The Blyth Standard, 1908-03-26, Page 2BABY TOYS WITH PISTOL. Filfl:F:N MONTHS OLD SHOOTS HOWSE:1.F AND MOTHER. Bennett, who was a hook agent, to a park, where he wan to be robbed. Whim the couple coached the lonely spot on the Ohio River shore, Cook and White, who had been informed of the proposed robbery, by the girl, set upon Bennett, real, it is alleged, killed him. Then it is alleged Cook and Mise Zane worn mar- ried and took n trip on 135 token from Bennett. Finds Glittering Gun Under Pillow and Stares to Amuse Himself—CRAZED WITH LOVE. Woman Didn't Think i1 Was ae:ded--ulna Bullet Wounds Both -intent's Condition is "Serious. Detroit, 51aioh 23.—The gull that wits m 1Ineded," a bright and glittering toy in the hands of Johnnie W'eilek, 1115 Aeneas t W11 avenue, twerly put an end t0'05 babe's exiatonoe ;seedily afternoon after 00 experience of only 15 mouths of thefperils of this life. Mrs, Wielek and Johnnie were, passing a long, dreary afternoon resting on the bed. Mire, Wielek sought to shut Out the natty world through sleep and paid little attention to Johnnie. Her babe's repose was light, and a abort nap served to make hem lively and inquisitive, As Una. Wielek paid little ntteution to his efforts at starting a play epcll, John• Me made up hie infant mind to depend on his own resources, He soon exhaust- ed the barren possibilities of his gar- ments and the bed clothes and the Little hands began an investigation of the pih low on which hie mother's head rested, Something hard and smooth met the grasp of the inquisitive fingers. With gutsier of satisfaction Johnnie pulled from beneath the pillow the most mar- velous toy he hid ever beheld. No rattle which Johnnie had ever shaken was so fascineting es the new plaything, No milk bottle's clean glass tildes had ever reflected the light an the &allayed steel barrel the strange toy, Here was something exquisitely beauti- ful and utterly foreign. It would bear iaventigation. Why had mother kept the deeding toy away from him so longi Baby pounded mother with it to find out. Mrs. Wielek turned and saw bbe revol- ver in Johnnie's halide.. She laughed at her eon's enjoyment of the weapon. "It's a good thing it's not loaded," else thought, and at the idea of what might have happened If the babe had found the toy before the cartridges had been taken out she shuddered involun- tarily. Then seeing, that the child wan happy and contented) with his plaything .be closed her eyes. Raving looked with admiring eyes and pried with adventurous fingceri, Johnnie Chow Bought other posslbihthe in the toy. It would certainly made a good hemmer, much better than a rubber rat- tle. Johnnie grasped the pretty gem and hanunered it on the bed clothe*. With a sudden roar, the weapon re- vealed its treachery, Mrs. Wiofek shriek- ed as the bullet entered her neck. She hastily staunched the flow of blood with the bed clothes. Johnnie lay still, the revolver still grasped in his hand, the smoke of burnt powder coiling through hie baby fingers. Neighbors, alarmed by the report, rushed in to find Johnnie ap- ppaasently dead, and Mrs. Wielek almost frantic with grief and dated by her own Injury, Dr, Y, W. McNamara, 762 Junction av- enue, was hastily summoned. He found that a. spark of life still remained in the unconscious baby. The 38 -calibre bullet had struck his -read just over the tight ear and had carried away a sec- tion of the skull. It had then entered ALTs. Wielek's neck, pealed through the fleshy part, and had finally ended its course in the well of the room, She was not seriously hurt. Johnnie was still *Hee at noon to-dny, beet Dr. McNamara fears inflammation of the brain, "I saw Johnnie playing with the re- volver, but I thought it was empty. Do rote think:.' would have allowed my baby tee play with ouch a thing if I thought he could hurt himnelf 1" enid Mrs. Wielek ter the pollee officers who investigated the cue, Fnunination showed that hut one chamber of the revolver was loaded when Johnnie found it, and thks was directly under the hammer, s-• THREE MEN KiLLED. Run Down by Light Engine Near