guest .
at Mr. Israel Taylor's -on Sunday.
Miss Emma Webb returned.= Friday
from amonths' visit in Stratford.
Mrs. Dr. Graham was atBlyth Monday
. as a juclge`of line arts at the Fair.
lldr.Chtis.Consigneyeof St. Marys was a,
guest at Mr. john -Hayes this .week.
Rev, Mr. aha, Mrs. Hamilton,. of Lon-
' desboro were he town onWedneS-
Mrs. and Miss SYMington of Auburn
were visiting Clinton friends 'on Sat-
urday, ,
1dr. and Mre..R. F, Radveay of London
were guests thisweek'of Mrs.F.'Clat-
VOrthY. •
Mr, John Pickett was la Petrone, last
week attending the .finaeral of his
mother, "
Bev. R. letillyard, and Master WileY,
Exeter, were in Cliothn onlariday of
• • last week,
Mr. Dane Shannon -and Misses Maggie
and Ellen visited Goderich friends '
on &friday. ' •
Miss P. Worthington, who has been
teaching school at Chemsford;has re,
turned home.
Mr. and Ales. Robt. Moore and Miss
Mary Moore spent 'Sunday with Sea
forth friends.
Miss Bitty Irwin came home from Tor.
onto to attend the wedding of her
sister yesterday.
111r, James Harris of Farquhat was a
guest at Mr. Wm. Jones ' yesterday
on his way north.
Miss Logan has returned- to Eaten after
an extended visit to her sister, Mrs,
' Micas Of London. .
Miss Kathleen Smith of Forest is Virlit-
ing her brother. Rev. D. B. Smith,for
a couple of weeks. * "•
Mrs.,,Glazier returned Saturday from a
law vreek's visit to her brothenlifr. H.
Kern of Wingham.
„Mises Emma Stevenson of Walsall s'pent
-Sunday with her parents, M. and
Mts. John Stevenson. '
Apple King Cantelon WAS in Guelph
on Tuesday conferring With an apple
buyer from Old London,
Mr, Walter Priclhati, wife and family
of Goderich paid h* sister, Mre.P. B.
Chews, a, vone on Monday.
Mrs. Degew of Flint, Mich., who has
been pelting relatives in town for
.130We time, %%Willed borne hat week.
andMre. Charles Consighey and
family, late of Itespeler, are guests
of Mr. (ula atm John Ilayes this
Mt. Rich* of Wingliam and Miss
Chamberlain of Illyh Were attests ref-
- lin AMOY Stevens', Beige Line, On
Dr. Fowler left Monday for Toronto.:
Doting his abeence his practice will
he in charge of Dr. MeIntyre of
Mr. Colin Patterson is home from the
Duck islands -for a short visit with
his Wife at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
jalaide Catling.
Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart- were
called Seaforth on Monday night
owing to the serious illness of Mr.
„ Stewaree father. ,
Mrs. S. Centelon returned to her home
in Streetsvitie lash Thursday after 4
three woke Vie* With her sister,
Mrs, Geo, Canfelow4
Mise Carrie A.kant left. yeaterday
morning to attend. the 'funeral of
relatiVe of her mother, Mrs. .itn
Gone, in Sebringville,
Mrs. Oerbat and daughtar",whe
teen/Halting at Mr. j. Mares for
fett Wetdr_Le Metiday,jo
hoMe to West Superior,
Mr, and Mrejtek Irwin of Detrolkekti .
twice argarsa or mum.
• day.
• Arend. tea meeting will be held In
end was aecompauese es et, es Tee. chattel* on Friday next. Ile has hie connection. with the inclOetton o Rev
monrtoo, rthoesleorTnatmosfs t13 Ednae Wwrok wbi ri fraurtipameeesepdeecritot:tegiroseaLatnted, will in the Ur Sawyer
Quite a nuMber from here took in the
spend a few dap in the city, Mr. Duncan Aebton has returned to Myth Pair on Tuesday Ur R, Um.
