HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-03-12, Page 2HOW ON TRIAL 160 Children Were FOR HER LIFE. New York Woman Accused of Shooting a Boarder. F Husband and Daughter Principal Witnesses Against Her. New York, Martis 11, -With her Lus- band attd youttg dtteghter seated at her aide miler subpoemn to appear as the principal witm'sset metinst her, Mrs. Theresa Stein, 37 years old, was placed on trial yesterday, charged with nun. - der. M's; Stein is accused of having shot and killed Frank (lertingcr, a boarder, and without the testimony of the husband and daughter, whose syet pathlee are all with the defendant, the proeecutiou would be acareely able to proeeei. The east of Mrs, Stein coin - blues seamy strange circumstances, Af- ter the killing of Gortinger last August, es -a result of a quarrel with her hus- band, who asserted that Geiger was influencing her, Mr,. Stein threw herself from a"window of her hone to the court fire stories below. Her fall was broken by clothes linea, but for a.lolg time her ilte was despaired of. Stein has stated that his wife fired the shot, al- leging that she was not responsible, ltav•. ing been struck aecidentally on the head two years before. ldrs. Stein itas not fully recovered from the shock, wbinli has eo affected her that she cannot recollect what hap- pened on the night of the tragedy. Coun- sel has indicated that the defence will be ineataity. A jury was selected in the ease to -day. INSANITY PLEADED. ST. THOMAS MERCHANT CONVICTED OF FORGERY. James A. Moore Signed His Brother's Name to Bank Guarantee -Prisoner's Aged Father Appears in Court to Testify on Insanity Plea. 4t, Thomas despatch: The trial of James A. Moore, fur and hide dealer, tor, tonging the name of his brother, a barrister, of Toronto, to a $0,000 guaran. tee bond on the Dominion Bank, created eonsiderable interest here to -day because of the fact that the defence endeavored to show that the accused wan not men- tally responsible for his actions. Moore last summer became identified with sev- eral industrial concerns, and became a prominent figure on the streets with an automobile. The evidence against Moore was strong. Manager Anderson swore Moore owed ;the bank as high as $19,000, and Afoore' "•stock of bidea was represented to I>o $22,510, hut inspection showed it to be worth about $10,000, Mr, Ander. son insisted en a guarantee bond, and it was given. Harry C. Moore, brother of the acmued, and Daniel M, Baxter, whose name appeared as witness, both declared ,they had not signed the pond, and \V, 11.'Sha , of the Central Business College, Toronto, said the writing was *et that of H. C. Moore, but that of Jas. A. Moore. .Tames B. Moore, of Waterford, father of the accused, on the insanity plea, eaid the defendant had not been well since two years old, when he welt through a severe illness. He had been a failure at eonego and in several business undortak- • tnge, and was subject to breakdowns, ex- citable and nervous. Dr. Russell, ex -superintendent of the Hamilton Asylum, and Dr. Guest, city, both pronounced Moore as being far from well mentally, and irresponsible, Judge Colter, however, held that, al- though the accused was not perfectly sound mentally, tie affliction was not sufficient to render him irresponsible. Moore was found guilty .cod eemended a week for sentence. To-ntorrov he will appear and formally plead guilty to three other charges pre- ferred by the bank. earned to eagle School Took Fire --Four Hundred Children Tried to Escape -Doors Became Blocked -Numbers Trampled to Death -Floor ()ave Way and Many Perished in the Easement. Cleveland, (Mit:, lespnl<bt In n fire which completely destroyed the c011tmm1 8011001 bnildiug in Celling vood, n sub- urb, to -day, seventy -fire children lost their lives. The fire was started by en overheat- ed furnace, The flames quickly spread, but a panic ensued when the building filled with smoke and the 403 children attempted to escape. There were but two exits in the build- ing, that were available, One soon be- came choked with the children who madly dashed for the open air. Those who fell in the doorway were trampled upon by those behind mei soon the door- way oorway was impassable, The frightened and panic stricken children turned to get out through the windows and any other means that COBALT MINES ROBBED. Two Englishmen Arrested With Sacks of Rich Ore. Cobalt, March 0. --...On Satmiday teem- ing a robbery of two hundred pounds of 'rich silver ore wee made at the Herr Lake Crown reserve mine. 