HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-10-12, Page 5OCT013E11 12, 1899. TIM CLINTON NEWSitECORD,
asesiOr011i •um MOM 11.11•Modionlinillm
0 00000o00
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• •
• •
o We halve not got the flowers go
hut we haro the beautiful fret,
es grant qualities of the roost pope. e
• lar finwers on our. show cases.
• We. havejust received a OAP'
Inent of the latest perfumes from 0
ta•Pne• of the MOO •rellable distillert.
ie s in A.inerlea. If you bave ti
taste for the most beautiful per- 0
o .f unto ever distilled, call and aslc
a to See mar
• wax HOSE. 0
111111 .011OWN VIOL19T. • a
. PEAU 1.1"19SP.A.ONE,• ' a
* ▪ If you like a. Ron velvety skin, bey Our 0
es 0
INFANr$ DELI 01yr.
• ,„ „ . •
•0 4 -Wm ;01. Preseriptinn Drng Store. ei
• se
es sous ovial000000o. otessetoeiso
It frequently comes from
trying to fix the eyes on a giv-
en.point and forcing them to
erform tasks for whieh they
are incapacitated.
such -as we fit to your 'ace
and eyes will: Make reading a
pi easure, ?ries ReasOnable.. ,
Jeweler and OptiCian.
IS FLOER ands FEED, and our
greatest seller the Wit ipo.'swaq Floar.
This i, we believe, the- most popular
brand on the • market, If von try it
once you will be so pleased with it
that. you will prefer it, to other bands.*
We are now selling tbe 'White Swan
at $L75 per ovt: Several of our custo-.
tilers have. ask -ed foe Rye Flour of
which we now have a stoek on hand:
are always fresh and well aSsorted,
and the Prices, yon will find, are
most reasonable. '
Butter and •
Eggs vanted,
• Its sucbess has ben • phe-
nomenal. More pow,pr to it. ,
IT's Jiff., mom,
. • If you. want stale stuff
We are not in it. .
. If you want flist.class) fresb
goods this is the place to get
them. •
CLINTON MARKET 8,8roxlmfi. Locuo0w* Wet W.owanoslt COutell. . ittidlISIANEfEe.
(Corrected every Wedneedalf afternoon) A very sectiessful concert under ifile °outwit we according to adjourn- KILTY- IRWIN-At Clinton. on
'Meat ... . ....tio• 0 05 to 004 auspleee of the Lucknow Brasa Baud merit en oot, 2nd, 1890, Members all ';Wednesday, O. 11th, et Wasb-
uee 0 00 to 0 00 was held on Wednesday evenipg. The present; the Reeve in the chair. Min.
ington Place, the realdeoce of the
0 35 to 0 40 local talent Was ably Is -presented by utee of host meeea
ting rd. and approved.
Barley bride'sparents, by Rev. (4.M. Katy
Oats • • • . • . • • .• • • 0 20 to 0 25 Mee Bella Campbell end Miss Cora rreasurer'a stm
ateent Showed balance •of Delbio Hattie, second daughter
• • 0 ad to 0 58 of Kr. Richard Irwin to Mr. Jock
n,„ Moody, both ofwhom favored the am on hand 014114.24, received and filed
""•. ... ... .. ••• • • ,„Bq dienoe with reoitations. Melee's, DAY.. jamesAtobeson lurked to have aliment DAYD:oly•ssilto5Aotez°41E1MA''Alt.19.thh.o rest.
1.utto,S pee cilia:lei • , ............. 1.0 whf i f I b
Bon, yrtle 11 funny aro*, er statute or ofMaoPheron proper- dence of the bride's father (13 line),
Inose 1-11 ers')(:k " " 15 t() 17 alao received appreeiation from all pres- ty expended on beat, Granted, John
Butter ia . 1 1 OR Oct 4th b Re I) It M •
0 13 to 0 14 ent. The prinoipal feature of the even-
Ilblirge per doz .050 to 000 ing wee Me. Eddie Pigott and wife, Mrs,
ay... 641 .Of 444
Deied appfts per .1b 0 05 to 0 05 .Viorence Wright Pigott, who rendered
•aviipora tut' Apples per eivb 0 30 to mat severel humorous songs end recitations.
• Wool.... o ....... 0 12 to 0 is tbe receipte of the evening amounted
Live Hogs per ew ........ 0 00 to 4 10'. to $105,00. .
:Pork per cwt., : 0 00 to 0 00 The Episoopaliau Church for the past
Flour per owt 175 to 200 few months has been undergoing a gen.,
Barn per ton..." ..... 12 00 to 12 00 eral aniteofrepairs, and ia also being
Shorts per ton .,. 10 00 to 10 00 enlarged and beautified by a partition
at the rear of the church, and in the
front. a,large tower la in state of °rec.
TEINDERs wAN-reo tion. The interior is being remodelled,
papered and carpeted, and when coin.
Settled tenders, addressed to the undersignidl
poeition of meta er a the Ontario Street rood.
Methodist Church, Alistof duties nito.z be seen P
at the sting of theg•171;Liglasel. :he ame.rd de
not bind themselves to Recent any tender. on Friday afternoon at 4 p. m.
The Loyal Legion met in the echoed
• Clinton, Oct loth, .
secretary wrustee Beare, • Mader Willie and Miss Elva Vance
of Blyth are operating a few days in the
village, the guests of friends. .
