HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-03-19, Page 2CLAIM A BODY.
Mother Forgot That She Had Lost
Her Children.
Cleveland, March 11, -"She was my
girl Mabel; I recognized the body by
her hair," says Harry W. Sigler, 0,01'2
Mamie street, a wealthy Collinwood
real estate dealer,
"He's wrong; site was nuc Elsie; 'I
would recognise her hair among a thou-
sand," instate Otto Islarkushatt, 5,814
Forest street, Ma%kushatt is n laboring
Whether It was that of Mabel or
Elsie the body has been buried. The
funeral took pima from the Sigler hone
-it was buried u that of Mabel Sigler.
It was clad in Mabel's beet white
dress Mabel's gold ring was slipped
over one of the charred, misshapen fin-
"Markusbatt has made a terrible
'mistake," said Sigler. "In his grief he
his mistaken our child for hie. We
ought to know our own Mabel."
Markusbatt made no effort to prevent
the funeral, lite was too busy with the
funeral of his thirteen -year-old son Ed-
win, aleo a fire victim.
"We sat down to breakfast this
morning, but we did not eat" A father
tree speaking. .Ile lives in Collinwood,
n Forest rest atr eat.
"Mother dished out my porridge, and
then the ciuidmn'a, and then hers. 'Then
she poured out the coffee, and then all
at once she looked at nue sort of queer
"Why, how sIow they are getting
up,' she said,
looked at her and said nothing.
"`1 must go and call them again; she
shd, and she started to get up front
e table. Then she remembered, and
sank down, and hiti her face on the
table, and cried.
"There was Eddie's place all ready
for hire, and little Elsie's, too. . Their
coffee poured out, and the porridge in
their bowls, and the fried bacon -
enough for four, with a little more for
my dinner pail,
But Eddie wasn't there, and Elsis
wasn't there,
".I buried my face in my hands. and
cried, too. And we didn't eat any break-
fast, Nor any dinner, either. It's all
there on the table, just as it was at.
daylightthis morning -and now -it's all
4 i
1 ---_
Farmers Want Penalties Attached -
Limit of Speed Asked For -(Keep Off
Roads on Certain Days -Jail for In-
fraction of Law.
Toronto, Ont., March 10.- Cop-
ies of printed petitions asking for chang-
es in the law respecting the operation
of automobiles, are being revived by
menthol of the Legislation for presen-
tation to the House, These hive been
eireulald throughoutthe rural districts.
The petitioners mold that the speed of mot-
ors he limited to 10 miles an hour, be -
(ween sunrise and sunset, and seven
miles an 140111 between sunset and sun -
rine. That Jamps be limited to two, one
in front and one in the rear, the reflec-
tion of the latter to be not more than
00 feet, Drivers should be licensed after
being examiued.as to their eyesight and
effecieney. Unless otherwise provided by
municipal councils motors to be kept off
the roads outside of cities and towns oe
Sundays, Tuesdays and Saturdays, lm-
priscnmeut, without the option of a
fine should be the penalty for third ef-
iancee,'and licenses should be cancelled.
Iinprisonmen-t, should also be the pun-
ishment for damage done to individuals
or property. Fees should be increased
in proportion to the size of the vehicle.
Provincial officers should enforce the
act, but where other authorities take 11.0.
tion the informant elould receive half
the fine.
Champion Police Athlete Dismissed
by Toronto Commisionors.
Toronto despatch: Police Constable
Latremouille, champion athlete of the
',Toronto Police Department, trzn dfs:uiea-
ed from his position. by the Board of
Police, Commissioners yesterday for dis-
obedience. Latremouille :injured bis
band recently, and had it dressed by a
doctor., He refused to have the injury
examined by the police physician or to
explain to his superior officer how the
injury was done. Latremouille hao been
a constable /dace 1902, and has been
ehanpiso all-round' athlete for two sue-
ce0aive years
Must Keep up to Power Standard at
All Hazard.
