HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-10-12, Page 4ter, Mrs Watson, bait butter, CT Satee. Mre Weston. 10 His ' hotter, It Pen - hale, Ittind T Snowden, 5 lbs of' but7 ter, R Penhale, H. Wise. Home mane cheese, Ite and T Snowden, Made wine, Wise, . Jos Wilds. Honey, Alex Smith, A, Deneitu, Honey -in jar, Alex Smith, Chaff Donaldson, Heine -made .btead, Win Steeling, ?rouse. 13akers bread, T Stinson, 11 Bauer. . GRAIN. and SEEDS,— White winter wheat, S. .Furse. Brethour. Red -Orbiter' wheot, Geo (Nansens, Ite Breth- our. 'Spring wheat, loo. Salkeld, 131 et hour'. Large white peas; .5nce Salkeld,' D Beettione. . Small pea% S Fuese, D BrethouK Sit rowed barley. M Brethour,;Jno Salkeld. ' Two rowed barley, M Brethour, D. Brethour. "White oats, M Brethour, Jut, Salkeld, Black eats, el 13rethour, D 13rethour. 'Timothy seechD Beethoun,M.Bitithour. Cern, sino:S'aikeld, Jos Wild, _FROIT—Gratiess' Jos , Fall Apples. Robt Turner; J Wilds. Win, • tee ,Apples, Mrs 'Weston, Wm Collection of Apples, Jos Wilds, It* T Snewilowne Pears, Jos •Wilds; Win Parsons'. Collection of , Pear% Wm Parsons, Jos Wilds. Peaches, j Wilds, Mrs'Westore -Grapes,. J Wilds: - Cribb Apples, J John Ferguson, MUMS. Or Primes, J 0 Forse. Baldwins, 3 Wilds, ,$ Furse, Northern. Spiee, WM Sterling, 3. Wilds. V.EGETABLES-ellevly Potatoee, .3 Wildse Late Potatoes, Win- Sterling,' Win -Breeden. ,'Illangolds, lonn, red,' John Salkeld, A Dimaan. Mangold% yellow.globe, T & It Snowilen,J Wilds. Beets, John Salkeld,.A .Duncion: Cab- bage, Mrs j Elewrie , F J Mootehouse., Caubflower, Wilks, T*.k j SnoivdoWn. Carrots; Wm 13rancion, R & T Sno- don, Rarsnips,• tle T. $tioWden, ,Pit plcins, •W m Woods, Jobn Salkeld. Squaehes, Mee Howrie, John Salkeld, Penile Onioen large English„ Id West- lake, D Macdenald. Potato :Onions; Canadian, 11, Turner, Mrs Weston. Oniontegrown froui lantrh Setts, John • &Wield, 3. Wilds. • Tuenips, R Tat nen R. •& T. 'Snowdon. Carnets, WM -Sterling, T J Moorehouse. White Col - $5 APIECE POE SPorLol) nALLOTS. • lb to 20c Boys' Extra Heavy Ribbed teish- from 4 to ine tit pee pair 18c to 35o ' *line quality wool ancl cotton, Ladies' Plain Black Oesinnere mere Hoee, dontile knee% heels "Lewis sat down arid proceeded to long sleeves open front, nice,ly . Hose, • tell feshioned, seamless tell me what vvas to tette place. He trimmed neck and down front feet, heavy heel anti toe, fine, said they proposed to pay $5 apiece for with• lace, well worth 00c, quality, sizes 84-, 9, 14, special. every ballot Toiled or switched. He Special at c. Yeennl beayy heel and to% ell sizes give me instructions. • LediestHyneian •Vests, enacie of ,strzees:,e;fi,volltib loog .sliteves alt 4 I I II [,, I Ilring On Tbe 0Y0 rdections. Termite Stu, iiiibeval.) It the Hatay GoVertiment bad de - Voted, prior to the election*, helf tne energy to setting local qoarrels that the Mechine is now devoting to ob. literate ite tracke In North Waterloo, therewould haveneen no need to buy and itteal eeats. If the Hardy Government would de. vote to the preperation of a policy toe the develoPrilent of new Ontario half the energy Pow exhibit.ed by the threehers and their 'employers to hide wrong doing and escape puuislon en t, tb e ministry would have a safe hold on power. But perste beems to prevail in the Park and the Government lacks the courage to accept. the situation and go out to meet the foe in °pee com- lett. Mr. liftrdy And bis colleagues ehould come out of their fenic and bring on the bye -elections before even their own party Isecomes disgusted with their fright and indecision. now North Waterloo Wits Wen. Tile revelations in the North Water- loo election triel did note she& the conscience of the 'public to any gteat extenb, not but diet the revelations were or a clemoralizing nature, but the evidence in the nyesb Elgin end West Huron investigations prepared the pub- lic mind for any and. all sorts ef rascally work by the Liberal Machine. We doubt if the electoes will stand mueli more of this. The, foltowing is the testimony of a typical witness at the North Waterloo trial ; A. In Shentz touched upon the scheme for spoiling ballots, which was introduced into the election in order to manufacture a majority forBeeitheu pt. the Liberal candidate: His examin- ation laste4 nearly thine hours. • He deposed in substance the following:— n I was poll clerk in No. 2 division, Berlin, for the election. Wildforig came ME CLINTON NEWS.RECORD. HAPPENINGS OF A WEEI( 04010 A, SicInflINGS. * COOffiraPQNPielar Mrs. Wiu, Robertson, East street, has returned from a pleasant visit to relatives in London nue .A.yliner. The Marine band. beemed to be quite cognizant of the fact on last Thurs. clay evening that their engagement with the eown ended witla the last Thursday of September. Our citizens all A precieted the intellect the Marine they would be pleased to tempt that Clinton, She riang the beautifel sae. rendering in lieu of the encore. The red solo "Sased ny a Child" at Knox cornet solo "The Lost Chord," by W, churela an Sundonnevening,October let, O. Knight was finely executed and Miee Alcatel sang with appreciative received warm applaase. Mr. Knight, taste and feeling. She tntends re - kindly responded choosing the bea,utie warning one week at home, and after fut solo "Love's 01c1Sweettiong." The ',pending a short time at 'Windsor, will grand selection, H. SI. S. Pinafore, twat proceed to Saginaw when she will re - followed by the old and ever welcome main tbe guest of her brothel, in that bStOt On Thutedity -evenings, end we 'lloticy Lone which we think would citY, and return to bey home at Krauts thiule they *night have played once never tire ue to flatlet() upon the bits. Ides. O. Sbamion returned to her More, la,Bt ThutsdaY evening being sotto in the hands of W. Stuarb Camp- home at McEwan,Tennessee, last week very mild, but we presume we must hell. Great enthusiasm WAS eyoked by after spending the summer with ber needs bid them adieu until 1900. the audience. Tbe entertainment end- sisteren-law,Mrs. Symonds,St. David's Mr. Oeorge Porter's itouse will be ed with Zikoffn liyely galop nWirr, St. 