HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-03-12, Page 7cava .deals a Han 3orn Blind.—John
,::1 man born !diol (t.
,bus sto set J:y- Je n5 Mill lin.
,t .
„c," .,,sr, anil in ono of ItS
oz, cps to cr frost a 0vaag one,
: 1e, eereat-, t.1s blind frau, Ile saw--
jesos vslettotice of his bifid:ion; ipok-
sst open 1 h m y lt! (5410000 .11, lye fi,11,11e1.
h113' 11M1, 11 -at look meant sight
rte [Mal min, .1 11001.—Ile was a
beggar; tt Was his trade Inst among ui
his petitions he did not ask for sight.
S, .1 . -sus gout it, �1n illustration of
]rel n Situ can, This man was
L a I,alples,S poor. Blued from his
birth n miracles connected with
Ut1 ae., fire reworded in the gospels,
lint this is the only case where Is!indnerse
n m 11/11th. Ill ti i;3 lay its peculiar-
fL- 1 ,txlld.,o 15 very com„txm in Pales, -
tine, int Still then; are fent who are
• lain blind. "While every miracle:
wt•n tght by. Christ is at feted larahlp,
ea(41a al the eight that John records is
• aitesysl the tet o, sonic great truth of
• salvation, the trunk of a toshi which
bunts healing leaves and the fruit of
>;crana c:3einhial teaching"
IL The mystery of Providence (vs, 2.
;1.) O. 1)1001(1100 asked—The first gates -
lion that arose in their minds woo 0^]05
111, blindness existed. Who did sin—
Moto aro teaches that all disease and
even k;5th, is the limit of sin, The
114,1 '1.1 error oomsisted in believing that
ndltitecial afflictions ware 4ln9n0 visite
thus for special sing. This error .Tests
earl (,t l Abbott This man, etc,—On
the 1 c 1,tlar supposition that speci11 col,
mattes aro a aro isInnenrt for special
sins, the disciples desire to know whose
eiu o,,iroed this 0011's suffering, Was it
his, parents' sin or his own? But how
),111,•.1 the. man ;111 before his birth? Illhe
decitito of the tr .;cmic l alien of -oils.
hs 1 I r h the ,.ante s0111 fa s1posed to in.
hx' '
different boilies, and therefore
might, , s»ffer in one body because of tear'•
ing shined in another, while common
traning theGreeks, was not prev.L4cnt
le(0s)g. the Jews. Blit the Jews end bo-
1ieu 1L' }};Ao possible for a child even
'before' birth: i lai
t 0 have eltmtions. an-
and co
tram. gt151t. .111..,"' trays Plummer,
"„rears to be the simplest and most nat-
ural interpretation. In v. 34 we see that
hese JewSitelti the snare belief as the
disciples, and sin. before birth is pos.
and throw this man's calnmity fn
Isis face as proof. of his sen" -3, Neither,
e1a,.Jerius does'not deny the existence
of sin in author this man or his parents,
bol: says this bldndnss wais not the di-
rrrt r,tsttit of their sins, He mondial -es
limo and in Luke 13; 1-5 the belief in)
rib tl in this question, that each: part.f-
enl. trams 110 sorrow was traceable
tosome particular sin. ''Anel se Jesus
torn away his diseiples from that most
harmful practise of diving down with
cruel surmises into the -secret of other
11100'0 lives, and, Like the friends of Job,
glossing for them hidden sins in explan-
ation cf their 0uusta:l sufferings.'
Trench. \'Yorks of God .... manifest—
Net that this men Was born blind for
the sole purpose that a miracle might
be wrought, but that his blindness fur-
nished the occasion for Jesus to per-
form the divine work of healing hint,
and thus to show himself to be God,—
ll1r,ecy, God is not responsyb!e. for sin
art its caresequences, but both afford
him an oppontUlitYY sinnv lis power
andgrace,' "Mufferloys are tilee the
Kist, ings until sawdust all ,teem
md^t •of the carpenter's workshop,
'111.1 t are:nec055ary hi the waking of A
nes ! '1 article. It is to the finished wort:
we most look, and not to the ,la)11, ),
if no ymild urdevotand the a,.tuad ,tate
of tisings aa'ouud us." --Exp. Bib, flow
were the works of God made manifest
'in 170s man? 1. Int tale restoration of
his sight. 2. In the enlightenment of his
mind, 3. In the saly:ntioa of his non], 4.
