HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-10-12, Page 1aist Your
The NOW'S Record
111 q#iit;-a 5k;-40ali
never stoPti ip its ceeseless
; • tash-if you have the old oil
removed'and new oil applied
at least once in two yeas.
Consider the wear- as they bette
away the minutes, hours, days,
weeks and years.
Take care of roue watch -have
It properly e eaned and oiled.
We elean and repair all kinds-
& it Kohn:jay, accurateie and
at moderate Lest,
• evie ARE LEatERa
• JEwELEE. .
ittefece eeete-,5`. te%5ete5fee
The cool inornings make one
thinkof the most 'quickly pre-
pared Breakfast Foods
For somethin.g that is Eco-
noinical, most • Nourishing and
• at the saine time very palatable
we recommend
• •
• Faille Cloohed, Pre -Digested.
(inc can eat Grape Nuts as freely as de-
sired, but • they • are a condensed food;
and not segreat bulk is .irequieed for a'
meal as with ordinary foods. • '
It is put up in.packages aind sells at ee
20c pee, package, .
.'4-shlrIViter ice Wafers and
• "Swept' Midgets"
. . .
Vohave just 'closed .our 5th year
Of business, .by your help has
:been our Most succeseful year. '
' We hope,: by:close attention to %busk .
nees and by giving you the beet vale&
" posstble,to rneiet acontinuande of your
• •. 'favor, , . .• • •• • • •
pArilcaersg. e variety at the popular
CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBgll 12 1899. Whole Number 1086
will be sent to any address until the end of next year,. that Is to January lst, 1901, for It leads
Cekeeieeeikeileeep/431Gefel ir 7, e• ref
Did you ever notice what a dif-
ference wall paper made on your
rooms ? No matter how cheap
the paper, if the pattern is neat
and tasty, the rooms always look
clean and bright and is add 50 per •
cent to their appearance.
For the last ten years we eel%
been etuclying the wall .
trade and have no hesitation 4
saying thel, our experie._ en
worth a good deal to oure'ue is
niers. _ oust();
We not only knew WHAT to
buy but WHERE to buy, and
the beautiful sfock we now show
will compare . fevorebly ith
those of the city stores.
euse new we are offering a
few special lines •that will inter-
est intending porch:tilers. •
All paper trammed free.
Uttlo Locals,
iS a "Growing Time with TIM
•NetWeeRSOOno end the number of its
patrons is increasing' •claily.---Next
Thursday will be.Thanksgiving Day.-
rti; r. oases Walker has been bulgy
Co,uni.v Proitioffon &ems. Poqponkt . The Grill Trutt k ReoPousibk.
Owmg to Thursday, October left, 'Tieg NewEedietoonn Is a day late in ; .
r. eo. ing rnov ng
Special' meetings, --Rev.
for Local News,
bUW WOW r' And'•Death of M. Alm gsier,
tion Examinations for the Comfier of gross carelessnese on ampere of Grand
being Thanksgiving DaY, the Promo., getting to press ails week owing to
revival 'demise of Mr. John Eider, Sen., of
is our duty this week to chronicle the
into Mr. Rootlet% house on east Main reeve, pastor of the Methodi t church:
2711* Lot 4 Oon 18 Stanl
,erepte MVOS LOOSIO, 1110114K I supply of paper for ehipment and sent street..• has commenced a Belies of
Monday,which tea
fug cornpleaon, and before winter will attended. Lest Sundity night was the I „el;
first 'and the discourse wee one of "'"`44 4teu instein his 90113
Huron wi I be he o October 261h
1 Id
and Trunk Freight handlere at oronto
who on Seturday received Our usual
Mr. McDougall's house ie fast near -
g ing a, foundation ender the house of
Meetings which are being very well
The seasons° far has been a disae. be ready for occupation.
• It -they don't themselves know where . . y . ec ase WAS born in the
James Twitchell is also having a foun. . . . I order another supply,
or the apple angers who nave
Mak Slims welt, and it is expected the north pier will and interest. All are invited tb
oe . ra.
united in marria e' to MiSia ela,
so thee at the eleventh hour we had to W h be r ined n p en County of Antrim, Ireland, on the lOtle
ork as e esu o t e ler Power
frous one, we are so informed.
y Maple street at present occupied by
shinned fall fruit to the' Old the meeting% beginning at 7. p
Armstrong. To them Were born four
August, 1810, In • 1832 Mr. Eider was
,se Mrs, Heartwell.-Mr. Isaac remit is 'ountry market end several cone e Wooestock Sentinel Review al -
1 done
ceolninptiheteedeptitexfallIabncilsthbeopderciedgdInagt On account of the meetings the
on • • 1‘ h b f th 1 f
Epworth League will hold its meeting
e regu car one
eons and four daughters six of whom
Rev. Mr. Yeoman, who has °cosier delegate to the Myth convenaon of elle
are still living. In ethe „arm
and. made fit for any vessel to enter 04 a half our e ore
g one o ver ury s
signment have resulted in a loss. The luclee thus to Mr. Bichard Foster, well. the affair will be completed this time
demand and it may be that' the feuit ed at the Dundee street gethodiet
houses on North street -4-.Tho Ham-
ilton 'limes has the following refereece supply appears to be greater than the known in Clinton ;--Mr, Foster aaSist, harbor. Mr. john Barber has been bemointed
special prayer, . •
puechased the farm where he resided.
