HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-28, Page 6"11Pr- MIRE% LOVii$ AFRiart 'Verily. Africa Is Iiiet heetiiittng °Wi- llits& All Itegliolt girl .has ectually lit love with a dtielty African. She 'Would Be a Lady - ed le her Mind before Conred Pagferd and hie tether Jellied the PertY. To be Centinued. HINDU WObiRli• AM4 410 OrdiettrY glad hi Intel hut one 'she we* ehown into it entail back roore a ,.. *INN* CHAPTER V. with au gioineaince or roomy and no When Ernest Westbroek Weke the:that oomManded en exteneive view Of 4ang"tivliewilia:; elaratala.:rlykdirolash4lboer 1.1:0 lwroesairxilt.e. nincil shore or tgoort looko. Her siwno onoettaroriting it was with the tinplate,- ObtAreyit and betwetops. daughter cr. ,Tocepu jewcii, a uaininN in the tottreand-tweaty yeare ot iiii; aan"a UP baUre bell "WslInst that a""aixaredringahnerthetitleettlor w"ifeanw(lItinh(14A1Yer9at, engineer. WIM Made, a fOrLIMe In 1110, had- he been an near asking a wo, bo nioer man to be his wife ay; be had beenito ."Yes, very nice," replied the Orphan eineel her hilabanti Cannot afford ta in - Idealise. aekin Eva Rand 1 girl a* cite r al as h 1 io Floreitee K. Jewell. and she le the iy Made aTestr (131 gintaell.a4rNIteavalr titter- eel t,'” tila Id live fl 141144n rata:rad:4144= The Mohammedee peasant woman is e t lY a 0 004 4- 4010 in Poligaini, though a Alohamo Mies Jewell happened to be at ternogn. And wil)33111g: Pal :al C. " 1 4 t Mut" her heart Bank within her as she d ime an of the better 01444 may in- Bicomfauteht, the Capital "of the was in love with her -not that boa ad. eentRared this dingy, Orange Ere() State, sense tiM0 ago, and mired her beyond all Other women- 1 a c e aitheadibbrYo seta rarnacl (Witco in as Many as fottr wire* at a With the bower ot there (Me etiltrY afterneon her atten- ime.orreiabetTlvas but an unformed girl, little Met -8074r t flowers Which she had time, bet/ it is not auppoaed do exceed that .aumbera However, he oan hare eprr easte at ibeed Grit ants. tan 14; tine Was attracted toward a :Meng he lied alliel ean 401144lb:tit bPrti&cobva:arin: the ImittnrasP miud so Aletbea just tie Many wivea in his lifetime ae Matabele trairior. Re WAS clad in Itia that ehe had aurreptiouely taken his Lougford'e remark a f 1 di o h Th e ere good Pie tot be unhappY came withait, Vera> MX the steeliest pretext, and as picturesque, if decidedly barbaric, ad. Portrait. and partly becattse she NvIta 000 Ka being iminueible tor rich peoe he Pleaseei since he RAY releatt' to di- , tore co.sturne, 44d the ordinary travel- Bet Eve eternlY drove euch thooghts treouently as ha chooses, reasons for helping her, but certainly' •• More OM a etaiwart African savage. which Ida imPtfisive. good witure had Y sourcee a all aretlerfloaltlitia. titieeetriteglat isiorn tttee have but one wife. bat shoilid, She bear . it% 4. Irtent 141$4 0 1r Florida Straits Ist lar would have seen in htm nething not aufficient to warraut the steP A, Hindu Is generally supposed to Mies Zewell, hOweVer, SaW a good deal (Onset led hire to Mice. e b a moot Instead et coutrasting all him no Boo within seven yeare, h In the publiou'rwiZ•Ide.a of the City contentment and enJoYe 11 nee with Westbrook Grange, ohe may take another ; also for Other •,reit- . -6 Hospital of Charleaton S.C., there tire . more in hint-seo nitwit more, in fact, certainly taat "I ust be more careful, or a a , . MY toot in it", was his " must compare them with the Wretteutd two aa pitiable epolotena of humanity that Abe Wet no time in finding Ont• mental remark, aa he finished dreesing, sons, sometimea the =tat trtvial. The • :, Whit be was, • . and went down, attire to breakfaet. house. or even with her quarters at AlIFI"'"46 renic ex we ui e ate privi. ao eYes ever rested upon. They are u du home the had in her stepfather s ,_,....,..._,. . . - -. • She was Wormed thaf he'Was a pure II found. his mether busy with a which were in no way luxurl- Leged to take da Many wives as they Seamen Goosimart ThOrnas and Morris Pileaof lettere which had just arriv-, gsh001. blooded Motahele, that he was known ed, end ae there was also a mall bean UlIkr, 0 1 • like, end since, each wife brings him Andersen, aurvivora of the Norwegian d ment thatrycrehould have a room to a; good dowry, one of these aristocrats hark Dun, that Was wreoked oft the ita "FrinOe" LOben, 9r Lobengula, and UPon his own plate, he juet kissed his y made a Special agree- IFillOdri ai dna Shtur rariticsadnuer, 'Dago tdh e wr ehcoa a th aWv ienegt , that he profeseed to be a relative of Parent, spid ;good -morning to Eva, ant Yourself," aOntinued Pell, who chatter- will wed as manY as 100 `wives, twine-. then busied himselt with hts brealtfae 11 Thomas sprang upon him and cut naMe, Oho learned further that be timee marrying all the eligible mensw- rbaefetn. ecnascitatiteddristitlfttlitut ewtohrimou us op loan° n aa 'these. accounts is the correct one I' anzaf the fantoue Matabele king of that and his correspondence. ed away' incessantly, and 'who Imola I his throat with the knife, Wiz' h. was going to Engtand, who's lie was to out, and the girl saw no more of hbn t o As soon aS the meal was over he went 011oistfloe01,,tottgoei.vt eagtahakin:ualihreaadremairoo: . bora ot ooe family, and even eriga--- ing himaelf to 20 brides la one dig. $ 3 9 5 f`:` td! P.144' MANS 015 ins we von slew *sok them for you to vassals* b AA isild•plated dist YAOrav.II. Mean vi71.11 atom wind iied sea move/mak lady's or yeas alza Ille good taste pieta Will IIP• Pumas.. to • Moo were, end is Jew URI skies SOT ps4lUe talppoisMA en . • enteral exandriation you my ceuvineed tins W111111 14 W9r111 far mere than we itak. (Y1. • ul &Calor Iro211" 11171411:1 AWFUL TALE OF THN SEA, STARVING COM3ADES DREW LOTS TO DECIDE WRICH SHOULD DIE. .11.010 Terrible Tale of t nunSballmnt Told 10 Om Twit 1311rViVora Or the NerWestans Bark their Weida that ne other Gomm wag epee to the/Xi theY plaited three splint- er* from the jelanka of their raft, aod agreeti that the orte drawing the long. est silver ehould be killed by the other two. Andereen himself held the bite of wood, and MOX Ileffinan, gerMalt. drew find. For several minutee• aocoriling to testi each 1 t th th ' Aneersen, they stood gaidef ateade afraid to open tbe handa which the eplintera were tightly olaeped. One bit' et wood had purposely been made Mud* longer than the other, so that there cOuld be PO Possible dispute as to the outcome of the drawing, When at laat the German was known to have lost in the lottery of lite and death be made no protest, but accepted hie tate either , with heroic fortitude or with stolid indifference, HOW THE GERMA.N WAS ICILLED. Aadereen bite told Me two different stories as to the manner in which the manta life was taken. He first paid that the German tore, the shirt awaY iron* Ws bosom, and lying at/ length upon the reit closed. his ape; end asked that he be stabbed to the heart with.a knife which Tbomas had in his ,pooket. When I questtoned him on the subject again he declared that after the lots were drawn he had atruok the German on the bead with a heavy piece ot iron which bad been found on the raft, and that when he bo tbe leacfing figure in an Ethiopian Until dinner time ; then he /learned tired 0. 