Isla home in Grey after a lengthy ao hem had hie driver there. Ile brought
Miss Tillie Akana leftTuesday inornhiff imam here. •. home "coed prize
to Vend a few days with friends me Miss Sarah Nott le Visiting relatives 0ouricilmet here last Tueeday for
Thgator before leariug to 'Pen". irl Detroit, the pinwale of electingjurors
some months with relatives in (Intended for last issue) An old lady by the name of Mrs.
'Windsor, Detroit, Flint and Seen- Maand Mrs,Newton ()rich of (Minton TernPi.etno rhea here lest week She
4W, Mich. '
Vvere Sunday. visitors heire had lived here number of years.
Mr. Harold. Ransford,who has been se- Rine Thomps'on
journing In the Westarreived homea back to hie dirties taking ohiCiege of hie
.is again Pri°r to cominito Brucefield ehe wits a;
resident of the feebylon Line She was
short time a 0, and left again- on wet* at both eighty-eight yeers old
Tuesday for &rant°, where he ex. Mr. Chas Orich's many friends will (Intended for last issue.)
app0 istments on Sunday,
pfilet$ to enter the Bank of ComMerce be pleafied to learn that he is again. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scott and Nfea
in the pear future, • able to be at work on the farm. Neilie McDonald are taking in the
Mies Rumball, B. A.. left Wednesday The snow stain Of Friday night done sights ot Chicago this week.
for Toronto where she has secured , re, e amage to the fruit trees Wes S. Nichols of Mitchell has re.
a desirable Position with the Publish. in this section nearly Kilning some turned home after a ten days'visib with
er's Syndicate. Some splendid cuts orchards. her eister, Mrs. T. 0, Delgaty.. =
of which were seen in avocet* issue Mr- J. E, Bali had a horse accident. Rev. Mr, Sawyers, our new minister, ...-
of theSaturilay Globe, ally break its leg while driving it e in Was in the village yesterday, The
Geo. Campbell, In, bea been 40;1
Ilvering lihies lit Bayideld the petit
wee*. Prouty weather for Mee.
Mies Horner is spending a, few
week e with Toronto Meares.
Dr. Slaek has taken a few days' trip
tO North .Ploriae.
Mr. W. C. Cleave says the Manitoba
weather is too cold for him and, he
soon intends taking a trip to South
Florian, .
Apple packing is the order of tbe
day. Derry says threshing will all be
done tide month.
jateSlitok and Dd. Talbot were guests
at the. Westlake reeidence Wedneeday
.ght and report having a good tame,
j. Brisson la running an open stage
from St. Joseph to Bayfield, calling at
points along the need,
VV. J, Howard, the tailor. is making
thiuge hum this fall in the tailoring
Win k a.1CA was not so hills as at moat
r. . n pe ta
g o e ge
of the preparatory services on Aida *lee yet the rl lit class CI WADI We
the Dental College. •
phe d 1 rs 4'1114" week tcift 42 the stook sold for It value lend wr
A. number of -people from the village
, The Reynold Fair was well patron -
and vicinity took in "Myth, fair on Irma by our Line. Though the weather
The new clfurch le progreeeing. favor-, attending.
threatening oeverthe.
ably and expects' to be opened about lees,* did not prevent the -people from
the 19th of November. •Now that the threelainge are over
- raieingtfotatoev has become the order
- . there, that is Jose who want to bu
M. B. Ando on lef
a e phta to resume is studies. in no doubt total Mr. Ogle a gooit eutn.
Contractor S. VannOrman is making iar the ay.
extensive Improvernente in the side. Meesra RathvvellandTeo of this line
walks of our village. have sAided Rah Cole and Ed. Jubuston
judge. Masson ham Court of Revielon to their _gong of aPP10111-ckors.
herelast Seturday for East Wawanosh. Miee Lily Thompson leas heen ap-
P. We Scott and M. O. Johnston look. pointed as delegate by the Epworth
ed after Coneervativa ipterests And League of Cole's church to the conven-
LawyerScOttof Clinton contrary. OH* thin held Blytle on October 17th..
added Pone and struck off three, while Tramp(%) Tramp(s) Tritumeil The
the Tories added four Red stock elf boys are ruarchitig, Sure enough they
seven, leaving the Toriee eight ahead are marching around, of late very
as the result of the revision. • thickly, but they beam to have no per.