London, lilarch 16. --The question of
the comparative strength of the naval
pose's of Great Britain and Germany,
which has occupied considerable time of
Parliament this aea0ion and which reach-
ed a olimax when the fact of the Kaiser
having written a letter to the First
Lord of the Admiralty was made public,
carne up again to -day fn the House of
In a reply to a question by Mr, Ar-
thur Balfour, Mr. Asquith, Chancellor
of the Exchequer, representing the Gov-
ernment., said that (treat Britain must
maintain unassailable supremacy at sea.
For that purpose the two -power stan-
dard was a good, preeticable, working
Without forecasting the programme
of 1009, he could say without hesitation
that if the Government found a. reason-
able probability that the German ship-
building programme would be (smiled
out, it would le' their duty, not only to
build suffieient ships, but to hay them
down at such dates( that by Januar),
1911, the superiority of the Germans
would not he an netted fact,
An Abortive Conference -Controllers
Want Information, But it is Re.
fused -Company Says City Must
Deal Independently of Hydro -Elec-
tric Power Commission.
Toronto, March 10 Toronto is will-
ing to buy the Electric Light Co's plant
at a fair price.
Toronto is not willing to take over
the contract between the Electrical :De-
velopment Co, 0111 the 'Toronto Electric
Light Go., undo' which the latter uses
Nagana' as its source of supply.
11 Win. Mackenzie, now in control
of the Electrical Development Co,, will
cancel Chia emit -met and make a new
one with the city through the 1151100'
eleetrle Comnlisslon the city will ac-
quire the I ledtrie Light Co.'s pian and
no second pole line to Niagara will be
lit outer words, the entire solution of
the problem of cheap power for To-
ronto goes into the hands of Win. Mac-
kenzie and :Her. Adam Beek. The city
will buy power from Mr. Mackei4:ie
through \lr. Beck's 0oumissien, but sot
directly from the Electrical Develop-
ment Co,
Mr. Beek end Jnr. Mackenzie have the
floor. Toronto will await the result of
their negotiations with interest.
"If the ('ower Commiasiuu can lift
the Development Company off the 'To-
ronto Electric Light Compaey s back,'
as one of the civic representatives puts
11, "there is a prospect 00 the Oily be-
ing able to deal with the Toronto Elec-
tric Light Demeans% 1f not, them is
nothing to do but go ahead and put in
our own power plant."
Tlse discussion tested about .un hour
and a quarter. ''Che chief point at issue
was as to the city being allowed to see
the contract between the Electric Light
Company and the Electrical 'Developt'
went. Company, as well as the city be-
ing allowed to inspect the former cont-
paey's plant. The company detained to
accede to either proposition until the
city was in a position to make a drew
ito offer to (eke over both the plant
and the contracts. Thome the matter rest-
ed when the conference adjourned. 'Phe
city intimated that in the meantime an
application would be made to the lty'-
dro-electric Pow0; Commission for a
suppl; of electrical energy.'
1t is understood the Board of Con-
trol will apply to the commission, pos-
sibly to -day for about 10,000 horsopow•
er, The members of the board claim
that the city can easily find use for
between 5,000 and 6,000 horsepower
right away, and they have no fears that
the balance can be taken cine of. The
minimum which the city eau take from
commission is 0,000 horsepower. This
eoulld be divided among the civic
buildings, ncluding Oty Hall, water-
works, police stations, fire halls, etc.
Government buildings, University and
other buildings. The Controllers think
that by making this application the city
will force the Power Commission to pro-
vide for supplying this pow -e', either_
through an arrangement with the Elee-
tricnl Development Company- or by 0011-
strecting n. transmission line.
Lay Preacher Proceeds Against
Bishop Wiltmore.
A Chatham despatch: Bishop Wilt -
tome is the defendant in an uuuanal
eat brought, by one 11'ildlame, a lay
preacher, who claim's the bishop had
a hand in selling a church in South
Buxton and permitting it to he removed
to North Buxton, where it is maw used
as a hell.
