The Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-28, Page 4sea '
”R.'• 11111
Tomato Mar (Liberal.)
Xt Liberal votere sa. late in te,k-
lug action ein election day Da the Ons
tarlearibeaal cabinet minletere are an
other oceavione, there Will be no Libera
al Cabinet inioletere after next vOting
Mr. john E. Johnston, general mer -
TAO Greatest 1P011t1Oall chant of Chethane h
to_ attend
a the funto el or his tbWotheere,tirer:. Matthew
The nnblin must reellze that there are Jaoalturireatoaytaa %turned to bis home on
some political offences that are grayer
othem . - Mr. thirzZan Curzon. Renee hear ono
teuvernrnent that weseoerfulaexhilsit for tbe Great Nor th-
spends pttnite Money fooliehly Or unr-
rUPtly,bassiouedaglaunt public interest pies "'At rb5list'vrciinna9lely
Other by theirs side
twenty tiny,
and elegervee punisninent; but ite ins airof one birth.
fluericii is of quite a differenb cheracter ItirtaelrenaqAilleerepretieilea..
trent that of st Party or an organilation. ei:
whiela etuifs a ballot box or a voterie Mr. Percy Cornell, late of th
list: The first transgression, leaves the forth futniture factory, is at peresSee4
people entirely free to express their tam the staff ef the 6.eaerle/4 organ
opinion on the naatter, If they do not aggri;ye tit Ben
like that act, they can turn the G•o•es after a thrbee me onths'lyeiffititfo7b Cliticago
eraMent out, thus discoeraging alai Elizabeth street, near the lair:, r °me'
In Druggist Wilsona switidow we
stmilar aCts in the future. Bub when a
ballot Wallas been tapspered With or a lig1:1:7="asorne Australian Oak,
The beloved. wife of Main:1.0130'w john-
pewer ef the people to right the wrong
SOO, Cameron street, aged 71 years, 11
is dietroyed ; free inetitutions are put-- ntseatellfepositiss0 awaK at her
in jeopardy apd representative governs re
Ment challenged, A Government can .8a. m, of hearbefilsrear suTertinditiceact.
. oely Waete the public money corruptly jh frequent attacks .of litter trouble,
11_3* XattlISW Johnston Wes born in
aa long as the people wild permit it to sfoenlit?nd(aSublee wtos4oitteied to MaJohn-
do se ; but when it has once possessed
itself. of the election machinery, it can. 28 and had ste benesn lepaatred.befoarg:weof
more years she would have celebrated
be as corrupt Rif lt pleases and the peo- her golclen wedding. The deceased
ple are powerless to put a stop to it. laaa was
This distinction should not be fora ; casket was oboe seucl ef nodr seise. 8 gTnah e.
gotten when the &Means are consider- Rev. Mark Tuvrenrbull7:fath,arard j.aothhnostig
and grave, Mr. and es.
traereery deli -
voters' Het 'misled with bad names tae cate looking sapvelgenIotfisa
ing the transactions as the stealing of
Weet•Elgin and the treattnent• of the laaoddLvil iTn)rrkt'?"; to (Vleir coming to
GodeAchor .owyneisittrispon tuerisr,
Manitoba voters' lists. These 'are not farm
• johneton leaves to mourn their loss,
ordinary political crimes. They are
.b(tisiscith sojtrowing • hushapd, four
etterapts to usurp the rufferages of the anittelatjc(Uhmtwasttrag of
COuntry, and---ifasuebed to their logical grim c.rniti3a
conclusion --could only be met • by it Cha,tham. ?be idaugaters. are Mrs°.
• Robert McIlrov ItIcKillo • Mrs J. B
revolution. The. v.:Aare should, no "'nes Duncan, Arnerma,n Soo, re.
metter what they maY think ar sixtY Grahame, Ailifield ; eli:s: Tboma;
• million budgets, jealously gnard theia Sowerb , Gaderich township and Miss
right to pronounce freely upon the acts Lizzie ohnston athome. 4Ilatteneled
the •fanekal save Mrs. Duncan who
s- of terellagoeernment, without regard could not reach here in time. - The four
to He political label. It can never be sons and two sons-in-law Messrs'. Ma-
in the,:public interest 'to have the Ilroy of MaKillop and ' Grahame, of
mouth Of the electorate closed on poll- Ashiteld were pall -bearers. The funer-
al took place te Maitland cemetery (ea
ing day• -Montreal Star. ' Friday last. •
. Miss Lim Andrews Bayfield Road,
Stanley Irerienship. , and Miss Bell of leuron Road, both
----. Public School teachers. leave on Satur-
• Mrs. Bothwell returned a few. days clay for the School ot Pedagogy at
ago from Toronto where she was vis- Hamilton. We wish both. ladies
iting and is now at her daughter's,Mrs. success. • ' '
William Palmer's. . .. Mrs. Carlyle, child aed nurse of
The farmers down the Gbahen report Detroit, who have spent the summer
the crops better than was expected and at Leke View, Elgin street, will leave
the experience -down this • Line is no for their home shortly, Master George
doubt repeated on all the other Lines. leaving on Saturdey last. Au revoir.
If prices are good- this fall money Mrs. (Captain) A. E. McGregor of
ought to be "easy" end times .good. Pore Huron was in town this week the
Threshers Andy Reid and Oha,rlie Par- guest of her brother,Barrister Daneey,
km., both of whom have new machines, St, Vincent street. • • '
.• ate doing splendid wet*. and giving . We trust that when the council eon -
good satisfaction., • ; Bents to extend the electric eystern
Potatoes will be a great ercara. Off I they'll not forget the Collegiate Insta
a three•quarter acre lot Mr. William tute, corner Waterloo street and Brit-
Pcillock will have 150 bushels of as fiiie annut Wee. The darkness in that cor-
murphies as have ever been raised. : ner is terrible at times. We have agi-
By the way, Mr.Pollock has succeeded
ia killing the pea bug, or perhaps it
• it would be more proper to say that he
has spcceeded in saving. the peas for
his btock instead of allowing the bugs to
devour them. He had his crop thresh-
ed early and get the thresher to set
his machine close so` that the peas
were pretty well ground up. They
were then isut into a bin where they
heated and every bug was killed. Of
. course the peas were somewhat brciks
en up in the threshing and would. not
sell welabut Mr. Pollock raised them
for his hogs, so that looks doh% count,
The following haladozen families,
who once worshipped in the oid Bay-
fieldRoad church, new dismantled, are
at present attending the Presbyterian
church in Bayfield, thoegh they have
not yet taken out their certificates :
T. Brownett, ' W. Pollock, James
• Campbell, Peter Campbell. John
Campbell and Mrs. James Armstrcing.