— Mil. MoAllister and Miss McAllister
AUCTION SALES of Clinton were guests of the formerni
daughter, Mrs. -Robertson of Luoknow,
and marked "tender," 'will lie received up pleted the congregatien will have a
noon cut Wedoesdol, the 18th instant, for t o church of which. they. may well feel
EVIPLE1V1ENTS.-0. Hamilton llas received WM f0011111reb, •
instroctions from Daniel Wheeler to sell by . „
public auction on Lot 42, Con, 9, East Wawa- .
lipsh, on Satudlay, Oct, 14, 1899, the following, The anniversary •services Of White
property :,--One brood mare in foal,.. 1 general °Minh Presbyterian istatroli; to • be held
purpose Mare 8 years old. 1, Heavy draft Colt 0
-mileh cows in calf V nearly lie moire., • far- • inst:,.Rev. J. 8, Henderson et Hensel'
rising 3 Yein's, a colts rising -a Years. ofeed i on otober 16 and 16. Qn Sunday 15th
, ,
row cows, '.1 steer years old, 2 steera rising 2 will preaoh at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p.m.
years, 2 heifers rising 2 Years, 4. good valves. .
1 brood sew in nig, if store hogs. , is well b,rod and 'Rev, D. Perris of Wingham in the
owes. 1 lumber watgon, 1 democrat with polo afternoon at 3 o'olock. Speoial oolle0S
and shafts, 1 set of oh -sleigh% 1 meter, 1 set'
double harness, 1 set clew harness, 1 sot single tints will be taken in aid of the building
;mimes massee-Flarria binder, Maiefey fund, On the follovving Monday even.,
mower encl pea harvester, 1 sulky rake, 1 Mg a tea -meeting will be beid. Ad-
resseviee vitke, 2 plows, 1 twin plow, 1 seutiler, _ .
2 set Iron harrows, disc harrow (nearly now), -dreesies will be delivered .by Rev. A. I,
iho,y rake, fannin mall, 1 pulper, 1 wheel Brown, g. A.- and Rev. S. M. Whaley
Mole, inapeotor Manchester ibex% re- Fred Davey of Listowel to Miii
ported wink done according to agree. Elizabeth Gennett of Turnberry.
merit, Ilaual grants of $20 were made to MoDONOGLI-DONO VA,N-InTorons
the Kinloos Branch Agricultural Society to on Sept. 25th, by the 1tev. J., F.
an d Ashfielci and East Wawanosh Agri. s Ockley, Jos. fil, McIleonogh formereultural Society. The clerk was in. ly of Winggion to.Miss Maud I.
dodo on motion of 3110QUillan and MitTTVET"-ANDIS011"01) WeaneSdaYa
struoted ta Nee eolicitor re IVIanoheater Donovan of Toronto.
Octobee 4th, Me. 13. illutch of
Thompson. The following checks were
issued i-janatrii A toheson gravel Clorrie. •
. Wroxeter to AVM M Andisen of
a,ccount, $0,60 ; Hie Smith, drain, mil- wrsg_RALLIDAy..in Detrou,sept,
vela and brushing, con, 5, $96,64 ; John 30, Me. W. O. Wise of Chicago to
Mole, inspecting Manobester drain, $10; Miss Marguerite Halliday formerly
Wm, Wheatley, making Mannheater of Winghani.
drain, $50; Wrn, Symington, drawing HARVEY-CUDM011B1-At the reg.
tile, $14,70 5 W.J.Jefferson, repairing donee of the bride's patents, 17s-
sorapere, 65 ; Peter Watson, gravel So -
W, Ball, or Kiekton, insole of the
borne, on Sept. 27th, by the Rev, J
count, $20,16; C. Gaynor, repairing
culvert, $2.00 ,• John Clark rePairing 2
• o
culverts, con. 5, $1,505 Wm McAllister, Eibull'ildev one:, IVIdatr'igNhVteesrleoyf 11-t."TeYhotso. olds!
shovelling gravel, 111; A Johnston, gra. MASSON-SOHROEDER-At Grand
yelling, We., $22.98; Wm. Webb, snow Bend, on Sept. 27th, by the Rae. 8.
fence, $5 ; John Murdock, gravel ee- A, Oarriere, Ur. Louts Schroeder,
count; 01,60; It Kirke, tile drain on W.,
bounclarYs$8; Wm. Nixon, drain at Don- rolseivoz.sviwimz,i_ww family
• to Miss Lillie Masson, both of
nt uYrtiail4igko c'iSelt5y,, KoioniloAsssti aBeriadn ciahnd A Wawa-
• residence, Brantford, by the Rev.
nosh Agreaultural Sociiety.$20. Counoil R. Treleaven, on Sept. 27th, Albert
adjourned to Meet on Wednesday,Nov. Ford of Exeter to Miss Aoggie Wes-
• tawny, daughter of the late Samuel
lat at 10 o'clock a. M. . •
- ' •_ • West:away;
NAGLE- PAYTON- At• S t t It'tf Ord,
• nay Council. •• Sept, 26, by Rev. Dr. Kilroy, Miss
Mary Payton of Downie to Mr.
John Nagle of Blanshard.
Hay Council met on Monday, 00,2nd;
all members present. The eollector,C. ROBINSON-SPOAR-In Detroit on
Troyer, handed his bond to the Council Sept, 20, Mr. Frank Robinson to
which found satisfactory and the cols . Miss Diable Spoar, forrherly of St,
lector's roll was ordered Lobe delivered ' Mersa.
8, Bees counts were duly The following 80- REGAN-HARTLEY-eAt .Stratford,
reate. second, daughter of Mrs
to the collector. Sept.. 20 Rev Dr. Kilr y Miss
grinding stone, 1 dinning extension table, 2 B. 'A., and a lecture by Rev. J.
milk can, 1 honey extractor. 3 hives of bees, passed and orders is-
• . David Hartley, 'Stratford, t90 'Peter
barrow, 1 main mod e, i. green bone au et,
chum, pails, pans, 2 set of whiffletroes. neck- lend," denim, on OA. Ranable through Wonder- sued for the same :-J. Wagner, corn,
Regan of Logan township.
yoko, about ii fumes of turnips, half -acre of work, S.B. $5.62 i 11.Denornie, repairing
,PLAYFORD-BYERS--At the resi-
fork,•rope, pully, cite., forks, chains, oto. Selo •* .
mangolds, 1 laud. roller, 1 potato digger, hay _. _,.....--- . . L. R., $2.5011, lappert,putting out fire,
dence of the bride's father,Sept. 27,
to commence at 1 o'olock sharp. All will C. R.,$.1,50,andeervices re court. revision
Westfield. ••
.•• ' voters' list, $20;.P. &shade, oulvert,L.R,
proprietor is retiring from farming. Terms - ° AnniVersary s'erviOes Will be held in
positiVely be seld . without reserve as the
. • .