'and Miss Symonds her sister, who ready for his receptiou in a couple of Wirt'," which was much appreciated, resides on Cambria, Itoad, Mrs. Shan. weeks, He has made it mere earn- "God Save the Queen" was given with OOP realtlea with her son, Rev. Fether truly loyal spirit by the band, every- Shainton, of that city. tive looking by enlarging it. Miss Birdie Hillier Is sPending some One standing, and remaining until the On Setnielay efLernoonnext at, Knox time in Toronto. Mr. Hillier intends last notes died away. Long may Lieut. Church Lecture ROOM MISS OttriCarO, a Godfrey wield the beton, end we hope missionary on furlough from Neenaueb, spending the winter•in California. We were delighted to meet Mrs, in his spare minutes he will take up (Nettled Indiatite the meeting of the Mc - his life's history would gine Oillevey Mission Band, which • opens John Allan, who had been at the Point tile Pen for of death some months ago. Km was veaders on both skies of the Atlantic. the winter entertainment, seeies. Quite visiting all her okl friends on Thursday muclepleasure, We noticed a umber a umber of tecitatious and vocal, and afternoon after being, conlined to the of gold medals opon his breast, and instrumeotal solos will be.given, we were infotened that one of them We took a walk on Seturday fire% house for many months, and ooted was presented the gallant banOmaster the eleeator to •Saltford. 1Ve found with pleaeure all the new buildings, at Pittsburg during the holding of the the break water contingent shifting her sight being as strong as ever. part ot their teack up to eome distance • • Mr% Allan now reeides with ner neice, gre0 eninnntiou there. ltev. Buthie of the Episcopal . from the crews ao Wet they can be fill- intrs. McCaughan, Keay street. • • Mr. Henry Horton is determined to church, Lucknow, preached a very ed with stane. Attrils' Hate looked struetive sermon at Se, George's ori lovely and gkeen. ,The. spire ef kits heye the most attractive surroundings on East street. His cantles were the Sunday evening last. He chose for hie Peter's Church, with gilt cross is seen text the .first Epistle of John 243, "1 above tbe southern' banks of the .Mitite handsomest in town, having ettained the grea,test height of any he paw, end write onto Yon fathers, because ye tap& and is a, loveiy sieht. The Matt- heye knewn him, tbeft is from the be- land le so ehaliont that one might al - now he is painting Ins prettn picket golden chrome, ginnipg. !write unto you young pen, most ren over it, BO Much of it being a fence sulpher color or Mrs. Collinson is e.eite delighted with . because ye have overcome the eviehed real gravel bed. The bi•idge hits been tbepatronage the Meitland House et one. I write unto you, little children. painted recently,. and looked, quite at, the station has received since she has becense ye have known the Father." tractive. We met teams corning from had the management of it. Several 'The Rev, gentlethan had perfect email- Seek and Goldthorpes' Eveporator the thoroughnesti -of a with 4rays ,well laden. with appies. families havestopped thete until they (dation and teacher, -as well ite preachete The They were being shipped • from the got settled in.town. Mr. Stuart of the breakwater corn- choir seng the beautifel hymn 538, *nation, missidn' -has triken the house on St, for those in peril on the sea. On Sun- We visited the studio of S. W. Patrick street lately occupied by John deer next at St, George's Rev. Mr, Hill Alexander one day last week and foupd 'of Londoe will preachelhe Thanksgiv- upon his easel a portrait of • Chancellor Sett, postmaster, and owned by Mrs, . ing steepens morning anti evening. - McKeon, of the Bishop's Palace D. Matthews. George Dube, seconchnutte on the St- Londoreen oil and alumet finished a Master Reginald Harriston is a clerk .Ancirew, intends going to Buffalo es portrait in oil of Rey. leather West of in pharmacy with F, Jordan of the • first mate on sortie other Vessel, St. Peteios 'church here. They are to see me previous to the election, and mr, Charles Shaw, insurance agent, Mr. 'Wallis and fauOly of Battle really tvell execeted end we feel proud. wanted to know if 'I was still a good is having an office fitted up on West Fahnere R anti -T Snowden: Boar, • JUDGE 'THE VALUE , TOESE : Cinek, reside on Quebec street. • affronting so talented ti portrait paintei. Feltner 1 and 2. fleeted sow Chris. me if I would act. He told me to meet there would be gc,ocl thing in it for heiuse for some months. Mr. Joseph •Fisher cf • Kincardine Dungannon on Sunday. T s, • • N • Messrs R. elettenzie, George Ache- Chemical Oo 's works if the G R ' ' ' Geinniell. Brood sow, Jae Gemniell. ()RESTER Weerro—Aged boar, Jas good. value at nicels• trimmed artfund neck, tine quality, nicely trimmed. heel and toe. sizes 84, 9, 04;ex- ' ,. 20o wit act, an si • P .'itnniles' ()ash trier e Hose, very fine , Grit, 'and said he wanted a. •lot al street, near tbe postondee, osed by its Mr. Wallis is on the breibkwater staff. in our midst, • T Snowden. prowl. , Sow, young men to act as deputiesond that owner, Alderman Cantelon for store . Mis's Harrison wheeled demi from, A track 1$ to be placed from the G. R anct . . line to • the . ortla Amertca Fahner. R and 1 Snowden. Ladies' Rea.vy Ribbe4 Cotton Ladiere Heavy Ribbed. Wotil Long 1 Vests, long sleeves, open front. Sleeve Vests, open front. very • qeality, full fashioned, heavy On Friday, October 20th, to pay oat meet in the tovvii hall at 2 o'clock p. m. peize money and. settle ell claitue againet the Society, The names of the prize winnere are as follows ree. HORSES—He:4w Letenciree.