W'llliaans has relatives buried in the
clench graveyard in South Buxton,
sand ckislakes verili Ilse sanctity of the
place destroyed by the removal of the
edifice. In the course of 1111 examination
for discovery the bishop admitted that
lie consented to the (church being sold,
hutlin had no .hand in selling it. As a
result of this statement others will be
brought in the sones,
Masked Night Riders Raided Town of
Birmingham, Ky,
Paducah, Ky.. March 110. -One hun-
dred masked "night riders" rode into
the town of Birmingham, Marshall
county, late last night, shot six no -
groes, one of them fatally, and whip-
ped five others. The riders ,took pos-
session of the town and shot into
every negro cabin in the place. In
one of these John Scruggs, his wife
and three children and a granddaugh-
ter were struck by bullets. One of
Scruggs daughters fs' dead, and two
other members of the family are not
expected to live. The riders then took
five other, degrees to the banks of
the Tennessee, where they whipped
them, After warning twenty-five other
negroes to leave the place the masked
men rode away. The raid folowed
warning of two weeks ago to all the
colored population- to leave Birming-
Strange Affair Follows Recent Sui-
cide at Power Glen,
St. Catharines despaielo Strange de-
velopments are following the suicidle. of
,lb's. Sangster at Power Glen last Frh
day. 1t seems that some time ago tl,e
School .Board of the section disnt[seed
Ethel Scott, beouuse of ccntaln accuse -
Hone, and a Mrs, Ben. \Velstead wrote.
hi the Provincial Minister of Education,
who ordered local htspector Ireland to
hold an investigation. This 1580 done,
but the 10011111 11 who 11"1.0 151 the letter
said she turd merely done so at the re.
quest of other (tallies, and the girl was
exonere1cd and at once issued a writ
against Alis. IVelstetd for slander, and
an action is now pending, After the
dismissal of the girl Songster, who is
superintendent of the Cataract Power
Company's plaint at Decew Falls, gave
her clerical position in the employ of
the Cataract Company, and she and her
mother lived in a, house close to Sang-
Hate last night e band of residents of
Power Glen, some of them employees of
the Catau-net Company, gathered, and
stoned the house of Miss Scott, driving
her from home. The girl went to St.
♦ •
Lake Superior Is Low While Ontario
Will be High.
Detroit., 3111011.00110111 16.--'ihe United
Settee lake survey re(t just isnrned
shows a fell of Dight inches in two
menthe in the level of Lake Superior.
The water is now 214 inches bedew the
February level for the past ten yew's.
lake Ontario promises to show an ex-
ceedingly high level for the coning 00e4-
11/0111, '1'1145 11 `MVO IS env 21/2 1801u'a 411)000
the mean level mace 1886 aced is 64
indicts -higher than in Febnany last, 11
inches higher th0.11 in 190e, 18 incurs
iugher than in 11105, and 24 100110s high-
er than in 1904.
Great Britain Feels the Need of More
Animals Increasing,
Toren 0, Jlarch 10. 'Phare should be
an inspiration for horse -breeders of
thir country in the fact that the de-
ficiency of the national horse supply
of Great Britain has been declared
to be unquestionably a grave feature
of the British military situation. Col-
onel Granet, of the War Office, told
the Royal United Service Institution
a short time ago that "at. the ,end of
a year's war 180,000 cavalry horses
would be required, whereae at the
prc8ent time there were only 190,000
tis the country.". Moreover, the birth-
rate of Britleh horsess decreasing.
It seems that Mr. Haldane and Lord
Carrington have under consideration
a scheme for the encouragement of
the breeding of horses suitable for
military purposes. It is to be hoped
that they will keep the possibilities of
Canadian Ripply in view. The
trouble now is that the Canadian far.
mer does not quite understand the
standard of horse that will meet Bri-
tish army requirements, and he has
no security of demand.