-Ali sums of S.1.00 and under, cash; over that-
amount 13 meths' ovedit on furnishing apthe Westfield Methodist church:on Sun -
'ed joint notes, or a discount of 6 per cent allow- nay and Mond ay,Ootober 15th and 16tb.
eri for cash= credit anaottuts. 0..IIAIVIILTON, Rev. Richard Hobbs of • Winghatri will
auctioneer ; DANIEL. WHEELER, proprietor!
. . preaoh On Stinday at 10.80 a. ni.and 2.30
--- .2-:-------: • ' • - p. in., and Rev. Wm. Penhall 'of Blyth
AATCTION SALE ow A GOOD FARM -C, at 7,86 P. m.. Collectione Will he: ta'kesa
Hamilton has received Instructions frem the
exeentors'of theist° Joseph Jackson to sell by in aid ofthe trust. •.fund. On Monday
public auction h at the Commercial hotel in1800the evening it saore'd concert will be given
village of Blyton Virednesday, Oat. 18th, , .
of East Wawanosh. censisting of 125 acres. 1: --ROT. M. .i. wilsok, It,, A., :ilentail-:
There .1s on .tho place ar000d brick dwelling, ' ler ; Rev. F. J. Orders, Ph.,B.,'Belgraves
house; 20x20. with wing, 00x23. ono and half
kite len and. woodshed attached 16x24, bard r- anan, Weetfield choir and °Osiris. • Ad.
end soft water. frame barn 66x58 with stone . ...„ ..
stabies tinder, 'frame pie house -)6x39, 2 good mission, r'ree-will offering, at the door..
at 2 o'clock p. m., Lot No.33; con. 4, township• when the following talent will take parb.
storf, good stone ;teller full slie,;,frame summer Miss Amile Ferguson, Miss Annie Buell-.
orchards. 05 acres aro •oleared and in a good '
. -
state of cultivation, halftime good hardwood _ • • • •
timbers, watered by 3 good springs.. The place • East 1Vawanosh.
Is Well folioed, all cedar rails, school andehuroh • • • .
ad P S-
crewenient. emiles from Blyth, 12 miles from
Wingtani, 12 miles from Goderioh. ' The I -
.1tir Donlis putting.s0
nrustbo sold to clear out the estate
. titl '13 '
o 'per- 1,siory brick veneered dwelling. •
feet. Terms 1-10 on clay.of sale. balance in
thirty days. thereaner. For full particulars
apply to 3011N WALLACE. executor, or to C.
HAMILTON, 4.uebloncpratfllybh. •
' •
Brown has received 41st -ructions from the
exechters of the eqtata of the :late Wni; WhiteIY.
• to offer •-for eale Lot 90, eon, 1, Tuckermnitit,
Burcin Road Survey, at 2 o'clock v. M. on Sato r•:.
day, Oct. 28. '99, atthe Commercial Hotel, Sew'
•fortli. ' The farm 'consists 0100 *acres ef first,
close land. 08 which is erected a two-story Stone
House. Barn and Shed. it is situated on•the
Huron road,.5 miles from Seaforth and, et miles
from Clinton; In order that the business ef tho
estate may be closed up the said property will'
begold, without reserve. Terms -Ten per cent,
Ambe,paid oo tho day of sale, the balance with
In 30 days thereafter. T. BROWN, auctioneer;
13. LAWRENCE and E.- . WHITELY •
executors. •••
undersigned lute been instructed by Mr. frau.
Little to offer for sale by public auction, unre-
etirved, at Lot 9, .concession 3. Bullet, at one
o'Oloek p.m. on Thursday, 00. 19; 1899; the
following Cows supposed to be in We, I
nearly calved Cow, 2 farrow 'Cows, 1 fat Cow,
5. yearling Steers, 3 yearling, Heifers, 2 spring
Calves. Sheep --10 well-bred Ewes, 2 therobred
Leieester Ram Lambs. 1 Cook 'Stove nearly
new, 1 Parlor Stove. Terms -Ali sums of "95
ma undocash, over that; amount 12 months'
'credit on `furoishingapproved joint notes. A.
discount of 5 per cent. per .annem, allowed for
-eashon all creditamouuto, HENRY' LITTLE,
Proprietor.; T. SROWN,, 'AffetiOneer. ,
Next dper to Clarendon.
Just at hand, Some special
- values its
DOR 250 AND .300 .LINES
are extra ye
:For a Surnine't 'Cough
or a 'Winter Cough,
For a Night Cough
or a Cough which
hangs on, use
The gad.°
Remedy for
All Throat and ,
Lung Trouble...
. .
William Elliott of Lot 20, Coricession 4; God erich
townsVpi has instructed Mr. Themes Brown,
Auctioneer, to sell by public auction on Tues.
-day, Octiber 17: Horses -One matched*toe,m;
chestnuts, one roan mare 4 years old, general.