-Brood mare with foal., It 13 IlIcLeati, .1: Salk- eld. Foal, Jelin Saliceld, It I.) McLean, Two year old gelding or filly, It 13 Mc- Lean, Year eld gelding or filly, InTria Sterling, Span of horses, Robb Luket. °Emmen Tintrose-13rood mare with forthjarues Oooper,L Aldworth. Foal, james Cooper, L Aid worth. Two_year old gekling or filly': It 13 McLean. John Sperks. Year old ginning or, filly, It Lukein It id itleLean. Span horses, 'Wm john Salneld, Best walk- ing teem, Thies Elliott, Wut Sterling. Roansneee—livocal nutee with foal, H.' A. kliggiee, Win Brandon. Foal, john Sparrow, Chas- ' Two .year old gelding or filly, E Hagan, A Gal. braille. Year old gelding ar filly, A Dunean, W Sterliag, Span roadsters, W Dale & Son, Single Roadster, R Grithein, vy Elliott. CARRIAGE- 13rood mare with foal, J Sparrow. Foal, William% W Sterling, 4. Two year old gelding 'or filly, 13 Tine, W kiterling, 0, Year old gelding or filly, Jae Cooper, Till% Single carriage bowie, Itl Peck, 0 Williams. Lady driver, Miss Sproat, Miss Nott, Sled - die horse, Hatvey Davi% W Sterling OCTOBER/121 189r. poPuLAR AppRovAL Goes far toward establishing the standing of a business house in the community, and the good will and favor we have been shown indicate that those vvho have dealt with us have bt on eminently satisfied with their transactions, E3LANKET #3017H.$ . AP11444 .0,,,,,,.—‘, "All Wobl" in the blanket trade covers a multitudeof sins—eotton and shoddy sins, The troth about olankets is imperatative in this bianKet stock of ours. We toll you What our blankets are. . we re eWciuhalelny waseisrattygic"AabLoLutWitri," ycu may depend upon, it, forif partly wool or all cotton $ . , le.4 Flan nelette Blen icets, in grey A GLIMPSE OF THE VALUES : , and white with pink and blue Union Blanket, stens aix80, made „ Blankets, mule of Saxony yarn, Oth con. _ . borders (aeit colors) edges nice- enough cotton carded. in to keep of tine qoality wool, with just vety• fine quality,. size 01x82,, very soft, • •Lofty finish, with quality. sizes 11-4,•in grey and ! • bound, will net stwink in wifsh, Pink, bbie and -garnet border . lybound, paint Indite at per pair 76o from shrinking,fancy Woe, pink Galbraith 1 and 2. Two,year olti better, • Flannelette Blankets fine lleavy ' ' CATTLE—Gewalt—Mitch cow, A t old heifer, enGettbraith, Thos Brow nett. ' .. teed feet colors, edges well • etlgee all innuld,. well worth . isi 311.(1257seoeene i lami ratite. r.s• (. I:: ,i.s,t. c. 0.. ,l t.i. 1.,s. ),,e2. 5 0 ': (iv:I:ill:0cl ()1f ell:: r)'ae, ttitigi e::14111":1)ii, Ifnr:eelo' Yf . A Galbraith, W in johustone. Yeer white, fancy borders, warren. er e teciAl Intim. at ier ytie . 4 60 ' Fat eow, W R Woods 1 uncle, Heifet bound, very oriecial per pair• 950 , Out very bese ell wool Minket, old steer, A Galbrait h, D tl lidcleTtingio • Flannelette Crib Blankets, medie . The Cliffin il Union Blankentni 041. - e . . colored border, very soft niake, calf, D II McNaughton, W El Woods, of extra, line qualtty vt.'00 am . specks, size °USG, wit it fancy' ' Steer calf, W li Woods. Two year. . - • . . Valbinith, Bull citlf, Elcoat Broe 1 . 'foamy pink bordere, edges well „ . ' fancy pink.-torder,• guaranteed • • • 1 sulilirxinoktt.ei,,Istwze,a600.:80s,p.evci;itali prwe .per pair.. _ . . , , .. _ _ , 6 00 Win • , nound, per pair • 35o notlue P P . en(o)tttuton . 2 85 ec.ges well boatel, Om, speetai . ton, Year old steer, W Seinson, A •— tun sizee, in White ouly, With Elliotte . ,, . . . • at er a.r and 2. ileifer calClericeet Bros, bonen Blanket, made of . flne tee. „, Wool Blanket, made of very fine • Indian Rug, me& ef fine .wool ' gnality flannelette' in fancy WSistlePEG,Peo PLEentitElserui;Sh—eaRrlaining r'^an7, wpm, • size 00x72, fancy pink ' . yarn. and guarenteed all perti. and comae Mixtion, colors 'of Geo Penhele 1 and 2. Ewee, Geo brown; blueand got,i, same on Geo Ails% Geo Periled% Ram lamb, Penhale, It McAllister. Shearling border ' (fast color), edges ell • ' • both sides, 'edges all bound with bound, our peice per paw .3 85 fency braid,' extra, value each. , 2 2b 1, nowne—Shearbog rem, A. Duncan. UNDERWEkR AND HOSIERY -FOR FALL •-, . . . . • . Ram lamb, S. Duncan 1 aud 2., Evves, Thevvanted sorts in' ample variety._ Careful solection has brought here thd thorough. A Duncito 1 and 2. Shoerling. ewes, . .e, . ly godd and dependable hinds, All bought long before the advance in prices.. " The seasen is A. Deoean 1 and 2. Ewe lambs, Ewes, Gee. Penhale, R McAllister, Ewe lamhs, Oen Penhale, Geo Wise, Fat Sheep, Geo Penliale, SiTEOPSIIIRE- •strtpes, colors of blue,gold,ptuk.. and garnet mixture, edges welt hound; good large size, special .eavh • • £foro Duncan. ." ripe for changing.' The epporttinity to buy and save 11101.1.ett I, is presented ",here. e Ica . TIG'S—Bonnsettnee-Aged boar, Chris him that right, and he would take me •spent some time in town lately with son and Halts were the platform ppeak- ere willing, . Boar, six inonths, Jas Gemmel], Sow, • • tea went.. at perepaie 350 to one of the men who was here to in- his family, who reside pn South street. ers on SundaY evening .at the North Mr.W. Cox will soon ake po ess on at.. 750 and $1 00 Ladie.s' Extra Fine Quality Clash= 7, : t SS i struct eueabout it. Next night I met D 01 k nd babe New ate street Methocliet churell. Their web- of his pretty brick house am Britanpia six months Jas. Gem meth • Mtn nos-- . S las '1olinsfon Chris Fehner' Lanes' Extra Heavy Ribbed Leclies' Heavy Fleeced Lined mere HoseetTerfection" in.ancl, I 91, warren teecl to give good Wildfong, and he told me to go to • beavy heel aryl toe, isizes 8e, in a room in the Wolper house, No. .97 or Vests, long sleeves, open front, wear, special at per pair • 50o etxhtituag vtfloitti.e arte,a1..: co. I, d 75o me to Lewis, and skid Mr. Lewis would Childrenn Henv R'hi elti 'Y . ' ' . iWilesttthtlehle., Cashmere Hose, seamless feeb, ' 38, and he followed, with Thomas Ladies' arid Childreo's 2.1 Ribbed Lewis, of London. Wilfong introduced street, are the guests of Mrs. Hawkins, j.ect " nweetieth Century Road. The trimmitgs around the 13oar $i2C months, -Chris Fahnerl and 2. Detroit, ' .13 oud. i windows and doors a e rock -faced; COO- • • SoW, six months, Jits.Johnstorel and 2, . E. Tilt- is .studying Minerology Wells is selling Spanish onions grown. • nected' by a vine -looking tracing, Best pair shi pipg hogs, Chris Fahner. Vests, open front and long sleeves, lace trimmed around neck and down trona risgular and civil engineering ab McGill college, on. his Hayfield Road vegetable farm. Mrs. T. B. VanEvery,. WO , are, happy... , DAIRY PRODUCE.