The Clinton News-Record, 1899-10-12, Page 9• :
141014.7010,70V ;kW, kw,'
1 ne. 0311o. am%
tainineen,1100 00 $34 se 020 00 1)43
tia 001 ra00 sire'
Oeitutin co so is 00 2 eo
oil 00 1 se
Inchene. ,,, 0 3 eis 2.(i0 4 se
IsTrlinciet Insane noes re Ce per WA Xtre.
rc..s transient advertiscen-ento Ili cents
msle tef the first liiiiertlen; eenta
.4`' oath, subsequent losertien,
liesasere. Prat:Ink/VI earns),
*me the tor pld nyert and mire
eleh' $ oloast
now, .thosrs
ygiobl• pveyot *-eold boa* IL_P's
fever, MAIO, gentle, Certain, too7 Orirtrfl,rws
70er .41440adeOM,':11:14r017. Vesetable, the,'
can 09 Aake4 Clularener.delleetelteinen•
Pete:144a at In undieine dealere
et 4.400p *4-,toefinvell
IF MI AWAY' tugurett _1341=t==1/1
0.0.4 ter felt ostroq tor Wm Is
,Mto firet "Melee wee to
MIISSIAM RICHEST MAN WAS A ansoff a present of e 10,
rliGNOONOEtt POOL/ rouhiss,bthen tt wow
r 0. 111
to. PSOLADMM MONILMInar muse 4"4"47''' 4010,01***107 atoRsoLet Ths"h" 111.
• ..,ffi".'•Th' wo.1.14,0010ty.ato.044.46410et", lasilt1470-7" ,hteltitharlhtertCtprersesth4. Thhehtt Tia""nsattnion5t'rprgtrvel 191" tviosPk. itewrsv• ef bilivese• *AP eglised by internal itotlim. or *fought metier.4 sr the woos ninci glen. Wine 4
seen , r g t Mete , the f troNhfi.)::100,1111:7/11432 0,01111). Dom* gra Morelli! e rerotittatt °t
thoughts migelded by moon. Thou LOU
ears 'A General min do eVerythinfr,” piroy - — 14 1We 114°' falloti.t by aotlon within this body are ' Ateltia Or Oen eteeenerierrinsiarg !Nemo neee
agillialialre Pomo Avow...4 ineedg to- thirltrn ° b°°- I " C4114
1 11"10ii't 1.44i 'enierteS'". ogeo IftmoN;'' and mmand glinent 1c70014-24.41"64 yer"
ilernieli en Ore f Sons
opc Before he know What' w gappe Aft
er Of tha a
:wrens thvreobb.tio7ryilitcigx1:110,164711,r9;14,914rotrtkliweri; etc; et rile,. :ad .otherefetreinelnyifbeel dflift:enpeenbeid:Cle. 1"..b"imele.,tony !loamy, hy expert ellen. ito by( the qutuititI aro quality or toed oil, it was atinouneed that Sir An Organist giving an moot mono
having boon wormwood tcantialk, which in tern le afoot* At. a Making of Bristel town Senn-
• tiee involved C o 1 in- '"-"70 Rue Se Marked on the records of °en/Wiled* 11440 gong hed offered 44%9 seeentir in a ointrolt in Smith Vis
due entirely to the action and "tate w.aceso
t be extra preesellre 04 Zine of the
denee tha° the' death et Cat'neUtte stalled as gerl'eraleatee:ti"alrnLdwallinirn tenktiltee Mottle Aeylum, Irvin Puller The firet end. or feelers of the nerves toward the erectiOn of a immiolpal ar hod
Utter 4 snett 01
Vanderbilt oecurrieg oimultaneous- i tr t M pr nen e
Ara located in the walla of the etom- geller7"
a or Plenipotelitiary is the Der. Buala a yonng an Mal t 1 th
' 'th th b d ti •
onimm, Advertisemonts without spee, _ or Ratealit's greaterkt inneatriel and fine dispute sway over the IMMenee Pr4" tO-day h
Ax 00 4 h d
draw up the nourishinent and dletri. tverpool, hoe been amointed Clerk zone& a dog a brAricue pup;
aoh end th food i di tatbr fdr. I;lereau.rt Plarke, Town 010fIg WANTAD.
7 0 eak OYU ale 840 4 On Tema ay tem, and as otich he el nu. Nodal and bruin /if t it ou , . 00 0
serlaid and charged for accordingly.
reinsient noticea-"Lost," "rQ44C/1" 1df 4112ahiP and Banking SenteM. Here we have another anomalY Tee eined and betly, andreatlY
tive both 1 taro, to Isola ah het
oe the waSte that has tak. Counti Solicitor, Tbe ealarY le, 48,000
ges e e tit y.4
I While tlieY'cl NAM and Mita it,
direptIon, wili be Published till jAhn Emme on ,_„3:141,iristitute,th,4 041,101.00. faoultles fully reatored, keen and ao,
rtieri Mid the tens of thelieende Of 9Mer with him Mental . hate At thron h t the vone a 0., et the Peene for Lancashire, Clerk of' gor can ma or oat. 4;
1 t,ne Laneaenire County C1914141, and If anybodY wanto dogs
"For sale," eto.-5() omits for neat The death Of Cornelius Vanderbilt, Man JUdged 11,10QMPetent, or too feeble. to reaume the management of Ills en. en. Place dirring the day. if the fitenn A /ear.
sertion 25 cents f on, bee uent
THE NEWS -RECORD will be eient Smith's block, oppoeite Peat Office y k k h .
ASO Reeover front the form f ineanity
.1.50 may be charged if not so paid.
.1.00 per year, 'payable in advance-.
to any address free of postage, for Agoot for Stoodard Life losuraoc6 Co- PaPer big Anssien altar elI0 fh'revr Olariteehtdo:1 t and financial worlds from' whiola he suffered is rare, and in is breed Unoreathe brain/ cairsing
the ireneje empire into vielent panto, Junin in Store An a few enelneot Men this instance the interest is Morea.sen
on Oa Bxe adge tbe dishonored NI g.roUnelin bl tiestrined tJle. MOst.
CO 100, f) n 450 winch, the ceranxer- 9 -
the °mires of time he an.
devete t a B )1, et heating foria toe ;Mich SreePeotable carpenter, Wee MM.
b e an teliced to one . geras I. wart 0 rap y way
bours cleacribed, the wonian as a per-
toontb'a herd labour for t hi t 44
he had that rich gilfeatliSi girl in it.
elate YOU riefea Timpoon'e nen; trap?
