HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-10-05, Page 5At OCTOBER 15, 1899. rel. •••••••••••••000101 1 • : • : 2 0 ••• t a • is : • • * 0 0 0 0 0 a • • 'as • * • 0 • • • • • We have nut goi4*the dowers I • but we bave the beautiful fra.• • grant qualities et tlae moNt popu- • • lar flowers an our show caees. 2 • We have just received. ehip- .: „ „ • • went of trio latest perriunes front• • Pne of the most 'reliable distiller- 2 ',ies in America. If you have ; • taste for the most bearitiful per- •• • • f wines ever distilled, call and ask •• •_ to see.our WILD ROSE. xSwiss RELIOTROPIP, • 'cito'virse srioLET. • s; PEAR DeEsPAGNE. s'• ITALIAN PINK. . • ,* v.s.LLEY VIOLET. 1„ LA PRANCE ROSE. • If you Imo a fiat velvety skin, bey our • - VALLEY VIOLETB CLUcOLossE oSoAPS • } ' • ▪ INPAN'11:, DELIGHT • • SYDNEY. 'JACKSON -a • Phone a Prescription Drug Store • • a Oleft••••••••••••••••••••••es PIN EAppLE EssENBE oposaxou 4Rviazu =or. 11/TITIM,Pla Lieaseg-Thorobred-Stellien gay age, In the teliaTe of Dr. Von States Rohl Thompson. S organ ANIMente eif ego, Oundry Zroe, diploma, Epbrairn , Every' X1P4,' Butt,. Filly or gelding, 3 years old, Dr. 'Whitely, Jas 11014anue, Fred Xurney, the pineapple home valuable 6004- Filly or gelding, 2 years old, .1 W Yea, tuent known as vegetable pepsin, Test 4 •T 5I0Leugblin, Filly or gelding, year - this by rialxinitorpal partg of pineapple 'lin!, Win eitraughan. Brood mare with Piztearp 0 ratite fe 010114 , Readeter arid Saddle -Stallion any and beef ag tat ng. At 04 teilierature fo• by bee elde jos, Wilsont Guildry of 103' Fahrenheit, viten, in _ee time the meat. will be entirely Moiety& . Dive, 0 W William, Foal o 1899, V Two rare moo is the principal tug. mWaWresillirg,elkirriundast, obleeotonzeeditutaietes: redient in Pr. Von StaresPineappie Wm Dale & Son David Lindsay. Single Tablete, and anyone), at any time can - . ' id j. i30 nem To enjoy the healing virtues of the' ripe bersei .guaro or ge ingi Ye fruit hy their use. You •eat them like Wilson, A Fishet. Saddle horse, mare candy. They are verypalatatee; harm. or gelding, Oliver Grigg, Female any leas as pure milk. They afford instant age,, MoLesughlIcee ()nit loaleci in relief in all cases of indigestion mid dye- 1899, sired by YiToodlawn, Gundry pepsie. Their right use will cure all Broil, stomach troubles and establish sound Lady Riders and Drivers -1410y rider, health, pax of 00 Tablets, 3.5 conte.- Mies Andrews ,Lady driver,Mbie,Green, Sold by watts k Co. Kra Prouse, Wm Dale te Son. Carriage-- Stallion any age, John Gas in Harallton has beetereduced to $1. a thousand feet net. WILL DIE BEFORE DAYLI ;.) • W0t714) 114:V14 REIS AzerewER TO QuErsz-WRENP-BreTDE, Assesusw's Clung for the HEART SNAPPED the' DEA= STsziNeisi, Mies, B., 180 (4neen etreet W„ To- ronto, gives this unsolicited testimony: "For a number ef years bed been 11. great sufferer from heart troubles, had smothering sensations, palpitation, neuralgia thumping, was very easily fatigued. I was) induced to. try Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart when I had despaired living threngh the night, The benefit was instantaneous. I have taken five bottles and have PO hesitation in heartily recommending and will be glad to communicate with any one desiring it." For sale by Watts & • The Andre boy which. Was picked up a, while age turns out tp he one '• which Andre intended te drop in the event of his succeeding in passing the Chambers, Frank Elliott, Stallion WY age John Chambers, diploma. Filly or gelding, Yerire old_, W (204 not known). Filly or gelding, 2 years old Thos Naftel, 1 and 2. Brood mare with her foal by her side, Nrs At - rill. 'Foal of 1899, •Mrs *Attrill, Single carriage horse, mare or gelding, S Ap- pleby, General Purpose -Brood mare, with her 141 by her eide Jos Salkeld, John W Salkeld, Geo lark. Filly or geld- ing, 2 years old G Olark, Yearling, filly or gelding, G F Olark, John An- drews, Worse% Foal of 1899,Joim W Salkeld, J.os Salkeld. Matched team, gelding or mare% Chas W Taylor. Agricultural -Brood mare with •her foatet her eide, John Salkeld & Son, Pani Reed, bias° Salkeld, jr. Yearling, filly or gelding, John Andrews Jacob Moser. Foal of 1899, Paul Reed,,7 Saik- eld on. a e earn, ge tugs or Co lection of vvriting and rawing, Fnur,r-Apples.7.40 varieties, named. mares, J Salkeld & Son. specimen by four pupils, two in III •consisting of 4 summer or fall,sand..3 Heavy Draught Imported -Stallion, class and. 2 in IV class, each pupil to winter,. John 'Andrews, W Bichan. 