The Blyth Standard, 1908-03-26, Page 1VOL. XXI.
Tues,, March, 31st.
Write to Secretary Metcalf for
Prize List
Out of Sight
Much of our stick is out of
eight. Some things spot)
by eight. Some things
take too much space. Some
things are only to casual
demand. We meet keep
these out of right, but they
are right at hand if you
want them. Our stook of
Toilet Requisites
Miscellaneous Articles
leas large as le consistent
with freshness and novel-
ty. Over -buying steam
stale stook. We don't
over -buy, but we can al-
ways eupply any demand
for an artiole that belongs
to our line of Madness. We
cam a very large stock
and make very low prices
at the
N. B.—Iiavo you tried our Bust -Ups.
Cure the grippe every trip.
Spring Term
Opens April ist
Canada's Greatest Chain of High.
Grade Bustneao Colleges, located at
Peterborough Wingham
Clinton Walkerton
Orangeville Goderioh
follows the custom of business concerns
and takes no vacation.
Stenographers, Book•keepers and Tele.
graphersare in great oemand iu July,
August, September and October.
We train Inure young people than any
other management In Ontario.
There meet be a reason ; write for It.
111181: COMO!
A. A. Hibner, M. A„ Ph. D,
Vloe Principal,
Geo. Spotton, Principal,
W, If, Herr made a bnsinese trip to
Toronto on Thursday last,
Barrister A, IL 'Macdonald was iu
the Queen City in connection with the
appeal case of Hackwell as, Oal
Postmaster Farrow was at 'Toronto
attending the Grand Lodge of the A,
0, U. W. as the represeetativo of
Brussels Lodge,
Inspector Cowley is expected here on
Gridey to mtyke his annual inspectorial
visit to the 1liglt School depertrnont in
connection with Brussels public school,
Wednesday afternoon Inst Ward
Beclittnan and Carillon Powell were at
the river near the old flax still testing
the ice along the margin when the
former ventured too far, broke through
and had an uuexpectod bath, By it
vigorous effort Ito got out not much
the worse of hie wetting except that
he wan minus his cap,
James Ferguson, an old and highly
esteemed resident who had a stroke of
paralysis on Sunday, March 16th, died
last Sunday, He had been a ratnark-
ably healthy man and few would take
Itim to be in his 78th year, About it
yes r ago Mr. Ferguson sold his farm
in Grey township and became it citizen
of Brussels.
Last week the sad news wee received
by Mrs. Neil McLaughlin, Brussels,
t hat her oldest sou,'1'ltomas, ins passed
away in the hospital at Yorktou,
Texas, after a short illness of measles
followed by kidney ailment. He had
been absent from home for about nine
years, a good share of drat tittle fol-
lowing the o0cnpetiol of brakeman on
various railways and seeing it large
portion of Western Canada and 'West-
erly and the Southern States. At the
time of his illness Ise was an employee
in the store or C. Eckhardt it Son, of
Yorkton, es rheumatism was bothering
him in railroading,
Hensel! foundry has started again
with a full staff of employees.
Milton Orttvein, who has been at-
tending London Busiuoss College for
some months, is home for good,
The newly organized orchestra of
nine pieces played at the evening ser•
vice in the Methodist church on Suit -
day. Their playing was a revelation
to the congregation,
Just as the employees of the Heimall
flour mill were returning to work at 1
o'clock on Tuesday last a small ex-
plosion took place in the donne of the
boiler which blew the top off, carrying
away a portion of the roof of the engine
house, tend also some of the siding of
the utill. The engineer, Mr. Nesbit,
happened to bo in the unglue roots at
the time, had he been near the boiler
Ire might have been scalded by escaping
sterna. Cook Bros. are getting ready
to have the break repaired, as the tic-
cident at this tune of year entails loss
and inconvenience. The report was
heard for some distance and drew
quite a number to the place to see the
injury done by the explosion.
Renew for Tari STANDARD,
New Spring
.. Suitings
Our New Spring Suitings are now in consisting of all the
latest colorings in Worsteds and Tweeds.
