HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-03-19, Page 5WIWWI 41.....11..+ MARCH 19TII, t9o8=-THE BLYTH STANDARD—PAGE FIVE. A FAA1 U kV A A YA THE RRIGHT HOUSE RELIABLE STORE WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SALE AT MODERATE PRIORS FOR CASH AND FARM PRODUCE, Waistings We have at present some beautiful French Flannels in waist lengths—no two alike. The best colors are red with white, pale blue with white, navy with white, cream with mauves, cream with reds, cream with blues, cream with black and white, and black and black. All colors are hand worked and are good washers, Spot Muslins Our assortment in Spot Muslins never was better. All sizes of spots in black, red, light blue, dark blue, light green, dark green, etc. We also have blue muslin with assorted white spots. See a few of these in the north window. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. E. BENDER, BLYTH N iNEMEEEMENEINEIrtillEEIM NEWS AROUND TOWN nigagannaiigNignartiainnaiin A car of No.1 feed wheat is ex• pected at Blyth Flour Mill neat week. 65 cents gets TBE STANDAAn to the first of January 1909 to new sub. scribers in Canada. SPRING show a week from Tues. day. Bemire you come yourself and ,bring the boys along. MARKET REPonr.— Wheat 92-92 ; Barley 60-60 ; Outs 49-49 ; Peas 80-80 ; Bran 227-23 ; Shorts 24-24 ; Butter 22-23 ; Eggs 23-24 ; Flour 13.00143.25. ARE you going west this spring, Free copies of "Settlers' Guide," "Western Canada," "Tourist Sleep- er" and other booklets, Tickets and full information as to rates, etc., at C. P. R. Town Office, J. McMar. die, Agent, Blyth. THE 13th annual seeston of the A. 0. U. W. Grand Lodge is woven. ing in Toronto this week. The meetings are being held in the Temple Building. John Brigham represents Blyth Lodge, No, 145. AN : order in Council has been passed making .the close season for bass in the Province of Ontario from April 15 to June 15, both days in- cluside, except in that portion of the River St. Lawrence extending from Kingston to Prescott, where the close season shall be from April 15 to Juno 9. You tiALE,—Mr. Wm. Ross, about two Utiles north of this village is of - Whig his property for sale, There is an Acre of ground with comfortable house and staple with a number of first class fruit trees, This property will be sold cheap as Mr. ROBS wishes to go west this spring, Apply to Win, Cemphell, real estate agent, Blyth; or Box 96, Blytb. HOCKEY.—The Brussels Post re• ports the hockey game recently played in that burg as follows :— Blyth juniors came to Brussels Thu'eday evening of last week and p[e,yed the return game with the Brussels septette of hustlers, ,The game started 6.45 and witnessed by a Targe number of Interested spec- tators who cheered the boys on to their well deserved victory. Dur- ing the drat half a stop had to be insde owing to the burning out of the We thus causing the lights to go out ' The game was lightning, fast especially so in the last half when Brussels boys simply played Blyth off their feet. The score at half time was 3-0 for Brussels and at full time Brussels was found to have 10 goals to Blyth's 3. Tho game was a little rough at times and pen. attics were handled out to the fol- lowing players by referee Roy Sims, of Blyth, who gave excellent satis. faotten — Elliott, Gerry, Leckie, Snowey and McMillan. Arthur Jackson, the star centre man, was injured at Blyth but his place was ably filled by Roy Emigh. THE la grippe is getting in its fine work among our citizens now. CAstPRELt has disposed of his property on North street to John Hamm, of Bornholm. THE country roads are in a bad condition, and on account of this, business is very slack in town. THE man who does not advertise because it costs money, should quit pitying rent for the same reason. ON Tuesday morning George and Henry Jackson sons of John Jack- son, Morris left for the west. They took a carol stock and household effects, LAST Friday Wm. Hoffron sold out his butcher business to his brother, John, who removed every- thing to the old stand next the posts office. THE calendar for 1908 is the same as was used in 1812, 1850, 1868 or 1896, Save your 1908 calendars for they can again be used in 1936 and 1964 and so on up. IT is whispered in the air that a wedding Is to take place shortly and the happy couple are both living in town. Of course we won't mention any names for a few weeks, TAIBE sr., eye specialist and optician, of Toronto, made a special visit to Blyth on Tuesday of this week but will be here about the middle of April on his regular trip, VVatch for locals in this paper. THE wise business man if now preparing\to plant his spring adver- tising. TEE STANDARD is the field that guarantees a good return. Get in early before the choice positions are alt taken, DURING the past week Wm. Stack- house has moved his household goods from Eon Wawanosh into his tine brick h0Uee in town. THE STANDARD bide the fatuity welcome to town and hope that they will enjoy many happy years in their new and con• tenable home, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.