Kalader. JAP SHOOTSWOMAN WHO SPURNS HIS LOVE. Shoots Her Down Before the Eyes of Her Husband and Commits SSue- clde—He Dies in Agony. New York, March 23. --Crated with love for a white woman who refused his attentions, Frank Kito,a young Jap- anese cook, shot her five times to -day and thou killed himself with etabelio acid, The feet that the w'antnu was married uncle no difference to the ardent Oriental, nor did the preoenno of her husband at the time of the iregedy deter him. Fortunately none of the bullata he fired did any serious injury-. Elizabeth Dole, a big waitress and the wife of Max Holz, bartender, is the victim of the too ardent affection of tie Jap. Site is in Believers Hospi- tal and her injuriea are not dangerous. Up to a short time ego Kite was a cook in a restaurant at 0ne Hundred tied Thirty-third street and Broadway. ilira, Holz worked there as a waitress. She is 23 years old, blonde and pink, and the Jap tell madly in love with her. She refused to have anything to do with him, but Itis attentions were 80 persistent and violent that ebe left the restaurant. Kilo knew that she lived with her husband at 3243 East Nine• teenth street.. Kito sneokod into the house at ten o'clock to•dny and made his way to the room occupied by the Holtz, He knocked ne the door and the woman opened it. When elle saw him she slammed the door and locked it. Klto hurled hiutc.elf et the door. It broke into eplirtters and he landed In a heap on the floor of the room, Jumping up be drew a revolver and began to shoot nt the woman. One of the bullets penetrated her chest. Another struck her right arm and another imbedded in her right shoulder. Two wore imbed- ded in her right arm and another hit her left hand. Melte ran down et-zirs and shouted that a man ]red killed hia wife and area running away. Detectives who had hoard the Allot ran up the steps to the room, Through the shattered door they saw the Jap on the floor writhing in agony, The air was heavy with the leant of carbolic acid and a bottle that had contained the poison lay on the floor. Kite died before an ambulance reached the scene. Tweed despatch: Three aeclionnien Alexander Fleming, Jo'en Alto-a•an aaw,l AIMS %'ooek s, ] er An .tstiy i3t11ex1 nhnut 3.541 thio edtern>sn by being ran dune by a C. P. IL engine near Keliathur, a small village &beat sixteen mites east of hers 14wree s.eeekneren in dmirge of Plowing had been making some slight repass on tini main line of the 0. P. R, east of Kai:rear, and were reaurning to Knladrw on a \land -car, when, about a mate east of Ka1iadar, they were overtaken by a epeciai 0, P. R. emgaate, running light., from Smith's Fable to havelock. The handcar was struck and hhlve of bho men insts:rtle killed. The fourth man --James Bath• gut' caw the ru,tproanhing ergine and closer junt en the trash reale. 1 ..s not even bruised. MURDERED TO MARRY, PLEADED FOR SON. Gillette's Mother Interviews Gov- ernor Hughes. A SIGHT O THE WARSHIPS PRODUCED A C00LING EFFECT ON HAYTIAN GOVEOIIMENT. Paris, Marsh 23.—.1 epocal despatch ieoeivod hero from Port An Prince ,ta e& that the reports of the foraigu p.ecn there have decided that unless there is a rapid settlement of the present aide they will formulate a• demand for the resignation of President lord Alexis add the formation of n provisional Govern- ment, to be followed immediately by the elections. In the meantime, the despatch fur- ther states, no further executions will be permitted. Arrangements have been made, continues the despatch, with the commanders of -'rho Gentian cruiser Bre- men and the British cruiser indefatig- able to land m0rdne0 at a signal from the legations. The Minister of War, Gen, Celestin, Iter brought reinforeemonts from Got, neve& by orders of the President, and he be manning the town defences. The presence of the warships appears to have a salutary effect, Official advices received hero from Hayti indicate that the arrival at Port Au Prince of foreign warships has pro- duced the desired effect upon President Nord Alexis. M. Catrteron, the French Minister, cables that the Government has abandoned