Eslerand family carne to Canada
• movie • to f M 0 b
• Mr. Da,vid Fell On Oran e street. Mr
J to miss „wait) ilea mr; Redeem, who • is not arriviug in first-class condition. church services yestardar, singing in St. Andrew's church,ptilpit duringt e Nil the e of his death. In April
Unless they can pull up on the winter excellent voice, In the morning he
will give an entertainment next Thurs- 1892 his &loved . wife and 'grateful
as evening under the ti,uspices of the - past twnSabbaths, preached excellent
sermons last Sueday and on Monday
stock the shippers standto loose limy. sang "Tis Dlyiding the World," by Ex -
Epworth Leagues. ••
Rev. Mr. Jennings delivered, a
' Thanksgii,ing eerinon to his interested
hearers last Sunday at St. Jchn's
church which was very handsomely
decorated by. the menibereof the same.
' Miss Jane. Denison, who has peen
away for three weeks holidays visitieg
friends, reeinned home•last Saturday.
•Mrs. Scott from uffalo is visiting undet the mental rope,
Miss leramley from Londeeborn was
the guest of ISlies Hannah Weed la,st
Miss Kirke assistant teacher at
Londesboro, was visiting at Bev. Mr.
Andrew's, and returned home Sunday
/Miss Lillie Morrison, who Was visit-
ing her relatives, and friends here re-
_ ,
turned bome lasteeeek.
• Mr. Je'efctie psAd flying visitlo
Zurich last week. - •
Mr, and Mrs. jones Leidbiwy axe
visiting their daughter, Mrs. Murray.
this week. . •
The Citivine of Varna and commun.
Ay did yeey well at the Bayfleld fair
in securing so many red arid blue
tickets. • ,
• Me. Ben. Higgins received first class
• prize for his double set of. harness and
,eeeond.fok single set, first for his brood-
ing Mare. Mr. je Sparrow got first
prize for his trotter ire fermers trot and
also fireb for "free for idle' '
Mr. Dunkin get five first prizes
for his sheep. and three seconds, also
• first tpr'his yearling colt and. second
cornpanion of 60 years was calledhorne
-Ratrenhury street church :-The enter. nr,• cell, and in the evening ',Emmanuel," •left for home. We are not certain who aged 81 year% , Since then he liveei
• tainment given in this ciby lastnight by • A Skimming Steam •
Miss Webb andedr,Hodeden wits a very zir. J., E. Oreely of Sea.fo;th has, we ' *non
..• •
.by Rodney.
eariarreet methodist alto& will siicceed him but it is expected a
Mr. Little will be here nexe week.
Saler was a, man of fine physique and
in-law and was lovinglyecarectfor. Mr. .
with his son Eggleston and daughter-
pleasirig one indeed, in fact the aucli- uoderstand, as good as decided ,6 e0-' .•
ence itieined delighted with every num- tablish a creamer o rather a 'Skim- At the Rettenbery streee chinch on Dt. Woods and Mr. G,. W. Holman
bete Miss Webb is exceedingly °levee, i ming Statien" in blinton. He has • attended the funeral of the late Dr,
and her.selections were quite veried, • entered into an arra,ngernerit with Mr: tieth Century Thanksgiving F nd
were presented in the tnornirig by Ili, . Deceased was a personal friend of the
• former and the family physician of Mr,
showing her versatility. Mr. Ilodsden Jacob Miller for the use apart of his
Y r
• Sunday last the interests of the Twene
enjoyed the best of health an his life
/iyndman at Exeter on Sunday last. time till a day.or two before his de-
parture. He was frank, truthful,
• humble, upright and honourabfe in su
has a fine, robust tenor voice. His set- shop on Albert street, Mr, Miller -hay- T, BeCouple,nd of Loudesboro en ser- Holman's
are a necessity in evez4. home. ections were beautiful, He made a ing sinplus room, powei. and, 'water. mon hpon the words 'Be ye thankful." I, Severe,' ofemr.residents attended the
his transactions and secured the re-
* sped and confidence of men. In
Do you wane a hive?' I so, we •
addition to his many sterling qualities
are the people you should con-
sult. ' If you live in town we svill he was also very kindly and genial in
hang your shades, free of charge. disposition and manner and tleus_made
many friends. Mr. Esler was a devot-
• ecIS Christian, deeply interested in
ce Divine things, ardently attached to
. te the. church and its Ordinances, had;.
high regard for the Lord's day and
verY faiora.ble i pression.--1-1e--
The pastor of Rattenbury Se. Church
will (D.V.) take for 'his subject' neet
Siiliday: at 11. a.m. "The centre of
gravity in the spiritual realm" and at 7.
p, eSaints in Nero's Palace." --A
Union Thanksgiving service will be
• held in the Presbyterian • church on
Thuridaty next Thanksgiving day. The
vermon will be preached by the Rev.
Mr. Howson, pastor of Rattenhury §t,
Methodist Church, The usual collec-
tion in aid of the poor of the town will
he takeii. Service to begin at 10.30 a.m.