—AS we look over our list of subscribers we find there are still quite a number who have not renewed this year and some have neglected for the past two years. The amount may be small to you, but many of them means a considerable sum to us. We would ask those who have failed to renew to tall and do so and those whose names are on our books to remember that all accounts are payable every month. We do our best to pay our way along and as a person needs money to do it we look to those who are owing us for the different amounts to balance the accounts. Wo have a number of accounts which have not been paid and the parties are not making any effort to do so ; that we must hand these accounts into the Collects by the middle of April. Hoping this will bear fruit, we remain,—The Editor, Tisi Shamrock was seen on Tues. day all right. Even Scotehmen were wearing it. ON Tuesday afternoon a drunk on the street gave a correct imitation of 'how to walk the crack straight. THE hockey boys will not chat - lenge for the Stanley Cup this year, seeing the ice has disappeared from the rink. THE baseball made its appearance Friday afternoon last, Jimmy Ilirone and !Frank McCaughey rushing the season. ENCOURAGE home trading. It means more money for your coin• munity, and you stand a better show of getting your share, CONSTABLE W1s'rLAKE Imo 'been busy opening up sluceways for the surplus water on the street to be ready when the thaw comes. Tuts is the windy month of the year. More than ordinary pre- cautions should be taken with stove pipes and chimneys. You will not count on luck If you are wise. You'll rather use your pluck, Aud Advertise ! AN impromptu dance will be given in Industry Hall on Friday evening of this week by the young anon cf town, MILLINERY OI'ENINos.—The mil• linery openings this season aro al• ready announced in this issue. Poplestone & Gardiner will hold their openings on March 27th and 28th, while G. M. Chambers & Co, and J. A. Anderson announce theirs for April 3rd and 4th, to which all the ladies are cordially invited. AT an executive meeting of the Huron county spring show to he held at Clinton, on April 2nd, it was de tided to leave out the word register- ed, in the draught class, thus allow- ing Canadian bred brocd mares to exhibit in this class. It was also de- cided to give the Molsons Bank cup to the best brood mare of any age in Draught and Agricultural class. A PoPULAR ScBoot..—A school that grows steadily in public favor roust have genuine merit. We under- stand that lilr. Spotton now trains more young people than an other management in Ontario, The Wing. ham Business College, whose new advertisement appears on page 1, is certainly a worthy link in this chain of Colleges. The Spring term opens April 1st. THE Spring Show will soon be here and the Directors are busy ar• ranging the final plans, Simpson Rennie, of Toronto, will be the judge ot'seeds, and will also address those who gather in Industry Hall in the afternoon on "flow to select good seed" and "Eradication and control of weeds." Robert Aiex,tnder, of Forest, will be judge of the horses. The judge for cattle has not been named yet, but no doubt a good one will be on hand for the fair day. SEVERAL merchants in surround. lug towns are adopting the cash system. It is decidedly a step in the right direction. The merchant who is easy going is often a loser to the extent of many dollars by giving credit to persons who never will or never intend to pay if they tai in any manner avoid it. If the govern. ment would pass a law prohibiting the giving of credit to any person it would materially help the business men of this country as well as those who ask for credit, A report from Seaforth says ;— Mr, Corbett's bus team rau away on Friday morning, Tliey started off from the station where they were waiting for passengers from the eight o'clock train which was a few hoes late. The team became frightened at escaping steam from the engine and made off without the driver. Part of the outfit was left in the station yard while the fright. ened animals galloped down Main at. with the balance. They were stopped on North Main street. THE only men of worth to a town or community are those who forget their own selfish ends long enough and are liberal enongh in their ideas to encourage every public and prix ate enterprise who are willing with brain and purse to push every pro. ject calculated to build up the town and embrace its importance. The enterprise and push of the town or community is the foundation of its permanent success. A town may as well prepare for its funeral as to be. come indifferent to the enterprise in its midst. Alen who come to a town to make it their future home, who can not see far enough before them to see that money placed judiciously in a public enterprise of their owe town will be a hundred fold in the appreciation of their propertyare to be pitied, THE first robin was reported to THE STANDARD on Thursday inorn• ing last by Frank Metcalf' and since then many others in town have noticed the robin. MARRIED.