There is et present a•lull in the apple
business, the fall stock all having been
pecked but the winter varieties are not
--yet quite ready. Big prices are pre-
vailing ana those ,who alive not already
contracted for their orchards, in bulk
or in barrel, can command very fancy
prime, As ib is at the figures paid there
is no reason whatever to e01)3plain.
Mrs. William Peck, who has made
her home with her daughter, liars.Hen-
ry DQWS011 of the Babylon Line, since
' the death of her husband four years
. ag , died oh Friday evening tart at
th age of 80 years -and -10 months. PDX'
. th ee years she had been in such poor
ti, alth as to be unable to leave her
room. The deceased as was her hos-
Med. was of English birth and was
one of the early pioneers of this town-,
ehip, having lived here about fifty
years. Among the old and the middle
aged Mrs. Peck was well-known and
much respected and nowthat she too,
is gone many reminiscences are recal-
led of incidents of the early days testi-
• lying to her largeness of heart and wit-
lingness to do good uhto othera. The
remaining members of the family are :
airs. Henry Dowson, Mrs. John Con-
sitt, sr., Mrs. John Stephenson of the
Goshen Line and Messrs Henry, and
Richard Peck. The funeral took place
Sunday afternoon to Bayfield ceme.
tery where the remains Were laid bee
side those of husband and other mem-
bers of their family who preceded
then:Onto the Spirit World. The ser-
vices at house and graverede were con-
ducted by Rev. Mr. Shaw, Methodist,
of BaylleId.
'pleasant event took place last
Wednesday vseek when Miss Mina
Ilunkin of this village was married to
Mr. D. Farrow of the Soo. They went
to Goderieh and got married and spent
the test of the day in forint returning
• home about 8 o'clock for tea.
A feW friends were invited
into spend the evenii3g. Miss
Alice Hunkin, sister of the bride. acted
As bridesmaid, while Mr.• Wilmer Wil-
ed the greeted The happy
uple eave the first of the week for
heir home at tbe Soo, taking with
em the good Wishes of the peoplefrom
r and near.
Owing to the repairing of the Pres-
terirtn church Service was conducted
Metiundiet church Sunday morning.
Locard taking charge. There
be a uniOn Service in the Methodist,
rch next Sunday warning, and as
Hebderson's health is improving
xpect to haste hint with us again.
incardlne Review,orleorweek
the following: $iricardizie is to lose
Of its roost prominent citizens soon
he person cf -A. G. letacintyre, who
to Dungannon to conduct a gener-
efor Mr, John Hiles. He expects
ve next Week but his family
go for a While yet. Alex, will
eci in social and !sporting girclea
as fn the town counell of which
been a member for the past two
lt is riot likely that a bye elec.
11 he held to fill the Vacancy.
evieee commende Alex. to the
ople of Dungannon and aetrilreti
hitt he is all "wool and a yard
--He is an upright energetic
MM. •
-Alex, can play fairly good
Of *filet and usually 13olde .1
lid be ellehre.
tated that some hinunceis necessity
several theas before,
Mr. Daniels, who went to London
Hospital last week,Wits obliged to have
One of his toes amputated,butthat will
not be much of a loss ie the surgeons
can save the Others.
Miss Florence Deidricb, who fell and
dislocated her right wrist, is able now
to have the bandage taken off.
Each one who received a nicely label's,
ed box at the Post Office, thougbt
friends had sent on sonic. jewels, and
lo 1 the boxes were samples sent out by
0. Hick, dreggist. Hick has come ••to
he Blackstone family and Major
and Mrs. Beck visited the Central Fair
at Clinton on Wednesday of last week,
On Wednesday 20tb inst. the schoon-
er Nina Gordon, Southampton, 0a,p-
tain Strachan, and owned,by Strachan
Cairns lay at the dock with cargo of
367 barrels of salt from the Chetnical
Salt works for Southampton andsPore
les I3owlby returned. last week
after a pleaSant visit with friends in
Constance. Miss Bowlby is tbe sister
of Mrs. Parsons of the Fair and of the
Rev. O. L. Bowlby of Jordan.
' ' Pastor Zimmerman is having a large
attendance nightly at his tent, on Elgin
street. Many peopte are attracted by
the beautiful singing of himself and
staff. The Pastoe has a church at
"Your appreciation is appreciable,"
that's what Manager Shipman said to
the very large audience that in answer
to his 'Shoal we come aack again ? "
gave him, for the company's fine act-
ing en Monday night at Victeria Opera
House, the greatesb applause ever
vouchsafed any company playing here
and they deserved it richly from "Shy-
lock Servant Lanncelot Gobbo, to Shy -
lock's himself aud Portta. ThiS Shy! ock
utast be seen to be appreciated. Edward
D'Olze, le attenuated of frame, with
long iron grey hair and chin whiskers.
Antonio looked ' like a second
Chrietopher Columbus, beautifully, at-
tired in 'Venetian costume, black velvet
and white trimmings, and noble of
mien. and Portia as the lively maiden
and erstwhile Doctor of Laws was ex-
ceedingly fine. Indeed the chase and
acting of the eompany cannot, we are
certain, be eacelled, and we Were de-
lighted to see such a vast audience out
on konday evening despite the dark
and threatening Weatlaer. We did not
forget Mrs. Moon -Parker's Shake -
sporran readings by any means, for she
it was who gave our people an appetite
for Shakespere's playa One person who
assisted her here said the readings
were too slow for this town. What
would he haste bald if he had seen the
crowd that attended the acting of
"The Merchant of Veniee" on Monday
evening? A reader dannob change
their dread nor fill the place of a lot of
actore, hub they can give a picture, •
that the actor's camera reproduces.
They are a 'rare lot of fine look-
ing people, ana we hope that
Canada, from Huron be the sea, will
appreciate them Ss highly as the
Goderieh audience on Monday hight,
We must not forget Miser Campaigne.
who added much to the pleasure of the
audience as accompanist. for the even-
ing, opening the piety with the pretty
cake walk "Ooontown's Camp Meet -
&MS of weather sent the steam
barge VanAllen of Ohatharn and the
schooner Ontario into our harbor for
refuge on Friday.