its belligerent attitude, that the re-mnbarkettent of the refugees has been authorieed, and that safe con- ducts have been granted for the depar- ture of Gen. Firmin and the other revo- lutionary agitators who had taken say- lum at the legations and consulates at Port Au Prince and Gonaivea, All dan- ger of an attack on the legations or coneelates is tow considered at an end. Will Protect Subjects. Berlin, ltiareh 23. ---The Aseocia.tod Press is netthoa-iznl to state that the German Foreign Office is fully in accord with the viewpoint of the Baited States rege.rdtng the situatIon n Hayti, as rot forth by tt .rebury bio:. 'Caere ua•ver woo any intention on the part of Ger- many to intervene In the internal affairs of the Heytinan republic. It is the first resolve, however, of Germany to pro- tect her subjects trading in llayti, and she will insist, also, upon the inviolabil- ity of her legation and Consular build - Albany, N. Y., despatch: Chester Gil- lette's mother saw Governor Hughes for almost an hour this morning, and went stray apparently heerthr'oken, with the oonviotlon that her pilgrimage had been in vain. Asked If she oared to make any statement, she ;replied: "hot at Gala'aritioal' time; it will do no good. I am sorry, but T do not wish to asy anything for publication." The meeting betvveen tike Governor, who could save her son front death if he believed it hie' duty, and the mother 111 her last desperate effort to save the young row, took place in the executive chamber, but the door was kept looked and no outsider witnessed the eonverwa- tine. Governor Hughes at once retired to hie private affloe after the meeting with Mrs. Gillette, and could not be seen. Crime of a Youthful Couple at Wheel, ins, W, Va. Wheeling, W. Tee Match 23. -Charles Cook,; seventeen years old; hie wife, i,tla? twenty yearn old, and Joseph White, twenty-one years, were unrated to -day in connection with the death • of Cha.rlee Bennett twrntty entre -old, of New Ihoaaington, Pa., whose body NSA, found in the river at Wages, five miles south of here, on Sept. 24 The three pee=ns tr:e'tob are 0)1 of .his cif;, and it is alleged have confessed to the mule d• r; which they say occurred on the night of Sept, 21, 1007, JUST PLAYED WITH DEATH. Adam Pram, Hotel Clerk, Is a Most Ingenious Men. Humboldt, Rest., March 23. - - Adana Prom, an hoed eh:inc, and another man, while driving eaten has prairie from Brunel to Vieeoauat, not ter way. Barkmoss came on, and there was no sign of a home or ehefeter in any detec- tion. The lona bream exhausted, and sea the right wee bitterly cola, the two rasa were d'r10011 to tee limit of enefenting, Ncexagrty ke ave 10) taw, so Prom and hes nssectut0 untitel"tsl the drowse, net fico to the sleighs, nob, huddling around the altecrful blaze, kept warn until day- ligiut, when, r000veiirsg their bearings, they resumed the journey on toot and eventually reached a friendly abode, nee HARD LUCK PURSUED HIM. In Kicking Off Dog a Toronto Man Fell and Broke Hie Leg. A Toronto despatch: After workless months Benjamin Pavans, a paperhanger, of 62 Gerrard street west, sullied out to his first job yesterday morning, Molted et a vicious dog and fell down and broke Ids kg. Now he will be in the (lensnal Ilospital for weeks and hie job will not wait. Evans, who is a married man of 53, was carrying the stepladder necessary in his trade down a lane off Gerrard street west, A dog jumped out and made as if to bite hi* leg. Evans turned round to teach the animal manners and fell on the tee. The fall beeps his lett Ings. BURNED TO DEATH. FIRE IN BROAD DAYLIGHT AT ST. JOHN, N.B. Supposed They Were in Bed Smoking and Set Fire to the Clothing—Mrs, Clara McGuiggan and Mrs. Mar- garet Hayes the Victims., have in meet sews not come up to 60 per cent, of the priee to be paid, Ito rulee that 010 holders must either pay the balance duo or lose what was put M. In case they pay up the $256,000, it will mean that they will receive a percentage, probably shall, of the value of their payments, according to the amount ui the assets remaining to be divided among the general shareholders ;tittle all cred- itors and Hp.)'ial rlatims have been paid. BODY IN CELLAR. NIAGARA FALLS WOMAN'S STRANGE FATE IN NEW YORK. Mrs, Frank Haskins' Death Causes Suspicion and Police Aro Making Thorough Investigation—Home in Newark, N.J.