HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-03-26, Page 3}"llrS"."w"nlul!iti`J: r'il sif'illDt ,rte a..Vi+rd' arra tMrtl'1,ti',:tGf5 i".iIIV.,',R
She half Started from her chair, her
fake on fire, tears in her eyes; then, sup-
pressing the sob which rose to hor lips,
she sat down again, and fur a moment
did 111)1 speak or look at him. 'Die 1111411
of (1f•cont.rol, carefully instilled by
her education, helped her to bear the 1
foot deep wom11'slu,lad seer received.
-Van are 0Juel-._and unjust," she said
lit h,t, in a low yoke, "Whatever you
edea,. 1 always 0(1(1)1 as r1„ht--it is right 1
for am, 'slflairs',' 'nosiness; ,ire. mete I
wee, .- to 1)11 1 kno-, clothing ;hoot
tlmm.' But to Seo yea 111) c, , 11;,11, o„t
at'd Itarass1d through looking after my
1111erests hurts is me very touch, Your
stealth and your happiness do 0)11eei'n
an' --surely you will allow that. Why
don't ycu leave the business to 11r, Ilod-
'That would scarcely be a conscien-
tious way of going to work, Doris,” sand
1/avid, 'disarmed, but stili rather stiff
:dud constrained, through the feeling
that his words vVere rout quite honest.
"lint if 1 don't mind! 11 1 would ra-
ther have you home a little earlier, and
, .) a and—andworn
ora yon tt hale lett toed
Out, than have you working and worry-.
iunyourself to make rue richer! 11'hat
du we want with more stoney( 11'e have
111 , rly more than cnuugh."
1 have always looked, upon your
mom') 11, a trust, limas ' ,11)11 David, in
kis ofd, sweet voi(0. "1 should nut t .i
happy without doing my best with 1t"
Doris thought this was 0t perverse way'
of looking at things, and, if she hail
Lrir,rn the at that moment, through
her husband ''doing 11 best,' she was
(diking the loss of some thousands, she
might have felt strengthened 111 this
1 feel at the same tin' that you are i
,hurt tl d ill aceusin; the of being dull
company," he went on, mu,,iea11)'.
"Accusing you! (lit, 110, ind0<d; 1
tower thought of such a tltiugl" protest-
ed she,
Sell, well, you 611111 I was dull, and I
ad 011 it," lir/ corrected, with the ecce.-
snc magnanimity of the person who
knew, 1i,taseif to Ile in the wrong, 'I
tun tallier a fogy', and My society 11111.,1
be tedious, 1 know. Lit 110 sit down
after ,dinner and eoti(oet invitations to
all the nice people we t tory, 11101
the hou''.c+ for Clu'iotmao-time " 'there
1 • ,licltou and Papi1101) and 11;Id 110:-
1011, laths have them all, and as atony'
more HA you 000 think of, and we'II se'
of we cant make the place more cheerful,
than ;t solemn olid husband coat hope to
fie had carried the war into the en-
iu pathetic,
tniy's oarnp; silenced her by hl
iumplicd reproach to her for not bur„
content with silent devotion. Dooms felt
chilled; she did not attempt to rebut his
unjust accusation, but contented herself
with the usual dull interchange of de-
„Lary remarks about the quantity of
Ire in the creek 111atmot morning and the
lameness of one of t4,. carriage horse.+,
until 1fnller 00014 over and they went into
file drawing -room.
fi had been a freak of Doris's to spend
the winter in this big river -side boom,
1)10.1:ul bf guntg 11p to town, 1,114))' nor
grandmother wanted them to 13!.0 a
/rouse near, her. The solitary- 1361)0,
wife. had repented some weeks before of
this arrangement; but she would not
propose an alteration for fear of being
>1101,✓,eel with cu41)1c, As she led 110;
way through the square, comfortable
h fire-li ht
hull with its dark curtains, i c t g
i1k'koiiog and flashing cm the oast doors
'and' wainscoting, 110 remembrance of
the (111 pllee.as it used to be In the days
before her marriage, with laughing girls
and ubiquitous young Inca tilling each
Iona with life ;and gayety, soddenly
calor- upon her so vividly, in contrast to
her }'resent solitary seclusion with n
husband who was practically to her lit-
tle More than an animated statue, that
the tears rushed blindingly to her eyes,
L1141 she atopp:.d, leaning against the' oak
Tice husband, who was following, 011nm
alae l;; to het side
1111., is theh.atlrr, my darling? Are
y; n a lie naked, tenderly', passing his
arm rlunncl It r for supp0E1.