001110 an s eep e eame room th h ' and eleepy with his lolig ride., and had wi et ea. and me; but I don t sun- In addition to the work of the( house - you would mind her coming hack talaW to be had is London. _ very little to say either to Ins Mothee 130ae hold the WODIBII always engages in Miss d'ewell theeeupon concluded or to berselt. would-y*01- - some remunerative employment, such dist London WoUld ' be a pleasanter Fortuuately for her peace of mind Instinctively Eva felt tbat she had piaci for her then the Orenite Free land for her auCcess in the eareer tibe 11211t3irnd:crai w:1.7te "gilt in life single as picking, cleaning, spinning or weav. State, • an4 se she' bade farewell to l:itraatnt rtoneat k f°117,;stto2d iz seuvsLicitoanr voice wizEtItnitr iutautd1: frr ; lo7lecetti,krieT icil Lug cotton, in °crape -12y 'kith others, • Bloemfontein, end f011owdd Lobeliguitt, one second entertained the idea of mar- she now said quietljr, and with a simile, a. or she makes vermicelli, weaves -bah- ' Er due tircie that Ousky potentate ap- rYing her. though her lips grew dry with sup; !sets, ManUfactures fans, or embroict. She admired, him as every true ;diet Pressed nervoesness: .• peered on the Ethiopian show, and all •.1 am afraid I should Mined. I own bore°, Londnu went to see uoje Jewell raust admire the perfection of manly Her °datums varies according her beauty, and, she was intensely grateful Want to .work Jo my room as well as ers cheddars and caps withaille lu her went with the others, and her adndr- hivor for hia brotherly kindness to- to aleeo in it, and ecanetimes I like to religion, race and rani, Mid so num- tv. a her t h • but Cu id had not yet teach- be alont0 Pt h' d rta or it he. "011, It doesn't matter in the least, crows and nitnute are the 'differences in. 'titbits for the Matabele youth. increas-, d s that na the case of a man even ed, There were timer Atrioams in the badger w o , You'll be down, aeon, I sa;poset We hi done ao, s e was qui e unconsotous s °ocelot/on may %be show, equally picturesque and almost, of it, • are going to have high tea to -day as stalwart and high born, but 'tor' In truth she Would' have thought it instead of dinner because pa aIldl MOM iihe had ao eyea, all her Atte*. tion being concentrated on Lebow gala. , bay ,after day she WC= to • see and admire him,-and,"being a Man, be net, urally soon saw what an impression he had Made on her. They, talked to each other, and the yoong lady watx surprised to dietiover tbat ter dusky Adonis Could. talk fluently both in English and Dutob. What they talk- ed about, only they two know, but every ome can guess. eanyhoW, the)/ . soon, came to an understanding; and the result was that all arrangements were Made for a speedy wedding. Meanwhile, boWever, Miss . a•ewell's friends had :net been asleep. They saw how the African had fascinated the wealthy girl, and they were de- termined that he should not prOfit by it. They hoped. that it was merely a wayevard faxiey, but they were • undepeived when the bitter news Of the proposed wedding reached them. Then they rose up in arms. They vow- ed that a collared Chd wealthy -Eng- lishagirl should not liecome the wife cal an uncouth savage. ' But how could they prevent the wedding ? 511.iss ts terenty-tWO, and can do' as she pleaped. 'They knew that, and so, .instead Of remonstrating, they plead- •••• ed with her not to ruin hi3r,yoUng life in this mad fashion. •Blielastened pati- • a:Indy to these pleas, and finaliy so • much preestire• Was brought to bear Oil bale was amide in very dtstant her that she coneented tO 'p'ostpone the tion of the atteient Greek style, and ;wedding. - was specially designed to startle all . No more extraordinaryronxitnim than beholders. Miss Longford. 'might have this has occurred in our day, and thou- been sixteen or six -and -twenty, it sands who never saw miss xe.mil or would, have been impossible for Ernest mg a w . :how it wilt end. That •Lobengilla approached most closely, end he now inade. some trifling remark about her plied his friend's deficiencies, and who • should have giant SO. much of his time en loveMakingt while in London, is eer- being rather good-loeking, when hie was getting; tired of doing so, had Bug- tainly surpristng, for. the reason that another said,. angrily : gested' that a clear hundred.. a year " Good-looking 1 I call her a fright. woold be Made if they.took a resident >ther Matateles who have gene to the t *wider her mother allows her to go pupil who paid a hundred and fifty. Pnglith capital have vappaiently had • • about dressed Out like that. I hope,' There were many objections to thie KNOWN BY HIS •CLOTHING. unworthy of eteraelf and ungrateful to will •neitber be at home. I'll send the Women of all ranks, make a great display of jewelry, the rich wearing. gold and precious stones, and tho poor either silver or some manufactured material et little value. Nnmberlees rings adorn the ears, nose, fingers, and toes. A, necklet, a Score of brace - Lets and twe or three anklets tencirole the neck, arms and ankles respective- ly, Sundry ornaments are also placed in the hair. The bracelets most eon- monly worn are made of glass orna- mented with colored shellae. The neck- let is often composed of the current pin, but thebize increases arid dimin- ishes with the fluctuations of the in - her benefactress, to have entertained girl upi to uncord your boxes. I; • such ambitious hopes with regard to Then bliss Bell, went away, nothing, Ernest for an instant. So, though she ruffled in appearance, hut she sought was disappointed at seam. so little of her eldest sister, and, with flushed him on this her last day at the Grange, cheeks, exclaimed: she had pot the least suspicion that he "She means to have ler own way had gone out on purpose to avoid her, and stand upon her rights, Alethea. I The next afternoon they all arrived tried it on About Barbara sleeping in In London. The Westbrooka intended her room, and she won't have it." to go straight to their 'house tdwn, "Well, I don't blame her," was the while Eva was to be met est the rail-• Indifferent reply, "I should do the way station by the wife of the artist same if X were in her place. She and in whose 'house she was to reside. I won't clash, at any rate." " There ia Mrs. Longford with one "No; hut then you're ao dreadfully