On Thursday a. In. sympathy rang
out from every heart on hearing of the
deeth of Master Harold Strang Masson,
third son of Judge Masson, Nelsen
street. Herold Was one of the bright-
esb mpsb promising boys in his
class, which Wag the junior leaviug
and wan preparing for tnatriculit-
tion. af ter which if successful he intend.
ed peeing to MeGill College, Montreal.
to study science. His death was tie -
looked for, bub appendicitis is rarely
witheub the same dread result All
that medical ekill could do wart d,one,
The funeral partook of a military' naa
ture, Captain Snell Of the Collegiate
Institute Citdete, leading. 'The cortege
leftthe tesidence of Judge Masson, the
Cadets marehing twO by tWo followed
by the Reeds, Anderson in their car-
riage, then the carriage ffiled to over-
flowing with numberlests floral trn
butes, Following the carriage CMS
Raster James Garrey.' and Evens Al-
an, each bearing a large shower be-
quet after which the beam with the
pall. earers, MastenrSteWart Lane, S
.Pritehard. Geoffrey Holt, Philip. Kie-
le . Ed. C d ible ,
eiteh Carrying a boottet. After the hearse
the Waked men and other clergyttlen
of the town itr earriageti and a long
ortege of friends of the family. Hee,
old wits young, only 18, and full of
humor which made him the 'espeelel
avorlte at hit home audio the Collo.
HaWkine, Devid and Prank
left Thureday for the Woods of
tad the misfortune to
e orse Week.
a A.• Mounta ey and lion lathes
reeve this week fo e Manitoulin ie.
de Where they ln ut, lo the g
tot. • ,,,,,, it
e heavy feost orePriday night did b
rattle damage to core, potatoes
tetettette in thle nolghberhood. tl
late. judge Masson and faitilly.were
err gratefol, beirt almost strangers
ere, fee the toueh ng eptipathy ex.
tended them by all who had tho ploot.
re of meeetino them hero.
Mr. Arthur Smith, tanner, Arthur
street, Wormed your correspondent
that Arthur area was named after
Miss Lino, Watson hae retorts 4, d from
Mesdames Thomas and John Oarlyle
who epent a pleaeant visit with their
slater Mrs, Captain McKay, Quebec St.
and Miss Lily inetoVicar later of Edits -
burgh, Scotland, have returned to
their homes at Brantford.
Norman McDermott came down from
the Soo to be Master of the dredge Ate
nal. Newer Sharp and family have
left town.
Mrs. Cooper, who was so ill en board
tbe St. Andrew, has recovered and
with her nurse end children took pas-
sage on that good ship on her return
afr, and Mrs. Hurd of Detroit after
visiting London e air, and spending a
plearetut time at the residence of Mrs.
Burd's parents,Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson
Reid, returned to their home on Moo*
day ot last week.
The St. .Andrew cleared on Thurday
evening for Fore Willian3 with cargo of
70 tans of pressed hay. The farmers
are following the example ofthe Messrs.
Johnston in chipping 'select hay. Messrs.
Goull, Huron Road. and John Salkeld,
Bifyfield Road, having with them
brought le the cargo. The Captain's
daughter, Miss Featherstonehaegh;ac-
companiecl her father on this trip, and
was thegnest Mrs. S. trait-
The other evening we noted 'quite a
a pretty conceit in -Priclbarres men's
furnishing establishment, which was
a transparent hand of , same
material as the pretty flowers used for
electric wire illuntination. On the
hand one reads the words in Black let-
ter "Men's Fornishings."
An accident took place at Saltford
which might have been frau ht with
IVery serious consequences. iss Law-
son had just reached her destination on
Saturday, 16th Septathe farm residence
f M .'D L f 0 lb , ft
et sea voyage from het home Truro, Aber-
deen, Scotland., Miss Lawson is a geed
wheelsvvoman and Mr. Lawson's
diteghter Miss Anna and she thought
they would 'thee! into town on Tuesday
Kabinet. to 'visit the family of Captain.
Lawson,- .Mrs. Lawson'thought a drive
would be preferable eo they abandoned
their wheels and while driving
into : town and . near the Salt -
ford &hoot their horse shied and over-
turned the top boggy. Miss Lawson
received an. ugly eprain or dislocation
of the anke. , Miss A.nha Lawson was
'unconscious for . some thine, haying
struck against sonsething which cut her
temple, but next day both ladies were
removed to•their horaes, and Miss Anna
Lawson is almost herself egain. The
cause of the accident was from a horse
having earlier iu the day fallen dead
on the road and noti being removed it
naturally trightened Alm La*son's
horse, which shows that im many au-
cideuts are the outcome of negligence.
Miss Seeareiller andnieces,the Misses
Lang, returned to Stretford. on Satur-
day 10th inst. after spending apleasant
vacotion et the British Exchange,
Mrs. Tom of Montreal, who came to
visit her mother -and sisters at Glen'
Gowan, Mrs. and Misses Hutchison.
was on. her arrival apprised of the
death of Mrs. Hutehisou, wife of ber
brother Dr. 'Alias. Hutchison of that
cit3r,and left by the next train. A later
despitteh from Montreal mentions an
accident which occurred to Mr.and Mrs.
John B.Caverhill, On returning from
the funeral they were thrown from their,
carriage and hurt pretty badly, their
horse taking frightand running away..
Mr.Caverhill was onleof the mourners,
being a brother of Mrs. (Dr ) Alex.
Hutchison. '
Mr. Alex. Kirkbriae had a marnmoth
•sunflanver tbis season which measured
IA inches in diameter, exclusive of its
petals. The seed ripened and was • as
large AS the kernel of a beechnut and
as white.
The BaySeld left for the Bruce Pen-
Our American Visitors Will soon all
be gone.. A number left on Saturday
for Cleveland and Detroit. . • , ,
• .11tetery Brown, who has been residing
in Woodstock is ' at • his home, Cedar
street: ' ' ' '
Dr. Reginald arid Mrs. Shannon are
visiting at Toronto' where they are the
guests of Oolt-A, X. and Mrs. Ross. •
Miss Brock Mitchell, assistant in the
town clerk's office, is visiting her rela-
tives in Hamilton. • .
_ Hiltob I:10'03es, at One time in\ the
Bank of Commerce here, was in town
a few days, and left oti Tuesday, 1.9t12
hut for Skaguay to which place he has
be appointed by the Bank of Com-
tiles Waal Johnston of the knittlea
factory staff has taken a position in
Smith Bros. establishment. •
Mr. John Porter, sr. Huron Rciad,
sold his apple orchardto plinton's Ap-
ple King.