Tbn date to which everY subscriPtiml nenneene in forco. 000000 and Q0ean franlipertat10E, tilrOWing a 4'aVatat144 Cif beimg
Head eflices for Canada Montreal, eriPPling railrven's anv• meana river Cinl . . a. by Tenon of the novelty of the treat., 3' Sininiltng them, bringing them in fact
teuon with others, and canaing the At the brio werke at Peterberou h
abriorinal filling of the Onaeltele, there- "404 te her abildien, The nei
ie paid denoted by tjae number on ennatnciaani -inenacia" , Ineeeseo • • •th te work bee what bie wore woe ri MPlone r, Was olleee mattexa t t .
. tic • to.lon '4 t tensive lameness Weirs ao eureleenged With an fininnlisnee At Watford, Alice Gentile the'wlee IT LOOKED LIKE A: TRAM. •
the addreas label. No paper discontin- , Beta:Vexed Ina °Toe old relieble 0.ndravorite 50.009 workmen en the sitreet, Fp, feW Prirfeins net in hie confidlence by injecniens et goat'S. lemph &Vern- to rof rag f o evef loW in °r Englend, Andrew Vranitlin wee etand- •Wellaold Mee is married lite alleys*
ue until all arrears aro paid, except
at the option of the proprietor,
Editor and Proprietor.
Incor-..oated by Act of Parliament 1855.
Horseshoer and General Bleat)
Albert Street, North, Clinton.
CAPITAL $2,000,000 Woodwork ironed and throt-olass maierial
R EST and work guaranteed. Farm inrelemouta aad
alit built d air d.
Read Mee, - MONTREAL.
woLFEIU-.TAN liotdAS, Gen. Manager The MeKillop Mutual Fire
Notesdipeounted, Collections made, Drafts
Issued, Sterling and American Exchange
bet ght and sold, Interest allowed on Deposits
Insurance Company.
Farm and Isolated Town Property
-SAVINGS BANK. Only Insured.
Tuterest allowed on sums of ill and up.
Money advanced to farmers on their own
eotes vvith one or mere endorsers. No mort-
gage required as security.
H • C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton.
J. B. McLean, President, nippen P. O.:
Thomas Frazer. vice.president,Bruoefteld
W. J. Shannom Seey-Treas.. Seaforth P. O.;
Thomas E. Hayti, Inspector a Lossesjeaforth
P. O.
W. G. Broadfoot, Seatorth ; John 0. Grieve,
Winthrop ; George Dale, Seaforth; Thomas E.
) Hays, Seater( h ; Jaines Evans, Beechwood ;
Banker, John Watt: Harlook. Thomas Frazer, Brum-
field; John B. McLean. mimeo; James
Connolly. Clinton,
Robt. Smith, Harlook : Robert MeMillan,Sea-
forth ; James Cummings, Eemondville, a W.
Yee; Holmesvitie P. 0.; John Goveulook and
John C. Morrison, auditors.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. sant other business will be promptly attenited
Parties desirous to effect insurance or tran-
Interest Allowed on Deposits. to on applioa.tion to any of the above officers
addressed to their respective post offices.
vire. Accident and Life insurance Grand Trunk Railway.
Transacted. Represenis several of the best emememm4
' , 4005X1PanieH and any information relating to Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station as
110arance gladly given. Getieral District
:Agent for the Confederation Life Insurance ' follows :
Co. money to Loan on Reasonable Rates ° Buffalo and Goderich District :-
Office -Palace block, opposite Market. Going West, Mixed
• 10.15 a.m
• f. .f Express 12.55 p.m.
.. CONVEYANCING " " Mixed 7.05 p.m.
• " " Express 10.27 p.M.
Going East, Express " 7.4o a.m.
John Ridout, 2.55 p. tn.
" " Mixed 4.35 P.m.
Conveyancer, Commissioner, Etc. r
FirmInsuratice. - •• Real Estate.
Money to Lend.
Dr. W. Gunn,
R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh.
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night
calls at frent door ot residence on Ratten-
bury Street, opp. Presbyterian Church.
Dr Wm. Graham
(Successor to Dr. Turnbull.)
Licentiate ot the Royal College of Physic-
ians, London, Eng.
Office and Residence, Perrin's Block,
ately occupied by Dr. Turnbull.
Dr. Shaw,
Office -Ontario Street, opposite English
church„ formerly occupied by Dr. Apple-
°Office and Residence next to Molson's
Bank, Rattenbury street, Clinton.
Surgeon Dentist.
Office— Coats' Block, Albert Street.
Specialties -Crown and 13ridge Works
and preservation of the natural teeth.
Office adjoining Foster's Photo Gallery -
Office Hours, - 9 to 5.
At Zurich ihe second Thursday of each
Blackall & Ball,
Veterinary Surgeons. Governtnetn Vete'.
Mary Inspectors.
Office -Isaac Street,Clinton; Residence,
Albert Street.
Money to Loan, etc.
Offiee- Elliott Block, Isaac Street.
E. Campion, Q. C., •
Barrister, - solicitor, - Notary, &c.
Oerire-Over Davis' Drug Store.
Money to Loan.
M. 0. Johnston,
, Soli itor, Commissioner, Etc
GOD 10H, - ON r.
ton and.,,,SL'Andrew's
W. Br done,
larrister, Solicitor, tary nubile, &c„
lerriee-Cor Ha
,ftent ikKg
00iiiniento :
tiglitteee te6"etittri*
ant 'entre 4450oulit. 0,t4 boo coirentmerf.i,
i est Noma. orees7 . .
itentertaken titrongu menu t receive
Anne Ante:see Oni a• la '
A liatistora ity *eclat fsectItif
'CO011tt Or Ala trUt 611118,111
London, Huron and Bruce :-
Going South, Expr,ess
Going North, "
4 4 4 4 4
Dis. Pass. Agent,
7,47 a.m.
4.25 P•m• t
10.15 a.m.