of her daughters," exclaimed Ernest, old; you will be twenty-eight next as the train passed slowly into the eta- birthday." - tion. "I'd advise you not to tell 'any one Eva looked at them earnestly. Mrs. my age, or you'll go put; to whom end Loogford might be about fifty yeata learn good manners," exclaimed Alo- of age, for her hair waa of , silvery thea. thoroughly aroused; white, but her bright, cheeks were as "Of course I • shan't, but I like to red as, those of a milkmaid, her large tease you, and, after all, it is to bad of dark brown eyes seemed to sparkle with you not to get married, Thea. because youth and kindliness and good feeling, Bab and I wduld then have a chance." and her smile revealed teeth that, de- "You and Bab have your own spite her prematurelY bleached hair, dunces as it is," was the eurt reply, made her appear quite youthful. Rath- "and I do wish you Would mind your er tall, 'and stoat enough to look very own business," whereupon Miss Bell matronly, hIrs. Longford was altogeth- went off, this time to tprmenr- her er a contrast to her daughter who mother. stood by her side. ; It was an odd family that Eva had This young lady was an artist. She been sent to live with. •Clever, well- advertized that feet by the frizzy meaning people in their way, all of wildness of her unbound hair, and by them addicted to "trush,"' and every her fearful and wonderful costume. Her one, trona father to Bat evasive of the outer ganment was not only of Pe- respOnsibilities of life,' and ready to culler pattern and 'most unusual tint make any shift rather than boldly face difficultja It' was not Mr. Long- ford's own idea that he ehould receive a lady pupil as aniember. of his family -he would have been quite .incapable of meeting a pressiog , demand for money in this practical way -- but his old frieod, Robert Carlyon, the rector of Westbrook who had often sup- • • • Westbrook to have•said which age she Having no individuality apart from her husbana a wrimanis practically an irresponsible creature, except that should she have the ill graco to outlive' him ‘she is blamed as the cause of -his death, but then the circumstances are quite beyond ho control, since it is the consequence of some crime of which she was guilty in a former' existence, and therefore must be accepted as her fate in her present lite. She, takes, no part in public worship, tend ,they -say that serving a- husband is the wife's religion, for that to 'wor- ship the husband is to 'worship ,the gods. She only takes part In such ceremoniesi as relate to her position ae witE AND 'MOTTO a. fall to the lot .of human beings -suf- ferings which even drove 'them to can- nibalism. displays such distress and horror I succeeded In obtoining from thenia what took place upou the tali that it With the assietanoe of an interpreter iWeheim"pvoesrsibillee isto qgueest him. to either af- tioned regarding fairly intelligent acceuut of all thet siaryma. or TtiontYtgenyahaving athat Aoderscin ma lost in the wharPitPeerine ad caoteear ettlettiThweenDtintdrefnt lottery that was held, and that he was rosoosourd nn August 3, and wee stauTb4seetrieedntblyaykaialldedabdyouthbett, two men, board a crew of bound for Buenos Ayres.' It ad on seventeen: Men arli! ' hta ells the 0 ory and ae he adds that tare coursetdown Andersen's face as officers, and made an uneveritful voy- he and Thomas fOught each other des - age until August 11. On that day, be- ing de the Florid°. Straits, it met the ofttimile,f°Wrcheiolf tshweepWt euspt ItnhcletanAthtauntrile- lips to the gash over the dead man's heart and the other to one in hie neck. coast, spreading ilestruction in its mike. The bark was not -a very. stout • - 'A HORRIBLE FEAST. ' ship 'at heat, and withstood the furY In his halting, broken way thellea ad the storm for but a few hours. Its man draws a horrible picture et the :the vessel breaking in half, and carry - wreckage, when it came. was complete; htooaoatitrwhseaoaffkbtiaosnrataumereratadheatied.astircoaceicitiehtle arthaies ing down with Wits c.aptain and eight ice what be had done, but hil.'mrland Members of his crew; . '. was- continuant racked With wila • unable to say; ewer of them has been repeated' many times hy Ander/MI, and Thomas is so greatly exhausted and perately to determine Winch of the two. should drink first' of the warm btood of their victim. They finally settled the matter by one glueing his THE RAPT 'DIVIDES. funcies in which the dead amen ' oeni tinued to play his. part; In. his mom - The eight men remaining, ,among, ent of delirium he imagined that he was defending himself from Woo. and whom was the ship's mite, sought rei he says that he can even nowt remern- Ivuegsselonwh6'il°rtthiel; -°fotntniltie fdle0eaktiitaiii litehaer celled aloud to be protected from •hia ber how he • shouted and raved and chem. On this they remained for two imaginary attacks, The' distress of hoUrs, their- lives being in iinutinent mind dieplayed liy the man as he tells • theie things is too evident to leave a 'danger at every moment. Ilte frail shadow of doubt as to the acoerapy of raft then divided, the mate and, one his•stateraents. Having quenched their seaman clinging to the smaller pore thirst il1 the German% blood,' the two tion while six others aucceeded in re- rariamreecr ifealif upon his body dnd de_ taini,og...b.19.0tiog _oe _the jarger4art_ a_i ear._ hauraleathheymzterarve:invoeu_delbyir. it These men were Goodmais Thomas, horrid feast hut they' Must quickly Mbrris Aodersen, M.. Sorensen, Chroa. have lapsed. again into a half crazed tian KerVendel, Oscar riuka son and condition. ••• • When their z•aft was finally sighted Max . Hoffman. • It was to this party hi the Woodruff and alitiroached by that seaman Andersen and Thomas be- small boats, Thoroas . was. diacoveted seated -by the aide of theahdrribly Mit7 longed. They , had neither water not Witted corpse of the German, stmt.. food, and their only hope of sustenance ping bits of flash from it ' Which he . . , consuitect in a fishing line and hook cast out to a achool oll sharks which . In. recognition of the superiority OE the man an Indian woman always sits' . which Kervendal fonnd 'nazis breeches followed and fought about the reek Andersen sprawled upon the planks on a lower seat than.her husband. She • • • unable almost to move. The men pocket. While the stonn by this walks at a respectful distance behind time had passed on up the'coast, tne were ss dazed by their sufferings and him, always 'preparing his food und sea was rolling moutitam high in its Privations that they made no effort to waiting twee him while he eats it, wake, and they did' not know at what attract the attention of the people on before shb gives any thought to •her Moment they might all go' tes the.bot- the steamship, and