3 years old and upward, Guirtiry Bros. furnish a specimen of writing and a Six varieties, named, W Bichan, Okras Stallion any age, (Sundry Bros, specimen of. drawing. Grouse B lst, Wells, jos Salkeld. Six varieties, nana• Cons- -Short Horn, Pure Bred-- 'Daisy Roberts., Robert- Craigie, Pearl ed. John Richards, John Andrews, W In this class all the prize money except Evans, Mabel •Tretheyvey. Group C, F Hick, Duchess of Oldenbur , Thos pole. sec 2 where there was no entry, was 2nd,'Essie Smith, Fred Craigie, 3/Yrtle Wallis, S Furze. Alexander„ m Bich - taken byJas Snell. Cousins Mar Nicholson, Group A; an, St Lawrence, F E Bingham, Est ClreumstanceS-Alter Cases. . . • x 3rd, .Howard ottertson, Minus Mair, Sohn Stewart Gravenstein, HOurwen, fi Jersey .Pure Bred -Cow in calf or giv- ing milk, John ewcom e, and no Arthur McLean, lrene Saults. Map of John Richards, Calvert, Chas.Wells, b 1 2 J "." THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Ben Dodd, laud 2. Buff J 0 Lyons, 1 end 2. Silver Wed, J 0 Lyons, J Poe- tleweite. Gelder), W A Roo 1 and 2. Langehalie, Wileort Bros, Walter Tay- lor, Andaluelans, D X Forrester 1 and 2. Minorca*, blank, Wm Anstay,1 and 2. tame, blackebreeete4 red. Alex Kirkbride, 1 and 2. Brown-bregsted red Chas Wells. Pile, A J (Meg. Malay or Indian. Any other Varietal, J Peetle- waitt. Bantams, biaok-hreaeted red, J 0 Lycra. Bantams, pile, J 0 Lyons, • W Irwin. Bantam), duckwing, Wm Anatay, Bantams, eeebright 8814841.1 J 0 Lyons, land 2. Pekin bantams, u W Irwin. Red caps, Colin Campbell, Turkeys, white, W Carter, Geese, 3Lehden, G W Irwin. Toulouse, W G Lamplarey. Any other variety, G W Irwin, j WSalkeld. Duck, Ayleeburyt W Carter, Rouen, 0 W Irwin. Pekin G W Irwin, JO Lyons. Any other variety, clif Clark, G W Irwin. Guinea fowls, 001IW Campbell. Colleetion rah- ' bits, 001in Con3pbell Sohn Galt. Celiac. tion pigeons, F L Willis. Incubator in lifrs 0 earthed. Ina Andrewe. Pencil or erayon rewires, Mrs 0 Campbell. NFEerArkerite Mr* Geo Evelio, Pen and ink sketch, • Mrs. 0 Campbell. PRA/VOSSIONAL Olt AlgATINca-Archi. Than Precepte tectutal dravving, Ado Fovvier, Wal- ter I' Hick. Engine, machine or mill doming. Ades Fowler. FLoWifite-thit Bowers, Watsor '11)411idtt, (Iklagtelttr.g4.• Verbeuas, 11 ham, Bet John eitewert. Hand bluet, boquet; It' Bingham, Bet J Stewart. Caruations, Eet J Stewart, Etorai a.. sign, Geo $tevvart, Watson. Zin- nine, double, jOhn Rid:ludo, Truss geraniunans single flewer Est Jolm .E Bliehate, L Watson. able Stewart, t, Watson, D4uble flower, 11 L Watson, Est john Stewart. Glaciloiw„s Bingham, Chas Wells Miters, Wm Stewart, 1-1 L Watson. Pansies, Wm Stewart F Bingham, petunias, single, Wm Stewart, H L Wateon. DoubletJehnIlicharde. Coleus FE Bingham. Tuberous begonlas,reot. ed. Wea Stewed, Bet Jobn Steware. Begonias, Itex, -14` .0 Bingham, John OPeratton, W A Ross. s. Richards, Fusehias,varieties in flower, „ Breeding Pens-- Brahmas, light or 'Wm Stewart, Est johti Stewart. Ger- darks Newcombe, Jr Ben Dodd. . anoints, single, in -bloom, Est John COchins, any color, j yowl, 1 ante% Stewart. Single, in bloom, Est J01131 Leghorns, any_variety, Walter Taylor,• Stewart, Wesley McLean. Double, in J ()Lyons. Wyandottes, any variety, bloom, Est John Stewart. Double, in W Ross, F L. Willie. Game, anY bloom, Bst John Stewart, Wesley Mc - variety, Alex Kirkbride, Chas Wells. Lean. Greenhouse plants, John Rich- '--Iroodis Pills aura liver Hatriburge, Any vete% Ed Munro. ards, J•ohn Tancott. Foliage Vents e • It is not what wesap, Imst 040 )42120!' s SmsapamUla Grmi4 that felts the story,' 274mxiptnifs oftestlknon4a4 4AC examples of what Hoes has done 'iv others, aia •wh4t it quill ;Iv you. Win* - "X *all weak and had fain ing DY0Ponsla irellgestion in severe form troubled me. Vivo isottlep Iteed'ii daregperldeoneds me Wen and strong." Mae, WassatiValwar.ginishisSit• Whittle, QM. 120, ssetholu0– oWo have takes .0400d's filsraParlila In Our family A a epring medicine and used Hood's Pills ter billow*** and found both Medic -hien vess7 g . od we kaow week sarsaparilla is g004 Medieine." 3.1. Pingo, publieber:Yfeee, Atwood, Ont. Minorcas, any variety, --AnstaYsJ Tancott, John Richards, angtng• ell .e ,Y 41 $0 Howrie, PWroonth rooks,any veriety, flower baskets,. B' B.Binghatia, Wm •° V at" J'oseph E hitely, Wilson Bros. Stewart. Exotic ferns, John Tama% (itnettatt o., Oruggists. • Dorkins, any yariety, W Irwin, Est John Stewart, woolen Y. home made, Mrs Jos • Houtlans any varieeir,e Wm Cartel'. AlIATRUR-Ctlt flowers, Chas Wells, Tom, MrS T Hamilton. wool mat,. •Spadish, 'any -variety, G W Irwin,- Win. Stewart, Dahlias, Oints Wells, yarn, 1.1 Wise L Symington, Quilt, log • Miscellaneous -Singing canary, W‘ Wm Stewart. • Rand baguet, Okras cabin, Mrs O'Canipbell, Mrs jos Tom. G Lamphrey, F E 13ingliam. • - Wells 2nd, Table baguet, Chas Wells woolen mitts, win sterling. B. Nv.,4,e. . VENstAissans-sSpecimen of writing, • 2nd. Fuschias, in bloom, Wili Stewart, LAD,Es, ey-,,,x_ne„t,„ shirt Hoe, front• . III class pupils, Maggie Sutheilarid. Chas 'Wells. Geraniums, single, in maohini maill'i, llelii Stirling, t Buchanan; • Lydia Reck. IV class pupils,. Reggie bloorn, Wm Stewart, Wesley McLean, leis fan% flan shirt, matilin,d3, mac?, •L • dittlYb, Herbert Smith. " IV class elirs Gee Evans, Mes.kitunisers. liegon-s o ert Oraigie Reg ie Tye. las, Win Stewart Wesley DdcLean, triitsit• rt: aGniiitPu* an r°a I MIS.