HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-03-12, Page 4PAGE FouR- THE BLVTH STANDARD-'-•MAItc.t1 inti, [908, JAS.McMURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUJSINESS TRANSACTED, B LYTH, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Sate Notes a specialty. Advanoes made to tanners on their own notes. No additional security required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We offer every accommodation con- atetent with sate and conservative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on heal Estate et lowest rates of interest, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for aide. Rents eollooted. CONVEYANCING or all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE, We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and respect• fully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS: 10 A,M, to n P.M, Business earls. A. B, MACDONALD. Barrister Solicitor, Notary, Eto. Sue. minor to d. F. Blair. Oftloo over Stan. derd Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro. politen Bank. PROUDPOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, Banisters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete, Otticee-Those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderich. W. Prondfoot, ILC. ; R. C. Faye, G. F. Blair. G. E. LONG, L.D.S„ D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate of 'Toronto University. Office over James Cntt'e store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 0 a.m. to 5 p.nl. W, J. MILNE, M.D,C,M. Physician and Surgeon. M.D.C.M., vereltyof TrinityCollege; M.D., Queen's University; Felow of Trinity Medloel College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor- oner for the County of Baron. Office, one door north of Commerolal hotel, Queen street, Blyth. F'. S. tEi CiTT BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the ciliac of Tun STANDARD, Blyth, Blyth Livery AND Sale "tables O 00 00 COQ 0 Dr. Jr. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. O 00 00 00 0 First-class Comes and Rlgs for hire at reasonable rates. Beat of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring riga, Veterinary office at livery stable, RING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTR, Spring Term Opens April 1 st (total: tratford; Thoroughnres is the key -note of ihl institution. Our soh( ol atar,dy tar what le highest and best in easiness education. We hese three depa••mente-Con,mer- clel Shortha( d and T,legraphte. Our gra(duetea always succeed. If interested gat our free catalogue. ELLIDTT & MCLACNLAN, Principals. 1 1 �Q-cv�'•�rnev upwards t4; jI iitt t ttL: . J, L. KERR, PUBLISHER. THURSDAY, MAR 12, 1908 People "re Know Mr. John Bell left fur his home in Claresholnt, Alberta. Mr. Huh, Smlth, of Godericb, was 0visitor in town last week, Mr, W. Waiker, of Chicago, visited at the home of his parents here, Miss Kate Barr, of Goderich, is renewing old friendships in town, Miss Mary Elliott Iles accepted a position es milliner in Plattsville, Mr. John S. Laidlaw, of Chicago, was home for a few days during the week. Mr, .T. G, Moser made a trip to Toronto, Hamilton and Oakville last week. Mr. Walter McLean, M. A., of Goderich, was calling on old friends in town this week, Messrs, Jaseph Stalker aid John Moore took part in the concert at Auburn last Wednesday evening, Mr. W. C. Mack, of Toronto, was in town on Thursday Met, He is an old "print" and was a welcome caller at our office, Mr, and Mrs, J. Leslie Kerr were in Toronto during the past week combining business with pleasure. The former attended the meetings of the Press Association, Miss Mabel Colvin, 0f Brn88els, has accepted a position as milliner with G. AE, Chambers & Co. Misa Colvin has been in Crediton for the past eight seasons, Mr. Adam Curring left on Thurs- day last fur Winnipeg. Mr, Fred Cutning, who was hone for the winter, also returned on the same day to Armstrong, 13. C. Miss Porter, stead milliner with Poplestone & Gardiner, and her assistant, Miss Myrtle' Bengough, of Hensel!, are busy preparing for the