HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-03-12, Page 31�9A6 1Z ISILE k e :rT t9t�
"Why haven't yon brought your wife?'
she went on, as ])avid picked up ilio ball
which he had 0110ved to slip from his
feu 0)s.. "It is a most ting incipled thing
of passion involving tenderness forinatd,
the bash of that bold anti brilliant
quota which, ;not totedby 1t, i itaidela
armor of steel, knewnt fear and w a
genu llv irresistible, '•
Mrs, Dodson was nein (0 any sea a9
•, 11
v�'c•r woman, but she to 1
jealous; and tho marriage of any trot
who had ever formed one of her Cain
of Platonic admit ors v1'1(0 ;III 01.1011(0
101/1011 could be 093(1.1 0111,3' by a little
inure nt naglect of the upstart bride in
her fitter, She hal no fent' of playing
teeth ltrc, ❑a,.r haying binned herself
yet, and outbring of cwnlmntible nature,
She Lhaefore only felt a tiny thrill of
G ru,tl,cd pride ns she glanced at the
mark \thick the pressure of Datvid's lips
0mde upon her hated .
"l11.--:110. Dodson has felt the general
le0,w 11110 amu possibly his do )re4sion of business, then?" said 'lie,
you -- _.'' hr exeaainuvi, , i 0011
and left los sen- not meaning to be impertinent, but ans
tome unfinished. 1
erre a losers woman, anti el do fry to do un' del;y," said aha 1uas to tura the talk to something very
to rdc tom prosic,
Hum to shut her up eo that no one cant lady r)eohl "You really don't, know,
ser- her. 11 vou•make your appearance
rano witbout 1nor again you trill be hent
straight back to lioirlei h, carriage paid,
1 warn your"' •
What a. fianit, geuer"os speech spoken
o. wcano of a younger and lovelier in koep down.' grudging me even rho euro money than ever this year, (111
ono. It matin )oris' strictures on the. money to kcrp n3'' girls properly edit. tiuul money uwkes a man mean, and, at
a c m rake, it is not on me he s mood it,"
/tinker seem almost mean. Dn9id could cnird, neglecting uo as you know, bully- )' 1 oD+rO'ol
I '1'0 lit more acute e rson than
not bel thinking, as b ` reeentttl limsdl int mac nix y'mr sec. ]h is as notch as l P' ,
t p
. 0 is feet, and Guasic' cote eon do. ,lifter lying awake crying half rho this ureal: 1r0)uld have suggested the
ti \list llev tt mental question, AVitus° moue was it
tinned to decile himself to the neglected I t I t 1' with bills 11 t1 I )' h '� nl
little girls. AVhat n 10>11ifit!, pleasant that t t this lrun11 l 11 1
home might le' made of Fairleigh, if
only Doris maid pdcic op the queen -biro
Inatome. which) made lrc Lawns such u.
delightful place to visit!
GHAI'1T1It ]S.
"l To as mind inclined to talc a cynical
view of human affairs, tl hearty wel-
come in prosperity from the person who
Jmcid -1 eau spook but �opeuly to you, "Oh no!" answered Airs. Hodson, with
1nteh vi•aeit, She had ver strong rea-
hauuls0 you're such nn old friends -what ) Y ,
a hard struggle it is to be. cheerful some- 00110 for combating 11114 suggestion. � 010.
times, will) gr. llodson alvnys grumbling 11"11,011 19 a eery (love! meat 0( bumu0ss,
et. the exprnees which 3 try my Imrdost as you know, and I. believe he has made
'\ ihrne-nl)iulutcly' nothing," liras
n • v telt ,end prompt reply.
)! 11 111/0 Bart WAS ,just loo large In
".,,,`.../11l011, )h,, feint Ino 01 >'=11 vvhial)
!10 t 'u9it,et iv1• a moment in David's bloc
�) agent.
