The Clinton News-Record, 1899-10-12, Page 7Supplement to The Clinto
Mr. H. ConteIon of Clinton has taken
possession, of the Metropolitan Hotel
and Mr. W. Zinger the former landlord
has with his family moved to Berlin
were he will become the landlord of the
North Ame; lean Hotel.
A young man named James Wild,
25 years old, was arrested in Blanchard
on Saturday last by Constable Bullard
of Hensall for the theft of a set of har-
ness from D. McKellar of. Hibbert
some months ago. He was put into
the Exeter 1pe up for safe keeping
and takenCo He call on Monday to
stand his til. a should judge from
the above 11hat t . case would be tried
in Perth county and not Huron.
Miss Hilda Anderson of Crediton
East is visiting Exeter friends and rel-
atives this week,
Mr. W.J. Redden wears a very broad
smile these days. His wife present-
ed hien with a pouncing baby boyon
Monday morning last the 9th inst.
and Mr. M. Delve still wears a much
l,roader smile his wife having on the
same date presented him with twins.
The wife of Mr. Richard Yellow of
the ThamesRoad was thrown from the
buggy whilst corning to church on
Sunday morning last and receiyed a
severe shaking up and is at piesent
under the doctor's treatment.
W. Stothers is around delivering
notice of cotnplainments against the
As'ifield voter's list.
Ti e many friends of Mr•.•Jacph Reed
will be sorry to hear he is seriously ill
with typhoid fever.
Mr. Alex McLeur, coin. 11. came very
near losing his dwelling house last
week (on Thursday) by fire which had
caught from the stove pipes up -stairs.
Only for his neighbors the whole thing
would have leen consumed. The dam-
ages are considerable:
At the regular monthly meeting of the
insurance company, losses to extent of
$2200 00 were ajust.ed, and yet I ani
told that the rate was fixed at six per.
cent on prerr,iun note. This state of
affairs will surely he satisfactory to
both the directors and those who have
to pay.
Untended for last issue.)
Mr. John Scarlett and son Fred at•
tended the Goderich Fair cart week,
The trustees have engaged Mr. White
again for the year 1900, This speaks
wen for him as this is his fifth year here.
Miss Ross has returned home after
two months' stay in Seaforth.
Miss Ella Scott has gone to Michigan
where she has secured a situation for the
Miss Lizzie Grieve and Miss T. Gor-
man were visiting at Cromarty Satur-
day and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Scarlett and Mise
M. Scarlett attended the Belgrave Fair.
The former was one of the judges and
Mrs. and Miss Scarlett while there were
the guests of Mrs. Tufts.
The Rev. Mr. Langford of Granton
preached in St. George's church, Wal-
ton, on Sunday.
Clinton, Oct. 12th; 1899.
Miss Martha Clark and, Mrs.' Phos
Fowler have returned home after
spending a couple of weeks with friends
in Kincardine. -.
Mr. Robert Brownlee add sister
Miss Jennie of Forest Home called on•
friends here on Sunday last.
Miss Annie Stevens left on Wedues
day for Clinton where she has'seetwed
a situation.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hugill spent Sun
day with Mr. Hugill's mother in Sea
Miss Annie Nolle of Clinton was the
guest of Miss Nancy McMichael on
Sunday last(,
Mr. Norman Carter is busy this week
building a kitchen to his house and
when finished will Blake quite aniln
provenrenc to the appearance of
Quite a number from this vicinity
took in the Blythifair on Tuesday.
Mrs. Robert Gihbiugs and Miss N
McMichael were appointed delegates
to attend the convention held in Blyth
on Tuesday Oct the 17th.
Mr. Toney Niece was in Wood-
stock last week visiting his aunt, Mrs.
Mr. Frank Taylor and sister, i
Alice, spent Sunday with their paren
in Kipper).
Most, of the farmers in,this vicinity
are busy taking in. their roots,,and re-
port a good crop.
(Intended for last iesue.t
Apple packers and threshers are • all
the rush at present:
We are sorry to report that•Miss May
McKnight is again seriously ill with an
attack of inflammation. ----tr
Mr. Harry Cooper had a ploughing
lee one day last week: Ir had about
twenty teams and had good succesa,good
weather and also good work. They
turned over about twenty acres.