'VVebb, aged 80 years and
Monthealied at the House Of Refuge
on Sunday froth apoplexy. He was
admitted; in Match last. The remains
were taken to Kirkton for intermeht.
-Bite J. Johnston and Mr. Tisdell of
Rateenbuiy: street eee deeneritng gleir
cellar drabie this week, What a
pity Clinton has not a proPer sewer-
age systern.--Why do notenore of pur
oitizees rentove the unsightly fences in
front of their homes ? ,: What a metes?
street Rattenbury would, be if the fen -
n he evening p a torm meeting was
The location will be a convenient one: Godfrey Band concert at Goderich on
and as Mr. Oreely is a shrewd, exPer- held, at vehich Mr. W. R. Lough in a Friday night and report a good thee
ienced nian we hope the unforeseen • clear and atrong address dealt with the hut a slim crowd, ie attendance, owing
phases of the question. Ma W. (.1.*
may not happen to prevent him enter, eo doubt to Poor advertising.
• Myers•spoke upon.the demands of local
Ing into business here. , . Our teachers, Mr. G, W. Holeean
.W,A0ORkiit *WI
saNrox• ,
• eeeeeRaipe,silia@cmotaigiii4ef,
4 Wallin' alViltiatt
A ,11:mv.,615mEt
We want your trade.
When you
are this age,
reading or
near work be-
comes an ex-
ertion, and
glasses of rise
enough eteWe'
strength to . •
relieve till strain should be obtain-
ed. We are experts in this line.
We examine eyes free of charge
and guarantee satistaetion. •
Optical Department
interest en the necessity for a new
Students At Home, • . and Mips Emma Whiddon,have been re -
The At Rome given last Thursday pathy of the whole audience with him. emerv.
evening by the Christian Endealor So- It was left to the members of the con-
ciety of Willis church was e lalgely at,- gregation to•decide eath one for him. 1 We are glad to see Miss A. guiott
tendedand enjoya.ble affair. Berea'," self or herself when his or her Thanks- aroundagain after a severe illness.
ments were served after the following giving offering should be placed. it:• Mrs, John Whiddon had the misfor-
Alex. Stewart in the chair 40 Oitobor Wothling;• .• " which penetrated her shoe and foot.
. tune to tramp on a nail the other day
program,was gime through, with Rev. .
Orchestra. T. Brown, G: McRae j. - A quiet but pretty wedding took It was with difficulty rethoved.
, marble, B. Kerr. ,. ' place et 2 o'elock p. m. yesterday at Miss Beta Stanbury is going to Lon.
Washington Place . the residence of don this week to take a course in else.
church and appeared to have the sym.
• * engaged for 1900 ste. an advance in
• • 8 constantly alined at keeping it sacred.
He weld truly say "I was glad. when
%ow,. lxudmeii eee,4efie%ieg
they said unto me, let us go hito the '
House of the Lord." In the evening of
life tieeensiderable portion of each day
• Cash paid for Butter and Eggs and
• pried A.pples. Phone -23
r 13E1ChathS
TEE NEwS.RECORn, which
• leads feel -Neon news, will
• be sent to any aiddress until
the end of 1900 for only $1.
06Buil. yam yam. mento.
Bootsand Shoes have gone up
in value, but,R. J. Clef! still
sells them at the old prices.
He is enabled to do this as. he
bought his fall stock before the
We make a specialty af Hats and
Caps and now have • a large e.nd
• more.varied asiortnaent than ever:
All the leadieg .•
ADfagnoam •
makes are to found in our
store. Sizes from 0e to 7e.
Fleece Balbriggan Underwear
$1 per'Suit, extra value. just
the thing for fall.
We prefer walking =eyelid quick
gales at a small profit each time
to holding out for big prices. ;We
do business on this basis and find it
satisfactery. Bead these few pri-
ces we are quothee this week ; we
have many more equally good if
not better. .
Smock and Overalls, per pair $1.00
Overalls, 50d to $1.00.
Pants, $1.00 to $2,50.
When jou are ready for
your fall suit, come to us.
We have the goods that
• will suit you and at most
suita.ble prices. Our fits
are well known to be
• snug and comfortable.
A. SO Es11D
e•-• e'er:re "Pereeeees r/ 7-741iFirl 7 • -
LI TALI_ 011 C
The chilly season is now on and warmer clothing
must be worm This to many 1310a118 a new suit;
• including underwear. in buying if you want to
• et good quality at a moderate price you will
ces, were removed and. the sidewalk
replaced with. more modem one
-There twill be a celebration
Recitation,' Miss Winnie
Mr. and 'Bits, Ric'hard when cution to further perfect herself as an
their second daughter, Hattie, one of elocutionist •
. the most popular cif Clintods young Mr. T. Je Alexis has bad quite anice
, ladies, • was united in marriage stock of ready-made clothing put in his
to Mr. John D., Kiity, a former store and somebody entered his prem.
