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The Blyth Standard, 1908-03-26, Page 4
II.tcii Potlk-_THE BLYTH STANDARD—M:tuctl 26T11, tgoS, ri illinery Opening & DISPLAY OF NEW SPRIG DRESS CORDS, MUSLIN, ETC. Our Opening taS are Friday and Saturday, April 3 and 4 and all are cordially inivited to come and view our display, No announcement of the year is more joyous than the "Spring Opening." It is suggestive .of the long winter past, the nearness of budding singing birds and bright sunshine. 'Tis utterly impossible to even suggest in cold type the beauty of our display prepared. We are quite sure that it has never been excelled and have a well defined idea that it has .never been equalled. However, that is for the ladies to say. Every lover of artistic millinery is invited to pay us a visit. Come anal ViTe1Come I11iss Anderson is again in charge of the Millinery Department, as'isted by Miss Taylor as trimmer and an able staff ofarsistants, and we assure you of the same courteous treatment in the showroom and the same painstaking care in the filling of your orders as in the past. To Our Credit Customers The way goods are sold now,' profits are small so returns must be quick, so we are obliged to make a new departure. Long credits are a thing of the past. ** In. Flu:tare we will have to have a settlement every six months either by cash, produce or note, Thanking you for past patronage we would ask for a continuance of the same You will be liberally dealt with. Our stock of New Spring Dress Goods is the largest and best assorted we have had for years, and will be complete and open for your inspection on our Opening Days. We have all the new- shades, including Copenhagen blue and light tans. The new fabrics are Bengaliens, Wool Taffetas, Voile Gaze, the New Basket Weave Voile, Fancy Stripe Wool Taffetas and Panama Cloths and many others. Our range of Muslins this year is exceptionally large and are made up of many entirely new designs which will be sure to please. '"isle Shoes We have just received a shipment of Ladies' and Children's Pine Shops. Wo have added many new lines and now have a contplete range in nil sizes. We intend to keep a larger and hotter stock of Shoes than ever helm and our prices will be as kw as possible, to be consistent with good goods, See our lender in Ladies' Blucher Cut Shoe, in relent leather front end dull frllish kid upper, at $5.50, ONNINNIIIIMIIIMININNNINNSONNINONN We have now a complete fresh stock of Groceries. Give us a trial order. J. NDE - YU! Business Cards. A. B. MACDONALD. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto. Sue. cosset to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan- dard Bank, tan•dardBank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro. politan Bank. PRGUDFOOT, FLAYS & BLAIR. Batristere, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. Offices—Those formerly occupied bbyMessrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderiob, W. Proudfoot, K.C. ; It C. flays, G. F. Blair. G, E, LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal Coliege of Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate al Toronto University, OMoe over ,James Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blycb. At Auburn every Monday 0 a.m. to part. WI J, MILNE, M.D.C.M. Physiolan and Surgeon. M.D.C,M,, Vol• vereltyet,Trinity College; M.D., Queon't University; Fellow of Trinity Medica College, and inenibor of the College 01 Physiolans and Surgeons of Ontario, Cor finer for the County of Huron. Orrice, on• door north of Commercial hotel, Quest street, Blyth, JAS.McMURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESP TRANSACTED. BLYTIL, ONiT. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Sale Notes a specialty. Advances mad( to farmers on their own notes. N1 additional security required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rata We offer every accommodation con sistent with safe and couservativl betaking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loth anRealEstate at lowest rate, of Interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well t( place their property un 000 List fm sale, lents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to, INSURANCE. We represent the lending Fire and Life Assurance companies,and respect. fully solloit your account. OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.m. to a 0.8 Blyth Livery TIN t ttlt ttLtni+ttt + AND Sale Stables 00 fJD S© 0 Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR, First-class Horses and Rig` for hire at reasonable rates. Best of aeceltllllodatiol. 1.0 Oo u mei ci:.l Travellers and others reglrMoe riga, Veterinary office at livery stable. • KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTR. L . S. SCOTT' BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for it the (Alice OI Ttitt STANDARD, Blyth. Spring Tera( Opens April 1st Citral tratfordf Ont. Thoroughness Is the key -note of iii :nstitutlon, i.1.