6. s p, e
G. P. & T. A.,
4 Montreal
R. Agent at Clinton
wages Overdue, wreOking several big new. - Meanwhile the owner of, the
belike and carrying' others to the/414k greet Prelnirtieti centMilled` hie. eareer !-(1,-Y.-- lirSt 134"eatea bY Dr" 13' B" B64-‘. olArouxebi::::14'
vete a coentry phyeician 41%10st:tile see e luienie neetgh.bornitt
("lever til rifuw,troAT„.7- In4cid.Z.a..4•-t 713:IfeextearlaantdWirtrulktiteg irrIel erriftleclIttlitoabewhro' le la of thluga it.
of dfaaoluana. - '' , 44 4, dend$, borseinan tiod,grand sing- ' I : 0 au e more or • eels ore lair: e turnocimarboli:
do'idto coteluluttlir; siregniearaeepreoadau4eadtmheergee-norerlasemelltieliedrs- h i k ' trheeeetes4triet., it
hchettiny, almoa severed hie head meter dreamed of r
In thereon:ling tne firm eit Paul Dee -
DRAGGED seeTIERS DOWN, mente in St. PeterSburg arid Mosoew,
, near, keepiug up Ps:/.fitio,al le4staebl.l011- awbhoon it ethnow on, his way to Europe, the olit which ortgloitted that ya -, -
and sPendbXg kis sun:mere &braid or MIldericeaPhsabvallantbseenaintithlete'
1°Intietilacalltition4 . I'm Nha,;()PPPgy ;303iy7litim e 41)hea: that
• ....agolam... sr
wios, valued at 80,000;001Y roubles, had niest opulent eo rt - of our times in . 0 neW ..orili or treatment. no connection 1,,,itb eh. oth
at his ceuntry Beat th t r'v 1 ci the -- - ., . - ' liP Of thoughts whioh originally hed Difolteinf.ieericli h°trifli
the Bourse closed on the sixrae day the' '''''e ee
to be counted among the dead, Befere !t4et.s_7141311494tIes,;?ifritgleetnillattaaleityfliii4d it4II:cionn.poing:h,s family, hi one el the -best AN QVERI.40ADED STOMACH that a °barter a woorpoririftioz7b4id 14113:0°3-31filike Atittd girl's' horrid Pier
;oust. tie i 0 /Inoue thirty, aego causes a new of blood to the brain, beee granted: The to.Wneidel hes. a ' ;flu is u., tar it 'it was 10, ;1140460'47, '
finiugli:pri'llnigtthi:eneexrytr: win: for 40 years was deputy ' • LUC= ESOARE.
firm of Sawwa Mamontoft, supeosed to foundlQ! gricigneenrVatIretntheeraleeZ 1eare ef Mee, Married, and hoe two senrt thveer,r2:abrirgenaatboloroedtpzeile:. ipereassia: IPpojaPluAlliaptsion of 24.000.. :rirat ebng_teylosiwi fiaten.„sens think hoW WS
be worth half as much went to the About bueinees seine tor tne inornegace children. il!r. Bush was a rene'st and nee., .
wall, ea,using more a urein , - of half an heur and the tideninistra- healthy Man up to tWo years ago -wlien be.°
The Araerioan nad a balance of 0120,-
f il
tern evritteil rePorte were out up un-. h ' d "th r tt 4 b '
e Was eisize wi Peon lar ii ee 8 rain, canoe even mo;;e9a4ntz.anirgee)uullaneenetiartt''adt; coTrohenerd;aarti; tco°r9kon(Pol'acfeen oWt ::::Ei' 'r‘3/710:: -`' •
ge er shoulel be eVtay. .
000,660 to hie credit when he died, the ritid t° 111°t age° w-ithl WhIeh 1.8
Peel's lordly' es y of h win tt, t teat /31.0thined a oohing sensotion, and turbenees, Teta aceounts aor ahe ada ton borough. ,n10 was aloe ithroner for t h a ' ----e-- - '
th tlx di i i g st ff d ht if X trlin't
a so gae e sou -west v s on a or - • ,
311 sera- e
Musoowite smash-up involves the loss .iMnoSed unlimited ,confidence hi is old Were aocorapanied temporery fins of 74°8.01 On mann Medical men that no tessre • I An you didn't get her, and
considereble quantity, 'especially ' of e" ^ , you haven't gene craze'.
of the same colossal amount ea rote, Coltmel.4 aberratien., • . .11. la ta
animal food, eheuld be taken immedie garden party took. pla is in 0 Grimes --No • Mit the srme who did
a Se 0 edtirae, The crossing re-, grennas of the Royal netanio Society. acts as though be had.
So reckless and brainless wee • this. t " • •
tunes of the houses,of Vanderbilt and aotuany married a peuence0 wonno a of a fenctional or congenital nature.
Yet, up lo a certain point, the for- heir of the „great Derwiea that h'e at), Itahref.Twthe:ePiiho7prSicel.dallistlipOeSCSInAloaaStel:er's erhttsILVd, bt0U0.111110 of than thought Begentes Park I widen' 'Xidex the se
o annels, broeunglacton.iabeautot asin t*hbisenvea,wyo, ilisisceueds
abteird mixtures of fan, 10,000 anil 17,000 ievitations had been
, , u au
Thus, Enid the professor, is my COS-
Derwics run a oomPlete parallel. evil reputation, whom he was soon These attaoks' at first did not inter- o.f the PrintroSe Leag.ue. tween HIS IDEAL.
cePtie- of a perfect day.
Around their onadiess in the old Staten entnillled to divorce alter PaYingean fere with *hie capacity to atteed to sleep at
Island farmhouse as in the dingy, baok etic-11,yilftealieenoofwariallinhr°11124' -Tide business affajrs, but after a while The etomaoh, too; is a mill which The Fettering Beard of Guandialle Hoe sot asked the doctor,
et1.rava,in comfortable without either
yards of a, Moscow tannery, shirt dam greatest catoheof Eaunropee 411°4- they became more frequent end vio- keeps on forever grinding, the wane recently diecontinued ottkum-picking
hat, an overcoat, 'or ala 11M.
lent end the physicians erne were call- acting as tlie grindstones. When, there- o. task, At their last meeting, the wet..
sleeves were more conspicuous' than hell: meat:lir:dal troubles seem to d
drev coats, ana in his day Paul Der- .Pr Pnni s mind* Re gars during the parokysme „ ter, in tb -d th tornach the„past nearter numbered 577 as come . ONE WOMANiS WAY
olo d h' e , fearled he _w
-ould (shone t deat fore there is nothing betwee
o er woe s w en e them, master repented that the tramps for
mice vyas no far seeing, enterprising,
upelens cleoengmreies.sion.. ,inea5thrie3ottirrgmypeaaanen
g4. Eaoh attack weakened, the patient's is 'empty one wall. grind th-- - • '
t ' . upon e pared. with 277 lest yean.
ferenoe between them was this: Old any house in the caPitel, net even exe - e• - a b i
whiell 'strip/Len,: fnervous_sYlitera, is mind became ef
etd ad tlet it a a aren
Hew jrew1314wors
sturdy and lucky a man as the cam- on the Englisix quay,
modore proved himself to be. The dif- iri beauty, of decoration and furnishing tete° Ale wit/nal/meal:ie.