1u s1:0444lrg light upon others. Not only
ware this man's neighbors benefited, but
all who hove mad the account during
the ':est eighteen 'hundred yeas have.
I n ! I t' ei-0 attention 1110 (4'to v,a rd (ha i 01
4. Wo must work (11. V.)—By the plural
"en." as given in the 1t ,Jesus 8550-
f:100 s his apostle; with 111111 in the, work,
i f e, e:our) sing 40 think that "100;'
10/00, wr+ak men, own he'"wo0crs toge-
ther w11111 Christ." While it. is day ---The
d .y • represents opportunity), the night,
epoort;laity past. The day of life's op-
iinity is raiipiddy passing:, the night
(.1 1,.,tii will snot be beer, and our
work w'i11 he ended. What we do trust
be done quickly,
5. In the world—He would -nal be
torte in the fled, but halms m'e'et ccs' -
cd to be the light of the 10061, Sin is
dark(0ss. He is in bold contrast to sin,
a un the light—Like the sun. 11 10 0( '
business to dispense light 11110 hent ev-
erywhere; to neglect no opportunity to
enlightgn(and save the bodies :mil souls
of r1 rl,,--Ciarkc. The case before them
3111 lltogetlher 0,c0rd 10mwan Well
h"� .1 ,01111 reminded His disciple, that
.4 .11iut 1cer0 light and life. '1111 blind
vas a type of a sinner reeek11g
t al' sight. Jesus still opens blind
ow c,, and gives the ability to ''o and
ul_0 furnishes the light by which they
see, He is the' 113111 of the world, and
is :Coln to enlighten the darkened m1nd
oat 1.1 the sullrl1ine of His ]0(0' flood
the soul. "Christ guides us by the light
(I) of His teaching,_ (2) of Bis example,
G1 of Itis Holy Spirit, (4) of His pro•
y 400, (5) by His personal presence
in the soul, (CO by answers to prayer,
171 by implanting a new heart and right
motives which clarify the vision, (8)
in His dealings with others.
used and the (tile) predated. 1. Glol,i
s11a0 into' physical 0,i1t101 to attract
.A1.0114011 and to stimulate Cloth; alien
Guth was fu 11001y exercise. Ile healed
ny" )lis w'urd, and a1 11 distatuat. 2, (teris
tpp0nls to lave) of the Iran's senses, bi.
,scat Mg and fa(.liuv, thereby' arotr la-
.ilii,"---Atuorehead, ('twist gave 111
pc tt nl
attention to the ease, eves
though Ills patient was '0 beggar. 7
,hi neat, gave him something 00 11
11116 11um14 be, 0n all as well u, 0 les,
()totting his faith land obedience: „
,c,,1111 --"A fountain under the walls ul
leronlem toward the east, between the.
0110 and the Brook Cedron. 11 is sit,
to a he. seen, ono of the few undispll.ed
sits in Jerusalem, It WAS then a 11013
uil'icent poo] surrounded by an arcade,
liy interpretation, sent—'Che o ernia.
mottling is `)outlet of water -0;1 probably
because it is fed by totters from 111
temple•moilli(. By its very name this
1001 wa0 a tyre of Christ and it may 6.
tent Jesus selected this particular poo
.060)00 of that fact. "`!101101 is U.
Comdata seat from the mount of (1031'(
ceniple by which the 11 111 is 3104,110.
(1)101 his blindness and his clay; (,hris.
is,tilefountain sent from God by
our nature is to be purified floe sill.'
[le wont—tole believed .and obeyed. "A
frequently dose Cod'c best gifts becaus
we fail to act in time, Came (01)1113 -
'he cure was instantaneous.
1". Various discussions (vs. 8.12),
5 not this he—'1'Itetr was an iuuncdiat
stir 001003.111e neighbors; they notice,
he great change in the non, The sit
s true whole Christ given spiritual cy:
fight, Begged Phis is the Sint men.
.]on of the fact that he was 0 beggar
.Te must 141)00 been well known. ll. Lilo
aim --it Ls 1101 surprising that son
fought lniin to be another man; 11!•
Appearance would be greatly changed
t ant he—The (tan 111(4,self gave a post.
ave tendoone.v.
,opened—His neighbors gath-.