—Wroto to Aunt in Falls Eight Months Ago. Buffalo, March 23.--1Vitla the diecov- ee7 yeeteeday in a ta's Smut house °eller in Near York city of a body, said to be (kat of a Mrs. Frank Hoskins, of New- ark, N. J., forlrarly Mirza Sarah Thump. 002, of Nevus- faker, the police of tine metropolis 4100 txmfsnctted with a mys- tery wduith they one eetively nt work to scene The emeeitions under nr7tenh the body was found. led 'tlte police to start alt immediate inveetigtltdon doth, lsa Nnw York 02141 Nrtwiu'k. The body was fount in the oelhtr of the fivc-ctoroy flat ileums et No, 147 Hat 32nd street: 11 apparently had bean there for weeks. bbooke the body' were a0 empty dr:mijoiuu, some cigarette atnmies and a blank ocute,hel ooatalmtigf 0 note, eelich, reuses „Dear Jnol isluic Hook died teat Agint at 5.15. bile sena. ]rho txxi3 was identified et the marque by J,amao 1)t 1fy. lie said that Cunt 't4rnuupsanee fat a' is Stephen '1'h0nteeen, cubo Mena nt 'Titres avenue and 20411 o4ro t, Niagara Falk. She was oleo Itnotvil. as Plenum* Reynolds.. Coroner Sdr.rruly Inc ordered an au, Mas. ileal ire lived in `iiagerit hails until tem yeanet c,s,, She then left for NOW York, and two yevare letter war BuawTied to Frank Ilaekine, a Network, N. J„ cabinet maker. Acoosdfng to relatives ha Niagara Falls, Alm. Hoskin,' duns no ohllelfren. 1110sw brottheas, John Thwnpeon, a brick- layer, and Bert 'Chotupeen, a hack driver, both of Ndnggars Falls, Edward Thompson. a wkeoenboaat captain, and 1Vdlliam 'SItceiigason, an upboleterer,. of New York, and one waster, Mrs. Amaa muesli, ed Synoteuse., stwvive. St. John, N. B., despatch: hire this afternoon en a house ou Sheffield street, occupied by Mrs. Clara McGuiggau fwd Margaret, Hayes, burned both women to death. Emma. Dixon, a mulatto wo- man who tired with the two and left the house to purchase coal, ou returning alter a short time saw the Ifayea woman et the head of the stair our, rounded by a flame of fire. She at once gave the alarm. Members of the de- partment soon responded and the fire was extingulahed, 'fb-a Hayca woman was burned about the Man neck and shoulders, Para. Me(luiggan was burned almost to a crisp. The origin of the fun 1, unknown, as the two w0m0n were the t.,ly persona in the house at the two They were both upatalre, and appear Lo have been fully dressed, Margaret Hayes' *1st r wan burned to death in a fire in the same totality three years ago. Coroner Bsrryurus said that in all probability there would be an in - gnat. The belief is that both women were lying in bed smoking, and that burning ashes from their efgarettee caught the bed clothes, It is also thought the wo- men were somewhat under the influenoe of liquor. WORKERS IN.GREAT DEMAND. Immigration Department at Winnipeg Has 1,00'J Applications. le innipog, Mane March 23. -•Che im- migration Department late late fru eeived one thousand app lob - Orem. Ertl day from tweutev-flue to fifty applications are being received, and mon in lie city and incoming eottlere will find no seareity of employment. At the present tines 500 men are neoled on the Portal branch, and everywhere tlu-ougheut the Went farmers erre mail- ing for men to assist their in their work. It is oxpeeted that HA a result of these eonditione wages will be high all over the West during the coming tone - mer. TO PAY UP OR LOSE MONEY. B. C. WARNED. Deporting Hindus May Cause Mutiny. STALLED IN TUNNEL. Fire Keeps Train Under the East River at New York. New York, :davit 23. --For nearly an hour to -day ,o train beef filled with pea. congas was etnlled in the tunnel maker' Eta lyase River, nvhile a five raged in the Fulton street station, under lower Isronciway. Iblirttling flinches of °leotrio- itv scut the ertuployeee of the station ecunying to the surlttrw and the aloud of dense smoke which 'began 'to drift in tiso tutaoul cteua0wl iuuteet. st>sg>ension of Iie11fie. 