Come in and make your selection while the assortment is
at its best. If you do not want it for a few weeks, make your
choice and we will keep it for you.
Having a large out-of-town trade enables us to carry a
much larger and better assorted stock than any store in town,
Big buying means close selling.
Men's Black and Blue Serge Suits, made-to-
order at from $16 to *25
Men's Canadian and Scotch Tweed Suits at
from $14 to $25
131.4 TI -I
The Redistribution
The County of Huron divided into North
Centre and South.
Tuesday the members of the Redistribution Committee
brought in many changes in the Province. 'Toronto gets two
members for each riding, making eight representatives.
The changes in Huron County as the Committee state are,
to be divided finally North, Centre and South, The provis-
ional divisions :—
Townships Umiak, Morris, Turnberry, East li'ttwanosh, West
%Vawttnosh, Asltfteld, toms of \Vingham and Wroxeter,
Townships Grey, MvKillop,'I'nakersmith, Mullett, Colborne, towns
of Goderich, Seaford) and Clinton and the village of Brussels,
7bwnships Iluy, Stephen, Ilsborne, Stanley and Goderich ; villages
of Exeter, tlensnll and 13gyfivll.
Kenoru, Port Francis, Sutlhm'y,
Brant, IIatstIngs, Huron, Mid-
dlesex, Noftitutnberlat,d, Peterboro,
York, Cardwell, Peel, Brockville,
Carleton, Russell, Lanark, Grey,
Dundas, Glengarry, Halton, Pres -
mitt, Prince Edward Island, Stor-
mont, Grenville, London, Muskoka,
Parry Sound, Durham, Norfolk,
The Man Behind the Bill
Prernier of Ontario
Ontario, Wentworth, Oxford, Ren-
frew, Victoria, Waterloo, Addington,
Addington, I'rontenac, Kingston,
Hamilton, Lemtox, Bruce, Eigin,
lialdlutand, Kent, Lim bton, Lincoln
Atouck, Perth, S1tti c: , Toronto,
Wellington, Welland.
It is at gerrymander pure and
simple. Geographically, such a
redistribution cannot be befended.
The only excuse for such ti nuttila-
tion is political expediency, The
way in which it has been cut down
was fore -showed by local Conser-
vatives some months ago. For in-
stance, Mr, W, H. Kerr, of Brussels
who was nominated for the East
riding by the Liberals, and 1{r, W.
Proudfoot, K. C., the Liberal 1101111110e
in the West, have now been thrown
into one constituency. Thttt, too,
was rumored in party circles some
time ttgo, and what the Conservative
party managers boasted of has come
true, What is the use of Mr. Whit-
ney tatlking of making an unpartial
redistribution, when the whole thing
was apparently cut-and,dried by the
local managers ? In the ridings no
they stand at present both parties
have a fighting chance, while as it
is proposed to divide them the Con-
servatives have what they consider
two safe scats and one Liberal hive,
Huron is to all intents and purposes
divided as it was in 1872 by the late
Sit' John A, Macdonald, when it was
described by the late ,Tosopi Ryms1
as "bearing no resemblance toauty-
tuing in heaven above or the earth
beneath." In the classic words of
Premier Whitney, Centre Huron as
proposed will he a 'scarified rentini-
scene of what a decent riding ought
to be,"—Globe.
'I'Ite meeting of the citizens in the
Town Hall to consider the advisability
of celebrating 11av 2.lth was adjourned
until Friday evening to receive reports
of committees appointed.
At the meeting of the directors of
the Agricultural Society it was decid-
ed to leave the celebrating o{ Victoria
Day to the Sports Committee and to
rent the grounds to the committee for
the day.
Several changes in the I3an1: of Con•
merco staff took place. Geo, Powell's,
\Valter Harding's and Mr. Rnnnic's
places were taken by A. it, Graham, of
Srratlu•oy ; Mr, Fleming, of Galt, and
Mr. Anderson, of Dundee, The new
clerics have arrived in town acid taken
their new positions.
A horning chimney at the hone of
J, Sutton at the lower end of the
town called out the fire department,
'Phu bri_nde trade e quick run 10 the
s,: •ne but the lire had been 41i8tingu6slr
ed Lahore it arrived.