and inally had to ab ndon all Ut3 flea
Vanderbilt brought up his progeny oepting the Grand Ducal residenOes. nares, ;
with the idea that they had to work, Makowski, the great Russihn pail:sten ----.' • ' • '
that they had daties to perform; Der- bad- finiseen,300,000 rou,bles' ' worth of 4'' HIS 1.141•4/3X 1)-A-RAN°XA'
wics might as well have beee deeied ceilizig paintings in the English quay The doctons diagnosed Mr- Bush'
the blessing of having, obildren, for honse jeet before ,Paul toter it into his malady as paranoia, a fotm of Mean
he reared his heir as a prince Fjprizel, head to cloee it. After that the million-, ity einra whioh, there is little hope 0
and when he died some 12 years ago, aire witedrew to his model faent,,Stan. relief. From- early M JtemaxY, unti
that young gentleman shirked his vast oshilowo cultivated at the price of an March e Mr Butar wits kept et horn
responsibilities and unloaded them up- annual deficit of a round quarter of wed& the es ere. a a 'special attend
on the shoulders of a regimental corn- a million. He built a palatial etalle ant, MO On Meech 7 he was comMit
rade, Colonel Pomeranzeff, of the for his horses, and henceforth denot- ted en Kaiaks -Iwo Asylum. - •
mounted guards. , ed all ,his time to these favorites, gin, At the asylum tne attracee
MORE FOOL THAN KNAVE. ing up .wine and women and all other epedial latention because a its Imam].
, fashionable mistimes- During the last al nature. Rush's neincl seemee to be
This Colonel and courtier was crean two years he hes hardly ever- left his perfeet Mane. He had none of ah
ited'with being e smart man, an hen- stables except 'to go riding or ,driving. (winning or. tripkery, of the ordinary
eat one, too, which made bim a sort of
He ale and slept there, and-. refused insane patiente-he was Mae* to think
whete raven in Russia, but, knowing no
to talk on any subject not connected or plane or exeouth.
more about the administration of rail- with b.orses. s - Dr. Joisepb R. HaWley; of Chicago
ways, steamship lines. banks, etc., than Now that he is ruined, hie mother who had, , been experimenting with
the average army man, he succeeded and younger brother will Prebahly goat's lympli as obtained by the Rob
famously in frittering away at the rate take care ofebira. Their fortune 166'4,- mem process, suggesated to Dr. Lowen
of six and three quarter millions a year
the riches old Derwies nad accumulat- posed to be nearl_y.., ietaet as, they had, f Baths: aecoynilmn,tinthga,t. litlitiashtrewaats
less than five millions invested , in ment be. tried on Bush,,
ed in a lifetime almost unequaled for n , _ t ,__...,_
epeeeoed.igious effort and miraculoue suc- '
penmen IN. IGNORANCE. , brought to Chic:age, on* June 10. He
Like Commodore Vanderbilt, old Der- Up to the yery 'moment When Porn-, 3w,9a076 PPirmalerdiella.uvdtienrecit.rWeahtemreenttheraiNs oa
wios made his first, money in river eranzeff confeseed to be enable. to school oe instruction for physicians us-
ransportetion before the 'era of steam meet the draft, fon '100,000 eoubles the ing nhe 19enPla. •
was well under way. Having thus gain- •
d something of a 1 inanoial foothold )th a sys m waa ought to be in TRFAIFFD FOR, NenEny nay&
a very flourishing :eendition by the '.
neoting one or two of the more iraport- big financiers had lately begun to . At 'fir" J14# Was given four hajections
day, tbelluid being in'
went into the railway business by con- general public, though a me of the
vvith his native city, Moscow. The ,
state of things Paid .wap so enraged
doubt its solidity. Learnin: of the tr-ua .f0iefeltoysmdthelieoveeelmicailY in the arma and
ip Gradually these injections were
ant towne on the St. Petersburg ronte
usiness grew and prospered, and the with the Colonel that h 'nf ' 11 'd'
Moseow-Rja.sanj-Uralisk Line sprang• charged him, which was an act of im- reduced in number to o e a week. Last
nto existence, with Dereacanis pros- d • - . was Innught to Clecago a helpless
Teesday; about mnety ays after Bush
e sensation of failing from some great decided then fresh regulatione'rel4Peet- 4 Ggipileta:-Nanigglener,_13241;_mnegintel it's when
• 'Miles -My vtife never obieots yrhea
- o her, causing an irritation of , the The Londoo Court of Aldermen has .-
t nerves which Producee - that Pecaliar
a. height. - ing empty' carts and vans in the city e get omet time sue view s.
wiTao anfnfedaetnitthlienddrheoantw eelftearnsalele-peaortioint sthtraetetpausheomuldty be made. These Propose -"--7--- --
coLLEcTiNG I -MUM Ttuninfe.
§ roost be borne in mind, that °thee gated te Mande vienlii:ildees tostilraeleitsb.e 1131°- rrou don't seem ta be buy'
- 'dreams ,whicir seem .M take
f even daYs, in Passing, reallIrrosOcualtri: At Wiiren, Martin Tighe, .a • Pit- rare booke nowadays; sai
toIlf,; Lsiinvkeetper, ewia7t;stmesm. iottheadrgfeodr .trwialituto tthhee taipsonberry. Got tir
o replied- Sims°
el btlitietr:fonir.ei.n, Itcst: 4arraecliTalgnier b"Inn
:skins to
coeleot- ,
rte., entinged my
, ilaougde, fstandwehnito,nothaseen , sbaeyt wbeyeuth teh :aortal Dicke- traoUkrdeeepr oefutherngWihfiera. , Haen ds eel. s e use hobby, thoe's ell, y boys haee grown
, . . .
4 . wtheatartehoyestouaisndle,eaptr, iairnead tthhee eatiranewthhielet deTvhilehEaedrl'hiomt Loueiteeosftetrh,eLhoortids.shLeiiniguttehne_ Danedb/yetheatstan, monno.w4ou•thaeerf:danode sitootoieese, tainn3 .
- sortie in the past seven or eight years,
, we are fully awake to realize whakhas
were sufficient to allow of a dream' of ant of the .county, has forwarded te other things of that kind. I have a
the -governors .of -
a caused the sound, a few in:temente only
e have elansed, but these fene monanits tatallaraaaana.Noransapiendid eollection of sonool biller tooe.....