—Tub. salt but - Montreal. . • • • They ere litrge and perfect bet nob so to etate, has made wonderful impreve- • Mr. Frank 'Nate's; handsome new . white. • 'Vire wish Ali. We a success. meet lately and will soon be ante* to .be bouse on Waterloo Btreeti...t)ast side, Mrs. .Duncan, who • came down . to about again. - Her .deughter, Mrs. will soon be completed.. It is of briek ' visit her fill her, 'Mr. Matthew John- Harry Itathwell, is. also Very witch ancl has. a baY wind* ' two stories in • ston, and sister% after the decease of *better and is tible to no Out every day.' height. i - • • . • • . 'tier mother, returned to'' her horrie at Mr. 'Bothwell spent Sunday in town. ' In the fine art denartment itt the G. the &wit no SetiledaY Per steamer St.' Three ,of the Collegiate LaSeiente N. W.- exhibition the painting shown.. Arnhem, . • - s 'Cadets are in SeGeorge's oheir Messre., ., us, by' MI% .001in' • Campbell's "Lake .'• Miss Mellwaine took passage on last Lindsay. Wilhelm, John. Carrie ;and trip. of St. Avdrew, for her hinne in • G'-oitrey. Holt Rosseitun was- a iretty •peinting of a value 35c, special at 25o took a piece o paper and put a piece of lead under his thunab, and sbovved us how to pick the ballot up, ' so thee when seen it was a spoiled ballot. He showed me.how to switch ballots alsci, and said then would be worth the same. He said he should get all in the room to handle the ballots, !so that then all' might be said to have a hand in what was done if there was any trOuble, fle said he would not pity for any more than 20, sothat $100 wee the thole a man might rnake in this way. • "Team" WOULD PROTECT VIM% "Lewis said we would he. protected from trouble, that 'they' would peo- tect us. I asked Lewis as •to whet, would be done if there was a reccaint, He said it all. would be• fixed so that' it would all come out the -same; rind that he would have•too large rna-. jority anyway for a reeotuat. Wild- fong told Ine Harry Cummings was in it, arid he gave me to understand that Fletseher was in it peso besides himiself.. That is the only neer that I cau rernerciber, I saw' Wildfong the night of theelection, and I asked him ' how he got along, and he said be had spoiled 18 ballot% but he said he could not switch any because he was watched • tcio • elose. We meet Lewis ab the Market. hotel that night, anti Lewis talked priyately to Wildfong, who told me he had ate ranged for' us to meet next day itt 1.3U at the Wolper house. When we met as arranged, Wildfong and Lewievvent upstairs together and I stayed dotvo- stairs. Wildfong came elown in five • or ten minutes, and I ancect him' if he got his $100, and he saiVitot neite. Ple raid he had not spoken to Lewis about me. I told hlm he ought' to do something for me because 1 was let in, to the thing. He gaVe ine a note to Lewis, which react, eGive this matt sortie stuff or belt squeel,' I weot •to the Wolper with the note and gene it to Lewis, and he gave me $10. He said he would be back in a day or two and see nie but I havo not seen him since. I told 'Wilefong had not got the money, arid he said that was all right. I said. did not think it was, and. he said, 't guess he's broke: he will be back again in a few days ' arid fix • you all right.' I have seen tVildfong talk- _ .ing on several occasions netle-Sinith and Vance he the Liberal rooms. and on the street, . STRANOEItS AS sanonnenons, lendscape on the ay of Fundy. Mrs. the Michigan Saalt. At North street Methodist oburCh on Canaphell'a loodscane of Letke Roesean The steeple!! St. Andeew had 4 .new SundOy a.. tn. Rev. Mr. Clement of On - engineer op heelast trip, Engineer:Me- Lexie street Methodist. elturch, Clinton, did gain first Prize. It is a. very lame oil painting and shows a numbeCof Ora° havieg gtone tO the Fort Willietn kindly exchanged pulpits with .Reee watertworIcs to take' the . place of Wil- jasper Wilson. ,Aa it was the day of canoes drawn up on the shore. It • re - the Goderich.: the inatignratiou of the Twentieth Oen- ceiveti first'preze at London last year, ' lien' Smith formal Y ,of prize. • ivater:wonks he hirving. taken eoine Wier .Funel, Mr.' Clement chose two and was aleo awerded a .special . entente work. 'Engineer MO/mishit:id, texts for his sermon. Ecclesiastes 7; 10, Mrs. OarilpheIrs marine view in 'vvittee ,colors also noolefirst prize. Tt was a • who. Wee assistant.. engineer on -the "Say not thou, what is the 'eitrise that pninting Of the fishermen cie Lake Rosedale, ban taken-cherge ef ehe nt. the eortner days Were better then these? Huron hauling in their nets. Mrs, Andrew's gine. ' For thou cloth not enquire' Wisely cope TheapPles are deied by steam atthe cerning this." • The second Wes Pselins Campbell need mit fear in futute.to cope with professional rutists. . 'Saltford evaporator. . • 23; "This is the Lord's doing; Mr, Green removen to toWn from his . 'Mr. . George Coo e of the Jamiesori it is marvellcius in out eyes."• Rev. Mr., farm. on the Mill Road. • Mr, Green Reid Staff of hricklayers, left for Stmt. Clement clothes ,his Sermon. in plain\ , ford on Satucctity toevisit at, his home won's and in. elee. fleet _text he shiewed' will beanie tO rein hiavote for the elec- tion of.mayer ablernaen in 1990 we %for a• fen. days. • • the neceesity of . acting in einem to trust. , . : ' ' On Sunday a, ua. lant at St, George's cope with the tinaes, whichenstead of. The St. Andrew has brOken 'her there was a veriy large congregation, lessening responsibilities they seeming - record this trite hatinen Peached our' many possibly being attracted :by the ly increase, whichf naturally, at the port at, midday on Friday.. Shp ts knoticieOge that, Rev. Meek Turpbull present day, carises people to ask the Anxious to make a number of Wes be- worildpreach a special eernion to the seif saine question, so that the Bev. fore having to lay up. • Collegiate Institute Cadets • 'and gentleman advises them to do -all they • The fartillY of Mr. Thoinas Hamiltoti Marines; and no clergyman in Canala possibly can to help the • Twentieth of Colborne won prizes at the, 0,N, - is better fitted to speak upon the duties Centery Fund which is being este!): Exfiibieion to the artiount of $20. len,' becoming a Christian knit a soldier. lishe4 for laudable 'and Godly pur- fertunately at thp FairMiss :Hamilton's •In the coorse of tds sermon the rector pose, • . 'painting's were completely overlooked, - *said diet when a boy, he rebatunbered" the box in Whiali they were sent never .