Turpose; one bay, mare 5 years old, general pur-
.1mcie, one bey gelding & years old, draft, one
driving mare 4 years old, cue gelding 13ay 4
years old; roadster, one bay gelding 2 years old,
roadster, one bay gelding' 1 year old rodster•
Thorobred Herefords, Registered -Three cows
iu calf.to bereford bull, theca two•year-old
fers in calf, ono yearling heifer,. 0110 Yearling
' bull, one bull calf, 3 heifer calves, grade Cat-
• tla;-Twolve mild) COM in milt; five eine-year-
old. steers; five moi.yeakild heifers, eight
calves. Sheep ••12wdtity breeding ewes, ono
twoyear-old ram.Pigs-Eighteen pigs 4
months old, TfultIv'oiths,, five pigs 10 weeks old,
Yorhshires, elevesi pigs 3 menthe old, . Tatm
worth and Yorkshire cross, one lookshire sow,
one yorksbire sow: time famworth aim. Sale at
1 o'clock sharp. Tethris-AU sums of $10 and
under, cash over that amount 12 inonths'
crediewill be allotved on furnishing approved
joint notes. 6 nor cent. per annum discoutit
will be given m8. credit amounts, WILLIAM
VADAT. proprietot ; T. BROWN auctioneer.
Apple Better and ally made from your own
alums. Bring them 'whole and in:peeled and
I will make you good butter or jelly. Parties
from a distanee can Walt for their butter by
pre.viotts arra:moment bk
. .• *JOHN THITtSX, 131alte,
Oet, Oth. • • •
'For seventeen yeara 1 have been doing_busi-
nese with the farmers of the comity of Huron
and am this year prepared tO buy more wend
apples than over, for Whieh the highest market
pace will be paid. I have authorized ngonts at
all points in Huron, arid it Will be to the ad-
vantage of oWners of orchards to ascertain
hew well 1 can do for theta, •In any -event do
not dispose of your apples before seeing me or
one of my representatives.
Th C4.NTEL011, Clinton P,G.
The Sanford .11vaporator ConmanY wilt ay
the highest Market price for Apples. Windfall
and u1lg, itt their factory in Saltford.
S.altford, Ang, 2Uth. .
The following is the report of S.S.No.
9, for the month of September. The
names are arranged in order ot merit,
ascertained by a system' of daily mark-
ings, deductions being made for bad
conduct, lateness, Sm. P. S.L . Maggie
McDougall. Sr. IV -Florence Shiell,
Alberta Rintoul,Mabel Shiell. Jr. TY --
Willie Elliott, Roy Deacon,Leslie •Dea-
con Sr.1I1-Drivid Johnidien • Jr. 111
-Alex. Rintoul, Ray nrond Elliott, Bella
McDougall, Roy Anderson. Jr. II -
Herb Shiell, 'Willie Shoebottoni. Inter.
• 11 -Hoard Shiell, Berlena Johnston,
Stanley Elliott, Carrie Deacon, Ida Ab-
ram. Jr. 1I -Barbara Styles. Sr. Part
II -Hervey Linklater, Chrisay Rintoul,
Wilburn Ferguson, Frank Casemore. Jr.
Part II-s7arnes Ferguson ,Maggie Case.
more, Tessa Anderson, John Abrain, Sr.'
1 -Laura Currie, Maggie Shiell, Katie
Shiell, Maxwell Abram. , Jr. II -Ernest
Linklater, Willie Styles, John Johnston,
Garfield Shoebottorn, Wilfrid Pocock
Louis B. Duff, 'reacher, -
The amino il met in the council room
SePt• 23.1899iptirseant to adjournment.
'Present Couneillors Carr E11is1 / McCal
tura and Currie. On motion of Mr.; Mc-
Callum, seconded by Mr. Carr, John . '1' -
Currie was appointed ehairinau in the
absence of tbe Reeve. Mentes of last
meeting read and mimed. Messrs, Jas,
T. Bell and George Fothergill, fence
viewers, were present and gave explainw
ations regarding an award made lately
by them on a line fence between Walter
McGowan and George Quinn,' con. 3,
and asking that, their fees be paid,if the
council considered the steps they had
taken in thie matter were in their opin
ion right. MoCalltnia-Carr-,That-
Messrs. Bell and Fothergill be.. paid the
amount of theirfees, $4 for servicea ren-
dered in making this aWard,and that said
feesbe charged on collector'a roll again s t
Messrs. McGowan and Quinn in the
proportion of $2 each. -Carried. Carr
-Felis---That Councillor John T. Currie
be authorized to look after the letting of
a. job of a culvert on northern boundary
in oonjunction with Mr. Cruickshank, of
Turnberry.-.Carried. Accounts were
ordered to be paid as follows :-Wni.
Vhitechurch, 28, 6 inch tile,
7 Weikel:, 35 • yarde gravel
and dam oad division No.55, 42.75;
Jas. Golley, Morrie, 25 yards gravel at
7c peryard, $1.75 ; Allred B. Care, 46
yards gravel for road div. No. 31, $2.25;
John Wilsdn, V. 8,, Wingbane 25 yards
gravel for road div.No. 64, $1.25 ; Geo.
Tisdale,West Wawanosh; damagee,draw,
ing gravel for road div. No. 79, 50e ;
David Cook, 45 yards .gravel for reed
diy. No. 82$2,25; G.W. Proctor, Mor-
ris, 9 yards gravel for road div. No, 40,
63e; Mrs. Bradnook, 94 yards gravel for
road. divs. Nos. 8 and 4, $4.70; Itriialits.
McGowan, 24 yards gravel for road cliV.
No. 4,81; Robt,Shiell, sr , n5yards gra-
vel for road dia. No. 46, $1; Elara Liv-
ingstone, Iyth, 1 plank for road div,
No. 4,25; Jobn Gillespie, Whitechurch,
35.yarde grevel for road div.No. 65411.15;
Charleo Campbell, 12 yerds gravel for
repairing road allowance near bridge on
river, tong. 8 and 9, 60e; Charles Camp -
hell 10 'yards gravel for road cliy. No.75,
in 1808, 950; Charles Campbell, 81 yards
gravel tor road divrt,Nos. 75'16 and 18,
414.05; James McGee, con '10, filling
around abutments and filling under
piers abridge on river, cons. 10end 11,
$25 ;Sat. libaGee,putting post under ate
preach and repairing top of b idge at
river, °ens. 10 and 11, $1; Mrs. E.,Reid,
la yards gravel for lob on road allow -
CMOS, at lot:38, done. 8 and 0, 65c; Jas
. The subscriber offers Meseta ins imam and
10100 corner or nattonburvana non,
A. Scott, gravelling on sidelines an and
W..0, DWHERT/. 31, con.