010(1 around him and asked for an 00
,lanttnon. Alan), are anxious to know
a010 things are done, ever though they
aa00 nci faith, 11. IIo answered—lye 11011
,(over seen his neighbors before, but now,
ooking right at them, he delivers his
onderful testimony to the power of
Jhrat. It is short, clear, positive. A
man --Better 113 to 11. V. ---"the 11100,1
Jesus 11115 SD 1ve11 011010.1 11131 lye yrs.'
the 1(11)11,'' 1101 CIL man Notice the
development in this Hum's faith: First
ae knew 1-11111 only as "tire 11)301" called
10,1,15, then its "a prophet" (v, 17), then
as as 104511 whit whom God was (vs. 111-
13). then 110 was the Son of Clod (vs.
The (neighbors finding the case involv-
ed in mystery tool: the man to the Phar-
isees,. perhaps to the Sanhedrin,- who
pr1010'ded to investigate the miracle by
questioning the non and by calling his
pa'etits to testily, The hypocritical
111101 hated terns, and worn, wntiumdly -
trying to find something against 11111),
They pretended to take great offence
because our Lord performed this .at of
mercy 011 !he, 0111,,)1 dal, and 111'6
111. .1 blind man healed (vs. 6, 7), 3,
01000 they. ...anointed --Why did Jesus afflicted "nor its parents" be responsible
anoint the man'(, eyes with clay? There tion,dizziness,ornervousprostration
is 11) connection between the means t'0.R1o',r"'4.r � (1' J)'
the Fi JHO s Stm Qia '-taritraes
lid I'll cuMilt 11115 14:11') ,'1 hr met. With fwd
101)lge lent of toolay brings in its trni 1 nerve 1
he form of nccumnlism, satin ieu, nem tastlama
-Me it place where tired h 01'l(,ly 11111y rest nod
4fl0enees is the, mission of the mmnagsmeut of
n nx three. '1'110 pace of tl e
'xhaustbm, frequently takitg
•1131 kindred brouble5. '1'o pro•
at tie same time enjoy- tonne
the famous "St, Cuthain s
:it "'file Apollard," St Catharines, when. these 11'nh'rs are dispensed, are
aund conditions which tend to give that mulch desired rest which tired httuan-
y needs. Dore treatments of the St, C,uthtu'in0o well water of 0 strong saline,
latm'1 ars' necomP anied with massage and electricity in varying forms, All
reatments ore given under direction of experieueed attendants and 115)1005 ht
aa1'ge of a physician.
-sun parlors, Roof Promenade, Library. )lusie bloom, all contribute their
moth to thn c0101011, of the visitor; The environment is more like u large family
hotel, and the miler;y111g ]Zrinciple is to Bullish a place where people afflicted
with the illsof lift. will recuperate under 11:0 most favorable conditions. This
1001,m1 olidi(11. too, is provided din a price within reach of the overage man.
For further information apply
aural their traditions. The pareets 111. Cla.,! the Light of the World (t'.
furred the Jews and left 111' cspi; nn o11 •(„d d
i� lie
t' (f John
1, , ux1
inn of 1lis 11001114r of their sun. Tim
Jews then eontinned to question the
man, :and Ila bee11me weir bald, 11(1)11
finally he x1,400)1 theins to be Christ's dis,
eiplen. This angered them greatly, and
they 01, i1ed him and spoke harshly
against Jesus, At this his courage rose
still higher, and with great dcarne ss
he. .matsw041I their false reasonings
against tithe man lrl1n 11.01 healed hint.
they could stand u0 mow, but east him
out oto the ((poll -vows. 11' Jeen5 at once nw-
ceielyd'll11110af to the 11111, who 11111101 -
,HD 1:1y I heteuue It t0110 100001I,pper.
t"0011111g41 011 right, and to speak bold -
,1' in deienso of the truth, will always
bring heaven's blessings upon ns:
(4ui trona-'—Oi1e the conuectiug links
1010(00 tits and our last lesson,.AWhv
had dans 011010 is Jerusalha at this
time? 1111(11 discourses were delivered
while thea'! What quest141115 did the
di-elidesdi:elides ash, about n 111.11)1 rya? Ana t.
&awe r did Jesus n0? How 4140 the
works of (nod 1110'11,- Manifest in this
bli.ul limn? What did testis ascan by
w0'k]ng while it was day? How' lens
llc the light of the world? What did
"Cod is love" (L John 4, 8). Chest 15
01;111 null to,t 111 the ):este (t, :I h 'Cum,
:1, till. "Light and love are iosep,trolle.