e .• � ed out of them lit
9 I
Vert ver you risk urtiu you are
n .; likely e l} l it gain much, 11 l d l think,"
t' ,.d mildly. !.n undertaking with
al.- lately' no risk, and with a certain
Ire p el , as large profit \could, 1 am
h' the
n hu be ka�pt to tl ce y
mea ew a of this ,tock Exchange, and
no, le offered to ignorant outside's like
"'t 1111' nee not a doom br>11 10 in
13!' h 11 ne who tally a de stand its vantages,' said \Ir. !liaison, lowering
his voice mysteriously, as 1f disembodied
1,1Moms aright bo floating about in the
air, reedy to snatch up and convey the
pnoul1, secret to their br'ethr'en still 111
the flesh. "1 do not attempt to deny,
ho 90'(11 om nuagmllceutlr, 'that, if 1011
08>'tbquake like the ono at Lisbon were
to (11nm', off, t>r the King 01 Portugal,
who is 10 healthy' ,as you or 1, were to
die, stocks night go down with a rush
--nn'!, b the bye, 11(01 carthquaIre, re -
mot • as it is"—Mr. Hodson had not the
shgbt>at idea 1101)' remote—"has shaker
11' public confidence in Portugal, But,
setting aside such contingencies as those„
the poss1(iliLy of this loan not proving
nt; e sue s rn{,g ung wn > a s n o a great success is shall.
morning, to got the tears curd 1lie frowns t m ,go _ spent on -tis i',. u: e -. ofisnot proving a
nl'i m face before his ('cram 111 the Indy': lint the blind young magi only ",1I0, in the event t l is
y great su000ss, 110(1(111 you guarantee nw a
ironing--w•10u be docs return." gucc « ,yuymlhettc agh at the f0.ar'1nl c0ctnin limit to MY loasY'
'she palscd,nod b,okeo away from him, ,/mount, of stock-huikmg>1010aVit)'which 0•a trill absolmtel,y guaruutee sort
in an attitude nubecm..ing to her, as it this speech revealed. Sot that he was 1) against ((' do's, hood undertake i bent a))
allowed 1101 compan}t"v to see the faint fool; but his companion was lust of
1111e which marked the change from the 111000' women in whose societymost 1001) u', of los, nmystlf.
vtd looked at hien again In these
natural tint of her full throat to the would pass for fouls. X rut el IMO, tial
nttifioial-\rhfteness 01 her iae0, ]tut her
ne,ct vvot'ds, as slut :turned towards him
enough) to call forth the e e1u::a 01 i:)-
01)>'): in others, she wets high-spirited
has proved brusque 11i time of ud)) l4ity again, (31((1ged his 1nomenenry feeling 01 eao01gh to charm men into en,y (0. 111es-
is a son1evllatbitter experience, 11111. disgust toself-r(pronel) and renewed ce.ne0 with her own arbitrary opinions.
1)uyitl Glyn wits' 00 sweet -natured and sympathy., So 1)ovid listened, mud allowed -himself
simpleminded that. when Ah'. Hodson '"Then, the dean', good-naturell ladies to be cm111)1eed, and it was left to a by-
e:une hack home from 1110 city at half 101n live about lane find out that 1' :dander to discover that he was
past six and shook his hand with a actually m;e' Ince powder, mod wrinkle up phaycd "Rh.
warmth wbich lie had never shown to their. prim faces at the mention of such Standing at the door in the high 18111
111111 Ord 10111011 1(01010 he becalm' 111' a >linn'. Why, David, 1 have even con -which separated the. e,table-yatd Irmo
lm0hand of an heiress, it never ocenrrod descended to redden 01y' cheeks with lip' ! 1100 garden, ( 101110 Hylton dud sec•))
111 the younger minn 1101 he ow011 -1 hi, salve to hide the ravages Ibis neglect has ! 081 of kiss Air,. ]lndeo)'d hand :toil
acre cordiality lo Doris' fortune. :Mrs. made in my •looko, mut to lir)' to plcn4e 3,>, I,.ilr,l to 1111. 01 01 tae iae:elc�it: t!ra
Hideo)) had'nhtays been kind, though him 6r !nitatin' hid favorite ulcl0 0l'' I
e :,
111.19 even 111 1101' Itimincss there erns nt 1 beau1}." 110 elm -.0001'03' r;+ttaated 11110 aha stable
added.respeet; but, in 1110 old days, be• 'lhe1ewas some scornful spitefulness in yard, find did not roappe1)' until his
fnr0 he went to _Indio, David had bean the last words, but David did ant entice 111,101, a dew minuted later, led the way
used to content himself with very scant this: lie was lost in pity for the w-0110111 1 to the house, clamoring loudly for din -
at Donlon front his host, who had 110 bet- w•111 hail to stool) to stab degrading f 1)01
ter way of ent.erfiOug uuimgiortaut 11100114 111' 0omiNotiog n brute who was 1 '1(134 aka1 (('a:t Uu c111e1 event o1 1ha
guests than -by gobbling' down his din not worthy to kiss her shoes. dor to the stock -broker, who devoted
nor with silent savagery, passing round,."10'0 disgusting! I wonder you put up 1 it io it bow and wind ns lie ,at
Die wine until h'e.rurl had enough hum -
self, and then going to sleep in the, drair-
writ it. teas oil he 0111 to soy', Unab. t be preen his 1o'u np09I)C ;ami solemn 111•
he felt as if lo Air, llodson to Goold I Ili d:w fltcrs, of 11110111 he aims (00111)-
1nn',' 9pnk00 n11t' uknlu0nliy nala0d. I , i
`.Ah gat wmunu trill ndu 0 wits ours I fend, and to mans 1;' devoted sneh at -
Yew all 110.9 01011iu1, It was thissic I 1 tcntune, m the form of annbs, as the
whorl' Air. llodson, 11 portly 11;11110- 113 ea for tr.0 0ihe of bey rhih'lrrlr end l „11at ),u1:iles1 e f Lie eceniu1> left him
man. with a fine bead and the fixed sive pathetically. 'they' 1110 growing up ' > "
blase stare. of g rotto reserved the .ler• leisure fors
fiuotory nod, the careless trust wrier
does not trait for an ' answer.