'flue fire otorta*d from a aatort cereal, to the third nail 04 the Fulton 84.101ot station, and n'ithtin a mi100110 the weed of the box whish enelosee the rail wee in Hance, The geese -soaked wood burned Steely and thtrew off an bemuse qqutantity of ormike. It wore not until the current in 11100 whole seldom i oii a of 0(ttia etroit hors been Flvat oft that firemen unto haul been summoned were able to moles any progroee is theta flglat against the fire. In the meawtino evory train fn tixat'bong section of the nudrway had conte to a etoatdetila. Above .Brooklyn bridge the vee reverter, bat 'i clow that point, i tiding the tunnel unser 11ho river, rho power nxtil Rats "dead" for an hear, tend tee Implore paseengattu in blurs Balled undo under the river spent, Ile lino in dark - new and suspense. Otseying the order from tlo officals of tiho company; the gunudo kept Mos doors of eke care loop- ed, in order to preverut 11110! pe05015gne front laoo'bng the train and being elee- troented on the laird. mil. Sono time woe required to repair tis damage. '1110 eine wens clear, however, before ilk downtown melt began; Vancouver, Mareh 514.--- Col, John Smith, for ten years resident adviser to the Maharajah of Mysore for the Brit- ish Government, es in Vancouver, en hie way to London to confer with the Im- perial Govoo'nment, especially regarding tnunigratfon nnattere. Col. Smith ie Brit - Leh representative in a semi-independent district containing six million people. He very etrongly resents the. aet of th Gov- ernment in deporting Hindus. Be said:. "To -day I talked with several Intel. ligent Hindus here They were very angry at the authorities for deporting their countrymen. Many are former Britiali soldiers, wearing medals. Ong man 1 remembered seeing fn the Soudan in 1885. If they write back of the treatment accorded to British subjeete Imre, it is bound to create dissension amongst the troops and would not sur- prise me if it led to another mutiny. "People here do not realize how sei- ete the situation can become with- an easily influenced people like that of India." Peimar,ont Shareholders in York Loan Get Judgment. Toronto despatch, Either pay the balance still owing on your setae's int the permanent stook of the defunct York County Loan d Savings Co., or forfeit any debt you may have to share iu the surplus 00050' of the concern. This is in effect the judgment given by Official Referee M.r, George Koppel* in ruling as to the rights of the holders of either fully -peed or portly -paid up permanent stork yesterday morning. This ekes in- cludes some 2,300 shareholders, Those who are in arrears nunlher-. 1101;130. The amount of these arrears, es 0,000, 68100 , nb .r ltd^l id' s er while the total According to the alleged eonfosaion, The permanent shares in the York, epenr has eernL. as equerry to inquire sen• Mrs. Oook, who wua :Wag Lila Zane, a leg, and ha was taken to the General ere dachaed by Mr, kappelo ee,be member of a prominent family, noticed Ilospital, Iega1, but since the 'payment!,on thee• eernieg SrgHenry's condition, SHOT ROBBER. Clever Capture of Three Bad Men at Toronto Junction. WANT ROOSEVELT. Australians Would Like Him to Come With Fleet. Two Toronto Junction polioznron made a clever capture of three bad duoracters, James Sullivan and Mfoheel Martin, of Toronto, and Jack Reilly, of the Junc- tion. The three broke into a grocery store and were later scored away from a jewelry store. They fired wantonly at some railway men, who told Police Sergeant Peters, and. Polka Constable Gooderham, who followed the burglars. One stopped and was arrested., but Sul- livan fired 0n Petore, who replied with a shot, which entered Sullivans thigh. Sullivan LA in the hospital, and the oth- er two are in Use cads. ♦ • • VISIT FROM THE Her Majesty Called Personally to In. quire for British Premier. London, March 23.