-' M L Sno d Crochet in wool mrs Tdryttew.Linigz,z1liaaJeolahranosteptpiis!ipoecwinienenmouf. oDooluiabglee, iplabnitoso,ww, Wm eseti:ywIllarctL. ecanactiods; Hamilton „_.Lailies underwear,. _A, GoidthorPc, Mrs A D McLean. Tatting, Mrs C Call91)ben• , Ge ot , ant s nig tRilirt, T e • Ontaz•io, colored, .1Virs T .Hanailton, Cayuga. Red Streaked W Bich- • In cases of dyspepsia,. nervousness, L Aitken. Heifer, 2 years old, giving Arth or 1VicLean. . an. Pippin or, Cabasher, Curwen, catarrh, rheumatism°, eruptions, etc., milk, John CO; John Aitken, F 4 Bingham. Heifer any other age, John Doiswene MorermAc-runks.-Horiey, Mrs G Graeme. Snow, E Allan W the circumstances may pe altered .by • • syrup and sugar- Display of honey, Lamphrey. Wealthy, W Bichan, Thos purifying and enriching the 'blood -NT with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Good aPPe- a -gee, John" e$1130X.. I II woomb j L A tit F 1 Win Hartrey: Honey in combs, Wm • . tite and goed, digestion, strong nerves 'Irnal J. LenlAlt(13geonf eany•Hartrey, Mrs Humber. Jar of honey, and perfect health take the place of Oracle .0attle-Cow, giving milkor in Win ,Hartrey; Paul Reed. Maple sugar, these diseases. Hood's SarsaParillot •°Ear 5 Fume,- Jos Salkeld, Gundry M Brethour t Maple syrup, M Brethour, is America's Greatest Medicine and the Ergs. • Cow giving milk, 3 L Aitkin A J Goldthorpe. e • • best that money'can buy.. Gundry Bros. Heifer,. 2 years old,',T W Preserves, Bread, etc,--Asisartment noon's PILLS cure billiousness,sick Salkeld, 1 and 2. Heifer 1 year old 3 of home made preserves, consisting of • • headache,• ' •W Salkeld, I and 2, JOB Selkeld. Heifer • six varieties, David Prouse, 3 IC Wise., calf -under•• 1 $ I' T year-. Peaches, J K IA/ ise, j li Howrie. Pears de steer, T W Salkeld 1 and 2 Jos 6 Morninftitr, Mrs Humber. citron, , - The 4-eatinent ef the bubonic plague .1 th..„..I.t.frainentl*„43omes • .from, rying 'fix 'the eyes 'on a giv pn point and forcing them :to • • • 'T'Sifbrm tasks , for. whieh they are incapacitated. . •A PAIR OF GOOD . GLASSES such as we fitto your facer .-tvd eyes *ill Make reading..A piefieure, Pkices Reasonable. , • . ericanWervine through great cures I Henry „ Ram any age • J Snell, dip- ;onus sap, 3. °wix wise, e. • • said. • to have _ isseert....Saikelds,Xiarling steer, j W .Salkleld, 1 Havnnali deft wJ Onctmimrberos, f • D rouse, eld. Female, 1113Y age, J SaIkeld. ti nee, s K Wise, Mrs Humber. Mixed pickles succesaful at Oporto. • • • Sind 2. Steer calf, $ Furs° J W silk- • YouNg ATSEVENTY C' b 11, J K W Jellies 3 kinds Herd consisting of 4' female? ant( --1 . .,.„— Ohas Wells, A.,E Washington. Three • JNDIGESTION AND• STOMACH /ROUBLES steer J W Salkeld, S Ruse. • • ,.' i ... : • .oaveenf home-made bread; made with Fa.° ttle-Fat ox or bteer, ' R Mc- P Gold Yeast D rouse, David Mc- :" 'virin—VOUR 130TTLES BROUGHT BA.OK ,r Lean,.SaFtirse... .Fat cow or heifer, S .Brien, A J Goldthorpe. :time' loaves REMOVED lirSOUTH AMERICAN NEE. - -- • SLUMP, -Long Wooled -Leicester- 'Gold Yeast by girl under 15, D Mc- ' home-made bread nude with Pure HEALTH AND VIGOR.• • Furse, W Merney. , ' Mr. Jas. Sherwbod,"pf 'Windsor, Ont., Rem, 2 shears and • over, Jae' Snell. Brien, D Prouse. Three loaves , woe - Writes: • "For twelve months 1 wee a - Ram, ram, Jas Snell john Berr,Ram finale bread made With baker te hop great sufferer from indigestion and lamb, Jae Sued, John' Bare': Pair 'of . bead °P yeast cakes, Ak liGliDikitN110ang% stornaah trouble. After trying other •0,71311,8 shears anti over, Jas Snell, John Pr°48ei , Layer b?a qi. yr , wra 9 . _ ren3edies 'Without 'any benefit what; Barr, Pair of shearling ewes, Jas!Snell,. T.11:s a Its* • Tea isepte, • ever, I was attracted to South Ara- 1 and 2. Ewe lambs, Jas Snell, deorge no k, D Prouse, F Elliott. Co ection f pies, 3 H Ho • ,MrS A D McLean.. read of its making, and I decided to loma. Ewe any age, dlen Bros, dip* Laura A awe. Fancy. ie,at- cakes, D tryl it, After a few doses I felt great relief and benefit. I have taken four looms ° ' . s Prouse, Laura Adards. Layer: ciike bottles, and although I am 70 years Short Wooled- Southdowna-s :Rani Iltacle with Maple Leaf Baking Powder g a n y relief from ths great suffering I' had: I consider it a great medicine."- Sold by Watts and Co. •, :•• • G IG Jeweler and Optician. • AUOT1()N:$414E OF .HEREFORD CAT1rLE.. ' At, Lot 20, Con, 4, Goderich township, • 4 miles from Holmosmille .