though it eras possible the go0enmen
Dot aa, on the Veiitr)ll t, 11'11s 11sk(11 to
nil :•,his judgment. 00 the points of a sn,,e y„n s.rn me .u, •ye . wa d`tlltttcd lir rouse ie i) onloohcr'a s)'mrilll'
loml,r wbich the shock brohet' 110)1 )'ears wake nu o"orm,u difference in o 1
bought the week boffin; and, although 00lnan w1/, 11)4 to 1)081 as ranch a's ,1 011 1hat salt ll1lt(m man' sot on her left,
"N0,111601'11.1. 111)11'1" said David, heart
fly. ''1 thud: (ho only ditferelec 111 you
is that you are Linder curd mora cla010-
110w, you Enos ; herr lather insists upon 0> n,sit0 to him sat his mfr, who, to
\chic, leaving school, fhi110,, she i,l i marl: her sense, of his cu>')>cnea,, ate
11)110' tau wuu''. 1 scall b1w' io ,;ink ! scarcely anything, rind shot occasional
uou' /alio 0'0101(1;40.00 ,and a ttall'ilotver !
Iyn'', you find a 'feat >11011„c in me glances tl'ouglt�t'c 6fanc'e4 of t'e
( epergne at ins bent head which wore
hr, protested that he was (ihont as well
qualified to give an opinion on the age
of the. pyramids, 110 was escorted. with
honor through the stables, while Gussie,
who understood horses better than any-
thing else, Iva) simply suffered to bring
up the ren'.
"3 think I "fust 10100 disgusted AIr,
liaison,” s 'd David to his hostess when
trope 11p into surprising animation, and,
undaunted by the. presence of the lady',
husband, who indeed was thankful to her
ing that ever.
Platonic 0dmtters for diverting her nt-
Ife alienor this sincerely. He was our- 1r Minn 1'001111 Itis 01111 ;101111 n0m•io+, pie!
prised to find that, after having, with 1114, 1.101100nsmeh marked and elaborate
much coolness and keenness, criticized 0,oril11(00 that David wa0 left quite out
a her appearance on first seeing her since iu the cold, and felt tut unwarrantable
from the stables. his return, or seemed to have recovered sling to which he could not giro It,
by 1111 beaten n o liIst d 1•i 1
'I ceu see he loves his horses better than completely her old touchupmrhis feelings, t name.
t else fu the world; and really 1 so that ho found in her soolet' ,just the lido feeling of ierila(Liou was deepened
rnanuet pretend. to knowHauch clout snore charm which hal made 11 -bo, before when, alter dinner, Gussie left 11110 alone
firer," he went to India, finch a (01astant visitor with his host, to follow \las. Hodson
"'Chen your wit, it, 11 happy woman," t the i i very innocent eharan and her daughters to the d in r m
said llrs Hodson, raisin" her fine eyes
tUEU A)llS ,>M
most for Bic asking. If"he has 11
genius for (11)111(13 to is in t1/ inid-,t of
114 r ,a territory whose wealth r 111) hrgul-
ming to De roughly 14tidutt d huatuse
half of it i; unexplored old nlosewi-
- eyed. II lio be a no0h01d there are
manufacturing. one
, ('rldl05, openings Lg3 711 roti I
e -natural t
'o ,
''c ' rich Cares 11 �YJ ! Pi1,�itt1� d1� filSigC. lir, ort alt
1�ltlt »r.' 11llha; s' f'fEEsd °9. slbot.