even when the ewn meal. It is not thought oorrect tom. But AS the waters subsided, and bgate came to their rescue they. die- ter a woman to utter her husbend'e as the peril from drOwneag , became pleyed .signs of neither 'joy nor' Inter - name.. ' less; they were confronted by. ,a Yet est. . . • . The laws of Hinduisni teaoh that ,'%. more terrible mode of death.' . ' The men of • the' Woodruff declare •woma.n must at no p.3riod of her life Worn out. and fatigu,ea by a sleeP- that the spectacle peeseitted by the de • anythini according to her own less night and tbeir efforts to retain raft and its occupants was more •,hor.: pleasure, since in- childhood she is 'de- their positions On their raft, they were rible Than anything of which they bad pendent upon her father, in,. youth on attacked. by a consuming thirst and ever ‘Oreamed, and W1011 how the hardy' her' husband, and in widowhood on, her hunger. • Kervendal fished incessant-' seamen eat their imaginations are still • ao time to do anything excep o won- • 'fi 1 ays have more plan. There was no room, to spare in sons, or, shaild she 'have no sons, on iy, and, fortune favoring his efforts, haunted by it. The raft was azizeared ' der at the extraordinary sights around Eve.- that •Yatt wt reapeot ' for yourseaf sYth ri to follew the large house -which 'seemed t hive the kinsmen of her deceased hesband, he oacasionally aupplied himself and with the blood of the German! and hid them. King Lobetigula sent emissar. .1 am le in the nothing in it hut „studios.- dinina and ies to Queen Victoria a few yeats ago, that young .person a exa. P awing rooma • a • g . or on other niale relatives, and fail- comrades with a morsel of raw food, dead comrades, its Otanks were strewn and London was to theni the 'most war of dresar ' - mg all such relatives she becomes ele- btit this was merely Sufficient to whet, With Putrefying bits of human flesh; `wonderful place on earth. ." I Should; be afraid everybody would Then it was suggested that tbe nendent upon the Rajah." ' ' ratber than to stay, their ravenous coa, the ghastly remains Of- the dead sea - Some strange maretages . are 'made - stare. at me if I wore such a costume,e whole tamily Would,. lose caste if Mr.- -.Kam,. med wrote: "Men shalt have, Petite% ' • . , , men •bad become offensive to smell 11•1 f int blush came Longford took pupil. But despite all ' nowadays, but this is apparently the merle(' Eva, w 1 e a a . the pre-eminence above women. be- .. native African. That there shoulO be White, girl has. set her affectioos on a worn to attract attention, aug .. ey ums ci or increase et,. " of course such a dree ' is •that is was forced u o this hiftleas famil ' a " 1 heci that th 11 *th a • th income or give up t eir house and Mee . b . . , latitaervale' w' of an .37 - hath caused the' former to excel the '- cause of those advantages wherein God • „,• . were endured before a ineraber of t e . ONE MAN- COMMITS SUICIDE-, and sight, and beside it sat the half' wo days atid nights of this tortuth.e crazed Norwegian boy, feeding. the sharks and jabbering incessantly- to first time that a avealthy and cultured over 'her peach -like face. , • these objectio the. unpleasant truth tot surprising. ' Lobengula may be, . . ti n moan, wno, was the first to baalWIll_ahee_Inf,:._r_ent_n,v_e_da.to_thoeroWoodruff the • this the struggle. of , a_ --a- a • . party broke down. It was Xervendal, . • Li( stron,g opposition te theanarriage is a T • Ernest. • ,.. hen X am sure I shall never have a smaller one, so, as the less disagree- our own. Women for " her rights" has 'se _ age o miming a gues w ose muds prejudiced onlooker... a sinking of Drot, while. s i engage n t'll d I t b d • - • • e fe most sparingly and with the were little • and very probably is, a fitat class fel- one Itke' it," aSserted. Eva, with such able of twd evila it wad, decided' that a somewhat. humorous side to the un•• seccomb-. Op the'thiett day after the two limPwrecKeu . sari . better Utah raving maniacs. They had • 4 fowl in his, owe eountry but there are 1 earnestness that even Mrs, Westbrook Eva Randolph should have the aovan- .a` very few persona in England, if indeed was "tutted* - - - th ' ff t t bt ' fo d hi ind ave e ,1 there ire a•ny, who think that he is The next Moment airs. .aongtord'ad- would pey for her entertainment. . . ..) fit Ito beam* Mies Jewell% husband. . Vanced and shook bands with Ernest, But it is not to be eupposed that the , A •VARMER'S VICTORY. who introduced his mother and. Eva; Longfcitd's thought themselves under ., ----. • 1 • then the latter was handed oyer to her ane obligation to any one in this trans- 13suile„,4 pimp Epos, ORIMINAL ANtMALS. new acquaintances. her luggag , action, on the contiary, they elieve Hen rar „11,1 tamed aim and, r a an aie nueryaTelis now ne Found • a posoloc and physical Condition that the phyf. the Westbrooks, nothe. anti son, en. were all the time conferring a favor. • .earc • weak to take more than • a A puturaltat's study ermaroughiy.liVielfed Witil E. Seton Thempson, naturalist to the goVernment of Manitoba, give* tit his book, "Wild Animals XHave Known," smite curious ,'exemples :of depravity among wild beasts. The best story 10 that of the New Mexican wolf Who led a band that killed. a cow a day for ties Years. Finally the ranchers offered $1,000 for this wolf's pelt. He was ass- distinguiehed: Ilia track was an .' inch wider than that of °that. wolVes, • A professional wolahunter tried to earn the bounty, but the wolves killed his dogs and he gave it up. Then Mr. Thompson took the- case. He melt- ed cheese in the fat of a heiter in a china dish, out it into lumps With a bone knife Lo avoid the taint of Metal and put tn atryohnine and, cyanide in odortored capsules. He wore gloves steeped in Bowls 'blood, and aVoided breathing on the baits, The baits ' were picked up. He followed the track and found that the wolf bad lain all four tcigether and scattered dirt otter them. The .wolves then. took ' to killing • Edney. Traps were set tio tho number of 140 in different parts of the ranch. The trails of the •big wolf and of the pack were Untied up to one set of , traps, and the doings of the leader greatest care, and before the restore- , way. Andersen says that without hie feet fives that were given them could take warning the .man sprang to effect they tore their own flesh and and shouted aloud that he Wad Saved, and .an instant later he sprang high acted as veritable madmen, Two daYs it later even, when brought to Charleston ' d, d' d t tix they were in such a pitiable mental herself were taken away by them, ano or tried to make believe, that they • His com adas were too st rtled toc; When Eva •entered the drawing- sicians in whose hands; they were . tared their own carriage. • notice ot his excitentent and even had placed absolutely refuseito to ' allow " How awfully jolly it MBA be to room, after having °hanged her dress, From the Acadian, Wolfitille, N. S. they been inclined . to testrain him. TEA THAT 1. TEA -m • - „1.." OMAN-RION ARO FRAGRANT-0NR TRW 'mom Am. Lead packagell. 