HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-03-05, Page 4PAGI' FOUR- I3Li'TH STANDARD-MMtcf1 5'111, tgn8,
JAS.McMURCHIE10314 gtjttt gttaubvto
Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made
to fanners on their own notes. No
additional security required,
We offer every aeoominodatlon con•
eletent with safe and conservative
banking principles.
To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates
of interest,
Persons wishing to sell will do well to
place their property on our 11at for
sale. (lents collected,
Of all kinds promptly attended to.
. We represent the leading Fire and
Life Assurance oompautes,and respect-
fully solleit your account.
OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. td 11 0. IA,
Business Cards.
Barrister Solicitor, Notary, lite. Suc-
cessor to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan -
dard'ank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro•
polltan Bank.
Batrteters, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Etc. Oakes -Those formerly occupied by
Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Godorleh, W.
Proudtoot, K.C.; R, 0. Hays, G. F. Blair.
O. E. LONG, L.D.S,, D.D.S.
Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons. Au honor
graduate of 'I'nronto University. Office
over James Outt's store, Pretoria block,
lllyth. At Auburn Ivory Monday 0 a.m.
to 5 p.in.
W, ,1, MILNE, M.D.C.M,
Phyefelan and Surgeon, M.D.C.M., Uni-
versity of Trinity College; M.D., gaeon's
llnlveraity; Fellow of Trinity Medical
College, and member of the College of
Ph Wiens and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor•
on tor, the County of Baron. Office, one
d llOrth of Commercial hotel, Queen
if abt,;lilyah.
F. S. iSiCC)TT
Auctioneer for Huron County
Tering reasonable. Sales arranged for
et the unl,e,of Tam STANDARD, Myth,
Blyth Livery
Sale r'tables
O 00 00 00 0
Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S.
O 00 sea 00 0
Firat•elass Horses and Rigs for hh'e at
reasonable rates.
Beat of acaomntodatlon to Commercial
Travellers and others requiring riga.
Veterinary office at livery stable.
Into the merits of the
It is the most successful business train -1
in; school In \Vattern tritium. Our Con,
meroial, Shorthand and Telegraphic 1),
psrtmente arc in the charge of able in•
atru0tnrs of experierc•. All our mut ass
are th. r ugh, up•to•date and p, a Ileal,
We have hooting ons of the largest Sial•
nos trefoil r1)10It In the Kevin, e.
Get our free catalogue and learn what we
are doing. Commercial snhoola as well 88
business men employ our grsdu des. Stu.
dente ars entering each week. Prater now.
u. 19008�....
People We Know r
Mr. Frank Carr is a visitor at the
parental home.
Alias Mary Elliott is attending the
millinery openings at Toronto,
lir. John Kelly, of Goderich, was
renewing old friendships to town Inst
Mr, and Mrs. John Gardner, of
Clinton, are visiting at the home of
Mr. J. G. Moser's.
Mr. Jus, Carter nide a business
trip to London anti was unable to at.
tend Council owing to the train not
getting into Blyth till midnight on
Dr. John Sloan and wife left town
this morning for California where
they will visit for acouple of months
from whence they will journey to
Nome, Alaska.
Mrs. Willin'm Johnston and Mrs.
Armstrong of Jessopville, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John John-
ston, Rattenbury street, Clinton last
Capt. H. T. Ranee, it former
Blythitc, who 13 011 an extended trip
through the southern states for his
health, is at present n guest, at the
house, of Mrs, 1'. W. Kelly, Vaughn,
,lir. G. 11, Miooney, the well-known
editor of Ole Ripley Express, called
on THE STANDARD last Thursday,
Ile was here attending 0 tweeting of
the Orangemen, to invite the lodge
to visit Ripley and celebrate the
12th with them.
The Teacher's and Officers of the
Myth Methodist Sabbath School stet
at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. 'luck -
step on Monday evening for the
purpose of selecting a ntunher of
new books for the Library. After
the business was transacted Mrs.
lluckstep served a dainty luncheon.
On Tuesday evening next the
Epworth Lettgue of the Methodist
church will hold a debate and the
subject will be "Resolved the heredi-
tary is it greater factor •that; eitviro•
meat." Ott the negative will he
plisses Lily Carr, Aluriei °bellow
and May Hogg, while the affirm-
ative will be upheld by 0. Wambold
Albert Wilford and l), D. Crittenden.
