HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-03-19, Page 8You always pay too much when you pay too little Paradoxical but true. Particularly when buying Gro- ceries, Nearly every article of eatables can be adulterated, Many of them often are, Constant vigilance is required to keep undesirable goods from creep- ing into a grocery stock, One of the most persistent sinners is Canned Goods. 'Thousands and tlwnsends of them put up every year, Aatnehody sells them, Somebody buys then. Somebody eats them, This grade of canned goods is very come -ton, but this store has never sold a can of it ton customer in its Die, and it never will. Our way is firsts or nothing in everything, always, CASII FOR ALLBINDS OF PRODUCE JAMES CUTT BLX�'fI MONTHLY FAIRS AT BLYTH Friday, April 3rd, - 1908 All the leading horse and cattle buyers are epeeially invited to attend, let everybody coupe. Welcome to all, A. W. SLOAN, President, W51. JACKSON, Vice President. J. LESLIE KERR, Secretary. WESTERN CANADA IF YOU THINE OF MAKING A HOME IN THE WEST YOU SHOULD HAVE THESE Free Books 411M•11=v "SETTLERS' GUIDE" "WESTERN CANADA" "TOURIST SLEEPING CARS" TIME TABLES Just the practical information you need Apply to nearest C.P,R, Agent, or to C. B, FOSTER District Pose, Agent, TORONTO b'Or „110(x1.- ion Ian Information see J. Mc;1.URCI!1S Agent BLYTI3 GRAND,TRU1JSYSEM TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGIIAIyt BRANCH, 801ar'it, NORTH, anm D andRI n 9 40 3 '39 wlnh g am 11 50 7 35 6 43 3 33 W inghaal Jut. 11 48 7 25 6 52 3 44 Belgravo 11 40 7 13 7 06 3 50 Blyth 11 28 700 7 14 4 01 Londesboro 11 20 0 52 7 47 4 .23 Clinton 10 15 11 05 0 35 8 (15 4 39 Druoefeld 0 58 6 19 8 15 4 47 Klppen 9 50 0 11 8 22 4 52 Hensen 0 41 0 05 8 35 5 03 Exeter 9 30 0 54 8 46 5 15 Centralia 0 18 5 43 8 59 5 26 Clandeboye 9 00 5 34 9 os 5 30 Lucian Crossing 9 (15 5 00 0 12 5 37 Bonfield 8 55 5 25 0 21 5 40 Ildertol 8 45 6 15 A l0 5 r} Ettrick 8 35 60 0 35 5 58 11y11e Park Crossing 8 20 5 02 0 37 0 00 Hyde Park Jot, 8 24 5 00 9 45 11 10 London 8 15 4 50 Connections are atone at Wingham for all stations o11 the Palmerston and Rim cardiae branch. Connections are mode at Clinton for all etations on the Ihttild0 and Goderich branch, and all stations from Stratford to Toronto. Connections are made at Luean Crossing for all stations west to Sande, Conneotfons are made at London for all etattona east and west on the main line, �T�me Table .4* TO TORONTO Goderleh Lv. 7,00 a,m. ,4,50 p. 1n, Auburn " 7.2E " 5,12 " Blyth " 7.55 " 5.22 " Walton " 7.40 " 5.85 " Mllvertdn " 8121 " '.'66110 " Elmira.,... ," 8,:311 " 0,45 " Guelph " 0.25 " 7.12 " Toronto Ar. 11.10 " 0.15 " FROM TORONTO. Toronto Lv. 8.00 a.m. 3 50p. m; Guelph ..... e.r.10.00 " 703) Elrnira " 10.25 " 8,14 " Milverton .. " 11.03 " 1.50 " Walton ' 11.39 " 9.25 " iilyth " 11 52 " 9,36 " Auburn " 12.02 " 14.40 " tloderich " 12.30p.m, 10.1e " Kaggargiumegyalivgli RI. COMMENTS L== ifI Xulfn-61 ( 0 pp.,1. r R .] ) iS:i::fjtrit)ni:iCiihf7t5�i::ii3 The Supreme Court of the Indepen- dent Order al Foresters meets in June in Toronto when they will decide 1 the rates on all old members previous to the year 1809, when the new rates started, will he raised, Frank Met- calf, of town, is 0110 of the members of the Supreme Court, The redistribution bill was referred to a committee consisting of five Con- sel•vatives (Premier Whitney, Hon W. J. lIluna, Hon, A. Matheson,J,J. Ii. Da•garel and 11', G. Macdiarulid) and three Liberals (C. AI, Bowman, S. Clarke and G, 8, May. The first sitting was on \Vednesdey. We reprint the following from the Brussels Post which shows what order and drill will do in case of an alarm itt the Public School :•—In an exhibitio8 fire drill at t e Public School, Bros- solo, on Wednesday the pupils in the six departments Were all 01130410 in three quartets of minute after the fire alarm sounded. Titis is an excellent showing, but how would it be for the npstair pupils in case of fire cutting off the stairways? '1 hursday morning Chairman Farrow and Secretary SIteue visited the school and unknown to the pupils the gong was sounded, In 44 seconds the whole contingent were out of the building in a most orderly and satisfect0')' Dutnne', _.