As an, example: A milkman; driving °
building. the new nurses' quarters in eneenne..--,7 enn,,,,,, ,
onnection with: that institution. ' ', Pras'issie'x' ..‘L'is•rm."3" ' • 1
for £5,000, for I' like le elrY, you. , _ -
apparently several hoers' duration. ,. WW1 11°4944 a cile"0
1113`beneath au open bedroom window, The _troop and storeship Wye sailed ' Ella -To tbiteltelitdhaytecit kion. etwwomyeeaarts
P .4
.. lorrafhkes,,thhiosugwhhtippramoduacTetr•byImur sdoluatneci ifarnoma oPtiorAtamF460onusitehn raeondenntliyo dfoeratareiIros: sgisieei we me , h
_ causes a dream. The sleeper imegines conveying large quantities or storee a neernaa-Xiltrehn,, :knbaevwe'llytoncliran.gYeaterrHilkilhOen;
_ himself a soldier with has fallen 'into for the British vessels on the Cape of „et who would nava thought there '
the hands of the enemy. . Good Hope and West Coast 'of African ..,;•lan's ea raven want fag It it i•
,RE IS LED Win) I3E seloT. station'. • . , . . ____, ,
. .
He stands blindfolded with bands tied
,, before the platoon of . soldiers. He • ' • . '
en LOndon ' when a nurse Was lak- • ' A MALICIOUS BUSBAND.
hears, the click-cliok-olick as the rifles ing the temperature of etre Mao/eerie, Here as an article on The Righ,t Kind
are cocked. He hears 'the word given vice-•plesident of the Portsmouth Con- of a Wife, eke said. Inekt, uP *OM
arid the noise of the volley. rings out servative Association he bit off and '
on his ears. Then be awakes with a swallowed a portion of a cluneal tiler- I suppose, returned the heartless
start, to he,ar the rumble of 'the rimitieter, Death ensued from the mis- man, it refene to the one 4 falkne
winhiliretiadn's dwreavgeoneffas;wheer scormaceeed en bap. , . , , . .
rough The annuai dinner of the Royal Gar- A; sa.NB BANE.
doesn't get.
bobblestones. . , - •
A blow, 0 eue or a Sensation oil:rain denerseOrpthan fund was recently held
. . . , Why do you call this n sand pane
No doUbt becaithe it chicks the
Mr. De Style -How does it happen
that our daughters are going around r
without a chaperon,
Mrs. De Style-1've dropped that t
silly custom. It doesn't work well on 1
this side of the water.
Why not?
The Young men seem rather afraid a
of chaperons.
pector, .construotor andefinanceer. ,
ailwae Derwica learned that the Vol- a key' to the financial dittos involved maniac', 'he -returned to his heath in
previaas performance, for Pomeranzeff
Soon after the opening of this -great seems to' be the only person that holds
a Transportation Company was in by the colonial failure. Whan will be- "4" 'else'
tajbilli't "i'U-nitt'il;esthell' litr:Eit8i:eani°tIli:dhi-asnra710--
ministration. Derwica bought its Ela-
ine of steamers and sailing ships, for thofrothugeh his friends. were disheartened. Thee
parentle, bad 'effect on Mr. Bush, and
for •the better, and
rouble.' This company, founded in come of all the railways, steamship
843, had suffered much from maiad- lines, banks and mines that the beir
Rhinessfitannory annedheordbyilteleewt:laitpe Game se siene (bulge
song and turned them into money- yet: A group of Moscow finartete wreck 01 119
he begau be emprove steadily. From a
makers without much delay. Then he proposes to take temporary control of pounds he gained in
egan 'eying out and building branch things. weight p'd1 ntil now be turns the
Pomeranzeff seems to have been pos-
. : scales at 144 - pounds. He looks well
roads to the great corn and timber
sessed by the trust mania, Having n- and healthy, talks _rationale, and pere
districts, :then .route being caloulated
to be either self-supporting or to be
limited capital at his slisposal, be tried
il sonts who. know him ineimately, se.y he
run as a sort of annex to his omen or t t In' li Iro 1' •
o es a is nao po les na every nee • ' ' -
is now Meutally sound. When seen Fri -
river transportation lines. of business, and being bound to operate day at hie home Mr Bush said: •
GROWTH WAS RAPID. these trusts secretly, he sunk fortune "I cannot tell jinn wheinmy reareon
.., • after fortune. It bas been diecoveine h
came back to me, I knovv that 1 keee
that Ixe bad over 300 companies gol g treeng better for 501110 weeks
The idea was ingeniously conceived,
li monopolizing evernthing from locceno- ,. ,_
ne It was last Monday or Tuesday that
nd there wasn't a single hitch in the
ne of progress. After 20 years' work —' the cli ae came which lifted me en -
es to shoe strings, after a feshieja. . well' oatiee of DIY' insanitY• It le cer-
Derwies` fortune was estimated at tir
thirty millions. He was the mightiest
ommereial and financial figure ia the taken up may business affairs' Where I
Russian Empire, and so extensive and his been subscribed, in addition'to nth: ...
so varied were hie en erpriaes that ' ' everything clear to me. I am not yet JAPANESE -MEDICAL JOURNALS.'
amount received for insurance. About AND ilE DIDN'T.
. . .
Employment Agent -Why do you
leave a place in which you have work-
ed so many years?
Domeatc-Well, you see, the misses
died last month.
The house is lonely now., I suppose.
'Tain't that; but now the missue is
dead, the master blames everything on
Condemned Man, to hie lawyer -It's
a long sentence, sir, to be sent to pri-
son for life.
Lawyer, inclined to a more hopeful
view -Yes, it does seem long, but per-
haps yoa won't live a great while.
Eosbyshell is a bright fellow, eh?
Very. He La known as a
So I have beard. Is he really a
Well, I don't know. From whet. I
have heard of his jokes I would mill
him a flatterist.
We are sure you do not.
Nobody wants it. But it comes
to many thousands every year.
Moines to those who have had
coughs and colds until the
throat is raw, and the lining
membranes of the lungs are
inflamed. Stop your cough
when it first appears, and you
remove the • great danger of
future trouble.