r;;irm>,JnHifirfthmgnopd • e�fskilled worltinea. lit
that insures maims:
'then, is ooh one 0vay by w,uch stem: ready '1(1 his hand, and if he fails
rlseuuialm.m can Li" cured. it must it will lie berms he fs, eil1l) ...slimily
111 • - a hams} tipple.
be treated uuu'h th1 Islud Lind- � r1/ veal' a <
t or 1 r I
6 y, II
naent 131,1 coin rd nquldleanum4 u.ay Ontario- uou• called "Liu Carden of
give teuupm'1u'y relief, 'hut they cant Canada eras 1 wilderness.when 1111-
pe8tsibly elite the t.reuuble. And vilhi c 1100 was im, her prime. The other (1333'
you nuc experimenting with 111(1'' students from the Ontario A ricnitui'al
moots, the trouble is every day be College captured the gold modals fort
owning mors firinty rooted in the efficiency at e Chicago exhibition.
system, and more difficult to curt, livery week prospectors are diggingnup
The poisonous acid dlutt causes shell, fresh evidences of untold 9>c 4>3, in her
nOtien lut(st be driver out of the ruircral districts, T11, prairies of Mani -
blood, and you can only do this by tomo yield crops tlutt etft (em o1o11,tir
making ((0119, rich ted bboodL tld'ough the (inns, and she is still ouly' 10114111(1 ,1 61'-
11;,0 of Dr. A1',i'laens Pink Pills. ' ginning. And then there is what ie
11 r. Cinn'h'.q 11. Lnndey, of Ilicltfwsl, called "the loot \West" --vast territor.
Ont., in 01te' of talc 1)0(11 kuawn) farm- les of pregnant soil,tin)t wdll some day
err; in Itimbton (00010ty. About three enrich millions and fill to 0>')1!owi11;;
year's 11(10, while Ali. 1,uuuley wits e1 the granaries of the world,
,aged in threshing, heabecame over- What of the hundreds of thousands
heated, and this 1110 fo!lowal b,3' a of our citizens from rite iiritish Isles
severe oIdll, that started the 031011. 10110 have never seen C`anud11 red who
uofatie 3)1)1(14. .1L'. L01n0l0y Kala: "I have but vague nnt,ous'of her ,1 h'>'•
did not think anything of it at the dour advantages'? llauy of these, who
tante, a4 1 was aweuetomed to being crossed the, ocean to better themselves,
0xpo,ed ter 1111 kind, of uc,alber, As found conditions in the 1111t,nd States,
a r0„ill I was mulblo to go about nu more to tion liking than those in
nest mi mina. I l 111 ,.aver( pains in thin olid hand. 1,111' to thou is :still a
nn' arms and legs, which I tr,rattxl at drudgery without much of 11 (1111110 b)
first with the usual home mow -dices, sight. Clrnadn offers to -day more, Zhu
111 these 11111 not bole ate, 0)1d. filo tawaitcd tilt' newcomer in Illinois thirty
1roublt wa, growing Iroise, the t'an1- years ago. She. offers to the masers
y doctor was sent fur, but 110 (bid ulna only a few' caul secuft' in theist:
congested States—lentos of their own,
healthy sarromudinits fu whiel, to raise
their families and the prospect of a
comfortable old "g1',
7`o return to Che Canadian emigrant.
11110 1111rs 3cis bac!: 011 his 1111(IVO1$l110-
"adlo, is he tory more fonlf'h than the
Canadian i001.1>n• who 13.'00 by the
same uportnl(ties and puts his cash
Into American securities. The latter
has been much m widen , during the
recent pante. 11e comets to the front,
especia ly' when receiverships 1(1)' apt
pointed, and he wail is herd 0100 the
1(' tentless of Uncle Sams < husiusss
methods. lle,nwaile drool•:4lneriet 114
lotto en1trol of some of the b1ggest
profit -bearing enterprises in the Do-
minion. 'May wort' the pioneers who
foresaw Canada's tun gni future
when her >11vu people vvea ignorant pet'
indifferent about. her wand riul re-
sources. They worn starting power
plant-. atamp!lg mill.. foundries :and
1: 'u. 10111 vat's while the natives here
•, eng for something' to turn 111,1."