• resident of Clinton but now prominent Iles the other night and rigges1 them
in the easiness Idea Calumet, selves mein good style by appeopriat-
Mr Henry Pluinsteel sold tee) calves,. gem The ceremony was performed her ing a suit, hat, gloves and underevear,'
one a, jersey and the other a thorobred the groom's brether, Rev. George hl. ao then left before daylight Without
ling. Mr. Marks has his weather
open and it will not be well for the
The Misses Hine gave a progreseivesu- immediate friends of the contractieg thsef ff he is tound out
eine •pasty to their many friends • 011 perties. The fair bride was married in prof. W., Stuart, the wonderful
Wednesday evening, -Mr. phut her travelling dreiti ofnaVy blue broad
e2 partridge to his ceedit.e.MreHarry Grace Tedford who was also dressed in sieigne•oehand and -comic
Glew beads the Ilse so far, as he has got cloth and had for bridesmaid Mies singer' and performer, held the boards
here during the fair week and delight -
Solo, Miss Lola Miller. • •
Reading, Miss Wilson.
• Clarion et Solo, P. Brown.
Solo, Miss Jennie Jones.
• Selection Orchestra.
Little Locals.••• •
Shorthorn to Mr. James A. Pried, .foe • Kilty. Better of the Anglican church se
shipmentloManitOba this weeke--e- at Delhi, in the presence' of only the e
was spent in devout meditation, read-
ing the Scriptures and prayer. ,He •
lived by faith, widened in peace lull of
days. "Help Lord for the godly man
ceasethe'• The funeral took place last .
Wednesdayandwas largely attended.
Tile service was"conducted by Bev S.
Acheson of Se. Andrew's church, tip -
pen, assisted by Rev. J. A. McDonald
of Varna.. The interment took place
in Bayeeld cemetery.
- Auburn. .
for reangblds end hopey.
Bothwell received first prize •
The apple evaporator is busi-
d he• . nese, having over a thousand cif the Sacrament Of the Lord's Supper
li:pr his shoes, •Doubtless there are
othersof whelp we have nethear w • of aPpies on hand. " Hew is that for
secured prizes•in the• VicinitY, at Bay.
green horns - ,- - '' .• : •
St Paul's church next Sunday after. fleld
• 1 ' Mr James Nixon weunderstand IS •
. Morning Prayer. -The choir of •St. Hunt, heed miller at. Fairs', got his navy blue: The groom was eupported
- and we have no esitancy m saying 1009and 180°, almostkeeping tip o , e . ,
full awing again with ' •• .. P. .
ing into his hpuse. , • e
. - • ed his audience by his clever perform The•Vap. is in ing from here to Seaforth with hie
finove and Mr ...1 Moore• -
-lettere church -hits so many .members forefleger caught in the niachiuere• on .by Mi. flaivey Reid of London. The . ancese , Mi. Stuart claims -to giye the two rapid peelers at the Impel, and
aim. ye an r. James...es mew
thee a business meeting. is . celled for Tueeday tied had it badly eacerited. .happy Couple lett by the four o'clpek hest one-man entertainment in Anted" steam running, I siMpose ' betweeu •
next Friday p. in. to:arraugefer more lir. Graham dressed it, but eir. - Hunt train oared the traditional shoveers of ete a , • h • • • - ' • ' t the Mr and 'Mrs. John Clark we he • '
abcoMModation, Messrs. -Latornell, will be ineorivenieneed for some days. " rice, congratidations'and good. Wishes:
Brewn and Hilton are valuable ae- -The presentation of Othello to be for a trip to Detroit:, Chicago and other that this is riO idle boast, for .he is, to • fapples brought in. ;ma in' 0-v.. • . . ' s
• !eat cargoes o me into our villa e shortr • •
say the leaser., great success and decd g The fine weather is telling well upon .... • - g Ye • t
guisitions.-The • Ontario street given in the townhall Thersday even- Mr teobertRobertson's new houseiti
the apples pickers paekers ,and draw- '
League • ie planning to have a very in-* ine eythe Lyceum COmpeny will be places after which they will take up edly clever. There's is nothing small
about Stuart. He's all right. . 1 ''i I 'n 'we ons ply back: nearly completed and is it credit to' our •
house in Cadumet and be -At Horne -to eress leash y a. e gg . . , .villagea Who Will he next tee bola
teresting meeting on Monday evening one of the treats elf the. season. There theii 'friends after the IstofNovenibeie •,, m 1 t '1
r. H. tirahman, our popu ar al me •f th t B ucefield, .
• • . and or o r • : brick houses ? •
next in order to gatherale the •mern- has been a big demand for tickets and The citizens of Clinton are all , well is away,north at present vieiting and The potatoes and rnangolds •are also
• Miss Mary:Hoare has returned back
bees together after their sunemer ramie a large attendance ie aseured.-Mr.