*Os Cmighs of silt kinds, lt
deek ntlebecattee it is a soca,
Mond heiditig telltedyOf great
Power, Thts roke$ greot,
sit prairantiver to holistiniptionk
;Put one of
Ayer'S Oerty Paioral
Plagielt °Vet $000i111.103`
A: Wk.& 114011**0
Parlor earitaliViiiiii
' Woo wino/eases
wslikte *gatiiii*• ' eg
-rn iturv* jemmts
onif toe 0411
' thinly a moat remarkable eure: I have
A PLAGUE -STRICKEN CITY., was compelled to drop them, and find
pera e in e same way, an Pc e, On _ . lr
-awaken certain 'channels of thought Reginald Hanson, M. P., presided and
conneoted with pain just as the, netse the sectetary, Mr. B. Wynne, an- ''''c'ean'a "Mine. ' ' .
awoke those- connected with the noubeed a list of subscriptiens amount- . nem AND floyor, . -
sound, • . , • , ing to x.spe.
oarriage and is being driven roe/idly i y / - A
erloge, Taylor, who composed the can- Boax-Iiardoppairmitlea around live -
For ingtenoe, a sleeper dreams that It is not generally. known that S. Col-
t th 1 t fe ti 1
e as e va in
. In nowadays. He says that time is
he is clored up in some doge tra.velling ._
money. -.,
off in an unknown direotion by a man nlint PiaYee a Joax-It seems sio in Ms case. -Ws"
who .has designs upon his purse and Norwich, . England, is a. full-blooded asked me to give him. a minute thin
life. nannies fo shout, in vain be negro. " Ma, nispham declares tne ann. morning and utilised it to make a ten -
struggles to get free and in the turn poser of ".Iniawatlues Wedding Feaste dollar touch. .
owseuilr adextriveliaetienarge:mar4t1hrnce:gihetefthheelfigitillalsjyrgs, the coming trauma genius.
• A signalman at Slough was discharg-
i ed summarily for stopping" a, special I noticadTE,wfrlit'edl"fil'eind. of the
and he, awakes to find that in his !deep
be had carelessly thrown out tin axen tre n on ze
i wh' h th P 1 Wal s orator, that in eta= anelseh On eor-
e TalCO 0 .1 e
ruptiou in politics yoti used the PhV888,
and his hand had smashed saMe fine Was travelling recently. On les ex -
side. The whole dream passed between Prince was on the train, and, second, Pulling and hauling, fievegal titans.
medicine glass en a stand by the bed- plaining, first, that he didn't know the
the time that the hand first struck that tht ack Was not clear be was Isn't that a repetition? Don't the two
worda mean tb,e same thing I
the glass, tweeting the sensation , of Put ban. again. .
Pain, the moraent that the sleeper The enbuilding of the Inetropolitan Not neonssarily, replied the orator,
awoke to eealize the feet. . - They have eimilar meanings, but they
a ernac e in, en a- r. purgeark,,e. sapeare knwoirt, tiro ymengcreser.iourGpeenietratil:
_ • " ehurch-is progressing- About Z113,000 bigger Sour ha • Get the ides/
, -
ordinary industrial resources could_ no scenes in the City of nonibay During the
longer supply their needs.
Derwics was ehe first to break with Visitation of the Scourge. to be, „but am gaining right along."
Their Score and NuMlbor---The vareitsh strilcture; w , it a
h h i hoped 'will be. Jur society na one;
Bojidar Earageorgevitth, gives n grape said ene specialists had p onetime finished by the spring. itingitwenaty;
the old custom of depending ori the A distinguished foreigner, Printle ' DIrO.N.a.--,BaSwryE, 1LapeStiarliPang thClaanito.,. That (.1" "Ids lin Them
he o't o ob d r- limed reno ac an • n r-
• i d et; Japan which mea,nst The Society for denees is reported from Netley, a vin felt sure w
;Ives -cent aubscriptons to enable us to
wage war on the cigarette ev ,an
German neighbors for machinery. Af- r d The Sei-I-Kwai Medical Society of An-ex.traordinary Series of coinoi
article, he built his own a,ohine works, ing the last terrible plague. T streets • e could rely on nod en the
as strong physically as. would like p.n.,
R5A00 well be needed to camplebe the
• • • M friend, aaid the miller, on behalf
ter spending millions fiz the foreign hic picture of t i y f It ra ay u hun a conf Pa
ed by his various enterprises, frorn
where he constructed everything need -
a locomotive to an iron raast or an- -
were silent.. In the bazaars there wee
no shoutin f oi is o b g ' "- "A. tallY Sauttd';
g o v ce , n a.r anung. ords at Kankakee. To -day he is in
I take no hspeotir credit "
ell- .-
Keeps on file in its library between
thirty and thirty-five restive publica. residents dio . Sinirily they_ Ivere sir.
Southall:into A few days aao two '
- business man, promptly, Good -elan
chor. , few people would stand about tbe stalls tlemen :who were interested with me e
tonsyself ; neither do t e o er gen- thane d tat aii h id t both named emes arx, ji. lo,ey aavo ____
vo e o me e ne es es a since been buried at the mono time and
Again he aatonished the world by and examine the goods: but the sellee in the experiment, Neither is there least asemany foreign medical journale. in ridjoining graves, the officiating WANTED HELPING ALONG- , •
Setting up the biggest cement factory lac d t any seeret about the treatinent. We
ver seeme ft care. , dotther and The /society ulso publishes a medical clergyman bebig also named Far.rell. I ant tiONI5 said the barkeeper, aa hi
h lie wart so Marked on the tee- the Advancement Ge Medical Soience„ loge on the banks of the Itohen, near battle to the death.
-Yes I'll give no quarter, replied the
used goat Iymith in he
that Russia, boasts of to this very day. It ie fte ' Sadd xil the i t Jaanose of its own, and part Of the Tne Prinee. of Wales may soon be took the seed
At about that time a certain fire in- --- a "men- • Y re meoaner describe . y, gentleman by the col-
d t t
ar, gotrig to kick you own e s ree
surance eorapane objected to Derwicies a dhatter of tore -toms, and ra ng of Briefly, my eery . nean g. m e h r
ttli ' th. - artioles are in En •
lish to et t e seen in London st eats in new e ii•
man resignedly, would it be anYmore
If you pleases, said ,th.e seedy gentle -
't 'Si a reselt of a, degenerated coin demands, it. is explained, of the many age. He bag nedered a enotor ea; el's-
(satin:tete on a piece of property. Der- castanets. A Hindu funeral is pass. yet_
company under his own name, anti
wics immediately started an insurance ing by The dead lees stretched on a
apart. aking medical men n peoth es gn a p
1 ' lly d ed nd aqui ped for per- trouine to kick me up the street, al
bier, his Pane painted and horrible,
• lyraph contains ea Y ce s.
