HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-03-05, Page 1VOL. XXL tp4 BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1908. No. 29. GREAT REDUCTIONS ON FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, ETC. 1016/ 131.. EEI +eiz RV►7� The bag Furniture Dealers of Clinton offer epeeist reductions to the people of Blyth and vtolnity. Your orpenses paid both ways sad the goods delivered to your door without extra charge as we have our own ripe for the purpose. We guarantee you a saving of 20 per gent, which means 420 on the $100 purchase. Mattresses, $3.00. Springs, $2.00. Cobbler Rockers, $2.00. Couches, $3.90. Carpets, 32c per yard. Rugs, all sizes, from $8.50 to $40.00. U AT 1E Ft IC Pi I-11 I INT Gr We have thtbeet equipment In Western Ontario, the beat rubber hearse outside of Toronto. No charge for the hoarse and a saving of $20 on oho outfit, Our 'phone number to 28, Night or day any pall wilt rec3Ird Immediate attention, IP I Pi NT COS AND OFiGA. We handle the beet. General repreeentativea for the Gourley, Winter & Looming, Your credit to good, any terms you want. Bateure and hunt us up when you want anything In our line. We will make it pay you. WALKER & ROSS, CLINTON The Big Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED. An advertisement in Tun STANDARD ,.. pay8.. Out of Sight Staab of our stock le out et eight. Some things spoil by eight. Some things take too mach space. Some thlage aro only in Casual demand:': We most keep these out of right, but they are right at hand it you want then. Our stook of Drugs Toilet'kk-equisites Miscellaneous Articles le as largeee to Consistent with treahneeeand novel- ; fw, Ov1'r.huyfuu means e aeie 14,0012. We iie!''t amt. -buy, ;hat ,,re coni ul- ,woe supply any (remand .: for en twine that belongs to our th,e of ini4,,eee. We curt;• a v n hoar” etr•ek a„J gnM r vary low , rice at eh,' WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J MILNE N. B.—Have }au tried our Bust -Ups. Onte the grippe every trip. Au6W'a. George Mural', of the Base Line, took the train to Goderich. It is the first time he has been on the cars since he came here 25 years ago, Mrs. Wm, Anderson, accompanied by her two children and her sister, Mise Rena Patterson, left here last Monday morning for the Northwest. The new road to the station has ad- vanced another stage. Reeve McMil- len, of Hullett, was here and every- thing has been satistatorily arranged. A few of our villagers and adjacent farmers were busy the earlier part of this week finishing the ice harvest. It was much hotter than when they were at it a short time ago. Renew for Tan STANDARD. •111111.11••••1111•• O41•• •• • NOW OPEN • • • • • ENTER ANY TiME o • Win'er Term In all departments of • • the Central Buataum College, To- 1 • .onto ntrers splendid chances for • • ,pending a few months pleasantly • • od profitably. Twenty-five teach- • • et', Catalogue free. Write for It • • W. H. Shaw, Ptl',c'pal ; E, R. • • Shaw, Secretary, Yonpe & Gerrard • • • Scrota, Toronto.• •••••••/•••••••••1•••1••• New Spring .. Suitins Our New Spring Suitings are now in consisting of all the atest colorings in Worsteds and Tweeds. Conte in' and make your selection while the assortment is at its best If you do not want it for a few weeks, make your choke and we will keep it for you. ,H tying a large out-of-town trade enables us to carry a much larger and better assorted stock than any store in town. Big,buying means close selling, 'Phone 28 Huron County Council. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, The County Council met specially to consider the question of passing a by- law to designeto and assume a system of county roads to be unproved in ac- cordance with the Good Roads Act in Seaforth last Tuesday and Wednesday. All the members were present with the exception of Reeve Parks, of East Wawanosh. In an appropriate speech, Thos, E. Hoye, mayor of Seaforth, introduced J. A. Wilson, clerk of Seaforth, who read an address of welcome to each and every member of the County Council, Leckie—McMillan—That this council appreciate very highly the address of welootne.. Cd, A communication from J. 8, Robert- son, secretary of the National Sanitar- ium Association re meeting was filed, Gibbings—Salkeld—That Dr, Wilson be appointed a delegate to attend the meeting of the N. 8, A, was lost, Bailie—Stotlters — That the usual grant he made to the officers and men of the 82rd Huron Regiment on same conditions as hast year, Cd. Smith—McDermid—Tint owing to the large amount of foot passengers crossing the Bayfield bridge, we would ask that a five feet wide foot walk he added for the convenience of foot pas- sengors. Sent to Road and Bridge committee. Watson—Bailie—That the order of business for which this council was celled, in order that the request of Bay- field asking for an extension) sidewalk to the now bridge to be erected there may be sent to the Road end Bridge cenutnittee to be reported on at this meeting of the conneil Cd, McMillan—Leckie—That this council resolve itself into two committees to consider the drafting of by-laws re garding the proposed. County road system. Cd. Taylor—Hawkins—That this council adjourn till tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Cd. THE