*tellers of Mr. and Mrs: john D.Kilty,
• . tumor has it that he intends to re urn receiving special. attention owing to
to the farm,•not liking town life.
paring an espeaiailly geed progearn of street. Mr. Thomas Walker has the ' Sunday last was devoted to a cousid. in • g pue end is p tti g . v •mr. W. J. Milker has accepted a sit-
' the post offite some time a o for a • u 'n on its ma colors
pant and vest maker for his shun- TiII•,_ /3- ' nation in Gorrie. May you succeed,
and the social part will also vaiy from .ceer he e ..,_ • • giving Fund. The Rev. Jasper Wil. appears now he was wantieg n pie and first the white shroud to he followed by
the ordinary. All the Leaguers are ' ez ."''''''''' • • son qf Goderichconducted the morn- cake maker old ma.de a slight mistake the' many colored Even the beech .13.ixtIL.;s K.ieeD- ey ee .w.ielghere is the
ue t of Miss Brom S .1 t t •
singing, recitations,.instrumental, eta, contract which means good work. eration of the 2011* Century Thanks -
The annu ' nuts are attracting the attention of the
cations and be 'reorganized for the win- J. W. Hill is having a stone foundation
ter's work. , The ccimmittee are pre- placed under his residence . on Orange Ontario Street 41. othodIst Church. . in double harneee. We noticed an ad. the flue weather. As soon the fall will
. a eal e a presen .
._ :
cordially invited to come' and bring • .. al Field Day of - Sports •in i • e . .. . . in writing out the ad. . • . . '
ng service ano gave a 'very- practice., •
. , s.malle,r boys , who. are storm. g . t..hem.
but we hope to gee him around emir). • *.
Mr. Gabriel Sprang 18 00 the sick list,
.their friend%-e-Mr._D. Prier .1.9.. now discourse in which he set forth the ob- Mr John Herrieon,Who.upforteinatee
h Id h night and next day
spent a fee, hours. in the. cooler that , 1,1,w... ti.., y..in..b.a..g..s. tend filling their pockets
:der the Parentalroof ateiresent. ...
' connection With the Clinton. Collegiate .
.engagedupon a contract in Whightteue though „ ., . • . ,
inseitute . was • held .on. Friday last,. • • • • • • • • . . . , ly got too much 'esPiriese on Friday, ' . • • • •
. Miss arall E Pinker is visiting , un-
. . . .
a beginning bad been ligations of the church, of • to da in ..• .e••• • •
The chief intermit centered in the .0up presided over by thee -Pastor. •All. fore Reeve Stairdeury71=1264ctle4aci • ' ....x.MunCo7olfiteu161Yasiritic;;.6'..; %et. 'S'iine
%-lnise'Maiut Goodwin, was the , mus made the
week previo'us 'vvhich had to be post-' view of ;Ale bleitsings of the. paibe A.'
'Ciao in charge of Mr. Col. Hoare's. ex- Peed° digging is all the rage at • pre.
poned oeving te inclement weather, piatfornerneeting was e in t e even -
contest which yeas' ..vvon ehy p. B.itire. MeHardi spoke on the various crises in jetstice to ehe tune of siiidollinee heteg . claret the parsonage - • .... . e. .e.,. .. sent, • :. • ..". - . • • . .
hibit of pianos and. citgani at the Blyth
elgrs. lerciate e•Robinson end flimilY .•
Fair on Monday and Tnesday.--Miss
with 14 points.. 3, Thompson scoredei, . the hiseory of . • • '
Canadian Methodism •
. two dollars, eine and. four dollars, ex- .Mre deo. Huller hes moved iiette; Mr: .
A. McLeod 8 and W, Shipley 6 points.' and traced the varied stagee in .the de- •penses: • It is said the ' court scene Wm. Murch'a houee. .- .... ' •• . Irpieeunde:.lie pit, stfevi. days visiti.n:g :Myth •
Tillie .ilkata sang a solo with .,pleising '
effect darieg the service's in the Bap with
need not of necessity imply that velopment of the churchfrore the day would have made a splendid frontis; • • Mrs ; W. Cole ited .children. of Cline •
Baird . Won. the greeter number of of 13=11 things to its.pr t ' ' ' . ' '
esen position • - • ' . • .
piece for Pude or the •New York ten are the guests of .her father, W. Mr • George Crabb of G611_44°11 Vtine e
- • dayed with ,Auhern frieeds. .. '..
tist church last Sunday evening . -
Beale .16. Heover batte secured orders
fronithelollowing during the past few of influence and Povvere Mr. floestoe, Ledger. But as this. was the first case . Melholland. ' • e • . '
Mies Vida Stalker has returned . 6
days i' -red gearrite.to P. J. Carruthers
School counted. The Cup is a hand- Pr incipal of the Collegiate I. nsUtute,in we expect the wheels o! justice to move Mrs. W. Stanley returned °home,' on
GOderie,h,• .. . . • . • ' , . .
avents, as 'only these open . to • the.
Ammo piece of silver 'bought •, by the his address paid 'ft, high Complimene to more sirtoothly next thew. ' ' Monday • after. spending' a. few days
the Blyth Fair: , . • . , ,
Quite a,nember frotn here took 'en : '
of Mt. Cermet; a red Swede rind e, red
trustees And teachers live years ago for the Methodist chureh as .one 'of the • Mrs. Burns of this.village hada nee- with friends in.Lencion and Lainbeth. • • '
. granite to Mrs. Margaret McIntyre of.
: 'annual competition. It does not ac-
. moral end religious. forces of the da *row escape from cletiehlest Week. Mrs: ' Mr. Russel Forrester • spent a few
Mrs; Bradford end Mrs Stalker 'spent ,
Stanley; Esperaeze, blue to. Andrew .
tually pass into the pesiessiop of the and urged. very strongly the ha. orY- Burns has had considerable illness for days as the guegeof Rev. Ge W. An. .
a day visiting in Goderich the _past.