• seek* the Peninsular flag tattereil • "I dot% keiew whether Vance Or Smith knew anything about this Mat- ter, but Wildfong said they were ell • connected with It, He also told tne that strangers would be brought here as scrutiners, and would , leave us alone. Lewis said that if anything turned out wrong With the naliots they could blarite these strange scrutineers for it. There was a • stranger named Peyne acting as scrutineer where Cum.. . mings was a deputy returning offilcer, ' and I was poll clerk. He and Cummings did not appear to be acquainted. Spoke about Lewis to Mr. Scellen after the election, I told him thee I undcir- stood ehey were coming: Welt, that is, LOVAS and Vance, midi also spoke to Mr. Hegedoen about ib. X met &el - len in Phillips' cigar store, end lie asked .• me what was the trouble, I said I understood Lewis was corning back to fix things for me. Wildforig and Cum- - mings both told me I would get a letter from Lewis from London to in - street me. I was to art Oil it They said that Vane° had gone to London to see .Lewis. Wildfong said I was to go to London aoa see Lewis • and tame my price. I told him my pricci vvould be far to high for them, and he said it didn't make any differeece what it was. I mentioned about this letter to, Mr. Scellen, and he told I was tO let Min know if 1 didn't hear from Lewis. He said to keep quiet), awl if I did not hear from Lewis he would write • to Vanee, as he was an Old echool mate of his", troW WA8 DONE AT riO, 2, BERLIN, "I was poll eleek at No, 2, tterlin. The deputy retelling officer, Cummings eberitied the ballots on the table and oriented them first baek into the bon, pieking theni one niter another. Ho. tonnted, them twice, and the second time they Wiled wtth the non book. After counting them: tne first time he. put them oft the table and told us all to take a hand in titritightening them out to gees time. We all assisted, in counting thena he WOuld 00 them be. hind the bon and in front of him. The ballot box,was betWeen Curtimingeend the tWo eoneerVittive serrithuters. One thci Coneeevative scrutineers said AbOut One ballot balled, for Breithaupt Viet lb was a Lackner ballot, and be. gan to kick, and said he wanted to see every ballot, Cummings said they *ere seerebballote and coiald not be /Mown when the first count. Witt) over, Nene Of this soften agreed, SO ito second . ' beingPi)pried. . , • 1)17 bullets, it filled hien with arder and . A. VOICE 240NE: TEO WEsT. The bricklayers had e, few more holt, love for bie country, The text femn ' -=•-ts— ' ' :... 'Mit, Erne/we—Perhaps yeti , wilt which the Rev. Mark Turnbuilprenchs clays last weelc, the eupply cif brick for the Oddlellowe' Hall :having ruit min ed his serinon- and which was mose allovnme epace foe a few words in your Some of the brick has not been' burned appropriate Was taken *ore St. Mat- widely circulated journal, , The pros - very well and has tie be discarded, not thew 24, 44, "Therefore be ye also pects are all Os It. around bere and being sufficiently pure in color. ' ' , retulY,": showing In the first place that threshing is in full swinn. Mee have Mrs. Kerre Toronto street, bas te: the noldier's Aust. duty is obedience, been rather scarce tiiis fall 'and tlais moved to her •new dwelling on Britten: and gave the great Napoleon's carte has ennead a neenter. bustle all around. nia Road. • ' • merit upon the great virtue o6 obede At tim'e of writing we have noe had. any. Miss Birdie Eleithatne, after her te. : ence when being te,ken a priscinerto frost te speak of, Now as to Menitone teen from the Norther Scheel at. Ottawa, St. Helena in a Brieisli ship, while not- • politics. Both 'parties ere 'working has again taken her School at Zurinh, ing the obedience practiced. by those herd, but 'the Conservatives nee far Mi. and Mrs. Lawrence (extitess) left on board whose duty it was to obey ; mid away. the most confident of .vic. on Thuisday: p. In. first train,' for a he said "If nay soldiein bed known it torY • and they 'ere enehusiastie„ teip to Winnipeg! It will be, meet ere Was their duty to °hey, Franee would Though this riding has always gona di it t d" f Liberal, I really believe it will turn pyable es they. wil bave u _man cars overehis time,even though it bus- been erY, R & Snowdeb, T Moorehouse. the whole round trip. an exile. Befoee coinrnencing his see - gerrymandered. Norden will give a Winter Radishes Joseph Wilds. Cit. - Mr. John Martin has given the con- mon the preacher preised the Cadets • ' th ir nice it earance and for their good account of itself, or am much eons, John Salkeld. Musk Melons; tract or a g a o Hamilton and Newgate streets soy- 'accepting his invitation to attend De. mistaken. So many of us around here were foriner resideets of Huron that roonding the Colborne Hotel, ' Mine *rine service at St. Georged ehurch. there is a keen interest taken in tne Host Mr.Buxton will feel quite jubilan t He also speke of the indomitable cour- • politics of the old county, We have over it. The west side of Hamilton age of the British. soldier and quoted will have to.follow suit. Grahame bf commentable acts ef their bravery, followed the evidence in the ballot, - stuffing investigation and are amazed London is the contractor and he guar- He told the young Men that they were to see Holmes still sitting in the seat antees that the Work will etand al. descendents of the Vikings and of the won by such a gang of scoundrels, By though it is getting pretty late in the Saxons' and must be brave and loyal the wey, does he still ran mewed the season, ' ' asthey. Men must have ambition but country preaching? The religion, of Mr. William Murney is more awns- they muse not be imbued' with sordid each a politician cannot be that which is tinned' to driving {than sailing, and views. He said that ambition mused taught us by the Cross. more accustomed to buying cattle the fall of the angels aod. many men in where tines abound than to sail the oter laity fall .also but their ambition seas in quest of stray logs. But one was uot in ce prOper spirit. We muse dey last week he embarked in Frank nee obedient to God in ail: He made Humbens