McClelland and Goultes shipped a • ticuler piece* view. Friends, beware
lin• e. ' car of hogs QD FeidaY last. -of them.
: We not** is the "Pisaitly fiefsttli
and Weekly Si we title week, taar,
publishers of that, great paper are ele
weapon given all subecribars, new VW
renewal, no lass than two beaut,Iful
• pieturee instead of one. The epistaree
depment "War" and "Peace". They
Mre the fiirooue bittlepicture, "Aline
Ln colours. Aml staiweetfy pretty ptcture
entitled "Pulley Willows." To Wale of
such an offer makes one wonder how
it can he done. The "Family Herald"
and "Weekly Star" contains 2ti, P&P;
192 colums every issue, equal to beolt
of alit pages eech week. The great
paper 0 a 4
pictures 411 for one dollar! How is it
possible. It. is the talk, of the whole
CLATWORTRIC- In Clinton, on -
Thursday, October 12th, the wife of
•Mr.FrankOlatworthy, at 4 daughter.
BROWN... -In Dungannon on Oak '17th,
the wife of O. 0. Brown, of a daugh.
• ter. °
11 I k.
511t!IIM WM! litiffir 11,11t11! MIMI? MIMI! WWII! Twit!. IrrlITIff imminA
the etable on Sunday evening, Dr, Ball, ipduction takes placeshortly.
Me. and Mrs, A; T. Cooper are e*peet,
horoe te.dior from their tap
was celled pe and encased the leg in a, ' A lar§;, number. took in the Bayard!"
r! aster Pule and at time 9f writing the
Montreal. At next Monday night's
meting - of the Rettenbury street '
League Mr. Cooper will give a re.
port of the cooventiOn,
Mr. D. Graham of Inglewood,whe was
• one of the passengers on the ill-fated
steamer Scotsman which went
' ashore on Belle Isle, is in town this
week. According to his statement
the stockers were not the only ras-• •
cals among the crew.
Mrs, Cooper returued on Saturcla,,y
from a visit with her son George in
Goderich township. She left on
Monday for Goderich and Ashfield
to visit her daughters befor the cold
welcomeweather hseerts aavieney • one will "• de. Ile!' ir°wPshillk
orse is doing as well as. could be ex-
pected, *
Mr: j.G;Cricle treated his friends to a
pleasent evening last week. T.Q. and
Mrs. Crich are a popular ,host and host-
ess! with the young people here and
they say they are going back again, •
Rev J Greene of Hobnail/Hie -will
preeeh on the Twentieth Century
Thanksgiving Fund in Turner's church
and at the Alma .appointment next
Sunday at the usual hours All are
cordially invited to be present %here
will be no League meeting at Turner's
in the evening
Mrs,: J.F. Parke was called away on ----• -
TuosdaI by the serious illness of XiSa Ma- Miller of the 9tir concession
is learning the dress -making With Migs
her sister, Mrs. W. Tipper. Mr. and
,Tareer were married last June Tebbutt. We wish net kpleasane so
.• an. aye spent the summer abroad. jmu'n in town. • • •
Ore Thursday evening a few friends
They arrived in Quebec on Wednes-
dity where Mrs. Parke and:Mrs. Mc-. of Jos. Churchill gathered at Mr. Geo.