4e leaned ) al yt 1i1e gratefully, en -
(4, .,110,1•„ as she fallhrei
out ,h,,. 41ete was nothing the, /natter'
withle•1 ; she mum lace walked too far
thatnein - ihlt was all. Site was
'.Moir-;,-'r1y to huge ftightened.him.
Ile dried 4-t eyes, whispering loving
lords "; 1, 1, a0l led her to too draw.
1a rem; lh 1'. n glut of _taking up a
I ae.i1g 4ilrnt. out Bretons('
of o'hldi1,'?, which 1111(1 beeoee it 'too cons•
Irma 1) n tem with flim' when alone with
hi 0uia, lei alt on the sofa near the tire.
salt 1100, anis tried 1116 brstto bo enter-
tel it g_ a,d' ((c.'eded pefeetly iu 11ak-
il : ',Vile 1)1)510x:. Lila.) she 11111. 10011
for .1(1113 title.
l:nfortualady for he.succe-s of this
experiment, David found it exceedingly
irksome and telt glad when the evening
was 00)1)', •14)lir' Arris' gr,atefnlly :tfine-
tionate mood, which would have :wade
11im entirely happy' 111.• his conduct to-
wliul her had been altogether right, put-
oled 111111 stung, „111 e siti e eon -
a„ his c t ons r )t 0
scieince, and long liefote: eleven ocloe!c
began to bore hind too.
Ile next morning, heiwover, when the
night's Sleep had distanced the remam-
brnee of -siro, Hodson, Doris' fresh
yonn,g face, 1)1140 tune lienulliui :Ind
gentle by the memory' of the happy even-
ing before, won upon hint and fnfimed
trim tc) make a fuilliful promise to be
!sone 0•31)4', an (1.01 they :night 11ren 00.
4411(0r 10114 ev0ri.e,t 1•,wlhcr, :1011,,1;. I c
kissed her tenderly before !code, for
town, he lvendered low he (mold 'race
found toe evening; long, and 1111)!- u
vague resolve to 1.:"1) i ty Kenn 111•
fln001es which teodee1 to 014011 .6 11110
from her.
but the infloenecs were 1't tot 1 cath;
11,6')))' fvmu, Vi hen ]t:Via um 111: 1 mal
visit to 111', 110dn0n .,."ho a41 ; s cal lel
for !dun ,et .tui(' ;,1v10' rmid('t ;l 01it
four oefoct, lm 10011)1 dolt 1'/;: '1(0 -
Fon had doyen up to late)) to 1
ht ,1 tni'.j
and. 1•, t'a,tt aesbostil-
ed that Ile 11 tt I ac 1 1 ithie'., ai:1 to
011100 be)'''''. 1et1))4)1ng honk, Sre coal-
r, tl led rather than bt gel 11nc:d to
con," as Lu Ur, Yice;uLlly 1vith Iter.
Liemade 1 ant s make of 1 1 -
ic.l 1"a•:1 p u., -ed to :gash
He lel neglected 1)04i1 )o mualt f t.ly
(60',''11)!1 at, 1 airlo
Of, eourst- 1. is, Yon ,elfish ee i trio
to Blatt up a prettyt rife, in it bis die ,ry
old house by the raver, where I ehimldn't
wonder if she ended by drowning herself
00 a relief floral your prosy society, fake
Charlie Papillon down with yen, and
she trill forgive you for bung n few min-
utes late, Well, nod now tell rue 011 that
you and Bertram lore been conceding
to -day," •
1)111111 1122re 1101' a lull ,account of 01110
new 040011!41ti01l 011 0vhleh hr, propn•:ed
to e nhavls, incl she, with n p141001 lik{
surface knowledge. of °,tatty Bochauge
business and hu o 0>00 teuts,iplek0l tq
from her 160)11010(1 ' table -talk, prated
"delmnclires" end "preference shares"
with ail audacity. ag'11 ,rsb1. t!r,)
when at '!7alinitill's she took a violo,t
I1L04 to a yo:' -mounted toilet 1111.