steam yacht, Stella to pick referenceitmong others to "The Charge up some of his stray lofs that broke of the Lig,ht mac e" as an examp e o — after visii?re his aister, Mrs. Cotton, in Min. E. 13utt and her daughter Carrie ittardit Mordent Mete, Sept. 1.8bli. . • . ' Rase Mite. avvay from the raft wh he bought the soldier's duey to obey at all times, Mr. T. Mason has returned home ends of so e evith his mark upon them torps peed every attention to the sett Detroit, strayed into other pastures than his, much edified and instructed thereby. rid Colborne friends it flying visit on last year Zoe Sarnia. ge found the even •to suffering cletteh, The Cadet which showed the rest of each log had mon and we feel certain that they are and possibly lost forever. The ranks were honored by the atter'. We regret to note that Miss Megan, stenographer for Garrow and Proud - foot, and late of Steatford, lost a Valti- able watch on Wednesday, Fair day, 27th Sept., between the Huron Hotel arid Lakeview, Elgin street, Will the finder kindly' send word' to Miss Megan. Miss Lou Ineggitb of YpsilantelVlich„ has been spending the past two months with her relative, Mr. Win. johnston, Newgete streea Her mother, Mrs. Haggitt of same place is at preserie visiting vvitlt her ae Mr. Soh ristorns. Mr. ;John Wetherald of London is in town for a short time. Mt. Emerson spent Wednesday itt the Hayfield Fair. Once more we had the pleaaure of meetibg and hearing Lieut, Dan God- frey's British Band. If not presump- dons to eriticize We would say. that hie band is vastly improved by travel, They have it very handsorne new unt. form of crimeon arid gold, Lieut. Den Godfrey is also re -installed, in health, Last yettr although his visit Was earlier in the season, lie WAS suffering from rhetunatism. roe courtly grace% kind manners and musical attainments Lieut. Godfrey bears the palm, and we trust, his Ant een Nvill confer the title of dance of their euperier offieers, Colonel Varcoe, Major Beck, Captain Dudley Holmes and Lieu ts, Grant, Chisholm. and Grundy, end looked exceedingly nlvery one admired the marching Rev. Mr. Duthie . assisted at the eervice. Goderieb, Miss Dugit of Stratford hag ripened her danciog nnd physical cultde class- es for the season in Horton's block,00r- ner square itnd North street. Miss Drigit gave good satisfaction last year. Rev. insark Turnbull asked the eon- gregation to leave at the Rectory or at the S. S. tootle any articles of apparel Miss Charlotte Allin bas returned back to Mrs, E, Hetes after yisiting her parents in Colborne, . This is nice weather. The farmers . are gathering iti theie mote and,. pot- atoes before Jack Frosb comes, Me W. March has retooled' home from Ilitunota. Mr,, David Wrighne house will soon be completed, . Mr.Richard Grigg spent Sunday with Colborne friends.' BANMETirt PALL PAIR, which Call be sent to the North West „If the people of 13ayfield chhose to Indian Mission for the children there calletheir Vali Show the World'a Pair, and flowera to decorate the ceurch for who should say them nay, especirdly the Thatikegivingservitee on Sunday having in view the fact that they in - next, are itsked for err Saturday a. ni. vite entries from everywhere and do Dr. Hunter hes purchased the lob, theie best to entertain the visitors who corner Victoria, and Nelson streets, on congregateon the Agrieultural Socie4 which 1VIrs3 Arthur's boarding house ty's grounds on the two driys of the stood before ib was burnt; down. The Fair, Foe at least a couele of years contraetors, Beaman & Rhyne% iro past the weenier has not been upon Ito tend pushing Wong the building to be best belvevioar, not that rain fell durs finished,for tbe new yeat 1000, Jarboe ing the p. ni. of the second clay bub it McVicar hes the contritcb for the atone was sufficiently threatening in the work, ' ' morning to put many intending yisit- Mesere, Dudley have putchased ith ors out, of the notion of coming out. ready far more apples than they did Tuesday was devoted Le niacin the knighthoo upon him fot his life-long last Year. exhibits in the hall which Was we I fill. services to her milita e musical display, Mre. Fisher Mid her clittigbter, Miss ed. There was room for more Poona, di The matinee in th akatiog rink Yves Cepha ate encoding it couple of weeks but, as Director' johnstobe remarked, . very well attende y the achool 'chit, vvitli friends in Port Huron. the entries Will one year exceed the dren, who of eours are not familiar •Mr. Harry Armstrong, late EXpress space allotted and next loalr fall off one. with such grand music', 'but the flute agent, here, has obtained n, intention in balf, Thequalitv of the roots, though, bolo "Carnival of Veniee," by IV, /tee. Winnipeg with the 'C. In, It. Co. there. was first.elass, ;roe fettle was about, nernewon great applauge, very good Miss ,Ball of the C. T. Ile Telegraph the best Mr ithoWn in Ilaytield, 80 ,order was maintained. Iii the evening the rink was exceedingly comfortable for Octoberti and Lieut. Godfrey and John Salkeld, Robert Turner. Water- melons, . rifts tiownie,i;John Sitikeld, Large Beans, Said'Eurene De Bret hour, Smelt Beans, Wm _Pa sons, J 'Wilds; .Liti•ge Totnittoes, J• T Moorehoesee It & T SnoWden Smell Tomittees, Jos :Wilds, It &T Snonden. • . . LADIES WORK.