— We etre glad to see that honeymakers 1118 honest people and that 11e are able to pence holey on the table knowing it is pure and not a mixture of sealing wax, glue or some other compositions that our new and up-to-date foods are made of. A bulletin of the Inlaid Revenue Depa'ttnedlt, just issued, shows that of 141 samples of honey from various parts of the Dominion analyzed by the dem talent, 133 were genuine, 3 were tlottbtfu1, } was sold ns a compound and only 2 were 8001380• aced. The report shows that strained hooey satin Canada can neatly al- ways he relied upon its being the gen- uine article, The March Rod and Gun. hunting takes the vide of place in the ;larch number of "Rod and 01111 and \loto• Sports in Canada" published by 1V, ,I. '1'llylo' at Woodstock; Ont, From the fascinating sport, of caribou hunting in Newfoundland ewf uulhun wr r • 6 1 1(8 taken to doe' stalking in the Gatioeut Val- ley, hunting on a Quebec preserve, a successful Ilan_ itt ,luskoka ; w'I_iie a1 unsuccessful 01111 in New Brunswick, proves that hunters are sometimes pre- pared to tell of their failures as w011 as to boast of their successes, The C. P. R. wolf hunt is told about, while a beta' hunt is also described. These papers rare varied by tut exce118111 one on the bloodhonld, and the thoughtful and poetical address before the C51111,- dfne Club at 'l'oronto entitled "'The Things Protection f t , n he 11 111 am the 1 l of the Wild" by Cv Warntat is given in full. Some rough backwoods ex- periences show tIwrealfty us compared with rhe glitter of the life on the iron- (1S08of civilization, though the latter must retain its altractlols for many men, Good illustrations are a feature of this number an0 the departments are all abreast of the other contents of the magazine, making it creditable alike to the publisher and the Domi- nion, the attractions of which from a sport loving point of view it presents to the world, THE STANDARD o now subscribers In Canada from now till ,J•ulutary 1st, 1909, for tlto sura of 65 cents. Subscribe now, Alcohol not needed Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a strong drink. As now made, there is not a drop of alcohol in it. It is a non-alcoholic tonic and alterative. Ask your own doctor about your taking this medicine for thin, impure blood. Follow his advice every time. He knows. We publish our formal. Ire bealeh aloohet f from oar med{ora. Wa area you to oonem{ roar looter ers Ask your doctor, "What is the first great rule of health?" Nine doctors out of ten will quickly reply, " Keep the bowels regular.' Then ask him another ques- tion, "What do you think of Ayer's Pitts for constipation?" _-Igad. Dr the J, 0. Arae ea,. Leven, M... PAGE E1GHr—THE 13LYTH STANDARD MARCH 19, 190$, Orated Orange Lodge. The 49th annual meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario AVest convened in Mount Forest last Wed- nesrltry,'l'harsday, and Friday, 0111' 800 delegates representing almost every county, district and primary Orange Lodge from Toronto on the east, 1(110 from Lake Erie to Janes Bay. Prominent among those present 31018 Dr,''l', S. Sproule, the supreme g and master of British Atuerica, who ar- rived in the special car with the To - onto and eastern delegation ; Hon. Dr. Py minister of education ; Jamas Duff, 111. L. A., East Sintcoe ; Frrd Date, '1', nod N. 0. Rail Wit 0001111is- 0(1011er ; A. W. Wright of publicowner- hip fame ; Squire Ellis, Toronto Jct. ; Controller Hocken end Ald, Satrnder- 8011. The Grand Black Chapter of Ontario \Vest elected the following o15c01s Grand Mester, Col, A. E, Belcher, Southampton ; deputy grated wester, Dr, Hunter. Orangeville ; associate deputy grand master, W. J, arnell, Sr, Catharines ; grand chaplain, Rev. Wm. Walsh, Brampton ; grand reg- istrar, E. A, Fennell, Toronto ; grand treasure', Wm, Forster ; grand lecturer, itfcCrushlpd, 'Toronto ; censors, John Alnxlow. Menford, and T, Mc- Clelland, Owen Sound ; stander'd bearers, Cttpt, P,tttieson, Orangeville and C. Armstrong., Toronto; pursui- vent, W. 11, Walker, London : deputy registrar. John Agnew, Torontn ; deputy grand treasurer, A. A, Grav, Toronto: deputy grand lecturer, E. Laukin,'1'oronto, The Grand Orange Lodge of 011111110 \Vest elected the office's for the ensuing year ns follows : Grand Piaster—E, T. Essery, Lon - 1101L Deputy Grand Master—Harry Lore, look, Po'outo. Deputy Grand Master—Fred Dale, Toronto. Grand