— The general anxiety aroused by the news filtering, out from the sick room of Sir henry Campbell -Bannerman is evidenced by the constant stream of inquirsre at his house in Downing street. The fact Gist Queen Alexandra and the Dow- ager Empress of Russia called person- ally this afternoon at the Premier's tesidonee to inquire asto hie condi- tion shows that tine Muse of the pa- tient is more critical than the bul- letins given to the public) indicate. "Up to the present time the Queer QUEEN. Melbourne, March 23: ---'Che antggeslion that the Australian Government invite President Roosevelt to 'come to the lslaml as the guest of the Commowealtln during the visit of the United Staten battleship fleet next summer was greet- ed with enthusiasm in the Australian Senate today. Mr. Beet, Vice -President of the Executive Council, had,however, to throw cold water on *]blas project. He regretted to do so, but he explained that 1t was unusual for a President of the United States to leave the country, and that it wan therefore useless -to &%tend the invitation to Mr, Roosevelt... Mr. .Best added that doubtdas the British imperial authorities would recog- nise the fitness of sending adequate rep. resentetiwi of the British navy to greet t1 a Amerlean visitors. TWO MEN KILLED. Buried Under Tons of Sawdust by Fall of Wall. New York, Mardi 23 ---Collapse of flee oeiMng east was of a rofrigoratlag room under reipadr at kho Pahat worst efde bot- tling works on West 40th street, yester- day busied the force of five riven in the mom under tons ori aawdest. Joseph Ramer, the 000d'reetor in charge of 'tdta repair work, and an unidentified Italian laborer 11,e431 lo'r1ha1. Three ogles. men caught, by avid buried M the dahlia were snare or less) serious- ly burl, and one of. them, Atrt n.ie Meti- er, 40 years eld, may die os the result of interred injuries. •-• KILLED BY A NEEDLE., James McBride, of Toronto„ a Victim of Blood Poisoning. l'eronto dh; A piece dle w•heeh gotespate;otor, the rightof armesnee- of lames McBride, 52 yoare old, a driver for the Nesmith Company, Thursday night, caused hie death in four days. McBride died at the C,anera,l Hospital erne;. Gneihh. early yesterday morning of blood -pluton. q ----- the — —` Ing. He not Tying in Led; at his room an. T6lRt1s e MEN LOST Garden avenue on '11usday night, and: 1 a t as a 2` in putting his arm to hie head he ran, the needle, widen wua sticking in the Lt wail, into his arm.. The needle broke off It the Man They ere Searching neer the point and a room mate who For is Safe. one theta et the terve endeavored to re- move ft, but without success, 'I'ho next morning \feBride went to the (:IottM.'s t i 11as+. 51011011. 21--'1'hreu General Hospital,. but it was too tats, 0)1 a '.nil 1'rt h ons, bolt hese+ blood -poisoning having developed.missed The Sts and Alex. Lands} to iib -t of the young man gradually grow worse and ,tan of the t.l0uri tr tirh,00n 1 I lor- way early yesterday morning, 1 uta 1:. t nt uu were 11.11 oft ilio New. STOESSEL GOES TO PRISON. tuturdliutd sonst'tno n tcks kW white0 smut:1liug for n shipmate who. hail gone tdtrlt the ALFONSO ESCAPED AGAIN, Unnianaga1ie Car Just Miosed King's Automobile Toledo, do, Spai t, Alnc,'t ;,i , 11 ,1 O,11{(41' Iii this city tu-duy,. added another ceo; t o frurn injury' ti hes lineeety 1 0 Nei of Ave feetnn- ueecerreneei. Tee 1t,urolule nt n' .-u L ; )lel, !y spa driving eareeee ,1 , ` g>tid ashes cut it'!lit .0rn;,,UhcT nen oIl n c<:aupl001 by members. of trite taty,11 part y. 'Phe ett,urat ciao was wreckr.rt 'need the lout o c-istraitts elaglitly in, jaded 17i_ lien,' e.une to Tol0.10 011 a visit from Medrld, On the _outskirts of To - lido 'one of the eurs carrying four army" :ofnt e,, alio were acting as tildes-tic- earn!, ilddes•ticeinp to 15141 Alienee stuldoel,y dulled to the reale of Vie road It n:trtnwly 00. ,,eut1 vtroelun„ fire ran in which his ifiletaty was tiding. 