ILi,.h;trd 1)ouid Ivas tabu ionsly
i.3 last reek and 1)rn, Ilytol ,
-tmosauul llatloy petrol mood uu opot
lioo for nn iutorwtI trnml,le. Vol' u
few day. his condition WAs serious i,nt
he is doing well anal hopes of early re-
covery 01c muertained,
11 is proposed to holt) at public meet-
ing in the near flit tiro toad invite Hon,
Adam 13eck to speak Int the power
Miss Luella Walkinshaw line sneered
a good position in rho head oiiire or 1 be
Royal Rank at Montreal and leaves for
then place in s mouth or so,
The officers of the ;i;tr8 Regimrut
hel l their alined k meeting hsre Inst.
Thsrr.,ley. Peepurationra arra beim
No. 32.
Stylish Millinery
We have ready an r e50011001 selection of New 'Trimmed
liars at popular prices, exclusive styles, among them may
be, seen almost everything desirable, high crowns and nar-
row brines and the new broad sailor, whim trimmed are
moot striking and we, can honestly say oar spring hats are
better and more satisfying than ever before which means
that you cannot afford u) miss seeing our display.
Millinery Openings on Friday and Saturday,
April 3rd and 4th --Miss M. Colvin in charge.
Dress Goods
Everything the linger of fashion has
touched appu)t un "ly is gathered into
oar stock of Dress fabrics, The re-
strieted quantities we buy, in many
cases a single dress length, prevents
Ladies' heady -wear
011r department. for .Ledios' Ready -
to -wean• Waists was never so com-
Everyone who sees oto• new. ptock ex.
presses admiration in the 2 strongest
Highest price paid in cash or trade for Butter and Eggs
and all Kinds of Perm Produce,
Spring Term from April 1st
Enter now end he ready to accept a
good position in the summer
curtail. Attend
Alliott Business College
Canada's High Class School, This
college bas better courses, better
teachers, better equipment, better fa-
cilities for planing teachers in positions
than the average business college.
Open entire year. Catalogue free,
W. J. Elliott, Principal.
Corner Yonge 8,3 AlexenderSts.
made for the trip to Quebec to take part
in the trecenteuaty, .The nerd holds
the record for having more qualified
officers than any other western regi -
stent, and they aro all enthusiastic
over the proposed trip and will do their
best to maintain the good saute of
Heron county, Col, Young, of Gode-
rich, occupied the chair, and the fol-
lowing were present: Major Wilson,
Major Hays, Lieut, Pickard, of Sea -
forth, Capt, Varcoe, Lieut, Sturdy,
Capt. null Adjt, Gundry. Lieut, ]Rundle
of Etoderich, Lieut, A'anstone, of W
hanl, Lieut, Whiddou, Lieut. Thomp-
son, of Bayfield, Capt. McPhail, of
Port Albert., 31 :jot 51,,:,', Copt. Rance,
(apt. 11e'fnegart. Lieut., Dowding,
Lieut. Manning, of Clinton, Lieut,
Huainan, of Exeter.
:11 a1®1o1oe11111.111111•
i1s 'fell, it to the
0 1111 1 01111 ♦4000 101000♦0•
1 While the Public is invited to mak
use of this column for the expression of
I personal clews on public matters and
Public men, personalities aro debarred and
ID all eases the suitability of the coin-
; ntunication for publication to a matter I o
bo decided by the Editor.
Without differences of opinion there
I would, of course, be 110 correspondence,
' and for the opinion of our correspondents
and their differences with our own T111)
S•rANDA nn must disclaim responsibility,
:4,0.0*** ••••••••0•4 11114t
/ from April Oth merges into our •
• summer term from July lith. l;n- o
• ter now and be ready ler a good 1
• situation In the early autumn. „
1 New catalogue free, write for it.• 0
o Central Business College ;
eYonge and Gerrard Its„ Toronto, •
s W. •
11, Shaw, Principal, •
1 ♦
No formality or
delay in opening
Large or small sums may
be deposited or withdrawn
as desired.