BANQUET, Men's Black and Blue Serge Suits, made-to- order at from $16 to $25 Men's Canadian and Scotch Tweed Suits at from'...... $14 to $25 S. N. GIDLEY POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE I3I_. srrn The report of the Rond and Bridge committee was considered when it was considered when it was moved by Messrs, Smith and Milne that a side- walk four feet wide be added to the Hayfield bridge. Carried. Lamont --McMillan `That the council ,grant the sunt of sea) to build a side- walk on the Bayfield bridge and that the village of Bayfield bear tate extra cost, ed. McEwan—Bailie—That the engineer be instructed to examine the Maitland bridge, near Goderich, and ascertain if the bridge is sufficiently strong in order that a sidewalk may be added thereto and report at the next meeting of the Council, Cd, Watson—Kellerman — That council adjourn till 2 p. nt, Cd, Wednesday afternoon was devoted to the consideration of adopting a County by-law establishing a county system of good roads when the council resolved itself into a conunitteoof the whole and discussed foul passed the by-law clause by clause but when the warden resum- ed the chair to have the by-law read three times and finally passed it was defeated et the second rending by a email majority, The principal reason for throwing out the by-law was that different townships in order to have it operate successfully would have to abolish statute labour and have same commuted, also that if the by-law was adopted by a county according to the "Good Roads impro\'ement Act" it would take effect and stands for three years before being repealed, The opinion of the committee appoint - oil by the Council consisting of Warden Robt. McLean, County Treasurer, Dr. Holmes, and County Clerk, Wm. Lane to interview the Good Road Commis- sioner who were present, all reported strongly in favor of Huron county adopting thin scheme. Aa there was no further business to be transacted they passed a hearty vote of thanks to the town of Seaforth for the kind and courteous treatment they received from the citizens and far the hospitable manner in which they were entertained at the complimentary banquet tendered them at the Queen's Hotel on Tuesday evening. They also passed and ordered to bo paid the sum of 95.00 to Jas, And- erson as caretaker of the town hall where the session was held, in provid- ing nccommodation for the eounoillors and the public who attended the meet- ingsof the council. The session then adjourned to meet at Goderich in Anne. BLYTH SPRING SHOW Tues., March, 31st. The citizens of Seaforth tendered to the County Councillors a banquet on Tuesday evening, A large company, numbering over 125, assembled in the dining room of the Queen's hotel, where A very elaborate and well prepared sup- per sons served by the host and hostess of the Queen's, assisted by a number of attentative waiters. \Vhen the inner man had been amply satisfied, a lengthy toast list was introduced, Mayor Hays acting as oimirman and' toeve Watson as vice chairman, The following was the order of the toasts : Chairman's address. King—Song by company, "God Save the King." Can oda our Country—G. le, Jackson and Rev, Larkin, Sonv t y H. 'Town, Our Warden — Lx r arden Currie, Robt, McLean, warder,. Our County—John Leckie, J. Kelternum, H. Spackman, Mr, Bailey and W. Lane. Song, John Scott. Agricultural Interests —Thos. McMillan, Mr. Fraser, Mr, Taylor and Geo, Petty. Quartette, by Imperial Quartette, Seaforth. Educational In- terests—hl.•. Shearer. Song by R. E. Willis, Professions—Dr's. Irwin and Smith, 3. 31. Best, Seaforth Imperial Quartette. Banking, Mnnfncturiug, Labor and Mercantile Interests—A, Bohner and 11. Broderick, Song by John Scott, Ladies — Mr. Saiklel, Song by H. Town. Seaforth Town and Council—Proposed by Robt. McLean and responded to by Mayor Hays and Reeve Watson, God Save the Ring, WEDNESDAY. The Council stet at 10 o'clock, All members present. Minutes of previous day's business read and approved, Write to Secretary Metcalf for Prize List Londosboro. The annual meeting of the Londes- boro Threshing Syndicate was held on Wednesday of last weak. The report presented was gratifying to the 47 shareholders, a dividend of 55 per share being declared. This is a big rate of interest Don the original is vestment and itshows what a good machine well managed cart (10. 'The outlay Mat season for wages was 8800, but it will be somewhat less this year ns only three meat instead of four will be re- quired. The committee of management aro H. H, Hill, C. Lovett and R, Carter, The Secretary 1s .7, C. Adams of this village. tlVat ®�r. Russell Porter made a business trip to Immo last week, James Harris has purchased the house mud lot of 'Wet, Sltoldice. Price 5700. Friday, March 111th, is the dote se- lected for bolding the Farmers' Insti- tute meeting in the A. C. C, W. Bail here, Addressee are expected from Messrs. Barbour, of Cross Hill, and Fraser, of Bluestein, and Miss Rife, of Iiespelar. The, sessions open at 1.110 and 7 o'clock, musical numbers added to the evening addresses, Miss Rife will address the Ladies of the commun- ity in the afternoon if arrangements are made for such a meeting. liar talks are practical and enjoyable. Tine