'Phis morn- ing about 2 o'clock Chief Caldltceh stud riremail McKay searched 0110 Ottawa r I::trent, landing John 111111s and Steven Balls, both h1) li:limen, together h a sock of ore eoetaining over a !l Friends of na,4„iets, which nern de i 1e4 JS1 Sue . ::lent Bryce, of the Si eco. 1 '` LARGER SHIPS BEET YEAR. yt 00111sl le f011od, J:rr,tpe was out ei by the theme, which by this time, had spreel thrcuglwnt the vomits. The building was el prick, yet this did net retard the progress of the fire. 'lir a 1)01 minutes, the lower floor fell, precipilal• ng scores of children to the basement, among the burning embers, The scene about the building was heartrending. Quickly the news of the terrible catastrophe spread throughout the village and hundreds of parents were crowding about the building in search of their girls and boys. In a few minutes 20 bodies had been taken from the reins Plainly the writh- ing or stilled form of dozens of others could be seen in the basement. Nearby factories dismissed their men and in- structed them to assist in the rescue. They braved the fire and spade heroic efforts to save those who were not dead. Among the known dead are Mat Eah• nor, 12 years old; Berne Schubert, 10 years old; \Tillie W iesebart, 7 years; Movers, (1 years; tee Iluschuont girls, 10 and 12 yearn old: 110711 M1c11raitlt, 111 years; Thomas Thompson, 9 years; Eddie Kehl, 11 yea's; -. Roster, 10 years; Iwo AGoodieyer girls, aged 11 011)1 I3; 1lntoid Sandersnl 13 years. Missing; Lizzie Lyon, Emma Heinge, Peter Dellinger. Injured; Glen Barber, 10 yearn old; Mildred Schmidt, 10, At 11.30 twenty-five bodies had been recovered from the rains and wore 101:011 to the shops of the Lake Shore & Michi- gan Southern Railway Company, where the cam eny'physicians of ns are Attending P 1 1 1 0 g the injured. Practically every mnbulnuee in the eastern part of Cleveland was called, as well as every available physician, Many children rescued are believed to be fatally injured, either by fire or by being trampled upon, Scores of children have been taken to city hospitals. Later, -one hundred and sixty b0;$es 11000 been recovered from the 'rine. MRS. STRAUSS NO. 2. WAS LUCKY THAT SHE DiD NOT FALL INTO HANDS OF N0. I. There Would Have Been Little of Her or the Shop Left„ She Says - Man in the Case Was in Hamil- ton, Buffalo, ilhu'ch 9. --Edwin Strauss, 30 yea's old, labor orator, campaign speak- er, and temnber of the tailoring firm of Str,ueas 4 Locl;wood, 10 East Eagle street, is a much wasted mal by three nelsons - bis wife, Mrs. Katherine Strauss, of 360 Swan street, another woman, whom he represents as his wife, and who claims hint as her husband, Mrs, Mary Strauss, et 442 Main street, and his buesnese partner. Strauss has Vcs0c s i,ceo Feet Long abel,of Propos tlonet0 Deptht?; Bei( s', N0rel 0 - ilerhtnh' & Wolff have t i, tt t),e 1.011,tructimi of ship- yarde that will 11ilea- the budding, of 1114% larger thio any yet I now\;'' jhap 1e to sey. vessels 1,000 feet long led of proportionate beard and depth. It is ex - J]. ted that Is mammoth 1Vhite Star liner will bo 1001 down here about a year from now. end this vessel will mark an epoch' in the world ; history of ship- llilding and engineering, not been seen oy any of the three for a week. He is being sued by Mra, Katherine, Strauss far divorne. A weak ago Jus- tice Pound, of the Supreme Court, granted ay petition for $211 counsel fees and $10 eliniony, Mrs. Straws Bays she has not received any money from Strauss since