Glendenning, Greenway, large '. red
Sive.de 6 W. Pattersoie, Auhurn.--,
ebeeppion,• who rests quite eontent eiance of, her educational work in Tele-. the last few yeats. The other.day.not drews, Fullerton... - : .
scribed ehereon. It now bears five vices of Sunday will, no. dotibt, teal+, ' medicine and made the terrible discov- :. The directors of the ch eee-factory Apple milling is alt the rage atoned .. .•
week. • ,' . ... , .
Mr. E, A. W,icher of ,Knox Colloge,who
with having his name neatly in- . bon to her future progress. The. ser- 'feeling up to the mark, she took ' some , • detereek for lest issue.) • ' . •
names i -e-0. Mctinrion, 3. Holt -nes, H. : butelergely in awakenin 'interest in ery.a few Moments after that she had have hired' our cheese -in her, Mr. Auburn.
supplied for Rei.,Alex. Stewart during
Switzer and A Martin to'. Whicia le. the da ,-gf)n 'Mend. - taken a strong poison in Mistake. .The ' DuncateScotte• for next ' ye r. They , We understated a number of one Au -
his holiday term, has passed the
Baard's will in due time be added. • The - a- e ' • •
evening the gpsiorthYteague was we .
at ' doetor Was summoned at once and the Pee
usual reniedieeeeiorted to and now we cheese maker .- . '
in to know when they have a pea . bernites. wen beast recently to get fut-
, . . . ure events told. Which went in,
second part of the exatnination for the
decree of B. D. end hi etititled to re- the subject Of
Germany where he is taking • up post. names of.the prize winners in the • die: .. • . „ . are pleased 6. say that she i8. out of - Me. E. M, johnston of Innerkip. the black or white? ' . .• . •
celve that decree on his - return from mended. Rev. Me Clement gave an • : • . •
Puttleig shot(echool) 1st A.McLeod,2rid . .
which w - followed' b ' any immediate danger. • • visited friends here lase week. • , Ur. Frank Munro • Sundayed, at 1,
ferent events were t ' - . . •• . anaress on eDenommational Work " .
J. Peck, 8rd II. Macpherson. • ing and pro a. Iteconversation on the
d as ntb.. y ;every intereet- Bev. E. B. Smith called at the Ilea, • Messdaines Tuck, Elford and Stanley hcaniee
graduate work -Mrs McHardy•
importance of nidevidual work and the eete •
' left on Tnesciavto attend W. liL S. • - Mrs. William Barr of Windsor is vise
Smith was accompanist for the Har-
'vey Company vehicle gave ay perform. tory last week. - • '
S. Thomson, W. Shipley; „ HE -NEWS -Recoup at the Bayfield -
Conventon in tendon. . ,- . iting under the parental roof . at urea -
i jump(school).• - . , - .e were pleasedtd see the Editor of
neCeSSity of personal consectation to 1 T
ance in Blyth Tuesday nighte-The 1:tonn.ng high i P Burd,
100 yards race under 16 God as. the condition of isuccessfal Mr. W.Leonard, wife and son visited ent. • • . . e.. • . . .
testele J. McCaughey, W.Courtice. , Show, Among the Many Visitors were friends hi and around Bright; last Mr. A: E. Wetheral of .Sumrnerhill •
• spent Sunday at home.
invitations are out for the wedding of
Wiltee, C. Tisdale F. Walker..
years' El rt/r* - Work, '
shows that our Fairlitis a 'wide circle • The -stetee labor . was done this Miss Maggie Ring Sundayed at R.N.
Rev, E.B. Smith and Miss Annie Dade
76 yards race Wider 14 years. ' 11. char sundo• . residents' from Stephen township. This week. . .
of Morpeth, which will take place in
seeks comparison and is content to 100 -yards race (school). A. McLeod, W. Ontario 'street . Methodist 'church, , Rev. Rural Dean I:Pidgins and wife tp•doing it in the epring. . . ' , .•
this Week. It is a great improvement Quinmings', • - . .
Se John's church At the latter place on
November lst.-Tere NEWS.REcono Next Sunday will be Choir Day in of friends. •• Miss Heel° Flukey. of Clinton is
abide by thexesule.-Mr, 3. A. Ford ' . Shipley., P. Baird, • 1/4., Through the kinduese of the trustees were guests at the Rectory on leair At the Epworth League. Monday at home. '
Mrs. K. Young, jr, gave our village
of town and Mr.IR,EXolme$ ofGoderich . ' . et•neP .8ehlie.. lo) of the church the 'offerings 'ef one Sun. day. ' • evening.• Misses Carrie Walter, Alma
P. Baird A McLeod k a call Satinday,
Running hop step and 4 1 t
son . •
, . , W. Robert- day in each year are given to the choir. We are Sorry to say. that Miss B. yob and Beatrice Greene wereappoine-
th Mrs. 1.Scoet passed thrteugh here on
. .
township ship three carloads of . live •
Running high -lump uhder 10- ea 0
. All will readily concede that the part ,Cook Of Goderich township met with ed delegates to the convention at Big
• Siinday on. her'way to Blyeli, • • ' .
stock and settlers' supplies to Manitoba
this week. Mr. Ford's destination is Ine .., ' Y rEle . takeh by the choir Of this church a painful accident a few days 'ago. on 17th. inst. .