Supreme Circle in Session -Re-
organization to be Considered,
Toronto despatch: The Supreme Cir-
cle, Order of Clanaditui !lone Choice,
convened in Victoria Hall yowl rdm,y at
2 o'clock, with Supreme Leader Robert
Stark in the chair.
TIIve report of the supreme amrotatry
showed 1,335 additions, and nt present
a membership of 18,954. There brut been
194 deaths. and $283,510 paid in death
ch ms, bcnides $3,510 in tote! disability
and $21,815 he life expectancy claims.
The trustees, in their report, showed
the following statement: Release in
general fund $5,7h4; siek benefit fund,
$2,408; beneficiary- fund, $69,273; life
expectancy, $218.270.
The 1nattsr of reorganization general-
ly was referred to a aw('ioi committee,
ooisristing of W, G. May'heo (Winnipeg),
Medan Sommerville (Tornio), and W.
A. Truman (Canpbellton, N. B,)
In the evening the by -lav amend-
ments were (onside ed. The re4uc-
±1011 of the age limit to 16 years was
food to be an infraction of the charter
and w -as not acted upon,
A proposal to disqualify life insurance
verde and supreme offieens of other
fratorial ineemaanee orders for acting ne
suprenno representatives was discarded.
Charles Freedman, of Victoria, B. C.,
Shot Dead.
Victoria, March 16. -Attempted bur-
glary last night resulted in the murder
of Charles Freedman, aged 43, of Stanley
avenue. His assailant escaped, and the
police have little clue to his identity.
Freedman, accompanied by his wife and
sister, had just returned from the thea•
tro, and was going to bed, when on going
into the kitchen to get a glass of water
he saw a hard protruding from the
pantry door covering him with a're-
He immediately cried to his wife to
telephone the police, and rushed to the
door endeavoring to keep the'. intruder
from opening it as his wife rushed to
the telephone.
.The miscreant placed the revolver close
to Freedman'e lungs and fired. Ile gasped
out, "Mary, 1'11' shot," fell to the
ground and died.
q'he aseailant escaped through tate
pantry window. .Beyond the fact that
the man 1118 stoutly built, with a dark
overcoat and cap, there is no clue to Itis
0111(1.13•. 'l'he pantry floor wits covered
with blood, The w1ndow te011 raised,
while beneath the window were prinks
of the murderer's feet.
The murdered mu( wait an 1111•timcr
1400e. lle took part, in the gold rush to
the Klondike, where he made a eompet-
Doctors Secured Body of Girl Appar-
ently Dead and Restored Life by
Rhythmic Electrification and Hyp.
notic Influence,
Paris, Ala ch 11, --Comte Lettuce De
I1 unondie, director of the important
Sodetic Des (icons de Loltres, told to-
night of the effort amide recently by
three French savants to "raise the
".lt 10110 out ill Versailles," said the
conte, •A young girl apparently' died
from lemma! curses, (11u the physi-
cians, with the consent of the fatuity,
secured the body a few hours after the
death. The body was luumereed in (warm
water, and subjected to rhythmic electri-
fication, From time to time oma of the
physicians applied sulphuric acid, while
his colleagues nude hypnotic passes.
After three flours' treatment the girl
opened her eyes. Further stimulated
she was able to speak,
"'\1'11011 1 tell asleep at the hospital,'
acid she, 'there was an indefinite period
of complete prostration, and t11eu 1 be-
came 00110010us of 0 growing sensation
of cold, All try life seemed slowly to
concentrate about my heart, and all my
thought seemed to retire to n distant
curter of my brain, Thou me thought
Left nn' body altogether. 1 could see
myself lying there, white 1 still heard
the sound of distant music; but through
it all 1 had 0 bodily sensation of bitter
void. Suddenly there was a delicate
stock. The last tie uniting me and 1115
body was broken. 1 witnessed a terrible
spectacle. Sly body was the theatre of
a terrific struggle, nameless monsters
fighting for its poesessiot.'