rot which Bertraam's neanoeas" 110uic
her finable to buy, Ito 11011111 the tmnpta
tioni to give it to her too strong to he
resisted, Ile hod a cheek -land: in hl, pee
ke 1a hod lust been settling up will
1'011. Ilobsou- so he wr010 0111 a ci1:(1
for thirteen guineas; anti the lady's child
bids delight over -tom gift --1t Clitistiilas
p1000111, he said gayly -was so charm
big and. s4 thilt it was 11ot nai:i
1, pretty
he haat left her at the earner nF ,le'mv
street: that he 1,11 bine to remmniier
ctcn vaguely, that iLv. 3Todsun ons no
a proper person on whom to spend I)nris
money, It was post six beady; he lou
promised to be tonne at five, hero ons
unthing left for It now but to eareg out
Mrs. Ifodso•rs c ol/music. and take. Char
iso Papillon hl0e to dinner, 'Ile spell n
Doris' bright morning face oras brokcu
and he felt that another evening „ft ne
with her, after ouch a bad st tri, 511 oulrl
be{ wereycarisoinc, mean 1)110441 with
blue1e.1 but sensible ea ince-pv
flout the last. $o he called utiCkwu¢o
rminig molest ones shared with a friend
and lni h )ed by photographs o f girl,
on 11 ,0 el i..e e I finding h 11. theta 11
was tela1io, baying boo 1est1
soterci11 i1 nn sari) ore, had Just e,1 1
rd to take lhlpiilon In rho 1)1:11 0)101) to e,
"., Tet hath t Inn men were illi ' L u
to a op their Intel/elm don er to 1 -
-ni wed by the thertre to „o and see
( n elR'19L , amazed 1) 1(id, who
Mie. given 10$ invite/inn hesitatingly, t
en Ion ) the programme i
Lal to tern/solves 11011 mile they would '/
not, care to change it. Yelton had been
away lately and Charlie had grown ratio
y of visiting unasked the young
4::un0huld (0)142e he w1s sharP enough Lo
see that all was not going of riy lltly'r,
Their 4'eung Nere's 141011er amused i
David and kept 11is thoughts away from
uopleneant 61)IIOcts all the way in the •
r1111 down to Fairlelgh, "Old 111011,"
t. la; w, pat ,us h -l1 ri/done side ii a
tat.' I1 11,1nilel
-That •I .a say, when tan have spelt
)1 1 n ,: e 0 hansoms trod ices with
',Vat:Ls 0, you 1004 (1 Mile more time
ilese at. the 1',110rion bar," Intel,
1 io
1:00 tea:: net l u ,'o „10114 libfat,
tad: It. was .o: I y rod.-hy' m t i sty an -
111 Chitilto for his b,u,.eio„ ads
c ,. 1
"101ru r: 1 ;ow,0 , 1 c.
iod, b usque. y' since nets would t11
-11y wiace >) ICI,
1)iisd had just ennui into the Dion),
aui.,,ss ),anutril1g tip t1 the group w1
lw",10at1(1attg, with the rinsed pater-
ia1:5m1he en 411 f.'e- which 11.1d loan ,o
111011 to earls we him his p 0)01 title itf
'0111 .Davie."
"Illy dear fellow, don't excite. yourself.
I dare slay it is business investment,
that take you down to the lamas."
"'she Lawns!" eehocd 0us8le, ill 11)1•
Hist 1l able mato i i. hmeut,
Charlie's laude, rowel, blue, eyes were
as vacant 1s ever; but the change that.
instantly passed over 0avid's face, wh1ch
trho had diad i011100tnielt1 days himself, 1
Insisted on laying their Bares himself,
an item hi the )lea8ur0 of the e:cursiou
to be 14th' considered when one, young
gentleman had in the pocket of" a perfect-
ly made coat tw(peuec and a latch -key,
and the other's borrowed capital of a
sovereign would have to be made come -
how to lust for pocket -money a week'ot
So they 1111 three marched up to Fair-
leiglt in high good humor, and Aurid 1(111
the way into the hall, feeling proud of
himself for having with much neatness
got out of a little difficulty', Doris'
bright syveet. voice was heard faintly
in the distance as they cane
in. 'David's' dull ear did not no -
«h above anis the red flumes
hurl .light t
m the fire elsting deep shadows and
faint flickering lights upon her..The
bot• Din' her, and were sorl•y' for their
lighl1l1ar1ed manoeuvres, as, peeping
0,' o ;h the curtains, they sou' on her
vac; a lovely, holy joy as she raised her
oleos to011rd her husband, which made
thein fish David would take her away
without having scat them,
But on David himself the significance
of her (fpr u.".t 010 lust, or else ho•1
' would mit read 1t aright. 110 took her
1 raised .ed el .nds n,11 put them err his shout -
',dors s as he kissed her.