Clinton, Aprii 1311) 10,-01,40; Jas. A. Soott, clean.
Mg out two orobsifiga, sideline 36 and 37
con, 0,15e5 George Situnby, 13elgrave,
' part payment for gravellieg on eastern
boundary, pig; George: -Daley, damages,
drawing gravel en road clivs.Noo.60 and
.1 f
and side road, $4;J Weidoa.vvo culverts,
82.65; Win. Jennison, repairing 3 cub
verts, L.R ;$4; Wm. Miller two cub
verbs, con. 16, 46; G. Eisenbacb, repair.
ing culvert, oon.14, 50c; T. • Turnbull,
culvert: L.R:, $3; A. Turnbull, repair-
ing ttio..bridges,L R.,83; Registrar of
Huron, registering By-law re S. S. .11o.
10, $2; F. HessiSr., work re By-law S. S.
No. 10, $8; P. Schad°, lake gravel, $5;
P Hartman, culvert and grant, $8; J.N.
Howard, work and culvert, con.5,$5, 20;
S. Vtacent,repairing two calverts, $5;
F. W. Hess, printing, 6,6.50; Hay
Branch Agricultural Society, $50; WM,
Dignan, repairing bridge and gravel, 0,
11, $2.50; H. M. Willert, repairing cul-
vert, $.B., $1; J. Oeschecuttieg thistles
0. R.., 75o; P. Beaver, com. work, S. R,,
425.64; j. Schroeder, drain• across
$2, and repairing three gulverts, con.16,
$3, 11. Mese!, grading con. 14; $1.25;
Jas. Carroll, work con. 4, . $1.50 and
culvert con: 5, $8. • J. McDonald, clean-,
ing read allowance con.6 and 1, $14.25;
. IVIosseau, eulvert and plank, $5;20;J,
Oesch, work on road, cosi. 12, $2. 5C•; Eli
Ducharme, repairing, °invert,.
$1,60; Wm, O'Brien, gravel oontract, C.
11 420,15; H. Reichert, repairing cul-
vert con. 6, $1; F. Busch, building
bricige, con: 2,g16., Geo. Thiel, sr.,work,
C.R., $1 ; Geo..Thiel, le. • Work, C. Rs
$15, Council will meet again On
Monday, November 6,414 otelook
when greatel And lumber ;accounts will
be settled,
Harper's Publications,
0, W. Stevens, the war correspondent
who became famous forhis dramatic ner
rative ot Kitchener's campaign to Kim
town, shows in a thoughtful article in.
the October number of Harper's Maga-
zine, the debasing effect of the Dreyfus
affair on France An artiele by Hon.
John Barrett, late United States Minis.,
ter to Slate. and for ten months wager;
respondent at Manilla, gives si.n admir-
able representation of the character and
•personality of Admiral Dewey. Sir Mar-
tin „Doeway, the greatest mountain
climber in the world, opens the number
with the story of his ascent of
one of the highest and most inahcessible
peaks of the Bolivian Andes. Part sec-
ond of 'The First Ainerican 3 His
Homes and Flis House -holds," by Leila
Herbertgives au interesting deecrip-
Mon of Washington's life in Nov York,
when that city was the seat of national
government. Julian Ralph, under the
• title "renting on Two Seas," describes a
voYage on one of the famous P. and 0.
steamers from • England to Calcutta.
Short stories are contributed by Betimes
Maclilannue, I. Zangivill, Mary Hart-
well Catherwood and Stephet Orate.
The apecial fashion number of Harper's
Bazaar, published October 7th, contains
a comprehensive and authoritative pre-
san of autumn and winter fash-
ions. The number is elaborately illus-
• trated, and -gives full descriptions Of
thereception gowne, outing costumes,
cripee, wraps, house gowns, and negligee
costumes which will be worn during the
doming annum and winter. The large
number of new and original fashion
.hintake this issue invaluable to
every Woman,
Comfortable dwelling house eel oast side of63. $3; Amoit silent, for stumping, log,,
Albert 'Street, containing 7 rooms; hard and .
soft water and -quarter of an Stril of land, fruit gmg and burning tint ber,eitleline 30 and
trees, etc. Will be Sold cheap as owneris leav- 40, cone, 6 and 6, $27.50 ; Jas. T. Bell
log town. Apply to •
and Geo, Fthergill, fees for
July 4. Clintoro
i Matte re Walter McGovren and G*wardeorge
Mr. James Curren bad an exterialve
-•• . auction eat° of fade atoek -err ltiOnday of
"This battle was Won in Hong-kong
Harbor 'said Admiral Dewey. to me
when I 'first. saw him in May 1808; And
bawd him describe the great tight.
Many times since then have I heard
him repeat the same sentirnept, and
the more the truth of it is eorisidered
the mope light it sheds ori his character,
While he VMS brave, strong, prompt,
and decisive in action, he tvas thought-
ful, caul deliberate, and • sure in
preparation. Day after day be sum-
moned his captains to discuss all the
possibilities and eventunlitiee.of a con-
flict with the enemy. Ile gave them
an opportinfity to say when, where,
.amid how the battle. should be fought.
From junior to senior he tailed upon
them to exprese their cpinions fi eely.