Mr. John Riley has been busy plowing
on his new farm this week.
Mr. Henry Little is busy moving
his new home. He intended movingl
the Brownlee homestead, but Mr.
Brownlee thought he•would stay on the
farm for a few years yet, so Mr: Little
purchased Mr. Robert Brownlee's 50
acre farm on the 4th con. of Tucker
smith, next farm to Mr. George Brown
lee's for the sum of $2500. It will be
quite a change for Mr. Little to only
have 50 acres to work instead of 200 He
has had a very large stock. We wish
Mr. Little success with his new farm.
Mr. Cudmore's press has been in the
neighborhood for the past week press-
ing hay.
Mr. William Miller sold a valuable
horse to the French horse buyer for the
sum of $150. Mr Miller always gets good
prices for his horses The -reason why
is be raises extra good horse stock.
:The h
Oa No
great .l
good 1
we of
, good
• Nensalll.•
Iaof, event took place at the
0'0 a Jawes . Troyer last week
i second daughter,. Tressa,
wife of James Wright of this
•Thv .marriage ceremony was
ed by Bey. J, S. Henderson in
xitne of the imjnediaterelatives.
ouple, both .of whom be-
. el church choir, intend.
eir residence in Seaforth.
frawford of . London will
sgiving sermons in Grace.
a, at 11 a. m. and St..'aul's
all, at 7 p.m, on. Oct 15th,
mbent,Rev.W. J Doherty,
each at Seawall at 11 a. m.
tj7p. m. on the same day.
meeting held : at Chiselburst '"
i night of last week proved a
(mew, The attendance was
the tea such a one as the
ieis of the - neighborhood are
The •speaking and singing
high or•"3er--and the receipts r'
a entire,proceeds amountt d
Wer contraotors'have.had their
,Taken off their hands and the
halence",pf t:ho money • due them :was
paid 1 t week'. The extras only.
awnoun d Oro a little over $20 and the
contracforg allowed the town $8 for the
use OF t e fiire engine for flushing while
fillingi ` The total amount of the con
stet -00, 0108
quit13. '
A ft weddiing was cel'ehrated. at
ttie`;resi� Ohne of lura. T.Kelly on Thurs-
daj fees ing when her niece, Miss Edith '
F,astma was. united in marriage to •
j adden el. Grey. • The cere
is performed by Rev. G. J. •,
iftG a ego t supper,Mr.and •
Fedd` fo 'their borne' in
' good wishes of a' -
Port Albert.
John Green, Brussels, spent Sunday
at home.
F. A. Leigh spent Sunday in Huron
Miss Nellie Hawkins was visiting in
Huron township for a few days last
Mr. Rutledge, Saratoga, Sundayed in
the village.
Tsa NEWvs-REcoEU leads for Huron
news. wa .
(fin llti:
mony' •e
rig. bht
Op. O
en s.•
Thee aiJeof the:Wingham flouring mill
bae:beericompleted, and the transfer
willtake'place some time this week.
The )lew;prpprietors are Messrs. Bow,
eon oil' :etaater, Brooelbank and Har-
veyof Ardfit;r. Mr. Howson is a prac-
tical misilli,rj;aud all the members of the
new, firm re highly spoken of. We un
-derstand Pitt the Messrs Carr are likely
to ramov farmgown
• Last lir It The C. P.13.., ,,changed ' its .
time tablet:end now the trail from To-
route caniretteb us about half -past one,
whereat •n rmerly it was frequently four
o'clock:. i he ,time for the departure of
w as follows : For Toronto
.53's, M. and 3 p. m. For •
�1.32p. ni. and 10.43p, in.,
from Toronto and east at
hind 10,43 p. m., and from
lit $.53 a. m. and 3 p. m.
gnerite Halliday, formerly of
ti peen. married to Mr. W.
sato; a prominent .buei-
fthatoity, The ceremony.
trains 1M
and east,,
Wing Wei ..
neer moa .
was perfo , ed ,tit the residence of the
bridets tin/their in Detroit ;on Saturday,
Septambe 30th. The •happy couple
*ill reside `gxh 1. hicago.