"I ant not going to ecfdd you for i e.
lice that its tones were h0pplm' than they
had 101er for servo weeks. To the other
Iv') young etch 111 high spirits at the
thought of scent a particular favorite
and altogetherlc t v and perfect person,
of ('(>11E80 it otan1' with n•) deep sign(l-
cu1u. at all.
Let's hide said 41)011011.
And lie 01111 Gosh: scrambled round
the curtains 11110 a pair of clumsy kit-
Doris carve into the hall quickly, all
in white liken fairy with the soft
I04 late;' '4" said, 'l am sure you are
(lair. and we will have another happy
evening, won't we?"
les, my dear, I hope so," sand he, in
his sweet vof00: "urrd I have brought two
naughty boys 1101,11 with 010 to share it
with its,"
And the boys aww, her arms suddenly
fall, and her face change, and, without
kre0ing why, they wished they had not
• Almost -before (Waste and Charlie had
41,1 time to note the sudden chill oto her
fate, Doris spoke, in 0 voice as kind and
Might 0s mind;
"'I thins: 1 can ,iter who the naughty
boys are. But what have you done with
)their u u
'lh .y c.nur clot fro:u 1 d
and she greeted them warmly, and scold-
ed them 'playfully ter neglecting Fair,
tobalk so lent;. 'Ham they ail wort into
t' : drai ielh .. room, and, as these was
leilf per hour to spare 4efo')' dinner,
Uoris Sunk down carelessly, as is th,:
old day's, un the hearth rug, and scat
dere_ with one off 1lt,' young men on
• Bail) side ol'her, "to talk about
n fist as if you -weren't married at
mit" as Cluniie said.
'U remember how we Noce!
"Don't yam
to ,000)11bl^ wp In a hi111•)', if we heard
• e,.+-,rmtdmnnuwa's step outside, for tear she
should aeold 100 fot' behavior 'store like
i tomboy of fourteen than a lady of
foul rid -twenty,' as olio used to say?"
"Yes, and law 1 used ti' coax her into
fe'givhug you when you behaved in n
1 manner unbecoming to a young gentle-
woman,' 11 was always I who begged
s'a off, Doris—remember that!" said
• 'Charlie, sentimentally.
Yes, my' dear Charlie—and how I
had to pay for that blessing immediate-
ly afterward by unlocking: the, cabinet
where kept my 1110110110 glaces. Do you
rememher that''"
At this Gussle began to jeer and gibe,
and Charlie wrlgglod round the hearth
rag with theintention of threatening
dont. But, suddenly changing his tone, 1
he wriggled back again, enol said ha right-
ill' •
I 1 despise that fellow, Don't talo man
entice of duet, Doris. 110 bars jest 11.1-
1I rm it ! the merited contempt of all right
minded persons by fallen'' in love
00110 laughed while (uric protested
o :10111 and even angrily.,
, licit why shouldn'tbe 1sil'aunue
toel,•erl1 have never been 4uLy,
"Never," said Phalle emphatically—
: "that is scrionsly1 It requires a lot of
encouragement t))) pith-, o•,v,l part as
well as 011 that of the lady, to make a
fe!loo' fall in love seldou',ly; and that en-
ccnnagement 1 eau honestly say 1 have
always denied myself."
Oli, Charlie, this is heart -breaking!
Then the vows and protestations you
used to maim 00 were not serious after
"As far as they went --yes," admitted
he unbhtsltingly. "In fact, my worsulp
of you was my great passion, since
which my ]mart is seared, you know—
seared. Now, I only philander. When
I find my heart beating a little too fast
for Maud I take a turn at Helen." And;
ho turned up the ends of his long mous•
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It ic, so easily digested that ,:t sinks into
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to could see reflected 111 the glass eve)
the mantelpiece,was not lust open hie 1
"1 titre Say tt i$ pleasanter to dismiss
husme.na there than at the office;" that -
1h1 went on, without any change of tune.