(1' bellcol stands for wba' highest a,,d h est in ousluo.ss 0,1011110n, We have three dep:u'r.rnent s--UAlllrel'. Jial, 5larthaldd and Telegraphic. Our .traduales always succeed, If interested ;et our free catalogue, ELLIOTT & AfcLACNLAN, Principals. �4-�'St2ir�c.e/ ro�u/ $1 upwards J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. TiHURSDAY, MAR, 21, 1008 ?!ieoplc WeKnoW(( Mr, Wm. Campbell made a busi Iless trip to 'i'vronto, Councillor A. Backer, of Brussels, was visitor in town on Sundoy. G '1'. R. Agent Case, of ilensall, was in town over Sunday visiting his consul, The Misses McInnis, of Ripley, are visiting at the home of Dr. D. D, Carder. Mr• S. A. Poplestoue was in Exe• ter on Monday visiting his mother who has been poorly for some time. Mr. Riley Johnston, of Clinton, was 0lllillilg on old friends in town last Friday. Ile was also a member of the Ciiuton checker club. 131!nister• A. B. Macdonald and lir. Gorden McDonald, of Brussels, made, a business trip to town on Monday. Ile, Miller Begley was only in Berlin for a week when his empll.y• er advanced him to his store in Wiudsnr, Mrs, N. I3. Gerry, Itecomn$111011 by Zelnla, Irene and the baby, left town last Friday to visit with rela- tives and friends in Brussels while Mr. Gerry is out ;vest, Mr. AL D. Carder, of 'I'uronto, brother of De, D. D. Carder of town, was I.1'cted Recorder ill the A. 0. ii, W. Grand Lordee , for the thir- ee0th time by acclamation, AIlss Margaret '3(10)1, of Brussels, visited her sister, Mrs. J. 1.. Kerr, on Sunday, Miss Brown expects to eave 111 a couple of weeks for Win- lipeg where she will visit for some- 1in e. The following were ticketed to distant points during the past week by J. McMurchie, C. P. R. town scent :—Mr. Robert Ferris to Mc- Donald, Manitl ba ; Mr. Wm. Ferris, to I lovdminster, Alberta : Mr. Dun. e.ln Buie to Buffalo ; Mr. N, B. Gerry and :hiss Meryl to Fort Wil. Ilam and return ; alt'. Is:uac Brown, Dr. W. J. Milne and Mr. Wm, CtampbelI to'l'oronto, Savo This Anyway. ILere is a simple home make ;nix tore as given by an eminent auth- ority on kidney diseases, who makes the statement in a New Yolk daily newspaper that it will relieve al- most any case of kidney trouble if taken before the stage of Bright's disease, Ile states that 80011 symp, torts as lame back, pun 111 the side, frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, painful and discolored urs• nation, ore readily overcome. Here is the recipe ; try it :— I'luid Extract Dandelion, ere -half e01000 ; Cum pound Kargnn, one ounce ; Compound Syrup Sarsaparil• la, three ounces, '('ake to teaspoon. l'ul after each meal and at bedtime. A well•kaown druggist here in town is aathority that these ingredi- ents aro all harmless and easily mixed at home by shaking well in n bottle, This mixture has a peculiar healing and soothing effect upon the entire Kidney and 'Jr/nary structure and often overcomes the worst forms of Rheumatism in just a little while, This mixture is said to remove all blood disorders and cure the Rheu• ntatisnt by forcing the Kidneys to niter and strain from the blood and system nil uric acid and foul, de- cotnj'isnd waste matter, which cause these Millet ions, Try it if yon aren't well, Save the prescription. The Tomb. RATem00.—Ln West lfiawanosh on Alnrdi 25th;, ,Margaret Ratcliffe. Gn.tvisr18.—In Auburn 00 March 24th, John Grnvistia, aged 66 years, 1 month and 9 days. Auburn, en March 21th, .tune Clark, relict of the hate 8)1001el Clark, aged 82 years and 0 months. .tleLauontON.—in Yerkton, Texas, of March 1 2th, Thomas Mc- Louchlin, formerly of Brussels, agol 28 years. J10180 t ON —In McKillop, on (larch 16th, Mary Carson, relict of the hate Wm. Johnston, formerly of Morris township, In her 83rd year. IltvE you renewed your subscrip lien ,yet ? New Raymond Sewing Machines Toe latest Improved, drop head, ball bearing, noiseless, NOW Raymond Gust out this yenl), is the Most up -to -dale machine en the market It's chief points of excellence are beauty, durability, easy running and doing with perfect satisfaction, the greatest variety of work. Call and see this household uocessity at our Furniture Store, J. H. CHELLEW BLYTH 65 CENTS gets THE STANDARD till the end of the year for all new sub- scribers in Canada. 11 you want cheap reading look at our clubbing 1 tat, The Canadian Pictorial and the Blyth Standard one year each, worth $3.00, for only S1,60. 'phis is a germine bar- gain. Don't miss it. Call and see samples et this aloe and leave your subscription. SEE THE DOMINION CHURN WORK Mr. Allen will give a demonstration in Blyth on March 31st. THE MARVEL OF THE AGE THE DOMINION CHURN PatentedMalr 141)1, 1907. Batter made In from three to 11)1008 minutes from sweet or soured cream with this wonder, slaking mere and better butter than any of the old style churns. Tills churn saves 011 00 average of one ).cur's labor at 0001 churning, and at the sante time purifying the better, thereby adding to Its keep. ing qualities. Dominion Churn saves you time, improves your quality, and gives soy greater quantity. JOHN SMITH AGENT BLYTH •