23, 30, 40, so lk 04w, , Our. I 6 Oat Wilms end *and lttesswwitb the rt Ae.ar man* .Aextirot owe andizeiotiawlp y thati endmillet ;:tii7 morose silk* Altd If YQI4 VrtiOX*011Z.,141. WO itepf0O0C1,41 /gamely eatienietory, nes. ila 04Pr000 Fs Our special pr100, K96 VA 0,...,344+004 ..ortto'lAssolhOilililtgan141+04, 1171irr eelorvit bliddr Powerful violin _ and. mom in Due. gimlet. wan SRO, .:. PM 0.0414.0 of Wasp and roan. • 4 SNIRUIR1 hargain at the pito, Buy mreet ROM %Wand Ws tne neaten Went. dokteton 4 AI 1,0 elan r, cot . i ,is! 'Toronto, 0114i ... 4 . ..... ..... . v • , . • ;WAVE CLOUDS. The atmosOberie ocean eurrounding the Milli is frequently disturbed by gigantic waves, which are invisible ex - cent when thew' carry parts of the air, 'Margo]. with moisture, up into a cold- er atnospheric stratum where sudden condensation occurs, In this manner long, oarallel lines of eionds, sometimes make their appearance at a great heighe Marking the Create Of a ripple of, air 'waves, running miles above our headai 1 MONTRIM, HOTEL aunty:vat , The 4 Balmoral," Free Bus Sm. PI"' $1.60 & up, — - ..--._ -___ . -- . Note Oaralake, gli'.."0.01,;41,1;tp.R90,0"us: 0.T.R.S nen, Noioreal. GEO UNtill&1104 00,. Fro a. ---.... P SVEN FHOUSE—Egigititnatteert per day. . ._.--- -..„ - --_. .- — Railway, First-olaes Crommerol Hole Hodern'Am Proraras -Rettig moderato . . • CO TIMPTION IN GERMANY. • . Gerez ntl, with an approximate po- pulatio. of 52,279,901, has at present over 1,40,000 aufferem from consump- tion, a• , according to Prof. Leyden's i( estima 8470,000 die annually from the J MEWHOTEL„Opposite G.T.R. Depot' wo ocks from 0 I" disease. , O'KEkFE'S ITkilr MALT 1 icorates ani1 Strengthens. tzos.o VOOD, Toronto, GENERAL AGENT. 131.1.§ She -I a single bias his wife bleseing 'y La Toe D IF THEY DON'T. 't see why they call it dness? 1 • se, when a man's married vat him Aloe than one can het.' a lea. faitiii"&tict'ir.t3 ----- keep the Sabbath so ey don't work any for fore or three days after. • woman to be unhappy unhappy she would be if as happy as she is. . Some holy t t three dayr 'It takes thinking b she were n 16 Phara(il" 1 0 gil !Kr* . 0.11_9„1247,;113. ranboyt., 47' „All the comes rom, near Greece substances own ordinary quarrying • Y FROM NAXOS:' erY used in the ' World 13. little island o4 Naxos. s it is one of the hardest AGENTS WANTED to sell the Acme. Pot and Kettle Strainer in every Come ty and Township An Canada. The 'de. • vice leinvaluabie for straining the watet ,• frons belling Vegetables withoulasogid. ing the lo Inds or natimykile content's of the pot I:scam:We zerritory ghee to HretclaSs agents. For particulars apply to the • - aemaant.& Kettle Strainer , natuirett, ONT. 111111115 tr Best Glaoses... 100 We guarantee perreet eittlidaetiOn. GLOBE OPTICAL CO., 93 Tonga Street, Toronto. 801k.1 GOW BeSb 430111 Ell 1.60 6 yrs 0014 Fill 1.00 LA tomprdeealoywE.Idltero., 410.101.1. 'RallairlriteMirsi!eillit011/4..re141311401016d Th. Dawson Commission Co., Linitted• Per.Esst-liarket Colborne St, Toronto, Dme pra you best vie.* for ye•M Apples, Butter. AIM Pog)ta, sad other pinkie% it Soo ably It 'ODIN& ATENTS Prnftred n°uat491‘ Dedrus. . Trikdo Marks registered, Copyrights, vavelts_procured, Write for information. • . EGERTON, E. CARE, Registered Solicitor of Patents, ),otars Publlo, Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. • Dyeing -Cleaning 1 FOr Cie very beat send your work te the " BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING GO." Look for agent In your town, or seuddlreet. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. WIRE'S PHOSPHO SODA An lifferveseing Phosphate, excellentoleanser for liver, kidney mel stomach, takes the place of ooal tar prepara- tions Moose of headache, its effect Is Immediate. Sold by all drugglets, In 10e. 25o, 60e and $1.00 geese City Drug Co., 271 WellIngtorawst. fg, Toronto HARRIS LEAD, cAtP842,1 BRADS: lilielmale only. LirosDlatanootkoloph000lfli. IOWAN DT., TORONTO. 3-00FING.and Sheet MetalWOrke. ROOFING SLATE, in Black, • :API or Green.. SLATE BLACKBOARDS (We supply 'ohne and High•Sehools,Toronto): Rooting Felt, Pitch, oa Tar, eta, ROOFING TILE (Bee New City Build, ngs, Toronto. doae by our firm). Metal Ceilings, Cor. iiativ, Oct, Estimuteit furnished for work complMe 143 V11,1:14:itrgrAte!.411:: • CARD INDEX.:. The only Perfect system for keen, In names and addresseegbe Sample tray outfit Woe Tho Offloo Mfg. 00., HI and Miley iit., TORONTO. Factory : Newmarket. Dominion Line ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS Matron! end Quebec to Liverpool. . Large and fast Steamer's Vancouver; Dominion, Scotsman, CambrOMan. Elites of mane :-FIrst Oabirk$50 upwards; ll000nd Cabin, 535; Steerage, $22.50 end $33 50 For further information apply to Intel agents, or DAVID TORRA.NCE CO., General Agents, • li7 St. sacomenh Rk. tools can't 1 -used to out It. out. . • • PaAl R —R YEARS • HRS. WINSLOW SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by Mathew ,their children teething. It soothes the child, softerilhe gawk snare pain. cure, wind and D the 14 remedy for diarrlaces• .26o. a bob. . Bold bz all asigists throughout the world. to surf and Ai for " re. Winslow's Soothing BPRIP• • • RAIN) FIRE ORGAN; A tiew elearie organ placed in- St Oh rch, London, possesses q wire.. The action) of the pid that it would "re - e ary, .89 times per sec- . fri es Cannot be Cured Michael's 84,500 mil organ is peat," if ond. ' • • • th m to be ok n to or dist besl-in be rich," eighed Aiethea Longford, as ahe foupd not Ginty Mrs. Longford and Among tbe many In this vicinity their strength would not have been e BP e ur their own' cab was still detatned in the fourth lady, to whom- she wee intro- Dr. Williams, pink Pine as a ours for Andersen says that for his part he There has been a great deal of talk d d t hile t d a anY waY* she watched EVII, El frien s epar kW her two daughters present, but a who firmly believe in the efficacy of sufficient to enable hem co, o o. crush. "Don't you feel (Mite sorrY tO duced, and who was spoken of ea Mrs. eiteumatiem tar, John of was in a partial stupor; and that hi in regard tti the taking of legal cognie- come among poor professional peoPle Harding., • Hortonville. To a representative of did not fully realize what wast taking ac o te n'g o e erman, ut like us. Misa Randolph?" .A. few commonplace observations the Acadian wh9 recent', interviewed place:, He remembers to have won- invetitigation seems to