Cooper's to .spend that. last evening
Pherson have gone •to meet k
velththem as pleasently tni possible be -
We hope afre.Turner i•s not so 1 w as'
fore leaving for their horrie in Port
Huron; Mr. and Mrs. Churchill have
enjoyed their' visit to Huron county
Stanley Township. very much and ssay.they will soon he
back, °
• The farmers are busy. plowingin this •Mr. johnei enkies has presented his
viethity; the recent rains having. made daughter with a cabinet .13ell piano
the grounds -easily worked, •bought front Mr. Q. Hoare of the Olin-
• As Messrs. W. Elliott. and James ton Music store. •
Howard were driving along the Gosh, A Karvest Home suPper. in , eophec-
en Line a few evenings ago their horse tion with -the Zion IVIethodist church,
became unmanageable, upsetting the Huron Road, will he held cia Monday
buggy andthrowing the ocetipants out. •evening next.
Jinunyhas been under the -weather What knight have been :a chronolog-
ever since. He gob Shook op :pretty Ica accident took iilace last' SatindaY
bad. Willie -escaped rather better, as Goderich. While Mr. • Fred. • Lawe
he hadthe presence of mind to hold on rence, the pedagogue of Taylor's Cor-
tothe lines and not let the horses go, ner's, was makino. a, quick short turn
Show, ednesday.
The Gold Remedy Co. took Weir ..-
aelaikrtUre for Ibryfield. last Monday.
They did, not do rupch busineas here. .-
The people aroand Brucellekl are too
wide. awake to take much stock itt.
travelling companies.• • Thesnowstorm that fell here lestFri.
day night played great havoc with the :IL
aprile trees. The damage will amount •e"'-'
to several hundred dollars. • .•
• Mrs, A. McCartney from Uncle Sa'n's
domains is at present visiting her L.... -
mister, VVra, Scott.
Mr. R, McCartney of Gorler)ch spent
•a few days here this week, '
Mark:reit. •
Mr. Dan Stevens held a successful
sale lest Tuesday. Stock sold high. We "ea.
are sorry to hear. that Dan is about Ire'
to leave us. He will be missed around.
Hemlock as he was always an obliging
citizen. .
• Mr. Jno, WeliSancr Mr. Stobt: Watt
returned last Thursday night.- „Both
are looking Welt. MN CVells travelled
emite a lot while ,tbiere. He. visited •
part of Dakota. The wheat aop
there is good. Re visited many old
Hullettites anti found them doing Well.
He thinks it_rt grand country but after
ell like many more thinks there is no
place like -home. Mr. • Wells, neicee
Miss Lucy' Cowan, accompanier:1 him
preached preparatory services on Fri -
w gmon vi e
. •
darlast. The saera,ment of thz Lord's
Slipper was adininstered on • Sunday.
The rnanyfriends of Mr. Nat Sunder -
cock will be pleased to know he is
recovering frein a severe attack, Of
of rheumatism. -
Miss Mary- Stinson of, Clinton spent his wheel became unmanageable, but _ Mr. Wm. Ross took first prize her 0..- Ase'lle-la-Als-
a few days last week with hen" uncle, ithappened that Ma G. 0. Sturdy was his general purpose team in 'Brussels.
Mr. Thos. Stinson of the Lake Shore net far from the'spot and interrupted Heals° intended, showing them in BlYth
Road. , urther injuries. Billy is a horseinaii in every respect. . 11:„.• *''''
AliSS Annie Johnstone, from•
near Mrs. D. Proem rnust be congratulat- Wesley Beacom -and Miss Rate Web. le--
Brucefield. Was the guest of Mise Geor- ea on takinSO many prizes for .her
, ster returned. from visiting the for mer's
gina Johnstone last vveek. . . choice bread. , . brother in Blarriston last week.
Mr, 11. Walineley, who has been The own er of 'the. Glebe marigolds This week will wind up the apple Ir. -
Working with Mr. W. Clark, has been which won 'first prize at tbe Clinton business in tbis seetion: . - . . •. *
laid up for a short tune with inflate- Fair says they disappeared mysterious- Mr and Mrs.Robert Pearson of Ethel, ai.....
mation of the lungs. -We hope to ly. He says they were no doubt taken who were visiting at Mr.. David .Bea... .:"•-
soon see him , able te go to work again. by- mistake, but all the same for the corn's, returned home lase vveek. :tr..