MissiBertha Yolingblut has returned
. .
N. Murch, IL Adan1S. - - contributes item) small degree ti the While to the kitchen she slipped Special meetings Will be held in the '
Killarney. They expect to he ttbsent V *Lit? r te I.' net the church on Friday at 10:30 p•M„2.80am. to Toronto. • •,
Mrs T. Riddell has returned home ...
dian Head while Mr. Hanes goes to au ing with pole --open to Collegiate interest and prone of all the regular -and fell, striking ,her arta agai
institutes of county. Je Thomson, public services While we have no Wall Witifsuch Airco as to dislocate her and 7,80 a.m. as preparatory serviees
.. after a pleasant, sojourn' with tondos.
aboulia morith.-If The Nnws•Itn- • .
come pleases you we ehould like to
e race school W'' doubt but the church will, as on former arm atthe shoulder. We are pleased
D. Beam, W. Draper.
( ,) . Shipley and Choir days,be filled. to it% u‘inosb capit. to learn of her speedy recovery. for Sunday. •
have you recommend it to yeee Fatigu• Mr, S. Wilson and beide of Colorado
borough friends
Hearn, A.McLeod and 3 .Thonison. played in the offertore will be Worthy. this week where she will visit her •
' - The 'first half of September make of
called on friends here and. had a
W.Plimiete,el, • P, Baird and D. city, ' we tea* the liberality die- Miss K. Smith left here for Clinton cheese war sofa for Dicta.
friends -Mr and Mrs. William' •
Running broad jump under 14 years, of the occasion, and an evitlence t�the brother, the Rey, E, B. Smith. • • .
pleasant wedding trip.
Downs have teturned 'from Toronto
ery bane a hue sold their proPerty at • Summerbill, 7 •
V;he1•11 they were engaged in the groat
el Tisdall;E. Shepherd,? Walker, choir that their efforts are fully appro. •
• ' Miss Annie Ross has returned home
subston tia advance over the pure . gii0biti.veslaonnadafyrieevnedesinof Danwumrhigekr tofpnreio:
Mrs. Marshall has engaged the sere-
Potato race (sehool,) J. Thomson, Fe elated. We Impend the order of ser- litandon-illul lett from Brucefield.
chase price. ,is a probability of Baird, W. Illetibbon. . Mr. James nutcheson and wife of ceeded to his newhome with hammere , ides ee wee Brew,. ee moor at elm
Girls' ram, 75 yards, M. Rodaway. F. momenta, Mitchell paid Mr. Andrew Tyerinati a in hand and . a, 'tithing bee
l'ennebaker, M. Olaf, Doxology -Invocation. short visit last Week. was th° iner for the season.' Millinery opening'
Mr. Downs engagin n business here.
worth League, Goderich, visited the • -aPer• . Anthera-"Thaublessothtne''. days ne home. . , novel feature of the evening. 'Upstairs
condUcted by Rev. IL Henderson,
North streee Methodist church Op- was Saturday =he. ,
Sereece in Presbyterian cherch *at;
-About forty of the members of 100 eels race -open 10 omegiate Th. liymnei-••leath'erofeverlastinggrace,"Wesier Thss I d. I, •
Ystituten of county, W Do j Pral6r ,
Thomson, A. McLeod. ' Scripture Lesson to ring with the
Miss Floe untet ta omen ing a few and down were made in
Buntline( hop, etep leakier)), tinder 16 Byrne 002-410whamer every child of &Dee," din of sew and ,hammer, Later all
Mr. Where McGregor has returned found their way to the older residence Sunday. People say the chinch'
home from the West. We have not and then the tables groaned and the looks better than it ever did before,.
yet learned if he purchased property balance of the evening was soave- • Apple packing and drying, coopering. ,
meMbers of itattenbury Street Letigife
corne `and look at our stock. ,We can suit you in on Mohday evening and spent an en -
both respects • joyable time. An addtees was given
• by Miss Achetron of Geclerich on
8:2„9s isactor. ads suits "Whit gifts can we bring to Ghilst,"
after which the TWentieth Concurs.
St $8.95 are strong and warm, but of course not ll'Unct Wit14 diseustied by three tnerabere
so good as Aigher-priced of the GodericheLeague. efr. Tuener
•• of Goderich occupied the chairrte.
freshments were served during the
eat -
Years, xt. Pluinstee111. Adatno, A. sermon- llowsonge
()lenient. rirayer-.. ... ...
Bicycle race, two•thircl mile (school,)E QOurtarnteVttotn.,TVitahreln(tihde d0y7::•tr••
AreilibEilay P. Baird, I. Thomson, Byrne 337-"coine ye that lovethe terileiVattai Wen. Vairsereice is Working with son lion for Thursday. 001121h., and.
satiates of county, W. Draper, J. , his brother.Tames. the boys collected last Prfiliy evening horse got frightened, throwing Mise
On Sunday evening S. Nicholson's
aurdle race -open 10 Collegiate En. Denedletion
Thomson, D. Hearn. Mr. and Mrs, Ben Tyerman of Wing. to strange. Harry Williams and WM
Doxologr Asia tsv0:707.,„.„..... ham spent Sunday at the old home. johnston were ehosen as captains. and Martha and. Mrs. Nicholeoe out, both
ngg race for girls, M. Cluff, L, Chiclley, nylon 4-"A thounual mottos Siviser..westoy •stead, • and then proceeded to call their re- getting a bad fall.