have establish- be0,0 replieci Eva, with a little stir- were made, and then the stranger, who him, Mr• Stewart said he had been a dared in a vague wet.' why Kervendal ed' the tact that there are no grounds f d. I for ouch a procedure • It, is aid don't think rich people are much him. and asked: upwards of twenty years. TWo years after he had drowned himself, Fox. two that the German Consul, at thin port pier than peer ones." , 'What do you th1no of the Academy ago Mr. Stewart was fitment from a daYs more the remaining five Was inclined to institute an investiga- " Ohl what a delusion " laughed the this year Miss Randolph?" load of ha and wa injured so sev rely meMbers 'Of the' partY clung to the tion, but that he has subsequently prise; I aria not rich mysel an was a widow, -turned to our heroin13, victim to the pangs of rheumatisra for acted ao, and what had beeome of him . . a Y 0 young a „. a 't f h " eV° 110 seen i , on ca the. e was o lige to take to his ed. ra . • • abandoned the idea of doing so, In cora nion's ignerance, " Rich people town this afternoon " wao the rePlY• While in this condition his old enemy UP to this point thetatory Old by the the first plaee, 'the trial, if One should fry local diseased way to iional r mied austach ed you hearing. le the re be taken m,11 con eyer ; n krrh, w lin of tt We wls 'ease of b not be our e.g.:Ware, pitted is. as they cannot reach the 1 rtion o tha ear. There le only one e deaf cum, and that Is by eonetittp. udios. lleafneests caused by an la. dittou t the mucous Hams or the Tuba when this tube gets inflate. ve et, rumbling round or Imperfect d when It is entirely closed deranme3 and unless the inftammation can au:otthhisingtu bti ue tmaentouirefia:meditsconnedri. ) 000 ACRES 0000 FAMINE LARDS -ARENA°, nu,ch:ars sinearrempwlUo. be si. e:s. t,ro ..ed for: 3 Imo, _Ogianaw and Crawford counties, Title per. its: Se SoRnoeutH•outatetirneadrepeamuagres rory au0e..7 ..rmn Lake Railroads, at prices. tonging from 1$2 to 45 - /..nt, on Richton Centro,. Detroit & Mackit ao• and rgyessital°1readtabittrotuarrre.h),s1bOarltdcfaont her aore. Those Lamle are Close to Enterprising New Towne, Chunsheik Schools, etn, and will be sold on mout able terms; Apply to , CHENEY/E. 00., Toledo, 0, ,, ,..e eason • 36 PER RENT. PROFITS • POR MONTFI•OF AI/OUST. . • This Company, after plying the 4 per nienthly COulmna matiirIng september 1st, have remaining aknr. plus of 32 per cent. After deducting expenses, ancrthe amount carried' to the reserve fund, there remains to the ,oredit of the inventors aturplus.over dividend' of 19 4/5 Ter cent, Any aniount front 050 upwards recerved for ' inventinent. Book free, giving full particulars. The Dominion Investment Co. 0 Toronto, .0anada Permanent Chambers, 18 Toronto St gm CASES. WALL CASES . Office and Bank FiEtures, Modern • qtore FrOnts. Mirrors and Plate For low' prices write .; TORONTO SNOW CASE CO., 52 ADELAIDE W.;TORONTIL CAN. . . Michigan Land for Sale. 8iia'idtrobZ-F I PlIfe arO the beet. : • . clam, Bpi It -is .8tkita that about. one in sigh:. teen of itev population 'of Paris Ilia on charity, itb tendency toward crane. t, • • P C 990 ALVERT'S . Ctirbolle llisInfeestanto. SOapo, cunt, ' w IV " 34111d1Brititlec,iRiliraparelitrIrrritf ..INI 0 ea. el r g e S I et .. moist, T th Powders, etc., hay:tab:lens 44 iltipSpdlyir"li tarriAsaktlerttireer ..d'Unetp"A4plleatIon. : F. C. C1).V.DERT & CO., .... , sa4Octivorraa, • • aniCICANO. raSS all DI. PiERCE, a gent. West•Day City. Mich. Or AM, CUR I Is, Wilittetnore. ..1(vOySs8-1.14BC° ri'AB:01111,1CteSri.,`,,711:',1°"''' • croity10,167in Byteoixpogy::::aero.cenna of fun it Xining Bug, end live ten years longer. Bent host -paid with, our itstot govelties, The mainspring oflife !slum Senator. • WIER. this novelty. PROGRESS NOVELTY GO., tettureanonastwa • Toronto,ont. Galvanized Steel . Windmills and Towers. ALSO . • suet nag SUM, • Crain Ortnelors, Iron and Wood Pumps,' SupplIoli. Bond tor Now Catalogue canitahelp being happy ; they have ev- Yea', 1, forgot; by the waY, shall -theumatism-again fastened Itself ;nen is connected and clear, but; from ever be held:WM.11d bate' to take place HAPLEY &MUIR • GO.LIM • BRANTFORD CAN, Mention this paper. erything to make them so. I only wish we make up a party to meet at Eur-' linen hian, the, 130•Ins radiating to the fifth de31 012 they give two separate In Norway at the home port. of . the Hotel and Salton men cannot afford to be ar rot, an in eeseccio place., I was rich; I wouldn't ride in this Wigton House to -morrow, .Mrs. Long- almost every joint in his bodylonaking accounts of what took place, Thei firat aboot like this, if "Were." afternoont It would be a delightful frequently in the Acadian of the fifth day the five remaining men of in the law of homicide thee' wherever Men agree togethea to cast lots, as did And she ;made a grimace so exPreto way of getting through the day." - cures effected through the tom of Dr. the party determined to draw straws sive of diag.ust, that Eva, who felt her- The lady thus addrused looked ' at Williams' Pink Pills and decided to see whath of them should die to Andersen, Thomas and the German, self to be in some mouton the cause Eva; then, seeing no sign of any desire to give them a trial. After the supply food to the others, while, no- the' taking of a human 1 life is not reckoned as murder,. so long 'as no of her companion% anneyance, hasten- on her part to fall in with the'eugges- use of a few boxes the Nina hegan to cording to ..he second account Which ed. to say: tion, she turned to her elaeet dangh- ditninish, and his general health be- they give, it was not until Elevate), clays freed is firactised. . . . • beastly cab and be Jolted and rolled ford and the's go on to Kew in the. life almost a burden. lie had read of these al to the effect that on the seems to he a well establith% d Prinenole "X am very sorry you should have ter, who promptly replied: gan to improve. Mr, Stewart con- later that Leis fateful lottery occurred taken the ttouble to come and meet "I don't think We eon decide what I timed; taking the pith' until he had -not until two of their companions me, if you dislike riding in cabs ao we will do to -morrow until we have I used eight boxee. when the pains had had die(' from exhaustion.- Cumener Comes much." seen papa; he may have made some entirely disappeared and another Vic- " Ob, yea mustn't take any notice. of plans for us himself; that•is," With a tory over disease had been won by- this IStCOMR10 A.Dth!Sos"jiBLei OwOhDich 00.