••• Station on TUESOK.00TOOLR17TW pediogi:mi furnishedareeicatio;.' . • • THOS. BROWN, , WM. ELLIOTT,ProPriotor, Audio/10o; • porte0 Hill. P,O, OUR SPECIALTY • IS FLOUR, and FEED; and our greatest seller the White Swan Flour, This is, we believe, the most popular brand on the market. If you try it once you will be- so pleased with it that you will•prefer it to other 'brands. We are now selling the White Swan at $1.75 per cwt. Several. of bur custo- mers have- asked for Aye Flour of which we now have a etock on hand. OUR. GROOERI ES are always fresh and well assorted, and the prices, you vrill find, are most reaspnable. Butter and, • Eggs wanted., O. Oi.SON SPECIAL NOTICE Just at, hand, some 'special • values in leas. MIR 25C AND 30C LINES are extra yalue, • TRY CORSO SARDINES CASEC VAID FOIL Goop npv: • TER .ASTD EGGS. CI'm STEWAT1T. • If you want anything in the Musical line, call O iloares 410/0 tntporium, Illeeee.".11111."1" old I ive this th nkf 1 testimon for • Wt. BRUCE;. • SURGEON DENTIST. Office -Coats' Bloek, Albert Street; Special- ties -Crown and Bridge Work and. preserva- .tion of tho natural teeth. AU OTI.ONEER• THOMAS •BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conducted in all parts of the Counties of Huron and Perth. Orders left at Trot NEws- RECORD office, Clinton. or addressed to Sea - forth P, 0,will receive prompt attention. Sat; isfaction guaranteed or no charges, rour nate renege Solielted. APPLESWANTED • The Sanford -Evaporator Coilipany Will pay the highest rnarket price for Apples, Windfttll and culls, at their factory in Sanford, • BECK, GOLDTHORPE & CO, • Saltford,Ang, 29th, 4t HOUSE FOR SALE.- • The subscriber offers for sale his house and 10t on corner of Hattehbtuwand Raglan streets. W. G. DOHERTY. • Clinton, April 13th • HOUSE FOR SALE. ' Comfortable dwelling house on east side of Albert Street, containing 7 :homes bard and • Soft water and quarter Of an acre of land, fruit trees, elm Will be sold cheap as awneris leav- ing town. Apply to. _ •• JOHN RID OUT .1nly 4, • Clinton" STORE TO RENT. The undersigned offers f�r rental the Store on Huron street lately °Coupled by Holloway& Morrish. THOS. JACKSON,' Clinton, Itine 23nd4 • •Wal is, Ribston pir.:putJohn Andrews W Hick. Grimes g lden, W Bich! an. Xing of Tompkins county, W F Hick, W Young. Cranberry plispin, J W Salkeld, Chas Wells, Pewaukee, • Bichan,W Young. Wagner, Wm' 'Sterling, John Pewter. Hunbardson's Nonesuch, We F Hicks Jos Salkeld. Westfield's seek no farther, ' john Porter, Jos Salkeld. Rhode Island. Greening, John Porter, Jos Baldwin, :W 3-"W Salkeld. Spitzenbuig, 0 J 5 Naftel, WF Hick. Tolman'e sweet. W Warnock, John Porter, ' American -golden ritasett, STT Salkeld, John A.ndrews. Canada Campbell. Miss alrn. cotton, L Symington, A lt IlVashinyton. In silk, Mrs C Cananhell. °ringlet linen lads A, It Washington, Mrs C Campbell. Crochet work and novelty braid combined, Wilson Bros, Miss Nairn. Crochet slippers, L Buchanan. Knit slippers, J How- rio L Sneyd: Knitting, lace, fancy, by hand, A E. Washington, L Symington. Netting,' fan- cy, L Buchanan, Mrs 0 Campbell. Embroider. ea slippers, Mrs Carapbtll, Geo Nott. EM• broidery on linen or cotton with floss, M G Cameron,' Mrs IVI Cameron. Embroidery 'with silken felt, L Symington, Enibroldery, Roman, on linen, •Mrs 0 Campbell, L Syming. ton, Embroidered linen picture frame, Wilson, Bros, Ed. Munro, ' Embroidered table centre, Miss Ralph, Wra Stewart: Embroidered table doylies, linen, 14 G Cameron, G Nott: Em- broidered. sideboard Cover linen, J 11 Howrio. Embroidered iriDresden, J H Howriet-In-dolf Miss Nairn, Wilson Bros. In jewels on linen, Wilson Bros.' vn silk or satin. L Symington. On flannel, M LSnevd. Embroidered-trap:40th, Illrs M 0 Cameron, L Buchanan. Embroidery, lace stitch, M 0 Cameron, Geo Nett. Etching or outline on linen, M Cameron, Win Bar- trie. Tea cosy, linen, Mrs M Cameron, Thos Wallis. Tea cosy, linen, May Doyle, M Cameron. Piano, or table scarf, L Symington,_14 Acheson. Fancy tidy, M L Syneyd, Goo Nott Sofa pillow. Mrs M Oaraeron,L Buchanan: Head rest, fancy, M L Snevd. F E Bingham. Darned net, Geo Nett Mrs 0 Carapbell:Drawn•• ..or-Mexican-work,--W-Hartry,-L-sSsiningtous Darning, Queen Ann, L Symington. Darned sox or stockings, J Howrie, Mrs T Hamilton. Patch on old garment W Flartrie.Wm Baby dress, Mrs. T Hamilton. .& J Goldthorpe. Braiding in silk, M L Sneyd, L Symington. 'Braiding on eetton AID Washington, L Buch- red, joha Anilrewif, Jos Salkeld, Mtn / :Afghan awington,, Mrs C prphell rallawater; 'W F 'Wallis, 0 Wells. -ton:lig1tZko:ddlass,131411.111)1,1-6%.,Yri'41,4; Phoenix,. M G. Isarephrey, ,losepti Kenzie, Painting on China, airs 340 Otiltieron; Whitely. Roxberry russettS3 S How,. M 0 Cameron. Dna pair of cotton stockings. rte,, Est jahri Stewart. Ben ;Davis, 'W '14illeigeJditHiiwoviesrt Rrnhangrli .Lamp.hrey,- Jahn W Salkeld, On- sPocimen, Bartrie': May Doyle. • 'Swum's) •''Perinne Grise, Stevvitt Eat, Units, . Jos Whitely, C Ss Nitftel's rriatteulinry lace, 11.Wise m °amerce, -Lace' hrtikerchicfs, couching, May Doyle.' Fall, Evan Allan. Northern spy,.J W Salk- Doer:ligItilet Er 71 eglO/Ydellgir illIgie,- eld, Chas Wells. Mann, Geo W An- Ladies' shopping bag, ivIrs 0 &relabel!, Mrs T dre•ws, Wm Warnock. Seedling, Jos Hamilton. . Gentleman's glove, collar aral cuff: Salkeld, Stewart Es• t. Any other vale- tegieiniTiltrolit:glit KI,`1.T.t.".