Watton Beef Ring has been re- organized for the coming season with a full membership, except perhaps it eonple of quarter shares to be placed yet, and will start operations the first Friday In April, The beeves will be killed this year on Fridays instead of Wednesdays as in former years and now as time is a consideration noople will be able to get their meat and their mall the sumo evening. Richard Hoy, of Walton, will be tin butcher this season with James McFadzeau as Sec. rotary, Hensall. Bill Hurdman, till recently menager or the Sovereign Bank at Unionville, is here enjoying a week or two with its all friends. The Hensall hockey Club will be pleased to give a game to any team in Western Ontario, professional or ama- teur, They have not been beaten this seas0n. The following who have been visit- ing in this section for some months, started for their homes in the ,West on Monday :—Mr. and Mrs. Forest, Ar- thur Dignan, Miss Kate Moir, Miss Cochrane, Mrs, Ed: Mc'1'aggart and Josia Hunter, Many of our citizens have perhaps forgotten the fact that George Mc- Ewen, of Hensel!, was awarded a medal and diploma for having the pur- est salt at the Indian and Colonial Ex- hibition held in London, England, in 1888. His sample of salt was pro- notmced the purest in the world. Ooderich. The people of Crewe, Ashfield town- ship, are making an effort to secure a daily mail eervice, J. J. Kelly, of Goderich, has pur- ahnsed the Morgan House at Kincar- dine from Mr. Mossack, and took pos- session on Monday, Some years two Mr, Kelly was the proprietor of the ilnion in Goderich and was a success- ful and popular business than, Rev. fe, N. Hazen was at St. Thomas last week as a member of a committee to arrange for normal school to be held at Alma College in the coining summer, James Sallows, after spending the past three months in Colborne with his uarents and friends, left on his return to his home in Alberta on Wednesday evening per C. P. R. County Clerk Lane's office has been nicely painted and papered, and the occupant seems quite at home when lie receives during oflice hours. The Doty Engine Works Co, has received a contract from the Dominion Government for a marine engine, hoil- ee and outfit for a steamer for Lake Winnipeg. This makes the third con- tract the company Inc had from the Dominion Government during the past year. Two magnificent memorial panels have been placed itt the huge window in the north transept itt St. George's elt uri1 in tnemot'y or i5liss Attrilt and iter brother Edw=ard. The Sams de- pleted is the resurrection and it is done m English glass, the panels coming f'nm McKay, of Toronto. Notice of motion wan servCd t0.de5 on Robert Thom t.• the present Oc- cupant acupant of the Mayor's chair, in quo warrant() proceedings, v1ici are 11ei115 taken unsethis election, Dr. Mack- lin was declared elected by the return- ing officer. int tt subsequent. recount placed ,lir, Thompson itt the Mayor's char, It is alleged that the ballot boxes aver' negligently kept hy the re- turning officer between the election and the recount, THE STANDARD 10 new subscribers in Canada from now till Jznulu'y ls', 1209, fur the stun of 75 cents. Sul scribe tnriy, Seaforth. McIntosh Bros., who have been con• ducting a dairy for some time, have decided to go out of the business abont the first of the month. Word teas received here last week announcing the death at Portage la Prairie, of Mrs. Angus Kennedy, for- merly of Seaforth, Mrs. Kennedy had boon ill for some months from con. sumption. Subscribe for Tun STANDARD, You always pay a too much when you pay too little Paradoxical but true. Particularly when buying Gros cerles. Nearly every article of eatabie9 can he adulterated, Many of them often are. Constant vigilance is required to keep undesirable goods from creep- , lug into a grocery stock. One of the most persistent sinuors is Canned Goods. Thousands and thousands of thein put up every Year, Somebody sells them,..., Somebody buys thetii;t;'' Somebody etas them. This grade of canned goods is very common, but this store has never sold a can of it to it customer fn its life, and it never will. Our way is firsts or nothing in everything, always, CASH FOR ALLKINDS OF PRODUCI7 JAMES CUTT BI J TII MONTHLY FAIRS AT BLYTH Friday, March 6th, - 1908 Friday, April 3rd, - 1908 All the leading horse and cattle buyers are specially invited to attend. Let everybody come. Welcome to all. A. \V. SLOAN, President. ' Wal. JACKSON, Vice President. J LESLIE IKERR, Secretary. READ the ads. in THE STANDARD TELECRAPHY Highest paid ofllcials were once operators. Demand exceeds sup- ply. Six thousand needed during the next tow years. Operators have secured increased salaries and eight-hour day, We prepare you in shortest thane and place you immediately upon graduation. Competent instructora, unsur- patsed equipment, wide expert. enoe. Commercial suhjrete free. Enter now. No vacation. MAIL COURSiS �i GHQ ausSN:ss tOLIZI A. A. rlibner, M. A., Ph. D, 'floe Principal+ Geo. Spotton, Prltcipal. Every Treasurer of Church, Lodge or Association Funds should at once open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT for these Trust Funds. We specially invite this class of Accounts and pay highest current interest.