millinery openings. On Monday morning of this week Mr. Frank A: der'son, accompanied his sister, Hiss Ella, as far as Toron• to, while the latter continues her journey to Winnipeg, where she is to he married to -day to Dr. George 181c0. Stuart, of Cupar, Sask., a form- er Blyth boy, Miss Anderson wilt he greatly missed from Blyth, being for a number of years organist is St. Andrew's church as well 118 8 teacher in the Sunday School, THE STAty• DART) jo1115 with their many friends in wishing them n pleasant journey through life. (We expect to publish a report of the wedding next week if the items arrive in time from Win- nipeg. Auburn. The committee who have charge of ' the concert that will he held under the auspices of the Auburn Public Library on the evening at Wednesday, March 18th, wish to announce that the 81188 cleats are almost completed, The prugrlun will be snit that those who do not attend w'lll miss a rare treat. The cause is a worthy one and we rust the proceeds will be ample to pay off the standing debt of the institu- tion. 8elprays. Miss Staples, of Seaford', is visit- ing 'P. and Mrs Hill. Mat. Brandon, of Lenore, Man„ is visiting his uncle, Henry Brandon. Mrs. Barney, of Exeter, visited friends in llelgrave and vicinity for a fete days. Mr. and Mrs. Nichol have moved to their farm to Morris, near the Bluevate station, Alex. Stewart, who learnt his blacksmith trade with his brother John, of llelgrave, has taken a posi- tion in Wtnghnm. We wish Alex, success, Londesboro. Cur League entertained Auburn League on Wednesday evening when a very enjoyable time was spent by all. Next Sunday, 'March 15th, will be League anniversary and on the fol. lowing Monday evening Mrs, Rut - nam, missionary from Ceylon, will deliver her lecture, "The Island of Gems." A program will also be given, Silver collection will be taken at the door, Rev. &Lr. Gault], missionary of Formosa, gave splendid sermons in Burns' and Knox churches on Sun- day last. Airs, R, Adams Attended the mill.: leery openings in 'Toronto Inst week. Alias A, AltCurrie will assist 31.5, Adams as milliner this season, A number ut our young people enj,lyed the debate in 1315th League on 'Tuesday evening. A supply of ice t'or the summer has been put in the butter factory this week by Geo, Powell who in- tends running the factory this year, N. Carter, of near Seaford), was a guest at the home of Air. Hiles 011 Sunday. Wingham. The first gauge of a home and ltonle series between Wing/hum and Liston'el to bleak the tie for the Northern League chatupionship was played in Listowel on Tuesday night, The Wingham boys came on ft special train accompanied by about 160 supporters, The gauge was fast and cleanly contested from start to finish, the first half endlmg 3 to 2 in favor of Listowel, The second half ended by Listonel sear- ing, They scored five straight be. fore Wingham found the nets. Wingliani scored again making n total of nine to three in favor of the home team. The return match will be played in Wingham on Friday of this week, but it is not thought that Witte -ham can overcome this score, Line-np : Wingham (3) -Goal, Britton ; point, Moore ; cover point, Johnston ; rover, E. l;llfott ; centre, Fleming ; right wing, Elliott ; left wing, McLean. Listowel (9) -Goal, Yule ; point, Zlllinx ; cover point, Bucher ; rover, Brook ; centre, Hay ; right wing, 5, Thompson ; left wing, L. Thompson, Goal urn. pines-Dbtsley' and Boehiner. Re. ferce-J. Shea, of Palmerston. Brussels. George Muldoon and George Keys shipped their two era's of horses per C. P. 1t. from Walton for the West on Monday. We understand that the late Miss Blakeman, formerly of Brussels, willed $10 to the church debt and 150 to the Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist church here. During the past week Jou. llod• dick's condition has been very precarious and he is still very poor. 1y. Mrs. J. J. Gilpin's condition has not changed mach since last week, The ailment appears to he a partial paralysis of the nerves, the feet and lower limbs being the parts chiefly affected. We hope she will soon I e restored. R. D. Cardiff, who hes been in 001iivMinn with the Metropolitan Bank at 'Potato for several months past, was a caller on old friends in town and made at short visit to the parental home. Ile was on his way to Milverton where the Metropolitan has opened a hranoh and where he will put in some months as teller. The Milverton people will find him a 11109t honorable and worthy young man. Tho Altar. LI' N-LEAR.