Treasurer—,John Hewitt, To- ronto. Grand Secretary—Wet, AL Fitzger- ald. 143 Morse street Toronto, Chaplain—Bio. Lowe, London. Grand Lecturer—Bro. J.J. Breuting, Cookstown, Grand Deputy of Cnrenonies—Ain, W. Thompson, Mitchell. Grand Auditors—Bros, Wright and 'Pa vim Deputy Genie! Secretary—Bro. Wm. Cook, Meelord, The Maple Leaf. The following poem was written by JasSmillie, formerly of Walton, 11110 well known to many f our readers : W'e all 10vere the older lands, Prom which 01111tube.rs curate ; Vet a(1+1 1.: 11101'11 10 1114, We 1ningh, 1('1111 1101 fine ; And the erimsol rills of kinship, No foes need try to 501'81'. Or the sun -kissed emblem o'er us— "Phe Aleph.) Leaf Forever,' 'Phan gather round the nation's flag 1,01 traitors quail or gnfver,— God less Dur 11111(1 and emblem griun0— '111e 3laple Leaf Forever." To mingle with "Gad Save the King" "'('Ile 5111ple Leaf" we bring ; Let anthers loud in loyal praise n.•,• 0 er woodland glories ring g, And while the ;Mattel proudly waves Tho coward knave must quiver— Green. crimson tinged or uuldeu brown, „'Phe Maple Leaf Forever " Then rally round the Union Jack, Let traitors quail or quiver, -- God bless our land and emblem grand— "The Maple Leaf Forever," 'Plea triumphs that our fathers ;von, And Held in 1n mory dear, And empire ties but stronger seem, With every passing year ; While the shield of Britain o'er us, Is (Kr too strong to piety, With "Thistle, Shamrock, Rose" en twine— "The Maple Leaf Forevr." Then gathr round 1110 nation',~ flag Ler, traitors quail or quiver,— God bless our hind and emblem grand— ''The Maple Leaf Forever," We have a land PO rich and grand, 'Phe half can ne'e' be told, With riches spread from sea to sea, lint waiting to 111. fold ; "'rile Maple Leaf" is free for all O'er 1110111118111, glen 111111 rive1'— fuseiring choice of wildwood charms -- „'rhe Maple Leaf Forever," (brae cheers then for the Union Jack Let traitors quail or 5ui00r,- 11'hile r0nn0 the Union Jack shall ring, ' "PbeMaple Leaf forever. Clinton. A b,y•1aw to amend a forme' agree- ment with the Doherty Organ Co., and ;table therm to enlarge their business and form a joint stock company with neroasedcepital,wasvo'edon Monday and cerri1d by 884 for to 4O against Osler Wade, of'l'orent,o, is endeavor- ing to bring about an arrangement be- twern the Clinton 'Thresher Co. and their shareholders and ereditnre. At the instance of the Sovereign Bnuk en older for the winding up of the imm- unity has been issued, and Mr, Wede has been chosen interim liquidator, The last statement ehowed.a small smr- phls of assets over liabilities, but it was found difficult ,to convert the atae.t,1 into reedy cash to ,IlieCharlte a BLYTH SPRING SHOW rrvEun. .-fir >,r4 Programme OLT" •••••••••••••••••••••••• •4•.4.44♦ 10 a, nn,—All exhibits of Grain, Seeds and Potatoes must be in place in Industry Hall, 10.80 n, m. to 1 p. m,—Judging by Government Export. 1 p, 1n.—All stock must be on the ground ready for judging by an Expert Judge sent by the Government, 2 p. m,—Addresses in Industry Hall, "Eradication and Control of Weeds" "IIow to Select Good Seed." General discussion, You are invited to bring samples of Grain, Etc„ you may have for sale in other lines that those for which prizes are offered, Exhibits may be removed at 5 p, m. At 0 p, m, the Secretary -Treasurer will beat his oflfce to pay the prizes, MARCH 8 1 st �rt ,Pri7e EiSt *" 401*•••,•••••••••• •$•••H•• •••••11 CLASS HORSES. 1 Clydesdale Stallion 85 00 S8 00 2 Shire Stallion 5 00 8 00 3 Percheron Stallion 5 00 8 00 4 Carriage Stallion ,.,. 6 00 8 00 5 Roadster Stallion.,,, 6 00 8 00 0 Sweepstakes, any chute Diploma 7 Heney Draught Team in harness 5 00 8 00 8 Road Horse in harness 8 00 2 00 CATTLE. 9 Shorthorn Hull, aged 85 00 89 00 10 Shorthorn Bull, under 2 years,8 00 2 00 11 Hereford Bull 5 00 8 00 12 Polled Angus Bull 6 00 13 00 GRAIN, SEEDS, ETC. 01110 BUStlti11 EAC11, 19 Spring Wheat, any variety.. .,. 82 00 81 00 14 Oats, white, any variety........ 2 00 1 00 15 Oats, black, any variety,,,,,,,, 2 00 1 00 10 Barley, 2 -rowed 2 00 1 00 17 Barley, 6 -towed 2 00 1 00 18 field Peas 2 00 1 00 19 'Timothy Seed 2 00 1 00 20 Red Clover',,., 2 00 1 00 21 Alsike Seed.,.. 