Aavid had sat down in out trot choir
close to the group; and, as Charlie „as ,
the nearest to hint, it waas quite natural
for the younger' man to look up at hint
as he did so, quite natural too that ]t'
should pot tip his hand and give.
"Old Davie" out alfee11ouate pat,
"Of eoul-so 1 d011110ow whether it t
the prospect of a charu(ing ntottt., 111
law that tempts ''on----
"Mlotoo)un'haw! What are you talk-
ing about l" (Aussie cried, hotly, ""1 0ete]•
can see the 0nnt'n1 pimple talk about in
age ei!,))) oil e 1111(1. And 1
•t rte die ,t .d u
give you my' word 1 haven't the hast
ides which o/; those doll( 4111)' girls 1
ant supposed til ldmirie,'
All this time Charlie, ander pretense
of laughing at (tussle, was glancing lip
5t :David's face, watching the cloud that
(0iet gathering there.
'vthy' are you ,o angry? Why do' you
let liar teat., Vol, when you see hour he
enjoy, t' r sand Dur14, though she tor,
could. 0,1, 1,.LI laughing 0 the young
fellow's i eye i lir , di,7plenooro. 1r,.
Mts. ltod,mn , daughters town up,
then. s11' 0--l.ed of the calmer Charlie
I've ,.'rel : s:a only epee, and then the
were )011) little girls"
"ltu they 100,' interposed Cu,,ic, ale
011 ,17. One 'ice; them sweets"
d n
a please )011100i0," radioed Charlie,
demur .I),
' It wouldn't 'please man1n1' to par
attention to Isar daughters," said floosie,
still hotly, "She w -Lit all the attention
' 1,1h.tit nonsense, 00ise: '
"'it isn't nmlsense. Pvery man Who
gn(0 often to the Lawns must either be
in love with madame_ or pretend to be.
4> c 1 :hey eall"-t'1m 1,1100120 'tole 1011
iJtvf,: !err sed up Bann his chair, coy•
i y
ing abuptly, 'Dieter!" They all scram-
bled up front the hearth -rug, and, by the
tithe they were on their feet, thio ootid•
paved dinner bell rang.
The volennle subject of the Lawns and
its occupants wits wisely avoided enuring
dinner; but; when 1)111:10 had left the
gentlemen in the diming roost and had
sat down 4t the ora -chair David had
occupied inuring the disci/vxhui, the dan-
gerous topic was brought ag is under
11.1 nothe in a rather abrupt mannan,
' 100 don't really believe aur in lot;
with any one C the Lawns, do you l'
asked a 4:1!f but: plaintive vale,' at her
The looked up with "0111" and al ,,tau d
of surprise to see (tussle, flushed arid
troubled, looking down at her with dots')
of hwutluc devotion, lie 11n1
s so quietly. uta hooked so m0tc1 disturb -
/I, ths1.: Arris ter a few moments could
only noble nt Lina and laugh indignantly',
as at the unexpected cures( of a spoi1111
\l'be s!lu',lda't yin 14e':'' she al,k;d,
hi 011y.
"pun's laugh at 1111 please don't
laugh at me," be iu14101ed; th^n, 0010104
meekly a sta) nearer --"May 1 sit there??"
touching a stool at her teet.
yon clue sit there if you like. Pell
don't look so miserable about it joke of
that silly Charlie's, o1 I shall 4e obliged
to laugh again,"
"Bhit lie shouldn't nay thnl s like that
1)es Ior T tell you they roc lies
passional ely.
"Now, (11es.re, you must not be so pet•
ultnt. Yon used to 4000 chaff iquite wall
at 1-ntldeskl0!"
Ali, yes, at Ambleside" sold (lus-
010, softening, "Look here -1 can stand
(huff now, too, when it is only chaff.
Dint this about the lawns is different.