"At this hinetnre the girl because
hysterical, and savagely attacked the
physicians. To quiet her they gave her
an injection of morphine. The dose was
o•erstrong, and Iter heart option ceased.
Efforts to recall her agate to life we1e
"1 was not present during the ex-
periment," said the cones., "but the
story was told me by a man In whops
f have absolute confidence. The three
physicians were also personally known
to me. They are men of endonbted in-
tegrity. The only rational explanation
is that the girl was not (lend, but in a
trance. The facie are as related,"
James G. Warnock Will Case at
Brockville Further Complicated.
Brockville, March 16. --Mrs. Eva
Warnoot, widow of Mr, James G.
Warnock, against whose will an ac-
tion is pending in the ]sigh courts,
gave birth to a son this nfternoon.In
his will Warnock bequeathed $5,000
to each of four daughters and the resi-
due of the estate to Mrs. Eva War.
nock. The )mother of these girls, who
claims that she and not Airs. Eva
Warnock is Warnock's widow, is now
contesting the will, but with the ad-
vent of another heir to -day more com-
plications have arisen. Providing
the will is set aside Mrs. Eva War-
nock and her child will inherit every-
thing, unless the first wife can prove
sh4 is the lawful wife.
Wife Will Start Proceedings for An-
nulment of Marriage.
New York, March 10.- Evelyn
Neebit Thaw to -morrow will institute
proceedings for the annulment of her
marriage to harry 11, Thaw. The ac-
tion will be based on the allegation
than the defendant was insane when
the union was contracted, Thaw pur-
poses to defend the sunt. T'hc papers
in the case will be served some time
to -morrow, and an early trial ie ex-
pected. In the meantime the two, by
mutual a.areement, will remain apart.
Canton People Roused Over Tatou
Meru Incident,
Canton, ,lurch 16,-A monster meet-
ing was held here last night to resist
the demand of the Japanese Govern-
ment for the release of the Tatsu Meru.
The meeting was attended by a great
number of prominent personages, who
vigorously nssertml China's sovereign
rights, A resolution wee adopted to the
effect that, failing the confiscation of the
ship ani'her cargo, a boycott would be
inauguarted against Japanese- manufac-
Two Italians Rab an Office in Que.
Quebec, ](larch 10.-A bold robbery
was committed about half past twelve
o'clock this r'ternoon in the offices of
the St. Lawrence vinegar works in St.
Sauveur, Two Italians entered the of-
fice, and, after having gagged the ac-
countant and tied him to a radiator,
made off with the cum of $250. The
crime was discovered about 1 o'clock,
when the employees, who had left for
their lunch, returned to their work,
Fire Drill and Fire Escapes Ordered
by Minister of Education.
Toronto, March 10: -A 51001110 has been
issued by the 5linister of i•;dueation re-
quiring that fire drills shall lie practised
by all schools in the Province which aro
more than two storeys in height. The
circular also states that the department
will insist on the equipment of schools
with fire escapes, and the provision of
adequate exits, the doors of which must
open outwards. School inspectors 11000
been instructed that it will form part of
their duty to see that the provieions of
these regulati0ne ere properly carried
out, The action taken by the Minister
is the immediate' result, of 10 report re
mired by hint with regard to the Me-
lieo1g11 school, Chatham, 13ie report
started at that school, although it con-
sists of several storeys, no fire escapes
have been provided. Ilr. Pyne he in -
Mended the inspector 10 visit the school
end make on immediate report on con-
ditim(s which lie 1i11ds prevailing there;
Overcrowded, and No Fire Es-'
capes ---Other Schools as Bad.