Holiness and 1'i g ltt;ou;l1015 are 11 I i -
butes of light; grout and mel'cy of lore.
Judgment of evil is the outcome of
light; pardon and blessing are the out.
a sant
How or love. Lnght demanded ur1 s
fire for sin; love provided it. :At the
c0053 110111 0110 seen. Clod IS just and
the justifier of them that believe 'Mom.
3, 21). "11:111 light and love are, ('11:1'.
110111 1,1,,1 of those 10ho are p0rhtkers
of the 0vl:o' u,tttue„ (IL Peter 1, d),
34.0 intimately nun light and love I omit
together, it is impossible to evhioit the
(001 tvithont the other. Could there be
a pal"r exhibition of divine lova than
we se, in the Lord at the Well of Sy.
etre-? 151,, opened the, way to the dirk
heart of that poor woman, and allowed
the light 1:r shine in and shad its rays
over the whole of ler sinful life. Oh,
thaL w,. 11 1111W biter how to deal with
souls a10.0 this fashion, s1 little lull to
n 111103101 euemv, nt n ,oft hard to a re.
tiler, 1101y he mune effected that( 1:41
then c,Uatio110 of sin and Hulett; of
dem); to for 111, Mind 11101)1 Ig'here dl l pjudgment that earl(' be j1111) urolght
lye 0011d 11 ;no tear 1(9101 pueposo'b, 1\ ho 33011130 111111.''
questioned 1100? 110 15.1(3401 (lid his neigh- 10'. Our hioin is our -jted meal, Oto'
lea's l,ke hint? 00 by were the i arts c good uu show our 1000. '1110.01
14f7ono(); 0 to ('hast0 ark. two special (00013nds aleint shin.
1'It_1l,"I'11 01 .01'11.1(,1143)01 ; •
Mg: ,1 -Let ,vele• Light so shim. be 1011
1. Christ the 14111 of laic (John g 1111.11 tit 1 tillly 11110 , c your 1,00(1 14(11!4,
and glorify 511th t ether" (011411, 5, 16);
12), Light ht is essential- to life, "Jew ;dime om is Watching for n to shine,
passed ht" (v. 1) 1(
Christ 1 :tlo 1r \Yhcn we tall to lour 11(10 1, troc. and
porle(-tly' placid. Au cuufa adiel10)1 u( kind, some. one is lett in thy. dark. 2.
0iwle0 "Ye'.1.1101"")(11His' 1nt00 ra,11'‘
"Stoic, as lights in the world" li'IIi1 2,
14, lo). COtel the sunders 0) !.o. a
ibNY4�;.' ;.y,
You won't tell your family doctor
the chole story about your private Ih(n O_,,,, fa.e up stones n i tiro J;Ihn 0.011), 80101)4 lcn'•n11) 111001 ax1 world whit the son 15 to the 1141 1;11011
immediately stopping witient ;a i world: I rofossot lyudall says: "(:very'
rl e tree ishent • nd flower ,grows and ,lour-
Oxna' ht of Ili, own cattery, l0 give sight 1 l lzt ,a
to a1)1111d 10330', ''1Te 0in0 a 1)11. 15h4o by the grace and bounty of the
I 1 ..elle did. (101 ace itis .ewi- I stn. Leaving out of account. the cr.tp.
blinds tt. ). Il 1 tine, of wol;tutnrs 01111 110 1100 0101 line1
reties hurrynrr afl11rltinl, 110 bud nl-
dderlc0. Front 1101' vast 0011'PVp,nd-• t; ;,,t-, ! 01 the tides, every 10 511101clal notion on
ence with sick 100111011 111101ng' 1110 .1 ho.u'1 •nl. Ibisme freta r1,c!), the earth's sur11'.(c, every mnut 101 at:1a'n
of ewe organic and inorganic. 111.11
)a&1 thirty years she may halt', Tea soothe nu,' sympntbir.e." I ,
1y and da sisal � is produced by the sun.
gained the leryknnwkdgetliatwill IC takes I;ttic t.. trate one happy a f t'
help your case. Such letters as the fol' 015111, a 311)111, ,1 ward, a 1 1010e may Every Ire that Mons and 1.1..13' 11.tioe.