All are cordially invited to Attend,
Last Thursday evening Airs, Jas,
B1;yens, of Lucknow, W. 0. T. U.,
organizer, addressed a temperance
sheeting in the Methodist church,
After the address, 011 motion, it was
decided to re nrganiz- the \V. C. T.
U. in town and the following officers
were elected :
President, Airs, Curtis
Ilon. Vice Presidents, Mrs, And-
erson, Mrs. Smell, and Airs.
Vice President, Miss Bentley
Ree, Sec'y., Miss Fioorly,
Cr,-Sec'y., Mrs. Taylor
Treasurer, Mrs, N. Coming.
The day for meeting will be de
cited in the near future,
75 CRNTa gets'l'HR S'l'ANDAtm till
the end of the year for all new sub-
scribers in Canada, 1f you want
cheap rehding look at our clubbing
Dangerous coughs. Extremely
perilous coughs. Coughs that
rasp and tear the throat and
lungs. Coughs that shake the
whole body. You need a regu-
lar medicine, a doctor's medi-
cine, For such a cough, Ask
your doctor about Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral.
W. 80811.8 our formulas
R. 8.alah .IsoBN
errs hoc our roeleW.
wo a88 .4o
oon.alt ..4troar
Any good doctor will tell you that a medi
cine like Ayer's Cherry Pectoral canna
do its best work if the bowels are con
sheeted. Ask your doctor if he knows
anything better than Ayer's Pills for cot
recting this sluggishness of the liver.
...uata 87 tat /. 0, 4 o W., 14,1114 stsaar"'
- Westfield. ?1� 'i?'i'i'Si4Y'ATI14Dt :4K111ii
0, Al. Seim, Editor' ol'the Holstein ` "•4 �' '4'"4 '41'4 arc
Leader, also Miss Ar 11e soPIMA, .i COMMENTS
1Viugham the e gurstof Miss
Borlenit Johnstona few days lest\;
week. 6ad }�77 t c y p] st �u�pyxP x
A. 13. Vincent entertained a fen' tfr:ct�dS;;:Stls:..tbfSe�!)C7fktC::shCrt745C1e
of his friends on Thursday evening
at his home before his departure to
the 1}refit.
Those ticketed by J. Mellurchio,
131y111, fur the Weat from this Ola•
11101 were Albert Vincent, Gordon
Dobie and Guy and Nelson 130111101',
who left on 'Tuesday morning for
M 1101111
Reeve Parke Iias been on the sick
list and was unable to attend the.
special Meeting of the Co, Connell at
Seaforth last week,
Council meets in Ilelgravc on
Monday, Afarch 23rd.
The Epworth League anniversary
services will be conducted in the
Atetbudist choral' on Sunday, March
15th. On Monday night, the 16th,
an address will he given by Mrs.
Romani on "Ceylon, the Island of
Gems," Mrs, ltntnain, who lots
spent some yeti's in Missionary work
in Ceylon, gives a most entertaining
and instructive address. No one
should miss this opportunity of hear-
ing her.
Rev, Mr. Toll, D. D„ of Demuth,
occupied the pulpit very acceptably
In the Methodist church Inst Sunday.
Rev. William Gault', missionary
i'rom Formosa at present hone on
furlough will preace in Barn's
church, lIullett, and Knox Church,
Londesboro on Sunday first.
Aliso A. Bell visited Clinton friends
this week.
About 20 of our men here are
busy this week shovelling snow on
the railroad.
The temperance people are pre-
paring a concert to be given in the
near future,
Our Epworth League will enter-
tain the Auburn League on Wed-
nesday evening next March 11th,
Malls have been irregular owing
to the Sunday storm which caused
the trains to , be cancelled on Mon.
Easy to Mix This.
What will appear very interesting
to many people here is the article
taken from a P',ow Y ork daily paper,
giving u simple prescription, as
formulated by n noted uuthl,rlty,
who claims that he has 100101-
0010'positive re•t lcd,l' to cure a110051'9tny.
ease of backaolte or kidney or [that.
der derangement, in the foIluwing •••••••••••••••••••••••••
simple prescription if 1)11011 before
the stags of Bright's disease ;
Fluid Extract Dandelion, , olie•haif
ounce ; Compouind Kargon, one
ounce ; C,nnpouiid Syrup Sarsapar-
illa, three ounces, Shake well in 11
bottle and take in teaspoonful doses
after each ureal and again at bed-
A well-known druggist here at
home, when asked regarding thie
prescription stated that OR ingre.