--PillOw shame, Mrs Nett, Mrs. 0 Campbell, Crazy, work, Mrs Nett, Crochet teble - Mats; Hannah Wise, : Miss . Parsons. Toilet' mats, Itt Brother:1r, Mrs J Howrie. Uttblefcebtre piece, Mrs D McIntyre, 'Mrs timer ie. rilantle draper, Mrs• C . Ciannebeil, Mrs Nett. Sofa pillevv, Hannah Wise, Mrs 'itTotb. Mtforiiniti work, 111 Brethour, Mrs 0 Catnpbeit . Crochet work hi wciol, Mrs Campbell, ifIrs Nott, 'Crochet . week in -cotton, Hannah Wise, Mrs Campbell. Eme broidery on Silk, satin or velnet, Mrs Nett, Mrs Campbell, Embeoidery ori bolting cloth, Mrs Nett, Mrs Ottinpitell. Whisk hoiders, ed /troth° e, Mrs -Not& \ „Lamp ehade, Mrs Camphel t Pin cush- ion, Mrs D McIntyre. Me D Howrie,. Koitting in WM sted,"Mrs I owrie, Mee Canipnell, floniton or .point lace, Mrs McInbyee; 1 and 2, '.Clittitig, Mrs Nett, riles. Campbell, A rrasene work., Mrs, Nett, Mrs thoupbell, Chenile work on 'felt or plush, Mrs None Tea cosy, Mrs .Nott, 11113rethour, • Tray 'cloth, Mes D Slcintyre, Mrs Howrie. Table cover embroidered, Mrs McInbyre 1 . end 2.' Netted doilies, Mrs Howie% Mrs °cabin hell„ Etching on cotton or silk, Mrs Nett Mrs teleInbnee. Gent's linen shirt, Mrs W to Sterling, Mrs McIntyre, Gent's fancy flannel shirt, Mrs Nett, ril Brethour. Ladies' ' underelothing, Mrs, Campbell, Mrs Nott. Plain Plain band sewing, Min Campbell, Mes Howie. Eitcherx Apron, Miss Parsons, Hannah Wise, Crochet or Knib Slip - Pere, Mre Hontrie, Hannah Wise, Lite -mien Bete Hannah Wise, Ines Nett, Handkerchief &whet, Mrs liowrieniers Campbell, Deitwii work, Men Male. -tyre, Mrs Campbell- Pittchedguilts in cotton, biles Nott, Mrs Camptiell. Patched Quilt in cloth, Miss Paraoti, AI Beetheue. Knitted Quilt, Mrs Nett, Mee Parsons, Croehet Quilt, , Mes llowrie, 1Virs Oatimbell. Button Holes, Mrs Sterling, Mre D MeIntyre, Col- lection of ladies work, Mrs alcIntyre, . Mrt4 Nett, PLANTS AND FLOWERS—Ban- quet of flowers, large, Mikis Ferguson. Bouquen of flowers small. Mrs' It Pen. hale. 'House Plants; collection, ,Wm Sterling, Wm Brandon, Pansies, Wm that it wyte•good • For Into atock, some Sterlingl,Mies Mary Cochrane, jodges insisted thrtt the Fair discount- AnT vv,91m—erencl"rmviinf' M184 ed either Clinton or Goderieh. Maty tiecuranee Ars 0 Camp oe 1. Crit. non di:inning, Miss Mary CochratienVirs . The Me trots resulted in on easyy Vic. ' • " '• • • and toes, all sizes from 4e 00 arati teed to give.goorl •satis.- • factory wear. special pee pair from. ., • 25e to 5.5c 5Qcs .per .pair • . 2oe • CORSET COM FORT : . . . .No need to saerifice.ease and eamfort to -style, when' corset uying is In mrnd. Our corsets combine all Of,t hese desirable 9nalities., 'llori,SO e handle only the ,worthy of Corsets. '• Newcombe's Half -Dollar Corset; • piaderespecialle for nes in diab only, double side steels, [Cabo° fillecleflie clasps, double femme . embrolderyetrinuned, per neer. his band ha a very aPpreeiative audi- ence. Ont young lady, loyal to her elan, remarked to your correspondent "We did not have half enough music. and we should have had More Scotch "Thertne tan Inek about the house" created' groat enthusiasm, The corieete 'Wits °petted with " The Maple Leaf Forever." The pro. ram was grand The flute eat° Co., has returned front pleattaut tWO Weeks' Visit at Toronto, We wonder if the parties who ob. tinned quantity of mortar on Sunday last at 6 a. in. *onkel to make a phis. ter east for theniseives. tory far Mr, John Sparrow's four. e tr. ° alrliPbell' Water "1°r PAI"i°11, isit Mary Oothr Air 0 Callum A old chestnut mere, St pretty and spee'dy la aneo 8 • , )- • Messrs, jonathan Miller and It. ti. animal but with little training, She Oil painting, Miss Mary Cochrane, Mrs Smith, the owners of Red Admiral, re- won money atthe Exeter And Goderich mi),.,8M°01notfurn°461Iii:cmatiallsgtr (retteltrtaire: greb very much the aecident Which be- Fairs And when a, year older will be fel him at Aylmer on the race track, able to show her heels to the best of Painting on silk, satin or velvet, Mrs I) The races won by him recently ere AS therm McIntyre, Miss Itt Cochrane, Best map follows ; At London i mile open run, The tria,nagement worked bard to en. °t t'h"°tflit'V°t /11°r°11* Mr8 rergus°11" . Wad Made. After the second count, best thee 50t seeeodsdlid peizn. A mile Aura the success of tbe Fair, none more POULTRY—Ducks,T 3 Moorehouse, \the scrutineere, OnnotningS As tleputir y W. Redfern won a vigorous and open run, Lon aec, 3ed prize, At ao than President Snowdon to whom Gee Olonsine. Geese, D Macdonald, "turn/lista/100f and mytele ita po 1 wen.meeked encore which, brought Oa strathroy, I mite, oapen run, 2nd prize, great credit is due. Ile is a popular It, old ',.0 Snowdon. flown tell* derk, were omelet, "The Carnival of Venice,' mr. fled. mile open run, 2n prize, A.t Ail- man In that section of the county, if horns, Peter Baker and fern's abnity is, we are certain, unex. mer, nide race, 2pd PriZe, tno We may -judge by the many greetings _White Leighorns, Peter Baker 1 and 2. rpm 61'n x t,21)0 21 swrkemon celled for the clearness et hlenotes and sepOnd race after winning a heat in the be received and the kindly mariner in fiantatilti, Dan Macdonald land 2, ii'Vhore were four ballots relied al. his akill in roan! dating the keys. d bir Hi h Lif h forred MANIIPACTUIIES"— Home. made together in our divieion . an twpntY- 0aryll'm "Patrol art% ' Wae finely tanning On hiii leg and infi tting each Moine won foroished•by the 13ayileld Flannel, white, Mrs Nett, Ilarmah Mut rtWitched. I was inthe cOMMittee. given by the hand. Selection 'gleam. 'a bad wonnid that he Wee 'unable to naoa 'which earl render ite good service Whet, Colored Melillo], horntionade, TOOrits in Berlin twine that 1 know of, iscences of England" was rap. start any. more, and Was brought AS more pretentious organizations,. 11 Wise, Mrs Nott. Woollen Blatikete Ma SEW Cummings and Wildfong turouely encored which caned upon home, moon was well' represented and borne.ittade Mee Nett, John Salkeld, here seated at a table workingonhoth Litany, Godfrey to bow, and' remark Miss ikkain, wIto eperit last week st there were many vieitors from all the ttorne,rnade Hag Mak Hannah Wise, {On& I did nob put any mark on that as fus` had been requested to give Stratford, the guest of Major and Mre. tintroanding towns. M Urethane; Home.made yarn Mat, ttlitit Myeelf except to vote." , "The Blue Danube" waltzes ha hoped Heck) left on, idatnrday for her hoMe in rho Management Of the SeoietY will Hannah Who, ,Mrs Nat, Skein of I (kir 'own "Special," made of sa- teen jean,extra Ion waist, side • steels, silk floss an lace trun- med, with 5 clasps. A bargain, per pair 75c B. & O., made of French canto,. d . double side steels,Kaboo fillieg, • silk flips enibroideey trimmed, eaten steiped in Limn and dre b, pet pair...,..... ,, .. al. 00 Ladies'"Coinfeet" Corset Waists, mnde of good quality French cotille, •high bust, long waist, laced 'hips, buttoned down front, special at..., .... 