dition of the, brain 'cells 'The goatis
h lth 11 B Vngl'ah
henceforth paid premiums to himself, jee mg ymp
t' th' 1 b Irto the hunnin
sonal eine He Will drive the vehicle that is the direction in which I ara
He was one of the first to recogniee with dreadful scarlet cheeks eovered, system these healthy cells are carried A recent issue of the Sei-I-KWai hiraself, and will not be attended by g°1.ngt
the tremendous vales of the naphtha with wreaths of jasmine and, roses. A ,to the Beat Of &sees°, where theY tone 3111edical 7ournai, We. 8, of volume 111V3xPert: }Liiig13.0376-1 Rigness
wells in Baku, and appropriated un- man walks before the corpse, e lever in e comintg supremaey 0 - THE IfOOL. .
limited capital for their induetrial de- carrying up the afflioted brain cells and assist eeVIII., seems to prove that the doetors the English make, His oar will be
velopment. a jar of bur i h 1 t 11 lit th
n xer is anent o g e time .
in restoring ehem to a normal eonni- -
of Japan are interested in much the made entirely; by an Thiglisli firm, no
a e
enrolee. There are papers upcm dee L don obabl suffers leas fro the It obsoaoed that the Mise• r rind the
operidthrift took ship together.
But to attain the greatest possible funernal Pile. " This is not the explanetion 'wand same sobjents that engage the at s costing a es laxg UM o Money,
ten- i yen e s f
En voyage the Spendthrift bought
amoun • nen, non a their brethren, In America and
edioal s
t a success in the latter under,. A Mohammedan funeral new, The make to a eommittee of m n _ . . on Pr 3"
magnitude that all Ihniela atood bearers and mourners chanted an al- more teehnical account. .
Let ine add es ng cases, an an article in apa -
ti, d ' * a' n the great capitals of the world. It is '
tmehuoieh, wine and sat long at the gaming
The tool and hia mon I' Pa
taking 'hors railways were necessary, bodY was in a coffin, Covered with red tists, but it will probably be better , plague of beggars than any othrner -of
and Derwics supplied them at such
• stuff sperkling with gold thread, The understood by layMen than would a easert ,and reinedies, rePorts of inter n son rti
Mailed the Miser. . .
aghast. meet cheerful iteesere an they march-, that this goat's lymph is accomplish- este en "The Progress and Eduriation eeetainIn leas troubled With theme than
Presently a storm rose, and the ship
HIS CROWNING MOVE. ea very Slowly to the burianground by ing highly satislaotory results in many of the Dentistry in the United States." it Was a few generations ago. Accord -
foundered, arid they were all cast into
Finally he founded a bank end (near- the Ottaside, whet° the dead rest under forms of disease. ' Tne title of the artiele as thus given hag to the report a the Mendioitn So- ,.,,,„ wate ,
. . . r and the Maser, having nix.
slireading banians arid (towering jars- "It is the substance for whieh Pro- in, ntigliah uPon the cover of the pence mety, which held its anithal meeting 1.114°
ing house to financier tell these enter- gold in a belt about big waist, stink to
riffle.% ' f saor Koch, Dr. Brown-Seqiiard, Dr. meal betrays a weakness that crepe recently, the professional mendicants
were in this financiering. It will 1.1 111'llen a Pane° Woman etinmed my '':93.. A. Hammond, Pasteur and others, Out in dn °cease:Many amusing blunder tiumber about f70,000, alarge multitude
'The fool and his money, observed thr
peises and to reap, the profits that - . the bottom.
'-^ -6 servant to ask if I write a doctor. , have been seelring for many yearn Cer- in the use of English. It is interest. in itself., bet not se very formidgble
seen that, each of his undertakings wee e . Spendthrift, sadly, for he was a gen-
.a. doetorf I cannot say," replied tainly it is a. coraPlitnent tet the gen- Ing to note that the moat troablesome ctinsidering that they ate disteibtited
made to contribute to the sulelaort of entrus soul, don't always part!.
AbibUlla, "but the sahib kerma many ins of- a Missouri country, doctor, for snarenfor tlieee that write in English among a population' of Six raillione.
the next one, or of tne' whole complex After that the npendthrift aWani to
th• gs " that is what Dr. Roberts es, when' the for the Sei-I-Kwai Medical Journal,
in .
of them. Indeed they Made work and
profit for each other The legman's eyes entreated me, itoientists a Europe hare to turn to seem to lie in the partioies of the
wen .remained at the head.
48 longwahSupo °lit:Would X not tome? It Would come hint for itstruetion on a stibjeet a lannuate, though there 40 an othae-
directed affairs methodically, holiest-, haPa, to die easily if tbe gods: Would '
fort the siek man, and 'help him, per. ‘viiiiih they' have made e life study."' lo.nal eoupling of a eingular noun with
ly and san aound buelness prineiples all not o hint _ a plural verb, and vies versa. The IISO
Spar . .
a otordir ie enualln precise, and the
went well, hie profits kept on mourit- At the door of the houlth the sick '' sentences for the inost part are Well
ing higher and higher, and he kept on Man's Wife was washing a white robe ..... A . In az Foetal. article ^oil a eitee of
or°edneinngteduPstwyteealftohr Ina EauWrilhilaelairrotthpre. glilraWvehlegiththhee WnIrrelliloWb.° dressed fat the Pe
The neereet rs, raiana, Like them natter Teen sy Thenusen 0 disosii, this plea° at hi.
