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The Blyth Standard, 1908-03-19, Page 4
PACE Tout —THE 13I.YTH STANDARD—MARCii 19TH, tip Just One Week More Our Big Clearing Sale has been a wonderful success. People have taken advantage of the snaps, we have been offering, and the result is that many lines are pretty well cleared out. Of course there are some lines which have not sold so rapidly, so on these lines, for.. the last week of the sale, there will be greater reductions than ever. The business has not changed hands as yet, so after this thirty -day sale is over, the business will be continued as before. Sale ends on Thursday, March 26th so be sure and take advantage of the big money -saving bargains in. the last week. A look at some of the prices will convince you that we intend to make the last week a record breaker, Children's !Reeking Caps some fancy ones that were 85c and some that were 50c, your choice in the last weak for 20o Over 150 Men's Caps good winter caps in grey, navy or black. They were 00c, 00c and some 70c, Now your choice for 30o A Targe Assortment of Patterns in Wrapperettes good pat- terns and good heavy cloth, They were I2ic goods, but the price for this week 's 8o per yard. Infants' and Children's White Bear Coats new garment,:, well -made end well lined, only three lett. They were worth $2.80 and 82.75, now for $1.70 Navy Blue and Light Grey Dress Goods 40 inches wide, worth 30c per yard, just two pieces left. This last week of the sale for 18c Ladies' fbatana Underskirts well made and very wide, excellent Value at 81.85, now your choice for 99c We will hold our „Grand Millinery Opening and dis- play of New Spring Dress Goods on Friday and Sat- urday, April 3rd and 4th 110 NEW SPRING PRINTS 110 We have just received a shipment of Grafton's Best English Prints. The patterns are new, including the large polka dote and wide stripes, colors guar- anteed fast in every piece bearing Grafton's name, These Prints would be extra value this year at the old price 121e. but we are going to offer theca for the one weak only, the last week of the sale, for 110 Don't miss this chance. Remember that they, aro New Spring Goode. Shoes 59 cents for u pair of Ladies' Toe Slippers or Dongola Oxford Ties, in sizes 8, 8i and 4 only. They were wore h $1.85 End $1.50, about 20 pairs left, Your choice inthe last week of the sale for 590 Boys' Fine Kid Shoes, sizes 10 to 18. They sold bnforn for $1.45, this last week for $1,10, Now is th time to buy the boy a puir of shoes for the summer, Save money by buying ahead. Boys' Fine Kid Shoes'[ sizes 1 to 5, They ere worth $1.60, now for $1.25. '!'hese shoes are gond new stock and are the Faultless Brand. 7 bars of Comfort Soap for 26o J. These prices are for the last week of the sale. Remember the sale ends on March 26th. NDERS ©Watch this space next week® 1311 Business Cards. I gine 3i1.Ztit gitau'arh. A, 13. MACDONALD. Barrister Solicitor, Notary, Pte. Sue. cuing to G. F, Blair. °Moe over Stan. dant Bank, Brussels, Solicitor for Metro- politan Bank, I Nt1UDFOOT, HAYS & I3LAIR. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Rte. ORloes--Those formerly occupled by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Godertoh. W Proudfoot, K.C, ; 11, 0. Hays, G. F. Blair. 0. E. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of rental Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto University. Otuoe over James Cutt'e store, Pretoria block, Blyth, At Auburn every Monday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. W. J. MILNE, M.D.C.M, Pbyelolan trod Surgeon. M.D.C.M., Uni- versity of Trinity College; M.D., Queeu'S University; Fellow of jrinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor- oner.for the County of Huron, Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. JAS. McMURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, BEATHI, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Sale Notes aepeotalty Advances made to farmers en their own notes, No additional security required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We otter every acoommodattun con. etetent with safe and conservative beuklue principles. UNLIIITED PRIYATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of enteredt. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for eAle, Rents collected, CONYETANCING Or all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and LIte Assurance companies, and respect• fully solicit your account, OFFICE HOURS10 A.M. to a e,at J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. THURSDAY, MAIL, 19, 1909 People © VeKnow w Air, Frank hlatenlf is in London this week. Mr, Wm. McQunrrie, of Brussels, spent Sunday in town. Mr, Monza Jackson, of Brussels. was a caller in town on Sunday. Principal Stalker has been under the weather with tut attack of la grippe. Miss Lizzie Mcl3rien, of Ripley, is visiting with relatives and friends in town. Messrs, W. Duncan and Art. Jackson, of Brussels, were in town last week. Miss Hazel Rozell, of 13rassols, is the guest at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. N. 0, Gerry. Mrs, 13. Gerry, of Brussels, was a guest et the home of her son, Mr. N. B. Gerry, Dinsiey street, over Sun- day. Last week MI's. George Herons re- ceived the sad news of the (lentil of her grand daughter, Glendine 111. Stratton, in Kansas City, Kansas. Mr. Thos, Shobbrook, of the 13th of Hallett, has been dangerously ill with an infection of the head, 'There is no hopes held out for his recovery. Mrs, W. J. Haines ;uuf Master Willie, of Wingham, spent a couple of [lays Inst week visiting the for. tier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janes Gillespie, Mr. Frank Everett, well•known to the citizens of Blyth, has returned to town from Stratford, and has re- sumed his old position its baker for Mr. Jos. Stothere, Mr. Antler Begley left last week for Berlin where he has secured a position. We hope he will he well satisfied with his position' and that his stay ma.y be a pleasant one. Bender was in Dashwood last week assisting in taking stock of the business of .1. , Kellerman, who has disposed of his business, Mr. Bender is an old employee of the late owner, Mr. N. 13. Gerry and daughter, Merle, left this morning for Fort William, where Mr. Gerry goes on a business trip. It he finds whet suits him Merle will May wi 11 rela- tives till the family moves out, Messrs. 