°NriltugdrIt!":11 iety,D Pronse, WF Hick. Crab apples, 148serd. Slipper case; mei Cameron, Mr's C B .U'urse, Jos Salkeld. Attinces, RIVIcIls CarimbelL. Paper rack, Mrs M 0 Cameron: ,. Point, lace, IVIIMI Nairn, Wes Doylo_: Ideal ' • honitoth worked in silk LSymington Lambre- lamb, Glen )3ros. „Ewes 2 shears' and special prize by G hi Elliott, Goderichi ' PEAriSL-Six Varieties, rataled, .JOhll quin inantio, 1, symagton-,_-Gcm lecke Mead overt -Glen Bros.• Shearling ewes., Glen J H Howrie.. • •. • . . _ •- Richards, jas Dickson. Three varieties,' work, arraseno work; veo •Nott; si L Snovd. Bros. Ewe larobs, 'Glen Brea.- , . ' GARDEN TEGETABLES--SiX varieties 'riareed, Win Warnock, 3 np ' Andrews. Arnieue on felt. Mrs.' C_ciampbell, Drawing • Oxfordshire Downs -Ram, 2 shears of potatoes, 8•Furse, Walter Taylor. Five Bartlett,Chas Wells,WVirarnock. Crsmareeseettifstfalsr.Cusinnt,geas and over, Paul Reed. '• ..Shearing ram,. Everett's, RIX weeks' potatoes; Wm Flemish beauty, Ohas Wells jno Por-. Kitchen apron, H Wise, J'' n Howrie. Pillow '139.lil Reed, 1 and 2. Ram lamb, Paul Bichan, Chas W8118- ter. Duehess ,D'Angoulerne,' W Was- shams, •GeolNott, Mrs_Jes •Tom. 'Toilet- set Reed,1 and 2i : Ewes,2 shears and over, . Dotatoes, Willer Taylor,. Sannielleurse. White elephant -noek,Jno Richards, President Druards, ghlirthoupHMItisjitTe..ToRbj lorillostts, Tiats a Evan Allan. - Louis bonne de jersey, • son, griesIsi 0 Cameron. Paullteed,1 and 2., Shearling awe Paul ' otatoes,Suay 'other variety named, W Washstand splasher, Warnock, . Chas, wen_a_,_ __• Surenstr Reed, 1 'and 2. .Ewe ' lambs, • Paul - ' W Warnock,W F Hiek, Berner° D'An- linen..L Symington nit and 2nd„. • • • squash for table, Chas Wells. •Eub- jou • }I Curwen .. Mrs M C Cameron'• bard squatith for table, .3' &Reid &Son, BBeiirre superfine' , W F. .Hicsk. E- All.. Lig' htsiorsesLE Siair71113881,1g tendon ttnd. N H •• Paul Reed, 1 and 2., Rem any ago, Paul Reed, diploma. Ewe ay. age, Paul j,e; Rossste. Re.ets, white . or golden eurre hardy, - E Allans Beurre di 1, nose's is. Conley Toronto .' ' . ' ' •' W W 11 d MR 1 -Reed, diploma. • -. • celery, John Tancotts Walter Taylor,. A IGoldthorpe. :Believe hose &Purse, • Cat -tie fairs -D 111 e rr I n e teurrY ' T /LOY Breed, NeMed•LTium, sheen Red celery,' ,.- Walter ''TaYlore', E W F Hick. Five Sheldon,. El' Curwen, Di Imo 'Clod ri h • --_ _tie 0 uncan, ray o , a . and over, George Leithwaite, • •Ewes,:2 ' E Bingham, Heads winter eabbages shears . and '.• over, Geo • Leithwatte mimed, Waltsr Taylor; 1 „Salkeld . & Sbearling ewes, Geo .Leithwalte. Erre. Son.. Heads .Setvoy cabbage, 3' Salkehl lambs, Geo Leithwaite, 'Ram any ages & Son, Chas Wells. Beane ' red cab - Geo Leitervaite,diploma. - Awe • any .b.age,. Obas.Wolls, 3 Salkeld - & Son. age, Geo Leithwaite, diploma. • Turntp blood beets, table, Chas Wells, ' -I ins IV ehards Radishes Chas Wells • 3 K Wit. Cal:rots for take,J Man Tan: Shropshire Downs -Vara, 2 shear; and -0-- over Glen Bros, Geo W Sturdy, Shear, • cott Walter Taylor Parsnips for table,' Jno •Tancott, Wm ' Warnock. e onions, Walter Taylor, J Salkeld' ling ram, Andrew Dunkin. . Ram lamb, Andrew Dunkin„Glen Bros, Elea ' 2 g d simile and over, Aedrew. Dunkin; G -,W & Son. Yellow onions, Chas Wells,W Sturdy. Shearling ewes, Andrew 'Dun- kin, G W Sturdy. 1 and 2. Pen Of sheep, any breed,, Sas Snell,. G'W Stur- dy, • • • . . Fat Sheep—Fat sheep, eive 03' Weth- er,George Henry. ' Ewe lambs, 0- W Sturdy,'Jimes Snell. . Plea -Small •Breeds -- Improved Berkshire- boar, over 1 year, Chris Fahner, 1 and 2. Boar' littered in 1890, Chris-Fahner,•and diploma, Sow 2 yrs and over,Cbris Fahner Ist and diploma. Sot, of 1890, Chris Fahner, lat and dip- loma. Sow any age,Clbris Fabner,I and 2. Chester White -Sow, 2 years and eller, mew, aver I Year, sow of 1899,. sow any ageoTos Salkeld, Poland China - sow of any age, OF Olark land 2. Dui- oc Jersey -sow any. age, Wesley Mc- Lean. . Improved Yorkshire -sow of 1899:Wesley: McLean 1 and 2. Any : other breed named -boar over • 1 year, Chris Fahner, 1st and diplomat John Sowerby, 2nd. Boar of 1899, •Chas. Fah- , her 1 and2, • Sow over 1 year, sew of 1809, Chas Fahner. . • ' Peevrar-Srahreits, light, 'A ' Mob Alla?, John Newcombe; jr. Dark, G ISIc- Dwain, Coehins, white, J 0 LYene, •Btiff, J.0 Lyona,./1 -mop Allan. Part- • _ ridge, Cie W Irwin. Dorkluiesilver gray, G W 1rWin, Haniburgs, golden spang- LAND FOR SA LE. led, Win Carter. Silver spangled) Jas ----,- • ' Postlewaitie, Wm Carter, Giolden pen - The uhaersigned offers for Silk that &tartlet° Gilled, Wm (arter, Silver peneilled,W sixteen .116) acres , ofiand south of the London Romi Bridge. His a beautiful site for bitilding Oart,eri 1-31aeleitud white, j l'oftlewaites and win be Feld in one piece or in lets. •My W Carter. Lee:terns, buff, J C Lyons. remion for Bening is that it igi too far from town Brown, single single comb, Wesley McLean, to handle myself and it doesn't pay to hire help alter Taylor. Brown, rose comli,3 0 OMR Clinton 'QV Sheep -Peter Arkell. Teeswater. Jno &chards. Winter Nellis,FE Bmg- ham. Beurre clairgeous.Jno Richards. Stratford, and RPen. _ PLUMS -Bradshaw, Mrs Humber. dagsgalgreccsicere; Flowers --Win Coats, Clinton. .