the court's order was issued. Mrs. Strauss says she 1110(1ied him in Chicago itt 1809. They have moved frau place to place, ale says, and he has been in trouble and oho has been Com- pelled to accept public charity'. Three years ago, she says, he disappeared, leaving her an iavalid, with, at that time, little hope of recovery. She got better, however, and went to 'Rocheotor, where elm learned that her husband was in Hamilton, where two brothers re- side. She failed to find hits in Ilamil- ton, and was told that he had gone to Toronto, but later learned that he was in Buffalo, where she found Strauss last June. In her story Mrs. Strauss eaye: "I swore out a warrant charging aban- donment. 11e induced sae to withdraw it, 011 1(18 promise that he would sup- port me, aid 1 returned to Mansfield. 1 did tot got ally money from him, and 1 camp back to Buffalo last November, when 1 obtained another warrant, but that also 1 withdraw when ho renewed his promises. But 1 got nothing from hint and came buck to Buffalo again. I began my suit for divorce and last Tuesday obtained a warrant charging 11110 with non-support. Ile has called at the house here and threatened rase. He said that 0 1 ever let the public know that I had brought a divorce suit he would have use thrown in jail or run out of town. 1 saw the 100111011 with whom he is now living, in the tailor shop in East Eagle street, but at the time 1 did not know it was she, If I had there would have been little of her or the shop left," \Vhen the w00101 w110 snye site is \lrs. Allay ttrauss was seen at her home at 4-12 blain street yesterday ef- teruoot she was just pulling a carriage with 0 pretty girl baby seated in it up the two flights of stairs to her flat. When questioned she said: "1 have not seen 111y husband for a week. Ile wont away without staying a word to raw and 1 do not tcno0v where 1 he is, neither do 1 knew when .he will 1cone back." "Are you his wife'!" she was asked. I "Year GUELPH OFFICIALS APPOINTED. Long Session of City Council Ends in Defeat. of New Men, A Guelph despatch: T11e City Council sat last tight at 8,1d aid eoltiuued in sedan up to a quarter to one The appointment of officers for the civic positions of Clerk, Treasurer, (Joldeetor and Police Court Clerk was discussed, and the attempt of the new members' to displace the old members of the civic effioee met with strong o,pposttioi. The frimulo of the old oity officials succeeded in retaining their service in nearly all Instil; . , erk was appointed Clerk of the :"'p _, jCourt at a salary ;,pf`lS50D. 1701. White and William Hart wore appointed As,sess01e; Mr, T. J. Moore, Clerk, and Elias Rice, Collector. Fit-AldoScroggie was reappointed Treasurer, adtit1Mr. G. McArthur, formerly assietant engitkieer, made engineer -in -chief. STRIKE AT HOCHELAGA. Over a Thousand Operatives et Satan Mill Ge Montreal, March 1 'Twelve hundred employees of the Dominion Textile. Company went out on strike to -day and the looms of tine Ttecheh1ga mills are lying idle es a result, '.l'he main bone of contentiol is said to be the employment of an assistant foreman. Mr. Joseph Venue, whom the ens- ployees wanted to have dismissed, but the management would not yield to that demand, Nor is the management quite prepared to yield another point, which is to have the working hours, elicit are now from (1.15 a, m., to 4 p. rat., ehaeged to 7 11, m. and 5 p.m., re- spectirely. 'they claim that; they have the right to rub their works as they think 10. Mr. Wilfrid Payette, President of the Federation 0f Textile Workers, is now trying to arrange with the em- ployees of the hfercltaitts' Cotton Co. for a sympathetic strike. Ile also hopes to induce those employed at Magog and Montmorency to join the movement. BOGUS HAL.r' DOLLARS. Made With Counterfeiting Plant Seized M Brooklyn. New York, ,dards 0.