1 111 11 s- do it, trod love, to oat the little (b;io that lows, dispenses light and heat
lOWing, fr01n grateful 'Warner), , e twlnicl 1100"innli•' helon)ed to ilic stab
i, 4), Lln'ist i, our cxnm ale 0 scut The sea digs the ore. from our mlia
or unbalanced Ills mind, or paralyzed
1110 power. or nm011, 110n1 self -a 115010110., „mile uncd reflect it
\1'e, see flint, a, lbw )1103 111 til kill
loi i V', J.:ins is to the moral and sp!rit.ml
i1L-;ess—you are too modest. 1 Iia
need. not be afraid to tell lira. Pink -
ham, at Lynn, I lass., the things you
could not explain to the doctor. Your
letter will be held in the strictest con•
tabilah beyond o doubt 1114 power of 1 11 1111'1,1 the Light 111 (nen (100 1 1 d
�ypf n�,qg� 7 2.21' John 13. 13), 111s lite is light . for he rolls the iron he rues the plate,,
s m (s, 11'1010s in the star tlai shines; over he boils the Water he draw. the t aiu.
EGET BLE COMPOUND 1 C"hlehe11 ('Mott O. Ul;; at brighten, n Thunder and lgh1011,, re also lir 1 .r. -
t0 conquer all female diSP,aYcS, 1;i -,,e11,,..1,10,,,, the hay put laiwuy his urea pas- nutted strength, -141 rem) t h r els., 1a
q. design to 1wgd0i 1115 life Work, not plc1ry, hut.11 3111l0)11): 11 n1I,1 ."
]firs. Frank F.ntsicy J.inrlsay,So (111)1 is the .'iflre, the .,,m::, !It.
Ontario 1vrites to:Ars. l;ffikittutt:
and ao "down° lid hnhumble way of sob-
Ie(1i 01 (Luker 49•52)1 it ns brilliant. very e ave of m11 spiritual 11111 moral
" R'hea I very sick you some limo as the I1 1(wen, open, lvhi!e Rol tad.e, Lein; NO good 311301pa11 can h:, tea-
a -
„go,' was aver stele wo 1)! suffering . 1),!,10,11.41 nn,1 no truly good act eau b0
from female troubles;, I had inflannna-, the yi0nel's place ill then waters of lap.
Haul (011111. 1, 18, 17); 11 (10.,11Q, in it1
is p'1'011 red 11putt 1'10111 1111)1, "Jesus
tion of the feminine organs and could shed„ he 110111 of truth 1111011 our y, 1 ', ell 1 Test. hen. 1 nanny will accompany
standor walk anydistance,. At earths) Mtenotees el (dm 3, 164:2); it, )4
not 11 the 111)1 41 1)1.1 101) scone the 1:1i011101;e of Ord our Father, of AL Regnault, the hreneln 0liili5te1 at
last I was confined to nit bed awl the glows t
t'lalt, liy l -i,); it radiate; filial tlr duly, of lo'pc, of hrlu'ea, of eternal Lt Tangier, to'tlin coast towns to study the
doctor ratio I world is v0 to go d to d la lie in 111 ,.a;0 ;111! the 11111 1 and the. ,lice question and report thereon to
an operation, but this 1 le[used to do, upper room u, ale l tl es the lowly p u, 1" !'
"Aft•ientladvisrd1341014.',inkhorns 14 it servant (Joni 1J, lin); le barns lug. He 1.s 0111' pillar ,a the through the the llavernment,
VegetabloCompound. After u131114three stroll, and clear as 1111 11151 0 11011 e(1 1i!d010',IA 111 Liu 11111111,0d 1110I,"—_—.rdo-----
bottles of it, Ifeel like anew woman, ill the agony of the garden _eat. )ie, - --,-- 1. 4, Al,
(liaige of Negligence in Connection With
Myrtle Wreck,
A 09111)hy despatch: Eugioeer Hugh
Kyle, of the 1'. 1', 11 -freight train n-hieh
;meal the, math near :Myrtle on :'larch
1'),1.4..7, was to -day tried under scrtiolis
of the c rintinal code i''or
tligeuu', causing [,nevous bodily Maus,
mil acquitted, The (.town had mi dif•
Cudahy in showing they kyle hod beet
„5011 a speeille order to meet extra 1458
llyr!ih', lle had not obeyed the or-
der, and by his reeved. to do so tend
011:01'(1 ileo accident,
190. Al J Curry endeavored to shout,
ler some of the blame of the avoided
upon the conductor and,thc-twain de.