• . ' W I" Hick, Howell, Mrs G Evans, Jno • Poultry -It Oke, London. • Richards. Seckel, S Morningstar, "W F Agricultural Products-Wm:Weir, Clinton. Hick, Lawrence, H Cumin, E Allan. Field Roots ard Garden Vegetables- W I( Jesepbine DeMaline, F E 'Bingham, E Mearrfigrusseti . - 0 . ' ' o nets- ugh. Mc artney Bruce - Allan. .LouiseS4 Allan. Keiffer,Jained field. ' • ' • Dickson, w warnock,.. Any •• other' Iona work.-Misif Wheaton,_London. variety, w V. Hick, Evan 'Allan.. I restie Manufactures-IVIrs D ildoCormick, Dungannon, . . •Pond's seedling, win Stewart, Jno Pine Arts -Rey m. Turnbull, and 5 MeV' Taylor'. Silyer skin onionsW Tar art, • Jno Richards. Duarie"s purple ride and Drawling -Miss. Mciellsn, Richerds, Smith's Orleans, wm Stew:'. Carp' Thos Hood, Chas Wirt. , Egg plants, 2 specimene, Wril W noch,Chas Wells. Berne Claude De Bevay , win Wer- English Spavin Liniment-ism:nov.3s all. eTbaorsedP/1WWinulteslyteswiWtrz. mStreswarlit.umLboemr: PruriteLD W Rea' dle, Toronto ' • .• • ' • lor, I Salkeld & Son. Corn 'for table, Cauliflower; Jno T ncott Ripe sand.- nock. General • Hand, win Young bard soft Or calloasedluinps arid blew - cum% W Taylor, Chas Wens. Red or Green gage, $ Furse, .•W• 0 Lamphrey. ishes'from. horses, blood spavin, curbs Stewart, W Coe's golden drop, sym Stewart, Mr;i - purple tomatoes, Wm • Wells. Collection gardeif herbs, Gbas • in star. Profound alasem-' exists at Charles - Taylor, Cucumbers, S Furse, Chas 'Humber. Any other variety, $ Morn • - Wells, WmBrethour'. Collection gar- isAorsts-Seed1' F Hi k Th ' •- ' town, the Natal station closest to the , trigs, w c , os Transvaal border. • ken produce, Chits Wells,: • Sunflower, wallis. SI' Worsell, • . • - ' Lyons. White single comb. Wilsert tune201h. 1101ISE FOR SALE; n (se mit, home made, Geo Notts Hannah Prouse,'R Mellwain. Corn, Dent, Thos wise, Patchwork quilt woolen M El MRS' WINSUIVB g°°Thilla SYnUP has been Jos Tom, Mrs 'T flittniltrin, Cotton Mrrs rgebYt,:itilliii?ingS. 1111 111critshtin efl tale iirigehitilacirerg broken of your 'rest Hoed. Corn, fiseld, any other variety, J Salkeld & Son, 13 Curysen. Lat. eat by a sick child suffering T liatnilton,Mre 0 Ottn-ipbell.. Siik, G Notb, L Buchanan, Embroidered quilt *gearing rt.. ot,puttin4Teeth,send at M G Cameron, L Syitilrigton, Knitted ?eetiltylkieVfotte 0°111d1rgi greihirir8141;111,v1111(1 rtir. quilt, L Symington, Mrs., Jos Tom. neve the iminediately. De. poor little sufferer Orochetin on quilt, J Xi Howrie, Wrn rtempoleistors,thttet.anagnimaislodbOut and bowels, enroll *Isa lnrnlolie soften:1%1A Onms, redttoesInflammation, and ' vett tone and . ener to the whole s stem, "Mrs. Winslow's _ ...„. GRAPEs, Melons -Twelve varieties, . AGRICULTURA.L PRODUCTS -.Yield grown itropen ,airs, w warnock. 'Eight . YOUNG AT SEVENTY, Grain -Red Clawson Wheat, S. Furse, varieties, name'd, open air, >v Stewart, Tahllo N vs Wh e aa tl laic es. aplkaewlds° &le8SGobni,dSen FCubritsffe'. open ' air lev w warnock. Emir varieties, named, WAS MY CATARRH -bit AGNEW'S OAT hill POWDER DETHRONED IT • Any other variety, White, named, . D Stewart.' w wartibek Delaware, Concord, El Curvyen, w War- AFTER TWENTY YEARS REIGN. Brethour, id Brethour. Any otiser nock. Hartford, w Stewart. Moore's . variety, red or amber, .named, - M diamond, ti Morningstar, w Warnock. V. A. ' Bottom, druggist, (Jookshire, Brethodr, S Furse. Spring wheat, Col- Eaton, early victor, w warnock. Vir- P. tis says: For 20 years I suffered b orado, D Brethour, EiFurse, Any other genneesS Morningstar. Clinton,H Ours from catarrh. My reeth was 'very variety, 1) Brethour, $ Purse. Rye, D wen, W warnock. Massasoit, w war- offensive even to myself. During that Ilrethours.M Brethour. SIX -rowed bet7, nock, w Stewart, wilder, II Curwen, time I tried everything that came my leysT Salkeld & Son,D,Brethour, Large w Warnock. Lindley,wwarnock, Mere- way which promised me it cure. • In a.l. peae,DBeethour,JStilkeld & Son, Small riniac, W Stewart. Salem, S Mornin- Most all instances I had to proclaim . peas, J Salkeld & Son, S Furse. White starAlerbert, SMorningstassM Bretg- them no good at all. I was induced oitts,EI Curwen, 3 Salkeld &Son. Black our. Niagara, S Morningstar. Jessica, to try Dr, .A.g.new's Catarrhal Powder, oats. Sas Davidson, M Brethour. Flax 'mu warnock. • worden, Mote's 1 got relief instantly after first op, early, S Morningetar, 'wni warnock, plication. It cured me and I am fre- seed,S Fur ,J Salkeld & Son. Timothy 33A% from all the effects . of it. I am a seed, M • hour, D Brethour. Clover Brighton, Wm Warnock, $ Morniur seedy D Brethour, Isesse Saikeld, jr, star. winchelf, Mrs Humber. Ear y thorough believer in