3301hulg se0nls 10010 ntrauge tn-day' to
the111011 911(11 3,1>9 made a ear,'hll surrey
of the westorit wend than this: that
Onnndbun energy 01111ubt1 waste itself in
a lard already overdone era every' ,kind
of human endeavor; and l that C'.anadian • •
capital should seer, iu1'c14tn(elt. hl Ili,' '
United States;'v81110 is opportunities tet
be, quadrupled aro so much gum] ter rigihtr�
at 110)110.—('hicago C_r) rlbn-Anlci.icatu •
(1'u'ms1,uars raid 141,11'1 I uker, who land 111' 1)1) acv h'iIlg success. lac told
urn I was suffering from a severe ett-
(11'Il ' plausible bonhomie n-us91try to 1.10!) of rhemnatfe.gu, 11111 ld101: can
aha mon whey believes ho catcnds los he era doubt 0bunt it, ns 1 111, enn-
etwaiectiun out 01 pure good amore, fined to 111x' hone' 111>0011 11,80 not(ti(s
lawn realty 1>e putting him in the way' of 3,1,00 T was fort utalch' ntlli4rd to
a good thing; for the trifling 0001104 iii- Dr, 93'ilkiauuo' pinnit Pil'.;,, 1 Flirt
s1on could '0' nothing to a man sit well
for 11 ,u 0)]f and it was not. long
off n ' ;. Hodson. David had a couple hrd,n0 I l Found they were helping ate,
of bre,, ..reds of his own carefully bank-
ed, and he resolved to make enquiries (1'18 by the time I heed take a half
1 frau doze., 110x0, the
trn11bit, iaul errtiroly
of 00me more disinterested peso/ dsan.l:mai,d, At other ro,vee(s,- the
els hest, and, if he found his own money 11
would cover ions possible. loss, he t9nnld 'ilia ado t0)tly !! ached try
ere i,o•t,tb. •u'.d T crier foil LeLtra' in un'
)ince the 9,'at st Having fenced l l:ro Hoot, 1 1/.,e -ince, tatting twin.
first reeat tt tomtit1 1001: e. David
with that! 3 0, refnro oto t 011oe0C11 13' rce,mwatend
the should
t possible. David t11t Dr. AYilhians' fink Pilus to other siai-
h„ should 1311, 1111 09(fteme111 of ft, '90 4uttrrrr_�•,"
though 1100 was not one of the reasons P.r. ACilIiiam,' fink fills nuke
he put f>>,''> .rd to support his determin• Cnr. s 11f this kind after doctors noel
anon. Mmim110 1110(110111(4 fyil. bei;ri,o they
"V,'h011 e,nt l sen you about it—in the ,(-01.(10.110 nnnk0 now blond, '.l'hm' (10tr1
it}' 1 menu, 0111(11010(1(133 make tip my- i„fie tlm mere symv)ton•s. '1'110,0 !m
mind to—well. not risk it, as you won't pit;lt. to lire i'oivt eif ilio tr0ulle in
allow the word, Inst ------„ he blood. That 1. why this medi-
Itivootl Any time tR )morrow ll0 eine ears alltaenii(l. ill-1110,5etnon, 110111'
ty,10te 1011 std half 31.1,,1 five --and a, alert. )ell,itn.irinn of the heart. and
011.11( 110 300 can, mn' deet boy, for the, 1
shares are 1eing talten up at 1a great thin ,y 1110i 33 noel bn.111firs Imoumht
o o hold them a month
nn i.,y 1.110. ai!mt. "l) that fill the lives
inti. IF von like t of 4. mn.tmy li•n'r^11 with misery. Do
or so, 1 can guarantee you a rise of at 111)1. (a)<e •any 1!!,
without the full
least six per cent:, and then--„ r,ir, "lln. AYi'linnrs' Pink Pills for
"Thank,. I shouldn't risk that,” said p.,L� Peo1do" oo (0' w'rnPper 3.011101
David, quickly'. Ile hod the instincts of tlw fox. find hs- 011 nirddriu^ (10s.1 -
cautious gambler, and thouglfllis end ere 01' 113' nodi itt 11(1 0.1urs n lox OT
is generally much the sante as that of ,ix 1,oxn; 100 $2.90 fomu The Dr. AS,il-
hf, more dashing fellow -tool, his fust linos' lredieino Co.. Ilroeki'ille, Ont.
ventures bear a much less alarming, 111• e o
'111. 0,yn men .trade their way to the
drawing -room where (tussle was sitting The old saying that 'a prophet hath
on a foot-etool hugging his knees like a no lunar• ill his own country," is well
great echnol.boy; Mrs. Hodson 11'1(4 nmtereft by n hath equally novel which
leaning back in a low chair, fanning her -
he expressed thus: great c0uu-
vi l) a large light fon and the little try' i.s loss 0ppreehated by its natrvc
self with ex)11, thou by strangers from afar.'