-pntche•, lie, first sled to prove that
Wilkinson should have notified Myrtle,
sad that the slop signal should have
-ren set lir, next sought to shoo' that
1011 the engineer had slowed down he
vn-ow a train un lh, ending, signalled it,
and got a reply; that 110 ,also got a
'high ball' or go-ahead signal from the
(.011(111(.1 01. at the rear of the train Of
(wenty,cven ears, a (h,taee of over
nine hundred feet,
Gold and Silver Marks Act Changed at
Request of Jewelers.
Ottawa, )Mardi 0.--A10, R,. )1. 'l'rowern,
Toronto, Secretary of the Retail ,bier
chants' Association of Cullode, is in 01-
taw'a this week conferring' with the De:
partm0(t of Justice relative to the draft
of the now gold and silver marks act, to
replace ll10 Measure submitted last s111i.
iwn, to W111d1 wumcrous obj(otisac '0010
taken by retail'nn11 wholesale 1' ,ichors.
A bill has been draftedd-1011X0 will uteet
all the objections urged- lust year, arid
will shortly be inU'oduced in the blouse.
The i?nglish standard of 1111111 karats for
all marked goods las 1100.41 adopted in,
the new hill,
The Retail Merchants' As.sovial ton will
strongly oppose the Go10rnmott bill re-
specting co•operative industrial associa-
Aso -
Girl in LaundryPcisoned by Putting
Crayon in Her Mouth.
,ed York, March 0. --The 1101011 his
reveived the following despatch front
\Vinke 11,00)', Pa Poisoned by placing
en fndelihic pencil in her 0111(111, :Miss
Mary 1 Sales, of Planus, near here, died
to -day after three weeks of suffering.
She was 11 (lett 111 a laundry in 11(15
city, and it 10110 ire' ditty to nur'I: 00
tide; 110 they were. received. Mho did
this with an indelible pencil, which she
moistened with her tongue hundreds of
times during the day. Phis caused the
poisoning thine weeks 1111(, and ..Inc ;g1ad-
ually succumbed to it.
PEOPLE ROBBED OF $7o,000,010.
Startling Charge Against Mail -Carrying
Railroads in United States.
Washington, March 0.—The startling
eh11130 that the railroads of the country
carrying mails had robbed the people out
of $70,00(1,000 Wa15 n+ade lu the (Louse of
Re10000010110(!5 by -lir. Lloyd, of .lbbho-
souri,today. Ile declared that the 111111'
system of weighing mails 3000 an 01141115
sion of the Postmaster -General that the
weighing 111 the past lowly -seven years
had heett fraudulent., 1{e called for au
investigation (if the Post OIifieeDepart
merit, and 111. Wang:1,, of i'ennsylvania,
Chairman of 1110 committee to control
the expenditures of tlult department,
promised that :111 inquiry would he von.
Will Endeavor to Secure an Ancient One
From Egypt.
London, Mandl it—Despatches from
A10otu00 state that negotiations 10
beet hegmt there b!v thio representative
of n Chicago muscae for the trans-
leoue1 to Chicago of an Ancient tomb
weighiO3 2511 tons 't'hc 1,0011 1 Itmlt-
ed near the Pyramid of SI0ku'a,
twenty mile, from (aro, and .t fnvorit;
resort of tourists, Thr Chicago muse=
11)t111(1111es wish to remove the tomb in
its entirety. 'I'lle most difficult part 0f
the Lak will he the repot 11 of the
10011), w hi,•h is dntded into t ,flare,
from the lo',clt to til, O,restpoint uu
l'11/1 10;00,
1 Wish to Sin No More.
' (Lines to is repentant friend,)
There was a day—why was It mind
A day thatlooksso doth
:Hong the hocktvart trail of life,
`Chat trail'' so dark, so dark.
'Did T. ti mar; with upward look,
With make and mould divine„--
Did I once tread that darkened track?
Wes it, was it once aline?
Alt, surely those deep m,nl:, are urn
My footprints, printed thee,
Where font ill visaged 11111 walks --
Have 1, hire -.1 been thee?
Have I seen lurid iomplights glow,
And thought then sunshine bright?
And madly danced to wanton st10f1s, i
With deviling delight?