A. STA -0( 9F-
• Nowadays people who are in search' of clothing like to see an. assortment. .
, They like to look at a, good variety of new seasonable goods—something that is up -
to date and nota line of goods that has been carried over from season to season. •
. establishment like ours you see just what you *ant.. We keep the latest goods
to be h41—our styles are correct in every particular and our prices' no higher than
what you pay for inferior. goods. We can carry a selection that other houses can-
. not afford to, because our trade demands it. These are. facts which people should
think about. It is a man's duty to dress. well—dress as well as his means will allow.
The well dressed man has more respect for himself *and so is more respected. The
well dressed Man has confidence in himself a,nd so inspires confidenie. The, well
dressed man looks successful and,that often assures success. Why not dress well
• when $8 secures you one of our new Double Breasted Tweed Sack Stuts, over -
E--, check'patterns and the new colorings, well worth $12. . .-.1111
Why. not dress well when $10 buys you 4, fine Serge Suit, blue or black in color, and something that is well worth =-2
$14 of any En an's Money. Thbriti at the'sitne figure you get a great selection of single and double breasted Tweed ......4
1.---: Suits, all the new patterns and eolorings.
E.-- „..4.
••-•,, . why not dress well when $14 gives you a suit that, equals lots of snits turned out at 518.
' q '
Good keen buyeresliould study these figtires and then, C0111, 3.1a consult us about clothing.,
....... , . • • .
•-....."...%,,...-.....1.,....e.„..„-.........%,.............-....' . ....4.......,...„..u.-ek.,..&,..e.Aleym.•,.......a...n.,-‘,1re....n4..,ne.-e•enwile. ,-...a
ltlessrs. . Bates and tn. Taylor, sake of getting his own he would like
better known as tlie firm of Bates . Sa• to have them brick, . . .
Taylor, have rented a grazing farm of • Harvest Home Services in connection
iiinety acres near Goderich where they with the three chtirehes -in lVfiddleton's
have a number of choice cattle prelim.- ;parish willte held a week from next.
ing- for the old country markets. Ship- idenday,orwhich further notice will be
pers Would do well to consult this Linn given. • .
for good shipping cattle. • • Mr. R. Elliott has made further ship-
• Pulling apples and packing them went's. of export apples this week.
Seenas to be the order of the day. • Miss Jennie Holmes of Whitechureh
Mr; jas Dewar and wife have been is visitiog her brother, Jos, Holmes of
spending a few days with- relatives , in the Oth,
LucknOw, Ripley and Kincardine.
Mr, Andrew Arnastrong has his new • •
cage almost competed for the bird. Colborne Tavonsbia'..
Miss Maggie 'Wild returned home
this week from a three months', visit • Mr: Win, Ferguson Was in. Seltiorth
With her sister and tWo brothers in a few- days -the past week buying horses
North Dakota. • • from Mr. 'MeMannes.
• Mrs. Hutchison is ab present veryill Mr. David Ounningliain of Ciirlow
and her recovery:is doubtful. . ,has sold his 100 -acre farm to Mr. Ed -
Mr. Geo. Bates has purchased a new ward Fisher of Benntiller for the Sum
buggy and &wen George believesOf $4,500. • .
this will bulb the Park. Mr. Richard Jewe as purchased-
. The Kangaroo plow agents claim to another 100 -acre m from Mr. Ed.