11. SlcCommins, 11. 11. Robinson and John Wilford repre. sented Morris district and Blyth Lodge, No. 963, L. 0. L., at the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ontario (Vest in Mount Forest lest Wednes- day and Thursday. Londoaboro. Thlmas Sherhrook is not improv- ing much, Wnl, and Mrs. IIesk moved into Clinton this week. Miss At, McCool, of Clinton, spent Sunday at her home. Miss 0. Hill, of' Summerhill, is the guest of Miss Whitley, M. Braithwaite is able to be out again after his illness, Miss Pearl Bradford, of Dungan. non, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Riley, at present. Mrs. (Dr.) Rutnatn, a missionary of Ceylon, gave 0 splendid address on Monday evening in the Methodist church. The sad news reached here Inst week of the death of Miss Elva Wel. lace, which oceured neer Lloyd. nlinster, Sask. She was a daughter of Richard Wallace, formerly of Londesboro. Het' tunny friends re. gret to learn of her demise. Gale Register. FRIDAY, MARCH 27—Undersigned will sell at Lot 10, Con. I I, Hallett, 20 draught colts, 6 fillies and 25 head of cattle, Jatnes Leiper, Prop. Saturday, April 4th.—At ba•d- uare Stan:.', Blyth, at 1 o'clock p. in. Horses, rigs, tinware, hardware, etc. Sale without reserve its pro- prietor is leaving town, N. B. Gerry, proprietor, Thos. Gundry, auctioneer. Hensali. Calltitte .says his St. Joseph and Stratford Radial will soon be an ac- complished fact. 51188 Lulu Benipbill, of Wroxeter, is the guest of her sister, lire. C. Cook. Quito a an mbar of our representatit+e CIt(7,e08 are 111 (ar0)' of the corporation purchasing the ell ctric light plant and putting In system of waterworks, Canadian News. The Kingston News has been sold to n company, —*— Three mon were killed in a col- lision 1 0 l l a theR.neari t t C. P, Kt lade r. —•— John Henderson was killed at Billings Bridge by a cave-in of gravel, —*— The Montreal Woollen Menefee. Luring Co, has gone into voluntary liquidation, —.— Rev. Alex. Davis and family of Piston, Ont,, were nearly nsphyxiat ed by cold gas. —.— A woman was found deed at the Victoria Hotel at Quebec under suspicious circumstances. —*— Mr, Wainwright thinks the new city of Prince Rupert will start with a population of twenty thousand. —*— One hundred and forty-nine Hin- dus were released at Vancouver and 35 others held to be deported. —*— The Government is expected to Impose a duty on repairs to ships in the interest ot'Canadian shipbuilders. —*— Louis Carr, convicted of supply- ing drugged candy to a boy at St. Catharines, is to be released on parole. —*— Mrs. Bnstedn, of Hamilton, was fined twenty dollars for throwing hot water on a 1)511lff who came to seize her goods. —*— Percy Archer, 011 Engiishmnn em• ployed as porter at the Kerby House, Brantford, committed suicide by taking carbolic acid. —*— Two women, Mrs. Clara McGuig- gan rad Mrs Margaret Hayes were burned to depth in a fire in their dwelling at St J. din, N. B. _`— Nine hundred boys in St, Brid- get's Schon!, at Montreal,,,.tnarched oat in gond order In n initiate and it half during a fire In the building, New Raymond Sewing Machines The latest im improved, drop heed, b ill bearing, n l•elesx, New Raymond (just out this year), is the most up•to•dnte machine Go the market, • les ebi t s et points of excellence are beauty, durability, easy naming and uolug with perfect satletactlun, the greatest variety of work. Call and sue thle household neeeeelt} at our Furniture Store, J. H. CHELLEW, BLYTH Spring Term Opens NI. B. SCOTT April 1st Thoroughness la the keynote of thl, Institution. Our sohc'ol etude for what Is highest and best In ouslness eduoetlon. We have three departments—Commer• sial, Shorthand and Telegraphic. Our graduates always succeed, If Interested get our free catalogue. ELLIOTT 3 M*LACHLAN, Principals. Justice Morrison ruled that the British Col070bit' Natal act wits ultt'a vires, and ordered the ciseharge of eighteen Hindus, committed under Ito provisions. $1.35 In Advance secures TAR STANDARD and Weekly Globe, with illusta'nted magazine section, from now to Jan, 1st, 1909. This is certainly a cinch von should not 111188. FARMERS desiring sale hills print- ed mi short notice cannot do Netter than have them printed at this ''+Ace. With our improv, d Facilities we can almost turn them out while you wait, The Canadian Pictorial and the Blyth Standard one year each, worth $2.00, for only $1.60 'Phis is a genuine bar - train. Don't miss it, ()all and see samples et this office and leave your subscription. Renew for TUM STANDARp, BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for at the office of Tne STANIIAItn, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sale Stables O 0000000 Ur. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. O 00 00 00 0 First'olass Horses and Rigs for trite at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. KiNG AND QUEEN S'l'NEEI'S, RLY'1'tl iirr9 ,��v►'t'dp'8�!/ li%vie you reuowed )out subecrip tion yet ?