If any man bad a, novel idea, it wits
given tareful Consideration. If it. was
an old one with improvements, it was
viewed in all phases. After the Admit til
leirl patieetly heard his eRptains and
duly interrogitted them, he quietly
told them his own exact ,plati of battle
and lust tvhat he expected of eacb•
man. Whether. this was made up
originally onto of his own ideas, ot. front
web in union with the best points
advanced by his ceptitins, it Was retkoh
ed. only after thorough deliberation,
and WAS final, -Hon. John Barret, in
. by Rev. W.A. _Bradley, Mr. Elias
• Playforcl, of Wellesley, to Matilda;
thii•d daughtee of Wm.. Byers of
Fullarton. ' •
residence of the. bride's parents,
• .September 27, by the Rev., Messrs.
• Kenner and Whiting, Rev. J,, W.
Aikens of Port Meitland, Nova
Scotia, to Hale, only -daughter of
• Mr. John Phinnamere, Mitchell.
,• Exeter, by Rev. W. M. Martin,
• on.Se.pternber 27th., Henry • Hoff-
man of Dashwood to Miss Margaret
• Stacey of Stephen. • • -
hicEADDEN-.EASTMA,N--;At the re-
•. eicleoce df Mee. T. Kelly, on Thera-
' day, Septeni her 28t1i,by Rev. G. J.
AbeysJohn MCFacIden of Greyto
Miss Edith Eastman of •Brossels.•••
dence Of. Mr. • Gavin oDayrdson,
: Turriberry, on October4th, by Rev.
D.: Perrie,. Mr, Geo. Fretwell of
• Wingbarn t� Miss Elizabeth Wight
of Turn berry. • . ".
SIMSON-WRIGHT-.-At the residence
. of tbe beide% parents ' Turn bei ry,
, Sept.. 28, •by Rev: Ander- •
,., • ' ean Of Wrtesetee,1.51r.,Thos,Sinische
• of Grey to Miss:ISabel, daughter of
Mr. Wm. Weights • • • -
dence of the bride's father, Mr.
Abrahani • Jones, Moray, oti• Oct,
Oth, by -Orly. • S, A, Carriera of
• Grand Bend Mr.. Jas, Eagleson of
• Stephen to Mise Jones of
. Manse, Grand Bend, on Sept. 27th,
by Rev: $.•.A. Garners, Mr, Isaac:
A. Hamilton . of Greed; Bend to
Miss t..ySarah • Reville or Litmliton;
• elki 1 o rs.
The undersigned (acre for silo that desire olo
sixteen OM acres of land south of the London
Head Midge. It is beautiful site for building
and will be sold In Ono piece er itt kits. My
reason for selling that, it is too far from town
to handle myself 8110 11 deecin't1my to Intl:11101p
A. 001100,010m
Tette 20th,
'The allbSeriber WM* for sale avow desirable
property on Smite street conetiating,of four lots
upon winch there tomfortable frame house
with kitchen and woodshed attached. • There
is a good stable and Amt.elass well of water
On preuthies. The orchard, eonsisting ef Vanes
and apples. Mooed ono, The property Will
he sehl 8.1 8. tameable figure for cash oti omit
and Maude on time. Apply, to the owner ort,
the prepieta 11/11tH,JoHN JUNOR,
'Clinton May Pei.
Ott Irleterfa Steed, Near Oigan Peeterg
rank Vestal. Pnr, to
DRYIY01414 Darr fist* I
Ob.ettigt Ana Druggiot leo& ese,
13 001VISE•prImpttztaterv,igavit,
last week. Cows sold at $40 to $47
lateVielY Roviews,
calves brought $30 per pair and a four -
. asitrifs.
AGNEW-In Clinton on August IOth;,
the wife of Dr. Agnew, of a son,
MeCONNELL-In Bullett, on Ith Oct,
the wife of Jas. '-McConnell, of a
JACKSON --In Hallett, elf Oct. 8th, the
wife of Geo. Jackson, of a daughter.
PAN JERSON- -1 n Clinton, •on Oetetrer
' 8th; the wife of Mr. Colin Pattersop,
of a son, •
MANNING -In Hellett, on October
• 14, the wife of Mr. Jos. Manning,
• of a SOD. • •
The Review of licvieWa for 0 t b teen months' old filly went for :OA The
o er
contains the Matt complete account of taal l'NeGed6 amcnint9d to $1800'
the ram 1...i125' geoid arehlieetural BroWnhandled the hammer.
competitten or t re rtritersity o
f ' f
format vvhich came to an end Septenri.
bet '7 with the award of a &et prize of
$10,000 to the eminent French architect,
E, Bound, and of four other prizes am-
ounting to an equal tuna tO An'terinftti
raimptititors. Too article in the Res
view, which was written by Mr, 11. S.
Allen of an Franciseo, is illustrated
with !perspeetive news of the prize
pletiet a portrait of Mrs, rbebe Hearst,
Whose munifienee made the competition
possible, and portraits of the dilating.
nished arehiteots who served oh the
jury Of aWatat.
English Bpavin Liniment removes all
bararsoft or calletuded lumps and Wm*
ishes from horse*, blood spavin, curbs,
'splints, ring bone, Sweeney, stifles,
sprains, 801,e_ and twoolen throat,
toughs, at, SeVe $50 by Mite of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonder-
ful blenUth cure own kneivn, Sold by
STOBIE-In Senforthson °atelier 2n6,
Janet 'Waters, relict. .of the hate
'Henry Stable; in her'6001 year. •
GORDON-In on October
4th, Alexander 'Gordon, aged 57
years and 0 months.
QUINN-In East Wawanosh, on 'Sep-
• tember lOttsCormonly child of Mr;
. ;Ind Mrs. Thos. Qu in aged 5 years,
8 months and 3 days.
ILYNDIVIAN-In Exeter, on October
Ilyndinan, ..5•1.1),e aged 60
yearie 0 months,
CAIRNS -4n Hibbert, on .September
• 30th, John Cairns, aged 07 years.
GRIGG-In East Wawanosh, on Sept,.