(Bents are all lu1101Iess and can be
obtained 11t a 811na11 cost from any
good prescription pharmacy, or the
mixture would be put up if asked to
do so. 11e further stated that while
this preseriptiml is often prescribed
in rheumatic afflictions with splen•
010 results he cottid see no reason
wily it would not he a splendid re.
medy for kidney and urinary
troubles std bnckaelte, as it has a
peculiar action upon the 10dney
structure, cleansing these most int -
portant organo and helping them to
filter and strain from the blood the
foul acids and waste matter which
cause sickness and suffering. Those
of our readers who suffer can make
no mistake in giving it a trial.
The Prince of Wales will repro•
sent l King Edward tit the Tercenten-
ary to be held in Quebec in July,
The people of Blyth have cause to
feel glad haat small -pox is an un•
kuot'n disease In town. Wo notice
by the papers that Oakville will
issue debentures for $1500 to cover
the cost of last year's smallpox
The new British Licensing 13111 In.
troduoed in the British Parliament
will wipe out 30,000 saloons, which
is a third of the total. The Bill
proposes that this reducation be ef•
footed within 20 years, The system
of compensating those entirely de.
prived of their licenses is to lapse
rafter a period 'of 14 years from the
commencement of the net,
The Conservatives won the elect-
ion in New Brunswick this week
with n. majority of 19. Present
standing of Legislature :-Conser-
vatives 29 ; Liberals 10 ; Independ-
ents 5,
Judge Kellam, Chairman. of the
Board of Railway Comissloners, died
in Ottawa on Sunday, March tat.
He has held the position of chair.
man of the board since the resigns•
tion of the late Mr. Blair in the aut-
umn cf 1904. The lute judge was
born in Yarmouth, N. S., In 1849.
Be graduated with honors from To.
ronto University and was called to
the Ontario filar In 1877. lie prae•
tiled- for some time in Windsor, and
then mover; to Manitoba, Be be.
came Q. C. in 1884, and represented
South Winnipeg in the Legislature
from the general elections in 1883
until his elevation to the Manitoba
Cntrt.of Queen's Bench ih 1885. He
tnarried 111 1877, Alinnk', youngest
daughter of the 'late R A. Whyte,
of 1V incisor: The body was taken to
Winnipeg where the funeral will be
Tho Cradlo.
SlleonoN,-L1 Morris, on Feb. 19th..
to lir, and Mrs. Jas. Shedden, a
The Altar.
Ct111re'roeits t--SlloLnr(0 -On Feb„
211th, by Rev, 11. AL Lang Ford,
of Brussels, Mr. ll'111. CihrisI p-
brr, of Walton, to Ai18s Lucy
Sholdice, of 1lerr'ie.
Tho Tomb.
LArnr,sw.-In Morris, 011 'I'bursduy,
Feb. 27th, Robert B. L I ldla w, in
itis 80th year,
AnInutt.-ln Wingham, on Feb„
2601, William Arnnour, aged 52
yearsiund 17 dify'a. -
Tits' West Ituron Teachers' Insti-
tute will meet in Goderiph on Thus.
day and Friday, May 21st and
Tell it to tate
♦•••• •••••• ••••• •••••••••
While the Public is invited to make
use of this column for the expression of
personal views on public matters and
public nleu, personalities are debarred and
In all ''e8es the suitability of the tom.
munlcattoti for publication Is a matter to
be decided by the Editor.
Without diltareaoes of opinion there
would, of course, be no correspondence,
and for the opinion of our correspondents
and their differences with our own THE
STANDARD must disclaim responsibility.
-Subscribe (or 'lhnm STANDARD.
Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for
AL THE STANDARD office, Blyth.
Retiring Sale
Vera are Bargains for
All lines of Jewelry,
Wall Paper, Crock-
ery, Fancy Goods,
Toys, Sleighs, Games,
Bibles, Prayer Books,
Etc., 25 per cent off.