have sold more plows on the Bauble ri„,,s4er..% •
Line within a short distance than On mr- Pete Gu
anyother line, there•being no less than ins farm to M VVm. McCabe of Gode-
ten plows in tveo and a half miles. . • rich township. _
• Mr. D. Rose of Denver, Calera:do, Mr. *Andrew Young got badly hurt
and a fornaer resident of this township, one day the past week while leading
died le couple of weeks ago of _pow* DIM to Seaforth, The animal pulled
monis,. His wife and. three ,children him oitkof the rig. • •
survive, Mrs. Ross is a daughter of Me. Girvin of the Nile occupied Zion
the late john Stewart ofStanley and in pulpit on Sabbath in the absence of
her double bereavement the sympathy Rev. Mr. Wilson. •
of friends is extended.•• . Quite a number of the yonng people
• Mrs. J. Sharpe left on Monday on a around -here spoilt Sabbath in West -
visit to friends at Sault Ste. Marie: • field. • •
eMr. and. Mrs. Wm. Treble hes been
•Owing to Thanksgiving Day. .falling visiting at their son Charles' of Cedar
on Thursday next. Teta NEws-Rgoonn Valley the past week,
•requests its corresponderts to send in "Mr. Joseph and MISS Maggie Fowler
their news one day earlier than 'lewd, were visiting friends in Kincardine the
• "Take tiMe by the forelock." 11 your past week.
blood is out of order, begin taking Mr. and Mrs..Wilsoo Brownlee were
Hoods Sarsaparilla at once and prevent • ethheellgounesstiab
%%The.. and Mrs. Albert Mit.
serious illness. •
nI the 'Maitland. sold
Brown's sale Itekistge
Priddy, Oct. 13th at 1 p. on lot 21
H. R. S., Tuckersmitb, extensive, sale •
•offarin steek and implernents.-W.- C.
Landsborough, Proprietor ; Thomas `1"''''
Brown, Auctioiter. • . •'
• SaturdayOct, 14th, sth 1• p. m. at. 2.--
.McConnen's stock • yards, Dublinex.
• '
tensive sale of sixty head of stock cat-
tle without reserve,-Johli 1V1e0ohnell.
Proprietor .; Thomas Brown, Auction-
• ursday, Oct. 1.9th, at 1 pan on lot
9,con. 3. Hullett, clearing sale of farm
• stock and implements.-Heriry. Little,
proprietor; Thomas Browti, Auction-
eer. The following horses were omit-
ted from Mt. Little's bill but will be
offered for side at the same tune' and
place :-1 driving horse, 9 years old, 1
work horse 8 years old, 1 work horse 4
years old, 1 yearling blood colt, 2 spring
colts. . . '
Saturday, Oct. 214, at 1 p.m. at 'the
•Commercial Hotel, yards, Seaforth,
stock sale of horses and cattle. ---Thos.
Brown, Auctioneer.
• Monday, Oct, 23rd, at 1 o'clock pan.,
• cori.1, liibbert, inile east ot Dublin,
stile of horces and cattle. -Thos.
Brown, Auctioner ; Thomas Keef, Pro-
prietor. -
Tuesday, Oct.- 24th, at lob 4, con.'2,
MeKillop, an nual auction sale of horses,
cattle, sheep and pips.--jobn Keh,n,
Proprietor ; sheep
.Brown, auction-
• Saturday, October 28 -The executors
of the estate of the late William Whit-
ely, Tuckersmith, have instructed Mr..
Thomas Brown to sell by public auc-
tion on the above date at the Commer-
cial Hotel,Seeforth, lot 30, con. 1,IL
R. 5, consisting of 100 acres.
r-scasztpitIscwittnscIpk 444=5:1151Enscl
Is $3 an Ifie Pri00 of a Goal
worth saving ?
• On SATURDAY, OCT. 14tn,
make it possible for you to save
from, $2 to $4 ion theprioe of a Socket.
This s how t happened: have
just °lased a purchase with one of
the largest Eastern °Manufacturers of
Ladies' American Sockets, whereby
a lot of Ladies', Misses' and Child-
ren's Coats are transferred to us.
fides' $4 50 Jackets at $2 60
Lathes' 8 00 helots at 4-50
Misses' 4 BO (rackets at ,2
• Midrods to Jackets at a SO
Never. made for the tdnotiey.