-:ir II i svas first told by Andersen and Aomati t TR: lail Rt t R s Li ST 0 ory I th a h Ill t t th with tne flowers and sunshine. Birds Alethea's grumbles," here interPuned glance at Eva, "unless Miss Randolph peerless medicine. • ou' t their xneiody and th6 chirp u3 erman o etre c or s an a Mrs. Longford, with a bright sm e, is anxious.for ;some mild diseipation.' The Anadian tan add that Mr. SteW. o e gr se opper soon emp e and it is that which they have and 'grasp the shadow of his flight. persist in coming with me this after- rangements with regard to • 1111111103- qualities, whose. word is unhesitatingly Alit' , • Meet Mr. Westbrook, I believe." 'Whereupon Mrs. Harding indulged The public is cautioned against tdoalyd ni.13.47hat about the fifth' or sixth n o the realms of a umber, and the f th tea 13' Wood- • Instruments, Dmons, Uniforms, etc. Every town aan have a band, Lowest prices era quoted, Fine catalogue, 600 Illna. ' trationiiingled frgarlteuttignfter mitring la WHALEir ROYCE1 co., %Onto, Can. . ONE NIGHTk::::ft.ttent OSMIUM MUDD Maokintoah stover Pardee Marginated Watee Proof, dator latakircr other. Bela verlaub Olithlas .Malstreel. ' she finds fahlt with everybody an "Ohl no X must work " said Etta art is worthy of every credence as he everything on principle, but she would Homy do not consider me in your aro is a man of intelligence' and sterling most f ttently repeated since. They The playful mosquito will ao her Me- ntion ; it ,‘vas only because she would mentet accepted by all who know him. alto their shipwreck one of their rat to soothe wear leasure seekers 31 ? Pact torte, as, thoUgh going anywhere sift of mortificatiort came over the these fanloU.s pills. The gamine are comradea, Nikalaon, thed from exhause stinging; ,They said that as they saw the every semblance of comfort, make This was said in an elute, raatter-of- in a peculiar Smile, while an expres- numerous pink colored imitations of aching corns • will remove eiroPlY to Meet a Young man wait • a countenances of the Longforde, for sold only in boxes, the wrapper around ellodn's•Pgralehing they hung over his tied the Bono of the birds, and eioke Were marked in the dust. ale had er 4 een oil is enong o Ilip y W IC e rs w " . • . body waiting for the breath to leave cloudinesa in the soul, that even the the buried chain and picket:- On an- Took at Mr. Westbrook, for I anr told and Mrs. Harding who more than sus- sent postpaid at 50 cents a box, or six flesh. They proteated that the stets - them in twenty-four hours. Futnalm'a 3, Corns are thorns in the fiesta but Put - Wretched around the trap tiltehe found thus spoken of; "I did go to have an- who had come to pay them a long visit dealer does not have them they will he nem% Painless Corn Extractor removee other Part of .tbe ranch he entered an he bas twenty thoimand a year. Do peeted the eircumidencea of her boxes for $2.50, by addresaing bhe Dr, ment that they had taken this Man a kl-shaped eetiee Of tratia, and detected You know it it la true,Miss RatidelphP friends, aat once saw through the Williams' Medicine Co Brockville, 'P life was inacourate, but they admitted that the blood flowed. from the body Painless Corn Extractor in the best, the danger. The trail showed that he "No,.1 don't," replied Eva, coltilt. flimsy pretense. Ont. when they cut into the fleshi and was etoPPed the rest, warned by scent, and "Yes," remarked the young lady that Miss Randolph was an orphan, Pink Pills for Pale People." if your it, in order that they might eat the brightest sunshine can net dispel. bed slowly backed out on his own The subject was excee mg Y , track, putting each paw down back- tasteful td her, The idea ot any wo- ward. until out of LIAB dangerous Man thinking of Breast Westbrook groand, Re. had. then sprung some only fOr the sake, of the .money he of :the traps by seitirehing clods and might noeseas1 There Was eacrilege in 14011033, baekward at them with his the Vety thought, and she decided then hind feet, Ile was at hist catight by and there that elle ahould ni3Yer like •deagging over the trawl the body of a Mita Longford. female ivolf, the scent of which he fol- But Alethea Longford was by nO 10Wed. means ao bad as she painted hertielf, No mere skillful oritninal than. this and by the time the cab stoPPed be. If was ever known. Oid Epth, a tore her father's house she had forgota griallys 'which In tete retire ruin- ten all about Ernest Westbrook arid If the hog -raisers in the Sacra- his possible twenty thousand a year, . valley by hie wasteful love of and was descanting about schools, ae a close second. A bob -tail- and abont drawing from the antique f kept the whole city of Paris and from Iife, about at-hames, five r for ten years at the begin- o'clock tea& and oonversitaionee, In a the fourteenth century, and manner that Was perfertlYbewildering hnee panther, in India killed te poor Eva. man beings in Iesa tan two The tab bad pulled up at the 46ov or . 'A. famous rogue dog of Der- it house in Gower street, Blooms.. byeldre was oceaspietioue by its faith- bury. Scarcely WW1 the door opened ful Mire, of sheer, in the daytime, hut b ay servant than a gril, dressed in the Was eaTage and ugh; towards meit same tanteetio fashion as her. sister.. etrangers, It slept in the how*, and childish in her al:Alone and In- the wee never euepeeted,. though sheep- shortneola of her skIrto, though she worrying took place" 'on Live farms was tvithla it inotith or two of 'ming as still WIP111. A day. later a aecond Tea, however, was announced at this --a...a.-- " THE FOOT SIGN." similar fate. They drank hie blood moment, and Etrai quite unconecieue of member of the party, Sorensen, met a 'WOMAN'S EXPEDITION. the vexation she had inflicted. Was and ate partible* ot his flesh,' as they An expeditiOn consisting entirely of taken possession of by Bell 'and led ' .Ineeuttion Over Hs stinincluire enteral had done with the other man. down to the dining-rOom. latirelk clear vtrortnen has been forraed in Australia They were all Beate& at table' when IUP 411° 1.4Witati 41SIle‘ AIIderile11 AS not e as. t° to exploits tile Solomoo Islaads the an abundance of light lirowri hair, Hitherto white men have b bl t foot that is hanging loo -se under;ore‘s1 tween the various incidents that lit hair wee tutnbled, her collar oyes ut rthaecotuntttaybuVruaclgabattg tgliiitutidte pemetrate nely Lew intioneienniaand.e 0 Her fingers were ink -stained, her thrown comfortable' over the nth booze of the dement cannibals known a tall, ungainly young woman, with 'When a man is sitting with one leg the perieds of think which elapsed be- d._little movement at each beat of the Thursday they mast have stibsisted for pinned, she was destitute of cafe, 'a (Theo neit lila to the her dress were inisaing, and pins, Droyf tWo dead .iteameni ana it mime have several dap upon the hod es of the Sold by all druggists. sor„ a bottle. setae of the buttons of the front of heart While the charge of Captain nab. xt makes it grow and restores ths color. us was pending the