2 00 1 00 .22 Potatoes, any early variety 1 50 1 00 28 Potatoes, general crop,,,, 1 60 1 00 mortgage of 810.000 on the plant which is valued at 829 700. The total asses are said to bo worth 892.104, and it is probable a settlement will be effected, Seaforth. John Walker, the now furniture dealer and undertake', has 11101011 his family to town, W. A wee the lucky winner of the turkey in the three pair stone game between the curlers. At meeting of the Public Schori I30nrd it w'as decided to purchase a gong for the school. 'l his could be used in case of fire and for other pur- poses in enunectIon tvith the school. 'Pito 8eafot'th howler gave en oyster supp»r at the Commercial Hotel on Wednesday 8N-eniilg for Ole veteran bawler, 781005 McMichael, in horror el is 85th birthday, On 'Tuesday noon about, 1.2.130 fife broke out in the dwelling apartments of C. Consigney's dye w'o'ks on Main St, The fire, which originated from heated stove pipes, was chiefly col - fined to the attic. Mr, Consfgney'a household hold e Piesis were quickly removed to safe quarters, although some of them were badly soaked with Witter before they could he taken out. Spring Term from April 1st Eater now and be ready to acoe.pt a good position In the 01110000 or fall. Attend aUUiott Business College TORONTO 111 T t O ON T. Canada's high Class School. Tills college has better courser, better teachers, better equipment, better fa• entries for placing teachers In positions than the average business college. Open entireyeer, Catalogue free. W. i, Elliott, Principal, Corner Yong() & Alexander Ste. ROBERT H. GARNISS H1,UISVALE — — ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for at THE STANDARD Office, Myth. DONT FORGET Metcalf's -Retiring Sale 'Mare are Bargains for EverUboIB All lines of Jewelry, Wall Paper, Crock- ery, Fancy Goods, Toys, Sleighs, Games, Bibles, Prayer Books, Etc., 25 per cent off. Watches 15 per cent off. Many odd lines 35 to 5o per Cent off. Everything must go. Come and see. FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam Cures Coughs Sloes them right off. The first teaspoonful -' does good. In a few hours you notice that " tight feeling " disappear -the coughing spells grow farther and farther apart—the throat is easier --and the soreness Ione. Cure yourself at hove—for 260 ---with Boles's Prepaation of Irriar' Cough Belem. Sold by all druggists, .e NATIONAL DRUG d CHEMICAL CO., LI MITre - LONDON, Ca ur Big Offer .. . 'We are endeavoring to increase our circulation and in so doing we offer The Standard to all new subscribers from now till the first of January, 1909, for VE T8 in Canada only. If you want to send it to the United States postage must be added. If you require any city papers see our dubbing list below or call on us and we will show you how cheap they are by leaving your order at this office. CHEAP READING The Standard 81 00 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser 1 85 The Standard and Weekly Wit- neas 1 e0 The Standard end Weekly Globo 1 85 The Staodltrd and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1 70 Tic Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire The Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly '1'itnos The Standard and Weekly Free Press The Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun The Standard and Hatnilton Twice -a -week Spectator..,..... The Standard and Toronto Daily Star 1 85 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 2 26 The Standard and Toronto Daily News , 2 26 The Standard and Farmer's Advo- cate 2 80 The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser 2 50 The S'andard and Evening Free Press 2 75 The Standard and Toronto Daily World .... ,., ,, ... 8 25 The Stundero and Daily Free Press 8 50 The Standard and Evening Globe 8,60 The Standard and Evening Mail and Empire 8 50 The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire 4 50 The Standard and Daily Globe, „ 4 60 Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT. We are also ready to turn out Job Work as quickly as possible and we en- { f' deavor to use only the hest material that can be had. It you 110ed anything in the tine of Envelopes, Letter or Note Heads, Statements of Bill Heads, cull and inspect our stock. An Advertisement in The Standard Will help you dispose of any article around the farm or in the store by using the printer's ink. THE STANDARD - BLYTH Phone No. 4.