We wonder if Mayor joe's apple pars
ing machine has any political lean. It
has we presume a sharp edge • which
cuts all mune' '
People are all talking about elevator
returns. They say that -Richardson's
elevator (the big mill) has handled al-
most as much grain as Mooer's eleva-
tor.; and it cost the town nothing, for
the Ogilvie's built it themselves. '
We congratulate Messrs. John Salk-
eld * Son, Mr. Harry Salkeld, of "the
Maples" on the number of prizes they
won at the Clinton Control Fair. Mr
John Salkeld is director of the Great
North Western Fair.
. Mrs. T. 0., Todd, wbo spent some
weeks the guest of MrS. I C.MeIntosh,
West street, returned to her •home at
Detroit two weeks ago yery much de-
lighted with her visit.
Miss Anna Wells of the .13a,yfield
Road gardens, left this a. iu, for a visit
to her sister, Mrs. J. A. Wieland, at
Toledo. .
It is a common saying thabevelyone
who wants a favor "has an ax to
griod." Well Mr. McCaughan has an
ax that does not need grinding, after
its possible burial in aiVaterloo street
for a half century as its maker's mune
is upon it. Every old settler iu Col-
borne, 13asnield Road section and in
many farming' communities the name
of H. Brace was a household. • The
most of his family has gone to the
Great Beyond
Mr. Hector:Amy* of Depot Harbor le
ill ab his home here of malaria fever.
The 100.acre farm of Mr. James El-
liott of the titla concession has been
bonght by Mr. William Currie of the
7tti concession for j44300, Mr. Currie
hae sold hia own Piety acres on the
same toncession for 81100 to Mr. Wal-
ter eston.
The friends of Mr, Richard Weston
are sorry to hear of hie continued ill -
Mrs. j. Ades FoWler will leave Olio
tives Listotrel.
week after the Fair to visit her, relit- t
ness. Mv.Weston Is one of tile pioneers
his township and tute many friends
Now that things have been quiet in Parte uf ita
James It rit of Michigan is vies
the way of house perdu, we learn of a iting her daughter,Mre, John McOline
lebrated Thursday eveninA, 21st
"cheese cloth" wedding, which was ca' or the let concession,who, we are sorry
tO hear has been in poor health for
winsettraststuhrevheorne ot Mr. John ewell, Bowe da'yo,
y. Mr. Newell is one of
Mr. IN'illiana Proctor of Detroit hes ea._ a..
W h
BEPTEMBM 1809, /•-•
.1 ... 111114.
. • 14.
Jackets That are
We have been carefully watching the trend of Jacket styles, and almost before the tune
you were buyin.g the coolest summer wear we had seen enough to eunvmee us that Amer can
swynine Se; itthr ttrel ro enattny. jaunty wellbalanced cat, and artistic trimmings, were to be
Of course we bought some German makes too, hat they lack the "taking" a' mosphele
of A meritian goods. YOU Call flee them here and compare for yflurgelves.
There 15 no greater variety, no better values to be found in Clinton than in this store.
haa the houseon the old homestead on at Fashion Says „weir
the Kensington factory staff. It was
We might wry,. doubly celebrated. its
their christening as well, baby Lillian the Huron Road pulled down and is
usin the material to build a founda,•
Chalfout coming in for the nwct the tem under the barn. As he is a boss
Ofts' which' were ninner"B' nee"' aett carpenter he is assisting in the reparee
pretty. Rev; S. J. Allin of Victeria himself and wei he in the aewnehipe
street church performed the baptismal
Iseatystwe guests eaa down to a for perhaps three weeks or a month
Mr. Proctor bite livectin Detroit
beautifully arranged. supper, and mu. roert.ninete I) years and has been a wit -
Ste song and games furnished Much nese of the eity'e wonderful itowthz
PljasUre to the asseiabled quests, some Forinstance, a piece at land at h
Mr, and Mrs, Ward Gledhill,. Mr. an
of whom were from Bentin hal could have bought for $250 wben he
Mrs. Caeorge Newell and Mr. Samuel
Our esteemed friend, IL P. O'Con-
nor, Q. 0. of Walkerton, conducts the
'crown business at the Huron Assize
Court which opened in (*.Aerie's on
At the Goderich Bowling tourna-
ment Jamed B. O'Connell, Registrar
prawn of the County of Huron, won
the prize offered by It. S. Williams of
the kflank of Commerce in the Consola-
tion match. Mr. O'Connell is to he
Mr. Charles Orabb of Hensel". return-
ed from Toronto Hospitaliast week,*
which institution Dr. Reeves, oculist,
successfully removed his eye, 'Ma
Crobb catne through to the resideuce
of his mother, Mrs, C. Oral* where
his family are spending the time until.
Mr.Orabb feels eufficiently recruited to
•return to his ditties at Heiman. We
are extremely sorry that Mr. Crabb
met with the Accident, but we trust
now that the injured member is remov-
ed he will suffer no further drawback.
Thcanismily of Mr. Chrystal, boiler
1 maker, ere not making any arrange-
ments so fer to leave town this season.
Miss-MarySalkeld has returned -from
her visit to . Grand Rapids. She was
accompaniea by her brother-in-law, Mr.
John Sowerby. ot the Grand Rapids
Post Office staff, and his libtle sore
who will reniain this season with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs .john Salk -
eta at "The Maples" Mr. Sowerby
spent his vacation at "The Maples".
-Miss StinithAsister of the Smith Bras.
and late of .their esta,blishosent, has
taken a position east.
Mr. and Mrs. George Andrews have
returned from their visite nuptial at
theQueen City and on Monday evening
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, James
Stmeart,Eigin St.,Xrs. Andrews' uncle
and aunt. , .
Mrelsaac Bean, Picton Stanear 0.1.,
has two beautiful shrubs growing ep
as stately as your* trees. The one in
blossom is a fahinese flowering maple
and covered with lovely scarlet. bloss-
oms whicb look like invented tuschias
standing up like soldiers.. a. long epiral
threadlike stem • protruaes from the
centre of the three petals which are
•nearisr always closed. The other is a
hibiscus with a large dark red flower.
Both shrubs branch, out like trees and
are about four feet in height. They are
from Des Moines, Iowa, and are for
sale. .