Toronto, Ont., March 16. .It has
been reported to the Hon. Dr, Pyne,
ister of Education, that the MoKeogh
school et Chatham, containing twelve
rooms, is overcrowded, has no adequate
means to prevent fire and las no fire
escapee. Dr, Pyne has ordered the in-
sp0clor to investigate, end report forth-
with. Dr. Pyne has also been notified
that there are severvtl other urban
schools in the sine position, and has
sent ort 0 circular letter to all inepee-
tors in the Province, ordering them to
report as. to accommodation, fire drill,
exile, Me, on all schools over one storey
in height.
Scotchman at Toronto Succumbs to
Attack of Heart Failure,
A Toronto despatch: Going into the
sitting room of the Bunnell Hotel, at
the corner of Queen street and Strachan
avenue, about 8 o'clock last evening,
John Tate, aged 37. 930 Queen street
west, was suddenly taken ill, and died in
a few minutes. No one noticed hint go-
ing into the room, but the porter heard
something fall, and, going in, found Tate
on the floor. Death wa0.41110 to heart
direase. It is unlikely that an inquest
will be held. Tate was employed at the
Massey -Harris works as a laborer,
though he was by trade a carpenter. He
had been out from Edinburgh, Scotland,
about a year.
Attacked Wife and Child, Then Hang-
ed Himself.
Piqua, Ohio, March 18, -When four of
the little children of Mr. and Mrs. David
Dins, of Pattptown, Newton township,
went into their parents' bedroom this
morning they saw their mother and one-
year -old child lying in bed with their
heads crushed by an axe.
For several days Davie had brood-
ed over inability to pay a mortgage.
Early today he rose, and after strik-
ing his sleeping wife and child on the
}read with an ase he had brought from
the woodshed, he tried to !:ill himself
with the same instrument. Failing
in this, he went to the barn and hang-
ed himself from a beam. :9fre. Davis
and the child are believed to he fatally
Awful Deed of a Former Canadian
' at Tenino,
Tenino, Wash.. Starch 10.- Warren
McKay, a Canaclicut, formerly of Winni-
peg, but a resident here ten years, killed
hie wife and three children and then
committed suicide by taking poison.
Two mon discovered.MeKay's body
this morning, and, notifying the town
marshal, the latter immediately pro-
ceeded to the house to inform Mrs. Mc-
Kay. They were horrified to find there
the mother, 7 -year-old girl and 4 -year-
old boy with throats cut, and a 0 -year-
old girl with her head crushed by blows,
from a sharp instrument, probably a
• te
19,831. Boxes Sent From Canada Ar-
rived In Good Condition,
Ottawa, March 10.-Aeco'ding to Mr.
J. S. Lrrke, Trade Commissioner at
Eydney, there were imported into
Australia by the Canalise Australian
steamers 19,831 holes of apples in
three shipments, the receipts lx'hig,
for October, 8,772 boxes; November,
8,163 boxes; December, 4,806 boxes.
Nearly all the apples arrived in
good condition. There were in ad-
dition a few boxes that came by
freight steamer's from San Francisco,
but the shipments 014 Sh,ne slow
steanu•rs were a complete failure.
• o
Hbndus Fined,
Vancouver, March 16, -Thio afternoon
Magistrate Williams gave judgment in
the cases of eighteen Hindus tried for
failing to; pass the educational test of
the Provincial Natal act: They were
found guilty, and sentenced to pay the
statutory fine of $500 or twelve months'
imprispnment. The defending counsel In-
timated that an appeal would be taken
without loss of time.
Confessed He Was Hired to Do the.
Deed by Officials of Western Fed.
eration of Miners -Orchard Had'
Definitely Made Up His Mind to.
Plead Guilty -Sentence Later.
Caldwell, lila 110, lurch 10.-Ilarry Or-
chard yesterday, before Judge brenor,c
Wood, in the District Court, was allow-
ed to withdraw his former plea of mit
guilty, entered at Ma fast arraign;nein:,
by order of the court, when he eaten
mute, and entered another plea of guilty
to UW charge of murder in the first de•
gent, as ehorget in the indictment.