-A euutplete counterfeiting plant for making spur- ious half dollars wee seized in Brook- lyn to -day, and fain men and one wo. span were arrested, charged with malt- ing and circulating the incitation coins. Secret service agents have been search- ing for two months for a band of coun- terfeiters who Have flooded the city with half dollars so nearly like real money that detection was next to im- possible. They say that newly -moulded coins found in the Brooklyn house to- day were 111140 in the same moulds and from the sande material as those which have cause 00 much trouble, The bogus coins, while almost an ex• act reproduetion of those turned out by the United States mints, were found upon expert examination to contain a considerable quantity of tin and also to be slightly' overweight. The prispners. under arrest are. John Dart, Raymond Seroton, Joseph Gifford, Thomas Me. Partland and Mabel Hamilton..- • -es BANK OF MONTREAL. May Make Invasion of United States and Europe. Montreal, March 9. -The statement is made here in financial circles that the Bank of Montreal is about to inaugurate a more expansive policy, as they will open more branches in the United States a.nd very likely on the continent of Europe, with a view to take advantage of its exceptional opportunities to deal with exchange. The statement is mode than within a few months the Bask of 'Montreal will open in all the Amerieau centres where an exchange business eon Mt waked. Boston and New Orleans are spoken of as prospective points as (y starter and more than likely other pointe will (save, a brjtncli. As for Europe, the idea prevails that a branch of the big hank will very soon be opened in Paris, i'riince, where. another Quebee bank has al- ready bceu established. GERMANY'S OIL MONOPOLY. The Question Not to be Decided Before Autumn, Berlin. March 11.The (west ion of 0 Govcromeet petroleum monopoly is still untie' consideration by the Imperial Ministry of Finance, but the commis- sion which has been investigating , tle natter has not yet decided to recom- mend it. Tho difficulty is how to get along without the Standard Oil Company, I1 the State monopoly is to be anything more than a selling agent for the Standard Oil Company arrangements must be the most ecotomioai possible for a continuous supply of American petroleum for mixing with the Euro- pean product. No conclusion,*never, need be reach- ed before next autumn,as Chancellor Von Buelow and Secretary of tho Trea- sury Sydow have postponed the intro- duction of fresh tax 1(1035sals until that time, SALS IN QUEBEC. Granted Colonization Lands in That Province. Tonne it. Ont., .March 9,--(Special.)- The ;(Special.)- The Salvation Army intends to open up colonization lands In Quebec. This statement 0.10 made this morning by Commissioner Coombs, who wait at the Parliament buildings to interview lion. Air. :Monteith and 11on. Mr. liana. The Army has been offered land for colonic. ,stit purpu c, iu Qitchee, by the Cor- e nmeut, and will send immigrants to settle on the land, This completes the sheltie for colonization in every Pro- vince in Canada, The Commissioner leaves to -night for New Vorlc, whence he sails for Liverpool on the Celtic, and will return about the end of April. While in the old country he will. see General Booth regarding the schemes, On March 28 a party of immigrants will leave Glasgow for Ontario and the Maritime Provinces, PROOF IS' NOT DIFFICULT. HYPNOTIZEDBY VICTIM'S t i ICTIM'S iO IFE. ,i IAREIiOLDERSMAY PROCEED Manager's Views as to Claims Against Directors, Toronto despatch: The 11101io0 on the part of the rormer directors of the On- tario Bank to have the suit which is being brought against thews by the liquidator heard by tt judge 01011e, instead of by a judge 01111 jury, came before ,lir. .fuatiee Magee at Osgoode Hall yester- <ley Horning, and was adjonrnel for one week, The postponement of the hearing was by mutual agreement between counsel to elbow the lawyer for the directors to examine an affidavit shade by Mr. Arthur Douglas Braithwaite, General Manager of the Ontario Bank. The latter is in reply t o statements i h 3 tt to 1 of the defendant directors to the effect tiat should