A general rally was held on Suriday
afternoon last under the joint' superin-
tendence of the S. S. Superintendent,
G. M. Elliott, and the pastor, Ree4S.J.
Althain the S. S. rooms of Victoria St.
church. There was a good attendance
of children add parents notwithstand-
ing the unpleasant afternoon. •
The Rev. Mt. Green of Hohnesville
filled North St. Methodist pulpit very
acceptably on Sunday last and preach-
ed a beautiful sermon front 2nd Kings,
and chapter, showing the love and
reverence that Elijah had for Ensile,
in. leaving him his mantle that he
might be endowed with tbe same power
of doing good; and the tileasure of
Elistfa, in finding himself thus rement-
bered. - . • .
A lovely wedding was celebrated at
the •nurseries, Bei -fainter, Colborne
township, on Wednesday 20th inet.
The dontracting parties were Miss An-
nie Stewart and air. J. n. Andrews of
Dillotreale, Ohio. ttev. Sas. A. Ander-
eon performed the CerernOny. lb might
properly be termed a floral wedding for
at Mrs. Stewart's residence, "The Nur-
series" the choicest flowers abound in
her conservatories. The bride,who en-
tered the drawing rerun on the arm of
her brother, Mr. laltOrge Stewart, pho-
tograph artists late of Ettiffitio, WAS
dressed Jo white organdie trimMed
with vedenciennes and ribbon, carrying
a shower boquet bridal. roses. Iler
twin sister, Miss Lizile Stewart, assist-
ed as bridesmaid, and wore a dress. of
White ot andie and darried a shower
briquet o pink roses. A newel feature
was the carrying a basket of pink and
white roses- by little Miss Grade Stew-
art of Lucknow, niece of the bride,who
leaked. eirgnitate ria matte &ever girl.
She wae prettily dressed in a cream
costuMe. The groomstnan'was Mr.
William Allison of Exeter. After the
ceremony was performed sat down
to a recherche de jeuner. The bride,
V? 0 a it s
Public School gaff here,was the recipi-
ent of elegant Wedding gifte. The
brklegrootife gift tO the bride was a
hatulsorne gold- neeklace with pearl
and turquoiee settings and to the
brldesniald Oa pin riot with pearle,
Mr. and,Mrs. Andrewe left by the 2.80
train for Toronto and other cities. Be- '
fore they loave Canada for their home
in Ohlo &reception will be given In
their honor by their many relative*
and fritnifdellUt,
The manager of the Lyceum Co. said
on Monday evening that "Old Gobbo"
has been before the publie for half a
century and that he acts in Othello
which play will be 'given in Victoria
Opera House on Monday, 803. October.
,Miss Wilson was prevented from
making a wheeling trip to Dungainion
to spend a few hours on Sunday with
her =Nth, MISS Harrison, milliner, in
that historic town, the rain putting in
a disclaimer. • ' ,
Miss Strang, late of the Collegiate
staff of teachers, left on Monday, a. m;
for Grimsby, where she will take the
place of one of the ° teachers in -the
Collegiate Institiite for a short time,
• Mr. Pennington leaves for his home
at sflalifax this* week. The Brethern
were all very much pleased with Mr
•Peniiington's sound reasoning and will
miss hint very much as they ha.vebad
conference silica Lord Cecil acidtessed
them about fifteen years ago.
We regret very much to learn that,
Mr., Cox of Goderich township has
been summoned again before the tri-
bunal of justice in the Beattie affair of
last year. • •
At the Central Fair Mrs. Howrie
took six prizes for la.lies' work and
one for domestic manufactures. Mr.
Howrie captured two prizes for vege,
tables, squaeh and vegetable marrow,
and One for poultrtr, nimorces. •
Tho evening service at Knox chfirch
was conducted on Sunday last by the
Rev. J. D. Anderson, B. A., of Beau-
harnois, Quebec, brother of the Pastor,
Rev. halm Anderson.
Lines respectfully inscribed lb the
sorrowing family of Mary Turnoth. be.
loved wife of Mr. Mattheva Johnston.
Is thy cruse of comfort wastiny
Was her daily text throtigh life ; .
Her opoh hand was oft extended
Her faith sincere until life ended.
Thrice happy mother and wife.
Ifor bright, dark mas &for bespoke
A calm, hopeful, soulful love ;
TheJoys'of this earth for her were Inirer
No hypocrisy could she endure,
Her thoughts wore for Him al ono.
Plant roma near her, beloved ones,
_For her life was like the rose ;
Her geed tots were like its perfume meet
For rich and poor she alike did greet,
Ere She ',rank in deep repose.
Be like her beloved ones over,
Take thou up her thread of life ;
So that all her good -seed can AM
Irt thie ungrateful vale below,
Her text, forsake then never.
Erman A. Situating.
Goderieh Ont., 24th S Opt. 1890, '
The Teeswitter News announced last
Week that Mr, W. Howson of Tees.
water had formed a partnership with
Mr. Brotelbank of Arthur and pur-
chased the Wingham grist mill from
Carr Bros., and that they weidd take
poesession, October 1st. On enquiring
from the Meseta. Carr they infotmed
the Advance that there is nothing de-,
,fihite yet as to the sale, The parties
'heel an option for one week on the pure
chase, bite the week expired, and there
was nothing heard since &sea the
' The residence of Mr. Richard Ander-
son near Bell/tom wits the scene of a
happy event on Tuesday of last week,
when his daughter, Miss Addie, wits
married to Mr. Jae, N. Belden of Win-
nipeg, who le well -know in Wingham,
Rev. C. V. Lake of Wroxeter perform.
ed the ceremony'. The bride Wan dreg-
-tied in brown broadcloth, trimmed with
matin, and Wad assisted py Mist Laura
Hawn of Wroxeter. The groom, had
or s ase I; oy atop e o f all, or even a Tap portion of the
Brussels. Church member% were to be governed
Linit Week a curiosity could be tieen by the rule ,What would Semis do r
In Mr. Colleen's orchard, on corner of they would make It quite poeelble for
Patriek and MintIle streets. On the midi peper tut the one described es
Same limb were to be seen -matured existing in illontreal tri live and flour-
applee, full-sized Weeder), fruit just rah among
formed. and blossom bude apparently 'Christ begins hie work with the in -
soon to open out. dividual, making a neve man and out of
that new Creation, all other good
things ere to tome for others and for
"One good turn &motto another ?moiety et, large Refomation mutt be -
Those who have been eured br fen wit ouriselvetr.'-Rev. belie,
ot, era &boat .
first went tbere now quite easily eel's
for $10.000. aesee sae s
A heavy rain fell during the earlier na • '
portion of tile week. It has done
mense good.
buge fire started in Mr. Chas.