its curative White beans, S Fume, Win Mohan. Ohio, W111 warnock, S Morningstar. powers. For sale by Watts & Co. Collection of grain in the straw, S Northern Light, win warnock. Any • Fume, M Brethour, Long red mangold other variety, Wm warnock. Mills,win •'Londen street tailway directors her wurtzols, 3" Salkeld Ss' Son, TE II - -48°--'' warnock. • T we • water melons, Chas decided to increase the company's cap - Waite. Globe, D Prouse, .1 Salkeld & 'wells, Salkeld & SOPS. Two musk mei- tal Stock by $50,000, which will bring Son. Intermediate, I Salkeld & SweSon. ons, win warnock, Salkeld & SOUS. it up to $400,000. de turnips, Geo IV Andrews, W 0 Two citrons, A E weshington, • A 'A - 4 • — • • Lamphrey. Carrots, long. red, IlenrY Romig 'm ......ANUFACTURES Wove Foe Over Fifty Years Ourwen J Saliceld.& Son. White D Bros 'Walter Taylor, Iloutians, j 0 gumpkin, 4 II Howrie 3` Salkel & Lyoos Wm Carter, Polisbe white. mi. Largest squash, Iiina Warnock. °react black, Wm barter, Posile. 0 S Match Largest turnips, R ivaite• Cfolden, Vital Cartel WI ei. •McIlwaine, Geo W Andrews. Largest OW Victoria street. Near Organ Irsetorg Lamphrey, Silver VVD1 Carter'l 'Ind 2; and beet stalks field.corts 3 W e 1, Hartrie, welve yds home-made car- , . $36000alvil.1..ba store, comfortable house wit Plymouth Rooks; liarred, j 0 Lyons, w Joseph Salkeld, Table butterisalted for ii p rty entiy occupied by Pet, Geo XOtb. 14 Buchanan. 110M0- frankeUpehan. Apply to A noes, White VIC Forrester, 1 and use rolls or prints, Paul Reed, Wilson' ' 2. Buff, 10 Lyons, Wyandottee,white pv38 A j Goldthorpe. Titble butter, in made reg mat, Mrs Jos Tom, Mrs T • sts Ben Dodd, 1: d 2 B ff an . ti , J 0 Lyons. ' croell sitlted for resent use, Andrere Hamilton. Woolen stockings, 'Hannith March 'Ali. id Wise, Mrs Joe Tom. 'woolen socke Geo W. BRYDONE Bairn as ----- WtrAw Is 'rum MArrna WIT)1 THE _ Ivo AI•L many.,• gr Itlack.breasted red, ()bee Wells AJ Cheese not less than 12 we, 1101110 Grigg, j Poellewaite, Malay or In- PINK ARTS.-Profebsional list, Oil Grigg. Pile, A II Grigg, Duckwii;g, A make, Mc rs T Hamilton, L Symington, CLINTON BASEBALL TEAM? I Item: Any other Variety, j Postletteite, rriginal)-Landscapet. Canadian sub- SilVer laced, POStleWalie, J 0 Lyons. areen• Mrs T &militant A j X 4x.. " • t ' „ Lang. thorpe. Tub or crock of buttetsnot less Golden, II Doak. Vie A Ross. ott, au, s ... Hamilton. woolen gloves GOO NOtt l‘f S T Hamilton, Woolert 'than 40 Wet Mre T Hamilton, A J. ' r- GoIcithorpb,Patil Reed. 83int bottee 6)16°' Mrs 1'13'6111111°n' SYIPirigt°n. shams, Waltet Taylor', JO Lyons, An- dalusiahe D X ,Ferreeter. Minofeas croek, Wm Weir, A 3 Goldthorpe, - black, AnstaY, J nowrie. Game: Mrs T Hamilton. Cheese, not less than brown•hreasted red, Obas Wells, 1 and 50 pounds, factory made, R Mcliwaiii. . . . Afintams,'black-breasted red, AJ Grigg; . eet, Marine viers, Animals frorn life, - Weeley lifeLean. Beown-breastede0P1844, allY slibietit/ 3 Mee Ieteter. • in ar . loYeriii. DUuk Win& ea eY e ean• , ASIATErtn LIST; OIL -Any subject, • ' W i M 1, w e e"g` Anotay. Pantamp, seabright golden. t) May Doyle, Mrs Colin Ortintibell. Land- - 0 Lyons, 3 Postleitalte. Silver, Wes scope, Mrs 0 ,Campbell, May Doyle, , Taylor, Pekin. bantams, I PostIewaite Marine view, May Doyle,Mrs (,1 Camp. Walter Taylor, Red caps, j C Lyons bell. Landscape, Goderieh harbot or Turkeys, white Win Carter, Geese, rivertMrs 0.Ca,mpbell, Jno Androwe. E mbden, G AV! Iriviir, jos *Whitely. Animale, from life, Mrs 0 Campbell. Toulouse, ,TG I•mphrey. Any other Flowere or frult,LAcheson,M 0 Miner - CROWN BAKERY? - bury, Win Carters Berzon, G W Irvviii P , nr.160, G .VV* Inilrl' 1)1Ickts" A/16-1- t• inflam bell llirs MO Cameron. Original . Still life not llowere or fruit) Mrs other variety, G INI Irwin ,Wesley Me- Rittrlis3tAlt Cate.1•1;rtlobitetainiViti?igCrorrileirk°0"; X 0 liyoner. Pekin G Vir Irwin. AnY Wit ArAillioter, I Li A t r . '," ' ' ' 1 C 11 Campbell, glartinvic• 101seintglYttarrattv'tql'orten, eotonS- ft% 13 DOS OW it, 0 n Wm Carter. Any subjeottMles Ella Freeer, J Adee eueoeSS has been pile- . rd ting on eilk or satin, oils, Jennie , tunnartait Morepowertolt, A wnia teTtUt MAT'llgtt, WErn TUE WE ARE 1000110 TO NONE ••Spring Oblokene*BraheiNel, ligli. 3'F• owler. Landscape,Canadian sublect,,j IN OUR. OWN LINE. 01...yong. Dark, W ThWin. Cochltis, Ades Fowler, jennie McKenzie, Mar. white, $ 0 Lyons. Meet, 0 Lyonc Ine VieW,Mis8 Pease kr Ades 118%8" JJJiM Buff, W Irwim Bros. Part- Atilt/MIN from life,3 Adee Fowler, if you want stale atuirG Derkins, giver gray ima Ella Prater. Flowers or trait -each - G W'IrWint lIgeibMV„ silver spent tie lifeKenzier Mite Ulla Framer. Still e„re not in it, , led, Wm Carter. Golden pencilled life (nut flowers or_frult), Monochrome, . Wm Meter, ItIoak and white, Welt, Mies Elia Fraser, j Ades Fowler. Pen - if you want first.olass, fr Lyn s. tiVintirgilebto' *Wzirtet,&6(4430-"Intlil di :Atm" (117,gig. gittt 110:11; j '1* - Buff 1011-1-1 oinnb,1 j Ades wler. raintling en silk or Sarm 9 itir mallia*Ii* White Stibiegalt'S Oahiptiell, obnAndrows, thern. a.,(3_1117t'ir,' may 130,10. Landecane, 3rier &IMMO/If in. May Doyle. Marine view, M ember - pods this is tho tilaos to got 4111, iiii4n4 itecvdt, tette* eetabf• ' thittirLe If/liftrIcest4, 6411tftniotors.