the action be heard by a jury the verdict could not be a fair one owing to the alleged' complicated nature of the evidence to be adduced, and to the alleged bins existing in tie mind of the pal bd and in the 1 o , press against the directors. The directors fur- ther stated rhos' so numerous are the bank's shareholders that some of thorn or friends or relatives would be certain to get in the panel. Mr, Braiflswaite's affidavit points out that the evidence which in his opinion must be gone into will not be as teeluicel as represented; that to Lis mind piddle sentiment does not seeps against the directors; and that the number of shareholders in 'Toronto is not such as would make it impossible to keep 10101de or relatives off a jury, ONTARIO BANK. ___.. AGAINST DIRECTORS, A GERMAN OFFICER'S THRILLING CONFESSION. He Was Led on to Commit Murder- Astouishing Stony of a Man's Mad Love for a Wonsan, and How She Controlled His Actions, Tlolin,51trch 9. -The murder of n nriditory officer by a brother offices' Christmas night, which ex -ailed great interest in Ccentar{a', lea become doubly seesatiosual through the mur- derer's confession that he \vita hyp- notized by the wife of the murdered na1n into rho commission of the mime, Iley,nd the fact that Captain Von Goebon,- cf the artillery, shot and killed Major Von Sehoettbeek, of the dragoons, its the latter's Louie, owing to the former's guilty lova for 1lrsu Volt Schoenbeck, little was certainly known, although many emulous of the etffitir were currewt.Frialldti't lied to Rot Vdit Gcob."s ter 1'nr'd inane, experts declared he was sane, Von (10even realized that his execration as a common murderer was certain, and he committed suicide yesterday in hie (ell in the military prison at Atllen• stain, (>1 the Polish frontier, by hack- ing his throat with to phut table knife. . 'Po the 111001011 alienist, Prof. Barbs Sehretsehnotzing, tete murderer a few hours previouvly bad made an astonishing oanftl0eios of mod Love for Frau Von Schoenbeck and of her power over 11111, In the course of his confession, which was sworn to, he said: "My country, my mother, my friends, till I would have cheer- fully betrayed could I but have ex- eluunged them !for this witch, who mode 11e swear beneath the twinkling bramnles of ]ser ehildeen's Cltristmao tree that f would Idil their father that 1(1y Although he i<new front her own lips that tithe had led a reeklese life, Von Goober said: "I rcgas'ded her as something puf'0 nald sacred. I be- lieved b110011y anything she said. When I think back I cannot eongeor.- hend how I credited it all. The wo- man nnust Have exercised a sort of mesmerism over me, for I would have unresistingly and unhesitatingly have committed the greatest cringe for her. I sever had pangs of conscience, I hon- ored her as a goddesro." The woman constantly eomptained of her insbatul'e ill.treatmont, and Von Goeben resolved to free her, They discussed menses of getting rid of him, and at one time decided that the wife should poison ham. In his I (ref'•.,:hurl Van Gnoben adds : " I hongh1f her enough asmile to poison two hatndred persons, but her cour- age failed." Other means were die - cussed until, when Cttristanan casae, Von Goober was Von Sdsoenbeck'a guest, and during the latter'ei ab- sence from the roan, Frau Von Schoenbeck made Von Goeben. invent' Ant 110 woedd kill ber husband. Von Goeben said: "I cheerfully made that oath." And with the wife's oonnl- vaneo he re-entered the house after leaving, by opening a window, tisr'ee houra after midnight. Major Von Schoenberg woe disturbed by the noise, and met the intruder with his re- volver, but before he could fire Von floebbess shot hint, HE ROBBED Ci-IURCHES. Antoine Thomas Sent to Prison at Limoges. Limoges. France, March !I,-- Antoine Thames to duy tine s'nteneed to =ix t eras s' imprisonment at had labor. Thomas is the cooper at Clernnont-'he', solve committed Ole series of sensa- tional ohin'ch robberies in 1310100, the sr-velatioe of which created a sensation