DidI my fellow creature mock,
My fellow creature -010t'!
And fiendish laugh to see hint fall,
My weakling brother --mutt?
'110' poor and low round he 1101 feel
An arrow in his heath?
And when Malignance trod 1111n down—
Did 1 the outstretched ]rands pass by.,
The•-ploalieg cry ignore?
Enough, enough, g h look not again,
My' soul, look back no more;
Hide,. hide that trail, flat pain, my
• God,
I w1111 to Bin no more.
'There is a day—why is it mine?
• A star alines on before,
A noble. hand Ls guiding mine --
011, guide me evermore!
-(,Birt Balfour.
Almighty God, the infinite and ever,
lasting One, we adore Thee as the groat
Creator, the source of life,' and giver of
all good. Thi' wondrous t'orks unite to
magnify Thy name. The marching hosts
of heaven, moving securely and unfal-
teringly through the ages, earth with
!catty 011d 11.01 mu,toy, its clanging
seasons and its exhaustless wealth, ;,ire
glory to t11e Ring of Kings. Most of
all, Thy spiritual children, made 111 '1'11v
image, redeemed byr.Tlr,y Tote, join heart
and voice in songs of grateful praise, 0
God of grace and mercy, bountiful Fa-
ther in - beaten, u.ecpt our tribute of
tloegsgiving, and 1141 Thy goodness bind
Sts to 'thee in tireless and lining devo-
tion, Amen.
Denizens of the Air.
The air of dwelling rooms and even
the atmosphere of great overcrowded
cities. is the Boor of innumerable living
creatures, 5011111 comparatively ha'Inless,
but some nnlydorons and hmnicidttl, ever
eking some congenial human tene-
ment in which they cat tlu'ive'and.catlse
desolation and diseas0, 1u order to
gilro somc concept ion of these too'tbbhe
erenteres--fol which scientists ilave'giv-
et 41170 terrible) mane', such 'a5 zygom'•
vete., :01ez0prytes, slaphylo or:pr'nto-
cocci with tinny other octually,100010ed
1101 brounthime terms --it is only ne-
cessary to take a square glass reMpt.a-
ce from which the. tau 111000 been ox•
bawled 1 110 1), ca+oivd0el 000111admit air,
std, a1101' having hermetically sealed it,
take it into a 1011111 1'0001, project 0 ray'
of ;lndight.tlu'vttg-h 11, and phultograpit
it. 11 the photograph he then enlarged
by names of a photo-nli1'o-cope and
tl town upon 0 smu.n; 00 better still, if,
11 0ieeimutO graph 1101e taken. showing
the animal's fighting and rampaging
about, and devouring nae41 other—for it
is know 11 that there are benevolent bac-
teria which Ite51a' the malevolent dis-
ease emitters—it lronhl be seen -what
myriads of those repulsive (natures
lure inhaled by (114 ) who sit in 0100000
(01-00 lah,d (0015+,.
And in addition to th,:o hordes of lir•
My Animals there is a. miscellaneous col-
lati1n cif 0011'0110 nrlwlte, but tertnituly
not p,riicnlarly agreeable, particles
floating 111ouk the a talosphcre which are
(1011010,1 10011 exhaled first by one aril
then In another of those in the room.
Doubtless it is owing to the absence
1f all 1111 uala0100, orgetuie 'amt igor-
gaute particles and.. living' creatures
wliielt 0. sea 1)3030', o"a .t1;0 in the
higher ranges of the atmosphere 111 the
801 4 ;eomatoias, 00 01011 11 aa;jellr11 110
1(00011 Cabinet Mos Finally Approved the the sea coast, wltael has such ll r bench -
Increase. (Mil effect upon the health, gives to the
pale flue of the (wallets in crowibed
11,65. 0111-41;1,-:fhelhbl(ct has '100!' roily., in town 0 healthy 91.011, and re-
ly approved an increase of troops in .,tore; 100, wealth' niid 511(1;,' (1414 to
\uirocco, amt 1110 giving of then, 1)'.lmadc vigor' and energy.
ot Che command of 1:4,00(1 men. They lint war 1:1101, 11101, in ndhlitimt to
of he employed silnullaneously, , denizens of the air, 1Ifs'rc are also
n0 til m p thew ( ,
but lien, 12,1 made. is such 0 111100er that 011101. 100104s, 51)1u0 111101-o1ort 11114 m,,.
lib, ronsont force ,,vhich will now be giv• the Government. 100.06 he is 1vetoing 0nC 10111, some brn0ftceat 14110 sympathizing,
Vet those trim fottiou.sly forget tlteir
Creator, 1(0(1 refuse or neglect to obey;
Har h11vr fait an etvisy prey 'to the for
mer; 1)ii!lo' 101151' whcl 1010 1(11(1 obey':
(Boil, Hund v'hie 1(000 accepted the 8waypur,.