1 00 • : • setTens; 1.10i Iso. opr'szese4se,ht ef,eshitrviiit gy: • toed; shoulder straps, per .pair• 40o• . . ,• itttist,.. made of 'Rite neat... . ity lain buttoned feent, nicely , cordecl, will give good. wear, . -.spetial 25o OtIll.SATURDAY S.PECIALS• Advertising p.lone could not bring brisk busin.e3s$ Adver tising is only one of the nsiany means to an end. The best advertising in the world il.giVing generous V al u e s , Here's but a ' • sample of *our values: fer Saturday :-- _ ' ' ' .... • '- ' LADIES' 50e VESTS AT Mo.—Ladies? ii CRETOWE AT 120.-22 irnch double- FUJI, pal! FIJI AusTti,s918uct.rr-elgu so;Iryfl fresh iiji extra eavy ribbed vests, open faint, faced cretomie, in Color8 of red, gold " long sleeyes, nicely trimmed neck ari4 Inack, and red gehl and whit% . to 40. inches loug, trimmed with five vie, tttils, Well Worth $1,25 to $1.50,S•ttur- . and front; .ptice would be 50c if ver3r Hew designs, Saturday did at less than makein prices we are 5c 8KIRT BRAIDS AT le.. -400 yards honght in regulae way, .buying StS:Witt lgie. '. • day •eiten 08c. 1 .' FANCY RIBBONS AT 12ae.--40iney able to sell tnein on Saturclay: each worsted braid, very fine geality, in eiele,„, f„„, e lie ,i. ;firth, ,, „,,o„ ,,, 35e. ' shades of navy, garnet, grey,•green, plaids-4'nd '4.-ri-Pe-s-itc- aft.--th'-e -ii.e-w."eS-6-' WHITE CHECKED LAWN. AT 6he, ,- leiittle7,,,iiit,I.:,t,tifioor thdinegss forribbt:)enss /tat ' heliotrop% pink, salmon, etee rectee -,27 inch White checked lawn te, lerge lay Vices were 3c to 5c yea', ap,ecial and small patterns, fine even thread. for aturday et per yard le. . fi,pii.i'me tc.;'2•56 A y a rd, to. dear on TOWLING AT 50.-e-2 pieces only all ' will give excellent wear, well worth eSitturday et 120 per yard, 100 yard, Satuaday, 130. . ' linen crash toweling 17i inches wide, fast coloe, blue and garnet. bordeps, MEN'S OVERALLS AT 74e,—Overalls . WOOL HOSE AT 2 FOR 350.--Lailies' well worth 8c, Satorday only 50. , made of e:ctra heavy blue • end grey : heavy wool hese, inede of good quill- 35c TABLE: LINEN at 230.-2 pieces denim, seams • all Wiill'iiii•wii, guaraa- ity • yarn, sizes in; 9, On regular 20e, half Weill:bed table linen, full 2 yards teed to *ear Well, wele moth fe1.00, hose fee Saterday's selling 2 pairs for. . 85o. . . . wide. flee quality, free of sterch, for &dentate pah 75c, . . regalut i) . .. was 85c, to clear an MEN'S LEATHER 14IITTS AT 25c.—• - 20c EIDERDOWN FLANNEL AT . 120.-1 piece only entre, heittry eider- Saturday at 23c. Men's netts, !male ot good qoality .• COATING CLOTHS .AT $L10.,--Tivo leather, just the thing foe early fall down flannel in red and green color pieces only 51inch curl cloth, hi eed only, just the thing for dressing jack- 1 and black, and blue and black, tant- vie", 4Penlni 25e• ets or wranpers, our regular priee.is able forjackets or heavy capes, regn- GRAIN BAGS AT $1.75 DOZEN,— O.. 20e, btit to clear on Saturdey onlY lar selling priee $150, for Saturday's Good heavy quality grein begs, large . 12ic. , selling $1.19. size, special for Saturclay,•$1.75 doz. . CLINTCMT Woollen Yarn,Writ Sterling,Mrs Nott. Skein of Stocking Yarn, Hannah Wise, Wm Sterling.. nVoollen Stockings, Sire Nott, H Wise, Woollen Socks, Mee Nett, 11 Wise. Cotton Socks. Win Sterling, Mrs Notts Cotton Stoekings, Mrs Nett, Wise. Woollen Glove% Mrs Weston, Mrs Nott. Woollen Mitts, Win Sterling, Mrs Weston. Fine Hoots, Rathwell, Coates 13°004 S Bothwell. Single Haeness, John Tippitt., B Higgins, Double Harness, B Tippitt. Specimen Cab- inet, work, 11:Wise. FARMER'S TROT OR PACE—I Sparrow, Varna; W Dale & Son, Open to All, J Sparrow, J Cline Seaforth. Plough Teani in Harness, Altr Sterling. JUDGES —Ladies works-411ra J Zurich. 'Miss , ittoorehouse, Bayffele, 'Miss Lily Miller, CI hi tou, A.rb' work and flowere.—Mrs, ne• Stanbury, Hayfield. Mrs Thos John. eton, Fruit.—Alberf, Andersob, Clinton, Clem Newton, Porter's Ili% Vegetables.—Thos Hamsort, Allanson, Clinton, Dahl endltianufitittures—Thos John. stem, Zurich, Win Scott, Etrucefield, " Grain—lari Zurith, jits Thompson, Hayfield. florses—Carringe and roadsters—Ina Grieve, V. S., Seeforth. Agricultural and general purpose—lohn McNiven, Kiopen. 8rteep and pigs—I) IfcLean, Eippen. Deacem, Clinton. Cattle—JAS Hearn, Clinton. Isaac Erratt, Varna. - rowl—I A :King, Clinton. Implements 8 Moffatt, Varna. jno Merril, /flake. Bicycle Race—Varna and return 12 miles. 1, 0 Sallow% Godeticla138 80'see. 2, 0 Perguson. Hayfield, 80 mini 80 sees. 3, j Jewett. )3ayfleld, 85 min. 40soe, I N Cameron, Bayffeld, 50 Min, 80 sets, ;SOWett won the time prize. "P*At' WO0a10 P11011/41011%.t Th• ereat tondo end and reetimmended bp till druggists Canada. only Telt. able moorhen° disooserea. Oat peighttros guaranteed to Care al! 'tonna nextal Weakness, all incite Of abase *rinse**, mentei worry, suasive nts,or To. Woe. °pinta or euratilattel,_Mbiled bli wen)* ii,of Vas, One Wynlottit %to% Oniel get*, — ina4 Itolopt3zooditielr is sold:in Clinton by nrchtsy I .-iiilikurno"..,YOUR MONEY RAU IC YOU WANT IT Jackson. BrOS SIWE • DEPARTMENT. This ie the time of the yeae when it is adviseble to be on the lookout for footwean havipg exceptional nualities of comfort and durability. Sinter .Oubber SoledShoes Witterpoof, flexitne, tough Wear, bileclsortie and slipless, Pive great qualities that appeal strongly to the 'ban in aettIVIT of ter comfort. footwear, Made in "Cnouck Coif" so celled beettuse it fa it robust product of stalwart Canadian soil, This stock' is tanned by the chrome •proeese from skins specially Belethlti having the peculiar texture and grain suitable for this excell'ent leather, The wearer of pair of Canuck Calf Slater Shoes wafts the product a a skin selected from tt possible 800 thereby securing the best. Solee and hods of thick pliable rubber of the best qualits, that can be had, Natne and urico ettunpodpn the soIes, To be had only at • Jackson. Bros., Shoo Deportment. STORE TO RENT, The undernitteed offers for rental the store on Innen strestriately °coupled Honoway , moftish, 011aton, Juts Oa, TROZ,JAcite0N, - AU01:1,0__NEERi. TtrOtfa8 licensee Auetieneer• 'ititif91P.Olicillettd 031 aorta of the countiee of ituron and Perth. ontemlett at Tint learns. likeottir Oillco, Clinton, or addressed to ties: , forth P, rdeolvo protinit attention. Nat- isfootion auntrutood or no ellarget, Y0111, pat. mass Melted.