Young's bush last Saturda,y night and
burot much valuable timber 'before it
Wes ex tingniebeci.
Several from the vicinity of Taylor's
Cornets took Advantage of the pop -
ler annual telarneeting held in Holmes -
agile on Monday test, They all seem
to have been flattened and talk of ham.
ing bad more fun than Peek's Bad Boy
could "shake a stick at."
Mr. and Mrs. Amy_Sundayed at Mr.
Walter F. Hicks."' They both, seem to
elijoy married life.
We eee that Fred. Lawrence of Tay-
lor's Corners hes conneinto the possess
sion of some property-. At th•st reports
the information. could scarcely be re-
ceived as authentie but of late the.
earne stittement haa'been corroborated.
by so trimly reliable persons that at the
tirne of goingto press it is accepted. as
e well-known and geeerallyetdmitted
fact that the aforesaid. young inan has
struck a veritable "Eureka," There is
„slight..boonanland duet now -and the
fortunate possessor meg be able to dis-
pose of it telvantageously,aut he thinker.
that he will never part with it. It is
in good shape to receiae irrigation. It
has a smooth surface and as time is no
need of underdraining, a serface drain
serves the purpose of carrying off the
superfIckus water, If properly handled
it will last a life -time as it contains al-
most boundless resourses. • It can be
be worked upon early in the spring
and tate in autumn and prisvidIng the
weather is not too inclement; even in
winter time. At first the reel facto
were not laid before the public •, now
full information mite ,.be had by in-
quiring at Parson's Fair, Goderich, the
preprietress ot which has been appoint
ed executrix of above mentioned proti,
feta, which consists of nothitig else
than a New York Pen.,
Mrs, Tbos. O. Cooper" of Clinton,
whose husband's, funeral /topic place on
Monday of lest week, has' broken ur.
house and ma,de her. home with her
sson, Mr. Geo. A. Cooper. We are glad
to have her amongst us again but
'regret the cause. The hiaies of the
Hub were extremely kind duribg her
husbande illness end Mas.• 0ooper
wishes through.Tan News.RecoRD to
return her heartfelt thanks and to say
thitt she appreciate.* it tnore than mere
words can tell.
County. Councillor 'Connolly was in
London on Saturday and made a sale
of the Hohnesville cheese, lest
half . of August, . at which
el over a cent per pound better,
than was offered the- week previoue.-
•As the make will run up into the bun •
dreds of pounds, Mr. Connolly made a
good deal more than his. year's salary
foi thei•patrons•by knowing just when
to sell. The Ligersoll Packing Co.
wa's the buyer.. • . •
Mr. W. J. Mantels had a colt "Lady
•Minto" on exhibition at Clinton Fair
oreWedriesday, the 20th. Tine atiimal
is supposed' to extel in g.00d points,
Mr, Marquis having paid sixty dollars
for it when oely three months' old.
We are glad to have Mr. Carl
•again in our midst. He with his
mother aed niece are visiting at Mrs.
Mitequisa. •
Mr. John Befiedin- cif ' the ',Bayfield
concession will have an auction sale on
Tuesday, October 12th. s• _
The fat stock ewned by Mr. S. H.
Smith, which won prizes at the Cen-
tral Fair last week, was fed by Mr.
William Weir who won awerds of*
merit for his own stock as well.
Jackets are short ; few of than exceed 22 inches, and some are only 50. The sleeves
too, are just as fullail as they eau be worn wIth eemfort. The smooth cloths are most in 'fle.
Wild, though the curly will still be worn. While some of the garments run as
bigh as $18 and. $20 retail, it is not necessary to spend so much, as neat designs are to be had
as low as 85 and $5, while a very handsome affair can be bought for.$12 to 116, lavishly, trim, -
Med and lined with silk aud satin.
Mrs. James Jewell and Miss Maud
Hodgins are on the sick list.
Mr. H. McFalls and wife of London
tahreistwheeeekt.iests of Mr. Thos. Willis, Jr.,
The new granolithic sideeralk, east
side of main street, is nearly completed.
A very heavy shower of rain fell on
Sunday last. •
Detective S. T. Westeott and Mr.
James Acheson attended the Allem
Craig Fall Show on Friday last. •
The evaporators are busy these days.
Mrs. Dr. Cowan of Galt,. formerly of
tbis place, is visiting her sisterathelaW,
H, Moncur, Mill street, and ether
Miss Kate Dinney of Oshawa Is
visiting relatives in and around this
village. •
Mrs. Westcott and Mrs. James
Hill cif Orediton visited Neaforth rela-
tives hist Sunday. •
Miss Emma Mitchell is the guest of
her sister, Mrs. Wilsoh Anderson, of
tired iton . •
Mr. and Mrs. Leathern° of London
are visiting their Ileeter friends.
, Leitthortie. Esq., attended the
Wingham races last week,
Dar. and Mrs. James Hodgson of
Ethel are visiting relatives in and
around Exeter this week.
The Hon. It Ward of Montreal, a
Manx -Canadian, sends to the Witness
his copy of the leading Isle of Maa
paper containing the following i -s
if eee from this vveek's 'Christian
World' that there is a papet carried oft
on the very same lines as the imagin-
ary one described' 'In His Steps.' It
is the Montreal Deily Witness and is
Bred to be the only one of the kind in
the world. That ean hardly be said to
be a vety creditable thing for the
Christian churell. Can any one doubt
that such a paper must be an emir..
Mous force on the side of purita,
righteousness and every good And
noble cause ? I can imagine few great-
ee blessings that could come tin any
community than the presence of such
a paper in its midst. Just imagine
what it Would be to have in this island,
(the Isle Of Man) a newspaper absolute -
le free from persotialities, stories of
petty scandal, betting news and ad-
vertisements.efanything-that could be
to the moral detrimene of the people.