Watches 15 per cent off,
Many odd lines 35 to 5o per
cent cif
Everything must so. Colne and see.
Jewelry and Stationery.
*** c******** ****** *: *
if Are You Getting
Your Share ?
Of the good things we are selling at our Big Clear-
ing Sale. These first days of the sale have been
an unprecedented success. People appreciate the
fact that we are giving real bargains as advertised.
The stock is large, so no matter when you come
there will be some bargains left for you.
. Nona.040 3341
8 43 333
8 52 3 44
706 350
14 4 04 Londesboro 11 20
47 423 Winton 10 15 11 03
05 439 Bruoeneld 9 58
15 4 47 $Ippon 9 50
22 4 52 Bewail 9 44
35 5 05 Exeter 9 30
45 5 15 Centralia9 18
Ni 5 28 Clandeboye 9 O9
05 5 30 Lueen Crossing 9 05
12 5 37 Denfield 8 55
21 5 46 'Merton - 8 45
20 5 54 Ettriek 8 35
35 5 58 Hyde Park Crossing 8 28
37 6 00 Hyde Park Jot. 8 24
45 810 London 815
AM pm
Wingham 11 110 7 35
Wtngham.fot. 11 48 7 211
Belgrave 11 40 7 13
Blyth 11 28 7 00
tl 52
0 35
0 19
0 11
5 43
5 34
5 15
5 07
5 00
Connections are made at Wingham for
all stations on the Palmerston' and KM.
online branch.
Conneotlone are made at Clinton for all
stations on the Buffalo and Goderleh
branch, end all stations from Stratford to
Connections are made at Luoau Crossing
for ell stations west to Sarnia.
Connections ars merle at London for all
stations east and west an the main line,
Hove you renewed yoursubscrip•
tion yet ?
Goderloh . Lv. 7:00 a.m. 4,50 pin.
Auburn ` 7,22 " 8.18 '
Blyth " 7.33 " 5,22 "
Walton " 7.48 " 5.35 '11
8.21 " 0,09 "
Elmira...., -" 8,50 " 0.45 "
Guelph " 9.25 " 7.12 "
Toronto Ar. 11,10 " 9,10 "
Toronto Lv, 8,00 8,tn. 550 1).,1,a.
Guelph Ar. 10.00 7.50
Elmira " 10,25 " • 8.14 "
Milverton" 11.03 " 8.(�
Walton ., " 11.89 ." 9,
Blyth ' 11.52 " 9,20 "
Auburn " 12,02' 9.40 "
Goderloh " 12.30 p.m. 10,10 "
$1.35 in advance secures THE
STANDARD and Weekly Globe; with
illustrated magazine section, from
now to Jan. let, 1909. This is
certainly a clneh you should not
miss. ;
From W. J. Gage, Esq., Toronto
A Problem of National Importance
Dear Friend :-
♦ bright young lawyer at the Muskoka Sanatorium for Consump-
tives some weeks ago, speaking of the burden placed upon him by having
consumption, said :
"One has to lead a life of concealment. If I go away from thiiplace
people are afraid of me."
This is the sad lot of those who suffer from this dread disease. .
On behalf of the thousands who are sick and will not be -*Aired by
other hospitals, I tnake this appeal for the Muskoka Free Hospital for
Nearly 10,000 people from every part of Canada aided in this good
work last year, sending us $20,000.
The Trustees have faith that a still larger number will help.
The Physician's offices, throat rooms, etc„ up to the present have
occupied rooms in the hospital that rightly belong to patients.
To make, better provision for the work, and furnish more accommo•
dation, a new administration building is now under way. A cottage for
the Physician and his young wife had also to be built.
To provide for this outlay, and to cafe for patients for the coming
year, we;uust secure at least $50,000,
The Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives never retuud a
patient because of his or her inability to pay. It cares for those whom
other hospitals refuse, It cares for those whom other people are ,
afraid of.
"1 wise sick and ye visited me," was Christ's commendation.
Should not a richer benediction be yours if front a loving heart 7:41e
dollar makes a golden visit to this hospital, bringing health and joy to
those whom other people tear, and whom, in many caees, nobody wants,
Will you have the luxury of giving?
Faithfully yours,
Toronto, 1007.
lc t7