Every garment is ma of goodittu.ality, all wool Preize,
m Very neat styles, for this sea,son's selling.. Tile above fig-
res is an example of izow e will, selr them, Saturday
morning at 8 o'olook
T .7
S P,
by putting 'off. the.purchase.of anew OVercoat. You May us Well see the stock. When it is .-tti 11
and complete and have the choice of it all.. ;Thinkthe matter over anct.then, opine and, make
some enquiries, about our
$0.00 and $12.00
. . . • •
'WAITER cOVERcOATS---Fly Fronts.
But perhaps yen want a Heavy Ulster and a cheap one at that -7-41K) isk,,abbut cur Wonder.:
ful coat at $5.00, without, exception thegreatest value in Canada. Our profit is only ft small
• ,
one but we will.sell hundreds of them, •
• .
'Here again they are all Spot cash because ye give no credit. . Cash 'buyers should figurebn.these things,
Kid Glove
A tilfiely bargain'. in Itid
Gloves, You know how par-
ticular we are to sellonly good
gloves. That's • guarantee
enough that there's not an un -
worth;„ quality in the whole
The :.FttnioUs'. g1ot4i#E.....
-441.14ik **Ai' alWia -44.41‘.4iiii* 044:741L I44 444
lot. bought these under
value, or we couldn'tsell them
this way. . .: ,
1.00 peirs fine Kid grieves, aoft Skim',• - • 11 80 p..irs ladies' and oltildrens' all
funded- • tb.at is the understanding with
1 0 h
WOO _SS mere Hose, asaorted
plain end fancy stitching, nearly , . .
all stud fasteners, black and col.•• qualities, allsore watth more than
sizes 5e- to n, regular standard every ptrchaser of Dry,GI-oods at 'this store. ,.the pricertisked, some neart dots.
$1 qualities, on sale Setterday and e,&,.. hteraar sale Saturday at your no
tin aii are sold at per pair...". (WU 1 It takes good goods to stand a guarantee like that I• choice per pair •
First .in all "2.:alrigo!: fraVgegn ---
Not a great many to Sell,
• . 1:;i-111- qualltip" first but thoic who buy will gave n,
. -Fitst in variety' , first
in style, first in values. That is where our ittiires.
. .
ni •
stock Stands, for fa,11. •There is nothing dies' ti•a°vneelre.rs' at 3.fpts donell
a -
and children& CaShmere
second grade about it, and its cornpletenesS :rioge. wo ai.iivay buy sap.:
. pies at lesi thanregular pikes;
easily discounts anything within Your reao1:1-, that's why we 0641 sell them ,
Perfect satisfaction, or your money rem this way • .
• SWIM Rare Values in .11//arat1es
That our Mantle styles and. values are absolutely right we have indisputable.evidence in the volume of business this
department is doing this season. Here are three -specials that will awe money for'careful buyers. Paying less-' than Ve,
for them, we tura them over to q' -thp,saraig Way .
Ten only children's natty Gimlet:de, • Ladies' plain Beaver and curl cloth Jackets,
every one well and eariftilly
f , nobby and stylish garmen.ts, some plain,
made rom atrong and servibe. very stylists garments, nll good
. able materials, reguler values some braid trimmed, ivory and pearl but -
qualities Beavers, Tweeds and
are from $3,25 to $4.25, We . tons„ regular values $6 and $6.50 on . Sergea, some sold AS high' as $5.75," ,,,,,,
S 50
offer you youe choice of the iota 4i4i
6.64.••••••••••• #### ••••&400 sale now at . • _i_ 4. your oholee now .. ...... ........6•CID
OiEnstAAAWAAAAitiftititA;40tsWAN Vt0§60/40,4AAOWAAAAWMAAAN
• • ..'4•Ir 4•*••••444••••••
Four of bur regular every day- Mantle values1 picked. at random from the stock .
Bleck Niggerheed Mantle, denials Main Sleek Frieze, double breasted, 131aeh Ni"erheadf• lined tin."166 rtuint,BeleoanhelreMbartelattlete11111,1g:4:it wraocuagth.'
breasted, siX pearl buttons, high velvet collar. pearl 'Inatome - out wit% silk, dottle breast- lar,pearl buttoria,six tows swell.