I am aware for /such a task a marx
enormous courage and faith would be
needed. Bat if such a men did elate
in our midst it would be such a call to
duty to all Ohristian people rut has
hardly ever come to tie yet. He would
have greet difficulties to fight with,but
I wonder what right any of us would
have to call ourselves folloWers of
jesus if we aid not stand by him and
eets him through. Surely this is mo
mere utopian dream. It ought to be
perfeetly feasible. If our Ohristlau
profeseion is &reality arid nob a eham ;
II oda Senarilla are glad to .te 1 . A..,
• san
long, lined throughout
with fine Colored Satin ,
welt seams, inside pocket, a
beauty at.- . ......... . „ .11.50
Lady's Jacket, European style,
made. of best German Beaver,
elaborntely• trimmed with silk
bread match, storm fur collar
of fine heaver, prettily trimmed
down fr int and around beta=
with narrow strip of beim* 24
inches lam, pretty shirre1c17.60
laiesiseeesveJacket, inede of good quali-
ty, Beaver Cloth in Caster only,
higb etorm collar, 6 large cerved •
bone buttons, all seams well
hound, " all sizes 4.5,0
Ladies!. Jacket made ofsgoodagnali-
t8;...-5E;. „„,.•
ty Beaver, in Navy only, with
high storm collar, four large but-
tons, seams all well bound. Spec-
ial . -2 9
Ladies' Jacket, made of heavy wool
Frieze Oltith, 24 inches long,
storm collar, fancy buttone, dou-
ble breasted, 2 pockets. eizes 82
to 40, out leader at.. • 9
Ladies' double-breasted jacke
made of English -Beaver Cloth,
in colons of Black, Navy and Cas-
tor, trimmed with 6 large gilt
buttons, 24 ieches long, storm •
collar, all sizes 82 to 40, special
value at our peice • 5 00
Ladies' Jackets m colors of Black
and Navy, made of real English
. Beaver Cloth, lined througaout
withfancy gold andlareen striped
mercerized lining, storm collar,
6 large carved buttons. new coat enleott,b'biineestiasdtoerentei ebohirar nncliegealry-
• sleeve, best value we ever saw at.8.00 trimmed with fancy braid, fly
Litdieee Jacket, made of extra -• front. Value at • .6.50
Children's Ooats, made of good
•qualityeTweed, with short cape,
'pleated back, trimmed.. with pearl
buttons, size 26 2 75
Cluldren's Coats, made of heav
• .buttons, seams all well boatel. weight Frieze. short cape. hig
, •Special value at..... ... :7.75 collar, nicely trimmed with black
A very et Halt Lady's 'Jacket, he • braid. .S ectal "at. s .2.05
Black ersey Cloth, extra fine Children's ong Jackets, made of
aquality, all. sizes, ny• front.- new goodsganlity• Beaver elbth,
.coat collar apd sleeves, 22 inches • light saitcle of Navy only, nicely
A very pretty and stylish Misses
Jacket, made of good Beaver
trimmed around collar and cape —
with imitittion• Specittlefor•-•"--
medium size . .. .. , .. 3.85
Cbild's Long float, made of Hue •
quality,Beaver cloth, in Garnet
' onle, high collar. double capes,
nicely trimmed .with Brass but -
tom.; Extra, value fop small size.3.135
Ladies' Bleck Cloth Capes, 25 in.
iong, 146 irich skirt, nicely trim-
rned•down front and back with
wide fancy braid. Special at....8.50
Ladies' Rough Serge ()ape, all wool,
in Black only, 20 in. long; 146 in.
sweep; trimmed with 'three rows
of Black Militetry Br mid, at, , 5.E 0
Ladies' Capes, merle of very beaay .
quality Niggerhead cloth, 22 in,
long; 144 in. sweep, 'trimmed
. dawn front with fine worattal
braid, fiteed with farmer's satin..5.00
Ladies' Shawl Cape, made of extra
heavy all wool Plaid, 25 in. long
144., in. skirt, franged hoed and
. 'front. Special value at. 0.00
Ladies'. Royal Blue KerseY °Iota .
Gape 25 in. long .160 in ' Ic'
nicely triniteed with Pearl But-
- tons and three rows of' Satin
folds•on skirt, front and collar
trimmed with 13Iack ,Thibeta
Special ea.- • :1 .
LadiesaCaties made of •extra, fine
• uality Kersey cloth trim
own front with Chins:141W ur 3 -
in. wide, large sterns eollar, made
• of Chinchilla Fur, lined through-
out with fur. Extra value at, .16.60-
heavy all wool Boucle Cloth, 23
• inches long, trimmed around col-
. .lar and down front with good
. quality Kersey, large storm
collar, three large carved pearl
• •
Specials for Saturday
• •
A 'Very special' list for Saturday 'shippers, Coate early and. you won't. bo disapvinted,
Dress Goods
40-ineh Fency Dress Goods in '
pluales of Gold and Royal Blue,
Gold and Light Blue. Regular
rice of these goods weee 60c yd.
aturday morning -only... - .ta2o yd
3 -pieces Satin Royal Dress *eerie,
in shades of 'New Bate, Dark
Green and Brown. Original price
was 75c, but we secured them at
a bargain, so on Saturday we
Offer them at 35c yd,
300. Black Sateen at.200. -
.88 -in. Black Sateen in fine heavy
quality, satin finish, warranted
fast black, suitable for dresses or.
waists, would be cheap et 35c.
' For Saturday only ...... .
Skirt Lining at 50. •
Good quality of skirt 'linings in
shedereof grey, brown. sky pink, •;.
mauve, gold and black. Special
at.. .. . .... ..... ......... 50
' 1%0 Apron Ginghams at 100. r
Apron -Gingham in surallachecks -
only, with btncy fiordert guaran-
teed Iedigo Blue, will give excel-
lent wear. Special for Saturday.10e
' Table Linen at 250
rAtkob 'Unbleached -Table Lined,
a fine soft finiah, free of starch.
Neat floral deeigns, Will give ea-
, cellent wear., Regular priee
would be 35c, For Saturday...4.5o
12i0 Wrapperette at 00.
2 'bees only extea beavy wratpera "
ette in fancy -plaid, warranted
fast colors. Regular price is 120 ' -
For Saturday selling Elio
Apron Muslin at
800 yards fine quality muelin in -
•checks and , stripea Regular
price would be 10c. For Satur-
da. y.. , $1. .:.eio
Ladies' wrappers, made of good
qua ity ,enerette, nicely trine
med with nnishing braid around
ron Ging am a 0.
36,inah Apron Gingbants in blue
and White checks only, good
heavy quality, fast colors. Spec-
'lat..... .. • • • 8i
yoke and collar! colors of black
and red mixed, in large and small
patterns, all sties. Special ata1,00
Ladiesaunderskirts made of extra
. .
heavy wrapperette. 'in eolcas of ••
black and gernet, and brown and ' •
. greys . Just the thine for fall end
swiin3Deeeracte•hea. asaatVoroduaTyd esealcihwet.i. att e
58 -inch green and garnet tabling.
. Warranted fast colors, sthell
floral designs. heavy quality. •
.1 -tem -ilea price 60a Special at....390
. American Prints at Gin .