Paul Derwios died in 1887, leering latiee Of the dying. bnext alwaye weeh perein 6itstlith"eitaidciseelUtesToPelef.or a look. pipartrni6nat:.r 10 11°1148.4'4a thtmhi48 the
ProPortY and nleneY le the 'value °I hie garment., and the woman, knowing , ,.. _
120,000,000 roubles. One third of thla that
fortune waa set aiside for tho benefit of mvs 41:ormileud°bwalled rhatiatlirteht bPplergiatuearlted hlufverilheless' rkatiele,rfot6t-liv
the Per:nano are
6 and 131"6 "Id for about three. monthe, rind everY
"gone Yearn ago hs practice,d ainde
his widow end of the yetingest of his prepare for the burial While her hue- as fond of the shiny refleetore as ate time he began to try that art he sot -
two eone. Ssergiel, tbs. grand residue ,band was yet living. Her face vote a
of 8000.000 colitpluog an the trate_ look of tau atut tearieso temigt apidn davageti of beads. Evere Year inimeniie efenrd6alotrner • tehxetrViriltreni°WhtirletrIroWkn-
pertetieli eompthies en land and wa. that terripea me. timbers of Mirrors of all aorta and over often two or three seta faf the
tar the factories, faith* coeil4e1140Eh Ths plegue-strieketi marl lay on a
' indis are tillipped iota the country of prat:tic.° wae otter become graduellr
the Shah. Germany,. Prenee tied Bele Yielded ta arid the nacesernebte ot the
bailing and other enterpthles, went. lovv bed, struggling with snantsh., gium furnish most of the eirlaly. In body' beoiono easy and free, •
to his CroWn Prinee, am he used to Call arge ylrOte of isestiat etecid eith additiorf to having a fondiiees• Or tee.. in the next paragraph moms the
him, Paul Darwieil, ji., an officer; in 'Eh° MI hiet face, his throat waewrapped in ,
Paul Junior had enjoyed. an annual nenity. an in. a drototi
iMperial Gaeta. wet bandages and he spoke with dif- them, the Persians know no More roletut- "Ileisently he became to feel a gimlet
ng themselves as looking glasses 'Mow fenowing;
incoine of I,S00,000„rouPPASS ersr °Idlee "Pane, sabibl".-"Weter, gel" mirrors in gilt frames. Some of thaPer. ike,„ after be performed it comparative-
, . ,
fug parlor decorations. than brilliant of the stiffrieits 44 the cheeks. trunk,
' the Boerne, arid Oowly employments 0 tin tho add. „ -
,bc attsined Ids ePshletai and'he wa''' Then ins eloeed hie eees ana fell
ni to betlier Stith Directore Meetiege.
± fteleeP at Onber And Od Woillti he sleep elemmee in by great pier risees that
e'en drawiog rootte are tionipletely ly neid meeoniar eifort. or whew, ha
bad a long connereation. or When be
that Sort. 'What ,Would be the lige Of „ vieltore often become bew idered and bad bean talon
it t he aisken the executors bf his frith- try to walk through the glossae down The japtineos doeter B MUM Seene
ern Will Ho douidn,t s be th
the blienne alreetin barged arhittlaili
he tried ever isti hard. ,
io heiredible that the thoUght that
hie' Initi might' be Unqualified te stele
teed hint never oceurred*tn. Old Der.
Arica, fereellelit boelueire man iind tine
ridge of clutritoter that be Wee- Ent
t MA., Mite as ft Zing might On*,
, '0411y. Mention the tiooeSeion Of hie first
horn' , the' throttle, SO hie will an.
bounded as .itinattiit Omitse that hid
Son Wo11111 ate0 into Ids *hose,
' "Pattl &odor deed ;.-10nt Paul
Zugdor,:ir mot Was Owe tette): of the
, Itiotrument.
HOMIER mot) mAxcintit,
what Paul Vuolot wits gun' debating
with Minitel( whether it 'wouldn't be
.mort °armada& tO thi Whole bred-
atid. get rid of it, 6 Colonel of
Bit regithent, tureff,
heropentiit tO geb 1$1$ Fitt,
rant: POR DOIL/108.
thellnen used for dollies that are to
have ',O&M diawri work should
hsi very floe, ot tif linen oriMbrie
The difficulty of drawing the threads
from atoll Mean la Mileb loosened if a
ideee Of firth, dry, whits sOaP rubbed
estaully over. ths epode where it to
desired to do the work.
utttn or A, PALSE noorer.
It is hinted that ifiss Tenopot is in,.
debted tfia the draggust for her oota.
piexiont mid Meet Gagtank,
0, I 011111.4redit that, .tor I know
well, replied Mee Alsketts, In
f tot, Z ent her dearest friend.
Than she doesn't nee *amoeba* at
0414 reii, bat edie pays *obit.
the long aisle that seem* to strati& oosasponsily to have run way with
ott*Ilf oriaernetanioetpluenn"domr maul minrattboarit .land telt."W"hs' thnuith: 4i handle of persuasion
r was d.rawn lightlit a rose the
froht.. buthpsti noses, knees and him *ban he attempted long Lin,
' nit wrimAts =TOM a
* Ott to.
%he pewit Lord Chszoollor as aretnittes and other th
ettuvetted nto a dist
ed aft
croessaansining a shrewd Orwell° Sarekafteir a lapse of a few
nesit tome years ago. who rother "Ind" it Unit in. the t Irrito
shire *retain , don't 4101 MONA the,
Thl) lexteetiothe sail, you a Deroad
genie advose
/ believe they replied the wite
1141 yott ate net
a raft, where he otarved to death.
Emperor or Gentintor Building the Wined 211d, th.nalltiklyne-ou loirveltaly"datlagUhreiterVraft
cusirtnilasn74Sidtrioeebnsitetiltoithat thetxpecatthIC:1Edthre'epeorhoorratief. aelt:IiialelratIgedaeDsuellaltrlaeb.milt*teli-atOhjouy'ert aWfrOti ttusat
less age" airive very loon. Be has
udder construction, in the oeteklete Of
Berlin, what is to be, probably, the George, said Mrs, Younglotte, de yell
wardly, it has mealy of the appoint,. ragre Igreen onioos I may make it
most splendid stable 1ft the world, gut. know that you have kiesed mo only
'vanity it lookt like a palasse, she an Once during the past three houts. i
Tee, he regiod, and if yen eat any ,
trients and characteristic* of tote. Cot- three hours and a half next time, I
tainlr homes were never more palati- She cOuld only trenible and 'Wonder
ally lodged than they will be hero, if it wore 01( turn out, that ber love
imperial architect, Herr Ihne. It oe- had boon misplaced, after all. .
4 ,
The 'stable 14 being erected by the
copies a einierfleial area of more than OAST MOT011 CAR.
tWO acres, There will be rOgin7
comfortahle hox-stalle for two hun-
and It neciatils Ran arottly Sixty -SAX atheig
Saar EtaN66.
dred and PeitentY 4orses, and earrings' A motor oar In Prance lately attairo
bodge spade for more than three. Mille 04 the marvelous 'peed of nearly di
dred oarriagett.
two-storey building where the imperial lea eenilitee'l APru. ;we Yul'
DA the centre of the whole will he h Inn= ebt""nr'' 4
boactuusn, gtooras, etable-boys and determined, a voesible, to breek
go forth, with their f,e,rctilies. will be kilometer record of $8 348 wonder,
Waged. Eighty families will 'have by Count de ClutoteelooP
quarters, in the banding; ths driver* *warm wet a perfectly
or ogeoltirion will be at least fifty in level ro d running Di
moor. sewage rit off fh`l
The litable will pritidea with twain et
tap fold
evittors, t and oleo* itim w• oh .7