-At the residence of the bride's parents, Mallett, on Feb, 28th, by Rev. 5, Ander. son, John W, Lyon, of Brandon, to Minnie E., eldest daughter of Edmund and Mrs, bear, CALD0R-1318.1.8v.-At the residence of the bride's parents in Morris, on March Ilth, by Rev. S. And. erson, of Blyth, Air. James Cal- der, of Delors, Ont., to Miss Alargaret E. daughter of Mr, and Airs. Thos. Bielby. Holidays During 1908. April 12 -Palm Stuiday, April 17 -Good Friday, April l9 -Easter Sunday. May 24- Victoria Day, falls on Sun- day, July 1-Formaticn of the Cnnfedera. 11011 of Canada, 1867, falls ono Sunday, Aug. -Civic Holiday. Sept, 7. -Labor Dap, falls 011 310,1 11,5, Nov, 9 -King's Birthday, falls on a Monday, Nov, -Thanksgiving Day in Camilla. Nov 28-TLaeksgiviug Day in the United Slates. D. e, 25 -Christmas Day, falls on a Friday, -Subscribe for Tile S•rAnDAnn, Spring Term from April 1st Eater now and bo ready to accept a good position In the summer or fall, Attend airiott Business Oonags TOBONTo - ON f. Canada's Iltgh Class School. This college has better course.., better teachers, better r gtipment batter fa- oilltleetorplacing,ennhigr toposttrona than the average business college. Open entire yen... Catalogue free. W, J. Ettlopt, Prineipel. Corner Yonge & Alexander Ste. ripoimotagma COMMENTS tArmilimitimenw rac 'Phe idea proposed sometime ago of it re talion of members and ex. members of the County Council of Huron is now assuming definite share and it will doubtless be n happy and nlem10'able gathering. Reeves Leekie, of Brussels, and Dr, Milne, of Blyth, with Warden Ala Lean, of Goderich, have been ap' painted a committee to make all ar- rangements for the re -union cele• bration to be Held in Goderich in June next, -*- We wonder how the pupils of Blyth Public School are trained in case of tire. A drill once a month, would in many cases, save lives if a tire was to break out In the school, -•- Now that Spring is near at hand it would not hurt the citizens of Blyth to start and shovel the snow oft' their share of the sidewalk, so that when the roads break up we will have some place to walk, -*- The mane of Air. Justice Garro*, of the Ontario Court of Appeals is being mentioned in connection with the chairmanship of the rail. way commission. ilr, Justice Gar• row, it is urged, is a man of great business acumen and markedly clear cut and definite in his judicial find. ings, _*- At the Press Association held in Toronto last week a great runny of the Editors spoke in favor of asking to have the law changed, to allow them to report everything that is said at either a political meeting or council meetings and not be held liable for a libel suit ; that if charges, that a speaker has said are publish- ed, the speaker not the paper is held responsible. If this was done public men would think twice before speaking and then say it to them. selves, in making charges that they know to be untrue. It has reached our ears that the C. I', R. would slake a change in the running of the train now cancelled, when it fa put on again. The train would arrive at the same time but would leave Goderich earlier to reach Toronto between 6 and 7,30, 'I'o our mind nothing could he better and we hope it will be carried out. The Canadian Piotorial and the Blyth Standard cue year each, worth $2.00, for only 31.00. '1610 is a genuine bar- gain. Don't miss it. Ca II and see samples et this office and leave your subscription. ROBERT H. UARN1SS BLUEVALE - - ON Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terme reasonable. Soles arranged for At THE STANDARD ofICP, Blyth. DONT FORGET Metcalf's Retiring Sale There are Bargains for