—At the Wesunineter church manse In Winnipeg by Rev. Mr, McKinnon, Miss Helen 0, An- derson, daughter of J. A, Anderson of town, was joined in the bonds of matrimony to Dr, G. McG. Stuart, of Cupar, Sask., at former Blyth boy, last Thursday. The pride was dressed in white silk and wore her' grandmother's wedding veil. She was assisted by Mrs. Miller, of Sas. lateen (formerly Miss 11. Robinson of Blyth while the groom was sup- ported by Mr. Swaisland, of Cupar, The wedding lunch was held at the Queen's, A number of former Blyth boys were there to wish the bride and groom many happy years of wedded life, SOCIAL —The McLear Mission Band field tt very delightful social in the basement last Friday evening, A dainty supper was served from 8 to 8 o'clock. 'There was a good crowd although the bad roads no doubt prevented many from attend• ing. 815.75 were the proceeds. The following program was given : -Opening address, Jean McMurchio; chorus by Mission Band ; reaiation by Iona Stothers ; duett, by Misses Somers and Cuming ; reading by Rev. Mr. Small ; chorus by Mission Band ; recitation by Miss Elder ; duett by Mesdames Taylor and ,lacobs; address by Rev, Small on "elements of success" ; Hymn and Prayer, BowLEas,—Tho Blyth Bowling Club held a very successful meeting in Milne's hall last Friday evening when they met to reorganize for the coming season. The officers elected were : lion. President, 1). B. McKinnon, President, J. Emigh. Vice•President, C. I1, Meese, Sec.-Treas., J. McMurchie. Executive, Dr. 0, E. Long, Jos, Carter and Jos. Stalker. Ground committee, A. W. Slonn and Joseph Carter, It was decided that the fee remain the same as in former years, A committee was appointed to see about electric lights being placed on the green so that games may be held lit the evening as well as the afternoon, Everything points to n successful year for the club. CHURCH NOTES, It is expected that Rev. Wm. McKinley, late of Southside Presby- terian church, Toronto, will conduct the Presbyterian services at Auburn and Smith's hill on the next two Sundays, 5 Next Sabbath at St, Andrew's church Rev. Mr, Small will continue his series of sermons "In the Sha- dow of the Cross," and will take as his topic "The sixth word from Ctyj- vary. Mr. Small's evening dis- course will make spiritual applica• tion of Joseph Hocking's story, "The 'Trampled Cross." 5* Next Sunday morning in Trinity church Rev. W. H. Hartley will prtach to the children who will occupy the centro front seats in the church. In the evening his subject will be "Christ before the Sanhe- drin." *y* The new hymn book for use In the Anglican churches in Canada will contain about 750 hymns, se- lections being made from over 65 different hymnals in more or less use, It is expected that the new book will be brought out So as to be In the hands of the congregations all over Canada before Christmas. The Cradle. SMALL.—Irl Blyth, on March 18th, to Rev. J. L, and Mrs. Small, a daughter. The Tome. A1)111E.—In Brussels, on March 11th, Grace Roddick, beloved wife of David Addie, of eon. 13, Grey, formerly of Stratford, in her 68th year, NIcitoL,—In Morris, on March 8th, Alexander Nichol, in his 75th year. RonnmcK,—In Brussels, on March 10th, John Roddick, in his 88th Year, STRaTTON.—In Kansas City, Kansas, on March 10, at the home of her parents, Glendine Margaret, only child of Mr, and Mrs, J. IL Stretton, aged 2 years, 4 months and 6 days. • 0 • oO. ° o O ,O *(0, 0 MILLINERY ffi OPENINGp Friday and Saturday, tb March 27 and 28, 1908 r:, LADIES : (01 We cordially invite you to visit our show (• rooms on Friday and Saturday, March 27th and �•, 28th, Igo8, when we will be pleased to show you our New Millinery for spring, We have a number of French, English and American styles that are distinctly new and stylish. Well-disposed yours, EDNA PORTER, Milliner. Dress Coods FOR SPRING We have this spring the best and biggest stock of Dress Goods yet shown by us. Our Black Dress Goods made by Carr & Co„ Brad- ford, England, are in the largest variety of makes we have yet had, the prices and values are a sgood as ever. Lace Curtains and Linoleums Hundreds of Lace Curtains from 25c to $6. Rolls of Linoleums, Nairn's make, in 2, 3 and 4 yards wide. Cash for Stotler and Eggs, POPLESTONE & GARDINER :3L.i" eH 00001000,00000.0,100000:0035,0:000 TEAS ! TEAS ! TEAS ! Try "LIPTON'S" packed only in tine, 11 a savor Is kept In. "SALADA"' In lead packages. "JAPAN" the best 2 o't'eaoa the markt. Loose Teas, black and green, mixed to suit the taste. C',1VE US ,Ft GALLS,. Potatoes wanted. highest prices paid. A. TAYLOR Corner Store BLYTH sIMIIIIIIImmelleniesemeMmealesa Result Advertising When the wise manufacturer or merchant wishes to place his wares before the public he generally wishes to advertise in the newspaper which reaches the homes in the community. For the widely rend paper, and that which covers Blyth and the townships of Hullett, East Wawanosh and Morris is undoubtedly The Blyth Standard The paper which goes direct to the well•to•do homes, and therefore, reaches the class possess- ing the greatest purchasing power. 11 will effectively carry your message to an intelligent discriminating people, who can afford to buy the best. Its rates are low enough to enable every judicious advertiser to make money out of a prudent investment in its space. Advertising rates, sample copies and full information obtainable at the office. In job work we guarantee to fill the bill in first class style, whether it be large or small.