Phis, prim and proper as ever, held each \Ye are reminded of this fact not entre-
", bright drawing -roost book, while their qurntl' when Alio arrive inquiries from
ears were open for everything that went
Canadians who tart, anxious t., lane
on around them, what their prospects of success are in
CTIAPTE1t S. the Gaited Stater. They are gen010013
n a ,awns, r daughters re rnvr g- 110 t hose been priding to our friend young 01011 who 1118)) 1 un 10 1110!(
it had always heel), op1 g his (! 11/' adv'--- ' of lunar uta astute
emh' n0ltnowkvlged; .lir. 110019011 r as s umdiu ' }'s 0f' "din. t, that their telt 'It s aunt e Horne: tic
,n i, 1 y tt e.
In cieldin' to it a end, iter cru :mom in' u' 'o e' rang wasted ut the Lnul of their bulla,
t" file 1'00 1. of the verandah n•ith aero- ; (111 1 even fooling e g 1 a )mat d >1 3(9' de -solution 1i lnrmbr.r of the `teok haven ergo for e
1 Hodson held me and even foolint
that he en,juyeel it Ida udyuutug00 to he ginned by sub -0013'' d:=ot ns he tvetttirttu and that fortune, or, at least. prn.,par'-
drnuuttideffept: "lf .loo lids f11)11!'suidMr.1111
u his hose a little with new zest niter long obis 31 tion to „ urs l'urtngue4e 'lona ,just „ ,1 ty ,rvnibs them in this 'rent lti'public.
a lrer t1/ n h tha 1110 drnw1upuoni.
1 1' dogs, Imight'
1 s Dui id frit no disluvnity tw dais hraatit'rl brae„let "l a suhjreG v'rida e�,uhi 110, Thea rnyr bard of the rapid rise to
"Talking Portuguese loan to 11110, I
suppose that means,” said his wife, in
her usual genial ones..
-You know all alcor it then?" asked
dearer than his
- per nip .' .
1(s societ':' y 6 �I 9 utLuu t position and 310!uence of 0)11(0' Cana -
❑.little mored ) y
4 dints, whose ambition ani entlursinnm
lir', 1lgeu in ;she re outcry *WW1 l I'
igicctly genuine; site nail' slid feel b h t tl found their proper lair 1 soon as they
most, strongly that she was n iu,jured I 1 crossed the boundary line. 1'110 Fatseiva-.
( David was the Inst per- I I 1 t I 1' David. Huns of new territory, n -w conditions
wife; and simple 1.1 m I
was 1a llhnsible, enterprising man, with 'Mrs, lied,on Vvas one of those, vivited and sen• associates are ,rico!,' tgyou
ani in the world,to sn(0, his that, if 1',o' t
:Hodson had taken it Mtn bend to, be- 1 I l � I
quite as much relish for Speculation ;end ole', mucda-fintt0rcd ladies, who believe Omni, stud, cis they think of the clutn'rs
his smart strokes of business as he had for themselves to be competent to pass gut to be had for the arcing in "the
rime a little fonder of his bona, t sensual 1>' 1 0 , He . uuvnr lost rt' 01111ieR 0"m most subjects, and who States"—'distance lend, enelinrtment
wife would have become infinitely less egos 1 1 r 9 1 1 si '' an ' 1 e view'." The little town in Oa-
chnnrc. 01 nuahulg as client, /rover (wiled consider rano rent not worth pas, ng lie i1
Ir, d, his best for 111m and himself at the 'opinion upon, t,u'io loots very' tante compared to the
stale Cion', and believed as faithfully as! "Of course 1 do. 11,'. I10>30ou Reye) metropolis of Illinois.