American prints in ail the newest
colors, 25 in. wide, good, :leave'
cloth,.guatanteed all fast colors,
• will give good satisfactory wear,
would eel( well at Ste, For Sat-
urday selling . ....
Oughmere Hose at 2 pairs for 49e
Laelies' extra fine -cashmere hose;
• all wool, full fashioned, heavy '
• • heel and toe, warranted to give
'excellent wear, would lie cheap
at'35c pair. For Saturday 2 pairs
for .
• Fur Ruffs at' 500.
Ladies' and ChilcIren's fur ruffs in
brown and black, will! fear tails '
and spring for fastenine atound
, neck. Well worth 00c. Far Sabi
urday each • 50c-
On Monday =ring last the coopers
employed in Mr, William Geddes'
barrel factory in this village, asked
for an advance of one cent per barrel
ter making more than tbey were
reciving,. and on being refused they
all went out on strike. Mr, Geddes
wass paying the men five cents for each
barrel they made, but as he had
contradted early in the season to
supply several thoueand barrels at a
fixed price to the apple shippers, he
could not afford to pay them the six
'cente demanded, The strike only
lasted a day, however, and all the
hands except two went back to work
next morniug at the old figures.
On Friday September 15th, there
died at his father's residence, Robert
A., son of W, Rainey, slaoemater,
oathis He was a young man
of great promise and had filled re re-
sponsible! position in the Beattie flint
of St, Marys for five years, and was
honoured and reseeded by all. For
the last three years he had been id
New York city filling responsible
positions. There he contraeted o.severe
coal which deyeloped into lung trouble.
On the Ilth of al'uly he came home
and although all that medical skill
coule do was done for him he sank
rapt er t his death.
Mr. Thor, Burns, Sri. nietwith a
serious accident Saturday, by falling
about twenty feet into the IJOtton3, of a
newly.dug well on hie premises. He
wee levelling the ground around the top
of the well and the 'oboe ground be-
tween the 'curbing and the bank gave
way, throwing. him head first into the
well. His head le badly cut, and he is
otherwise severely bruised about the
bUt We are pleased to say he
is ha dangerOuely hurt,
A large gang of men are employed
on the improvements to be made tO
the Grand Trunk Station in thle village.
The building is to be moved ahoub
124 feet south of its preeent position,
and It will be lowered to the groundlo
that it will nob be became'? to climb
eeveral eteps ae heretofore.
worthy aeseisor and collector, Mr.
Sohn N. Rot*, WM walking along the
rallistuta track on hie way home from a
funerel to the Einioes cemetery, he
allotted off the real at the °resting
near the gaits elevators at the station
On Sato da ft
and fell thit bettors of the "exalt;
guard." Portnintistly, be was not
more eericittely herik re
bad shaikttr
arm ara
Ittona's Flamm, Bile of DWI, b
13nr.axerr-AxonnsoilL-At the resi-
dence of the bride's parents, Bel -
More, on Sept. ffith, by Rev. a V.
Lake, Mr. Jas. Belden of the Grey
and Howick Boundary to Miss
Addie Anderson,
Bnower--McQuannie-At the resa
dence of the bride's parents, on
Sept. ,ffith, by Rev. D. B. McRae
Mr. Thomas .Brown, youngest son
of tae late Robert Brown, to Miss
Jessie, second dau.ghter of Mr,
Daniel MeQuarrle, all of Grey.
TmemnPrexpr, fidegliny-tAhet RPeev" ABiglabri'
Drumm Mr. J. A. Thompson to
Miss N. E. linker, both of Pert
Ona.wroimz-In Loudesboro, on Sept.
25th, the wife of Mr. Charles Craw-
. ford, of a daughter.
Letairre-In Wingham, on Sept. 10th,
Mrs. 11, Lediet, ok a son.
MeXerang-In Turnberry. on . Sept,
20th, Mkt, IllelEague, of a
Cluernelest-In Seaforth, on Sept. 15th,
the wife of Mr, George Chesney,
MILetillareasinn' Liicknow, On Senn 400
. the Wife of ......„..Jaceb Miller, of a son.
son,. ,
APPLEBY -In Hullett, on 10th Sept,
the wife of Mr, S. A.ppleby of a
012A1116. ' •
TaRVirentere-In Crediton on the 21st
jehn Trevethick, aged 77
years and 5 months. '
Forma -In Morrie on Sept, 170. row
hello, wife of Mr, Peter Fowler,
aged 53 yearn. 5 months and days.
Ptrosragr-In East Wawanosh on Sept
lOtlf, Mrs. John Pugsley.
,Entown-In Lockport, N. Y., on Sept.
17th, Noble BrOWn. forMerly of
Ethel, aged 70years.
Ernorx-In Ethel On Sept, 18th, Wit -
Ham Elliott, aged '78 years, 11
Iitoralerce---In Pueblo, on Sept,
5th, Daniel Wilma. brother to
Rev. John Holmes, Brussels, Aged
11058mrs3111.--In ThOMete, on Sept.
Oth, Peter liephistall of Pordwleh,
Vnii.tiag-106 ft- Y 4111 Mich.,ort Sept. Mb,
Edgar, eon of Artline Veal, for -
p molt at Bra 16, d 1s06
I at
tek, eged 80
For a Summer Cough
or a Winter Cough,
For a Night Cough
or a Cough which
hangs on, use
The Magic
Remedy for
all Throat and.
Lung Trouble...
Chemist and Druggist
aserreetee even, Weerieseav *arenas, )
Wheat, , ..r a*. • a.. 0 0'5 te 0 dO
Goose Wheat. 0 00 to 0 88
... 0 85 to 0 40
Oats.... .... .• ... . . 0 25 to 0 25
Pees. ....... ..... ....... 0 53 to 0 58
..... IRV ... .... 1 0 30 to 0 85
Potatoes per bushel „ 0 00 to 0 50
Butter loose in erock 0 18 to 0 15
Butter in tub ...... 0 14 to 0 15
EOS pee .... , .. 0 12 t,o 0 13
Hay ...... ".. 3 zo o
Dried apples per lb.. ..... 0 05 tit 0 05
Evaporator .Apples per evvt 0 80 to 0 fiCt
.......... .. 0 12 to 0 18
Live Hags per curt ...... 0 00 to 4 1
Pork pot owe e co to 0 00
Flour per cwt. ..... 1 75 be 4 00
Deist • 12 00 tO 12 00
• • •
' PinVIV(ttssellt Air. to. 14 0
• .