2811, Jernima, wife of Mr. James
' Grigg, aged 76 years, 6 months and
17 days, •
' Headings.
Tyre Newer-14:am is in receipt of a
copy of "John Seleotion of
Readings and Songs" which has reached
the dignity of a 4th hdition. 7000 cop-
ies have been published, indicaCingmer-
it and popularity. In Scottish verse
Mr. Ionic excels,
• For Over Fifty Years
MRS. Wietsitow's Sootattso Slump -has beat
used by millions of mothers for their •children
while teething. If disturbed night and
broken of your rest, by a siek ohild suffering
and. cryitur with pain ot flitting Teeth send at
once rind get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslotv's sooth-
ing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will re-
lieve the poet BM sufferer immediately. De-
pend Open it,mothers. there is no mistake about
it. It cures Dior:luta, regulates the Stomach
afld. bowels, mires Wind Celle, softens the
Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and
energy to the whole syetent. "Mn', Winslow's
Soothing Syrup" for ebildren teething is plea-
sant to the taste and icr the preseriotion of OnO
Of the eldest. and best female physicians and
nurses in the United States. Price twootrilve
cents a bottle. Sold by ell drliggists through-
out, tho world," Be sure and ask for "Mn'
Wiffnew'S SocrrinsoSynor,
°IA Fait Outside Ls
a Poor 5'ubstitate
For 'Avant Wortt1/4'°
Good Aealth• inwardly, of
the hiclneys, liver anc 1 bowels,
is sore to come If IfooesSar-
saparitla promptly used.
- This oeoureo a, fair outside; .arta
consequent vigor * the frame, with the
glow of health On the cheek, good
appetite, perfect digestion, pure blood.
ahnerrioss,lisroolbal"pepeu PwtiTteth./t4.1zw-sina'sacov:italiredteinfeelyPirrnuntr
• down, took $1. oocre Sareaperilla sani alter
awbue I felt numb boater. mood'a soups-
crilineaubetilut ear ourtii:w1Aki4L qtr*
LA. Ittrossa, Old
wiElmillOutlettlaectle**aljet rovieo.u.snbaseans and
much run down. Tried/1°0de' Sarsaparilla
and it gave me rollet and hum up.” A.
MonnynoN, 00 Defoe Street, Toronto, Ont.
Root Pins aura liver 1143 the nen-irritining ad
eat, cathartic; to titkO with (Need's sarsimarwa.
SeldIorWatte 8r.Cos Druggists..--
There is Nothing in the World,*
• Compare in Curative "ghlue
• , veith Dr. Von Stan's Pine.-
, apple. Tablets for Dya.
• pepsin,.
Vegetable pepsin is the most valuable
constituent in the pineapple, Barring
the -digestive juices of the human sys-
tem, no other article or • product has
the power to digest all kinds of food,
exccept vegetable pepsin One's gen-
. eral health would be amazingly im-
proved 'if he could eat a pineapple a,
day, but hardly one person in
thousand could do so because of the
trouble and expellee of getting them
when out of season.
De, Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets
have all the virtues of the ripe fruit -
they are largely_made up of the precious
•pineapple 'acid. They cure dyspepsia
and all stomach troubles. Box of 60
Tablets, 35 cents. Sold by Watts & 0o.
W. H. Elliott's general store at Nevi
Sitcona Was" obbeel, the •thieves tying
and gagging a large watch dog iu the
store, •
Blit, what about the blood which the
heart. must at the rate •of 70, times a
Minute? the heart is to be sturdy:
and. the nerves strong chit blood Must
be rich endpure. Hood's Sarsaparilla
makes sturdy hearts because it wakes
good blood. it gives to naen and women
streng:th, confidence, courage and en-
durance. , • ' •
. HOOD'S PILLS aro non -irritating and
the only, cathartic to. take with Hood's.
Sarsaparilla. .. - ".. • • •
To be cured of cittarehP If you or year
friends have thigo you know how die.
ngreeablis it Is. Its symptoms are in,
flamed eyes, throbbing templeil, ring.
Ing noises In the ears, headitchess t aps
vicious appetite, ited constant diecharge
of mums. Portunittely its euro le not
31 questinn of what, yon will give, brit
what you will take. If you will take
flood's Sarsaparilla, tbe great eon.
stitutineal remedy, which thoroughly
purifies, enriches and vitalizes the
blood, yeti may expect to he emu pletely
fttnl permailently stired. • The good
blood Whieh flood'eliereaparilla nieketr,
rearbing the delicate passages of the
mucous membrane, oothe ttn1 re.
builds the mantes and ultimately cares
all symptoms of eatarrh.
The notrsare fMflngbaek from the
Natal Border,
• 'The British army reserves have been
called out to complete to war strength
the battalions warned for .service.'
, •
SELF--SouTH AHEItIOAN ansmatvrie
• 0558,13 lemuyonme.A..wonimpue CURE.
D. • Desailetels, Peterboro', writes:
"For months I was unable to work,
had rheumatism in every part of my
body. I* was blistered by doctors at
• ten 'different times. •My hands were
drawn out of shape; my fingers were
distorted,. arid -my wrists and forearm
were double Weir natural size. My
leg was encased in a plaster cilia) .for
four months, • I tried South American
Rheumatic Oure I took two bottles.
Twenty four limits alter first, dose
I telt like ao new man. One week after
I was able to go trf. work, Now I am
as hettrey and strong as ever." Sold
by Watts &O�,
• Miljor Giroilard, 11 IIJ,,wihl take an
appointment on the liuee pf communi-
cation in Sputh Afilett.
ntri, Tiro nnarsru FOUNTAIN -SOUTH
• AND runiviEs.
if the kidneYs fail to do their work
other organs becotne involved; poisons
generate -circulate through, • and. yio-
late the whole system. • Disease and
disaster are as sure As .11unrise if ueg-
lected, South American Kidney Cure
action the Kidneys like magic. 'It's
'n liquid end attacks the ailing parts,
quickly stops the sprectding or disease,
drives out. the foreign substance ,s and
brings this important organ back to' a
heelthye normal etate. it's a kidney
specific. Sold by Watts and On.' •
The reeeption to Hon, James 'Bother -
lend will take place at Woodstock on
Tuesday evening.