II 11y vicar in the philanthropic nature takes up anything im1pnrtaat without 'Ili,' ('autdiat settler cumin; here
of the profession by which Ire lived, 130- oonsidtim' tie," feud, ,ill the. trvmuues of trade pretty
;;inning life with the meagre imperfect 1t' wits tow; this incansitent. geulle• well e nig"ted; (000)1c111ion ser bene
edocwtiou of the lower middle class, his man) icing' proud of his wife, alit placing 11at 0u'>' bread -miming is olteu a
relive shallow nnideretmnling had slower :r f•u30'011tions faith in ler loudly es. struggle for existence, and everything h,., the way to extensive though ser ler- -+ 1c'pt 1110 (,olden 1,111
though 1 In r, 11(1whata convictions, and et0,doue, In t!uir it rte 19 031111!
fit d.tl v' 11(1 111(10 104 d lig lad forced \ud went do ,you tidal: of it 1" a -ked „breakneck quick
1/,s nay' n3' until his daring and en0rgy to "e„pt linmself t. a I r k 1
I had gained for` 11111 a1 position which his 1 11 1
lack of prudence and self-restraint alone
prevented fro") beeonung one of the
best among the omen of his Own chefs,
to. e Certain extravagant expenses, altogether
a. tad) pendent of his cstalhshmetl at the
t'' }awns, had lately made lint more ae-
rl'1, , tirely philanthropical than ever, and he
g., messed his Portuguese loan upon David
f4? (,lye's attention with the affectionate
(' ' solicitude of on indulgent farther.
young wife hod no thought of danger. be. ex react( to have any• 'tion 1'o •
This dear young lady was yaws older (tussle w'hr, never had ser env(. to spare,
than he, wag perfectly honest, und011111' 11131' don't you go ill for 1b 00,0,
oddly i)reproahable, and had nen ac- (ha said the stock broker, with o0en-
Inowleege empire 0)10 her acqu801- hearted' pesuasrveuess .lir, Hodson
) aces.
It was with quite playful chivalry t that
David raised her plump lunar to hit, lips
and kissed it. llcr x11(1' 80nse u Sot,
1)9011 stood beside her for a few mo- e1eignty, slu,ken by icer husbands neg-
nvnto, mutely sympathetic, leaning over tett, must be. restored 1s his. lips
the ivister0 and clematis that hid the telw.red her Ir.) 31x, li 9uvcr, some feel -
veranda railing, watching the diamonds
flash on the neglected wife's putty' fin-
gers, and listening with growing indigna-
tion to Mr. Hodson's voice, which rang
coli from the stable -rani with a certain
ng a little stronger than he had export-
ed made his totter firmer, num ardent
(111111 Io hod intended: A loot flush taxa
into his cheer 00 he let her hand fall;
Int her perfect calmness, and the east'
rich self-satisfaction in it, tone portico- ,t1/ possesiwn tvitb whine she received
(10'>' irritating to the shy, retiring David this attention, at once restored his selt'-
(iku, Se mock n little movement of des- command. Though he' friends little
Oft, and turned, quieldy toward Mrs. petted it, an ley incapacity for ally form
0444 �"4''6t- '93'--6Y'tl t
Rapid Thanges of temperature are hard
on the toughest constitution.
The conductor passing front the heated
inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature
of t1.'i platform—the carvaszcr spciding a.r,'�
hour or so ire; u. heated building and then
walking against a biting
wind.—know the
difficulty of avoiding coni.
It will help you to avoid taking cold.
AL1, DRUGGISTS; 500. AND $1.00.
� 000000000000000 X000$4
Sco.i's Eintelsi°orz strengthens the
body so that it can better withstand the
danger of cold from changes of temperature.
Dnrid falling into the stone error.
I think it is a good thing unr oubted -
ly " said she, with as much eontidenu as
if l er tuga1 had been her own private
11 Was t1/1' 11',1 1.1101' that turned the
made an appointment with fhis 9ran,erittst, likewise, seizes upon
310. llodson 3o1' 1110 uttxt morning 1)030.0 Um' noun horn under the Stars and
they went Mtn the billiard -room, David ,3)11 344, mad he, loo, goes to 0101 his
(lid not cure for billiards, and he felt lx- fortune across the border. 11111 what 0
sides that he was leaving Doris alone too different country he finds there from
''1 have no money, for one thing,"; long. riot to wanted an opportunity of the laird he has left\ 1f his mind rues
said David, reddening slightly. asking n Mrs. Hodson about the dog ha' to /arming, Ire is not forced to become
6�y ")1011, hot your wife lino; and you are uta to bout. her, ,and he felt also an a tenant anti pay an exorbitant
bound 10 „ne that she makes the hest unarowed curiosity as to whtetheryonn!1 mat for the 101111ege of cultivating
(til' possible 1190 ui it. Now, if you were to 'Melton had been asked to extend his the soil. A homesccad awaits him al
et.,:.tde, her to invest, say fit'e thous- impromptu visit. Su the whole party
rye end pounds in this lien (which is tat- left the drawing -room together. and
is u) 0>.(1 1 011 with the public, or you David played a game with lir, Hodson.