Mot ftd'l. The trial 11070)1 pore February* 27th, the son Frauclo and lila motherto- gethertriter three antiquaries, Michel, Faure and Dufay, were charged with oontylioity in the the! Is. The toothier and 'Michel worn. 10111ityd. The eon and the other two antiquaries were found g11fbty and sentence) each to two years at hard labor. Grams were given that the stolen relies be turned over to the State. o.o SUFFRAGISTS AT WASHINGTON, ' Plea Made to Senate and to house of Representatives. Washington, March 11, -'The advocates o1 women suffrage were to -day given their annual opportunity to present plena to Congress, the presentation to the Senate being made before the Com- mittee on Woman's Suffrage, and to the House before the Judiciary Com- mittee. Senator Clay of Georgia pre- sided over the Senate Committee meet- ing, and Rev. Anna. Shaw, es President of the National Female Suffrage As- sociation, introduced the speakers, the first of whom was Mrs, Belem Lock- wood who has the distinction of being A MAN TORN TO PIECES, Ghastly Find on Train That Arrived • Fresh Barrie, A 'Toronto despatch: When Grand Trunk traits No. 88 from Beanie drew in. to the Unuen ,Station last night at 8.33, about forty minutes late, one of the star tics employees saw blood on the bag, gage ea'. A search was made, and be. tavern the nail and baggage caw on the connecting appliances, there were found the pocket of a workingman's ,jacket, with a plug of tobacco in it, aria the sleeve of a coat and a shirt, bout curt off at the shoulder, and part of the arm with 50111e flesh sticking to the shirt sleeve. Later word was received frons Maple that the leg of a melt Masi been found on the treeka there, but beyond this no further word lied been received of who the man was ohm 111u1 caidCMAy bean killed. It ons the opinion of tdo rail- way officials, judging from how the clothes w1' found, that it vvad sorts workmen who had beset riding on the bumpers. I:nginoer Lawrence, who was in Outage of the train, sage he ]wed not the slightest idea o! he ging ideal r aro out and the mall elerke rt.e4 h'tg'gers- men neither saw nor 1am'rn ,otyriing ecf the matter. A POLISIH TO'lrli 501-7.1,Dubno lessee to an A `er. 1.e r:t fu: St. Petersburg, March 0 The mites of an interesting transfer of real estsen Is reported he roe the itc,sertenont of VollIynia The . town of D11:10, which has 00010 13,1)00 inhabitants, has been sold by the miner, Countess SLtiva- love, to 0011nt Offendorf, an Austrian, for $2,000,01.0. The transfer hseludee the une site of the Iliart f1' trans rat Dubno. This town is one of several le Russian Poland that has been hold tinder the ownership of a single individual. since the old feudal dnya. It was founded in the tenth century, and was on -e owned i>y 0 Bing` of 'Po- land. The fortress has been the field of many engagements, and it enjoys the d!s. Unction of never laving been captured the only woman who ever matte the during either the Cossack or the 'fattier race for the Presidency. invasions. 1511 Subject to Approval of a Special Committee -Hon. Richard Har. court Opposes Any Further Pro. ceedings Being Taken-Sharehold- or Tells Him He Should Have Re- signed. Toronto, March 7. ---.11 a largely at- tended mceliug of nip shirt -holders of the defunct flank of Ontario ,yesterday the present directors, were after` to rather' warn] debate ,authorized to take a;b6it.. arnIinst the former (Erecters, fort the purpose of recovering, if the c' tits so decide, muter the double lltbrlity from those 11111 directors 1111' sous tof $4,702; 110`1.117, but subject to then proval of a 01(0111 committee appointed., ft In answer to a gite un by Mr. P. t . Lnrkiu, tie c unusual( staled sloLI tum (1)810 of the 70111 would undoubtedly c mu eut,pt the: shareholders' pockets, lime,'liclnud lleraert, in a vigorous Psje', urged that no action be taken htil the result of the appeal in the Yarmouth hark ease 10115 decided, Ilon. Mr. llm'eott t also referred to the case of 1'reiontatine v.