I tell you 1 luCtai been in love only With
one wuntar ever, and-----"
' l ussie " intr.ripted 1)ori1, in a voice
i r a1 ,
'it t114:111,''!),' 11 protested, holding
his head in a quart rem, a:uce, "Look
how quiet and good 1 am! 1'111
not 4(11)))! to be a tool main, 1 Was only
oiu4 to toll you that you are the only -
"I don't want to he told anyt11ng,"
stoat little strip of trm, loafing a tri-
angle, It ie this end 01 11(0 ba` that Is
aotf rust makiingrthel1110 11) 141s 1001)) e iisphalt, 0011 the
sobth t
I� it will break up and 01)0 the 1s;rhai't
11me thoroughly,
"The great mass of hot asphalt in 1!;'
kettle 1s as heavy and sticky as so halo
sand nixed with glue would be nod a
m011 of moderato n1010)Ilar development
110/1 un eeustnined to the "1 oro e,'hlu't
work )'11'l1 a straight bar through it, h.:1
tl.c 61 tth.tnlm tm�lts thisMass it It I
bar with at triangle on the 0:11 of it,
which makes it (Rite as hal with facil-
"fie thrusts the bar down into the its,
phalt a1 then !0ts a leverage oft the
1e you 11'e e the
rim of the kettle, and then v le
end hf mixing rod cone op, 11fting a
mass of asphalt with it, to break and•
fall O'mu•t back into the general ln1ts/8
when he feta tie end of the rod eletin of
the surface. Only a strong mat 640640
do this.
"When the, Wren who are carry/Mg t1M
I stuff front the ]cantle to the layers eg1(10
for it, as they keep coming all the 1itpoyl
he ladles it out to theta, and this is. 114)
idle job either. A man of ordinary mus-
cle would have Hard work pulling a
shovel out of the asphalt, to say noth-
ing of trying to dip out a shovelful of
the heavy, sticky stuff,, But the keitle-
natlt with Die long handled shovel that
he uses shovels the stuff 0111 readily ,ma
lifts it up over the rim of the big high
kettle and dumps it in the waiting buck.
ets standing on tic ground, shovelful af•
1 ter shovelful, and this with such certain-
ty of handling that he 1:0300ely spills
of t
ikeeping this strenuous
xnryc . 1 i u)
work of mixing and 11111111111, all -day
":ind if that. 0001114111 1, heat at a0l,jng
wu .sood, lifting, dumbbells, or per 111004' the
bag for getting up uulscic I muss mmy.
100 „
Mexican Sailor Receives Medal for 41 argr
Against Waves and Sharia•
Julian Santos, a sailor on the guttllRttt
Democratu, has just been tgtg7ttod. ,
through the Department of 14 t a` • 11);7(101.
greet"' white
for bravery in phblg C
Om .
'erten 1dandl(L t1211
and red o•a0t C11PI•
1'acif 1, uncle 1')1c11111 0 1110 0 of a' mow,
peculiar nature. IIe,. I'ou;in his
Mary i eop(vRuin
110 1 e s
, te
Using Purgatives 1n ,: grin .
A spring medichie Is an actual r, .e
is m 01(1 1.)
:qty. 111,. It 111. It a' 4
ua0ying off the 10(1)u1ities that 1(311
,ecu mi,eu'd in the blood during 111,'
0>11110)'Mont les thou/mod,/ of people
reemgn1L111g the necessity of a spring
medicine dose themselves with harsh,
griping purgatives. This 1s' ,t serious
mistake. Aid: any doctor and lie will
tell you that the use of purgative 100,1i -
eine weakens the system, but does not
one 10001lse, in the spring the +yste,,n1
needs building un -purgatives wcatkem
The blood should be mode rich,,t'ed and
pure—purgatives cannot do this. Whitt
is needed in the spring is t1 tonic, and the
bo -1 tonic, medie1l science has yet cle-
rked is lir, Willi:nos' fink tills, livery
dorm of this medicine actually (Oakes
new, rich, red blood. '.1.1113 1100' blood.
(n,': the,s every organ, every neiya,
every part of the bud';, That hs ugly
1)r, 01ithc111,' foul; 11118 banish pi:n-
11!er+ lad unsightly skin 1rilptimis,
that is.. why they cure bead/who,
backaches, 111eoa1.lar-m, 0(tuul_1t, gal•
era! weakness and it i)'1,t of outer trmlt•
I,t,that ('uncfrom poor, irately blood.