luny bo 011re is would lava nothing to do who beat him ca, fly ; while Ii.lhel, the
too, with it), in as week or two you could coutgcr of tiro little girls, was el to
sell out at ,a profit, for the shutes are :'anal-" Set fethor look a 41,eua! he -
1);' sura to no tip, and yo ucoutd make your , light. ie appointing her to this kind:, ns
v.if a handsome present with the fifty ,lie disliked it, and it afforded him an
of sixty pounds you would make on the n�0pmtarty of tensile her by peering
'" transaction." into her face meth 11(0.het silzbted eyes 1
111 It was a e01arse Sway of putting it, eer- rem, to hers, or of chuckling her tinder
jt trinity. But his personal friends—es• rho ehtn to upsr-t her dignity. with the
Peeia117 1110>41 who were also Pers00a1. „1 n'Fdl question, "Now, • then, l'gly.
friends of lis wife—did not expect much ,,hat's the (game'/" These attentions the
4j,' delicacy of feeling from Mr. Ilodson; .'1t)1> little girl 00013oed 11111011 ns the
10(101 David, who had, for some reason, Princess 110 Gioia ire m,0(1 be supiemed
never' felt the disndv'nntage of being the to hrn'c re0niveet those of Elie Republican
floor husband of an heiress so keenly „tub
of living, 1/c' may undo enough to pay
big taxes on n house and lot he can
call his own, lint, long before then, he
will have dismissal this old dreams of
getting rich, and he satisfied if lie is
enabled to keen out of (103,1.,
scab'. David
RA he did this' evening, listened indul-
(To 611 nontlnued,l
gently to the suggestion, and felt tempt -
ed. 80me fellows are always being either
"What do I—what should I risk?" 1e shown up or called down.
1Acro is no nu'dicine can equal )
liths', Own 'Tablets for the eine of
such ills as babyhood and eifl(lrood
0.4 constipation, indigestion, f. diar-
rhoea, colic., simple fever, worms and
teething honblcs. AYhett you give
this medicine to your little.(1ncs you
have the guarantee of a government
analyst that it is 1/0110413 safe. Alia.
Thomas dills Ethel, Dot.,says: "1
have. used 'Baby's Ovyn .la1hots for my
little ley and final them ,just the medi-
cine needed to keep babies heealthy.
They are easy to take and always oro
good," Sold by nusduvine dealers or by.
101(11 ad lei cents a box front The l)1'.
\\'illhuls Co„ Brockville, Ont.,,
4 •
The Man That Geta Back.
Then here's to the man who gets back.
When fate has struck' 110 bet9ceen the
\\hen fondest (1>0100 in failured'ies,
'When black and angry, ur0 all our
1 les,
lIeto's to the man 10110 fess bark,
\Yorks hack—
Flights back—
Ry the power of his soul
In, his o\v)a control
clefs back.
Then hero's to the man who gots luck,
No cares) coward to weep and groan,
Ile trusts to his Cod and himself
No whimpers, no cusin;s, no feeble
bore, to the min who gets bade.
Works b,iek— ,
-Holds back--
ack—the power of his soul
311 1/:i -s ware antro]
Cots black.
The New Coins,
"110e ahuef eriticistn 1 have to make
of the 1)011' 1101.1114," said the PFnstneder,
"is that they 11'011't slur tip."
rut!" ojaouladed the idiot. "I have
found the winitf trouble with 0(10,0101''
dollar bills. I never could gil4litior•o
than eight of diem to stack up and stay
stuck for tentmiiruttn at a 11100, not
with little old R0>1011way whistling to
me with her siren tent to conte over
and have a bite. Besides that coinage is
consistent; it lungs in with Ido w'lo.11e
lloocevelt dootmine awtinnt swollen for-
tunes. and is therefore to be mmdlll'10'd
by all who can't for the life of thou
run an :into 011 an income of sevon•tilt9'
wook."---New L'ro'ulw.vy 'Magazine.
Probably She Was Too Close -Hauled.
"I an very sorry to hear, Captain Sal-
ter, that your wife left you so une1re-
"My mistake, sir. 1 took her for a
mate and she proved to be a skipper."—
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