I 1
O. W. 1 -toward, Peak's Island, Me.,
'writes: "Enclosed find 35 cents, Inc
which kindly send me a box of Dr.
Agnew's Ointment. 1 have been afflict-
ed for a long time with eczema, arid
it bits done me so much good I want
to try another box. The first applie-
thin gave more relief than anything
I:Over tried. Its going th• mire rne
outright." Sold. by Watts and Co.
ftletihrivles It Homier has been °led
ed e, director of the Canadian Pacific)
Railway •
ki,i10 • git
of Thireka irarftess Oil will take the
stiffness out o(old harness aria melte
it soft as new. It will /ode like new.
It oils, scams, blackens and
•preservee the leather. You
•'v. tali keep new harness from
b. wearing out and. renew
thelife or old harness with
st, i•
/ /,
• .?(,, Eureka 4) A '
S •
„ Oil -
Melt on allyourhentestandonyettr
tatriago top, Pitt up in refit &Mt
pint to s gallon. Sold everywhere.
Itil0llAt. 00 00,, Limited
44-"i "
mcKINNON 8.00.
VV,e llitVe received our new Fall Mantles, Jackets and V
o Capes, and they are beauties. We show all the newest
f styles in the market, every garment is up to date., Bvery
lady requiring a new jacket shouldsee our stock when it I
I, is at its best. We show exclusive styles which will not t
0 be shown by any other house in :Myth. ”
o •
14adies' Black Beaver Jackets, lined throughout with colored mereerized 42
'OA satana, velvet collar, trimmed with braid at $5.50.
V Ladies' Black awl Colored Jackets, lined with black and colored 'satin,
velvet collar trimmed with satin, at $7.• •
• o
; Ladies' Light Grey Box Cloth jackets, lined with mercerized saltine figs
ured peal buttons, very stylish 510.
; Ladies' Ourl Cloth Jackets, lined with checked mercerizedsataua, trimmed 9,
• Ladresit'hFinebrBaldenabv$er.tackets, in brown, fawn and light2"
pearl, lined, with
'f' colored satin, strapped scaluseilgor ed pearl buttons at $15, • •V
ij We also show a. lull range of new up-to-date ja,CketS, IR black and colors, o
6, at $8.50, $4, $4,50 and 55, •
1\14CkINNQN Oa
• i• •
: • ,
Just teceiv.ed acar load of
The leading stoves in. Am.erica
• MaTixt*a.etili-Ors and Dealers in.
For the Sprig track we are offering the largest ancl Thosfeoin
plete stock of High, Medium and Low, _Priced Furniture -in
tilO COuuty. Wejlave some ireat values to offeiin
Do not buy until you have paid.a. visit to our Warerooms.
41 this line we carry a complete stook: Our Horses and Da
fit are up to date and our charges reasonable.
nextirt,i aizd trofiertaikevg
• --Jr. VV. Chictley, Manager
Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our '
Funeral Director, .1.W, °Maley King St,, opposite Foundry.
Mbn want, but little hem
below but most of all want
Plug and ed.
- •
London St'
Lancashire Life
established in Canada 1808
Invested Fund • — $6,582,238
All the popular forms of
insuratice issued. Policies
uncoeditional, world-wide
and nonforfeitable. AioneY
loaned. Policiee octi'chrtsecl.
New business 1898, 54,500,-
000. Amount paid policy,.
• holders
run information furnished by
canoed meal aro a boon to the
tired housewife during the sum-
mer months. They save tune
and labor, iN'o banging over a
hot stove if Ion use Canned
Our stork is all fresh "nud from
, Onr Sandi dinner.
P.ort• Etnion, Detroit, Grind •
Rapids,Ray Sagitta,
land. Columbus, Cincinnati, Chi-
cago St. Paul; Minteall0110 and
. SEPT, 28, 29 24 80
Good to return leaviog destination until Mon-
day. (3d, 1611), 1890. Pun particulars as to
• rates from
152, o.Theltsen, D. P. A., Toronto
A, 0; Matson, 0. T. It. Agent, Clinton.
P, 71. llodgens, G. T.R. Ticket Agent,Olinton,
Travellers to any part of the
world should donsult the
above in reference to tickets,
farea etc. .
. JA. ktION
AGENT 0, P. R.
SIX AltiVat/(1AN. .111T81N119f1 COLLEGES
and two Canadian InAtityytinnef have recontlY
ondled to 11S be one gradual ca to teach .
their selseolg, lf you W801( additional evident*
ot our uliperiorit y you wilt lima in cats -
'scene -the finest U1181130gs Veneto Catalogue in
a, elte fee one, Studente admitted
at any time.
ELLIOTT, Prineipal.
0001ell Cotton 100t COMPOUtd.
ts aneeenur fouset monthly by over
ipso/adios Safe, efteetual, Ladies kik
rout nrudgigt for Cobk* Wei Rs14
peireit Takerso other. as MI xixtures, puts and
imitiltiolig 625 46,11ger8114. Pinter NO. Litt tier
yv; No. %,10 degree* otentiger,*6 Inv bns. 14c.
Chicken for
ir2. mailed. on rectiopot plea and two &cons
the bent tart& a ran" of 1 1,111po The Cook comp**, Velndlor Ont.
- orNoor. land 2 mid nnaurItittitinded,f7411
' reip071111bl*D1319€101. SA
• NcY1 844 No d nokt in Clinton 17 rdnoy
05exoni Dlinntiedk