'(1,1, t n' 1 ' Wel and women who use
460111.1110' 11111: t'uls eat well, sleep
warn aaalig bright, 11(11700 and strong.
tits, Joseph Lepage, tit, .1,tome, (411".,
say-. "sly danght,t suffered from head-
aenc t. d drainers. ller appetite Was
1460r, She had no strength and 0mlld
not study of 0)'' 11)0 hook, She W16
1.11L1 a.1d pale c sheet,
A Wei 6ul)..
advised tic nee e r I)v. Williams' Polk
Pills, out after takia4 a couple of boxes
we >00111 See e an improvement in her eon-
diti.m, She used the pills for sour
felts lo:,,,u, when they fully rc.atared
) ,1th Id she is lut1 eaj0y'ing
lu1 b h 1111 lo' cc(u dol." '1'rr
11.11-a1,,; Pink fills this spring ft
you want to 10 healthy and 010014+,
'roll by ill (0 0atcuie deal/iris or by
1 mail at 1)) work a bo, of st1 boxes for
3„511, from the I1,', Williams' )Iculioiue
Co„ frockOille, Ont,
'Well, that 1 never, since that even-
ing ori the river 0vith you
"Please iso leave me out of the question:
"But 1 can't expltiu myself without
1 •'nth,104 you
"1 don 1' want you to explain yout-
"Do1/11: be so Unkind,”
"Don't be so babyish. 1)00114', Cors)
1 dolt think you will ever glow up;"
"/lot's just it;' said he, seizing the
opportunity. "t'deadt mean ever to grow
04( or to fall in 101:0, or ever to be any,
thio4) lint :t boy. 10e formal, 400 see,
that lay ideal of womanhood is not to he
found (:cept lust mai 3p01t11en which is
locked u11 in t .4141 8,4 ease and is private
properly. So L don't want to grow up to
manhood, you sem, but to 00100111 a gond
Mlle boy, and e0111e and peep at the
glad case sometimes, and rub the dust
off the gloss very ('irefully; which
1110011S net 1111 come and cheer you up as
I`wird at .11ablc do ---if 1 mol '
A un,:,t discreetly uttered speech for
(hls�-ie, without any violence. 01' undue
1)0st•', blit s0111,' most hotte,t, gennh10
toting in his voice, as be tenderly 001•
hared ids oho 1knee?, after a favorite
1(1)41;°111)- fashion of his, and glanced up
from the fire, 1) her faco.trith looks toe
lulu 1'e 14 1,11; 110t1mua11,
11',, lie cos ln0e1.)
h 1.,1;o• hu sufie08 from iudil;es-
Oen 1s simply sinning io death. 11
loco all deur int food 4111'1 1110 little
it does bike de'', it no good/the (Mild
is peevish, rru. • ,1111 eestle8 8, and (11
101110r feel, we811 4)01 in caring for
1;01 ,'s Mutt Tablets alhvny-, mare imilgos-
tion, and 0,11,;u the c11,1 sleep heal 41111y
and )Oit001I!y.,-Alis, limo. Howell. Sandy
1)emil, (n'., I "11y baby suffered
froLm indigestion, (011e and 1mnliting, land
(lily ay and night. but after giving
hind 11 010''- Otva '1',blela the trouble
appeared and Ife 1, now a heel 11;,. child"
:The Tablets 0 1l auto elf the -minor• oil-
men/8 of bill ylead and childhood. Sold
by ;aedicd0e d,,lers or by /nail at 25
vents ,1 boo from the 1)'. 1t-illianls' ;1[011.
eine Co., l;rizkvill), Ont,
Strenuous ,Week Is the Kettleman's,
Man of Muscle.
"%1 e :0.1.44 in the papers," said Air,
1:liolkllugt01, 'about what the prize-
fighters do to ;at up their nntscles—saw••
log wood, lifth( heavy dumbbells, punch`
ing the bag;, ,out that sort of thing.