+. (11,110' . where t11e Privy Connell hail decided that-110.directo•s were not responsible for sighing false letluue sheets so long as they trusted lo' their effieiih. Ile 'ei1013-several other snots' eases, and pointed ant that the judgment of the Priv} 001100i also re- ferred to a number of similar eases, all of which showed that the directors were not held liable for trusting to officials and for signing even false reports pre. pared by these officials. ils had done all that nuts required of Trim in the natter, and was a very linty mot with his puhli0 chilies at the time of the re- turns when the fronds began. "What more could 1 have dose?" 'asked Mr, transmit. 31r. Charles Livingston, hfnnston--- Vou could have lr'13ual 100,1051 you 00111 not ellen(' to your duties. Resign!" stld 31,'.lin reonrt, '9'here are directors of tie linek of Montreal who never attend a directors' meeting, and who cute living three thousand miles away front the held offices of that bank. 81101110 they resign?" Cries of ' \ c , ' tfr, Haremut--I challenge 1fr, Stoyert, .err, Braithwaite or the chairman 'to say if they (mild have doe more at the time 1110❑ we did, A voice --Yon had amoral right to resign, Mr. Livia Ston -Cronin -hot you have ,: played the political ,arae and not have '' tried to b'un' a. bank? Yon could have resigned, Intl not have advised people six months before the mush to buy ;dock, and promised Clem that the dividend would be Inc tensed. 1lr. Harcoiit, in eonehelin,!, pointed out that trot 000 of the direeters 11101 a debt egninst him in tie bank, and sot one had dared to say that they benefited . one cent by the iistittllion. Hon. dames Young, of (1031, washed to know what chances the directors thought they had to secure a, legal victory. Afr. Alex 1)utgwmll, of-llontren1, de - feared that be 'had lost twelve thousand dollars through the rascality of the manager of 1 !opalMandl of a bank, 0111 the :shorehohders` could apply the le,eon of that, experience to the present, Mr. Janes Dielowl!, '1x C'., in '1000001' " fo questiols said they could. not Clio close the legal'side of the e ase now, and - ' (411 r they might 1 '' admitted that th � in tl.ly e ,- talo au11, "but also N1' May` win 0," he added. ' Tito resolution ns submitted was then carried without any opposition; HUSBAND CONTESTS WILL. Wife's Estate of $ss,000 is Disposed in Other Ways. Toronto March 5, Alleging undue in. fluence on the past of Bev. John Sal 111011 and ethos, Geo. Ilillauy 111151000 of the 1•lte ,Mary Doig Dillem, has filed tt. caveat against the will disposing of her cstnte. By the terms of the will, $1,000 inch is left to 015 nieces, 2 graurlcnb)dleu, u nephew end a sister; $2,000 to Rey, .11hIt Sa rerun and two other trustees 1 Pe- thauy Clepel foe" 0 site for 0tete' church, and $11,000 to Rev. r\, S,ml'' son of New York fur the Christi -1e es'd'' 4_ missionary alliance, Other clause, In the will direct that these last two sums be- come the absolute property of the clergy- men named. The busban1 receives not k- ing. The estate is valued at $21,077, 0111 consists of household furniture $1,000; and real estate $17,500.'1'1115lottei emit- prises mirprises louses Nes. '1, (t 'wd (1 1Laldan- ,ald street, 0ooessed at $21000 tt aitst which, however, these 1, it moilg10! 1)f 3,:•100. KING LEADS IN LAW. Clever Chinese Student at McGill University. 1l 11.008). March ') McGill Its i yellow peril. It is Pett lliug. The law f examinations are in progress, and 11101)e- ' stilts are known in ono subject. Pater Ding leads the list in that 0ul,ject and it is one. of the most difficult of the course -gifts and obligations. In ibis 001150ct be Obtained 88 per cent. Peter, as he is. known by a11;'i5 0 na- tive of China, and eine to Canada about ten years ago with his father,. 0010 is an eminent evangelist. He will enter thie diplomatic aet'vice of his csotntry. •-• Heat that goes rap the chimney Is so melt good money toasted, thobfoo- do not allow the smoke draught to lie lett open unless when fresh coal is put 111,