.fudge Wood will sentence Orchard 111
Ala reit 18,
Orchard pleaded guilty to having kill-
ed former Governor Stmmeitberg by the
explosion ul a dynamite bomb at 00
side genic of his residence here early in
the evening of December 30, 1905. Ile
10:1:s ;arrested for the cr1111e 00 Jhituary.
2. and in February confessed that he
was (tired to kill Steele -la n'g by Wil-
liam D. Haywood, secretary; Chas. 11,
Moyer, president, and neo. Pettibone,.
honorary member of the Western Fed-
e'atire; of Mines.
Haywood and Pettibone were tried in
Boise and set free. The case against
Moyer was disleis0cd.
Judge 1\'cod questioned Orchard as to
whether he felly understood the status
of the case, 1011111 it 1110(001. for 1nii to
plead guilty, alit] if he understood that
to plead guilty to the charges in the in-
dictment meant pleading guilty to the
charge of first degree murder,
Perfectly calor, with neo indication of
any enoiion i0 face -or voice, 0rchsrd
answered that he had gore over the mat-
ter thoroughly with his attorney, 3131(1
had nude up his mind 4011111 ely. Judge
Wood allowed the plea to be changed,
and set tine date for sentence.
After the acquittal of Pettibone tin'
()Milieu AVMS expressed in many quarters
that Orchard would take advantage of
every legal right he alight lave' to ole
tain his own release or a light eentencv.
The stand he took yesterday was a
swrpriao to most persons, and his atter.
ney says it was entirely voluntary on his
pant and against the advice of many who
had seen and talked with him.
Man Called a Liar=•Another-Refused
to Retract at the' Point of a Pistol
-Agreed to Fight' It Out -State
Senator -elect Killed,
Amite, La., !larch 16. -The strained
Political situation in Louisiana Dem-
ocratic circles was hist night respon-
sible for the !tilling of Democratic
State Senator -elect D. S. Kemp, of
this city. He 150.0 shot and killed
by C. . F. Hyde, a young politician
and business leader of this section.
Yesterday the mien quarrelled about
the recent Democratic primary for
Lieut, -Governor in which J, J, Bliley
and Paul Lambremont competed with
result that Bailey, the defeated can-
didate, filed a protest elfarging the
Democratic State Central Committee
with fraud. Hyde in discussing this
controversy is alleged to have call-
ed Kemp a liar. The friends of Both
men thought the incident trivial and
it had apparently been forgotten until
last night when Senator Kemp with
with u drawn revolver walked into
Hyde's place of business accompanied
by n friend, Hyde was unarmed.
Kemp is than alleged to have 018011ed
Hyde's `ace, The Senator's friends
at this point interfered and separated
the two Wren, who thereupon agreed to
meet and fight it out with revolvers:
Senator Kenmp then, left and Hyde
went into his house nearby and secur-
ed 0 revolver. When he came out
he shouted to hemp to wait for him-`
which the Senator did, The two ap-
proached each other and Hyde open-
ed fire, two shots fatally wounding
the Senator, who died within 30 min- -
utes after the shooting. Hyde was not
injured and witnesses claim that
Kemp did not shoot, Senator Kemp
was a man of middle ago and Hyde is
24 years old. Hyde had not been or -
rested up to an early hour to -day;
Inquest Into tin Murder of .Butte
Prison Deputy Warden.
Butte, Mont., March 16.-A despatch
to the Miner from Deer Lodge says that
as n result of the Coroner's inquest over
the body of Deputy Warden John Robin.
son, who was murdered in en attempt
to break 11(10011 on Sunday morning by
convicts George -Rock and William Hayes,
it develops from the testimony: of other
convicts that 0 conspiracy existed among
five convicts to make a break, but ape:
parently the nerve of all except Jtnele
and Hayes failed at the crucial, time.
Rock and Hayes aro charged with the
111 1111101. of Robinson by the verdict 'of
the jury,