L, Agnew. Prayer Mr. G. Youngblut got his•thumb
there, but that was his intention or lieving them and in social intercourse. threshing and corn -eating seems to be
he intends moving ,oub in the tiering., The firse shooting =tell of the sea. the order of the pay.
civeniree.-110dgent tiro% have had nimbi it b a Anthene-enrightir gleams our banner,'"
. roa unip salon t Wm, Croulbil.of Gederich paid hie epee& sides, r.Che evene will take cl d bl ' to k
the lighting- of the Palace laced u ' earnt nest-q.eadltisdivLiftht," werond brother, John a flying via leab Va. piece in, the hearts of th t
e 6 ro
'We have undersvear froth 450 per Suit up, Our P P°n a. Thomson. r. saint,
Serlpture Lessen- ..... day, so beware of • bullets as you; pass
.t the alternating•syetern and the result 0 .
Ver. Metibbon, Hearn. Quartotte-"Leatlue Goderich Township.
store being better illuminated than v . a, id i • t Solo -Vote unto neer' 3. frugok; Pah' ittet • week and "Park' gba4 t'AteClattneY threallin41r1 thane" 1V1r. Will. $tankino, who hat been laid
Pleece4ined Balbriggan. Suits at t1.75 Pot au 14 a marked improvement, the big ne.third mile tate (adhocil,) rt.Belyar, Hymn 0,.."Prors ali 'that (wen hews thotedes." Wm. Carter took in the Stratf
are 'Aplendid value,
A new line of Fall Capes at 50c,
ur arercoats
d • through.
au tang w ea po e un er years, . • tS MAMAS eh°W* vicinity again. • • up with his Me artery, is able to begin
ever.--Shipmente from Clinton Sta. t a Anthetn'-' cek Ye the Lea°
Plumstee an 0. Porter tie, N. stymc_ohcic and c'engregation Oottrt Constance, O. 0, P., intends •
. - Meteed the annual oyster supper Special school meeting neat Satur.
Mrs, Scott of Mro is visiting at the
tion this week ease include exporb ot. kthileveeek.
Wor again
eforele ofeesee•Pather lead us by the bank" Ilutterfista holding a concert shortly instead of day at 2. p.m. There is a photographs... travelling.
grins by W. Doherty As 00„ apples by Thres.legged race (sehreehl 11 Ilearn Sole-.8•Tho Daughter of Zion .
spent Sunday with relatives here. through the township taking photds
lined to her room for the past week, is
11 Canteleit atd rtk rilliott, hogs laY a and Gl. Campbell, E. Althlbeld and Anthem-"Solelt tooniertal," . ,........A.ttele ye *
Sohn ughes' Wiese is all right Again home of her mother', Mrs, Lovett, and at the different schools,
- • Wallis and B. ritzsimmone, flour by it, Mao hereon, W. Shipley And (non Voluaterr Ann ofterator$
P relatives In the neighborhood.
QUartatle-PTho toritcherd.” tembr Mitt, after the severe cut be got at the other Mrs. WillJervis, who has been con.
. Pair Bros, graitAy noltnes Se Smith, vv, rituristeoi, i
ot fine Ilnglish Whipcord at $10 are stylish) Benin el -"We give Inueortal Prafoke "..Watto threshing. Ililly tit 1
v 9 MOM- 0 giVe t tanks unto the Lord, forced rest, --t- nob 0407 the Mr. and hire. Settriett of teadbury
ontellySlit.13.Perrin and eattlebyl,Stint steeple shame (school,) W Shipley P ', h ' "
.strong and cheap, son. -This a. o, P. mtnatreis SAVO an Baird, ri, maephinenri . Doxelegy and nensdieties still unable to be aronnd although tap.
a' S
11•14t.Illhod UAL
• euteteatriment in Blyth TuestlaY Consolation ram A. 0lement, EE
* night awl had a large attendance. Brewer W4 aant. . Mr* John ("reit is having a very boy let! r.li7Wics+111{13Tesi3dascnkriobfasttlieTitticktetlet (4)11474.C11111.1tM118:4::18rtIthetWr' the tileit kiThl re"ts fartnereverin a' re ranking good use ei
y g
00 . . g. Ssekson and J. C. Stevens have on .. • ' season Ara had to looms. tis stall .A. out Assoeintien which mot in Owing ta the stubborn attitude of this weather free getting up potato
intsiptig this week aila Wal received the Bears, war between Britain and and picking apples. Theappla pack
*SI Mart by thvolly, . dot Tratorraivi MIMI inavitablo, \ • are rushing buottness just now.
via4,,ORTA mom had the fronts of their stores beauti. TWO Supplements accompany thig this week, lay five lathatto friable ftith
Qi OA 1 Asti lay Painter W. BOWL IOU* of Tho Nifiv*Rsoonn. to cops with his numaross entitOtitets.