0f til,• '1 orld ns. their lid'(lc tiler, leg
au-w'ln1 died for.'. el,
their ens tpoG Ht
31 11 hoc 11 1' neastirir0ahh' 1,0m, n11:0,w'-
(tL 1011 Ht .i)Ys g o'elt11Is tu_(ly 0]1,,'400
over therm and Ipplimfell ,c blight ail.
ge11c 1_u1101 far iht'iii - (lo a J1su!,')
" mosthcartilyrecommend Lydia h, will, but thine be a lou' (1110 00, 40) ;
Pinkham's Vegetable Cutout -tad to all. it lights the co •. with glory. fluke _,4. 10 GIME 001 0 DAY One Result of German Campaign in East
h sufl'erwithfernaletroubles" iii 4e) His disciples asked Who hid
Womenw o Talc: LAXATIVE 11 11.0M0 Quinine Tablets
sin'! JI .tis said.111,1111.„...1...I. be 11 hs of Heid
(���"�� FOR 31�0'� WOMEN.Gt«e{-t to teritnd tno'le1' ti (t tolls toeu^e.. til.
shoal( be marl h', 8), I h^ UIlrA1. ?lgumtnro la on earh lox. 'l8a
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- disciples Mimed. (esus saved The. dm -'C'
ham's Vegetable Compound, made ei Ills ,judged according to appearances. "The hardest part of n) b,,li;n01 how -
from roots and herbs, has been the Jests }wdged 1)41(1 011•l•y (:111u 7, 21). ever, says 11) 111110. "is the sciatic cont
standard remedy for female ills, with sin 001(10. 00000w. hitt not 011 suf. sti•u0tieu, Cary alb icetod'ranra i; tu-daffy',
and has positively cured thousands of
Wooten who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera-
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear-
ing -down feeling, flatulency, inciges.
fe'ing is the direct result of eoarse)0n4 3ett 1(10,1 haro a se:1lie effect for cavil
sin, Tltc druid:atd niid 111e 81111100 are net, and you 095 t take innt0 cons:id1ra-
iiable to all forms of contagion but not 1iota the cost, Aa for the nulla;, 1:he
every man suffering 110111 )o'er i5 n fnndamenta,1 idea ofevery melodrama i+
(111(111-(31(1 0i' a 3,101(41(. ]badness 1110:.'`I1(111tr..all1 ilio yard; n ,y(1111114 wun,au
1)e a tliro,'Ir result of sin, 0041 neither thio In peal, 1111:1 th_i unw'orth 001'-00 011)0
tries to got the better of 10l --Jules
1410 it OoOdanan in The Bohemian.
B,tlul M,rc•11 r —Ap°rl frm) the,
losses sustained in fighting and by (the
rine, the recent German campaign 01
Lasts _Arial (aused the death., of 75,0110
net l', 1131))tliv atmr)'This .latemnut,
wits made by 'Colouml `Aecretar)ll9411,
eb t.bn.
c coo
'sr of the d a a
,,. in the ,
eulon1al budget in thio Reichstag,.. 110
explained that the troops 04000 compelled
to •944i,e` all supplies, 0111100 to toed the
soldiers or 0ve0ken the enemy, with the
result, Ihat 75.1100 natives starved to
n Cook's Confession,
.�Tyrol ladies sat after a card (0)11)'
ria bre University (tell: •i few mornings
'' darnssing the 0irtu s of their hos-
Ids. `'\Cr. Bingic7utr,' said one of'
referring ,to ler fife partner,
'never desks Dud never swears --indeed,
he' ha no bud habits.' "Utes he eget•
0moke'!" 5am0 one o 01' i. "les, be likes
a good cigar just after he has Cater a
g,oel ureal. But, I suppose, un 1111 uvo'nge,
lte daestt't sinokl n »e than 01100 a
uuuIth."—Pllilippil) ('054111, t