-Aillt ohm Sete otielillif, t .: lab *MU aresitel *auk • Pottleiwgite. Gesiditi, eh kr W ,t ir.tier, 11 0 on, ismderaps, Goderleh harbor or the 0ar�r. P17. river, Uri cionmpbell. Anlpialeiffre 0 4,411,/ G Oaf13' 'eOn: Flowers or al it' gab- , s, ts 01011101101100010111001010111.0111...it. . ilMoKINNON ;. OUR MANTLES AREHERE. We have received our new Fall Mantles, helots and Capes, and they are beauties. We show all the newest styles in the market, every garment 18 up to date. Every 2 lady requiring a new jacket should.see our stock when it a ; is at its best, We show exclusive styles which will not 0' be shown by any other house in Blyth. . •42 Ladies' Black Beaver jackets, lined throughout with colored mercerized V Ladiest.Black and Colored Jackets, lined vvith black and colored sat' ; satana, velvet collar, trimmed with braid at $a.60. velvet collar trimmed with satin, at $7, e ; Ladies' LighttGrey Box Cloth Jaekets, lined with mercerized satana, -fig # O urea pearl buttons, very stylish $10. -- .0 Ladies' Curl Cloth Jackets, lined with checked mercerizedsatana. trim/flied ; as with brald at $10. Ladies' Fine Beaver jaeltets, in brown, fawn and light pearl, lined with 42 $ colored satin, strapped seams, figured pea,r1 buttons ot $15. ' •e0 We also show it full range of new up-to-date Jackets, in black and colore, * 8• at $3.50, $4, $1,50 and $5, • t '• 'I . 0 e INISPECTIQN INVITEE! .0 .- . 1• MCKINNONA 00. SEE! OUR •DISPLAY OF BLYTH • Just received a car load of A.:13.114T-...:H.OM OUGHT The leading stoves in America !RON- ANU HARDWARE :1 STOVES •AND TINWARE Ox Manufacturex'S cind Denier* xu, AL:txusips:42.F-.,FoRKIT0RE • For the Spring trade. we are offering the Jarges.t. and most .eoin plete stook of High,. 1VIedium and Low priced .Vurniture in the County. • We have some great values to .offer PARLOR SUITS, POUCHES, AND .LOUNGE soot ng Syrup" fore ildren teething it plea- sant to the tnsto and is the prescription of One of the oMost and best female physicians and nurses in the Uri d States'. Price ttrenty.iive d by all druggists throu cents ii, bottle. S out the world." 3o sure and ask for re, Wrie/toW111300rnato • rop of Ellreltit kratileila 011 will take the- stIffness out of ,old harness au& make It soft as new. it 'will look like new. It oils, softens, blackens and preserves the leather. 'Stott enn. keep Jeer harness from wearing out and. renew the life ofold Intraesswith Po not buy until you have paid a visit to our Wiferooms. UNDERTAKING n this line we carry a.complete Wok; Our Horses and . out fit are pp to date and our Charges' reasonahle. BROADFOOT, BOX .& CO 13ea,lerA anci. trndertakei-s J."W. Cbidley, ilianager Night and Sunday calls. answered at Residence of our • Funeral Director, J.W. dhidley King St., opposite Foundry. Men want but little here below but most of all want T. & B 111)f CU. Plug and cut. London St Lancashire Life , • Established in .Canada 186 Inve'sted Fund — • $6;58/288 LIBERAL. STRONG, PROORESSIVE All the popular fornAs of insurance lolled. Polities unconditional, world-wide and riOnforfeitable, Mopoy loaned. Policleapurehased. • New business 1898, 3-1,500,- 000. Amount paid. poliey- holders $08.7,000 4 • 11 Pali 'information furnished by CHAS. II. HALE' ACENT# CLINTON • CANNED MEATS Canned Meat* are it boon to the tired housewife during the OM. • mer months. They save time and labor. Xo hanging °vile a bob stove if yen use Canned • CHICKEN • TURKEY TONGUE NOV FEET Ont eterenk is afl fresh and froth irsieti 090301431, Try it ma of re SU Aar your Stavotm, ammo, --- matinguatitidg ANNUAL ESTERN • EXCURSIONS Pori Mixon, Detroit) Grand RapiderElay City, Saginaw, Cleve- land. Colin:tabus, Cincinnati, Chi- cago • St. Paul) Ilitiiin,eapolis and return. • THURSDAY, FRIO AYANOSATOROAY SEPT. 285 29,& 30 ' • Good to return leaving destination Until Mon. day. Oct, 10th, 1899, Full partioulars as to rates trims 0.Dickstm, D. Pi All Tort:kite A. 0. Raison, 0. T. R. Agent, Clititerl. l', 14. Hodgons, G. T.B.Ticket Agent,Clinton. 4.001(8011. • .AGENT P,.11t. CLINTON, Travellers tO any perb of the world, should consult the , above in reference to tickets, fares, etc. • , • , W.'JACKSON' AGENT Cte P ft I -6000C ITH A FI -NE RECORD • STRATFORD, OlsiT14,1 • SIX AMBRIOAN' BURINIM COLTAG and two canadian Institutions have reegn &mated to net for our graduate. to Wash their echoers, If YOU welt addiblettal evident). loguei-the_fillest tleinoes 0_ollage Oats Ogee bit Of Mir enveriotity_yon will and thin olar MM. Uanada, write for One, Turmas mit at any time, BLIAOTZ Prinoivai, OGoleo Cotton nod 0 loVoto - • ,