(doted at, a strong and a mi.; sleeves and length 3riat tight, 1 k, ",. ed; small buttons., broadoledi A bin
stylith OM ... . .... ....... ..... 44740 ; neat,,cioinfortable garMent flelfll tritinned ..., ....................thille . ing around' edge, black, eine and „ e,.„
, lawn. it -very ahliab emit u 75
8 only Girt& Reefers, large aizeit,
Tweeds popular dress materials for fall and
are much in demand and are the four !making
win- I to order . . P
Won. aSrkeirnitsatilfrdle'ra . ,, ,
simply select
T ed arid Ore-
Crepons your material, and we give ou the price ..., r the garment
ter wear. We have in stock every .
Wool Poplins lar shade, and qualities from. the lowest complete. You will fip.d(iins easier than the old,way of buy -
price to the highest, are the best that direct buying and care- ing your material, -linings, and finding's, separately. Now yOu
ful searching after the good, only, could procure. You. Can can select your material, leave your measure and you have
rely. on getting the right shades, the correct styles, the best no more trouble in the matter. To introduce the making of
values from our large assortment, with the newest and most skirts to order, we are quoting prices like these '
fashionable trimmings to match. Sudge the Dress Goods, .'„,__
All wool .Serge, Mack or riAtfy• Hemet* lining, canvas, broth ori, thvh..
86 to 88 huh Suitinge, derk Colored. .. Etta helm weight pare 'wool wei, _ not tpot or hold the duet; good • .... .e., e, . . .
stock by these: „:-
AG100 ii, eney nVetioti. nether' litchi
. bright and boa Antall, will velveteen binding, skirt oomelete..9.4 ill •
eembinetiotis ef the neweet fell oon etea serge, bard zit, briobt dp„ linenetta linine, canvas brush or
vidtkion bloc& g, judo, to your „. ,,, .. Materf$101 &Olt and light Goias,
. shadings, good weight WV ish, an endleaa erer, icit the 50e oraor . .. , . .. ... 4,00 geode teat will mak* * styllan
59 inch kreavy 'khan Cloth, makes thing for Operate skirta..,.......
vary hobby wets and skirts, good
tent to ouzo Alga, iineutto lin* ,, lininge in colore, tteillt, velveteen ta atA
Good quaiiiy11;a15;;;;1, 11 0;4. skirt sta give gooti Weer; linenette
41 inele all wool Wor;io.d. fisrge,
bright, bard fluilb, will not teach ag kali Dim* Orapons,briglaiAlossy
of green, blue and rad, we hive
weight and 0100 finish, in shades 44 inob ell wool Poplitio,brieht finish,
been told that other lams oherge A 001i of the most fathionable mater. Ire *to, 4
60o for this, our prioe. ."nom leis Ws semen, sipecial 4i......... EP 6 xxi • -....,..!.,-...,...".."....,ams beet geode we how* in the eon
WM tta 01140h or hold 'the atm*,
,, 1% Roo outlay 1610.0k biltierOd
In& 000061% truith or velveteen
fall will tinthe a vary hobby Writ
°repot, very styinit,dreasy miter.
biaatitit Ita 1 to your draft vom... „A Very fineferioy Tweed Sititillig0, thit
itt it fr Or brush binding, Skirt imp**, ,utuu
eacinsive style!, no twotlikeakirt:
complete with good linings, madtio ade
to order 4 . orr.“..t . 11,f II MAW
*bee near the plea and worth,
a hold the dust, Wend queitien
the beet value ws. over hea at any. not poll * hold the
• gap Mail gis,
.....v....aorir a ocmpheto, does not fit, we do
40e, . . ... ...... .4..,''.
414.11.0. AMA
prod from 84
tat n trIg'w11,4k!
t zezent a‘ars
v v,./y