1t then struck a tree tense •wets event• tiered, and the four 00014111.1118 were. tmsOlAt nut and injured, \.fug Al,Ponecr a 5(11001 turd mint to ftto 001010 of tee, rani in {ate oven•ttuvied car. PREFERS CHINESE. Mrs. Howard Gould's.Sister Refuses, to Desert Husband. `{;un year isrn, Cal., March 23+-`1Ls, Howard. (-Could, of New York, lira otier- ed. In share her portion of her husband's health with tier .sestet, firs. Wong hem Yue Clemens, of San Trnnebaeo, to 'give her protection and h home. From the bedside of her ill and pennilesshuslianil Wong. Sun Yue, she has sent an answer - leg mcssega: No' These two woinen have meld no wrn- numicatiom for eight years, The silence has been, broken by an acgltnintuuro of ,lrs, Wong Sun Yue, who wrote reecnt; h to kers, Howard (doted urging her to, save 0. her sister from want, Mrs;. Gould. replied- that she would: gladiy extend aid to her sister; that ep- ee ctmdiibon. she cause. alone she would. send n check for her immediate use fm': clothingami other personal necessities. also ticket,; for transportation to New York; 1.; drat talon arrival she could go to her mothers Mrs, John Dayan, Sow in the Last, and with her take passage for Europe, to spend the remainder cf ,their lives in travel abroad utider assumilfl names that should shield them from, unpleasant comment, - Mrs. 'cue said she wa8 grateful for her sisten'o generous offer, but she loved her busba.ncl and would rather ;terve with hint then desert hint. ADOPT WEEKLY SYSTEM. Presbyterian Home Mission Commit- tee. Thinks That Plan' Bost Toronto ch,slmtdar The ' )Tome SfCo- eion (,nitinnttee of the Presbyterian Church adopted a resolution yesterday', after considering Nev." 1)r, Somerville's statement as treasurer, in favor of do- ing whatever is possible to get all the bre.,byterinn congregations to adopt the plan. ofweekly,, er,, at any rate, monthly eoutrbhtttimis to the schemes of the chttrcit, and for the treasurers of ses- sions to remit at least quarterly to the trousure- of the- church. It wn•, decided to transfer from the reserve fund' sufficient to cover the de -- feet. of about, $6,000.. Rev, ler. Andrew list^room, of Quebec, o as appointed mimlgi stion chaplain 101' flu. part. of tduobee. Leave of Ib.enee eo ,ranted to lbw. Br. Carmichael, of Winnipeg, cape •tn-, iiindeut of mis,imus for Ibanitobe tutd- ,a.keteltina,ur, to visit the old land tufty t view to securing Hien for the mission fu ids,. I Ile committee elected the following us• then Executive utive Committee for the On- arra} - yonv llev. la..is`, 1). Metleen,. umtner, brunt'); Rev. l)rs. John horst e t t Ila., Touaxato; J. Cornaidtaol N'1uui:. peg; '1, litndity, Marra 4. Lyle I1amib- .un 11 lib Annetron Ottawas (Wray,. Tot onto; Joint Neil, Iorooto;: lines, O. e \Nilson, 1 unroarer A A,. ,, ott Castel on Plate S. t lulderh sea. 1 Sty Sound; James Betide, Tweed: d lir. h lbilgnnr. 'Toronto, sand l.icnL.-1101. JA1e- -!- lossof the 110011 V! ti 1 Ilia Sentence Commuted to Ten Yea ell whim the schooner 011110 in hare Ca- in aFortress, day, The mut toe Ivlaprna the search; St. Poterelrurg, illarelr 23. --The Em_ diel. 'ere; Matt ,d old rv_tu I bur. 11(000 today confirmed the death sem n n I -be , d: +rr.,d, les t tepee passed upon\ Lieut: Gres. 81,0°81,0°,01,oeol, add 1. e a ,; rd , u i101.104 hero and also the court's recommendation-+ •, cd a tlrc lie 1 ,•,a , for commutation of the sentence to ten years' imprisonment in a fortress.ineffeetualy petitioned for a fell pardon. And James and WaTHE GUN EXPLODED The former commander of Port Art'aur — lter Bradley Were Seriously Injured. WOUNDED MAN DISAPPEARS.1 A Chatham despatch:.*amts lkad[cy Petorboro' Resident Missing Two anal Rt alf I radley, aged 17 and 8years r xctiult acre •badly id ty.fihn Weeks and Fears Are .Entertained. zpl 0 101, oi' ,0 0 )1) s it1t which theywcre Petorboro, March 2a.—Thomas New. playing about the home of Lha father, dl, of Teterboro', employed by Lyn& & t K. Bradley, farmer, reeding near Ryan, at Gilchrist Bay, Stony Lake, fiat Prairie Siding, this afternoon. The o11 been missing a couple at weeks. He was 1 er lad was shuck by bullets ou the shot in 'tics kgs, and it is supposed he '.;&rel and one limb; the yonn4ee 4105 tried to males brie way throng bbt the wounded in, the forehead, ume and ear, mode to a tramp about two miles away 1 Luckily, in neither carie were tlu tastes, and sma(unbed bo Isis wounds, penetrated or vital parts reached,