Evergbodg All lines of Jewelry, Wall Paper, Crock- ery, Fancy Goods, Toys, Sleighs, Games, Bibles, Prayer Books, Etc., 25 per cent off Watches 15 per cent off. Many odd lines 35 to 5o per cent off. Everything must go. Come and see. FRANK- METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. ************************:** Are You Getting Your Shares? Of the good things we are selling at our Big Clear- ing Sale. These first days of the sale have been an unprecedented success. People appreciate the fact that we are giving real bargains as advertised. The stock is 'large, so no matter when you come there will be some bargains left for you. I J. A. ANDERSON BLYTf3C DRANO TRUNK SYSTEM TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGHAM BRANCH. Bourn, NORTH. 0 40 0 43 0 52 7 m am pm 30 Wingham 11 50 7 35 383 Wingham Jot. 31 48 7 25 3 44 Belgrave 11 90 7 13 00 856 Blyth 11 28 700 14 4 04 Londesboro 11 20 0 52 47 4 23 Clinton 10 15 11 05 8 35 05 4 30 Brucetleld 9 58 6 19 15 4 47 Klppen 9 50 0 11 22 4 52 Reneall 9 44 006 35 505 Exeter 9 30 f 54 46 5 15 Centralia 9 18 5 43 39 5 28 Clandeboye 9 00 5 34 0,5 5 30 Luoan Crossing 9 05 5 30 12 5 37 Dentleld 8 55 5 25 21 5 40 Elderton 8 45 5 16 20 559 ltttrirk 835 5 07 35 5 58 Hyde Park Crossing 8 20 5 02 '37 6 00 Ryde Park Jet, 8 24 6 00 45 6 10 London 8 15 450 Connections are made at Wingham for all stations on the Palmerston and Kin- oardlne branch. Connections are made at Clinton for all stations on the Buffalo and Goderlob branch, and all etations from Stratford to Toronto. Connections are made et Luoan Crossing $1.35 in advance secures THE for all stations west toSarnia. STANDARD and Weekly Globe, with Conneotlane are made at London for all ,talions east and wet on the main line, illustrated magazine section, from now to Jan, 1st, 1909. This is [l AVE you renewed your subserip.1 certainly a cinch you should not tion yet 1 ' miss, !Time Table TO TORONTO Coderieh I v. 7.00 a.m. 4,60 p, m. Auburn .,7.22 " 5.12 Blyth " 7.33 " 5.22 " Walton " 7.40 " 5,85: " Milverton " 8,21 " 0.00 " Elmira," 8.50 " 6.45 Guelph " 5,26 " 7.12 " Toronto Ar, 11.10 " 9.15 ". FROM TORONTO. Toronto I.v, 8.00 a.m. 5 60 p. ni. Guelph Ar. 10.00 " 7.60 " Elmira " 10,25 " 8.14 Milverton " 11.03 " 8.50 Watton " 11.39 " 0,25 Blyth " 11.62 " 9,30 Auburn " 12.02 " 9.40 Ooderioh " 12.30 p.m. 10,10 11 u " AN OPEN LETTER From W. J. Gage, Esq., Toronto A Problem of National Importance Dear Friend :- A bright young lawyer at the Muskoka Sanatorium for Consump- tives some weeks ago, speaking of the burden placed upon him by hating consumption, said : "One bas to lead a life of concealment. If I go away from this place people are afraid of mel" This is the cad lot of those who suffer from this dread disease. On behalf of the thousands who are sick and will not be received by other hospitale, I make this appeal for the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives. Nearly 10,000 people from every part of Canada aided in this good work last year, sending us $28,000. The Trustees have faith that a atilt larger number will help. The Physician's offices, throat rooms, ere„ up to the present have occupied rooms in the hospital that rightly belong to patients. To make better provision for the work, and furnieb more accowmo. dation, a new administration building is now under way. A cottage for the Physician and his young wife heel also to be built. To provide for this outlay, and to care for patients for the coming year, we must secure at least $50,000. The Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives never refused a patient because of his or her inability to pay. It cares for those whom other hospitals refuse. It cares for those whom other people are afraid of, "I was sick and ye visited me," was Christ's commendation. Should not a richer benediction be yours if from a loving heart your dollar makes a golden visit to this hospital, bringing health and joy to those whom other people fear, and whom, in many cases, nobody waits. Will you have the luxury of giving? Faithfully yours, Toronto, 1907. Aa t