(('under tIolt 111(110 of thou ever thought
of getting 0 job as a ketticelau in an as-
phalt repair gang,
Now there's a job that would give
10 11 muscle if anything on earth could,
When they are going to repair au es•
phalt pavement they bring on the ground
a big kcttlo of a -capacity' of about four
barrel, this built into a supporting iron
sylind'r within which, under the big ket-
tle. is a fireplace,
"'.whey builit,t fire of cordwood to molt
t1, asphalt, and the kettleunun attends
1 to the stirring of the asphalt. to keep
iho mass in the kettle, of a uniform hent
and plasticity, and also the ladling of
it out to tIte 111011 W110 carry it to the
layer, who spread it. -
"11 is :111 lard work, but they kettles
mar's job is the hardest; his, indeed, is
01,111: such as only et strong man can do,
To keep the asphalt in the kettle stirred
up lie uses a10114,8tout'ir011 bar, which
18 split up for six or eight Inches at one
end, the split parts being spread open at
tl utr ends nal there joined by a
Creosol an army
of shahs m lough
water, with no other' weapon ,Than a
1104 in a metal ttajng.
.1s is customary, at re alar intervals
1 she, Cover1mcnt sends e 141.11. to tui;
the tient. lin this
plant the „i a;-1 to i
' the haat• pulled as elum hr to ih,'
.101 landing plasm 11', ons pr,'t1le m1d at
,atoll beat Ives Fent out W make tion'
landing, The great breakers kept t!).'
boat front binding. ft returned, and 0, 1-
otuher cu'10 was sent 001, in which -l(,,4
lla0 nig teeeivod 11!, orders t0 ptoot the/
on the island and Ledng unable to
effect the lauding in the boat, he watch-
ed his opportunity to got the best advatt,
two of surf eondItious, dropped over the
edge of the boot 01111 the encased fust;;
and started for hand, rte was inrracdir
atel attacked by man eating sh ark a,
The to drink breakers in themselves seem. -
1d almost unweatherable, but, added to
it, was the 11011 11, the water, liet,e)
the 0neascd flag ti,i a weapon and 130.1!ly'
recelaed land, where, alter hveing'reste'1
,uflie untly to mover part 01 kir;:
etre11)41), he planted the flag and Walited
fur the boat to be table to hake n lamb
ung to take lout back to the gunboat. -
411.snaiu herald,
"Catching Heat.11
h '41t1'y a"etvolldher o4arct 0d1uth. odolenstp41irn0g-
tro,s due` to the modern .Investigations
of crease, 1111 by 'scold is Meant all
the acute inflammations o1 the4re)pir,•
torr tract, including linen/110111a., .Ek! -
01)0 tomer have pneumonia alhome, but
they nearly all die of it when, they come
to New York. This disease Is now the
most lttalotic, in tho:hent"1f Pnut a'
coli ,tales that novae of lits party ,uf-;
Owed. from 00)141)4 and 'colds itf' the: Ara-'
tic, bot sifter their return they hays all...
ford such diseuWs. ''Tropic'al colds" are
the persistent forme of bronchitis -found. '
in white, men in the tropics and-sd'hard'
to -throw off" or car. It 10 troll to in -
• quire, ton' that the benefits of cold air
ore being reeognizcil, whether our win -
tor colds are not really due to the uo-
whm101ome Leat of our houses, which are
hotter i1 whuter than in sunnier. If so,
oro do not "e1t011 cold" when We leaVe
the li use, but "catch 11:at" \aunt we
enter 11 Every new fact seems to point
to the necessity of a reform in our tooth -
oils of overheating our hooses--Aneri-
can :Medicine.
No Difference,
The janitor of a small church on the
South Side of New York., raises a kw
chickens in a small inclosuro in his
back yard. The eggs of these he sells`.
to some members of the church.
Last Saturday one of his customers
naked him if he could spare a dozen eggs
Within tho'next two or three days.
"01,, 400, ma'am," replied the janitor.
"111 bring yet a dozen fresh 0008 to-
morrow meriting."
"Oh, no, protested the houlowife; "I
shouldiv't wont 4021 to bring them on
Stmda4—not on Sunday, JOhn."
"Well, " replied John, all right, inn'•
an, if you say so, but it oh,n'I: make
00 difference to the hens."
Lest Wicks Smoke.
To prevent wicks front smoking when
first lit, it is a good plan to boil them
before they are used, several being treat-
ed at once, so as to save firing. To do
this, an old enamel -lined saucepan should
bo half-filled with vinegar and the wicks
laid at the bottom. When the vinegar
has boiled up once the saucepan should
be kept at the side of the stove for two
or three hours, when the wicks must be
drained and hung' up to dry,