Marquis du been at least three dote after the sea - Which gleamed in the most unsightly " U BY'S P t de 01 rti in de a Peycholdgieal cond one's death befdre they resolved ' Manner, were used in their place. a y a a exclaimed her eldest sister, impatient. things he suddenly asked Dreyfus a study of the prisoner. Among other upon the teat deaperate expedient of MATRIMONIAL HUNTTNG GROUND. "Barbara, what a spectaele you are!" ly. "I never rum such an untidy oreaa question caloulated to arouse totiotion taking human life, , women who enter hespitala there to Atioording to a New York physician, Dreyfus was DREW LOTS AS TO WHO SHODLD "I have been blisr," Was the absent Ini WO if he wan linlitY. didn't see you." intensified. The Marquis urged thin* aill henna •before they finally agreed to do doctors comes first, end taking care tttre ha my life." DIX learn the probes/lion of ntirsee took up- rbsg for tea. Oh, Mrs. Hardingt I movemente of hie foot were suddenly - mAndereen declares that they talked On the hospital as a matrimonial htitit. ti g 1 t t d termine Who int( ground, where young phytdoians reply, "and I did not hear the bell in the posture mentioned, and the "Yeu are more tban usually blind sliouclad° dine tic:: at° leaset twenty-four are the quarry ; that flirting with the a proof of the prisoner's guilt and it so. When at last they had made up Of the patiente second. "Ohl papa's pupil - yes; how do you securing his convsetion, Dr. A. utaud ___- _-..-__ _ _ _-__ - to te-diter field her mother, slittrPly, really seems to kayo played a tsrt In r.-'"-4—* - "don't you toe Misti Randolph," dot / /I h 11 13 d f lend o combated the Martinis% inference at , near. At last it wao tracked in the old aa Eva, limbed forward, embraced and she retie impulsiVely, oomo in the time, and quite juetifiably, but snow from h fold Wher0 tWentY tibetn her mother and Mater as .thOugh oho Evit's side, and -warmly took her hand. eannot agree with Dr. Lutand When had been killed to the farm where it had been separated from them three Her uneonventional :sympathy and he saya now, in'a sarciastie s.rtiele re. Vfea• the deg haVing forgotten that times as Many inotiths es they bad Aagegbegg touched nos orphan errs fleeting on du Paty de Olam, that such the„track would show,' though it took been away hove, and then, tureing tO heart and her eyes were bright With movemente of •the foot which he calls pettliti Melina tO coneeal It by rtill. EVA, she bald: . unbidden team As eh.) ,replied, with " instinetive," hove nothing to do with 1)1130 41000 the tOP Of e atema wall, ' "You are WM Bandfdpb; and / am More earnestness than the ocoacon the moveinente of the heart. 'rho MOVit' Reit Longford. You may kiss me." seemed to demand: mesa has been called " the sign of ,IEWISII MARRIAGES the foot." but Dr. Luton& proposes to - Eva humbly availed herself' of this "Indeed, r hope we phew ..r.,,,,, s. In 4ewlah marriages the woman is permisatottathough else felt tempted to "Two ouslIng sehool girls," was Sall it " all Patr8 '"*"• always placed to the right Of her mete. esty that s n'ita net particular% anal- fttra. Xliaralq s eontemptuous rnental hot' place ti the cerettiony is to the led up t rea long flights( of stairs until e ve toward " graving doek being Wilt in "nit left. sk• 114d reitehed the Lep COM', Where thetight had oesestroely besa sarpom. A With overT other nati.xt of the world Coits tor any One, an& then a e was ob cat, ' hogreattrad won't he ao There is a probehility of a large • # '117 aaeg-sti 1 • Sold by all reliable Druggists. • Catarrh . (Ilan Catarrh Cure. irlermilly those Stammerer w oharefalled S toes antedates. • Anjou, ierlin who Will continua youwisirera.; EZIrdeotittagrot Sausage CasIngo—N *kin li" P4,.1,11toto. " Too DU MOINES INCUBATOR -nest and cheapeet Rolland, aole aunt for the Dominion. Bend 3 QC Heron tor catalogue. 373 Eit. Peal Street, Montreal. Riackaaillold by all EU Well gems Or. Tomato. . • Stamp ColIaatara--tra„", the address of any frienilif who ere collector/4 Menden this paper. fiTARNANAN OROS., Bello. Ontario, • .W0011) & PHOTO.ENGRAVING J.L.JONU) -6 • 8 •IOADLIAIDE .STW TORONTO. Qoarrrient whotridihttobilnwore andthave cutters! 0.W. eutfiatilli.w,ito=ito. lament* cutting 801001 odars adVaatalt" a to all (Delman Of Moulting n thorough knoreftolge ef netting and Fitting Gentlemer's Garinents, Write for partied:1M . Veep eta Toronto. CANADA PEIRISANENT • Lloo,.11 and Savings* Company. &A 1 . The Oldest and Largefit OADEtilatt Mart. dinve Borpotation, Paid.up Capital, . $2,600,000 Reserve Pend . 1,200,4mo alo,no neise-rstoftte St., reroute, • trance onisse-vitealsog, Mae., Voineeator,11.0. DgVoin8 RECEIVED, Itierest illowed„ DRORUIntlie VIRCER for 1,* t 4 or* rams, 5Ith intereeT.oupons etteAted. *mow wry rey °few assess atengmes, go,tomes PAM .1904114 let totem taielt • O.Ork " without the Automatic Faucet Attach. ment, as hpays for itself in One week clranv • Mabee.. No drip, nowaste. Youonly need .one band to draw heer with the/automatic Latin case of rush yotreanhold glaptlesin each hand;as the Automatic always ready. The Automatio draws tho finest &no! beer and 1H used for any trade, manillas Ow kind of head on th e beer that you want. Price $1.50 pre•pald- money refunded if not satisfao. tor/. Hamilton AffeCo.,Toronto • • 41EDWARE, DRUG AND GENERAL STORES ALL SELL lr TO THEIR 6001) TEAM " PEERLESS " - Machine Ell0AE1311 Iti3 Tint VERY 111111T OIL THEY Mat CMS 0 Dem streo mat complete totehioilea to FARMERS 4.1. Pan iiiiigitiratio, "in mime . i _ P . r plim,IL.RODERspittsioRoll 1 ••• IlEALTII RESTORED :Przatralr.• diserdered Stonulohr Lunn, Norma Liter, Blood, Redder, laddays.13rain and *oath by Du. Barry's !!!!! ! geed an other treannentt. It digeete whoa Alt 'other . . - ARraeulua,n'irtood, thloh Siteli lOTAIldg end Children, tad alto Rears eat' reef ully Infants whose Ailments and Debility WS .ro . rood le tePastod, sates be thee Its cone id medicine. "bilk' " • • • - 0 Ynyttriable iluosice. 100,00t . mu. Tears &mast .Cares of Ocuirtlisl. • MOM Platuleney, Dyspepsia, : Inalratloo,Geheumetloa. Diabetes,. Bronchitis, /alit. diul, 0oUglik Aithinai Catarrh, Phiegin, Dttlerrira:sieSited: !avows Debility, Bleepiesenees, Despondatier, , . DuBarry. & Cal 178tRriell,nli fesiden. W., also IA Parts, 14 Rue de Clastiglion, sod iii,Groonsi,Chemlett, Itnd Stores everywhere, irl tins, • 01.,lid..1114, 611k,14e, Bent carriage free, Also Pas ore Bivalents Biscialte, In tine, 314 6d. ander, Annie for 01hIldllI4 The T. Es tOti 00.. Limited, Toronto . 'Y eAll. R. Alegre Manager. IONS J. MAIN, Supt. and Treks. if e Canadian 1 Heine Safety ' i ER i gsplimadep Toronto therbourbe , Nigh elites Water Tubs Steam goners, for An ihr000uroo, nudes and tea *Mb !tog DoscluptiVe CATALotlint, 44,..togsd. 'EL • td.• •